Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703

the, whole story. >> i'm anderson cooper, right now, nearly 7 million americans are living with alzheimer's demand sure. chances are, you know, someone who's been affected by this disease. it's the most common neurodegenerati ve condition in the world. for decades, researchers have tried and failed to come up with a way to effectively treat alzheimer's leaving patients and families with few options but there are some new signs of hope groundbreaking research shows in some cases alzheimer's can be slowed, prevented, and even reversed. and some people, and it doesn't mean using expensive or experimental drugs cnn's dr. sanjay gupta has spent the last five years investigating and documenting how to fight alzheimer's. and in this next hour, they'll show us a new way to battle this disease i could use a strong cup of this is chichi urbi and her husband john, back in 2019 well, you can pay grandma kicker in a mall chichi is best described as the matriarch of a huge, tight-knit family over, her 80 years on earth she is create a rich life filled with love and lasting memories my goodness. but an early 2018, her family began to notice something had changed she would forget things, couldn't remember what we were supposed to be doing and it slowly gotten worse until she would repeat herself about three times what drives you at first she didn't believe us that she had it, you know, no, that's no big deal. >> i'll just repeat myself once in a while. who cares john being the kindest husband in the world. >> he said, chichi, yeah, you do, you do your paint yourself a lot. but there's something more to he said let's just go see a doctor a neurologist diagnosed gg with mild cognitive impairment and dementia du to alzheimer and scans. >> soon confirmed the worst her brain showed signs of the disease now chichi was no stranger to all timers she had had loved ones. she watched wither away slowly from it my grandmother, she would sit for ever and just twiddle her this and stare into space and wouldn't talk too much her mother they finally put her in a home because her father couldn't take care of her my greatest fears were that she would end up like her mother and grandmother, where i couldn't take care of her it was a hard word to hear all timers heavily deep. >> you don't lose your grandma the worst part was seen my mom being uncomfortable going to parties and not pdd herself in a person that we love and not be confident in yourself, like he that's been when the doctor told you and you got your cognitive testing how did they tell you? well, i hadn't an office visit to get all the results of the tests and he said, well, there is a memory problem but i have the best place for you. and that was here and saw so alito and that's where i first met chichi and john five years ago i'd made my way to saas alito california. >> i'm going to spend time here with this world renown doctor who believes he's figured out a way not just to prevent alzheimer but to reverse it when people get diagnosed with alzheimer's, it's a progressively isolating experience in 1990, dr. dean ornish changed the medical world with his groundbreaking work on heart disease his randomized clinical trial was the first to show that coronary heart disease could be reversed with nothing more than stress reduction, social support diet, and exercise part of the value of sciences to increase awareness while ornish his approach has sometimes been criticized for being too strict, not practical enough some others have pointed out a lack of research showing the, showing that plant-based diets could definitively decreased disease but ornish turns to his decades of work as proved, really can eat more and way less if you know what to eat, that what is good for the heart is almost certainly good for the brain the same lifestyle changes could reverse high blood pressure, high cholesterol type two diabetes, obesity, early stage prostate cancer can be slowed, stopped, even reversed. and now we're hoping to show that these same lifestyle changes may reverse the progression of early stage all assignments five years here's a in the early state, betty, do you remember what you're experiencing before your diagnosis? i couldn't formulate words i spent some time with patients and their support partners for their four-hour long three de a week meetings. >> and i got a really detailed look at the ornish lifestyle intervention program. the exercise the yoga and the meditation regimen sitting in on their support groups and eating the provided plant-based meals what do you tell the participants in the trial what we tell them that we don't know if this is going to work, but we hope that it does if you're trying to give people the message that you can reverse something that you need to have really solid science randomized trials before doing that it all matters preserving even restoring the memories of a life well lived, that no matter what happens if i don't get better just know somewhere deep down outside my brain i will always love him now again, that meeting and saas alito was five years ago seemingly a lifetime has passed since then a global pandemic shutdown the world driving up loneliness and disconnection but in 2024, we finally got word it really makes, it a dr.. >> ornish was ready to release his findings to us five years ago. >> one of the things that you are trying to figure out is could those lifestyle changes? in some people actually lead to a reversal of alzheimer's disease? >> yes what's the answer? the answer is in many people, it did. >> i mean, it's extraordinary de and reversing something that seems so preordained. it's fixed. this is my life now it sounds extraordinary. >> how's that feel? >> good it is the first randomized controlled clinical trials showing that some alzheimer's patients could experience cognitive improvement in just five months with intensive lifestyle changes alone rising up into the middle back and importantly, those who did not make any changes in the trial worsened those peer reviewed findings go public in the journal, alzheimer is research and therapy in june 2024 so the more you change, the more you improve. >> but to get reversal, you have to make really big changes which again the big changes we're talking about a vegan diet. yeah, and it's not just a vegan diet, you know, twinkies are vegan. it's a healthy vegan diet fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes i'm so products as close to possible as they come in nature half an hour to an hour of moderate or risk activity, or three times a week and group support and there was yoga slash meditation. you could do it in a secular way. >> i could do it however you want it to do it for an hour a day, for an hour, it's a big commitment a big commitment. >> but also doable. >> gt did it and now i wanted to see how she was doing. >> it has been five years since chief first joined that steady hi, i'm good i'm good to see you. here in five years i can't believe it have, you been i've been great. >> i've been fine. i live with this man who has the patience of a saint and that helps that help teachers doing very well. she goes out in the morning, she'll go for a walk almost every morning. she was for a walk. i think she's doing very well does it surprise you? >> yes, after seeing her mother and grandmother, yes because i was triggered by this time she'd have been a home or some. how are you doing now? do you think as compared to five years ago? >> much better. much better. >> did this help reverse some of the symptoms of alzheimer's? >> yes. yes i guess the question is, why? >> right? what do you attribute this to? >> the program the meditation, the diet, the exercise, my choice of a meal before this was branded veal cutlets i haven't had one in five years and there is this other crucial element got to have a partner when piece of bread, thank you, john, did every step of the program, right alongside chichi. the food was a little bit hard to get used to. i miss my biscuits and gravy. we're just doing without for now chichi is now at five years old john 92 for chichi. she was initially randomly assigned to the comparison group of our study. so she didn't make changes for the first 20 weeks and she got worse and then she crossover got the program. since then she's shown improvement in three of the four tests and no change in one of them. >> so for the first 20 weeks, she was living her life? >> correct. and everything worsened. >> it also shows you how dynamic these biological mechanisms are in both directions. you can get better quickly and get worse quickly. >> okay. everybody good. >> i got to say this is a good luck in family here i had a chance to sit down some of the few members of the ss urbi family, titi gender. >> you guys have done well. >> we know including their daughters franny and the lesia at least i don't want to overstate the impact of this or understated. i want to be just really fair about this. for people who may be dealing with this, how would you describe the impact that this program has had on gt tremendous. it's really helped i think slowed it down. >> it's just amazing in my opinion. >> i mean, how many people five years. and did dementia get to go outside and go for a walk by themselves every day not very many moment together, your awareness in this body i can remember when we spoke back in 2019, you are very clear with me that one of your greatest fears was going through the same thing you'd seen with your mom and your grandma? >> do you still fear that? >> no, i think i pass that along time ago. >> that's kind of incredible. yeah and here i am coming up in the five years of making this documentary, the 20-year-old newlyweds i've met with patients all around the country who were diagnosed or at high risk for this devastating disease. do you remember this time in your life, my it made me really start to think about my own brain i have a family history of alzheimer's as well sometimes i feel a little rusty sometimes i worry that i make mistakes that maybe he my friends and family are too polite to tell me about your body composition. so that's why i decided to do something quite personal. your muscle mass, your body quite revealing that wasn't quite right. i went through a battery of tests to assess my own risk, just like we get a cholesterol test every year and check your blood pressure how do the same thing for the brain? >> and what did i find? >> let's just say it that's coming up we just want to have enough money for retirement and traveled to visit our grandchildren. i understand. >> that's why fisher investments, we start by getting to know each other. >> so i can learn about your family lifestyle, goals and needs allowing us to tailor your portfolio. >> what about commission-based products? >> we don't sell. those were a fiduciary obligated to act in your best interests. >> so how do you management tastes work? >> we have a transparent fee structured, so we do better when you do better at fisher investments. were clearly different i love it when people say that it's impossible i see that as a challenge you know what's brilliant think about it. >> boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps mold to a rocket and hurdles and into space or boring makes vacations happen early really retirements possible, and startups start off because it's smart, dependable, and steady all words you want from your bank for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly the boring. >> so you can be happy to fill which is pretty and boring if you think about it. wow welcome to the waiver hood with wave. >> finding your style is fine the music starts grabbing. >> it, doesn't matter if you're outdoors i'm sorry, carl, this is me and chair form i don't see you. this one for you, but you love it. >> i told you we should have done opinion ada i explained it so many times. >> they're not set you need to sit down every style, every home so we've made our way to miami now now by the year 2050 is expected that more than 152 million people around the world will be diagnosed with alzheimer's it's part of the urgency of these researchers and why they're working so hard and so fast to try and get things done that vital work because happening at places like the university of miami miller school of medicine. >> every brain that we're seeing here. >> the inhibitor of these brands at one point had all times is that right? that's correct. the majority of these brains, yes it's amazing thing is, when i was in medical school in the early 19, nine findings, the conventional wisdom was, you got a certain number of brain cells and that was it over your life. >> you could drain the cash, things like alcohol might speed up that process she got what you got by the time i finished it in the year 2000 everything had changed. we realized that you could continue to grow. new brain cells which was incredible our goal is to make sure that we get high-quality donations that could be used by investigators all around the world dr. david davis is the associate director of the brain endowment bank all the cause of better understanding the progression of the disease and potentially hopefully finding therapies and cures i started training in neurosurgery 30 years ago. >> and still every time i look at the human brain, i am still filled with all everything we are is located right here. every love, every memory, every desire all here in this enigmatic 3.5 pounds of tissue how are you memory? >> my are you able to remember my for example no gets what you're watching is from 1966 in fact, is we've been talking about alzheimer's disease for a long time now the first known case of the disease was reported in 1906. >> but before the early 2000s, there was only one way to be sure someone actually had the disease are not the only way to definitively diagnose the disease is by an autopsy after death we've come a long way since then. we can now peer into the brain. >> when the patient does very much alive these are pet scans that pick up the two proteins in the brain that define alzheimer's disease amyloid and tau. >> the redness indicates that the amyloid protein is present. so that's the protein that makes up the plaque. one of the defining features dr.. ronald petersen is director of the mayo clinic, alzheimer's disease research center the amyloid protein that gets laid down in the brain. >> this can happen up to 101520 years before a person become symptomatic. so many people are out there walking around with some amyloid in the brain, but they're doing fine clinically qani grumble is one of those people lots of amyloid in the brain but zero symptoms. so i know that i do have plaque in my brain. i don't understand how that affects some people and not others. nice to meet you as well so much. >> we first met qani, a doctor you're peterson's clinic five years ago in 2019 and at the time, 69 year-old, connie was halfway through a highly anticipated alzheimer study he called the a4 trial. it was designed for those with plaque in their brains, but so far, living a normal life. >> so i'm one of 19 children. >> wow number 18. >> and three of my sisters have died i have two and memory care. so it's personal look so beautiful. >> thank you. have a lot of pictures from wynn today. >> we listen in on an extraordinary visit to the memory care ward connie has come to see her sister, viera, who is 12 years older. >> when order of how we were born again in a family of 19 children. >> and this one is getting older and so is this one right here? hey, there this is what you wrote a long time ago for your doctorate. when you read but, didn't here? >> yep. this is all your work vera was once a trailblazing psychology professor at the university of minnesota he loving mother grandmother about seven years ago though. >> her memory started to fade and the decline was steep, why nightshade left the house in the middle of the night and we didn't find her until noon the next day in these girls today with berra it was one of the most special days that i've had in a long time with her looking at my family history, my brothers are fine, my sisters or not? but some of my sisters are will i be a lucky one? i don't know those confusing on answered questions are what fuel qani and what fuels the scientists who are caring for her? okay. yes. >> now, in 2019, she was midway through the four-and-a-half years study to try and prevent what she had seen happened to her older sister? yes. >> even during the pandemic, qani would drive more than an hour each way from her home in minneapolis to the mayo clinic and rochester, minnesota she would undergo cognitive motor hap like this rough fast in general, health testing we are going to be giving you research irb a the length as a map and almost every month. >> oh, i can feel that goh in she would receive this iv transfusion so this is what, about an hour? he it's time-consuming i feel like i'm contributing even if it's not for me it's for research, and it might help my kids might out my grandkids or the greater good when you're dealing with people who get enrolled in a clinical trial, it's important to really be realistic, say, where hopeful that the drug that you may receive is going to help us with treating this underlying disease. but there's a possibility it could go in the other direction. >> you either agree to that risk or you don't i don't have an alternative right now i love you i like you in in september 2022 vera passed away after her long battle with all timers then in 2023, news came after a decade of research after tracking more than 1,100 study participants. >> i'm dr. reisa sperling and the principal investigator at the a4 study the long-awaited results were finally in we did not unfortunately slow the cognitive decline with this particular antibody disappointing findings for patients like connie, who is now 74 years old, the a4 study, it turned out that the approach is right. >> the drug was not the right one lessons learned that laid the foundation for newer drugs like one you may have heard of. >> lecanemab, a potential breakthrough this morning for millions of americans affected by all timers. a new antibody treatment for the disease could slow the progression of cognitive decline by 27% there's not been a significant treatment that has had this degree of improvement in these patients, really, in a long time, if ever lecanemab or lacombe is part of a new class of drugs called monoclonal antibodies. >> they are given every other week. he similar drug, dinar mab, is administered monthly and is expected to be approved by the fda later in 2024. let me show you how they work. >> remember beta amyloid. >> that's the sticky count pound of protein fragments that can accumulate in the brain and can clump together to form hello, i plaques, disrupting cellular communication. >> and eventually cause neuronal death. >> will these new drugs stimulate the immune system to attack some of the building blocks of these amyloid proteins and eventually break up the plaques but it is important to note that there are potential side effects. some of those adverse events or side effects in a small percentage of the lecanemab group, including brain swelling and brain bleeding. >> it's not a homerun, but there has so little progress when it comes to all timers this incremental progress is important. >> lecanemab slowed the rate of progression by about 27% 27 it's enough for someone like 73 year-old barbara addis sir, are you ready for this year i am ready alongside her husband, jim. >> she is here for her second treatment with lecanemab and never this what happened to me that's go she'll be coming here every other week for the next 18 months but lana didn't. he hands me both retired teachers. can jim read to one another to pass the time? >> kate's sat by the fire pit. the flames lighting up well i hope to see that my memory is steadfast and everything else in place so, far there are approximately 2000 people using the drug in the united states. and it's not cheap. let's price for the medication is $26,500 per year. but medicare does often cover a good portion of it. >> the number one priority. so we have to sell the place or the house or whatever we have to do. this is a priority we don't expect that that's going to happen, but we do it, we're gonna do be not afraid. >> their teachers. so no surprise, they've studied all the data, all the papers, and they know the odds but here's the thing. >> they're looking for more time. to spend together and the chance for more scientific breakthroughs. maybe even a cure if in fact, you can continue you pushing this back, right that maybe who knows that maybe that will be opened and you and others can be better coming up i can help timers be prevented. >> i would say yes, drop all fried food inside eddie prevention program that is now being tested all over the country more than $500 million in art stolen. they saw what turned out to be the biggest heist in history. you can't help but wonder if this was some sort of things hi job. >> how would really happen with jesse l. martin tonight at nine on cnn has guy catch he's got we got sleeping on a mattress when mattress firm. so i sleep at the memorial day sales save up to $700 on ceely and get a free adjustable get matched at mattress firm, sleep at night hello to an ard bottom singular die at high noon has become an icon of modern design a diode featured in new zealand's around the world welcome to the museum classic by novato, swiss made since 18, 81 did you know sling has your favorite news progress for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> $40 a month favorite for just $40 a month? 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[ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss. 369369. today. >> violent earth with liev schreiber, premieres june 2, had nine on cnn. >> close captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 three this is 71 year-old mike carver today. he's at his rock steady boxing class and berkeley, california while mike has no known family history of alzheimer's, he was a carrier of both copies of the apoe4 gene that's the genotype that can increase a person's risk, at least tenfold and in 2017, he was diagnosed with early-onset all timers, all right. >> time my they tell you that this is the diagnosis and then do they tell you at all what to do about it? not really. >> just kind of go home and start putting things away yeah. >> i must been really hard if there's something you want to do do it in the next couple of years because we don't know how fast this will move early onset can be very very fast decline for some people desperate for answers. >> mike's wife went to the web. she searched for support groups studies to join anything to help slow this down. >> welcome everybody. >> eventually, they found dr. dean ornish and this clinical trial that's the same one, chichi zurb has been a part of it was probably only maybe three or four months in to the study that i realized mike wasn't asking repetitive questions the way he had been and those stopped and those have kind of stayed away you're a meat and potatoes kind guy. >> yeah they're asking you to do a vegan diet. yeah. >> i'm from kansas city. there's me there hard was that for you? >> it was pretty difficult to start with then i just had to turn around and say, this is the best i can do to stay alive and i want to live with my wife as long as i can get joint to stretch the spine forward. >> dr. owners reports after 40 weeks, mics, cognitive tests improved our neurologist said honestly, he is never had a patient actually show an improvement on a score? he was pretty amazed about that. >> and actually it was kind of shocked that was kinda when he was like at his best, they were in the orange study during covid and they had to move the four hour, three times a week group sessions to zoom they enjoy their support group so much that they still meet weekly all these years later throughout the study, they both lost weight. they improve their cholesterol numbers and they're resting heart rate it's been and seven years now since the diagnosis of alzheimer's and five since they took on the lifestyle changes, notice new medications, no new therapies just to change in their habits. >> i know that there's going to be other bad things happen down the road and i'm, working hard make that longer the carver's confess that if they knew then what they know now they would have changed your lifestyle much earlier if we can find ways to educate people to help them understand what they're putting inside their bodies, how they're responding to life. >> there's hope there's something we can do for our kids our grandkids to make a difference and what if that hope could be brought to the masses what have you learned from the pointer study eat vegetables and fruit 2000 patients across five american cities are studies at two year long intervention. and in older adults, the goal of the study is to prevent cognitive decline and alzheimer's prevention study without any drugs designed to work for as many americans as possible. >> black african american, hispanic, native american. these individuals are at higher risk floored cognitive decline and dementia. and we wanted to make sure that they were adequately represented in our study overall, alzheimer's research often gets criticized for its lack of diversity in study participants in many of the studies that have been done over the years, there's snow, african american representation abu saying to myself, how can the data be correct? great for a person like me, it they're not people like me. this instance if you participated in pointer and are considered an alum, can you please raise your hand? >> so when us pointer, you had the sedentary, not a regular exerciser. you had to not already be eating healthy diet well, before i started a pointer state fastboot to holland i would say i was allergic to eggs this is it causes me to sweat. it causes me to turn red, and it causes me to have shortness of breath. >> you had to have some mild cardiovascular disease so like mild hypertension, mild high cholesterol, mild high blood sugar, but also we're looking for people who have memory problems in their family a father was diagnosed my dad couldn't function sometimes he would just go into rages. my favorite aunt has dementia today. my mom, dad that first year of not knowing anything of taking the christmas gifts to her that she couldn't even remember how to open. >> my maternal grandmother back in the 50s, they weren't saying armed with this what it was her memory was gone for years. >> drug was the focus always to treat the disease lifestyle exercise? yeah. yeah. yeah. >> it's beneficial everybody should be doing it, but we're not going to study it as at prevention strategy. that's not the case anymore. >> now, lifestyle risk modification has a place at the table she has a family history, you said? yes. >> that place at the table? the ball was earned in large part by this world renowned scientist, dr. mia kiva palb2, who pioneered the large-scale clinical lifestyle trial, does the medical community believe that lifestyle changes alone can slow or even halt dementia? >> 40% of demands is linked to what risk factors. now we have at least these 40% chance of doings she published her landmark finger research from finland in 2013. >> and it completely changed the field. >> the finger study was revolutionizing reducing risk over two years could actually help people preserve their cognition that work is the backbone of dr.. >> ornish is approach as well as the us pointer study and the intervention is being tested and adapted to more than 60 countries in the worldwide fingers network. >> we had five fingers, easy to remember healthy follows diet, very important for the brain health, physical activity. one of the most powerful medicis we have for the brain third one is the cognitive activity. we need to use our brains. we had the concept brain plasticity fourth finger is the sole ssl activity, and even relaxation and the fifth one is taken care of all vascular but metabolic risk factors, like black pressure, cholesterol diabetes, and obesity the finger study was conducted in finland the fens or we're very different than americans could we deploy a risk reduction strategy and actually see similar results in the united states with a diverse first population. >> what would you say about dropping all fried foods? >> i would say yes, drop off friday all the participants we spoke to seemed results so far, we can make these changes together significant weight loss or improved numbers for cholesterol a1c and blood pressure and they all say they're feeling better and they're thinking more clearly i hope you're feeling full study results are expected by summer 2025 coming up testing for all time loh's knows the right pane at a great price can either write, look today, that's why i select paints and stains. a buy one, get one hi so you can refresh your space inside and paint more for less, this memorial day. >> we're putting our foot down to keep our feet up, like way up with lazy boy. >> we didn't lots of adulting today it is fair to do lots of nothing. >> it's the lazy boy memorial day sale amazing savings store wide plus 0% interest per 36 months after working overtime, we will be putting in our tv time hurrian memorial day sale going on now lazy boy, long live the lazy engineered to minimize noise and built for adventure which can also be your own quiet cabinet the fully electric trec qa, e-tron. >> in electric vehicle that recharges. you. how we get there matters i have type two diabetes, but i'm managing as well it's little pill with the big story to tell i take once-daily jati each day was easy jody, it's worked 24, 17 your body to flush out some sugar? 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we would treat as sleep mood changes nutrition. we kept checking everything basically over the year. he went from positive amyloid and positive tau, two, negative amyloid tau while simon had fewer telltale signs of alzheimer's disease, closer to normal levels of amyloid in tau in his blood, which corresponds with less amyloid and tau in his brain. today, we're looking at his brain volumes. >> as we reviewed simon studies there was something else that dr. isaacson steam found stunning there were six regions of his brain that were below the 25th percentile in 2022, it's now 2024, and there's only three regions of his brain that are below the 25th percentile so not only is he not lost more volume, he's actually grown. this is early days, right? one case this guy did everything right. we normalize this risk factors. >> we improved his amyloid and tau quantifiable verifiably his brain grew. >> his belly size, got smaller. >> his brain got larger but here is the critical question what did these astonishing test results really mean for simon himself? >> his daily life did you notice a change in your cognition? yes. i still have memory issues might be normal. okay. because looking at my mris, remember memorize them and my blood tests. it seems what out sounds right. so hopefully i'm okay i know you're a health span guy, not necessarily lifespan guy, but how long do you want to live? to 136 years old? >> yeah. >> it's a good number. >> i love to see my son get married, have his own kids coming. up? >> the results more than $500 million in art stolen mae sot well, i turned out to be the biggest archivist in history. >> you can't help but wonder if this was some sort of inside job. >> how would really happen with jesse l. martin next? and cnn welcome to the waiver hood with waves, they're finding your style is fine the music starts grabbing it doesn't matter the outdoors dollar i'm sorry, carl, this is me and chair form. i don't see you. >> this one perfect for you, but you love it. >> i told you we should have done opinion ada i explained it how many died they're not sending rockets. you need to sit down every style, every home you know what's brilliant think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps mold du a rocket and hurdles and into space? 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>> dr. isaacson and his team they're working on fixing that as well this is the kind of cognitive test that you could do at home. >> you don't have to come to a place like this. >> funded by the national institutes of health they are now testing software designed to reduce the risk of getting alzheimer's software does a risk assessment, does a memory test. it tells you what to do in the future. we're going to add blood biomarkers all of this all this testing you could do in your own home do your own blood test, get these measures and come up with a personalized plan. >> can't do this at scale just yet, but using software and at-home testing, this is the way to get people off the roads, all timers today. >> getting off that road for alzheimer's and dementia so much simpler than we previously all those little decisions we make every day to move more deed healthier read that label learn a new skill, show i spend time with loved ones they sound so easily but the evidence is clear it can and it will add up to better brain health to learn more about the latest science and practical ways you can lower your own risk for alzheimer's. >> go to backslash health for more information. thanks for watching the whole story. i'll see you next sunday

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Post Covid , Eight , Arthur Agate Stone , Sort , Memory Loss , What S Going On , Reasons , Oh My God , Heart Health , Concerns , Ag , Amyloid Tau , Sleep Mood Changes Nutrition , January 20 , Brain Volumes , Levels , Regions , Isaacson Steam , 25th Percentile , 25 , Six , Volume , His Brain Grew , Belly Size , Quantifiable Verifiably , Daily Life , Lifespan , Blood Tests , Issues , Mris , Sounds , Health Span , 136 , Archivist , Inside Job , Art Stolen Mae Sot , Waves , Outdoors Dollar , Perfect , Rockets , Mold Du , Orange , Dirt , Same , Der , Derby , People Don T Know , Nutrients , Soil , Garden , Gold , Nerd , Miracle Grow , Turret , Everyone , Gun It , Road Trip , Plenty , Logo , Despicable Me For Theaters July 3rd , Atlas , Seating , Rows , Don T Let , Volkswagen , Deals , Bundle , Season , Verizon , Red Hot , July 3rd , 3 , May 29 , 29 , Checkout Tons Moore , Smartwatch , Tablet Yep , Price Lock , Guarantee , Uncle , Issue , Him , Un Carrier , Hurrian , T Mobile , Unruly , Clock 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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703

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the, whole story. >> i'm anderson cooper, right now, nearly 7 million americans are living with alzheimer's demand sure. chances are, you know, someone who's been affected by this disease. it's the most common neurodegenerati ve condition in the world. for decades, researchers have tried and failed to come up with a way to effectively treat alzheimer's leaving patients and families with few options but there are some new signs of hope groundbreaking research shows in some cases alzheimer's can be slowed, prevented, and even reversed. and some people, and it doesn't mean using expensive or experimental drugs cnn's dr. sanjay gupta has spent the last five years investigating and documenting how to fight alzheimer's. and in this next hour, they'll show us a new way to battle this disease i could use a strong cup of this is chichi urbi and her husband john, back in 2019 well, you can pay grandma kicker in a mall chichi is best described as the matriarch of a huge, tight-knit family over, her 80 years on earth she is create a rich life filled with love and lasting memories my goodness. but an early 2018, her family began to notice something had changed she would forget things, couldn't remember what we were supposed to be doing and it slowly gotten worse until she would repeat herself about three times what drives you at first she didn't believe us that she had it, you know, no, that's no big deal. >> i'll just repeat myself once in a while. who cares john being the kindest husband in the world. >> he said, chichi, yeah, you do, you do your paint yourself a lot. but there's something more to he said let's just go see a doctor a neurologist diagnosed gg with mild cognitive impairment and dementia du to alzheimer and scans. >> soon confirmed the worst her brain showed signs of the disease now chichi was no stranger to all timers she had had loved ones. she watched wither away slowly from it my grandmother, she would sit for ever and just twiddle her this and stare into space and wouldn't talk too much her mother they finally put her in a home because her father couldn't take care of her my greatest fears were that she would end up like her mother and grandmother, where i couldn't take care of her it was a hard word to hear all timers heavily deep. >> you don't lose your grandma the worst part was seen my mom being uncomfortable going to parties and not pdd herself in a person that we love and not be confident in yourself, like he that's been when the doctor told you and you got your cognitive testing how did they tell you? well, i hadn't an office visit to get all the results of the tests and he said, well, there is a memory problem but i have the best place for you. and that was here and saw so alito and that's where i first met chichi and john five years ago i'd made my way to saas alito california. >> i'm going to spend time here with this world renown doctor who believes he's figured out a way not just to prevent alzheimer but to reverse it when people get diagnosed with alzheimer's, it's a progressively isolating experience in 1990, dr. dean ornish changed the medical world with his groundbreaking work on heart disease his randomized clinical trial was the first to show that coronary heart disease could be reversed with nothing more than stress reduction, social support diet, and exercise part of the value of sciences to increase awareness while ornish his approach has sometimes been criticized for being too strict, not practical enough some others have pointed out a lack of research showing the, showing that plant-based diets could definitively decreased disease but ornish turns to his decades of work as proved, really can eat more and way less if you know what to eat, that what is good for the heart is almost certainly good for the brain the same lifestyle changes could reverse high blood pressure, high cholesterol type two diabetes, obesity, early stage prostate cancer can be slowed, stopped, even reversed. and now we're hoping to show that these same lifestyle changes may reverse the progression of early stage all assignments five years here's a in the early state, betty, do you remember what you're experiencing before your diagnosis? i couldn't formulate words i spent some time with patients and their support partners for their four-hour long three de a week meetings. >> and i got a really detailed look at the ornish lifestyle intervention program. the exercise the yoga and the meditation regimen sitting in on their support groups and eating the provided plant-based meals what do you tell the participants in the trial what we tell them that we don't know if this is going to work, but we hope that it does if you're trying to give people the message that you can reverse something that you need to have really solid science randomized trials before doing that it all matters preserving even restoring the memories of a life well lived, that no matter what happens if i don't get better just know somewhere deep down outside my brain i will always love him now again, that meeting and saas alito was five years ago seemingly a lifetime has passed since then a global pandemic shutdown the world driving up loneliness and disconnection but in 2024, we finally got word it really makes, it a dr.. >> ornish was ready to release his findings to us five years ago. >> one of the things that you are trying to figure out is could those lifestyle changes? in some people actually lead to a reversal of alzheimer's disease? >> yes what's the answer? the answer is in many people, it did. >> i mean, it's extraordinary de and reversing something that seems so preordained. it's fixed. this is my life now it sounds extraordinary. >> how's that feel? >> good it is the first randomized controlled clinical trials showing that some alzheimer's patients could experience cognitive improvement in just five months with intensive lifestyle changes alone rising up into the middle back and importantly, those who did not make any changes in the trial worsened those peer reviewed findings go public in the journal, alzheimer is research and therapy in june 2024 so the more you change, the more you improve. >> but to get reversal, you have to make really big changes which again the big changes we're talking about a vegan diet. yeah, and it's not just a vegan diet, you know, twinkies are vegan. it's a healthy vegan diet fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes i'm so products as close to possible as they come in nature half an hour to an hour of moderate or risk activity, or three times a week and group support and there was yoga slash meditation. you could do it in a secular way. >> i could do it however you want it to do it for an hour a day, for an hour, it's a big commitment a big commitment. >> but also doable. >> gt did it and now i wanted to see how she was doing. >> it has been five years since chief first joined that steady hi, i'm good i'm good to see you. here in five years i can't believe it have, you been i've been great. >> i've been fine. i live with this man who has the patience of a saint and that helps that help teachers doing very well. she goes out in the morning, she'll go for a walk almost every morning. she was for a walk. i think she's doing very well does it surprise you? >> yes, after seeing her mother and grandmother, yes because i was triggered by this time she'd have been a home or some. how are you doing now? do you think as compared to five years ago? >> much better. much better. >> did this help reverse some of the symptoms of alzheimer's? >> yes. yes i guess the question is, why? >> right? what do you attribute this to? >> the program the meditation, the diet, the exercise, my choice of a meal before this was branded veal cutlets i haven't had one in five years and there is this other crucial element got to have a partner when piece of bread, thank you, john, did every step of the program, right alongside chichi. the food was a little bit hard to get used to. i miss my biscuits and gravy. we're just doing without for now chichi is now at five years old john 92 for chichi. she was initially randomly assigned to the comparison group of our study. so she didn't make changes for the first 20 weeks and she got worse and then she crossover got the program. since then she's shown improvement in three of the four tests and no change in one of them. >> so for the first 20 weeks, she was living her life? >> correct. and everything worsened. >> it also shows you how dynamic these biological mechanisms are in both directions. you can get better quickly and get worse quickly. >> okay. everybody good. >> i got to say this is a good luck in family here i had a chance to sit down some of the few members of the ss urbi family, titi gender. >> you guys have done well. >> we know including their daughters franny and the lesia at least i don't want to overstate the impact of this or understated. i want to be just really fair about this. for people who may be dealing with this, how would you describe the impact that this program has had on gt tremendous. it's really helped i think slowed it down. >> it's just amazing in my opinion. >> i mean, how many people five years. and did dementia get to go outside and go for a walk by themselves every day not very many moment together, your awareness in this body i can remember when we spoke back in 2019, you are very clear with me that one of your greatest fears was going through the same thing you'd seen with your mom and your grandma? >> do you still fear that? >> no, i think i pass that along time ago. >> that's kind of incredible. yeah and here i am coming up in the five years of making this documentary, the 20-year-old newlyweds i've met with patients all around the country who were diagnosed or at high risk for this devastating disease. do you remember this time in your life, my it made me really start to think about my own brain i have a family history of alzheimer's as well sometimes i feel a little rusty sometimes i worry that i make mistakes that maybe he my friends and family are too polite to tell me about your body composition. so that's why i decided to do something quite personal. your muscle mass, your body quite revealing that wasn't quite right. i went through a battery of tests to assess my own risk, just like we get a cholesterol test every year and check your blood pressure how do the same thing for the brain? >> and what did i find? >> let's just say it that's coming up we just want to have enough money for retirement and traveled to visit our grandchildren. i understand. >> that's why fisher investments, we start by getting to know each other. >> so i can learn about your family lifestyle, goals and needs allowing us to tailor your portfolio. >> what about commission-based products? >> we don't sell. those were a fiduciary obligated to act in your best interests. >> so how do you management tastes work? >> we have a transparent fee structured, so we do better when you do better at fisher investments. were clearly different i love it when people say that it's impossible i see that as a challenge you know what's brilliant think about it. >> boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps mold to a rocket and hurdles and into space or boring makes vacations happen early really retirements possible, and startups start off because it's smart, dependable, and steady all words you want from your bank for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly the boring. >> so you can be happy to fill which is pretty and boring if you think about it. wow welcome to the waiver hood with wave. >> finding your style is fine the music starts grabbing. >> it, doesn't matter if you're outdoors i'm sorry, carl, this is me and chair form i don't see you. this one for you, but you love it. >> i told you we should have done opinion ada i explained it so many times. >> they're not set you need to sit down every style, every home so we've made our way to miami now now by the year 2050 is expected that more than 152 million people around the world will be diagnosed with alzheimer's it's part of the urgency of these researchers and why they're working so hard and so fast to try and get things done that vital work because happening at places like the university of miami miller school of medicine. >> every brain that we're seeing here. >> the inhibitor of these brands at one point had all times is that right? that's correct. the majority of these brains, yes it's amazing thing is, when i was in medical school in the early 19, nine findings, the conventional wisdom was, you got a certain number of brain cells and that was it over your life. >> you could drain the cash, things like alcohol might speed up that process she got what you got by the time i finished it in the year 2000 everything had changed. we realized that you could continue to grow. new brain cells which was incredible our goal is to make sure that we get high-quality donations that could be used by investigators all around the world dr. david davis is the associate director of the brain endowment bank all the cause of better understanding the progression of the disease and potentially hopefully finding therapies and cures i started training in neurosurgery 30 years ago. >> and still every time i look at the human brain, i am still filled with all everything we are is located right here. every love, every memory, every desire all here in this enigmatic 3.5 pounds of tissue how are you memory? >> my are you able to remember my for example no gets what you're watching is from 1966 in fact, is we've been talking about alzheimer's disease for a long time now the first known case of the disease was reported in 1906. >> but before the early 2000s, there was only one way to be sure someone actually had the disease are not the only way to definitively diagnose the disease is by an autopsy after death we've come a long way since then. we can now peer into the brain. >> when the patient does very much alive these are pet scans that pick up the two proteins in the brain that define alzheimer's disease amyloid and tau. >> the redness indicates that the amyloid protein is present. so that's the protein that makes up the plaque. one of the defining features dr.. ronald petersen is director of the mayo clinic, alzheimer's disease research center the amyloid protein that gets laid down in the brain. >> this can happen up to 101520 years before a person become symptomatic. so many people are out there walking around with some amyloid in the brain, but they're doing fine clinically qani grumble is one of those people lots of amyloid in the brain but zero symptoms. so i know that i do have plaque in my brain. i don't understand how that affects some people and not others. nice to meet you as well so much. >> we first met qani, a doctor you're peterson's clinic five years ago in 2019 and at the time, 69 year-old, connie was halfway through a highly anticipated alzheimer study he called the a4 trial. it was designed for those with plaque in their brains, but so far, living a normal life. >> so i'm one of 19 children. >> wow number 18. >> and three of my sisters have died i have two and memory care. so it's personal look so beautiful. >> thank you. have a lot of pictures from wynn today. >> we listen in on an extraordinary visit to the memory care ward connie has come to see her sister, viera, who is 12 years older. >> when order of how we were born again in a family of 19 children. >> and this one is getting older and so is this one right here? hey, there this is what you wrote a long time ago for your doctorate. when you read but, didn't here? >> yep. this is all your work vera was once a trailblazing psychology professor at the university of minnesota he loving mother grandmother about seven years ago though. >> her memory started to fade and the decline was steep, why nightshade left the house in the middle of the night and we didn't find her until noon the next day in these girls today with berra it was one of the most special days that i've had in a long time with her looking at my family history, my brothers are fine, my sisters or not? but some of my sisters are will i be a lucky one? i don't know those confusing on answered questions are what fuel qani and what fuels the scientists who are caring for her? okay. yes. >> now, in 2019, she was midway through the four-and-a-half years study to try and prevent what she had seen happened to her older sister? yes. >> even during the pandemic, qani would drive more than an hour each way from her home in minneapolis to the mayo clinic and rochester, minnesota she would undergo cognitive motor hap like this rough fast in general, health testing we are going to be giving you research irb a the length as a map and almost every month. >> oh, i can feel that goh in she would receive this iv transfusion so this is what, about an hour? he it's time-consuming i feel like i'm contributing even if it's not for me it's for research, and it might help my kids might out my grandkids or the greater good when you're dealing with people who get enrolled in a clinical trial, it's important to really be realistic, say, where hopeful that the drug that you may receive is going to help us with treating this underlying disease. but there's a possibility it could go in the other direction. >> you either agree to that risk or you don't i don't have an alternative right now i love you i like you in in september 2022 vera passed away after her long battle with all timers then in 2023, news came after a decade of research after tracking more than 1,100 study participants. >> i'm dr. reisa sperling and the principal investigator at the a4 study the long-awaited results were finally in we did not unfortunately slow the cognitive decline with this particular antibody disappointing findings for patients like connie, who is now 74 years old, the a4 study, it turned out that the approach is right. >> the drug was not the right one lessons learned that laid the foundation for newer drugs like one you may have heard of. >> lecanemab, a potential breakthrough this morning for millions of americans affected by all timers. a new antibody treatment for the disease could slow the progression of cognitive decline by 27% there's not been a significant treatment that has had this degree of improvement in these patients, really, in a long time, if ever lecanemab or lacombe is part of a new class of drugs called monoclonal antibodies. >> they are given every other week. he similar drug, dinar mab, is administered monthly and is expected to be approved by the fda later in 2024. let me show you how they work. >> remember beta amyloid. >> that's the sticky count pound of protein fragments that can accumulate in the brain and can clump together to form hello, i plaques, disrupting cellular communication. >> and eventually cause neuronal death. >> will these new drugs stimulate the immune system to attack some of the building blocks of these amyloid proteins and eventually break up the plaques but it is important to note that there are potential side effects. some of those adverse events or side effects in a small percentage of the lecanemab group, including brain swelling and brain bleeding. >> it's not a homerun, but there has so little progress when it comes to all timers this incremental progress is important. >> lecanemab slowed the rate of progression by about 27% 27 it's enough for someone like 73 year-old barbara addis sir, are you ready for this year i am ready alongside her husband, jim. >> she is here for her second treatment with lecanemab and never this what happened to me that's go she'll be coming here every other week for the next 18 months but lana didn't. he hands me both retired teachers. can jim read to one another to pass the time? >> kate's sat by the fire pit. the flames lighting up well i hope to see that my memory is steadfast and everything else in place so, far there are approximately 2000 people using the drug in the united states. and it's not cheap. let's price for the medication is $26,500 per year. but medicare does often cover a good portion of it. >> the number one priority. so we have to sell the place or the house or whatever we have to do. this is a priority we don't expect that that's going to happen, but we do it, we're gonna do be not afraid. >> their teachers. so no surprise, they've studied all the data, all the papers, and they know the odds but here's the thing. >> they're looking for more time. to spend together and the chance for more scientific breakthroughs. maybe even a cure if in fact, you can continue you pushing this back, right that maybe who knows that maybe that will be opened and you and others can be better coming up i can help timers be prevented. >> i would say yes, drop all fried food inside eddie prevention program that is now being tested all over the country more than $500 million in art stolen. they saw what turned out to be the biggest heist in history. you can't help but wonder if this was some sort of things hi job. >> how would really happen with jesse l. martin tonight at nine on cnn has guy catch he's got we got sleeping on a mattress when mattress firm. so i sleep at the memorial day sales save up to $700 on ceely and get a free adjustable get matched at mattress firm, sleep at night hello to an ard bottom singular die at high noon has become an icon of modern design a diode featured in new zealand's around the world welcome to the museum classic by novato, swiss made since 18, 81 did you know sling has your favorite news progress for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> $40 a month favorite for just $40 a month? 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[ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss. 369369. today. >> violent earth with liev schreiber, premieres june 2, had nine on cnn. >> close captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 three this is 71 year-old mike carver today. he's at his rock steady boxing class and berkeley, california while mike has no known family history of alzheimer's, he was a carrier of both copies of the apoe4 gene that's the genotype that can increase a person's risk, at least tenfold and in 2017, he was diagnosed with early-onset all timers, all right. >> time my they tell you that this is the diagnosis and then do they tell you at all what to do about it? not really. >> just kind of go home and start putting things away yeah. >> i must been really hard if there's something you want to do do it in the next couple of years because we don't know how fast this will move early onset can be very very fast decline for some people desperate for answers. >> mike's wife went to the web. she searched for support groups studies to join anything to help slow this down. >> welcome everybody. >> eventually, they found dr. dean ornish and this clinical trial that's the same one, chichi zurb has been a part of it was probably only maybe three or four months in to the study that i realized mike wasn't asking repetitive questions the way he had been and those stopped and those have kind of stayed away you're a meat and potatoes kind guy. >> yeah they're asking you to do a vegan diet. yeah. >> i'm from kansas city. there's me there hard was that for you? >> it was pretty difficult to start with then i just had to turn around and say, this is the best i can do to stay alive and i want to live with my wife as long as i can get joint to stretch the spine forward. >> dr. owners reports after 40 weeks, mics, cognitive tests improved our neurologist said honestly, he is never had a patient actually show an improvement on a score? he was pretty amazed about that. >> and actually it was kind of shocked that was kinda when he was like at his best, they were in the orange study during covid and they had to move the four hour, three times a week group sessions to zoom they enjoy their support group so much that they still meet weekly all these years later throughout the study, they both lost weight. they improve their cholesterol numbers and they're resting heart rate it's been and seven years now since the diagnosis of alzheimer's and five since they took on the lifestyle changes, notice new medications, no new therapies just to change in their habits. >> i know that there's going to be other bad things happen down the road and i'm, working hard make that longer the carver's confess that if they knew then what they know now they would have changed your lifestyle much earlier if we can find ways to educate people to help them understand what they're putting inside their bodies, how they're responding to life. >> there's hope there's something we can do for our kids our grandkids to make a difference and what if that hope could be brought to the masses what have you learned from the pointer study eat vegetables and fruit 2000 patients across five american cities are studies at two year long intervention. and in older adults, the goal of the study is to prevent cognitive decline and alzheimer's prevention study without any drugs designed to work for as many americans as possible. >> black african american, hispanic, native american. these individuals are at higher risk floored cognitive decline and dementia. and we wanted to make sure that they were adequately represented in our study overall, alzheimer's research often gets criticized for its lack of diversity in study participants in many of the studies that have been done over the years, there's snow, african american representation abu saying to myself, how can the data be correct? great for a person like me, it they're not people like me. this instance if you participated in pointer and are considered an alum, can you please raise your hand? >> so when us pointer, you had the sedentary, not a regular exerciser. you had to not already be eating healthy diet well, before i started a pointer state fastboot to holland i would say i was allergic to eggs this is it causes me to sweat. it causes me to turn red, and it causes me to have shortness of breath. >> you had to have some mild cardiovascular disease so like mild hypertension, mild high cholesterol, mild high blood sugar, but also we're looking for people who have memory problems in their family a father was diagnosed my dad couldn't function sometimes he would just go into rages. my favorite aunt has dementia today. my mom, dad that first year of not knowing anything of taking the christmas gifts to her that she couldn't even remember how to open. >> my maternal grandmother back in the 50s, they weren't saying armed with this what it was her memory was gone for years. >> drug was the focus always to treat the disease lifestyle exercise? yeah. yeah. yeah. >> it's beneficial everybody should be doing it, but we're not going to study it as at prevention strategy. that's not the case anymore. >> now, lifestyle risk modification has a place at the table she has a family history, you said? yes. >> that place at the table? the ball was earned in large part by this world renowned scientist, dr. mia kiva palb2, who pioneered the large-scale clinical lifestyle trial, does the medical community believe that lifestyle changes alone can slow or even halt dementia? >> 40% of demands is linked to what risk factors. now we have at least these 40% chance of doings she published her landmark finger research from finland in 2013. >> and it completely changed the field. >> the finger study was revolutionizing reducing risk over two years could actually help people preserve their cognition that work is the backbone of dr.. >> ornish is approach as well as the us pointer study and the intervention is being tested and adapted to more than 60 countries in the worldwide fingers network. >> we had five fingers, easy to remember healthy follows diet, very important for the brain health, physical activity. one of the most powerful medicis we have for the brain third one is the cognitive activity. we need to use our brains. we had the concept brain plasticity fourth finger is the sole ssl activity, and even relaxation and the fifth one is taken care of all vascular but metabolic risk factors, like black pressure, cholesterol diabetes, and obesity the finger study was conducted in finland the fens or we're very different than americans could we deploy a risk reduction strategy and actually see similar results in the united states with a diverse first population. >> what would you say about dropping all fried foods? >> i would say yes, drop off friday all the participants we spoke to seemed results so far, we can make these changes together significant weight loss or improved numbers for cholesterol a1c and blood pressure and they all say they're feeling better and they're thinking more clearly i hope you're feeling full study results are expected by summer 2025 coming up testing for all time loh's knows the right pane at a great price can either write, look today, that's why i select paints and stains. a buy one, get one hi so you can refresh your space inside and paint more for less, this memorial day. >> we're putting our foot down to keep our feet up, like way up with lazy boy. >> we didn't lots of adulting today it is fair to do lots of nothing. >> it's the lazy boy memorial day sale amazing savings store wide plus 0% interest per 36 months after working overtime, we will be putting in our tv time hurrian memorial day sale going on now lazy boy, long live the lazy engineered to minimize noise and built for adventure which can also be your own quiet cabinet the fully electric trec qa, e-tron. >> in electric vehicle that recharges. you. how we get there matters i have type two diabetes, but i'm managing as well it's little pill with the big story to tell i take once-daily jati each day was easy jody, it's worked 24, 17 your body to flush out some sugar? 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we would treat as sleep mood changes nutrition. we kept checking everything basically over the year. he went from positive amyloid and positive tau, two, negative amyloid tau while simon had fewer telltale signs of alzheimer's disease, closer to normal levels of amyloid in tau in his blood, which corresponds with less amyloid and tau in his brain. today, we're looking at his brain volumes. >> as we reviewed simon studies there was something else that dr. isaacson steam found stunning there were six regions of his brain that were below the 25th percentile in 2022, it's now 2024, and there's only three regions of his brain that are below the 25th percentile so not only is he not lost more volume, he's actually grown. this is early days, right? one case this guy did everything right. we normalize this risk factors. >> we improved his amyloid and tau quantifiable verifiably his brain grew. >> his belly size, got smaller. >> his brain got larger but here is the critical question what did these astonishing test results really mean for simon himself? >> his daily life did you notice a change in your cognition? yes. i still have memory issues might be normal. okay. because looking at my mris, remember memorize them and my blood tests. it seems what out sounds right. so hopefully i'm okay i know you're a health span guy, not necessarily lifespan guy, but how long do you want to live? to 136 years old? >> yeah. >> it's a good number. >> i love to see my son get married, have his own kids coming. up? >> the results more than $500 million in art stolen mae sot well, i turned out to be the biggest archivist in history. >> you can't help but wonder if this was some sort of inside job. >> how would really happen with jesse l. martin next? and cnn welcome to the waiver hood with waves, they're finding your style is fine the music starts grabbing it doesn't matter the outdoors dollar i'm sorry, carl, this is me and chair form. i don't see you. >> this one perfect for you, but you love it. >> i told you we should have done opinion ada i explained it how many died they're not sending rockets. you need to sit down every style, every home you know what's brilliant think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps mold du a rocket and hurdles and into space? 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>> dr. isaacson and his team they're working on fixing that as well this is the kind of cognitive test that you could do at home. >> you don't have to come to a place like this. >> funded by the national institutes of health they are now testing software designed to reduce the risk of getting alzheimer's software does a risk assessment, does a memory test. it tells you what to do in the future. we're going to add blood biomarkers all of this all this testing you could do in your own home do your own blood test, get these measures and come up with a personalized plan. >> can't do this at scale just yet, but using software and at-home testing, this is the way to get people off the roads, all timers today. >> getting off that road for alzheimer's and dementia so much simpler than we previously all those little decisions we make every day to move more deed healthier read that label learn a new skill, show i spend time with loved ones they sound so easily but the evidence is clear it can and it will add up to better brain health to learn more about the latest science and practical ways you can lower your own risk for alzheimer's. >> go to backslash health for more information. thanks for watching the whole story. i'll see you next sunday

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Findings , Life , Answer , Reversal , Improvement , Feel , Who , Journal , Peer , Public , June 2024 , You Change , Products , Risk Activity , Vegetables , Fruits , Nature Half , Grains , Legumes , Twinkies , Commitment , Yoga Slash Meditation , Group , Gt , Hi , Man , Walk , Patience , Help Teachers , Saint , Some , Yes , Symptoms , Question , Program , Meditation , Help , Choice , I Haven T , Meal , Bit , Inside Eddie Prevention Program , Partner , Bread , Element , Piece , Gravy , Biscuits , 92 , Study , Change , Comparison Group , 20 , Everything , Directions , Mechanisms , Correct , Guys , Luck , Members , Daughters , Lesia , Ss , Dementia , Body , Opinion , Thing , Kind , Incredible , Risk , Country , Documentary , Family History , Friends , Mistakes , Body Composition , Muscle Mass , Battery , Wasn T , Cholesterol Test , Retirement , Money , Family Lifestyle , Grandchildren , Each Other , Goals , Portfolio , Needs , Fisher Investments , Interests , Fact , Tastes , Fee , Think , 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