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candidates strategies are now taking shape and nearly six years after the deadliest anti-semitic attack in us history, the tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh breaks ground on a new house of worship and a new future. i was there two witness this emotional moment and speak with families impacted by the horrific shooting. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world i'm wolf blitzer. a, you're in the situation room our top story this our president joe biden and former president donald trump are fine tuning their strategies for their potentially game-changing debate here on cnn this thursday, the two men sharing a sibling clear goal to portray their opponent as unfit for office are correspondence are covering both candidates as their epic showdown gets closer and closer. first, let's go to c and then gem j li ji reports on president biden's debate preparations everybody knows he's a liar, but you i just want i want to make sure what it lasting it lasts. >> for instance, four years after this contentious debate between joe biden and donald trump featuring a torrent of insults, name-calling, and interruptions or should that because the question the justice, rational left would you president biden is again preparing to face off against his unpredictable predecessor on the debate stage, cnn is learning that biden is preparing for whatever version of donald trump might show up thursday night, including a potentially disciplined donald trump recreating the experience of going up against trump, a key feature of the mock debates you wanted to find some balance between recreating the experience and not attempting to, if you will, audition for saturday top campaign aides insisting that regardless of whether the ex-president is unhinged or more demure on thursday, there are simply no altering his record. people are going to know that he's a twice-impeached, convicted felon, who has been found to have defamed somebody sexually abused somebody, and gone bankrupt six times. there will always know that ahead of the high-stakes debates set to fold inside cnn's atlanta studio. biden hunkering down with more than a dozen of his top aides at camp david, the campaign hoping to showcase to starkly different visions on a whole host of issues. the economy, democratic institutions, and reproductive rights, decades of progress shatter just because of the last guy got here's the white house. you know what will happen to begin another four or maga republicans row is just the beginning. >> democrats on monday seizing on the two-year anniversary of the supreme court's overturning of roe v. wade in place singh blame squarely at trump's feet, a new biden campaign ad featuring testimonial from one louisiana woman who says she was turned away from two emergency rooms after for a dangerous miscarriage at 11 weeks of pregnancy is now a convicted felon. trump thinks he should not be held accountable for his own criminal actions, but he will let women and doctors be punished vice president kamala harris, who has emerged the administration's leading voice on the issue. >> one of many top democrats blanketing the country today in the case of the stealing of reproductive freedom from the women of america donald trump is guilty well, if it's impossible to predict how president donald trump will behave on thursday, even biden allies would acknowledge that president biden's performance at times can be mixed. there are events and days when he can be really energized and focus and other times when he is less on his game. so there's no question that he had his team right now at camp david are also working on the performance and there certainly hoping that the president biden that everybody saw at his state of the union remarks back in march that that is going to be the version of the president that everyone sees on thursday night i'm jay, i want you to stand by also want to bring in cnn's kristen holmes. >> she's done in florida covering the trump campaign for us. kristen, what about the former president? what is he doing and saying just ahead of this major matchup? well, just to go off of what i'm jay was saying, i think donald trump's own senior advisers would acknowledge that they don't know which donald trump is going to show up on thursday. >> but what they have been doing is trying to hone his messaging, having what they call policies sessions, any senior adviser that you talked to will tell you that they don't use the word preparation or prep when it comes to donald trump and the debate instead, they have these small meetings with senior advisers, with allies, with lawmakers who can shed particular insight into various issues because they've had more than a dozen, they have talked about everything from abortion to immigration, to the economy. what they're really hoping that donald trump will do is focused on those issues like immigration gracian, like the economy, things that he pulls higher than biden on. now, donald trump just moments ago, spoke in an interview talking about what he's doing to prepare, take a listen yeah. are you preparing and preparing by taking questions from you and others if you think about it, bearing by dealing with you get tougher than all of them. now esteem has a number of occasions that because he is taking questions at various events. again, friendly audience or in specific interviews again, generally a friendly interviewer, that this is all part of donald trump getting ready for the debate. but i think again, the thing to reiterate here as well, they are trying to hold on his messaging. they are hoping to have a more measured donald trump up on the stage. i'm one that is more focused. even they don't know who is going to show up on that stage on thursday. all right. kristen holmes and mj lee to both of you. thank you very much. let's get suborn all of this joining us are political experts and i'll start with gloria borger. gloria trump says he's preparing for the cnn debate by doing podcasts, interviews among other things. he's not necessarily doing formal debate preparation. we're told, what do you make of that? well, i think he doesn't think that he needs it. >> what they're doing is they're talking about issues because he does need to brush up on the issues because he spent all his time talking about the 2020 election. but you never know what donald trump is going to show up. i do not believe that there is such a thing as donald trump pivoting into someone else. we've talked about that for years, and that has never occurred. i think the question that i've got is, how will he react to joe biden if joe biden gets under his skin how will he react? because there's no audience there that he can play off of. how will he react if his mic is shut off, will that anger him? i mean, we don't know the answer to those questions, but what we do know is that biden is not going to let up on him. i mean, one of the best points of the first debate of 2020, lots of people say is when biden told donald trump just to shut up because he couldn't get a word in edgewise. so we'll have to see how biden behaves and how trump personally scott jennings is with us as well. scott, i want you and our viewers to listen to what trump has been saying about this upcoming cnn debate. listen to this crooked joe's gone to a log cabin to study, prepare no, he didn't do he's sleeping now, i say he'll come out all jacked up. right? all jacked should i be tougher, nasty and just say you're the worst president in history or should i be nice and calm? and let him speak? >> scott, what sort of donald trump are you expecting to show up thursday night? >> well, i'm hoping it's the one from the second debate in 2020. i mean, there were two debates. the first one was a disaster, the second one, trump actually did come out. he was measured, he had command to the facts. he won several exchanges with joe biden, had a much better debate, of course, by then, as we all know, the election was basically over. he had cratered in the first debate millions of people at already voted and the thing, the die was cast, as they say so, if i were them, that's what i'd be thinking about. replicate debate number to throw away debate number one because any, any, if you do that again, that's a bad day. >> i actually, allison is with us as well, actually, cnn has learned that biden aides are actually gearing up for what could be. and i'm quoting now, a very disciplined donald trump in their words, how should the president handle that? >> i think president biden has to do his own performance. he cannot go and try and play on donald trump's field that is not a winning strategy. so joe biden needs to come out and talk to the american people while donald trump, i mean scott is hoping that he has a second debate from 2020 i'm i doubt that donald trump can remain disciplined for 90 minutes. he may start out being disciplined, but if joe biden has a game plan of laying out the plans that he has done for the american people. what he will continue to do for the american people if he gets another for years and making the contrast of the person that might show up, whether it's jekyll or high, whatever version of donald trump shows up. making the contrast of you never know what you're going to get with this guy. and we sought for four years under donald trump, we've seen him for the last four years from january 6 to his most recent conviction. and so joe biden can paint that contrast very clearly as long as he he's playing his game debating on his terms and not taking the bait for donald trump gloria, as you know, the biden campaign is signaling they intend to seize on the issue of abortion rights for women is key issue this thursday night, is that what voters want to hear from president biden? >> well, i think voters do want to hear about the issues and abortion it's one of those issues that does very well for joe biden and that's why i think they'll emphasize it. >> you have to talk about everything and i think he'll clearly defend his record. but donald trump, brags about appointing the justices that did away with row, and i don't think joe biden is going to let that go on. mentioned i think it's going to be a key part of this debate. and again, the question i have is how much of this gets under donald trump's skin and how does he react to that? he is not used to being attacked by the people around him nor has he debated, don't forget, he didn't debate during the primaries he hasn't had any practice at debating. so let's see, let's see how he reacts in a real debate with joe biden good point scott howe concerned should republicans be that trump will be on the defensive on issues like abortion, access, and protecting democracy. well, that's the issue said that biden wants to fight the debate on if you're going to have the largest percentage of time on two things, that's what biden would prefer. what trump has to do is pivot to the things that actually sit at the top of the issues list inflation, economy, immigration, that's why joe biden has low approval rating right now. and what trump has to do as pivot out of this infirm ground and pivot to the firm ground. but the only way to do it is with the facts he has to be better. well armed with the facts than biden has proven to be. you remember when he sat down with erin burnett, the president said a lot of false. so it's about inflation in the economy. trump's got to get him backpedaling on that that's the firm granted for donald trump's. so that's what republicans are hoping for a long debate about the economy. >> and i think the question is, will donald trump go back and try and relitigate the 2020 election again? >> yes. >> which is which is something he always does, which is something that his staff does not want on him to do. people have heard enough about that, but can he can he go on for any length of time without talking about a stolen election? >> we shall see our guys. thank you very, very much. just ahead. there's breaking news. we're following right now. we just learned that prosecutors are recommending criminal charges against boeing after an investigation of safety lapses standby, we're getting details. also, new details coming in from inside court on a day of key hearings in the classified documents case against donald trump, including whether the judge will put a gag order on the former president beit, like in america, as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled x that's an exclusive pre and post of beat analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america, thursday at 7:00 p.m. sandals jamaica sales. >> now odd with race from 199 per person per night. these its or call 1800 sandals a us bank. we know how good it feels to reach your milestones but we also know what really goes into getting you there. that's why we introduced cobras, which connects you to a real bank in real 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boeing. and what has already been an extremely turbulent year for the company. my colleague evan perez, has learned that federal prosecutors are recommending that senior officials at the justice department of file criminal charges, bring those charges against boeing for violating an agreement that the two sides reached back in 2021 that had shielded boeing at that point from a criminal charge of conspiracy to commit fraud after those 2737 max jet crashes that you may remember back in 2018 and 2019 that killed 346 people. now when that deal was reached back in 2021, wolf the justice department agreed not to prosecute boeing over those allegations that it a defrauded the faa, that it had not provided information to federal regulators as long as the company made several changes, they had to overhaul their compliance practices. they have to start a submitting regular reports to the federal government and pay effectively a 2.5 billion fine. but just last month in may, federal prosecutors wrote that boeing had breached those obligations and had allegedly failed to implement what the company said they would a program to prevent and detect violations of the of us fraud laws. so that that type of fraud would not be committed in the future. now, while boeing has set up to this point, that is not true that the company has followed the terms of the deal. but this update today, this is prosecutor saying that they have a case that shows boeing has not followed the deal and that criminal charges should be filed against them. so what does this mean for boeing? well we don't know exactly at this point. we know that the justice department has until july 7 to make a final decision about those charges. and we know the two sides are still talking maybe a deal will be reached. we could see financial penalties brought against boeing. we could also see the federal government bring in a third party to monitor boeing's compliance moving forward and they may even demand that boeing plead guilty in this case and admit some sort of wrongdoing. but we know wolf that a felony fraud charge would be very serious for the company. it could jeopardize business, jeopardize future contracts with frankly, any clients, but especially with the government, especially the department of defense, one of their major client since wolf. so again, we're still awaiting updates ahead of that july 7th, due date for some sort of charges or potentially a deal. so we may see more in the days or at least the next couple of weeks here this is clearly going to be a huge, huge legal battle that's about to unfold. >> what are the families of people killed? on those 737 max jets saying, well, look, well, they've been speaking out for years now. we saw them just last week on capitol hill when boeing ceo was testifying in front of congress, they have said they want boeing prosecuted by the federal government and they want to see a fine levied against boeing in the range of $25 billion or so, whether or not that will happen, we will see, but we know the families have put out a statement or at least lawyers, so them saying that this is a step forward learning this up date today, that potentially a recommendation of criminal charges is on the table, but it won't end there. they certainly want to see that prosecution move forward and they want to see a major major fine for the company gabe cohen, thanks very much for that report. the major breaking news we're following, i want to get some reaction right now for med pearson, he's the executive director. executive director of the foundation for aviation safety, and a boeing whistleblower ed, thanks so much for joining us. we've spoken in the past. first of all, what's your reaction to this breaking news that fell? federal prosecutors have now recommended bringing criminal charges against boeing well, thanks for having me. >> i guess my first reaction is that's encouraging, very encouraging news, but quite honestly, i'm reluctant to get my hopes up right now. >> why is that what was the recommendation? >> right? so the attorney general merrick garland, i guess we'll have the final say i just hope that he really considers what's best for the public. it's not just that these families deserve justice, but if you don't hold boeing accountable, they're going to continue to do their criminal behavior and that's not good for aviation safety. >> if the attorney general and the justice department does, if they do pursue this, what kind of impact would that have on boeing if it's formerly criminally charged and ultimately convicted that's a great question. i think some people will automatically say, oh, well, boeing will not be able to get contracts because they're a felon i think congress would probably run out and do whatever they have to do to pass an exemption to allow that. and i don't really understand where they can pursue prosecution anyhow, because we're really talking about individuals individuals that may conscious decisions. those are the ones that need to be held accountable. and i think that that can be done without really harming the company. it's going to help the company. i mean, something that's way more dangerous than a trial is another disaster preventable disaster so what do you think? what, what could this mean for the families of people who, who died on those boeing planes wolf it would mean everything to those individuals. >> those individuals have been forever harm and they're the ones out there fighting the hardest to get justice and accountability because they want the truth it would mean everything to them. we talked to them every day and it just breaks your heart that they keep fighting every other month. there's a new revelation of a criminal, something that was done that should have should never have happened i think it would just be an amazing vindication to them. and it really needs to happen sign a deferred prosecution agreement and wave a magic wand and let all these people off the hook. when the excuse me, the fbi and doj, they need to do a proper investigation. and when they do that, they're going to see that there was several people. and i'm not just talking about those two pilots or charged earlier several people did things knowingly, risks the lives of other people. >> boeing whistleblower ed pearson. thanks very much for urinalysis appreciate it very much coming up. the biden campaign now preparing for a disciplined donald trump at wednesday's cnn debate, thursday's cnn debate, i should say, we're taking a closer look at how the former president has debated in the past and we'll talk with one person who's been inside president or the presidential debate preparation sessions, including prepping for one debate involved solving joe biden on the final episode of violent. they're deadly. my one and unleash masters flux hurricane impacts are worsening, is it too late to undo decades of climate change. violin, earth, would we have shriver sunday at 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also does seem to be a strategy involved to do whatever is necessary to knock his opponents off balance donald trump or first hint of donald trump's pension for being an unconstrained debater came in 2015 when then fox news anchor meghan kelly challenged him over his treatment of women who had drawn his disdain if called a women, you don't like fat pigs, dogs slavs, and disgusting animals. your twitter account only rosie o'donnell no, it wasn't. >> what i say is what i say an honestly, megan, if you don't like it, i'm sorry. i've been very nice to you, although i could probably maybe not be based on the way you have treated me, but i wouldn't do that it was the first indication that this is an unpredictable force in american politics that we had never seen before the former president has pulled visual stunts to knock his opponent off their game, like the time in 2016 when his campaign had three women who had accused former president bill clinton of inappropriate sexual behavior. sit front and center at his debate against hillary clinton at that same debate, trump stood very close behind hillary clinton as she spoke clinton later joked about it on the ellen degeneres show. >> and i would just feel this presence be hi, got this is really weird in the first 2020 debate, trump repeatedly unashamedly interrupted joe biden to the point where whether then democratic nominee just couldn't take it anymore. >> the question, justice to the left, what do you listen who is on your list? you this when you write gentlemen, i think it's pax6. >> trump has often scored points off these moments by feeding off the audience. in the 2016 primaries, trump definitely parlayed audience reactions in the use of insults to confound his gop opponent there was a repeated salvo towards senator marco rubio. don't worry about it. a little marco rubio responded by making fun of the size of trump's hands. >> but trump had a comeback for that too. >> he referred to my hands if they're small, something else must be i guarantee you there's no problem. i guarantee trump also struck a nerve by often lambasted former florida governor jeb bushes, energy levels you're trying to build up your render yet, but it's not 41 at a time. >> did that change perceptions of jeb bush? >> it did in and jeff butch frankly, never recovered from some of that created this narrative around the bush campaign and around events that jeb bush was participating in, that that did start to seem low energy. >> we just get weaker analyst matt visor points out the format of this thursday's debate will give donald trump far fewer opportunities to score with those unscripted and very colorful moments with no live studio audience for him to feed off of. >> and the candidates microphone's being muted unless their it's their turn to speak. the former president will have to find possibly more traditional ways to try to knock his opponent off his game and wolf, it's going to be fascinating to see how he does it. we will all be watching brian tyler. thank you very much now for a behind the scenes look and to debate, preparation and what we can expect in thursday's showdown, i want to bring in former lieutenant governor of massachusetts, kerry healey. she was involved in prepping both mitt romney and paul ryan, prepare for their debates, gary, thanks so much for joining us. more specifically back in 2012, you help paul ryan in the vice presidential debate against then vice president joe biden walk us through what that is like well, it's very interesting. >> i mean, that was probably a very different type of preparation than what you see between these two very experienced debaters now and people who are literally in cut have been incumbent president now. so, but for, for paul ryan, it was a question of making sure that he understood all of the issues that he could address all of the difficult policy questions and might be thrown his way. and quite frankly, one of the things that we were dealing with was this idea that biden was such a good debater and that he had so much energy and he simply was overflowing verbally and we thought perhaps, and maybe one of the advantages that we would have would be that he would get carried away and go outside the boundaries of his preparation and say something that would be surprising and detrimental to the campaign. but we saw the energy, we didn't see the mistake this is what former president trump recently said of biden's performance against paul ryan back in that 2012 vice presidential debate. listen to this i watched him with paul ryan and he destroyed paul ryan paul ryan with the water he was chugging water at a left and right. i didn't think you human being would be able to drink so much water at one time. >> and he people ryan. >> so i'm not underestimating him. i'm not underestimating him gary, what do you make of trump outwardly praising biden's debate skills but i think this is a very typical thing that people do in advance of debates. >> they try to build up the skills of their opponent. they tried to downplay their own likelihood of succeeding. they lower expectations for themselves and race for others. >> are there any risks harry and overpreparing for a presidential debate well, it's interesting. >> i mean, i suppose you could become a bit wrote. perhaps it could take some of that excite exciting edge off of your answers. and one of the things that i find really interesting right now about how trump is preparing or not preparing for this particular debate. is that he's going out and doing what gives him the most energy's going out and talking to his faithful. he's going to rallies and i think that in the context of a debate where there is no audience within the studio itself. this could give him a real advantage because he's been out there testing messages. he's been out there seeing what brings the applause what brings the emotions out in the audiences that matter to him most his base and so when he's standing in an empty studio and there's nothing there to give him any energy. he will probably be able to hearken back to that memory of what really worked with his audience when he was out on the stump. and that's a very different for type of preparation. than doing a mock debate or studying a policy book things that i don't really think that that biden needs to do, but i'm sure that he is doing the debate style where you are having to do a mock debate and actually respond to some of the tougher questions that someone might throw you your way. >> former lieutenant governor of massachusetts, kerry hayley. thank you so much for that analysis. and just ahead, what the judge in the trump classified documents case is now signaling about the possibility of imposing a gag order on the former president the most. anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage for reading by jake tapper and dana bash the cnn presidential 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andrew mccabe, kaitlan, judge aileen cannon appeared skeptical of a gag order for donald trump today. tell us about that. >> wolf. >> much of the questioning from judge cannon this afternoon of the prosecutors was how they would be able to link the threats of trump's supporters toward the fbi and federal officials, law enforcement, to the words of donald trump himself. so the justice department has come to the court and is arguing here. the donald trump has created an environment around his supporters that makes a significant imminent and foreseeable danger for the law enforcement officials that are part of the fbi. they've used examples of a man who fired a nail gun into an fbi office another person who was threatening and fbi agent. and so pulling that all together, they're saying to the judge please limit donald trump a criminal defendant, limit his speech and ensure the safety of the law enforcement officials from the fbi that took part in the august 2022 to search of mar-a-lago. but judge cannon has a lot of questions that does make her appear quite skeptical of whether she would do this and impose a gag order on donald trump. here's a little bit of what that questioning sounded like. so prosecutor david harbach asking the government is at a loss to conceive why mr. trump was say something false. so inconceivable or inviting a violence about law enforcement officials taking part in that search. judge cannon then asked, where do you see a call for violence? and david harbach, the prosecutor, responded that there are posts and comments by trump that ultimately result in all types of terrible things. >> but she is asking them to make the link and to potentially even go back to the drawing board, get more information and bring it to her in the courtroom. andrew mccabe, let me get your thoughts. your former deputy director of the fbi prosecutors cited threats against fbi agents to justify this gag order against trump. you've been skeptical of gag orders in the past, but how strong do you see the case for one here? >> i think the case is not great. well, if i want to start by saying there is no question that donald trump creates risks and danger for people with a language that he uses. >> in this case, he is clearly done that to the people who participated in the search at mar-a-lago, those fbi agents and really any fbi agents by drawing attention to this false claim that the fbi tried to assassinate. >> that is definitely a dog whistle to his supporters to come out and do something to defend him however gag orders are very, very tough things for courts to have to deal with. >> and they generally disfavor gag orders that are that are brought and not clearly defined. if you compare with the prosecutors are asking for here, which is a general prohibition to for it to keep him from talking about the fbi or lawn compare that to the gag order in the new york case that we just saw concluded. there was very specific donald trump himself was talking about the judge. the judge is family and other people in the cord and potentially witnesses. and he was restricted from talking about those individuals so in a situation like that, it is narrowly tailored and very clear, easy to administer in the florida case, it's not quite as clear and i think the judge is probably not going to come down on the prosecutor side in caitlin trump's attorney again, challenged the legality of special counsel jack smith today walk us through the arguments here right? well, this is one of the attempts by trump's defense team to stress test this entire case. and in this situation today, the authority, the power of the special counsel's office itself. now we have seen these in other cases with other defendants in other courts challenging the special counsel. but today, the argument was about funding and donald trump's team did get a lot of questions from judge aileen cannon, where she wanted a close reading of the history of the justice department's use of special counsel's offices before special prosecutors independent prosecutors. she also wanted to look at the money spent and donald trump's team really did dig in on that idea and suggest to her that there just isn't enough congressional general oversight because they gave the money they give the money to the justice department and the justice department is using money for the special counsel's office that congress just has no way to control or c into to make sure they are appropriations are used the way that is intended and so judge cannon has lot of questions here, but that doesn't necessarily mean we know how she will rule. she she had about two hours of the hearing this morning and did not do any sort of tell or ruling from the bench caitlin polis and andrew mccabe to both of you. thank you. just ahead a live report from los angeles with new details on violent clashes that erupted outside a synagogue causing police to respond in riot gear the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future. >> the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming and backs every day, moore dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food developed with made from real meat and veggies. >> portion for your dog and delivered right to your door it's smarter, healthier, pet food stay tuned to learn more about this limited time offer from renewal by anderson we all have that list of home improvement projects we need to do. >> and if replacing your home's windows and doors is on that list you want to know that it's going to be affordable. i'm from renewal by anderson and we've helped thousands of customers who were on a budget get our windows and doors for their home. how do we do it? well, here's something you don't expect to hear from a window company. you don't have to upgrade all your windows and doors at the 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nick watt, reports from los angeles scuffles in the street of a largely jewish neighborhood sunday after a pro-palestinian protesters gathered outside the synagogue swiftly met by counter-protests. >> they've come to our home. they come and attack us jews of los angeles are no longer safe claims. the united jewish coalition, a pro-israel group they say things like intifada, revolution. they're talking about killing people is unclear who started the violence a real estate fair at the adduce tourists synagogue staged by an agency that markets property in israel appears to have been the focus protests. >> the temples directory of securities as the synagogue rented out the space, but had no affiliation with the real estate event. some counter-protesters didn't pull the probe palestinian protesters with this since the hamas terror attacks of october 7 and subsequent israeli assault on gaza, anti-semitic and islamophobic incidents are on the rise across the country. there have been countless pro-palestine in the end protests on city streets, on college campuses. some violent, but very few outside the house of worship with claims that the entrance to the synagogue was blocked. la mayor karen bass called this violence apparent. president joe biden tweeted intimidating jewish congruence is dangerous and consciousness the bull anti-semitic and un-american. >> i don't think that jewish people were go in front of the mosque or christian people going fraud to the mosque, do such a thing command to be intimidated disrupted. sure. he says intimidate. >> you, say they feel intimidated here where they live i was just speaking to a man who lives around here who said, you know, over the past few months, it's been jewish students who have been bearing the brunt with these protests on campus. now that the protests are here outside synagogue, it is the families who are suffering. now, the mayor of los angeles said that lapd patrols are stepped up around this neighborhood, around houses of worship around the city. and she says, if you are responsible for antisemitism or violence, you will be found and held accountable, will make wife thank you very much. and we'll be right back debate night in america as biden that companies and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed to be in america thursday at 7:00 p.m. the future is not just going to happen. >> you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea. and now becomes a future where you grew at dream into a reality the all new godaddy arrow put your business online in minutes with the power of ai deliveries happened order that this happens now that happens, we get out of their tobacco and the pitch all that's happened, with three shop really friendl y a us bank. when we say we're in it with you, we mean it not just for the good stuff. the grand opening celebrations for all the hard work it 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doors. but in conversations with the congregation, people said no, they were firm. we've got to come and we've got to rebuild right here because if we leave we're then letting evil when diane rosenthal's two brothers, ciso and david were among those killed, they both had mental disabilities and found support in their synagogue. the tree of life was a sanctuary for them. they felt accepted there people didn't criticize them. >> diane joined a working group of survivors and community members to decide together on a memorial to remember their loved ones, the consensus, it's gonna be a beautiful garden. the actual memorial will be related to the books of life. >> the victims will be inscribed in memory for all hoping to learn lessons from that day but the congregation is finding deeper purpose from their pain. and the new tree of life site will also fulfill mission to educate karatay, what ski is leading the charge inside the new institution of the tree of life there will be a museum. the first ever museum in america, or anywhere that examines the history of anti-semitism. >> that mission couldn't come at a more critical time. >> free of life, charlottesville, it has been building and building and building and after the horrific events of october 7, it sounds a full-blown crisis of antisemitism. >> second gentleman, doug emhoff, the first jewish spouse of a president or vice president? pause this hate, a poison on our democracy a while, people may think antisemitism is just targeted against jews. >> it's actually chartered against all of us that's why we all need to come together to not only fight antisemitism, but fight all hate of all kinds of pennsylvania. >> governor josh shapiro, who is also jewish were sworn in to office on a bible that survived the attack. >> we all have a responsibility to remember and remembering is not a passive exercise remembering is an active x two sides, something that this place will call upon all of us to do the groundbreaking for the new tree of life building a step forward in that work. but rather than say goodbye to the victims by breaking ground with a shovel, the congregation is celebrating the moment and how their loved ones lived with joy we're gonna be using little glass houses will actually do what we do in a traditional jewish wedding. >> where you break the glass to celebrate the events and those pieces of glass will be used as the mizuho, which will hang on the doors within the new facility in the jewish tradition, we honor those who have passed with these words. may their memories be a blessing. >> the best way to make their memory he's a blessing is by puncturing through the darkness with light. and the best form of light

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