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fete. president biden is issuing that warning to america and its allies while overlooking the beach which is of norman de, as he uses the 80th anniversary of d-day to call on the global community to stand up for democracy. once again, cnn is live in france with all the development plus, according never-trumper cnn is reporting on team biden's plan to win over republicans who don't like donald trump voters that democrats hope could be the holy grail for president biden in november. and donald trump is back on the trail and heading to a reliably who state are very blue city, san francisco. we're going to tell you why the former president and some big tech billionaires are getting cozy. a hint evolve their giant bank accounts. i'm dana bash, let's go behind the headlines and inside politics you're watching the 21 gun salute on the beaches of normandy as world leaders gathered to remember the past in hopes, it will define the future. >> 80 years ago today marked the beginning of the end of world war ii the us led allied forces and a brazen air and sea invasion, some 2,500 americans died that day many of those fallen heroes are buried at the cemetery that the president and first lady visited today. >> they almost met. they also met rather with some of the last remaining rolled war to veterans they're all around 100-years-old making this milestone anniversary a final tribute to the so-called greatest generation they stood the watch so that we are families and our fellow countrymen and women can sleep soundly and safety today we are here to say world war ii veterans the watch stands relieved relieved by those you have trained guided and lead american world war ii veterans you, stand relieved we have the watch or you must remember the fact that they were heroes here that day does not absolve us from what we have to do today democracy has never guaranteed every generation must preserve it, defended and fight for it that's the test of the ages in memory of those who fought here, died here, literally saved the world here. >> let us be worthy of their sacrifice joining us now is melissa bell. melissa, you are on the beaches of normandy. you definitely hit the reporting assignment jackpot of the day. show us around this is the sort of vehicle on which they stood the watch that de in those crucial first few days into what you very well described just now as the most brazen operation, probably in the history of european military warfare remember that these shores, the whole of france, have been occupied by german forces, by the nazis. >> for four years. >> when those american and british, canadian soldiers from 12 different armies functioning extraordinary coordination and reduce amazing logistical feat but helping them resupply. they're leinz as they inched ever forward onto the shores of normandy. >> it was against the odds that these men case get onto these speeches. >> and i just want to show you what's happening around me done. are these people come out year in, year out with their vehicles maintained with love and care over the of course, with all ct are still in full fighting, functioning form as you can see there, the genes that allowed those men to be resupplied as they pushed ever further in two france. at this, one of the ducts that i'm standing on the amphibious vehicles that allowed the resupply of the equipment weapons up from the ship's who were stationed outside. you can see if people have come here beyond the solemnity of the celebrations that we've seen over on omaha beach this is gold beach where the british landed. there were standing on, you can see a lot more joy being expressed here today. these people come out dressed as they were at the time driving the vehicles that were driven at the time to pay their tributes to what happens here at years ago. and what we've seen over the course of law two days get up goodwill and joy, that's been shared by the people who've come out here. you can see the school children who've come out here as well. who drives maintains this dark one of the amphibious vehicles that truth, so crucial in ensuring the success of operation overlord the same year year. the reason on a huge expense der himself is that it allows him to come here. you're out year in year out bring some of these kids on board and what their appetites to find out what happened here 80 years ago a tremendous for the sacrifices, so extraordinary was the military feats there was undertaken here, and that's been at the heart of so many of the attributes that we've heard. birth to solomon official ones led by the heads of state of the allied nations and president zelenskyy here today. but also by the ordinary people who come out each year to remember what was done. >> noxious for fraud let's put in the name of freedom by so many extraordinarily brave. i'm very young serviceman. sum of those 200 veterans that are here this year, the last remaining witnesses, what unfolded eight years ago, some of them american done. i have been at work just 16-years-old when they came on to these shores medical a couple of them just two days ago, which means that they lied about their ages to be able to come here and fight. and if that is an extraordinary act of courage at a time, remember, eight years ago when they were crossing the atlantic ocean to come and fight in the name of freedom for people they hadn't met at a country they'd never set eyes on many of them. still very here now that is the coolest live shot. >> i think i've ever seen i have chills. i'm sure everybody watching has chills and also what a field trip to be a student to be able to go there and they're probably not that much younger than some of those in the military who enlisted in lied about their age that you were just talking about, who are so old now, but are coming back to pay tribute to those that they lost thank you so much, melissa. thanks to your team as well. >> and president biden drew over it parallels between that fateful day, 80 years ago and what he says that they are trying to achieve what he called the imperative of american and allied leadership against different dark forces today the struggle between a dictatorship in freedom is unending here in europe we see one stark example ukraine has been invaded by tyrant. >> than on domination. ukrainians are fighting with extraordinary courage. the united states and nato and a coalition of more than 50 countries standing strong with ukraine we will not walk away i want to welcome mike, great panelists. >> seung min kim of the associated press, zola and kano young's of the new york times. laura barron-lopez, epa, pbs newshour, and cnn's own, kylie atwood nice to see you on this historic de, incredible milestone of a de lambda is start with you. you cover national security, foreign policy for us. what is your sense of obviously the goal? first and foremost is to remember yeah and that's what we saw with all this incredible pomp and circumstance there. but it's also to learn from that moment. >> it's to learn from that moment and for president biden to have the opportunity on the world stage to remind folks of how important that moment really was historically. i mean, it was 80 years ago now most. of us weren't around then and to be able to speak to not just the american public, but to the world about the significance of that day. i think was really an opportunity for him. of course, to reflect on the history, but also as a political tool, right? to make very clear that he is still committed to the defense of democracy c, and two freedoms that was evoked on that day, d-day, and world war ii yeah. >> i mean, i remember i was there 20 years ago for the 60th. i was covering george w bush's administration and how different the world was then russia is not there at the time. george w bush was still very much trying just like his successors were trying to keep russia in the fold. >> that's gone right? right. and the gathering today is just such a powerful symbol of what president biden fundamentally believes this battle between autocracy and democracy in the imperative for democracies to prevail and has really strong, harsh words against putin there. he's calling him a tyrant, sayings, we will not walk away from ukraine even as the war drags on for two years. i mean, this was really a venue for him to highly said really project that message and a really powerful way and obviously not a political speech. but we are in the heat of a political campaign and we can't forget about the content tax in which he is saying these remarks. we talk all the time about how biden wants to create a contrast with donald trump. this is another area where he could really make that, make those differences very clear when you do have donald trump not willing to embrace the nato alliance in the way, or not even close in the way that president biden does and continuing to cozy up to putin with his rhetoric it really is a stark difference between the two men that the biden campaign wants project. so glad you brought that up because they're certainly there are differences between these two candidates on a host of issues, but it is so stark on the issue of foreign policies specifically their stance on what the united states stands should be vis-a-vis the world listened to a donald trump told sean hannity on this lesson we're closer to world war three now, you take a look at what's happened in the last few days and biden doesn't know what the hell does say. but all of these things, they're going to end up leading toward rotation. i'll get the ukrainian situation settled and i'll get it settled fast. it would've never happened we don't know if that's true. >> we also when he says he gets it settled, what does that mean? i mean, there are lots of follow-up questions to that, but what is very clear, again, is that he's still america first. sure. sure. it's actually it's it's kind of that isolating approach versus the approach of the sitting president who talks about uniting allies against russia's invasion. i think by drawing the parallel between history and the current moment, it's also sort of a warning to both the american people and those in europe and european allies as well. we know that their some polls have indicated a little bit of wavering when it comes comes to enthusiasm and support for, for this foreign policy issue. we also know and the white house knows just how, how challenging it was to pass that last aid package for ukraine as well when it comes to congress. so for him, it's about saying, look, you know, this, this matters and you only need to look to history to really see why they're still hill when you look at world war ii you also have many historian saying, look the us and the west took a while to really get involved in a united way. it got to the point where it was because of the lack of sort of global awareness and actually participating in supporting your allies. so here you can see the connection in between that and the white house. his argument of this isn't just about ukraine, this is about stopping russia from looping, taking over additional mean obviously, took the us getting attacked on its own soil many years into the war. >> and president biden basically drew that parallel in his speech. she said that hitler wasn't going to stop that nazi germany wasn't going to stop, and they were invading other areas of europe. and that was why it was a needed alliance to step in. and he drew that too. >> the parallel of putin, and putin is not going to stop it. >> ukraine, and that he is threatening other allies and so that was what he was trying to say as well. and i think that on so many fronts, whether it was that he drew so many contrast is sung min was talking about saying that alliances are key. and we have to have allies when we're facing laura, i'm sorry to interrupt. i just want our viewers to know that this is happening live. it's a flyover over norman, do and as we continue to watch this kylie, i wanted to keep this up, so i don't want to play the sound bite, but i wanted to just tell you that the secretary of state, antony blinken, who you fly around the world with covering him talked about something that i thought was really interesting. >> he called what the biden sort of policy is is enlightened self-interest investments. we made an others, the work we did with others that came back ten times, 100 times, 1,000 times new our benefit. >> yeah. >> and that's a really key point. i mean the united states didn't just partake in world war ii because they thought that it was the best thing to do. they thought that they should do it because it was in their self-interest and president biden said that the biden administration has been very clear that it's foreign policy is because they are pursuing what they believe is the best national security interests and the interests of the united states so isolationism that we see the republican party being drawn to the biden administration just doesn't think that that is the right approach to foreign policy, but that is some message o2, when it comes to democrats particularly that somewhere looking to see a bit sharpen debate, you do see sometimes democrats saying, hey, look, the war in ukraine isn't as again, pardon me for interrupting. >> and let's do this flyover the french president is speaking, but we just saw cut cutaway of the ukrainian president zelenskyy. so it's obviously very present for them. the message that is unmistakable just saying that you know, definitely has been clear in terms of when it comes to foreign policy. >> hey, look, it's not just it's the threat to ukraine. it's a threat to the west. i have talked to some democrats who also say, hey, also talk about how this, this is creating jobs here as well. being. when you send aid to ukraine, you also have domestic investment in preparing equipment and weapons that is going to go to ukraine, which could benefit american people. >> 101 of the sub plots in the larger question about what the the us role is in the world is nato more than a subplot? it's a huge part of it. >> and we heard during the trump campaign in 2016, during the trump presidency, a lot of harsh language about nato, saying you've got to pay up to the other countries, which a lot of people actually who are not trump republican said that's not a terrible idea. >> in his interview with time magazine, president biden talked about nato. he said nato is considerably stronger than it was when i took office and guess what? i did it i did it we, are now the strongest nation. we have the strongest alliance and all of america, all of history in the meantime, while we keep skipping over, is what the consequence of the success rush of russia and ukraine would be, right under during president biden's time in office, finland sweden did join nato, and that's something that as a foreign policy win, that the white house taus. so very often in his role in continuing to build and expand that alliance. and that is the warning that you hear over and over. and when kylee was talking about self-interests, that's also the point that president biden and others make about the imperative of the us continuing to help ukraine. because again, if it succeeds in ukraine, he's not going to stop he's going to go to other countries, other countries that are nato members that were there will be an obligation for the united states to send send, send our own personnel and troops to help and that's the point that president biden has been making. but you do see this growing isolationism in the republican party that has dominating, that, that is dominating the party in a way that we just haven't seen for such a long time. yeah. thank you for the great discussion and also to watch these incredible images happening live, right now, continuing the ceremony is continuing in norman de coming up. he was one of the former president's most loyal advisers. now the department of justice is asking a judge to force steve bannon to begin his service in prison. but first the star witness and the hunter biden's federal gun trial takes the stand with a personal surprising set of words and testimony for live outside the courthouse. >> next you increase in y i'm fires is exponential onto the uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences. >> then you need to do something is urgent to fly with birth with. we have schreiber sunday at night on cnn where are you worried the wedding would be too much another destination wedding, five years my backyard within power, we get all our financial questions answered. >> so we didn't have to worry empower what's next? it's just your mother and i went different thing which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live and free tv on one app that's right thing is really keeping his family together. >> you have no idea? i had no idea it's. >> terms day? off. >> but neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen is still on the 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2018. >> and until now, in this trial, prosecutors have shown evidence that he was using drugs in september and in november and the defense has been focusing jurors on the idea and the question of that. we don't the prosecution has no proof that he was using drugs around the time that he bought the gun in on october 12th. and therefore, you have to question it is in a state of mind whether he knew knowingly he was knowingly violating the law. and hallie biden began a relationship with hunter biden shortly after her husband's death a few months afterwards, and she described now he introduced her to crack cocaine. she became herself addicted to it. she says she told the jurors that she was ashamed. it was a terrible experience. i was embarrassed. i'm ashamed. i regret that period of my life. i could see the jurors sit forward in their seats. a lot of some of the jurors who almost never take any notes. i noticed they were taking note as she spoke. this is the importance of her testimony. now, under cross-examination, abbe lowell, a hunter biden's attorney got her to again, acknowledged that she didn't actually see him using drugs in october, but she did say that on their teuber 22nd or 23rd, around the time again, that when she when she discovered the gun, she discovered the gun on october 20, 23rd, she believed that he had been using and so that's the reason why she got scared. she panic and she took it to a supermarket trash can dispose of it and then we saw in court we saw the video of her driving up, disposing of the gun, and then coming back a few hours later to try to retrieve it. panicking. >> again, there's that that brought the entire episode, but that brought us here to where we are today where hunter biden is on trial for three federal gun charges so he could face prison time then unbelievable. >> just incredibly sad. thank you, evan, really appreciate that reporting. now to some breaking news on steve bannon a federal judge has ordered him to report to prison by july 1 to serve a four month sentence for contempt of congress. cnn, sara marie as live outside the us district court here in washington. sara take get away dana certainly not the outcome steve bannon and his team were hoping for today. >> they were hoping the judge would continue to press pause on this sentence. so steve bannon could continue to appeal. and this gives him a very short window, just a few weeks to seek some kind of intervention from higher court and try to continue to put off this for months sentence. as you pointed out, steve bannon was found guilty by a jury in july of 2022, on two counts contempt of congress for refusing to provide documents and testimony to the house committee that investigated january 6, the judge sentenced him later in 2022 to four months it's behind bars, but put pause on that sentence. so bannon could appeal while his first shot at it, appeal failed. the appeals court upheld that conviction and now several judge carl nichols is saying he is not going to press pause on this any longer that steve madden hashtable port for his sentence by july 1 pretty incredible thank you so much, sarah, for that reporting. and up next are never trumporg. maybe i'd nurse what do you think you think it'll stick? >> i just kinda give up president biden hopes so new reporting and how he plans to tap into that key group of voters next sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your adversary if his secret is betrayed, its bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies and nuclear gain. >> sunday at ten on cnn. >> we talking about cashback. kevin hart, and that talking about cashback, we told about i'm not talking about bragg. no. >> cash back in word. we talking about cashback. cash as back in cash, back like a pro, with chase freedom unlimited. how do you catch back the virus that causes shingles is sleeping in 99% of people over 15 a day could strike at any time thank you. >> are not at risk. wake up because 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held a call, actually the day before the verdict came out in donald trump's new york case, and the biden campaign spoke to a number of former republican lawmakers, basically telling telling them like, we want to work with you as much as possible. and can you help us get bigger name republican endorsers? can you be surrogates out there for us on tv? they want to regularly talk to them. i mean, some of them want the biden campaign to listen to them on policy. the biden campaign is like were the campaign we're not the white house. and some of them were frustrated and felt as though the biden campaign needs to be out. there are more talking about the economy making the economic message to these republican voters the message is essentially going to be on threats to democracy, reproductive rights, and some on the economy. but so far since that call one of the sources on it said that they haven't really gotten much of a readout yet from the campaign on how they're going to use these republicans beyond what, what they were discussing last week. >> that's really interesting. and isaac, on the whole question of the big name, big name republicans who do not like donald trump isaac or colleague is reporting that liz cheney, who is an obvious one, has been deliberately she's been given space by the biden campaign because they want her to do whatever she's gonna do on her own timeline. i will tell you that i spoke to a source familiar with chris christie and what he is doing and that's where said that chris christie is heard. nothing from the biden campaign at all. and that kristie, i'm told, believes that it's because the people around joe biden he he considers them maybe to ideological, to reach out to somebody like chris christie. but boy, i mean, that would be a huge cu if they could get chris christie onboard during the fact that he was the first former rival of donald trump in 2016 to endorse him. >> he kind of became known as one of the you in our napa candidates at that point that was willing to attack donald trump and including for threats not just as policies, but threats that you post to the country. so you would think that would that would be kind of a given for them, also a cell hutchinson as well, the arkansas governor has said that he hasn't been reached out, which this is all surprising to me because i remember when when haley dropped out, the biden campaign sort of made a big splash in issued a statement saying that they welcomed also her voters into his constituency group as well. so you would think that some of these surrogates would be able to appeal to some of those more moderate republicans that at this point don't see a viable option in either candidate right now all right. >> yeah. and i also think to in building that big coalition, obviously, the biden campaign does have a challenge and making sure that they're keeping their progressives are there left in the fall than i think that is one factor that the campaign is thinking about when it comes to courting these republicans. but i will say that in terms of focus according those so-called haley voters are those disaffected republican voters. that is one place where donald trump's conviction last week could actually help. i was talking with a biden campaign official last week soon after the verdict and they were like, we're looking at basically two groups of voters that this, that this conviction could actually affect. one is the voters that they often talk about the voters who aren't yet paying attention, the ones who still believe that or who still don't believe that it's a tunnel trump. i'm joe biden matchup that they kinda forgotten about the chaos and obviously the convictions remind someone of that chaos surrounding donald trump. >> but the second group is again, those haley voters who are they? they're not democrats. they don't, they like republican policies. they support republican policies. but this conviction also reminds them that this could, this is who you're voting for. you don't vote for joe biden, and that's why it's going to be so important for the biden campaign to potentially have these former lawmakers who are still republican go out there and talk about yes, i don't agree with the president on any of these policies, but this election is about something bigger and creating that permission structure two data points on just what seung min was saying about the verdict, potentially shifting is that a focus group that i sat in on with two time trump voters a day after the verdict. >> they were to time trump voters were already a little hesitant about voting for him a third time a majority of them in that focus group said that the verdict made them less likely to support him. the sibling say that they would support biden. they did about about justice. >> they're not just it's going to stay, right? it's one of them said rfk junior and other ones that unsure but a majority in that nine to ten person focus group said they were prepared to vote for joe biden and there's also a local pull out of pennsylvania today that shows that there has been a shift in terms of since the verdict, some voters saying they're they're considered during joe biden, one of the data points to borrow your term could be about some of the things that donald trump has been saying recently about an end. his allies like steve bannon, who is now going to be heading to jail about what he would do with a second term specifically with the doj weaponized the doj to borrow a term from him we talked a lot about that on the show yesterday, last night trump was on with hannity and handed who is clearly trying to throw him a lifeline and it didn't look like donald trump was ready to grab it. let's listen focus on those that want people to believe that you want retribution that you will use the system of justice to go after your political number one, they're wrong. it has so stop because otherwise we're not going to have a country look. when this election is over, based on what they've done, i would have every right to go after them. and this practice of weaponization is that a promise you're going to have to do it. but it's awful. i know you want me to say something. i don't want you to say. don't want to look naive okay. >> we're going to sneak in a quick break. on the other side, we're going to talk more about that and more about this steve bannon sentencing that we just brought you earlier this hour, don't go anywhere hey, mom, how many should i decorated? >> have ran half blue that's a really tough call. who are you if you look at the latest data you're probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows his stuff? it's so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight. why don't you just get a fixed? all right. so what do we do now? let's scheduled an appointment as safe so money is you're at the beach scheduled free mobile service at safe that repair safe, like replace if you're 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i tried to help products. >> you core is a life stage write today at your, the integrity of the house. >> going back to our breaking news from earlier this hour, you see outside a federal courthouse here in washington that is steve bannon with his attorney speaking after a federal judge just ordered steve bannon to report to prison on july 1st, donald trump's former top adviser was convicted of contempt of congress in 2022. and his sentence is four months in prison, which now two years later, he will we begin actually serving my panel is back here with me this is very much directly related to what we were talking about before the break, which is the claims of the weaponization of the justice department, which there is absolutely absolutely no evidence to backup but maybe more importantly, the promise slash threat that by people like steve bannon just a couple of days ago on his podcasts or radio show that if donald trump is elected again, they will seek retribution with the courts and with the doj, right? >> steve ban has been very outspoken about this. he's been candid about this. he said republican prosecutors at this point should be making a name for themselves. that's where he texted my colleagues on tuesday. bye prosecuting democratic prosecutors. this is very clear and it comes from the words of some of trump's very allies. it's not just accusations right? >> i mean, he did say it's a conversation that you're referring to that he is calling for a quote purge of the justice department. if conille trump wins, wins election this november and the steve van is not someone who is necessarily in daily contact with donald trump anymore, but he's still carries so much influence and that sort of maga world that, that when you see that kind of rhetoric and those that coming from, when it coming from someone like band and you know, that is a view that his info that is in a lot of part of that part of that right. >> and it's not just view, it's actually just quickly action. i mean, he was the one who said explicitly what was going to happen on january 6 publicly before it happened? >> it did and it's not just steve bannon, stephen miller, who also was formerly in the trump administration, who could vary very well end up in a second one and donald trump himself has said that he wants to install loyalists across the board, whether it's at the justice department or other agencies. so that way he has, yes. men around him and he can do whatever he wants, be it going after president joe biden or other democrats. >> all right, thanks for the great discussion. donald trump is turning his attention to the campaign trail. he's going to one of the bluest places san francisco to be exact. we're going to explain why with the great kara swisher there, she is she's coming up the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderator by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmapped new central menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms posit with a multivitamin plus hot flash support daily z for quality sleep and an extra for focus and clarity. centrum powered by clinically studied ingredients xhr tech, allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours. >> so dave, can bva deliverer, dance? >> okay. dave let's be more than our allergies seize the day with xhr tech real quality that stuff births and our factory real performance in your backyard steel tools, or as tough than dependable is the people who use them this bothers de, give them the gift that's built for dad right now, save 20 he dollars on the ms1, 62 gas-powered chainsaw real still bathrobe, so musty new fast-acting drop-in tab attracts and traps excess moisture, eliminating musty my grandfather's run my or the header for over 75 years now, 99-years-old and he come five days a week. if we let them shape is great. >> the 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clinical weight rights, two shades, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitive your production. >> i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients bought the gamma. >> i'll put it on my chase freedom unlimited car, and i'm a cashback on a few other things to garda with the sound system. >> hey, it's back like a pro would chase freedom and limits. how do you catch back? >> time to press rewind with neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair, it has derm proven retinol expertly formulated to target stem cell turnover and fight not one,consultation. again, that's 18071238 hundred news night with abby tonight at ten eastern on cnn donald trump is set to raise even more campaign cash after a week of post-verdict fundraising. >> today, he's going to first of all, be back on the trail for the first time, becoming a convicted felon. he's going to stop at a town hall and phoenix hosted by a far-right group. but then he is going to the very blue city of san francisco for a fundraiser with big tech billionaires. there's no one better to talk about this width, then cnn contributor kara swisher, the host of pivot. and on podcasts hi qarrah. thank you so much for being here no what does it tell us about the names these big names of tack who are going to be with donald trump and why they're supporting him yeah i'll. >> be curious to see who goes. i have not been invited. dan, i'm in san francisco right now and i'm still waiting for that invitation. but it's going to it's being run by david sacks and shamatha poly hepatica, who was at work for facebook. tomato is a longtime investor. he was very famous for specs he worked on facebook's ill-conceived phone many years ago, david sacks is an investor who's sort of a middle level investor who's gotten very big and donations and things like that, trying to make himself an influencer he was one of the many paypal people well, part of the paypal mafia. he was i always call them the fifth beatle because you know about peter teal or maxilla or all those really great entrepreneurs like reid hoffman. >> but so he's been trying to insert himself with a lot of opinion aiding and this neck close with elon musk for sure you mentioned david sacks and he actually responded an x to another silicon valley investor who donated to trump and david sacks said, quote, after biden's disastrous presidency, trump has a lot of supporters and silicon valley, many are just afraid to admit it but when each act of courage like this one, the dam begins to break do you think he's right? is that your impression? i mean, obviously who support guiding know the guy who responding to them with someone who's spent a long time, i guess libertarian would be that i don't even know what to call these people. i don't think they have politics. i think they are interested in influence and they realized that politicians are cheap and so they can get a lot of influence by giving them small amounts of money. and i mean $30 million is nothing to these people. they're very wealthy and so no, he was talking about someone else. >> there's always been conservatives in silicon valley. it's never been as liberal as people think it is. especially at the top up and there's been a long history. meg whitman, john chambers at cisco, and everything else. these are just people who are sort of trying to get in on the game and they realize how easy it is. there's another group of people like reid hoffman, mark cuban, ron conway, who are very supportive of biden and have been previous things. shamatha was a big supporter of of obama and hillary clinton. and so i think it was with hillary clinton two, but they just shift. they just want influence. this is what's in handwaving and then they play the victim there was the richest people in the world must be nice for 30 million, not to be a lot of things. i want to tell our viewers. and i want you to talk about some of it's not i know it's i know it's just hard to wrap your mind around sometimes you and i texting earlier about the fact that these tech billionaires i'd whitman aside and she's maybe from a few years ago. but they're spending their money the way you just described compare that to melinda gates, mackenzie bezos well, these guys just want to be influencers and hand wave and tell us what we should do. and ukraine of which they have no ability to understand it in any way, but they have nonetheless, it doesn't stop them mckinsey bays, mackenzie scott is cassius. >> now and melinda gates have given billions, especially mckinsey has given billions of dollars to groups. >> all taking this fortune that she got as part of her divorce settlement with jeff bezos and spreading it all around the world in terms of giving, giving money, not taking credit, just handing the money over really great things that really affect people. and just walking away. she doesn't need up. she doesn't need to hand wave. she doesn't need to say, look get me as these guys do. and she does that. and melinda gates has just announced she's gonna be doing the same thing through pivotal ventures with both investments in philanthropy aimed at women and girls, but also just giving money to helping boys and mental health and everything else. so to me, these women represent what's great about wealthy people giving things away and these other people are just looking to have a party and be able to sleep in the lincoln bedroom and they don't care who they back and they don't care about women's rights. they don't care about anything else but themselves and so the contrast is rather it's rather stark between philanthropists like melinda gates and mackenzie scott. and these clowns i keep thinking about that tv show lwd, which i'm sure you've seen and we're out of time. maya rudolph and when you're describing that, that is exactly what we're saying. i don't know if you're going to get then advocation care. i wouldn't hold my breath, but thank you for i'm glad i'm glad that you accepted the invitation that we gave you to be on inside politics. and i'll see you you know, it's a lot better class of person anyway alright. thank you. kara. appreciate it. >> and thank you so much for joining inside politics cnn, news central starts after the break increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable, uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences, the need to do something is urgent slightly earth would we have schreiber and good night on cnn centrum. >> it scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health central gives everybody, i hope he foundations. so putting your you did it plus tries centrum silver. now clinically proven to support memory in older adults he introducing nets, plaque psoriasis, he thinks is flaky red patches are all people see. oh, tesla is the number one bad pill to treat plaque psoriasis. oh, tesla can help you get clears don't use a tesla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen oh, tesla may cause severe diarrhea yeah. nausea 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Okay , Mom , Don T Go Anywhere Hey , Guy , Half Blue , Data , Stuff , Sprinkles , Safe Flight Com , Safe Light Com , Let , Symptoms , Dose , Crohn S Disease , Tracks , Relief , Injections , Ulcerative Colitis , Infection , Vaccine , Cancer , Infections , Skin Growths , Treatment , Premis , Tb , Lung Inflammation , Condition , Remission , Cost Support Options , Laura Johnson And , Weight , Trouble , Denom , Sum Las , Fbi , 35 , 46 , Heart Disease , Weight Management Medicine , Events , Fda , Help , Medicines , Don T Take In Gaza , Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Overweight , Obesity , Semaglutide , Glp 1 , Side Effects , Changes , Reaction , Provider , Blood Sugar , Neck , Swelling , Diabetes , Stomach , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Lump , Pancreatitis , Suicide , Dehydration , Kidney Problems , Heart Racing , Dv Risks , Health Care Professional , Coverage , Cost , Sheets , Pneumococcal , Pneumococcal Pneumonia Vaccine , Pneumonia Vaccine , Protection , Ammonia , 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Tech , Clarity , Centrum , Bva Deliverer , Factory , Stuff Births , Tools , Performance , Xhr Tech Real Quality , Gift , Dad , Chainsaw , Ms1 , 62 , Drop In , Bathrobe , Grandfather , Header , Bathing , Moisture , Lid , 75 , Stories , Family Business , Ball , Ancestry , Chord , Chronic Kidney Disease , Places , Information , Kidney Failure , Par , Seeker , Sega , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infection , Urinary Tract , Perineum , Sika , Skin , Genital , Eps , Weight Rights , Disinfection , Sound System , Garda , Gamma , Chase Freedom Unlimited Car , Rewind , Consultation , Limits , Target Stem Cell Turnover , Retinol , Wrinkle Repair , Campaign Cash , Hundred News Night , 18071238 Hundred , Time , Fundraising , Fundraiser , Felon , Big Tech Billionaires , Town Hall , Phoenix , Kara Swisher , Pivot , Width , David Sacks , Names , Invitation , Tack , Dan , Investor , Tomato , Specs , Level , Phone , Facebook , Shamatha Poly Hepatica , Donations , Influencer , Maxilla , Peter Teal , Beatle , Paypal , Paypal Mafia , Reid Hoffman , Entrepreneurs , Sex , Opinion Aiding , Elon Musk , Supporters , Dam , Silicon Valley , Quote , Impression , Libertarian , Money , Politicians , Conservatives , Amounts , Someone Else , 30 Million , 00 Million , Meg Whitman , Game , Everything Else , Cisco , John Chambers , Supporter , Shamatha , Hillary Clinton , Hillary Clinton Two , Ron Conway , Mark Cuban , Obama , Handwaving , Mind , Melinda Gates , Hand Wave , Mackenzie Bezos Well , Ability , Mackenzie Scott , Cassius , Them Mckinsey Bays , All Around The World , Fortune , Settlement , Divorce , Giving , Mckinsey , Jeff Bezos , Investments , Philanthropy , Ventures , Mental Health , Boys , Girls , Lincoln Bedroom , They Don T , Clowns , Philanthropists , Anything , Tv Show Lwd , Women S Rights , Breath , Maya Rudolph , Increase , Person , News Central , Class , Wildfires , Kara , Unpredictable , Cnn Centrum , Earth , Plaque Psoriasis , Health Central , Nets , Anything Leftover , My Kids Don T 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