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him presidential medal of freedom. but i i think it's pretty static, it pretty fixed out to it, but >> day i do think it will have an opaque effect on 90, 22% of republicans primaries or not, trump, i think it's can make them different make it difficult for them to vote for trump. and it might be a pointer to that thank you very, very much. we got to run i wolf blitzer in the situation room. >> thanks very much for watching the newest continues next on cnn tonight are 360, the former president unloads on the verdict that made him a convicted felon. and republicans join him and attacking the criminal justice system. what's ahead and his case in new polling on the political impact. also tonight, someone who knows what it's like to get inside his head or to the deal goes right? et are 20 schwartz and how his former subject may handle the days ahead and breaking news, the details of president biden's new ceasefire proposal for gaza, the timing of it and the reception. it's getting. >> good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight with what comes next legally, politically and otherwise, now that donald trump is a convicted felon, both he and president biden weight in today. the present then very briefly, the former president at great length more than a half-hour. this morning at trump tower this is a scam. there's a rigged trial it shouldn't have been in that venue. we shouldn't have had that, judge you saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our sayyed, they were literally crucified by this man. who looks like an angel, but he's really a devil. hush money, hush money. it's not hush money. it's called that nondisclosure agreement and it all comes out of the white house crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country. he's the worst president in the history of our country his former lawyer and fixer prosecution witness michael cohen called his old boston's performance today a quote, crazy avalanche, a broken brain word manure, from a factual standpoint that often stated claimed that president biden was somehow behind the trial is simply fall something the president underscore today it was a state case, not a federal case and it was heard by a jury of 12 citizens 12 americans 12 people like you after careful deliberation the jury reached a unanimous verdict they found down trump guilty on all 34 felony counts now it'd be given the opportunity as he should two appeal that decision just like everyone else has that opportunity that's how the american system of justice works. >> and it's reckless. is dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged. just because they don't like the verdict congressional republicans meantime, many of whom identify and campaign on being tough on crime and supporters of law enforcement, or almost unified and their condemnation, not just the verdict, but also the justice system but under joe biden, the weaponization of the justice system has become front and center in this election cannot say that this trial was anything more than politics, masquerading as justice. i did not think it was a fair trial at all or you have a district attorney that literally ran on convicting donald trump. that's a problem. >> problem how she shared chair jim jordan subcommittee on so-called weaponization of the federal government. >> today announced it wants manhattan district attorney alvin bragg and one of the trial prosecutors to appear for hearing next month. several republicans centers today's signed a letter saying they quote, are unwilling to aid and abet this white house and will not allow expedited consideration and passage of democratic legislation. and mike johnson's speaker of the house. second line of succession to the presidency went on fox this morning. he said something striking given his role and what the constitution says about separation of powers between the three branches of government i. do believe this supreme court should step in. i think that the justices on the court, i know many of them personally. i think they're deeply concerned about that as we are so i think they'll set this straight. >> i'll keep them honest. there's no indication this room court is going to get involved in trump's felony convictions, and there's certainly no precedent for their involvement either. joining us now his new york criminal defense attorney, arthur aidala, with us as well tonight, retired new york judge george iso, also former manhattan chief assistant district attorney, karen friedman, agnifilo, who recently interviewed michael cohen for her podcasts and full disclosure, her law firm represents him, but she does not work on that case. and there are no restrictions in which you can say about the trump case which i heard something you had said i wanted to ask you about, um, you were in the court every single day you were there for the guilty verdict. guilty verdicts as well. >> you don't rule out jail time for donald trump. i absolutely no so on the one hand, we look at this and we can say it's an e felony, the lowest level of felony, it's non-violent. we have a 77-year-old convicted felon here without a prior record. so that would all obviously way towards non-cost ration on the other hand, judges, the judges waiting now for about six weeks, he's going to get a pre-sentencing report. they're working on it now. i think i mean, looking as he learned anything as he because he contrite, what we just saw, what we saw it together there. so it kinda like x that to me most serious is this is not the typical falsification of business records. kay said with all you'd think of them as like the average person. my thing was like a green eye shade kind of thing, like and an accountant putting a book in the wrong drawer or something like that. this is the connection crime here. the object crime was a violation of new york election law 34, 34 separate felony counts where or the jury found unanimously, then new york state election law was violated. who likes to rant and rave constantly about election interference, election interference. well, the guy who is just convicted of 34 counts essentially for of election interference in an election in 2016 that was actually close enough that the actions he stands convicted of could have turned out electron and that's about a serious as it gets. and if i were the judge, i'm not saying i would i would impose jail, but i would strongly consider it the max is four years. it doesn't have to be jail time. so you could these got a lot of rain, j. it could do like 60 days jail and three years probation to send a message about how serious it would be weekend's in jail, entity service, pick-up, pick up trash on the subway. >> karen, i mean, do you think it's a possibility? >> i think it's a possibility. look, i think i just adding to everything that the judge just said is also the fact that he was held in contempt ten different times in front of this, judge. i mean, did you that in a normal case would actually be taken into consideration? is that well, that's all state for the fact that trump was treated differently in this case. he was treated far more leniently than any other defendant who would have been put in jail like contempt number two or three. >> i can't wait to talk. i just can't wait to talk because i couldn't disagree with you more. >> why if you look at the median sentence on an e felony nonviolent 77-year-old person with no record whatsoever in a crime, anderson, where they're not talking about stealing millions of dollars or any kind of massive corruption that's taken little old ladies healing they would not prove it wasn't proven that he stole the election. >> it was defined it unanimously. if you read the jury charge fine unanimously beyond a reasonable doubt that there was that they stole that there was election interference, but we're able to attend. >> okay. there was an intent to an intense two. i want to know how many people in the united states of america who voted for donald trump would not have voted for him had they found out that when he was extorted by stormy daniels? he entered into a non-disclosure agreement and paid her up. and the judge already said, during we will never know that, but they were certainly earned enough to have gone ahead. yes. and commit robbery. >> did judge the judge said i don't want to put you in jail, mr. trump, you are the presumptive nominee of the republican party and a press president. i don't want to put you in jail. and if alvin bragg dares to ask for jail time after on the first day of him being in office, he put out a memo about how soft he wasn't crying to the degree three, that it took, judge. it drove this judge to leave the bench or prestigious position he had to run for district attorney in queens. as he goes, he thought crime was going with going crazy alvin bragg said, i want you to find alternative school parts or ratios on robbery on this. >> and now on this old man he's a judge. what do you me that i got tears in my eyes got it done. i got to collect my father break on violin let me the judge 34 felony counts involving a crime constituting a conspiracy to use unlawful means to impact on 34 felony. >> let's not forget the 2016 election can i believe it was 40,000 votes in michigan and wisconsin, 80,000 votes three swing states and they, and we know through the testimony of 20,000 votes, i think in wisconsin, and we know the testimony of hope hicks, who who felt so bad about her testimony, sheep sheep spontaneously broke down crying. she was the inside out path for the jury to know exactly what a panic mode that the trump campaign was in when the access hollywood story broke and she got the email in trump tower, october 7 of 2016, and trump was practicing for the debate. they were in they were in brief all they were in panic. the rnc was talking about replacing trump judging, you will we were not going to settle this. >> we get we get your position. what would you think that blanche will go for on an appeal? and what will they try to focus on. so i think that a couple of things i think they will they will take an approach where they will try to appeal everything that they talk about all the time that the judge is conflicted and should have recused. what do you think is the best avenue for it? >> i think there's really there really is only one appellant issue that i think has substance and that is one that has potential merit is the jury charge regarding the thing we're talking about with the election and what was the object crime that made this a felony it's complicated and the number one area of reversal in dork is in jury charge because that's that it can be very tricky and you have to get it exactly right. and uses as arthur has arthur has repeatedly stated, this is a, this is creating something out of a new claw. >> well slightly slight so i do think that is one area that has some merit and some validity. >> i don't think it's going to be reversed, but i think it's genuinely legitimate substantive issue that will be taken very seriously by the you agree with that? >> absolutely i'm going to add to that. >> i also think i knew you would that's my job. i also think whoever is trump's attorneys at the appellate level, you have to look at the inception of this agitated because that's the grand slam. what karen said, what give trump a new trial. but if he wanted to hit get a grand slam and have it dismissed, he would have to go back and say, the way this case was charged. so uniquely, taking mr. i mean, there's out of the statue of limitations and bringing them backend as felonies in the statute limitations is something that the appellate court has to look at and say, is this well, how we want to treat every citizen in the state of new york arthur aidala. >> thank you, judge grass. so carefree magnaflow as well. >> the political impact now some new polling from reuters, ipsos and appears to show public and voters doing republican lawmakers have been doing since the verdict, namely falling in line take a look at the row in the middle of the screen post-conviction 14% say they would not vote for the former president pretrial, 24% said they would not vote for him if you were convicted felon said another way, republicans in this bowl say they are now more likely to vote for the former president's since he became a felon cohen joining us now to cnn, political commentators from the right and left respectively, david urban and van jones. >> van, i mean, you see republican support for the former president has grown post-conviction at least in that poll. should the biden campaign be worried about a similar effect you think in swing voters? >> oh i think it's predictable. first of all let's not forget, this was not the strong case. this is not, this is not a donald trump leading an insurrection against democracy. this is not donald trump stealing sensitive documents that have eyes still in the white house. i'd be an guantanamo. this isn't all the abuse of women cases. this was the hush money case, false she records around some sex stuff. when bill clinton got impeach for stuff like that, he went up ten points. and so it's not surprising that you're seeing this kind of effect but i think that democrats should let the republicans fan and fainting act like they're acting and they won't have january 6 every day tearing down american institutions and saying isn't corrupt. but we've got to get back to talking about stuff broglie americans care about this, this case was not going to be the case that brought donald trump's numbers down. it will always gonna be the case that brought them up. >> david maria, former president trump, and his allies blasting the justice system as partisan weaponized against republicans how do you square that with prison? biden son standing trial on gun charges in federal court next week week. and for that matter, democratic senator bob menendez, standing trial on federal bribery charges in manhattan yeah, i think both things can be true, can't anderson this case was kind of zombie case. >> our colleague elie honig wrote a great piece that's appeared today in new york magazine, which i would implore everyone to read about. how. this was cobbled together in a bespoke fashion by incredibly political district attorney. he won't prosecute other cases, but chose to revive this case. so i don't i don't see this happening a lot of a lot of stickiness as you pointed out in the poll, i think republicans will fall in line. they're going to be more inclined to support trump. he saw a historic fundraising day-to-day stork in one day raised over $50 and interestingly, 30% of filing nurse but are now okay. okay. well, they're generally don't lie about those things again, verifying pretty shortly, but over 30% of those new, those new donors excuse me, are those donors are new people, new new, new, and to the polls, putting money into, into their, from their coffers, into the campaign. and so if there's so motivated to open their checkbooks and support donald trump in campaigning. >> they're going to be, i think aqueous motivated to show up at the polls come november. >> and so i do think it'd be a little bit of a bounce as van said clinton got a bounce. i think trump will, but we're gonna get, we're gonna get back to this substance here. we're going to have a debate and june cnn's going to host it. i look forward to the saying, president trump talk about the issues and if he sticks to that, i think it'll be clear sailing to november, then there's the other order. those questions about lena, where will the nikki haley voters go? i mean, nikki haley? he was getting back to president trump for the former president. >> i mean, why won't those, all those people who continue to vote for nikki haley in primaries follow her lead and go back to the former president. well, i mean, the derrick has gotten to go with good reason. he part of what's going on now is a donald trump is pulling off this trick of on the one hand, coming across as the underdog who's beleaguered. he's the martyr everybody's against me and kind of getting the sympathy vote at the same time. he's a top dog. he's these bees like this, almost like mob boss figure inside the republican party that makes everybody come and kisses rang and kisses to, because you're in this weird underdog top dog kind of thing. and it's working for him right now and what's going to happen is once we get further into the summer and we have the debates and we have the conventions. democrats got to refocus on what we can do to help ordinary people. we are all too focused on donald trump trump is focused on trump and so is everybody else. and so we got to get out of this narcissistic trap. he's put us in and talk about real issues and that's gonna be what moves by, not this stuff i mean, you're prison biden way on the verdict. >> how do you think he should approach to this and coming months me know, yeah. how should i am ben? how do you think anything but i think i think by i think biden did did find a day because he's the biden should defend american institution then that jury defend the judges defend the witnesses used to defend american institutions and then move on to talk about the american people and that other people talk about donald trump trump's david. do you think speaker johnson, tim scott, congressman jordan, all the other electrode republicans who rushed condemned the verdict would have opposed prosecuting. for example, brock obama, feed falsified business records to cover up a hush money payment hey man or they were all the ones chanting lock hillary clinton well, no, i know this, this this alvin bragg case that's really bad precedent because to your point, what what if this happened exactly in a in a texas courtroom with a texas a really read district attorney. this opens a pandora's box in the future, which i'm afraid aid that you're going to find some crazy person is going to pursue alvin bragg campaigned on you. no one's going to be able to have sex with a porn star. and then pay somebody to cover it up about this case is about this case is about how you file something to your checkbook. >> this is not about all those other things that may be the flashy, sexy stuff this is about documents. this is a really boring case at its heart and the american people i think kind of shrug their shoulders by next week, this will be cut off the front pages until it won't be again in july 11 three days before the republican convention your previous guests, the judge is delusional. think that he thinks that donald trump's could have served prison time you might as well just hand it election that too. i the american people would go crazy, going to put donald trump in jail for a case it's a misdemeanor. they're not put people in jail who are robin stores in new york. it's insane. >> even ban would oppose that. >> but under first-in, first step back, van would be participating in asking for the release of donald trump then and then we've got to go i agree that he's not going to jail. >> anybody says he's going to jail, paying attention the way i gets didn't say he is going to just was talking about the various legal aspects. >> said he could go to jail because maybe conceivably, yes. anything by law? yes, he could go to jail. he also could be conceivably grow hair. >> it's not going to have that is because i'm not sure which one i placed bets on. >> like david urban, van jones, guys. thank you very much coming up next and assessment of what this conviction looks like. through the eyes of the convict, tony schwartz, the man who goes wrote the art of the deal, joins us. and later president biden's new ceasefire proposal for the israel-hamas war and how it's being received so far i'm jonathan larson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if your h 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a 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better results. >> i'm someone's are 40 in washington and this is cnn it's no secret to new yorkers correctly grew up with donald trump at the man always liked being first at things. >> the question now, how does he like being the first former president ever to be convicted felon? his appearance stay at trump tower provided some clues joining us now someone who's spent months there with the former president writing the art of the deal. or recently tony schwartz is the author of dealing with the devil. my mother trump. and me. what what was your thought as you heard the verdict i was in a plane returning from hong kong and i wanted to jump up. >> i just woke up and discovered it on my texts. i wanted to jump up in the air and pumped my fists in the air and yell it out to people and i was able to resist that. but the enthusiasm for the verdict was there what i don't know if you've saw trump's public comments since the verdict what do you make of his response to it? i mean, it's not a surprise, right? >> 100% predictable and he's still following the authoritarian playbook, which is repeat, repeat, repeat until people, no matter how absurd it is. and this is absurd. what he's saying absurd come to believe it. >> and he has been spectacularly effective at that he plays by his own set of rules. and if the world has to play by conventional rules or his opponents do or choose to, and he doesn't have to play by the rules it's an advantage for him and he is using that to advantage. so it's astonishing that we are at a point in america ago where a guy gets convicted on 34 different counts by a unanimous jury of his peers. and he is not going to and he can go out and raise $50 i know it hasn't been made official, but i'm sure he raised a ton and it's a measure of how bizarre the misunderstanding of who he is has become. >> do you think it is a misunderstanding of who he is or do you think it's a full knowledge of who he is and just an embrace of what they, what people think he represents. >> okay, so take this 20% of black americans are supposedly in the polls saying they're going to vote for trump black people remain as do many other groups. a marginalized group in america and if there's anybody who's going to suffer under an authoritarian second trump term. it's marginalized people and yet they're saying they want to vote for him. so no, i think it is a deep misunderstanding. i think the only person who could justifiably say it makes sense to me to vote for donald trump than somebody who grew up in a authoritarian country came here and discover and says, i loved the authoritarian, i lived under and so i want another one. >> but do you think for for many people he the former president represents something rather than what his policies are on any given particular issue. >> he represents unfortunately two people, a victim, and many people in this in these dark days feel like they're victims. and he stands for them and he somehow is able to carry a flag that they can't waive very high. so yeah, i do feel that they they make that connection to them. the problem is he is as little a victim as you can be in this country based on all the privileges he's grown up with. so it's again the reality is all you have to do is listen to trump for five minutes and reverse say the opposite of what he just said, and you'll arrive at the truth this is a man who i don't think almost ever now utters a word that is true are you surprised at all? >> i mean, given look there has been a long r& to where we're at now, but just the complete devotion by the republican party. and the republican party now is completely in thrall of him and he is still despite on the evening of january 6, when lindsey graham was saturday at a moment that few hours but it is it is a remarkable i mean, it is an unrecognizable party to anybody who grew up in the time of ronald reagan. >> i am surprised that never, i think in my lifetime so i've been here a bunch of decades now. have i seen a moment? and when self-interest was more problematic than it is right now, that the attention to your own concerns without a recognition of the impact on other people. it's so corrosive and yet these republican congresspeople and senators are standing up and saying things. first of all, that they know not to be true. do you think kristi noem came on a half-hour ago on cnn. and doesn't know that trump is all the things that people say, yes, gino's. and so does marco rubio. and so do all the people who are bowing before trump so they're making a short-term calculation, which is it's better for me right now to support donald trump they will suffer to donald trump doesn't have loyalty. he only commands lilly t commands loyalty demands loyalty. he doesn't give loyalty. so all these people are so well underestimating how pernicious he's going to be in their lives. >> i know he's gonna be pernicious in my life. >> and as i've said before, i'm not staying around to watch if he gets reelected. but most, many people who would feel the same way, i do don't have a choice. and these folks who think they're making the right choice to support donald trump, don't recognize that he is actually their enemy to tony schwartz. i appreciate you being with us. thank you. >> just ahead, voters, in a key swing district in pennsylvania discussing the guilty verdict with our danny freeman, we'll be right back. >> ocd is more than what you see on tv. and in the movies, it comes with unrelenting intrusive images, thoughts, and urges. if you have ocd and need help, you can get better with specialized treatment. got to know to learn more. were you stationed working? being or living at campbell zhun between 1953 and 1987, if you or a loved one of suffered from a severe illness, you may be eligible for a settlement offer ranging from 100 thousand, $550,000 without a court filing morgan and morgan is already helping over 15,000 veterans and their families and the fight towards justice for 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pennsylvania, must-win state for both the president and former president. >> hours after the verdict or danny freeman went out into the swing state of pennsylvania to hear what voters had to say. here's what he found thank you so much. have a great day at the trump store and ben salem, pennsylvania, their newest product is their most popular the verdict came down and us started printing this shirt. >> yep yeah. >> so it was actually kind of like christmas morning when i walked in today, i saw a stack of these is like, oh, awesome the small shop not affiliated with the campaign, became a gathering spot friday for supporters of former president donald trump to buy merchandise and process thursday's conviction it didn't surprise me i was highly disappointed, but i wasn't surprised at all. >> some trump supporters were galvanized and upset over what they viewed as a rigged trial from the start. >> it just maybe angry because why is this even? you know anything to do with what's going on now in oral like we have so much going on in our worry about this, like kline i feel like justice was just thrown out the window, restores my faith a little bit in the justice system, but other voters we spoke with in nearby warrant in pennsylvania, we're pleased with the outcome. >> i know that there are some people who won't change their mind no matter what they will believe, things he says it's like the judge is corrupt and everybody's corrupt except him. of course and i worry about that but i'm i'm hoping hopeful. >> i fell that the jury did their job. they actually student to me, they turn out to be a hero of the day. >> we spoke to all of these voters in bucks county. one of the all important suburban collar counties surrounding philadelphia president biden won bucks by about four points, roughly 17,000 votes. the margin here crucial in the critical swing state that president trump lost in 2020 by just over 80,000 votes i know it's coming. >> everybody knew was coming really. >> yeah. you can't escape the mousetrap every time rudolph richardson is undecided, he thinks the conviction actually made trump more relatable. and while he says he voted for biden in 2020, he's still not sure who will vote for in november. could you imagine voting for someone who has been convicted of felonies? >> judge i'll never, judge. so the law if you do write, if i say if you do it, you're going to save you do. i'm moistening forward. if you're going to do what you say, you're going to do then that's like desk the horse. you got to go with now anderson, we ask these voters if they thought that this conviction would change anyone's mind heading into november. >> and frankly, most of them said no, the trump's supporters, we spoke with said that they're more dug in now than they were before the biden supporters that we spoke with said that they were scared have to go the this conviction would shake up the race, at least in pennsylvania, and that one undecided voter that we spoke with said this is still not his biggest issue. the thing that will drive him to the polls and we'll make him support one or the other in november is still the economy all right everyone. >> thanks very much. artery enten joins us now with data from the new poll on the verdict impacts. so what, what does this show? >> yeah, i think danny and his interviews that he took out pretty much give you a pretty decent idea that this is not going to be something that totally shakes up the race, right? >> this is not something that's going to launch biden to attend point late or trump to attempt point lead. but this section, anderson is so close to even the slightest smallest change can make all the difference in the world. so take a look at that ipsos poll now and compare it to where we were pre conviction and what do we see? we see that now joe biden leads in that poll among registered voters by two points. now that's within the margin of error. that's not a major change from the tie that we saw. before the conviction took place, but i dug under the cross tabs a little bit, you know, i love digging into those costs have cross tabs against you. it's the thing that gets us each and every time i know you love doing it too. it's a great thing on a friday night. and what i saw on those cross tabs was that while republicans were very much sticking with trump and democrats were very much sticking with joe biden. there did seem to be some movement tiny bit of movement among independents. and that was slightly shifting the race towards joe biden. and i know that there was another poll that also came out that showed perhaps slight movement towards biden. again, the keyword here, slight but still movement, nonviolent fundraising for the trump campaign and me, we heard that number floating around how much they raised sense. yeah. that 35 million dollar figure i believe was what they were putting out. that is they say that's nearly are about twice as much as the prior record. so clearly crime does pay for the former president at least when it comes to fundraising. but that's not a big shocker to me, anderson, because that's something we've seen before. look at the big trump fundraising de so far, what do they all have in common? they all have to do with crime or being in court all right. you go back last year, the new york arraignment, right? you go back last year that fulton county that georgia mug shot. and now today or yesterday, what we saw again was another thing involving donald trump and the courtroom, big fundraising. and this is something i think a lot of people need to get through their heads earlier on this year, there was all this talk about this joe biden fundraising vantage will last month, donald trump and the rnc outrage, the democrats and joe biden. this is probably going to be another month, may, another month where donald trump is able to outrage joe biden. money is probably not going to be the difference in this election. the fact is both parties are going to have a lot of money to compete come november. and how we're voters overall viewing the strong, yeah. so you have all that stuff showing republicans, you know, being coming out, being motivated, raising all that money for donald trump. and then you saw that first slide, right? that slight movement towards joe biden, and you kinda go, okay, those kind of see maybe a little bit in contradiction. well, here's the thing donald trump has come and said this trial is a sham, right? it's a fraud. all this stuff. but what do the american people overall thing, not just republicans and what do we say? they say by a slight majority that they believe that the court system in new york upheld the rule of law. the minority of 46% believe it was politically motivated to hurt donald trump. but the fact is most americans on this particular point think that the court probably made the right call. her aunt and thanks very much. thank you. next remembering michelle obama's mother, marion robinson, who has died at the age of 86. we'll be right back the assignment with audie cornish, listen wherever you get your podcasts how many times have you tried to clean a stubborn mess with? >> no success? what you need is the all new waterproof horsepower, the new cordless and rechargeable our scrubber that cleans faster and easier, guaranteed watch make done oven greece's no match it, blast away dirt and grime and no time the power comes from our rotating brushes spinning up to 350 rpm. the incredible torque fights calcium mildew molded more, forget harsh chemicals with just water, horsepower can clean bathroom tiles and tbs back to their original shine taken get in the kitchen where it bust through cake, don crud, or outside and tackle tough task with ease. how strong is horsepower? we took this distress and t and restored it to like new amazing, get your horsepower scrubber today with bonus scouring sponge for just 39, 99 it's powered with the latest rechargeable technology, 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disease. but scots healthy plus, will cure lung disease going around so like other people have it and it's not pick up a bag or the news got start, build are healthy plus lawn through today the mother, former first lady michelle obama has died. >> marian robinson was 86-years-old. a family statement says in part, she passed peacefully this morning and right now, none of us are quite sure how exactly we'll move on without her michelle obama rights on social media. my mom, marian robinson was my rock, always there for whatever i needed. when the obama is moved into the white house. so did she in 2012 essay and essence magazine, mrs. robinson wrote that her job there was the easiest one of all get to be grandma more now on her life and legacy from randy k married robinson was a fixture alongside the first family often referred to as barak and michelle obama's secret weapon. i want my mommy to stand up. >> this is the woman who keeps me grounded who stays at home with my girls and make sure that they're okay. >> i love you in a statement after her passing, the former president and first lady wrote marion robinson had a deep understanding that the world's roughest edges could always be sanded down with a little grace they said she instilled in them. don't sweat the small stuff and know what's truly precious. marion robinson was one of seven children and grew up on the south side of chicago robinson study to become a teacher before working as a secretary, according to the family's statement about her passing? she married frasier robinson and had two children, craig and michele, according to her family, she taught her children to read at an early age, took them to drive in movies and taught them to believe in the power and worth of their own voices. in 2008, robinson had a front row seat to history when her son-in-law, barak obama came president and her daughter, first lady of the united states on election night, she was right there holding barack obama's hand. soon, she said goodbye to the south side of chicago and moved to the white house, taking on the role of what she called first grandmother her husband had passed away in 1991 here's what marian robinson told the boston globe at the time. doing it. but i really want to do it like with these kids had been better as the obamas noted in their statement, we needed her the girls needed her, and she ended up being our rock through it all. >> and she seemed to embrace her new role. there was the white house easter egg roll the kennedy center honors, and a certain celebrity came with it too. she and michelle obama graced the cover of essence magazine and she had the chance to travel the world with her daughter. this photo is from their trip to south africa. according to her family, over their eight years in washington, are the only person robinson as to meet was the pope after the white house, marion robinson returned to chicago. her family wrote today, we are comforted by the understanding that she has returned to the embrace of her loving frazier, that she's pulled up her tv tray next to his recliner that they're clinking their high ball glasses as she's catching him up with the stories about this wild cuticle ride marion robinson was 86 joining me now by phone is david axelrod, former senior adviser to president obama, is now a cnn senior political commentator david, i mean how are you remembering mrs. robinson tonight? >> i mean, i think she made an impression on so many americans during her toe goodness and everybody who was, who worked for him in the white house and i worked with him was his friend before that the word that michelle used is such an important word grounded. >> i've never met someone who is more centered, grounded unflappable she didn't didn't say much when she was in around the political people and so on. but there was the sense of sort of wisdom about her she raised these magnificent kids on the south side but as chicago went on to princeton and harvard law and business school and did amazing things in the world and her fraser was someone who had ms but worked at the water filtration plant in chicago for 37 years? there's and then you're just splendid examples and you just felt that solidity all the time. i will tell you the last time i saw her anderson, she came to an event at the institute of politics that i found at the university of chicago pete souza, the white house photographer was displaying some of the photos that he had taken in the white house and she was there with a friend in the front row and when it was done all these young people's sort of gathered around her and she was imparting all of this homespun wisdom about life too. them in honestly never heard talk so much. i heard her say to one of these kids this is so much fund, they never let me talk when i was in washington so it was she was a great, great percent one of the things that i really appreciated about her was she was completely resistant to the glitz and glamour of the white house he had very little interest in it she didn't really participate that much in all of that. she didn't gawk at the stars. are she she used to it would it actually was a source of concern because she would wander out of the white house by herself and just wander around washington with friends and she wanted to lead a normal life. and as soon as she could, she got back to the south side of chicago where she had spent her entire life other than those years in washington. but the years that she spent there were so important, the obamas could not have done what they did without her. and you look at i can malia, their daughters, and what magnificent young women they are. that's a lot of mrs. robinson. and just loving care that she devoted to them in the same kind of guidance that she poured into michelle and craig just a cheap she's just a magnificent person and had a wonderful life and she, she will be missed and somebody's raising kids who don't have a grandma because she she got a couple of years ago before they were born. i was thinking about just what an extraordinary thing i would've sundry blessing for the obamas to have mrs. robinson there when they were on the road or couldn't make it to dinner or whatever it was to have that maternal role for the kids and maybe even for personal mama who lost his mom i know long before obviously he won the white house yeah. >> well, i think that relationship was really interesting. barack obama was sort of rootless when he came to chicago. he was looking for roots and he found it in the robinson family and mrs. robinson, as you point out? his mother died quite young. his father was not really a part of his life and michelle's family became his family and mrs. robinson was mother to him as well. and their relationship was very, very close she meant a lot to him and i know he to her she was the center. she was quiet. she didn't impose herself, but somehow she was, as michelle said, the rock that everybody looked, look to, our thoughts are with the family tonight. david rohde. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> just ahead. more breaking news, president biden, today detailing new ceasefire proposal between israel and hamas that might end the fighting and free the hostages. and hamas is just responded details in analysis by our barak ravid next i was so excited to buy my first home, but and needed a lot of work done on it. i went on to andy. jamie was the first person to call these resurface my fluorine. he's done plumbing work, he's refinished this beautiful table here, find top rated certified pros in your area at every week today morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. >> and here are five reasons to scream it on maps it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less you can stream it anywhere, anytime we'll get you up to speed an honor? >> with your day, cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on madix i'm 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benjamin, benjamin netanyahu said they will not end the war until hamas is defeated. president biden announced that three-part proposal hours after israel's military confirmed it had expanded into central rafah. the proposal involves the release of some hostages plus withdrawal of israeli forces, followed by the release of all remaining living hostages. than reconstruction prison biden indicated he was adamant about ending the war at this point hamas no longer is capable of carrying out another october 7. just wanted to, israel is made objectiveness war. and quite frankly a righteous one. it's time to begin this new stage. and hostages to come home for israel to be secure the suffering to stop. it's time for this war to end for the day after two began joined now by her political and foreign policy analyst, barak ravid, is this realistic at all? i think the chances for this deal to go forward or not high, but they're definitely there. meaning, when you look at the hamas proposal from a few weeks ago and when you look at the current israeli proposal that biden laid out in his speech today the a lot of differences. there are some differences, but they're not very big. and this is why i think that if, if you manage to get the parties into the negotiation table it is not far-fetched that you can get a deal what do you think is the main sticking point? what where's the difference then so the difference is word-smithing. >> that's to be honest, and it's focused on the fact of how do you describe how you describe the the kind of ceasefire that will take hold in gaza. is this the end of the war? is this a cessation of hostilities? is this sustainable calm? >> it depends who you ask. if you ask hamas, that's the end of the war. if you ask the israelis, this is just a long ceasefire. if that's us, this is a sustained in the bulk palmer cessation of hostilities at the end of the day. what happened was that in the last few weeks, the israeli position came much closer to hamas position. and right now, israel says it is willing to go for a cessation of hostilities in gaza. this is much, much closer to anything israel agreed until today, and much closer to what hamas wants. >> i mean, hamas for a long time, it has returning civilians or returning some dead active males of military age that has been a big sticking point netanyahu has said in a statement or his office said in a statement, the war will not end until all its goals are achieved, including the return of all our hostages, the elimination of hamas is military and governmental capabilities. does that wording is that any different than how the wording from when this war began, the military and governmental capabilities i think what is different is the next sentence in netanya statement. and then next sentence said that the current israeli proposal for a hostage deal enables or allows israel to achieve exactly those goals meaning, what was interesting in netanyahu's stay? statement after biden's speech, he did not attack the speech.

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Statement , Girls , Understanding , Passing , Home , Edges , I Love You , Children , Chicago , Grace , South Side , Don T Sweat The Small Stuff , Seven , Frasier Robinson , Secretary , Michele , Teacher , Craig , First Lady , Son In Law , Barak Obama , Election Night , Voices , Worth , Front Row Seat , 2008 , Grandmother , Husband , 1991 , Kids , Obamas , Boston Globe , Rock , Celebrity , Kennedy Center Honors , Easter Egg Roll , Photo , Person Robinson , Chance , Daughter , Trip , Cover , South Africa , Eight , Pope , Tv Tray , Recliner , Loving Frazier , David Axelrod , Stories , Phone , Glasses , Political Commentator David , Impression , Toe Goodness , Grounded Unflappable She Didn T , Friend , Michelle , Sort , Harvard Law , Business School , Princeton , Solidity , Water Filtration Plant , Examples , Fraser , Ms , 37 , Pete Souza , Event , University Of Chicago , Institute Of Politics , Photos , Some , Front Row , Fund , Imparting , Interest , Glitz , Glamour , Stars , Source , She Didn T Gawk , Friends , Daughters , Malia , Care , Guidance , Raising Kids Who , On The Road , Couldn T , Blessing , Dinner , Mama , Relationship , Rootless , Roots , Robinson Family , The Rock , David Rohde , Hamas , Israel , Hostages , Fighting , Analysis , Barak Ravid , Jamie , Work , Pros , Plumbing Work , Top Rated , Table , Fluorine , Certified , Candy , Maps , Honor , P , Planar , Rate , Beneficiary , What , Don T Wait , 180688 , 1300 , 100000 , Proposal , War , Benjamin Netanyahu , American , Quote , Sanjay Gupta , Positively , Military , Withdrawal , Central Rafah , Forces , Carrying , October 7 , Righteous One , Objectiveness War , Stage , It S Time , Foreign Policy Analyst , Suffering , Chances , Meaning , Differences , Speech , Negotiation Table , Sticking Point , Word Smithing , Ceasefire , Hostilities , End , Cessation , Calm , Hold , Palmer Cessation Of Hostilities , Israelis , Military Age , Civilians , Males , Wording , Capabilities , Sticking Point Netanyahu , Elimination , Return , Goals , Netanya , Hostage Deal , Goals Meaning , Stay ,

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