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that was major vote in the senate where republicans blocked a bill that would guarantee access to ivf in vitro fertilization and ob-gyn watching impact of all of this it's in her own hospitals is going to join us ahead, plus new comments today from fani willis, the georgia prosecutor, with a criminal case against donald trump that seems to be on hold one day after a cnn interview with nathan wade, her former staffer and romantic partner was interrupted just as kaitlan collins started asking about the timing of the romantic relationship with district attorney willis and leading this hour, what house and senate republicans are saying about their back-to-back meetings today with former president donald trump in that handshake with senate minority leader mitch mcconnell let's get straight to cnn's manu raju on capitol hill. manu, what are you hearing from the republican lawmakers after their closed-door meetings? >> well, a lot of the republicans were very positive coming out of the media. even some of those who have been critical of the former president believing that this is a good effort of tried to unify a part of that has been badly divided in some of the dissenters in the senate republican meeting actually did not even attend the meeting. so there was really not much dissension that was voiced within the room. in fact, susan collins of maine, someone who voted to convict donald trump has not endorsed him, did not attend the meeting, mediated lisa murkowski of alaska and immediately after the meeting, i caught up with leaders from murkowski and i asked her about her concerns within about her party gregg getting behind donald trump so quickly even there has been some divisions and whether she herself would support the former president and you're still there's no chance he'll support him i already made clear that i am not satisfied with either choice that we have in as republicans or damage okay. was it awkward being at that meeting given trump there to work for my state, i'm there for to work hard so it's not offered to work or someone who hold show will be well, you're not supporting him get it right. >> i don't know see you guys and that last commerce senator bill cassidy, who is also one of the seven republicans who voted to convict donald trump after january 6, has not endorsed trump yet, and i'd asked him there, he's still going to support him now but you didn't say that, but he did indicate that he believed that this was a positive meeting, which was the converse of the most members voice even as donald trump gave a rather unwieldy, sometimes rambling speech to his de, both the house and the senate, talking about a variety of things, airing out a number of grievances criticizing the conviction against him as terrible calling the justice department dirty, no good for one for one, not talking much about policy, but he did council republicans about not going too far on the issue of abortion, warning them about political backlash if they do, and that's certainly is one that has divided in his party, but one he recognizes could be a problem for his party politically if it's not handled the way voters want them to, jake and minor when this was the first time that former president trump and republican minority leader mitch mcconnell reunite it were in the same room together face-to-face since the 2020 election center, mcconnell has had some very harsh things to say about donald trump. what do we know about this reunion yeah, in fact, they actually greeter, they shook hands. >> i ask mcconnell about it in the immediate aftermath of the meeting as well, and i said, i asked him if they spoke. he said that they did shake hands. they seem to exchange some pleasantries that the issues of all the bad blood between them simply did not come up. it seems in fact, i asked there's multiple senators about whether january 6 itself, the attack at all in any capacity came up. the answer was resoundingly know. and of course that's exactly what broke down the mcconnell trump relationship in the aftermath of january 6, mclean i don't called donald trump morally and practically responsible for the events of that day. they have not spoken since december of 2020 after donald trump, after mcconnell called joe biden, the victor after the electoral college certified the victory for joe biden, and they haven't spoken till today. but despite their bad blunders despite donald trump attacking mcconnell for months and months, including his wife and sometimes racist terms. none of that seemed to matter today. and mcconnell's ready to move on. and apparently donald trump is two buy guns. >> manu raju, thanks so much. so it's bringing a panel, political voices and one of our journalists to weigh on how this all could impact the election let me start with you, republican congressmen, timber shut described his conversation with trump like this. he said, i said mr. president, you do a good job of laying out all the bad things. and we know that, but you do a better job of laying out how to fix those things. i encouraged him to do a lot more of that. what what do you make that meant? oh, i think it's clearly donald trump is one of the most effective attack dogs at american politics. >> i mean, this is a guy who literally coming down that golden escalator in 2015, knew how to put a moniker on an opponent, whether it was low-energy jab or crooked hillary or you name it. >> but you have actually seen the campaign put out a lot more policy see this go round, which look, i was part of the 2016 campaign when it wasn't like there was a big policy team around the presidential race that year. >> you are seeing the agenda 40 45 coming out or gender 47, present trump's putting out a number of different policy issues, whether it's about how he's going to reform the bureaucracy, what he's gonna do on tax code, you're actually so i'm just announced the other day in nevada, they is going to actually eliminate a tax on tips, which is a direct appeal to wage workers in the blue blue-collar class here in the united states. and so there's clearly shows that he's actually looking forward and maybe he's listening at timber shed a little bit. >> former congressman delaney, republican senator j.d. vance, a top vp contender, was asked today how they're going to be unit the around trump when senior republicans blame him for january 6 and we saw lisa murkowski and bill cassidy of louisiana, both of them voted to convict after the impeachment hearing. here is what jd vance had to say i think that no real republican with any credit, the land party is still claiming frankly sunday some of his critics were in the room and we're supported. >> so it's a good thing no real republican with any credibility in the party is still blaming trump for january 6. >> do i know that you're a democrat, but do you agree with that? and what does it say about trump's hold on, the party? >> you know, i used to think jd vance was a beautiful writer and now when i listened to him, i don't know what he's talking about. right. there isn't unity in the republican party because a lot of republicans realize what happened on january 6 was a national embarrassment and a scar on our nation and our democracy and they know donald trump's fingerprints are all over it. and a lot of good minded republicans in my opinion, like paul ryan last week came out and said, character, integrity matters. what happens on january 6 disqualifies donald trump in his judgment from being president united states. obviously, i agree with that, as do many republicans so there isn't unity in the republican party and that's one of the problems that donald trump has, right? he will not consolidate the republican base. this election well, we'll do it, but even again, i want to show you this picture. >> look at who is surrounding former president trump. okay. we got senator rick scott, senator ron johnson, senator roger for marshall center, john harasser will give trump a birthday cake with a 47 candle. he's obviously not 47 on the right we got a j.d. vance, josh hawley, senator steve daines, chairman of the national republican senatorial committee. and look at this image. obviously mcconnell and trump shaking hands, even though as manu points it's out, trump has had some very harsh, even racist words about his wife. manu said what does that tell you? >> i think that this episode really illustrates that they view the former president as an asset and not a liability. and every republican is going to run their own race, ultimately but what democrats have been doing to some effect is trying to tie even the most moderate republican to the former president. this is a maga republican. this is, this. if you support this candidate, they are going to be in service to the maga agenda. and i think this episode today, this sort of kiss the ring that we saw from elected republicans really allows democrats to continue to, i think be able to advance that message and senator vance is also leading a new effort in the senate by republicans to block the fast-tracking of president biden hi judicial nominees and us attorney nominations for what vance and his friends or his colleagues are calling the weaponization of government of the justice department against political opposition. >> here is his offer to democrats take a listen the first two democrats, and it's very simple that if you guys stopped using the judicial system weaponized against your political opposition, we'd be happy to be more cooperative. >> so take that as an offer. you guys need to stop. it's destroying the american people's faith in our system of law and order. and if you stopped it, we be happy to try to let some of these nominations through congressman, you're a democrat and he that's your his offer to democrats. >> what do you think? well, i think first of all, it's the premise is preposterous. this notion that the democrats, some conspiracy of democrats are weaponizing the entire judicial system of the united states of america. it's preposterous. president trump is now a convicted felon convicted and decided by a jury of his peers, that is our system. >> j.d. vance doesn't like the result of that. so his proposal is i will hold the government of the united states hostage and not do my job, not advanced nominations, not consider them not to all the things i'm supposed to be as us senator because i don't like the results of a trial in new york. it's a ridiculous comment, then it's it's when you're running for vice president, you pull over on the side of the road and you get on some camera and you say stuff like that and that's what we're seeing. >> so matt mauer is we have some breaking news. i want you to respond to this. i don't even know what it says myself, former congresswoman levs cheney, former house republican leader in terms, i think she was conference chair now she's out of the out of the congress and a very strong trump critics. she just posted on twitter or acts about this mcconnell trump photo saying in part, quote, trump and his collaborators will be defeated and history we will remember the shame of people like leader mcconnell, who enabled them what your take on less chinese words. i'm not sure it's entirely news that lins cheney's not supporting donald trump. she's made very clear harsh words for mcconney. >> it is. that's right. well, here's the thing to remember about mitch mcconnell. he is actually a principled ideological conservative but when you look at the tactics the input deploys, it's real politique. he sees donald trump as it imperfect vessel to advance a conservative agenda for four more years. he also knows to iv is point that actually it's not the worst thing to be a maga republican. and the key senate states, when you're talking about tim sheehy against jon tester, a montana or bernie moreno against sherrod brown and ohio. certainly jim justice and what us virginia, donald trump's gonna win all those states by at least eight points in montana, west virginia, it's b 20 plus points. it's not a bad thing to be a donald trump maga republican in those key states that they need to win to take control the senate. mitch mcconnell knows it, and that's one of the reasons you saw unity coming out of the conference today, even yeah. >> i don't know if you would characterize it as principal but we have seen above all else mcconnell be strategic and he recognizes that he lost this fight. his vision of the party would not be trump at the helm. he has made that clear, but he's run out of cards to play and he recognizes that a few months out from the election they are. he trump is their guy. >> yeah, there's certainly is no other republican presidential nominee that's going to appear thanks to one and all. good to see everybody again coming up the interrupted. see you in an interview with the georgia prosecutor, nathan wade, just to cnn's kaitlan collins was asking about the timing of his romantic relationship with district attorney fani willis or katelyn it's going to join us, of course, with her thoughts on that shall we call it a bizarre moment, plus a story. so many of you can identify with the skyrocketing cost of childcare according to one report, two children in daycare is more expensive than rent. in every single state in the united states, the ripple effect on families and entire communities. that's coming up the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn't be higher the president and the former president, one stage how to read it by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate, thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max let's get started. no where's your mask? i really tried sleeping so when i declared all must be treated equally and all must be held accountable. i had no just to clarify, when did the romantic relationship between the two of you start? >> yeah. so do i believe that my actions caused this delay? >> no, no, no, i do believe though at the timing of a person caitlin, it's jake hello, jake, how are yeah. well, how's it going it's going great. how's it, going. with, you i'm all right i house the how are the dogs the dogs are a little out of control. do they get along? >> well their brothers i know, but like since he kept separately, there. >> oh, yeah. like when bear came into the house and he ran up to moose. it was like, oh, what's up, dude, how are you doing? like and they've my god, there are so cute yeah, they're great. >> they're great. >> they're a little wild because you know that the size of deer and their puppies, so it's a little while but anyway, they're crazy. they're nuts, but we love them so much. >> that's really fine, especially for jack. >> and then we have little clementine also who's there just soaking it all up and that's her that's her n our law and justice lead speaking at a church outside atlanta, georgia today, fulton county district attorney fani willis said g is too busy working to concern yourself with any insults thrown her way while district attorney willis did not directly mention former president donald trump in his effort to get her kicked off his election subversion case. >> willis did acknowledge the scrutiny that she's under treated equally and all must be held accountable know that that was a controversy come or top four are married no idea. >> my dating lives it wouldn't make me hey controversial figure that would become worthy constant personal attacks. and death threats she is probably also of the mind that she had no idea that her romantic relationship with now former fulton county special prosecutor, nathan wade, who served under her would come out and would be used against her as for wade's perspective, well, he let cnn's kaitlan collins know what he thinks about willis and trump's election subversion case in cnn's kaitlan collins joins us now to talk about this. >> so caitlin, this was a remarkable interview last night i texted you immediately after it was over. once you started to question him about the timeline of his relationship with fani willis, which was an obvious question that you were going to ask any good reporter would ask, and it's obviously the central issue is to the argument that trump is making as to why she should be thrown off the case because the argument goes that they were using this to make money and go on trips and blah, blah, blah. the hiring of her lover. >> after you asked about the timing there was this bizarre moment when wade's team stop the interview. >> well, let's watch what happened just to clarify, when did the romantic relationship between the two of you start? >> yeah. so we get into there's been this effort to say that. okay. these these exact dates are are at issue and these exact dates it's i'm getting i'm getting signaled here everything. >> okay. yeah. >> just to revisit the question was to clarify when the root romantic relationships started and when it ended. >> sure. so i believe that the public has through through the testimony and other interview, the public has a clear snapshot that this is clearly just a distraction does not a relevant issue in this case. and i think that we should be focusing on more of the facts and the indictment in the case i mean, kudos on the straight face. >> what do you make of all that? >> i mean, it was it was the most remarkable moment of the interview. jake especially obviously when it was his media dalton who got up and came in and he was huddling in the corner their width. and obviously as you saw before, that happened, he started to answer the question and kind of get into the confusion over the timeline because they had testified one thing that it was before the august indictment of donald trump in another moment, he had said it was by the end of the 2022. and so that was the confusion. and then obviously you saw after that moment he had a very different answer and it was really just talking about how it wasn't relevant to the heart of this. now, i will say two things. one, it was a pretty obvious question about the timeline because that is really the central part of all of this. they testified about it but when they were both on the stand and secondly, jake, obviously this is a matter that is not resolved yet. this is still going before the court of appeals in georgia. it's why this case is entirely frozen right now. judge mcafee can't do anything and we'd likely won't hear anything on it until the spring at the earliest. so that case is not happening before the 2024 section. and so it actually is quite important. he made the point that what his relationship with was with fani willis isn't relevant to what's in the heart of the indictment that's obviously true. but of course, as judge mcafee noted, it's important to have credibility when you are prosecuting anyone much less the former president of the united states. >> yeah. and the judge has been fairly critical about whether or not district attorney willis has been completely forthright about the timing of this. all didn't weigh show any remorse for his relationship with fani willis, which which it potentially could derail the case against trump. it is it seems to me the most consequential interoffice relationship since president clinton, i wasn't office yeah. >> it's obviously that instance where you're asked i asked him, do you have any regrets about this? how are you reflecting on this now that it's been three months since he was forced to resign by the judge where the judge said either fani willis and the whole team has to go or nathan. wade has to go and he resigned, obviously, as we saw in the letter that day. and what he said in the letter that day, jake was that he didn't want to be a distraction. he wanted for democracy this case, to move forward. but of course, because of this, the case is not moving forward. however, he told me he doesn't believe that his actions, his relationship with the district attorney played any role in this, even though that is exactly what the court of appeals is going to be hearing in the motion to get fani willis off the case and also jake is him at the end, does he regret having a relationship with fani willis? was it a mistake to have a relationship with the district attorney? he said no, it was not jake. the only thing he regrets is the timing of it. but of course the timing is central to all of this okay. >> kaitlan collins, good interview. thanks so much. appreciate it. don't forget. you can watch caitlin tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern on her show, the source the ivf legislation blocked just hours ago by senate republicans and just hours after the us supreme court abortion decision, an ob-gyn is with me next with the impact of these issues on her patients, stay with us aldrich james is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise eyes he also was a compromised secrets and spies. >> a nuclear game 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fertilization, better known as ivf. it's part of a push by democrats to try to distance themselves from republicans have had of november's election and spell out more differences between the. two, parties all this comes just a day after delegates for the southern baptist convention voted to oppose the use of ivf, joining us now to discuss ob-gyn, doctor, i need us omani. she's also a democratic member of ohio state house of representatives dr. semenya thanks so much for joining us. let's start on the mifepristone ruling by cnn's count 14 states completely banned abortion, including medication, abortion like mifepristone. given that what's your reaction today's ruling and what is next, do you think for the fight over mifepristone? >> so while we're relieved that there's no changes to mifepristone i still believe this is not a true when, you know, when you think about it, as a abortion, groups are going to continue to work on a national abortion ban. they're going to continue to threaten reproduce, reproductive care regardless of the decision. think one of the things that people may not be aware of is that as you said middle crestone is still very strictly restricted and or banned in several states. so this hasn't changed the ability for patients to access the care that they need the us supreme court ruled today that the doctor is an anti-abortion groups have brought the challenge to the court, didn't have standing to sue that was that was the ruling as you alluded to, therefore, the justices really didn't rule on the cases merits on whether the fda should have ruled as it did on mifepristone, it was more that the individual the plaintiffs didn't didn't have standing to even bring this to the court. >> are you worried about future challenges that might have better standing absolutely again, you've seen this over and over again with roe v. >> wade being overturned. a cut death by 1,000 cuts. so yes, we are relieved in the short term but in the long-term, we really need to work on getting national abortion legalization, national protections for ivf and continue to work at the state level two protect access to abortion and reproductive here you just brought up ivf. let's talk about ivf because republican senator john cornyn of texas said there are no restrictions on ivf and the democrats bill in the senate addressed a quote, non-existent problem, unquote, what's your response? >> well, i would say it's truly a problem because we saw that an alabama with the personhood bill and then having to scramble and go back to protecting ivf care it's despicable what they're doing. this agenda, this extreme anti-health care agenda, rather than voting supportive families across america rather than saying yes, we want to support people's abilities to have a family. i can tell you as an ob-gyn, i have so many patients will create a family's suv is the by the restrictions and bans on ivf or another way to restrict access to reproductive health care unfortunately, these restrictions are harmful and they please maternal mortality in every state that has abortion bans or tries to restrict reproductive care an interesting moment today in the world of social media, former republican presidential candidate nikki haley, who opposes abortion. >> she posted about her support of ivf she said in part quota ivf is pro-life. my children are blessings because of fertility procedures, unquote. >> now that got a lot of response as anything on social media does. >> and some self-described christian conservative women replied some examples include quote ivf kills millions of children per year, unquote. another person posted know nicky, we should not be encouraging the buying, selling eugenics, freezing, and murder of children, unquote. now, look as a religious manner, there are millions of people who think that life begins at conception, and that's the moment when that a human being is created at either fertilization or implantation. but as a medical matter, as a medical matter, what is an embryo? >> so medical matter an embryo is a cluster of cells heartbeat, the fetal heartbeat does not become an electrical signal that truly is not a heart that we would think of in the medical sciences till further into the second trimester so this idea that life begins at conception is really not. >> it's not rooted in science. and we need to think about the fact that religion should not play a role. politicians should not play a role legislation should not play a role in the decisions that come between the patient and the physician. i think think we have to go back to looking at this from a perspective of science, abortion is the only medical procedure that has been regulated in the way that it have with political and religious overtones. and that should never be the case as an ob-gyn, i look at abortion as i look at any part of my reproductive practice, it's part of what we do. it's part of what we can offer. >> just like we can offer idf to help a family. >> we can also offer abortions when you have a situation where the mom's life is danger, is endanger or the fetus has an anomaly or defect that would not allow it to survive. so it's fortunate that people have completed the two things dr. semenya, thanks for your time today i appreciate it. the breaking news you hear heard here first on the lead new claims about us supreme court justice clarence thomas, top seven democrat says, thomas has taken more trips and previously disclosed trips paid for by gop megadonor i'm going to ask a retired judge about these new claims that's next this election season. >> stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow cnn kept kept. can i get a response to the trader? >> it's great it's raised means move him. >> we talking about moving moving main contractors, inspectors, strangers, judging my carpet. when we talk about staging, we talking 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republican megadonor harlan crow derbin claims that thomas flew on crows private jet during trips within the united states in 2017, 2019, 2021 as well as on a previously known 2019 trip to indonesia, where thomas and his wife stayed on crows mega yacht. senator durbin says thomas did not disclose these trips on his financial forums. it is a question as to whether or not the rules we're as clear cut then as they are now with us now to discuss retired judge ladoris hazard cordell, the author of her honor judge cordell, we have these new claims from senator dick durbin about justice thomas. cnn's joan biskupic but gave us some context last hour, thomas defenders are saying there has been some ambiguity whether personal hospitality needs to be reported. what do you make of this? all jake, the plot sickens and thank you for inviting me back. it seems like as these lavish gifts that clarence thomas has taken, as they increase, the public's respect for the high court is just sinks even lower and lower so let me to put this in context and california, there's a flat rule, no gifts. >> no gifts for judges no box of candy that the lawyer drops off for the court staff at christmas, no paying for judges cup of coffee, no free tickets to music concerts pay your own way the reason that rule exists is because the purpose of gifts, why do we give gifts is to get the recipient to like you. >> if a judge likes you, it's harder for the judge to rule against you so in this case, clarence thomas continues to receive these gifts. >> he's come up with every excuse. i'm surprised he hasn't blamed his wife because that seems to be the thing now, he hasn't blamed jenny for this. so he is basically said, well yeah, i should have maybe but maybe the rule wasn't clear if a defendant had come i'm into a judge's court with that kind of an excuse, the judge would have said not happening and sent them off to jail or whatever so in this instance, i can hear 11 excuse for this is like i can take these big gifts and i can still be fair i can still be fair and the judge may believe it. >> but the point is, there is a perception that the judge can not be fair because there's a conflict you've taken all this gifts and money, all these things from people who then in somewhere another appear in front of you perception is as important as an actual conflict. why? because if the public perception is that the judge is conflicted. >> then the public's trust in the institution is eroded and without the public's trust, respect for the court has gone and with it, the court's authority. >> so the only remedy for any of this for clarence thomas is to recuse himself if you've taken gifts and someone appears in front of you and or has an interest, you recuse yourself and he has continued to not do that yesterday, senate republicans blocked and effort by senate democrats to pass ethics and transparency legislation for the us supreme court republican say democrats are doing this for revenge because they don't like how the supreme court's ruling on roe v. wade and and other matters. >> what what is your opinion does the supreme court need a fresh code of ethics? >> and if so, who would enforce it so first off, i taught judicial conduct and ethics at california's judges college for more than a decade. >> and that's what is needed for all of the supreme court justices. they need to take a course in ethics and they also need a no gifts rule. absolutely. >> they get paid what the six-figure your salary. and if they feel like they need to have more than they should not be on the court, take a job in the private sector when you do public service work? yeah. you're going to make less money, but less for these people i mean, most people could make what they're making, they'd be very happy so the code of ethics, there, it now exists only because of public pressure and it should be, you can write in a code of ethics the enforcement mechanism. you can put one end that says that there is a separate independent tribunal. >> it could be made up of federal we will judges for various courts that could be the ones to implement, to say, judge, you must recuse yourself, for example, judge would have to do it. >> all right. retired judge ladoris hazard cordell. thank you so much, always good to see you. there's a lot of talk about there's a lot to talk about in terms of our gas prices and groceries and written more or there's one and cost outpacing all of them. and that is the cost of childcare. and incredible toll. so many of you know, all too well is anything being done to bring down the cost of childcare stay with us? >> chasing my foot, dr. sanjay gupta, listen wherever you get your podcasts with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. >> you don't even have to be an actual family i'd be the dad on the day physically, it's clear that i'm the dad. >> okay. so which data is pain you men tell us when they use just for men to eliminate gray, there's a great 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child care is actually more expensive than rent in every single state. and in 11 states plus here in washington dc, it's double. cnn's mina duerson meets with a wisconsin daycare owner who is closing her doors next month for good, leaving 60 families scrambling i had a mom who his job started right at five by backed up my hours before 45 so she could drop her child doctrine or to get across it's time to work. it's like, okay, i can give you 15 minutes in the morning, so that you can get there and get that door open for whatever it is you need to do so that you can help the people that you're helping in this small city of what ppaca, wisconsin. my first adventure childcare is a fixture helping family as before, the sun even rises most of our parents drop-off are like, i could never do what you do oh, did he not sleep last night? >> and my responses, i was well, i can't do what you do either. so i'll watch your kids and you go do that because i've better at that invite amount across the country more than 12 million kids under the age of five are in childcare at least once a week. >> care. that's become inquiry pretty singly difficult for their parents to afford in the last three decades, the cost of childcare has risen at nearly twice the rate of inflation. a recent report found having two kids in daycare is more expensive than rent in every single state. in 11 states and washington dc, it costs double the average rent. >> it's so exciting with two kids that come everyday full-time. it's double our mortgage. i mean, we we make a good living, but it or chalk here has w or mortgage. yeah. yeah easily probably more than double our mortgage my first venture, childcare. this is susan. >> it's not just hard on parents running these centers is so expensive. owners like susan eland struggled to make the math work. >> if you were going to pay your teachers what they were worth, even based off of basic education and experience, you would need to charge the parents so much that you would have no children? there's center nor could parents afford care. >> can you explain that to me? like, where does the money go in addition to all your your usual utilities, we also have insurance the insurance for childcare is very high. the mortgage from the building and property taxes and personal taxes and going with that, and then they're also licensing fees, background check costs heirs, paint and paper, and plato and then there's food on top of it. it's, it's, it's locked ball. >> the biggest cost and challenge elan says is staffing. >> what's the turnover leg? for staff? yeah, it's high i had a staff member leave me a couple of months ago. >> she's like, when go work in a factory, he or she needed to make living. >> the federal government has put more than 52 billion towards supporting childcare since the beginning of the pandemic, like many providers even use that money to raise salaries from eight or $9 an hour to at least 12 if you had to put the salaries back to where they were before you got this funding. >> they'd all quit every last one of them even with the wage bumps, child workers are still some of the lowest paid workers in the country. here in wisconsin, the median hourly wage, 13, 78, and our doesn't even qualify as a living wage. and in some cases is classified as poverty level it's very humbling to go to work every day and pass help want and science at mcdonald's and hardy's and they are paying more money than childcare providers can afford to pay their staff lydia higgins is a teacher but my first adventure, she took the job because childcare was so hard to find. >> the only way to get her daughter a spot was to join the staff. i actllitressing for the first time. and decade to kinda help supplement our income. >> what's the money like waitressing versus childcare that i can make one night waitress thing my entire week's pay. and so that in the childcare? yeah the federal support that help center stay open since 2020, has largely expired, creating what's been dubbed a childcare cliff, more than 70,000 programs are projected to close from the drain i love you too. my first adventure will soon be one of them after eight years in business, elan announced she's shutting the center down, leaving more than 60 families scrambling for alternative childcare. know getting sidetracked when you got the notification that they were closing what was that like for you? >> i started panicking and like applying to every other day care in town. none of them have any spots. i texted my boston. i said i might have to quit my job because i don't know what i'm gonna do with my kids we don't have family, so it's just us. >> why do you need childcare is important as a woman. how am i going to work? if i can drop my kids off? >> yeah childcare funding is now up to the states in wisconsin, some emergency funding will last into 2025, but the long-term solution remains an open question. >> my first adventure won't be here to see it the center will close in july. how's it going to feel for you when you close up shop, that de we'll be really, really hard because i remember when i first walked in and i remember all those hopes so lost dreams and everything that i was going to build and i try to remind myself that i did do that. child care is essential to a functioning economy. i want people to not take the programs that they have their children and for granted because they might not be there forever. i thought i would be and i'm not so as you can see, this is an issue that is really bigger than the individual family. >> it's bigger than the childcare provider is a system that is pretty broken and it's not really working for anybody. and the solutions are not coming fast enough to save families that are struggling with this institutions that are on the verge of shutting down. there's just not enough money to keep everything going the way that people really need mena duerson, welcome to cnn, welcome to the lead, and keep bringing us stories like that about the struggles of everyday americans really, really important stuff. and that was really, really well done. thanks so much. >> thanks we're back with last leads. >> next the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different print visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on back. >> we're talking about prac practicing good financial strategy by cashback. and would you think i was talking about not again? >> not again. talking about cashback. cash back. >> cashback, like a pro would chase freedom and limits. how do you cash back with armor all a little bit of this? protects you from a lot of that armor all less work, more clean honestly i was scared when i was told age-related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision great. one more thing to worry about. >> it was all too hard to deal 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spacewalk was called off about an hour before it was supposed to be again, the astronauts we're going to remove a faulty electronics box and collect samples from the station's exterior internationally, the heroic rescue of misty, a dog that fell 30 feet down a volcanic fissure in hawaii misdeeds owner immediately reached out, took a vikas sinks in because six and is an avid hiker that he had seen rescue dogs on social so media before it sinks in, made the nine hour trip and repelled down into the dark. >> after a few reassuring head paths missing, he was safely carried out and reunited with her owner. >> that is awesome. >> we're now exactly two weeks out from the cnn presidential debate with president joe biden and former president donald trump. >> i will be moderating the discussion with my colleague dana bash. that is thursday, june 27th, 9:00 p.m. eastern streaming on max

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Cost , Childcare Stay , Groceries , Toll , Dad , Vip Family , Podcasts , Foot , Priceline , Sanjay Gupta , Men , Spain , Gray , Something , Men Somebody , Best , Menchu , Didn T , Hearing Aids , Brand Leader , Juror , Hair , 75 , Deal , Progressive , Auto , Hearing Evaluation , Fours , 7090 , List , Privilege , Monster , Factor , Progressive Commercial Com , Bloomington , Greg , Illinois , Try , Memory Losses , Qualities , Lapses , Car , Car Vending Machines , Kotb , Prescription , Stores , Everywhere , Brand , Company , Questions , License Plate , Calculator , Car Fauna , Techno , Value , Wizardry , Spot , Road Trip , Space , Plenty , Carbonic , The Park , Hi Gabi , Gun No Logo , Atlas , Seating , Mouth , Volkswagen , Rows , Speed , Comcast Business , Plans , At T , T Mobile , 12 , Customers , Speeds , Speed Plans , Prepaid Card , Miss , 800 , 49 99 , 9 99 , Assignments , Tornado , Money Lead , Child Care Crisis , Earth , Liev Schreiber , Mina Duerson , Kids , Most , Child Care , Washington Dc , Owner , Wisconsin , Doors , 60 , Child , Adventure Childcare , Doctrine , Door , City , What Ppaca , 15 , Parents , Responses , Fixture , The Sun , Country , Age , Amount , Inquiry , 12 Million , Rate , Inflation , Mortgage , Living , Double , Teachers , Owners , Centers , Math Work , Susan Eland , Mortgage My First Venture , Center , Experience , Worth , Education , Addition , Utilities , Insurance , Taxes , Property , Paint , Background Check Costs Heirs , Building , Paper , Staff Member , Food , Staffing , Elan , Top , Turnover Leg , Plato , Ball , Providers , Beginning , Couple , Factory , Pandemic , 52 Billion , Salaries , Child Workers , Wage Bumps , Funding , , Living Wage , Doesn T , Poverty Level , 13 , 78 , Lydia Higgins , Help , Adventure , Teacher , Hardy , Mcdonald S , Waitressing Versus , Daughter , Income , Kinda , Programs , Pay , Center Stay Open , Childcare Cliff , 70000 , Drain , Center Down , Day Care , Spots , Closing , Town , Notification , Boston , Woman , Yeah Childcare Funding , Emergency Funding , My First Adventure Won T , Solution , Essential , Dreams , Functioning Economy , Shop , Hopes , Institutions , Solutions , Anybody , Verge , Childcare Provider , Stories , Struggles , Everyday Americans , Mena Duerson , Leads , Stakes Couldn T Be Higher , Print Visions , Prac Practicing Good Financial Strategy , Macular Degeneration , Preservation , Plan , Doctors , Tube , Exact , Depressor Vision , Progression , Nutrient Formula , Name , Carnegie , Carney Asada , Challenge Uncertainty , Surcharges , Cadmium , Godly Carnage , Pricing , Usps , Dish , Directtv , Satellite Dish , Priority , Beaks , Rain , Sik Pigeon , Lifespans , Neck , Extreme Directv , Fraser , Professionals , Sale , Home Realtor Com , Homes , Neretva Brain Health Challenge , Fred Fuel , Landing , Home Listing Isn T Realistic , Sega , Places , Kidney Failure , Bar , Chronic Kidney Disease , Hotels Com , Side Effects , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Urinary Tract , Blood Sugar , Skin Perineum , Genital , Dehydration , Sika , Disinfection , Ways , Situation Room , Whole Foods Market , Wolf Blitzer , 365 , 90th Spacewalk , Space Station , Space Suit , Out Of This World , 6 5 , Rescue , Dog , Station , Electronics Box , Exterior , Astronauts , Samples , Misty , Nasa , Hiker , Vikas , Feet , Fissure , Hawaii Misdeeds Owner , Dark , Paths , Head , Debate , Discussion , Thursday June 27th 9 00 Pm ,

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