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positively, but netanyahu is insisting that israel's goals for the war have quote now not changed. and that's raising questions over its degree of support for the plan as outlined by biden at this point, hamas know loggers, cable carrying out another october 7. >> just wanted them, israelis made objectiveness. war it's time for this war to end for the day after two began cnn's priscilla alvarez is joining us now and priscilla back to the original piece of information here, which is that the prime minister will be giving this its address to a joint session of congress. that's right. following an invitation by congressional leaders. now, we don't have timing of when that address will happen, but it will happen after those remarks that happened yesterday by president biden, that was a notable moment and it could be a pivotal on the president. as you heard there saying that israel stated goals have been met and that hamas has been degrading a degraded and then calling for that end to the war as part of this hostage deal. now he did outline what those three phases include. some of these details we have discussed multiple both times before and didn't change, but it was interesting to hear him outline and provide a little more meat on the bones here. so the first phase is similar to what's been laid out. it would include women, the elderly, and wounded, those hostages, being released for a six-week ceasefire. now the second phase includes all all hostages being released and all of this in exchange for palestinian prisoners. >> and then perhaps a permanent ceasefire to follow. >> he said ceasefire would continue on negotiations continue, and then the third would be the reconstruction of gaza. this is not easy, but the president made very clear in his remarks yesterday that this is a decisive moment. take a listen this is truly a decisive moment here's those made their proposal. >> hamas needs to take the deal. >> i've urge leadership is on the stand behind this deal. >> we can't lose this moment indefinite warrant pursued on identified notion of total victory that will not bring hostages home that will not, not bring an enduring defeat of hamas now, as you mentioned, the israeli prime minister said that he is not going to end the war until hamas is defeated. so there's still a lot of questions in an over the course of his remarks, the president was really citing his credibility with israel relays and noting that he has stood by them and also acknowledging that some in the israeli government, we're not going to take well to this deal, but just got we have talked time and time before about the present since conversations with world leaders about this hostage deal, so much of this has played out behind the scenes. and then yesterday we saw the president put that enormous public pressure on israel and all the parties involved too. reach an agreement and all of that really speaks to the moment we're in and the president wanting to see some forward moving here. of course, the devil is always in the details, always and it really does seem like he's trying to put his finger on that pressure point. will it work, priscilla alvarez. thank you so much. good to see you joining us now to discuss this further foreign affairs columnist for the washington post, david ignatius, he's also the author the new thriller phantom orbit. we're going to talk about that book in just a moment, but first, david, thanks so much for being here before we get to the book, which i do want to do in one second. i want to ask you about the news that we're just talking with priscilla about. the president really trying to put the pressure on everybody to get this deal done. is it is it possible? let's work just know from my own reporting that there is agreement on the basic outlines of the present biden's plan from the military leadership in israel but clearly of the prime minister himself is not prepared to support a publicly members of his coalition who are very right-wing that have said they will leave the government if this deal it goes forward. >> so netanyahu and in effect is caught by his own, his own coalition president biden is trying to break through that logjam. he has supported and israel from some members of the workout i'm not to do that, but we're we're we're seeing this is going to take a walk, more pressure from the us. it's probably going to mean breaking up is current israeli government to move forward was really gets at the heart of it because as you mentioned, benjamin netanyahu is really caught between moving forward potentially moving forward with some sort of deal. we're at risking his on political situation. >> so friend of mine, martin, who was are invested, israel said to me months ago, but the basic us strategy was to make prime minister netanyahu swallow the frog, meaning the basic peace plan we have or choke on the frog, meaning his government collapses because he can't accept it. so i think that's exactly where we are right now. kani swallow it, doesn't appear that he can willie choke on it. and the government fall. we'll see, you recently wrote a column about what comes when this war is over, which is a looming question that looms over these pieces talks at it is, it is kind of the big question out there and you're first line is telling me how this war ends, because it is a big question. >> are we getting more clarity? >> so what president biden is true? find a do, and i think he's doing this with help, encouragement from israeli military leaders is describe how this war ends. describe the pathway to the end, and the dad after it began, thinking about governance and gaza, those are questions that many israelis are prepared to address, but some in prime minister netanyahu, coalition or not ready do, to address. and that's the basic impasse here this is a vision of how this terrible war that's caused so much suffering does finally come to a close and president, president biden, i would commend him for pressing that. the problem is there's not yet a consensus in israel about that path forward all right. >> let's talk about ukraine, because that kind of brings us also to your book. >> how did those, how does this very current issue now, we've into the book you just so i just so was in ukraine some weeks ago and i was struck again by the wind which the one ukraine is the first space war. >> it's a war in which space weapons provided by the united states of space systems that allow ukraine to communicate target the russians are crucial to them in this war the russians increasingly, i think are looking for ways to jam the space systems, disabled them. that's essentially the plot of my novel phantom orb. it's all about in a ukraine war kind of situation, these two sides would play with weapons that most of us don't know anything about and space but that's how this war is going to go forward. and that's how the next war is going to begin, right? >> and so it is, it is kind of a wild thing because you're describing it. you think this must be science fiction, but it is playing out before ever hi, this is a novel, but it's describing the reality that i see on every reporting trip i take to ukraine, which is that these new weapons of the future that most of us don't don't know anything about have become decisive. >> the russians know that the russians are thinking of crazy space weapons detonating a nuclear bomb and low-earth orbit to disable the system that allow ukraine to survive. and that's what not the story i'm trying to tell in this novel, phantom warmer. >> so let's talk about some of the reporting on the ground and what you've seen president biden is now authorize ukraine to carry out this limited strikes inside russia using us defense weapons, which is a change, it is a shift will that make a difference? and how much of a day? >> france might it make? >> so i think it will make a difference in the immediate issue of whether the russians will be able to sweep with large forces towards kharkiv, take kharkiv the second largest ukrainian city by some counts and begin to break those ukrainian defense lines. ukrainians have, have said that the us, we need weapons that can hit the russians where there in effect have sanctuary just over the border. so the weapons that will be used just are mainly artillery pieces that are very precisely targeted us as very modern artillery. maybe some short-range rockets what president biden is not prepared to do yet as give the ukrainians long-range systems that could go in deeper into russia, which russia would regard as, as fundamentally threatening to their country what does it still come with some risk if they were to hit accidentally civilians or something of that sum. so this is an escalatory step risks the thing that we all dread, which is a direct confrontation between the us and russia. >> i think in terms of escalation by russia, the next step would be tactical nuclear weapons and the chinese have been sending signals china's a key player in this, in that the chinese have said to russia, we fundamentally opposed the use of tactical nuclear weapons. don't do it they're reaffirming that view recently. >> and i think that's an important caution for russia. they would, they would risk losing their key allies porter, china and other nato allies are considering following suit and allowing weapons to be used to strike russia how does this play into nato and the broader? the conversation that we're having about that as well. >> we'll see that there's a nato summit coming up this summer here in washington the nato secretary general was urging president biden to open the use of these weapons to begin to fire on russia. i think we have to remember that europe feels fundamentally threatened by what russia is doing in ukraine. this is a big war, big bloody war in the middle of europe as we get ready to celebrate de daily, think we haven't seen anything like this in europe since 1945. europeans are frightened by it. they know that russia is increasingly threatening them. they feel threatening their countries. nato was the alliance that is true want to stop that regression so i think americans need to realize this may seem like it's a long way away, but for europeans it's right next door. >> it is truly right next door. and help connect the dots for everyone. ukraine, what's going on with israel fighting against a proxy war with iran. and in this developed into a direct, direct strikes back and forth. china, taiwan how does that all start? to fit together? so one way to think about this, i think is whether united states power and credibility is sufficient to deter aggression. >> and what we've seen unfortunately, in ukraine is that we didn't deter the russians. we warn the russians week. we said that'd be heavy sanctions. we said we would arm ukraine, didn't the, nitro them. israel feels threatened by its adversary, american power backs up. israel i think there is some deterrence value, but israel lives in fear hezbollah tomorrow could launch a volley of 1,000 rockets from lebanon and wouldn't be deterred. so i think american power matters in these moments let's when other countries decide they're going to take, try to take advantage of situations as russia's done, this hamas is done, and our credibility matters there's people look at our country. i have had a foreign leader just say recently eaten me. your country is so uncertain politically, we look at your election coming up. we don't know where you're going. and we worry about that and that's again goes to our credibility when we make promises it is, it is really a fascinating moment that is so connected all the way around. >> david. your book is phantom orbit. it's a thriller. thank you so much for being here. >> thanks for having me to see you still ahead. >> will trump status as it can? victim felon, help, or hurt him with voters are breaking down the numbers you're in the cnn newsroom 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giving you a new, a new name joins us to run the null numbers. here. i am genuinely curious to see what the polls say if this matters one way or the other or not really yeah, henry ethan's going to answer your question. we love nri that's right. >> he's my alter ego here's the situation. we've had at least one poll that came out over the last 20 24 hours that was taken since the conviction of donald trump here in new york. >> and what it shows is essentially that there may have been slight movement in the presidential race, right? >> anyone who thought that joe biden was going to jump out to a 10-point lead, or donald trump was could jump out to a template late. i'm sorry to disappoint you. but what we see here is this is according to reuters ipsos before the new york conviction the race was tied. we have seen slight movement towards joe biden in this one particular poleward now binds head by two. i will note, i've looked at some other data as well, and it seems to be consistent with this paul that is that there is slight i mean, slight movement towards the current president. now, of course, i would say that's notable because the race has been so close as it is. there really hasn't been any movement over the last six months. nothing has seemed to shift this race at all. so if in fact we do see even a small movement in joe biden's direction. it's something that's certainly welcomed, especially if it funnels down to the state-level and we're talking about states like michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin, because if you see a movement there of two points in joe biden's direction, all of a sudden the electoral college you're looking at erase that instead of tilts towards donald trump is really tilting towards nobody. and it's erased too close to call of course, jessica, these are early days yet we'll have to wait and see what happens is more of this new sing sin, one way or the other. we may see more of movement, but at this particular point, what we're seeing in the initial polling is slight movement, not towards the former president, but towards the current one. >> and it's been a rough stretch for trump in new york yeah. >> it's not exactly been a great stretch for him in the new york court system obviously, 34 felonies is not something you would necessarily want, but of course, terpenes civil cases as well, right e. jean carroll, the new york attorney general fraud case, where donald trump now has 20 upwards of $500 million. so donald trump likes to call himself a winner, but when it comes to court cases in the state of new york, he is there's really only one term for it. a big, fat loser. that is what he is in the court system in new york. whether you look on the civil side or the criminal side. >> and what about rudy giuliani, the dc law licensing board, just recommended he be disbarred. of course, he was a celebrated mayor of new york and now now he's here yeah, now he's here you know, my father who passed away a few years ago, was reappointed to the bench by rudy giuliani here and the city of new york, if only he could see where rudy is right now look, this is a slide i put up occasionally at sort of the mendoza line of popularity. >> can you in fact beat the percentage of americans who believed that the us faked landing on the moon or believed that the earth is flat. and rudy giuliani is right on that edge of that mendoza line, only 16% of americans now hold a favorable root of view of rudy giuliani. that's just above the percentage of americans who believed that the us faked the moon landing. and just above the percentage of americans who believed that the earth is flat the fact is rudy giuliani, who was once america's mayor, who once had a favorable rating 20, a little less than 25 years ago, just after 911 of north of 70%, close to 80%, he has fallen so far from the graces most americans do not want to do anything with rudolph giuliani. >> okay. a quick, a topic change here. there's some major news coming in from the soda world where are we seeing a shakeup in the race to be america's favorite cola? >> yeah. so coke is still number one, but number two, we've gone from pepsi being a clear number 22. now, dr. pepper has come up in the rankings. pepsi, the percentage of sales that assigned a pepsi have dropped by nearly half in the last, nearly 30 years dr. pepper has come up one of the big things that dr to prepper has been doing is doing his viral videos on tiktok and one of the things that they've done is they've taken dr. pepper if my diet here, i'm watching my figure and they've been basically combining it with pickles. they've been combining it with pickles and i decided that in fact, i'm going to do a taste test here. few live on the air, or i'm going to take some pickles i am going to mix it with some diet dr. pepper, let me tell you how it goes. >> well, you put it in the cup this is a very interesting tastes. >> i will tell you that i'm not sure the face likes it i don't think it's necessarily the best thing in the world. it's a rather interesting concoction, but god bless dr. pepper if they're finding that this is driving sales because for me, it wouldn't necessarily do so. i give it a c minus maybe, but i love diet dr. pepper, i'll drink it solo. >> yeah very good. >> i don't know that you need to add anything to it. >> yeah, i get that now, i don't think you have to add anything to it, but i think i'll have a pickle individually okay. and metric downwards from dive dr. pepper that's much better. >> separate it out. all right. here indian is getting to the bottom things for us. >> as always. thank you very much. i try see you by judge still. ahead republicans inside and outside maga world are reacting to form president trump's verdict, how the party of law and order is helping under for mine, the us justice system, you're in the cnn newsroom every weekday morning. >> cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. and here are five reasons to 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country the former president supporters quickly coming to his defense and claiming the trial was a disgrace seeing communist countries. >> this is what i grew up having people in this community tell me about it happened in the days after the castro evolution. obviously those lead to executions this on the other hand, is an effort to interfere in an election. >> i think this is disgraceful. i don't care what you call it was graceful. you're saying i think this proceeding, this legal proceeding is disgraceful. >> joining us now, a cnn senior political commentator and republican strategists on an navarro and karen phineas enough political commentator and former senior adviser to hillary clinton's 20 he 16 campaign great to see both of you on. >> let's start with you these comments made by trump's supporters. we've seen them now fan out. we just played a couple of clips how do you see this playing out over the next couple of months as we head into the fall my love i think for most of us that are clear eyed, it's obvious what's happening here, which is that there's people like jd vance, like marco rubio tim scott, who are auditioning to be trump's vp. >> and they are in a contest with each other as to who can say the most outrageous things in my view? what marco rubio said, comparing the us legal system to the communist cuba legal system is one of the most disrespectful offensive things i've ever heard. and i say this, margot was born here. i was born any guy i fled communism, his family came here before castro. my family fled or taylor, i know exactly what it's like to live in a country and i know exactly what those sham ports are like that did lead to executions and shame on marco rubio, shame on marco rubio. >> for comparing what happened in cuba, what happens in nicaragua, what happens in venezuela, what happens in those countries that he knows only too well to this, just to curry favor with donald trump. >> that is the height of the responsibility and recklessness and sir, servility. i'll serve bile. can you get and karen, an npr poll that was taken before the verdict came down, found that 67% say the verdict makes no difference to their vote. >> 17% say it will make them less likely to vote for trump 15% more likely there is a lot of ink being spilled minutes on television being taken up of all of us trying to look into our crystal ball and say, what does this? been? and who will benefit? does anyone benefit? >> how, how do you see it playing out actually just getting the honest answer is, we don't know and we may not know for a few weeks because i think it's going to move to remember and we keep saying it, but i think it bears saying again, this is precedented this has never happened. >> and so i think americans probably need a minute or two to absorb this particularly because most americans are going about their daily lives and perhaps this weekend and if they're checking in with the news about what happened this week really starting to absorb not just the fact that donald trump has been convicted of a crime, but the crime was actually towards trying to win the 2016 election, right? he broke the law and effort to help himself for the 2016 election while he's facing charges both during to impede in the 2020 election and potentially overturn it. right? so that's a lot to, for be able to absorb but i think the question will really be when people go to the ballot box, they're going to have to ask themselves do i really want to vote for criminal a convicted criminal is that the person who i trust with my future? >> or do i trust joe biden who's a good decent man, who i think most people think they may disagree if the job is done, but i think they believe he's been trying his best. >> and so i think that contrast is all the more underscored and i think that's the question people will have to ask themselves on. >> i want to stay with your points from just a moment ago about about how some of these republicans, what they're saying in light of this verdict, i want to talk about how speaker mike johnson, he's accused him of crafts of weaponizing the judicial system. we can play a little clip of what he said were outraged by it. >> i think the american people are what happened to prison trump is lawfare. there's no other way to describe it. they went after the democrat party and they use the system of justice to go after a political opponent. i think that this will probably guarantee that president trump is re-elected president. and i think their strategy is going to backfire on them honore, if we zoom out, hunter biden, the president's son, is about to go on trial. >> senator bob menendez, a democrat from new jersey, is on trial on bribery allegations. >> speaker johnson has said that the supreme court should take action how corrosive is it to try to tell the american people that politically it is the democrats coming after the republicans one of the what are the things that makes america unique around the world is that in our country, supposedly nobody is above the law there is a certain equality of the law. we're all equal under the eyes of lady justice and so what they are trying to do here and my lining attacking, criticizing, undermining our legal system. i think it's very dangerous i'm very damaging. it's also very much of a lie because for them to claim, there's a lot of republicans out there. i've heard them, i read them saying that joe biden is behind this. i don't know how many times we have to say this. >> this was a state legal action this had nothing to do with joe biden. >> joe biden's doj is the one that actually going to be trying hunter bye in the next few days. but donald trump was tried in the state of new york and he was indicted not by joe biden's doj, not my anybody having to do with geovanny. he was indicted by a grand jury of 12 regular new yorkers he was convicted by a grand jury of 12 regular new yorkers after they listened to six weeks of legal proceedings and testimony, including from people who like and support donald trump, like hope hicks, like pecker people who are on his side, but who went on there and testified as to the true i hope it was crying on the span because she knew that the things you were saying she was saying were true we're causing harm to the case of donald trump. so people need to understand that it was the evidence that led a jury of regular new yorkers to convict donald trump. it was not joe biden i guess, to vent i'd venture to guess that you biden is actually politically speaking, wouldn't have light for this not to be the case and it's not focusing on this as part of the campaign. he is focusing on beating him on the ballot box karen, it's interesting because in 2016 trump attacked hillary clinton and said she would not be fit for office if she was indicted. so let's listen to what he said. this is 2016 if she were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. >> in that situation. we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment. and ultimately a criminal trial it would grind government to a halt its it's kind of unbelievable there. >> it would grind government to a halt. he's kind of describing his own situation. karen oh, yeah. >> i remember it quite well when he said it and i think the other thing he actually said, i believe in those remarks was how much chaos there would be if hillary clinton was elected president. so just let that let all that thinking in for just a moment. look, i think we have to take a step back here as a couple of things as anna points out, you're seeing the republican party fall over itself for the most part to show their fealty to download trump to undermine our justice system. and it is very dangerous for the country. but i think it's for us to remember too. this is what trump has brought on our country. and it's also the trumpism that he has brought to our politics agree absolutely. with on and she's right. joe biden wants to beat down on trump at the ballot box. and that is the focus. it will be for others to those of us here to comment about what this means. that's why you saw the president come out friday and have a very serious press conference about what's happening in the middle east but of course, it's not surprising that donald trump isn't an absolute hypocrite as president biden says, often, right? you can't just love the rules and then be mad when you don't when you don't just love our country, when it's convenient, you have to love our country and believin our democracy when it hurts. when you don't always get what you want. but i think this is probably one of the first times donald trump has not gotten away with his usual shtick, which you've frankly got away with for decades in new york all right, in naval and karen funny or thanks to both of you. always good to see you both. we really appreciate it and we'll be russians were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them i was 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president's don as well as possible jail time is not certainly not welcome news for the biden administration as the election approaches in november police in minneapolis are still searching for motive and a pair of shootings thursday night, the left two people hello, dad including a police officer trying to give first aid at the scene, who was ambushed and shot what any wild reports from minneapolis at around 5:15 p.m. police receive a call of two people shot at an apartment in south minneapolis when officers arrived, they are immediately met with gunfire here is, 22nd implants now multiple players as officer jamal mitchell drives up to the scene, he stops less than two blocks away. >> there are mitchell spot, someone he believes it needs medical care. that's when police say officer mitchell is ambushed one officer critical in route to the hospital, one officer substantial. we're going to try to transport him as well as the suspect officer mitchell hoped to save, instead, shoots and kills him. >> officer mitchell was attempting to assist the individual that shot him and with that, it happened very fast and that he ambushed him. >> i'm using the term for reason of seeing the video and he was ambushed at the time by this individual that was there, the suspect and to civilians were killed during the shooting for other people a minneapolis police officer firefighter and to citizens were shot but survived mitchell's parents spoke out after the shooting. we always worried about him when he's out there you know tough getting that call on, you know here. yes and no well he was he was always caring about people. >> mitchell's courageous snus was unfold display at the moment he put on the badge in 2023, cnn highlighted mitchell after he and his partner ran into a burning home to save an elderly couple mitchell had been on the force. >> justice three days. we're not trained to run into fires, but we are trained to put others lives in front of ours. >> he was a hero i've never met an officer that received an award on the third day on the job. he was a wonderful human being. he had only been on her department about a year-and-a-half and he was exceptional mitchell's murder marks. the fourth first responder ambushed and killed in minnesota in the last few months on february 18, two officers and a firefighter were killed in bronzeville, minnesota after responding to a domestic violence call, that trauma quickly should turn to anger and a commitment that this cannot happen we do not have to live this way. >> law enforcement continues to investigate when is a very complex case here, but they have not yet offered a motive or any insight into why this all happened. meanwhile, the police officer and a firefighter who were injured have both been released from the hospital whitney wild, cnn, chicago where a thank you a sheriff's deputy in florida has been fired after fatally shooting a black airman in his home. the deputy was responding to a call about an ongoing disturb ongoing disturbance at an apartment. and according to an internal investigation, the officer shot the airman after knocking on the door and seeing him in the doorway. with a firearm in his hand, which he legally owned. bodycam footage revealed the airman's hands were down at his sayyed at the moment, the officers shot lean the department to conclude, the deputy used unreasonable, deadly force, a separate criminal investigation into the shooting is set to follow. >> the had tonight floating fill north korea sins, balloons full of trash across the border to south korea. the strategy behind the smell. >> plus tomorrow and cnn devastating nash natural disasters and the science behind them. the new cnn original series violent earth with leaves schreiber gets up close with wildfires, tornadoes, tsunamis, and more. that series premiering tomorrow night at nine right here unit tomorrow, the trump conviction fall out. what's next and what will it mean for november rnc code chair and trump daughter-in-law, lara trump ways in plus democratic congressman adam schiff, state of the union, live tomorrow morning at nine. >> if you have graves disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more gritty feeling can be brushed away even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious, maybe behind those, itchy eyes up to 50% of people with graves could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor see an expert, find a ted is specialist at is-it ted okay. >> ready to ask me? >> one second. i got to finish my laundry yes. it's nice. >> one second. i use rentz. >> was rents to the company that will pick up wash fold and deliver your laundry and dry-cleaning at the touch momentum, i do not trust other people with my laundry, rinse guarantees or satisfaction. i've been using it for months now. >> with no issues okay. >> let's watch this weight. >> i'm gonna do my laundry. >> better, hurry gun. i'll 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into north korea the incoming balloons also raised fears of more serious attack in south fria. >> first, here's cnn's will ripley failed launch of a suspected north korean military he spy shed light, sparking fears of falling debris in japan triggering emergency sirens on okinawa tuesday morning tuesday night in south korea, blaring cell phone alerts like this ominous warnings turned out to be overblown. >> no satellite or missile debris north korean balloons, more than 260 of them raining down trash and fertilizers. south korea says on neighborhoods like this, sodium kitchen, i hit goosebumps it felt like a childish, lucky. >> i was surprised to hear about it. >> i didn't want kim, you, john, younger sister of the north korean leader, issued a statement calling the balloons a form of freedom of expression or response to south korean activists who'd been sending balloons to north korea four years, carrying leaflets condemning kim jong un's government. or statement says, did those south koreans only see balloons? it's flying south and not the balloons flying north now the trashy south koreans are brazenly claiming that their leaflet distribution against us. it's freedom of expression that are corresponding actions are a clear violation of international law. south korea's government says north korea heavily restrictive, but labeling it's balloon activity these as freedom of expression is self-contradictory the united nations command in south korea is formally investigating north korea's balloon launched, calling it irresponsible and a public health risk i knew me, you don't love when and why are they sending things like this? i'm worried that they might send something dangerous fighters for a free north korea or north korean defector group based in south korea, vows to continue sending balloons north, telling cnn, they sent leaflets, $1 bills. and during covid vitamins, masks and tylenol they say north korea sas back filth in response. that's barbaric on thursday, north korea launched something more familiar. what's believed to be a barrage of short range ballistic missiles. kim sister says, more balloons may it'd be coming, dismissing south korean outrage as nothing but hot air. will ripley, cnn still ahead, former trump national security adviser and former us ambassador, the united nations, john bolton will join us live. >> we're going to talk to him about trump's conviction and israel ceasefire proposal. you're in the cnn newsroom in one of the most active tornado season you can't control a tornado. what kinds of interventions can we design go inside the store the premier of london earth within the am schreiber to morrow would nine on cnn how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home? there's an easier way. dry air wake vibrant with two times more natural essential oils, but up to 120 days of amazing fragrance per dual pack now, that's a breath of fresh air wic as a cardiologist, when i put my patients on a statin to reduce 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