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say that with the bromine caveat listen, he's he's just a blunt force trauma guy. >> he sees out he sees the absentees and i'm sure he's looking at an universal absentee. he's just saying this is bad and i think everybody agrees universal absentee is bad. i come from california we have a very successful absentee program, but have also seen the flaws in universe apps and t. i mean, i've gone to the post office where you see ballots in the trash because of voter has changed address. well, those ballots are being picked up by party officials on the republicans sayyed, and a democratic side, i can't see any place where that is good for our democracy brian and bennett, blunt force trauma politics. here we go. it's good to see you both. thank you very much. a new our of z to undo central starts now we are standing by for crucial emotional testimony in the federal gun case against hunter biden new executive action at the border, in effect as of now, what impact is it having on the border? >> this morning? >> and where exactly are you putting those shoulders? >> the promising new birth control for men. it is a gel rubbed on the shoulders i'm john berman with kate bolduan. sara is out this morning and this is cnn news central we are standing by for what could be some of the most emotional testimony the federal gun case against hunter biden. the first of several witnesses that could be uncomfortable for biden to say the least, starting with his former wife at issue, if he was abusing and addicted to drugs when he filled out a form to purchase a handgun in 2018, a prosecutors have already shown jurors photos of drugs taken from his electronic devices cnn's evan perez joins us from outside the courthouse this morning, what are we expecting to hear him what john we've already seen a lot of that emotion on display in the courtroom yesterday. >> we saw hundreds to biden's current wife, melissa, choke up and get emotional as you saw prosecutors play hours of his audio book, his memoir are they showed pictures. they showed the infamous laptop. they displayed it in the courtroom. they also showed pictures and text messages of his interactions with people who are selling him drugs the drive to drive home, the point prosecution is trying to make, which is that hunter biden knew he was an addict he knew that he should not be able to by a gun and that he lied when he bought the gun back in october of 2018. prosecutor derek hines, trying to say that no one is above the law and that a hunter biden made the choice to break the law, four for about an hour though. it was a hunter biden's own voice that fill that courtroom. jurors were paying attention pension. they were taking notes. again, a lot of emotion that came from that ticker. listen to one excerpt that was played in coordinate i possessed a new superpower, the ability to find crack in any town at any time, no matter how familiar to the terrain it was easy and john, abbe lowell, who is a hunter, biden's attorney spent his time trying to focus on the idea that a hunter biden did not knowingly violate the law. it's his state of mind. he taught he talked a lot about his trauma. and i can tell you watching the jurors, there's at least one juror who seem to get emotional as as abbe lowell was making his presentation. we could see them certainly paying attention. she's certainly was was paying attention and taking notes, reviewing her own notes when lowell tried to get an fbi agent who was going through some of those text messages to get her to knowledge that a lot of the text messages that the prosecution has are for months before and after the purchase of the gun, meaning that on the day that he went to the to buy that gun in 2018, prosecution doesn't really have any evidence to show that he was on drugs that deck and that's the key part of the defense argument today. we're going to hear from hunter biden's ex-wife, catherine bill. we expect her to make her first appearance i later this morning, jon and i think that's one of the three x's that we're going to hear from again, driving home, the point about his struggle with addiction alright, this will be something to see today. evan perez. thank you so much for that. were forced and joining us now, a cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers, jen i i liked how you framed it as yesterday, wrapped in terms of the opening statements, you say it's an the openings were a tale of two trips to the drug to the gun store. >> explain yeah. >> so it really was it's like who was in there and what were they doing, right? prosecutors say it's a simple case. he's using drugs, he's an addict. he goes with the gun store, he buys a gun, he lies on the forum case it's closed. defenses like wait a minute, you have to prove that he knowingly made those false statements. he had just been in rehab. they don't explain what it means to be an addict or a user uses are often in denial about what they're doing. he may not have had the requisite mental intent. and by the way, they say that the gun store employee actually, he goes in there for something else and the guy takes him over, shows him a gun doesn't say he talks him into it, but that's the suggestion. so really different takes on what happened. they're all designed to say if you're the defense, what are we doing here? lets you all on the jury know about addiction and so on. this man has a disease. he made a mistake. no one was hurt let's just leave it alone. let's talk about that last one because when prosecutors play parts from a hunter biden himself from his memoir narrated by himself or reported evan was getting at this a reporters in the courtroom noted that there were jurors taking very close notes, including when he described the utter shame and depravity of his it's lifestyle previously, we know that several jurors from jury selection that they have experiences with people in their lives experience suffering from battling addiction. what does this do or not do for prosecutors? what does this do or not do for the defense i from a layman, i feel like i can come both ways. >> it definitely can. i mean, prosecutors want to prove that he was using at the time, right. they have to prove that they're using these autobiography excerpts read by hunter biden to do that. >> but the problem is, i think he's not going to testify. >> right. it's too fraught with risk, but he's effectively testifying through them hearing in his own voice two, by the way, celebrities often do their own memoirs, right? for the audio book. >> so he gets to tell them about that experience. >> and as you said, that really resonates with a lot of people on the jury. i also think that prosecutors, of course, are playing the clips that they want to play about when he was using and how he was getting dressed and so on. defense would probably be allowed to put an excerpts two complete that story that are more favorable to a hunter biden about how he was suffering and so on. that will resonate even further with those jurors. hunter biden's what a hunter biden's ex-wife going to be taking the standard being brought to what is cross-examination look like and how delicate is that when it when it comes to the difference, yeah, that's a big strategy piece for the defense, right? >> and it depends what kind of witnesses she of course, they'll know a lot about her from hunter biden himself, so it could go either way if she i don't know what the relationship is like now, if she is adverse to him, if she's aggressively against him in the direct than they may be aggressive so with her on cross or they may treat her with kid gloves. i think it really depends on how the directives, the defense approach. >> you are getting added they're going to they're going to be a little says they're going to disprove the key contention that he knowing that that prosecutors are trying to make that he knowingly broke the law when he went into on that gun application but talked about the it's very clear that the defense approach is also trying to endure and engender sympathy from the jurors logical smarts necessary, risky which are all of the above all of the above a little bit, but not too risky to be honest. >> i mean, yes, you're asking for jury nullification you shouldn't in a way you're saying to the jurors, why are we here? here's a man who's sick, right? he has a disease. you want to put him in jail for owning a gun for 11 days. no one was hurt, no one was threatened. what is the point? >> the real question to me is how far did they try to suggest the political process? >> to peace and less, they are not supposed to do it. so if they do, it'll have to be subtle. but that's another way to say to the jury, why do you think we're here? what is the purpose of all of this? let the guy go great to see you, jennifer. thank you so much. thank you. what happens today, john? >> so new report in the wall street journal quoting republicans who have met with the president raising questions about his age the white house is not happy to say the least and what else can the love of my life do for you? alleged words from the now wife of senator bob menendez, part of the you evidence presented in his corruption trial and someone stopped that giraffe a scary scene as a safari dry through win when a giraffe kind of snatches a toddler for real every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. >> it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less. >> cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays exclusively on mac leon max, you're calling some people find there's at an early age. >> others later in life calling was to build trucks. and that's why trucks are what we do we put ocalling, nothing stop me from answering now, during the ram makes the summer event get $1,000 cash allowance plus finance, and get no monthly payments for 90 days on the purchase of most 2025 ram 1,500 trucks time to press rewind with neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. >> it has der, improve met now, expertly formulated to target stem cell turnover and fight not one, but five signs of aging physical results in just one week, neutrogena morgan stanley old-school hard work meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to make them real i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. >> now, they're sky rosie, things. look in afghans him don't really control and then read things feel significant symptom relief at four weeks with sky rosie putting less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. sky rosie is the first il-13 inhibitor that deliver remission and visibly improved damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. >> serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to liver problems may occur in combs disease now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with sky rosie learn. >> how fe could help you save first, we did the impossible. >> then you age so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. and now they're the. third law, cookies back at subway ever miss before you're preventing migraine with q. lepton, you'll never truly forget migraine, but zero migraine days are possible. don't think if allergic to q liftoff most common side effects are nausea, constipation, sleepiness heel up theft. that forget you have migraine medicine. >> oh, carney asada. it's gotten me. i saw them. that's what i got. igneous got a meeting with more flavored, got any car and tracing it like this to seek god harnik and use holes it's so easy to get your, windshield replaced using safe flight until the people i haven't done it already. >> my man, let's start off as a chip and grew and you a crack and it just keeps going. so what do we do now? i went ahead and schedule an appointment online at safe, told them is you're at the beach let's get started today by repair safely. >> replace, schedule free mobile service at safe that we pay are safe night. we place. yeah, please. in awe or pushing the limits of what is capable all right. ready to show the world how good i am. >> i've trained all over the globe, and that's what you're going to see an awl whole different vc we wednesday night dynamite, tonight dbs happening right now, president biden is in france kicking off a big trip at a really big moment, both at home and abroad. >> he's joining world leaders there to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day, the trip also offering him an opportunity, his white house is no doubt looking to capitalize on, which is drawing an even sharper contrast once again, between him as commander in chief and his opponent, donald trump at home as a convicted criminal. and then there is also this new headline, the white house is forced to confront and contend with this morning from the wall street journal reporting that with the headline behind closed doors, biden shows signs of slipping. cnn's kayla tausche is traveling with the president this morning. she's joining us now. first, let's talk about the trip at hand. what's happening today? what is the president want to get out of this trip? >> well, there are a lot of goals. kate, at today, the president, we are not going to see him. he arrived earlier this morning and officials have said that he's using today to prepare for the meetings and the events later on this week. later on when he has the state it visit, there will be specific deliverables on china, on defense, and i'm commercial partnerships, but the goals for the president are much broader than that. he's embarking on the last series of these anniversaries and summits with this group of allies lai's, of his term. and he wants to shore up those relationships to deepen those ties. he's constantly and consistently pointed to the deepening of the partnership and the transatlantic as a hallmark of his foreign policy at a time when voters are giving his foreign policy, handling relatively low marks. some of these allies have disproved of his handling of the war in gaza and have broken been with him and said that they are ready to recognize a palestinian state and they're also discussions over how to source new funds to continue aiding ukraine's defense. now, on that front punch president biden will sit down on friday with ukrainian president volodomyr zelenskyy. he's expected to get the state of play on the ground and in the air as ukraine is now for the first time, using american made weapons to fire into russia to those russian positions that they've been using to fire into ukraine, which national security adviser jake sullivan called common sense. but after that meeting, president binding it's going to be delivering a speech to remind americans why the fight against tyranny is so important. and advisers say he's going to seek to make a connection dropped parallel between what? what happened in world war ii on those beaches in normandy and what's happening in ukraine today and also on the headline i read from the wall street journal about behind closed doors, people are reporting that joe biden is slipping in meetings with lawmakers, reporting from republicans and democrats according to the wall street journal reporting, what is the white house saying about it? >> how big of a problem is, is for them, do they think? >> well, the white house is hitting back hard in response to this reporting, which the wall street journal says that it conducted over several months and interviews with more than 45 people on both sides of the aisle, although most the anecdotes that they cite in the piece are relayed by republicans, the white house, saying this congressional republicans four and liters and nonpartisan national security experts have made clear in their own words that president biden is a savvy and effective leader who has a deep record of legislative accomplishment. now in 2024, house republicans are making false claims flames as a political tactic that flatly contradict previous statements made by themselves and their colleagues pointing the finger back at republicans and slimming this as a partisan peace kill. >> it tells you it's great to see you. thank you so much president biden's new policy at the southern border, dividing democrats some applauding his approach. others saying it goes too far. so what do they? 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i went ahead and schedule an appointment online at safe flight, told him he has here at the beach get started today by repair safely, replace, schedule free mobile service at safe that we pay are safe night replaced first, we did the impossible. >> you age so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. and now they're but, law cookies back-end subway no way. why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once i like to do things myself i do my own searching you sky it i can't trust anything else to do the job right businesses can one, i want to be world in which and to be with my family i want you to join your brothers in the rank. welcome to the show his love being out there with you guys thing that matters to me radar now streaming exclusively on macs this morning, president biden's sweeping executive or at the southern border is in full effect, the new policy is designed to effectively shut down the border almost immediately to most asylum seekers with this now is the mayor of san antonio, texas, ron nuremberg, mr. >> mayor, thank you so much for being with us now. i know technically san antonio is not at the border and this executive order just wanted to effect, but in these early hours, what impacts are you seeing if any? >> well, john were about 150 miles away from the border for spill for all intents and purposes, most of the migration that happens at the southern border in texas comes through san antonio we've had 617,000 migrants come through our migrant resource center, which is operated by catholic charities we, have focused on maintaining order, protecting public safety, and treating people with compassion now, i will tell you that in cities we have to operate balanced budgets and we have limited resources to do the things that we need to do for our local communities. we have had the federal assistance from female to operate the migrant resource center as my colleagues and other cities have had, which is fantastic. but those, those resources are limited to obviously if we were to choose between basic services like streets and infrastructure and then treating people with compassion. we would choose compassion every sense every single day. but that shouldn't be this way. and so what i'm seeing is a lack of action and doing nothing is not an option. so the president has stepped into this boyd and is doing something to get this moving. and to encourage congress to act, which i am grateful for. >> what are you hearing, if anything? again, this morning and just the last few hours, the order is actually been in effect well, we have had significant decrease in numbers since the beginning of the year in our migrant resource center. and a lot of that has had had to do with the diplomacy from the state department and the work that the biden administration has done in absence of federal action to accelerate the asylum process. but what's really needed is resources. we know that these policies are just one step of the action. we also need resources, additional asylum, support court resources. we need he'd additional border seminary resource for border protection, et cetera. yeah. so talk to me about that because these are new restrictions without new resources. so how far can then actually go? >> well, so what i'm seeing is the fact that we have in a asylum process that is overloaded and under under-resourced. and so what the president is attempting to do is keep the asylum process open. but managed to the resources that we have the challenge is that we have folks coming over who need assistance. and so what they do is they show up in cities like san antonio and we have no other choice other than to, again, maintain public safety and treat people with compassionate humanity, which we are doing, what we are limited with the resources that we have so what i would do is encourage everyone who has thoughts and concerns about this issue to get in the game the time for talking is over. we had real solutions with a bipartisan border bill that was negotiated by senators on both sides of the aisle. it was a real solution that was left on the floor because of a few phone calls from a former president that's unacceptable. it's not acceptable to our cities and that's not going help us in this situation. >> it's always the former president goes, i don't remember. you i could be wrong, but i don't remember a us supporting a similar executive give action that he took when he was president to limit asylum seekers. >> am i right well, this is far different, john, i would argue with that the biden administration is focusing on keeping families together, making sure that we have a safe and orderly asylum process and look we have a president who's convictions are rooted in faith and family. >> he's faced with inaction from congress, even though solutions where they're and negotiated. and then we have a former president who's convictions are rooted in literal felonies. yes, i'm going to give president biden the benefit of the doubt in this situation. in the absence of congressional action that would offer a real solution, the president is stepping up and doing something is it going to get us to where we need to be? no. but for those folks who have concerns on both sides of the aisle and i realize this is not a perfect solution. but this is a step in the right direction. i would encourage my, friends on both sides of the aisle to get in the game and help us deliver a freer, fair and more compassionate community and country and immigration system that we deserve. it's their solutions have been negotiated. let's pass the bill i don't know if you've had a chance to see you because i know you're doing a lot this morning, but there's a new article in the wall street journal which has quotes mostly from republicans questioning the president's age and alertness in meetings, they say that they have had with the president. >> now, you were with him just yesterday and i know you were with him at the border a short time ago. what did you see in terms of his age behind closed doors i see a president who is listening to communities whose working to try to act where there is literal inaction in paralysis at congress i see a president who is competent and experienced and the issues that are before us. >> who is willing to deal with the nuance necessary to deliver good policy. and i see a president who is willing to work on both sides of the aisle. this is the kind of leadership that we need for this country. leadership that people all across this country have been longing for for and then we have congress whose, and then we have congressional republicans who are literally trying to make the situation worse. >> look, i have full faith in our president to deliver on the promises that he has made as he has continued to do throughout the last three-and-a-half years of his term we have challenging times in this in this world, in this country. >> i want somebody who's competent compassionate experienced, and capable of doing the job. and president biden has demonstrated that time and time again in this action today, that he announced yesterday, takes a bit of courage look, this is not satisfactory. there things to dislike on both sides of the aisle on this issue. but inaction is not an option for president. he's trying to do something and i applaud him for that may iran nuremberg appreciate you being with us morning. >> thank you. >> so a mousse-filled dinner in a bizarre offer, new evidence and the bribery case against senator bob menendez and the science of female birth control meets the simplicity that men require. that wasn't written by me, that was written by one of our female writers, a new contract chapter gel for men americans choice 2024. he's brought to you by adt when every second counts cow on adt now, at t professionally installed google nest products you're all set. so your home is safe and smarts. we're going to miss this system hi are the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt one on one i want to be working with and to be with my family i want you to join your brothers in the rank welcome to the show i just love being out there with you guys the only thing that matters to. >> me radar now streaming exclusively on macs power, ea trades easy to use tools like dynamic charting and risk reward analysis helped make trading feel effortless and it's customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market e-trade from morgan stanley with powerful, easy to use tools, power e-trade makes complex trading easier. reacted fast moving markets with dynamic charting and to futures ladder that lets you place, flatten or reverse orders. >> so you won't miss an opportunity. e-trade from morgan stanley it's so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight, wanted to just get it fixed. all right. so what do we do now let's scheduled an appointment as safe told when he is you're at the beach schedule free mobile service at safe that we pay are safe like we place and 71 with the phone. okay. one does what the in blow on gave a cutscene i'm petitions in a statement of law can do plunge five and good nodes are quite with again there's nothing like today, did vision works, see the difference? hey, you singing this was the daesh one you telling me you can get directtv, vogue good stuff and you don't need a satellite dish i used to love doing my business on those things won-sik a pigeon, then vicious kept the rain off our beaks. we just have different priorities satellite free, directv, never thought i'd see the day. >> our lifespans are quite short, extreme directtv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck just for a bit. >> hey, i said, you know, robert tracy and of course mark who delivers our sandwiches. >> well, so my mark here, they said to get this merger done, i should ask mark. >> i said ask mark, favorite pair of jeans today. i'm taylor available on the apple app store or android sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your adversary. >> if his secret is betrayed, its bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies a nuclear gain sunday at ten on cnn. >> we're gonna new details about the allegations against senator bob menendez as the federal corruption trial against him reaches a critical stage stakes cigars, booze, diplomats all on the menu would frequent dinners at a steakhouse in washington, dc, seen as jason carroll is outside the courthouse this morning. jason, what have we learned so far what a couple of things. >> first of all, when it comes to what happened at morton steakhouse in washington, dc, turns out that the fbi was actually conducting an undercover operations surveilling a different group of people at a different table, and then at a certain point, senator menendez and his soon to be wife, nadine, walked in and sat down at that table. and so as a result, john, they ended up being under surveillance as well. and the fbi investigator, when she was testifying to jurors talked about how this whole operation got underway, how she wore a black dress to fit in, how how she posed as a couple when she was there at morton's steakhouse, they were equipped with hidden cameras, as well as hidden video. so they were able to take pictures and video of senator menendez at this particular table with these three other men and, that's when the fbi agent says that she allegedly overheard nadine menendez say the following. what else can i do? what else can and the love of my life do for you. now, it's unclear who she was saying that to epa table, but one of those people seated at that table is one of the co-defendants, yl hannah, who obviously is under investigation and is accused of allegedly bribing the senator and his wife in exchange for influence with the government of egypt. so the defense says, look, that senator menendez went to morton's steakhouse in washington dc as a regular and backed. he says he probably been there are some 250 times in just one in the year alone and that there's nothing unusual here about a senator going to have dinner with constituents. that's been really what the defense has been arguing doing all along that there's nothing to see here that all of these allegations of bribery are really just a senator meeting and doing what he needs to do for his constituents. so in interest staying day in court yesterday. that's for sure when you're hearing about this surveillance activity and the senator and his wife ended up being under surveillance. but again, they were under surveillance because not because they were the targets because someone else was they just happened to walk in morton's at that time, sit down and have dinner john? >> yeah. not the kinda luck. i'm sure that senator menendez wanted in that case, jason carroll, nice to see you this morning. thank you very much. >> gate after decades of false starts researchers say they are now finally making progress on a birth control option for men seen as jaclyn howard has the details and she's joining us now, jacqueline. >> and what are you learning from this new clinical trial? >> yeah. okay. this is new research that was just recently presented and researchers developed and tested a type of hormonal gel that can be used as a form of male birth control. so how this works in this research, you apply the gel to your body men in the study applied it to their shoulders. you apply it but one daily and it contains progesterone and testosterone, it's a hormonal gel and it works by suppressing sperm production in the body. so a normal production of sperm and normal sperm count typically ranges from about 15 million to around 200 million. >> but in this study, researchers say the gel was able to suppress production to less than 1 million per milliliter. >> and in this study, researchers say that after using the gel for about 12 weeks, 86% of men did achieve that sperm suppression. and that's the way that this form of birth control would work. now, i will say, if a man forgets to put the gel on one day, it won't have an immediate effect because it takes about eight to ten weeks to stop the jail and return to a normal sperm production. so on the flip side there is that caveat, but overall, kate, this is an interesting, i guess, alternative for men. out there outside of vasectomy to consider and this research, again, it was just recently presented. so more trials, more testy needs to be done, but it's fascinating. preliminary data on this gel. kate yeah, and goes without saying is what you're alluding to, is this. obviously we're still require, needs fda approval and they seem to be more that it's great to see you. thank you so much, jacqueline. >> you to john all right happening now to veteran nasa astronauts are strapped into a star, starliner spacecraft. >> i think we have pictures of them well, there's a picture of the spacecraft they are preparing to make history but to be fair, history has been delayed a lot over the last few weeks. this is the third launch attempt after a computer glitch scrubbed last weekend's mission, the first attempt last month was scrubbed over a faulty oxygen valve, former nasa astronaut leroy chow is with us now. we had pictures of the astronauts. they were strapped in inside their get ready to go a camera that's happened, see i know when we get to it, let's hope nasa controls the cameras and the launch. well, leroy, it's great to see you this morning what's going on here? >> what's going on in their minds right now, especially when you've been associated with a launch that's been scrubbed, especially when you've been there until three minutes before launch, what? the astronauts thinking right now is there waiting hopefully to get airborne they're very much focused on what's coming. >> they're expecting the launch. hopefully this time is the charm. of course, we've all been waiting for a long time for this and i think just eager to get on with their mission. so i'm actually once you strap it can answer first chance you've had in the while to kind of relax. i'm sure during their quarantine, even after all the scrubs, it been going over their notes. they've been going over their training and they are very much ready to go, so they're just waiting for the waiting for the countdown clock to keep going and hoping for a good good flight. >> you know, we were, you know, both of the astronauts very well. tell us about them and how they're, how they handle this month. of quarantine, if you will. and the attempted launches, scrubbed launches, and the history that they eventually will be making well, sure they've both been waiting a very long time to go flying on this vehicle, especially sunny williams, i know sani very well. we trained together in russia for a number of years and she is a consummate professional as his butch, i don't know butch quite as well, but which is also a consummate professional they'd been doing very well and just eager to go. i know that even several years ago the old they've been frustrated by the delays in the development of starliner. and then finally the starliner was completed went through its flight tests with mixed results i got got modified, got redesign, got fixed. and so here hey, are finally many years later ready to go so it's been a little bit of frustration. i'm sure going on, but at the same time, they now they're excited now there at the moment. and hopefully it just very soon we'll see a launch we are talking about the frustrations that you did a little bit of starliner. >> what's gone? not so right over the last few years here's so why is this worth it? why is it so important to get this particular rocket up given that there are launches these days with other types of vehicles well, that's right. and the whole idea was that nasa wanted to have more than one vehicle, one provider for redundancy. >> nasa and in spaceflight, we're all about redundancy. so spacex has been flying for nearly three years. flying astronauts to the international space station. boeing was actually supposed to get there first, but they've through their their missteps and problems, they haven't didn't get there first and haven't been able to get there yet. hopefully today's the de where we will have two sources to american sources of getting astronauts to and from the iss. so the idea is redundancy. nasa definitely wanted more than one provider and hopefully boeing's going to i'm gonna get there today. >> yeah, exactly. take us take us back into this moment where they're strapped in there sitting on top of this enormous rocket countdown countdown begins. it's just under four minutes talking about the last attempt and then it goes into an indefinite hold. their taken off the rocket and it's learned that is because of a computer glitch. i mean, talk about a computer glitch from a ground computer, talking about like frustration on top of frustration, what does that feel like? >> well that's right. because in the past every other launch scrub was due to a problem with the vehicle or with the rocket. and this time the rocket, the vehicle we're fine. and then at the last moment, of course, we had the problem with the ground computer. these things happen, it's happened several times similar things in the shuttle program over its 30 your life, you get down to the last moments, even there have been shuttle missions that were scrubbed in within the last minute where you had a failure of a handover because the ground launch sequencer computer, same similar computer, different launchpad, but it's, it's frustrating. there's no question about it, but like i said, they're constantly officials. there's a procedure they have to dive into once there is a launch scrap and safe the vehicle up to safe the vehicle before they get the crew can come in and get them out. but it's frustrating. you go back to crew quarters you haven't burger and you wait until the next time it's always worth it for the burger. >> we should note that the pictures we showed a minute ago was of the astronauts live pictures of the astronauts as they are waiting. i think the launch is scheduled for something like and 50 something two hours, nine minutes and 18 seconds from now, if you want to be specific 14, 13 looks like i don't know they're meditating yeah i do. >> yeah. two hours to kill leroy chao. thank you very much for being with us as we wait, what will hopefully be a launched this morning, it's great to see the rug. >> all right. so the fbi director now says he cannot remember another time when the country faces so many different threats of domestic terrorism simultaneously more of this, more on this ominous warning from the fbi director coming up and new details on the tragic incident when a woman was hit by a train, that she was handcuffed in the backseat of police car the increase in wildfires is exponential unpredictable, uncontrollable, with overwhelming costs the need to do something is urgent slightly birth with we have schreiber sunday at night on cnn, not flossing well, then add the wo of listerine to your roof see new science shows listerine is five times more effective than floss ev, reducing flats above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth this three, feel the world first we did the impossible. then you age so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. >> and now they're back the law cookies back at subway rsv is out there for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with a wreck sv, a rx is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv. >> and people 60 years and older, rex p does not protect everyone and is not for those those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients, those weakened immune systems may have a low responsive to vaccine. the most common side effects or injection site pain fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint i chose are xv rsv make it a wreck sv hi, my name is damien clark. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. >> depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with the humana medicare advantage dual eligible special needs plan all these plans include a healthy options allowance a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent and over-the-counter items like vitamins, pain relievers, first aid supplies, and more. the healthy options allowance is loaded onto our prepaid card each month and whatever you don't spend carries over from each month other benefits on his plans include free rides to and from your medical appointments? 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>> so the pacific concern, specific concern is that china wants to challenge america's position in the world. it, one wants to weaken the us and russia as well. they're kind of hand-in-hand on this, but it also wants to replace the international rules-based order. what what's replace a system that it sees as built by the us to the us advantage and that means a whole host of things. that means bringing down us economic influence elevating its own it means strengthening china's military hundreds of navy ships, and threatening places like taiwan. i mean, there's no one i talked to in this country or in asia or in europe, frankly, who does not believe that? threat to taiwan is real, so imminent in some cases and limit i mean, you hear that to be ready by the by the year 2020, 70s instructed his forces not necessarily that he had orders that to happen, but he wants them to be ready. so it is a multi-tiered strategic threat. it's a new great power competition, right? i mean, we think the cold war is over. its back and it's not just russia, but it's also china. >> you can read about that in your latest book, jim sciutto, great. thank you very much. so we are waiting to see if amanda knox will comment directly this morning after a coordinate italy upheld a slander charge against her for falsely accusing man they say of killing her roommate you're calling. >> some people find there's at an early age. others later in life are calling was to build trucks that's why trucks are what we do we put our everything and every truck so that when you find your calling nothing can stop you from answering now, during the ram, make this the summer event get $1,000 cash allowance plus finance and get no monthly payments for 90 days on the purchase of most 2025 ram 1,500 trucks trains train sees the power of del ai and clearing the way so you arrive exactly where you belong used car shopping two rows, two dogs are sold. oh, wow. >> let's are the facts like nearly half of all us cars, this puppy has been in an accident, but car shows how an accident impacts price. so you don't have to overpay unpause wow, this is cool shot with the facts at the all-new car, usa today, the wall street journal, and entertainment weekly hailed the black writers scan it less electrifying, entertain given on an epic scale like good fillers on harley-davidson what do you want me to do? the bike riders in an exhilarating four-star stunningly cinematic must cease solar movie data respect our family like reuters, rigueur, dollar mean peters june 21, it's so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight. >> why don't you just get a fixed? all right. so what do we do now? i've scheduled an appointment as safe told him he is here at the beach schedule free mobile service such an important thing to have the things in the people that you care about are taken care create your estate plan that trust and, the ceo is about the takeoff there's no one that goes the things weird pushing the limit so what for wrestling can be we wednesday night dynamite tonight at eight i tbs on the eve of the 80th anniversary of d-day, corporal waverly woodson junior, a black army medic credited with treating many wounded soldiers, has been posthumously awarded the distinguished service cross, woodson, a member of 320th barrage balloons wound battalion and all-black unit, spent 30 hours treating fellow soldiers and the normally landing took place. he was injured himself when he is boat hit a mine. >> he did survive. he passed 22,005. his widow, joanne says, he would be thrilled by this honore, but it was his desire to always help people in need a colorado woman hit by a train while in police custody, just got an $8.5 million settlement in 2022. police detain, you're ready, ruiz gonzalez. they cuffed her in, put her in the back of the patrol car. the officer parked the car and the tracks and it was hit by a freight train. she survived but was badly injured. two of the officers involved were convicted of missing demeanor charges. so uh, texas toddler is recovering after giraffe got confused, any yanked out of repair? currents car during a drive through safari paisley was holding the bag like this and the giraffe went to get the bag get her, but ended up getting her shirt two and picking her up. >> my heart stopped. my stomach dropped. >> it was scared scared me unwanted giraffe ride to be sure. there. now, it turns out when the mother yell the giraffe, did drop the daughter very quickly. she's doing fine or affiliate reports. she even got her own toy giraffe out of the hole or teal after a trip to the gift shop. so there's that i'm clear if she wanted said toy ever want to look at is your app again, but hey, that's not for us and i don't judge, i hope is one of the things like when you fall off the bike, you get right back on. maybe that's what they were saying that for baby like god, all right. so just this morning, according italy upheld the slander conviction against a man, an american, amanda knox. this is related to the death of her british roommate back in 2007, but the slander charge has to do with knocks falsely accusing her former boss of meredith coachers murder knocks you remember was convicted of that murder, but years later cleared of the crime now let's get over to cnn's barbie lotsa nadeau outside the courtroom. so what does this slander conviction now upheld? >> what does it mean for amanda knox now? >> well, i mean, it's a big disappointment. her lawyers told us outside the court this morning she was terribly disappointed. the european court of human rights had actually shrey ruled on this last year and said that italy was wrong, that they had violated her human rights and they needed to throw out this slander conviction so she can go back to the court of human rights. she can appeal it with italy's high court. she doesn't have to go to jail. there's a three-year jail sentence attached to this, but they're considering it time we serve because she spent four years in prison when she was originally convicted of the murder back in 2009. she's been banned from doing any public service and italy five years, no one is quite sure what that means because she doesn't live here she'd go back to seattle. have she has no obligations to come back here. elite. she's not under any thread, but her lawyers say that they will very likely use there are opportunity to appeal again now this is a case has been batted around for almost 20 years, and meredith curvature victim of this case, her parents both die and are dead now, there's just a lot of court and bureaucracy in italian judiciary confusion that just seems to keep this case alive. but amanda knox read, convicted or conviction upheld for slander, three-year sentence, that she's served she'll have to pay a fine to the victim, patrick and by her boss, she accused of murder it's not over yet, kate. >> wow, 20 years as you lay out, just like amazing how long this has all been happening. >> it's good to see you, barbie. >> thank you very much. a new araf scene, a new central starts now putting now hunter biden has arrived in court. >> the crucial a potentially emotional testimony we could hear today from his ex-wife president biden is in france it's on a crucial trip in a new report that quotes republicans about concerns they o

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