Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704

days has become clear that this appointment undermines that goal. i want to personally apologize to our team members who felt, let down. this comes after again, a unprecedented on-air revolt from nbc talents objecting to this appointments and now it appears that she's no longer going to be nbc news employee. >> walsh gone. all right. oliver darcy. thank you very much into our viewers. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room the news continues on cnn. >> right now. >> tonight on 360, the latest from baltimore. all we're learning about how a massive cargo ship, it, a major bridge outside of vital poured. how a mayday call just seconds before impact, save lives in the search for six people still unaccounted for now, presumed dead. also tonight, a new york judge has now issued a limited gag order against trump. he can still attack the district attorney who's already got death threats. against him, but he can't go after witnesses prosecutors, or jurors, and a day after homeland security officers rated two of his manchin's a senior law enforcement tells a source holds us sean diddy combs is a target of the investigation, and he's just responded to the news. good evening. thanks for joining us. it is a grim night on the waters outside baltimore take a look at live pictures where the francis scott key bridge, key bridge should be and where the container ship dali or any large vessels should never be just moments ago, the coast guard suspended the search for survivors. it was 01:28 a.m. early in the morning that the bridge collapsed the whole region as well. start sorry, whoever everybody the whole bridge. just the last video of the moment it happened as 100 thousand ton container ship dali first hit a bridge piling then in just a matter of seconds, the bridges entire main span collapsed about 15 seconds was all it took the baltimore harbor pilot who was at the helms as he did all he could to slow the ship and keep it away from the bridge according to a pilots association official six people are still missing now presumed dead the bridge is a crucial link in the beltway around baltimore. its collapse, shutdown one of the busiest sea ports in the country, first in the nation for shipping cars and trucks. according to maryland's governor, by any measure, this is a disaster of national proportions with after effects possibly stretching out years from now we're going to spend all the federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency. i mean, all the federal resources and we're going to rebuild that port together it's my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge i expect the congress to support my effort >> now in a moment, we'll talk to baltimore's fire chief and later a former navy seal on the search and recovery effort underwater. but first cnn's pete muntean, not far from the fall and bridge. so i'm talking about the decision for rescuers to suspend the search efforts anderson, we just got the details about news conference here and the united states coast guard says they do not believe they will find anybody alive here tonight. you have to think about the risks and the danger they say it has gotten a lot cold or with nightfall here, not only the air temperature, but also the water temperature also the visibility underwater is very poor. they say that is very risky because there are sharp each of the key bridge still in the water that could puncture a suit or an airline and they simply do not want to add to the disaster that occurred here. >> a >> runaway cargo ship taken down on iconic baltimore bridge is being described as a scene from a movie. now, investigators have new questions about the final moments before the crippled mv dali veered off course and into the key bridge, the 911 call i was frantic as steel and concrete plunged into the potassium sco river below the bridge, collapse into the water and there are unknown amounts of people and or vehicles in the water entire key bridge in the harbor are advised to hold all traffic from committing to the bridge i advise again the entire team for its has fallen into the harbor. >> officials say the dali said sale at 12:28 a.m. under the command of a port of baltimore pilot, who boards large ships as they navigate the 700 foot wide channel. security video shows minutes before the impact, the lights on board, the dali shut off twice, then the bao swung right, briefed by the coast guard, maryland congressman dutch troopers berger says the crew experienced power issues and a loss of propulsion with alarms on the bridge blaring. the preliminary investigation points to an accident we haven't seen any credible evidence of a terrorist attack. >> key to investigators will be the ship's black box mandated by international law a voyage data recorder captures parameters like headings, speed, and water depth, as well as the condition of the engines, thrusters, and rudder the recorder also captures crew conversations on the bridge. key to investigators, probing what caused the crew to apparently lose control. >> it will be critical. it's a critical piece of our investigation, which is why we have a recorders team here are the latest data shows the dali was traveling at a speed of eight knots, roughly nine miles per hour fast enough to trigger a disaster sure. that could have been much worse. >> this is a unique circumstance. i do not know of a bridge that has been constructed to withstand a direct impact from a vessel of this size what do we know about the two people who were rescued out of the water >> few official details right now, anderson, one of those men was taken to the hospital still in the hospital tonight? one met with rescuers on the scene and refuse treatment. they were two of the eight total crew that was on this bridge doing deck work, repairing potholes that means six are still missing tonight. >> and in that speeded up image where the ship is approaching, we see vehicles crossing the bridge. they were they were were they able to stop? i assume they were able to stop vehicles before it hit >> they were able to get out a call. the maryland transportation authority police were essentially here enabled to cut off more cars from entering the bridge. but we know from side sonar searches by the coast guard and the state police that they've been able to find five car hur's underwater that may also include something they say his tractor trailer, like anderson. >> all right. pete muntean. thank you. i want to go next to cnn's bryan todd, who's on the water near here are the scene. uh, brian, i know you've been out there for a long time. what have you been seeing at the site of the collapse and what are conditions been like for emergency crews? i mean, it's incredibly difficult very difficult. anderson and the >> conditions are worsening tonight. it's getting much colder outside, as we mentioned, the water temperatures is really plummeting. so conditions are getting worse out here tonight with our second camera you can kind of see the boat, the ship behind me. it's partially illuminated by its own lighting there but there are still rescue and recovery boats all around the dali, the name of the tanker of the container ship that crashed into the bridge just over my right shoulder there all day long, we've been seeing that kind of activity, rescue, recovery boats buzzing all around the point of the impact. you could see the tangled metal and the concrete from the supports draped over the bow of the vessel. there is still there what we were told. this morning as we deployed out into the water was i spoke to a marine construction official here who's going to be part of the salvage and reconstruction efforts? he said it's going to take days just to get the heavy equipment they need to get in place here to begin the process of just taking apart the remnants of the bridge are going to have to at those big remnants into smaller pieces just in order to remove them. that's going to take floating cranes and a lot of other heavy equipment just to do all that, it's going to take several days just to get that equipment in place. so it kind of gives you an idea of just the logistical challenge that's going to be involved in salvaging and removing all of this wreckage from the water and as people mentioned, a dangerous job, i mean, a lot of this, a lot of the wreckage is still underwater getting to it and getting it pulled out is going to be very dangerous. they have suspended the rescue operations i, believe in that are going to find any of those six individuals alive. but then comes the very challenging task of trying to get this boat moved and it's unclear when that's going to be whether they can have to remove a lot of the containers from the vessel in order to move it and of course, as we've just mentioned, trying to remove the remnants of this bridge in order to get reconstruction going again and to get this port operational again, andrew and that's really what's daunting that could take several weeks. >> and this is usually a pretty busy area with ship traveling >> it really is. baltimore is one of the head vs traffic ports on the east coast. it is a huge port for the transportation of new automobiles and light trucks into the united states. there's a vessel just to my right. you can't see it in the darkness now, the carmen, it's a large tanker vessel that transports automobiles and light trucks into the port of baltimore. it's stuck in port there as it's are many other container ships. it is a huge economic disruption. the bulk, the port of baltimore alone last year processed about 850,000 vehicles into the united states. that's how important it is for the importation of automobiles and light trucks. all of that coming to a very sudden stop. it's unclear what any of that is going to resume. we are told about governor of virginia and other officials that some of the ocean carriers are going to be able to be diverted to the port of virginia, which is about 220 miles south of here in the hampton roads, virginia area. but again, yeah, that's a logistical challenge to they've got to get that port up to speed and getting some additional traffic in there. so it just gives you an idea of the incredible disruption economic activity here. one other thing that i can tell you is this, the francis scott key bridge is the only avenue where hazardous material can be transported north and south along the eastern seaboard. in this area, they're not allowed to transport hazmat material in the tunnels underneath the bolt, underneath the baltimore harbor. that's where the civilian automotive traffic goes, but it has not material all goes over the key bridge. now, they've got to figure out ways to reroute all of that type. appreciate david. thank you joining us now is baltimore city fire chief james wallace. chief wallace. thank you for being with us. i know you're firefighters and rescue personnel had been working just nonstop on this key talk about what it means for your teams as this moves from a search and rescue mission to a recovery operation. >> good evening, anderson. and thank you for having us so our operation has actually shut down for the night due to the dangerous conditions. as it's been reported on cnn i think we just lost connection with the chief will try to unfortunately, re-establish that clear. let's talk from his vehicle >> one >> of the things that we have just learned as you heard from the chief is that the rescue operations that in fact all operations this evening has been suspended underwater the difficulty for the divers under the water is extreme. the cold temperatures, the frigid conditions. obviously that temperature only drops at night and the visibility was said to be no more than six inches. in some cases. so it's been very difficult until we have the chief back with us achieve i'm sorry, we lost contact with you. we appreciate you rejoining us. >> can you >> talk about the conditions the divers have been working under because i understand that visibility has been like six inches, that the temperatures are frigid. i mean, there's a lot of debris underwater yeah, that's correct. the surface water temperatures when we arrived this morning were approximately 47 degrees with an air temperature around 44, 45 degrees visibility in the harbor decreases significantly as you increase depth. so the deeper you go, the less you're able to see water. water depths in and around are under that bridge vary from 40 feet in some places to an excess of 60 feet. so as you go deeper, the divers are exposed to colder temperatures, they have zero viz and as you look at a lot of the photographs, especially what you have on scene, imagine what you're seeing there also being the case underwater so there's a lot of there's a lot of still underwater there's bridge deck underwater. there are a lot of hazards down there and will reach steps where the divers are literally feeling their way around. so that has a lot to do with why the operation has ceased for the night that the course compounded by darkness >> to imagine, divers down there who obviously are eager to do the job and rescue anybody there who is two to bring anybody back up but not knowing i'm not sure how strong the current is. i've heard it it, maybe not that fast moving, but not knowing what might be coming at you with all that metal underwater. i mean, that a diver could easily be injured and then you'd have a whole rescue operation just to try to relieve that diver that's correct. that that portion of the tapscott river is tidal influence so it goes through tides, cycles, just like the open waters in the chesapeake bay does the io again, the issues, especially subsurface in this operation also really include a lot of instability. we know that we have steel sections of the bridge that are for our hanging on other pieces of debris on supported. we know that we have a lot of the steel superstructure that is actually laying across the bow of the ship itself and is very unstable. we know that we have sea containers that are on board the vessel that are hanging off there also unstable and then the final piece that were very concerned about is the remaining bridge structure that bridge has suffered catastrophic impact in catastrophic failure. so although there are pieces of the bridge that remain structural stability of what remains, there is also a major concern as well. >> i heard you talked earlier about using infrared and sonar technologies to search for vehicles in the water. i mean, do you do you have to try to create an underwater map or is it just looking in quadrant by quadrant to just see what's there >> so we're actually in the process of mapping that underwater. our searches right now, we broke the search area up into two quadrants in north and south bottom we deployed multiple teams there when we first arrived during the night, we were very fortunate to have had air support from the maryland state police helicopter and then we also gain their support from the baltimore police department they have infrared technology. we had infrared infrared technology on the water in addition to side-scan sonar. so we were able to actively engage in search in the dark as well during the day datetime is more of a side-scan sonar operation but to your question, yes. this this is going to be an operation when we begin tomorrow, we're going to begin to map this underwater with numerous federal, state, local dr. teams she follows, i'm sure your folks are exhausted appreciate all your efforts and i appreciate you taking the time to speak with us. thank you >> yes, sir. thank you. >> she follow us coming up next more on the missing workers and we've talked to a navy seal and the challenges recovery crews are facing later, sean diddy combs is reaction to news that he's now the target of a federal 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freeman, who's, who has more on those missing saying. so i know you spoke with a family member of or family members. i should save their pair crew who were on the bridge at the time of the collapse i mean, what i cannot imagine how awful this day has been for them >> you understand it really is hard to put into words. i spoke to a number of people who said they had family members who were on the bridge behind me early this morning when it collapsed. and at that time, they were incredibly distressed, incredibly upset. but they were still waiting on information, waiting on no. any sign of hope. and then i can only imagine what they're feeling now that this is a recovery mission. but those family members told us that the workers worked for brawner builders. that's a low local construction company. it's only about five miles from where this bridge is. and i spoke to one woman in particular who said that at the time she had to immediate members in her family who were missing. she didn't feel comfortable at that time providing their names, but just to illustrate how close they were to this construction business, she said that she had an uncle who worked at this construction business for many, many years and absolutely loved this job loved coming to work and making sure that the roads around this area are clear and safe. >> has the construction company said anything tonight >> interesting, we reached out to brawner builders a number of times a day, did kinds comment to us when we got in touch with them. however just in the past few hours, the executive vice president it's of that construction company, jeffrey pritzker told the baltimore sun that this was a terrible, terrible, unforeseen tragedy. and actually was one of the first people to say that he believed that those six missing were presumed to be dead even before we had heard that from the coast guard. so that's what we're hearing from them now, but only from a few local outlets. >> i asked pete muntean about this earlier, but do you have any more information about the two people who were rescued after the bridge collapsed. do we know where they actually in the water? >> listen to understand. we don't have a tremendous amount of details about exactly how those two who survived actually were able to survive but i spoke with two other women who said that they were family members with one of the men who survived. they were they were so happy but also very sad because they told me that while there so glad he is okay and he survived, they said that he's actually not okay because you can imagine the emotion still a mental stress that these survivors have gone through. even the governor of maryland said, told to cnn that one of those menn has to go through shock trauma therapy because of what he went through earlier in the day. so again, we're still waiting on some details as to how exactly these men were able to survive. but clearly after sensing such a traumatic incident and losing, now we know six other members, at least of your crew. again, truly tragic heartbreaking moment for that entire community to anderson, danny freeman. i appreciate it. thank you. right now, our guest is kid courtly retired navy seal and author of the book seals survival guide. navy seal secrets to surviving any disaster. thanks for being with this. i'm sorry, it's under these circumstances, but given what you know about how this collapsed unfolded, i mean, the idea that anyone was able to survive on that bridge, it would be extraordinary can you just a person trout on a bridge that suddenly is plunged into the water, into water at that temperature, i'm the likelihood of survival is very low it really is anderson, it's going to be with you think about a situation where from the point where this bridge collapse, you're 185 feet above the water. so if you survive the impact into the water you have tons and tons of debris coming down on top of you. >> if you made it through >> that, yeah, you're fine yourself completely stressed out potentially injured, maybe in shock in 47 degree water now, you are going to be unconscious in water at that temperature within about 32, maybe 60 minutes. and you are going passed away after one to two hours. so the fact that anybody made it out alive is pretty incredible. it's unfortunate, but i would say within about two hours to three hours after this bridge collapsed we were in recovery mode. >> i just talked to the fire chief and you think about the fire fighters and other divers, police divers, and they had a lot of folks in the water, dozens of divers in the water. i mean, just how difficult that is, six inches of visibility at its best all this debris, all this metal jagged pieces of metal jutting out. you don't know how do you i mean, six inches. you can't see anything you're literally it's sort of like, i mean, it's like an archaeology by braille, isn't it? >> i mean, it really is. you're using your hands to try and find something >> a couple >> of the fire chief was amazing, 2.2 points to repeat the biggest one is there's so much instability with the bridge wreckage. >> i >> mean, you've got a major piece of it that is on the bow of the ship container ship. so that's anything but stable. >> and then you add in >> as you spoke of the lack of visibility. so hopefully there and i think the chief alluded to it. they are going to map this out the best they can using technology like site and scans co-owner, because the key to a successful search or recovery is to narrow down that area to the best you can before you put divers in. because the last thing you want is your recovery to turn back into a rescue mission after one of these divers, but yeah absolutely. these guys, i mean, nothing. you're seeing, nothing and you're gonna be doing this and you were surrounded founded by tons of steel, concrete, bent ribs. i mean, it is one gigantic hazard, but that's why these guys do this job. >> i've been on a boat and dived on a rack with sides and that we went over the wreck with the side-scanning sonar and you could see the bow and everything quite easily. and again, this was low visibility, but it wasn't at great depth. i mean, this is mlt, its three-dimensional. so decide scanning solder, give you a sense of does just show you the top of what the debris is or does it show you all the layers of debris underneath? >> you're getting a profile is what you're getting basically almost like if you're looking at a picture and the best thing about that again, as i spoke of earlier, is you're narrowing down where you're going to put your people in the water because that is going to be the, you know, the riskiest part of this entire recovery thing as soon as people go in the water, given what is going on there with all the debris that is the hybridise part of it. but again, that's why these guys get paid the big bucks. they're going to be fine with the temperature. the depths are not extreme, 40 to 60 feet. that's very workable >> but it's so unstable. i mean, this is these are tons and tons of steel and concrete that is just in the water. imagine trying to find something in amusement park after you from the amusement park with about 60 feet of water and no visibility, that's kinda what these guys are deal with her. >> i'm sure they are not getting paid to be doing this job, but i wish they were it's extraordinary what they do quarterly, it's good to talk to you. thank you so much. >> good to see anderson. thank you. >> you take care is still ahead. the former president has been hit with a limited gag order and his new york hush money election interference case. what it could mean for the upcoming criminal trial next look at all those snacks must be a k. >> i did just pay 60% less for my ticket with the gametime app. it's the best place to get last-minute deals on tickets. i guess i'm just a bitter fan than you i got to get the gain time-out, download the gametime app to get great deals on 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designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices, new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash. designer sales at up to 70% or so up today the former president today was given a limited gag order in his new york hush money trial. the charges stem from reimbursements made to trump's then lawyer for payments he made before the 2016 election to an adult film star stormy daniels alleging an affair with trump, the former president has pleaded not guilty and denies the affair with the limited gag order he's still free to rail against the district attorney, alvin bragg, who as you may know, already has multiple death threats against him. but he can't target prosecutors, witnesses are jurors. the judge cited his history of threatening inflammatory statements in a number of cases deranged jack smith's. have you ever heard of deranged jack smith during jack smith, did the range one, i call does they look the range and you take a look at that face. you say that guy is a sick man? it's been wrongly. >> i made a woman outside of bergdorf goodman. i took her upstairs to a changing booth. >> it was all made up. i don't even know who this woman is. what else can you expect from a trump haiti, clinton appointed judge. i have a trump-hating judge. there's wrote judge trump pater. we have a row. judge. >> this judge is a lunatic and if you've ever watched him and the attorney general may be worse, maybe worship a watcher. >> i get donald trump, letitia james, the corrupt attorney general of new york, either corrupt person. she's got serious trump derangement syndrome. every single day and suing him. i'm going to sue him by the way, under this limited gag order, he can still rail against, as i said, alvin bragg, the district attorney, even the judge on the case as he has before, just not >> witnesses or jurors or prosecutors. the judge set an april 15 trial date. as you may know, rejecting the former president's latest attempts to delay it. joining me now is legal analyst elie honig and senior correspondent carrots canal was this limited gag order, was this expected? >> so it's interesting this process, the prosecution made this request a month ago and the judges had it fully briefed for three weeks and he's made other findings on other motions in that time period, but he waited until today to do it and he noted in his gag order statements that trump made yesterday after the hearing at 40 wall street, where he criticized by name one of the prosecutors in the case mathew colangelo's easily one of the lead attorneys. and it was after that that the judge issues this gag order also after trump had made comments about the judge in his daughter on social media. but this will not cover the judge based on the the reading of the order doesn't appear to cover his daughter either, but the judge saying that he was taking all of trump's statements, many ones that we just played in totality and his, his view of it was he said that these extrajudicial statements went far beyond defending himself against attacks by public figures. indeed, a statements were threatening inflammatory, denigrating, and the the targets of his statements ranged from local and federal officials, court and court staff, prosecutors and staff assigned to the cases and private individuals, including grand jurors, performing their civic duty. so saying that this is not just trump defending himself at the beginning of this case, he said he wasn't going to step in. he was not going to put a gag order, but now he's saying based on the evidence of there in an increase in threats against the district attorney's office and the prosecutors that he thought now it was important and i thought another line that he had in they're risky said because the trial is so close just three weeks away. he said the risk of harm is now paramount. >> what do you think about this? because again, he's free to attack the public figures just not the witnesses or the jurors. yeah. i think this >> gag order is perfectly appropriate because it is carefully crafted. its narrow. >> we use this >> phrase, gag order. lawyers use it, regular people use it, but it's a bit misleading because when you think of someone who's gagged like an action hero in an '80s movie, they can't talk at all trump can still say plenty here. he can still criticize the judge, the de, he can say his calling it a limited gag even though he is going to fundraise off this saying, oh look, they're trying to silence me when in fact exactly again, it's just the public figures he can still graph and that's why i think it's going to survive if he appeals, i think it's absolutely going to survive because what this guy what are protects is the jurors, the witnesses, and the staff there the most vulnerable people, they're the people who need to be protected, their off-limits, everything else. so he's free to talk. what >> would the punishment though? i mean, actually be >> i mean, as we saw in the civil case, a trump violated that gag order a couple of times and it cost him a couple of thousand dollars. nothing that was that serious. yes. to him. i mean, in this case, it's not clear, it's not like he would get sent to jail right away if he violated it. but the judge also in a separate order today relating to challenge to his process of receiving these motions. did it have a shot across the bow to the attorney's saying he's all for zealous advocacy, but he says you have to follow the decorum and the order of the court. really imposing over these past two days, we're starting to see him say he's trying to keep this in line and trying to impose some order over it. i mean, he hasn't said what would the sanction be if this was violated, but it could be monetary. it would be a leap to put them in jail. usually the judge would give you a >> verbal admonishment first, which for an ordinary person is enough to dissuade you write, you don't want the judge ticked off at you, then you get into financial penalties and then ultimately we're not going to get there, but theoretically he could, he could lock them up. >> how long do you think this trial will go? >> go? so the de has said six weeks, but trials having done them have a way of sliding and extending maybe a juror gets sick, maybe a witness's testimony last longer. the other thing is the da can only estimate the da's case. the de doesn't necessarily know what the defense is going to do in their case. now, a defendant does not have to put on any affirmative case. but of course, the big question is, will trump take the stand? we don't know, but if he does this could go 78 weeks. i mean, we're going to be busy from mid april and cares, right. the judge reaffirms in this it's opinion. he says we are on the eve of trial for mid april through june or so. has the >> trump team responded to the limited gag order? >> so his lead attorney, todd blanche, declined to comment on it. you know, his campaign spokesman was saying this is an attack against the first amendment. it's unconstitutional. now, the judge explained in the order that this went far beyond what he saw as the constitutionally protected for it's amendment speech. they haven't said i asked directly if they were going to appeal this. they declined to comment on that as well. so we'll wait and see if they do buy on the point of their witnesses mean trump has said his attorneys have said they want to call an expert witness, the judge, so that person is not really an expert. so if you're going to call them, their testimony is going to be very different than what you think it's gonna be. or it's possibly donald trump, they don't have a big list of witnesses, at least so far. they could still change her mind, would be extraordinary if you took the stand. oh >> my gosh. it would be i think reckless, but it would be certainly very dramatic. one important point on the appeal if donald trump tries to appeal this gag order, a, he will lose, it, will not delay the start of this trial. >> all right. la honig thing for much garrison. it is canal as well. thank you. coming up next more breaking news. the first response from an attorney for sean diddy combs after the federal government raids at least two of the hip-hop moguls, manchin's, the attorney calls it, quote, unprecedented ambush would lc saying coming out done that messed around dumb, having fun, don't pull me down on that >> with allegro allergies won't hold me back. leggero starts working two times faster than claritin. and unlike zyrtec or won't make me drowsy. nothing beats it's the fastest non drowsy. 2004. hour allergy relief >> these bills you're crazy >> she's no idea. she sitting on a goldmine. >> she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can sell all were part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy even a term policy >> find out if you're sitting on a goldmine called coventry direct today at 804618800 or visit coventry hi, i'm chris 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agents on monday, the senior federal law enforcement official briefed on the investigation says the homes were searched because he is a target of a federal feral investigation carried out by a department of homeland security that handles human trafficking crimes that music producers, attorney, whoever's criticizing the investigation in a new statement, the attorney says and i quote yesterday there was a gross overuse of military-level force as search warrants were executed at mr. combs residences there's no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or the way his children and employees were treated. the attorney goes on to say, quote, this unprecedented ambush paired with an advanced coordinated media presence leads to a premature rush to judgment and mr. combs and has nothing more than a witch-hunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits. yeah, it's quote, mr. combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name with more on the investigation time here, cnn's josh campbell a. >> law, >> enforcement official now confirming to cnn, sean diddy combs com, that's >> she knows he's now a target of a federal investigation carried out by a team that specializes in human trafficking crimes two homes belonging to combs, one in los angeles and one in miami beach were searched monday according to a law enforcement source briefed on the investigation a second law enforcement source familiar with the search warrants tells cnn agents were authorized to search his homes for documents phones, computers, and other electronic devices, armored vehicles to send it on the properties simultaneously of precaution reportedly related to armed private security teams employed by combs. his homes were searched by hsi, the principal investigative arm of the department of homeland security with personnel stationed across the globe, which specializes in countering human trafficking focused both on rescuing victims and identifying and prosecuting suspected traffickers. this investigation coming on the heels of several civil lawsuits, all of them were incredibly graphic, accusing diddy of rape grooming, sexual assault, drugging women. there's a lot of similarities in these lawsuits. >> one of those from a former girlfriend, cassandra ventura, who goes by the stage named cassie, alleging rate and physical abuse, was settled in november and a december statement, combs responded to the claims and all the lawsuits saying sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday. let me be absolutely clear. i did not do any of the awful things being alleged. cassius attorney responded to monday's searches and the investigation hopefully this is the beginning of a process that will hold mr. combs responsible for his de braids conduct. another lawsuit filed in february by a former employee per day rodney jones, who goes by the stage name lil rod, accusing combs of, among other things, sexual assault. the musician was not at either home at the time, but monday's searches by federal agents, his whereabouts are still unknown i understand, we're learning that a member of combs inner circle was arrested yesterday, 25-year-old brendan paul was taken into custody on drug charges 30 is alleged that he had cocaine in a personal bag. he was arrested at a miami airport that was happening while federal agents were at combs home. now we're attempting to reach out to him for coming comment. he was in lock-up overnight, but has since been bonded out. but this does raise interesting questions about who else in combs orbit may find themselves in legal jeopardy depending on what federal agents found yesterday. again, no criminal charges yet against anyone related to those searches, but the agents who were doing those searches, as we've been discussing, their focuses on human trafficking, which of course is a very serious crime if proven, anderson carries very serious penalties. >> josh campbell, thanks so much. john snow is former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe. so the attorney's statement essentially says this all is based on information or as a result of civil lawsuits is it common for civil lawsuits to spark interest of homeland security and launch an investigation >> well, it's not uncommon for allegations and civil lawsuits to be considered by federal investigators and federal prosecutors and reviewed to determine whether or not a federal crime prime may have been committed. and that seems to be what happened here. i thought it was interesting that the attorney's statement really basically confirmed for the public that some of the investigative interests was likely generated from these lawsuits, which is interesting because several of the lawsuits allege activity that likely would fall within the parameters of sex trafficking. but really these women claimed to have been transported from one state to another and then drugged and assaulted or his former girlfriend, you claims to have been forced to perform sex acts with different people in different states as they traveled around the country. so i think it was unfortunate, almost admission by the lawyer. i'm not that has legal significance, but it's certainly puts us in a position to speculate more accurately about what's actually driving this investigation. >> i mean, it's interesting that if that was a mistake by the attorney or unwise wording by the attorney. they had a day to come up with a statement. it's interesting that that's then what they came up with. i mean, are some what are some of the reasons why law enforcement officials would choose to execute to search warrants simultaneously. and with that level of for us because that's the other criticism by one or the other criticisms by the attorney that it was an over the use of sort of armored vehicles and folks and kabilor >> yeah. so why the search warrants simultaneously will again, at the attorneys direction, we can now look to the civil suits for clues. and one of them for me is that several of these victims alleged that mr. combs his associates videotaped the sexual encounters that is exactly the kind of evidence that's that you would want to go to someone's home to see if you could find so i would expect that that was probably included in the search warrants, both at the same time because once you hit one house, the subject knows that you're probably going to hit the other house this is looking for the same stuff. so you're better off doing them. >> if you can, if you >> have probable cause in two locations, you're better off doing them at once. >> and >> finally, the round house swing he took at the show of force really kind of classic defense attorney tactics. try to turn around a bad press day. >> but in fact mr. holmes is a long history of being investigated for things like assaults, harassment, threatening people with baseball bats and kettle bells, and things like that. and the way it works in law enforcement is when you are planning a search warrant, if you have any information and it doesn't have to be a criminal conviction, just intelligence that indicates that someone who's gonna be at that resonance may have a violent history or have armed themselves against people in the past. >> you're going to >> automatically qualify that search warrant or classify it as armed and dangerous in that classification alone brings an additional level of protection of tactical preparedness to ensure that there's no problems that everything is done, it is safe away as possible. so i think what we saw yesterday was understandable in the context of an armed and dangerous warrant. >> all right. andrew mccabe. thanks very much. robert f. kennedy jr. is announce his running mate and just longshot bid for the white house, who she is, and how it supporters feel about her next the lead with jake tapper weekdays at four and cnn >> it was only 47 aneurism. >> did he have life insurance? >> 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reliable. you want powerful. get powerful. get real deal speed, reliability and power with xfinity. she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. in certain >> rafael roma, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, jr. today announced that nicole shanahan will be his running mate in the 2024 election. shanahan is 38 year-old oakland native, has silicon valley attorney and entrepreneur who was formerly married to google co-founder sergey brin although she's fairly unknown to the public, kennedy's campaign is hoping she could be the boost they need to make it to the white house or dairy tuckman is in virginia beach and spoke with some rfk junior supporters. here's his report next, president of the united >> the supporters of robert f kennedy jr. have meeting every other week since september at this virginia beach irish pub and restaurant we're a bust of his uncle john f. kennedy is prominently displayed. >> what i want to ask >> you first, what did you all think of this event >> great, wonderful. >> i know you all like rfk junior, that's why you're here do you think it's a stronger ticket now because we've got of his vice presidential announcement >> i do. yeah. hey, nicole's energizing. she has great momentum and had really important points to share. >> you feel the same way. >> yes. especially about the food situation chemicals in our food supply, and the chronic diseases that fits together very well with robert or hearsay, important question i want to ask all of you and shrubs, you could just give me a quick answer on this if robert f. kennedy jr. weren't running, would you be more likely to vote for trump biden, or somebody else >> i don't know. i don't vote for for you years ago. >> biden. >> what about you? who who would you vote for? i think i would lean >> towards donald trump. >> who would you vote for? >> i leaned toward trump it is not a fair question, gary, it's picking between the worst of two evils and that's what bobby was talking to, who to vote for four years ago, i voted for biden, but >> don't actually would vote for trump if you really push coming into a corner, but thank god, those aren't the options. >> so you wouldn't vote for trump filled possibility >> i would only because i'm very anti-establishment and that's what bobby is. he's anti-establishment without all baggage he's going to restore trust and transparency to our federal institutions because he's a man of integrity, has honore and he's honest when asked you the same question, who would you vote for a power of k junior weren't running trump-biden or somebody i'm still undecided, but i would have to lean towards strong let's your son decided this year though you're correct. so you're just here. i'm just i'm open-minded, but trump would be the candidate >> that binary choice yeah. >> what about you? >> i would lean towards trump. >> what about you? i'd have to go third party. i just can't support either of those candidates. biden or trump >> so to review, how many can you set up rfk junior warrant running, you would most likely vote for trump. raise your hand high so i can see 12345 how many said biden? and i think it was just one and you said third party are you concerned that your vote for rfk junior could be a spoiler vote >> is anyone concerned? >> no. no. i'm not concerned about that. we need to change an n america. we have to ship from the unit party yes. >> i'm sorry. i would love to address that because i think that's ridiculous. there's never been a better time for a third party to win. now's the time to do it >> let me ask you this. so one of you concerned that his family members, many of them, his siblings, cousins, have come out against their own family member because that raise a >> red flag for the biden administration. so but there's still his family >> there's a lot >> of his family that supported come to write any also. >> yeah. and he says that i don't know what >> your siblings were against you. it might make a voter think about it. >> it's a good question, but he has a huge family that's a good question. yeah, it is a good question. he has a higher and 20 family members. i do things in life my family doesn't agree with >> your family, doesn't it? i'm just joking around i understand. so you all feel strongly about that. that's not an issue. final question. do you really think this guy could win the presidency rfk junior? >> yes >> i didn't believe it yeah. >> gary, i know you're with a larger group now. how did they say they would vote if kennedy jr. wasn't in the race some 31 people here, i've asked all 31 people that question of rfk junior was out of the race. would you lean towards trump, biden, or either 22 of those 31 people say they would not support trump or biden aid of the people. say trump only one of the people, the woman you saw in the story says it's biden's. so this obviously our case, tennessee in this particular place on this particular night affects trump more. but at something w

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T Know , The Big Question Is , Opinion , Eve , Mid April , 78 , Campaign , Spokesman , Attack , Amendment , Amendment Speech , Haven T , Expert Witness , Expert , List , Gonna Be , Canal , Start , Appeal , Oh My Gosh , La Honig , Garrison , Quote , Ambush , Breaking News , Hip Hop Moguls , Response , Lc , Raids , Manchin S , Allergies , Claritin , Fun , Leggero , Won T Make Me Drowsy , Allergy , Non Drowsy , 2004 , Goldmine , Life Insurance Policy , Bills , Coventry , 100000 , Term , Cash , Coventry Direct , Coventry Direct Com Hi , 804618800 , Car Accident , Habits , Chris , Go On Tv , 57 , Life , Rest , Shot , Meal Program , Goal Program , Pill , Golan , Options , 52 , Insurance Policies , Application , Nothing To Lose , Wai Wait , Pits , Parts , Privates And Beyond , Body , Deodorant , Guide Ecologist , Armpits , Soap , Privates , Reassurance , Everywhere , Lumi , Space Shuttle Columbia , Lumi Do Com , 72 , Los Angeles , Flight , On Monday , Miami , More Brachial , Sunday April 7 , 7 , Human Trafficking , Department Of Homeland Security , Homes , Official , Law , Enforcement , Crimes , Music Producers , Mr , Search Warrants , Force , Show , Overuse , Employees , Authorities , Excuse , Children , Hostility , Lawsuits , Media Presence , Accusations , Rush To Judgment , Witch Hunt , Josh Campbell A Law , Combs Com , Enforcement Official , Law Enforcement Source , Human Trafficking Crimes Two Homes , Miami Beach , Agents , Computers , Properties , Precaution , Documents Phones , Hsi , Security , Globe , Investigative Arm , Accusing Diddy Of Rape Grooming , Victims , Both , Heels , Suspected Traffickers , Girlfriend , December Statement , Rate , Stage , Similarities , Abuse , Drugging Women , Named Cassie , Cassandra Ventura , Allegations , Claims , Payday , Cassius , Lawsuit , Stage Name , De Braids Conduct , Combs Of , Lil Rod , Rodney Jones , Home , Musician , Member , Drug , Custody , Whereabouts , Combs Inner Circle , 25 , Miami Airport , Comment , Lock Up , Cocaine , Bag , Combs Home , Orbit , Jeopardy , Crime , Andrew Mccabe , Josh Campbell , Their , John Snow , Fbi , Interest , Homeland Security , Result , Prime , Sex Trafficking , Interests , Several , Public , Another , Sex Acts , Admission , States , Significance , Position , Attorney , Wording , Mistake , Level , Law Enforcement Officials , Warrants , Reasons , Criticism , Criticisms , Use , Attorneys Direction , Kabilor Yeah , Associates , Encounters , Suits , Clues , Subject , Stuff , Defense Attorney , Press , Locations , Tactics , Cause , The Round House , Classic , Search Warrant , Assaults , Harassment , Kettle Bells , Baseball Bats , Holmes , Intelligence , Gonna , Resonance , Conviction , Classification , Preparedness , Armed And Dangerous , Robert F Kennedy Jr , Running Mate , Context , Warrant , Bid , White House , Peace Of Mind , Weekdays , Aneurism , Jake Tapper , Four , 000000 , 2000000 , , Sleep , Night , Problem , Pain , Injuries , Ability , Neurology , Mornings , Mental Clarity , Refreshed , Difference , Exercise , Night Sleep , Golf , General , Bike , Prescription Drugs , System , Them , Ingredients , Valorous Exclusive , Downside , Bottles , Special , 1000 , Farmers Shoe , Bundle , Visit , Money , Back , Axioms , 805193550 , Shannon Kliger , Hall Body Deodorant , Mondo , Vandal , Men Who , Commandos , Shower , Novel , Owner , Mantou Smell , Same , City Planner , Internet Providers , Caitlin Clark , Caitlin Clarks , Don T Settle , Reliability , Imprint Com , In Atlanta , Georgia State Capitol , Roma , Nicole Shanahan , Entrepreneur , Sergey Brin , Native , Jr , Google , Oakland , Silicon Valley , 38 , 2024 , Supporters , Next , Boost , Virginia Beach , Dairy Tuckman , Restaurant , Bust , John F Kennedy , Virginia Beach Irish Pub , Nicole , Think , Event , Vice , Announcement , Wonderful , Chronic Diseases , Momentum , Food Supply , Food Situation Chemicals , Robert , Vote , Somebody , Trump Biden , Hearsay , Weren T Running , Answer , Shrubs , Biden , Worst , Gary , Bobby , God , Wouldn T , Corner , Evils , Possibility , Aren T The Options , Integrity , Power Of K Junior Weren T Running Trump , Institutions , Transparency , Baggage , Trust , Third Party , Son , Candidates , Hand , Review , Rfk Junior Warrant Running , 12345 , Spoiler Vote , Unit Party , N America , Siblings , Administration , Red Flag , Raise , Voter , 20 , Presidency , Issue , Group , Feel , Race , Wasn T , 22 , 31 , Say Trump , Story , Saw , Aid , Tennessee , Something W ,

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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704

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days has become clear that this appointment undermines that goal. i want to personally apologize to our team members who felt, let down. this comes after again, a unprecedented on-air revolt from nbc talents objecting to this appointments and now it appears that she's no longer going to be nbc news employee. >> walsh gone. all right. oliver darcy. thank you very much into our viewers. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room the news continues on cnn. >> right now. >> tonight on 360, the latest from baltimore. all we're learning about how a massive cargo ship, it, a major bridge outside of vital poured. how a mayday call just seconds before impact, save lives in the search for six people still unaccounted for now, presumed dead. also tonight, a new york judge has now issued a limited gag order against trump. he can still attack the district attorney who's already got death threats. against him, but he can't go after witnesses prosecutors, or jurors, and a day after homeland security officers rated two of his manchin's a senior law enforcement tells a source holds us sean diddy combs is a target of the investigation, and he's just responded to the news. good evening. thanks for joining us. it is a grim night on the waters outside baltimore take a look at live pictures where the francis scott key bridge, key bridge should be and where the container ship dali or any large vessels should never be just moments ago, the coast guard suspended the search for survivors. it was 01:28 a.m. early in the morning that the bridge collapsed the whole region as well. start sorry, whoever everybody the whole bridge. just the last video of the moment it happened as 100 thousand ton container ship dali first hit a bridge piling then in just a matter of seconds, the bridges entire main span collapsed about 15 seconds was all it took the baltimore harbor pilot who was at the helms as he did all he could to slow the ship and keep it away from the bridge according to a pilots association official six people are still missing now presumed dead the bridge is a crucial link in the beltway around baltimore. its collapse, shutdown one of the busiest sea ports in the country, first in the nation for shipping cars and trucks. according to maryland's governor, by any measure, this is a disaster of national proportions with after effects possibly stretching out years from now we're going to spend all the federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency. i mean, all the federal resources and we're going to rebuild that port together it's my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge i expect the congress to support my effort >> now in a moment, we'll talk to baltimore's fire chief and later a former navy seal on the search and recovery effort underwater. but first cnn's pete muntean, not far from the fall and bridge. so i'm talking about the decision for rescuers to suspend the search efforts anderson, we just got the details about news conference here and the united states coast guard says they do not believe they will find anybody alive here tonight. you have to think about the risks and the danger they say it has gotten a lot cold or with nightfall here, not only the air temperature, but also the water temperature also the visibility underwater is very poor. they say that is very risky because there are sharp each of the key bridge still in the water that could puncture a suit or an airline and they simply do not want to add to the disaster that occurred here. >> a >> runaway cargo ship taken down on iconic baltimore bridge is being described as a scene from a movie. now, investigators have new questions about the final moments before the crippled mv dali veered off course and into the key bridge, the 911 call i was frantic as steel and concrete plunged into the potassium sco river below the bridge, collapse into the water and there are unknown amounts of people and or vehicles in the water entire key bridge in the harbor are advised to hold all traffic from committing to the bridge i advise again the entire team for its has fallen into the harbor. >> officials say the dali said sale at 12:28 a.m. under the command of a port of baltimore pilot, who boards large ships as they navigate the 700 foot wide channel. security video shows minutes before the impact, the lights on board, the dali shut off twice, then the bao swung right, briefed by the coast guard, maryland congressman dutch troopers berger says the crew experienced power issues and a loss of propulsion with alarms on the bridge blaring. the preliminary investigation points to an accident we haven't seen any credible evidence of a terrorist attack. >> key to investigators will be the ship's black box mandated by international law a voyage data recorder captures parameters like headings, speed, and water depth, as well as the condition of the engines, thrusters, and rudder the recorder also captures crew conversations on the bridge. key to investigators, probing what caused the crew to apparently lose control. >> it will be critical. it's a critical piece of our investigation, which is why we have a recorders team here are the latest data shows the dali was traveling at a speed of eight knots, roughly nine miles per hour fast enough to trigger a disaster sure. that could have been much worse. >> this is a unique circumstance. i do not know of a bridge that has been constructed to withstand a direct impact from a vessel of this size what do we know about the two people who were rescued out of the water >> few official details right now, anderson, one of those men was taken to the hospital still in the hospital tonight? one met with rescuers on the scene and refuse treatment. they were two of the eight total crew that was on this bridge doing deck work, repairing potholes that means six are still missing tonight. >> and in that speeded up image where the ship is approaching, we see vehicles crossing the bridge. they were they were were they able to stop? i assume they were able to stop vehicles before it hit >> they were able to get out a call. the maryland transportation authority police were essentially here enabled to cut off more cars from entering the bridge. but we know from side sonar searches by the coast guard and the state police that they've been able to find five car hur's underwater that may also include something they say his tractor trailer, like anderson. >> all right. pete muntean. thank you. i want to go next to cnn's bryan todd, who's on the water near here are the scene. uh, brian, i know you've been out there for a long time. what have you been seeing at the site of the collapse and what are conditions been like for emergency crews? i mean, it's incredibly difficult very difficult. anderson and the >> conditions are worsening tonight. it's getting much colder outside, as we mentioned, the water temperatures is really plummeting. so conditions are getting worse out here tonight with our second camera you can kind of see the boat, the ship behind me. it's partially illuminated by its own lighting there but there are still rescue and recovery boats all around the dali, the name of the tanker of the container ship that crashed into the bridge just over my right shoulder there all day long, we've been seeing that kind of activity, rescue, recovery boats buzzing all around the point of the impact. you could see the tangled metal and the concrete from the supports draped over the bow of the vessel. there is still there what we were told. this morning as we deployed out into the water was i spoke to a marine construction official here who's going to be part of the salvage and reconstruction efforts? he said it's going to take days just to get the heavy equipment they need to get in place here to begin the process of just taking apart the remnants of the bridge are going to have to at those big remnants into smaller pieces just in order to remove them. that's going to take floating cranes and a lot of other heavy equipment just to do all that, it's going to take several days just to get that equipment in place. so it kind of gives you an idea of just the logistical challenge that's going to be involved in salvaging and removing all of this wreckage from the water and as people mentioned, a dangerous job, i mean, a lot of this, a lot of the wreckage is still underwater getting to it and getting it pulled out is going to be very dangerous. they have suspended the rescue operations i, believe in that are going to find any of those six individuals alive. but then comes the very challenging task of trying to get this boat moved and it's unclear when that's going to be whether they can have to remove a lot of the containers from the vessel in order to move it and of course, as we've just mentioned, trying to remove the remnants of this bridge in order to get reconstruction going again and to get this port operational again, andrew and that's really what's daunting that could take several weeks. >> and this is usually a pretty busy area with ship traveling >> it really is. baltimore is one of the head vs traffic ports on the east coast. it is a huge port for the transportation of new automobiles and light trucks into the united states. there's a vessel just to my right. you can't see it in the darkness now, the carmen, it's a large tanker vessel that transports automobiles and light trucks into the port of baltimore. it's stuck in port there as it's are many other container ships. it is a huge economic disruption. the bulk, the port of baltimore alone last year processed about 850,000 vehicles into the united states. that's how important it is for the importation of automobiles and light trucks. all of that coming to a very sudden stop. it's unclear what any of that is going to resume. we are told about governor of virginia and other officials that some of the ocean carriers are going to be able to be diverted to the port of virginia, which is about 220 miles south of here in the hampton roads, virginia area. but again, yeah, that's a logistical challenge to they've got to get that port up to speed and getting some additional traffic in there. so it just gives you an idea of the incredible disruption economic activity here. one other thing that i can tell you is this, the francis scott key bridge is the only avenue where hazardous material can be transported north and south along the eastern seaboard. in this area, they're not allowed to transport hazmat material in the tunnels underneath the bolt, underneath the baltimore harbor. that's where the civilian automotive traffic goes, but it has not material all goes over the key bridge. now, they've got to figure out ways to reroute all of that type. appreciate david. thank you joining us now is baltimore city fire chief james wallace. chief wallace. thank you for being with us. i know you're firefighters and rescue personnel had been working just nonstop on this key talk about what it means for your teams as this moves from a search and rescue mission to a recovery operation. >> good evening, anderson. and thank you for having us so our operation has actually shut down for the night due to the dangerous conditions. as it's been reported on cnn i think we just lost connection with the chief will try to unfortunately, re-establish that clear. let's talk from his vehicle >> one >> of the things that we have just learned as you heard from the chief is that the rescue operations that in fact all operations this evening has been suspended underwater the difficulty for the divers under the water is extreme. the cold temperatures, the frigid conditions. obviously that temperature only drops at night and the visibility was said to be no more than six inches. in some cases. so it's been very difficult until we have the chief back with us achieve i'm sorry, we lost contact with you. we appreciate you rejoining us. >> can you >> talk about the conditions the divers have been working under because i understand that visibility has been like six inches, that the temperatures are frigid. i mean, there's a lot of debris underwater yeah, that's correct. the surface water temperatures when we arrived this morning were approximately 47 degrees with an air temperature around 44, 45 degrees visibility in the harbor decreases significantly as you increase depth. so the deeper you go, the less you're able to see water. water depths in and around are under that bridge vary from 40 feet in some places to an excess of 60 feet. so as you go deeper, the divers are exposed to colder temperatures, they have zero viz and as you look at a lot of the photographs, especially what you have on scene, imagine what you're seeing there also being the case underwater so there's a lot of there's a lot of still underwater there's bridge deck underwater. there are a lot of hazards down there and will reach steps where the divers are literally feeling their way around. so that has a lot to do with why the operation has ceased for the night that the course compounded by darkness >> to imagine, divers down there who obviously are eager to do the job and rescue anybody there who is two to bring anybody back up but not knowing i'm not sure how strong the current is. i've heard it it, maybe not that fast moving, but not knowing what might be coming at you with all that metal underwater. i mean, that a diver could easily be injured and then you'd have a whole rescue operation just to try to relieve that diver that's correct. that that portion of the tapscott river is tidal influence so it goes through tides, cycles, just like the open waters in the chesapeake bay does the io again, the issues, especially subsurface in this operation also really include a lot of instability. we know that we have steel sections of the bridge that are for our hanging on other pieces of debris on supported. we know that we have a lot of the steel superstructure that is actually laying across the bow of the ship itself and is very unstable. we know that we have sea containers that are on board the vessel that are hanging off there also unstable and then the final piece that were very concerned about is the remaining bridge structure that bridge has suffered catastrophic impact in catastrophic failure. so although there are pieces of the bridge that remain structural stability of what remains, there is also a major concern as well. >> i heard you talked earlier about using infrared and sonar technologies to search for vehicles in the water. i mean, do you do you have to try to create an underwater map or is it just looking in quadrant by quadrant to just see what's there >> so we're actually in the process of mapping that underwater. our searches right now, we broke the search area up into two quadrants in north and south bottom we deployed multiple teams there when we first arrived during the night, we were very fortunate to have had air support from the maryland state police helicopter and then we also gain their support from the baltimore police department they have infrared technology. we had infrared infrared technology on the water in addition to side-scan sonar. so we were able to actively engage in search in the dark as well during the day datetime is more of a side-scan sonar operation but to your question, yes. this this is going to be an operation when we begin tomorrow, we're going to begin to map this underwater with numerous federal, state, local dr. teams she follows, i'm sure your folks are exhausted appreciate all your efforts and i appreciate you taking the time to speak with us. thank you >> yes, sir. thank you. >> she follow us coming up next more on the missing workers and we've talked to a navy seal and the challenges recovery crews are facing later, sean diddy combs is reaction to news that he's now the target of a federal 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freeman, who's, who has more on those missing saying. so i know you spoke with a family member of or family members. i should save their pair crew who were on the bridge at the time of the collapse i mean, what i cannot imagine how awful this day has been for them >> you understand it really is hard to put into words. i spoke to a number of people who said they had family members who were on the bridge behind me early this morning when it collapsed. and at that time, they were incredibly distressed, incredibly upset. but they were still waiting on information, waiting on no. any sign of hope. and then i can only imagine what they're feeling now that this is a recovery mission. but those family members told us that the workers worked for brawner builders. that's a low local construction company. it's only about five miles from where this bridge is. and i spoke to one woman in particular who said that at the time she had to immediate members in her family who were missing. she didn't feel comfortable at that time providing their names, but just to illustrate how close they were to this construction business, she said that she had an uncle who worked at this construction business for many, many years and absolutely loved this job loved coming to work and making sure that the roads around this area are clear and safe. >> has the construction company said anything tonight >> interesting, we reached out to brawner builders a number of times a day, did kinds comment to us when we got in touch with them. however just in the past few hours, the executive vice president it's of that construction company, jeffrey pritzker told the baltimore sun that this was a terrible, terrible, unforeseen tragedy. and actually was one of the first people to say that he believed that those six missing were presumed to be dead even before we had heard that from the coast guard. so that's what we're hearing from them now, but only from a few local outlets. >> i asked pete muntean about this earlier, but do you have any more information about the two people who were rescued after the bridge collapsed. do we know where they actually in the water? >> listen to understand. we don't have a tremendous amount of details about exactly how those two who survived actually were able to survive but i spoke with two other women who said that they were family members with one of the men who survived. they were they were so happy but also very sad because they told me that while there so glad he is okay and he survived, they said that he's actually not okay because you can imagine the emotion still a mental stress that these survivors have gone through. even the governor of maryland said, told to cnn that one of those menn has to go through shock trauma therapy because of what he went through earlier in the day. so again, we're still waiting on some details as to how exactly these men were able to survive. but clearly after sensing such a traumatic incident and losing, now we know six other members, at least of your crew. again, truly tragic heartbreaking moment for that entire community to anderson, danny freeman. i appreciate it. thank you. right now, our guest is kid courtly retired navy seal and author of the book seals survival guide. navy seal secrets to surviving any disaster. thanks for being with this. i'm sorry, it's under these circumstances, but given what you know about how this collapsed unfolded, i mean, the idea that anyone was able to survive on that bridge, it would be extraordinary can you just a person trout on a bridge that suddenly is plunged into the water, into water at that temperature, i'm the likelihood of survival is very low it really is anderson, it's going to be with you think about a situation where from the point where this bridge collapse, you're 185 feet above the water. so if you survive the impact into the water you have tons and tons of debris coming down on top of you. >> if you made it through >> that, yeah, you're fine yourself completely stressed out potentially injured, maybe in shock in 47 degree water now, you are going to be unconscious in water at that temperature within about 32, maybe 60 minutes. and you are going passed away after one to two hours. so the fact that anybody made it out alive is pretty incredible. it's unfortunate, but i would say within about two hours to three hours after this bridge collapsed we were in recovery mode. >> i just talked to the fire chief and you think about the fire fighters and other divers, police divers, and they had a lot of folks in the water, dozens of divers in the water. i mean, just how difficult that is, six inches of visibility at its best all this debris, all this metal jagged pieces of metal jutting out. you don't know how do you i mean, six inches. you can't see anything you're literally it's sort of like, i mean, it's like an archaeology by braille, isn't it? >> i mean, it really is. you're using your hands to try and find something >> a couple >> of the fire chief was amazing, 2.2 points to repeat the biggest one is there's so much instability with the bridge wreckage. >> i >> mean, you've got a major piece of it that is on the bow of the ship container ship. so that's anything but stable. >> and then you add in >> as you spoke of the lack of visibility. so hopefully there and i think the chief alluded to it. they are going to map this out the best they can using technology like site and scans co-owner, because the key to a successful search or recovery is to narrow down that area to the best you can before you put divers in. because the last thing you want is your recovery to turn back into a rescue mission after one of these divers, but yeah absolutely. these guys, i mean, nothing. you're seeing, nothing and you're gonna be doing this and you were surrounded founded by tons of steel, concrete, bent ribs. i mean, it is one gigantic hazard, but that's why these guys do this job. >> i've been on a boat and dived on a rack with sides and that we went over the wreck with the side-scanning sonar and you could see the bow and everything quite easily. and again, this was low visibility, but it wasn't at great depth. i mean, this is mlt, its three-dimensional. so decide scanning solder, give you a sense of does just show you the top of what the debris is or does it show you all the layers of debris underneath? >> you're getting a profile is what you're getting basically almost like if you're looking at a picture and the best thing about that again, as i spoke of earlier, is you're narrowing down where you're going to put your people in the water because that is going to be the, you know, the riskiest part of this entire recovery thing as soon as people go in the water, given what is going on there with all the debris that is the hybridise part of it. but again, that's why these guys get paid the big bucks. they're going to be fine with the temperature. the depths are not extreme, 40 to 60 feet. that's very workable >> but it's so unstable. i mean, this is these are tons and tons of steel and concrete that is just in the water. imagine trying to find something in amusement park after you from the amusement park with about 60 feet of water and no visibility, that's kinda what these guys are deal with her. >> i'm sure they are not getting paid to be doing this job, but i wish they were it's extraordinary what they do quarterly, it's good to talk to you. thank you so much. >> good to see anderson. thank you. >> you take care is still ahead. the former president has been hit with a limited gag order and his new york hush money election interference case. what it could mean for the upcoming criminal trial next look at all those snacks must be a k. >> i did just pay 60% less for my ticket with the gametime app. it's the best place to get last-minute deals on tickets. i guess i'm just a bitter fan than you i got to get the gain time-out, download the gametime app to get great deals on 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designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices, new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash. designer sales at up to 70% or so up today the former president today was given a limited gag order in his new york hush money trial. the charges stem from reimbursements made to trump's then lawyer for payments he made before the 2016 election to an adult film star stormy daniels alleging an affair with trump, the former president has pleaded not guilty and denies the affair with the limited gag order he's still free to rail against the district attorney, alvin bragg, who as you may know, already has multiple death threats against him. but he can't target prosecutors, witnesses are jurors. the judge cited his history of threatening inflammatory statements in a number of cases deranged jack smith's. have you ever heard of deranged jack smith during jack smith, did the range one, i call does they look the range and you take a look at that face. you say that guy is a sick man? it's been wrongly. >> i made a woman outside of bergdorf goodman. i took her upstairs to a changing booth. >> it was all made up. i don't even know who this woman is. what else can you expect from a trump haiti, clinton appointed judge. i have a trump-hating judge. there's wrote judge trump pater. we have a row. judge. >> this judge is a lunatic and if you've ever watched him and the attorney general may be worse, maybe worship a watcher. >> i get donald trump, letitia james, the corrupt attorney general of new york, either corrupt person. she's got serious trump derangement syndrome. every single day and suing him. i'm going to sue him by the way, under this limited gag order, he can still rail against, as i said, alvin bragg, the district attorney, even the judge on the case as he has before, just not >> witnesses or jurors or prosecutors. the judge set an april 15 trial date. as you may know, rejecting the former president's latest attempts to delay it. joining me now is legal analyst elie honig and senior correspondent carrots canal was this limited gag order, was this expected? >> so it's interesting this process, the prosecution made this request a month ago and the judges had it fully briefed for three weeks and he's made other findings on other motions in that time period, but he waited until today to do it and he noted in his gag order statements that trump made yesterday after the hearing at 40 wall street, where he criticized by name one of the prosecutors in the case mathew colangelo's easily one of the lead attorneys. and it was after that that the judge issues this gag order also after trump had made comments about the judge in his daughter on social media. but this will not cover the judge based on the the reading of the order doesn't appear to cover his daughter either, but the judge saying that he was taking all of trump's statements, many ones that we just played in totality and his, his view of it was he said that these extrajudicial statements went far beyond defending himself against attacks by public figures. indeed, a statements were threatening inflammatory, denigrating, and the the targets of his statements ranged from local and federal officials, court and court staff, prosecutors and staff assigned to the cases and private individuals, including grand jurors, performing their civic duty. so saying that this is not just trump defending himself at the beginning of this case, he said he wasn't going to step in. he was not going to put a gag order, but now he's saying based on the evidence of there in an increase in threats against the district attorney's office and the prosecutors that he thought now it was important and i thought another line that he had in they're risky said because the trial is so close just three weeks away. he said the risk of harm is now paramount. >> what do you think about this? because again, he's free to attack the public figures just not the witnesses or the jurors. yeah. i think this >> gag order is perfectly appropriate because it is carefully crafted. its narrow. >> we use this >> phrase, gag order. lawyers use it, regular people use it, but it's a bit misleading because when you think of someone who's gagged like an action hero in an '80s movie, they can't talk at all trump can still say plenty here. he can still criticize the judge, the de, he can say his calling it a limited gag even though he is going to fundraise off this saying, oh look, they're trying to silence me when in fact exactly again, it's just the public figures he can still graph and that's why i think it's going to survive if he appeals, i think it's absolutely going to survive because what this guy what are protects is the jurors, the witnesses, and the staff there the most vulnerable people, they're the people who need to be protected, their off-limits, everything else. so he's free to talk. what >> would the punishment though? i mean, actually be >> i mean, as we saw in the civil case, a trump violated that gag order a couple of times and it cost him a couple of thousand dollars. nothing that was that serious. yes. to him. i mean, in this case, it's not clear, it's not like he would get sent to jail right away if he violated it. but the judge also in a separate order today relating to challenge to his process of receiving these motions. did it have a shot across the bow to the attorney's saying he's all for zealous advocacy, but he says you have to follow the decorum and the order of the court. really imposing over these past two days, we're starting to see him say he's trying to keep this in line and trying to impose some order over it. i mean, he hasn't said what would the sanction be if this was violated, but it could be monetary. it would be a leap to put them in jail. usually the judge would give you a >> verbal admonishment first, which for an ordinary person is enough to dissuade you write, you don't want the judge ticked off at you, then you get into financial penalties and then ultimately we're not going to get there, but theoretically he could, he could lock them up. >> how long do you think this trial will go? >> go? so the de has said six weeks, but trials having done them have a way of sliding and extending maybe a juror gets sick, maybe a witness's testimony last longer. the other thing is the da can only estimate the da's case. the de doesn't necessarily know what the defense is going to do in their case. now, a defendant does not have to put on any affirmative case. but of course, the big question is, will trump take the stand? we don't know, but if he does this could go 78 weeks. i mean, we're going to be busy from mid april and cares, right. the judge reaffirms in this it's opinion. he says we are on the eve of trial for mid april through june or so. has the >> trump team responded to the limited gag order? >> so his lead attorney, todd blanche, declined to comment on it. you know, his campaign spokesman was saying this is an attack against the first amendment. it's unconstitutional. now, the judge explained in the order that this went far beyond what he saw as the constitutionally protected for it's amendment speech. they haven't said i asked directly if they were going to appeal this. they declined to comment on that as well. so we'll wait and see if they do buy on the point of their witnesses mean trump has said his attorneys have said they want to call an expert witness, the judge, so that person is not really an expert. so if you're going to call them, their testimony is going to be very different than what you think it's gonna be. or it's possibly donald trump, they don't have a big list of witnesses, at least so far. they could still change her mind, would be extraordinary if you took the stand. oh >> my gosh. it would be i think reckless, but it would be certainly very dramatic. one important point on the appeal if donald trump tries to appeal this gag order, a, he will lose, it, will not delay the start of this trial. >> all right. la honig thing for much garrison. it is canal as well. thank you. coming up next more breaking news. the first response from an attorney for sean diddy combs after the federal government raids at least two of the hip-hop moguls, manchin's, the attorney calls it, quote, unprecedented ambush would lc saying coming out done that messed around dumb, having fun, don't pull me down on that >> with allegro allergies won't hold me back. leggero starts working two times faster than claritin. and unlike zyrtec or won't make me drowsy. nothing beats it's the fastest non drowsy. 2004. hour allergy relief >> these bills you're crazy >> she's no idea. she sitting on a goldmine. >> she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can sell all were part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy even a term policy >> find out if you're sitting on a goldmine called coventry direct today at 804618800 or visit coventry hi, i'm chris 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agents on monday, the senior federal law enforcement official briefed on the investigation says the homes were searched because he is a target of a federal feral investigation carried out by a department of homeland security that handles human trafficking crimes that music producers, attorney, whoever's criticizing the investigation in a new statement, the attorney says and i quote yesterday there was a gross overuse of military-level force as search warrants were executed at mr. combs residences there's no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or the way his children and employees were treated. the attorney goes on to say, quote, this unprecedented ambush paired with an advanced coordinated media presence leads to a premature rush to judgment and mr. combs and has nothing more than a witch-hunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits. yeah, it's quote, mr. combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name with more on the investigation time here, cnn's josh campbell a. >> law, >> enforcement official now confirming to cnn, sean diddy combs com, that's >> she knows he's now a target of a federal investigation carried out by a team that specializes in human trafficking crimes two homes belonging to combs, one in los angeles and one in miami beach were searched monday according to a law enforcement source briefed on the investigation a second law enforcement source familiar with the search warrants tells cnn agents were authorized to search his homes for documents phones, computers, and other electronic devices, armored vehicles to send it on the properties simultaneously of precaution reportedly related to armed private security teams employed by combs. his homes were searched by hsi, the principal investigative arm of the department of homeland security with personnel stationed across the globe, which specializes in countering human trafficking focused both on rescuing victims and identifying and prosecuting suspected traffickers. this investigation coming on the heels of several civil lawsuits, all of them were incredibly graphic, accusing diddy of rape grooming, sexual assault, drugging women. there's a lot of similarities in these lawsuits. >> one of those from a former girlfriend, cassandra ventura, who goes by the stage named cassie, alleging rate and physical abuse, was settled in november and a december statement, combs responded to the claims and all the lawsuits saying sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday. let me be absolutely clear. i did not do any of the awful things being alleged. cassius attorney responded to monday's searches and the investigation hopefully this is the beginning of a process that will hold mr. combs responsible for his de braids conduct. another lawsuit filed in february by a former employee per day rodney jones, who goes by the stage name lil rod, accusing combs of, among other things, sexual assault. the musician was not at either home at the time, but monday's searches by federal agents, his whereabouts are still unknown i understand, we're learning that a member of combs inner circle was arrested yesterday, 25-year-old brendan paul was taken into custody on drug charges 30 is alleged that he had cocaine in a personal bag. he was arrested at a miami airport that was happening while federal agents were at combs home. now we're attempting to reach out to him for coming comment. he was in lock-up overnight, but has since been bonded out. but this does raise interesting questions about who else in combs orbit may find themselves in legal jeopardy depending on what federal agents found yesterday. again, no criminal charges yet against anyone related to those searches, but the agents who were doing those searches, as we've been discussing, their focuses on human trafficking, which of course is a very serious crime if proven, anderson carries very serious penalties. >> josh campbell, thanks so much. john snow is former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe. so the attorney's statement essentially says this all is based on information or as a result of civil lawsuits is it common for civil lawsuits to spark interest of homeland security and launch an investigation >> well, it's not uncommon for allegations and civil lawsuits to be considered by federal investigators and federal prosecutors and reviewed to determine whether or not a federal crime prime may have been committed. and that seems to be what happened here. i thought it was interesting that the attorney's statement really basically confirmed for the public that some of the investigative interests was likely generated from these lawsuits, which is interesting because several of the lawsuits allege activity that likely would fall within the parameters of sex trafficking. but really these women claimed to have been transported from one state to another and then drugged and assaulted or his former girlfriend, you claims to have been forced to perform sex acts with different people in different states as they traveled around the country. so i think it was unfortunate, almost admission by the lawyer. i'm not that has legal significance, but it's certainly puts us in a position to speculate more accurately about what's actually driving this investigation. >> i mean, it's interesting that if that was a mistake by the attorney or unwise wording by the attorney. they had a day to come up with a statement. it's interesting that that's then what they came up with. i mean, are some what are some of the reasons why law enforcement officials would choose to execute to search warrants simultaneously. and with that level of for us because that's the other criticism by one or the other criticisms by the attorney that it was an over the use of sort of armored vehicles and folks and kabilor >> yeah. so why the search warrants simultaneously will again, at the attorneys direction, we can now look to the civil suits for clues. and one of them for me is that several of these victims alleged that mr. combs his associates videotaped the sexual encounters that is exactly the kind of evidence that's that you would want to go to someone's home to see if you could find so i would expect that that was probably included in the search warrants, both at the same time because once you hit one house, the subject knows that you're probably going to hit the other house this is looking for the same stuff. so you're better off doing them. >> if you can, if you >> have probable cause in two locations, you're better off doing them at once. >> and >> finally, the round house swing he took at the show of force really kind of classic defense attorney tactics. try to turn around a bad press day. >> but in fact mr. holmes is a long history of being investigated for things like assaults, harassment, threatening people with baseball bats and kettle bells, and things like that. and the way it works in law enforcement is when you are planning a search warrant, if you have any information and it doesn't have to be a criminal conviction, just intelligence that indicates that someone who's gonna be at that resonance may have a violent history or have armed themselves against people in the past. >> you're going to >> automatically qualify that search warrant or classify it as armed and dangerous in that classification alone brings an additional level of protection of tactical preparedness to ensure that there's no problems that everything is done, it is safe away as possible. so i think what we saw yesterday was understandable in the context of an armed and dangerous warrant. >> all right. andrew mccabe. thanks very much. robert f. kennedy jr. is announce his running mate and just longshot bid for the white house, who she is, and how it supporters feel about her next the lead with jake tapper weekdays at four and cnn >> it was only 47 aneurism. >> did he have life insurance? >> 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reliable. you want powerful. get powerful. get real deal speed, reliability and power with xfinity. she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. in certain >> rafael roma, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, jr. today announced that nicole shanahan will be his running mate in the 2024 election. shanahan is 38 year-old oakland native, has silicon valley attorney and entrepreneur who was formerly married to google co-founder sergey brin although she's fairly unknown to the public, kennedy's campaign is hoping she could be the boost they need to make it to the white house or dairy tuckman is in virginia beach and spoke with some rfk junior supporters. here's his report next, president of the united >> the supporters of robert f kennedy jr. have meeting every other week since september at this virginia beach irish pub and restaurant we're a bust of his uncle john f. kennedy is prominently displayed. >> what i want to ask >> you first, what did you all think of this event >> great, wonderful. >> i know you all like rfk junior, that's why you're here do you think it's a stronger ticket now because we've got of his vice presidential announcement >> i do. yeah. hey, nicole's energizing. she has great momentum and had really important points to share. >> you feel the same way. >> yes. especially about the food situation chemicals in our food supply, and the chronic diseases that fits together very well with robert or hearsay, important question i want to ask all of you and shrubs, you could just give me a quick answer on this if robert f. kennedy jr. weren't running, would you be more likely to vote for trump biden, or somebody else >> i don't know. i don't vote for for you years ago. >> biden. >> what about you? who who would you vote for? i think i would lean >> towards donald trump. >> who would you vote for? >> i leaned toward trump it is not a fair question, gary, it's picking between the worst of two evils and that's what bobby was talking to, who to vote for four years ago, i voted for biden, but >> don't actually would vote for trump if you really push coming into a corner, but thank god, those aren't the options. >> so you wouldn't vote for trump filled possibility >> i would only because i'm very anti-establishment and that's what bobby is. he's anti-establishment without all baggage he's going to restore trust and transparency to our federal institutions because he's a man of integrity, has honore and he's honest when asked you the same question, who would you vote for a power of k junior weren't running trump-biden or somebody i'm still undecided, but i would have to lean towards strong let's your son decided this year though you're correct. so you're just here. i'm just i'm open-minded, but trump would be the candidate >> that binary choice yeah. >> what about you? >> i would lean towards trump. >> what about you? i'd have to go third party. i just can't support either of those candidates. biden or trump >> so to review, how many can you set up rfk junior warrant running, you would most likely vote for trump. raise your hand high so i can see 12345 how many said biden? and i think it was just one and you said third party are you concerned that your vote for rfk junior could be a spoiler vote >> is anyone concerned? >> no. no. i'm not concerned about that. we need to change an n america. we have to ship from the unit party yes. >> i'm sorry. i would love to address that because i think that's ridiculous. there's never been a better time for a third party to win. now's the time to do it >> let me ask you this. so one of you concerned that his family members, many of them, his siblings, cousins, have come out against their own family member because that raise a >> red flag for the biden administration. so but there's still his family >> there's a lot >> of his family that supported come to write any also. >> yeah. and he says that i don't know what >> your siblings were against you. it might make a voter think about it. >> it's a good question, but he has a huge family that's a good question. yeah, it is a good question. he has a higher and 20 family members. i do things in life my family doesn't agree with >> your family, doesn't it? i'm just joking around i understand. so you all feel strongly about that. that's not an issue. final question. do you really think this guy could win the presidency rfk junior? >> yes >> i didn't believe it yeah. >> gary, i know you're with a larger group now. how did they say they would vote if kennedy jr. wasn't in the race some 31 people here, i've asked all 31 people that question of rfk junior was out of the race. would you lean towards trump, biden, or either 22 of those 31 people say they would not support trump or biden aid of the people. say trump only one of the people, the woman you saw in the story says it's biden's. so this obviously our case, tennessee in this particular place on this particular night affects trump more. but at something w

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Steps , Diver , Is , Moving , Injured , Portion , Rescue Operation , Tides , Cycles , Tapscott River , Io , Chesapeake Bay , Instability , Subsurface , Sections , Debris , Hanging , Superstructure , Sea Containers , Bridge Structure , Sonar , Concern , Infrared , Stability , Technologies , Catastrophic Failure , Map , Mapping , Searches , Air Support , Quadrants , Bottom , Support , Side Scan Sonar , Maryland State Police , Helicopter , Addition , Infrared Technology , Baltimore Police Department , Question , Yes , Day Datetime , Estate , Dr , Folks , Workers , Recovery Crews , Sir , Sex Trafficking Lab Diamonds , Prices , Karatay Solitarius , 29 , 14 , 49 , 91 , 95 , Three , Everyone , Price , Message , Mom , Coffee Pot , Gosh , Inheritance , Studs , Jewelry , Exchange , Lab Dinah , 85 , 599 , 50 , Life Insurance , Don T , Acceptance , Kids , Family Heirloom , Funeral , Family History , Colonial Penn , Paul , Problems , Isn T You Haven , John Maria , Fixed Income , That S Right , Who , Family , Exam , Health Questions , Health , Protection , Lifetime , Choice , Luck , Lifetime Rate , Absence , 0 35 , 35 , 995 , Information , Insurance , Bill , Age , Application Build , Policies , Policy , Everything , Beneficiary Planner , Obligation , Gift , Calling , Wishes , Nothing , Money Back Guarantee , Weight , 30 , 1809878900 , Odor , Body Deodorant , Body Odor , Mind , Inventor , Mantou , Mondo Mandel , Shannon Kleitman , Bacteria , Lotion , Break , The World , Saying , Searchers , Construction Workers , Challenges , Dead , Danny Freeman , Family Members , Family Member , Number , Words , Construction Company , Builders , Sign , Recovery Mission , Hope , Brawner , Woman , Uncle , Members , Construction Business , Particular , Names , Anything , Roads , Safe , Times , Jeffrey Pritzker , Kinds , Baltimore Sun , Brawner Builders , Terrible , Missing , Outlets , Amount , Earlier , Women , Mental Stress , Emotion , Shock Trauma Therapy , Menn , Community , Guest , Incident , Losing , Anyone , Author , Circumstances , Secrets , Kid Courtly , The Book Seals Survival Guide , Person , Survival , Likelihood , Situation , 185 , Tons , Top , Degree , Shock , 32 , Police Divers , Recovery Mode , Dozens , Points , Braille , Couple , Sort , Hands , 2 , Recovery , Best , Key , Technology , Co Owner , Black , Guys , Rescue Mission , Hazard , Sides , Wreck , Rack , Bent Ribs , Wasn T At Great Depth , Side Scanning Sonar , Mlt , Debris Underneath , Profile , Picture , Scanning Solder , Sense , Layers , Again , Depths , Hybridise , Big Bucks , Steel , Amusement Park , Deal , Kinda , President , Trial , Hush Money Election Interference Case , Care , Snacks , Hit , Ticket , Tickets , Deals , App , Time Out , K , Fan , Gametime , Stove , Stove Top , Distress , Protector , Overs , Stoke Guard , Splashes , Scraping , Market , Soaking , Scrubbing , High Louk , Stove Guard , Must Have , Messages , Candy , Red Staining Sauce , Macaroni , Kitchen , Cheese , Spot , Match , Eat Gooey , More , Brands , Tin Foil Trick , Guard , Design , Comparison , Premium , Competition , Precision , Cut , Burner , Material , Stones , Fire Retardant , Bpa , Pfoa , Fda , 123 , Shipping , Voila Order , Model , Door , Website , Go To Stone Part Com , Gap , Stoke , Goodbye , Stores , Item , Processing Fee , Qr Code , Screen , Bar Com , John A , Life Insurance John , Heart Attack , 00000 , 9 , 500000 , Wall To Wifi , Wife , Quote Com , 1 , 21 , House , Coverage , Devices , Basement , Party , Xfinity , Dream Do Come True , Wall To , Shannon Barnes , Speeds , Mom And Dad , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , Physicians , Designers , Designer Sales , Heart Racing , Flash , Gilt Visit Com , Gilt Com , Captioning , 70 , Will Trump , Charges , Lawyer , Affair , Election , Payments , Reimbursements , Hush Money Trial , Adult Film Star Stormy Daniels , 2016 , Prosecutors , Witnesses , Alvin Bragg , History , Statements , Range , Jack Smith S , Jack Smith , Deranged , Guy , Man , Look , Upstairs , Bergdorf Goodman , Clinton Appointed , Changing Booth , Haiti , Attorney General , Pater , Lunatic , Row , Donald Trump , Letitia James , Watcher , Serious Trump Derangement Syndrome , Attempts , Against , April 15 , Elie Honig , Judges , Prosecution , Correspondent Carrots Canal , Request , Motions , Hearing , Gag Order Statements , Findings , Wall Street , Mathew Colangelo , 40 Wall Street , Lead , Attorneys , Daughter , Doesn T , Comments , Social Media , Reading , Figures , Attacks , View , Ones , Totality , Court , Staff , Grand Jurors , Targets , Duty , Denigrating , Line , Beginning , Threats , Increase , Risk , Harm , Someone , Its , Phrase , Bit , Action Hero , Lawyers , 80 , Gag , Off Limits , Punishment , Everything Else , Case , Jail , We Saw , Todd Blanche , Advocacy , Decorum , Shot Across The Bow , Sanction , Hasn T , Leap , Verbal Admonishment First , Penalties , Trials , Testimony , Defense , Witness , Juror , De Doesn T , Defendant , Da , Sick , Stand , Cares , We Don T Know , The Big Question Is , Opinion , Eve , Mid April , 78 , Campaign , Spokesman , Attack , Amendment , Amendment Speech , Haven T , Expert Witness , Expert , List , Gonna Be , Canal , Start , Appeal , Oh My Gosh , La Honig , Garrison , Quote , Ambush , Breaking News , Hip Hop Moguls , Response , Lc , Raids , Manchin S , Allergies , Claritin , Fun , Leggero , Won T Make Me Drowsy , Allergy , Non Drowsy , 2004 , Goldmine , Life Insurance Policy , Bills , Coventry , 100000 , Term , Cash , Coventry Direct , Coventry Direct Com Hi , 804618800 , Car Accident , Habits , Chris , Go On Tv , 57 , Life , Rest , Shot , Meal Program , Goal Program , Pill , Golan , Options , 52 , Insurance Policies , Application , Nothing To Lose , Wai Wait , Pits , Parts , Privates And Beyond , Body , Deodorant , Guide Ecologist , Armpits , Soap , Privates , Reassurance , Everywhere , Lumi , Space Shuttle Columbia , Lumi Do Com , 72 , Los Angeles , Flight , On Monday , Miami , More Brachial , Sunday April 7 , 7 , Human Trafficking , Department Of Homeland Security , Homes , Official , Law , Enforcement , Crimes , Music Producers , Mr , Search Warrants , Force , Show , Overuse , Employees , Authorities , Excuse , Children , Hostility , Lawsuits , Media Presence , Accusations , Rush To Judgment , Witch Hunt , Josh Campbell A Law , Combs Com , Enforcement Official , Law Enforcement Source , Human Trafficking Crimes Two Homes , Miami Beach , Agents , Computers , Properties , Precaution , Documents Phones , Hsi , Security , Globe , Investigative Arm , Accusing Diddy Of Rape Grooming , Victims , Both , Heels , Suspected Traffickers , Girlfriend , December Statement , Rate , Stage , Similarities , Abuse , Drugging Women , Named Cassie , Cassandra Ventura , Allegations , Claims , Payday , Cassius , Lawsuit , Stage Name , De Braids Conduct , Combs Of , Lil Rod , Rodney Jones , Home , Musician , Member , Drug , Custody , Whereabouts , Combs Inner Circle , 25 , Miami Airport , Comment , Lock Up , Cocaine , Bag , Combs Home , Orbit , Jeopardy , Crime , Andrew Mccabe , Josh Campbell , Their , John Snow , Fbi , Interest , Homeland Security , Result , Prime , Sex Trafficking , Interests , Several , Public , Another , Sex Acts , Admission , States , Significance , Position , Attorney , Wording , Mistake , Level , Law Enforcement Officials , Warrants , Reasons , Criticism , Criticisms , Use , Attorneys Direction , Kabilor Yeah , Associates , Encounters , Suits , Clues , Subject , Stuff , Defense Attorney , Press , Locations , Tactics , Cause , The Round House , Classic , Search Warrant , Assaults , Harassment , Kettle Bells , Baseball Bats , Holmes , Intelligence , Gonna , Resonance , Conviction , Classification , Preparedness , Armed And Dangerous , Robert F Kennedy Jr , Running Mate , Context , Warrant , Bid , White House , Peace Of Mind , Weekdays , Aneurism , Jake Tapper , Four , 000000 , 2000000 , , Sleep , Night , Problem , Pain , Injuries , Ability , Neurology , Mornings , Mental Clarity , Refreshed , Difference , Exercise , Night Sleep , Golf , General , Bike , Prescription Drugs , System , Them , Ingredients , Valorous Exclusive , Downside , Bottles , Special , 1000 , Farmers Shoe , Bundle , Visit , Money , Back , Axioms , 805193550 , Shannon Kliger , Hall Body Deodorant , Mondo , Vandal , Men Who , Commandos , Shower , Novel , Owner , Mantou Smell , Same , City Planner , Internet Providers , Caitlin Clark , Caitlin Clarks , Don T Settle , Reliability , Imprint Com , In Atlanta , Georgia State Capitol , Roma , Nicole Shanahan , Entrepreneur , Sergey Brin , Native , Jr , Google , Oakland , Silicon Valley , 38 , 2024 , Supporters , Next , Boost , Virginia Beach , Dairy Tuckman , Restaurant , Bust , John F Kennedy , Virginia Beach Irish Pub , Nicole , Think , Event , Vice , Announcement , Wonderful , Chronic Diseases , Momentum , Food Supply , Food Situation Chemicals , Robert , Vote , Somebody , Trump Biden , Hearsay , Weren T Running , Answer , Shrubs , Biden , Worst , Gary , Bobby , God , Wouldn T , Corner , Evils , Possibility , Aren T The Options , Integrity , Power Of K Junior Weren T Running Trump , Institutions , Transparency , Baggage , Trust , Third Party , Son , Candidates , Hand , Review , Rfk Junior Warrant Running , 12345 , Spoiler Vote , Unit Party , N America , Siblings , Administration , Red Flag , Raise , Voter , 20 , Presidency , Issue , Group , Feel , Race , Wasn T , 22 , 31 , Say Trump , Story , Saw , Aid , Tennessee , Something W ,

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