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good. that's a good here. that's a good. he can't. get there okay. good good naming. >> it says the warmup for pali nbc sports just announced earlier this year that he would be a special correspondent during the coverage of the olympic games hello again, everyone. thank you so much for joining me this sunday and happy father's great to everyone. i'm fredricka whitfield the countdown to a pivotal moment in the 2024 election is quickly approaching. we're just 11 days away from the first presidential debate, which will be hosted right here on cnn as that showdown nears the 2024 campaign is kicking into high gear as both candidates hit the road this weekend to raise money and push their messages, former president trump traveling to the battleground state of michigan, where he made a fresh appeal to black voters at a community roundtable in a predominantly black church in detroit. he also spoke at a conservative conference where he baselessly cast doubt on the 2020 election as a way to attack the 2024 election the radical left democrats rigueur, the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024. >> listen, we don't need votes. we got more votes than anybody has ever had. we need to watch the vote. we need to guard the vote. we need to stop the steal. >> we want a landslide that is too big to rick make a plan to vote either by mail or fully in person or on election day meantime, president biden traveling to los angeles for fundraiser with former president barak obama and some of hollywood's biggest stars. the event raised a democratic record of 30 million but here's where chest isn't the only headline emerging from that event. biden delivered stark warnings about a trump presidency and he harshly criticized the us supreme court the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees. >> two more two more. he's already appointed to that are been very negative in terms of the rights of individuals. the idea that if he's reelected, he's going to appoint two more foreign flags upside down. the supreme court has never been as out of kilter as it is today. look, fact of the matter is that this has never been a court that's been this far out of step right. >> joining me right now to talk more about all of this is charlie dan, he is a former republican congressman from pennsylvania, and also joining us is megan hayes. she is a former special assistant to president biden and served as a white house director tour of message planning. great to see both of you. >> thank you. agree with it for mega and charlie first off to you, happy father's day thank you. >> so one day you make a charlie of trump continuing to push false claims about the 2020 election. and now warning his voters about the 2024 election. and also being rigged well, this is nothing new donald trump's the only person in my lifetime who said the election was stolen 21 and 2016. >> and again, of course, in 2020, he said it was stolen from a even though it was not and so there's nothing new here. he's saying he's gonna be stolen in 2024. i guess that's it. assumption that he's going to lose this assumption and he has people like steve bannon out there right now thinking all sorts of a popup, apocalyptic threats about this, will there'll be all kinds of terrible consequences if, if trump loses victory or death, i think is the line they've been using or he has been using. so this is nothing new. it's expected, and it's going to be an ugly election season. i mean, more worried about what happens after the election, right? especially with that as ominous words from steve bannon, victory or daf i mean, what in the world megan, i mean, should president biden? >> respond to prompts warnings that democrats are trying to steal the 2024 election are just move on. >> i mean, just move on and write like this is what he's been saying since 2020 box amazon as well. he also recently said the 2016 election was stolen and it's like, no, you actually want i'm getting confused by that, but here we are. just move on. i think the president biden it's best about is just to continue to draw the policy contrast here. and what he will do in the next four years and continue to draw a contrast with former president trump to get people to turn out. so we don't have this issue again in charlie, let's talk about some of the money being raised. >> president biden race, $30 million at that hollywood fundraiser this weekend, where he also in addition to taking that money for his war chest, he also attacked the us supreme court, calling it off kilter and also reminded the audience there that the next president may get to seat two justices. so how influential to voters might that be? >> well, i'm not sure that what joe biden has to say about the supreme court will really make a bit of difference as to what the supreme court is doing. i mean, it's clear to me, obviously, the supreme court is experiencing some real difficulties. they need it a code of conduct or a code of ethics. maybe they should just simply adopt what the, whatever the standards are for other federal judges and flying to the supreme court, that said biden is correct in that there could be a few vacancies in the next term but again, that's not going to affect what any of these justices do. you all remember ruth bader ginsburg, probably stayed in the court a few years longer than she should have having then intercourse. so trump was able to replace her. i suspect some of the democrats would prefers some of the older democratic justices to think about stepping down while biden is still in office, and they still have nominal control of the senate but again, i don't think anything to biden says will make it look a difference to the supreme court justices retirement plans and megan can you know, it's clear the overturning of roe v. >> wade and abortion rights reproductive rights is a big motivator for our democratic and independent voters do you think the appointment or the nomination of a potentially two more supreme court justices will motivate of voters to choose him yeah, i mean, i think that means that trump would have nominated five different justices and that those people will have control of the supreme court for the next 30 or 40 years. that's a huge, huge time block that are our justice system will be changed and our policies will be changed forever. i think that people really do need to look at things like roe v. wade being overturned and think of who they elections have consequences. and unfortunately the supreme court and the two, the two potential nominees for the supreme quarter are really consequential to the future of our country. >> charlie well, in detroit, trump also made a push for black voters by holding a roundtable at a predominantly black church where he focused heavily on crime and law enforcement. take a listen crime is most rapid right here, and african american communities, we don't want to get robbed and mugged and beat up or killed because we want to walk across the street to buy a loaf of bread. >> but the black population wants law enforcement more than any other population. >> charlie, is that going to work well, i think it's actually a very smart political play clearly, joe biden is, has experienced some erosion of support from the african american community and trump is benefiting by that in this game is going to be won in the margins. >> of course, joe biden is going to win the african american community by a large margin. but not by a large enough margin. so anything trump can do to cut in into that black vote. i think is smart and i think focusing on crime is a good issue because in many of these major cities we have seen in many african americans do want more robust law enforcement presence. and so i think it's a smart play, whether he be effective at the end of the day, who knows, but at least so far from scenes and making some inroads, black and especially hispanic americans. >> megan, is that the kind of messaging you would advocate for trump? black communities want more law enforcement. >> no. i mean, again, i don't think that black voters or latino voters vote in a monolith. i think that there are many and they're not, they've not had the luxury historically of being single issue voters. so i do think that some folks are worried about crime and funding for police that's one voting block. i understand that, but i do think that president biden has really strong record run on without things he's done for the black community. i think that that does needs that message probably needs to get out there more, but i don't think that answering a question about entrepreneurship with crime and how you're going to enforce defending crime in different communities. i don't think that's a good thing for donald trump to do, but i also don't think having an event at and a black shirt with a bunch of white people and very few black people. there was a good thing either megan, hey, it's charlie dent. we'll leave it there for now. thanks so much. >> thanks. >> thank all right. hopefully you'll be tuning in thursday, june 27. that's the most anticipated moment of this historic election season. and stakes could not be higher. join cnn as president biden and former president trump meet for their first debate. jake tapper and dana bash, moderate to cnn presidential debate live from atlanta beginning they at 9:00 p.m. eastern and streaming on max and now we're learning you details about a terrifying mass shooting in rochester hills, michigan saturday, nine people were shot in a random attack and a splash pad park, including two brothers, four and 8-years-old and their mother authorities say a gunman pulled up to the brooklands plaza splash pad and opened fire on unsuspecting families and open fire 30 times under no circumstances. is it normal for ice cream cones and flip-flops to be strewn amongst blood and bullet casings seeing a national correspondent, gloria pazmino, has the latest gloria or the white house two says, it's working with local law enforcement on this case. what are you learning? >> that's right, fred, president biden has been in touch with local officials. there and has offered his support a total of nine people sustaining gunshot wounds, ranging in ages from 8-years-old, 4-years-old, and 78. these were families and young children that were gassed othered for saturday of play at the local splash pad. this took place in the rochester hills section of michigan. we are learning a little more about the victims, including that group. as you mentioned, all members of the same family of four-year-old boy was shot in the leg and an eight year-old boys sustained gunshot wounds to the head. he remains in critical condition along with a woman believed to be their mother. she's 39-years-old. she was shot in the stomach and her leg as well. now, a friday, we are learning more about this suspect police identified him earlier today. he is michael william nash from shelby township. he is 42-years-old. and please tell us, is that this shooting appears to have been random. he drove up to the splash pad, got out of his vehicle and started firing multiple rounds, at least 28 shots were fired, he reloaded that weapon multiple times. then fled the scene, barricaded himself in inside his mother's home. that's where police responded to. they were able to contain him inside that location. there was a standoff between the suspect i'm police, and what you're seeing there is video taken by a drone that was deployed into the house. police tell us they believe this is the weapon that was used. you can see it's sort of military style assault rifle that was used in this shooting it would explain the large number of times that he was able to fire and the fact that he was able to reload multiple times. so far, we have not learned anything about the motive. as i said, policing, it appears to have been random and witnesses talking about how chaotic it was when they first heard the shots take a listen we were see all know patio and we heard we heard we thought was firecrackers and it was i guess it was gunshots because we because we heard people screaming help us help us. >> so we ran around. i called 911. i seen people lay on the ground. i've seen a guy. those shane's stomach who is seeing the chair older man? and then i seen this guy's like, where's my son was coming out on the stretcher, blood all over his face and it was it was scary fraud. >> police said that the suspect was found dead from a apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound died that home his mother was not home at the time. and the last thing i'll mention, fred is this is a community that was impacted by gun gun violence yesterday, but this is also home to the oxford high school shooting, which took place back in 2021. so many of these different communities across the entire country impact did by gun violence. here, we have, once again, this community reeling from the shooting. once again, and really just sounds like a complete miracle that more people were not injured and that no one was killed yes. still very sad on what's supposed to be a fun. father's day weekend. all right. gloria pazmino. thank you so much on the texas now, where a deadly shooting took place last night, this one taking place at a juneteenth celebration two people are dead and multiple others injured, including two children. when police say a fight broke out between two groups of people, and this happened in rock round, texas, which is about 20 miles north of austin, according to police, the two victims who died at the scene were innocent bystanders police are still searching for a suspect musician and texas native, paul wall, performed at the juneteenth celebration about an hour before the shooting, he posted on facebook prayers up for round rock, this truly hurts my heart when warnings are up for parts of los angeles county as firefighters scrambled to slow down a fast-moving wildfires were live helicopter is use a local lake to help put out the flames plus supporters of former president trump say, he's not a threat to democracy because they say america is not a democracy are you concerned if trump loses, yeah. >> that there'll be another january 6 no. >> i think there will be civil war that's what i think will happen hey, mom, how many should i decorate it? >> has ran have blue that's a really tough call. who are you? >> if you look at the latest data you're probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows his stuff have heart failure with unresolved symptoms. it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath and your regular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr cn. aware, under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time something like you call your cardiologist and ask 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coast and this is cnn were tracking a dangerous wildfire that's rapidly growing in los angeles county. >> the post fire has burned through more than 12,000 acres and forced at least 1,200 people to evacuate a state park. let's bring in cnn's camila bernal, who is near the evacuation zone and gorman, california, camila how fast is this wildfire are spreading it's incredibly fast, fred, and it's only 2% contained at the moment. >> that's the problem that there's still so much work to be done here. and what the crews are doing, you see them here behind me is that they're trying to create these fire lines, trying to keep this fire from growing any further. i want to show you just up the hill near where i am. there's still a lot of these hotspots this entire area has been scorched by this fire and up at the top of the hill, you see you crew, they're they're working to clear a lot of this terrain, essentially using hand tools and chainsaws to get it out of the ways so that it doesn't spread as quickly. you mentioned those evacuations already, 1,200 people have been told to evacuate. there are also others under evacuation warnings this is between pyramid lake and gorman and authority saying you just have to be ready in case you have to leave, take a listen to what the la fire department is saying about this fire along with that 10,500 acres burned, we have zero containment at this point we have numerous resources in place. >> we have los angeles county, we have been toura county, kern county angeles national forest and cal fire arrived this morning. the wins are probably going to be the biggest factor in battling this blade we're going to have gusts as high as 60 miles per hour. but that would not be a constant. mostly, we're going to say an average about 24 mile per hour winds that wind is really the huge concern for firefighters. we're also seeing a lot of water drops just resources in the air and on the ground as these crews work to try to get that containment. but again, so far it's just at 2% fred and camila, the los angeles county i'm venturing account on a fire departments are warning residents about stronger winds and higher temperatures. >> so might there potentially be more evacuation orders? >> yeah. it's always possible. the red flag warning is in place until tomorrow afternoon. we're talking high temperatures very low humidity, and the problem with the wins is that right now throughout the day, we're going to experience experience 45 to 55 mile per hour wind gusts and overnight, that's the biggest starting because you can see 60 to 70 mile per hour wind gusts and that spreads those fires really quickly. fred. >> all right. camila bernal. thank you so much we'll be right back. >> the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage model curated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debates, thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on 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a.m. and goes until 7:00 p.m. so for 11 hours a day along a very specific the grout, if we can show this picture, it's from the kerem shalom crossing one of the only operational crossings at this point where there are 1,000 trucks waiting at what has become a bottleneck. and that aid will flow into gaza towards the northwest end to the european hospital with the desperately need for it throughout gaza, un says some 50,000 children are suffering from malnutrition nutrition. >> that on top of concerns of sanitation, sewage famine, especially in northern gaza. >> so this humanitarian aid is desperately needed. this tactical pause as part of getting it in from the place where it is being held up. it seems and then orna, the idf's chief of staff, said today that there is a clear need unquote, for military recruitment of ultra-orthodox jews who are currently exempt from military service. >> tell us more about that. >> fredricka was a very interesting statement and quite surprising frankly to hear it from the idf chief of especially now, and that's because of course, israel's military has been fighting in gaza 48 plus months. and the soldiers are frankly exhausted. so there is a need for more manpower and the easiest way to tap some of that manpower is to draft after conscript part of the ultra-orthodox population. but the reason this is important it's one of the few issues that has a chance to truly threatened the stability of prime minister benjamin netanyahu's government. he has effectively kick this can down the road, trying to maintain the status quo of this exemption, even as the high court here effectively israel supreme court has said this burden needs to be shared across society. but if the government would have passed something that drafted more ultra-orthodox soldiers, it could effectively forced the ultra-orthodox leaders who are opposed to this to withdraw and collapse the government. that's why this is such a political hot button issue. so it's fascinating to see the idf chief of staff jump in and say, look it's not fair and their needs to be a greater sharing of a tremendous burden across society. that's truly something that resonates here across much of much of the state of israel. >> wow okay. >> are lieberman. >> thank you so much in haifa, israel all right. back in this country, some trump supporters say america is not a democracy and they're okay with it. hear from them next? >> devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. >> it happened in faraway lands and it's easy to thank it can't happen here if one hits home we'd be ready silent. >> earth would lead to an audit nine on cnn from roger two, we there yet so many ways to say life, ready, while it happy but 365 by whole foods market, if you're shopping for a home, real choice financing now gives you more ways to afford a home. downpayment assistance since programs in your area don't all apps do that. not really trust the number one app, real estate professionals trust that they blocked 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a threat to democracy because they insist the united states is not on a democracy cnn's donie o'sullivan spoke to some of those supporters what happens if trump loses? i don't see him losing. >> i don't think he lost the last election to be on do you think he's going to win? yes. without a doubt. no doubt. you want if he doesn't this time what happens to the contrary biden talks about democracy, saving democracy. they're the ones that are killing you democracy. >> obviously there's a lot of criticisms of nutriment than he is i'd for democracy that he's bad for american democracy. we are republican or republic are not a democracy republican. >> we're not or democracy one thing we've been hearing a trump rallies like this over the past few months, is that america isn't really a democracy america's not a democracy. that's a real pub luggage how to do markers. okay, democracy is actually not as good as you think it is. >> but for centuries, america has celebrated its democracy democracy is worth dying for democracy remains the definition of political legitimacy, but some republicans and pro-trump media are pushing the idea that america is not a democracy, united states of america is not a democracy. >> we are constitutional republic. >> nine seats were america is not a democracy. you don't want to be in a democracy. we are not a democracy. we are a republic is america a democracy america is a democracy. it was founded as a democracy. i've heard a lot of conspiracy theories. >> i hear a lot of things out on the road. but to hear americans people who would describe themselves as patriots say that america is not a democracy that's stopped me in my tracks you are hearing people say america is not a democracy because there are people around trump who want them to be saying that who've been planting that narrative is america at democracy i don't, i think will not all right now, we're yeah, we're republic what's the difference i feel like democracy this i think it's, government i don't see freedom in vic, freedom in the republic honestly, the word democracy and the word republic look, have often been used interchangeably. there isn't a meaningful difference between them. >> so much of the warnings and criticism about trump is that he is a threat to democracy, that he has anti-democratic. >> absolutely. if they can convince people that we don't have a democracy, then it's okay that trump is attacking democracy because it doesn't really matter. >> that's why, like why has democracy become a bad word? >> because it's been used in a way? change the flavor of our country, which is a republic. >> these words were used in different ways in the 18th century, and it's true the founders didn't want direct democracy by which they meant people gathering on the town square. they wanted representative democracy. but i think the reason why does conversation about language has prism now is because there is a part of the republican party that would like to rule as a minority and they need an excuse for why that's okay. and so they have begun to say, we're not a democracy. were are public and it's not 100% clear what that means. but i think they mean we want donald trump to be able to do whatever he wants some people i've been seeing debt trump events recently. >> yes. have been saying american is not a democracy republic. >> we've always been in a democracy. first of all, we have sleep. we use that freedom of speech and freedom of religion. we used to have that two. now they're picking on the christians and the jews just people. >> i mean, how much work can we tell? >> are you concerned if trump loses? >> yeah. that there'll be another january 6 no. >> i think there will be a civil war that's what i think will happen and fred, of course, there is a legitimate discussion, debate to have on what form of democracy is here in the united states. >> but that is not what's happening here, right? what's happening here is an attack on the word, on the concept itself. these folks have heard that trump is a threat to democracy. de, have heard that as a criticism and therefore people are trying to convince them they're trying to convince others that america isn't a democracy in the first place. so if we're not a democracy, therefore thrashed the trump's threat to democracy isn't relevant here, so it's all about nine guage. it's all about words fred, donie o'sullivan. thank you so much. all right. tonight on the cnn original series secrets and spies, drowning in debt and desperate for cash, a top cia agent makes a deal with the russians here's a preview i saw. >> i shouldn't be courageous man. they said, you want me to die. i don't dare for you in a little day for brittle i don't four a free and democratic russia immediate departure so i went we were officers were placed our allegiance to motherland. so what do you do? two officers who betray their own motherland? >> what do we do to them you execute them the new episode of the original series, secrets and spies, errors tonight at 10:00 only on cnn artificial intelligence and your faith. a chat bot tries to help the faithful with unintended consequences there's no war, so aid for a war between water, bloodiest war between trackers the crown because he was actually any remarks on king's landing and taken, thrown claims to challenge. i want to come if he has faced if you would type thing. >> house of the dragon extremely exclusively on max one second, you feel safe then we saw other way. >> well he's still do when you're a small business owner your to do list can be a log that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online. so you can take on all your other to-dos already. >> did see if you could say that progressive i am tony hawk and like many of you, i take a statin to reduce cholesterol, but statins can also deplete cookie ten levels. >> that's when my doctor recommended qn all koki ten cuno husband number one, cardiologist recommended form of 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those according now who act as a model for fellow and future new yorkers at a quote, the key was returned to the city's possession on june 10, we remember the image of pope francis strolling through st. peter's square wearing white puffer coat with this silver bejeweled crucifix. will the judge went viral, prompting people to ask whose styling the pope only to later learn after a millions of views, the image was a deepfake well now there's father justin, the ai praise to can answer questions about catholic doctrine. the chat bot quickly caught on, but after giving users advice, that was a bit wild, father justin was defrocked cnn digital producer or john saarland is here with this now good to see you, john these are though warnings and the worries of ai aren't they that's right. >> friends. so we're a few years now into this ai, boom and different organizations, different businesses are trying to figure out how ai might work for what they do. well, this one organization in san diego, a catholic organization in catholic answers, decided to try to use these new ai technology for the spiritual, spiritual realm. it had some unintended consequences how about this an ai priest could you imagine in the us and ai pref, two, that's right. and ai three has been shut down after going thank he forgotten taking confessions like a real priest and suggested a baby could be baptized in gaetz array who are you? i am justin are you a real person? i am an artificial intelligence program to provide information and answer questions about catholicism, catholic answers a catholic advocacy organization runs, priding themselves on using new school tech for an old-school religion. christopher check is the president of catholic answers, people have questions about catholicism you have the answers. we do we do and we've had them for over 40 years. so it shouldn't be a surprise that the ai boom caught their eye. >> i'm a huge proponent of using technology for good and i think ai has a lot of promise. it's okay to be skeptical in fact that that's a good thing. i'm skeptical, but i do think there's there are some really good applications for this technology and i'm excited about what it can do when it's used for good, good. >> and they decided to build a catholic jackpot with a persona. >> think police station to graphics. >> this is in place, it in a bucolic italian setting he was christened father justin the church teaches that christ is truly present in the eucharist, not just symbolically or metaphorically by the use of this technology. >> we were going to be able to reach many more people than one of our apologists are one of our staff members, is able to do should a politician who is pro-choice be allowed to accept communion, the church teaches that life begins at conception and that abortion is a grave sin. >> therefore, promoting policies that allow abortion can be seen as cooperating in this set. however, the decision to deny communion is typically left to the individual bishop or pre that's a note perfect answer that that is exactly what we want him to do in april, father justin went live controversy soon followed. ai is infecting christianity and it wants you to get baptized in gatorade. >> so after it was released, someone used it and justin told them there'll be acceptable to use gatorade in a baptist, correct? that isn't correct dr. wright, he did find that answer at what we would have regarded to be a respectable source. >> we have since corrected that and we owned it and he will not repeat that error. >> there was one criticism. they acted on quickly that an ai shouldn't be referred to like a priest father justin was downgraded to just justin. >> we realized this is now the priest character is now interfering. what we want to do with this platform. and we changed it instantly. in fact, i think, well, it took about an hour. ai is here and we have two choices. we can stick our head in the sand and pretend it's not here that it has no application and spreading the faith. i don't believe that's true. it does. and by using a device like this and testing it, we're going to find out how best to use ai to spread the gospel right? >> so fred, as you can see there, that may told me that even with these kind of embarrassing mistakes, like the gatorade one, they welcomed it because for them, that's more information they can use to train this ai to do what it's supposed to do. >> john, this is remarkable timing because we just saw pope francis in italy meeting with world leaders at the g7 to talk about ai that's, right so the vatican has been very open and forthright about the dangers of ai back in 2020, the popi in the vatican had a wrong call for ai ethics, a framework of ai ethics that they've been pushing tech companies decide on to microsoft and cisco have signed onto that and now the g7 to put his meeting with the most powerful leaders in the world, urging them to take the threat of ai seriously is concerned span from the proliferation of fake news of how ai can fuel autonomous weapons systems and more broadly, he's concerned about how ai and algorithms can remove our choices in our everyday human choices from our lives. >> so the pope has been really making ai of focus of what he thinks world leaders need to address. >> all right, john saarland, also fascinating. thank you so much. >> all right. a six month old baby is trapped in her car seat unconscious and without a poll sap are deadly accident, that's wonderful. florida sheriff's deputies springs into action i think dad mode kinda kicked in you know, i'm a father and a little a little presses and the sternum area just to try to jumpstart her heart while i was doing it and then i heard her gas. if this the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future the cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27th, denied life. i'd 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motorcycle race past two meta speed estimated to be over 100 miles per hour the white flash shown here on his dashcam a hint of the chaotic scene he would arrive two seconds later the motorcycle had crashed into a young family's suv and they were trapped inside once i forgot to signal for motorcyclists is going to be i got to find it first, send you at some point in that intersection right here. >> she got clipped by the motorcycle. >> i remember going across the median and i just looked to my left and i see a bright light and then just the crash oh man hold on. >> hold on. let me get you guys know their the motorcyclist was killed. >> kailey foley could see one of her two daughters, but not low come here, come are pleased with the help of a bystander. >> most grove is able to get three-year-old aerial to safety. i need you to hold this little girl playing. i looked underneath a motorcyclist and that's when i so lola lola didn't look good. she didn't look like she was breathing i just heard a brazen you got come on. you've been doing this job for awhile, but what's it like to have your whole heart jolted into that moment think dad mode kinda kicked in you know, i'm a father and little little presses in the sternum area just to try to jumpstart your heart while i was doing it. then i heard her gaps mind

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Windshield , Haven T , Flight , Ship , Offers , Crack , Beach , Safe Flight Com , Bike Repair , Service , Sean Diddy , New York City , Mayor , Combs , Washington , Wrapper , Cassie Ventura , Request , Video Footage , Hit , Sexual Assault Lawsuits , Key To The City , The Key , Eric Adams , Quote , Possession , New Yorkers , June 10 , Pope , Image , Views , Bejeweled Crucifix , Coat , Judge , Prompting , Pope Francis Strolling Through St , Peter , Father Justin The Church , Questions , Deepfake , Praise , Advice , Users , Catholic Doctrine , Aren T , John Saarland , Producer , Worries , Organization , Boom , Organizations , Businesses , Catholic Answers , San Diego , Priest , That S Right , Realm , Ai Pref , Baby , Confessions , Array , Gaetz , Answer , Information , Catholicism , School Tech , Program , Catholic Answers A Advocacy Organization , Shouldn T , Answers , Religion , Surprise , Eye , Proponent , Promise , Applications , Jackpot , Police Station , Persona , Italian , Graphics , Eucharist , Use , Christ , Communion , Politician , Conception , Church , Staff Members , Apologists , Grave Sin , Decision , Set , Pre , Note , Bishop , Someone , Christianity , Controversy , Baptized In Gatorade , Gatorade , Baptist , Dr , Source , Wright , Ai Shouldn T , Just Justin , Terror , Character , Platform , Choices , Application , Device , Sand , Gospel , Gatorade One , May , Mistakes , World Leaders , Meeting , Vatican , Pope Francis , Timing , Italy , G7 , Ai Ethics , Popi , Ai Back , Tech Companies , Framework , Dangers , Cisco , Microsoft , Human Choices , Fake News , Weapons Systems , Algorithms , Proliferation , Lives , Focus , Car Seat , Action , Unconscious , Poll , Sap , Accident , Florida Sheriff S Deputies Springs , Presses , Gas , Visions For America S Future The Cnn , Supply Chain , City Client , Growth , Expertise , Serie A , Parents , Progress , Trouble , Pet , Pets , 35 , 46 , Weight Management Medicine , Tb , Events , Heart Disease , Obesity , Adults , Fda , Don T Take , Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Overweight , Glp 1 , Semaglutide , 1 , Provider , Changes , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Blood Sugar , Pancreatitis , Swelling , Neck , Diabetes , Thoughts , Suicide , Vomiting , Dehydration , Dv , Idp , Health Care Professional , Cost , Idp Derails Let , Patients , Inspiration , Cdp Doesn T Have To , Cid P Com , Little , Finding Hope , C C1p Com , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Shortness Of Breath , Serious , Mission , Sound , Attr Cm , Attr Cm Okay , Network , Health , Nutrients , Nutrition , Insurance , Names , X Marks The Spot , Xfinity Streamsavertm , Favorites , Netflix , Apple Tv , Peacock , 5 , Streaming , Spending , Natasha Bertrand , Pentagon , Motorcycle , Suv , Story , Florida , Job , David , Humbling , Bravery , Hero , Lola , Wouldn T , Motorcycle Race , Speed , Accident Charlotte County , Dashcam , Hint , Motorcyclists , Intersection , Motorcyclist , Hold On , Crash Oh Man , Kailey Foley , Safety , Grove , Bystander , Little Girl Playing , Daughters , Breathing , Didn T Look Good , Awhile , Come On , Mind ,

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