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bowman may not go back. boebert, it seems on track to come back next year. all right. thanks to our panel for being with us today. thanks to all of you for joining us. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere new central starts right now ahead of the big cnn debate. new reporting on what trump is and isn't doing to prepare and new reporting. why some biden advisers say the winning recipe is, let's focus on the president's own record and more focus on trump, a years-long stand up with the us. finally over for julian assange, the man accused and one of the largest government breaches ever of classified material. >> all the plea deal needs now is a judge's signature. >> selfies, video messages, and sexual predators, house snapchat went from a friendly platform to a target for child exploitation and their new plan to go back i'm john berman was sarah side you're and kate bolduan. we are well, here. >> and this is cnn new set just two. days until the historic cnn presidential debate in this morning, president biden is getting brand new advice unclear sure. whether it is welcome or not. >> so that comes from the only person who has debated both president biden and donald trump. >> that is hillary clinton, in a new op-ed in the new york times, she writes, quote, it is a waste of time to try to refute mr. trump's arguments, like in a normal debate, it's nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even our, he starts with nonsense and then digressive into bladder. he had expectations for him are so low that if he doesn't literally light himself on fire on thursday evening, some will say he was downright presidential separately. cnn has learned that advisers outside the biden campaign want the president to focus squarely on trump and his policies, and not on biden's own first-term record really at all. we've got the latest are both campaigns. first, let's go to our arlette saenz at the white house. so what is the mood and the biden camp this morning? >> well, john president biden's debate preparations went late into the evening as his team is trying to use every possible minute to prepare for a showdown against donald trump in just two days. now the campaign has signaled that there are three areas where they're really seeking to draw a contrast with trump on the debate stage that includes abortion, democracy and the economy. and cnn has new reporting that some prominent democrats have urged biden's team to focus less on taking a victory lap on the president's economic accomplishments and focus more on targeting the way donald trump would handle the economy if he's elected to a second term, they believed that biden should focus more on trying to tie trump to corporate america and highlight some of the inflationary nature of his economic plan. part of the concern is that when the president goes out to talk about his own accomplishments, things like 15 million jobs created, the fact that the economy has not gotten into a recession, that that's just something that hasn't completely landed with voters as many still hold deep reservations about the president's handling of the economy in many polls have shown that they believe they trust trump more on the economy than president biden. now, the campaign today is trying to push their economic messaging. they've released a new ad which will run across battleground states, really trying to draw a contrast between the two men hagari that donald trump is looking out just for himself and not the american people. take a listen donald trump loves to attack joe biden's you by joe biden because he's focused just on revenge and he has no plan to help the middle-class he just gave more tax cuts to the wealthy. >> here's the difference. donald trump is only out for himself. joe biden is fighting for your family now this is all messaging that we have often heard from the biden campaign. >> something else that they are leaning into. once again, it's highlighting the former president's recent criminal convictions in a statement out this morning and communications director michael tyler said, quote, the american people deserve better than a white color crook whose only in it for himself, that's why they fired donald trump in 2020. and it's why joe biden will beat him again in november. so president biden's expected to spend the rest of today and tomorrow preparing for this debate as they are mapping out every possible scenario, including on how to make those economic arguments against trump. >> or let science at the white house less checking with a lane, a tree, and covering the trump campaign. so what is donald trump doing or as kate so eloquently put it not doing today well, he is not hunkered down at camp david, like a president and joe biden and his campaign. >> but donald trump has been keeping up a pretty aggressive schedule. i do just want to walk you through exactly actually what he's been doing. so yesterday, he flew to a fundraiser with steve scalise, majority leader steve scalise in the house in louisiana today and tomorrow, he will be at mar-a-lago. i'm told they're going to continue to have some of those policy discussions that his campaign is continuing to dub as their quote, unquote, debate prep thursday hey, he will go to the debate afterward. he's expected to stop by at a watch party hosted by the rnc chairman michael whatley, as well as the co-chair and donald trump's daughter-in-law, lara trump, afterward. and then friday, he has a rally in virginia and the schedule is really what the trump campaign is trying to show that donald trump is continuing when two aggressively campaign, regardless of this debate and that he does not need as much prep as someone like joe biden. of course, donald trump behind the scenes is doing his homework. he is prepping. he is sharpening his rhetoric. arlette mentioned three key topics that joe biden and his campaign is focused on. those are three topics i know that donald trump and his team are also. we have been talking about behind the scenes abortion, the economy, as well as american democracy and donald trump's handling of the january 6 attack on the capitol. however, i do want to point your attention to john. another thing we're seeing the trump campaign do behind that seat, behind the scenes, and it's really this pre spin campaign in trying to set up this debate ahead of time as already being rigged against him. we've saw the trump campaign and donald trump himself attack cnn, attack the moderators all throughout yesterday trying to argue that if this doesn't go well, donald trump can try to ride that outrage at something we've seen in donald trump. do time and time again, he's pulling this out of his playbook. they're also trying to manage the expectations for joe biden himself. we've seen donald trump repeatedly and baselessly claim that perhaps joe biden may take performing enhancing drugs, something we have no evidence to prove. i'm going to read for you what donald trump wrote on truth social yesterday, he said, quote drug test for cricket, joe biden, i would also immediately agree to one and now we know clearly the biden team has not trying to take the bait here and not engaging on this, but this continues to be a key theme for what donald trump and his team are focused on. they're trying to manage expectations ahead of this debate and behind the scenes, i'm told it's partly because i think they recognize that joe biden is in this week-long boot camp leading up to 30 and they have set the bar, donald trump's team, i should say have set the bar very low for joe biden. and so they're really trying to raise the bar here, raise expectations as well as try and frame in the debate itself as something that potentially they can walk away from and claim was biased. >> john, smoke screens and shiny objects. so lana tran, thank you very much for that. >> new images have just been released of what doj officials found at mar-a-lago jack smith's new approach to fighting back against trump's effort to get the classified documents case against him tossed plus imminent failure. that is what officials in minnesota are warning about a dam itself west and minneapolis, the scramble now to keep it everyone living nearby safe. >> as catastrophic flooding continues to hammer the midwest. and an urgent search for a woman from chicago who just let me this thing in the bahamas while attending a yoga retreat the most anticipated moment of dyslexia and the stakes couldn't be hi the president and the former president. one stage two, very different visions for america's future the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max home the place where you create those special moments. >> we celebrate the home and the way you live in it. at three-day blinds we help you create that special place. and because we know you're busy, we bring the showroom to you at your convenience and provided design expert to help you find the perfect 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introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. in brand for certain this friday, the west was hoped to create a better life there was a promise and america, if you're tough enough i mean and it can be doors, horizon, an american saga, one in theaters friday, we did are a huge development overnight in a case that has captured the world's attention four years, wikileaks founder julian assange, who has been in jail for more than five years, may soon be free. >> he's expected to appear at a us courtroom tomorrow. pro to accept a plea deal for espionage with department of justice. assange was released from a british prison last night and flew to his home country of australia. he spent years trying to avoid u.s. prosecution after seeking asylum and the ecuadorian embassy as well assange is now expected to plead guilty to a felony charge of violating the espionage act he released one of the largest u.s. government breaches of classified documents. cnn's nic robertson, following the story for us, you've been following the story for a very long time. this has been an incredibly long saga where he's making his court appearance is is part of this story. where is that happening? is what does it say about what's going? going on in his mind? >> well, it speaks a lot to julian assange, a state of mind. the fact that he has an absolute distrust of the us judicial system, that he won't appear in court and in north america to face this one count, that he's expected to enter this plea deal on, and agree to in exchange for time served in jail. so he is going to be appearing at a us district court in psi pan, which is in the archipelago of islands in the pacific ocean not too far from guam. his on his way there now, believed to be somewhere close to bangkok in the aircraft that took him from the uk latent yesterday afternoon this court is part of this complex jigsaw puzzle in sort of essentially facilitating assange release. and we've got details of this in the last half an hour or so from a uk court say that this deal was essentially worked out signed off on in the middle of last week. that the british court system has given him leave to sort of forego his bail conditions, if you will to leave the country to go face this count and the british courts expect by the end of this week to get everything sort of sine cylinder side signed, sealed, and deliver from a sandra aside from the us side and that will that will be an end of his case, but it's been a hugely long road, not least for his family and all those campaigning for his release. and we've heard from his wife stella assange, whose in we believe australia waiting for his arrival there in the coming days when we met, he was under house arrest. >> it will be the first time that i that i get to see him as a fully free man. and i was just when i was speaking to him, i said, well, you know, we can walk, go for a walk and there will be no no restrictions, no curfews so it's been ahead, but an incredibly long road to get to this point, as you said, 2010, assange's in sweden because the united states is interested in bringing him to justice for ot, for the wikileaks then he is under facing an arrest warrant from the swedish authorities linked to rape allegations, flees to the uk, 2012 the uk says he can better extra extradited to sweden assange bolts for the ecuadorian embassy in london. >> his deir until is extradited from there in 2019, held in the uk belmarsh jail since then for the last 62 months, fighting extradition to the united states. every step of the way. so it's those 62 months in belmarsh jail which are back to the be the time served. and that's why we'll get off on this one count and we should mention he was also responsible in 2016 for releasing some emails from the campaign chair. >> i've hillary clinton, john podesta which, which played a role. but those are not any part these charges. but something to note, nic robertson and london life for us this morning. i appreciate you, jon. >> all right. a big step by a major social media platform to safeguard its teenage users. new details in the upgrades day say, well protect teens from online harms. and then a major us dam is in imminent failure condition after devastating floods, we are standing by after new warnings that more rain could be coming cnn business update is brought so you buy pods trusted with more than 6 million moves whether you're moving across town before across the country. now you can count on pods to deliver when we say we win, which is why we were voted america's number one container moving company. book your mood today at >> when they saw dust settles and the engine roars, the thing you care about is the job well-done for when you get your tools from harbor freight? something about the job feels different your wallet whenever you do, do it for less at harbor freight lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose 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we'll dot com and make it count. debate night in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage which with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beit analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed, debate night in america thursday at 7:00 p.m. snapchat is announcing new moves today to better protect kids from predators and exploitation on line, the popular social media app says, the new safety features that they're rolling out. >> we'll make it harder for teenagers to be contacted by on the app by people that they don't know. cnn's claire duffy has much more on this. they just are announcing this clear and snapchat has faced a lot of criticism over not doing enough to protect young people on their platform. what do they do now? >> yeah, so what's interesting about these new features as snapchat has for a long time tried to prevent kids from being contacted by strangers. they don't know on the app. but these new features use location data to try to detect potential scam cameras. >> so now, if a teenager receives a message from somebody who's not in their contacts, who isn't a mutual friend, and you'll comes from a region where most of their other friends aren't located. they'll receive a pop-up message it's warning them that it could be a scammer. >> the app is also going to prevent friend requests from being delivered to teens by people who again, aren't in their mutual friends and are coming from a region where scammers are often located. >> so this is all an effort to address the specific kind of scam called financial sex torsion, where bad actors often pretend to be other teenagers jurors to gain the trust of young people online and get them to send nude photos and then threatened them saying that they're going to release the photos if they don't if the team doesn't send them money, this isn't a small problem. >> this is a recovering a really big problem. >> yeah, it's a huge problem. a lot of the social media platforms are facing pressure to address this. so these are just the latest steps by snapshot. they also announced some other for features like they're going to make it easier for teens to see who they're sharing their live location with. they're also going to make it so that if a teen blocks and account that user can't just create another account on the same device and send them a friend request. all future accounts will be blocked. >> kayla, interesting, alright, let's see, they're just really don't know up to see what the reaction isn't, how successful people think it is. this is good to see you clear. thank you sarah coming up for us. i will take it. her debate was her debate with donald trump was unforgettable. >> now, hillary clinton is weighing in on thursdays, match up her advice too, joe biden, in the new op-ed, just out and the surgeon general of the united states declaring a new public health crisis gun violence, the gun violence epidemic, and what the surgeon general wants to see happen 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last state of the union. then she also writes expectations for trump are so low that if he doesn't live thoroughly, light himself on fire. some will say he was downright presidential joining us now are democratic strategists julie again, ski and jesse hunt, founder and president of mandant noch strategies and former communications director of the national republican senatorial committee. all right. i'm going to start with you, julie, what is your takeaway from what we saw from hillary clinton in her op-ed in the new york times. >> well, i think the big part of it was, it was a warning to the media. there's a lot of things that you a bunch of really interesting things that she said. but the most interesting to me was that the expectation since we're trump are so low that it unless he literally she said, sets himself on fire some people and i think by some people should have the media will say that he actin presidential or whatever he's she she framed it as and that's true. >> i mean, i remember during the 2016 campaign and even into his first term, there was this constant level set of maybe this is the day he's going to act presidential. maybe this is the de, it's going to lean into being presidential, i think by now, we all know he's incapable of doing that. that's just not how he rolls and so part of it is, let's cover him the way we should cover him, which is as somebody who can't complete a coherent sentence is somebody who not particularly well versed in the issues as somebody who's running to avenge himself and not for any other reason. and so rather than saying, well, maybe this is the data trump leans into the presidency. we all know who he is. it's been around a really long time and it's time to really take him at his word, which is what we're going to see on thursday, just i'm curious democratic strategists are saying, go on the attack and instead of sort of defending your own your own history as president. >> but hillary clinton argues, there are three things. pay attention to how the candidates talk about people the second one was trying to see through the bluster and focus on the fender fundamentals at stake. and 30 bird, when you see these two men in the race side-by-side, think about the real choice in this election. who's right? because she doesn't seem to be saying attack donald trump, qizan to be saying something very different. >> well, i find it ironic that hillary clinton is giving debate advice, seeing as she's the one who ultimately lost in 2016 to donald trump and the debates were a big reason for that a look, these are two of the most experienced presidential debaters that we have. joe biden's run for president four times, donald trump now three times the american voters really know who these people are. so i think both candidates are gonna be hunting moments. these are moments that will then be picked up in earned media on social media, and live for days after the event. i think that's certainly what the biden campaign's looking for. they're going to try to beit trump into litigating the past. but right now, trump is successful in this race. grace, because he's talking about the future. and i think that's what he needs to stay focused on you know, ultimately, i think he's a little bit quicker on his feet in the biden campaign's certainly concerned about falling into the trap of feeding into the existing narrative that he's not up to the task. so is that a moment that he shows a kind of a lapse of focus that he mistakes a name that he gets lost on stage a little bit. i think those are the sorts of moments that have the potential to go viral and capture these less engaged voter's attention. >> i want to ask you about this. both you, anne-julie trump called for this overnight on his social media. a drug test for joe biden, who he's saying should have one before the debate. and he says, oh sure, i'll agree. want to jesse, is this trump's way simply of making voters doubt biden's ability, even if he does well, because you can say, oh, well, he was all boosted up. he's already said it on the campaign trail trump is nothing if not a showman. >> i think it's it's undermining the point that joe biden is somebody who voters have a lot of questions about his competence whether he has the ability to go that the full duration of the debate. this has ben the most protected president that we've seen when it comes to media interviews. and engagement with the mainstream press, i think everyone can acknowledged that across the board. and so these sort of high profile media moments len lend a degree of uncertainty when it comes to how binaural handle it. and i think trump is just reinforcing that with some of these these comments that i think he knows or said just all right. >> julie, what do you make of this new political game that's being played? >> well, look, he's, he's level setting, right? because it can't be that sleeve you josie is termed and for the last batter note eight years or however long it's been he's been doing this, can possibly do all the debate. so it has to be either the sinon as rigging the debate against him, which is why he's going after the moderators, or it has to be the joe biden's on drugs and that's why he suddenly for performed expectations. it can't possibly be that biden is the competent person that some of us know joe biden to be. and so it's just a game and it's a level set for its own base, but it's not, you know, he's not really appealing to anybody beyond that maga base and that's the problem for trump. as to how you expand that appeal to people who obviously understand the president is not on drugs and understand that cnn is not running the debate against them, debate by the way, that he agreed to do i want to talk about who they're willing after history notes, presidential debates often have the power to connect people at the margins is there a difference between who biden needs to win over and who donald trump needs to win over well, look, this is an incredibly, both of these candidates are incredibly well-known, right? and so i do agree with the point that both of them have to stick the landing on a moment that moment or two, we'll define this debate many people watch this debate. more people will see clips of this debate and that's what you're running. and the rest of the media is running tomorrow morning in the coming days that with candidates so really understand is going to define the outcome of this debate. >> jesse, who is donald trump sort of trying to bring to his side because obviously the base is the base but joe biden has a fissure in his base donald trump does not. so who is he looking to try and win over? >> these are the same voters who have watched the last four years and feel like biden is not working for them that bidenomics is not working for them it's the voters who care that inflation under joe biden is now a cumulative rate of almost 20%. it's a lot of those voters who actually we have lived through a donald trump presidency into joe biden presidency and ultimately prefer the policies under donald trump. and it's reminding those voters what he can, he could get back to what when it comes to dealing with the crisis, the southern border and a host of other issues. its remaining focused on the future. and i think that's where trump will have is most success and it's also trying to knock by enough his game a little bit. we know that biden's struggles when he has to operate quickly, and i think if if trump's able to exploit that a little bit, a lot of these independent voters, these low, less engaged voters, i'd say that consume a lot of info commission on social media. this has a chance to penetrate their kind of their thought bubble and have impact a lasting impact on the race. >> i want to just pivot really quick to what i would be curious to see if either one you think is a bellwether. we're seeing huge amounts of money put into erase here in new york. democratic congressman jamaal bowman is political future could be decided today. his primary election is being viewed as a battle between the progressive wing of the democratic party and the establishment he's going up against george latimer, who has hillary clinton support and has been very pro as well, and supported by pro israel groups. what are you watching for julie, as you watch this? and is this a potential bellwether? >> i don't think so. i think this is a very unique race that's for whatever reason focusing on one particular issue, which is not just the policies that this country is having towards israel, but also some of congressman bowman's rhetoric that, that's really wierd instead of antisemitism, separate and apart from this really policies and so i don't think this is a bellwether between the establishment and develop other between the progressives. i think it's more about whether congressman bowman's rhetoric specifically towards jews, but also not just towards the jewish community, something that this district, which is very heavily jewish and has been represented for many years before bowman by a very prominent jewish congressman is going to live with jesse. how do you say it? >> if you're the democrats this is unfortunate timing. you had to campus chaos died down a little bit when kids left for school, but now, you do have this test case here with this racist predominantly focused on israel and bowman's anti-israel comments. so i think that's a proper democrats, i think you mentioned it in the previous discussion that there are some existing fissures within the democratic party. so bowman successful here i think that causes the biden campaign. a lot of heartburn, particularly when you know that a lot of these college kids, you to come back to campus this fall. and if the israel-hamas war is still continuing, is we expect it to, that's going to create a whole lot more turmoil at a time when they can least afford it and not to mention, there's gonna be another test case with cori bush and other anti-israel democrat she's facing a competitive primary later this year. so i don't think this conversation is going away after today and ultimately we'll see which direction it turns in budding a bowman win would be a nightmare for democrats. >> all right, joseon julia minsky. thank you both so much for coming on this morning. jon. thanks for having me all right. >> high alert in southern minnesota, i think we have pictures of this to show you with a dam on the brink of collapse in imminent failure condition, officials are saying after heavy rain caused major flooding the dam is being hit and damaged by floating debris. you can see it there. >> the same storm system, drench, south dakota. >> that's the big sue river causing that railroad bridge to collapse and sioux city, iowa officials rescue 17 people before some evacuations, president biden has approved a major disaster declaration for several counties these in that state. let's get right to meteorologists, lisa rafah for the latest on all this, lisa yeah. >> i mean, incredible images of this dam in minnesota where you can see just how violent and rapid the water is. all of this debris getting knocked on the side where part of the dam was breached on the west side and they're watching it very closely. we still have flood warnings in effect for that part of minnesota. it stretches towards south dakota, sued falls and northwest iowa. we still have flood warning stretching down and missouri river across sioux city and it's because we had ten to 17 inches of rain and parts of south dakota in northwest iowa over the last couple hello, days. but look at the swap of four to six to seven to eight to nine inch totals. so you falls, south dakota had is what is two days on record, 6.5 inches and that's one of the smaller total is a lot of totals had been in the double digits. we are still looking at flooding on the rivers. the rain has stopped, but now the rivers are reacting. we still have 24 rivers that are at major flood stage across parts of south dakota and northwest iowa there. this is where those people were rescued in sioux city because the big sue river hit a record nearing 45 feet. the previous record was 37 feet, so we're seeing these rivers rise to record levels, not just by a little, but by what we're talking about five feet or more. and that's why it's causing so much damage, will need to find this water going somewhere. so there will be some downstream flooding on southern parts of the missouri river and then down the mississippi as well in the coming days. if you look at the mississippi river in st. paul, you could see this forecast to get up to major flood stage at 20th feet. currently it says 16. so again, we continue to see some of this flooding as we go through the next couple of days. but by the weekend, at least in the parts that are hard hit right now, those reverse showed start to come down. john. >> all right. that would be welcomed news at least rafah. thank you very much. >> the stock market is on a historic run this election year since january the s&p 500 has passed its own record, 31 times. that's a new all-time high about every four trading days or so. and the rare matchup of two incumbents in november could have something to do with this scene as many egan has been looking at it. this is pretty interesting, is the stock market is off to a wild start. what is it with the election year? how is it related? >> well, kate, if investors were nervous about this selection, they've got a really funny way of showing it, right? because the s&p 500 is already of 15% a year is not even over goldman sachs says that amounts to the best start to an election year ever. and goldman nodes that a good first-half often leads to a very good second half of the year. so this is really good news for everyone who's got money in the market, right? either directly, they own stocks or indirectly in there for one k's are collars, saving plans. there are mutual funds and it could even be good for the economy because higher stock prices can boost confidence, right? if you open up your for one k accountancy, the value has gone up. maybe you're gonna go take that vacation or buy that car, go out to eat same thing for ceos. maybe they're going to hire those workers, open that facility because they see their share price is up and listen, history does show that presidential elections tend to be good, good ones for the stock market. in particular, when there's an incumbent running for reelection because investors like stability and you mentioned, this is the first time since the late 1800s where you have two major party nominees who previously been in the white house. so maybe that is part part of this, but there's also a lot of other factors that have nothing to do with the election that helped explain why we've seen 31 record highs for the s&p, five 500 so far this year. some of those factors, the ai boom, right? we've seen nvidia and other stocks go to the moon or even nvidia start to come back recently corporate found it was bouncing corporate profits have never been higher. >> inflation is cooling without that long rumored recession. and investors are still betting on potentially interest rate cuts from the fed, maybe as soon as september. so you put all that together and it's got a pretty impressive start to the year. >> you've got a strong start, you're laying out the factors of a strong start. but what are the risks and looking to the end of an election? >> sure. well, i mean, listen key, there's a fine line between optimism and complacency and you gotta wonder if mark has or may be eating a little bit overly optimistic here. we haven't had a 2% sell-off in the s&p 500 in 335 trading days. that is the third longest streak in history at 2% since off is not even that bad. so it's weird and sort of rare to see such a long streak like this. but there are some potential risks out there, including the fact that the markets kind of price for perfection, there could always be cracks in the jobs market because of all those high interest rate and also, of course, the election itself, right? i mean, clearly this is shaping up to be a very close contest. some experts fear some uncertainty, or maybe even a contested election and that would of course her confidence, but kate, maybe investors just aren't paying attention to the election just yet. of course that should change in the coming days with the debate here on cnn thursday isn't that definitely not paying attention now, the better get started soon as good as even think he's all right. >> things got heated inside a florida court. i don't appreciate your tone, tension inside the mar-a-lago documents hearing the special counsel's flight two pursue a gag order against donald trump. we will discuss and a new huddle for president biden's student loan forgiveness plan. why two federal courts? >> just put a pause on biden's effort to lower monthly payments and speed up forgiveness for millions of borrowers the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future. that cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live, on cnn and streaming on max was structured settlement it's your money usually when you need it it's time yes. >> the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food every day. more dog people are decided i think it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmers dog made by vets and delivered right to your door for site the portion from your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come i'll be honest by the end of the day, i floors. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wet jet. it's a quick and easy way to get my force clean, wet jet absorbs and laws ghraieb, deepen side i look at that swiffer wet jet right now, pet dander skin cells, 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firearm violence to be an urgent public health crisis. this is a first of its kind advisory. he is calling on lawmakers to who take action and the florida panthers have won their first stanley cup in franchise history. they beat the edmonton oilers two-to-one in game seven last time biden south florida, avoiding an epic collapse, the patches were up in this series 30, but dropped the next three games. now, this has to be particularly embarrassing for the new york yankees he's still one of the only teams and sports history to drop a 3-0 lead in a series and lose that series. of course that year was 2004, abject humiliation our condolences to the yankees this morning there was no editorial and not one from john berman in the slightest let's move on to this other big news are watching, including the families of israeli hostages still being held captive in gaza. >> they've just released a new video. >> it shows three of the young men that are still being held hostage, but being kidnapped by hamas during the october 7 attack. >> the release of this disturbing footage is really in response to these really prime minister. he's facing this new anger after he suggested this weekend, he was ready to agree to a temporary ceasefire in exchange for the release of some of the hostages. which appears at odds with the us back proposal for the release of all hostages for a for a full ceasefire. in an appearance swipe at netanyahu, the group representing the hostage families said the end dividing in gaza without the release of all the hostages would be quote, an unprecedented national failure and a failure to meet the goals of the war for cnn's paula hancocks in jerusalem with much more on this polowat maury learning okay. >> there was certainly anger after that interview by netanyahu. but what we have seen from the hostage, forum is that they wanted to release this footage difficult to watch, but they wanted to make sure that it being talked about by world leaders. they wanted to put pressure on world leaders to try and bring the hostages home. now you do see the three in the back of a pickup truck with the hamas militants. you see, they are bloodied and injured. so it is very difficult to watch, but the parents o of one of those interviews, these individuals, hersch goldberg, polin, here's a 23-year-old israeli american spoke to anderson cooper last night and explained why it was important that this is seen it's important that people in the world see the videos, understand what's happening, understand what happened on october 7. >> and most particularly that leaders of the world see it. we families of hostages don't need any reminders. we don't need any wake-up calls. we work 24 hours a day, seven days a week? for the release of our loved ones world leaders. >> maybe they need a wake-up call and it's worth pointing out that that ceasefire hostage deal is very much in limbo at this point with netanyahu saying he accepts a partial deal. >> it sparked a fury. he has, or at least his office has walked that back now, say that he is committed to the israeli proposal that president biden backs yeah, it's still confusion surrounding all of that especially also today, paul, i wanted to ask you about israel's supreme court. >> they just ruled that ultra-orthodox is israeli jews must now be drafted into the military. what's the impact of that? what, what are you hearing about this? >> so this is interesting because it is something that has been brewing for some time. the ultra-orthodox, the he readies have been effectively exempt from mandatory military service in israel since the founding of israel. so this decision by the supreme court today, it's a unanimous decision jin is really a blow for the israeli prime minister and also for the haredi ultra-orthodox parties, which are part of his ruling coalition. so effectively helping keep him in power the supreme court says that they should now have to be part of conscription so interesting paulette, it's always great to see you and thank you so much for your reporting, sir. all right. >> thank you. knew this morning, special counsel, jack smith's office defending how his investigators handled classified documents found at mar-a-lago in a late night filing that included never before seen evidence photos. the special counsel's office claimed investigators found boxes with their contents spilled all over the floor. the new filing comes as judge aileen cannon prepares for a third day of hearings. in this case, cnn's evan perez is outside the courthouse in florida. he has been in that court watching these proceedings. evan, these pictures and the conditions found in the search are expected to be part of today's hearing. what do you expecting to hear today? >> yes. are a look, this is a reminder from the special counsel from the prosecutors. i think to remind the judge of exactly the condition that they found these documents when they got to mar-a-lago back in august of 20 in 22. what one of the things that they prosecutors right in this filing, they say trump personally chose to keep documents containing some of the nation's most guarded secrets in these cardboard boxes. and you can see, i think will show you a couple of these years. you'll see a photograph, some photographs that would taken by walt nauta, one of the one of the co-defendants, one of the former president's co-defendants. and you see the condition in which he found the boxes when he went down there to take a look before he was moving them to the former president's personal residence. and also, you can see in some additional photographs, there's a there's a there's a there's a thank you. note that the former president had written to some families at sandy hook and another one that shows you some of the other knickknacks that he was storing along with these with these documents. now, part of the argument that the former president is making in court today is that because the order of documents was disturbance was changed, that this harms his ability to defend himself. and of course, prosecutors are pushing back saying, look, this is not a pristine filing system that you're seeing right there in those photographs, serum all right. >> and i do want to ask you about the gag order that the prosecutors are asking for the judge seemed to be pretty skeptical about this, correct yeah it. >> doesn't look like that she's going to be granting that anytime soon. i think one of the things that you heard in court yesterday, she wanted prosecutors to sort of directly connect some of the former president's comments he's been saying things that, you know, for instance, that his life was put in danger during that search. mind you? he was not in mar-a-lago but he was not in florida when that search happened. and so what prosecutors are saying is that this puts these law enforcement people in danger prop perhaps these people are going to be witnesses and what the judge was saying is, look, we don't have enough evidence yet. and so it looks like she will simply say, let's wait and see before we make a restriction on the former president like this. >> and i'm perez, any be watching other developments today. thank you so much that hearing good. get underway anytime. appreciate if john all right. well, this now, former deputy assistant attorney general, tom to pretty council a great to see here. >> a lot of motion i would say going on down to fort pierce, florida, but it doesn't seem like a lot of movement forward. >> what do you see? >> i see a lot of motion to look. judge cannon has shown that she's someone who likes to have lawyers arguing in her courtroom. there's some judges who decide cases on the papers in the breeze. judge cannon is not one of them. this is unusual in my experience. greene said she would hold what looks to be three pretty much full days of hearings, legal arguments, constitutional arguments presented to her by the lawyers to make sure she gets it right. i think part of it is that she wants to make sure that she understands these issues. she's relatively new to the bench. these are complicated issues, but of course, one consequence of all of this is that it does delay the proceedings substantially. are they really complicated or are they really in question? >> i should say is the predominance of legal thinking right now do they think that it's a toss up in any of these well, on the independent counsel challenges, those are arguments that i do think are common blockaded to be fair, they are arguments that have been made before unsuccessfully. >> defendants commonly challenged the qualifications the serviceability of the independent council and fail. i think she wants to kick the tires a little bit on this. make sure she understands the law she invited amicus participation, meaning not parties to the case. >> anyone else wants and law professors and others to come in and argue before again, all very unusual, but this is an unusual case and she seems to be frustrated with the prosecution repeatedly telling them, jen, like their attitude. oh, absolutely. that was one of the most striking things from yesterday's hearing, is that the prosecutors came in, they presented their arguments as to why the gag order on trump should be expanded. and somewhat surprisingly, judge cannon went after the prosecutors for adopting an inappropriate in her view, tone ford, her, and it ultimately led to prosecutors to actually apologize to her, but the prosecutor, this isn't a mystery to them anymore. >> they know how judge aileen cannon views them and maybe views this case. >> so how should that color how they go forward? well, look, i think they have to understand what they're dealing with here. >> there. they are not going to deal, they're not dealing with the judge that generally sees their case favorably and they have to act accordingly. i think that they are making these motions because they do have a legitimate concern that former president trump's comments were placing the safety of fbi agents in danger, say had to make those arguments. they presented them. i think they learned a little bit of a lesson and that they're going to probably try to tow you back. the approach that they take with his judge because she doesn't like it when they get aggressive with her. but these are the arguments the prosecutors have to make. >> one of the things that defense is going to try to do is get evan corcoran, who was a lawyer for donald trump. his notes tossed likelihood of success here my sense is that those notes probably will come in and some way shape or form on looked at trump team is defending this case very aggressively and they have benefited from many rulings from judge cannon, favorable to them, not all of them, but a lot of them. >> i suspect they're going to push hard to get the corcoran stuff out. my guess is that can and probably will let some of it in, but she may well exclude parts of it. >> interest in general, given how cannon has behaved so forth through the fast, why would you make a motion on anything and everything under the sun? you absolutely what i mean, look, you make these arguments as a defendant and hopes is that maybe you get the hail mary pass your strike golgi is going to throw the case out. why not make it? what's interesting here is that she does seem to be getting very careful consideration to arguments that have been made before and had been pretty much universally rejected. >> seems like you get a hearing on anything almost no matter what here. tonga free to freeze time to lose great to see you. thanks very much. okay? >> now, two days until president biden and donald trump take the stage and the cnn debate. and today there is new reporting about the advice and warnings coming from biden advisers to win don't focus on your record. focus on

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Social Media , Low , Thought Bubble , Amounts , Primary Election , Battle , Well , Potential Bellwether , Pro Israel Groups , Hillary Clinton Support , Antisemitism , Israel , Issue , Jewish Community , Progressives , Jews , Congressman , Timing , School , Campus Chaos , Test Case , Discussion , Racist , Fissures , Campus , Heartburn , College Kids , Turmoil , Israel Hamas War , Conversation , Win , Cori Bush , Nightmare , Pictures , Right , Brink , Joseon Julia Minsky , Debris , South Dakota , Collapse , Storm System , Hit , Big Sue River , Drench , Railroad Bridge , Iowa , Counties , Estate , Declaration , Evacuations , Disaster , This , Meteorologists , Lisa Rafah , Sioux City , Lisa Yeah , 17 , Wall , Water , West Side , Missouri River , Flood Warnings , Flood Warning , Effect , Sued Falls , Parts , Totals , Swap , Couple Hello , 6 5 , Seven , Rivers , Flood Stage , Total , Digits , The Rain , 24 , There , Levels , Little , Big Sue River Hit , 37 , 45 , Damage , Mississippi , Start , Paul , Forecast , Reverse , 20th Feet , Mississippi River In St , 16 , Stock Market , News , S P 500 , Least Rafah , Scene , Incumbents , Matchup , Egan , Investors , Selection , Goldman Sachs , 15 , Stocks , One K , Market , Collars , Nodes , Funds , Confidence , Workers , Take That , Facility , Share Price , Stock Prices , Car , Value , Ceos , One K Accountancy , Gonna Go , Party Nominees , Running , Particular , Listen , Ones , Reelection , 1800 , Factors , Highs , S P , Profits , Ai Boom , Nvidia , Moon , Risks , Interest Rate Cuts , Fed , Mark , Fine Line , Complacency , We Haven T , Wonder , Optimism , 2 , Streak , Markets , Price , 335 , Experts , Contest , Interest Rate , Perfection , Itself , Cracks , Aren T Paying Attention , Special Counsel , Florida , Gag Order , Student Loan Forgiveness Plan , Tone , Tension , Flight Two , Huddle , Borrowers , Payments , Speed Up Forgiveness , Pause , Visions , Settlement , Dog People , Dog Food , Kibble , Site , Dog , Needs , Portion , Vets , Idea , Farmers Dog Made , Skin Cells , Mold Spores , Pet Dander , Floors , Force , Swiffer Wet Jet , Laws Ghraieb , Stanley Steamer , Air Ducts , Ducks , Hair , Pollen , Dirt , System Efficiency , Stanley Steamer Kliger , Flight , Amount , Brooklyn , Memory , City , Show , Police Administrator , Research , Project , Prescription , Stores , Life Changer Provision , Provision , Fabrice High , Phi Plus , Hotels , Breeze , Reminder Lightnings , Brands , Microchip , Freshness , Reese , Breakfast , Traveler , Garnish Stay , Dad , Bucks , 90 Bucks , 140 , 40 , Hotel Prices , Ipo , Availability , Ticket , Markham Wonder , Advisors , Requirements , Markham Accountants , Bill , Hi Guys , Hose Bayern , Buyers , Safety Information , Treatment , Click , Inspire , Mask , Spite , Button , Body , Inspire Sleep Com , Sleep Apnea , Natasha Bertrand , Judges , Administration , Program , Debt Forgiveness , Student Loan , Route , Pentagon , Kansas , Ruling , States , Lawsuits , Authority , Save , Republican , 8 Million , Florida Panthers , Kind Advisory , Firearm Violence , Public Health Crisis , Action , Lawmakers , Series , In Game Seven Last Time Biden , Games , Epic Collapse , Stanley Cup , Edmonton Oilers , South Florida , Patches , Teams , Condolences , Lead , The , Humiliation , New York Yankees , Abject , 2004 , Hostages , Families , Captive , Let S Move On , Gaza , Prime Minister , Hostage , Footage , Video , Response , Hamas , October 7 , Ceasefire , Weekend , Back Proposal , Danger , Odds , Hostage Families , Netanyahu , War , Group , Goals , Appearance Swipe , Dividing , Paula Hancocks In Jerusalem , Forum , Interview , Polowat Maury Learning , World Leaders , Back , Pickup Truck , Interviews , Militants , Israeli American , Injured , Individuals , Parents , O , Polin , Hersch Goldberg , 23 , Videos , Last Night , What S Happening , Anderson Cooper , Wake Up Call , Calls , Worth , Reminders , Leaders , Loved Ones , Office , Ceasefire Hostage Deal , Limbo , Fury , Ultra Orthodox , Proposal , Confusion , Israeli Jews , Biden Backs Yeah , Military , Brewing , Military Service , Blow , Decision Jin , Decision , Founding Of Israel , Parties , Conscription , Coalition , Investigators , Filing , Evidence Photos , Sir , Paulette , Aileen Cannon , Evan Perez , Boxes , Hearings , Contents , Floor , Third Day , Hearing , Proceedings , Courthouse , Conditions , Prosecutors , Counsel , Reminder , 22 , Co Defendants , Photograph , The One , Cardboard Boxes , Nation , Secrets , Walt Nauta , Residence , Photographs , Knickknacks , Sandy Hook , Argument , Disturbance , Making , Order , System , Back Saying , Serum , Court Yesterday , Danger Prop , Instance , Law Enforcement , Restriction , Witnesses , Motion , Council , Deputy Assistant Attorney General , Developments , Snow , Former , Perez , Tom , Fort Pierce , Lawyers , Cases , Movement , Papers , Greene , Experience , Thinking , Consequence , Predominance , Question , Bench , Think , Toss Up , Serviceability , Defendants , Challenges , Qualifications , Law Professors , Anyone , Amicus Participation , Law , Tires , Others , Attitude , Jen , Prosecutor , View , Isn T A , Tone Ford , Color , Mystery , Emotions , Say , Agents , Lesson , Fbi , Evan Corcoran , Defense , Lawyer , Likelihood , Judge Cannon , Form , Rulings , Sense , Shape , Interest , General , Guess , Fast , Stuff Out , How Cannon , Everything Under The Sun , Corcoran , Consideration , Golgi , Defendant , Hopes , Strike , Hail Mary Pass , Matter , Tonga , Focus On , Biden Advisers ,

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