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our panel, but he's all of you for joining us. >> i'm crazy. how don't go anywhere seen in central starts right now cnn breaking good morning, everyone. >> and we do have breaking news. president biden, just moments ago speaking as he is sitting alongside ukrainian president zelenskyy ahead they critical bilateral meeting that they are now. that's now taking place right now. they're both in france as we know, the president has been there to mark an honor the greatest generation, the 80th the anniversary of d-day. and he has been making the connections of the threats to democracy and freedom back then and the direct line to the threats to democracy and freedom today, pointing directly to russia's invasion of ukraine as the example, let's talk about what the president just said though. first, we have seen and senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche. she's the traveling with the president. stick with me, kayla. let's listen first to president biden you so much as i said yesterday, the american cemetery. yeah, you creative people are very credibly grave never given up and never stay never never even it's impressive and you saw the reception you receive everyone is still standing ovation and they deserve loses her and you haven't bowed down you haven't yielded at all? >> you continue to fight in a way it is is this remarkable? mr. mark walk away from you. i apologize for the weeks of not knowing was going to pan surge a funding because we had trouble getting the bill of we as a pass at the money is some some of our very conservative members what we got it done finally since then including today i have announced six pack packages of significant funding today, i'm also signed the additional packets for 225 million to help you reconstruct your electric grid once we got the massive security bill passed was a political issue get it all the way you stood in holding on holy land kharkiv and you're proving once again that people in grain can not know well, never overtake it and i assure you united states is going to stand with you actually said that all during this debate continued to say united states is standing with you. >> you are the bulwark against the aggression is taking place we have an obligation to be there and so i'm looking forward to happen detailed discussion with you about award go from here but we're still completely thoroughly thank you thank you so much was spreading just of all. >> thank you so much for your significance, support. you urine administration where we're thankful for my all ukrainians to your all right melter support, financial support, humanitarian lawn. and of course it's very important. and our meeting here is where symbolic it's very according did you stay with us this bipartisan support with the congress? >> it's very important that in this unit, united states america, all american people stay with ukraine, like it was during world war two. how united states helped to save human lives, to save yours and we count one, your continued support in standing with us shoulder to shoulder. thank you so much. and this big package which been cited tens supported and voted and it's very important so necessary for this for the feeling of our people that we are not alone we are with you with our strategic partner. >> and of course, we are. i want today to speak about drenching or parking region. you said already it's so important and your decisions when very, very had very positive influence but instead on want to share it everything, all the details was pressed, sorry. but i think there are some details on the battlefield which which you you a unit to hear from us, we are thankful for this. also i want to speak about their defense totally on our territory, and we are thankful for disaffection be summit on the level of wires president. thank you so much. we think that we will have more than 100 countries and i hope that it will view first step on this way to be as we need peace in ukraine but we will stay anyways and of course i want to discuss some future events thank you again thank you a show sine of support very clearly. >> and just sitting there together and also in announcing a new aid package that president biden was announcing for ukraine, sitting right there. as i mentioned before, cnn senior white house correspondent kayla tausche how she is traveling with the president this morning, fred pleitgen is in berlin for us. caleb talked to us about what's in this $225 million package thank you're located in this new aid package is ammunition, artillery, air defenses, and other critical systems that the us will be providing to ukraine as part of the sixth package that stems from that supplemental package that was passed earlier this spring after a six month delay. >> this, of course, comes ahead of president biden's meeting with president macron of france later this week, and his g7 summit next week. and of course, the nato seven nato summit next month, where they will all be discussing new and novel ways to provide a not only military aid, but also financial aid to ukraine as this war nears its third year, president zelenskyy has asked nato countries four more fighter jets, more patriot anti aircraft systems. he's made some very tall asks and what some allies have described as a shopping list that continues. but today the us is committing yet another package, 225 million to help ukraine continued to make up for some of those losses on the battlefield. that is what the two presidents are going to be discussing. in that meeting that you saw just now, president biden's expecting to get a detailed state of play on what's happening in ukraine on the ground and in the air in that country as he has just newly authorized ukraine to be able to use some of the american made weapons to strike just over the border into towns where russia is unloading weaponry to be able to strike into ukraine. that is a new capability. and the president is likely to get an update on how that is going in today's meeting later today, he's going to come where i'm standing right now. this i've taking backdrop it's called pointe-du-hoc. you may remember it from one president reagan delivered a speech here 40 years ago, 1984, commemorating the 40th anniversary of d-day. we know that president biden is going to be honor one veteran in particular, his name is john ward del 99 years old. she served in the us army and landed here at pointe-du-hoc just days after the d-day invasion, just days after those brave army rangers, 225 of them scaled the 100 foot cliffs here at a high cost of life to destroy the german lookout positions that allowed the us and allied forces to succeed. online. and, and at sea on d-day were expecting the president to talk about the heroism, the bravery of war. dell and others and be joined in the audience by many french officials and local leaders. although at this point, we do not expect the attendance of french president emmanuel macron, but they're going to be many themes that we'll draw parallels to the address that reagan made. 40 years ago. the dangers of isolationism, the power of democracy, and the desire to connect what happened here on that day, and the bravery of those specific americans to what is going on on the frontlines of europe today to try to make it real for people at home as there are beginning to be some doubts about u.s. interventionism overseas as the us continues to be involved in too hot wars that are now going on much longer than the administration expected okay. >> yeah. >> kayla, i'll jump in here. thank you for that reporting. i also want to bring in fred pleitgen into the conversation because it because two things stuck out to me from what we heard, president biden say sitting along zelensky saying one, we're not going to walk away from you, but also, i apologize for weeks of not knowing what's going to happen. so to hear that face-to-face from the president to of course, zelenskyy, you've done extensive reporting in ukraine. >> what have those moments been like when soldiers on the front lines, on the ground? >> don't know whether us support is actually going to come well, first of all, i think you're absolutely right. >> those really the two key things. one of the one hand president biden saying, look, the us is now in it in the long run, but then also apologizing for some of the delays that happened in some of those weapons shipments. of course, as it was unclear whether or not congress was going to approve with the republican house leadership, whether or not it was going to approve any new weapons packages and you're absolutely right, omar, i was on the ground in ukraine when all of this started happening and when the ukrainians, i think it was in september of last year, those ammo applies, especially a really became very scarce. they had to ration some of the ammunition. they were very low on artillery shells. and it was very difficult for them. they felt all but abandoned by western nations, specifically by the united states because there's simply wasn't enough animal coming through i think what we saw just there, the president's sitting there with the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy showed that those two liters, but also the alliance right now of ukraine and its western backers, they are very much in a different place now than they were before that decision by congress was made to approve that aid. once again, you see, right now what's going on? and that the ukrainians have stabilized the front lines in many areas. the president i think was talking about the kharkiv region. the president of ukraine also talking about the kharkiv region where the russians had been making some advances, but especially since the us has allowed ukraine to use us weapons, western-made weapons, to fire across the border into russian territory, as kayla said in a very limited way that's done a lot to hold the russians up, but also of course, the fact that the ukrainians now have a lot more in the way of ammunition and are getting new weapons supplies has also made a big difference as well. the ukrainians themselves, by the way, have also really step things up in a big way as well as far as mobilization is concerned. they're getting a lot more guys mobilized, lot more soldiers mobilize and are getting those to the front lines as well. so right now that alliance isn't a completely different place than it was before. and i think there's one more thing that we also need to pay attention to omar, which is absolutely key. and that is the fact that the us is now back on board in full strength makes a huge which difference ulcer to the allies. you just had the president of france promising those mirage fighter jets. but you also had, for instance, the germans also allowing the ukrainians to use german weapons to fire across the border as well. so it's certainly seems as though those nations have found their footing. and there's certainly projecting a pretty bold picture right now with the president. they're sitting with the president of you crane omar, and even though zelenskyy didn't get into specifics, he did imply that in the kharkiv region specifically that some of that aid has already had a positive influence and so as you've mentioned, seeing that dynamic of zelenskyy and biden next to each other powerful, indicative of their strength and alliance fred pleitgen, kayla tausche really appreciate the reporting. >> thank you so much. >> we've got a lot more to cover over the course of this morning for one, donald trump is making yet another case for taking revenge on his political opponents. >> the third time in as many days, he says, quote, sometimes times revenge can be justified in just hours. president biden's brothers and granddaughter will take the stand at hunter biden's gun trial. >> what we learned from bo biden's widow about the gun at the center of the case, and it's in your toothpaste, you're chewing gum and you may even use it in your morning coffee. >> a new study links the popular sweetener xylitol so an increased risk of stroke and heart attacks, whole lot more coming up stay with us the increase in wildfires this exponential unpredictable uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences, the need to do something is urgent to fly with her would we have shrunk? for sunday at night on cnn i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. >> thanks to sky rosie, i'm playing with clear skin three out of four people achieve 90% clear skin and scary z is just for doses a year after to starter doses theory is allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to the sky rizzi nothing on my skin means every your dermatologists about sky rosie learn how advocate help you save. >> i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me emerge as you with trump via 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have a country anymore. so continuing to amplify this rhetoric and earlier in the day, he also did an interview with dr. phil, where this rhetoric of retaliation continue. take a listen to what he said. >> the. word revenge is a very strong word, but maybe we have revenge to success, while revenge does take time, i will say that does and sometimes revenge can be justified this is the first appearance of trump's since he since that verdict was ricci will continue this west coast swing. he has another appearance on sunday in las vegas and we ever told that now that he is no longer required to be in new york for this trial, we can back to a ramping up of political activity from the former president. >> is that now i'm sure that is certain. and donald trump is also talking more teasing, more about his eventual announcement of his running mate yeah, last night he said that he will make a decision or an announcement at least about his running mate at the convention in milwaukee. that's slated for mid july. so we're just a little over a month now until that announcement comes at this point, he's basically down to seven individuals, at least that's who is campaign is sort of boring. heading and putting out as like a quasi finalized list. there's a first tier of three names i can read for you. it's north dakota. north dakota governor doug burgum senator marco rubio of florida and senator jd vance of ohio, who i should note was with trump yesterday in arizona. and then there's this sort of second tier that he's considering and that includes center tim scott, representative elise stefanik, representative byron donalds, and former hud secretary, ben carson. so donald trump, at least these are the names that he is considering in this moment, although he is likely to also entertain other names as he continues to meet with donors and others who have an interest in this all right. >> standby. to standby for that. it's good to see you. thank you so much, dave. >> i'm not for 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in hunter biden's federal gun trial are expected to rest their case after calling two more witnesses to the stand now it comes after a pretty dramatic testimony from hallie biden, the widow of beau biden, who also did hunter biden on the stand yesterday? hallie biden revealed that she believed hunter was doing drugs when he purchased the revolver at the center of this case. now, today, the defense is hoping testimony from hunter biden's daughter, naomi, and the president's brother, james biden, will blunt that impact from yesterday and all of it comes as president biden continued he used to say pardoning his son is not an option let me ask you, will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is? yes and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. >> cnn's marshall cohen is outside court this morning. all right. marshall, i know even staying on top of all this, what are we expecting today hey, omar. >> well, the prosecution is almost done with it. its case, which means it's hunters turn and as you tension, we are expecting that he is going to have some family members take the stand in his defense. people briefed on the matter, tell us that his daughter, naomi, and his uncle called james, are going to testify as part of the defense. they are here to blunt some of the very painful testimony that the jury you already heard about hunter biden's rampant drug use in 2018, the year he bought the gun, hunters attorney said in his opening statements that uncle joe jimmy, it was a big part of the support system and even paid for some of hunter biden's treatment. but omar, those are not the only biden's work keeping an eye out for the first first lady, jill biden was in france yesterday for the d-day commemorations, but she's back in delaware today and expected to return to the courtroom to support hunter before flying back to france for the state visit this weekend. look looking ahead to next week. the defense has to make a key decision is hunter biden going to testified seems unlikely. and if he decides to not make that bold move to speak in his own defense, then both sides let's think that this case could wrap up early or mid next week, which would lead us to jury deliberations. so we get might be getting pretty close to a verdict here in the next within the next few days of trial. >> oh, omar marshal before before we get to the defense's case, obviously, the problem prosecution where we're nearing the end here. but what did they gain specifically from me essentially their star witness and hallie biden here she is the only person testifying in this case who was actually with hunter biden in october of 28 when he bought that gun. he's accused of committing the crime of lying on a background check by saying that he was not a drug user. and hallie said on the stand that she observed what she believed was hunter biden under the influence of drugs in october of 2018, but she conceded did under cross-examination that she never personally witnessed him smoking crack cocaine, that month. >> she also told the very bizarre and frightening story of how she found the gun on october 23 in his car panicked and brought it to a grocery store and threw it in a trash can. >> omar, it's that decision that day to throw out the gun that in so many ways led us to this day hey, here and entangled the entire biden family into this criminal case and as you mentioned, it's been the prosecution that's building their case so far. >> so we'll see he once you transition into how the defense gets their sayyed of the case going, as well. marshall cohen really appreciate it. thank you so much we're obviously covering a lot more going on today in a new interview, president biden says he thinks benjamin netanyahu is listening to him, but a new cia report reveals that israeli prime minister is likely to defy us pressure campaign to set a post-war planned for gaza. >> and lawsuit could be coming against the largest alcohol distributor in the u.s. 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netanyahu will come to the united states to address a joint meeting of congress on july 24th. all four republican and democratic congressional leaders signed the onto the invitation as we have reported, though, they're reaction to the dates announcement to the date announcement, if you will not so unanimous. >> and it also comes at a time when the united states and 16 other nations are applying new pressure to israel and hamas to move forward with a ceasefire deal overnight, president biden expect expressed optimism some about that i think he's seated amazing. they were going to go into russia. the rafah full bore invade all of rafah, go into the city, take it out, move, move with full force they haven't done that and what they've done is they've agreed to a significant agreement that if in fact hamas accepts it and look, it's being backed by egypt, being backed by the saudis, being backed by the almost the whole arab world. we'll see this is a very difficult time yet, new cnn reporting today suggests otherwise, cnn's zachary cohen has some new reporting on this, and this comes from a new cia reporting on a new cio assessment that you have. >> tell us what you've learned this, represents one of the most up-to-date intelligence assessments that's been circulated amongst us officials about netanyahu's mindset. and obviously that's critical insight for policymakers and for president as they tried to broker an end to the conflict in gaza. and look, this assessment puts very blunt terms that netanyahu is currently engaged in a balancing act. he's trying to maintain support from the u.s. from international community, but also trying to preserve his spot as the leader of israel. he does face pressure from the right wing elements of his own government to continue the war against hamas. and look, the cis has been says that nicol, who will likely continue to defy pressure from the u.s. and members of his own government to define a post-war plans that's something we've only heard netanyahu talk about in vague terms, and the cia believes that he will continue to only address it in vague terms until very specific benchmarks are reached. we've heard netanyahu even described those benchmarks and very vague terms using the phrase military operation tens is something that he needs to ensure the security of israel before he's willing to talk about a peace deal the assessment does name specifically though, that eliminating the hamas leader mohammed deif, the shadowy figure who has been linked to the planning behind the october 7 attack that specifically as somebody who the cia this is that netanyahu would likely needs to eliminate before he's willing to seriously talk about post-war issues. i want to compare that though to what president joe biden has said about the post-war gaza and about is he actually says that is the one thing that he disagrees with. netanyahu the most on. he said to time magazine, my major disagreement with netanyahu is what happens after gaza's over, what, what does it go back to do? israeli forces go back in according to the cia, it sounds like netanyahu is not ready to talk in specific terms and may not be ready to for months sack. thank you so much for bringing us that reporting really appreciate it. omar. >> well, joining me now is democratic congressman from new jersey, josh gottheimer. thank you for being here. really appreciate you taking the time. i want to start with a little bit of what we heard. just from the president this morning in particular, take a listen to some of what he said sitting alongside ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy not going to walk away from you guys weeks of knowing was going to serve as a fundy now, obviously, we're expecting a speech for him later today. >> but how much of that speech today do you believe it should be about protecting that alliance between the united states in ukraine among your colleagues on the hill i mean, i think that's critically important. >> i worked quite a bit on making sure we were able to pass in a bipartisan way. the most recent aid package for ukraine, which i think is critical, the fact that we would allow putin to march across ukraine and threaten our allies in the region and destabilize democracy is unacceptable and i've been consistent in that because i think there's no question about what could happen if if that does, if putin is allowed to continue. >> what they've done now to innocent ukrainians month after month. and unless listen, ukrainians have been unbelievable in standing strong. so we cannot as a country, pause any support for ukraine, in my opinion. >> and the idea that it took so long to get that aid in to me was unacceptable and it'll be interesting to see if that speech today has any effect on any mentality for those that were there were holding out i want to shift over to israel and gaza, a specifically israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu expected to address a joint meeting of congress next month. not everyone is thrilled with it. i've including senator bernie sanders, for example, saying he's not going to attend. >> do you have any concerns with netanyahu making this address know i'm alison ultimately, this is about the united states and our key ally, israel, right? the democracy in the region, a key partner in the fight against terror, against iran and its proxies, which you know, continue to strike at american targets. their proxies, and the houthis and the red sea. we've seen in both the proxies in iraq and syria. and hezbollah continued to fire at our allies, but also at america. and then our assets, our service members so to me, we need, this is really about a ran and their march alongside and you talk about ukraine. you see what a ran did in ukrainian helping the russians with and continuing to help the russians, partnering with china and north korea. that is that is the new axis of evil. so as far as i'm concerned, we must strong stands strongly in support of our allies in the region and making sure when israel comes before congress and it continues that we continue to reiterate the strength of that relationship. >> and, you know, look, the visit obviously doesn't come in a vacuum here. you're also in the house intelligence committee. president biden has said, it's time for this war to end and that hamas is no longer capable of carrying out another october 7 that said, we still don't have a substantive ceasefire proposal agreed to between these two sides, despite a lot of pressure from us officials what do you think is the most critical part of any ceasefire deal that is eventually agreed to let me now now on president said this, right, that israel has, he laid out the framework that israel has agreed to the question? now, will the terrorists, will hamas actually agreed to it, right? so we can get that pause. we can get the hostages home, which i think is critical, including five american hostages. one of which one of whom was my constituent of don alexander wright. and and the idea that we shouldn't forget that hamas killed 44 americans what we've got to get those hostages, the hostages home. we've got to get more humanitarian aid in which obviously disagreement does. it helps put a pause in place and i think we've gotten everything we can to get there, which i think both sides were working incredibly hard on this, but israel's accepted it, but now hamas has to come to the table one, we'll see which sticking points we end up learning from, you, likely before us. >> but if you find out, let us know now look, i want to switch to a little bit of politics in that. look, you're a member of the problem-solvers caucus, which among your responsibilities is trying to find common ground with your republican colleagues and i don't know if you heard them, but in some of trump's first post-conviction comments, he said, sometimes revenge can be justified when he was asked about a potential shall next administration, look, his words do hold a lot of weight with many of your republican colleagues. are you concerned about that type of rhetoric and the effect it may have on your ability to legislate and find common ground with some of your republican colleagues well, i'm mostly concerned about our country and our democracy, right? i mean, when comments like that are made, five former president and a candidate for president you know, it's, it's hard to actually imagine that any president would talk about revenge and do i worry about, i worry about that for, for our democracy in terms? terms of my colleagues, who i work with regularly on the other side of the aisle, who actually want to solve problems and get things done, who were very involved in getting that ukraine aid and israeli and an aid for taiwan done across the finish line. >> those are who worked together on raising the debt ceiling, those are the kind of things that we need to do constructively and put our country first ahead of his party partisan politics. >> and i would hope that they would agree with me. i haven't talked to them specifically about those comments, but i would hope they agree me those are completely and totally unacceptable and not becoming for any leader in our country. >> congressman josh gottheimer. thanks for covering a lot of ground with us. really appreciate your time thanks for having me. >> i appreciate it. >> of course gate federal regulators are gearing up to go after the nation's largest alcohol distributor. now over unfair pricing, a source telling cnn they will, they're going to use a depression era anti-trust trust law to do it. that means your next trip to your local liquor store could soon be a bit cheaper. >> what's going on here? let's bring in matt egan. he's looking into this. what is this all about? >> well, this is a looming legal battle and it's about something that i think americans care a lot about how much they are paying for the price of alcohol. now, a source confirms to cnn and the federal trade commission is preparing to file a lawsuit against southern glaciers wine and spirits. this is the nation's largest alcohol distributor, more than 7,000 brands, everything from grey goose vodka in jim beam bourbon to yellow tail wine. and this would be aimed at trying to lower cost for consumers, making sure that mom and pop shops are operating at a level playing field against the big national chains and listen a lot is at stake here, american spent almost 90 billion on alcohol last year alone. we know that the cost of living is very high right now. biden officials are eager to show that you're taking action to lower costs and that i'm taking action to confront dominant companies. >> but this lawsuit kick could be risky because it would force regulators to dust off a law that has rarely been used in decades. >> this is the robinson-patman act as you know, from 1930, during the great depression and it bans price discovery termination specifically says that suppliers, they can't offer deeper discounts to the big national chains and they do to the local shops. >> but this is highly controversial because it's rarely been enforced. >> it has, hasn't been used since 2000, only one other time since the late 1980s, but supporters of an ftc cracked down. they say, now is the time time to use it because they argue these big national chains, they've gotten so dominant that it's allowed them to crush main street businesses and to raise costs on consumers as one source put it to me, if you can't compete on price or at least come close, you can't stay in business so what's the company saying about this? >> so southern glaciers declined to comment, but a source familiar with the matter did tell me that the company's discounts, they're available to all retailers. both these smaller chains and the national ones. and there are plenty of critics of the robinson-patman act, who they argue that it would actually backfire on consumers if it starts to get enforced because what would happen is the big chains would have to raise their prices once they lose access to those really deep discounts. one lawyer told me that if you start to revive this law, now, it's more likely to raise prices then lower price. so they're smart people on both sides of this. we're actually arguing the exact opposite, some say with lower prices, some say it would raise prices. it's all theoretical because it hasn't been enforced in decades. so we don't actually know, but regulators, they seemed unfazed is one source told me it's been a law since 1936. it's still a law on the books. we enforce the laws stay tuned. >> it's definitely a lot. the only thing that is certain here is there's no way congress is going to be in getting its act together to update any kind of that's the only thing i know about this. this is interesting that we'll have to follow. it's good to say. thank you. thank you omar. >> finally, we're talking about law from 1936. that's my that's my specialty. i could go on. >> yeah, i it has nothing to do with four for night yeah, absolutely not absolutely not. all right. look news wise. i'm going to get back to the script here. it's the end of an era for one of america's favorite game shows. pat say jack will spin the wheel for the last time tonight, find out who's going to replace him as the host of wheel of fortune? >> the increase in wildfires is exponential uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences, the need to do something is urgent to fly with. >> what we have. schreiber and vietnam see an ad. >> you're calling some people find there's at an early age others later in life are calling was to build trucks. >> and that's why trucks or what we do we put our everything and every truck so that when you find your colon nothing can stop you from entering now, during the ram, make this the summer event, get $1,000 cash allowance as finance and get no monthly payments for 90 days on the purchase of most 2025 ram 1,500 trucks hey, you seeing in this was the 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scottish woman is suing netflix over allegations she was defamed by the global hit show baby reindeer claiming she's experienced mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of business. now the show set tells what comedian richard gadd's says is his true story of being stalked by a woman who blasts him with more than 40,000 emails and hundreds of hours of voice messages. heat advisories remain in effect for over 20 million people across the west. and it's all because of a heat dome bringing record-breaking high temperatures. death valley, california reach 122 degrees yesterday, passing the previous 19 96 record of 121. while they have only reached that temperature this early in the year. two other times in recorded history. after 41 seasons and over 8,000 episodes, wheel of fortune host pat say jack will be taking his final spin tonight. alongside his famed, we'll fortune partner vanna white say jack has become the longest running host of a single game show and modern tv history. ryan seacrest will replace you, say jack, as new host of wheel fortunate all right. >> it's a popular low-calorie sweetener used and so many things, gum toothpaste, candy, and now a new study suggests maybe it shouldn't be, it's called xylitol. and the research is pointing to an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. cnn's jacqueline howard has been looking into this for us are a jacket and just explain the basics of this new research and why should people be concerned here yeah, omar, will this study was done by researchers at cleveland clinic and like you said, they found that consuming high amounts of xylitol is associated with nearly twice the rest of heart attack, stroke, and even death. >> now, we do need more research behind what exactly is driving that association. but the researchers do point out that xylitol is also associated with the formation of blood clots in the body. and of course, if a quiet travels to your heart or your brain pain that can cause a heart attack or stroke. the reason why this is so concerning, omar is that we know the consumers who typically seek out products containing xylitol, like sugar-free gum or reduced sugar baked goods. these are consumers who are looking to manage their blood sugar levels. so they may already have have diabetes or already have cardiovascular disease, meaning they're already added increased risk of heart attack and stroke. so if this study suggesting that xylitol may be associated with an even higher risk that's what's concerning here. omar yeah. >> look, it's important resource, but as you mentioned, there's always more to be done to get a better understanding about what the dynamic actually is. jacqueline howard really appreciate the reporting as always these suspect and gilgo beach serial killer has now been charged with two additional murders and with that, we're learning new details about what what led investigators. >> they're rex heuermann is now charged with the murders of jessica taylor in 2003 and sandra kostya. and 1993, bringing the total number of murders that he is now charged with two 26 murders investigators are also now pointing to a document found in his home they call a quote, blueprint to kill. soon as jake srs has the details his intent was. nothing short, but to murder these victims. >> prosecutors say it is the forensic evidence that links the alleged gilgo beach serial killer with the murder of two more victims jessica taylor in 2003, and sandra costilla in 1993 bringing the total number of known victims, to six he's indicated he is not guilty of these charges in 1993, a forensic scientists determine taylor had been decapitated dismembered at her arms below her elbows a male human head hair was recovered from underneath taylor's body and underwent dna testing. >> there's also that was able to exclude 99.96% of the population. the defendant could not be excluded as the donor of that hair. >> taylor, last cold, her mother on july 21, 2003 she was going to visit on july 25th to celebrate her mother's birthday. but taylor never showed up. one day later, a person in manorville, long island found her dismembered body eight years later, her hands, forearm, and skull we're founded gilgo beach. >> those remains were found on the same side of the road as the gilgo four the alleged serial killer was previously charged with murder in the killings of four women who have become known as the gilgo four melissa barthelemy, megan waterman amber costello, and maureen brainard-barnes before the gilgo four, november 1993 remains a sandra cos theta were discovered by hunters. the 28-year-old was found in suffolk county, long island line on her back three hairs one male to female, were found on goes to the remains dna testing determined the male hair was more likely to have come from a person genetically identical to the gilgo killer and the female hair matched a woman, the alleged serial killer had previously been living with also found documents on a hard drive in the alleged killers home among them, what authorities described as a planning document essentially a blueprint to plan out his kills it listed out problems to avoid apprehension and supplies to carry out the serial murders, and to avoid leaving behind a dna another document talked about body prep. the need to wash body remove trace dna, and included references to remove head and hands and package for transport. >> this case is about the victims and their families and, uh, hopefully providing them with that tom tumbled measure of closure. >> jean casarez, cnn, new york wow, joining us right now to talk about this as defense attorney misty marris i mean, messi, we're listening to genius rs and i was like my jaws starting to drop it remain the seer the series of allegations and charges against him were all already jaw-dropping. >> i mean, this is an alleged serial killer. now, this planning document that is pointed to an alleged by investigators that they found i mean, wow absolutely. it shows the manner and means by which he intends to kill these dimon. so there's really, really relevant things in this. yeah, that's what it other than being i'm going to say creepy and scary and right gross shilling, chilling. what is in here that you think is relevant. so it's very relevant because not only does this set out rex heuermann alleged plans, but it also is linked directly to the way that the body was found. >> so jessica tellers body, one of the victims that just came two legs, 2003 at the document says which was created in the year 2000, remove head and hands, remove tattoos, her body was found decapitated, removal of her hands, and attached to that was on her hip, mutilated. so now we're talking about the way the body was found, being linked directly to a document that was found in rex heuermann is home on his hard drive. the other really relevant aspect here, keep in mind there's two new victims jessica taylor, 2003, another victim because stella, 1993, the other gilgo 42007 when 22010. we're talking about a whole new decade of potential serial killings. and the other piece of this is the reference in that document. many references to next time how he could improve next time, you stronger rope. so this indicates that even if one murder could be linked to him, it gives prosecutors peters has the ability to say it's very clear that this was an ongoing thing and that there were more killings that can be linked back to 1993. i mean, we're talking 30 years back how does that impact the case? could there be even more than when you see that gap? >> yeah. the district attorney was out there yesterday and said there is an unknown amount of killings that could have taken place that we're going to continue to investigate. so we know the precipice for this new indictment was another six hours search of his home, a nine our cadaver search in manorville, new york. that's now linking these two

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Report , Cia , Pressure Campaign , Lawsuit , Prices , Gaza , Alcohol Distributor , Recipes , Most , Election , Couldn T Be Higher , Jake Tapper , Dana Bash , Thursday June 27 , Nine , 27 , Delhi , Hand Last Italian , World , It S Time , Sizes , Project , Bras , Makers , Bra , Jica , Dream , Business , Idea , Ai , Reality , Godaddy Arrow , Voice , Immune System , Possibilities , Immunotherapies , Bass Up Devo , Lung Cancer , Cell Lung Cancer , Attack Cancer , Bread , Combination , Body , Parts , Fight Cancer , Chemotherapy , Egfr , Pd L1 , Problems , Death , Eye Problems , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Lead , Stomach Pains , Breath , Appetite , Chest , Pain Shortness , Fainting , Dizziness , Cough , Extreme Tiredness , Flushing , Side Effects Problems , Nervous System Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Confusion , Memory Problems Rooms , Urine , Thirst , Itching , Rash , Weakness , Conditions , Chance , Search , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Organ , Voy , Exposure , 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Somebody , Figure , Mohammed Deif , 7 , October 7 , Disagreement , Netanyahu , Joe Biden , Issues , Time Magazine , Forces , Dover , Bit , Josh Gottheimer , New Jersey , Listen , Knowing , Fundy , Colleagues , The Hill , Putin , Question , Opinion , Effect , Mentality , Bernie Sanders , Rally , Concerns , Proxies , Iran , Fight , Terror , Targets , Houthis , Red Sea , Hezbollah , Service Members , Assets , Iraq , Syria , Russians , Axis Of Evil , China , North Korea , Stands , Relationship , Vacuum , Carrying , House Intelligence Committee , Ceasefire Deal , Proposal , Hostages , Pause , Terrorists , Framework , Will Hamas , Constituent , Alexander Wright , 44 , Table One , Member , Politics , Caucus , Points , Learning , Comments , Potential , Responsibilities , Many , Type , Candidate , Side , Taiwan , Aisle , Finish Line , Kind , Party , Debt Ceiling , Regulators , Nation , Congressman , Source , Pricing , Trust Law , Liquor Store , Price , Matt Egan , Battle , Alcohol , Federal Trade Commission , Wine , Glaciers , Spirits , Grey Goose Vodka , Brands , Yellow Tail Wine , Jim Beam , 7000 , Consumers , Chains , Shops , American , Stake , Level Playing Field , Pop , Mom , 90 Billion , Law , Costs , Action , Lawsuit Kick , Companies , Suppliers , Robinson Patman Act , Price Discovery Termination , Great Depression , 1930 , Discounts , Hasn T , 2000 , 1980 , Businesses , Supporters , Main Street , Cracked Down , Comment , Retailers , Critics , Ones , Opposite , Say , Lawyer , Laws , Books , 1936 , Specialty , Go On , Pat Say Jack , Find Out , Game Shows , Script , Night Yeah , Look News Wise , Host , Trucks , Calling , Sad , Vietnam , Schreiber , Ram , Truck , Colon , Summer Event , Directv , Cash Allowance , Payments , Finance , Purchase , 2025 , 1000 , 000 , 1500 , Satellite Dish , Stuff , Rain , Beaks , Sick Pigeon , Checking , Lifespans , Savings , Account , Phi , Ambitions , Extreme Directtv , Store , Start , Blood , Wise , Deposit , League , Apy , Breath Freshener , Domino Effect , Periodontics Act Of Gum Repair , One Of The Best , Patric Logan Bonus , Gum Disease , Periodontics , Restaurants , Dom Experts , Household Income , Signs , Bad Man , More , Mall , Hair Salon , I Don T Know , Lou , 17000 , Age , Boost Type Protein , Fuel , Homes Com , Neighborhood Info , Thinking , Nutrition , Ball , Morgan Stanley , School Hard Work , Heartburn Acid , Nexium , Heartburn Acid Prevention , Prevention , Dog , Food , Approach , Dog Food , Vets , Kibble , Door , Farmers Dog Made , Portion , Chronic Kidney Disease , Places , Sega , Par , Kidney Failure , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Secret , Urinary Tract , Perineum , Sika , Genital , Service , 5g Business , Tractor Supply Customers , Disinfection , 5 , Internet Employees , Information , Incident , The World , Business I Melies , In Washington , Woman , Allegations , Loss , Global Hit Show , Show Set , Enjoyment , Mental Anguish , 170 Million , 70 Million , Comedian Richard Gadd , Heat Advisories , Voice Messages , True Story Of Being Stalked , Emails , 40000 , 20 Million , West , Record , Temperature , Heat Dome , Temperatures , California , Death Valley , 96 , 122 , 121 , Running Host , Seasons , Spin , Fortune , Tv History , Game Show , Gum Toothpaste , Sweetener , Candy , Xylitol , Heart Attack , Research , Jacket , Basics , Howard , Researchers , Amounts , Cleveland Clinic , Rest , Association , Formation , Blood Clots , Heart , Brain Pain , Travels , Reason , Cardiovascular Disease , Gum , Blood Sugar Levels , Goods , Resource , Serial Killer , Gilgo , Murders , Understanding , Beach , Jessica Taylor , Rex Heuermann , Number , Led Investigators , Sandra Kostya , 2003 , 1993 , 26 , Document , Intent , Jake Srs , Murder , Sandra Costilla , Victims , Evidence , Gilgo Beach , Charges , Forensic Scientists , Arms , Defendant , Dna Testing , Human Head , Donor , Elbows , Population , Underneath Taylor , 99 96 , Birthday , Cold , In Manorville , Long Island , 21 , July 25th , July 21 2003 , 25 , Hands , Forearm , Skull , Road , Remains , Killings , Women , Megan Waterman Amber Costello , Gilgo Four , Maureen Brainard Barnes , Melissa Barthelemy , November 1993 , Chairs , Suffolk County , Female , Long Island Line , Cos Theta , Killer , Planning Document , Killers , Hard Drive , Skills , Documents , Authorities , Dna , Body Prep , Apprehension , Body Remove , References , Families , Head , Transport , Measure , Tom , Misty Marris , Jean Casarez , Closure , Wow , Jaws , Messi , Series , Jaw Dropping , Seer , Chilling , Dimon , Manner , Jessica Tellers Body , Set , Removal , Hip , Tattoos , Legs , Mind , Aspect , Reference , Piece , Stella , 22010 , 42007 , District Attorney , Amount , Gap , 30 , Indictment , Precipice , Nine Our Cadaver Search In Manorville ,

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