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educators also killed in that mass shooting as they are witnessing a bitter milestone tonight of course, our congratulations to the graduates. and also may the memories of those not on that stage tonight be a blessing. thank you so much for joining me this hour. laura coates live starts right now so another attorney general, another vote to hold him in contempt. but is it symbolic or actually sincere, or is that rhetorical? that's all tonight on this special to our addition of lara coats live well, good. >> i think everyone i'm laura codes, abby phillip has the night off now, remember that saying you can't have it both ways. well, it's applicable tonight for some members of congress who have two very different approaches to whether congressional subpoenas or subpoenas in general are sacred and, whether they're a party in control may have a whole lot to do with their viewpoints the republican controlled house voted today to hold biden's attorney general, merrick garland in contempt republicans. >> well, they want to roll the actual tape, the paper receipt of a transcript they say is insufficient. they actually want to pry the audio courteney as the presence, interview with special counsel robert hur out of the doj garland and doj though say but the transcripts, they are more than sufficient to meet your legislative purpose. >> but now the ground has refused and the house has found him in breach of a duly authorized subpoena some wanted to go to jail we just held him in contempt of congress as they're putting see bannon in prison. >> peter navarro is in prison. merrick garland evidently deserved you should go to prison are republicans consistent about what exactly should happen when congress hit send on his subpoena. >> the answer that was the truck was no. jump in the hot tub time machine with me for a second to back to 2022, not that long ago. that's when jim jordan decided the rules on congress what did exactly apply to him? that's waste had the attempt to compel his testimony was, quote, a dangerous escalation of political vendettas. but listen to jordan and his colleagues when the subject to the subpoena is merrick garland he is reviewing refusing to comply with a lawful subpoena, and that's a problem under article one, we have to defend the constitution. >> we have to defend the authority of congress, attorney general garland's willful refusal to constitutes contempt of congress. this resolution upholds institutional power of the house by recommending that the house find attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress for failing to comply with the committee's subpoena if he's not going to give it give us the evidence. we have really no other option other than to hold him in contempt. we have a constitutional duty to do oversight if he doesn't comply with our reasonable request with our subpoenas then i think he should be held in contempt. >> attorney general garland, willful refusal to comply with our subpoena constitutes contempt of congress joining me now, fresh off a republican primary victory, south carolina representative nancy mace, congresswoman. >> thank you so much for staying up late with us tonight. i appreciate it. thanks for having me. i appreciate it as well. >> hard-fought victory, a very hot, hard-fought victory. >> great. but a great victory last night. >> i want to get to that just a moment because i am really curious because there was a lot at stake and there was a pretty powerful previous speaker of the house who seem to want you not to win in that i want to get to that in a moment. >> but in the house today, there was a very significant moment involving the attorney general merrick garland, who now has made history yet again, that third attorney general, who has been moved to be held in contempt by congress, right i want you voted in favor of yes, i did. why did you believe this was the appropriate choice? >> well, congress, both the oversight committee in judiciary had requested the audio tapes are requested information and documentation that wasn't provided. >> and it wasn't covered under executive privilege because a transcript had already been released by the white house and it was are right to get the rest of the documentation to get the audio tapes to make sure the audio match the transcript, et cetera. and at some point, congress has to take action. we can't always pay lip service to an issue you're seeing that with the border, for example, all of these illegals coming across the border, nothing happening. and i just said to resounding victory last time i've been talking to people for months now, regular, everyday hard working americans are tired of do nothing. they want congress, whether you're republican or democrat or independent, they want people to take action and be held accountable for their actions. and that's, that goes both ways. >> so glad you said that because some would look at that listening to you in a vacuum makes total sense. but there are actual members and colleagues of yours who have said we don't agree if if if there is a subpoena that is outstanding, they haven't followed that. congressman jim jordan is but one example. >> do you think the american people can have confidence and suggests that look, it's all fair and everyone has to buy it by the same rules, then widen. >> everyone have to answer, right? but constitutionally, members of congress are protected from that subpoena power our as well. so we have to privilege does that not constitutionally, of course, but it would do a lot for a amerik girl and other aging have except for the white house waived executive privilege because they'd already released the tran in script. and so we wanted the audio tape to make sure that it matched the transcript, which is i believe a normal thing to ask. it's not unusual and congress should have been able to receive it. but i talked to americans every day and they see bureaucrats are secretaries or elected officials not being held accountable. no one ever gets fired for wasting five i've hundred million dollars on some sort of software system, for example, some federal agency, we continue to waste money and no one ever is held accountable. and i think that's what the american people want. it's what they deserve. >> well, what's odd about the idea of having and i take you for your word at your work suggests that you want to see if there is actually corroboration and confirmation of what was said and what was actually written. >> but this can't be looked at outside of the political lens as well, because obviously there was the written transcript pantry over and to confirm that it's not an executive privilege, would actually require more litigation for that point. >> it seems for many and this is just a way to have some way to have his play it in a campaign ad. as some way to target president biden to suggest that a clip could protect the narrative that he somehow is not as mentally acute as he once was. is that really the motivation? >> well, i think that no, it's not the motivation, but when you hear that the transcript might not match the audio tapes you'd want to verify that information and requesting audio tapes is not an unusual thing. >> where is that coming from? i haven't heard that there is a discrepancy between what was said. it wasn't favorable by the special counsel, robert hur, about so where's the where's it coming from? it there is a discrepancy between what was said and how it said. well, let me take, for example, oversight last year we had at this 1023 document, the fbi said that the witness was trustworthy and credible six months later, says that they're not trustworthy and credible. so being able to verify the information, being able to verify the transcript is something we should be doing to make sure the information we are getting is truthful, is trustworthy. and i think for two types of people in this country, there are people that have to be right, and there are people that just want the truth. and if the auto tapes make sure and ensure that you are getting all of the truth and 100% of the truth and nothing less than it shouldn't be a problem to share that information. and because the white house, because the transcript was already released, the new executive privilege has already wave what's the big deal with just bringing the audio tapes along with it? i don't see it as a big deal. >> well, some look at the executive privilege aspect of it, not just in terms the words themselves, but the idea of the deliberative process being at play. there are salmon fact, one of your colleagues, congressman, i believe it was joyce who said that he couldn't vote and good conscience in favor of holding someone in contempt because as a former prosecutor, i believe the concern was this could have a real chilling effect on people who are going to be willing or even compelled to give testimony to the department of justice. and having the words out there very different than maybe their voices. and that is part and parcel to why we protect sent me that is that a convincing enough reason for you knowing that that could have a chilling effect to simply have the words look, i work on a lot of civil rights issues. i was the ranking member on the civil rights subcommittee last session on oversight due processes that really important issue. but when we want to verify the transcript, when we have been misled by the fed federal government, by federal agencies like the fbi in the past, ensuring that we have the absolutely correct transcript. nothing was taken away or edited, or changed is really important in the process of showing transparency, accountability, and showing the truth to the american people. let them decide what happens next? >> well, certainly i hope if that's the philosophy that it's across the board and i'm not sure that someone who i've gotten a lot of trouble for voting to hold people in ten members of my own party. i've taken a lot of heat even last couple of days but i want us to follow the constitution, whether you have an r or a d by your name, everybody should be treated the same well, this is aspirational. that's, that's part of the problem for the american people in the electrode on this point. but speaking of having a certain letter by your name, you have the words representative next to your name and you run your primary. and this was a hard-fought, as i mentioned, because the former speaker mccarthy he did not appreciate your lack of support in different instances of your career with respect to him he tried to make sure that you were primary. what is your message to him knowing that that failed? well, almost miserably. >> why message to anyone who watched the race last night, kevin mccarthy spent $7 million against me in this republican primary it will go down as the most expensive primary in south carolina history. we ended up winning by 30 points because i worked extremely hard to earn the trust and the support of south carolina voters, but also what it says is that there's a place for people like me and the republican party. i marched the beat of my own drum. i tend to be very fiscally they conservative, socially sensible, others, a place for me there's a place for maga, there's a place for centrists, there's a place for right of center. there's a place for women. and our party even vocal women. i've been very vocal on women's issues and folks in my district in south carolina, they respect that there's a place for everyone in our party and that's what it says to me, whether you're moderate, conservative right of center. all those things, maga, there's a place for each of us in there and the voters spoke resoundingly to have a 30 point win. i have never had that kind of margin. i've never had that kind of enemy fire coming against us $7 million. that is significant. it stings, it hurts. sometimes you cry going to bet at night because it's an awful experience. i got personal but i ran my race. i ran it. i was my campaign manager. i ran it how i wanted it to be done and at the end, we want huge because that's what the voters decided they wanted the truth over the lies. and we want the truth one resoundingly and it's a true honor for me. i got my start at the waffle house on the side of the interstate serving customers in and now i'm serving my constituents today as the first woman to graduate from the citadel, the military college of south carolina. i've come a long way. i don't take a single day for granted. i don't take a single fight for granted. and i worked really, really hard hard to serve south carolina and i'm honored to continue to do so. >> there was a you've seen the new york times report or discussion talking about records that were reviewed that suggests that there is you own a townhouse in washington? the records that were reviewed seem to suggest that you repay 23,000 plus dollars and lodging costs. that includes expenses for insurance and taxes. so month's bills for the townhouse there is a discussion whether an ethics probe is warranted based on the repayment reimbursement of those fees that would be tied to home ownership what can you tell us about this investigation? are you presently the subject of one? >> i haven't had her anything about it so far. again, i've been focused on on my race, but i will tell you, i follow all the ethics rules and oliver ethics guidelines. i'm one of about 300 members of congress that rely on lodging per dmd to help us live in dc to do our jobs and then the second thing is this was a last-minute hail mary hit job done the weekend before our primary on tuesday and it was very clear that voters saw it for what it was. and decided it wasn't, it wasn't truthful. and then i follow all the ethics rules and they voted overwhelmingly despite all of the lives, despite all of the negative ads, and voted overwhelmingly in favor of us. we won by 30 points last night that's open to having being very open with the investigation there's no reason not to. absolutely. and this is the first time up until last year numbers of commerce congress and i get a per diem for travel expenses to washington, dc. so if there's confusion let's clear it up because there are hundreds of members that that either rent places up here or own property up here and live in it, that sort of thing. i'm sure everyone would welcome that. >> well, i'll certainly hold you to your word about making sure that you're open and accountable to the people. >> and of course with congress as well. congressman, nice to meet you here. thank you so much for joining me tonight. thank you well, next is a time to maybe how loud that wasn't a guillotine actually on the mall? >> but trump campaign emails are getting more on hinge plus what to expect when trump returns to capitol hill for his public visit is where this first since the insurrection and breaking news tonight as the fbi warns of potential threats, a man is bound with weapons and armor. in new york city i'll stupid the governor of new york devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened then far faraway lands, and it's easy to think it can't happen here if one hits home, would we be ready? >> silent birth with liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn oh, carney is awda. it's got a nassau them that's what i said. god-man, saddam carnegie got to me, karnak, but with more flavored, got gardening car and tracing it like this. >> and you swim did you know you can save with goodrx and even if you have insurance, i'm on medicare i check good rx because it can be my coping like that even if you have insurance, we've got our x cannot be saved another good reason to check, good rx find the perfect father's day gift symbol, just type whether tech has hundreds of premium products, it will keep dad's vehicle looking. it's best like laser measure for liners our, goal line, and see protector for extra interior protection sunshade, what's helpful uv rays, the 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higher. the president and they'll former president, one state, which are two very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max will tonight a trend escalation over and over a rhetoric, interim fundraising emails and if they started at def con three, they might very well be on def con five right about now on may 7th, trump painting the stakes and life or death term saying they want me silenced forever. i look at this from may 22, biden z0 jay was authorized to shoot me. >> also, this not so subtle hint, hint trump wants you to believe that democrats want him dead, saying quote, there, just itching to do the unthinkable. now the de, donald trump was convicted, his ghost priors implored would be donors to pray for america calling himself a political prisoner. and then finally today, borrowing from robespierre paul out the guillotine, joining me now to discuss is george conway a contributor for the atlantic and jonah goldberg, the editor in chief for the dispatch and shout out to my seventh grade teacher. i ever heard it pronounced rose pierre howard happens. >> begin with you for a second. doors and you're not with us onset here. i went what? you make of this hyperbolic language in these emails it's amazing that it's continuing to get worse. >> i mean, we've seen inflammatory rhetoric from the trunk campaign is fundraising emails and other contexts in the past. but this idea of a guillotine, i mean, it does not seem to be any depth to which the trump campaign will not sink in order to raise money and what this is, is just, it is an attempt to flight inflame the public in order to raise money for, to defend the campaign of a a convicted felon and and adjudicated rapist. and i just eat them. the fact that republican fundraisers think that this is actually effective, and it must be because they wouldn't be doing it if if they weren't, they wouldn't be doing using this kind of language reward effective in raising money is really just something i just something astonishing to behold i mean, don't, it's not only making money, i mean, after the conviction alone and it even aside from the e. >> jean carroll case and he was referencing from just last year, 50 plus million dollars since the convictions alone. but then there's this reporting that some of the money that was being used say that there was actually being gained that trump shifted nearly $5 million from his campaign to private businesses he hasn't really donated a lot of money into his own campaign. what does this tell you in terms of what his mindset is i actually think the two stories are kind of related the george and i go way back. >> i'm not shocked by this, right? it's it's the logic of an addict and they're feeding in an addiction, which is eventually you get used to the dosage you have to up the dose and that's true of all sorts of addictions the outrage machine that trump raises money off of then uses and atm constantly needs the rhetoric to go to 1,111.1, 11, just keep going higher because otherwise people become a nearer to it. and so you have to say that tried to kill me. you have to say bring out the guillotine organism and it's not just that you keep your people running on hot. it's that you have to do the stuff to say something new and fresh to get attacked, fresh. because if you just said the old rhetoric, people want attack him and he makes money, he magnetizes the attacks on him as well. >> this is bait, bet. you. thank throughout its width, worked for them. i i find it. i'm appalled by it as georgia's, but it works on the money ten years ago now i said the problem with with with with donald trump is that character is destiny donald trump is always spin a self dealer. he has always tried to sort of get earn a buck from every conceivable angle squeeze every penny out of things. he did this as president making money, monetizing the presidency. why wouldn't you try to monetize his own campaign? >> well, george, i won't bring you into that point because now only the amount of may we're talking about, but part of the ratcheting up of the rhetoric. and of course the commensurate increase in campaign funding that's coming from it. he he's still able to have people like, well, speaker johnson suggest that this is a man in spite of all this, believes in the transfer of power. listen to this oh, really, for the first time republicans are both the house and senate meeting with him since the january 6 attack on the capital. are you committed or have you spoken to him about basically not not doing anything like that again, and committing to respecting the american tradition of peaceful transfer. of course, he respects that and we all do and we've all talked about it at nauseum well, we talked about something had nausea, but not his respect for the transfer of power. george yeah. >> i mean, i think jonah's addiction metaphor or actually it's really is there really probably is a dopamine aspect to it is really apt even to this because the republican party has become addicted 2d lies under trump. and this is just an example. the pretense that donald trump cares about the constitution of pretense that he didn't try to overthrow the constitution. the pretense that as donald trump has been saying, the people who went up to capitol hill in january 6 were are and then were prosecuted or hostages in light of that, it's just impossible to say that donald trump with any honesty to say that donald trump supports the constitution, doesn't it's impossible to say that. and speaker johnson manages to do that and he does that because republicans just lie casually now. and that's just become a way of life for the republican party jonah, what do you say to that? >> because there are many who would look at this and say, well, hold on, which kind of republican you're talking about there's obviously some different identities within some who sign up to emulate donald trump and others who say, no, i'm still a part of the republican party. i see a vehicle that donald trump represents what's your say yeah, i think it used to be there was too few, but some vocal people, mitt romney, i still think kohl's the truth about donald trump and all that kind of stuff. >> and you can find a few others. >> but the real distinction was between the people who would say things like speaker johnson said on camera. >> but and those who wouldn't say them off camera, like via number of republicans raised to call closet norms that they would say the tv cameras turned on and they save stuff like under comrade trump, we will have the greatest wheat harvest we've ever seen in the euros and then the cameras go off and this guy is such a pain in the ads. i can't stand him the problem is that our brain, we are not wired to be permanently cynical and to lie all the time and over time we start to believe our own bs and so now more and more and more people in the republican party honestly, five years ago, they would all say, yeah, i just got to say this because it's politics. >> and now the cameras go off and they still say it. >> and i think speaker johnson's more in that camp. but even if he's not, he has to say this stuff because he loses speakership like that. if he turned on trump, trump is the guy who gave them the speakership. >> that's ingesting the psychology becoming the true believer to your, to your point. and maybe these different emails are coming out. i wonder to what extent it is galvanizing people towards that or not. jonah goldberg, george conway, both you thanks so much. >> there is breaking news tonight out of new york as the fbi warns of terror threats in the company i'm in months, a man is arrested with weapons, ammo, body armor, and axes. new york's governor joins name, plus elon musk is being soon tonight by former spacex workers who alleged harassment and animal house like behavior. >> one of the accusers is gonna join me live you want 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political team in the business follow the voter follow the results, follow the facts follow. >> cnn tonight, chilling new scenes or antisemitism across new york city. the home of the director of the brooklyn museum, who is jewish, was vandalized overnight with red paint and assign hi accusing her of being a white supremacist zionist, aggressive fights between pro-palestinian protesters and police in the subway system. and then there was this that happened on a car okay. good next to an exhibit memorializing the nova music festival where the hamas attack that killed hundreds protests are speaking about those who were attacked like this right. >> the nypd reports anti-semitic incidents are now up at 4% across new york city from the same time, just last year joining me now is new york governor kathy hochul. governor hochul, i want to talk about these threats and just a moment, but i do want to first get to this extremely breaking story tonight at the nypd. governor is investigating whether a man was planning some kind of attack and the new york city area, i guess he was pulled over and arrested with a loaded gun more than 100 rounds of ammunition and other weapons. and he also alarmingly seem to have nypd uniform gear, government, what can you tell us about this? >> right? we're working closely with the nypd and of course, the joint terrorism task force to investigate this further. but there is no tolerance for this behavior. this is criminal and i have confidence in our system that these individually prosecuted and handled to the full extent of the law. this is unacceptable in the state of new york. it's frightening, but it's important to know that the police are on top of this and what moral be reported as we're able to disclose this to the public. >> governor, do we know is sitting here today whether he was in fact plotting an attack? >> i cannot speak to that at this time. >> i certainly hope that all the safety measures are in place to deter anything like this from happening and will hopefully have more information from you and your office at the appropriate time. you've also commented on the different events that i have just described right before we started talking about this new reporting tonight, about anti-semitism, about vandalism. you've called it a buoyant and other things as well. and just a tone the aggressiveness of the incidents that we are seeing. governor, they seem to have truly escalated and they are where commuters are and beyond what is the state doing to ensure the safety of all new yorkers this is textbook anti-semitism. >> these constitute hate crimes. and i'm proud that our administration has taken this sun before i became governor hey, cry was we're not even bail eligible. i mean, you couldn't hold someone for commuting one of these horrific crimes i changed the bell laws. so hate crimes are now eligible. so judges and prosecutors know this. secondly, in the legislative session that just ended a few weeks ago we had 28 more offenses to our hate crime list. i've also beefed up security at volume of places, particularly places of worship $35 million of support. there are joint terrorism task force has strong representation from our state police we also had to do a lot on college campuses to make sure that our commencement events, graduations went off. you as best they could under the circumstances. so it's an unsettling time. these are despicable. x and particularly what happened at that memorial to young lives, people who are slaughtered and raped and beauty brutalized i, this is so inhumane and this is not who new yorkers are. and we should not descended this chaos and allow any tolerance for this disgusting appalling behavior governor, there's a tension that many leaders are facing in their own local jurisdictions. >> new york, not an exception between those who would say, well, hold on. as a boring in this vial as the speech may be, you have the right to say it and trying to balance that against people's right to feel safe, not threatened, not victimized, are villainized. and the way that the speech indicates, how do you reconcile those tense moments it, is not difficult for me because someone wants to stand on a street corner and peacefully protest. >> they could do whatever they want. you go onto a subway train and threaten people in frighten them. use, vandalize a home those are illegal. x that is no, not even close to being speech. so it's clear to us that these were crimes. they must be prosecuted there's also a call some have talked about some jewish leaders actually in new york are calling tonight for a mask ban, saying that covering faces allows protesters to have some level of anonymity to be more aggressive, to be more entitled to say what they want because they don't fear repercussion the same way. >> would you support that endeavor? >> there was a ban on mass before the pandemic that you couldn't have face coverings that didn't serve a purpose. for example, a surgical mask of someone's elderly or ill. the pandemic remove that from our state law. it was repealed at the time, but i absolutely will go back and take a look at this and see whether it can be restored because it is frightening to people. you're sitting on a subway train and someone puts on a mass like this and you don't know if they're going to be committing a crime, they're going to have a gun or whether they're just going to be threatening, intimidating you because you are jewish, which is exactly what happened the other day absolutely unacceptable in the state of new york. >> finally gotten i do want to ask you because you stopped new york city is planned congestion charge. the charge for cars that were traveling into central manhattan. this is just weeks before really was set to start and you cited potential unintended economic consequences, but there are reports that say it's because this really got a lot of backlash. it was disliked and some of the key districts that democrats may need to take control of the house is that the motivation behind why you have? pause this or was there in fact a political reason de only motivation i need is a spend time listening to really yorkers, the working men and women are teachers, are firefighters or police officers health care workers, hospital workers i have heard from thousands of new yorkers through countless means that they just can't take any more economic pressures life is hard enough. >> and too at this time at this very moment, when their bills are going up, everything is escalating that we now say it's 15 more dollars to drive in the city. i will always be the mta is the transit system strongest supporter, which is why engineered a bailout of it last year to keep it strong and viable, i will have the resources the legislature hi are working out, having the resources to do those improvements we're also going to continue fighting to protect our environment reducing emissions, dealing with congestion as its existing today. but we can't do it at this time on the backs of new yorkers who are just crying for some really, we cannot be tone deaf to these individuals because i have heard from them and they need our help at this time. >> governor kathy hochul. thank you so much for joining me thank you up next, a former spacex employee says that elon musk evaluated women based on their bra size it has not all. i'll speak with one of the workers who is now suing the company. but what they say they experienced sandbox wednesday cnn celebrates juneteenth, mentioned deformities by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. >> we still have a lot i want to do juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy next wednesday at ten own cnn detect this. >> living with hiv. robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to nevado divider was a complete hiv treatment for some adults no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than davon 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how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge readings happen yeah, that's not good. >> that's the certainty of four imprint for certain alder james is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn tonight, elon musk is running a quote, animal house the space x founded his company being sued by eight former employees who alleged that they were illegally fired for raising concerns about gender discrimination and about sexual harassment. they were fired back in 2022 after they're open letter criticizing mask and urging the company to make some cultural changes this lawsuit alleges that musk trump it's himself as the leader to a brave new world of space travel, but runs his company in the dark ages, treating women as sexual objects to be evaluated on their bra size, bombarding the workplace with lewd sexual banter and offering the reprise to those who challenge and the animal house environment that if they don't like it, they can seek employment elsewhere. spacex did not immediately respond to a request for comment on this lawsuit page hollen thiele. and it's one of the plaintiffs in this case and she joins me now, page thank you so much. for joining me this evening. i do want to go through each of these allegations one by one because they are frankly extraordinary. one is that people are evaluated on bra size. what, what's happened? can you elaborate? >> there was a very popular tweet from little while ago where ilan claimed that he was starting a university with what he considered humorous acronym and i won't go into what that is, but that got very popular and got repeated all over the workplace. and one of the follow-up tweets that do is get degrees which was a joke about breast size due to the acronym of the fake college. so things like that were widely shared on all internal chat channels and talked about in meetings and used as fodder in professional environments and that's just one of many, many instances like that. >> you also talk about lewd sexual banter. did that play off of a similar theme as well? what kind of things would musk say? >> most of the interactions that i'm familiar with from elon musk himself are just, you know, his widely shared twitter feed, which is written into the employee handbook as a source of spacex approved news we are encouraging our orientation to follow him on twitter really tweets were shared yes spacex will retweet elon musk's twitter and he will tweet them and so it, it becomes impossible to separate his personal nonsense from the actual day-to-day life of an actual working environment where engineers are working hard and trying to get things done. so anything that is on his twitter is considered official news. so anything that he says could may as well be written on official space as spacex letterhead and distributed as a company update official news, or a fiscal policy because i wonder what the impact of that was working at the organization to know this was being shared or talked about where people repulsed by it or didn't become part of the culture it is very much part of the culture, but people like me were pretty repulsed by it. >> it's hard not to feel targeted in a scenario where you might be the only woman are the only minority in a room. and people are laughing about sex jokes and potty humor in a place where it really doesn't belong spacex, they don't normally respond to queries from news organizations, but back in 2022, the spacex coo said that she would enforce spacex is zero tolerance standards against employee harassment the new york times reported that she said the employees had been fired for making other staff feel uncomfortable. >> how do you respond to that i can't discount anyone else's lived experience any anymore than anybody else should be able to discount mine. i guess it's a bummer that somebody felt uncomfortable that i asked them to sign a letter, but the letter was a very small step to trying to improve the lives of a lot of people. >> and i think just the sheer volume of pore and signatures that we got on the letter is really strong proof that it wasn't an isolated small, angry mob of people. we had a lot of support and a lot of people really shared the sentiment. and a lot of people still experienced this every day at same-sex and we just were trying to support each other and it's really unfortunate that the spin and the twist was that we made people feel uncomfortable because i just that is the rally of my everyday life was how uncomfortable i would feel in situations that were much, much more damaging than that one the irony of that narrative page hall and feeling, thank you so much for joining another. >> these are very significant allegations because here to follow and what their response may be as well. thank you thank you so much well, in part of florida has more on woke efforts. you know, a teacher is now at risk of losing her license over a black lives matter flag. and an anti confederacy faced max. >> her story is ness. next somebody would ask or something and she would just walk right past didn't know they were talking to her. >> i just could not here. >> i was hesitant tend to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them. are nearly invisible hearing aids or just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years when i finally did here for the first time, i could hear everything call 1800 to three fours, 7090 to schedule a free hearing evaluation un unlock our best deal of the year. >> my husband and i own uncle rowing beverage company. we rely on e-commerce and digital tools to build our business and launch new product. thanks to american investments in ai, we're using this technology to run our business more efficiently. artificial intelligence is a game changer and i'm 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to go. ask your doctor about switching well, tonight, a beloved teacher and florida may lose her license over her support for the black lives matter movement here, cnn's carlos suarez amy donor for you was one of those teachers who made a difference in her students lives. i just loved that for nine years. >> she taught a predominantly black student population at a high school in jacksonville, florida named after the confederate general robert e lee the constant reminder of the city's oppressed past. >> so she was the warrior frehse still is donald for you said she worked. to create a safe space for her students to talk about their experiences, for her to be able to make teenagers. feel comfortable enough to come in her classroom and express the trauma that they have gone through. volunteer fairly best. >> that's a gift. >> in 2015, she began running a program called evac, helping mostly black male students deal with their experiences with violence, racism, and the justice system. they traveled to the white house to meet with congressional leaders, gave presentations at harvard and they also met with then-president barack obama when he visited jacksonville honestly, the most beautiful thing i have ever been a part of. but in 2020, as there was a racial reckoning in the country, donald free school was changing too, as she had done in years past, donner for you stood with her students who declared their black lives matter and she also supported changing the name of the ones a segregated school, to one that better reflected the current student population in one community meeting. she wore a face mask with a message, quote, robert e lee was a gang member. i'm not a gang member was a slogan used in the evac movement according to court documents we turned human compassion into something that's controversial. >> but in the fall of 2020, per principal asked her to stop displaying a blm flag outside her classroom, saying the flag violated a school policy. the flag had not been a problem before then. there was no position opposite to the for five months donald, for you didn't take the flag down according to court documents because she believed it didn't violate any school policy. so the principal did the following day, donna for you was reassigned outside the school and florida is then commissioner of education said this it was an entire classroom memorialize to black lives matter. we made sure she was terminated at the time, donald, for you was not fired, but a month later, she said she was out of a job in response, are students collected nearly 18,000 signatures on a public petition to bring her back. >> i wasn't removed for anything having to do with my teaching state education officials accused donna for you of bringing her personal views into the classroom and administrative judge disagreed, but she said, donna, for you did violates school policy which required teachers to remain neutral on politically charged issues when she wore the robert e lee mask, the judge recommended she received you a written reprimand, but a state education commission will have the final say and could pull data for ios teaching license for good the case against her has unfolded against a backdrop of florida policing teachers amid the states, quote anti woke law signed by governor ron desantis with to not want to be caught in these culture wars my students matter teachers who care about students matter. >> laura, we reached out to florida education officials to get a sense of where they stand ahead of tomorrow's meeting, whether they would like the commission to sign off on the administrative judges recommendation of a written report remand, or whether they want a donor for you is teaching license pulled for good? we have not heard back from them thank you. >> to carlos suarez. we'll be back in just a moment. >> devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. >> it happened in far away lands and it's easy to think it can't happen i'm here if one hits home, 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Justice System , Racism , Violence , Harvard , Barack Obama , Free School , Reckoning , 2020 , School , Gang Member , Face Mask , Community Meeting , Ones , Documents , Human Compassion , Per Principal , Evac Movement , Slogan , Blm , School Policy , Position , Education , Commissioner , Principal , Matter , Back , Job , Petition , 18000 , Judge , Teaching State Education Officials , Views , Donna , State Education Commission , Ios Teaching License , Written Reprimand , Robert E Lee Mask , Policing , States , Backdrop , Culture Wars , Quote Anti Woke Law , Ron Desantis , Commission , Donor , Recommendation , Teaching License , Report Remand , Laura , Good , Carlos Suarez , Quality , Factory , Sunday At Night On Cnn , Backyard , Performance , Migraine , Okay , System Battery , Nortech Ott , Migraine Medication , All In One , Episodic Migraine , Indigestion , Stomach Pain , Fraud Tree Knee Brace , Talk , Tech Ott , Pfizer , Fraud , Femail , Text Call , Health Care , Claims , Department 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