Transcripts For CNNW Real 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW Real 20240703

>> no. >> hbo original series, >> real time with bill >> hi all right thank you very much you. so much so much to cover in this room. someone's got this home month, i mean, march. whoa come in like a line. we're not with p. diddy on the lam he isn't a lot of trouble, boy, their sex trafficking, why they said they paid paid women for sex, had people carry drugs from what the record industry calls another day >> and good he's really now because all the defense lawyers in america are working for trump are you on truth social >> i'm glad there's one guy you're with. we wanted ideologically mixture that's that's trump. he, trump's started that you know, it's sort of his twitter went public >> he made $5 >> billion idiots shares in this money losing imitation twitter that no one uses. this is why trump is never really going to be against abortion. he needs a sucker born every minute but listen to this, the race between biden and trump. now a virtual tie that wasn't the case a few weeks ago. so anything very interesting it's such a toss-up. shohei ohtani system interpreter won't go near it of course, it's all about getting the money now, biden had a big fundraiser, just that the other night in new york obama was there and bill clinton, it was like the expendables of the democratic party it was at radio city. biden was very excited. he said he's heard very good things about radio but this america in a nutshell, okay, so they have this big fundraiser there. they have like the a-list stars. of course, they have ex-president's singers, dancers, lizzo. they raise 26. they raised $26 million trump's sold twitter for idiots on the stock market and made 5 billion sitting at home this is not the only way trump is raising money. he not making this up. sounds like i am. he's got his own bible now that he's selling his own bible. but it's not, you it's just justice. hear regular bible blaze that you'd buy in the airport? no >> it's a bible also has been at the constant two and the declaration of independence. so his fans are going to love it. it has everything they pretend to have read in one book cell. >> like a bible like chris christie selling a vegetable slicer for but it's just in time for easter. this is the weekend came early this year today good friday that's good >> as jesus said, good for who >> i mean, this is the day >> or the day when romans, grace of christ, or is the trump bible says there were some very fine people on both sides the big, story this week was the bridge in baltimore that got hit by the boat and the boat hit bridge. i mean, it was this is america. i just can't i mean fairly simple story, tragic but what's a big country? lotto should go and on all the time is going to happen boat hit bridge. but the internet is just it's all conspiracies. it's no, this was a cyber attack. somebody with the covid vaccine >> really, i'm not kidding. israel did it, the obamas did it. marjorie taylor greene asked on twitter, or she is, was this intentional when was this an accident which is so funny, that's the same question i have for marjorie taylor greene's mother, but dropping her on her head is and finally some back. well, it's not good for him. sam bankman-fried, you know the crypto go the crypto creep. they call them are not good for you got sentenced to 25 years. that's the bad that is the the bad news for him. the good news he gets to meet p. diddy former secretary of defense dr. mark esper first up here for social psychologist at nyu stern school of business and author of the anxious generation, the great rewiring of childhood is causing an epidemic of mental illness. jonathan height great >> important work you're doing. let's go through the title because i agree with it. the great rewiring, but great we rewiring. you're talking about children now because it's social media and the phone and so forth. >> those are big words, >> great rewiring, tell the skeptics why that's not hyperbole because something happened between 2,010.20, 15. that's when childhood seems to have changed. >> i got a phone then what we all did we all get but in 2010, we all had flip phones and what happened after that is the mental health of people born after 1996 collapses it's not just that they're saying that they're anxious and depressed. it's that they are cutting themselves and being hospitalized especially preteen girls, the rates of self-harm triple its suicide, which is up 50%. and all of this starts in the early 2010s and my argument is that in 2010, millennials had flip phones. they didn't have high-speed data they use their phones to call and text each other to meet up at the mall or whatever it was. by 2015, teams had a high-speed data, instagram, they didn't get together anymore. they sit on their bed, they communicate, and that is not good enough. you can't grow up that way, don't need reality. >> that's right. that's right. we've made reality >> obsolete. interesting choice >> yeah, i >> noticed you used the phrase phone-based childhood versus play-based childhood of course, we had play based childhoods. i mean, that was my whole childhood was playing and my mother never i've got home from school. my mother never one said after i left the house, where you going? kids start. that's where i'm going that's right. >> has beginning. beginning a few hundred million years ago, whenever mammals were created, the thing that mammals do when they're little is play. it. could we have this large brains that fires up our brains? we did that from several hundred million years bc until around the 1990s. let me find a stopped. we said if we ever let our kids out without watching them, there'll be abducted. and just as that was happening, just as we're pulling them in, the internet was coming in and loring to stay online. so there is a backstory here, doesn't all began in 2010. there's a backstory but mental health only collapses around 2012, 2013 >> it make such an interesting point about how parents today it's the worst of both worlds, too much hovering in real life where there is any left >> and >> then none with virtual go in your room, lock yourself in there with the portal of evil. that is the phone how do you explain that? >> well, for one thing we were freaked out by child abduction, all sorts of things and you have sexual predators. in previous decades. >> but guess what? they all moved onto instagram. that's where they're hanging out because it makes it very easy for them to talk to, you some women, young man. so the real-world has actually gotten safer and safer online world has actually gotten more and more dangerous. most of us who remember the '90s, the internet was amazing. it was we were all techno optimists. this is going to help democracy. this is going to be the most amazing thing ever and it doesn't really get kinda dark and nasty until the 2010s. and so we that's why we ms the switch, we thought, well, okay, my kid is online all the time. my kid is texting with other kids. maybe that's as good as playing with a maybe we didn't know back then we were wrong it's not but wasn't it moving in that direction anyway, i feel like parents just east generation seeded more control. two children. >> i don't know why >> because it's worst for both of them is worse for the parents who have to be their chauffeurs and they're beck and call and always apologizing to the brown kids and beggar the they're pushing whip by their own children this terribly for the kids why it is your theory, white parents kept ceding control and treating children just as short adults. >> well, as life gets easier, as people get wealthier. as we move away from the old days, authority tends to decay. there tends to be less respect for authority, less respect for the old ways so i think this is something that happens a lot with modernity and with progress but i think it's a mistake in part in that kids need structure. they need moral rules. this is something i learned from the sociologist emile durkheim when it seems as though anything is permissible it doesn't make people happy. it makes them feel disoriented and lost. and that's what we see in the date. it's really incredible these survey questions, things like sometimes i feel like my life has no purpose or i think i'm no good at all. you track out the percentage of american high school kids who agreed with that from the '70s, all the way through about 20:10 it was actually get those numbers are actually going down a little bit up to 2010. and then they all skyrocket. once the kids move their social lives away from play, an adventure and aaron's and people, they move it onto swiping and liking they feel useless, they feel disconnected. they get depressed, they start cutting themselves and suicide goes that began by 50% and no boundary >> that's right. >> here's something it never entered my mind when i was a child. when my parents me off. i'm going to call the cops on you was not an option that entered my mind well, here's another problem because i see in the news this week governor of florida, ron desantis, who of course is hated by the left because we were such a polarized country. he did something which you are advocating basically under percent >> he bet and social media for anybody under 14. >> that's right. okay. now, see what the problem in america now is because he did it >> yeah, exactly. that's right. it can't be >> good because desantis did. well, that's >> true, except it's true that we're going to react that except that however crazy polarized, we are. this is the one issue on which we're actually not. and you see this in congress. this is one of the only issues where the press has really come from, both parties because most people have kids almost everyone sees this no so i hope we don't mess this up, but for now this is the one area where we're going to put down are sort and say, can we at least get together to give our kids back some childhood >> your book lays out an actual prescription for this. it's very practical. >> give me the four things i know. that's one of them right >> but that's the key though, is to realize the reason why, the reason why we're stuck in this parents don't like it teaches hatred the kids themselves don't like it is what's called the collective action problem. anyone who gets off is now alone. it's hard to be the only one who doesn't get all social. only one who doesn't give a phone. so my for my four new norms would solve for collective action problems and then makes it easy for us to escape and they're very simple one is no smartphone before high school, just give them a flip phone or an apple watch, smartwatch that's what the millennials had flip phones, they came up fine you may not think so, but mental health mental health data suggests that they cannot five why me >> i'm not your best tech person. i had a i had if i didn't get into texting. right when it started, i had a phone and when they got the one that replaced that, they said you have 2,800 texts >> turned it on. i missed it. i'd never turned on that thing. i ms out on so many women go ahead >> and new smartphone? no smartphone till high school. no social media till 16, which is what the desantis bill does with a projects genes 16 no no phones in school, schools, moscow phone free? yes every school that does a lot if the kids love it too, once they detox >> after a couple of weeks, the rain resets. they actually love it and the fourth norm is far more independence free play in responsibility in the real-world because if we're going to, if we're going to reduce screen time we have to give them something to do. we have to give him something constructed like play with each other. this is this is again always our politics, i think is what >> screws us so badly because, well, because like super-duper safety ism became a part of the political identity of the left. we thought with covid, that's, you know. so like anything that's like if one person is hurt or dies from anything ever, we have to stop that. there's no perspective on yes. life is a dangerous game. and some people yes, are not going to make it to the end, but we can't sacrifice everything else for that idea. and parents sort of lost that not a lot of parents have been short-term save this. i'm gonna i want to make sure that anything that could hurt you. but if it's like if you protect the kids immune system for their whole childhood, right? you cripple their immune system, their can suffer from autoimmune diseases if you protect your child, don't let them take risks. kids need to take risks. they need small risks to be able to manage them. then they can face much bigger risks as adults >> thank you >> get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies, eclipse across america, april 8 did one on cnn or streaming on macs >> did you not turbotax now provide you with a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish. try turbotax life full service. your full service expert will do your taxes for you as soon as today. plus, they'll only sign in file when they know it's 100% correct. and you're getting the best outcome possible for a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish, try turbotax live full service, visit today, brainpower helping you buy better have you heard sling tv offers the news you love for less weight you look and sound just like me. actually i am you because i'm the same news programs on sling for less. you mean you're me but for less money. a lot less. i'm all your favorite news programs and more on sling starting at just $40 a month. everything great about me, but less money, which makes me greater than you think it's the same news for less, starting at $40 a month >> hey there, brenda it's carol. exactly. >> so which like are we operating on? 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>> and i think >> the point here is liberals are meant to believe in free speech. that is one of the foundational values of liberalism. and if you're going to say, you're going to dpp platform 85 million americans. that's a lot of people they say no, it's not about that. is that she lied. well, bill clinton lied under oath. i think last time i checked he's been on msnbc. they say, well, she's an >> she's she's an election denier. well, >> stacey abrams was an election denier about her own election and they've had her on the larger point is the book i've written is really about this for centuries of progress and backlash and what you find is liberals often trigger backlash when they use in liberal means to get to there so you know, they like, we're going to do what it takes and the truth is, and mean, liberalism in a broad sense, liberal democracy, freedom of speech, constitution these are precious inheritances that we have the way you're going to defend it, the way you're going to move it forward is by not cheating, not cutting corners, not having double standards. because if we have them, then what trump says as well. >> you've got corners. i cut corners. you have double standards. you've got to be real. i mean, look at what happened with nodding. you agree with all that? yeah. look, i think he makes great points. it was a fantastic piece i mean, both sides have to be able to invite other persons from the other side into there into their fora to speak whether it's the media or whether it's college campuses, right. just because you don't want to hear what a conservative has to say doesn't mean that he or she should be excluded from speaking at berkeley or whatever the case may be literally once this invited to speak at berkeley and then re-invite it, those college presidents >> fell into the same double-standard. you know, people said, wait a minute, you're saying it's okay to say nasty things about, about jews. >> but, when >> people said nasty things about african americans, you use it owner that's hate speech you can't have these double standards if you're going to apply a standard just applied consistently, i would a couple of things here. i don't think i mentioned the fact that she was hired by nbc and then their own on-air people. rachel maddow, chuck, todd objected, and she was then fired after one day also, when you say a third of the country, it's a third of the country who thinks the election was stolen, but there's another, something like 14% good. it's almost half that either thinks the election was stolen or doesn't care because there's still going to vote for trump. so it is almost half the country for that reason. i'm with you but i don't i'm not with you on the idea that a lie is ally. bill clinton's lies, obama's lies, whoever's lives are different than the election doesn't count. when our guy doesn't, win. that is it's thing. i totally get that point of view. >> i agree, but my point is that you have to recognize that at the end of the day, if you're in favor of free speech, look, you said this is these aligher's. there against the american system. with that communist run for the presidency of the united states when i was in college, i invited gas hall, who was the communist party candidate. he believed in the violent throw of the united states. it fine in a liberal democracy, you get to say your piece, and we get to debated, by the way, it would be good to have rachel maddow ask her some other questions. >> i'm not sure. i'm not sure he was from the violent overthrow the united for the overthrow, he wanted communism, right? she is a form of government which is not liberal democracy. no, it has nothing >> but you'd have to overthrow the government to get to it, right? >> i mean, no, you can elect a communist government. italy did it all the time >> gus all was a little more hard line that the italian communists who were basically oh communists, i think the other part of this nbc drama though from the reporting was not just what she hired by nbc, but then was enticed by the head of msnbc, to also appear on nurse shows, which she apparently did. so roadblock reluctantly. and then all this all this drama breaks out and it begs a question who is running the place right? is that the honore host or is it the corporate leadership, right? >> i don't know well, the other point you raised and you do it in your book as well. is that liberalism around the world, not just here is promoting a >> backlash. i mean, i i'm reluctant to use this word woke because some people hear it and they're very triggered by are there because they remember what it used to mean, which was good at first alert to them injustice. we're all for that. >> i would >> say it migrated to someplace weird and there's a lot of crazy. and that's what you and i think the same thing like this could lose biden the election because the woke agenda, what, what are the things you're talking about? i know in your column today, you mentioned for example, race getting getting to. racial equality by means of quota or decree. something that is whelk and doesn't strike lot of people is the way to go. but what are the other things you're talking about that are the woke agenda when people hear that word, what people i think when you in a few look through history, what i tried to do in the book cusp point out that when, when liberals go overboard with this kind of puritanical zeal and say everything is going to be fixed. all these abstract ideas are going to be going to be fixed right away. it produces a backlash. so you can see it actually very vividly in the french revolution. >> i don't want to go that far back, but you >> look at something like then are then education. it's all done so politicized >> whether or not you, >> when you have a play on the first thing people now start asking is or movie. how many people have what color are in this movie? how many people were in? can you, can we just do a hamlet that is supposed to be a great hamlet without having and again i think it's important to emphasize the point you're making it. it comes from a good place. there was too much exclusion in the past. but the way you get past, it is not again, by using illiberal means this is the great point of martin luther king's famous phrase. he wanted his kids to be judged on the basis of not the color of their skin, but the content of their character when things here coming out of the movement now >> is that we should not use the word which not say we're colorblind, but i don't see color right >> exactly. this is exactly between liberalism, which i defend old-school liberalism, what you just said, martin luther king and woke ism, which y0 moise making this point is something different that is not what the world people believe, which i think is is they say we should see color first and foremost, always the position of me and liberal because liberalism is about seeing human beings as individuals, not as members. yeah, that's >> when you, when you look at the issues affecting president biden's reelection right now, we can talk immigration and the border or the economy. i think it is this too, that you just can't, you can't put your handle, your hands-on, and that is pronouns, right? you get corrected if you use the wrong pronoun if you you can't say they're homeless people anymore, they're unhoused president biden had are there are people experiencing homelessness? president biden had it, right? i had to walk back biden had to walk back his comments from the from the state of the union speech when he said illegals right? he had to go on to say this undocumented person, this is a big issue in your area, the military icu or conservatives are always trying to make this an issue let me ask you, you would know better than anybody. is this valid? i don't know what first of all, what are the specifics that they're talking about when they say a woke military is threatening our readiness what are they talking about specifically? what kind of things and is there any credibility to that? >> the second question first, let me say it's it's not as bad as the right would say, but it's worse than what the left to acknowledge. and what does it look like? >> that's everything in america you're right this administration set up a >> dei office that would dictate dod policies for education. there are classes on what the say and whatnot whatnot to say. for example, you shouldn't say, hey guys, you should say, hey, everyone in the military and military, you shouldn't say, mom and dad, you should say parents and guardians, right? the colorblind argument, there's the issue of drag queen story hours on post. now, look, i don't think this is driven from the leadership at the pentagon. i think it's coming from the white house and from people within the administration who come in and believe that they're pushing their agenda forward and look, you asked what's what's the problem? the problem is it takes time and resources away from the troops that they should otherwise be training, preparing for war. and it further divides us if further starts putting people into buckets, whether you're based on your ethnicity, your gender, your sex, the color of your skin. and my view is i'm sorry, you're in the military if you're in the army, are all green, right? if you're an air force, are all blue, we have a common commission, a common purpose. let's stop subdividing and identifying people along those lines because it creates friction that undermines morality here's, >> why i think it's a real problem for biden because the biden strategy seems to be given to the left on these issues. and then we'll just improve the economy and will run on the economy and the economy is doing great. and he's right the economy is doing superbly >> but we are in a new battle, battleground of politics that's, that's in part the whole point of my book. >> because you >> look at biden, his approval ratings are 38% despite the fact the us is doing fantastically 50 year lows in unemployment, we our economy is doubled, the size of the urine so now we'd was the same size in 2008 >> but look at europe, >> those leaders are doing badly and people say, oh, we have all this right-wing populism because we hollowed out our manufacturing workforce. >> well >> france and germany didn't. they're facing huge right-wing populism problems. they say it's all because of economic inequality. >> well the scandinavian countries don't have as much inequality as we are by any stretch. and sweden has an actual fascist party as at second-largest. marty. the new politics is all about these cultural issues. and i fear that biden, instead of dealing with it immigration that he needs to do what bill clinton did with that sister soldiers speech and say because he's not infected would be truthful. biden is not whether whether woke left-wing progressive group at the groups are but he's, i think he's worried about saying it. and so instead he thinks will just make the economy better. >> i think he just doesn't want to fight with that part. i don't think even understand but that's attack it my trans, i am when you're talking to my just he just doesn't want to fight with well if he were to say just that. all right >> that's my disappointment. he came in and he he could have unified the country. he could reach that and he didn't. and instead, i thought he catered more to the far left, the progressive left, instead of being more than moderate joe that when look, when i worked with him in the senate because the guy reaction >> all right? 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>> new rules. since every type of adversity has its own support group now, i want to raise awareness about a group of people who for too long have flown under the radar, really tall people who aren't in the nba did you know that one in six americans over seven feet tall is in the nba. but what about the other five? for them, it's a lifetime of, wow, you must be a professional basketball player but they're not a professional basketball player. they're just tall they're the really tall people who aren't in the nba. >> and >> they deserve to be seen new rule >> travis kelce has to go into acting just look at this photo of tropos with i don't know some girl would only the back of his head. he's able to convey a range of motions, weariness resentment regret. it's remarkable, yes. travis, when you're done with football, hollywood will be calling if she let you have a phone >> neuro someone asked explain to the 75-year-old pennsylvania man charged with trying to arrange a threesome with two underage girls, that it's okay if you don't check everything on your bucket list some dreams are meant to stay that way dreams. i wanted to play the lead in brian depalma is body double, but i hidden unless i did. >> i don't know it was the '80s. there was a lot of drugs euro someone has to break it to eric trump that contrary to what he's claiming, his father didn't actually build the skyline of new york let's see, eric daddy likes to brag, but here are all the buildings in new york and here are the ones that daddy had something to do with he also doesn't regularly be professionals at golf and he also wasn't going to be a professional baseball player but eric i will say this about your dad. he can jerk off two guys at once i'm going, to show it three-week >> and varley new role >> now that both biden and trump are asking voters the age-old question, are you better off than you were four years ago someone must tell them that everyone's answer is you're kidding, right four years ago yeah. >> i remember march 2020. i was bordering for toilet paper and eating all the food out of my earthquake kit yes. what a great time that was when covid hit on america wet itself, emptied its pockets and curled up in a ball let me say, i get no pleasure having to characterize my country as panicky, inefficient and stuck on stupid. but that's what we are and nothing proved it more than the flight from hell four years ago. if you don't recall the saga of the cost of luminoso, here's what happened after covid had already begun spreading worldwide. a lot of passengers on a cruise ship out of fort lauderdale started getting sick so nothing out of the ordinary so far but by the time they ship full of portly retirees wearing tommy bahamas shirts got halfway across the atlantic, the coughing got so loud it was drowning out the jimmy buffett cover band it was decided to dock in march were the passengers refers crowded onto locked buses for five hours and then put on a nine hour flight to atlanta, where so many of the fevers passengers were collapsing. the flight crew had to lay them out in the aisles which really put a crimp in the beverage service then just in case by some miracle, someone on the plane still didn't have it when the covid express landed? the pilot announced that despite multiple distress calls to atlanta, the headquarters of the cdc mind, you well, apparently nobody knew we were coming so everybody sat locked on the plane, sitting on the runway for another three hours, man wears boeing when you need a door to follow well finally, the cdc arrive and i'm course immediately quarantine everyone and gave them prompt medical attention. i'm kidding what they did was make them fill out a questionnaire, give no one to covid test, drop them off at baggage claim >> let them go >> to the food court in the busiest airport in the world, and then sent them onto their connecting flights to 17 states and canada, which to me is just inconceivable they made their connection at atlanta >> but honestly if some foreign enemy had intended to ensure covid, spread through the united states, they couldn't have done a better job. the fire festival guys could handle this better. >> so i get it that we didn't know exactly what was happening at the beginning of covid and some mistakes were inevitable. but four years on, i'm tired of hearing. well, we didn't know. no, we didn't but some people guessed better than others and the people who got it wrong don't seem to want to acknowledge that now, some people said closing schools for so long was pointless and would cause much worse collateral damage. the kids and they were right thank you for years ago, the daily beast rent a story with the headline, bill maher pushes steve bannon, wu khan lab conspiracy theory which was typical of the mainstream media at the time. of course, it wasn't a conspiracy theory and it wasn't owned by steve bannon. and now everyone including the biden administration admits as at least a 50, 50 chance that the virus could have begun in the lab. and wu that was doing gain of function research on that virus but i don't see a lot of retractions being printed yeah, when covid hit, we did a lot of stupid things because american never reacts. >> it only >> overreacts ober's look like those orthodox jews who wrapped themselves in robin case, they're plane flies over a grave we washed the male we've played baseball in front of cardboard cutouts an aid in parking lots or with inflatable dolls they closed the ocean >> we >> bang pots and pans to show our love for nurses and our hatred for people trying to get a baby to sleep two years, we had to get nostril every time he left the house serious people talked about having sex through glory holes and if you don't know what a glory hole is, i wouldn't look into we were told to wash our hands every we've five minutes and don't ever touch your face. and if you absolutely must go to the beach for the sake of all that is holy. wear a mask outside. >> because the last thing you would want to do when a disease is a foot is get fresh air and sunshine and vitamin d no much better to stay locked up, stressed out and day drinking if you do get covid, remember natural immunity is always the worst kind even if you've had the disease, you need a shot. yes, some very bad ideas were embraced as the conventional wisdom ideas that haven't aged well. and a lot of dissenting opinions that were suppressed ridiculed at the time have proven to be correct. maybe that's why the powers that be never wanted a covid commission. why not? we love commissions. the warren commission, the aids commission. and in commission, the nfl even had a ramming your head into another guy's head, bad for heads so where's the covid commission? >> because it >> seems to me we haven't learned a thing maybe the number one lesson from the pandemic was the need for proper air ventilation. second was never going to zoom with jeffrey toobin but if there's been a big national movement to retrofit buildings, i missed it gain of function research is still going on in labs. we're still torturing animals by raising our food and conditions ideal for viruses to make the leap to humans, bird flu was just found in a goat which means we're just one lonely farmer from the next pandemic we handed out $4 trillion of free money, 280 billion of which was just flat out stolen. and what the api called the greatest grift in us history. and which started an inflationary spiral that we now blame on biden so we're going to bring back trump, the guy who ignored covid like it was the dinner check talk about not learning anything. and >> there are no miracles. happy. he's to everybody >> sorry ross, next week and back in april arizona and phoenix palace in albany, may 19 club random is always on every week dropping on sunday on youtube or listener, they get your podcasts i want to thank for riggs, a courier, dr. mark esper now go october time on youtube. thank you, folks >> so how long have you lived, here the 40 years and how or the restaurants around here? 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