Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240621 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240621

thanks very much for joining us this morning. very busy morning. i'm jim acosta, our next our newsroom with wolf blitzer starts right now, have a great weekend i'm wolf blitzer in washington, were following breaking news here are the cnn newsroom, the us supreme court is up holding a federal law that bans domestic abusers from owning a firearm. >> the major second amendment ruling was nearly unanimous 8-to-1 decision only justice clarence thomas dissented in the majority opinion. the chief justice, john roberts said, the court had no trouble upholding the law. arguing and once again, according our tradition of firearm regulation allows the government to disarm individuals who present a credible threat to the physical safety of others. close glug our chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid is here with me in the z then newsroom. paula walk us through. this is a major decision by the supreme court. >> it is. it's one of the key decisions that we're watching in for this term here, the supreme court, he holds that the second amendment, like other rights, has limits. and here they're focused on domestic violence offenders and banning them from owning firearms. and it's interesting that the chief justice said, they quote, had no trouble reaching this decision because he also acknowledges that some recent decisions that they've made expanding second amendment rights have cause confusion and the lower courts, he writes, quote, some courts have misunderstood the methodology of our recent second amendment cases. these precedents were not meant to suggest a law trapped in amber, as we explained in a different gun case, heller, for example, the reach of the second amendment is not limited only to those arms that were in existence at the founding. so this is one of the questions that has come back up to the supreme court since they expanded the definition of the second amendment. but here this is a big win for gun gun. those who want to limit people from having guns if they pose a threat to others? in the oral arguments, the solicitor general pointed to the fact that someone who lives with someone that they are a survivor of domestic violence from that individual is five times more likely to die if that person has a gun. and of course there was a dissent from justice clarence thomas. he writes, quote, the court and the government do not point to a single historical law review looking a citizens second amendment right, based on possible interpersonal violence now he also notes that this is based on a protective order, not a conviction that's something that he really focused on. and he said in the interest of ensuring the government can regulate one subset of society today's decision puts at risk the second amendment rights of many more which is why he dissented eight to one decision by the nine justices of the supreme court, joan biskupic, is this a surprise? this decision? >> i know it's not wealth and i have to say i was just in the courtroom where the chief justice laid out his reasoning and read it from the bench with many people there watching, waiting for this. the case that had been argued on november 7, so even though it was predictable that they were going to uphold this law, that certainly is targeted at dangerous people. there was a question of how they would and i think it's really important for people to understand that the 2022 decision that's now the baseline for any kind of gun regulations. when they expanded second amendment rights, they have not further clarified exactly how that should play out for other kinds of gun regulations. we noted in this case, chief justice john roberts stressed that this man posed a very credible threat, and that our history and tradition of gun regulations targeting people who pose that kind of threat and who are a menace to use a word back from two centuries ago, a menace to society. that kind of regulation could be upheld, but will fear something important. the chief justice rights for a majority 8-to-1 as police said, but a majority of other justices break-off to explain their idea of how gun regulations should be assessed. justice sotomayor joined via elena kagan wrote separately. justices gorsuch, kavanaugh amy coney barrett, and justice jackson all wrote separately to put in their $0.02 about how to weigh gun regulations coming up from other kinds of cases that would be unlike just this one that's specifically targeted individuals who are subject to domestic violence restraining orders this was easy, wealth, but going forward, they will not be easy cases. >> it was almost unanimous. elie honig, not completely because justice clarence thomas dissented. what do you make of his descent? >> justice thomas is all alone on an island here. he takes such a broad view of the second moment, almost an absolutist view of the second amendment to illustrate that justice alito, chief justice roberts, justice kavanaugh, justice amy coney barrett, all disagreed with him. they even said this restriction on the second amendment is reasonable given the danger, given but threat that this poses to the public important to understand how this arose. there is a criminal statute and federal law, section 922, j, if anyone wants to look it up, that list categories of prohibited persons who are not allowed to own a firearm. felons, fugitives, people who've been dishonorably discharged from the military. and this is one of the categories. someone who's subject to a restraining order in a dv domestic violence scenario. and the supreme court said it's perfectly reasonable to uphold this. and the other thing that i think is really important here is this is extremely rare. it's been decades until today since we've seen a supreme court opinion that narrows the region, the scope of the second amendment where do you make of it? >> so a couple of things. one the one probe, one of the big prohibition le left out there was drug users and people addicted to firearms also under that statute. now, we all may no. of high-profile individual who's charged under that statute. that's hunter biden and i would think that a challenge is coming to the appeals courts and maybe even the supreme court on the section of it that he was charged with as well. so that's one thing i want to pick up where jon left off on the 2020 22 opinion bruen is the name of the opinion and the mess quite frankly, that the supreme court left with that case, setting aside the morality of what we think of firearms, how the supreme court crafted the scheme of how we regulate and the court we'll get them is very complicated. the language chief justice roberts used today is consistent with our nation's tradition of firearms regulation. that's if something is consistent with our tradition. okay. if it's seen as not not okay. now the question is, how do you assess that? and i think the justices today are grappling with does something need to be yeah historical twin of a regulation that existed in 17, 80 or whatever else, or does it need to be an analog sort of similar enough that it passes muster and i assure you the court is going to struggle with this for years, if not decades, to come, because of and i'll say it again, the mess that they created an opening the chief did say from the bench, it does not need to be identical. it does not need to be a twin, but it has to be relevant in similar and what those words mean have different variations among these justices about how relevant, how similar, clarifying mean, what were what the doors now open to is years of hair splitting as two what we think of as relevant or error analogous to someone need to be convicted of domestic abuse or just charged with domestic well, i'll tell you on that too, because that's we're clarence thomas split off in this case. he had not been convicted of the domestic abuse violations. he had been under restraining order, but the chief did stress that a fine finding had been made about his his threat his danger to society, and what clarence thomas split on where several due process issues and one was this man was not convicted of the crime for your offense. >> and then they still cannot go out and get a gun. now, go ahead. >> if we look at the list of prohibited categories, some of them are objective, is the person convicted felon or not? was he dishonorably discharged or not other there's leave wiggle room, for example, who is an addict? what does it mean? there's another one. i'm quoting the statute here says if somebody has been adjudicated, a quote, mental defective, that's obviously archaic, outdated language, but what does that mean? so there's some confusion more big point on that, not only are some of them absolutes, are you convicted or not, they're fuzzy and some of them deal with public safety and some of them don't. and some one could make an argument is back to 100 there biden case. does drug addiction inherently makes someone a public threat that will be the argument that they will raise. i'm not weighing in on it here. it's very different than a domestic violence restraining order which was the argument that the court went with today. jennifer becker is also with us she's the director of the national center on gun violence and relationships. jennifer, thanks so much. what is the practical impact of this us supreme court decision for domestic violence victims? >> well, we've seen the impact over the 30 years that this law has been in place in states that are fully implemented. this law and actually removed guns from those who are prohibited in this way. they've seen 12% reduction in intimate partner homicides. it's real, real life impact and, i think the this case and the decision today highlight two really important points. one is that protection orders are critically important tool for survivors of domestic violence to address all of their different safety concerns, including the threat of firearms and the other is that domestic violence isn't just interpersonal violence. that only happens behind closed doors. it is community violence and domestic abusers who use firearms to commit their violence lens also commit community violence like the facts presented in the rahimi case there's a connection between domestic violence and mass shootings domestic abuse calls are one of the leading fatalities four officers and the line of duty when responding. so this is really important in the impact will continue to be felt and these justices, it's pretty clear. eight justices polo, they, i guess for practical reasons, it's simply just made sense of somewhat as acute or actually convicted of domestic abuse or domestic violence that individual should not potentially have a gun yeah, it should be so a lot of really important points about how this impacts not only people who are going through domestic violence, but society at large, as she pointed out, the facts in this case, there were other shootings actually that brought this man to the attention gen. of law enforcement. >> and the fact that he's still had a weapon, who's involved in and also the danger for law enforcement incredibly significant. also, we talked earlier about the hunter biden case, obviously covered that at trial a couple of weeks ago. i think that his lawyers, if they have enough resources resources have been a big question right now in the hunter biden camp, they will likely try to appeal that and possibly bring it back up to the supreme court, trying to seize on some of the concerns that were raised by the justice's about just how far this extends. they'll try to differentiate him from someone who has a protective order. argue that his use of illicit drugs alleged shoes, they would say is different. and so i would expect that they're going to continue to litigate that if they can afford it said decision today, joan biskupic compared to the other second amendment decision earlier the other day, the us supreme court had all these bumps stocks very different wealth, this, this case actually examine the second amendment right to bear arms. the bump-stock case had to do with a federal regulation against machine guns and whether bump stocks. which. can, act in a machine gun like way according to the federal government and according to the donald trump administration to expanded that machine gun prohibition to bump stocks. that was a regulatory question. it was very important one. and there the court split six to three to say that no, the way the federal prohibition dating back to the 1930s on machine guns was written, it should not encompass bump stocks a very controversial virtual decision there, but not having do with the second amendment. whereas here this really is the kind of case that's going to have rubber reverberations for others sorts of incidents were talking about for federal and state gun regulations, just how to assess whether they encroach on a person's right to bear arms. >> it's a big win for those who support gun control. it is, it is a good one for the biden administration in this case, whereas biden administration lost in the other going forward, but as i said, when you have so many concurrences about how the next case should come. >> it just people are going to be able to pick and choose what they want to rely on in this decision. well, the let him pick and choose and they will, guys thank you very, very much. >> there's other breaking news just coming into see them, right? now, steve bannon is asking the us supreme court to pause. his prison sentence while he appeals his contempt of congress conviction. steve bannon, a set to turn himself in on july 1. want to go straight to see you there. sara marie, who's working the story for us. sarah take us through this request well, while if this is a bit of a long shot attempt, but it tells you how much steve bannon does not want to go to prison. he and his attorneys are asking the supreme court to effectively pause his prison sentence. so that he can continue to try to appeal this conviction. now, another former trump adviser, peter navarro, had tried a similar move in front of the supreme court to pause his own convince objection and the supreme court rejected that. so we'll see if they do the same with steve bannon's case or if they see it somewhat differently, all of this comes after late last night, an appeals court said it was not going to press pause on steve bannon's sentence. now, there was one judge who dissented in that opinion. that's getting the bannon team a little bit of hope when it comes to the supreme court. but luck, this is not a long time coming. steve bannon was convicted two years ago of contempt of congress for refusing to turn over documents or provide testimony the house committee and investigated january 6, he was sentenced to four months in prison and really since then, he has been fighting to stay out of jail and also to overturn that conviction. wolf hi, sara murray with a breaking news. sarah, thank you very much. lots of noise going on right now coming up right now in florida, trump attorneys are back in federal court in the latest attempt to deal the real his classified documents case. we'll have more on that when we come back. lots going on. >> we're in the cnn newsroom violin earth with we have trimer sunday at nine on cnn from medium rare to whelmed die so many ways to save life ruddy, while it happy, that's 365 by whole foods market 20 seconds a weak toluse, 20% of your weight in a year with diet and exercise that's the power of glp-1s through row connect with the provider today at row, slash 20 was had trouble losing weight and keeping same discover the power of week-old what we gobi, i lost 35 pounds as some luck 46 pounds we go. >> and i'm keeping the weight off we go be helped you lose weight and keep it off i'm reducing my risk we go v is the only fda approved weight management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events and adults with no 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jokers on a new network july 11? >> yes happening now in florida, donald trump's legal team is back in federal court and taking direct dame at the prosecutor in the classified documents case, the former president is arguing the jack smith was unlawfully appointed as the special counsel. >> smith has brought charges against trump in both florida, as well as right here in washington, dc joining us now cnn, senior crime adjusted reporter katelyn polantz kaitlan, walk us through what is happening in court today. >> well, if donald trump isn't there in person, but we're more than an hour into this hearing and it's judge cannon listening to legal arguments about a topic she wanted to hear quite a lot about the authority and the validity of the special counsel's office, their ability under the constitution to bring a charge against someone like donald trump or anyone really this is an issue that other judges have heard arguments on or even just looked at because defense teams like trump's and brought it before them and they dismissed these sorts of things very quickly and said no. this isn't a valid legal arguments. special counsels officers can bring cases in the justice department, in the federal system and take them onto trial. but judge cannon wants here hours of arguments of the on this, not just from the special counsel's office and donald trump's team and his co-defendants teams, but also so from law professors, people that have nothing to do with this case, but told her that they have opinions that they want to share about it. that is so unusual in any case, wolf in especially at the trial level, especially in a criminal case. >> but there's judge cannon hearing this in the first of three days of arguments on things she's going to have to figure out before trial. but how long that may be and when that trial may happen, a lot of question marks there so caitlin, what else is on the calendar for judge aileen cannon in this case? >> well, judge aileen cannon has several things that she still has to decide an even hearings that she has to set what's coming up over the next couple of days. so she is looking at the constitutionalit y of the special counsel's office starting today, she'll also look at that on monday morning in the afternoon on monday, she's going to look at a request from prosecutors to limit donald trump's speech related to law enforcement involved in this case. so just department says he's really out there as spreading misleading information that could cause a lot of harassment. we've seen gag orders being placed on donald trump in the other cases the district attorney's office in new york, wolf is still fighting to keep a gag order on donald trump, even after his conviction there at trial in this case, we haven't crossed that bridge yet, so we're going to see how judge can reacts to it on monday and then tuesday even more arguments all relating back to you to his team's attempts to cut out parts of this case to get rid of evidence, and then all of this is coming as we await to see what happens with the supreme court. and if there is any level of immunity, what will happen in this case in which judge aileen cannon does it's all going to be thought of and there's going to be crosstalk with what's happening with the other cases, or they will they affect timing. do the january 6, 2020 election cases, or at least the federal case against trump, there does that come back into play? and how will that affect everything? a lot of question marks, yet again, will lots going on indeed, katelyn polantz, thanks very much still to come. donald trump, i getting a fundraising boost out raising president biden there for a second month in a row. thanks to a surge in donations after for his criminal convictions stay with us, urine, the cnn newsroom the most anticipated moment of this so let and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn 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michael, it was only a few days ago. he was lowering expectations about biden can barely talk, could barely walk basically suggesting you see now, now he's saying please a great debater. >> well, if i wish republicans and the former president would have started this campaign of boosting, the president several weeks ago, a month ago, because remember, republicans at the same thing before the state of the union. and with all due respect, president biden not de, out of the park. he did exceptionally well so much so that he saw an increase in his poll numbers. and so by lowering expectations of the president, does okay. then by all accounts, he will have done well. so i think this is proper for the former president to do this. i just think he's a little too late. >> what do you think maybe i agree. i think that he's setting the stage. he had already played expectations for the president to have a terrible debate and barely put two sentences together. and so in both the stage, we all know that not the case with joe biden. we all know he can put sentences together and he's actually is very strong, activate. so i do think that president trump's hurt his own hand here. >> what are the stakes right now for these two candidates? biden and trump? >> i think they're extremely high. i think that the optics are almost more important than the substance in this they both need to come out really strong. they both need to tending to build their momentum. and we saw some fundraising numbers that are gonna be impacted by these debates. but also there's been nothing that's moved the needle and the polling, and this debate, i think can help do that. >> one of the most important parts of this upcoming debate, and we're only a few days away from the cnn debate. is that only the microphone for the individual who was asked a question and has been asked to resign it's been will be working the other mic will be muted. now, at least during the course of this debate. that's significant. >> it is significant wolffian, i think it gives you american people an opportunity to really hear from both candidates and how they're going to address the concerns that people have about a litany of things. i think for the former president, he needs to be more controlled. his tone will really matter when he is given an opportunity to speak, he needs to hammer home the message on the economy, which is not doing that great because of inflation, hammer on the issue of immigration, which a lot of americans are worried about. and i will also bring in the hamas israel war that a lot of younger americans are concerned about their by president biden really has to perform well as the sitting president, the united states, in this upcoming debate. yeah, i mean, that the burden is on him, right? he's the incumbent. he's fighting for him to keep his job. trump is coming fighting to come back, but i mean, it's the president biden has to defend his record for the last four years and he has to also lay out a vision for the future. so it's a little, it's hard for him to do that. and i think the thing on the microphone's is gonna be interesting because people at home won't be able to hear because the mics will be muted, but they can still hear each other so i'm wondering if you continue to talk at that trips up the other person and then how that appears. so people at home, there won't be an audience, there'll be two moderators and you know, jake tapper and dana bash, but there won't be any audience in there. how does that affect trump? he likes to play to an audience. >> i actually think this is going to benefit the former president. i think again, this gives him an opportunity potentially to be more surgical and his responses, and in his critiques of challenging president biden on his current record, i think for far too long wolf, we have turned politics into a reality tv show. these a very serious matters and issues that impact a country of hundreds of millions of people with global implications, we need to be able to hear what these guys have to say on the most critical issues domestically and internationally? >> we've got new fundraising numbers that have just come out for these campaigns and take a look at this mechanism and put it up on the screen. trump hauled in an extremely impressive amount, 141 million, virtually wiped out biden's cash advantage. the president and the democrats raise 85 million this is after trump was convicted and so many felony charges. >> yeah, absolutely. but i do think that the bidens have been in the ability to build a ground game for many months. they've been in a much more proactive stance here. they hired 1,000 staffer yesterday, so they've already been building in the momentum. it's without without question that this helps the trump campaign because they need to build their organization as well. but the biden campaign has a much bigger head start to get that organization and those boots on the ground are really what turns out what does it tell you that the trump campaign and the republicans for that matter, could raise so much money even after trump's conviction law of aid tells you that not only has it excited the base according to the orange was excited the base the faculty president has been found guilty. >> absolutely because many republican voters believed that this is a persecution against the president. they call it a political, i think lawfare, if you will so what is shows though, is that not only is a foreign president reaching out to new small small-dollar donations and donors. but it also showcases a lot of very wealthy people who are very skeptical of the former president during the republican primary have now said, we want to win this thing. we're think it's right before it's run a customer a victory. we're going to support this guy regardless of what he's gone through. >> what do you think? >> i think that it's really going to see how president trump for president trump puts this money to use if he has to put a majority of it towards is legal fees. and then how you can build his ground game. i think that we are missing that the ground game here is most important and that's what this money is supposed to be paid paying for. it just really going to matter how president trump, foreign present. trump uses his money right now. infrastructure, i agree all right, guys. good discretion. thank you very, very much. coming up that this important note for us don't miss that president joe biden and former president donald trump going head-to-head in the cnn debate on june 27, 9:00 p.m. eastern. only a few days away, where we come back. us concerns over israel's iron, iron dome. would it hold up at a full-blown war with his balah from lebanon. i'll ask a key member of the house intelligence committee right after a quick break they are unpredictable sleeping giant every volcano has its own personality. >> or if we don't understand them, they are windows into part of our planet lives will 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visit today for up to 70% off designer brands you'll have the designers like your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% off of today happening today, the sentencing of an american accused of bringing four rounds of ammunition to the turks and caicos. >> ryan tyler watson pleaded guilty to charges last month after being arrested on april 12th, he was stopped by security at the airport when getting ready to catch a flight back home with his wife? father of two has been forced to remain on the island ever since. watson is just one of five americans arrested in recent months in the turks and caicos on similar charges since these incidents to territory is now revising part of its firearm laws. now instead of a mandatory 12 year jail sentence, the courts can impose a fine in jail time, or both other news we're following this morning. there are now new concerns about the rising tensions in the middle east and israel's ability potentially to defend itself against air attacks. us officials tells cnn that israel's iron dome air defense missile system could be overwhelmed if a full-blown war breaks out against iranian back hezbollah in lebanon in recent weeks, the cross-border hostilities have escalated along israel's northern border with lebanon this week, both israel and hezbollah have warned of an all-out war. listen we will use all means necessary to restore security on our northern border where the diplomatically or militarily, one way or another, we will ensure the safe and secure return of israelis to their homes in northern israel. if the war was imposed posed on lebanon, hezbollah will fight with no regulations, no rules, and no ceilings well, yeah, with israel knows that there will be no place in the country safe from our missiles and our drones and joining us now, democratic congressman josh gottheimer of new jersey, congressman facts so much for joining us. >> how worried are are you potentially have it all-out war erupting now between israel and hezbollah this is an issue that i've been worried about since the seventh since october 7 and if you look in study, what's public in terms of the missiles, mortars, and drones that hezbollah, which she is an iranian proxy, has been firing at israel. >> you're talking about 5,000 missiles and drones and mortar since the seventh. and 201 day, just a couple of days ago, at israel, you realize that the power that hezbollah has, the military might in terms of just shen when we've known this for years the shear stockpiles, they have is deeply concerning for this moving into a regional challenge for, for all those who believe in protecting democracy and standing up to iran and their proxies you're on the house intelligence committee, congressman, do you share the concerns that have already been expressed that israel's iron dome missiles, air defense missile system, which has been so effective against iran and other, and other adversaries over these past few years could potentially be overwhelmed by the full aerial so from hezbollah rockets and missiles that are, that are there in lebanon well, what's been said publicly, wolf on that is that there is a deep concern that the iron dome could be overwhelmed. this was an issue that we were concerned about when a iran attacked israel a few weeks back being able to handle the sheer incoming you're fighting a multi front war right from the north, hezbollah, hamas continuing to fire at israel, which it does nearly daily, being able to handle all that and other fronts of course, and others, other iranian proxies getting involved. we see the houthis, which has been firing as well at israel and it at america, which as you know, is my broad is concerned here, is protecting the united states and making sure that american service members are safe around the world and our interests are safe. but you can see quickly how this could escalate. and so what we need to do is make sure that united states stands strong. not only with our ally, but continuing to stand strong against iran and its proxies, hamas, hezbollah, palestine islamic jihad the houthis stands strong in the region and welfare. we've also talked about tomorrow, hamas could accept what's been offered to them and get a pause. they have continued to reject any offers on the table we're told her congressman that the us is cautioning israel against launching a military incursion, a ground incursion against various hezbollah targets in lebanon. >> how should the us respond if that were to happen? >> well, i've not been briefed on the specifics. there, so i'll just say that i imagined that israel is looking at this just we would if hezbollah increases their attacks like they did, they'd been doing. i'd israel at the northern on the northern border and lebanon out of lebanon at, some point of course israel has to continue to defend herself. and so we'll have to better understand and get briefed further on the specifics. but let's under the bigger picture remains the same that you have a ran which is obviously closely allied with the government of china or russia, and north korea continuing, to disrupt not only what's going on and israel, but threatened the united states, america, and our democracy and attack our service members and our basis that of iraq and syria. so we need to watch this very closely for american interests, for securing our democracy. and of course, protect america congress. >> but i want to quickly shift gears while i have you, i know you've already announced potentially new action against various guns designed to evade metal detectors. how big of a threat is this especially with the growing use of 3d printers? >> yeah. and well, let me just say one thing before i got there. don't forget one thing we should never forget that we've got five americans were hostage and 44 americans were killed. we should keep that in mind every day they still have hostages, they still have americans or hostage. and these threats in the region continue in terms of traceable guns and ghost guns and night spoke so at this yesterday, because we've got the fifa world cup coming here in 2026. but all stadiums and public venues are threat from from guns that either are made from 3d printers out of plastic that have no metal in them. you go through metal detector, are not traceable or ghost guns which have no serial numbers and no way to trace them. i'm deeply concerned about about these and we seeing a proliferation of them not just at large sporting events and other targets, but in our cities and our communities. and this is something we have to play very close attention to. we can't have it that people are able to sneak in weapons, make them on their 3d printer, and attacking kill people kinds for josh gottheimer, thanks as usual for joining us thanks, wealth and coming up a red-hot to ice cold that donald trump's net worth takes a tumble as trump media shares are in free fall right now. so what happened? we'll be right back sunday, one nation could play a big role in this year's election. america's next door neighbor from the border to the economy, to the cartels for we'd, zakaria examines america's mess with mexico sunday at age on cnn explore the world, though viking way from the quiet comfort of elegance, small ships with no. >> children and no casinos we actually have reinvented ocean voyages designing all inclusive experiences for the thinking, passing viking voted well, it's best by both travel and leisure and condi nast traveler learn more at made a challenge. >> you what do you want me to do on your door only peters today and the furniture business, things move fast. >> ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who he thought we needed a project manager yesterday, we posted a job and ziprecruiter and had our guy on-site and five days, he was qualified and everyone zip recruiter finds the best candidates for all jobs. >> they 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ago, truth, social as parent company have lost roughly half its value. >> trump media stock prices have been rapidly dropping since may dealing a huge blow to the former president's net worth cnn reporter matt egan is joining us, write down matt, truth, social is hurting right now. big time. what is happening? >> well, this is a stock that is basically in free fall mode right now, trump media was trading above 50 box has recently may 30. of course. that's the de that donald trump was convicted here in new york. and within seconds of that conviction, we saw the stock price plunged and it's just snow oh, ball. since then, this company has now lost over half of its value in just three weeks. it's staggering losses. >> the spark for this week selloff was the fact that regulators gave a green light to investors who own what's known as warrants to buy extra stock in this company. >> it's a move that could allow trump media to raise extra money, but it's also going to water down existing shareholders. and that has spooked some investors. i don't want to assign too much logic here though to the stock moves because remember, experts have said that trump media is basically a meme stock it is trading on hype and momentum, not fundamentals. it's valued in the billions of dollars even though it generates very little revenue. now, no matter the cause this selloff has wiped out a huge chunk of the value of the stock of the company's chairman and leading shareholder, donald trump this stake was worth about $6 as recently as three weeks ago. now, it's down to around $3 and this selling may not be done. i spoke to jay ritter, who's a finance professor at the university of florida. he's been studying capital markets for 40 years and he said, despite this selloff, this stock is still quote, wildly over priced. remember, its main product is the conservative social network truth social. it's a very tiny player in social media. it is dwarfed in terms of the number of users by its rivals, including reddit, elon musk x, and even instagrams threads and trump media. it generated less than 800 $800,000 in revenue in the first quarter. that is very tiny, normally accompany with that kind of revenue is valued in the millions of dollars not to billions wolf. >> interesting, matt egan reporting frehse math. thank you very much. thank you. before we go this afternoon, i want to bring you to great stories from the sports world right now, celebrations are officially underway in boston for the boston celtics victory parade, close to 1 million people lining boston streets to celebrate there are teams 18th nba championship win that's a truly most remarkable moment. most titles for a single team in the nba history, players and coaches are traveling and true boston style in the city's iconic duct boats the root passes a number of landmarks, including boston common and city hall, giving fans plenty of chances to salute their home team. congratulations once again to the boston celtics. finally, two days after baseball legend willie mays died, major league baseball honored him at the oldest professional baseball park in america thursday night's game between the st. louis cardinals and the san francisco giants, which was originally meant two honore all of the leagues players. but after willie mays passing, it only felt right to celebrate his legacy at the same stadium he played at decades ago cnn's ryan yarn has the story when you think the history of baseball, you think about some of the most magnificent players that have played sports in our country and look a lot of that's happened. >> he read, rick would feel this is the oldest baseball stadium left in the country it was built in the early 1910s. and when you add that together, you understand the rich history. when you put that together with the league, you can still see the bus led black barons behind me. there's been a lot of conversation about this, especially with the passing of willie mays and major league baseball putting an emphasis on having this game and being able to talk about how much the legal leaks meant to the stadium. and not only that, but to this area. so now that conversation it's being had. stats are being added. >> and even a little fans of the feature are able to come out here and enjoy the game. >> so we have this whole positive high-energy thing going about it. and then you miss the maize, does the mic drop so now we're under his watch oxygen, and bent. we were here, we gotta do the right thing. we know what he wants. he's not trying to have people hanging heads, but every game we played with special every and you played you win it. we played the type of ball we play. it's a type of ball that they played today a lot of the fans are telling us that major league baseball had a hit with this. >> the city of birmingham had an economic impact that they are happy with. dr. some of the vendors who say this has been a boon for them. and on top of all that, being able to pay tribute to willie mays after his passing just a few days ago, gave some of these fans a chance to reconnect with the sport they love so many grown people talking about shedding tears or someone they loved since being a good ryan young, cnn, birmingham, alabama special. >> thanks to ryan young and thanks to our viewers for joining me here in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in washington off course. be back later tonight. special time, 5:00 p.m. eastern. in the situation room. stay with us inside politics today with manu raju starts right after a quick break debate in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat and ellis let's follow cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america, thursday at 7:00 p.m. at morgan stanley old school hardware meets bold new thinking at 88-years-old, we still see the world with a wonder of new eyes helping you discover untapped possibilities and 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Democracy , Proxies , Adversaries , Air Defense Missile System , Hezbollah Rockets , Concern , North , Fighting A Multi Front War , Houthis , Fronts , Broad , World , Interests , Service , Members , Rally , Welfare , Palestine Islamic Jihad , Targets , Offers , Congressman , Pause , Table , Military Incursion , Ground Incursion , Specifics , Doing , Attacks , Iran , Picture , China , Russia , North Korea , What S Going On , Syria , Iraq , Metal Detectors , Gears , Action , America Congress , Hostage , 3d Printers , Mind , Five Americans , 3 , 44 , Ghost , Threats , Hostages , Stadiums , Venues , Fifa World Cup , 2026 , Metal Detector , Metal , Plastic , Proliferation , Communities , 3d Printer , Cities , Sporting Events , Weapons , Attention , Ice Cold , Media Shares , Net Worth , Tumble , Red , Neighbor , Cartels , Zakaria , One Nation , Role , Elegance , Ships , Comfort , Children , Casinos , The World , Mess With Mexico Sunday , Viking , Thinking , Experiences , Traveler , Condi , 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240621 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240621

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thanks very much for joining us this morning. very busy morning. i'm jim acosta, our next our newsroom with wolf blitzer starts right now, have a great weekend i'm wolf blitzer in washington, were following breaking news here are the cnn newsroom, the us supreme court is up holding a federal law that bans domestic abusers from owning a firearm. >> the major second amendment ruling was nearly unanimous 8-to-1 decision only justice clarence thomas dissented in the majority opinion. the chief justice, john roberts said, the court had no trouble upholding the law. arguing and once again, according our tradition of firearm regulation allows the government to disarm individuals who present a credible threat to the physical safety of others. close glug our chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid is here with me in the z then newsroom. paula walk us through. this is a major decision by the supreme court. >> it is. it's one of the key decisions that we're watching in for this term here, the supreme court, he holds that the second amendment, like other rights, has limits. and here they're focused on domestic violence offenders and banning them from owning firearms. and it's interesting that the chief justice said, they quote, had no trouble reaching this decision because he also acknowledges that some recent decisions that they've made expanding second amendment rights have cause confusion and the lower courts, he writes, quote, some courts have misunderstood the methodology of our recent second amendment cases. these precedents were not meant to suggest a law trapped in amber, as we explained in a different gun case, heller, for example, the reach of the second amendment is not limited only to those arms that were in existence at the founding. so this is one of the questions that has come back up to the supreme court since they expanded the definition of the second amendment. but here this is a big win for gun gun. those who want to limit people from having guns if they pose a threat to others? in the oral arguments, the solicitor general pointed to the fact that someone who lives with someone that they are a survivor of domestic violence from that individual is five times more likely to die if that person has a gun. and of course there was a dissent from justice clarence thomas. he writes, quote, the court and the government do not point to a single historical law review looking a citizens second amendment right, based on possible interpersonal violence now he also notes that this is based on a protective order, not a conviction that's something that he really focused on. and he said in the interest of ensuring the government can regulate one subset of society today's decision puts at risk the second amendment rights of many more which is why he dissented eight to one decision by the nine justices of the supreme court, joan biskupic, is this a surprise? this decision? >> i know it's not wealth and i have to say i was just in the courtroom where the chief justice laid out his reasoning and read it from the bench with many people there watching, waiting for this. the case that had been argued on november 7, so even though it was predictable that they were going to uphold this law, that certainly is targeted at dangerous people. there was a question of how they would and i think it's really important for people to understand that the 2022 decision that's now the baseline for any kind of gun regulations. when they expanded second amendment rights, they have not further clarified exactly how that should play out for other kinds of gun regulations. we noted in this case, chief justice john roberts stressed that this man posed a very credible threat, and that our history and tradition of gun regulations targeting people who pose that kind of threat and who are a menace to use a word back from two centuries ago, a menace to society. that kind of regulation could be upheld, but will fear something important. the chief justice rights for a majority 8-to-1 as police said, but a majority of other justices break-off to explain their idea of how gun regulations should be assessed. justice sotomayor joined via elena kagan wrote separately. justices gorsuch, kavanaugh amy coney barrett, and justice jackson all wrote separately to put in their $0.02 about how to weigh gun regulations coming up from other kinds of cases that would be unlike just this one that's specifically targeted individuals who are subject to domestic violence restraining orders this was easy, wealth, but going forward, they will not be easy cases. >> it was almost unanimous. elie honig, not completely because justice clarence thomas dissented. what do you make of his descent? >> justice thomas is all alone on an island here. he takes such a broad view of the second moment, almost an absolutist view of the second amendment to illustrate that justice alito, chief justice roberts, justice kavanaugh, justice amy coney barrett, all disagreed with him. they even said this restriction on the second amendment is reasonable given the danger, given but threat that this poses to the public important to understand how this arose. there is a criminal statute and federal law, section 922, j, if anyone wants to look it up, that list categories of prohibited persons who are not allowed to own a firearm. felons, fugitives, people who've been dishonorably discharged from the military. and this is one of the categories. someone who's subject to a restraining order in a dv domestic violence scenario. and the supreme court said it's perfectly reasonable to uphold this. and the other thing that i think is really important here is this is extremely rare. it's been decades until today since we've seen a supreme court opinion that narrows the region, the scope of the second amendment where do you make of it? >> so a couple of things. one the one probe, one of the big prohibition le left out there was drug users and people addicted to firearms also under that statute. now, we all may no. of high-profile individual who's charged under that statute. that's hunter biden and i would think that a challenge is coming to the appeals courts and maybe even the supreme court on the section of it that he was charged with as well. so that's one thing i want to pick up where jon left off on the 2020 22 opinion bruen is the name of the opinion and the mess quite frankly, that the supreme court left with that case, setting aside the morality of what we think of firearms, how the supreme court crafted the scheme of how we regulate and the court we'll get them is very complicated. the language chief justice roberts used today is consistent with our nation's tradition of firearms regulation. that's if something is consistent with our tradition. okay. if it's seen as not not okay. now the question is, how do you assess that? and i think the justices today are grappling with does something need to be yeah historical twin of a regulation that existed in 17, 80 or whatever else, or does it need to be an analog sort of similar enough that it passes muster and i assure you the court is going to struggle with this for years, if not decades, to come, because of and i'll say it again, the mess that they created an opening the chief did say from the bench, it does not need to be identical. it does not need to be a twin, but it has to be relevant in similar and what those words mean have different variations among these justices about how relevant, how similar, clarifying mean, what were what the doors now open to is years of hair splitting as two what we think of as relevant or error analogous to someone need to be convicted of domestic abuse or just charged with domestic well, i'll tell you on that too, because that's we're clarence thomas split off in this case. he had not been convicted of the domestic abuse violations. he had been under restraining order, but the chief did stress that a fine finding had been made about his his threat his danger to society, and what clarence thomas split on where several due process issues and one was this man was not convicted of the crime for your offense. >> and then they still cannot go out and get a gun. now, go ahead. >> if we look at the list of prohibited categories, some of them are objective, is the person convicted felon or not? was he dishonorably discharged or not other there's leave wiggle room, for example, who is an addict? what does it mean? there's another one. i'm quoting the statute here says if somebody has been adjudicated, a quote, mental defective, that's obviously archaic, outdated language, but what does that mean? so there's some confusion more big point on that, not only are some of them absolutes, are you convicted or not, they're fuzzy and some of them deal with public safety and some of them don't. and some one could make an argument is back to 100 there biden case. does drug addiction inherently makes someone a public threat that will be the argument that they will raise. i'm not weighing in on it here. it's very different than a domestic violence restraining order which was the argument that the court went with today. jennifer becker is also with us she's the director of the national center on gun violence and relationships. jennifer, thanks so much. what is the practical impact of this us supreme court decision for domestic violence victims? >> well, we've seen the impact over the 30 years that this law has been in place in states that are fully implemented. this law and actually removed guns from those who are prohibited in this way. they've seen 12% reduction in intimate partner homicides. it's real, real life impact and, i think the this case and the decision today highlight two really important points. one is that protection orders are critically important tool for survivors of domestic violence to address all of their different safety concerns, including the threat of firearms and the other is that domestic violence isn't just interpersonal violence. that only happens behind closed doors. it is community violence and domestic abusers who use firearms to commit their violence lens also commit community violence like the facts presented in the rahimi case there's a connection between domestic violence and mass shootings domestic abuse calls are one of the leading fatalities four officers and the line of duty when responding. so this is really important in the impact will continue to be felt and these justices, it's pretty clear. eight justices polo, they, i guess for practical reasons, it's simply just made sense of somewhat as acute or actually convicted of domestic abuse or domestic violence that individual should not potentially have a gun yeah, it should be so a lot of really important points about how this impacts not only people who are going through domestic violence, but society at large, as she pointed out, the facts in this case, there were other shootings actually that brought this man to the attention gen. of law enforcement. >> and the fact that he's still had a weapon, who's involved in and also the danger for law enforcement incredibly significant. also, we talked earlier about the hunter biden case, obviously covered that at trial a couple of weeks ago. i think that his lawyers, if they have enough resources resources have been a big question right now in the hunter biden camp, they will likely try to appeal that and possibly bring it back up to the supreme court, trying to seize on some of the concerns that were raised by the justice's about just how far this extends. they'll try to differentiate him from someone who has a protective order. argue that his use of illicit drugs alleged shoes, they would say is different. and so i would expect that they're going to continue to litigate that if they can afford it said decision today, joan biskupic compared to the other second amendment decision earlier the other day, the us supreme court had all these bumps stocks very different wealth, this, this case actually examine the second amendment right to bear arms. the bump-stock case had to do with a federal regulation against machine guns and whether bump stocks. which. can, act in a machine gun like way according to the federal government and according to the donald trump administration to expanded that machine gun prohibition to bump stocks. that was a regulatory question. it was very important one. and there the court split six to three to say that no, the way the federal prohibition dating back to the 1930s on machine guns was written, it should not encompass bump stocks a very controversial virtual decision there, but not having do with the second amendment. whereas here this really is the kind of case that's going to have rubber reverberations for others sorts of incidents were talking about for federal and state gun regulations, just how to assess whether they encroach on a person's right to bear arms. >> it's a big win for those who support gun control. it is, it is a good one for the biden administration in this case, whereas biden administration lost in the other going forward, but as i said, when you have so many concurrences about how the next case should come. >> it just people are going to be able to pick and choose what they want to rely on in this decision. well, the let him pick and choose and they will, guys thank you very, very much. >> there's other breaking news just coming into see them, right? now, steve bannon is asking the us supreme court to pause. his prison sentence while he appeals his contempt of congress conviction. steve bannon, a set to turn himself in on july 1. want to go straight to see you there. sara marie, who's working the story for us. sarah take us through this request well, while if this is a bit of a long shot attempt, but it tells you how much steve bannon does not want to go to prison. he and his attorneys are asking the supreme court to effectively pause his prison sentence. so that he can continue to try to appeal this conviction. now, another former trump adviser, peter navarro, had tried a similar move in front of the supreme court to pause his own convince objection and the supreme court rejected that. so we'll see if they do the same with steve bannon's case or if they see it somewhat differently, all of this comes after late last night, an appeals court said it was not going to press pause on steve bannon's sentence. now, there was one judge who dissented in that opinion. that's getting the bannon team a little bit of hope when it comes to the supreme court. but luck, this is not a long time coming. steve bannon was convicted two years ago of contempt of congress for refusing to turn over documents or provide testimony the house committee and investigated january 6, he was sentenced to four months in prison and really since then, he has been fighting to stay out of jail and also to overturn that conviction. wolf hi, sara murray with a breaking news. sarah, thank you very much. lots of noise going on right now coming up right now in florida, trump attorneys are back in federal court in the latest attempt to deal the real his classified documents case. we'll have more on that when we come back. lots going on. >> we're in the cnn newsroom violin earth with we have trimer sunday at nine on cnn from medium rare to whelmed die so many ways to save life ruddy, while it happy, that's 365 by whole foods market 20 seconds a weak toluse, 20% of your weight in a year with diet and exercise that's the power of glp-1s through row connect with the provider today at row, slash 20 was had trouble losing weight and keeping same discover the power of week-old what we gobi, i lost 35 pounds as some luck 46 pounds we go. >> and i'm keeping the weight off we go be helped you lose weight and keep it off i'm reducing my risk we go v is the only fda approved weight management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events and adults with no 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jokers on a new network july 11? >> yes happening now in florida, donald trump's legal team is back in federal court and taking direct dame at the prosecutor in the classified documents case, the former president is arguing the jack smith was unlawfully appointed as the special counsel. >> smith has brought charges against trump in both florida, as well as right here in washington, dc joining us now cnn, senior crime adjusted reporter katelyn polantz kaitlan, walk us through what is happening in court today. >> well, if donald trump isn't there in person, but we're more than an hour into this hearing and it's judge cannon listening to legal arguments about a topic she wanted to hear quite a lot about the authority and the validity of the special counsel's office, their ability under the constitution to bring a charge against someone like donald trump or anyone really this is an issue that other judges have heard arguments on or even just looked at because defense teams like trump's and brought it before them and they dismissed these sorts of things very quickly and said no. this isn't a valid legal arguments. special counsels officers can bring cases in the justice department, in the federal system and take them onto trial. but judge cannon wants here hours of arguments of the on this, not just from the special counsel's office and donald trump's team and his co-defendants teams, but also so from law professors, people that have nothing to do with this case, but told her that they have opinions that they want to share about it. that is so unusual in any case, wolf in especially at the trial level, especially in a criminal case. >> but there's judge cannon hearing this in the first of three days of arguments on things she's going to have to figure out before trial. but how long that may be and when that trial may happen, a lot of question marks there so caitlin, what else is on the calendar for judge aileen cannon in this case? >> well, judge aileen cannon has several things that she still has to decide an even hearings that she has to set what's coming up over the next couple of days. so she is looking at the constitutionalit y of the special counsel's office starting today, she'll also look at that on monday morning in the afternoon on monday, she's going to look at a request from prosecutors to limit donald trump's speech related to law enforcement involved in this case. so just department says he's really out there as spreading misleading information that could cause a lot of harassment. we've seen gag orders being placed on donald trump in the other cases the district attorney's office in new york, wolf is still fighting to keep a gag order on donald trump, even after his conviction there at trial in this case, we haven't crossed that bridge yet, so we're going to see how judge can reacts to it on monday and then tuesday even more arguments all relating back to you to his team's attempts to cut out parts of this case to get rid of evidence, and then all of this is coming as we await to see what happens with the supreme court. and if there is any level of immunity, what will happen in this case in which judge aileen cannon does it's all going to be thought of and there's going to be crosstalk with what's happening with the other cases, or they will they affect timing. do the january 6, 2020 election cases, or at least the federal case against trump, there does that come back into play? and how will that affect everything? a lot of question marks, yet again, will lots going on indeed, katelyn polantz, thanks very much still to come. donald trump, i getting a fundraising boost out raising president biden there for a second month in a row. thanks to a surge in donations after for his criminal convictions stay with us, urine, the cnn newsroom the most anticipated moment of this so let and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn 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michael, it was only a few days ago. he was lowering expectations about biden can barely talk, could barely walk basically suggesting you see now, now he's saying please a great debater. >> well, if i wish republicans and the former president would have started this campaign of boosting, the president several weeks ago, a month ago, because remember, republicans at the same thing before the state of the union. and with all due respect, president biden not de, out of the park. he did exceptionally well so much so that he saw an increase in his poll numbers. and so by lowering expectations of the president, does okay. then by all accounts, he will have done well. so i think this is proper for the former president to do this. i just think he's a little too late. >> what do you think maybe i agree. i think that he's setting the stage. he had already played expectations for the president to have a terrible debate and barely put two sentences together. and so in both the stage, we all know that not the case with joe biden. we all know he can put sentences together and he's actually is very strong, activate. so i do think that president trump's hurt his own hand here. >> what are the stakes right now for these two candidates? biden and trump? >> i think they're extremely high. i think that the optics are almost more important than the substance in this they both need to come out really strong. they both need to tending to build their momentum. and we saw some fundraising numbers that are gonna be impacted by these debates. but also there's been nothing that's moved the needle and the polling, and this debate, i think can help do that. >> one of the most important parts of this upcoming debate, and we're only a few days away from the cnn debate. is that only the microphone for the individual who was asked a question and has been asked to resign it's been will be working the other mic will be muted. now, at least during the course of this debate. that's significant. >> it is significant wolffian, i think it gives you american people an opportunity to really hear from both candidates and how they're going to address the concerns that people have about a litany of things. i think for the former president, he needs to be more controlled. his tone will really matter when he is given an opportunity to speak, he needs to hammer home the message on the economy, which is not doing that great because of inflation, hammer on the issue of immigration, which a lot of americans are worried about. and i will also bring in the hamas israel war that a lot of younger americans are concerned about their by president biden really has to perform well as the sitting president, the united states, in this upcoming debate. yeah, i mean, that the burden is on him, right? he's the incumbent. he's fighting for him to keep his job. trump is coming fighting to come back, but i mean, it's the president biden has to defend his record for the last four years and he has to also lay out a vision for the future. so it's a little, it's hard for him to do that. and i think the thing on the microphone's is gonna be interesting because people at home won't be able to hear because the mics will be muted, but they can still hear each other so i'm wondering if you continue to talk at that trips up the other person and then how that appears. so people at home, there won't be an audience, there'll be two moderators and you know, jake tapper and dana bash, but there won't be any audience in there. how does that affect trump? he likes to play to an audience. >> i actually think this is going to benefit the former president. i think again, this gives him an opportunity potentially to be more surgical and his responses, and in his critiques of challenging president biden on his current record, i think for far too long wolf, we have turned politics into a reality tv show. these a very serious matters and issues that impact a country of hundreds of millions of people with global implications, we need to be able to hear what these guys have to say on the most critical issues domestically and internationally? >> we've got new fundraising numbers that have just come out for these campaigns and take a look at this mechanism and put it up on the screen. trump hauled in an extremely impressive amount, 141 million, virtually wiped out biden's cash advantage. the president and the democrats raise 85 million this is after trump was convicted and so many felony charges. >> yeah, absolutely. but i do think that the bidens have been in the ability to build a ground game for many months. they've been in a much more proactive stance here. they hired 1,000 staffer yesterday, so they've already been building in the momentum. it's without without question that this helps the trump campaign because they need to build their organization as well. but the biden campaign has a much bigger head start to get that organization and those boots on the ground are really what turns out what does it tell you that the trump campaign and the republicans for that matter, could raise so much money even after trump's conviction law of aid tells you that not only has it excited the base according to the orange was excited the base the faculty president has been found guilty. >> absolutely because many republican voters believed that this is a persecution against the president. they call it a political, i think lawfare, if you will so what is shows though, is that not only is a foreign president reaching out to new small small-dollar donations and donors. but it also showcases a lot of very wealthy people who are very skeptical of the former president during the republican primary have now said, we want to win this thing. we're think it's right before it's run a customer a victory. we're going to support this guy regardless of what he's gone through. >> what do you think? >> i think that it's really going to see how president trump for president trump puts this money to use if he has to put a majority of it towards is legal fees. and then how you can build his ground game. i think that we are missing that the ground game here is most important and that's what this money is supposed to be paid paying for. it just really going to matter how president trump, foreign present. trump uses his money right now. infrastructure, i agree all right, guys. good discretion. thank you very, very much. coming up that this important note for us don't miss that president joe biden and former president donald trump going head-to-head in the cnn debate on june 27, 9:00 p.m. eastern. only a few days away, where we come back. us concerns over israel's iron, iron dome. would it hold up at a full-blown war with his balah from lebanon. i'll ask a key member of the house intelligence committee right after a quick break they are unpredictable sleeping giant every volcano has its own personality. >> or if we don't understand them, they are windows into part of our planet lives will 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visit today for up to 70% off designer brands you'll have the designers like your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% off of today happening today, the sentencing of an american accused of bringing four rounds of ammunition to the turks and caicos. >> ryan tyler watson pleaded guilty to charges last month after being arrested on april 12th, he was stopped by security at the airport when getting ready to catch a flight back home with his wife? father of two has been forced to remain on the island ever since. watson is just one of five americans arrested in recent months in the turks and caicos on similar charges since these incidents to territory is now revising part of its firearm laws. now instead of a mandatory 12 year jail sentence, the courts can impose a fine in jail time, or both other news we're following this morning. there are now new concerns about the rising tensions in the middle east and israel's ability potentially to defend itself against air attacks. us officials tells cnn that israel's iron dome air defense missile system could be overwhelmed if a full-blown war breaks out against iranian back hezbollah in lebanon in recent weeks, the cross-border hostilities have escalated along israel's northern border with lebanon this week, both israel and hezbollah have warned of an all-out war. listen we will use all means necessary to restore security on our northern border where the diplomatically or militarily, one way or another, we will ensure the safe and secure return of israelis to their homes in northern israel. if the war was imposed posed on lebanon, hezbollah will fight with no regulations, no rules, and no ceilings well, yeah, with israel knows that there will be no place in the country safe from our missiles and our drones and joining us now, democratic congressman josh gottheimer of new jersey, congressman facts so much for joining us. >> how worried are are you potentially have it all-out war erupting now between israel and hezbollah this is an issue that i've been worried about since the seventh since october 7 and if you look in study, what's public in terms of the missiles, mortars, and drones that hezbollah, which she is an iranian proxy, has been firing at israel. >> you're talking about 5,000 missiles and drones and mortar since the seventh. and 201 day, just a couple of days ago, at israel, you realize that the power that hezbollah has, the military might in terms of just shen when we've known this for years the shear stockpiles, they have is deeply concerning for this moving into a regional challenge for, for all those who believe in protecting democracy and standing up to iran and their proxies you're on the house intelligence committee, congressman, do you share the concerns that have already been expressed that israel's iron dome missiles, air defense missile system, which has been so effective against iran and other, and other adversaries over these past few years could potentially be overwhelmed by the full aerial so from hezbollah rockets and missiles that are, that are there in lebanon well, what's been said publicly, wolf on that is that there is a deep concern that the iron dome could be overwhelmed. this was an issue that we were concerned about when a iran attacked israel a few weeks back being able to handle the sheer incoming you're fighting a multi front war right from the north, hezbollah, hamas continuing to fire at israel, which it does nearly daily, being able to handle all that and other fronts of course, and others, other iranian proxies getting involved. we see the houthis, which has been firing as well at israel and it at america, which as you know, is my broad is concerned here, is protecting the united states and making sure that american service members are safe around the world and our interests are safe. but you can see quickly how this could escalate. and so what we need to do is make sure that united states stands strong. not only with our ally, but continuing to stand strong against iran and its proxies, hamas, hezbollah, palestine islamic jihad the houthis stands strong in the region and welfare. we've also talked about tomorrow, hamas could accept what's been offered to them and get a pause. they have continued to reject any offers on the table we're told her congressman that the us is cautioning israel against launching a military incursion, a ground incursion against various hezbollah targets in lebanon. >> how should the us respond if that were to happen? >> well, i've not been briefed on the specifics. there, so i'll just say that i imagined that israel is looking at this just we would if hezbollah increases their attacks like they did, they'd been doing. i'd israel at the northern on the northern border and lebanon out of lebanon at, some point of course israel has to continue to defend herself. and so we'll have to better understand and get briefed further on the specifics. but let's under the bigger picture remains the same that you have a ran which is obviously closely allied with the government of china or russia, and north korea continuing, to disrupt not only what's going on and israel, but threatened the united states, america, and our democracy and attack our service members and our basis that of iraq and syria. so we need to watch this very closely for american interests, for securing our democracy. and of course, protect america congress. >> but i want to quickly shift gears while i have you, i know you've already announced potentially new action against various guns designed to evade metal detectors. how big of a threat is this especially with the growing use of 3d printers? >> yeah. and well, let me just say one thing before i got there. don't forget one thing we should never forget that we've got five americans were hostage and 44 americans were killed. we should keep that in mind every day they still have hostages, they still have americans or hostage. and these threats in the region continue in terms of traceable guns and ghost guns and night spoke so at this yesterday, because we've got the fifa world cup coming here in 2026. but all stadiums and public venues are threat from from guns that either are made from 3d printers out of plastic that have no metal in them. you go through metal detector, are not traceable or ghost guns which have no serial numbers and no way to trace them. i'm deeply concerned about about these and we seeing a proliferation of them not just at large sporting events and other targets, but in our cities and our communities. and this is something we have to play very close attention to. we can't have it that people are able to sneak in weapons, make them on their 3d printer, and attacking kill people kinds for josh gottheimer, thanks as usual for joining us thanks, wealth and coming up a red-hot to ice cold that donald trump's net worth takes a tumble as trump media shares are in free fall right now. so what happened? we'll be right back sunday, one nation could play a big role in this year's election. america's next door neighbor from the border to the economy, to the cartels for we'd, zakaria examines america's mess with mexico sunday at age on cnn explore the world, though viking way from the quiet comfort of elegance, small ships with no. >> children and no casinos we actually have reinvented ocean voyages designing all inclusive experiences for the thinking, passing viking voted well, it's best by both travel and leisure and condi nast traveler learn more at made a challenge. >> you what do you want me to do on your door only peters today and the furniture business, things move fast. >> ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who he thought we needed a project manager yesterday, we posted a job and ziprecruiter and had our guy on-site and five days, he was qualified and everyone zip recruiter finds the best candidates for all jobs. >> they 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ago, truth, social as parent company have lost roughly half its value. >> trump media stock prices have been rapidly dropping since may dealing a huge blow to the former president's net worth cnn reporter matt egan is joining us, write down matt, truth, social is hurting right now. big time. what is happening? >> well, this is a stock that is basically in free fall mode right now, trump media was trading above 50 box has recently may 30. of course. that's the de that donald trump was convicted here in new york. and within seconds of that conviction, we saw the stock price plunged and it's just snow oh, ball. since then, this company has now lost over half of its value in just three weeks. it's staggering losses. >> the spark for this week selloff was the fact that regulators gave a green light to investors who own what's known as warrants to buy extra stock in this company. >> it's a move that could allow trump media to raise extra money, but it's also going to water down existing shareholders. and that has spooked some investors. i don't want to assign too much logic here though to the stock moves because remember, experts have said that trump media is basically a meme stock it is trading on hype and momentum, not fundamentals. it's valued in the billions of dollars even though it generates very little revenue. now, no matter the cause this selloff has wiped out a huge chunk of the value of the stock of the company's chairman and leading shareholder, donald trump this stake was worth about $6 as recently as three weeks ago. now, it's down to around $3 and this selling may not be done. i spoke to jay ritter, who's a finance professor at the university of florida. he's been studying capital markets for 40 years and he said, despite this selloff, this stock is still quote, wildly over priced. remember, its main product is the conservative social network truth social. it's a very tiny player in social media. it is dwarfed in terms of the number of users by its rivals, including reddit, elon musk x, and even instagrams threads and trump media. it generated less than 800 $800,000 in revenue in the first quarter. that is very tiny, normally accompany with that kind of revenue is valued in the millions of dollars not to billions wolf. >> interesting, matt egan reporting frehse math. thank you very much. thank you. before we go this afternoon, i want to bring you to great stories from the sports world right now, celebrations are officially underway in boston for the boston celtics victory parade, close to 1 million people lining boston streets to celebrate there are teams 18th nba championship win that's a truly most remarkable moment. most titles for a single team in the nba history, players and coaches are traveling and true boston style in the city's iconic duct boats the root passes a number of landmarks, including boston common and city hall, giving fans plenty of chances to salute their home team. congratulations once again to the boston celtics. finally, two days after baseball legend willie mays died, major league baseball honored him at the oldest professional baseball park in america thursday night's game between the st. louis cardinals and the san francisco giants, which was originally meant two honore all of the leagues players. but after willie mays passing, it only felt right to celebrate his legacy at the same stadium he played at decades ago cnn's ryan yarn has the story when you think the history of baseball, you think about some of the most magnificent players that have played sports in our country and look a lot of that's happened. >> he read, rick would feel this is the oldest baseball stadium left in the country it was built in the early 1910s. and when you add that together, you understand the rich history. when you put that together with the league, you can still see the bus led black barons behind me. there's been a lot of conversation about this, especially with the passing of willie mays and major league baseball putting an emphasis on having this game and being able to talk about how much the legal leaks meant to the stadium. and not only that, but to this area. so now that conversation it's being had. stats are being added. >> and even a little fans of the feature are able to come out here and enjoy the game. >> so we have this whole positive high-energy thing going about it. and then you miss the maize, does the mic drop so now we're under his watch oxygen, and bent. we were here, we gotta do the right thing. we know what he wants. he's not trying to have people hanging heads, but every game we played with special every and you played you win it. we played the type of ball we play. it's a type of ball that they played today a lot of the fans are telling us that major league baseball had a hit with this. >> the city of birmingham had an economic impact that they are happy with. dr. some of the vendors who say this has been a boon for them. and on top of all that, being able to pay tribute to willie mays after his passing just a few days ago, gave some of these fans a chance to reconnect with the sport they love so many grown people talking about shedding tears or someone they loved since being a good ryan young, cnn, birmingham, alabama special. >> thanks to ryan young and thanks to our viewers for joining me here in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in washington off course. be back later tonight. special time, 5:00 p.m. eastern. in the situation room. stay with us inside politics today with manu raju starts right after a quick break debate in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat and ellis let's follow cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america, thursday at 7:00 p.m. at morgan stanley old school hardware meets bold new thinking at 88-years-old, we still see the world with a wonder of new eyes helping you discover untapped possibilities and 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Accounts , Hand , Know , Joe Biden , Stakes , Optics , Fundraising Numbers , Momentum , Gonna , Need , Debates , Needle , Substance , Polling , Microphone , Mic , Opportunity , Tone , Litany , Americans , Economy , Israel War , Hamas , Message , Because , Inflation , Immigration , Incumbent , Burden , Record , Each Other , Won T , Mics , Trips , Audience , Moderators , There Won T , Affect , Dana Bash , Jake Tapper , Country , Matters , Politics , Responses , Reality Tv Show , Critiques , Look , Millions , Campaigns , Screen , Implications , Mechanism , Felony Charges , Cash Advantage , Amount , 85 Million , 141 Million , Ground Game , Bidens , Stance , Building , Staffer Yesterday , 1000 , Money , Organization , Matter , Trump Campaign , Republicans , Head Start , Boots , Base , Conviction Law , Aid , Persecution , Voters , Orange , Faculty , Lawfare , Shows , Primary , Donors , Guy , Fees , Customer A Victory , Note , Miss , Discretion , Infrastructure , Israel , Iron Dome , Eastern , June 27 9 00 Pm , 9 , War , Break , Lebanon , Volcano , Personality , Member , House Intelligence Committee , Balah , Sleeping Giant , Windows , Assistant , Part , Uniforms , Planet , Shop , Release , Leah Driver Sunday , Violent , Numbers , Snoring Sleep Number , Products , Shops , Bad , Locations , Art , Accustoming Com , Boxes , Number , Patio Doors , Basis , Price , Number Com , Delivery , Sharon , 999 , Work , Customers , Anne Romer , Solutions , Replacement Window Division , Anderson , Michael Smith , Andersen , Window , Window Companies , Companies , Thousands , Contractors , Scholars , Window Manufacturers , Installation Method , Financing , Discounts , Trim , Patio , Window Openings , Nose , Moles , Vinyl , Diagnosis , Company , Price Quote , Background , Measurements , Homeowners , Homes , Window Problem Well , Carpenter , Door , Security , Locking Points , Entry , 40 , June 30th , Purchase , Payments , Sulphur , Chronic Kidney Disease , Par , Kidney Failure , Sega , 1805011400 , Infection , Ketoacidosis , Circular , Yeast Infections , Genital , Tract , Perineum , Places , Symptoms , Doctor , Vip Family , Sika , Disinfection , Priceline , Dad , Pain , Data , Login , Foot , Add , Landline , Qr Code , Promo Code , Screen Buddy , Trains , Fifo Go , House Auto , Subway , Captioning , Guilt Visit Gilt Com , 70 , Sentencing , Prices , Happening Today , Flash Designer Sales , Ammunition , Rounds , Designers , Turks And Caicos , Gilt Com , Ryan Tyler Watson , Flight , Wife , Father , April 12th , Jail Sentence , Territory , Firearm Laws , Air Attacks , Fine , Tensions , Middle East , Hezbollah , Officials , Back , Missile System , Iranian , Iron Dome Air Defense , Border , Hostilities , Another , Return , Josh Gottheimer , Missiles , Drones , Regulations , Rules , Democratic , Ceilings , Seventh , Congressman Facts , War Erupting , New Jersey , October 7 , Terms , Firing , Proxy , Mortars , Public , Mortar , Study , 5000 , Shear Stockpiles , 201 , Democracy , Proxies , Adversaries , Air Defense Missile System , Hezbollah Rockets , Concern , North , Fighting A Multi Front War , Houthis , Fronts , Broad , World , Interests , Service , Members , Rally , Welfare , Palestine Islamic Jihad , Targets , Offers , Congressman , Pause , Table , Military Incursion , Ground Incursion , Specifics , Doing , Attacks , Iran , Picture , China , Russia , North Korea , What S Going On , Syria , Iraq , Metal Detectors , Gears , Action , America Congress , Hostage , 3d Printers , Mind , Five Americans , 3 , 44 , Ghost , Threats , Hostages , Stadiums , Venues , Fifa World Cup , 2026 , Metal Detector , Metal , Plastic , Proliferation , Communities , 3d Printer , Cities , Sporting Events , Weapons , Attention , Ice Cold , Media Shares , Net Worth , Tumble , Red , Neighbor , Cartels , Zakaria , One Nation , Role , Elegance , Ships , Comfort , Children , Casinos , The World , Mess With Mexico Sunday , Viking , Thinking , Experiences , Traveler , Condi , Travel , Nast , Leisure , Ocean Voyages , Passing Viking , Dream Team , Build , Kitchen , Higher U Haul , Rule , Needs , Big , Shoulder , Sky Rizzi , Sky Rosie , Joint Pain , Laundry , Swelling Entity , Stiffness , Joints , Clothes , Psoriatic Arthritis , Better Downey , Infections , Movement , Doses , Vaccine , Abbe , Triad , Gotta , Detergent , Sabbath , Downy , Restoration , A3 , Leaders Disaster Cleanup , Rnc Com , Stock , Parent Company , Trial Set , Security Secrets , Harrys Com , Slash Min , , Truth , Value , Felony Convictions , Media Stock Prices , Social Business , Matt Egan , Mode , Big Time , May , Blow , Write Down Matt , Stock Price , Dude , Box , May 30 , 50 , Selloff , Regulators , Spark , Half , Losses , Ball , Snow Oh , Investors , Shareholders , Warrants , Meme Stock , Experts , Logic , Fundamentals , Billions , Hype , Revenue , Shareholder , Stake , Chunk , Chairman , Jay Ritter , Selling , Finance Professor , Capital Markets , University Of Florida , Social Media , Player , Product , Social Network , Reddit , Threads , Media , Quarter , Elon Musk X , 800000 , 800 , 00000 , Stories , Billions Wolf , Sports World , Frehse Math , Boston , Celebrations , Boston Celtics , Boston Streets , Victory Parade , 18th Nba Championship , 18 , 1 Million , Players , Root , Landmarks , Titles , Coaches , Style , Boston Common , In The City , Iconic Duct Boats , Nba , Fans , Willie Mays , Home Team , Congratulations , Chances , Major League Baseball , City Hall , Game , Passing , San Francisco Giants , Leagues , Professional Baseball Park In America Thursday Night , Louis Cardinals , Stadium , Legacy , Baseball , Ryan Yarn , Sports , Bus , Baseball Stadium , League , The , Together , Brick , 1910 , Conversation , Emphasis , Area , Being , Leaks , Stats , Feature , Mic Drop , Maize , Watch Oxygen , People Hanging Heads , City , Hit , Dr , Vendors , Birmingham , Tears , Chance , Sport , Top , Tribute , Boon , Ryan Young , Off Course , Special , Viewers , Alabama , Stay , Situation Room , Meet , Inside Politics , Manu Raju , Old School Hardware , Pre , Beat , Access , Debate Night In America , Ellis Let , Morgan Stanley , Eyes , Wonder , Possibilities , 88 , Idp , Socks , Old School , New World Ideas Morgan Stanley , Cid P Derails , More , Tips , Patients , Idp Doesn T Have To , Cid P Com , Hopeful Bu Home , Cip Com Be Heard , Finding Hope , Cid Peak , Warranty , Hello , Systems , Appliances , Crohn S Disease , Check , Ulcerative Colitis , Rin Folk A , American Home Shield , Don T Worry , Relief , Remission , Grin Vote , Control , Brin Vote , Doctor Saw Damage , Fatigue , Flares , Red Book Share , Shouldn T Width , Damage , Crohn , Uc , Intestinal Lining , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Tv Series , Cancers , Lymphoma , Death , Gi , What Uc And Crohn S , My Name Is David , Nice , Pharmacist , Gastroc , Ventura College , Rinpoche , Run Voc , Prescription , Memory , Asheville , David , Day Cardia Com , Body ,

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