Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240703

university in many other colleges to divest them selves from >> can doing business with south africa these protests, outright next, the breaking news police and protesters facing off tonight dozens arrested at austin, texas columbia university and chaos. >> hundreds right now, defying a deadline to vacate the encampment. >> plus trump's favorite network back-tracking. >> now pulling a salacious story about two major witnesses in trump's hush money trial. >> could the false story impact the case and she's back, marjorie taylor-greene returning to the capital tonight, promising to pick out mike johnson as speaker. >> she bluffing. let's go out front and good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news protesters and police facing off as tensions are running high at universities across the united states tonight, colleges and universities are now cracking down and pro-palestinian protesters who have taken over some of the campuses. let me just show you some of the dramatic live pictures what you're looking at here. this massive crowd is in texas police in riot gear can be seen moving in earlier, tearing down barriers and forcefully arresting students this was the university of texas at austin at those students have been camped out on campus and at least 40 students we understand at ut austin will taken into custody meantime, in new york, protesters of defying a mandatory deadline to tear down bear and camp min and columbia university. >> it gave the students until 2:00 this afternoon to pack it in, and they did not they defied that order. >> so now we are learning at this hour unclear what the security situation is. and a lot of questions about that at this moment, but we are learning meaning that the university is actively suspending students. as i speak, this situation is a tinderbox moments ago was student was flying a massive israeli flag over pro-palestinian protesters the man holding the flag telling cnn he's been harassed and assaulted on campus as i mentioned, these protests have been spreading. it is now coast-to-coast, california to boston at the white house, the administration is now watching very closely so far those still refusing to weigh in on whether the students should be disciplined for disrupting schedules, classes, and graduation plans so gotta be super super mindful. these are institutions, some of them are private, some of them are public. and it is up to their leadership. university leadership and colleges to make that decision. not going to weigh in on that from here meanwhile, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, is now asking president biden to come to his rescue. >> according to reporting and axios right now and then yahoo asked biden to stop the international criminal court from issuing arrest warrants for senior israeli officials, including possibly netanyahu himself, who have played a role in the war gaza, the icc has been investigating possible war crimes by both israeli forces and palestinian militants. >> now, if the icc were to issue an arrest warrant, for example, for prime minister netanyahu well, more than 120 countries have signed on to the icc, which would place travel restrictions on netanyahu so that would be incredibly significant. >> we have a team of reporters standing by to begin our breaking at austin, where we were showing you some of those dramatic pictures where you are at, you witnessed it, that situation where you are appears to be growing increasingly tense. >> can you tell us what's happening? >> well now, we're kind of a standoff where did you see behind me is basically just a confronting our number of offices and now they're shooting pepper spray into the crowd tiger second draw drawing, get people to to disperse so that just happened those officers firing pepper spray, it appears or some sort of spray protesters gather here just moments ago, earned in this area. are there had been a bus that was taken some of the people who had been arrested earlier this is one of the protesters hit by the pepper spray we're calling for medics, so trying to keep an eye, excuse me, are and we're trying to keep an eye on exactly what's going on behind me. but this is an area where the bus hey, i'll taken away several of the protesters was limit these protesters were walking, the blocking these people are trying to block maybe the bus leaving the area, but till we saw more than a dozen protesters that were arrested and taken away on that bus. we are told that they're probably being taken downtown process and we have also seen this group of protesters also essentially trying to push a law enforcement off of campus chance of good off of our campus have been extensive for some time. >> however, those buses are now gone. so exactly what's going to unfold here is unclear how we are willing to almost six hours of this protest that has been going john for quite some time. and here just in the last few seconds, we've tried to like peek back in, figure out exactly why they're why they're trying to say the question is, erin is what exactly they're gonna do it this crowd at this point the protesters were essentially champion trying to get officers to go to leave the campus but the officers have formed a line, essentially, if he walked back this way, who'd end up back generally in the area where this protests started earlier today. so a standoff here as officers essentially, at this point i don't know if they're trying to figure out an extra strategy, how to get out of it, out of the campus and away from these protesters or how to diffuse this but are we will continue to monitor here as the minutes sauer is progress. >> so ed, i know we just saw that young man behind you who appeared to have been hit by the pepper spray or whatever sort of chemical agent it was that they were they were spraying that law enforcement. but when you look behind you, when you talk about a standoff, can you describe for us i mean how. many people are there and how many police officers and what i mean, i guess, you know where they in riot gear. can you describe exactly what this face off looks like actually, the officers that are just on the other side of that crowd from what i could tell him last time was able to get it better vantage point. >> it was officers on bicycles and those are the officers there have actually been used to kind of create barriers to keep people away from the other officers, either taking people into custody or moving people around the campus so those officers are not object out in helmets and protective gear, like we have seen from the state troopers, that were here earlier. in fact, a large bustle of state troopers that we're wearing the will the right gear, if you will left about an hour ago on a city a city bus that was used to bring them onto the campus grounds here. so these are not those officers. in fact, i believe ut police police department officers. so these are officers that this is their jurisdiction. this is where they went patrol and yes, this is their beetles, essentially. so can imagine that those officers are going are going anywhere now they're also austin police officers of overhearing the distance. >> it's been awhile since i've seen any state troopers, but they still might be around here as well but it's a rather large crowd and they really haven't figured out a way to get them disbursed. >> yes. so ed, you have any to any way you could tell us or the scale of how many people are there. and i'm also curious because there was that sort of people sort of running away are moving quickly when you first came up, right? and they were sprayed with some sort of pepper spray as you described her, something similar to appeared any sense as to what caused that and but obviously because it now seems to meet everyone's back to chanting and back to their positions right? >> so there was a car a police car that made its way out this way. so my guess at this point is that the officers were pushing people back to be able to allow one of the police vehicles to exit a few wrote over here they were trying to push the crowd back clearly, we saw that that spray that was fireball that was very close perimeter spray that was used. it was it like a a volley of tear gas or anything like that? so the people who were hit one in the immediate vicinity of those officers. so there's just a matter of inches that are separating those protesters who have been chanting for hours now at the at these officers were probably about 10:15 yards behind that all right. >> and we're going to keep checking in with you. is that situation develops obviously, you know, minute by minute there at the university of texas at austin. but you can just get a sense of the crowds there where ed is and how difficult it was even for those police officers to move that they were spraying pepper spray to be able to move that car. is that describes it will get back to ed in a moment as that develops, i want to go now to omar jimenez because he's at columbia in upper new york and omar columbia has laid down the law. everyone had to get out, get out of that tent encampment, which is in one corner of the quad is i saw it the other day but protesters, at least from what we understand, if not moved, what are you seeing right now? >> yes. so we're seeing a combination of things just for the viewers watching, overseeing behind this is a very small handful of protesters outside of columbia's campus. so these protesters are separate from the encampment led protests that we've been seeing on campus. and yes, as you mentioned, there was a two pn deadline today for those for those students to voluntarily leave that camp meant or face suspension, many did not leave. in fact, many of them chose to take part in a separate protests and circling that in kept men as one student told me to stop university officials from coming in even university professors and faculty linked arms at the entrance to the encampment in support of some of those students. all of that said the campus is now levying suspensions as they told us, they're starting to hand those out. they also said there's a further disciplinary process for others that they're reviewing, but those suspensions are coming. we are in there just just about an hour or so ago, a little bit more than that ago as suspensions were first being handed out and there were still protesters inside of there. so it remains to be seen from a university perspective, what happens if, even if suspensions are coming through, if they choose to still not leave, because as a university said this morning, they do not believe calling an my pd again is productive. but the question is, for how long would that last? >> all right? well, we'll check in with you as well. omar, is the situation develops there i mean, universities to make a decision what they're gonna do, let them stay, are calling police. i mean, you're again a standoff all right. thank you very much. and i want to go now to a cynthia shoveling gum. she's a princeton university graduate student who was arrested at a pro-palestinian encampment on campus at princeton and as we just been talking about those columbia students now being suspended, centi is now barred from princeton pending a disciplinary review. so chunky. thank you. >> for coming in. so i want to just just start here. you're seeing what was happening tonight. the pepper spray ut austin you're telling me i understand has been more rest at princeton in the past few moments. we've got video of your arrest, your hands, or zip-tied it from what it appears want to show everybody. this is u at the encampment and princeton, when you arrested the university says you were getting repeated warnings to exit the area. you chose not to do so. that's why they arrested you. what happened in that moment and what do you understand is happening right now in that moment, what happened was a group of autonomous students decided that princeton university's investments in the apartheid state of israel, which is now conducting a genocide and with that money shouldn't remain. so we shouldn't profit off of a genocide. and so we came together and we decided to protest peacefully in in consultation with other universities across the united states and we wanted to make a stance that what princeton university and the institutions here higher education institutions and the us government or investments in the way that we're looking at israel and the dennis sayyed that we're committing isn't right. >> all right. so the night before you arrested princeton released a statement. >> all right. and it reads in part, i know you've seen it, but let me just write everyone to hear a tibia some types of protest actions, including occupying or blocking access to buildings and outdoor that means are inherently unsafe for both those involved and for bystanders and they increase the potential for escalation and confrontation. there also inconsistent with the university's mission and legal obligation to provide a safe environment for all those reasons, among others, are policies explicitly prohibit such conduct. >> they're trying to say you can protest, but you can't camp out you can't block buildings, you can't you can't do the encampment the way you were doing. so why was it so important for you to defy those rules as opposed to protesting in another way that they would have said, okay, you have a point of view. you can, you can make that known. you just can't camp out i think what's important to remember in this context is that we were protesting peacefully. we were not causing harm, harm to anyone. we were out there setting up tents so that we could bring light to the university's investments in a genocide. there's a massive violent campaign happening against the gazans just last week, there was a large mass grave that was discovered outside of a hospital where people admitted outside of al-shifa, where people who are admitted were killed and then thrown into this mass grave and we were out there protesting this deep violence by peaceful measures. and the university decided to enact violence on me personally by arresting me and having people take down their tents and i don't necessarily understand the double double standard there so but just when they say okay, you could have done this another way. >> yeah. do you feel that nobody would be paying attention unless you did it this way, unless you divide the rules i don't want to say that we decide the rules that came out a week or a day before this happened, there were encampments that were happening across the country. >> and i think it was important for us to show solidarity with the students of columbia university who are being brutalized. the students from university of texas austin were clearly being brutalized and having pepper spray against them. and yeah, it's just important to it's important to clarify what our universities are doing together, because this is a national issue, this is an issue across the united states. >> so one student protests later at columbia has gotten a national attention and i'm sure you've heard about this video of him surfaced video that he himself had posted before the action she will protests, so it's not as if it was caught on candid camera. he posted this and i just want to play the operative part of the clip which you've heard. but for anyone who hasn't seen it on social media in the past couple of days. here's commodity james zionist don't deserve to live comfortably. >> let alone zionists don't deserve to live okay. >> that post is getting a lot of attention. he's one of the leaders at the protest in columbia how do you react to that i think it's important to say that anyone shouldn't live when we're out here protesting a genocide advocating for the rights of palestinians to live dignified in their home country yeah that's all i have to say to that. >> so when people say that the protest itself in what you're calling for is anti-semitic. how do you respond to that? >> what we're talking about here is the genocide. and i know i keep coming back to that, but i would like for everyone to know that the focus of this protests is to stop killing palestinian people and to get our institutions to take accountability for our investments that are profiting off of the genocide of palestinian people antisemitism is not anything that we condone. it is a borane. i know that it's a very real threat, but that's not a part of what we're advocating for. in fact, one of my classmates who just got arrested today is a jewish voice for peace member. and he was brutalized by the administration for protesting. i think it's important to consider what are institutions are doing in this moment. >> all right, well, it can thank you very much. i appreciate your time. thank you next, trump's favorite channel tonight, force to pull a salacious story about two key potential witnesses in trump's trial, michael cohen and stormy daniels. >> but has this story already impacted the jury sitting in that room? plus marjorie taylor greene expected back at the capitol tonight, and she's threatening to our speaker mike johnson at any moment, if she bluffing or is it real now they're back in session and trump's future daughter-in-law and hillary clinton on the same side tonight, is they appear to take on the south dakota republican governor for killing her puppy erin burnett, outfront, brought to you by, etc say, big on mother's day, good etsy has it crap that's a really good gift. now we got to get frehse something we could use. >> these new gift mode yes. what do the french like? >> anyone? >> cheese they like cheese brilliant, done left do the former who don't get new arthritis pain we say not today. tylenol, eight hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first dispatch, the second is long-lasting we give you your day bag so you can give it everything. tylenol. 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backtrack on a salacious story involving two of the biggest players in trump's hush money trial, stormy daniels and michael cohen so for weeks oan has been spreading this bogus story that trump's former fixer, michael cohen, had a sexual relationship with stormy daniels and then secretly use that to extort the trump organization. >> i guess this is their whole way of explaining the payments away and is now retracting the story after cohen hired an attorney, the network says it, quote, unquote, regrets public publishing the false allegations but since the start of the trial, oan has been saying things supportive of trump. just listened to what they put on the air i'm almost just running out of steam. every de i have to bring up these six, seven different trials and the bs that's being thrown at trump from all of these various actors, we have a corrupt judge, a corrupt de, and a corrupt jury panel. >> corrupt jury panel are experts are all here with me. so ryan, let me just start with you though on this story that they have been running about saying michael cohen and stormy daniels, that was the whole sorted affair. that's why cohen would have, i guess, taken out a home equity. the he locked and the whole thing. right. this is false. >> they've now retract acted it. how could the store effect the jury will look to get to the jurors one way or another, either directly the jurors are exposed to the story or that they're friends, colleagues, family members are exposed to it, then they say, oh, do you hear about this? >> and then maybe over here the story and directly and i think that's really awful because it really would be indicting and a certain sense, the credibility of two of the star witnesses in the trial under completely bogus conspiracy theory that has no cannot like it's just bogus. it has no connection. as far as we understand it to any facts. so that's what's really bad about it and its timing. >> no. i mean, it's like it's completely made up. i mean, if that sort of thing that anyone could find a connection to, they would've done so a long time ago, joe, i mean, right. this is they're not retracting because it's false. >> so without question, so the law and then the practicality on right, the law is the judge obviously instructs the jury repeatedly. right. you're not to talk about it. you're not the listened to any news reports. your to disregard anything and everything until or unless you commented the courtroom and it's out of the mouths of witnesses. and so the essence of any trial is to focus on the merits of testimony that's that's the legal reality, the practical reality is you can't un-ring a wrong vow. the reality is people sprite. i mean, they hear things and no matter what the judge says, you should disregard. and then there's the other problem there. and if you then pull the jury and say, hey, did you hear about the story? now you're infecting them with information they may not be cognizant of. so they the judge has to be very careful it's brought up of how to resolve the issue. but at the end of the day, the case should be about what happens in the courtroom and nothing. all right. so barbara, former trump organization executive, right. you worked with trump for decades author tower of lies, or were you what you wrote about your time working with trump? so this story comes out at this moment, trump's been told by the judge she cannot go after jurors or an or witnesses, right. these gag order alleged violations are mounting up day by day. >> so you take all of that. and what's happening here at oan and you come up with what tom came up with that i put told them via them they did. >> i mean, i've seen him to the soma it's it didn't at somebody for saying one thing or another any create a story. of one in particular stands out in my mind. a famous developer who trump said his wife was calling him and chasing him. and i think a printed in a newspapers. i mean, it was just could that's the kind of control he had so you think this is something he would have just someone got with that van well, i mean, this is the kind of dirty stuff that he does. i mean, i really think that we're getting used to stuff that is awful to get used to it. it's kinda like mafioso tactics. i mean, it's like john god-he's running for president and whatever's he's dirty up this witness tamper with this kind of stuff that to me makes him she'd been committed, eligible to be president. but a lot of people, by the way, do listen to oan because they think fox is too liberal drug country. so far into the ditch, there are people who think that box is too liberal because they have acknowledged that at least some of the people on here i've acknowledged that trump lost the electrode as to liberals and they go into the, into the ditch here with oan so, uh, barbara, this comes ahead of back in court tomorrow, so everyone's going back and the jury, michael cohen's bankers, me back on the stand. >> so this the person who set up the llc's to create all these payments and can talk to the exact days that it happened leading into the election and the timing in terms of influencing the election so trump was straight ahead with his eyes closed on friday late in the de when this banker was started his testimony. >> so what do you anticipate the impact of this testimony is on trump you know, how trump taking all of this that is a very, very good question. people are saying now, for the first time in his life, he is actually afraid i'm not so sure about that. i think he's actually just more angry than he ever was that people set him to let this happen but i trump always got away with everything. i don't i'm not sure that there's any reason that he would change his total belief in his ability to do that so i i don't think i think he's angry as hell, but i think that he will. >> you don't by the fear? >> no, and i don't think your whole bag it's, you know, he'll be on the borderline of breaking the rules and let him get away with it. >> so another legal case right in the center of politics and networks, hunter biden's lawyers now say that they're threatening to sue fox news have 14 page letter that we've gotten there demanding that the network fox news, remove the sexually explicit images of hunter biden. they're saying that it violates revenge porn laws in many states. and that they say fox knows these private images were hacked, stolen, and/or manipulated is that a good legal case? >> so think they might have a strongly okay. isn't that part of the letter and if you look at delaware law, for example, it seems to match the allegations here, which is that fox is knowingly reproducing sexual images that are private and that they should no, we're not able to be distributed with the person's consent. so that's the problem for fox news, and that's delaware. that's the state in which they're incorporated. that's the state in which they were by dominion. and successfully so right, massively, massively, so nearly over $700 and delaware is probably a favorable state to the biden family in some regards so i think that that's i think they'd have to calculate all of that and maybe they need to issue a retraction, at least pull down those images. >> what do you think fasoli? >> they better do something unless you want to shell out and not another significant judgment. the reality is, is you have to be careful. you just can't say anything you want. i know that politician sometimes do that, but you have a special obligation when you spout false hoods or you have materials that were not consented to, it could constitute revenge porn. and the other issue is it's not only a civil issue to criminal issue. there are criminal statutes throughout this country that speaks to the issue of revenge porn. so if you have these images, they're altered in some way. they're exposing certain body parts and you're doing it. i mean, why? >> and so yes, in the event that there's a lawsuit, i think it has merit and i think it could result if it goes to a lawsuit, a significant judge and van una there also asking for certain actions be taken against anchors at the network who have talked about but the issue with hunter biden, the bribery charges even if a hunter biden succeeds in some way of getting fox to attract or change or anything that they've said does that do anything for president biden, joe biden politically in this election well i think not much because to be honest, that people who care about hunter biden and know who he is. and our bottom of this are already going to vote against joe biden anyway. so even if a hunter biden is able to redeem himself somehow, it's like, well, people can say, oh never mind now i'm gonna go vote for joe biden. if you were deep down the rabbit hole one-hundred biden at all, you are already voting for donald trump. i don't, but i do think it's important though for fox and keep getting dinged and for other of these propaganda outfit to keep getting dinged in the courts and having to pay for it reputationally and otherwise, because it's not fair for this cult brown donald trump consume half america's media and have people good, just getting attacked and you're sticking massive media on people who have no recourse except to the course. i'm glad that he's fighting back, but he won't affect the election. all right. thank you. all. >> next breaking news, house speaker mike johnson, just responding now to marjorie taylor greene's threat to oust him, his speaker. now congress he's back tonight and washington and everyone from hillary clinton to kimberly guo foil is appearing to troll the south dakota governor presumed for admitting that she killed a puppy so how did such a thing happened? was she trying to impress trump will talk if you're shopping for a home only shows you homes for sale directly from professionals, meaning you can trust every home listing is a realistic don't all have to do that. not really. trust the number one app real 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at ut austin. so ed, what are you seeing behind you now this is a protester was lasted well into six hours now, and that standoff that we were showing you earlier, aaron tilted in a little bit of pepper spray being fired. >> are those officers have left that area, gone inside the main tower building here, but we can kinda turn around and show you this is the area where the officers have gone back inside two there's a handful of them kind of standing guard outside of the school. but now these protests are saying that they're going to go back back to the south side of the campus and the campus square area. and this is where the protests started this afternoon. and that is an area where we saw and we we're reported live this afternoon as state troopers and austin police, and as well as university of texas police department, were we we witnessed taking several dozen people into custody and arrested. they were warned that if they did not disperse here this afternoon, that they would be arrested for disorderly conduct and we saw those arrests as the officers went to the encampment area, which is relatively small they're on the south mall and started plucking people out of their one-by-one. it took several hours to do all of that but university officials so the reason they did that, aaron is because they were not going to allow any kind of signs of tents or any kind of a scene where it would be taken as an occupation? they need of the campus grounds here and that's why that's why university officials say the officers in the state troopers were brought in. they were decked out in riot gear. now, these protesters going back to the same area we're all of this started. i mean, it's not exactly clear what their intention will be, but what university officials really latched onto earlier is that when there was a sign that it was going to be some sort of occupancy occupation with tents and that sort of thing that that was something that they're not going to allow university officials have been seen what has happened at other campuses across the country. get the clear indication that they do not want to see that scene unfold here on this campus. so they are going to prevent it as quickly as possible. these protesters will obviously tell you that they are protesting peacefully. that not doing anything wrong, that should be allowed to express themselves. but now, as you can see here trying to move a little bit faster as you can see exactly trying to get a sense aron of what the intention will be here on the south mall of the ut campus? and in a second, you'll be able to see the state capital building there in the distance and the question will become just how long these students so her protesters will be staying here in this portion of the campus. exactly how long they will be allowed to stay here earlier, they hid. officers had cleared a lot out of people, out of this grass area, this grassy area but i do not see a heavy law enforcement presence at all at this point. so they might be just kind of waiting to see exactly how this unfolds. over the next couple of hours, aaron all right. >> we're going to keep checking back in with you. >> obviously, the volume here, students, at least from images that ed is showing us a significant and not so much the volume of law enforcement, at least in these images that we have. >> we're seeing here from the vantage point that ed has. all right. we're going to check back in with you as the situation develops at ut austin this hour meanwhile, we do have more breaking news. the house just back in session, speaker mike johnson, trying to avoid questions about marjorie taylor greene speaker johnson, have you talked to marjorie taylor greene about motion to vacate threat speaker johnson, have you spoken to marjorie taylor greene about motions to house took 22 seconds there for him to eventually decided he would answer the question. >> no. >> so far, there were hogan congresswoman marjorie taylor greene has not forced to vote, but one of her top aides vows that it is only a matter of time telling political quote cohen, who is saying she is backing down or high drunk or simply out of their mind is high drunk or simply out of their mind. i'm sorry. >> and greene herself warning just yesterday, quote, his days as speaker are number manu raju was out front on capitol hill, a mondo. >> so they're back and as they returned, marjorie taylor greene returns with this threat. now you have just had a chance as everyone's coming back in to speak to a number of republicans what do they think green is going to do well, it's actually unclear and of course she can call for this vote is sunday at anytime because any one member of the house can do just that. >> and right now, she has three republicans who are voting supporting her effort. and one of those republicans, i just caught up with thomas massie, who wants mike johnson out of the job. i asked him, have you decided when you're going to move forward with as vote? he said, quote, on this side it. and so that's means that this thread continues to hover over my johnson. also the question is, how many republicans will ultimately support this is whether they've gotten backlash it's back home or whether people are calling for his ouster in the aftermath of the vote to fund ukraine as part of a larger foreign aid package. and after the members have been back home for a week, talking to their constituents, but i just talked to several republican hardliners in particular, who made clear that they oppose the effort to push out the speaker but try, weakens the party and weakens congress. >> they're off, they feel like they don't get represented up here are you ready to throw the speaker now? why is that? >> for a bunch of different reasons yeah. >> because not a good time yeah the timing. there's obviously frustration. what happened? you oppose the motion of vacant hollywood. again, we'd oppose it. would kevin, i think right now we need to just do our job and those last two comments coming for some of the loudest critics of some of mike johnson's deal-making with democrats, keep the government open and to fund the war in ukraine. >> chip roy, the last one he liked plane, one of the eight republicans who voted to oust kevin mccarthy in the fall, the fed historic vote to kick out those pick are making clear very much they do not agree with marjorie taylor greene's effort going ahead. but the big question, aaron is still remains. what do democrats do? because ultimately if marjorie taylor greene does move forward, it would require democrats essentially to keep them in the speakership. and if they do that, how long will we be able to sustain the speakership with the support of democrats? all huge questions for the speaker at this moment absolutely. >> and if he thought that absence would make the heart grow fonder certainly not. all right. thank you very much, mono in front now for republican congressman cabac, i will remind all of you. he was one of the eight republicans who voted to remove then-speaker kevin mccarthy, but he opposes these efforts to oust speaker johnson. so congressman, you and i were talking the other day and at the hi, you said you were confident that greene's bid to get rid of johnson would fail now, you just, they're all coming back in, right. your heard speaker johnson finally say he has not spoken to her and you hear three of your former republican colleagues say now is not the time to remove him, right? but her office just says it's a matter of time. she's going to do it. she's vowing to do it what do you say to her at this point well, the reason to the ci is vowing to do it as she gets a lot of attention and she's had this motion now, i believe for six weeks and has not made it a privileged motion which should we require a vote. >> so as long as she continues to get the attention, she's going to continue to threaten this motion as soon as ci makes the motion privilege and the house votes on the motion, she will no longer be getting the attention because mike johnson will be in the speakership and her threat is is an empty threat. >> your views of green, obviously you have not minced words about it i've seeing her as deeply unserious. you called her moscow marjorie, of course, that went viral and raul and russia as well but one of your former democratic colleagues, jared moskowitz, is promising that democrats will do whatever it takes to make sure green loses this byte. so democrats are the ones to come in and save johnson. here's moscowitz the idea of letting her sit in the people's house and the well of congress giving a speech removing any speaker, and having that powerful moment, there was just no way democrats are going to let her do that. >> i'm not going to let her do that. we won't even let her name a post office. we're not going to let her we're not going to let her take out the speaker so knowing that democrats, may be the ones to save johnson you know, what is, what does that do to this scenario? if it's democrats who have to save him well at a time when there's country is highly polarized, when one side is on it feels threatened by the others presidential candidate and vice versa. >> when, when we are looking at a divided country, mike johnson did the right thing. he did the right thing for history. he brought the ukraine bill to the floor overwhelming democrats supported almost a majority of republicans supported it. i don't think the american people want to punish my johnson. i think that politics is downstream from public opinion, and i think he will be saved by the democrats, but i don't think there will be a backlash with republicans as a result. >> so before president trump has praise johnson, he's also praised marjorie taylor greene do you think he's enjoying this, this fight and sort of embarrassment playing out or do you think he'll eventually be clear on where he stands? >> i think the president doesn't want this to happen, but he doesn't want to be the one to make the call for it not to happen if he takes marjorie sayyed and it fails, he looks bad if he takes mike johnson sayyed, and there's a backlash, he looks bad. he has a lot of things on his mind right now, and i don't think he's going to focus on this, but any distraction that happens if there's a three-week effort to name another speaker. it takes away from his message regarding president biden. so i don't think he wants this to happen. >> all right. congressman buck, thank you very much. i appreciate it. the next hillary clinton and kimberly guo foil, you would think they have absolutely nothing in common except for they do. we have found one thing that they could actually agree on shooting your puppy is a bad thing. they both are taking on the south dakota governor kristi noem, and both trolling her tonight and the breaking news, students and police in riot gear facing off tonight is we have a special report from iran on how tehran is now exploiting the chaos on america's college campuses our biggest challenge uncertainty hidden fees, surcharges, who knows what to expect turns shipping to your advantage keep it simple with clear upfront pricing with usps ground advantage here you can expect to find crystal clear audio expensive display space in more comfort for everyone but we still left room for all the unexpected things. you'll find out here. the new 2020 24 grand cherokee lineup, jeep. there's only one during the jeep celebration event. >> get the 2024 jeep grand cherokee starting at 38,002, to 90 msrp visit cheap for details. >> i was scared when i was told age-related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard but taking presser vision was easy preservation at the exact clinically proven a red two formula recommended by the ndi. >> i'm taking control like millions of others from tried and true to try something new so many ways to save life ready, wallet, happy that's three, by whole foods 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people by biting them, i decided what i did, gnomes newest statement about the isn't it her second explanation in three days coming after bipartisan uproar and horror mocking her for what many see as animal cruelty, noem scrambling to reframe it in good political light, quote, whether running the ranch or in politics, i have never passed on my responsibilities to anyone else to handle even if it's hard hard and painful in her forthcoming memoir, noem describes her 14 month-old white haired, pointed puppy that she tried to use for pheasant hunting. a hobby that she has talked about in the past. >> i loved it from the time i was little and we ran a hunting lodge 20 years. we started a hunting lodge, so i spent years guiding hunters noem says or puppy cricket was untrainable, dangerous, and worthless as a hunting dog according to excerpts obtained by the guardian, i hated that dog. >> she writes, after cricket attacked her neighbors chickens. noem says she got her gun, took cricket to a gravel pit and shot him. it was not a pleasant job, but it had to be done in that same incident, noem then went on to kill a goat shield because he was nasty and mean that the goat smell disgusting, musky, rancid, and had knocked over her children in the past. >> we have a very special woman who is odd as a politician. she's, she's doing in an incredible job in south dakota. she's the governor, kristi noem all this comes as noem is being considered as a vice presidential candidate for donald trump seth toupper has been covering kristi noem since she first ran for congress over a decade ago, you probably the thought before it came out was that this would help her with trump what makes her look like this sort of done toting strong western figure whose unafraid to shock people. >> noem has been positioning herself for years. >> if donald trump is convicted in this trial, we use still support him in november my choice is between joe biden and donald trump every single day of the week? yes, i will support donald trump. i have from the very beginning, transforming her image, the team here was remarkable and finally gave me a smile that i can be proud of in confident in her approach to transformation that we've watched with kristinoem or as four years as somebody who has transformed into this sort of mini trump-like figure who just has this insatiable craving. it seemed like to be in the headlines all the time for one outrageous thing after the other and seems to thrive on that ticket. >> trump's nadh as vice president, i knew not allowed to say so. i will not you're not allowed to say she's beautiful, so i'm not going to say and sources tells cnn's kristen holmes at trump world is very aware of how bad this story is for numbs. >> the question now is, of course, how does this hurt her prospects of potentially being trump's vp pick? and if this story, that of course as appalled so many was a serious mcat miscalculation prior to share erin. all right. >> sunlen, thank you very much. and also tonight, trump on a tear, taking aim at rfk jr. as a quote, a democrat plant to help biden and the radical left lunatic it comes as we're getting a rare behind the scenes, look at president biden's reelection machine. jeff zeleny is outfront president biden as a new stop on the campaign trail. >> he's visiting democratic field offices that didn't exist four years ago after his campaign went virtual in the wake good the pandemic. >> hey man, this time around he surveyed his political troops from new hampshire. everyone in this room is going to work our butts off for you every day between now and november to wisconsin. good to be here to nevada. we're going to be two began exuding confidence at the sprawling operation that bears his his name four years after this, we're operating out of my home in wilmington, delaware, a biden basement campaign. this is not the size of the organization is emerging as a bright spot in as re-match with donald trump, fueled by the president's fundraising advantage. our job at this point is to build infrastructure in all of our pathways to victorian. >> we have a bunch of them inside biden headquarters in wilmington, dan kanninen, oversees the battleground operation in an election that could be decided by thousands of votes in a handful of states, razor thin margins and lots of these states. and i want to press the advantage against donald trump in that campaign. they have not built field in the structure. you're talking about places with a half a point, maybe a point, sometimes a quarter-point of a difference between two candidates i see that this infrastructure as potentially decisive in all those places, the trump campaign says it will have the message operation, and money to win the gop officials in several swing states tells cnn, the former president is far behind what biden is building. >> i'm confident we're all gonna get through this while zoom calls and drive in rallies were enough for biden to win last time. >> i can thank you the traditional mold of campaigning is back 133 field officers in counting most all in top battleground states, 2024 is the first campaign after the pandemic. we have to both do some things in 2020, but not everything, and then go back to some things we did in 2012 or 2016 and have a hybrid approach and glass of volunteer who came to an office opening and philadelphia is happy covid, campaigning is long over knocking on doors, running back six and now it's nice to know will be able to have really face-to-face contact. who did a good job four years ago, we can do a better job disguise the growing biden operation is preparing for for another exceedingly tight race. >> every voter you talked to, every door that you not truly does make a difference by trying to bring down trump's margins in republican territory. so you're not building offices and just blue areas. >> now, we want to be wherever you can win a voter, the point is you have to go compete in places that you otherwise not might not win, but you want to lose 60, 40 instead of 70, 30. that makes a big difference for all of the challenges facing the president. building an organization in the mold of the old obama biden campaign in is designed to help overcome any deficits with trump. >> that advantage that we have both on time. >> we're not sitting in court into the structure. and then of course, the cash advantage is something that we want to push everywhere so the biden campaign is preparing for a very close election air and we know that of course just a few states and tens of thousands of votes. >> but that happened in 2020. the difference here, this time is they are building a real organization and being inside the campaign headquarters and wilmington, delaware, that was clear. there rebuilding offices across the country, but aaron, one thing will be tested in november. those traditional campaigning and the brick-and-mortar way still matter. the biden campaign believes it does arrow, so say, thank you, jeff. and next we've got breaking news. police in riot gear squaring off with students in texas. the situation developing there as you look at these images and will take you to iran where the government now is trying to exploit the protests in the anderson cooper three, 60 next on cnn sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with faking unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks local life, and cultural treasures because when you experienced europe on a viking long ship, you will spend less time getting them and more time being that viking exploring the world in comfort in two seconds, eric will realize space got to sell the house. >> open houses bar skip the hassles and sell directly to open door when life stores have been will handle the house and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. for free, visit ai or download the app and we're back with our top story. >> look at these pictures out of texas protesters at the university of your city of texas, austin. i've been squaring off with police in riot gear and in iran tonight, leaders closely following all of this in the hopes for exploiting it. senior international correspondent fred pleitgen is on the ground in tehran and he's out front tonight with more on exactly how iran is taking advantage of this moment in america pro-palestinian protesters at us colleges getting vocal support from iran, conservative students and faculty at tehran university staging a demo this weekend, chanting death to america death to israel, saying they stand with those occupying us universities. and if that's what we not only support them, we are one united voices woman says, we are like organs of the same body american assistance also came out. >> it's great we didn't we didn't say that they would come out, but the fact that they came out shows that we're fighting for the same thing. >> you how it gets done. this movement by american students shows that freedom seeking and support of the oppressed has expanded all over the world. >> this map and says, it doesn't matter the biden administration ripped into iran over its crackdown of protests that swept the country and the fall of 2022 after the death in police custody of mahsa amini was accused of breaking the country's strict hijab rules the international community has come together to condemn and confront or ron's brutal crackdown. >> and we'll continue to act in support of the right of the iranian people to speak out for their fundamental freedoms but now iran says the us a support of israel's operation in gaza killing tens of thousands of palestinians and police action against some of those occupying campuses is tarnishing america's own reputation iran is leadership has been extremely vocal about the pro-palestinian protests going on, on some us campuses. >> they say the arrests that have been seen undermine america's role as a leading supporter. both of civil rights and a free speech for decades, iran has been the us and israel's strongest adversary in the middle east. iran and israel recently trading direct military blows for the first time i went to a press conference of the iranian foreign ministry, the spokesman saying, tech ron believes global opinion is now shifting their way jobs, quote, oblique opinion of the world and free thinkers of the world will not tolerate this genocide and they're loud voice won't be silenced. >> he said, and through police act chun's and violent crackdown policies, they cannot silence the voice of those that protest against this crime and genocide. >> john tehran, ripping into the us as the protesters on american campuses demand schools divest from israel and want the biden administration to pressure israel to stop its attacks get

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Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240703

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university in many other colleges to divest them selves from >> can doing business with south africa these protests, outright next, the breaking news police and protesters facing off tonight dozens arrested at austin, texas columbia university and chaos. >> hundreds right now, defying a deadline to vacate the encampment. >> plus trump's favorite network back-tracking. >> now pulling a salacious story about two major witnesses in trump's hush money trial. >> could the false story impact the case and she's back, marjorie taylor-greene returning to the capital tonight, promising to pick out mike johnson as speaker. >> she bluffing. let's go out front and good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news protesters and police facing off as tensions are running high at universities across the united states tonight, colleges and universities are now cracking down and pro-palestinian protesters who have taken over some of the campuses. let me just show you some of the dramatic live pictures what you're looking at here. this massive crowd is in texas police in riot gear can be seen moving in earlier, tearing down barriers and forcefully arresting students this was the university of texas at austin at those students have been camped out on campus and at least 40 students we understand at ut austin will taken into custody meantime, in new york, protesters of defying a mandatory deadline to tear down bear and camp min and columbia university. >> it gave the students until 2:00 this afternoon to pack it in, and they did not they defied that order. >> so now we are learning at this hour unclear what the security situation is. and a lot of questions about that at this moment, but we are learning meaning that the university is actively suspending students. as i speak, this situation is a tinderbox moments ago was student was flying a massive israeli flag over pro-palestinian protesters the man holding the flag telling cnn he's been harassed and assaulted on campus as i mentioned, these protests have been spreading. it is now coast-to-coast, california to boston at the white house, the administration is now watching very closely so far those still refusing to weigh in on whether the students should be disciplined for disrupting schedules, classes, and graduation plans so gotta be super super mindful. these are institutions, some of them are private, some of them are public. and it is up to their leadership. university leadership and colleges to make that decision. not going to weigh in on that from here meanwhile, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, is now asking president biden to come to his rescue. >> according to reporting and axios right now and then yahoo asked biden to stop the international criminal court from issuing arrest warrants for senior israeli officials, including possibly netanyahu himself, who have played a role in the war gaza, the icc has been investigating possible war crimes by both israeli forces and palestinian militants. >> now, if the icc were to issue an arrest warrant, for example, for prime minister netanyahu well, more than 120 countries have signed on to the icc, which would place travel restrictions on netanyahu so that would be incredibly significant. >> we have a team of reporters standing by to begin our breaking at austin, where we were showing you some of those dramatic pictures where you are at, you witnessed it, that situation where you are appears to be growing increasingly tense. >> can you tell us what's happening? >> well now, we're kind of a standoff where did you see behind me is basically just a confronting our number of offices and now they're shooting pepper spray into the crowd tiger second draw drawing, get people to to disperse so that just happened those officers firing pepper spray, it appears or some sort of spray protesters gather here just moments ago, earned in this area. are there had been a bus that was taken some of the people who had been arrested earlier this is one of the protesters hit by the pepper spray we're calling for medics, so trying to keep an eye, excuse me, are and we're trying to keep an eye on exactly what's going on behind me. but this is an area where the bus hey, i'll taken away several of the protesters was limit these protesters were walking, the blocking these people are trying to block maybe the bus leaving the area, but till we saw more than a dozen protesters that were arrested and taken away on that bus. we are told that they're probably being taken downtown process and we have also seen this group of protesters also essentially trying to push a law enforcement off of campus chance of good off of our campus have been extensive for some time. >> however, those buses are now gone. so exactly what's going to unfold here is unclear how we are willing to almost six hours of this protest that has been going john for quite some time. and here just in the last few seconds, we've tried to like peek back in, figure out exactly why they're why they're trying to say the question is, erin is what exactly they're gonna do it this crowd at this point the protesters were essentially champion trying to get officers to go to leave the campus but the officers have formed a line, essentially, if he walked back this way, who'd end up back generally in the area where this protests started earlier today. so a standoff here as officers essentially, at this point i don't know if they're trying to figure out an extra strategy, how to get out of it, out of the campus and away from these protesters or how to diffuse this but are we will continue to monitor here as the minutes sauer is progress. >> so ed, i know we just saw that young man behind you who appeared to have been hit by the pepper spray or whatever sort of chemical agent it was that they were they were spraying that law enforcement. but when you look behind you, when you talk about a standoff, can you describe for us i mean how. many people are there and how many police officers and what i mean, i guess, you know where they in riot gear. can you describe exactly what this face off looks like actually, the officers that are just on the other side of that crowd from what i could tell him last time was able to get it better vantage point. >> it was officers on bicycles and those are the officers there have actually been used to kind of create barriers to keep people away from the other officers, either taking people into custody or moving people around the campus so those officers are not object out in helmets and protective gear, like we have seen from the state troopers, that were here earlier. in fact, a large bustle of state troopers that we're wearing the will the right gear, if you will left about an hour ago on a city a city bus that was used to bring them onto the campus grounds here. so these are not those officers. in fact, i believe ut police police department officers. so these are officers that this is their jurisdiction. this is where they went patrol and yes, this is their beetles, essentially. so can imagine that those officers are going are going anywhere now they're also austin police officers of overhearing the distance. >> it's been awhile since i've seen any state troopers, but they still might be around here as well but it's a rather large crowd and they really haven't figured out a way to get them disbursed. >> yes. so ed, you have any to any way you could tell us or the scale of how many people are there. and i'm also curious because there was that sort of people sort of running away are moving quickly when you first came up, right? and they were sprayed with some sort of pepper spray as you described her, something similar to appeared any sense as to what caused that and but obviously because it now seems to meet everyone's back to chanting and back to their positions right? >> so there was a car a police car that made its way out this way. so my guess at this point is that the officers were pushing people back to be able to allow one of the police vehicles to exit a few wrote over here they were trying to push the crowd back clearly, we saw that that spray that was fireball that was very close perimeter spray that was used. it was it like a a volley of tear gas or anything like that? so the people who were hit one in the immediate vicinity of those officers. so there's just a matter of inches that are separating those protesters who have been chanting for hours now at the at these officers were probably about 10:15 yards behind that all right. >> and we're going to keep checking in with you. is that situation develops obviously, you know, minute by minute there at the university of texas at austin. but you can just get a sense of the crowds there where ed is and how difficult it was even for those police officers to move that they were spraying pepper spray to be able to move that car. is that describes it will get back to ed in a moment as that develops, i want to go now to omar jimenez because he's at columbia in upper new york and omar columbia has laid down the law. everyone had to get out, get out of that tent encampment, which is in one corner of the quad is i saw it the other day but protesters, at least from what we understand, if not moved, what are you seeing right now? >> yes. so we're seeing a combination of things just for the viewers watching, overseeing behind this is a very small handful of protesters outside of columbia's campus. so these protesters are separate from the encampment led protests that we've been seeing on campus. and yes, as you mentioned, there was a two pn deadline today for those for those students to voluntarily leave that camp meant or face suspension, many did not leave. in fact, many of them chose to take part in a separate protests and circling that in kept men as one student told me to stop university officials from coming in even university professors and faculty linked arms at the entrance to the encampment in support of some of those students. all of that said the campus is now levying suspensions as they told us, they're starting to hand those out. they also said there's a further disciplinary process for others that they're reviewing, but those suspensions are coming. we are in there just just about an hour or so ago, a little bit more than that ago as suspensions were first being handed out and there were still protesters inside of there. so it remains to be seen from a university perspective, what happens if, even if suspensions are coming through, if they choose to still not leave, because as a university said this morning, they do not believe calling an my pd again is productive. but the question is, for how long would that last? >> all right? well, we'll check in with you as well. omar, is the situation develops there i mean, universities to make a decision what they're gonna do, let them stay, are calling police. i mean, you're again a standoff all right. thank you very much. and i want to go now to a cynthia shoveling gum. she's a princeton university graduate student who was arrested at a pro-palestinian encampment on campus at princeton and as we just been talking about those columbia students now being suspended, centi is now barred from princeton pending a disciplinary review. so chunky. thank you. >> for coming in. so i want to just just start here. you're seeing what was happening tonight. the pepper spray ut austin you're telling me i understand has been more rest at princeton in the past few moments. we've got video of your arrest, your hands, or zip-tied it from what it appears want to show everybody. this is u at the encampment and princeton, when you arrested the university says you were getting repeated warnings to exit the area. you chose not to do so. that's why they arrested you. what happened in that moment and what do you understand is happening right now in that moment, what happened was a group of autonomous students decided that princeton university's investments in the apartheid state of israel, which is now conducting a genocide and with that money shouldn't remain. so we shouldn't profit off of a genocide. and so we came together and we decided to protest peacefully in in consultation with other universities across the united states and we wanted to make a stance that what princeton university and the institutions here higher education institutions and the us government or investments in the way that we're looking at israel and the dennis sayyed that we're committing isn't right. >> all right. so the night before you arrested princeton released a statement. >> all right. and it reads in part, i know you've seen it, but let me just write everyone to hear a tibia some types of protest actions, including occupying or blocking access to buildings and outdoor that means are inherently unsafe for both those involved and for bystanders and they increase the potential for escalation and confrontation. there also inconsistent with the university's mission and legal obligation to provide a safe environment for all those reasons, among others, are policies explicitly prohibit such conduct. >> they're trying to say you can protest, but you can't camp out you can't block buildings, you can't you can't do the encampment the way you were doing. so why was it so important for you to defy those rules as opposed to protesting in another way that they would have said, okay, you have a point of view. you can, you can make that known. you just can't camp out i think what's important to remember in this context is that we were protesting peacefully. we were not causing harm, harm to anyone. we were out there setting up tents so that we could bring light to the university's investments in a genocide. there's a massive violent campaign happening against the gazans just last week, there was a large mass grave that was discovered outside of a hospital where people admitted outside of al-shifa, where people who are admitted were killed and then thrown into this mass grave and we were out there protesting this deep violence by peaceful measures. and the university decided to enact violence on me personally by arresting me and having people take down their tents and i don't necessarily understand the double double standard there so but just when they say okay, you could have done this another way. >> yeah. do you feel that nobody would be paying attention unless you did it this way, unless you divide the rules i don't want to say that we decide the rules that came out a week or a day before this happened, there were encampments that were happening across the country. >> and i think it was important for us to show solidarity with the students of columbia university who are being brutalized. the students from university of texas austin were clearly being brutalized and having pepper spray against them. and yeah, it's just important to it's important to clarify what our universities are doing together, because this is a national issue, this is an issue across the united states. >> so one student protests later at columbia has gotten a national attention and i'm sure you've heard about this video of him surfaced video that he himself had posted before the action she will protests, so it's not as if it was caught on candid camera. he posted this and i just want to play the operative part of the clip which you've heard. but for anyone who hasn't seen it on social media in the past couple of days. here's commodity james zionist don't deserve to live comfortably. >> let alone zionists don't deserve to live okay. >> that post is getting a lot of attention. he's one of the leaders at the protest in columbia how do you react to that i think it's important to say that anyone shouldn't live when we're out here protesting a genocide advocating for the rights of palestinians to live dignified in their home country yeah that's all i have to say to that. >> so when people say that the protest itself in what you're calling for is anti-semitic. how do you respond to that? >> what we're talking about here is the genocide. and i know i keep coming back to that, but i would like for everyone to know that the focus of this protests is to stop killing palestinian people and to get our institutions to take accountability for our investments that are profiting off of the genocide of palestinian people antisemitism is not anything that we condone. it is a borane. i know that it's a very real threat, but that's not a part of what we're advocating for. in fact, one of my classmates who just got arrested today is a jewish voice for peace member. and he was brutalized by the administration for protesting. i think it's important to consider what are institutions are doing in this moment. >> all right, well, it can thank you very much. i appreciate your time. thank you next, trump's favorite channel tonight, force to pull a salacious story about two key potential witnesses in trump's trial, michael cohen and stormy daniels. >> but has this story already impacted the jury sitting in that room? plus marjorie taylor greene expected back at the capitol tonight, and she's threatening to our speaker mike johnson at any moment, if she bluffing or is it real now they're back in session and trump's future daughter-in-law and hillary clinton on the same side tonight, is they appear to take on the south dakota republican governor for killing her puppy erin burnett, outfront, brought to you by, etc say, big on mother's day, good etsy has it crap that's a really good gift. now we got to get frehse something we could use. >> these new gift mode yes. what do the french like? >> anyone? >> cheese they like cheese brilliant, done left do the former who don't get new arthritis pain we say not today. tylenol, eight hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first dispatch, the second is long-lasting we give you your day bag so you can give it everything. tylenol. 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backtrack on a salacious story involving two of the biggest players in trump's hush money trial, stormy daniels and michael cohen so for weeks oan has been spreading this bogus story that trump's former fixer, michael cohen, had a sexual relationship with stormy daniels and then secretly use that to extort the trump organization. >> i guess this is their whole way of explaining the payments away and is now retracting the story after cohen hired an attorney, the network says it, quote, unquote, regrets public publishing the false allegations but since the start of the trial, oan has been saying things supportive of trump. just listened to what they put on the air i'm almost just running out of steam. every de i have to bring up these six, seven different trials and the bs that's being thrown at trump from all of these various actors, we have a corrupt judge, a corrupt de, and a corrupt jury panel. >> corrupt jury panel are experts are all here with me. so ryan, let me just start with you though on this story that they have been running about saying michael cohen and stormy daniels, that was the whole sorted affair. that's why cohen would have, i guess, taken out a home equity. the he locked and the whole thing. right. this is false. >> they've now retract acted it. how could the store effect the jury will look to get to the jurors one way or another, either directly the jurors are exposed to the story or that they're friends, colleagues, family members are exposed to it, then they say, oh, do you hear about this? >> and then maybe over here the story and directly and i think that's really awful because it really would be indicting and a certain sense, the credibility of two of the star witnesses in the trial under completely bogus conspiracy theory that has no cannot like it's just bogus. it has no connection. as far as we understand it to any facts. so that's what's really bad about it and its timing. >> no. i mean, it's like it's completely made up. i mean, if that sort of thing that anyone could find a connection to, they would've done so a long time ago, joe, i mean, right. this is they're not retracting because it's false. >> so without question, so the law and then the practicality on right, the law is the judge obviously instructs the jury repeatedly. right. you're not to talk about it. you're not the listened to any news reports. your to disregard anything and everything until or unless you commented the courtroom and it's out of the mouths of witnesses. and so the essence of any trial is to focus on the merits of testimony that's that's the legal reality, the practical reality is you can't un-ring a wrong vow. the reality is people sprite. i mean, they hear things and no matter what the judge says, you should disregard. and then there's the other problem there. and if you then pull the jury and say, hey, did you hear about the story? now you're infecting them with information they may not be cognizant of. so they the judge has to be very careful it's brought up of how to resolve the issue. but at the end of the day, the case should be about what happens in the courtroom and nothing. all right. so barbara, former trump organization executive, right. you worked with trump for decades author tower of lies, or were you what you wrote about your time working with trump? so this story comes out at this moment, trump's been told by the judge she cannot go after jurors or an or witnesses, right. these gag order alleged violations are mounting up day by day. >> so you take all of that. and what's happening here at oan and you come up with what tom came up with that i put told them via them they did. >> i mean, i've seen him to the soma it's it didn't at somebody for saying one thing or another any create a story. of one in particular stands out in my mind. a famous developer who trump said his wife was calling him and chasing him. and i think a printed in a newspapers. i mean, it was just could that's the kind of control he had so you think this is something he would have just someone got with that van well, i mean, this is the kind of dirty stuff that he does. i mean, i really think that we're getting used to stuff that is awful to get used to it. it's kinda like mafioso tactics. i mean, it's like john god-he's running for president and whatever's he's dirty up this witness tamper with this kind of stuff that to me makes him she'd been committed, eligible to be president. but a lot of people, by the way, do listen to oan because they think fox is too liberal drug country. so far into the ditch, there are people who think that box is too liberal because they have acknowledged that at least some of the people on here i've acknowledged that trump lost the electrode as to liberals and they go into the, into the ditch here with oan so, uh, barbara, this comes ahead of back in court tomorrow, so everyone's going back and the jury, michael cohen's bankers, me back on the stand. >> so this the person who set up the llc's to create all these payments and can talk to the exact days that it happened leading into the election and the timing in terms of influencing the election so trump was straight ahead with his eyes closed on friday late in the de when this banker was started his testimony. >> so what do you anticipate the impact of this testimony is on trump you know, how trump taking all of this that is a very, very good question. people are saying now, for the first time in his life, he is actually afraid i'm not so sure about that. i think he's actually just more angry than he ever was that people set him to let this happen but i trump always got away with everything. i don't i'm not sure that there's any reason that he would change his total belief in his ability to do that so i i don't think i think he's angry as hell, but i think that he will. >> you don't by the fear? >> no, and i don't think your whole bag it's, you know, he'll be on the borderline of breaking the rules and let him get away with it. >> so another legal case right in the center of politics and networks, hunter biden's lawyers now say that they're threatening to sue fox news have 14 page letter that we've gotten there demanding that the network fox news, remove the sexually explicit images of hunter biden. they're saying that it violates revenge porn laws in many states. and that they say fox knows these private images were hacked, stolen, and/or manipulated is that a good legal case? >> so think they might have a strongly okay. isn't that part of the letter and if you look at delaware law, for example, it seems to match the allegations here, which is that fox is knowingly reproducing sexual images that are private and that they should no, we're not able to be distributed with the person's consent. so that's the problem for fox news, and that's delaware. that's the state in which they're incorporated. that's the state in which they were by dominion. and successfully so right, massively, massively, so nearly over $700 and delaware is probably a favorable state to the biden family in some regards so i think that that's i think they'd have to calculate all of that and maybe they need to issue a retraction, at least pull down those images. >> what do you think fasoli? >> they better do something unless you want to shell out and not another significant judgment. the reality is, is you have to be careful. you just can't say anything you want. i know that politician sometimes do that, but you have a special obligation when you spout false hoods or you have materials that were not consented to, it could constitute revenge porn. and the other issue is it's not only a civil issue to criminal issue. there are criminal statutes throughout this country that speaks to the issue of revenge porn. so if you have these images, they're altered in some way. they're exposing certain body parts and you're doing it. i mean, why? >> and so yes, in the event that there's a lawsuit, i think it has merit and i think it could result if it goes to a lawsuit, a significant judge and van una there also asking for certain actions be taken against anchors at the network who have talked about but the issue with hunter biden, the bribery charges even if a hunter biden succeeds in some way of getting fox to attract or change or anything that they've said does that do anything for president biden, joe biden politically in this election well i think not much because to be honest, that people who care about hunter biden and know who he is. and our bottom of this are already going to vote against joe biden anyway. so even if a hunter biden is able to redeem himself somehow, it's like, well, people can say, oh never mind now i'm gonna go vote for joe biden. if you were deep down the rabbit hole one-hundred biden at all, you are already voting for donald trump. i don't, but i do think it's important though for fox and keep getting dinged and for other of these propaganda outfit to keep getting dinged in the courts and having to pay for it reputationally and otherwise, because it's not fair for this cult brown donald trump consume half america's media and have people good, just getting attacked and you're sticking massive media on people who have no recourse except to the course. i'm glad that he's fighting back, but he won't affect the election. all right. thank you. all. >> next breaking news, house speaker mike johnson, just responding now to marjorie taylor greene's threat to oust him, his speaker. now congress he's back tonight and washington and everyone from hillary clinton to kimberly guo foil is appearing to troll the south dakota governor presumed for admitting that she killed a puppy so how did such a thing happened? was she trying to impress trump will talk if you're shopping for a home only shows you homes for sale directly from professionals, meaning you can trust every home listing is a realistic don't all have to do that. not really. trust the number one app real 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at ut austin. so ed, what are you seeing behind you now this is a protester was lasted well into six hours now, and that standoff that we were showing you earlier, aaron tilted in a little bit of pepper spray being fired. >> are those officers have left that area, gone inside the main tower building here, but we can kinda turn around and show you this is the area where the officers have gone back inside two there's a handful of them kind of standing guard outside of the school. but now these protests are saying that they're going to go back back to the south side of the campus and the campus square area. and this is where the protests started this afternoon. and that is an area where we saw and we we're reported live this afternoon as state troopers and austin police, and as well as university of texas police department, were we we witnessed taking several dozen people into custody and arrested. they were warned that if they did not disperse here this afternoon, that they would be arrested for disorderly conduct and we saw those arrests as the officers went to the encampment area, which is relatively small they're on the south mall and started plucking people out of their one-by-one. it took several hours to do all of that but university officials so the reason they did that, aaron is because they were not going to allow any kind of signs of tents or any kind of a scene where it would be taken as an occupation? they need of the campus grounds here and that's why that's why university officials say the officers in the state troopers were brought in. they were decked out in riot gear. now, these protesters going back to the same area we're all of this started. i mean, it's not exactly clear what their intention will be, but what university officials really latched onto earlier is that when there was a sign that it was going to be some sort of occupancy occupation with tents and that sort of thing that that was something that they're not going to allow university officials have been seen what has happened at other campuses across the country. get the clear indication that they do not want to see that scene unfold here on this campus. so they are going to prevent it as quickly as possible. these protesters will obviously tell you that they are protesting peacefully. that not doing anything wrong, that should be allowed to express themselves. but now, as you can see here trying to move a little bit faster as you can see exactly trying to get a sense aron of what the intention will be here on the south mall of the ut campus? and in a second, you'll be able to see the state capital building there in the distance and the question will become just how long these students so her protesters will be staying here in this portion of the campus. exactly how long they will be allowed to stay here earlier, they hid. officers had cleared a lot out of people, out of this grass area, this grassy area but i do not see a heavy law enforcement presence at all at this point. so they might be just kind of waiting to see exactly how this unfolds. over the next couple of hours, aaron all right. >> we're going to keep checking back in with you. >> obviously, the volume here, students, at least from images that ed is showing us a significant and not so much the volume of law enforcement, at least in these images that we have. >> we're seeing here from the vantage point that ed has. all right. we're going to check back in with you as the situation develops at ut austin this hour meanwhile, we do have more breaking news. the house just back in session, speaker mike johnson, trying to avoid questions about marjorie taylor greene speaker johnson, have you talked to marjorie taylor greene about motion to vacate threat speaker johnson, have you spoken to marjorie taylor greene about motions to house took 22 seconds there for him to eventually decided he would answer the question. >> no. >> so far, there were hogan congresswoman marjorie taylor greene has not forced to vote, but one of her top aides vows that it is only a matter of time telling political quote cohen, who is saying she is backing down or high drunk or simply out of their mind is high drunk or simply out of their mind. i'm sorry. >> and greene herself warning just yesterday, quote, his days as speaker are number manu raju was out front on capitol hill, a mondo. >> so they're back and as they returned, marjorie taylor greene returns with this threat. now you have just had a chance as everyone's coming back in to speak to a number of republicans what do they think green is going to do well, it's actually unclear and of course she can call for this vote is sunday at anytime because any one member of the house can do just that. >> and right now, she has three republicans who are voting supporting her effort. and one of those republicans, i just caught up with thomas massie, who wants mike johnson out of the job. i asked him, have you decided when you're going to move forward with as vote? he said, quote, on this side it. and so that's means that this thread continues to hover over my johnson. also the question is, how many republicans will ultimately support this is whether they've gotten backlash it's back home or whether people are calling for his ouster in the aftermath of the vote to fund ukraine as part of a larger foreign aid package. and after the members have been back home for a week, talking to their constituents, but i just talked to several republican hardliners in particular, who made clear that they oppose the effort to push out the speaker but try, weakens the party and weakens congress. >> they're off, they feel like they don't get represented up here are you ready to throw the speaker now? why is that? >> for a bunch of different reasons yeah. >> because not a good time yeah the timing. there's obviously frustration. what happened? you oppose the motion of vacant hollywood. again, we'd oppose it. would kevin, i think right now we need to just do our job and those last two comments coming for some of the loudest critics of some of mike johnson's deal-making with democrats, keep the government open and to fund the war in ukraine. >> chip roy, the last one he liked plane, one of the eight republicans who voted to oust kevin mccarthy in the fall, the fed historic vote to kick out those pick are making clear very much they do not agree with marjorie taylor greene's effort going ahead. but the big question, aaron is still remains. what do democrats do? because ultimately if marjorie taylor greene does move forward, it would require democrats essentially to keep them in the speakership. and if they do that, how long will we be able to sustain the speakership with the support of democrats? all huge questions for the speaker at this moment absolutely. >> and if he thought that absence would make the heart grow fonder certainly not. all right. thank you very much, mono in front now for republican congressman cabac, i will remind all of you. he was one of the eight republicans who voted to remove then-speaker kevin mccarthy, but he opposes these efforts to oust speaker johnson. so congressman, you and i were talking the other day and at the hi, you said you were confident that greene's bid to get rid of johnson would fail now, you just, they're all coming back in, right. your heard speaker johnson finally say he has not spoken to her and you hear three of your former republican colleagues say now is not the time to remove him, right? but her office just says it's a matter of time. she's going to do it. she's vowing to do it what do you say to her at this point well, the reason to the ci is vowing to do it as she gets a lot of attention and she's had this motion now, i believe for six weeks and has not made it a privileged motion which should we require a vote. >> so as long as she continues to get the attention, she's going to continue to threaten this motion as soon as ci makes the motion privilege and the house votes on the motion, she will no longer be getting the attention because mike johnson will be in the speakership and her threat is is an empty threat. >> your views of green, obviously you have not minced words about it i've seeing her as deeply unserious. you called her moscow marjorie, of course, that went viral and raul and russia as well but one of your former democratic colleagues, jared moskowitz, is promising that democrats will do whatever it takes to make sure green loses this byte. so democrats are the ones to come in and save johnson. here's moscowitz the idea of letting her sit in the people's house and the well of congress giving a speech removing any speaker, and having that powerful moment, there was just no way democrats are going to let her do that. >> i'm not going to let her do that. we won't even let her name a post office. we're not going to let her we're not going to let her take out the speaker so knowing that democrats, may be the ones to save johnson you know, what is, what does that do to this scenario? if it's democrats who have to save him well at a time when there's country is highly polarized, when one side is on it feels threatened by the others presidential candidate and vice versa. >> when, when we are looking at a divided country, mike johnson did the right thing. he did the right thing for history. he brought the ukraine bill to the floor overwhelming democrats supported almost a majority of republicans supported it. i don't think the american people want to punish my johnson. i think that politics is downstream from public opinion, and i think he will be saved by the democrats, but i don't think there will be a backlash with republicans as a result. >> so before president trump has praise johnson, he's also praised marjorie taylor greene do you think he's enjoying this, this fight and sort of embarrassment playing out or do you think he'll eventually be clear on where he stands? >> i think the president doesn't want this to happen, but he doesn't want to be the one to make the call for it not to happen if he takes marjorie sayyed and it fails, he looks bad if he takes mike johnson sayyed, and there's a backlash, he looks bad. he has a lot of things on his mind right now, and i don't think he's going to focus on this, but any distraction that happens if there's a three-week effort to name another speaker. it takes away from his message regarding president biden. so i don't think he wants this to happen. >> all right. congressman buck, thank you very much. i appreciate it. the next hillary clinton and kimberly guo foil, you would think they have absolutely nothing in common except for they do. we have found one thing that they could actually agree on shooting your puppy is a bad thing. they both are taking on the south dakota governor kristi noem, and both trolling her tonight and the breaking news, students and police in riot gear facing off tonight is we have a special report from iran on how tehran is now exploiting the chaos on america's college campuses our biggest challenge uncertainty hidden fees, surcharges, who knows what to expect turns shipping to your advantage keep it simple with clear upfront pricing with usps ground advantage here you can expect to find crystal clear audio expensive display space in more comfort for everyone but we still left room for all the unexpected things. you'll find out here. the new 2020 24 grand cherokee lineup, jeep. there's only one during the jeep celebration event. >> get the 2024 jeep grand cherokee starting at 38,002, to 90 msrp visit cheap for details. >> i was scared when i was told age-related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard but taking presser vision was easy preservation at the exact clinically proven a red two formula recommended by the ndi. >> i'm taking control like millions of others from tried and true to try something new so many ways to save life ready, wallet, happy that's three, by whole foods 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people by biting them, i decided what i did, gnomes newest statement about the isn't it her second explanation in three days coming after bipartisan uproar and horror mocking her for what many see as animal cruelty, noem scrambling to reframe it in good political light, quote, whether running the ranch or in politics, i have never passed on my responsibilities to anyone else to handle even if it's hard hard and painful in her forthcoming memoir, noem describes her 14 month-old white haired, pointed puppy that she tried to use for pheasant hunting. a hobby that she has talked about in the past. >> i loved it from the time i was little and we ran a hunting lodge 20 years. we started a hunting lodge, so i spent years guiding hunters noem says or puppy cricket was untrainable, dangerous, and worthless as a hunting dog according to excerpts obtained by the guardian, i hated that dog. >> she writes, after cricket attacked her neighbors chickens. noem says she got her gun, took cricket to a gravel pit and shot him. it was not a pleasant job, but it had to be done in that same incident, noem then went on to kill a goat shield because he was nasty and mean that the goat smell disgusting, musky, rancid, and had knocked over her children in the past. >> we have a very special woman who is odd as a politician. she's, she's doing in an incredible job in south dakota. she's the governor, kristi noem all this comes as noem is being considered as a vice presidential candidate for donald trump seth toupper has been covering kristi noem since she first ran for congress over a decade ago, you probably the thought before it came out was that this would help her with trump what makes her look like this sort of done toting strong western figure whose unafraid to shock people. >> noem has been positioning herself for years. >> if donald trump is convicted in this trial, we use still support him in november my choice is between joe biden and donald trump every single day of the week? yes, i will support donald trump. i have from the very beginning, transforming her image, the team here was remarkable and finally gave me a smile that i can be proud of in confident in her approach to transformation that we've watched with kristinoem or as four years as somebody who has transformed into this sort of mini trump-like figure who just has this insatiable craving. it seemed like to be in the headlines all the time for one outrageous thing after the other and seems to thrive on that ticket. >> trump's nadh as vice president, i knew not allowed to say so. i will not you're not allowed to say she's beautiful, so i'm not going to say and sources tells cnn's kristen holmes at trump world is very aware of how bad this story is for numbs. >> the question now is, of course, how does this hurt her prospects of potentially being trump's vp pick? and if this story, that of course as appalled so many was a serious mcat miscalculation prior to share erin. all right. >> sunlen, thank you very much. and also tonight, trump on a tear, taking aim at rfk jr. as a quote, a democrat plant to help biden and the radical left lunatic it comes as we're getting a rare behind the scenes, look at president biden's reelection machine. jeff zeleny is outfront president biden as a new stop on the campaign trail. >> he's visiting democratic field offices that didn't exist four years ago after his campaign went virtual in the wake good the pandemic. >> hey man, this time around he surveyed his political troops from new hampshire. everyone in this room is going to work our butts off for you every day between now and november to wisconsin. good to be here to nevada. we're going to be two began exuding confidence at the sprawling operation that bears his his name four years after this, we're operating out of my home in wilmington, delaware, a biden basement campaign. this is not the size of the organization is emerging as a bright spot in as re-match with donald trump, fueled by the president's fundraising advantage. our job at this point is to build infrastructure in all of our pathways to victorian. >> we have a bunch of them inside biden headquarters in wilmington, dan kanninen, oversees the battleground operation in an election that could be decided by thousands of votes in a handful of states, razor thin margins and lots of these states. and i want to press the advantage against donald trump in that campaign. they have not built field in the structure. you're talking about places with a half a point, maybe a point, sometimes a quarter-point of a difference between two candidates i see that this infrastructure as potentially decisive in all those places, the trump campaign says it will have the message operation, and money to win the gop officials in several swing states tells cnn, the former president is far behind what biden is building. >> i'm confident we're all gonna get through this while zoom calls and drive in rallies were enough for biden to win last time. >> i can thank you the traditional mold of campaigning is back 133 field officers in counting most all in top battleground states, 2024 is the first campaign after the pandemic. we have to both do some things in 2020, but not everything, and then go back to some things we did in 2012 or 2016 and have a hybrid approach and glass of volunteer who came to an office opening and philadelphia is happy covid, campaigning is long over knocking on doors, running back six and now it's nice to know will be able to have really face-to-face contact. who did a good job four years ago, we can do a better job disguise the growing biden operation is preparing for for another exceedingly tight race. >> every voter you talked to, every door that you not truly does make a difference by trying to bring down trump's margins in republican territory. so you're not building offices and just blue areas. >> now, we want to be wherever you can win a voter, the point is you have to go compete in places that you otherwise not might not win, but you want to lose 60, 40 instead of 70, 30. that makes a big difference for all of the challenges facing the president. building an organization in the mold of the old obama biden campaign in is designed to help overcome any deficits with trump. >> that advantage that we have both on time. >> we're not sitting in court into the structure. and then of course, the cash advantage is something that we want to push everywhere so the biden campaign is preparing for a very close election air and we know that of course just a few states and tens of thousands of votes. >> but that happened in 2020. the difference here, this time is they are building a real organization and being inside the campaign headquarters and wilmington, delaware, that was clear. there rebuilding offices across the country, but aaron, one thing will be tested in november. those traditional campaigning and the brick-and-mortar way still matter. the biden campaign believes it does arrow, so say, thank you, jeff. and next we've got breaking news. police in riot gear squaring off with students in texas. the situation developing there as you look at these images and will take you to iran where the government now is trying to exploit the protests in the anderson cooper three, 60 next on cnn sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with faking unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks local life, and cultural treasures because when you experienced europe on a viking long ship, you will spend less time getting them and more time being that viking exploring the world in comfort in two seconds, eric will realize space got to sell the house. >> open houses bar skip the hassles and sell directly to open door when life stores have been will handle the house and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. for free, visit ai or download the app and we're back with our top story. >> look at these pictures out of texas protesters at the university of your city of texas, austin. i've been squaring off with police in riot gear and in iran tonight, leaders closely following all of this in the hopes for exploiting it. senior international correspondent fred pleitgen is on the ground in tehran and he's out front tonight with more on exactly how iran is taking advantage of this moment in america pro-palestinian protesters at us colleges getting vocal support from iran, conservative students and faculty at tehran university staging a demo this weekend, chanting death to america death to israel, saying they stand with those occupying us universities. and if that's what we not only support them, we are one united voices woman says, we are like organs of the same body american assistance also came out. >> it's great we didn't we didn't say that they would come out, but the fact that they came out shows that we're fighting for the same thing. >> you how it gets done. this movement by american students shows that freedom seeking and support of the oppressed has expanded all over the world. >> this map and says, it doesn't matter the biden administration ripped into iran over its crackdown of protests that swept the country and the fall of 2022 after the death in police custody of mahsa amini was accused of breaking the country's strict hijab rules the international community has come together to condemn and confront or ron's brutal crackdown. >> and we'll continue to act in support of the right of the iranian people to speak out for their fundamental freedoms but now iran says the us a support of israel's operation in gaza killing tens of thousands of palestinians and police action against some of those occupying campuses is tarnishing america's own reputation iran is leadership has been extremely vocal about the pro-palestinian protests going on, on some us campuses. >> they say the arrests that have been seen undermine america's role as a leading supporter. both of civil rights and a free speech for decades, iran has been the us and israel's strongest adversary in the middle east. iran and israel recently trading direct military blows for the first time i went to a press conference of the iranian foreign ministry, the spokesman saying, tech ron believes global opinion is now shifting their way jobs, quote, oblique opinion of the world and free thinkers of the world will not tolerate this genocide and they're loud voice won't be silenced. >> he said, and through police act chun's and violent crackdown policies, they cannot silence the voice of those that protest against this crime and genocide. >> john tehran, ripping into the us as the protesters on american campuses demand schools divest from israel and want the biden administration to pressure israel to stop its attacks get

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Reputationally , Courts , Mother , Propaganda Outfit , Cult Brown , Course , Breaking News , Media , Fighting Back , House Speaker , Good , Recourse , Kimberly Guo Foil , He S Back , Washington , Sale , Homes , Home Realtor Com , Don T , Home Listing , Professionals , Real Estate Professionals , Money Managers , Fiduciary , Products , Clients , Interests , Client , Management Fee , Finances , Health , Top , What S My Name , Lifestyle , Well , Agent Imaging Soldier , Job , Attack , Monster , Milestone , Target , Let S Plaque Psoriasis , Veil , Patches , Hulu , Tesla , Thoughts , Blacks , Diarrhea , Nausea , Headache , Weight Loss , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Closeout , Tiktok , Jack Donnelly , Shell Renewable Race Fuel , Indycar , Progress , Student Protesters , Anderson Cooper 360 , 360 , Squaring , President , Move , Riot Gear Dozens , Middle , So Ed , Ed Lavendera , Bit , Protester , Main Tower Building , Aaron Tilted , Area , Guard , The School , South Side , Arrests , Disorderly Conduct , Aaron , Encampment Area , Plucking , South Mall , Scene , Occupation , Signs , Intention , Sign , Occupancy , Indication , Sense Aron , Capital Building , Portion , Law Enforcement Presence , Grass Area , Volume , Waiting , Significant , Vantage Point That Ed , Motion , Motions , 22 , Vote , Vows , Aides , Political Quote Cohen , Mondo , Capitol Hill , Manu Raju , Green , Effort , Thomas Massie , Voting , Three , Backlash , Home , Thread , Side It , Aftermath , Ouster , Particular , Constituents , Members , Push Out The Speaker , Package , Aid , Try , Hardliners , Bunch , Congress , Party , Comments , Frustration , Would Kevin , Hollywood , Democrats , Republicans , Kevin Mccarthy , Ukraine , Chip Roy , Plane , War , Deal Making , Critics , Fed , Speakership , Pick , Absence , Front , Mono , Heart Grow Fonder , All Of You , Congressman , Efforts , Speaker Johnson , Greene , Bid , Congressman Cabac , Office , Point Well , Ci , Votes , Motion Privilege , Views , Her Moscow Marjorie , Words , Raul , Unserious , Save Johnson , Moscowitz , Sit , Byte , Idea , Jared Moskowitz , Russia , Post Office , Speech , Scenario , Candidate , Vice Versa , Bill , Majority , Public Opinion , History , Floor , Fight , Doesn T , Embarrassment , Call , Distraction , Marjorie Sayyed , Message , Congressman Buck , Kristi Noem , News , Common , College Campuses , Iran , Special Report , Challenge Uncertainty , How Tehran , Advantage , Turns , Fees , Surcharges , Audio , Pricing , Usps , Comfort , Display Space , Jeep , Grand Cherokee Lineup , 2020 , 24 , Msrp , Details , Jeep Grand Cherokee , Jeep Celebration Event , 90 , 38002 , 2024 , Millions , Preservation , Vision , True , Ndi , Red , Presser Vision , Formula , Macular Degeneration , Wallet , Ways , Whole Foods Market , Installation , Design Consultation , Design , Step , Removal , Stomach , Color , Kimberlee Well , Don T Vote , Noem Repurposing , Children S Book Today Called The Princess , Foreign , Pop , 2021 , Dog , Killing , Writing Today , Sunlen Serfaty , Cricket , Cricket Dead , Behavior , Gnomes , Uproar , Explanation , Horror , Animal Cruelty , Responsibilities , Memoir , Branch , White Haired , Hobby , Pheasant Hunting , Hunting Lodge , Hunters Noem , 20 , Puppy Cricket , Chickens , Hunting Dog , Untrainable , Excerpts , Worthless , Neighbors , Gravel Pit , That Dog , The Guardian , Gun , Dangerous , Musky , Rancid , Children , Goat , Incident , Goat Shield , Woman , Odd , Vice , Seth Toupper , Choice , Every Single Day , Approach , Image , Transformation , Mini , Headlines , Craving , Kristinoem , Four , Vice President , Ticket , Sources , Holmes At Trump World , Nadh , Vp , Prospects , Numbs , Share Erin , Mcat Miscalculation , At Rfk Jr , Plant , Tear , Left , Behind The Scenes , Reelection Machine , Field Offices , Campaign Trail , Stop , Jeff Zeleny , Pandemic , Troops , Wake , Butts , New Hampshire , Wisconsin , Organization , Operation , Biden Basement Campaign , Size , Confidence , Wilmington , Nevada , Infrastructure , Battleground Operation , Fundraising Advantage , Spot , Pathways , Biden Headquarters , Victorian , Dan Kanninen , Places , Structure , Margins , Thousands , Field , Lots , Difference , Swing States , Candidates , Half , Campaigning , Mold , Building , Drive , Zoom , Rallies , Calls , Field Officers , 2016 , 2012 , 133 , Contact , Doors , Volunteer , Office Opening , Glass , Covid , Philadelphia , Voter , Door , Biden Operation , Race , Territory , Areas , Challenges , 30 , 70 , Cash Advantage , Deficits , Obama , Tens Of Thousands , Everywhere , Campaign Headquarters , Rebuilding Offices , Police , Say , Arrow , Sail , Anderson Cooper , Iconic Landmarks Local Life , Faking Unpack Once , World , Space , Stores , Houses , Hassles , Grandpa , Wings , Em , Gentlemen , Ai , Visit Otter Ai , Fred Pleitgen , Ground , City , Hopes , Senior International Correspondent , Tehran , More , America Pro Palestinian Protesters , Death , Tehran University , Staging A Demo , Organs , Assistance , Body , Crackdown , Map , Oppressed , Freedom Seeking , All Over The World , Tech Ron , Community , Police Custody , Hijab , Mahsa Amini , 2022 , Killing Tens Of Thousands Palestinians , Freedoms , Gaza , Supporter , Rights , Adversary , Middle East , Opinion , Press Conference , Military Blows , Spokesman Saying , Foreign Ministry , Crackdown Policies , Thinkers , Won T , Crime , The Voice , Police Act Chun , Attacks , John Tehran ,

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