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because we need each other i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 a make or break moment in an store election with one week until the presidential debate here on cnn, both candidates are focused on making their cases to voters and avoiding those moments that can turn a contender do we pretend and a new report says the judge in a classified documents case for donald trump, the judge who was appointed by the former president, ignored advice from two other judges that she should step aside and let someone more senior handle the case. plus classrooms and louisiana getting the new for the school year. the ten commandments. >> we're going to talk to one group that's suing over the new law in that state we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central and historic showdown. now, just one week away, the stage is set. president biden and former president trump will have their first debate of the 20 24 race next thursday right here on cnn. and we just learned some new information on how the debate is going to go down after having a coin flip to determine the order of closing statements and podium placements. the trump campaign chose to go last for closing statements, meaning that trump will get the final word. this came after the biden campaign won the coin toss and selected the right podium position. but before both candidates take the debate stage next week, we're learning some new details about how they're both preparing. we have cnn's mj lee at the white house following this for us. so mj president biden is expected to arrive at camp david tonight. what do we know about how he'll be preparing there? >> yeah. briana, we expect president biden to be at camp david for a stretch of days where he is going to be really hunkered down with a small group of senior aides to pensively focus on debate prep. but of course, that process has already started beginning with these binders that will hold a list of questions and topics that could potentially come up at that debate stage. and all of the answers that the president could potentially give. and back in 2020, the president was known to have given really detailed feedback on all of the answers that he might offer on the debate age. >> and then as we get closer to debate night, we expect that the biden team is going to do full run-throughs these mock debates. >> and we of course know that the president's lawyer, bob bauer, did play the role of donald trump last time around, i were still waiting on word on exactly who is going going to be playing that role again, it could once again be bob bauer, but the broader strategy here for the biden team is looking for every opportunity to draw a contrast with donald trump on every issue like reproductive rights, which is something of course the white house and campaign talk about a lot draw that contrast and also trying to paint donald trump is having been politically divisive threat to democracy. and we know that the campaign is hoping that at the end of the night, the audience will have been donald trump, as chaotic and divisive and seeing president, president biden as sort of the alternative steadier version of that. now, we know that one campaign official has said, you know, president biden has been punchier recently in his remarks going after donald trump. and they are hoping that that is the version of president biden that is going to be appearing on the debate stage next week all right? >> we'll be looking to see if that's the case. mj lee live force from the white house. thank you. and let's bring in cnn's alayna treene. now how is trump preparing for this? >> well, i'll tell you one thing. he's not doing and it's mocked debates even though we heard that just from mj right now that president joe biden is doing that, donald trump is not. now remember in the past he has done mock debates. he's had rudy giuliani hey, chris christie stand-in for his opponents. but donald trump's team, this turnaround is saying he doesn't need as much preparation that i'm going to rallies and doing media interviews is his forum of preparing however, of course, he needs to prepare. and when i talked to his team, they say, of course we need to do our homework. they just don't want to say that publicly. so what i'm told well, does that he's had more than a dozen what they're dubbing policy discussions with senators, potential vice presidential candidates, policy experts, and some of those conversations have centered on his discussion around his handling of the january 6 capitol attack. we know he met with center work, marco rubio, key vice presidential contender last week. he's also talked about the economy and accession with jd vance earlier this month at mar-a-lago, there's also been discussions about how to frame his recent conviction in his new york hush money trial. so all things where donald trump's team recognizes that he really needs to sharpen his message and see how they want to frame that to the american people. and it's not just policy as well that they're discussing. there also talking about his rhetoric. we know that in past debates he's become very aggressive, wouldn't let biden get a word in and his numbers seem to fall after that. and so there's discussion around there about reining in some of that aggressive behavior as well. >> and a mic catch in the middle of your without a stop, i will notice alayna treene. thank you so much. it's really interesting to see how obviously they're preparing, but very differently in characteristically array say for both of them. thank you, boris let's get some analysis now from debate expert and professor at southern illinois university carbondale, todd graham todd, thanks so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us what do you make of the very different approaches to debate prep from these candidates this, was not a surprise that donald trump is not going through official debate prep because he's always sort of been that way both in 2016, and 2020 in fact it might desk point features advantage to not try something different. because the only thing lead that he got out of debate prep in 2020 was totally so that didn't work out. his first debate was terrible. so i think him just kinda doing what makes him feel comfortable as good. but if i were coaching them, i would be more on the biden team of actually practicing, talking about policy issues. what will trump say, et cetera. so i think i give the advantage in preparation to biden one thing you have to remember, it's neither so one of them have debated in this cycle. so it's been four years since either one of debated and every time we see a debater who hasn't a presidential candidate, who hasn't debated for years, they usually start that first debate quite badly. so i'm looking for some rough spots at the beginning of the day yeah, there there may be some rust and there's also a different dynamic at play because last time around in the 2020 debates, the candidates class, they talked over each other. >> this time, the mics are gonna be muted for candidates when it's not their turn to speak, there's also not going to be an audience how is that dynamic? do you think going to play out i think those rules were made and designed because of the way donald trump debates. >> we haven't had to have those rooms before because frankly, no other debaters has been outside of the norm of what's considered presidential debates. but because trump's interruptions, et cetera. that first debate in 2020 with ten biden dealing back-and-forth is so chaotic. it really gave him a false impression fact, one of donald trump's top aides said more than fitting covid the worst thing that happened to him was that first debate against biden when he just yelled at him for an hour and a half. now, so these rules are designed to prevent that interrupting. so with the microphone muted, they won't be able to speak where they can speak, et cetera. so one thing to look out for just because your microphone is muted, doesn't mean you can't talk. so it's possible and i've seen this in other debate forums that i've watched. it's possible for your opponents be talking over you, even though the audience can't hear them it can still distract you. and so if trump decides to talk over biden, it will make biden look like he's stumbling over his speech because we won't hear trump. we will simply see biden stomach. so that's one potential problem, but i love their no audience. i could go into that detail if you'd like. >> sure. go for it alright. >> here it is. i've written some cops are seen in about how i can't stand debate audiences because they're just shearing and whooping that all the wrong times and it makes you feel like you make a good argument when you probably don't. here's why. i think no audience disadvantages donald trump. he is only used to getting friendly reviews and he's only used to speaking at rallies. those are people who like to applaud what he has to say. and donald trump can be funny at times, and he plays off the artists with no audience in their, the emperor's better got some clothes on because he environment going to have to be very good on their policy answers because there's no audience in there to either cheer trump on, on an irrelevant answer, or to stop the moderators from being more aggressive. one thing you might note is audiences have been able to shush moderators and blew them out of saying certain questions and asking things if they get upset. well, now they won't donald trump or jill biden i can doesn't answer the question though reporters will simply say, hey, you didn't answer the question. we'd like you to keep trying and you can keep doing that with no audience. so i think no. audience plays better into seeing what their policy positions really are. i think will help the overall informativeness of the debate yeah, there's a lot there to watch out for a quick question. so there was a coin flip today and biden's team one, they chose the president's podium position over deciding the order of closing arguments. so biden will be standing on the right side of the tv screen. what's behind that decision wouldn't i'm guessing. you might have wanted your candidate to have the last word, no no, not necessarily what i don't understand is why they picked a particular podium. i not done any research on this. i don't know if the right side or left side is more persuasive, et cetera. but what i do know is in presidential debates very few people watch until the very end. so the opening statements, if there were some that there aren't more important than the closing statements, very few people stick around to the closing and the closings are always pretty generic, both for me, et cetera. and i've watched the last 70 presidential debates primaries and not, and i think the closings are fairly worthless. so now there's no problem the closing you will still want to tune in for the very end of this cnn debate, just seven days away, moderated by dana bash and jake tapper, june 27th, right here on cnn. todd graham, it fascinating to talk to you. look forward to having you on again yeah and the best up is always found at the end of the debate. so please tune it. >> good point, good thinking. thanks so much still ahead or following a pair of breaking stories involving former president trump's legal cases. the first involves his civil fraud case. trump's legal team now asking the judge who oversaw that case to recuse himself will explain why. and then there's news involving the classified documents case, the new york times reporting that two federal judges urged judge aileen cannon to decline that case. we have detailed still to come on cnn central the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage to vary different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate. next thursday, 99 life, i'd cnn and streaming on max. >> if you're shopping for a home only shows you homes for sale source directly from professionals, meaning you can trust every home listing is a realistic don't all have to do that. >> not really. trust the number one app real estate professional stress from roger to we there yet so many ways to save life ready while it happy that's 365 by whole foods market with car gurus do as much or as little as you want online only you could do things your way all the time a delightful thought you got it with gurus wow, incredible, amazing. my go-to is luma by eye drops. luma phi dramatically reduces redness one minute and look at the difference. my eyes, the brighter and wider drop to eight hours, luma phi is kind of 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prohibited communications with a real estate lawyer about the case before issuing his decision. >> let's get to cnn's kara scannell. she broke this story and joins us now alongside a former federal prosecutor, renato mariotti, qarrah. what do learning so trump's lawyers have filed this motion with dozen goren asking him to recuse himself from the case. and as you say, this all date to some conversations that the judge allegedly had with the new york real estate lawyer a few weeks before he issued his decision. this is all based on a report by nbc who spoke with the attorney this new york real estate lawyer, adam bailey, who said that he had conversations with the judge in the courthouse before the decision was issued now, the spokesman for the court at the time told nbc that there were no communications about this case between the judge and this lawyer, so they've denied that there were any communications that took place, but trump's lawyers are saying this attorney had told nbc that this had happened and that he had conversations with the judge and the judges are not supposed to have conversations about a case without all the attorneys and everyone present. so there taking this nbc story and the attorneys statements there and saying that that is reason why the job but she now recuse himself. they're saying if the judge won't recuse themselves, they want him to allow them to hold a hearing to explore some evidence in this, to understand what had actually happened between before a different judge. now, judging goren has not yet weighed in on this matter. we've not yet heard back from a spokesman for the court about this. if there's any additional the update to what they had previously said, denying that there was any communications. but this is the latest move by trump's team to try to move the judge off the case. because even though the case and the judgment is on appeal, this judge is still overseeing a monitor who is in place to look over the trump organization finances. and now for the next several years boris briana or carroll, let's bring in renato to talk about this. ronaldo. it sounds bad, but then as you get into the details, you realize that this particular lawyer actually approached the judge, so it was the lawyer, not the judge initiating this conversation. did not mention trump by name in this conversation, although the lawyer says we weren't talking about the mets, but it also seems that the lawyer gave him his $0.02 on why like a large judgment would actually be bad for business. and clearly, the judge didn't take that advice so is there really a lot of standing here for what trump's lawyers are saying we're not oh, can you hear us? is he absorbing? he's observing taking a moment it was black and in fairness. >> all right. we're going to, we're going to try to reestablish that and we'll talk a little bit about it, but it is really interesting as you were going to get him just bear with us as we sort of a chat about this, but it is interesting. i'll renato, can you hear us i can. okay. great. did you hear my question at all i did not. >> all right. oh, okay. i'm just going to ask you this does this does this do trump's lawyers have standing because when you dig into this, you find out the lawyer actually initiated the conversation. >> trump wasn't mentioned by name and the lawyer appeared to give him the judge advice that he doesn't seem to have taken yeah. >> i think that's an interesting question it's certainly it certainly suggests that he may not. that'll really i would say depend on the specifics of the situation. >> yeah. let's look at what was actually said in the nbc interview. it reads, quote bailey said he explained to the judge that a fraud statute at issue in the case was not intended to be used to shut down a major company especially in a case without clear victims. he said such a ruling would hurt new york's economy. that was very similar to the arguments that we heard from trump himself and the trump team. and obviously engoron rejected it. so it doesn't sound like the trump team's argument like it doesn't sound that this real estate lawyer really had a sway over judge engoron. it is that fair to say i think that's fair to say. >> i'll just also say more generally that when you have when you have a trial that's been completed, it's really takes a lot to overturn a trial like that and as a practical matter, given the facts and circumstances here, i'd be surprised if they were successful all right. >> renato, if you can stand by for us, we're also following some breaking news in president trump's classified documents, case yeah, the new york times reports that two federal judges in south florida urged the judge in that case, aileen cannon, to decline it and hand it off to another judge. this apparently happened when the case was first assigned to cannon last year. one judge, cecilia alta naga declined to comment when cnn asked her about this new report, the other judge was not named by the time. >> now, despite the two judges suggestions, judge cannon, who was appointed by trump, ignored the recommendations, went ahead and kept the case and of course, she has faced tons of scrutiny over her handling of it. cannon indefinitely postponed the trial last month, citing issues with the evidence that could not be worked out before for the case was set to go before a jury renata, what do you think about what do you think about this is absolutely extraordinary there have been questions raised about judge cannon and how she handled not just this case that we have in front of us, but really more particularly how she handled the investigation. i mean, it's very, very rare, if not unheard of, for a federal judge to interfere in an ongoing criminal investigation before charges are brought and the way in which she did that result of a course in an embarrassing opinion for her from the the court of appeals and given all of that, there was a lot of questioning in the media amongst the public all all in political circles about whether or not it made any sense for her to be handling this case, was she bias and so forth? >> it really speaks volumes though, that you have the chief judge of that court and another senior judge in that court going to her and saying, this is not a good idea, you should not handle this case. >> you should not be the one out in front. i'm making those decisions. it's going to call into question your partial belady. and essentially she disregarded their advice. i would say it's an extraordinary event and i think it would an underscores and i hope our viewers understand this. the once a federal judges on a case, though it's very difficult for that to, for that change. and even here when the chief judge of the district object suggests that that would be a wise move. it that alone is not enough for a judge potentially to step aside. >> we're, not as a former prosecutor, how do you think this sits with jack smith and the prosecutors on his team well, i will tell you there has been growing and mounting frustration from jack smith and esteem. >> it's evident in their filings. they're expressing a lot of resentment that meant that they aren't able to move their case for because essentially, the judges indefinitely delayed the case. there's no trial date right. now, said in trump's case, it's not moving forward. very quickly at all. and they're very frustrated. it's evident in their filings and the question chen is, what are they going to do about it really, they have limited options. one of them is when she makes a ruling for which they can try to seek immediate relief from the court of appeals. they can try to do that. it's called a writ of mandamus, but it's very rarely granted. it's, it's an extraordinary remedy and i think that this reporting the wall, it's not going to find its way into legal filing is going to add not only did this conversation and to the questions around it, but it may spur that team to be more aggressive in trying to seek review of judge cannon's decisions over the lack thereof yeah. >> really interesting stuff. >> renato, thank you for your input there. >> we appreciate it and ahead, israel is facing the growing possibility of all-out war on a new front. the. lebanon-based terror group, hezbollah ramps up its attacks and threats from next door will happen next this situation blitzer knighted six point cnn, mont the effects of viagra, but faster meet row sparks. >> they contain sildenafil and to dalla fill with sparks, dissolve under the tongue dissolvable, work faster than old-school pills cia sparks are right for you at last sparks while i'm a paid actor. >> and this isn't a real company. there's no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork has half the cost of our old recruits bitter and they have talked to your talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now i cry thank you today if you're like, i was, you're tired of 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northern israel in preparation for a possible offensive. israel and hezbollah have been trading increasingly intense threats, raising concerns of wider war the latest coming from hezbollah's leader who says that if a war breaks out, the group will target the nearby european union nation of cyprus. earlier is real warned of a possible quote, all out war. after hezbollah released drone video purporting to show sensitive israeli military and civilian sites with us now is retired army lieutenant general ben hodges. he was commanding general of the united states army in europe sir. thank you so much for being with us. how close do you think we are to a war between israel and has below when of course it's not inevitable but it seems more dangerous now than i've seen in a while and in fact, recently, former prime minister ehud barak says he thinks, he thought that israel faces the biggest crisis in its history. and i think israel is possibly going to find themselves when they three front war with lebanon. hezbollah in lebanon, hamas, and even the west bank. so this is a very dangerous situation. >> what about that, that assessment from a former top israeli military strategist that hezbollah's arsenal could overwhelm the iron dome air defenses. >> do you share that concern? >> well, this will be a problem. of course, his belie will have learned a lot after the attack by iran. you remember a couple of months ago that was not show intensively yet, you had israeli defense forces plus a us air force and royal air force and jordanian it's helping. i think his bill i would love learn from that. and they have a lot more capabilities that has, that have grown over the last few years. so i'm reluctant to say that, yes, they will overwhelming but they will do they have the potential to do a lot of damage in terms of precision. and range they can hit infrastructure and i would imagine that hezbollah also is going to be looking at the power, the power grid electricity generation infrastructure just the way that russia has been doing against ukraine. this would cause a real problem for israel general. >> what about this threat to cyprus that, that to me just appeared kind of random? >> yeah cyprus has, of course it's important as you pointed out at the beginning cyprus as a member of the european union and so if hezbollah were to attack cyprus, this has much broader implications because of security obligations, other members of the eu would have to support cyprus now cyprus why would they be targeted? cyprus provides training areas, some bases that israeli defense forces have used in the past, because the terrain in cyprus is very similar to what israeli forces might encounter. and lebanon. so i think i can't tell yet. is this a threat or is this a a warning? i mean are they serious about following through on that? that would be a significant escalation i want to turn now to the conflict between israel and hamas. and specifically something that appears to be a disparity between the idf chief spokesman who said, quote, those who think we can make hamas disappear or wrong and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, he actually doubled down on destroying hamas after those comments, he said, the idf, of course, is committed to this which do you think is closer to the truth? >> well laura you have touched on, i think the most important point of this entire conflict is that the prime minister has given the idf israeli defense force admission that is not feasible. of course, the idf is going to kill a lot of hamas warriors. but hamas is not a thing. it's an ideology and the only way you destroy an ideology, you have to destroy what feeds it, what, what causes it. and instead, it seems to me that because of the task from the prime minister and frankly the ind, cohesive nature of their current government the idf ends up launching attacks into populated areas that are not only raising making the difficult for others to support israel, but also every time you kill innocent people that adds people to the ranks of hamas so i think israel is going to have to make a very, very tough choice here to accept some sort of a ceasefire to any exchange for getting their hostages back otherwise. and by the way, i think this is what hezbollah actually is after his velocity is doing what they're doing the pressure on israel to get a ceasefire with hamas lieutenant general ben hodges. >> appreciate your perspective, thanks for being with us thanks for the privilege. course the aclu says that public schools are not sunday schools. >> it's one of several organizations planning to sue louisiana over a noon long that requires the ten commandments be displayed in classrooms. we have the head of the aclu's louisiana chapter after a quick break the sirens are going off and playing the tornado here. >> i'm thinking nine going to die and i thought violin earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn copd hasn't been pretty it's tough to breathe and tough to 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one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now a new law and louisiana is about to put the separation between church and state to the test just signed into law yesterday by the republican governor the aclu is already vowing to sue here house bill 71. >> it requires every public classroom in louisiana to display the ten commandments from kindergarten through state funded colleges is it also mandates the commandments beyond a poster or framed document that is at least 11 by 14 inches and quote, large, easily readable font earlier, one of the bills coauthors told boris that louisiana won't be deterred by lawsuits i don't understand why this is so preposterous in that litigation is being is being threatened. it doesn't scare us in the state of louisiana. we say bring it on. >> what do you say to the parents of students or even teachers who don't share that, your religious views don't look at it let's turn now to ilana odom. >> she is the executive director of the aclu in louisiana, which is one of the groups planning to sue here okay. ilana, you heard that coauthor of the bill, don't look at it. she said to boris, why is it not that simple in your view requiring the ten commandments be posted in every classroom from preschool to college in the state of louisiana is religious indoctrination it's the codifying of christianity in the state of louisiana, and it clearly violate the first amendment both in its free exercise clause and all so when it's establishment clause. >> in the united states of america, based on our founding principles, we have the right to choose any faith that we want, or no faith at all. and that's free exercise. and the establishment clause also tells us that the government cannot favor one religion over another. and certainly can not religion a favor religion over non-religious? in an unfortunately, this particular statute does exactly that. it favors a judeo christian view or ideology. and that is patently unconstitutional the aclu is going to sue over this. >> the supreme court. if we look at what the supreme court has said over time, it is said the bible is permitted to be biden school as long as it's presented objectively as part of a secular program of education. notably, though the supreme court struck down a similar kentucky law in the 80s. do you think that this court with its current makeup? is going to respect that precedent this is 40 year precedent that we're talking about here in stone versus gram. >> and that was a kentucky case where they did precisely what the government is trying to do here in the state of louisiana, which is to mandate that the ten commandments be posted in every single classroom. and the reason that that is particularly harmful full and the supreme court struck that down is because public school students and schools are given heightened protection under the establishment clause. there's a specific reason for that. schools are mandated between k12 are mandated for students and that makes students a captive audience we also know that students are incredibly impressionable. so we know that if we're requiring the ten commandments be posted in the classroom, we know that it is very likely for students to get the impression that the government is in fact endorsing a certain religion. in that case, it would be christianity or judaism. and so we know that that is something that the supreme court has upheld and its jurisprudence for almost 40 years, the establishment clause is still good law. the free exercise clause is still good law. and so we are very optimistic that that 40 precedent will remain in effect the coauthor of this bill also kinda fixated on the fact that $1 bill says, in god we trust on it, kinda drawing a comparison here i guess. >> but does that make sense to you as a justification for this law being constitutional or why doesn't it i guess would be the better question no, it doesn't justify that. >> you'll also note that in the pledge of allegiance, there's reference to god that is not something that is mandated by law in school. >> that's actually just a tradition or a practice that happened in this country. what we've really need to focus on and what the supreme court looks at is this idea of making sure that people still have the free exercise of religion in this country, that they are able to choose a faith of their own or no faith at all and these really important fundamental establishment clause principles, which or that got government does not have the right to coerce students or parents, or families to choose a specific religion. they cannot proselytize, they can't choose one religion over another. these are the most foundational principles of the united states of america. and certainly we respect and think that this will be something that the court will uphold. >> the coauthors say, well, this is a historic document. i wonder what you think about that argument. if you think it's tailored to an eventual supreme court battle where we see conservative justices relying heavily on history and tradition in recent decisions yeah, absolutely. >> they're taking they're their playbook from stone versus graham. i mean, in that case, in the 1980s, the school district argued exactly the same thing as a matter of fact, they put a little claws underneath the ten commandments saying that it was of historical significance and that it was very very similar to documents like the independent declaration of independence or the mayflower compact and the courts still under the lemon test, which is no longer the precise test in these cases. but the court could clearly see that there was a non secular purpose for this law, right? and so when you're looking at this particular killer piece of legislation, it does not matter that the legislators have argued that this is non secular, or that it's actually historic. what we know is that the ten commandments are a sacred religious text. there are sacred religious texts that are used in various religious backgrounds and face particular the judeo christian ideology. and so when you take a document as specific and as religious as the ten commandments, it's very difficult to argue that this is just merely historical. it is much more clearly a religious doctrine, something that is followed by many, many, many believers and has a very significant religious significance. and that's why it's a very different situation. >> this is going to be an interesting fight to watch. although as you say, one that is very similar to one we've already seen decades ago along owed them. thanks for being with us. >> thanks so glad to be with you too. >> so they provide both incredible images and major safety concerns for those who live nearby head, we're taking you inside the growing effort to harness the violent power of volcanic eruptions you, have chronic kidney disease. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bar sega because their places like to be for, segal can 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strange, just long lines of cars exiting town it was like a terrible movie or something. >> when things appear to get more calm, a few months later, another violent eruption occurs as the rate tiana's peninsula seems to have entered into a period of hi volcanic activity that could last months, years, or even centuries. experts say keeping the specialists at iceland's meteorological office tasked with predicting eruptions busy round the clock, the gps station that telling us if the ground is changing, it is the forming we are maintaining the jail, chemical monitoring that is telling us which are the kind of gases that are leaving, leaving the volcanoes, while volcanoes often have an impact on life here in iceland, the icelanders have found ways to harness the power of our violent earth geothermal power plants, feeding off the heat, providing emission free energy in abundance. >> and leading companies from around the world to move energy intensive manufacturing like aluminum production to iceland. our team traveled all the way to the northeast of iceland to the craft law geothermal plant when drilling a new borehole here at cruft lot, they accidentally hit a shallow magma chamber and now are working on harnessing the earth's energy almost directly from the extremely hot magma the project's director says, this technology could provide clean energy for hundreds of millions of people. >> we have very big part of humanity living close to a volcano and if we are able to harness the volcano directly, reducing the risk by, by lowering the pressure and lowering the tension the volcano then of course we have a win-win situation using the earth's natural energy without burning fossil fuels the scientists acknowledge there is still a long way to go and a lot to be learned. >> but they also believe the potential energy supply could be virtually limitless and totally clean so you guys, the power of volcanoes certainly is pretty awe-inspiring. and when you speak to the icelanders, they do acknowledge that of course there is still a lot to learn. there's still probably new technologies that they have to develop in order to do this. but they do believe that there is a chance to harness even more power and more of that heat power from those volcanoes for virtually limitless clean energy guys really amazing, fred, thank you for that report and you can catch the full episode of violent earth with leaves schreiber this sunday night at nine on cnn. and we'll be right back. >> the temperate pedigrees make sleep, feel cool. so no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning because the temper breeze feels up to ten degrees cooler all night long. during our july 4th sale, save $500 on it cooling, temper, breeze mattresses. >> sure. i'm a paid actor and this isn't a real company, but there's no way to fake up. work can help your business such talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills, you may not have the next more than 30% of the fortune 500 use upward 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hidden camera after finding his bag inexplicably drenched for months, his colleague republican mary morrissey apologized on the house floor this week i hope jim i'd love to slay. there's colleagues, all of our state house staff, and those who work in this building in the citizens of vermont can forgive me such a random, weird thing. married doing if you're ever going to do that to me, briana and i know you've thought about it for some margarita mix and that's what i would i put a mohit you in your basket fruity pebble protein shakes.

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