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supermarket stake out his back with >> take before it gets well emotion. >> i'm going to cry. supermarket state tuesday. i didn't nine on food network cnn, breaking news good morning. >> you were alive in the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington. we do have breaking news at this hour at any moment, the supreme court is expected to release opinions that could have a profound impact on american lives and american democracy. we're standing by for what could be one of the most consequential rulings in us history. assertion justice gorsuch calls a quote rule for the ages. the question whether a former president enjoys immunity from prosecution and is in effect above the law that ruling could drop in just minutes. we're also waiting a number of other major decisions from the justices among them, a case challenging the prosecution of january for each six defendants. that opinion could throw out some of the criminal charges against donald trump, plus just days after the two-year anniversary of the decision that overturned roe versus wade. another crucial case for women's reproductive rights. it could determine whether pregnant women experiencing a medical emergency have the right to an abortion and we're standing by for an opinion that could give domestic abusers the right to own a firearm. here with me now is yale law and political science. professor aqeel reed, amar. he's also the author of the words that made us americans constitutional conversation and aqeel, we haven't waiting for some time for this immunity to vision to come down. and i do want to play what the conservative justices on the court has said about the law applies to people from the president on down during their confirmation hearings. and here they are in their own words no man is above the law. >> i believe that no one is above the law in der under our system, and that includes the president. the president is fully bound by the law the constitution, and statutes. >> no man is above the law. >> do you believe the president has the power to curtail investigations, for example, by the department of justice i don't think primary justice is under him. i don't think the president is above the law. >> no man is above the law. senator, no one is above the law in our constitutional system. no matter your position in government it's all equal justice under law nobody is above the law in this country and that includes the president united states. >> i know that both justices, gorsuch and kavanaugh said that no man is above the law. and i agree with that. no one radical law many of those justices also said roe was the law of the land before overturning it, professor, let's talk about this immunity decision that may or may not come down today but a lot of folks feel like it won't come down, but what do you make of what the justices are saying they're in that montage. i mean, it in the fact that we've been waiting in for some time now for this immunity decision, there absolutely right. the constitution doesn't say that there's anything special about ex-president's. and no founder said so george washington never said that john adams, thomas jefferson, they did say some of them that while they're in office, they shouldn't be lightly messed with because they to do the people's business. but that argument that they did put forth was always and when we're out of office, we're going to be accountable just like everyone else. that's actually what the founders said if it was anything other than that, we'll, the constitution should have said so clearly the founder should have said so clearly, because that's as they say in law, a big elephant and elephants don't hide and muscles. so if there was some general immunity for ex-president's or ex-officers, we should have expected to see that in the text of the constitution or the conversation. this is an originalist argument when the constitution ratified, we don't see that at all. so i'm with those folks, say now, just like everyone else when they're out of office, so that would be a big surprise to you if for some reason that decision came down with some new special car wout for the president of the united states or an ex-president, it's been months since we heard these oral arguments was late april, but if it's the last case heard and they've got other cases. and so i think it will probably be the last case out at the end of this month, maybe even early july and there there may be some wrinkles g shouldn't x presence at the very least have their lawsuits paid for if they're being sued for what they did in office get taxpayer funding or something for some special access to federal courts. congress can pass special rules also protecting x presidents and other officials from being discriminated against an in various ways. so there may be some little wrinkles that no one is above the law, but it is true that the law for presidents in certain ways is distinctive. >> and we should know to our viewers at any moment now, we expect to have some new information about decisions, rulings coming down from the high court. but let's continue this conversation, professor, while we're waiting for that to come in, i it looks like you're looking at your scotus blog refreshing, looking at something that apparently maybe coming down right now but just to continue this conversation on immunity, you just another moment. yes usa versus nixon was decided a lot sooner, a lot faster. this case. well, some people say that but the oral argument in that case yeah. actually occurred, i believe on july 8, 1974, that was after all the other cases had been decided, usually the supreme court gets out of dodge, gets out of town end of june, beginning of july, definitely before july 4th. they came back into special session back then in order to hear that the trump nixon tapes case excuse me and that was the only case that they had. so of course, they're gonna be able to do that more quickly. we still have close to, i think now as of this nanosecond, 21 cases yet to be decided. and that's including i'm not counting the one that just came down three minutes ago. >> yeah, the supreme court upholding a trump era tax and overseas investments and rejecting an argument from a washington state couple case that could have jeopardized existing tax provisions and torpedoed talk of a wealth tax seven to majority upheld the tax. >> what's what stands out to you with this decision well, i'm just taking a look at it right now. >> is it's popping it on the screen. i actually wrote an amicus brief in the case for the winning side, bottom line. and if our audience actually interested in all the details, this is actually seems technical, but the big issue lurking in the background of the cases whether we could ever have a wealth tax in america if elizabeth warren, bernie sanders have their way. but what's being upheld here is a broad odd understanding correctly. so of the tax power and the big winner today is alexander hamilton, because he devised a broad tax power. he argued a case in the supreme court, most important kaitlan case. he ever argued before. john marshall is chief justice called hilton, and i'm just looking king at the opinion right now. you're actually talking about the hilton case, which is in this amicus brief, if our audience wants to see more, we've got i've got a free podcasts. they can listen to it. >> very good. >> what about the emergency abortion care case? >> we could see that decision and come down even today. >> they're not done for today. >> the first case has come down. >> they tend to space them out every ten minutes, right. so we could see i'm guessing two maybe even three other cases just today, at least one more probably. but but but but maybe two or three when we're coming up on the two-year anniversary of the dobbs decision, and we saw the medication abortion decision come out last week. this emergency abortion in care ruling could have major implications though, depending on where the justices come down, it's a statutory interpretation case, and of course, women's health is hugely important. so the mere fact that is not a constitutional case doesn't mean it's not life or death literally for some folks. so yes, that will be coming down. we don't know whether today for later on and professor, what do you make of this reporting out of newsweek that justice thomas and amy coney barrett are on this sort of collision course over the case that could give domestic abusers the right to own a firearm, they point out that during a previous trademark case coney barrett said again, sometimes this is kind of getting in the weeds. >> justice thomas mistakenly suggests that i present the federal trademark register as a limited public forum that is not my position. justice thomas ignores my reasons for drawing the analogy. a lot of folks are seizing on the fact that she you know, mentions him by name here. what's going on with great respect to the author of that piece? i think it may be over reading the tea leaves. it is true that justice thomas is a particularly emphatic kind of originalist. and justice barrett is a slightly softer sure kind of originalist. and at the margins that can make a difference in this case, or that case they agreed and bottom-line result in the trademark case, they read and bottom-line result on an earlier gun case called bruen. i do think they have slightly different points of view, but they're both originalists. they both were there in the dobbs case for example, on original scraps, but our audience should not be shocked if the supreme court in a case called rahimi and it could happen ten minutes from now actually, the gun argument loses. don't be shocked if that happens, which will be the first major loss for a second amendment argument in the prim court, there are three big cases where the second amendment, one one called heller by justice scalia, lancome mcdonald, by justice alito, and one called a bruen by justice thomas are three conservative republicans, three wins for the second amendment. this one could be from the chief and actually the gun argument could lose its a case about people use guns who have a history of domestic abuse and violence against their life partners. very important case. >> and don't be shocked if in that one, thomas loses. he might be in dissent and barrett will be with the chief justice. now an area because i just made a public prediction and they could look like a total fool and three minutes i doubt that very seriously, professor, but thanks for your time. really appreciate its please standby because he's other decisions may be coming down shortly. in the meantime, house democrats are demanding answers from the supreme court about it. series of recent scandals oversight committee members, jamie raskin and alexandria ocasio-cortez, and a letter to chief justice john roberts questioning whether any steps have been taken to address controversies involving justices samuel alito and clarence thomas unit sunland survive it is up on capitol hill for us what does that letter say? >> well, jim, essentially these democrats are calling out that chief justice in this letter that was obtained by cnn's annie grayer. they're calling them out and asking him very directly, essentially what steps, what exactly are you doing to investigate these growing ethics scandals are there plaguing these two justices that are sitting on the supreme court? they note that roberts declined in invitation then from senate democrats to meet in person and talk about all these issues. and they say, quote, in the note since you have refused to meet with congress, we question what steps you are actually taking as either the chief justice or the presiding officer of the judicial a conference to investigate these glaring examples of political bias and lack of disclosure. now they also ask roberts, in this letter to outline this standards for for recusal decisions and whether those have been met, given the fact that there are two cases before the supreme court that involved former president donald trump, and there are some apparent current conflicts of interests involving alito and thomas. so they asked those questions, they want all of this outlined by the chief justice and back to their hands by july 5th. that's a deadline they have given the him, of course, democrats, jim on capitol health, i've been slowly growing the pressure amid growing ethics scandals. so this is just one more example of them creasing the pressure, keeping up on the some cream court. of course, at a moment where it all eyes on the supreme court this morning, jim all eyes are on the court. indeed, someone's your fani. thank you very much. now to biden versus trump round two their first debate of this election, just one week away when the president and foreign president square off right here on cnn, we have new details this morning on how the men and their team's advisor's are prepping for the rematch new poll by fox shows biden leading trump by two-person percentage points among registered voters that leaders within the margin of error, but does show biden making a three-point gains since may joining us now to talk about this scene and white house correspondent arlette sciencey, international political reporter, steve contorno. arlette, first you how is president biden preparing for this debate well, jim, president biden will leave rehoboth beach, delaware this evening and head straight to camp david, where he will hunker down for the next few days with his top aides to prepare for this debate. >> one of the key goals for biden heading into next week showdown is trying to paint it's his opponent, donald trump, as a divisive and chaotic figure who is unfit to serve in the office of the presidency. now, it is expected that these debate prep sessions at camp david will start with some informal discussions where they will talk about the possible topics and questions that could come up and think about ways to answer them, then anticipated that biden would head into these full 90 minute mock debates sessions. that is something that he did last time around when he faced off against donald trump back in 2020, aides have already started compiling binders with the list of topics possible answers and really biden is known for providing extensive to feedback in these types of debates sessions. so a lot of this will be evolving as it takes place either debates, prep sessions are being led by his former white house chief of staff, ron klain, who did this back in 2020. you also have bruce read, the deputy chief of staff, who has been tasked with going through materials and hours of trump footage to determine some of the areas where they could try to draw a contrast with him on the debate stage. there's also the possibility that biden's former are for personal lawyer bob bauer could potentially play trump in these mock debates as he did in those 2020 sessions, the previous mock debates had really focused on drawing up all the possible scenarios for what could happen on that stage relating to trump's behavior and also the attack leinz that he could have on both policy as well as personal matters. they are bracing for the potential that trump could try to bring up hunter biden's that felony gun charges, a conviction that took place in delaware just last week, but biden advisers heading going into this debate say that the sessions so far have also focused for president biden on trying to hold trump accountable on that debate stage one campaign official said that biden has been much punchier in his attacks in recent weeks, and that is something they are hoping to ten, you at that debate. but it all comes at a time where this debate is taking place much earlier than any other debate and presidential history. the biden campaign really hoping that this will be a starting point for them to draw these contrasts as they firmly believe that the more that people remember what happened during the trump presidency and think about what could happen in a second term. that, that is something that will bring voters over to the biden side. so all are fully aware of the high-stakes of this contest as biden prepares to face off against trump, once again all right are line and see what's happening inside the trump campaign well, jim, unlike president biden, donald trump is not spending the next week bunkering down and studying. >> in fact, he's got a fundraiser tonight in ohio. he's holding a rally on saturday in pennsylvania, returning to the philadelphia the area once again it and he's also not doing mock debate sessions. that's something that the president is doing as our lecture said, something he actually did in the past, and previous cycles with rudy giuliani, with chris christie. >> instead, he has been holding sort of informal policy sessions including with some of his potential running mate's he's met with jd vance with senator rubio, where they've talked policy in those in those interactions. >> he's also been huddling with some of his top advisers, his campaign managers, individuals like kellyanne conway and stephen miller has been prepping him on immigration, also talking to richard grinnell. so sort of laying out some of the the the policy areas where they feel like this debate is going to center on immigration, the border crime in inflation, and certainly abortion. but they've also been preparing him to face attacks from joe biden over these criminal convictions and as well as what he did and didn't do on january 6. so they are anticipating that those issues is there going to come up and they're trying to figure out how they are going to respond to that. >> it's also been interesting to watch the former president in recent days because for so long they have been making this case that joe biden will be two feeble and having him on stage next to trump will be a great visual comparison. >> we'll actually recently they've been reading he studying the expectations and making the case that they think that joe biden is going to come out strong. they've been feeding into this conspiracy that has absolutely zero evidence that the president biden will show up with some sort of performance enhancers. so but, but, but for their audience and their supporters who have heard nothing but about but how joe biden is not up to the task. there's been interesting to watch this sort of leveling of expectations heading into next thursday's debate are at our lead and steve, thanks a lot, guys really appreciate it and we're just one week from the first presidential debate of the year hosted by cnn. >> don't miss president joe biden, former president donald trump, going head-to-head on june 20, 27th at 9:00 p.m. right here on cnn. and we're waiting more opinions from the supreme court on some very consequential cases will bring them to you if and when we get them standby, we'll be right back 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school classroom. the new legislation requires the commandments be on a poster-size display in a large, easily readable font. cnn's isabelle row saleh's joins us with more details, is about what else can you tell us about why this happened? >> gen. we will have a legal battle over this new law ahead of us here. opponents of it say that it is unconstitutional violation of the establishment clause in the constitution, that it's essentially promoting one religion, support or say, no, the ten commandments do belong in the classroom and that it has historical value outs side of it being a religious document, the governor during the signing event yesterday said that it will bring about respect for the rule of law and the sponsor of a bill saying that it will bring about a moral code into classrooms. now, kentucky tried a similar directive which the supreme court struck down, but that was back in 1980. and right now, we have a very different supreme court that is friendly, friendlier to religious rights. yesterday, the governor or did sign house bill 71 calling it one of his favorites out of all the education bills that he has signed, it mandates a poster size to display of the ten commandments and easy to read font that is large and is a central focus of that poster. here's what else he said. if you want to respect the rule of law, you gotta start from the original law, given, which was moses. he got his commandments from god. we spoke to a louisiana mom and a teacher who back in 2022 ran for congress as a democrat. >> here's what she thinks about it i'm very opposed to it and it's not anything to do with disliking religion. it's just that there are different religions that exist in our communities. i've taught jehovah's witnesses i've taught muslim students. i have really great muslim teacher friends who are going to now have to display christianity as the excepted or promoted religion in our state and this is part of what civil liberties groups are saying, four of which are suing, including the aclu, saying that students here are essentially a captive audience. >> they have to go to school and now they're going to be getting a school sponsored religious message. the exact get it director of the aclu of louisiana also saying this politicians have no business imposing their preferred religious doctrine on students and families in public schools that executive director also noting the timing of the signing of the spill just yesterday, juneteenth. she calls that deeply concerning all right. >> isabel row solace. thank you very much coming up. potential fallout from the mutual defense treaty between north korea and russia. we live in salt with the ripple effects from the korean peninsula so let to ukraine, that's next debate night in america, next thursday at 7:00 p.m. carney is awda. >> it's gotten me. i saw them. that's what i got. igneous saada carnegie got to me, current but with more flavored gardening car and tracing it like this. >> it's so 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decades now. but you see it on the front pages here. i mean, it's close to the middle of the night, and so this was earlier in the morning, the headline of strategic automatic military assistance is certainly what is raising eyebrows here on the korean peninsula, reviving this 1961 treaty made between khrushchev and kim il sung, the founder of north korea, also triggering south korea to say, you know what? we're not lending or giving lethal weapons to ukraine for their fight against russia perhaps the leader of south korea's national security council is saying, perhaps we, south koreans may re-examine that policy if moscow and pyongyang are going to work closer together and the military sphere, so that is all a continuing conversation as the dust begins to settle here. now putin is off to vietnam where it is a much different conversation we saw all the pageantry here and just above the dmz in north korea, sharing limousine rides, it is a much more subdued affair in vietnam where vietnam let's to be careful with what exactly happens on its soil is very proud. jim, of being a non-aligned nation. and if you think of this trip, that letter mu putin is doing, if you have a neighborhood pariah where you live, you know, the neighborhood pariah may go from house to house to check up on things and say after something terrible has happened, we go we okay. so that certainly makes sense for russian president player and putin to visit north korea, vietnam is certainly a logical next step for that move, because vietnam has a whopping 70% jim of its defense hardware that comes from one place and one place to learn and that is russia, a huge oil field in vietnam also a joint project between vietnam and russia. communist leaders in vietnam today, waxing poetic about their love of russia and their time studying there. but the rhetoric is very subdued learn number putin, rather than saying eric can imperialism has gone on for too long, like he said, and north korea yesterday is keeping a quieter tone. we've heard all day today, him just talking about economic projects scientific ventures that he and the vietnamese president could endeavor on. so the question is, what is poor? putin going to leave vietnam width? we are waiting to see because that could determine how vietnam proceeds. russia. and really, if this tour of the neighborhood is successful, gym and mike we have a little bit of a video or some images coming in just in the last couple of minutes of putin and kim jong un behind the wheel of a car together. >> i mean, this, this really looks like a romance here. >> yeah, it is a romance and you know, vladimir putin is trying to show the world that they can go their own way. they can go their own way. and that limousine and this one right here, it's the same from the front paper. front page of one of the papers in seoul they're trying to say that they don't need the west. this is what jim sciutto wrote in here. his book, the return of great power competition, that there can be a new world order and vladimir putin wants kim jong un to be part of that order gym alright, apparently a gift between the two leaders. >> i believe the new york post refer to this as the dukes of hazard fascinating stuff, or it might glare you. thanks very much coming up from fires to floods, the impact in texas from tropical storm alberto as wildfires keep burning next door in new mexico coming up violent earth, which we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn at the ram, make this the summer event. >> you can take a vacation from payments on the most awarded light heavy-duty trucks. the most luxurious ram 1,500 ever and the most advanced ram heavy-duty pickups per eng local ram dealer and make the most of your summer with great deals plus no payments for 90 days. now, during the ram make just the summer events get $1,000 cash allowance plus finance and get no monthly payments for 90 days on the purchase of most 2025 ram 1,500 trucks three body serie a 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at this new video of the storm surge at surfside beach in texas this morning. >> wow. >> all of this from tropical storm alberto that made landfall in mexico just hours ago, one state over areas of new mexico devastated by wildfires are now at risk of flash flooding also on our radar today, the dangerous heatwave that won't let up. it's putting around 80 million people at risk across the midwest and the northeast were tracking at all. cnn's rosa flores is in corpus christi for us ed lavandera isn't capital in new mexico ed, let me go to you first. what's what's happening on your end of things well, jim, overnight and into this morning, there has been significant rainfall were told by a local firefighting official jill here, that that has really helped in terms of helping keep and prevent the spread of this massive wildfire. >> wildfires around the ria dosa, new mexico air korea, so that is some good news, however, that rainfall has come in such heavy bursts at times that it is triggered mudslides and the other foot flash flooding events throughout the canyon areas of where this fire is taking place. so it helps in one regard okay. causes other headaches and problems in another way. so that is what the fire crews are dealing with on the ground right here today. but the good news is, is that that rainfall is seeming to beginning the process of helping tamper this massive wildfire, which is burned more than 23,000 acres since monday afternoon. so that's enforced a more than 8,000 people to evacuate this area. and that was the very dangerous situation. there are now two confirmed deaths. the latest victim we are told is someone who was found in their car, presumably trying to escape from the fire areas other person was 60-year-old man by the name of patrick peterson who was found dead near a hotel where he was staying at his sudden and his family says that he had broken his leg and was unable to drive and he talked about just how difficult this moment has been for their family he was trying to get away from the fire as best as he could, you know, but with a broken leg and a brace using a walker trying to carry once you could, it's heartbreaking to know that he didn't make it to know that he was trying to run for his life, trying to get away from the fire and that's what so many people were doing and have done since monday more than jim, as i mentioned, more than 8,000 people have evacuated more than 1,400 structures and homes that have been devastated by these fires in many of those people still anxiously awaiting for the opportunity to get back home so that they can assess the damage and what life will be like for them. >> in the years ahead yeah, an ad to see the just to the whipsaw the going back-and-forth over these intense wildfires to that flash flooding it's just unbelievable what this community has had to go through on a questioning and imagine that these massively are they describe him is a burn scars on the mountain side. >> and when the rain falls it's on all of that. it is basically just dirt and modern it creates those mudslides. so it creates an another, another set of problems right now, that main priority is getting these fires out as quickly as possible very scary situation and all the more reason to listen to local authorities when they tell you to be careful and stay safe. >> and these kinds of conditions, ed lavandera. thank you very much, really appreciate it coming up, are revealing new interview with business insider he says ceos are scared of donald trump. that's coming up the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debate. next thursday night good night, life on cnn and streaming unmanned. >> whether you're moving across town or across the country you can count on pods to deliver when he said we will which is why we were voted america's number one 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fearful of retaliation. >> or you concerned that trump to retaliate against you? >> of course, i'm concerned and matt egan joins us now. man, what else did he say? >> well, jim, it's remarkable to hear a billionaire admit that he's scared that the former leader of the free world could retaliate against them just for speaking, his mind. >> but it does say a lot about where we are right now. >> and remember a lot a former ceos who were critical of former president trump, especially after january 6. they've turned around on him right there back on the trump train now, reid hoffman, however he is very much a speaking out against some of the dangers of trump being returned to the white house. he just pin this op-ed for the economists where he's slammed business leaders who are supporting from that op-ed was titled american business should not empower a criminal. now, what's interesting is that hoffman told me that in the end, trump is going to hurt corporate america where it hurts the most. their bottom line, he says that it's actually president biden and who's pro-business, not trump because he says that biden respects the rule of law and he doesn't think that donald trump does. now it's an interesting argument because obviously trump has presented himself as the ceo president wright, he's fighting for lower corporate taxes less regulation. hoffman's argument is that in the end, none of that stuff matters. if there's no rule of law, take a listen to what else he said the rule of law is what has made america very special. >> it has made an environment for business that has bins spectacular. a glowing beacon to the entire world. it's the trust that their countries have in us and our system and how we interact, which allows our industries to export and allows the dollar to be the reserve role currency of the world. and that's the reason why biden is fundamentally, no matter what more pro-business then trump more pro-business than trump, according to hoffmann. >> now the trump campaign responded in a statement that attacked reid hoffman describing him as quote, a protege of george soros attacking his personal character. however, the trump campaign did not directly address any of reid hoffman's actual arguments here. and listen at the end of the day this is going to be a matter for the american voters to decide about who's going to be best for the economy, who's going to be best for everyone's own personal financial situation clearly, gym that is going to be a major deciding factor in november yeah, man, i mean, there's been a lot of discussion on this about whether are huge immigration crackdown, how that would affect a big business in this country because relying on migrant labor and also what happens if trump and poses tariffs in a huge way? >> that obviously will have a ripple effect and trump apparently posted on truth, social about firing ceo's. what can you tell us about that that's very trump. >> in fact, two days ago he posted on his social media platform that business executives and shareholder representatives should be 100% behind donald trump the body that's not should be fired for incompetence. and that post on truth social went onto quoting wall street journal story, talking about how donald trump is pushing for lower corporate tax rates and president biden wants to raise the corporate tax rate just a stunning statement. there for from the former president. but to get back to your point about what happens on immigration in trade, it is really important to remember that inflation, the cost of living, remains the number one frustration for americans right now when it comes to the economy what's interesting is that economists that i've spoken to have argued that some of trump's campaign proposals would actually run the risk of making inflation worse specifically, the idea of increasing tariffs on china, having across the board tariffs that ultimately that would raise costs for businesses and for consumers, and also on the immigration front, i mean, former president trump has advocated for sweeping deportations at a time when a lot of businesses say they need more workers not less and economists warn that if you've deep poured a lot of people, then you can have situation where wages go higher and that would lift prices. so a lot of factors at play when you think about what some of these policies would actually do to the economy, jim. >> all right, very interesting, matt egan, thanks a lot, really appreciate it. we'll be right back. >> then. in your man watch, all do episodes of in practical jokers on a new network july 11, tds once retired, marcus decided, i will never again work for another man or woman. >> i abandoned my corporate phone plan and i'll get a new plan with good consumer cellular for up to half the cost, less coburn when freedom calls, we're here to answer first time. no biggie we recommend to exfoliate the night before when you come in for relax, don't be nervous come for wax teams 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together, we're building a better future for the city we all love. ad paid for by re-elect mayor london breed 2024. financial disclosures are available at >> secret war, secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn boeing is facing yet another potential safety issue. >> the plane manufacturers warning pilots that if a bird hits the engine of the boeing 737 max, the passenger cabin could fill with smokes it's pete montana is following this i enjoyed this. now, pda, more concerning news regarding boeing wiki, tell us about that. >> well, this is pretty significant because smoking the cockpit has caused crashes, smoking the cabin can cause incapacitation. it can make you sick. >> the procedure is the gun the ground as quick as possible. >> and this issue just coming to light now, signals get another possible issue with boeing 737 max law in a model that's been dogged by design and quality control issues. this stems from two incidents last year on southwest airlines flights in both cases a bird hit one of the planes two engines in february boeing warned southwest airlines and american airlines of the issue. and in turn, they warn their pilots. here is what the alerts that american airlines told its pilots, boeing has received two reports of cfm leap-1b engine failures following large bird strikes on takeoff and initial climb, that could cause oil to burn and southwest airlines told its pilots that could cause the immediate presence of smoke and fumes entering the passenger cabin through the air conditioning he shunning system. now the company that makes the engines, cfm international says the engine has met bird ingestion certification requirements performed as designed, though the birds in these incidents were very large, much larger than required given the given the blessing of regulators. now the federal aviation administration says, what continue working with boeing? calling on this investigation into these incidents will determine if additional actions are required based on their findings bird strikes are pretty common. most bird strikes occur early in the morning or at sunset when birds are most active, 90% of them happen near airports. that means the biggest risk is on takeoff and landing. the faa recorded some more than 17,000 burden strikes in 2022, it is a huge and prevalent issue. most of them don't cause issues like this. and there is a name for what is leftover after a bird strike happens and it's called snark. it's something that's typically picked up by researchers. they look into that to try and mitigate these bird strikes to do it safely without hurting the birds. and of course without hurting airplanes and cars causing issues like this fastener, please stay on top of this really appreciate it. thanks so much. in the next hour of newsroom starts right now are you relying on cnn newsroom? i'm jim acosta and washington, we begin with race for the white house. there's only one week left until the first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign season happening right here on cnn and president biden and donald trump are taking starkly different approaches to prepare tonight. biden heading to camp david with some of his most trusted aides for days of intensive talks and mock debate trump meanwhile, is opting to hold

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Business Insider , Life On Cnn , Night Good , Next , Stakes Couldn T Be Higher , Jake Tapper , Dana Bash , Container , Pods , Town , Unmanned , Truth , Graves , Ted , Graves Disease , Specialist , Dr , Thyroid Disease , Pods Com , Representative , Vacation Rentals , The Code , Ted Com , Vrbo , Safe Flight , Human , Medicine , Arthritis Pain Relief Gel , Source , Alternative , Ball Terrane , The Joy Of Movement Wow , Volterra , Luma Phi , Redness , Eye Drops , Incredible , Go To Is Lima , Eight , Colleague , Guaranteed , Gutters , Debris , Leaf Filters Technology , Lee Filter , Efficient , 33 , Let S Go , Deliveries , Pitch , Motor , Haitian , Lisa Wasn T , Ring Com Priceline , Ring , Hotels , Trips , Paris , U2 , Save , Labor Day Attention , Elevator , Liberty Mutual White , Cancer Neural , Marines , 5102 , Reid Hoffman , Business Leaders , Race , Coventry , Co Founder Of Linkedin , President Trump , Peers , Matt Egan , Else , Retaliation , Mind , Speaking , Train , Dangers , Economists , Op Ed , In The End , American Business , Criminal , Wright , Stuff Matters , Regulation , Fighting , Taxes , None , The End , Beacon , Listen , Bins , Environment , Countries , Reserve Role Currency , Industries , Trust , Dollar , Statement , Hoffmann , Character , Arguments , Protege , George Soros , Economy , Factor , Discussion , Whether , Tariffs , Big Business , Ripple Effect , Poses , Immigration Crackdown , Migrant Labor , Representatives , Firing Ceo , Business Executives , Shareholder , Social Media Platform , 100 , The Body , Rates , Incompetence , Wall Street Journal Story , Trade , Tax Rate , Frustration , Costs , Campaign Proposals , China , Businesses , Consumers , Deportations , Immigration Front , Workers , Policies , Factors , Prices , Jokers , Episodes , July 11 , Iphone Plan , Freedom Calls , Woman , Tds , Marcus , Consumer Cellular , 11 , Don T Be Nervous Come , Wax Teams , Relax , Biggie , Irritation , Lesson , Hair , Deodorant , 15 , Ci Dp Doesn T , Wax , Idp , Cid P Derails , Cid P Com , Inspiration , Patient Stories , Tips , Got A , Cid Pe St , Cip Com , Thyroid Eye Disease , Patch , Food , Weight Management , Dogs , Ted Com It S Time , Dog , Amount , Portion , Needs , Farmers Dog , Design , Cause , Design Services , Customed Inke , Row , Exercise , Diet , Row Co Slash , Ziprecruiter , Candidates , Furniture Business Things , Project Manager , Hire , Job , Guy On Site , Five , Candidate , Dream Team , Build , Jobs , Employers , 44 , Recipes , Memories , Hand , San Francisco , London , London Breed , Saving Thousands , Housing Projects , Anyone Else , Mayor , Pandemic , Western Addition , Small Business , Track , Downtown , Streets , City Fees , Police Officers , Drug Dealers , Homebuyers , Hiring Hundreds , City Vibrant , 82000 , Disclosures , Work , Sfethics Org , 2024 Financial , On Cnn Boeing , Pilots , Safety Issue , Bird , Secrets , Plane Manufacturers , Boeing 737 Max , Spies Sunday , Secret War , Passenger Cabin , Cockpit , Smokes , Pda , Crashes , Pete Montana , Boeing Wiki , 737 , Cabin , Signals , Gun , Quality Control , Procedure , Model , Incapacitation , Southwest Airlines , American Airlines , Incidents , Engines , Bird Hit One , Bird Strikes , Takeoff , Reports , Engine Failures , Turn , Climb , Cfm Leap 1b , Air Conditioning , Smoke , Fumes , Cfm International , Bird Ingestion , Birds , Requirements , Investigation , Regulators , Certification , Federal Aviation Administration , Blessing , Actions , 90 , Landing , Findings , Airports , Bird Strike , Leftover , Snark , Burden Strikes , 17000 , Newsroom , Fastener , Researchers , Cars , Top , Airplanes , Race For The White House , Talks , Approaches , Season , Hold ,

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