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testing out some potential debate strategies. >> the biden camp says the president is preparing for many different versions of trump plus the second of today's hearings in trump's classified documents case set to take place in minutes. the special counsel's office will be calling for a gag order on the former president. we're live outside court with the latest the death toll climbing after attacks on places of worship and other targets in southern russia will tell you who the kremlin thinks is responsible we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here. the cnn news central the countdown really is officially on in just three days. >> president biden and former president trump will face off in cnn's primetime presidential debate, which is the first first major showdown of the 2024 race. and it is the earliest general election debate in us history right now, both candidates are honing their strategies. president biden, getting ready for different versions of his predecessor on thursday's debate stage including a more disciplined trump well, he has been preparing all weekend it camp. david trump means i'm taking a different approach. >> he's holding private policy discussions with advisers and allies and he spent a chunk of his weekend on the campaign trail let's get the latest from the white house with cnn's mj lee and cnn's kristen holmes, whose life for us in west palm beach tracking the former president kristin, let's start with you what more are you hearing about trump's plans for the coming days well, currently the former president is in bedminster on his golf resort. >> he'll be at a fundraiser in louisiana later today and then he comes here to palm beach where he'll be hunker down for the next two days until that debate holding various policies sessions, having financial calls, meeting with his top advisers as they really try to hone his messaging ahead of thursday's debate. and i can talk about biden preparing for potentially two different are multiple different versions of donald trump's. so our his advisers, they have stressed to him that it is important for him to focus on the issues like the economy, like immigration, things that he does well on in polling. but as, you know donald trump is tough to keep on message. in fact, his teams, as they don't even use the word preparation with him because it's likely that he'll veer off course instead. >> as you said, they refer to it as policy sessions. >> now, trump was on the campaign trail, as you noted, and he told the audience, the crowd at one of his rallies as to how he should handle the debate. take a lesson how should i handle him? >> should i be tough and nasty? or should i be should i be? she said should i be tougher, nasty and just say get a worst president in history or should i be nice and calm? and let him speak and just a reminder that donald trump's team and former president's itself both agreed to the terms that those mics would be muted after i finished answering the questions. >> he doesn't really have an option on letting president biden speak, however, his advisers will hold but that he will be calm, that he will be measured, and that again, he will focus on that messaging particularly around immigration and the economy, things he does well at a polling. >> but of course you never know which donald trump is going to show up. yeah we will see kristin. thank you. now, to mj lee at the white house, mj, what are you learning about how president biden's preparing? >> well, we certainly don't expect to see much of president biden and public the next few days as he is hunkered down at camp david and joined by more than a dozen of his top aides to prepare that intensity certainly underscores the high-stakes moment for the biden team going into thursday and just how much energy the team is pouring into preparing for this face off against former president trump. but the bottom line is, nobody on the biden team knows exactly what version of donald trump is going to show up. there's a night and a senior advisor is telling me that they are preparing for really all options, including the possibility of a very disciplined donald trump. this adviser was saying that so far they think the former president's 2024 campaign has been a lot more discipline than the 2020 campaign or even going back to 2016. so that is a possibility that they are preparing for and they think that this could all translate to the former president being just a little more restraint, a little bit more on message certainly compared to the donald trump that we saw on the debate stage. in 2020, when you really unleashed a torrent of insults and there were some name calling and a lot of sort of rambling answers that the moderator had a hard time keeping in check. now, this is also just one of the big reasons why mock debates are so important for the biden team aides have said that the important thing that they see about these mock debates is trying to get if president biden sort of the experience of going up against donald trump, including replicating how relentless he can be on the debate stage. we certainly know that they are also preparing for really wide range of policy issues could come up, including reproductive rights. the economy, threats to democracy really any topic that could potentially come up on thursday night, they certainly want the president to be prepared for all right. >> i'm jay. thank you so much for that. we appreciate it. >> many voters have made it clear that they just don't like the choices, either choice for president, this cycle and it's not clear if they're zeus debate is really going to do it anything to change their minds on that joining us now is cnn chief national correspondent john king. >> all right. >> i mean, that's the truth of it. it's kind of sad news, but i wonder what you're watching for on thursday. >> so one of the big challenges in this big debate, you get the largest audience the campaign so far, my biggest question is, do they just sparked each other? they don't like each other. they don't like it so they haven't been in the same room that close in a very, very long time. so does that take it over and it just becomes nasty or do they are they disciplined enough to deal with their biggest weaknesses for president biden? that is, questions about his age. so is it a spirit of this is a lively performance. more importantly, i would argue it's questions about uva plan to deal with the cost of living, the president gets defensive. sometimes he says, look at the numbers. the numbers are better but in my travels around the country, rents are going up. families growing, families can't sell their own home even if the value has gone up because they can't get a mortgage to buy in the same market grocery sticker shock is still pretty high. what does the president say about that for president trump? fascinated one of his problems in the suburbs. it's getting a nikki haley voter to come back over. they don't like january for a six. how does he answer the question? you know, president biden is going to push him on january 6. is he still going to say i would pardon those people or does his tone change there? that's one of his biggest weaknesses. the tone and the threat to democracy. so how do they deal with their biggest weaknesses to christine's point we've been hearing these rumblings about a very disciplined donald trump. >> i think it's fair to say many folks are skeptical, many observers are skeptical going into the perhaps at camp david, how does biden prepare for either scenario? because as kristen said, you don't know what trip you're gonna at some of this becomes. i've been at this a long time. forgive me at some of this to me becomes washington silly season because if you you watch a trump rally what you're trump rally, it goes on for like 90 minutes, right? thank go even longer than that. there are many, many donald trump's that's who he is. he sometimes comes in with a focus, sometimes he sticks to the teleprompter, sometimes somebody in the audience guesses attention, it goes off on a tangent. sometimes he disappears into stories. it's like where are we going here? >> that's just who he is. he's an entertainer and he's a politician sometimes he's disciplined, sometimes he's not, sometimes you think he's being disciplined and suddenly he goes off on a tangent. so i think the idea that you think which one is going to show up no, several are going to show up because that's who he is. that's it can be his biggest weakness sometimes, but it's also part of his appeal to his base that he is different and unpredictable. and so that's what you have to prepare for. he is unpredictable. >> let's talk about one of the logistical details of this, which is that if it's not your turn to speak as a candidate than your microphone is going to be muted but i was thinking about it and i thought you know, your microphone might be muted. but if you are speaking the audience may not hear you, but you could still be distracting to the person next to you who sow microphone. the audience could hear. i mean, what do you do you think this could create? >> i think this is a really interesting experiment in the sense that you're right because you can't hear me as well, but people can still hear me if i raise my voice. and so just distract me so so does one of the candidates and the odds are this would be trump tried to say, the media is trying to silence me. they don't want me to have spirited debate, so they turn my mic off so that i can't answer him. i would assume that the format often becomes an issue to the candidates. will each come in with a strategy if things aren't going well and you need something to complain about, it's usually about the moderator, so the format, it's just, it's an old, it's an age old foil in politics that they take a shot. you could ask chris wallace, he was there for biden and trump last time. you can go back before that to campaigns. before i go, it is interesting. it's a format that we had cnn think was very necessary because of just the chaos last time of the shouting over each other, the american people deserve to have answers on all of these legitimate questions. but we'll see, i mean, you go in with rules, but these two candidates agreed to the rules could also. agree to break them. and if that happens, that's an interesting challenge for the moderator is not you know, jake and dan are very talented. they know what they're doing, but it is a challenge then do you say no, you signed a paper to agree to these rules or you say, okay, gentlemen, are you sure because you just ripped up your plan, go for it. >> yeah. it'll be entertaining no matter what happens, john, i'm curious to go back to something you alluded to before and that's what what's on the mind of voters right now. you laid out some of the issues that are going to be at play at the debate, which do you think wins out in terms of the attention of the folks that you've been talking too. >> well. so let me give you an example here, and you'll hear some sound here from a woman named linda rooney. she's a nikki haley voter. she voted for nikki haley two months almost after nikki haley get out of the race in the pennsylvania primary, she wants her party back. she voted for trump in 2016. she couldn't do it in 2020 says she voted for biden. now she is so torn because she's a republican by dna. she has won a vote to re-elected democratic president, but she can't stand donald trump. and so just, you talked about at the beginning about how so many americans, so we get this from the far left, the far right? so i really is this the best we can do? so listen to linda rooney wrestle with this choice in terms of your personal politics, you say a carrying conservative you decided to vote for nikki haley in the primary couple of months after she dropped out of the race? yeah. >> why yeah, i'm sad that we only have these two choices. >> honestly and i'm tired of celebrities sort of being in politics. i don't i don't like trump, but i have to say we are for us personally, we are better off when he was president. i don't like how you can't he's so unreliable in some ways. you never know what he's gonna do next. i just want a normal person. like i just want someone normal. i don't want a celebrity and i don't have confidence in biden. so i feel like i don't have a choice so i hope people can listen to this podcast because we stopped listening to each other. >> and so if you listen to people talk for 51015 minutes about their wrestling and their torment about the choices people with whom you might disagree. but we can learn from each other when you listen to these voters for the thing, but linearise, facet, so that she can not forgive trump for january 6, but she might vote for him. i mean, think about that. so think about that because she is a republican by dna, so she's going to be watching the debate, the challenge for president biden. she essentially to vote trump are right, somebody else in that she won't vote for biden if you're joe biden, she lives in the philadelphia suburbs. people like her will decide that state, the commonwealth of pennsylvania, which usually settles the white house, the president has to convince or if i can't, when you back, right, somebody it donald trump has to convince her. i'm safe. i'm okay. you might not like my behavior, but i'm a republican like you. that's a big challenge. >> this is the phenomena of the double haider, right? but it's so interesting and i just love how you do it, john, were you bring their real people with very nuanced constant opinions and it's so important to learn a lot listening from them again, again, for people at home, if you're a strong democrats drone, probably am i completely disagree with some of these people. we can learn from each just like scouting the opposition team, if you're a sports fan, listen, we learn when we listen, it's really wonderful, amazing insight. john king. thank you so much and be sure to listen to john special all over the map podcast series wherever you get your podcast, episode one is out right now and also be sure to join cnn as president biden or former president trump meet for their first debate of the 2024 election, are jake tapper and dana bash will be moderating all live from atlanta this thursday beginning and 9:00 p.m. eastern zeroing in on some of the former president's legal troubles, the judge and his classified documents case who trump appointed aileen cannon is holding the second pretrial hearing of the day in trump's case, this time over the special counsel's request for a limited gag order on the former president, but this is coming after a hearing this morning on trump's bid to just let's get the case dismissed where his attorneys argued that jack smith's office is being unlawfully funded. >> cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez is outside of court. he's with us now. so evan, what more should we be expecting from the gag order hearing? >> well, we will see the president make the former president make the argument. his lawyers will make the argument that any kind of restriction on his speech is a violation of his first amendment rights. and of course, they also raise the idea, the fact is that not only is he campaigning, but also he is scheduled to be on a debate stage later this week. and how can it be that a judge can impose any kind of gag on the former president when the person who he believes put them has brought these charges against them is going to be opposite him on the debate stage. that's gonna be one of the arguments are going to hear from the defense team this afternoon so now, the prosecution over the weekend really added some of the language that they believes is of concern and why they're asking the judge to make a gag order as part of the fence as part of as part of his release conditions, one of the things they brought up is the fact that people have been making threats, including against an fbi agent who was involved in the hunter biden investigation, that person made a threat against fbi agent saying that they were going to be slaughtered and hunted down. and prosecutors also said that the former president does a lot of things to incite his followers and takes absolutely no responsibility for some of the consequences of those actions. that's part of their argument to judge cannon. now, of course, you guys know that this is probably a very tall order for the prosecution to get any kind of restriction from this judge who views the former president, does somebody who's, who deserves a lot of deference? >> evan perez live for us from fort pierce, florida. thanks so much for the update let's discuss the case now with retired judge george grosso. he served on the queens county supreme court in new york judge, thanks so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us. what do you make of the argument from the defense that the special counsel holds two much political power without sufficient accountability great to be with you so objectively, if i would just look at it using the normal rules of steroid decisis, meaning that precedent should be a guide to how we're going to rule now, i wouldn't make much we have a history going as far back as 1974 and u.s. >> v. phoenix. and where a unanimous supreme court forced nixon on the request of a special prosecutor, archibald cox, to turn over key tapes and the water watergate case, which spelled the end of the nixon presidency. since then, we've had special prosecutor laws that have been upheld right through we saw it with president clinton we've seen, we've seen special prosecutors over the decades. >> but the rules of styrene decisis don't seem to matter as much to this particular supreme court. let's look at roe v. wade 1970 3722. now it's no longer the law over the land. i just use that as an analogy because i think in this particular case with this tearing, there's no reason objectively, the judge cannon needs to be doing this huge hearing and letting, amex amaka says people filed amicus briefs, friends of the court, warren actually even parties to the case come in and do a hearing. now a lot of people are attributing a lot of legal scholars who i respect well, she doesn't really know what she's doing. this just shows how in competency is well, i'm kind of looking at it as another angle. >> i think you know, listen to what she's saying, listen to the question, the probing questions that she's asked, she may be very well getting ready on the basis of this hearing to strike thank down. >> the current statutory scheme and recommend that the case be dismissed on those serious procedural grounds. now, i believe is mostly everyone else does. if she did that, the 11th circuit would come down very hard and probably rather quickly overruling her. >> but then we also know the trump team is going to go right to the supreme court. their first opportunity. >> and i don't know that justices like thomas and alito just to name two obvious suspects off the top of my head, might not embrace these theories, at least to the point that this case would go to the us supreme court furthermore, it's particularly ominous because that kind of a ruling and that kind of a procedure. >> and what we call the mar-a-lago case, the documents case would also under have the potential to undermine what undermine jack smith's ability to prosecute the january 6 case? because you now that that the trump attorneys would jump right on that at a minimum if the supreme court took the case, it would just create more chaos that would go on indefinitely as we sit here today, still not getting a ruling from the supreme court on the immunity case. so i say take this quite seriously. >> and as you point out, it would append some 50 years of precedent. judge george grass. so we have to leave the conversation there, but we appreciate your perspective, sir. thanks. >> thank you. bars appreciate the opportunity, sir. >> of course. >> still had new details from the supreme court. the court is adding two opinion days this week as this blockbuster term nears its end, what this could signal, could we see a ruling on immunity this week? >> that's a head. also, protests outside your los angeles synagogue turning ugly as police struggled to keep pro-israeli and pro-palestinian demonstrators separated. how president biden is responding and how quickly this issue is becoming key for this presidential election. >> the most anticipated moment of this lecture and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president one stage two very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine life on cnn and streaming on max and our family. >> there was a passion for glass making that's passed down through the generations on ancestry. i was able to actually put 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the supreme court justices of announced that they've added two new dates to issue opinions on cases this week. >> and there are some major decisions that they haven't gotten to yet. so this can be a bit weak. sure could. let's get straight to cnn's joan biskupic, who is gearing up for the week to end all weeks. okay. so the court already planned issue opinions on wednesday, now thursday and friday or on the calendar. so tell us more about yes. it looks like they've got more of a chance now to finish everything this week, there is still a possibility that the final case or cases could come next monday. but right now they have about a dozen cases left. having a full three days of opinions issued at 10:00 a.m. all those all those dates beginning with this wednesday kind of increases the chances of that there'll be done also the increases the chances that they're going to give us something fairly exciting on thursday, the day of the presidential debate but these justices have a rule that they try to finish, announce their cases when they're actually done, they say that they don't pay attention to what's going out on in the real-world. but i have a feeling they're very mindful of the thursday debate and that could influence whether we get trump-related cases on thursday it might not, but i would think that there's a greater chance that we'll get the most important case that we've been waiting for and whether former president donald trump is shielded from criminal prosecution for actions taken in 2020, which will dictate whether he's subject to any kind of trial before the 2024 presidential election. i have a feeling that the chance it we're more likely to get that on wednesday on friday or possibly the following monday. but nobody knows right now. and the other thing i just want to add, they some of them don't even know because see this all they're writing, their writing, they're exchanging drafts, they're making amendments, they're having little duels in the footnotes, so they're not, they know how they've decided cases. they just don't know yet how they've completely finalized the rationale. they're not sitting around with a stack of papers, just it's ready to hand them out like tonight what does that look like? >> practically those duels in a footnotes as he put it oh, it's, it's exciting because i know that from seeing justices papers, once they go into archives such as at the library of congress and its, it's like when you're finishing a big news project, you type something up, you get it all finished. >> then some editor or producer in their case, another justice comes in and says, oh, i think we should tweak this this way. but as they accommodate tweaks by one justice, they don't want to alienate any other justices who are part of the majority. they've got this thing called holding five. holding five refers to a five-justice majority, which is the bare minimum for any day decision. so all these little requested amendments have to be accepted by everyone who is in the majority on one of these hotly contested opinions, not just the author and they do it, they still do everything on paper. they all have computers, of course but once they finish a success of draft of an opinion, it gets circulated by a messenger in an envelope, although they do work by computer two so then when the whole things done, it has to go to the print shop and citations are checked so it's a long process, but really it shouldn't go down to the wire like it does every year and they want to finish by the end of june. that's kind of their gold. but this year, we'll see who are we to paying someone for working under deadline you know, it's funny that we're kind of nursing out on the process it's so interesting to see the kinds of changes that go on at the last minute occasionally occasionally there's a switched voc switch vote in june, there have been a handful. >> it's switched votes in june, which is the end of the line here. but i can't think of any time where i learned of a switch vote in the last week in june. so hopefully that won't happen, and we'll get all our biggest decisions. >> by friday. yeah, it's a fascinating glimpse at what happens behind closed doors. >> and at least with the immunity case, one that could potentially redefine the presidency. joan biskupic, thanks so much. sure. thank you. >> and still become nasa calling off a spacewalk at the last minute, it is the second walk to be canceled in the last few weeks will tell you why next the final episode of violence, there are deadly violence and unleash masters fluxions, hurricane impacts are worsening is it too late to undo decades of climate change? >> violin, earth, would we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn smile. >> you found it the feeling of bindings, psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only. so take to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe practice arise it says and the chance that clear or almost clear 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you learning? >> yeah, it turns pause three of what we think of five or six attackers here. we're actually related to a local official, the head of the saga kolinsky region, a part of dagestan called maga mad tomorrow. now one was his son, one was his nephew, one appears to be a slightly distant cousin who was also a local mma fighter now, it is unclear what affinity this group may have had with the usual suspect. you point the finger out from an attack like this. ice is k, the offshoot of isis that works in afghanistan, central asia more recently in russia responsible for that horrific attack on a shopping mall. just three months ago. now, but this was it seems coordinated, targeting jewish and christian places of residence relatively well prepared. some questions as to exactly how the civilian toll appear to be so low about four we're of these 20 dead civilians that we know of at this point, russian are always very transparent about these matters. and so many of the dead policeman, but the images are of clashes in march, karla and ben, the two cities it's affected by this clashes in their streets. for hours. it seems as police struggled to get this under control and there were two real abiding questions here that many russians and dagestan is to frankly in a pretty poor and troubled region where islam as violence has been an issue for decades now firstly, could this have been prevented? if most of the russian military wasn't currently fighting putin's war of choice in ukraine. so many of the soldiers who've died in that war have in fact come from dagestan where we saw protests. just a couple of years ago now because people were so angry at so many of their sons being sent to fight this war. and secondly, what of islamist extremism in russia, putin essentially came to power back in 1999, saying he would kill the chechen separatists, who he said were responsible for apartment bombings in moscow. well then we had many, many terrorist atrocities since then and now still that islamist extremist threat is in a new generation, a new threat causing a attacks like this that again, moscow, it seems as powerless to prevent back to you yeah, at least 20 killed. i mean, this is these are a series of very terrible attacks that nick, we know you're keeping your eye on them. thank you now, some of the other headlines were watching this hour, the reported death toll from this year's hajj pilgrimage has climbed above 1,300, including at least to us citizens saudi authorities blamed the oppressive e for many of the fatalities. >> they say that unauthorized tour groups let's some of the victims on longer routes that lack adequate relief from the triple-digit temperatures. more than 1.8 million people took part in the annual islamic pilgrimage to mecca a veteran lifeguards, surfing legend and hollywood actor in hawaii has died after an apparent shark attack. honolulu first responders used a jet ski to bring to myo perry to shore where he was pronounced dead. aside from being well-known in the surfing community, the 49-year-old was also an actor. he appeared in films like pirates of the caribbean bian and tv shows like lost and hawaii five-0, honolulu's mayor says, perry's heroic actions as a lifeguard, we'll never be forgotten. >> and a nasa is abandoning a plans spacewalk outside the international space station. because of a leaky space suit. this marks the second spacewalk in recent days. that's abruptly been called off for space suit issues. it's also the latest in a string of setbacks for the current crew aboard the iss, which includes those boeing's starliner astronauts who's return home has been delayed now they're not expected to get back until july we can't say they're stuck though. that would be inaccurate. it's just that their delay. but would it be editorially they're not technically stuck, i guess, right? >> they're gonna get back. that's the thing, but i mean, there's one thing to have a few extra days in space, which i think any astronaut will welcome. that's what our guests have said. but at a certain point it's like kinda gets crowded up there. >> yeah. yeah. all right. let's let's get back home. yeah. >> and let's so when that date is right, that starliner to work. yeah. you do still to come, president joe biden says that he is appalled by the scene outside a los angeles synagogue. >> after a pro-palestinian protests turned violent. >> up. next we're going to take a closer look at how the tendon since over these protests could impact the race for the white house debate like in america, as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat analysis follows and then for every countless moment followed to beat night in america thursday at 7:00 p.m. okay. >> everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of 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you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 president biden is condemning sunday's violent street protests between los angeles pro-palestinian and pro-israel counter demonstrators protest organizers say they were targeting a synagogue where an israel real estate event was taking place. >> biden said he's appalled by what he saw. he said, quote intimidating jewish congregants is unconscionable, anti-semitic and unamerican xin and obtain this video appearing the show two men wrestling on the ground as others kick them. the violence prompted elleithee mayor to beef up security and houses of worship around the city. let's discuss with cnn senior political commentator and former obama administration official, van jones. fan. great to see you. i'm curious to get your reaction to these scenes playing out. now i just didn't los angeles, but we've seen similar ones across the country. >> well, look, this is unacceptable as a father who's actually trying to raise my children in los angeles. i want to just applaud. may or bass governor newsom and m president biden for speaking up about this. listen. you don't like what's happening in gaza. it's your right to protest. that's not a problem, but you protest a policy. you don't protest a people. when you protest a policy, you go to city hall and you protest. you go to the israeli consulate peacefully protest. maybe you go to your elected representative, you protest, you don't bum rushed a jewish neighborhood and run up on a synagogue. that's not purchasing a policy that's protesting a people. and that is across any line in america. and it has to be called out and you have to also understand the context here this is a neighborhood that's already been traumatized, not just october 7 was traumatize all jewish communities, but that neighborhood in particular, last year in february, not one, but two, jewish men, orthodox jewish man, we're gunned down, were shot in two back-to-back hate crimes. so you're dealing with the community that's already traumatized. they're already fearful. and then you go and you do something like this. i have no problem with people protesting policy. you cannot protest a people that is not a protest that's a program and it has to stop. >> let's let's talk about the policy. let's talk about how the biden administration, how the president's handling the policy van, how do you see it? where does he need to improve on this? >> well, listen, i think that the president isn't a tough position because the base of the party is very concerned about these images that we keep seeing from gaza. and he wants to take a strong stand and behalf of human rights for everybody that's joe biden at the same time. i think it's a little bit naive for some people that think that if israel would just to suddenly just stopped doing what it's doing, that rainbows and bunnies and sunshine would break out over the middle east who'd all be be fine. the hostages have to be returned. if you can watch a call for a ceasefire, call for ceasefire on both sides hamas is still firing its rockets. they still have hostages kidnapped. so this is a complex issue, but here's what's not complicated. politics can be complicated. geopolitics can be really complicated. >> how you treat your neighbors, how you treat people in your community is not complicated you don't run up. i haven't seen jewish people running up on mosques with israeli flags that they did that ip denouncing that too. there's certain things you don't do. it is a red line if you want to be apart for protests and i say, we're gonna go to a jewish community center we're going to go to a mosque. we're going to go to a jewish restaurant that's not a protest. that's the program that's an anti-jewish bigoted act. if you want to be a part of a protest, let's go to a mosque. let's go and harass the muslims. that's not a protest. so we've got to get clear in our country what is a fair protest about policy can agree or disagree and what's going after people, human beings terrifying moms, grandmas children, who were trying to be a part of have a neighborhood. the jewish neighborhoods in la are well-known. nobody is confused where they are. so if you show up, they're wearing afia, you show up there with your face covered. you show up, they're chanting river to the sea. that'll be just like a white person running up with the confederate flag in harlem. you're not trying to start a, a conversation. you're trying to start a fight stop doing that. don't do that on we don't want more violence. we don't want more fear. we don't want more terrified people. we've got to be able to come together as a country if either side had an easy answer, it had been solved. i i'm less concerned about the politicians now. i'm concerned about the people in my community and lawsuit angeles moving in a direction that is more and more dangerous, more and more scary, more and more destructive. the jewish community does not need to have people doing those types of things. it's not helping anybody in palestine, but is making america a much less safe place for everybody? >> it's tough to watch the discourse and the dialogue devolve into what we witnessed in la and other places. van jones great to get your perspective. thanks for being with us well, thank you. stay with cnn. we're back in just moments you know, when i take the mic out like this, all my stress is just melt away. i hear that this bad boy can fix anything. >> yeah, tough day at work nice crews assault, you write out when i'm writing, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity he shouldn't ignore it. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, and it's hopped on the bike, man, come on and you've got to pay your bills you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number one motorcycle insurer? >> well, you definitely do those things unrelated so that is a vibrating pain. if you're looking 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Dozens , Militants , Churches , Weapons , Developments , Officials , Investigators , Region , Cities , Nick , Say , Nick Paton Walsh , Dagestan , Reports , State Media , Russian , Cnn Chief International Security , Van Jones , Attackers , Counterterrorism Operation , Information , Saga Kolinsky Region , Cousin , Group , Mma Fighter , Affinity , Son , Nephew , Maga Mad Tomorrow , Ice Is K , Attack , Suspect , Finger , Central Asia , Isis , Shopping Mall , Afghanistan , Orthodox Jewish , Toll , Residence , Civilians , Christian , Four , Streets , Images , Clashes , Policeman , Matters , Control , Karla , Ben , Most , Russians , Islam , Protests , Russian Military Wasn T Currently Fighting Putin , War , Soldiers , Sons , War Of Choice , Ukraine , Couple , Chechen Separatists , Islamist , Extremism , Apartment Bombings , Moscow , 1999 , Generation , Atrocities , Extremist , Eye , Headlines , Series , Hajj Pilgrimage , 1300 , Victims , Routes , Citizens , Tour Groups , Triple , Authorities , The , Fatalities , Temperatures , Saudi , First Responders , Lifeguards , Shark Attack , Jet Ski , Surfing Legend And Hollywood Actor In Hawaii , Pilgrimage To Mecca , 1 8 Million , Elleithee , Myo Perry To Shore , Surfing Community , Factor , Bian , Films , Tv Shows , Honolulu , Hawaii Five 0 , Pirates Of The Caribbean , 49 , Space Suit , Lifeguard , Plans Spacewalk , Space Station , Perry , Astronauts , Crew , Return Home , String , Setbacks , Starliner , Kiss , Boeing , Delay , Gonna Get Back , Space , Astronaut , Kinda , Guests , Scene , Look , Tendon , Cup , Coverage , Meet , In America , Access , Pre , Beat Analysis , Mission , Health , Strength , Nutrients , Nutrition , Night In America , 27 , 7 , Hair , Cuddles , Bus , No One , Funding , Shape , Else , Drive , Boring , Credit Funding , Catalyst , Determination , Rocket , Bowl , Hurdles , Startups , Occasions , Words , Retirements , Bank , Smart , Dependable , 160 , Food , Planet , Change , Makers , Products , Billions , Recycling Technologies , Bit Floor Liners , Vehicle , Quality , Inside Out , Durability , Style , 3d Scanning , 3 , Liner , Interior , Miners , Fit , Combat , Industry , Smart Liner , Buildup , Amyloid Plaques , My Mackey , Symptoms , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Shortness Of Breath , Heart Failure , Brain , Aging Com , Picture , Hartfield , Attr Cme , Heartbeat , Disease , Cardiologist , Men , Giants , Building , Mug , Cm , Submarines , Babies , Giant , Careers , Skills , Old School , Morgan Stanley , Hard Work , 88 , Wonder , Grid , Money , Portion , Ideas , Trust Money , Set , Closed Captioning , Sokoloff , Law Mesothelial , 0 Billion , 30 Billion , Violent Street Protests , Sunday , Organizers , 8085920400 , Event , Ground , Video , Quote Intimidating Jewish Congregants , Israel , He Saw , Unamerican Xin , City , Commentator , Administration , Houses , Others , Fan , Obama , Father , Reaction , Scenes , Ones , Children , Bass , May , Problem , Newsom , Right , Gaza , Neighborhood , Consulate , Representative , City Hall , Don T Bum , Context , October 7 , Community , Oman , Communities , Hate Crimes , Gunned Down , Protest , Program , Position , Policy Van , Behalf , Stand , Human Rights , Bit , Ceasefire , Sunshine , Rockets , Hostages , Bunnies , Rainbows , Middle East , Sides Hamas , Neighbors , Don T Run Up , Geopolitics , Red Line , Ip Denouncing , Mosques , Flags , Jewish Community Center , Gonna Go , Mosque , Restaurant , Let S Go , Bigoted Act , Muslims , Grandmas Children , Human Beings , Neighborhoods , Flag , Afia , River , Sea , Fight Stop , Fear , Answer , Direction , Politicians , Angeles , Lawsuit , Discourse , Jewish Community , Safe Place , Types , Anybody , Dialogue , America A , Palestine , Stress , Stay , Bad Boy , Anything , Bills , Crews Assault , Cavity , Bike , Aarp Medicare Supplement Plan , Motorcycle Insurer , Leader , 65 , 70 , Type , Future , Care Costs , Unitedhealthcare , Aarp Medicare Supplement , Leftover , Aarp , Grandfather , Life Experiences , Hat , 75 , Gritty Feeling , Family Business , Graves Disease , Fair , Vision , Thyroid Eye Disease , Graves , Condition , Specialist , Expert , Ted , City Client , Serie A , Expertise , Pet , Growth , Parents , Pets , Supply Chain , Progress , Clients , Loved Ones , Dr , Sanjay Gupta , In Atlanta , 1807123800 , Towns , Gems , Forests , Rocky Canyons , Snowy Mountains , Ten , Minnesota , Visit Duluth , List , Travel List , Lake Superior , Victor Blackwell , Freshwater , Funds , Lake Life , Majesty , Hungry Fish , Vg , Finnish , Secret , Kala , Fish Cargo Brick , Tradition , Time , Player , Trout , Weather , Lake , Store , Freshwater Sandoval , Harbor , Ships , Park Point , Doesn T , On The Beach Yeah , Cool , Good , Town , Spirits , Vq Rub The Lake Water , Fish , Chef , Pick Whip , Front , Drought , Bride , Black , Lake Trout , Qr Code , Screen , Website , Victor , Route , Assignments , Cocktail , Pitch , Merrick , Shoulder , Dealer , Led Sales Event , Work Shirt , Offers , Summer , Cry On , Laundry Maria , Better Downey , Clothes Hello , Julio , Feel , Flight Prices , Dog Ratings , Piece , Jp Morgan , Paradise , Car Insurance , Wealth Management , Analysts , Make , Hundreds , Hotdog Stand , Honey Look , Liberty Mutual , Number , Ball , Puppy , Magic , Nutrients Dogs , Dogs Food , Kibble , Vegetables , Fresh Meat , Farmers Dog , Dried Pellets , Dating Scene , Doc , Nothing , Boost , Work , Price , Financing , Budget , Implants , Dentures , 18 , Dental , Saw Dust Settles , Whatever , Wash , Lounge , San Francisco , London , London Breed , Mayor , Saving Thousands , Lives , Anyone Else , Housing Projects , Pandemic , Emergency , Western Addition , Small Business , Track , Homebuyers , Police Officers , Downtown , Drug Dealers , Hiring Hundreds , City Fees , City Vibrant , 82000 , Disclosures , Sad , 2024 Financial ,

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