Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240614 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240614

described, has been criticized as a threat to democracy these folks are being convinced that america isn't a democracy in the first place. and if it's not a democracy in the first place, then trump is no threat. that's what we're seeing being pushed back to you pope is making history this morning with the first ever papal visit to the g7 summit but his main concern, my bit of a surprise to you worlds colliding with the pope president's and artificial well intelligence on the global stage also, demolitions starts this hour on the site of one of the worst school shootings in american history, nearly six years here's after 17 students and stoppers lost their lives at marjory stoneman douglas high school, that it's in parkland, florida. >> crews will start finally tearing down that building and the lead singer of the four tops says he had to prove his identity with a video from the grammys in order to get care at a michigan hospital. why he says he felt close to death i'm sorry. >> cider with kate bolduan, john berman is out today. this is cnn news central historic first for any g7 summit today, pope francis this is going to be speaking to president biden and the other world leaders gathered in italy. >> you arrived in southern italy this morning season video there where he is set to speak about artificial intelligence seen as mj lee is in italy fall and following president biden's travels, she joins us now biden is also going to be meeting with the pope one-on-one. bring us up to speed on what all is going to happen today. >> yeah. this is the first time that any pope has attended a g7 summit. >> and you're right that ai is expected to be a big focus when he meets with these leaders. as we've seen, a proliferation of ai technology, the pope has made clear in recent years and he's really concerned about ways in which countries can band together to make sure that the technology is being used responsibly and ethically but importantly for president biden, he is going to be meeting separately and privately with the pope on the sidelines of the summit, a senior official had said that issues like the ukraine war, the situation in the middle east, where of course the pope has been calling for a ceasefire into israel moss war. those are expected to come up, but current events aside, you can expect this will be an incredibly personally meaningful meeting and sit down with the pope that the president has today significant because the president, of course, often talks about his catholic faith and how important that is in his day. today life. and the last time that the two men met was in 2021 at the vatican. and the president told reporters afterwards afterwards, what a wonderful meeting that had been. and he said that the two had discussed a lot of personal issues by cnn today marks the fifth time that the two men are meeting. going back to before the president was president when he was vice president in 2015, he actually met he and his family with the pope privately, just months after a bonus path i think this is the president's son who died from cancer and he had a publicly talked about since then how important it was that meeting for his family and the great solace that the president says that meeting was able to bring to his family at such a difficult time now, aside from the pope, which really is a big highlight of the second day of the g7. i should note there's also going to be a session for the g7 liters on the indo-pacific were a big focus will be china and all of the actions that it is taking to contribute to russia's war efforts. and i mentioned that because that has been such a key feature of president biden's foreign policy. >> kate good to see you. i'm mj lot happening today sir. all right. right. now, demolition set to begin at marjory stoneman douglas high school at the site of that horrific 2018 mass shooting that left 14 students and three staff members dead. it is a long time coming for many of the shooting victims, families, and community who had to wait until the gunman's trial was over before demolition could begin. the jury actually getting a look inside that building before they made their decision. the building has remained frozen in time since the shooting with bullet holes in the walls and the victims belongings still scattered all over the floors cnn's carlos suarez is live outside the school. give us some sense of what's going on now and not all parents necessarily wanted this building to be torn down, who lost students there. i understand as well, because it was your training ground for for other schools to understand how to make their schools safer, correct? correct. >> that's exactly right. sarah so i'll construction crane has been brought in to start the process of taking down the 1,200 building were told that crews are going to start with the roof of the structure and then it's going to be several weeks before they take down the tire building. these two white tents behind me have been set up for some of the family members to watch this process take place. and as you noted, the family members have been torn about whether or not this building should be taken down. some family members have said they just want to see it go other families members have said they want to remain exactly how it's been since 2018 of the building itself was not touched. it was used as evidence in the trial against the parkland shooter and in the pasti or the family members themselves? i'll have hosted a number of tours of the 1,200 building. they've brought in members of congress, they brought into secretary of education, and even a vice president are commonly harris, a tour to the site of this massacre, a really all in an effort to try to pass a stricter gun laws and better improve the protections of schools across the united states. now, again, one of the parents that we expect to be out here is a l'oreal hadath, her daughter, alyssa, was amount of 17 students and faculty members that were killed in the massacre here in 2018. and she talked to us the past hour about the emotions of today. here's a bit of what she said we all know that this is once more staff in our healing process. >> and it's important that, you know, six years later that this building comes down. it definitely served its purpose at the time i'm legislators going through that building, teeing the blood on the ground, the glass on the floor, the haar that took place there on that valentine's day, six years ago and i know that legislators has made change all right. >> so the broward county school district has not said if a permanent memorial is going to be built on the site of where this building is currently standing of the process again is expected to say to take several weeks. and the school district waited for the school we're to wrap up, are considering the sensitivity of the other students that are still at the school with the building really being kind of in the middle of the canvas sarah it was a really horrible day. all of us remember when this happened and what's happened to the sum of the student's subsequently who have gone on and in college really, really, really good story. thank you so much for sharing that with us. >> the supreme court could hand down decision as soon as today on another critical abortion issue. what is next at stake in the fight over reproductive rights plus another high court headline, justice clarence thomas, facing new scrutiny today after it's revealed he took even more trips and previously disclosed that were funded by republican donor now, then also a head for us, how an officer's quick thinking at the scene of a violent crash saves a young life i, voted buttons like dragging my rainbow kit. >> it's like your generation has evolved pebbled pass traditional political cool symbols. and there's room for everyone. >> yeah first puke lane, those white so far as helping me get my money right to achieve my ambition like saving for an epic shoe 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delta airlines employees, powers tractor supplies, stores nationwide with revival by is internet, and partners with pga of america on been changing in a eviction. this is how enjoy house for $19 alder james is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised, secrets and spies. >> a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn supreme court justice clarence thomas is facing new questions and new scrutiny today. >> it appears he took even more trips than previously disclosed on the dime of our republican donor this is coming from information obtained by senator dick durbin, the chairman of the senate judiciary committee. durbin says justice thomas traveled on the private jet of harlan crow to multiple places in 2017, 19 and 21, seen as joan biskupic has much more on this. what are you learning here? >> sure. good morning, kate. it's good to see you the justices have very few rules for their off-bench activity. activities, but one is to annually report gifts on auraria outside travel, any extra income they get. and that's why this has become such an issue because clarence thomas has failed to report at many times. you probably remember about a year-and-a-half ago, pro publica ran this big story about many trips, dip clarence thomas had taken on the dime of texas billionaire harlan crow a man who has been very active in conservative causes and slowly clarence thomas just kinda caught up with that reporting, just last week he reported some trips that had been left off of previous form. but now what we have is his report from senator durbin and the senate judiciary committee. after it had it had gotten some cooperation with harlan crow to list these it's other trips, 202,017, 19, and 2021 to montana, to savannah, georgia, to northern california. we're not sure of the full nature of the trips, but we know that they were with harlan crow on his private jet. you referred to his fancy yacht where clarence thomas had gone to indonesia and we had known a little bit about that one because of the prior propublica reporting. but this just shows that there's still probably more of these to dribble out harlan crow has his spokesman had this to say about working with the committee mr. crow reached an agreement with the senate judiciary committee to provide information responsive to its requests going back seven years because of course, kate, the committee has been trying to figure out should there have been any grounds for recusal what was the full extent of clarence thomas is travel and i just want to add one more item on this that clarence thomas it's lawyer has said there was some ambiguity over what should have been reported and that actually clarence thomas need not have reported but these three trips because they would have fallen under what was then known as hospitality exemption for certain travel that is contested, but that is i just want to at least let you know that that's what justice thomas is. supporters are saying. and just to remind everyone of when this is coming, the supreme court is very much in focus because of many rulings coming down over the next two weeks kate, just on that quickly, as soon as today, there could be seeing some really important rulings come down that's right. as 10:00 eastern time, the nine justices will take the bench and issue more rulings were waiting for possibly another abortion rights ruling. >> we have two guns cases up there, one that could affect gun possession nationwide. and what kind of federal regulations can be imposed. this case could so effect hunter biden's appeal is going forward. and then of course, we have two very big cases that touch on former president donald trump. one directly as he's claiming absolute immunity from the the charges of election subversion that have been brought by special counsel jack smith on behalf of the justice department. that one's there, as well as kate, a major case involving january 6, defendants. and as i said, touching on donald trump in terms of whether they can be charged with corruptly obstructing an official proceeding. kate good to see you, john. thank you so much. >> sure. >> all right. as you just heard from joan there this morning, reproductive rights center stage, as we are await a big decision from the supreme court. and what the justices aside could affect what happens when a pregnant woman shows up to the hospital during an emergency in a state where abortion is banned just yesterday supreme court ruled the abortion pill, mifepristone in another case can stay on the market also, senate republicans voted to block a bill that would guarantee access to ivf nationwide. i'm joined now by nancy northrop, the president of the center for reproductive rights. thank you so much for speaking to us this morning. i want to talk about the ruling on mifepristone your argument about this ruling is it's not a win for abortion. why well, because we are back to a status quo that is unacceptable, which is 14 states have abortion bans so while the court did the right thing, the fact that it was unanimous tells you how outrageous decisions were in the lower courts. >> the supreme court had to take this case because the court of appeals below had said that they were going to roll back scientific based fda decision because that medication, abortion, a proven over 20 years to be safe and effective, that it could be used for telemedicine, that you could be on your computer at home and then have the pills mail to you? they were going to roll that back. that is unjustified under the law and the facts. so the supreme court had to take the case. it's unanimous because this case was completely baseless. >> so we're happy to supreme court did the right thing. >> but what back to this unacceptable status quo in this post row, america, i do want to ask you about this, this particular case because the court did not rule on the merits of the case. they found that anti-abortion doctors lacked a little all right to sue. >> does that mean in your mind that this could come up yet again well, i have no doubt that those that want to cut off access to abortion care for people throughout the nation. and of course, a decision from the supreme court on the fda's rulings on, medication. abortion would affect people in new york and california and illinois in the states where abortion is legal. and so i have no doubt they'll keep coming back. but the supreme court made clear that you don't have standing. that was the ruling in the case to just object to something you don't like and so the fda is ruling in this case this is so firmly in the scientific evidence before them that all of those should fail and it's really important because almost two-thirds of women who choose abortion care in america today are choosing medication abortion for their care. >> yeah, it is the most popular if you welded most used way which is the pills, i want to ask you about the roots of supreme court is currently looking at and we could get a ruling today anytime past 10:00 p.m. at when they take are certain 10:00 a.m. going to take the bench i want to ask you what it means this case where if a pregnant woman is having an emergency, there's something gone wrong potentially with her pregnancy. she shows up to a hospital in a state that has a banned abortion. what happens here and what do you think this case and this ruling may do? to whether they ruled that these i guess, emergency rooms don't have to admit these women are don't have to do the abortions. like how is this all going to work out for women who are in an emergency situation going to hospitals yeah. >> it's a really important federal statute that says that anyone who shows up in a hospital who has an emergency condition has to be able to be stabilized in that hospital regardless and what has been challenged here by the state of idaho and other states have done this as well. it's completely outrageous. it's to say that pregnant women who come to the hospitals who are experiencing a serious pregnancy complication, that abortion is indicated to stabilize that patient, that they don't have to provide abortion care. >> we've seen throughout the country the center of reproductive rights is representing women in texas and idaho in tennessee. >> and we're hearing from women all over the country in ban states that they are showing up in hospital emergency rooms with pregnancy complications and they are being denied abortion care when that is what is needed to save their health and lives. so a lot is on the line with the supreme court decision. and if they decide to take away this this shred of federal protection that's left after roe versus wade. it means that hospitals could turn patients away i think it's really the only federal protection that exist across the country that keeps supposed to keep women safe because obviously, when you're having an emergency and you gotta emergency room, you have to be given care. >> so this is a very, very important decision that we will be hopefully getting some clarity on from the supreme court this morning. nancy northrop. thank you so much for coming on. i appreciate your insight into all of this thank you. okay. >> serious accusations against a big cities police force the department of justice, saying officers it's have been violating constitutional rights of minorities and the homeless four years and you may notice some big savings. >> the next time you head to the gas station what this trend could mean for the economy down the road the most anticipated moment of this so let and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 20, he said with denied life on cnn and streaming on max who are you? i'm in a child you really need to live is some brick in total four star keeps you going toward get you going we're 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tsunamis. it happened in faraway lands and it's easy to think it can't happen here if one hits home, where we'd be ready silent, earth with liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn good news, friends and the price at the pump. the next time you were there might not be cheap, but it's slightly better than what you've faced this time last summer and nowhere near what you were up against two years ago, gas prices have cooled significantly since hitting record highs in 2022. and that is what matt egan as digging into today, where do our prices right now? >> well, we are miles away from that nightmare of two years ago, right? 346 a gallon. >> that is not cheap, right? of course, prices were cheaper in 2020 because no one was on the road. it was that health crisis but what's interesting is that gas prices are, or even lower than this point last year, $0.13 lower. and it can more than $1, below that all time high from two years ago. and that was of course just such a disaster, right? financially, psychologically, it was really, really bad. and now we've seen prices come down really across the country talking about this since it relates to inflation and some of the good news. >> i mean, the reason why inflation hit 9% two years ago was because of $5 gas and it was just this massive problem. but look at this now over the last year, we've seen massive drops, $0.69 lower than this point a year ago in utah and $0.47 in washington state and also some of the battleground states that are gonna to be pivotal in this election have seen massive drops as well. nevada, arizona, $0.59 lower and wisconsin. now, this is all a big deal because obviously gas prices play such a pivotal roles psychologically and how we think and feel about the economy, right? so visible, we see it all the time. you can't really avoid it out with, i guess exactly what's going unless you have an electric vehicle with the fact that prices have come down has really helped the inflation. >> that's why we saw prices not budge at all month over month between april and may for the first time in two years. now, what's interesting, those, of course, everyone wants those prices of ten years ago, right? yeah, dollar gas, two-dollar gas, if feasible, know. and we also make more money collectively than we did and prices have always gone up, right? but when you look on an inflation adjusted basis, today's prices look pretty reasonable, look 346 a gallon on an inflation adjusted basis. we're just $0.12 higher than june of 2019 before covid. >> and actually lower than at this point in 2018. >> it's fascinating when you look at on an inflation adjusted basis. gas prices are actually in a pretty reasonable spot right now, which of course is good news. >> however, we do not look through inflation adjusted goggles at the world. there is it's still very important to know. it's good to see you. i think i just came up with our get out of jail. i plan sarah adjusted goggles. let's just take the subway as a person who spent a lot of time in california, lived a life there. i see those prices and i get jealous. i want to go buy a car just to put the cat because it is not that low executive subway for me. all right patients who depend on prescriptions to treat adhd may actually lose access to their medicine and this is the reason the arrest of health health healthcare executives for fraud. we will explain. >> and the lead singer of a legendary motown group is suing michigan hospital. >> he says he could not get treatment and was even put in restraints until he showed the staff video of him performing at the grammys. will get through that story as well this election season, stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts, follow cnn. >> kinda riva support your brain health. >> very janet. hey eddie, know appraiser, franck, franck, bread. how are you brad, fuel up to seven brain health 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communities, cnn's josh campbell is joining us now with more details on this this is a shocking report. i remember some of the local stations that investigations they're all sorts of things going on and now you have this doj report that is damaging. what can you tell us? >> no, you're absolutely right. and it was those initial reports, those high-profile incidents that actually launched this investigation, doj coming in nearly three years ago opening a civil rights investigation finally, coming out with this blistering report for the phoenix police department, i'll show you some of what their findings were. they essentially claim that over this period of time since 2016, some of the data they've been looking at that officers have flouted federal civil rights laws and using excessive force, they claim that officers at times had delayed rendering aid to people that they had shot. they had continued to use force against people who were already incapacitated. and then they also described this whole kind of mischaracterization or misunderstanding about the whole concept of de-escalation. apparently, according to doj, within the phoenix police department, officers are essentially trained that escalation leads to de-escalation, which has obviously runs counter to what a lot of policing experts having calling for. now, they've talked about additionally as you mentioned there, sarah violating the rights of the homeless, doj says this is the first instance where one of their patterns and practice investigations have actually focused on police treatment of the homeless, which could serve as a warning to all departments across the country, particularly a city's tried to deal with surges and homeless population. and then finally, mass racial disparities they talked about overpolicing of minority communities, pointing out that, for example, for low level of moving violations, black motorists were cited or arrested 144% more times than white drivers hispanic cited 40% more in circumstances. and i know sarah for you, this is so important because you now have coverage so many of these protests that have happened around the country, often we see the police, they're trying to ensure the safety of attendees in this case doj claims that officers were violating the rights of peaceful protesters and one instance they claim that an officer had fired a less than lethal weapon at a protester, hitting him in the growing and then officers actually celebrated that by creating memorabilia of that incident, firing this non-lethal round at this man's testicle. so all of this taken together just a really scathing report, the assistant attorney general for civil rights in announcing this report yesterday, explain why doj felt they needed to step in the police department claims it was unaware of these significant racial disparities, but longstanding and frequently voice community concerns about discriminatory policing, as well as overt displays of bias within the police force. >> should have spurred the department to analyze its own data instead the police department turned a blind eye to the data this is one instance where we can't count on the police to police themselves now phoenix police department and city officials say that they've already started to correct some of this actions since this investigation was launched and doj actually acknowledges that that there have been improvements, but they say there's still work to be done as far as next steps, the department of justice has hoping that the city will willingly come to the table and tried to institute reforms if that doesn't work, that will then potentially lead to what is called a consent decree that we've heard in various cities around the country where a federal judges brought into essentially mediate. >> if that doesn't happen, both parties have to agree to that. if that doesn't happen, doj says that they will go to the course to try to seek of action, to actually seek these reforms i'm sarah josh campbell. those details beyond disturbing and we'll be watching this case. i know you will be to get updates when we can. we appreciate your reporting? >> hey, the lead singer of the motown group, the four tops is suing michigan hospital now for racial discrimination, he says a hospital denied them care when he thought he was close to death alexander morris says that he went to the hospital suffering chest pains and having a difficulty breathing, and that is when he says the hospital put them in restraining jacket and did not believe he was who he is seen as miguel mark has is following this one. what has happened here, hard to believe what he is claiming here, but here is the claim. >> alexander lex morris became lead singer of the motown powerhouse group, the four tops and 2018, they have hits like, i can't help myself sugar pie honey bunch baby, i need your loving mr. morris says that in his lawsuit said he checked in on april 7, 2023, at ascension mecole out oakland hospital. he was brought in in an ambulance suffering from chest pains and breathing issues is a long history of heart issues. and while there, he told staff and he was a member of the four tops then had security concerns because of stalkers and fans. mr. morris claims that a white security guard at one point told him to sit his black behind down although he did not use the term behind and rather than any staff give him the benefit of the doubt or check his story. the lawsuit claims a doctor in the emergency room took him off oxygen and put them in a restraining jacket for an hour-and-a-half while he conducted a psychological evaluation and it wasn't until he could convince a nurse to watch a video him singing at the grammys that they believed his story. now, morrisons claim it says at the hospital blatantly refused to provide him with medical treatment due to his race and or person so you've medical mental disability instead, he received a deliberate misdiagnosis and received a lower standard of medical care based on his race that amounted to racial discrimination. and delayed his actual diagnosis in his statement to stat news, it's a medical journal. the hospital said it would not comment on pending litigation, but says we remain committed to honoring human dignity and acting with integrity and compassion for all persons and the community. we do not condone racial discrimination of any kind morris says he suffered seizures ended up having to stay at the hospital for five days because he was too sick to leave. >> and after all of this, they offered him a $25 gift certificate to a local supermarket, which he declined. >> he's now asking a jury, it's a federal lawsuits, asking a jury at some 0.2 you have them at least $75,000, if not more, if they find even more oh, my gosh. >> it's if it weren't true, his claim. yeah. >> you wouldn't believe it? >> miguel. thank you so much. let's see what happens here and cnn's victor blackwell will also be speaking with alexander morris and his attorney this saturday morning on first of all, starting at 8:00 a.m. eastern miguel, that was a truly shocking sorry. my god while president joe biden, the nation's oldest president, faces challenges due to a generational divide his strong support from senior citizens could prove to be a key advantage for him the first lady is also rallying behind her husband, addressing concerns about the ability to lead the nation election is most certainly not about age. >> joe, and that other guy are essentially the same age. let's not be fooled. joe isn't one of the most effective president's of our lives in spite of his age. but because of it while we are blessed to have cnn's jeff zeleny, he's gotten more on why the president is gaining with voters that are around his own age i think because trump is barragan loud, he doesn't come off as old as maybe biden does at 86 gsc ferris spends no time worrying about the ages of the oldest american presidential candidates for those who do this loyal president biden supporter has this to say about donald trump. he's way less capable in the brain area. >> in the brain area delicate way to put it as trump turns 78 on friday, just three years younger than biden's at one age is an unmistakable part of the race. >> but the biden campaign is suddenly embracing it in a different way. >> i'm a senior and i vote turning to faris and other seniors to build a critical piece of this coalition. i never thought i'd be one of those people. holding of a political sine are being involved, but i can't sit back. thank you. >> linda van orden, a retired real estate agent, is now training democratic volunteers, get out the vote becoming politically active for the first time after trump won in 2016, we could determine who sits in the white house grand rapids, and surrounding ken county is a bellwether within battleground, michigan, biden one here and statewide in 2020, after trump narrowly carried both four years earlier, biden is working to become the first democrat in nearly a quarter century to win those 65 and older in an election where baby boomers now comprise prize a wide majority of the senior vote. they're at a point in their life where they've seen how politics has changed and recognize that it's a priority for them. >> as other parts of the biden coalition or fraying that campaign is putting seniors front and center energize your neighbors, invite them out to pickleball the vote at the same time. yet deep disappointment, ways heavy on other seniors here like barbara howard, who voted for biden four years ago, but won't this time. i feel betrayed. right now. i'm not going to vote for president palestine thing is a red line and his his, his nothing judean nick herik, both eddie and retired say biden steady hand inspires them to volunteer. >> what do they say that at is new 60 often canvassing and registering younger voters in grand rapids. >> what's exciting for me is the opportunity for seniors to turn talk with young folks and say, can we really look at this? what does this mean to you? >> and defending the president's age? >> i look at his thinking in his approach to things. looks pretty good to me, especially when you view it. in contrast to what the alternative is that contrast with trump is what the biden campaign is investing millions on ads like this, drinking bleach to tear gassing citizens and staging a photo-op that delight voters like ferriss. >> i love the one ray talks about how he drank i drink bleach that'll be cared covid holding up the bible abdominals that the senior generation values and carry gory important to us silver lining for the biden campaign. of course, he faces many steep challenges with other parts of his coalition unlike young voters and voters of color. but those senior voters who actually vote reliably are a big part of the biden campaign plan, particularly in places like here in michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania that so-called blue wall that biden needs to win. there were more older voters here than there are in some of the other states like arizona and nevada. but sarah, one thing is clear. the biden campaign often does not like to talk about how old he is or age. >> but in this, there will in to embrace the age of his senior voters. >> so i'll tell you what i learned a lot from your piece, but my favorite thing was that at is the new 60 it means we are all much younger than than, than the number, say, thank you so much, jeff zeleny, his life for us from grand rapids, michigan then continuing on age, donald trump kicked off his 78th birthday celebration, surrounded by some of his biggest supporters were turning to capitol hill for the first time. >> since the january 6 attack, trump met behind closed doors with house and senate republicans talking everything from people coming out, from abortion politics to taylor swift and the beef between marjorie taylor greene and house speaker mike johnson. in an interview later, donald trump suggested that he may already know who he wants to pick to be his running mate. this was your pick for vp in their room with you? probably hear a prep hopefully, i don't want to go, but probably i think we'll probably during the convention. do you know who your vps i have sort of a that idea of really talented people and joining us right now as republican congressman byron donalds from florida congressman. thanks so much for coming back on. lots of people talking about lots of things that you guys all discussed in the meeting with donald trump yesterday on abortion specifically, we heard quite a few things i wanted to ask you about. speaker johnson said that donald trump told you all to exercise your conscience when it came to talk to to abortion policy and talking about it. and nancy mace said that donald trump told you all you need to talk about abortion, quote, correctly, she says that was his word, not hers, and push you all to support for exemption exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. >> do you support those exceptions for an abort any abortion ban actually i do. and i think the way the president is talking about abortion is incredibly important also, what he said is that at this point with where we are in the country, this he's gonna be a matter for states every state is going to make their decision california's going to have their law. new york is going to have their law. and many states are still going through that process. i will tell you a lot of voters i know they're concerned about abortion is obviously a very personal topic but what happened with the supreme court back in 1973 was not the appropriate way to deal with such a personal and frankly divisive issue in our country amongst americans and in our politics, the path we are on now where every state has coming up with their own rubric. they're all levels of restrictions actually respects all the people within a state and allows for the body politic. so fully engage on one of the most, one of the most divisive and personal topics that happens in our country so the path we're on is actually the appropriate pathway. what president trump is talking about is basically making sure that the states leaving it in the hands of the states, not really bringing it to the federal level because the state is really are the laboratory for democracy. and that's where that issue should reside. >> so it's a byron donalds firmly in the camp of this is a state issue. we've not you would not support a federal ban if it came up for a real vote in congress well, i don't think we shouldn't even go down that road. the dobbs decision out of the supreme court is very, very clear. this is a matter for state, for state legislators, governors, and people to decide, not federal politicians. and there's a bigger issue behind just simply abortion. there is not a medical procedure in the united and it states that is regulated at the federal level. they are all regulated at the state level. abortion is a medical procedure. it's one personally, i do not like, but it is a state issue that should be happened there. i don't think we should be bringing in federal federal bans on capitol hill. i don't think we should be doing that as i mentioned, lots of other topics one thing that came out i just wanted to ask about, did he really drive about taylor swift in the meeting with you all and wonder why she's with biden and not with him no i think he was more talking about maybe she's not with them anymore because i mean, look, taylor swift sees what everybody sweet sees joe biden is really not here. >> he's not with us please do. and i guess the best he can, but the stature and the image of leadership that americans expect any united states presidency is not embodied by job biden. everybody knows that oh wait. >> did donald trump did domus, i'm think he could get her support none at all. >> he just talked to about it in terms of joe biden, obviously, you know, taylor, if you want to come on and join the campaign and support president trump, we would love to have you all, but that's something that she's going to figure out with herself and her team probably able look at the end of the day you're seeing a lot of celebrities beginning to support president trump. the reason why is because the country is a flat-out mess. joe biden has made every wrong decision. the democrats have supported every decision. a frankly, there's a lot of these are bernie sanders or elizabeth warren policies that he has he has executed here in our country. it's simply not working. so that's why you have a lot of celebrities who were very in favor of joe biden four years ago, are now very we're very quiet and some of them have come out for donald trump we know that you are among those who would like to be donald trump's running mate. >> we know that you are one of the contenders. and we know that you were in the room with room with him yesterday, so all of these things add up to my next question, a former trump campaign and white house official told me recently congressmen bet the vps are picked for demographics, geographics, or to unite the party what do you bring to the trump campaign that others do not well first of all, i'll say it's really an honor even just to be on that list, it's not something frankly, as a kid growing up or even going through college sorry my career even early in politics. >> i never thought i'd be a part of i think if you're going to ask specifically for me in all my younger member of congress, obviously, i'm a black man in america but it's not those two things aren't really the key thing. i think i've resonate with voters across the board. i'm really generation that focuses on common sense and weaves conservative principles into that a common sense framework that a lot of americans are asking for. they really, really need and they desire is. so i think it's i think i help expanding the political map, if you will. it really having voters, whether they're independence or democrats, release are rethinking their politics and seeing somebody like me and actually some of my contemporaries on capitol hill right now who are younger, who i'm a much more common sense view, that in some respects you could say that the lot of us were the future of politics. and so i think that's what i bring. but at the end of the day, donald trump is going to make that decision. i'm a support his decision no matter what he decides to do, i just want to win and have a great america. this all i want. >> do you think you expand the political map more than nikki haley would? >> well you know, no disrespect to nikki haley, but i think people like me, we'll see what happens. but again, that's for the voters to decide at the end of the day it's about policy, it is about competence. and it can you actually explain that deliver that, and lead with that every single day for the american people, obviously, ambassador haley has been on the national scene for a long time. but i think that you also have this phase in our politics where people are fully supportive of donald trump and then also on the background are thinking about let's go what's going to come next was going to come after. so we'll see what happens. conventions a couple of weeks away, the president is going to make a phenomenal choice and we're gonna be supportive of that. we're going to move on from there people like you and voters have clearly shown, even after she dropped out of the primary, people still like nikki haley getting some like 20%, i think even in my home state of indiana it's good does your congressman. >> thank you for coming in sarah. this is happening right now. pope francis making history at this moment. and for sono italy there, this is the first time that a pope has attended the g7 summit. they are expected to discuss, among other things, a framework on developing and using artificial intelligence. he has been the victim of a deepfake himself as the pope. were the world saw him wearing this puffy jacket and he wasn't actually wearing, it was someone faked a picture but you see him there, meaning some of the different world leaders going person to person shaking hands and getting ready to sit at the table how of a significant conversation. and as, you know, president biden of the catholic faith himself. so this is a very big deal that because it's a historic situation where the probe now sitting with the g7 liters and others there at the table in for sono, italy, we'll have more on this coming up in just a bit. we also know he's going to have one-on-ones with quite a few of the leaders. there will be right back i brought in, a, short max protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks here, i'll take that, ensure max protein 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic at morgan stanley old school hard work meets bold new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities. >> and relentlessly work with you to make them real they say we should stop eating so much meat so we made meet out of plants because we aren't quitters impossible. what the flexure i public rec debate night in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beta analysis follows cnn for every countless moment. follow debate night in america begins june 27 at seven a.m. dr. sanjay gupta. >> and this is cnn common dad agreed it was time for senior living, but they wanted and needed different things from a community so i turned to a place for mom for senior living advice her advisor really listened and got what was important to us. >> she recommended a wide range of different types the communities for us to tour and compare. so we can make the best decision. now, they've settled in and he bought feel right at home for free senior living advice go to a place for beyond the call of duty, brought to you by a place for mom, the place for senior living advice, talk to an expert advisor today at no cost to your family this morning. >> a chilling story unfolding in florida where a motorcycle going more than 100 miles per hour collides with an suv and inside is a mom and her two young children. that is when sergeant david musk grove demonstrated extraordinary bravery and ended up saving the entire families. cnn's ryan young has how the deputy went beyond the call of duty for us morning this still means something to you. it does is humbling that people would see me as a hero. i was just a guide doing my job. >> had he not been there and acted so quickly and know what to do we wouldn't have lola you know, he's the reason that she's here let me check less than a. >> year old lola had to fight to survive after this horrific accident charlotte county deputy sergeant david must grove was on routine patrol when a motorcycle race past two meta speed estimated to be over 100 miles per hour the white flash shown here on his dashcam a hint of the chaotic scene. >> he would arrive two seconds later the motorcycle had crashed into a young family's suv and they were trapped inside can i want some trig signal four motorcyclists? it's going to be i got to find it first, send him some point in that intersection right here. >> she got clipped by them motorcycle. >> i remember going across the median and i just looked to my left and i see a bright light and then just the crash. >> oh man hold on. hold on. let me get you guys out there the motorcyclist was killed kailey

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Ray Talks , Drinking Bleach , Staging A , Photo Op , Ferriss , Silver Lining , Values , Abdominals , Campaign Plan , Color , Blue Wall , Pennsylvania , 78th Birthday Celebration , Taylor Swift , Abortion Politics , Attack , Beef , Capitol Hill , Behind Closed Doors , Mike Johnson , Running Mate , Interview , Pick , Vp , House Speaker , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Congressman , Vps , Byron Donalds , Convention , Prep , Idea , I Don T Want To Go , Lots , Conscience , Nancy Mace , Abortion Policy , Exemption Exceptions , Others , Rape , Word , Incest , Also , Abortion Ban , Exceptions , Mother , Matter , Topic , He S Gonna , Americans , 1973 , Topics , Most , Levels , Restrictions , Divisive , Rubric , The Body Politic , Pathway , Hands , Laboratory , State Issue , Camp , Ban , Dobbs Decision Out Of The Supreme Court , Politicians , State Legislators , Governors , Procedure , Personally , United , Bans , Everybody , Stature , Image , Presidency , Leadership , Job Biden , None , Oh Wait , 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, Guide , Ryan Young , Wouldn T , Lola , Motorcycle Race , Speed , Accident Charlotte County , Grove , Flash , Dashcam , Hint , Trig , Motorcyclists , Intersection , Kailey , Motorcyclist , Left , Guys , Light , Oh Man Hold On , Hold On ,

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described, has been criticized as a threat to democracy these folks are being convinced that america isn't a democracy in the first place. and if it's not a democracy in the first place, then trump is no threat. that's what we're seeing being pushed back to you pope is making history this morning with the first ever papal visit to the g7 summit but his main concern, my bit of a surprise to you worlds colliding with the pope president's and artificial well intelligence on the global stage also, demolitions starts this hour on the site of one of the worst school shootings in american history, nearly six years here's after 17 students and stoppers lost their lives at marjory stoneman douglas high school, that it's in parkland, florida. >> crews will start finally tearing down that building and the lead singer of the four tops says he had to prove his identity with a video from the grammys in order to get care at a michigan hospital. why he says he felt close to death i'm sorry. >> cider with kate bolduan, john berman is out today. this is cnn news central historic first for any g7 summit today, pope francis this is going to be speaking to president biden and the other world leaders gathered in italy. >> you arrived in southern italy this morning season video there where he is set to speak about artificial intelligence seen as mj lee is in italy fall and following president biden's travels, she joins us now biden is also going to be meeting with the pope one-on-one. bring us up to speed on what all is going to happen today. >> yeah. this is the first time that any pope has attended a g7 summit. >> and you're right that ai is expected to be a big focus when he meets with these leaders. as we've seen, a proliferation of ai technology, the pope has made clear in recent years and he's really concerned about ways in which countries can band together to make sure that the technology is being used responsibly and ethically but importantly for president biden, he is going to be meeting separately and privately with the pope on the sidelines of the summit, a senior official had said that issues like the ukraine war, the situation in the middle east, where of course the pope has been calling for a ceasefire into israel moss war. those are expected to come up, but current events aside, you can expect this will be an incredibly personally meaningful meeting and sit down with the pope that the president has today significant because the president, of course, often talks about his catholic faith and how important that is in his day. today life. and the last time that the two men met was in 2021 at the vatican. and the president told reporters afterwards afterwards, what a wonderful meeting that had been. and he said that the two had discussed a lot of personal issues by cnn today marks the fifth time that the two men are meeting. going back to before the president was president when he was vice president in 2015, he actually met he and his family with the pope privately, just months after a bonus path i think this is the president's son who died from cancer and he had a publicly talked about since then how important it was that meeting for his family and the great solace that the president says that meeting was able to bring to his family at such a difficult time now, aside from the pope, which really is a big highlight of the second day of the g7. i should note there's also going to be a session for the g7 liters on the indo-pacific were a big focus will be china and all of the actions that it is taking to contribute to russia's war efforts. and i mentioned that because that has been such a key feature of president biden's foreign policy. >> kate good to see you. i'm mj lot happening today sir. all right. right. now, demolition set to begin at marjory stoneman douglas high school at the site of that horrific 2018 mass shooting that left 14 students and three staff members dead. it is a long time coming for many of the shooting victims, families, and community who had to wait until the gunman's trial was over before demolition could begin. the jury actually getting a look inside that building before they made their decision. the building has remained frozen in time since the shooting with bullet holes in the walls and the victims belongings still scattered all over the floors cnn's carlos suarez is live outside the school. give us some sense of what's going on now and not all parents necessarily wanted this building to be torn down, who lost students there. i understand as well, because it was your training ground for for other schools to understand how to make their schools safer, correct? correct. >> that's exactly right. sarah so i'll construction crane has been brought in to start the process of taking down the 1,200 building were told that crews are going to start with the roof of the structure and then it's going to be several weeks before they take down the tire building. these two white tents behind me have been set up for some of the family members to watch this process take place. and as you noted, the family members have been torn about whether or not this building should be taken down. some family members have said they just want to see it go other families members have said they want to remain exactly how it's been since 2018 of the building itself was not touched. it was used as evidence in the trial against the parkland shooter and in the pasti or the family members themselves? i'll have hosted a number of tours of the 1,200 building. they've brought in members of congress, they brought into secretary of education, and even a vice president are commonly harris, a tour to the site of this massacre, a really all in an effort to try to pass a stricter gun laws and better improve the protections of schools across the united states. now, again, one of the parents that we expect to be out here is a l'oreal hadath, her daughter, alyssa, was amount of 17 students and faculty members that were killed in the massacre here in 2018. and she talked to us the past hour about the emotions of today. here's a bit of what she said we all know that this is once more staff in our healing process. >> and it's important that, you know, six years later that this building comes down. it definitely served its purpose at the time i'm legislators going through that building, teeing the blood on the ground, the glass on the floor, the haar that took place there on that valentine's day, six years ago and i know that legislators has made change all right. >> so the broward county school district has not said if a permanent memorial is going to be built on the site of where this building is currently standing of the process again is expected to say to take several weeks. and the school district waited for the school we're to wrap up, are considering the sensitivity of the other students that are still at the school with the building really being kind of in the middle of the canvas sarah it was a really horrible day. all of us remember when this happened and what's happened to the sum of the student's subsequently who have gone on and in college really, really, really good story. thank you so much for sharing that with us. >> the supreme court could hand down decision as soon as today on another critical abortion issue. what is next at stake in the fight over reproductive rights plus another high court headline, justice clarence thomas, facing new scrutiny today after it's revealed he took even more trips and previously disclosed that were funded by republican donor now, then also a head for us, how an officer's quick thinking at the scene of a violent crash saves a young life i, voted buttons like dragging my rainbow kit. >> it's like your generation has evolved pebbled pass traditional political cool symbols. and there's room for everyone. >> yeah first puke lane, those white so far as helping me get my money right to achieve my ambition like saving for an epic shoe 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delta airlines employees, powers tractor supplies, stores nationwide with revival by is internet, and partners with pga of america on been changing in a eviction. this is how enjoy house for $19 alder james is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised, secrets and spies. >> a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn supreme court justice clarence thomas is facing new questions and new scrutiny today. >> it appears he took even more trips than previously disclosed on the dime of our republican donor this is coming from information obtained by senator dick durbin, the chairman of the senate judiciary committee. durbin says justice thomas traveled on the private jet of harlan crow to multiple places in 2017, 19 and 21, seen as joan biskupic has much more on this. what are you learning here? >> sure. good morning, kate. it's good to see you the justices have very few rules for their off-bench activity. activities, but one is to annually report gifts on auraria outside travel, any extra income they get. and that's why this has become such an issue because clarence thomas has failed to report at many times. you probably remember about a year-and-a-half ago, pro publica ran this big story about many trips, dip clarence thomas had taken on the dime of texas billionaire harlan crow a man who has been very active in conservative causes and slowly clarence thomas just kinda caught up with that reporting, just last week he reported some trips that had been left off of previous form. but now what we have is his report from senator durbin and the senate judiciary committee. after it had it had gotten some cooperation with harlan crow to list these it's other trips, 202,017, 19, and 2021 to montana, to savannah, georgia, to northern california. we're not sure of the full nature of the trips, but we know that they were with harlan crow on his private jet. you referred to his fancy yacht where clarence thomas had gone to indonesia and we had known a little bit about that one because of the prior propublica reporting. but this just shows that there's still probably more of these to dribble out harlan crow has his spokesman had this to say about working with the committee mr. crow reached an agreement with the senate judiciary committee to provide information responsive to its requests going back seven years because of course, kate, the committee has been trying to figure out should there have been any grounds for recusal what was the full extent of clarence thomas is travel and i just want to add one more item on this that clarence thomas it's lawyer has said there was some ambiguity over what should have been reported and that actually clarence thomas need not have reported but these three trips because they would have fallen under what was then known as hospitality exemption for certain travel that is contested, but that is i just want to at least let you know that that's what justice thomas is. supporters are saying. and just to remind everyone of when this is coming, the supreme court is very much in focus because of many rulings coming down over the next two weeks kate, just on that quickly, as soon as today, there could be seeing some really important rulings come down that's right. as 10:00 eastern time, the nine justices will take the bench and issue more rulings were waiting for possibly another abortion rights ruling. >> we have two guns cases up there, one that could affect gun possession nationwide. and what kind of federal regulations can be imposed. this case could so effect hunter biden's appeal is going forward. and then of course, we have two very big cases that touch on former president donald trump. one directly as he's claiming absolute immunity from the the charges of election subversion that have been brought by special counsel jack smith on behalf of the justice department. that one's there, as well as kate, a major case involving january 6, defendants. and as i said, touching on donald trump in terms of whether they can be charged with corruptly obstructing an official proceeding. kate good to see you, john. thank you so much. >> sure. >> all right. as you just heard from joan there this morning, reproductive rights center stage, as we are await a big decision from the supreme court. and what the justices aside could affect what happens when a pregnant woman shows up to the hospital during an emergency in a state where abortion is banned just yesterday supreme court ruled the abortion pill, mifepristone in another case can stay on the market also, senate republicans voted to block a bill that would guarantee access to ivf nationwide. i'm joined now by nancy northrop, the president of the center for reproductive rights. thank you so much for speaking to us this morning. i want to talk about the ruling on mifepristone your argument about this ruling is it's not a win for abortion. why well, because we are back to a status quo that is unacceptable, which is 14 states have abortion bans so while the court did the right thing, the fact that it was unanimous tells you how outrageous decisions were in the lower courts. >> the supreme court had to take this case because the court of appeals below had said that they were going to roll back scientific based fda decision because that medication, abortion, a proven over 20 years to be safe and effective, that it could be used for telemedicine, that you could be on your computer at home and then have the pills mail to you? they were going to roll that back. that is unjustified under the law and the facts. so the supreme court had to take the case. it's unanimous because this case was completely baseless. >> so we're happy to supreme court did the right thing. >> but what back to this unacceptable status quo in this post row, america, i do want to ask you about this, this particular case because the court did not rule on the merits of the case. they found that anti-abortion doctors lacked a little all right to sue. >> does that mean in your mind that this could come up yet again well, i have no doubt that those that want to cut off access to abortion care for people throughout the nation. and of course, a decision from the supreme court on the fda's rulings on, medication. abortion would affect people in new york and california and illinois in the states where abortion is legal. and so i have no doubt they'll keep coming back. but the supreme court made clear that you don't have standing. that was the ruling in the case to just object to something you don't like and so the fda is ruling in this case this is so firmly in the scientific evidence before them that all of those should fail and it's really important because almost two-thirds of women who choose abortion care in america today are choosing medication abortion for their care. >> yeah, it is the most popular if you welded most used way which is the pills, i want to ask you about the roots of supreme court is currently looking at and we could get a ruling today anytime past 10:00 p.m. at when they take are certain 10:00 a.m. going to take the bench i want to ask you what it means this case where if a pregnant woman is having an emergency, there's something gone wrong potentially with her pregnancy. she shows up to a hospital in a state that has a banned abortion. what happens here and what do you think this case and this ruling may do? to whether they ruled that these i guess, emergency rooms don't have to admit these women are don't have to do the abortions. like how is this all going to work out for women who are in an emergency situation going to hospitals yeah. >> it's a really important federal statute that says that anyone who shows up in a hospital who has an emergency condition has to be able to be stabilized in that hospital regardless and what has been challenged here by the state of idaho and other states have done this as well. it's completely outrageous. it's to say that pregnant women who come to the hospitals who are experiencing a serious pregnancy complication, that abortion is indicated to stabilize that patient, that they don't have to provide abortion care. >> we've seen throughout the country the center of reproductive rights is representing women in texas and idaho in tennessee. >> and we're hearing from women all over the country in ban states that they are showing up in hospital emergency rooms with pregnancy complications and they are being denied abortion care when that is what is needed to save their health and lives. so a lot is on the line with the supreme court decision. and if they decide to take away this this shred of federal protection that's left after roe versus wade. it means that hospitals could turn patients away i think it's really the only federal protection that exist across the country that keeps supposed to keep women safe because obviously, when you're having an emergency and you gotta emergency room, you have to be given care. >> so this is a very, very important decision that we will be hopefully getting some clarity on from the supreme court this morning. nancy northrop. thank you so much for coming on. i appreciate your insight into all of this thank you. okay. >> serious accusations against a big cities police force the department of justice, saying officers it's have been violating constitutional rights of minorities and the homeless four years and you may notice some big savings. >> the next time you head to the gas station what this trend could mean for the economy down the road the most anticipated moment of this so let and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 20, he said with denied life on cnn and streaming on max who are you? i'm in a child you really need to live is some brick in total four star keeps you going toward get you going we're 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tsunamis. it happened in faraway lands and it's easy to think it can't happen here if one hits home, where we'd be ready silent, earth with liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn good news, friends and the price at the pump. the next time you were there might not be cheap, but it's slightly better than what you've faced this time last summer and nowhere near what you were up against two years ago, gas prices have cooled significantly since hitting record highs in 2022. and that is what matt egan as digging into today, where do our prices right now? >> well, we are miles away from that nightmare of two years ago, right? 346 a gallon. >> that is not cheap, right? of course, prices were cheaper in 2020 because no one was on the road. it was that health crisis but what's interesting is that gas prices are, or even lower than this point last year, $0.13 lower. and it can more than $1, below that all time high from two years ago. and that was of course just such a disaster, right? financially, psychologically, it was really, really bad. and now we've seen prices come down really across the country talking about this since it relates to inflation and some of the good news. >> i mean, the reason why inflation hit 9% two years ago was because of $5 gas and it was just this massive problem. but look at this now over the last year, we've seen massive drops, $0.69 lower than this point a year ago in utah and $0.47 in washington state and also some of the battleground states that are gonna to be pivotal in this election have seen massive drops as well. nevada, arizona, $0.59 lower and wisconsin. now, this is all a big deal because obviously gas prices play such a pivotal roles psychologically and how we think and feel about the economy, right? so visible, we see it all the time. you can't really avoid it out with, i guess exactly what's going unless you have an electric vehicle with the fact that prices have come down has really helped the inflation. >> that's why we saw prices not budge at all month over month between april and may for the first time in two years. now, what's interesting, those, of course, everyone wants those prices of ten years ago, right? yeah, dollar gas, two-dollar gas, if feasible, know. and we also make more money collectively than we did and prices have always gone up, right? but when you look on an inflation adjusted basis, today's prices look pretty reasonable, look 346 a gallon on an inflation adjusted basis. we're just $0.12 higher than june of 2019 before covid. >> and actually lower than at this point in 2018. >> it's fascinating when you look at on an inflation adjusted basis. gas prices are actually in a pretty reasonable spot right now, which of course is good news. >> however, we do not look through inflation adjusted goggles at the world. there is it's still very important to know. it's good to see you. i think i just came up with our get out of jail. i plan sarah adjusted goggles. let's just take the subway as a person who spent a lot of time in california, lived a life there. i see those prices and i get jealous. i want to go buy a car just to put the cat because it is not that low executive subway for me. all right patients who depend on prescriptions to treat adhd may actually lose access to their medicine and this is the reason the arrest of health health healthcare executives for fraud. we will explain. >> and the lead singer of a legendary motown group is suing michigan hospital. >> he says he could not get treatment and was even put in restraints until he showed the staff video of him performing at the grammys. will get through that story as well this election season, stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts, follow cnn. >> kinda riva support your brain health. >> very janet. hey eddie, know appraiser, franck, franck, bread. how are you brad, fuel up to seven brain health 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communities, cnn's josh campbell is joining us now with more details on this this is a shocking report. i remember some of the local stations that investigations they're all sorts of things going on and now you have this doj report that is damaging. what can you tell us? >> no, you're absolutely right. and it was those initial reports, those high-profile incidents that actually launched this investigation, doj coming in nearly three years ago opening a civil rights investigation finally, coming out with this blistering report for the phoenix police department, i'll show you some of what their findings were. they essentially claim that over this period of time since 2016, some of the data they've been looking at that officers have flouted federal civil rights laws and using excessive force, they claim that officers at times had delayed rendering aid to people that they had shot. they had continued to use force against people who were already incapacitated. and then they also described this whole kind of mischaracterization or misunderstanding about the whole concept of de-escalation. apparently, according to doj, within the phoenix police department, officers are essentially trained that escalation leads to de-escalation, which has obviously runs counter to what a lot of policing experts having calling for. now, they've talked about additionally as you mentioned there, sarah violating the rights of the homeless, doj says this is the first instance where one of their patterns and practice investigations have actually focused on police treatment of the homeless, which could serve as a warning to all departments across the country, particularly a city's tried to deal with surges and homeless population. and then finally, mass racial disparities they talked about overpolicing of minority communities, pointing out that, for example, for low level of moving violations, black motorists were cited or arrested 144% more times than white drivers hispanic cited 40% more in circumstances. and i know sarah for you, this is so important because you now have coverage so many of these protests that have happened around the country, often we see the police, they're trying to ensure the safety of attendees in this case doj claims that officers were violating the rights of peaceful protesters and one instance they claim that an officer had fired a less than lethal weapon at a protester, hitting him in the growing and then officers actually celebrated that by creating memorabilia of that incident, firing this non-lethal round at this man's testicle. so all of this taken together just a really scathing report, the assistant attorney general for civil rights in announcing this report yesterday, explain why doj felt they needed to step in the police department claims it was unaware of these significant racial disparities, but longstanding and frequently voice community concerns about discriminatory policing, as well as overt displays of bias within the police force. >> should have spurred the department to analyze its own data instead the police department turned a blind eye to the data this is one instance where we can't count on the police to police themselves now phoenix police department and city officials say that they've already started to correct some of this actions since this investigation was launched and doj actually acknowledges that that there have been improvements, but they say there's still work to be done as far as next steps, the department of justice has hoping that the city will willingly come to the table and tried to institute reforms if that doesn't work, that will then potentially lead to what is called a consent decree that we've heard in various cities around the country where a federal judges brought into essentially mediate. >> if that doesn't happen, both parties have to agree to that. if that doesn't happen, doj says that they will go to the course to try to seek of action, to actually seek these reforms i'm sarah josh campbell. those details beyond disturbing and we'll be watching this case. i know you will be to get updates when we can. we appreciate your reporting? >> hey, the lead singer of the motown group, the four tops is suing michigan hospital now for racial discrimination, he says a hospital denied them care when he thought he was close to death alexander morris says that he went to the hospital suffering chest pains and having a difficulty breathing, and that is when he says the hospital put them in restraining jacket and did not believe he was who he is seen as miguel mark has is following this one. what has happened here, hard to believe what he is claiming here, but here is the claim. >> alexander lex morris became lead singer of the motown powerhouse group, the four tops and 2018, they have hits like, i can't help myself sugar pie honey bunch baby, i need your loving mr. morris says that in his lawsuit said he checked in on april 7, 2023, at ascension mecole out oakland hospital. he was brought in in an ambulance suffering from chest pains and breathing issues is a long history of heart issues. and while there, he told staff and he was a member of the four tops then had security concerns because of stalkers and fans. mr. morris claims that a white security guard at one point told him to sit his black behind down although he did not use the term behind and rather than any staff give him the benefit of the doubt or check his story. the lawsuit claims a doctor in the emergency room took him off oxygen and put them in a restraining jacket for an hour-and-a-half while he conducted a psychological evaluation and it wasn't until he could convince a nurse to watch a video him singing at the grammys that they believed his story. now, morrisons claim it says at the hospital blatantly refused to provide him with medical treatment due to his race and or person so you've medical mental disability instead, he received a deliberate misdiagnosis and received a lower standard of medical care based on his race that amounted to racial discrimination. and delayed his actual diagnosis in his statement to stat news, it's a medical journal. the hospital said it would not comment on pending litigation, but says we remain committed to honoring human dignity and acting with integrity and compassion for all persons and the community. we do not condone racial discrimination of any kind morris says he suffered seizures ended up having to stay at the hospital for five days because he was too sick to leave. >> and after all of this, they offered him a $25 gift certificate to a local supermarket, which he declined. >> he's now asking a jury, it's a federal lawsuits, asking a jury at some 0.2 you have them at least $75,000, if not more, if they find even more oh, my gosh. >> it's if it weren't true, his claim. yeah. >> you wouldn't believe it? >> miguel. thank you so much. let's see what happens here and cnn's victor blackwell will also be speaking with alexander morris and his attorney this saturday morning on first of all, starting at 8:00 a.m. eastern miguel, that was a truly shocking sorry. my god while president joe biden, the nation's oldest president, faces challenges due to a generational divide his strong support from senior citizens could prove to be a key advantage for him the first lady is also rallying behind her husband, addressing concerns about the ability to lead the nation election is most certainly not about age. >> joe, and that other guy are essentially the same age. let's not be fooled. joe isn't one of the most effective president's of our lives in spite of his age. but because of it while we are blessed to have cnn's jeff zeleny, he's gotten more on why the president is gaining with voters that are around his own age i think because trump is barragan loud, he doesn't come off as old as maybe biden does at 86 gsc ferris spends no time worrying about the ages of the oldest american presidential candidates for those who do this loyal president biden supporter has this to say about donald trump. he's way less capable in the brain area. >> in the brain area delicate way to put it as trump turns 78 on friday, just three years younger than biden's at one age is an unmistakable part of the race. >> but the biden campaign is suddenly embracing it in a different way. >> i'm a senior and i vote turning to faris and other seniors to build a critical piece of this coalition. i never thought i'd be one of those people. holding of a political sine are being involved, but i can't sit back. thank you. >> linda van orden, a retired real estate agent, is now training democratic volunteers, get out the vote becoming politically active for the first time after trump won in 2016, we could determine who sits in the white house grand rapids, and surrounding ken county is a bellwether within battleground, michigan, biden one here and statewide in 2020, after trump narrowly carried both four years earlier, biden is working to become the first democrat in nearly a quarter century to win those 65 and older in an election where baby boomers now comprise prize a wide majority of the senior vote. they're at a point in their life where they've seen how politics has changed and recognize that it's a priority for them. >> as other parts of the biden coalition or fraying that campaign is putting seniors front and center energize your neighbors, invite them out to pickleball the vote at the same time. yet deep disappointment, ways heavy on other seniors here like barbara howard, who voted for biden four years ago, but won't this time. i feel betrayed. right now. i'm not going to vote for president palestine thing is a red line and his his, his nothing judean nick herik, both eddie and retired say biden steady hand inspires them to volunteer. >> what do they say that at is new 60 often canvassing and registering younger voters in grand rapids. >> what's exciting for me is the opportunity for seniors to turn talk with young folks and say, can we really look at this? what does this mean to you? >> and defending the president's age? >> i look at his thinking in his approach to things. looks pretty good to me, especially when you view it. in contrast to what the alternative is that contrast with trump is what the biden campaign is investing millions on ads like this, drinking bleach to tear gassing citizens and staging a photo-op that delight voters like ferriss. >> i love the one ray talks about how he drank i drink bleach that'll be cared covid holding up the bible abdominals that the senior generation values and carry gory important to us silver lining for the biden campaign. of course, he faces many steep challenges with other parts of his coalition unlike young voters and voters of color. but those senior voters who actually vote reliably are a big part of the biden campaign plan, particularly in places like here in michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania that so-called blue wall that biden needs to win. there were more older voters here than there are in some of the other states like arizona and nevada. but sarah, one thing is clear. the biden campaign often does not like to talk about how old he is or age. >> but in this, there will in to embrace the age of his senior voters. >> so i'll tell you what i learned a lot from your piece, but my favorite thing was that at is the new 60 it means we are all much younger than than, than the number, say, thank you so much, jeff zeleny, his life for us from grand rapids, michigan then continuing on age, donald trump kicked off his 78th birthday celebration, surrounded by some of his biggest supporters were turning to capitol hill for the first time. >> since the january 6 attack, trump met behind closed doors with house and senate republicans talking everything from people coming out, from abortion politics to taylor swift and the beef between marjorie taylor greene and house speaker mike johnson. in an interview later, donald trump suggested that he may already know who he wants to pick to be his running mate. this was your pick for vp in their room with you? probably hear a prep hopefully, i don't want to go, but probably i think we'll probably during the convention. do you know who your vps i have sort of a that idea of really talented people and joining us right now as republican congressman byron donalds from florida congressman. thanks so much for coming back on. lots of people talking about lots of things that you guys all discussed in the meeting with donald trump yesterday on abortion specifically, we heard quite a few things i wanted to ask you about. speaker johnson said that donald trump told you all to exercise your conscience when it came to talk to to abortion policy and talking about it. and nancy mace said that donald trump told you all you need to talk about abortion, quote, correctly, she says that was his word, not hers, and push you all to support for exemption exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. >> do you support those exceptions for an abort any abortion ban actually i do. and i think the way the president is talking about abortion is incredibly important also, what he said is that at this point with where we are in the country, this he's gonna be a matter for states every state is going to make their decision california's going to have their law. new york is going to have their law. and many states are still going through that process. i will tell you a lot of voters i know they're concerned about abortion is obviously a very personal topic but what happened with the supreme court back in 1973 was not the appropriate way to deal with such a personal and frankly divisive issue in our country amongst americans and in our politics, the path we are on now where every state has coming up with their own rubric. they're all levels of restrictions actually respects all the people within a state and allows for the body politic. so fully engage on one of the most, one of the most divisive and personal topics that happens in our country so the path we're on is actually the appropriate pathway. what president trump is talking about is basically making sure that the states leaving it in the hands of the states, not really bringing it to the federal level because the state is really are the laboratory for democracy. and that's where that issue should reside. >> so it's a byron donalds firmly in the camp of this is a state issue. we've not you would not support a federal ban if it came up for a real vote in congress well, i don't think we shouldn't even go down that road. the dobbs decision out of the supreme court is very, very clear. this is a matter for state, for state legislators, governors, and people to decide, not federal politicians. and there's a bigger issue behind just simply abortion. there is not a medical procedure in the united and it states that is regulated at the federal level. they are all regulated at the state level. abortion is a medical procedure. it's one personally, i do not like, but it is a state issue that should be happened there. i don't think we should be bringing in federal federal bans on capitol hill. i don't think we should be doing that as i mentioned, lots of other topics one thing that came out i just wanted to ask about, did he really drive about taylor swift in the meeting with you all and wonder why she's with biden and not with him no i think he was more talking about maybe she's not with them anymore because i mean, look, taylor swift sees what everybody sweet sees joe biden is really not here. >> he's not with us please do. and i guess the best he can, but the stature and the image of leadership that americans expect any united states presidency is not embodied by job biden. everybody knows that oh wait. >> did donald trump did domus, i'm think he could get her support none at all. >> he just talked to about it in terms of joe biden, obviously, you know, taylor, if you want to come on and join the campaign and support president trump, we would love to have you all, but that's something that she's going to figure out with herself and her team probably able look at the end of the day you're seeing a lot of celebrities beginning to support president trump. the reason why is because the country is a flat-out mess. joe biden has made every wrong decision. the democrats have supported every decision. a frankly, there's a lot of these are bernie sanders or elizabeth warren policies that he has he has executed here in our country. it's simply not working. so that's why you have a lot of celebrities who were very in favor of joe biden four years ago, are now very we're very quiet and some of them have come out for donald trump we know that you are among those who would like to be donald trump's running mate. >> we know that you are one of the contenders. and we know that you were in the room with room with him yesterday, so all of these things add up to my next question, a former trump campaign and white house official told me recently congressmen bet the vps are picked for demographics, geographics, or to unite the party what do you bring to the trump campaign that others do not well first of all, i'll say it's really an honor even just to be on that list, it's not something frankly, as a kid growing up or even going through college sorry my career even early in politics. >> i never thought i'd be a part of i think if you're going to ask specifically for me in all my younger member of congress, obviously, i'm a black man in america but it's not those two things aren't really the key thing. i think i've resonate with voters across the board. i'm really generation that focuses on common sense and weaves conservative principles into that a common sense framework that a lot of americans are asking for. they really, really need and they desire is. so i think it's i think i help expanding the political map, if you will. it really having voters, whether they're independence or democrats, release are rethinking their politics and seeing somebody like me and actually some of my contemporaries on capitol hill right now who are younger, who i'm a much more common sense view, that in some respects you could say that the lot of us were the future of politics. and so i think that's what i bring. but at the end of the day, donald trump is going to make that decision. i'm a support his decision no matter what he decides to do, i just want to win and have a great america. this all i want. >> do you think you expand the political map more than nikki haley would? >> well you know, no disrespect to nikki haley, but i think people like me, we'll see what happens. but again, that's for the voters to decide at the end of the day it's about policy, it is about competence. and it can you actually explain that deliver that, and lead with that every single day for the american people, obviously, ambassador haley has been on the national scene for a long time. but i think that you also have this phase in our politics where people are fully supportive of donald trump and then also on the background are thinking about let's go what's going to come next was going to come after. so we'll see what happens. conventions a couple of weeks away, the president is going to make a phenomenal choice and we're gonna be supportive of that. we're going to move on from there people like you and voters have clearly shown, even after she dropped out of the primary, people still like nikki haley getting some like 20%, i think even in my home state of indiana it's good does your congressman. >> thank you for coming in sarah. this is happening right now. pope francis making history at this moment. and for sono italy there, this is the first time that a pope has attended the g7 summit. they are expected to discuss, among other things, a framework on developing and using artificial intelligence. he has been the victim of a deepfake himself as the pope. were the world saw him wearing this puffy jacket and he wasn't actually wearing, it was someone faked a picture but you see him there, meaning some of the different world leaders going person to person shaking hands and getting ready to sit at the table how of a significant conversation. and as, you know, president biden of the catholic faith himself. so this is a very big deal that because it's a historic situation where the probe now sitting with the g7 liters and others there at the table in for sono, italy, we'll have more on this coming up in just a bit. we also know he's going to have one-on-ones with quite a few of the leaders. there will be right back i brought in, a, short max protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks here, i'll take that, ensure max protein 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic at morgan stanley old school hard work meets bold new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities. >> and relentlessly work with you to make them real they say we should stop eating so much meat so we made meet out of plants because we aren't quitters impossible. what the flexure i public rec debate night in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beta analysis follows cnn for every countless moment. follow debate night in america begins june 27 at seven a.m. dr. sanjay gupta. >> and this is cnn common dad agreed it was time for senior living, but they wanted and needed different things from a community so i turned to a place for mom for senior living advice her advisor really listened and got what was important to us. >> she recommended a wide range of different types the communities for us to tour and compare. so we can make the best decision. now, they've settled in and he bought feel right at home for free senior living advice go to a place for beyond the call of duty, brought to you by a place for mom, the place for senior living advice, talk to an expert advisor today at no cost to your family this morning. >> a chilling story unfolding in florida where a motorcycle going more than 100 miles per hour collides with an suv and inside is a mom and her two young children. that is when sergeant david musk grove demonstrated extraordinary bravery and ended up saving the entire families. cnn's ryan young has how the deputy went beyond the call of duty for us morning this still means something to you. it does is humbling that people would see me as a hero. i was just a guide doing my job. >> had he not been there and acted so quickly and know what to do we wouldn't have lola you know, he's the reason that she's here let me check less than a. >> year old lola had to fight to survive after this horrific accident charlotte county deputy sergeant david must grove was on routine patrol when a motorcycle race past two meta speed estimated to be over 100 miles per hour the white flash shown here on his dashcam a hint of the chaotic scene. >> he would arrive two seconds later the motorcycle had crashed into a young family's suv and they were trapped inside can i want some trig signal four motorcyclists? it's going to be i got to find it first, send him some point in that intersection right here. >> she got clipped by them motorcycle. >> i remember going across the median and i just looked to my left and i see a bright light and then just the crash. >> oh man hold on. hold on. let me get you guys out there the motorcyclist was killed kailey

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Ray Talks , Drinking Bleach , Staging A , Photo Op , Ferriss , Silver Lining , Values , Abdominals , Campaign Plan , Color , Blue Wall , Pennsylvania , 78th Birthday Celebration , Taylor Swift , Abortion Politics , Attack , Beef , Capitol Hill , Behind Closed Doors , Mike Johnson , Running Mate , Interview , Pick , Vp , House Speaker , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Congressman , Vps , Byron Donalds , Convention , Prep , Idea , I Don T Want To Go , Lots , Conscience , Nancy Mace , Abortion Policy , Exemption Exceptions , Others , Rape , Word , Incest , Also , Abortion Ban , Exceptions , Mother , Matter , Topic , He S Gonna , Americans , 1973 , Topics , Most , Levels , Restrictions , Divisive , Rubric , The Body Politic , Pathway , Hands , Laboratory , State Issue , Camp , Ban , Dobbs Decision Out Of The Supreme Court , Politicians , State Legislators , Governors , Procedure , Personally , United , Bans , Everybody , Stature , Image , Presidency , Leadership , Job Biden , None , Oh Wait , Domus , Bernie Sanders , Celebrities , Frankly , Mess , Democrats , Policies , Favor , Elizabeth Warren , Contenders , Question , Demographics , Congressmen , Trump Campaign , Party , Geographics , Career , List , Honor , Kid , Framework , Black Man , Board , Common Sense , Principles , Contemporaries , Map , Somebody , Independence , Common Sense View , Respects , The End Of Day , Nikki Haley , Disrespect , Policy , Lead , Competence , Phase , Background , Conventions , Primary , Indiana , Making History , Victim , Deepfake , Picture , Conversation , Ones , Probe , Sono , Protein , Few , Energy , Blend , Fiber , Vitamins , Minerals , Meat , Plants , I Public Rec Debate Night In America , Meet , Pre , Beta Analysis , Dr , Debate Night In America , Sanjay Gupta , 27 , June 27 , Mom , Advisor , Living Advice , Living , Advice , Types , Feel , Orange , Senior Living Advice , Mom Com , Call Of Duty , David Musk Grove , Motorcycle , Suv , Collides , Children , Bravery , 100 , Deputy , Hero , Guide , Ryan Young , Wouldn T , Lola , Motorcycle Race , Speed , Accident Charlotte County , Grove , Flash , Dashcam , Hint , Trig , Motorcyclists , Intersection , Kailey , Motorcyclist , Left , Guys , Light , Oh Man Hold On , Hold On ,

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