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Responsible. Nobody working for the government his responsible i am responsible. This is really an attack on a political opponent thats all it is. Jessica dean, cnn washington im thanks for joining us. Anderson starts now tonight on three 60 what Opening Statements and early testimony say about where things are headed in the first ever criminal trial of a former president. Also tonight, Breaking News in one of his three other criminal cases this is what a witness says. The former president told his valet and the part and he says he dangled in the classified Documents Case plus the antisemitism and fear jewish students say theyre now enduring you on campus after days of propalestinian demonstrations at some of the countrys foremost universities. Good evening. Thanks for joining us today. 12 New York City jurors and six alternates. Got there. First peek inside a highstakes world far removed from the everyday white collar charges. Theyve been chosen to here a world of celebrity tycoons, porn stars, alleged payoff sleazy tabloids, and legal fixers. Safe to say, 34 counts of falsifying Business Records never looked like this before. And no president or president ial candidate has ever been where this one is or demonstrably less in control of his own faith. The donald trump, which seemed to be written on his face as he sat through Opening Statements, then watched his onetime Tabloid Publisher friend testified for the prosecution. Trump is facing possible present time if convicted and fines for allegedly violating a gag order and trying to explain that he did not do with the prosecution alleges, namely, Cover Up Hush Money payments to a porn star to keep voters from finding out this is a case where you pay a lawyer a lawyer and they go all legal expense. Thats the exact term they use. Legal expense in the books. They didnt call it construction, they didnt say youre building a building, but he puts in an invoice or whatever of bill and the pending they call it a legal expense. I got indicted for that today. The trial began in are seen as Kara Scannell starts as off she was inside the courthouse during the trial. Now shes outside. So what was it seems like what was it like Behind Closed Doors . So interesting you said donald trump sitting at the Defense Table, he was taking notes and handing pieces of paper to his attorneys during the prosecutions Opening Statement. And then when his lawyer took the lectern to address the jury, trump had turned the face those jurors and more than half of them raise their hand when the judge asked if anyone wanted a notepad and a pen, so they were actively involved paying close attention, but also in an extraordinary move today, the chief administrative judge agreed to publish a transcript of the proceedings every day. So the public could follow word for word. This Torque Proceeding as Opening Statements got underway today i think it went very well prosecutors open their case today saying it all boils down to a conspiracy and cover up that Trump Orchestrated A Scheme To Corrupt the 2016 president ial election and covered it up by lying in his Business Records. Assistant District Attorney, matthew colangelos saying it was election fraud, pure and simple. Trump attorney todd blanche argued the former president is innocent. Blanche also claimed there is nothing wrong with trying to influence an election in his remarks, cole a lead prosecutor on the case. So the alleged crimes began at an august 2015 meeting between trump, Michael Cohen, and x National Enquirer publisher david the first witness to testify in the trial on monday, colangelos said the three formed a conspiracy at that meeting to influence the president ial so election by concealing negative information about mr. Trump in order to help him get elected. The prosecution said agreed to help by damaging information on trump to make it go away, a move known as catch and kill at the center of the case, a 130,000 payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels, just weeks before election day in 2016, the prosecution said a sexual infidelity especially with a porn star on the heels of the access Hollywood Tape would have been devastating to his campaign. So at trumps direction, cohen negotiated the deal to buy daniel story to prevent it from becoming public before the election, trump has denied having an affair with daniels prosecutor said trump did not want to write the check himself. So cohen put up the money, colangelos argued trump, cohen and former Trump Organization cfo Allen Weisselberg agreed cohen would be paid back in monthly installments through fake invoices to the Trump Organization in a nod to cohens past credibility issues, prosecutor said key witnesses like cohen have made mistakes in the past and encourage the jury to keep an open mind and carefully evaluate all of the evidence that corroborates Michael Cohens testimony, then it was trumps attorneys turn blanche said the das office should never have brought this case he said the prosecution story is not true, and the jury will find plenty of reasonable doubt. He pivoted to paint trump as a husband and father, saying hes a person just like you and just like me, trumps team suggested the Payments Trump made to cohen. Were not a payback for funds paid to Stormy Daniels, but instead payments to his personal attorney trump defended himself against these charges after court on monday which in an invoice or whatever, a bill. And they panic the legal expense. I got indicted for that plant, shifted blame to cohen saying the reality is mr. Trump is not on the hook, is not criminally responsible for something mr. Cohen may have done years after the fact. Blanche said the prosecutions outline of a supposed catch and kill deal with was not a scheme, but completely irrelevant and not illegal in the afternoon as briefly took the stand, he did not look at trump, but trump look directly at him as he testified carol, what was david what did he talk about on the stand because it was limited his time today yeah. David was on the stand for about 20 minutes and he started to describe to the jury how the National Enquirer operates, telling them that they engage in checkbook journalism, meaning that they would pay for stories now you also said that he had to email accounts including one that he used for confidential and sensitive matters, will be back on the stand tomorrow, and he is expected to testify about these kachin killed deals at the heart of the case. Sen. Can help. Thanks so much showing his now jury consultant, jill huntley taylor, former Trump Campaign adviser, David Urban Bestselling author and former federal prosecutors jeffrey toobin, also form and hadnt chief assistant District Attorney Karen Friedman agnifilo, and timmy agangawilliams, who served as Senior Investigative counsel to the house january 6, committee. A lot to talk about, geoff. I just reread your piece from the new yorker years ago about david profile of him, what stood out to you today about, i mean, why is he the first witness . Why is he so important . Well, you could see that in the way coinjoin talk about the how this case is going to work. Thats the prosecutor prosecutor, which is this this was a conspiracy to help donald trump win the election through the suppression of bad news stories three of them one of them being Karen Mcdougal, the one alleged affair with alleged affair. The other was adore man who alleged falsely the trump was the father of a child. And the third, of course, was Stormy Daniels, who is the basis for the charges in the case. And david is the key figure in all three of these, who basically controlled the money or at least for two of them he controlled the money for how these these stories were going to be suppressed. And that, thats what thats what coenzyme talked about in the Opening Statements. And thats what cracker began to testify in his testimony today and qarrah, why does the suppression of these stories matter . Because at the time hi, im what they were trying to do in the Opening Statement and what theyre going to try to do through the witnesses is take the jury back to 2015 and 2016 when none of this information was out in the open and the access Hollywood Tape had just come out and the campaign very much did not want these negative stories. Trump was not the case. Candidate that he is today with the popularity that he has now, he was sort of a candidate that, that was a longshot candidate and he was trying to suppress these stories. It was very important to his candidacy to suppress these negative stories on the heels of the access Hollywood Tape, i think the insiders, like hope hicks, like david, like Michael Cohen, are going to really take us into what it was like back then and why they were so desperate to get these stories suppressed and we die the defense said in their Opening Statement spoiler alert, theres nothing wrong with trying to influence an election is called democracy so whats wrong with trying to influence an election by suppressing these stories well, i think what the prosecution is going to argue and is arguing that these were unlawful election contributions. And in part write that here donald trump, he could have paid for catherine kill. Thats fine. Youre allowed to enter ndas. Thats fine. What you cant do is getting this kind of conspiracy here to have fonz going to impact an election because we have rules and regulations as to how you can spend Money Election and have it has to be reported. Donald trump here, the accusation being that he took bunny had it paid out, didnt report it like would be required and then engage in this concealment. And thats part those Business Records. So its the underlying Business Records, crime. And its done to conceal a separate crime. Here potentially being this election fraud. So i think thats whats interesting here, is that theres really going to be approving up of initial crime that isnt charged, that focuses on Election Schemes or whatnot and i can later on were going to get to bless kind of the more boring crime which is these documents, these 34 misrepresentations allegedly by the prosecution, but its all going to come down to why were these payments made . Was donald trump just a husband and trying to protect a wife perhaps or was he actually a candidate trying to protect a campaign . And that would make it unlawful. Urban is lavished i actually have a little bit of hope there. Lets inductively die. Explain that. I was like, wow, if a jury has got to buy that, maybe were gonna get a hung jury. Maybe we get a not guilty because that is a lot of ifs. Ifs that ifs and its a lot of Connective Tissue to get to the actual crime. Hear what trump is saying in what he just said was look, it said on the 34 things that are signed legal fees or whatever the exact wording of it. Whats i mean if its a payment to an attorney, hes saying its the legal fees. So any payment in to an attorney is legal arguments have great jury appeal. I mean, they have great jury appeal. Theres simple they make sense. Its like why paid i paid a lawyer. Thats a legal fee that makes sense. I can influence election, of course. Of course everybody does that. Thats democracy. He makes these very simple arguments. And no matter how complicated the case is, a jury is going to make it simple, but i thought the defense pointed out what appears to be a real weakness in the governments case today which is, i dont think the jury is going to have any doubt that this was hush money. I you know, this this whole idea that it was just money to cohen. I think its ridiculous, but the charge in this case is that donald trump cause these documents to be filed falsely and donald trump was the head of a very big company and a bookkeeper filled out these forms how did trump tell the bookkeeper what to do when it appears that trump had no contact . With the book, but what were some of these checks done in the white house itself . Im in trump sign. These chairs, right . I mean, i dont think theres any doubt that trump sign the checks, but the issue is how were they recorded in the corporate records of the Trump Organization . The charge here is that that was false and how trump made entries in the corporate but records false. That leap is something i havent heard how the government is going to prove it. We have a long way to go, but thats something i think is raising a question is it to influence the election or stay off the couch, right . I mean hes embarrassed. Wife embarrass family. I mean, is that what it was paid for . The argument against that is he then later on after the election, sort of my understanding is asked Michael Cohen, do we have to actually go through and pay Stormy Daniels . So if he was really concerned about his wife finding out, im not sure he would be Wasting Question whether or not he needed to pay. Thats what thats going to Michael Cohen get on the stand and testify. And if somebody were about that right but i think the timing context is going to be everything here. I think i do not think theyre going to be able to prove up that he was a caring husband that was worried about what his wife at home thought. One, theres an inconsistency with the behavior of potentially would still be daniels that he was just carrying husband, that the Defense Lawyer suggested in their opening. But the timing is going to be everything. This this will camp with Michael Cohen had a campaign the email address. These are individuals hope hicks, shes not shes not working for him personally. These are folks are trying to get this man elected president. And thats the context by which its happening. And if after the election he no longer thinks he asked to follow through he still married to bolonia. So if he was concerned a motivated by protecting her from formation, why would the fact that he hes now president , changed his views if it was really a family personal issue, he would still be as committed to protect information from her. I would just simply say that maybe its not maybe the store is not that interesting once hes elected a lot of other things coming down the pike, right. And it just kind of an adjunct to this just real quickly to raise republicans look at this and saying, this seems awfully similar similar to what happened with a hunter biden laptop pre, the 20 election. This youre hearing a lot of that from republicans jumped. So it does take it has enough, dont know with hunter biden no, no, it does. Hold on for sayyed. Let me explain. Right. So people will say the biden story was put put out there and saying 75 intelligence officials said that this was all russian propaganda, didnt get in the news. Nobody really looked at it before the election, right . There was a conspiracy, a coordinated effort to keep it out of the media until after the election, right . And people say, nobody peel back the onion that nomans look but at that. And so why, why does trump and jeff again, it seems like playing people in congress are looking at things. They just havent really found anything. So when they do, we can talk about the conspiracy to keep it out of the media before, but nobody told it seriously before the hunter biden has never run for president , has never been subject to Campaign Finance regulations. Were talking about canada trump, when a for president. So i think thats a clear distinction. What stood out to you about the former president s did anything standard about the form persons behavior. So yeah, a lot stood out to me the main thing though is that he once again violated the gag order. He walked out of court and started talking about Michael Cohen. And tomorrow morning, court is not starting until 11 or the jurys not coming back until 11 because theres a hearing in the morning in order to determine whether donald trump violated the gag order. Ten other times, but then he walked out yesterday or this morning, i should say. And talked about it again. Those was talking about witnesses. Hes not supposed to talk about the witnesses. And so its going to be can you call them a liar fraud and a couple other things . And so i think the judge that i think thats really whats going to whats going to happen tomorrow is going to be very interesting because inside the courtroom, hes on his best behavior. I think he learned from his previous civil trials that outburst in court dont win over a jury because the jury really came down hard against him in the E Jean Carroll cases, for example, we are those big verdicts and so i think he i think hes learned that in court. I think judge merchan is doing a good job of Keeping Control of his courtroom. But outside the court, hes still violating the gag order. So tomorrow its going to very interesting to see what the judge does and does the argument Michael Cohens Live Streaming probably right now on facebook for the next five hours. Michael, hes not the defendant. I understand, geoff, but this is this the Trump Argument that he could go on and fight. And the trumps being one hand, youve made the point that you dont think the arguments about like Michael Cohen, people were sort of public figures now is as strong as going after other there are witnesses who are other witnesses. And the comments about the jury. He he made some comments about the jury last week, which i think the judge is going to be especially concerned about because judges quite properly are very concerned about protecting the anonymity, protecting the safety of jurors they didnt sign up for this. Michael cohen is a public figure. Stormy daniels is a public figure, but these jurors are not public figures and private information is already leaking out about these people. And i think the judge quite properly is going to be very concerned about making sure these people can stay to the end and not just throw their hands up and say, im not im not were going to be part of this cr everyone. Thanks. Karen mentioned judge merchan, we want to bring in john e. Jones, the form the third, the former chief judge for the us middle district of pennsylvania, judge jones, appreciate youve been back with us. What was your biggest takeaway from Opening Statements . Well, its interesting. I think the Opening Statements were not unexpected theres a lot that the prosecution didnt say and im curious about that. I think theyre theyre kinda playing hide the ball, not inappropriately with some witnesses. I agree with your panelists had hope hicks is its going to be a very interesting and maybe a pivotal witness to tie the former president or not to what happened from the defenses standpoint. I was curious about todd blanche is statement that it is not illegal to influence an election. Im not sure where hes going with that at because i why he raised that is a little unclear to me. But those are the first takeaway is i had from the from the Opening Statements, i was surprised that judge merchan ended cord early because an alternate juror had a dentist appointment. I know dozens moments are tough to get in your city you want to hold onto them when you do get them, but did that seem odd to you . I mean, is it important to balance jurors lives with the court scheduled it didnt. But i think hes not going to make a habit out of it. Hes trying to be solicitous and, he adjourned a little bit early. You try to accommodate your jurors look, theyre gonna be out of pocket. For as long as six to eight weeks. So you have to give him a little bit of latitude. I would think if theres a run on Dentist Appointments, hes hes got to toughen up a little bit, but that didnt strike me as that odd. How much do jurors take cues from a judge . Maggie haberman, whom im going to talk to shortly reported from inside the courtroom, the george were intently watching judge merchan today they are extremely responsive to the judge. And i thought that in president trumps prior trial in the defamation trial, that one of the things he did is he alienated the jurors because he was running roughshod over the jet judge and jurors dont like that. The judges there keeper, he greets them in the morning. He gives some instructions at the end of the day. He does things like, hell, let them go for Dentist Appointments and typically theres a bond between the judge and the jury so they are they feel a certain closeness to the judge through the trial and that grows by the way. And your son, as the trial proceeds, and karen was talking about this before the Trial Resumes tomorrow, the judge is holding a hearing on the das motion to sanction trump for violating the judges gag order, barring discussion of witnesses. How do you think thats going to play out . Because theres not that many options. The judge really has. Are there . Well, ill tell you one thing the trial is rolling now. And what judge merchan doesnt want to do is interrupted for a Sideshow Judges get focused on getting the trial and he knows that hes got these people that are inconvenienced as i just said their lives are disrupted by this. Hes going to give everybody some time tomorrow, but hes not going to burn the day. I dont think on sanctions. I think in the end he probably wont sanction the former president. I think what well probably do is admonish him, draw some bright lines about what he can and cant say. I think some of the stuff that the former president was doing was two cubed by half. Then hes going to say, look, im going to give you a warning, but if it continues then you cant do it. And by the way, the statements he made outside the court today, your panelists didnt comment on that per say, but it strikes me that where the president former president is doing is hes testifying outside the courtroom as your lawyer, panelists . No, thats usable if he decides to testify, he can be impeached by the statements that hes making publicly. Again, i think its attorney cant control them, but he should not be doing that in 100 cases. In 99 of them the lawyer would not allow the client to go out and talk about the merits of the case and paint himself into a corner. Ive found that to be very interested. We should point out in the video, were showing, thats his lawyer standing right next to him. I initially thought maybe it was a secret Service Agent and i realized, oh, no, thats todd blanche. That is an attorney, so hes obviously listening very closely to anything that his client says to reporters joe jones. Thank you so much coming up next, as we mentioned, trump biographer maggie haberman, losing the court today. Also, theres Breaking News in the Documents Case. A witness now saying the former president promise to pardon his codefendant, his valet, walt nauta, in a second term also, a live report from the campus of Columbia University. Were propalestinian demonstrators have been out in force and jewish students have been living in fear more ahead one aleve works all day. I can keep talking just want to leave 12 hours of uninterrupted painrelated. Ill leave you do take it for and for fast topical pain relief, trial event. Nothing dems my life like a migraine with nortech ott. I found really the only Migraine Medication that helps treat and prevent allinone to those with migraine. I see you. 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Community schools can wrap so much around public schools. And through meaningful partnerships with families, they become centers of their communities. Real solutions for kids and communities at aft. Org progress, how we really havent sunday at nine on cnn as much as still photos and courtroom sketches convey about the foreign presence demeanor as a defendant, these historic proceedings are not televise, which is why its good to be joined now by New York Times senior Political Correspondent maggie haberman, and only has spent time inside the courtroom, but its also trump biographer. So what do you make the former president s demeanor today . What was it like . There were a couple of things that were striking. He looked very unhappy. He looked very unhappy on the monitors where you can see his face. He looked in court were well behind him so we cant see his face when were in there, we have a better view and were in the Overflow Room. Theres Overflow Room that has auditors and theres monitors in the courtroom too, but its much easier to see the monitors in the Overflow Room there, right up at your face, its just different he looked unhappy when he left for break. He looks unhappy when he left when court ended for the day, it was tense in the room when david was on the stand, it was tense in the room when colangelos the prosecutor was going through the narrative of the case hey, send talking about Stormy Daniels and access hollywood. And Karen Mcdougal and all of these things that trump does not want to hear about. I said this under your earlier today when recovering this, but i just kept imagining what is going through trumps mind when hes sitting there at the Defense Table watching david, his former friend, dish who, knows, a lot of secrets about him going back a long time on this stand. Its just its fundamentally different than what we have seen with trump over many years now, which is a lot of former aides or allies are advisers going on television or writing books this is, this is a courtroom, and this is under oath, and this is david opening his testimony and we only heard a little bit of testimony is coming back tomorrow, but him opening saying we practiced and im paraphrasing, but we practice checkbook journalism. That is a quote at the National Enquirer. We paid for tips about celebrities. And so forth. And trump knows what that that means, and he knows what kind of information that meant that david had and david was very poised and i think that hes going to tell a story that the jury is going to find pretty compelling. David essentially made a deal. I mean, nonprofit has a nonprosecution agreement and so thats why i mean, he testified. Yeah, hes testifying under subpoena. I mean, he is not doing this because he wasnt he was prosecutor say hes coconspirator act. He is not there because he wants to be there. But the prosecutors are going to try to suggest that he is testimony those same way theyre going to try to say this with Michael Cohen is credible for xyz reasons that these are things trump just didnt want to have come out the the fence that foreign president has no family with him, no friends. Hes just got his legal the team understand he was he he talked about this. He was upset about the lack of proximity of supporters outside the courthouse. Yeah. So it has been striking that theres no family because i know that there was some discussion at some point in those couple of weeks about who would be with him in court. And last week, which was just jury selection, there werent that many people today. There was a now links have lawyers from his other cases and from the trump org who showed up in court. But i think its because they were next door dealing with this new York Attorney general appeal he is he is by himself and when he feels boosted his by his supporters. And so he has been hoping for something of a circus around his trial, but the Reality Anderson is that only two to three doesnt support or for smacks over the last week have shown up and theyre positioned to protests last demonstrates slash whatever across the street from the courthouse, trump started trying to suggest entry social. Thats why the number has been so small, is that theyre all being blocked. But thats not it. Its the people are not showing up. You also wrote a really interesting piece for the New York Times about how the, trial, this trial is strips trump of control. And i mean, you really see that there was the famous example, just the other day of he got up to leave and the judge admonishes him, said, sit down, were still in session but its just for anyone whos been in those courtrooms. Its a dreary i mean, it is like its like old new york. It is, it is trapped in amber, 1980 tom wolfe, new york. And its the new york that trump thrived in. But this is not the part of it. The trump ever wanted to be captured by he has to sit there no cell phone board, which is not something he ever handles. Well while he is being insulted or describe negatively, he doesnt have the same methods to push back. Remember there is a hearing about whether he is vital, whether the judge agrees with prosecutors that he has repeatedly violated a gag order against attacking witnesses and others in the case tomorrow. And there are people around him who believed that this is part of the goal of the prosecution is simply that this process is is so shrinking and small, but courts and particularly state courts are really their own nations essentially, there are rules that get made from on high and you are at someone elses women will it is your life is not yours. Thank you. Thank you. Now, a major development, the Documents Case. Its one that if a witnesss account is true, could show what the foreign present did to secure the cooperation, loyalty of a codefendants in his evan perez joins us now with Breaking News, talking about what youve learned what anderson, this is a witness who is not identified is only by number witness 16. And what this person was totally telling the fbi in november 2022, interview was that walt nauta has said that he was being offered a pardon that this was an offer those made by the former president s people, its only referred to as the president s foreign president s, people. And it was a characterization of the investigation of either just a part of what the fbi interview says, it says that the nada was told by the former president s people that is investigation was not going anywhere, that it was politically motivated and much of dual bob nothing and said that if, even if nauta was indicted if he was charged, he was for lying to the fbi that the former president would pardon him in 2024. Now, we dont know again, what this person, who this person is we do know that according to so this transcript that was that was submitted in court that he worked or this person worked for the Trump White House and has had very limited contact since leaving them. I will note one last thing here that this person this was a witness who also apparently had talked directly to the former president and encouraged judge them to cooperate to return those documents. The classified documents. And it said something like, let them come here and get everything, dont give them a noble reason to indict you because they will understood has nada or trump responded at all to this . Not as attorney declined to comment. The former president s legal team has not responded, but i will note anderson that this is part of the defense by Beit Walt Nauta to fight against the obstruction charges. He is charged with being in a conspiracy with the former president , to obstruct this investigation. Amazon and impress. Thing so much up next for Donald Trumps one time friend. And according to prosecutors coconspirator david, taking the stand, ill talk with ronan farrow. The dotted reporting helped him the catch and kill practice of National Enquirer how could anyone possibly know that every single one of these pistachios is guaranteed to be wonderful by reading right here. Wonderful pistachios are the pistachios at a wonderful what the word wonderful on them. 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Ronen spoke to mcdougal in detail the allegations and the scheme to kill her story tomorrow when the Trial Resumes, ronans reporting will be a key piece of evidence. I spoke to mcdougal in 2018. And the only tv interviewed shed done about her relationship with trump. Heres what she told me once donald trump won the republican nomination right . Youre saying ami suddenly came back to you . With interests to keith . Yes. To us for the story. Yeah what do you think it was that it was after donald trump was the republican nominee that they came back they wanted to squash a story youre saying they wanted to protect donald trump im assuming so. Yeah. If donald trump hadnt been running for president , do you believe this deal would have been made with ami knowing what you know now, probably not know havent for not youre pretty youre convinced now this was an effort to do a favor for donald trump in the last few months of the president ial race i unfortunately, yes how is new yorker contributing writer ronan farrow, author of catch and kill lies phis and conspiracy to protect Predators David was obviously central to a lot of your reporting. Im running. What do you make of him being called as the first witness . Well, hes an obvious choice for a star witness. Theres a reason prosecutors are putting him first. Hes right at the heart of this scheme. He was the guy in the position of power at am i the Parent Company of the National Enquirer. And he was present for this meeting that prosecutors have focused on so much in august 20 where allegedly this whole scheme was brokered and this was a meeting between him, Michael Cohen, and donald trump. Thats right at trump. Tower. And the crux of this was that there was a very explicit agreement made that they talked openly about this being about how can you the enquirer help during the election and saying, well, we can buy up stories saying, ill be your eyes and ears essentially yeah, exactly. So we get into all of the meat of that in the testimony that happened today, it was very preliminary. He was on the stand briefly, but what he did do was say yes, we bought stories. He called a checkbook journalism. He said he had to personally authorize anything over 10,000, which would apply to these pivotal transactions that the prosecutors are trying to establish. Well hear more about that tomorrow. It was the defense in their Opening Statement said that theres nothing wrong with trying to influence an Election Prosecutors would argue otherwise, and the the very meaningful distinction here is whether you are paying to influence the election and acknowledging that as an electoral cost prosecutors are arguing that is not the case manifest late appears not be the case. These were not listed as Campaign Expenditures so it is the hidden aspect of it that this turns on. I was so fascinated. I mean, i said this earlier to try to imagine what is going through Donald Trumps mind, sitting there watching david. Theres guy who knows all his secrets. I mean more secrets than even what hes there to testify about. Yeah. I mean, one of the things i reported on was there were amis sources who saw larger lists. I was actually shown from a senior ami source, a larger list of trump stories. Some of them more consequential than others, not all of these were barn burner. Some of them were about his feud with rosy donald is all of the stuff they had amassed over the years, but they really did keep tabs on that. And during the election, they made sure that that lists was in a safe. There were sources who claimed that there was shredding of certain documents. So people at am i knew that they did as you say, have trumps secrets and that that could be a source of leverage potentially collaboration with him. So i think its a pretty startling about face for trump to have to listen to this stuff in court what do you think was in this for david . I mean, was it proximity to Donald Trumps . He did he really think that they were friends . Proximity, i think is the answer. And this was a tried and true model for david and the National Enquirer. They use these tactics, this combination of carrots and sticks will buy up stories for you. Maybe will threaten you that were going to expose the stories. Maybe well buy them up and keep them secret for you with other celebrities before theres a laundry list of famous people that they did this with as the election drew near, they saw an opportunity to do this in a much more consequential setting, right at the heart of power in this country. And then i think very quickly they realized that this was something that could backfire as it clearly has as president donald trump. Thank david by having him to the white house. I mean, sort of giving him the grand tour. There were some early acknowledged one of the alliance, but its also true that by the time the Stormy Daniels transaction came around and this is after the transaction over the rumor of a loved child at trump tower. The transaction around Karen Mcdougal, this other affair at a certain point, it started to become the parent to the people inside the National Enquirer that there was too much much heat around this. There was too much risk, and i think thats why you see the Stormy Daniels transaction looking so different through colon and there was a report that the 3,130,000 was too much and sort of pass it onto cohen. It started to get both overly expensive and risky looking risky specifically in the sense that might ultimately have the potential to put people in legal jeopardy. What else do you think i mean, whats the most important thing you think will be used for on the stand tomorrow. I think speaking to that meeting. And what was said in that meeting and pushing back on what we already heard in the opening stages. Today from the Trump Defense team, which is, hey, this is just a guy trying to protect his personal life, trying to protect his marriage by saying no, there was a meeting that catalyze this in which it was explicitly said this is about helping donald trump during the election. Thats something that david can speak to in an almost unique way. And while Michael Cohen, who is also going to be called as a witness, can speak to a two in different way. Hes also a more fraught kind of witness. Hes been accused of lying and various formalized settings. Hes admitted to lying and various formulas settings. I think that will be explosive and meaningful testimony as well. But david today especially came off as sober sanguine. He said he was there under subpoena, but that he was going to tell the truth. And i think prosecutors are relying on that sense of relative credibility. He has a fascinating thank you so much. Appreciate it. Still a and their propalestinian protests and charges of antisemitism is working heightened tensions and arrested some of the nations top universities as well. Lab report from Columbia University were protests are now in their sixth day. Well be right back the white house Correspondents Dinner Live Saturday at seven eastern khan, cnn smile. 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Prison biden today also denounce antisymmetric protests. Cnn, Shimon Prokupecz went to Columbia University to investigate. Heres what he found where on the steps of Columbia University, there is a jewish group here thats actually giving out free matzo as they get ready for passover. And just across from them is the encampment, which has stirred. So much emotion. Here on the campus. With some of the jewish students feeling unsafe. I consider myself a very brave person, but i wont deny that ive been physically intimidated and harassed. Ive i felt why this is not a welcoming environment. I think its a very difficult time for a lot of jewish students for judges seventh of october over the weekend, the protests turned rowdy, disturbing videos show some protestors harassing jewish students amid all this, a rabbi linked to the university urged jewish students to stay home, saying recent events at the University Have made it clear that Columbia Universitys Public Safety and the nypd Cannot Guarantee jewish students safety this is the center of Columbia University. What theyre calling the gaza solidarity encampment. And an occupation here at the school as they want, demands to be met by the school in terms of their support of israel. Why is it important for you . To be out here sleeping out here yeah, just to show solidarity with the students that have already been arrested and obvious the people in gaza. This is the tarp area. This is where many of the medical supplies, the food, theres coffee here, theres other goodies that just essential needs that many of the people may need who have been out here for several days, so im jewish a lot of the focus has been on like, you know, supporting jewish students who have been facing antisemitism. But there has not been a want to focus on palestinian students who have been feeling anti sentiments. Howdy if parents feel about good theyre proud of me and im proud of them for that last week overall, hundred protesters, including some students, were removed from campus by new york police at the behest that the university and arrested on suspicion of criminal trespass the move stirred more tension on campus. And by monday morning, colombias president Minouche Shafik declare that all classes would be virtual for the day, and that a reset was needed. I am deeply saddened by what is happening on our campus. She wrote in a statement, these tensions have been exploited and amplified by individuals who are not a Fish Ciliated with columbia, who have come to campus to pursue their own agendas many of the students here are saying who are graduating are saying theyre not sure what graduation is going to look like this here and those who are part of the encampment are saying that they intend to be here for graduation, that theyre not leaving additional propalestinian protests are taking place at universities across the country, including yale, nyu, and mit and today, anderson, a number of Faculty Members and employees of the school actually walked out to stand in solidarity. Already with the students who are protesting in the middle of the campus, but also theyre protesting what the school did here in ordering the arrest of those students last week, Anderson Chemali program theres thanks very much. Just the head. 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Org sugar im Sunlen Serfaty in washington and this is cnn well, congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene called House Speaker mike johnson has traitor to his party in country after the ukrainian aid vote over the weekend, ukraines president Volodymyr Zelenskyy today. Thank johnson and others for the tens of billions of dollars in the city of kharkiv near the russian border, which has seen a lot of Shelling A Giant Tv Tower Crash to the ground after a Russian Missile strike. Zelenskyy told President Biden by phone today that the russians are trying to make the countrys secondlargest city uninhabitable. Melanie zanona joins us on the aftermath of this weekends funding fight. So how much support does green actually have them . Among hardliners . Well, at this point there are only three republicans who have officially signed on to the motion to vacate the speakership. But greene is hoping that as republicans return home to their districts this week for the recess, hear from their constituents and see how angry the gop base is that there will be a Pressure Campaign and that pushes more republicans into her camp. But anderson one republican who does not appear eager to join greene in her effort is donald trump. He had previously said that he stands by the speaker and tonight he said that he continues to defend johnsons leadership. Take listen we have a majority of one. Yes. Okay its not like he can go and do whatever he wants to do. I think hes a very good person. Its a tough situation when you have one, i think hes a very good man. I think hes theres trying very hard now, greene is one of trumps biggest cheerleaders on capitol hill. So hes being very careful to not directly criticize her or to tell her to back off. But even just having trump staying neutral in the fight and reiterated his support for johnson is a big boost for the speaker since trump does have a lot of sway over this Republican Party and a green does force a vote. Would democrats jump in to save johnson . So Democratic Leaders have not officially committed to putting up the votes to either block or kill a motion to vacate. But behind the scenes, there is real interest in helping johnson, and that is because democrats really admired that job thompson defied his right flank, put this package of foreign aid bills on the floor. There was really serious doubts about Whether Johnson was ever going to do that. And so the conventional wisdom, at least at this zero point is that democrats ultimately will throw johnson some type of lifeline and whats greens next move so the house is out for the rest of this week, which means the earliest that she could force a floor vote on Removing Johnson is next week, but she still has not even recruited a replacement for johnson. So thats certainly could work towards his advantage. Anderson who are the others who are along with with, with, with green in this gosar. The other two republicans thats paul gosar of arizona and Thomas Massie sea of kentucky. All hardline members of the house Republican Party, they are trying to build support. That is why green hasnt moved forward just yet on her motion to vacate. She does say that theres a couple more at least behind the scenes, but well have to wait and see whether anyone else comes out in the coming days and weeks, anderson. All right. Melanie zanona, not appreciate that. Thanks very much. We have continuing coverage of the trial of donald trump the tomorrow, the news continues right now. The source with Kaitlan Collins straight from the source tonight, 12 jurors one angry former president , all listening. It is the this occasion opened its

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