Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704

particularly under the 14th, president trump, briana will ripley. >> thank you for thareport and thank you so much for joining us. ac30 60 starts now >> and i don't 360 breaking news involving former president trump's criminal trials, including a new fight about limiting his repeated attacks on, uh, judges daughter, who has no connection to the trial at all also tonight, pushback on the former president's law and order comments at the wake of a fallen police officer were joined by the brother, brian sickness, the capital police officer who died after being assaulted during the january 6 attacks, and later, exactly one year after russia wrongfully detained a wall street journal reporter, a talk with the sister of having girls good evening. i'm jim sciutto in for anderson to breaking developments in foreign revolving, former president trump's criminal trials this evening. first is whether the former president can continue his harassment of the daughter of the judge overseeing his hush money trial. a woman with no actual connection to the case whom trump has falsely accused of attacking him tonight, the manhattan da's office has asked the judge to confirm that she is covered by a gag order issued on tuesday. trump's team indicates they may file a challenge to what they claim would be an expansion of that order, kara scannell joins us now with the latest care. if can you first remind people exactly what trump has been saying about and how he's been attacking the judges daughter what do you, mean you said a gag order was imposed on tuesday and immediately the next day, donald trump began making posts about the judge and >> his daughter in one of those posts trump was saying that the judge was compromised. he also called out the judges daughter by her name and he was saying that she was working for a democratic operatives and isn't trump hating person now, she has worked, he doesn't work for an organization that does do work with democratic campaigns. but he also made comments about about her and one of his statements that she was that she had posted a photo of him behind bars on a twitter account. now, spokesman for the court said that that was not her twitter account. she had deleted it more than a year ago, so it's unclear who was making these posts, but those were some of the statements that trump has made about the judge and his daughter i wonder how trump's lawyers are defending his attacks on a sitting judges daughter, are they >> well they're saying that they're not covered by the gag order. remember this gag order said that trump couldn't make comments about potential witnesses about jurors, about the prosecutor tutors in the case are court staff or members of the prosecutors families, or the courts staffs, families. but specifically the judge did not cover himself by this gag order. or the district attorney, alvin bragg's now prosecutors are asking the judge to step in here. they say in a letter to the judge, the people believed that the march 26 order is properly please read to protect family members of the court, but to avoid any doubt, this court should now clarify or confirm that the order protects family members of the court, the district attorney, and other individuals mentioned in the order of trump's team is pushing back saying that it's clear that this gag order does not include them and they write to the judge to confirm or clarify by the meaning of the gag order in the way people suggest would be to expand it. and so they're saying to the judge, if you are going to consider this, that people's the district attorney's finally, they want an opportunity so you to respond in legal briefs to challenge this because they're point is that donald trump has not violated this gag order. jim >> joe, is there any sense knowing judge merchant of what the judge is likely to do here and over what time span? >> well, the judge hasn't made any comments since he issued this gag order and since trump has made those posts targeting him and his daughter on social media, now he's not expected a rule today or this weekend. he may weigh in early next week and decide whether or not to let the prosecutors, in a sense, have another chance to ask him to define this gag order but, you know, we're just about two weeks away from trial so we'll see if the judge decides to weigh in, and i think we'll also wait to see if donald trump continues the statements over the weekend while they're waiting for the judge to say what he's going to do. jim >> we should say they're out there. the attacks are out there now already, kara scannell, thanks so much. i'm joined now by former us district judge, shira shied lynn and former trump campaign adviser david urban. thanks so much for taking the time. this evening to join us, judge, first this is a pattern with the former president, president in a whole host of trials that he's been involved with, as well as other public attacks on on people that get on his wrong side. and we know that oftentimes that public rhetoric is followed by genuine threats to the safety of those people that had been targeted. i want to ask you as a member of the legal profession, as a judge the significance of a public attack like this on a judge presiding over a case, and that judges family >> yes. well, that's exactly the the danger here. if you're going to name the person and the person can be found, that person is at risk and there have been violent attacks on judges and their families over the years. one of the judges from the southern district was murdered. a judge in new jersey. her son was murdered. a judge in chicago, lost family members. so the threats are real and we know that trump's followers occasionally, we'll turn to threats and sent threatening letters it's a judge and garan and his family and his law so these threats could be real and that's serious of how does it affect a judge? well, a judge knows that they're in a high-profile case and they can get protection if they need it and your family can get protection if they need it. but a judge does their job and i'm sure judgment merchan will continue to do what he's doing >> so so david, you know, this is a pattern, it's part of the public record. you know, what extends beyond members of the court. we see it against lawmakers, health officials, and often their children as well. and often those people, they have to hire private security, right? because of those threats do you defend this? how do you how do you defend this and why does this continue yeah. so yeah. so jim, listen, nobody wants to see anybody put a risk, right? obviously, nobody want to see judges. prosecutors political enemies. no one wants me put at risk. and i i think that's kind of a big leap from political rhetoric too. the threats and in this case what the former president calling out, we saw political rhetoric on january 6 and then attack on the capital. i know i know people have been targeted. threats who now have secret service details all right. >> so let's just stick to this faq case, right? the fact pattern in front of us. >> what >> the former president was doing was calling out a judge who he thinks is incredibly partisan. look this case that is being brought was passed over for years by the southern district of new york is being full whole. they didn't want to bring the case. it was so bad. >> alvin bragg, daughter david are going to have to do with that. well, i will tell you, jim, let me get let me get there. okay. let me finish. so it's a very political case brought by a political prosecutor. and the point that the former president is making is that the judge is a political animal himself giving money political daughter you well enough to let me finish, you know, that trump's assertions often based on nothing he claims political partisanship because maybe someone made a donation years big-o years ago and you know that these attacks are not just related to claims about the partisanship of judge extends to lawmakers, to journalists, to health care, to health care officials like dr. fauci. so i'm asking you just as someone who i know has respect for law and order, whether you could defend it. >> i'm not defending it. so i'm not what i'm saying is the former president is pointing out the judge martians daughter is a political activist. she is a partisan political activist. she works for the biden harris campaign. other she works for adam schiff of kamala harris, has no role the gym. i understand. he's trying to point out that he's i'm sure these trying to say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. if she's a progressive liberal democrat, i'm guessing judges progressive. that's the point he's trying to make here, jim, i don't think he's trying to threaten anybody how these tried to put anybody's life in jeopardy. he's tried to put out that he's not going to get a fair know the acidity you know, the effects of that rhetoric and what it often leads people to do that, that's the point, judge. i wonder if you have a reaction when he attacked the fbi, there were people who went into an fbi office with guns. so you just don't know what the result is of putting a family member in the crosshairs of some of his followers. it's not that he's going to go out and hurt anybody, but you never know what the followers might do and they've done it. so there's a real risk here to her. she's not the judge. she's a family member. yes. you're absolutely right. she works for a company she owns a company authentic campaigns. it's called she has worked for the people you said. so she's a progressive liberal. i understand that, but she's not the judge. she's the judges daughter once removed. i mean, it's just not getting it all family for your owner your honore, >> all i'm trying to point out the sibley trying to make is the president has tried to have good point that the case that was brought is unfair and he's not gonna get a fair trial in front of partisan judge. that is what i suppose he's trying >> and lauren merchant out of it. >> he can say that difference is the case >> yeah. >> right. make the case about the case. right. not about the individuals and make personal attacks about individuals and their family members, as you know, david, you'll often hear from republicans about if they hear a tax or criticism that involve the family members of republican lawmakers because you will hear outrage understandable outrage, and i imagine that sometimes sought a family man like yourself that you think goes beyond the pale? yeah. >> jim, i don't i don't i don't advocate anybody attack in anybody's kids, whether they're adult kids they're young kids, just it's kind of off limits. i think what the president can point out though, is that he doesn't think he's gonna get a fair shake here. and who's trying to illustrate that by loren martians political activism >> but that's the problem if he wants to attack the judge, the judge said, go ahead. i'm not part of the gag or you can attack me. i'm i'm strong. i can take it. okay. uh, judge, expects to be in the public eye, but nobody said go after the judge's daughter. it's wrong. let's be honest. >> we should note tonight that the president posted the former president of the social media picture of the back of a pickup truck that had a image of joe biden gagged and bound. i mean, the point the point is about the broader contribution the conversation, but it's good to have you both at the gym >> yeah. i was gonna say i agree with you. >> we've got. to elevate the discourse that america here you go. >> we'll do our best. thank you for having me judge. >> david urban. thanks so much about, you >> now to the former president's latest attempt to delay his election interference trial in the state of georgia, two weeks to the day after a judge refused to disqualify the da fani willis, despite severe criticism surrounding her relationship with the cases, then special prosecutor trump in several other defendants have filed their appeal. now of that decision, they demanded appeals court not only disqualify willis, but her entire office. nick valencia, joins us now from atlanta with the details. nick, what exactly are former president trump and his co-defendants claiming in this appeal? well, first we knew >> this was coming because judge scott mcafee granted as certificate for immediate review, but now it's official. and in this filing where former president trump and eight of his remaining 14 co-defendants, including his former chief of staff, mark meadows, and his former attorney, rudy giuliani. they're making the case to a georgia appellate court to again, remove fani willis willis from this case. and here's what they're saying. and part of the filing which is just downright scathing, da willis has covered herself and her office and scandal and disrepute the trial court's decision not to disqualify da willis under these circumstances is a structural error, a violation of the defendants due process rights and seriously denigrate the public's confidence in the integrity of the criminal justice system. look, we did reach out to the da's office. they declined to comment. we could only anticipated very pointed response from da willis, a source with knowledge of this process says, the georgia appellate court will have 45 days to make its decision. jim what had the da previously said about the possibility of appeal and i wonder, as you're as you're answering the rest of the trial procedures continue as this is being considered, correct >> that's right. this is an interlocutory appeal which means the case can proceed forward while the georgia appeals course ways whether or not they're going let's take this on, but you bring up a great question and we caught up with fani willis at a recent easter weekend event. we asked her about this appeals process and this disqualification effort that's still hangs over her head and the case, this is what she had to say >> the first step is really to wait to see if the court of appeals will, even here, the issue at all. and so that's the stance that we're in. but the great news is that doesn't slow anything down because while that's going on, all those motions i discussed they'll still being being hard. they'll still be being resolved. we'll still be working >> well, it says despite these delay tactics from trump and his remaining co-defendants at the train is coming they are working desperately to try to bring the focus back on the criminal charges against the former president and his remaining co-defendants, jim. >> and we'll we'll of course, look for the answer for me. appeals court in this question, nick valencia, thanks so much as president biden last night was raising money alongside former presidents obama and clinton, donald trump he attended the wake of an officer, jonathan diller on long island who was killed in the line of duty. now, the family of brian sickness, the officer who died after the attack on the capitol on january during six is slamming trump for using the officer's death as a campaign platform. i'm going to speak with them >> and the largest >> crane on the eastern seaboard has now arrived at the site of the bridge collapse in baltimore. the latest on the plan to clear thousands of tons of debris from what is a critical shipping corridor >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission, columbia houston >> i didn't know anything concerning it happened. there were people that did though >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing, it's a series of events follow the debris. what's it telling you >> it should have had that test on day one, we need to figure out what the hell happened >> in shuttle columbia the final flight and sunday, april 7th, debt nine, cnn with swab investing themes, it's easy to invest in ideas you believe spot a trend in electric vehicles have a passenger online gaming or want to explore the space economy. choose from 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to law and order. we have to do a lot of things differently because this is not working, this is happening too often >> well, the family of brian's sickness, a capital police officer who was attacked on january 6 and died the very next day, did not take silence and trump voicing support for law enforcement quite the opposite. officer's sick next brother, kenneth joins me now. can thanks so much for taking the time tonight >> thank you for having me anja >> i wonder what your response was to hear the former president talk about lawn order after attending the wake of the officer diller he's he's he just the fires logic it's obvious al and let me get this out there that myself, my family, we really do take officer taylor's dethie to heart we've met a lot of officers that have their officers, families that have died in the line of duty. and it's it's not it's not something to play with. however, that's exactly what trump is doing. i realized he was invited to invited by the family, but it's it's he's doing it for for publicity. like like he does everything like he shows up in court when he doesn't have to go civil trials when he was showing up and you don't have to attend the civil trial, but he showed up just to make a scene >> you worship. we should note to our viewers, you were lifelong republican until the gop blocked an independent commission to investigate the events of january 6 >> i >> wonder, how do you think the former president is able to square his attempts to define himself as a law and order candidate. with the events of that de and his involvement in those events >> well, hell will he want admit his involvement in those events? thus, he doesn't have to put himself in that same category is holding up one order every time somebody tries to hold him accountable, he skirts it. you just throws. >> there was lots of money on it at it and skirts, whatever court cases that he's going to be involved in. i think the first very first criminal cases coming up, but the other ones he's been date he's been delaying and delaying and delaying anybody who's been following him on his coattails goes down in flames. rudy giuliani you might you might not even have a place to live soon >> it's just >> it's he bone order for everybody except for him because we all know that he's even appealing with the supreme court right now that presidents above the law one notable thing is that he's now celebrating the events of january 6 he is talking about pardoning those who are convicted of crimes related to the january 6 insurrection he's calling them hostages at his rallies. he plays a recording of the january six defendants singing the star-spangled banner >> i wonder >> how you react when you see the president celebrating that de, not, not even running away from it, but celebrating it he's disgusting, but i know i'm not going to change anybody's mind by the way, the video that came out along with those people singing, the national anthem, the personal picks up the phone on a president is the very same person who assaulted my brother really >> that's amazing. the same person >> tell us >> about the impact of seeing that. i know that day must still weigh on you and your family. you got a picture of your brother behind you there? so how do you feel when you see that? when you see the person who attacked him celebrated in such a way helpless. >> i mean, he's donald trump. so unless i have million dollars to go after him to do something and i'm not going to change anybody's mind. the people that support donald trump for whatever reason, aren't going to change your mind, whether we give them facts the comedians on the daily show, jordan klepper, will routinely go to trump rallies and one point when he was doing interviews and you tell people all these bad things that president biden was doing. and then reporter would say oh, i'm sorry, i'm mistaken. i meant donald trump. and the people that they're speaking to completely flipped their stories and defendant trump until the do with whatever things they can think of that allah, it wasn't his fault or he didn't mean to do it that way. so it's there's no changing minds of the people that are already lined up behind them. >> well, let me ask you this then if there's no changing minds, if you had a moment to interact with them, what would you say to them in a word, in a sentence >> what i tried i tried to talk reason. i mean, that's it's being emotional, doesn't help us facts, but apparently that doesn't help either because i have conversations with people that i'm friends with that are still have doubts about what happened on january 6 and dave refuse to watch anything. all i'm not going to watch the january 6 testimony because that's all rigged well, i'm not going to do this because it's all rigged so they've bury their heads in sand and believe what they're told on alex jones and other advisors podcast and they don't they won't hear anything else. they won't sit back and go oh, you know what that makes sense are really that did happen. so it's frustrating knowing that with the division with the tribal isn't going on. it's really hard to change hearts and minds >> well, it's gotta be heartbreaking for you and your family to kinda sick, nick. thank you for coming on and we do wish you and your family the very best >> thank you, jim >> now, to see in an exclusive republican congressman brought byron donalds has become such an ardent supporter of the former president. the trump says he is now on his vp shortlist, but see you has learned donalds wasn't always a supporter of the form and former president quite the opposite. back in 2011, donalds celebrated trump's decision not to run against then president barack obama, quote, trump won't run. thank god. donalds said, our senior editor for the kfile investigative team, andrew kaczynski, joint just now with more so andrew, tell us what you found. >> that's right. donalds is a trump loyalist and one of the former president's most trusted advisers. but during his time as a tea party candidate and activists more than a decade ago, donalds was very critical of the former president. he strongly those birth or claims from trump in 2011 about barack obama, khin pairing it in facebook posts to democrats that believed the bush administration had orchestrated the 911 attacks. and in post at the time, he called them a quote self-promoter yelling about 25% tariffs on china. and a quote huge distraction. who cares more about himself than the country in my opinion, we should note based on your reporting, he didn't just criticize trump. he criticized a lot of trump's core policy ideas. >> yeah, that's also right donalds with staunchly opposed to tariffs and trade restrictions during those teeth party years. and that failed run for congress. he actually said when he was co-hosting a radio show that we shouldn't be manufacturing things in the united states. he actually studied michigan. he said we should be making them in china because there'll be cheaper for consumers and that's obviously something that is so incredibly different from what trump is saying now now, but it really wasn't just trade donalds supported raising the retirement age, the privatization of both social security and medicare. and that's when democrats were disparaging republicans for their medicare plans. they were saying you a turned it into a quote, voucher system. but unlike most republicans donalds actually embraced that negative term from democrats. take a listen here >> when it comes to medicare reform. i think what paul ryan's so i started to say is correct. we do have to go to two to co-payments, subsidized system where we give that voucher or if they want to call it, i'm not afraid to call it a voucher exactly what it's gonna be. a voucher to that person, to that person who was on medicare. here is the amount of dollars we have allocated towards you now, is your responsibility to allocate those dollars effectively? >> so jim, we did reach out to donalds office to ask, how do you square what he was saying then with what he saying today? and they told cnn in a statement, quote, president trump is considering byron as his running mate because of the congressman's steadfast support for the 45th president and his historic policy agenda. the fact that these decade-old posts are now resurfacing in the middle of running mate deliberations is weak, but typical cnn, so it's gonna be interesting for all of us to see how those comments and what he said then plays into trump's vp considerations. >> and of course, no denial and that's jamie either andrew kaczynski. great reporting. thanks so much and coming up this hour, we are going live to baltimore where the largest crane on the eastern seaboard has arrived on the scene today, how it could help the search for victims from the bridge collapse, but also the effort to clean up and then reopen the port that's next i'm late on, car insurance >> good 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bridge and begin to heal the arrival of the eastern seaboard, largest crane today is lifting some spirits. here's brian todd with more the army corps of engineers is now ready to start clearing hundreds of thousands of tons of twisted steel and concrete. that's blocking ships from entering or exiting the port of baltimore. >> there is a massive steel truss bridge going across that channel. and at the bottom, 50 feet down at the bottom, there's also concrete possibly some containers, other debris that we have to get off to florida, but it's a delicate operation, is going to be a monumental task. this is going to be piecemeal section by section piece by piece until they can estimate the entire area. dr.. oscar >> barton is the dean of morgan state university's engineering school and was a professor sir at the naval academy for 21 years. what would you be most worried about if you were supervising the crane and this entire operation going fast, meeting the expectations of the public to move to quickly. we've got to be very methodical, very slow, and very precise, and getting it's done. >> the chesapeake 1,000 arrived this morning, but that section of bridge that straight over the front of the vessel, that portion of bridge alone weighs 4,000 tons. my most capable crane there is 1,000 times. so we're at least going to cut that into four members, a major complicating factor for cruz trying to break up the wreckage in manageable chunks, light magic, trying to do that 50 seat down in the dark with a diving suit on and we've got to do the same level of analysis on the bottom of that channel as we have to do for those members that are out of the water and the cleanup work itself poses risks to the crane operators divers, and crew. it is dangerous. there could be tipping of the crane. so the balancing of the crane is most important. meanwhile, while the national transportation safety board is continuing its review, the ntsb shared video with cnn showing ntsb and coast guard investigators moving around on the bow of the dali right at the point of impact, the closest view we've gotten so far of the sheer devastation of this disaster. so when will the channel be open to shipping traffic? i don't think we're talking days. i don't think we're talking months. once we get started, i think we're talking weeks >> brian even talking to one of the top commanders of the army corps of engineers, who is actually taking part in the operation. i wonder what he told you about how dangerous this will all be. >> well, jim, a general scott spellmon of the army corps of engineers told us that the metal, the constitution of the metal at the wreckage site is like a rubber band. when you cut it, it doesn't just fall straight down. he says when they could have large chunks of metal that snap when they cut it and whip around like a rubber band and that could really be lethal. that's one of the many dangerous that the salvage is. are facing. jim wow, that sounds scary. no question. brian todd, thanks so much for joining us now is former fbi special agent bobby chikun while at the bureau bureau, he served as team leader of the new york dive team. bobby good to have you on tonight. >> thanks, jim >> so now that we have the cranes on site along with the tugboats, the barges, all these pieces, the salvage salvage vessels where does the salvage group begin in all this >> i think they begin by taking very detailed sonar imaging of the underwater environment that they're going to be working in. the sonar will give them a very good idea of the shape, the size, and the position of a lot of that debris down there. and it'll give them sense of how much they have to cut and where they should start, what's the first thing they should start lifting off the bottom. so it's detailed sonar imaging that they have to start reviewing before they ever get in the water you heard brian todd describing that kind of rubber band effect as as you begin to cut some of this metal to get through i wonder how >> divers and the teams will manage a challenge like that among what i'm sure many challenges yeah. so that twisted metal as he described, is under tension because it's a gerta that's twisted and now something's laying on it, so it's under tension. the minute you cut that, that tension is released and you have movement and that can be extremely dangerous. so what they're going to be looking at in those images, though sonar images. and then once the first divers get down there and start giving a bottom report backup top side is to see where things might be under tension and they'll try to deal with that as best they can you know, you have to relieve that tension somehow. so there's, there's there's incremental cutting of it that you can start to release some of that tension without it going all off at once. >> got it >> you're describing that coordination there. i wonder how they communicate coordinate to help the divers in their piece of the job, to make it safe and to get through this yeah, coordination is everything. and when i lead my team to minneapolis on the right, bridge collapse in 2007, we work hand in hand with the army corps of engineers and navy salvage divers. we did a lot of sonar work. it's the engineers, the army corps, the private contractors who are putting divers in the water. it's one, of your earlier gaetz said, it's taking your time and moving slow. there's no reason to rush this right now because that's where the danger lies. if you rush it, mistakes can happen. things can be missed and people could get hurt the governor of maryland was asked how long it would take to complete the cleanup. he wouldn't commit to a specific timeline. i wonder. can you give us a sense? i mean, are we talking months? here's what's your what's your best guess? >> i think it'll it'll depend on how much resources they throw out at you saw the one big crane that they have in place now, can they get more cranes, more crews, and can they start like divvying up the work and can they do more at more than one thing at a time? and that depends on how much resources they have available. so you can be looking at anywhere from weeks to months to six to eight months on the short-side, probably two to three months maybe shorter if they can get additional crews in there, that's just to open the shipping lane to recover all that debris is going to be a lot longer during that rebuilding. of course, a lot longer than that. i wonder because you still have missing bodies in here. how they balance the divers will be involved in that, how they balanced that search. of course, extremely important to the families with the larger work of cleaning it all up yeah. well, you have to separate operations going on, so they probably have a very narrow area where they think the bodies are likely to be b and the naibe divers hopefully will be operating or have been operating in that area if the navy divers withdrawal than another commercial team should go into that area and just and just still treat it as a recovery while other teams are working on other parts of the debris removal. so they have a very narrow area where they think the bodies might be hopefully, they should have that >> yeah, let's hope those families get that relief at some point, bobbi chikun, thanks so much for joining tonight. >> thanks, jim. thanks for >> jane in russia for a full year. now is the us any closer to freeing journalist evan gershkovich, you're going to hear from his sister when 360 continues? >> my >> compared with other choose one verb, ecto tube protects from fleas and ticks for 12 weeks nearly three times longer. >> used with caution in dogs with the history of seizures or neurological disorders, protection that last longer. >> bravo, bravo the type two diabetes, discover the ozempic tries zone i got to power of three. i load my a1c cdi risk and lost some weight >> and studies the majority of people who reached an a1c under seven and maintained 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appearing in a moscow court this week in the past, we've been kicked out of the courtroom. is where you can see evan gershkovich's in their high matthew from cnn is that you holding up? all right. >> goodman, >> have we learned >> what he wants to do? >> this time? journalists weren't even allowed in. is that attention of the wall street journal reporter on espionage charges was extended for another three months outside us ambassador marked are bleak anniversary this verdict to further prolonged evans detention feels particularly painful as this week marks. the one-year anniversary since evan because arrested and wrongfully detained and you, catherine berg for simply doing his job as a journalist >> the >> accusations against evan are category portly untrue >> they are not >> a different interpretation of circumstances they are fiction but incarceration behind the walls of the fault of oh, prison in moscow is a grim fact us officials say they're negotiating with moscow for his release. even the kremlin confirmed this week contacts on a prisoner swap are continuing for the russian president, the 32 year-old american newspaper reporter is a tradable asset >> we're willing to tolerate but there are certain terms being discussed the via special services channels >> spin slows i believe an agreement can be reached. >> this is who putin has hinted he wants in return, vadim krasikov, a russian operative jailed in germany for killing a chechen dissident in a public park so far the germans have been reluctant to set him free. but the kremlin knows painful agreements have been reached in the past in 2022, us basketball star brittney griner, convicted of possessing cannabis in russia, was swapped for victor boot and the tourists russian arms trafficker. >> i want to tell the world that i'm a victim of political kidnap and random russia is also holding other americans among them former us marine paul whelan convicted of espionage and jailed since 2018. us officials have designated whelan and gershkovich as unlawfully detained >> if the kremlin has any desire to salvage russia's integrity. and international esteem they should do what is right and release evan and paul immediately >> matthew chance joins us now from saints, saint petersburg in russia. i just wonder mathieu, if you could put into context how difficult to trade is that the russians are looking for if the us is trying to convince germany to release someone who committed murder on german soil in order to get an american journalists back. >> i mean, is >> that a trade that germany is likely to agree to? >> well, it's a trade that so far the germans had not agreed to. i mean, dayton for them, it's politically understandably very difficult to release a convicted murderer yeah, for, for an american journalist they also think the germans that it send the wrong message to the kremlin to show the russians that this kind of trust aid is something that might be something they'd be able to do in the future as well. and so look, i mean, it hinges on the germans exceeding for the us demands and talk. so i expect underway in that regard. but at the moment, as we've seen, the deal has not been done and the germans are holding vadim krasikov still behind bars in their country >> and listen and russia and other countries continue to take more hostages. it seems matthew chance in russia, thanks so much. >> earlier >> this week, evan gershkovich, his sister, danielle, spoke with anderson here's their conversation. >> danielle, the last time that we spoke, you mentioned that you were able to exchange letters with evan about once a week. is that still the case? i mean, can you communicate with him? >> yes it is about once a week still. and they're an absolute lifeline for me it's the one way i get to communicate with my brother >> what what are his letters likes. i know you said more than once if he has a great sense of humor, i mean, does he actually joke in these letters or what have you learned from him >> i'm smiling because i'm just thinking about his sense of humor and i would say recently, i i'm going to be moving and he wanted to know is there a good size guest bedroom for him? so we're really they can't wait for him to come home and spend time together. and i need to get the guest bedroom ready for him >> do you allow yourself to hope in that way? >> yes. >> it's really, really >> important to stay optimistic we have to stay strong for evan and it's. it's hard not, not to have a fantasy about the de that he does come home >> i want to read a part of an op-ed that you wrote for the philadelphia inquirer. you wrote for me. this will always be about my brother, but i've grown to understand that evans arrest means much more than that. his arrest was a shock to the global community of journalists and a blow to we're free press without reporters like him on the ground in russia, we know even less about a country whose foreign policy directly affects america. and all americans >> evans work >> was incredibly important to him. and can you just talk a little bit about about that? what he would say about it and the impact that you think is workout on readers haven't was genuinely interested in russia and all of it in the culture and the language and the people. the history >> he was always coming from a place of especially people he he just enjoyed learning more about it and i'm i think he, he really wanted to bring the truth as well it was his absolute passion to be able to travel all across russia and be able to speak to people about so many topics i know there's obviously limitations and what you could talk about, but can you say anything about whether or not your families receive any updates from the state department >> or the biden administration on on just the status of any negotiations to secure evans released or if there are any >> unfortunately, the case is opaque and we just have to continue to trust that though white house is taking this very seriously and there's a team of experts working on that. us so we just have to continue to put our faith and president biden's promised her family. we just have to keep moving forward. >> the wall street journal held a 24 hour read-a-thon. they're calling it would just stream on youtube or friends and family and fellow journalists read from, from, from evans work is there anything else that you think might help to keep evans name and his detention of the public eye because that's gotta be one of the things that's i mean, obviously you don't want people to forget given all that's going on in the world that he is detained and keeping that in front and center. i mean, that's it's hard >> absolutely. we're so grateful for the wall street journal's efforts for the us government's efforts. and this incredible tribal community of journalists who are doing everything they can to help evan evans. reporting is available to read online for free at wall street i believe that's wsj and just getting to know more about evan and what a fantastic reporter he is. and just wouldn't amazing genuine person. he is there's also a hashtag ties on social media. it's hashtag istandwithevan. >> danielle, i hope you're able to get that guest room ready and i hope it's needed soon, so thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you so much for having me >> we all hope as well we're coming up next. our goal or remembers his former running mate, the late senator joe lieberman at his funeral today monday's allergies don't have to be scary. it's great flown a sense of ms daily for non drowsy he long-lasting relief in a scent free gentleness cloning all good, >> also try are >> allergy, headache and nighttime pills. >> this tiny homes trend not for me. now, this is more like the same goes for my footwork. so i went hands-free with white fit sketcher slip just step in and go without bending down or touching my shoes wide fit, hands-free skechers, slip ends with car gurus. you can buy or sell 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>> he always knew beyond doubt the true value of things. i saw him ready to reclaim friendships that had been seared by disagreements ready to look for ways to bridge divisions ready to seek reconciliation, ready to stand for his principles, always

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