Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

amount he owes cut down big lead the new timeline in his civil fraud case, plus the other ruling today? >> not >> necessarily in trump's favor, involving alleged hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels lost a high-stakes trip to dc see canceled the protest move by israel's prime minister upset over the actions of the us and a boat demanding a ceasefire in gaza. and troubled skies, door quality. now, they had a boeing since he's leaving, whose departure? settle safety concerns as you get ready to book summer travel >> what will lead? i'm phil mattingly in for >> jake tapper and we start with the law and justice leader and former president donald trump. babies. so they're safe for now and buy babies. we mean of course his new york properties and that's his word. i want to make that very clear because that's exactly how trope refer to them than a true truth social post, those properties while they were potentially set to be seized as early as today as he faced a deadline to post a massive $464 million bond in his new york civil fraud case. >> trump's >> team was scrambling because he could not make that payment, but in the 11th hour and appeals court handed him a major lifeline now to secure the bond, trump on the has to pay $175 million and he has an extra ten days to do it. so will he make that payment and doesn't mean he's off the hook for the other $289 million of that judgment against him were explained all of that, just the head. but while trump is claiming victory here, i can't win them all today. trump also learning his new york criminal hush, money trial will begin on april 15th, sooner than you'd hoped >> know that you're going to have the trial. i don't know how you can have a trial like this in the middle of an election, the presidential election and this is again, this is a biden drought. these are wrote biden trials >> that to be clear, they are not all biden trials. trump again, claiming without any evidence that president biden is behind the cases against him. now, the hush money trial could end up being the first and potentially only criminal trials trump faces before the presidential election in november. and ten days after that trial is set to begin, the us supreme court will hear arguments on his immunity appeal in the federal election subversion case all of this in the backdrop of his 2024 presidential election campaign. we know it's a lot to keep up with. we're going to try and break it all down four and we start off with cnn. noun form and tom, the bond now set at 175 million dollars. it's a lot lower than $464 million. but this doesn't mean trump is really off the hook here, does it? >> no, not at all. what the court did >> today was give trump a little more time and space to try to stave off that almost half billion-dollar judgment, pushing the deadline for him to post bond another ten days down the line and look boring the amount by almost two thirds. also allowing trump and his sons to keep running their new york businesses under the eye of an independent monitor. but while the courts gave trump's lawyers until september to fully flesh out the terms of their appeal if they don't do that or they don't meet this new deadline with the law but we're bond the attorney general could be right back on the doorstep of taking trump's property while his appeal of the overall judgment is pending >> so it turns out the more we look at it, the process is certainly more complicated that perhaps it would initially appear why is that? well, more than two thirds of donald trump's wealth is tied up in it's property according to an analysis by forbes mar-a-lago down in florida properties in new york, chicago, las vegas, and so on. he has even more of that. most of his money locked up in golf courses and resorts. there could be fresh legal challenges to each and every seizure out there, saying successful but slow things down. and selling each seize property could be a whole new headache. >> analysts say >> that buyers could be wary of becoming entangled in trump's legal battles. they may fear negative associations, protests from his friends or his foes. they by his property. and lastly, real estate agents point out these are largely old properties with unknown value. trump says they're worth a fortune, but his false claims are the cornerstone of this whole case until independent inspectors have a comprehensive look, the true worth of this property is mystery other than that very clean and simple process of forming breaking it down so well as always, thank you. cnn's laura coates demagogue and elie honig join me now, guys, there's so much to get to here because this was a really consequential day on two huge legal issues. the former president is dealing with l4. i wanna sort of view the bond payment you look at the top-line numbers, you say 175 million, that's a lot less than 460 plus million dollars out of money. it's a lot of it. >> he says he's got money. now, the question of course is whether who actually be able to have it in ten days or so. >> there's some skepticism about what i'm just saying. if >> you've got $135 million on hand and i have questions about my own investments that's all i'm telling you right now. >> but >> assuming he does have the money, remember what the appellate bond is four on the one hand is to ensure that the person who owes the money does not hand it over to the person asking for the money without the appeal going forward, because then they can't actually get it back at there are successful. the other hand, they want to know that you actually do have the money you can pull you up that if you do not prevail at the appellate process. and so this is part of a two-fold thing. it sounds unfair to a lot of people that think i got a handy over money to appeal my case that's really what it's about. and so ponying up in this way is huge. i would not read too much into the lower amount as suggesting the court is saying that engoron got it wrong ong in the first instance because you have those two primary concerns that's probably why it was lowered. >> so that's a fascinating point because you've seen, i think at least the implication from trump's lawyers that perhaps this is a sign that the broader judgment may not hold or that appeal may not work the reduction we saw today, we saw donald trump in the break during his other legal issue here is dealing with today, come out, make very clear they're very happy with it. they were pleased with it. i don't think they necessarily expected it to some degree. >> how >> big of a when is this really luck? >> i will stipulate for our two lawyers here >> as you said 175 million is a whole lot better than having to come up with 464 million. and to quote donald trump today, he said, i have a lot of cash that said, i would like to underscore what councilor over here said you know, how much cash does he have? we know that he had to put up a lot of cash. the schwab bob account for the e jean carroll case, which was $100 million for that bond. >> there's one other thing >> we know about donald trump. he likes to fight and he likes to delay so even though he may have this much more money, i would not be surprised if ten days from now we saw some other kind of delay and then let tissue james will have to go forward and see how she extracts the money. >> he would certainly be on brand based on everything that we've done, but led to this point and we're talking about this earlier today this is different because he doesn't really have a tree. may think he has a choice. he may fight for having that choice. what happens if ten days from now he says, wow, i want to have a negotiation on this, but i wanted to land a little bit more, right? one. so whether donald trump post a bond or not has nothing to do with his appeal rights. he can appeal either way. but if he posts a bond, letitia james cannot start collecting on this until after the appeals done. we're talking a year or more until all his appeals are done. if he does post the bond, then she's foreclose until appeals over. but if he fails to post a bond, she can start collecting ten days from now. really important point that tom made, the amount that was reduced today is not the final amount that he owes. he owes he still owes $454 million he only has to post now $175 million on bonds. so he's getting a temporary break, but it doesn't undermine the final judgment. that's against now the appeals court ultimately may say that number has to come down, but that's yet to be determined. >> yeah, that's a really important point. i'm glad you reiterated that point. jamie former president went to one of his properties today. i don't think it was subtle that it was one of the properties that letitia james, the attorney general, had pointed out up to that point, held a press conference in as part of the press conference, he said, this tailless certainly money injured >> then that's yelling 60. >> well, first of all, it's none of your business. i mean, frankly, but i i might do that have the option. but if i have to spend 500 million on the bond, i wouldn't have that option i'd have to start selling things. i don't have to sell anything because it's a phenomenon. >> i >> built a phenomenal company out of pausing for a fact i'm pausing tonight jest on some level, but it's a look. let's be honest, you didn't use any of his own money in 2,020.20, 16, he pledged $100 million plus. he spent 60 million total people i've talked to in around is kind of circle. so there's no plans for him to spend any money on his campaign. this time around, is there any chance that he's going to finance his campaign are part of it, at least donald trump has long said he has all this money and he also likes to use other people's money but there's no question what we saw there. this case triggers donald trump, like none of the other cases, because it's about his brand, his image. this notion that he is very, very successful michael cohen, who we all know said to me last year and he says it from time to time. >> he yeah. he doesn't like the criminal cases, but when you talking about money and the brand, that's what you just saw, there that's when he gets sensitive when pressed. >> yeah, it's it's the convergence of the personal, the business, politics as well, plus the legal is also a perfect segue mentioning michael cohen because there's another major legal issue that the president, foreign president was dealing with today, laura, and that is the hush money case. they have now, the judge rejected the effort to delay it even further. the trial is now has a start date a former president criminal trial, who also happens to be the presumptive republican nominee. there's nothing we've ever seen like this before. what does it mean >> first author your business >> good luck >> i'm going but having said that, i mean, this is a case to your point. why is it so problematic? it's also about his sex life, frankly, if i'm being perfectly clear, it involves an allegation that he's had an extramarital affair with somebody he he has he has expressed just in the past is someone he seems to feel is less than him. and so you'd have bat conundrum. you've got the idea. this is for many people news. you've already heard back before he was initially the president united states. and he wants you to think of that in the rearview mirror. but in reality, a lot of what alvin bragg's case involves more than three dozen some counts, i should say about the issues of falsifying records and beyond are things that were not necessarily contemplated immediately. and then michael cohen trial that could be more expensive in some ways. and so he would like you to look at this and say, this is all in the past, they all or trying to get you to the past. it's all. biden's fault here, but biden is number one, not involved in this at all? this is a state-level prosecution >> no more than a >> mayor is beholden to the president, is a manhattan da beholden to the attorney gelug, united states, merrick garland. but it all fits the narrative that this is the system and everyone against him picking on him and hoping somehow to embarrass him to shame him, and to suggest that he cannot pay bill most or that he would be so bothered by the fact that it had this allegation that he would pay to avoid it. this is remember, after the access hollywood tape was known to the general public that he is going to have suggest that he was somehow so sullied by this assertion of at least one extramarital affair that he went to great lengths to hide it to this degree. this is all part of the all political brand, but now his new brand is me against the man, even though he could be called the main. if you have 135 million in cash, that's the definition of the man is also a level of irony here that like saying president biden directed this and he couldn't the de couldn't get done documents from st. right. for a period of federal prosecutors, which complicated things that lead to today. >> this was >> always case of the four that people kinda put to the side, right? that this is the two jack smith trials were the ones everyone is really focused on. obviously you have the fulton county case, which is going into the election subversion issue, which is obviously of national i think import here explain to people why this matters. >> this is a big darn deal. anyway, you cut it. let's just get to the bottom line here. this could be the only of the four criminal cases tried before the election. that is a huge deal and as laura said, the contractor is going to bring back a lot of memories that donald trump does a lot coming back while most of us are familiar, i think the public is generally familiar with the stormy daniels story. if he gets convicted, he will be a convicted felon. and that's a lot of baggage. and there could be voters. jamie's the political expert, but i think just in common sense, everyday life who say look, i'm not sure about the guy, but i'm not comfortable voting for a convicted felon. and by the way, this is happening now, today was the last gas to try to get this the late i know trump said he's going to appeal. i don't think he appeals us. and if you a trial date and if he does, he's going nowhere >> this is going to happen. this is 20 days for now, we're going to have state of new york versus donald j. trump, a criminal trial. the consequences. is it the most serious of the four cases? no, it's probably the least serious of the four criminal cases, but it's still a big darren deal. >> yeah. that's on your business >> i'm going to use that >> as always, we appreciate it up next someone who is very slow to call out donald trump and as many election laws >> here are saying, you're not sure as the republican party chair, that he was the legitimately, there were lots of problems with the 2020 election and we need to fix it going forward. >> it turns out there's receipts now that she's no longer with the rnc here, how ronna mcdaniel explains why she never condemned trump's repeated calls to pardon convicted january 6 rioters plus the reported political attack plan by team biden as his challenger rfk junior, gets ready to beef up his presidential campaigns there with us space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday, april 7 at nine. >> i consumer cellular, you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers for up to half the price. >> that's amazing and great customer service based here in america amazing and no hidden fees, no contracts and free activation. >> hello. >> barbara sorry i was muted >> that's amazing >> i know rights >> barbara your record label is taking off but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. >> i need indeed >> indeed you do indeed instant match, instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description visited slash higher. >> when these business owners need cash fast, they turn to viz to credit to fund 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bring in our political panel to discuss this. and a lot more axios reporting we've got some reporting as well. biden's campaign. and the dnc have a dedicated team, staffers and consultants to try and diminish kennedy >> paul >> does this show that they're concerned are they on the ball? is there i look at poll after poll and i see the numbers and i'd say probably about that time. absolutely. >> third party's elected donald trump in 2016, about six to 7% of americans voted third-party. that third party vote dropped to less than two, which is how biden one. >> so >> anything over two, democrats or trouble kennedy aloneness didn't 15 and some of these places. so yeah my view is third-parties that like cockroaches in the kitchen okay. it's not what they carry off that upset you. it's what they fall into and follow up. >> okay. bobby kennedy could fall into every swing state and fallot up for joe biden and throw the whole election of donald trump so i'm very happy the denver as a democrat the democrats are on this because it's a very real threat note to self, don't go to paul bogata was definitely seeing the press secretary for the kidney ukraine says, quote, mr. kennedy plans to take votes from both president biden and former president trump so far the trump campaign hasn't really seemed to devote a lot that said some things, but haven't really devoted resources to attacking him when you talk to trump advisers, how did they look right now at his role in the map? >> so it's interesting. i actually, so when rfk junior announced that he was switching and becoming an independent and that's how he was going to run. i think there was more concerned then they definitely recognized that he was a potential threat. and as paul just laid out, so eloquently a spoiled like he could be a massive spoiler in the food as it spoiling, the foods boiling elections, right in the captain crunch >> and it's especially important and i think he could be especially effective given its expected to be a close election, something that donald trump's team very much does expect this election to be. the other thing though that i will argue as i think there's been some reporting out there they're not that concerned that they think any kind of rfk spoiler would hurt biden more than it would hurt trump. >> i >> don't necessarily think that that's how his team sees this when i talked to them, they recognize that he's kind of a wildcard in some senses. and especially when it comes to the people who are really against the system. when i talk to trump's team people close to the former president, people like steve bannon say this, that they think that the people who are anti-vaccine anti-establishment have very strong positions on ukraine not wanting to give more money to ukraine funding. those are the type of people that do normally go for donald trump, but could potentially go for someone like rfk junior. and that's where there is concerned because i don't think it's as simple as saying he's only going to take votes away from my chest because is not binary, right? like you can't just look at them saying, well, he's going to do this or he's going to do that. it kind of cuts across lines. doug, i do you have to ask former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel, debuted as a political analyst for nbc news. hiring has upset some top network journalists on and off air. here's what mcdaniel said about trump's plan to pardon convicted january 6, insurrectionists gree with trump's saying he's going to free those who've been charged. i do not >> think people who committed violent acts on january 6 should be freed. >> so you disagree with that? he's been saying that for months iran, why not speak out earlier, why just speak out about that now? >> when you're the rnc chair, you kind of take one for the whole team right now i get to be a little bit more myself >> doug i don't think there was an exact analogue to your time at the republican national committee, like you talking about bus that said fire pelosi on the side is slightly different than like free to people who attacked the us capitol. >> they take one for the team, shtick by it. no, i don't know what it means. i think it's one of those things that when you're planning to go on tv and you want to talk about something you say, oh, that sounds good. and then in reality, sometimes it doesn't. this is an example. your job is rnc chairs, one to raise a lot of money to to bring on staff in, calms digital finance and field. there's some questions about that now, so that you're helping your candidates do the best job possible to get them over the, over the line. and the other part is to be objective. and this is one of the areas where she fell short in the past few months. the rule 11 letter, the rule 11 in the rnc is so specific but if anybody is running against mike johnson in a primary, let's say they get seven votes in a primary, the rnc has to be objective on this and completely neutral unless the state party says mike johnson's or candidate, which they typically don't. so by urging nikki haley to get out, she wasn't doing her job the state of the rnc right now, doug makes a great point besides going into the bylaws of the rnc aggressive, sir there are questions about finances. there are questions about operations or questions about they had a bank, your vote program, which is really critical and republicans all seem to acknowledge that except for the one who's actually gonna be the republican nominee, where are they right now, particularly given this middle at turnover there in the last couple of weeks, there has i mean, the rnc is completely restructured and it's restructured to become essentially an operation that operates one and the same with the campaign. a lot of the communications the processes within the rnc are operating next to and within the trump campaign, there kind of having this symbiotic relationship now as it comes to election fraud, all of that, there is a program that ronna mcdaniel setup when she was still chairwoman, that michael whatley is going to continue, which is all about voter integrity. they brought in some other people, people like christina, bob, the former former correspondent at one america news network, chris kise people like that to run this and it's essentially previewing what we know donald trump is a huge priority for him, which is this idea that there could be fraud. again, in the 2024 election. again, i say fraud again from their viewpoint, we know that donald trump obviously overstated all of the fraud that happened in the 2020 election, but that's really where a lot of the focus is as for fundraising. of course, that's a huge issue that they have. i think a big thing that's going to help them is now that they can start using donald trump's name his likeness. there'll be able to revive a lot of what they weren't able to do over the past several years when donald trump wasn't the candidate, he wasn't a nominee. they weren't able to use his name. >> well, from a party operations perspective, joe biden runs the dnc to biden's team runs the dnc and they used it essentially has a shell election campaign before morphed into the reelection campaign. this is a problem for republicans if you're a democrat, you're looking at the rnc right now, gone >> yes. here's how i look at both parties, which party is raising more money right now that's joe biden's democrat now, which party is more united? definitely joe biden's democrats and republican national committee is in chaos right now. that house, representatives on the republican did chaos. so parties more, which part is more mainstream? >> so when you have >> mr. trump going out to rallies and saying, we should pardon these guys who tased michel banana until his heart stopped >> a cop >> okay. i think that's outside the mainstream so right now, i think the the republican party's way, way off course, and they've got, they've got to find a way. they raised the money and it seems now to be going into mr. trump's legal defense, not into electing republicans, which is why we have a republican party. it's chaos and ties. nikki haley phrase that i like. yeah. yes. follows him everywhere it goes. you know why? >> because he he's chaos incarnate. >> he's still tied with the current president. yes, >> he is going we've got a lot more to get through. you guys probably have things to do, but i'm not going to let you leave. i want to keep talking to you guys. stay with me up next. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, of georgia republican says, quote speaker mike johnson cannot remain speaker of the house. how's that going to work? we're gonna talk about it next. >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission >> they were doing great. >> columbia, houston com check we hear nothing >> if you work in spaceflight, this is just the worst possible thing. i can never happen >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing is that the wing coming apart 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switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. quality. say, i use splenda i'm someone's are 40 in washington in this is cnn >> we're back with more and the politics lead. it's spring break for congress. we'd like you to call it district work period, but it's not a stress-free vacation released how speaker mike johnson, his leadership job still under threat just yesterday, fellow republican congresswoman marjorie taylor-greene defended her mood, potentially oust the speaker over the bipartisan spending deal? >> yes. this sounds familiar. it is. let's bring back the panel. take a listen to what marjorie taylor greene said yesterday on fox i filed this motion to vacate, but i haven't called it to the shooting. a pink slip and giving our conference and a notice saying that we have got to find a new speaker. this may take weeks. it may take months, it may not even and until next congress. >> but speaker >> johnson cannot remain as speaker of the house >> does she had just a little bit on the timing? there. she also didn't note that i don't think she's got the votes, so she wanted to do it. >> is this >> like a perpetual thing that republicans will be dealing with? in eternity, in the house. sure. >> there's a scene and >> the movie, the jerk where steve martin is a weight guesser to carnival, which is very similar to what our congress is right now and he realizes this is a profit deal this is a profit deal. this is about raising money, raising your profile. she said it on a very highly watched tv show. she's going on a lot of tv shows raising more money with it. and what is steve martin say at the end of that scene? he says step right up and when some crap, this is the part of the house republican conference right now that is controlling what the conference is able to do or not do. it's a small fraction section, but it is a profit motive. and we're getting exactly what we deserve because of it to to your point though, alayna, is it a small fraction >> you watch people >> like mike gallagher, the wisconsin republican, who announce that he's leaving in a couple of weeks, we'll bring speaker mike johnson's majority down to one vote for a period of time, which sounds super fun >> that's the i think if you talk to republicans of republican doug hi type republicans are saying my gallery was future of the party. no question about it >> is it just >> a small group that's driving this or is it bigger now? >> it's a smaller group than it was when they were ousting mccarthy. that's for sure. i think luck. i think republicans, even the ones who are behind some of these pushes to oust whether it be johnson or other leaders in the past recognize that it is hurting the party overall, the majority of people, republicans, i should say in congress recognized that this isn't something that is helping and it is interesting to hear from the likes of people like matt gaetz, who was really one of the most firm people behind helping oust kevin mccarthy. and some of the others who were part of that movement as well, say, we can't do that again, because if we do, not only is it bad for republicans, but who knows who he could get as a speaker, i think matt gaetz said, we'll end up with a democrat and i think they recognize they chaos, but at the same time, so much of this is political and to your point, it's political. they're getting media the attention. and there's definitely a massive split within the republican party in congress on how to function. that's why they're not functioning. that's why we can't see anything get done and everyone says that always about congress, but it's especially true now and of course it's not helped by the ever growing narrow majority that there's a political cost when republicans were in purgatory because they couldn't figure out who their speaker was going to be. it made it very hard to recruit candidates, and it's shore made it harder for the congressional committee to raise money and have a winning message for a sizeable period of time. yeah. and it was gonna be a tough rutan election campaign amount of what for the nrcc because of the districts they had to defend. it's getting tougher because of retirements, you make an interesting point about matt gaetz saying, well, we might end up with a democrat if we do this again, honestly, i wasn't out at a lunch when all of this transpired on friday and came out a lunch it out to lunch? no, i wasn't out as a working she was working thank you for corporate card. >> and >> saw the headlines in texas, democratic sephora, it's like i'm sorry, is it keen jeffries like speaker now? like, is there a possibility that he came jefferson some streak? >> there's a >> possibility the republicans are simply imploding. it's astonishing they, they seem to be committed to chaos as a brand i don't understand why they daisy's point that mike gallagher is as good a republican congressman as or it's me, it's not my ideology, but he's a terrific person. you've done a great job running this china committee. a broadened all the democrats on his committee along with him on his bill to crack down on tiktok and force a sale so when you're driving people like that out of your party, something fundamentally wrong. i will note i first worked on the hill, came here and 89 the leader was bob michel he got queued by new gingrich, newt gingrich got queued and replaced by denny history hashed. her was not cooed, but after him, john boehner, he got cooed. then paul ryan, he got cooed. thank kevin mccarthy. he got cooed. >> now, mike johnson, i don't know what's in the water or something over there here. a coup there are coup. >> when you come into house, >> republican conference, it's cuckoo for coco puffs. yes. >> i'm just tough for your head i feel like you made can ask when you talked to trump officials and they're watching what's happening with house republicans what do they say? they've got to be a little bit concerned about the dysfunction, right? >> they are with honestly, there's so much more concerned with donald trump's campaign. all of these legal issues, what we've been talking about on the, spillover from people watching in the house and saying, i don't want that. >> i think they're trying to give my johnson more time. honestly i don't think that they're happy obviously, when i talked to them, i think they recognize that congress is a mess right now. and that the republican party, or if republicans in congress are a mess, but they also recognize that, i donald trump was one of the people who endorsed mike johnson. he put his support behind him. he's going to stick with him at least for now. i do think that when there is an issue that comes up, like what we saw with the border deal when he tried to tank the border deal and how he talked about kevin mccarthy around that bipartisan border deal in the fall. if there's an issue like that, where johnson really stands in the way of something donald trump deeply believes in. you'll see the tides turn. i don't think that that's a relationship that he's going to fight for all the way to the end. but for now, he's kinda keeping his distance and not and not getting overly every time we have a story about internal republican problems, republicans are unable to focus on all those things that joe biden is unpopular at which is exactly where their focus should be. >> it's gonna be fascinating to watch play out. again, it's like it's still a split pulling across the board right now, despite all of this >> all right. thanks for hanging around for actually block. thank you. appreciate >> let's say in an his live in moscow after that horrific terror attack near russia's capital city death now what, 139 next the cloud of confusion. vladimir putin history as he tries to deflect blames. they went here is no media personality >> businesswoman >> celebrity chef leichhardt the many lives of martha 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russian leader vladimir putin trying to have it both ways. it's afternoon. he conceded the horrific terror attack on a concert hall near moscow that killed 139 but was carried out by radical islamize. but putin again suggested ukraine was somehow involved, even though ukraine and the united states deny ukraine had anything to do with it. and the terrorist group isis-k, has claimed responsibility on sunday. suspects linked to the attack were in russian court format from tajikistan charged with terrorism invisibly injured fueling speculation that they may have been tortured after their arrest. and it's matthew chance is reporting live from russia. matthew is putin providing evidence at this point to support his claim that ukraine was involved? >> well not not a great deal of evidence, certainly nothing very substantial. what he's saying is that basically these individuals were detained when they're after that carried out the attack on the way to the ukrainian border, they're actually detained in location about 100 miles or so away from the ukrainian border. and what putin usually said is that a window had been prepared. this is the words he used for them to move through into ukraine implicating the ukrainian authorities in organizing the attack, something that kyiv has categorically denied. and of course, washington's denied it as well at the problem is with that theory, is that this is a highly militarized korda there's a war going on between russia and ukraine, particularly in that area around that border area. and so even if the ukrainians and opened up a window on their side, it's hard to explain how these, these terrorists would have managed to get through the russian lines before they even got to ukraine. and so that's a fatal flaw in greetings rationale at the moment. but nevertheless, he is sticking to it. he's doubling down, is implying that ukraine may have been involved in some way. >> nothing teams can we take a step back for a minute? why would isis k target russia? >> well, i mean, it's not it's not too difficult to imagine that in fact, they've targeted russia in several times in the past. i mean, back in 2022, in afghanistan, there was a suicide bomber attacked outside the russian embassy, which killed to diplomatic staff russian diplomatic staff, and lots of other people as well. and that was carried out by, by isis-k. they're very operational inside afghanistan and central asia russia. remember it has been backing the regime of bashar al-assad in syria, which is literally fighting isis inside syria. and russia has been instrumental in destroying isis infrastructure, sort of in that country and elsewhere as well. you also have to remember that the distinction, the rivalry that we report on all the time between russia and the west it's not something that is necessarily acknowledged by islamic fundamentalist groups like isis. they see the united states europe, britain, and russia as being on the same side as the equation against them. in other words, yeah, it's such important contexts, white us official, certainly. we're not surprised by the attribution and some degree method. you you went to the scene of this terror attack >> i wonder >> how are russians memorializing the victims here? >> yeah, well, we can't get into the actual building. x is still a crime scene. it's also very dangerous because of fire has left it in ruins, but there's a big memorial that sprung up outside with thousands of russians many with tears in their eyes going there to lay flowers, put cuddly toys because of all the children have of course up in this and photographs and candles and things like that i mean, i have to say that floral memorials like this have become something of a commonplace feature in russian life. there punctuating the year i mean, last month, it was flowers for the death of alexey navalny, the prominent opposition leader here last year, you'll remember, you've guinea prigozhin, the wagner leader who died in a suspicious air crash after leading an uprising against moscow there are flowers for him as well as it all points to the volatility and the insecurity in russia today. >> such an important point and valuable reporting, matthew chance and russia for us. thank you. >> well, after a gaping hole and one of its plans, questions about quality, the major announcements today from bowen that acknowledged the world's largest airplane manufacturer is very well aware. it has a big pr problems. they're willis the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. >> and if you want >> a successful business, all it takes is an idea and now becomes a future where you grew a dream into a reality the all new godaddy arrow put your business online in minutes with a power of ai. >> it's better outside with the ninja outdoor family, cook outs are better with master grills that cyr in char like a propane grill, barbecue smoke and air fry out for everyday activities or better, with like proof coolers, 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happening both ended air and on tar maxwell. now only see you since he's leaving at the end of the year. and so our other top officials want to bring in a cnn aviation correspondent pete muntean boeing ceo leaving at a time when the company really needs leadership, there's no question about that. i want to get to that in a minute, but i want start with look, man, i'm traveling with my family 2048 hours. >> are we safe? okay. you're not the only person who has been asking this to me. i think the big thing here is that if you're on a max-9, which is at the central of all of these issues lately, those are probably the safest they've ever been. those been gone over with a fine tooth comb by the airlines after the door plug blowout on january 5, the plane was granted for 19 days. >> there >> is a bit of a different question here about these other sort of one-off incidents. and we've seen the most of those that united airlines, there's been about a dozen of those incidents. the largest and most significant ones that we'll falling off of a triple seven leaving san francisco a plane skidding off the end of the runway in houston of engine fire of a flight, leaving an airplane ford and had to come back right away. those are a bit more interesting, and those have caught a lot of scrutiny of the faa, but it's really important to differentiate here. there's the max-9 issue which really exposed a quality control problem and systemic issues at boeing, which led to the now resignation of their ceo by the end of the year and then there are these one-offs which have been really put up in lights more lately because of that max-9 door plug blot and how dramatic that was. it's really important to remember here are the last time someone was killed on a commercial airliner in the united states was back in 29 to 2018, that was sort of a freak incident, a fan blade flow of an engine killed a passenger on board. a plan last time there was a fatal commercial airplane french in the us, 2009, that was the colgan air crash lead to really significant changes of regulations and requirements for pilot training. aviation in the us is incredibly safe, especially on a commercial airline. >> i appreciate your patience and answer that question because i know literally everyone in your life, it's probably asking it to you just about 400 times a day. glad you're showing that you get wish. group i have to ask i love covered business stories. i was fascinated today to some degree, i thought it was inevitable that someone was going to have to take the hit over a boeing. i did not know that it was gonna be this wide scale and this high out. >> think about this is if this is a taylor swift era, this is the reputation tour boeing really needs to do some reputational fixing here. and this is now starting at the top with ceo dave calhoun saying he will leave as ceo by the end of the year. also, the board chair and the head of commercial airplanes out with immediate effect. so calhoun is the guy who really has the softest landing here. what is really interesting is that he came into power after issues with the 737 max is back in 2,018.20, 19. and now he's leaving because of these 737 max issues of the door-plug blowout back in january 5th, the only person who really left before this was the head of the max program. and there were a lot of questions in aviation about whether or not that was a scapegoat move. and so this is really significant now that he is leaving it really, really shows that boeing is trying to clean up its act and is aware of the fact that it reported a huge financial lines just last week and their airlines more and more arousing around the idea that they are losing confidence in boeing with new planes on order there may be doubting that and then also so they're worried about maybe getting money from boeing in terms of damages when it came to the fact that united, an alaska airlines at least here in the us, had to cancel hundreds of flights each day during that grounding yeah. it's a huge day on your be even crushing it ocher always an extra points for the taylor swift tai'an, which is anytime is great for >> thanks. appreciate it. well, i protest. move by the prime minister of israel plus something trader joe's has not done. more than 20 years. we've got leads around the world. that's next when your gut is that a balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating gas the frustration and start taking a line every day aligned probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your oit's time new projects means new project managers. you need to hire indeed, you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria visit slash higher and get started today >> show in late night and there, but i don't >> want to hear anymore complainant. >> what they do best. >> every news outlet has different the 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, Shtick , Sounds Good , Staff , Calms Digital Finance And Field , Mike Johnson , Primary , Rule , Areas , Anybody , Letter , Objective , Seven , Party , Don T , Nikki Haley , She Wasn T , Aggressive , Bylaws , Sir , House Republicans , Program , Bank , Finances , Operations , Operation , Processes , Communications , Same , Turnover , Relationship , Election Fraud , Chairwoman , Michael Whatley , Christina , Voter Integrity , Priority , Bob Michel , One America News Network , Chris Kise , Fraud , Viewpoint , Name , Focus , Fundraising , Wasn T , Likeness , Problem , Reelection Campaign , Party Operations Perspective , To Biden , Shell , Chaos , Parties , United , House , Mainstream , Heart , Michel Banana , Representatives , Cop Okay , Rallies , Defense , Ties , Phrase , Chaos Incarnate , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene , Speaker Of The House , Quote Speaker , Stay , Georgia , Astronauts , Space Shuttle Accident , Houston , Spaceflight , Mission , Dad , Wing , App , Deals , Promo 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, Marjorie Taylor Greene , Fox , Speaker , Johnson Cannot , Notice , In The House , Didn T , Note , Timing , Eternity , The Jerk , Scene , Steve Martin , Profit Deal , Tv Show , Weight Guesser , Profit , Profile , Carnival , Fraction , The End , Tv Shows , Profit Motive , Crap , Section , Mike Gallagher , Majority , Couple , Wisconsin , Alayna , Republicans , Gallery , Fun , Ones , Leaders , Pushes , Ousting Mccarthy , Sure , Kevin Mccarthy , Movement , Others , Matt Gaetz , Well , Split , Attention , Committee , Cost , Shore , Figure , Purgatory , Election Campaign Amount , Districts , Because , Message , Retirements , Rutan , Nrcc , Lunch It , Headlines , Card , Again , Lunch , Texas , Wasn T Out , Possibility , Streak , Jeffries , Jefferson , Congressman , Ideology , China Committee , Daisy , Sale , John Boehner , Newt Gingrich , Got Queued , Denny History , The Hill , 89 , Coup , I Don T Know What , Water , Thank , Paul Ryan , Coco Puffs , Cooed , Officials , Dysfunction , Mess , Spillover , Support , Border , Border Deal , Tides , Tank , Story , Distance , Board , Gonna , Play , Russia , Terror Attack , Death , Vladimir Putin , Confusion , Cloud , Blames , Live In Moscow , Capital City , 139 , Businesswoman , Media Personality , Celebrity Chef , Lives , Martha Stewart , Sling Tv , Big Change , Macs Look , Family , Sports , Reality Shows , Channels , Hundreds , Mom , Power , Backyard , Wedding , Destination Wedding , Goodbye , Fungus , Nail , Toe Fungus , Infections , Kill , It Cures , Tea Tree Oil , Aloe , Restore Skin Out , Funky Nail , Grill , Battery , Perfection , Trump Baskets , Tempo Shrimp , Meet , John Silver , Bungie Male , , Ice , Life Cpu Coolers , Master Grills , Char Barbecue Smoke , Temperature Drawers , Day Average , Ninja , Psaki , Ninja Challah , Hope , It Singer , Child , Cancer , Research , Jude , Area , Pros , Certified , Sandi , Home Projects , Right , Top Rated , Rated , Skillful , Categories , Pro , Angie , Andy , 500 , Kayak , Ocean , Dale , Breath Mouthwash , Breath , Cavity Mouthwash , Mouthwash , Cavity , Smile , Slash Hire , Thera , Kids , 24 , He S Port Border Collie In Part Party Animal , Stores , Bissell , Clean , Breed , Milo , Steam Pat , Stain Remover , Constipation , Center Plant , Laxatives , Ingredient , Vegetable , Dependable Seneca , Adt , Intelligence , Home , Worries , Set , Gummies , Home Security , Cool , Google Nest Products , Google , Equipment , Probiotic , Gut , Relief Plus , Food Digestion , Bloating , Feel , Aid Digestion , Bacteria , Vitamin B12 , Try Align Probiotic Carbon Let , Concert Hall Near Moscow , Infill , Topping , Sunday April 21 , 21 , Terrorist Group , Responsibility , Radical Islamize , Isis K , Matthew Chance , Suspects , Terrorism , Format , Fueling Speculation , Injured , Arrest , Tajikistan , Individuals , Claim , Words , Window , Location , Authorities , War , Theory , Korda , Kyiv , Ukrainians , Terrorists , Border Area , Step Back , Teams , Rationale , Flaw , Down , Target , Afghanistan , 2022 , Suicide Bomber , Embassy , Central Asia , Regime , Country , Infrastructure , Elsewhere , Isis Inside Syria , Syria , Bashar Al Assad , Islamic Fundamentalist , Rivalry , West , Distinction , Europe , Contexts , Official , Equation , Degree Method , Attribution , Britain , Russians , Crime Scene , Fire , Victims , Thousands , Memorial , X , Building , Ruins , Flowers , Candles , Memorials , Children , Toys , Tears , Eyes , Photographs , Wagner , Opposition Leader , Air Crash , Commonplace Feature , Russian Life , Alexey Navalny , Guinea Prigozhin , Points , Hole , Russia Today , Insecurity , Volatility , Uprising , Pr Problems , Airplane Manufacturer , Announcements , Dream , Ai , Ninja Outdoor Family , Godaddy Arrow , Outs , Smoke , Propane Grill , Coolers , Activities , Cyr , Master , Char , Dry Food Backyard Nash , Matter , Barbecue Smoking , Heat Roasting , Ovens , Krispy Kreme , 700 , Sandals , Family Moves , Visit , Sanders Winter Blue Sale , Sanders Com , Pace , Ship , Move , Reserve , Finger , Uhealth Com Yellows , Home Insurance Options , Toothpaste , Explorer , Lab , Chris 3d Whitestrips , Treatment Crest , 00 , 400 , 3 , Ms , Anything , Kitchen No , Stuff , Gross , Mold , Backsplash , Overpaying , Mole , Fireplace , Materials , Coats , Labor , Pep , 23 Bucks , Magic , Effects , Challenge , Georgia State Capitol , In Atlanta , Roma , Incidents , Reputation Tour Boeing , Trip , Many , Cnn International Leader , Ceo , Pete Muntean , Tar Maxwell , Max 9 , 2048 , 9 , Door , Plane , Airlines , Blowout , Tooth Comb , Sort , 19 , 5 , January 5 , End , Engine Fire , Airplane Ford , Dozen , Runway , Plane Skidding , San Francisco , Interesting , Quality Control Problem , Scrutiny , Resignation , Faa , Airliner , Blot , Changes , Airplane , Fan Blade Flow , Freak Incident , Engine , Passenger , Pilot Training , Regulations , Requirements , Colgan Air Crash , French , 2009 , 2018 , 29 , Aviation , Patience , Airline , Business Stories , Hit , Taylor Swift , Board Chair , Top , Fixing , Dave Calhoun , Calhoun , Airplanes , Effect , Landing , 737 , 2018 20 , Blowout Back , Scapegoat Move , Whether , January 5th , Alaska Airlines , Planes , Confidence , Arousing , Flights , Damages , It Ocher , Taylor Swift Tai An , Trader Joe S , Israel Plus , Body , Bloating Gas , Balance , Frustration , Shortlist , Project Managers , Projects , Oit , Gastroenterologists , Job Criteria , No Other , Vision , Daily Show , Room , Amd , Father In Law Lit , Form , Warning Signs , Vision Loss , Disease , Hese , Treatments , Trouble , Colors , Light , Details , Ga Don T Wait , Shop , Time Com , Work , Cars , Hits , Ga And Go To Won T Wait , Asco Retina , Fda , Sound , Credit Hit , Approved , Approach , Dog Food , Kibble , Vets , Farmers Dog Made , Proposition , Five , Clock Partnership , The Go Tos , Comcast Business , Network Solutions , Round , Prepaid Card , Anyone Else , Comcast Business Powers , 9 99 , 49 99 , 800 , Benjamin Netanyahu , Washington Dc For Two , Decision , It Reagan National Airport , Around The World , Israeli , Resolution , Administration , Calling , Our , Delegation , Alternatives , Un Security Council , John Kirby , Parts , Millions , Storms , Ground Operation , Whiplash , Tornado , Rafah , Arkansas , Louisiana , Winter Storm Runic Mornings , Texas Panhandle , Lizard , Allegations , Spring , Winter Season , Snow , Canadian Border , Sun , Minneapolis , Los Angeles Dodgers , Player Shoheiohtani Will Or , Interpreter , Reporters , Player , Baseball , Gambling Debts , Mlb , Ohtani , There , Fair Warning , Puns , Bunch , Irs , Banana , Increase , Hotdog , Costco , He Brands Staple , 0 23 , 23 , 99 , Podcasts , Episode ,

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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

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amount he owes cut down big lead the new timeline in his civil fraud case, plus the other ruling today? >> not >> necessarily in trump's favor, involving alleged hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels lost a high-stakes trip to dc see canceled the protest move by israel's prime minister upset over the actions of the us and a boat demanding a ceasefire in gaza. and troubled skies, door quality. now, they had a boeing since he's leaving, whose departure? settle safety concerns as you get ready to book summer travel >> what will lead? i'm phil mattingly in for >> jake tapper and we start with the law and justice leader and former president donald trump. babies. so they're safe for now and buy babies. we mean of course his new york properties and that's his word. i want to make that very clear because that's exactly how trope refer to them than a true truth social post, those properties while they were potentially set to be seized as early as today as he faced a deadline to post a massive $464 million bond in his new york civil fraud case. >> trump's >> team was scrambling because he could not make that payment, but in the 11th hour and appeals court handed him a major lifeline now to secure the bond, trump on the has to pay $175 million and he has an extra ten days to do it. so will he make that payment and doesn't mean he's off the hook for the other $289 million of that judgment against him were explained all of that, just the head. but while trump is claiming victory here, i can't win them all today. trump also learning his new york criminal hush, money trial will begin on april 15th, sooner than you'd hoped >> know that you're going to have the trial. i don't know how you can have a trial like this in the middle of an election, the presidential election and this is again, this is a biden drought. these are wrote biden trials >> that to be clear, they are not all biden trials. trump again, claiming without any evidence that president biden is behind the cases against him. now, the hush money trial could end up being the first and potentially only criminal trials trump faces before the presidential election in november. and ten days after that trial is set to begin, the us supreme court will hear arguments on his immunity appeal in the federal election subversion case all of this in the backdrop of his 2024 presidential election campaign. we know it's a lot to keep up with. we're going to try and break it all down four and we start off with cnn. noun form and tom, the bond now set at 175 million dollars. it's a lot lower than $464 million. but this doesn't mean trump is really off the hook here, does it? >> no, not at all. what the court did >> today was give trump a little more time and space to try to stave off that almost half billion-dollar judgment, pushing the deadline for him to post bond another ten days down the line and look boring the amount by almost two thirds. also allowing trump and his sons to keep running their new york businesses under the eye of an independent monitor. but while the courts gave trump's lawyers until september to fully flesh out the terms of their appeal if they don't do that or they don't meet this new deadline with the law but we're bond the attorney general could be right back on the doorstep of taking trump's property while his appeal of the overall judgment is pending >> so it turns out the more we look at it, the process is certainly more complicated that perhaps it would initially appear why is that? well, more than two thirds of donald trump's wealth is tied up in it's property according to an analysis by forbes mar-a-lago down in florida properties in new york, chicago, las vegas, and so on. he has even more of that. most of his money locked up in golf courses and resorts. there could be fresh legal challenges to each and every seizure out there, saying successful but slow things down. and selling each seize property could be a whole new headache. >> analysts say >> that buyers could be wary of becoming entangled in trump's legal battles. they may fear negative associations, protests from his friends or his foes. they by his property. and lastly, real estate agents point out these are largely old properties with unknown value. trump says they're worth a fortune, but his false claims are the cornerstone of this whole case until independent inspectors have a comprehensive look, the true worth of this property is mystery other than that very clean and simple process of forming breaking it down so well as always, thank you. cnn's laura coates demagogue and elie honig join me now, guys, there's so much to get to here because this was a really consequential day on two huge legal issues. the former president is dealing with l4. i wanna sort of view the bond payment you look at the top-line numbers, you say 175 million, that's a lot less than 460 plus million dollars out of money. it's a lot of it. >> he says he's got money. now, the question of course is whether who actually be able to have it in ten days or so. >> there's some skepticism about what i'm just saying. if >> you've got $135 million on hand and i have questions about my own investments that's all i'm telling you right now. >> but >> assuming he does have the money, remember what the appellate bond is four on the one hand is to ensure that the person who owes the money does not hand it over to the person asking for the money without the appeal going forward, because then they can't actually get it back at there are successful. the other hand, they want to know that you actually do have the money you can pull you up that if you do not prevail at the appellate process. and so this is part of a two-fold thing. it sounds unfair to a lot of people that think i got a handy over money to appeal my case that's really what it's about. and so ponying up in this way is huge. i would not read too much into the lower amount as suggesting the court is saying that engoron got it wrong ong in the first instance because you have those two primary concerns that's probably why it was lowered. >> so that's a fascinating point because you've seen, i think at least the implication from trump's lawyers that perhaps this is a sign that the broader judgment may not hold or that appeal may not work the reduction we saw today, we saw donald trump in the break during his other legal issue here is dealing with today, come out, make very clear they're very happy with it. they were pleased with it. i don't think they necessarily expected it to some degree. >> how >> big of a when is this really luck? >> i will stipulate for our two lawyers here >> as you said 175 million is a whole lot better than having to come up with 464 million. and to quote donald trump today, he said, i have a lot of cash that said, i would like to underscore what councilor over here said you know, how much cash does he have? we know that he had to put up a lot of cash. the schwab bob account for the e jean carroll case, which was $100 million for that bond. >> there's one other thing >> we know about donald trump. he likes to fight and he likes to delay so even though he may have this much more money, i would not be surprised if ten days from now we saw some other kind of delay and then let tissue james will have to go forward and see how she extracts the money. >> he would certainly be on brand based on everything that we've done, but led to this point and we're talking about this earlier today this is different because he doesn't really have a tree. may think he has a choice. he may fight for having that choice. what happens if ten days from now he says, wow, i want to have a negotiation on this, but i wanted to land a little bit more, right? one. so whether donald trump post a bond or not has nothing to do with his appeal rights. he can appeal either way. but if he posts a bond, letitia james cannot start collecting on this until after the appeals done. we're talking a year or more until all his appeals are done. if he does post the bond, then she's foreclose until appeals over. but if he fails to post a bond, she can start collecting ten days from now. really important point that tom made, the amount that was reduced today is not the final amount that he owes. he owes he still owes $454 million he only has to post now $175 million on bonds. so he's getting a temporary break, but it doesn't undermine the final judgment. that's against now the appeals court ultimately may say that number has to come down, but that's yet to be determined. >> yeah, that's a really important point. i'm glad you reiterated that point. jamie former president went to one of his properties today. i don't think it was subtle that it was one of the properties that letitia james, the attorney general, had pointed out up to that point, held a press conference in as part of the press conference, he said, this tailless certainly money injured >> then that's yelling 60. >> well, first of all, it's none of your business. i mean, frankly, but i i might do that have the option. but if i have to spend 500 million on the bond, i wouldn't have that option i'd have to start selling things. i don't have to sell anything because it's a phenomenon. >> i >> built a phenomenal company out of pausing for a fact i'm pausing tonight jest on some level, but it's a look. let's be honest, you didn't use any of his own money in 2,020.20, 16, he pledged $100 million plus. he spent 60 million total people i've talked to in around is kind of circle. so there's no plans for him to spend any money on his campaign. this time around, is there any chance that he's going to finance his campaign are part of it, at least donald trump has long said he has all this money and he also likes to use other people's money but there's no question what we saw there. this case triggers donald trump, like none of the other cases, because it's about his brand, his image. this notion that he is very, very successful michael cohen, who we all know said to me last year and he says it from time to time. >> he yeah. he doesn't like the criminal cases, but when you talking about money and the brand, that's what you just saw, there that's when he gets sensitive when pressed. >> yeah, it's it's the convergence of the personal, the business, politics as well, plus the legal is also a perfect segue mentioning michael cohen because there's another major legal issue that the president, foreign president was dealing with today, laura, and that is the hush money case. they have now, the judge rejected the effort to delay it even further. the trial is now has a start date a former president criminal trial, who also happens to be the presumptive republican nominee. there's nothing we've ever seen like this before. what does it mean >> first author your business >> good luck >> i'm going but having said that, i mean, this is a case to your point. why is it so problematic? it's also about his sex life, frankly, if i'm being perfectly clear, it involves an allegation that he's had an extramarital affair with somebody he he has he has expressed just in the past is someone he seems to feel is less than him. and so you'd have bat conundrum. you've got the idea. this is for many people news. you've already heard back before he was initially the president united states. and he wants you to think of that in the rearview mirror. but in reality, a lot of what alvin bragg's case involves more than three dozen some counts, i should say about the issues of falsifying records and beyond are things that were not necessarily contemplated immediately. and then michael cohen trial that could be more expensive in some ways. and so he would like you to look at this and say, this is all in the past, they all or trying to get you to the past. it's all. biden's fault here, but biden is number one, not involved in this at all? this is a state-level prosecution >> no more than a >> mayor is beholden to the president, is a manhattan da beholden to the attorney gelug, united states, merrick garland. but it all fits the narrative that this is the system and everyone against him picking on him and hoping somehow to embarrass him to shame him, and to suggest that he cannot pay bill most or that he would be so bothered by the fact that it had this allegation that he would pay to avoid it. this is remember, after the access hollywood tape was known to the general public that he is going to have suggest that he was somehow so sullied by this assertion of at least one extramarital affair that he went to great lengths to hide it to this degree. this is all part of the all political brand, but now his new brand is me against the man, even though he could be called the main. if you have 135 million in cash, that's the definition of the man is also a level of irony here that like saying president biden directed this and he couldn't the de couldn't get done documents from st. right. for a period of federal prosecutors, which complicated things that lead to today. >> this was >> always case of the four that people kinda put to the side, right? that this is the two jack smith trials were the ones everyone is really focused on. obviously you have the fulton county case, which is going into the election subversion issue, which is obviously of national i think import here explain to people why this matters. >> this is a big darn deal. anyway, you cut it. let's just get to the bottom line here. this could be the only of the four criminal cases tried before the election. that is a huge deal and as laura said, the contractor is going to bring back a lot of memories that donald trump does a lot coming back while most of us are familiar, i think the public is generally familiar with the stormy daniels story. if he gets convicted, he will be a convicted felon. and that's a lot of baggage. and there could be voters. jamie's the political expert, but i think just in common sense, everyday life who say look, i'm not sure about the guy, but i'm not comfortable voting for a convicted felon. and by the way, this is happening now, today was the last gas to try to get this the late i know trump said he's going to appeal. i don't think he appeals us. and if you a trial date and if he does, he's going nowhere >> this is going to happen. this is 20 days for now, we're going to have state of new york versus donald j. trump, a criminal trial. the consequences. is it the most serious of the four cases? no, it's probably the least serious of the four criminal cases, but it's still a big darren deal. >> yeah. that's on your business >> i'm going to use that >> as always, we appreciate it up next someone who is very slow to call out donald trump and as many election laws >> here are saying, you're not sure as the republican party chair, that he was the legitimately, there were lots of problems with the 2020 election and we need to fix it going forward. >> it turns out there's receipts now that she's no longer with the rnc here, how ronna mcdaniel explains why she never condemned trump's repeated calls to pardon convicted january 6 rioters plus the reported political attack plan by team biden as his challenger rfk junior, gets ready to beef up his presidential campaigns there with us space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday, april 7 at nine. >> i consumer cellular, you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers for up to half the price. >> that's amazing and great customer service based here in america amazing and no hidden fees, no contracts and free activation. >> hello. >> barbara sorry i was muted >> that's amazing >> i know rights >> barbara your record label is taking off but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. >> i need indeed >> indeed you do indeed instant match, instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description visited slash higher. >> when these business owners need cash fast, they turn to viz to credit to fund 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bring in our political panel to discuss this. and a lot more axios reporting we've got some reporting as well. biden's campaign. and the dnc have a dedicated team, staffers and consultants to try and diminish kennedy >> paul >> does this show that they're concerned are they on the ball? is there i look at poll after poll and i see the numbers and i'd say probably about that time. absolutely. >> third party's elected donald trump in 2016, about six to 7% of americans voted third-party. that third party vote dropped to less than two, which is how biden one. >> so >> anything over two, democrats or trouble kennedy aloneness didn't 15 and some of these places. so yeah my view is third-parties that like cockroaches in the kitchen okay. it's not what they carry off that upset you. it's what they fall into and follow up. >> okay. bobby kennedy could fall into every swing state and fallot up for joe biden and throw the whole election of donald trump so i'm very happy the denver as a democrat the democrats are on this because it's a very real threat note to self, don't go to paul bogata was definitely seeing the press secretary for the kidney ukraine says, quote, mr. kennedy plans to take votes from both president biden and former president trump so far the trump campaign hasn't really seemed to devote a lot that said some things, but haven't really devoted resources to attacking him when you talk to trump advisers, how did they look right now at his role in the map? >> so it's interesting. i actually, so when rfk junior announced that he was switching and becoming an independent and that's how he was going to run. i think there was more concerned then they definitely recognized that he was a potential threat. and as paul just laid out, so eloquently a spoiled like he could be a massive spoiler in the food as it spoiling, the foods boiling elections, right in the captain crunch >> and it's especially important and i think he could be especially effective given its expected to be a close election, something that donald trump's team very much does expect this election to be. the other thing though that i will argue as i think there's been some reporting out there they're not that concerned that they think any kind of rfk spoiler would hurt biden more than it would hurt trump. >> i >> don't necessarily think that that's how his team sees this when i talked to them, they recognize that he's kind of a wildcard in some senses. and especially when it comes to the people who are really against the system. when i talk to trump's team people close to the former president, people like steve bannon say this, that they think that the people who are anti-vaccine anti-establishment have very strong positions on ukraine not wanting to give more money to ukraine funding. those are the type of people that do normally go for donald trump, but could potentially go for someone like rfk junior. and that's where there is concerned because i don't think it's as simple as saying he's only going to take votes away from my chest because is not binary, right? like you can't just look at them saying, well, he's going to do this or he's going to do that. it kind of cuts across lines. doug, i do you have to ask former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel, debuted as a political analyst for nbc news. hiring has upset some top network journalists on and off air. here's what mcdaniel said about trump's plan to pardon convicted january 6, insurrectionists gree with trump's saying he's going to free those who've been charged. i do not >> think people who committed violent acts on january 6 should be freed. >> so you disagree with that? he's been saying that for months iran, why not speak out earlier, why just speak out about that now? >> when you're the rnc chair, you kind of take one for the whole team right now i get to be a little bit more myself >> doug i don't think there was an exact analogue to your time at the republican national committee, like you talking about bus that said fire pelosi on the side is slightly different than like free to people who attacked the us capitol. >> they take one for the team, shtick by it. no, i don't know what it means. i think it's one of those things that when you're planning to go on tv and you want to talk about something you say, oh, that sounds good. and then in reality, sometimes it doesn't. this is an example. your job is rnc chairs, one to raise a lot of money to to bring on staff in, calms digital finance and field. there's some questions about that now, so that you're helping your candidates do the best job possible to get them over the, over the line. and the other part is to be objective. and this is one of the areas where she fell short in the past few months. the rule 11 letter, the rule 11 in the rnc is so specific but if anybody is running against mike johnson in a primary, let's say they get seven votes in a primary, the rnc has to be objective on this and completely neutral unless the state party says mike johnson's or candidate, which they typically don't. so by urging nikki haley to get out, she wasn't doing her job the state of the rnc right now, doug makes a great point besides going into the bylaws of the rnc aggressive, sir there are questions about finances. there are questions about operations or questions about they had a bank, your vote program, which is really critical and republicans all seem to acknowledge that except for the one who's actually gonna be the republican nominee, where are they right now, particularly given this middle at turnover there in the last couple of weeks, there has i mean, the rnc is completely restructured and it's restructured to become essentially an operation that operates one and the same with the campaign. a lot of the communications the processes within the rnc are operating next to and within the trump campaign, there kind of having this symbiotic relationship now as it comes to election fraud, all of that, there is a program that ronna mcdaniel setup when she was still chairwoman, that michael whatley is going to continue, which is all about voter integrity. they brought in some other people, people like christina, bob, the former former correspondent at one america news network, chris kise people like that to run this and it's essentially previewing what we know donald trump is a huge priority for him, which is this idea that there could be fraud. again, in the 2024 election. again, i say fraud again from their viewpoint, we know that donald trump obviously overstated all of the fraud that happened in the 2020 election, but that's really where a lot of the focus is as for fundraising. of course, that's a huge issue that they have. i think a big thing that's going to help them is now that they can start using donald trump's name his likeness. there'll be able to revive a lot of what they weren't able to do over the past several years when donald trump wasn't the candidate, he wasn't a nominee. they weren't able to use his name. >> well, from a party operations perspective, joe biden runs the dnc to biden's team runs the dnc and they used it essentially has a shell election campaign before morphed into the reelection campaign. this is a problem for republicans if you're a democrat, you're looking at the rnc right now, gone >> yes. here's how i look at both parties, which party is raising more money right now that's joe biden's democrat now, which party is more united? definitely joe biden's democrats and republican national committee is in chaos right now. that house, representatives on the republican did chaos. so parties more, which part is more mainstream? >> so when you have >> mr. trump going out to rallies and saying, we should pardon these guys who tased michel banana until his heart stopped >> a cop >> okay. i think that's outside the mainstream so right now, i think the the republican party's way, way off course, and they've got, they've got to find a way. they raised the money and it seems now to be going into mr. trump's legal defense, not into electing republicans, which is why we have a republican party. it's chaos and ties. nikki haley phrase that i like. yeah. yes. follows him everywhere it goes. you know why? >> because he he's chaos incarnate. >> he's still tied with the current president. yes, >> he is going we've got a lot more to get through. you guys probably have things to do, but i'm not going to let you leave. i want to keep talking to you guys. stay with me up next. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, of georgia republican says, quote speaker mike johnson cannot remain speaker of the house. how's that going to work? we're gonna talk about it next. >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission >> they were doing great. >> columbia, houston com check we hear nothing >> if you work in spaceflight, this is just the worst possible thing. i can never happen >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing is that the wing coming apart 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switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. quality. say, i use splenda i'm someone's are 40 in washington in this is cnn >> we're back with more and the politics lead. it's spring break for congress. we'd like you to call it district work period, but it's not a stress-free vacation released how speaker mike johnson, his leadership job still under threat just yesterday, fellow republican congresswoman marjorie taylor-greene defended her mood, potentially oust the speaker over the bipartisan spending deal? >> yes. this sounds familiar. it is. let's bring back the panel. take a listen to what marjorie taylor greene said yesterday on fox i filed this motion to vacate, but i haven't called it to the shooting. a pink slip and giving our conference and a notice saying that we have got to find a new speaker. this may take weeks. it may take months, it may not even and until next congress. >> but speaker >> johnson cannot remain as speaker of the house >> does she had just a little bit on the timing? there. she also didn't note that i don't think she's got the votes, so she wanted to do it. >> is this >> like a perpetual thing that republicans will be dealing with? in eternity, in the house. sure. >> there's a scene and >> the movie, the jerk where steve martin is a weight guesser to carnival, which is very similar to what our congress is right now and he realizes this is a profit deal this is a profit deal. this is about raising money, raising your profile. she said it on a very highly watched tv show. she's going on a lot of tv shows raising more money with it. and what is steve martin say at the end of that scene? he says step right up and when some crap, this is the part of the house republican conference right now that is controlling what the conference is able to do or not do. it's a small fraction section, but it is a profit motive. and we're getting exactly what we deserve because of it to to your point though, alayna, is it a small fraction >> you watch people >> like mike gallagher, the wisconsin republican, who announce that he's leaving in a couple of weeks, we'll bring speaker mike johnson's majority down to one vote for a period of time, which sounds super fun >> that's the i think if you talk to republicans of republican doug hi type republicans are saying my gallery was future of the party. no question about it >> is it just >> a small group that's driving this or is it bigger now? >> it's a smaller group than it was when they were ousting mccarthy. that's for sure. i think luck. i think republicans, even the ones who are behind some of these pushes to oust whether it be johnson or other leaders in the past recognize that it is hurting the party overall, the majority of people, republicans, i should say in congress recognized that this isn't something that is helping and it is interesting to hear from the likes of people like matt gaetz, who was really one of the most firm people behind helping oust kevin mccarthy. and some of the others who were part of that movement as well, say, we can't do that again, because if we do, not only is it bad for republicans, but who knows who he could get as a speaker, i think matt gaetz said, we'll end up with a democrat and i think they recognize they chaos, but at the same time, so much of this is political and to your point, it's political. they're getting media the attention. and there's definitely a massive split within the republican party in congress on how to function. that's why they're not functioning. that's why we can't see anything get done and everyone says that always about congress, but it's especially true now and of course it's not helped by the ever growing narrow majority that there's a political cost when republicans were in purgatory because they couldn't figure out who their speaker was going to be. it made it very hard to recruit candidates, and it's shore made it harder for the congressional committee to raise money and have a winning message for a sizeable period of time. yeah. and it was gonna be a tough rutan election campaign amount of what for the nrcc because of the districts they had to defend. it's getting tougher because of retirements, you make an interesting point about matt gaetz saying, well, we might end up with a democrat if we do this again, honestly, i wasn't out at a lunch when all of this transpired on friday and came out a lunch it out to lunch? no, i wasn't out as a working she was working thank you for corporate card. >> and >> saw the headlines in texas, democratic sephora, it's like i'm sorry, is it keen jeffries like speaker now? like, is there a possibility that he came jefferson some streak? >> there's a >> possibility the republicans are simply imploding. it's astonishing they, they seem to be committed to chaos as a brand i don't understand why they daisy's point that mike gallagher is as good a republican congressman as or it's me, it's not my ideology, but he's a terrific person. you've done a great job running this china committee. a broadened all the democrats on his committee along with him on his bill to crack down on tiktok and force a sale so when you're driving people like that out of your party, something fundamentally wrong. i will note i first worked on the hill, came here and 89 the leader was bob michel he got queued by new gingrich, newt gingrich got queued and replaced by denny history hashed. her was not cooed, but after him, john boehner, he got cooed. then paul ryan, he got cooed. thank kevin mccarthy. he got cooed. >> now, mike johnson, i don't know what's in the water or something over there here. a coup there are coup. >> when you come into house, >> republican conference, it's cuckoo for coco puffs. yes. >> i'm just tough for your head i feel like you made can ask when you talked to trump officials and they're watching what's happening with house republicans what do they say? they've got to be a little bit concerned about the dysfunction, right? >> they are with honestly, there's so much more concerned with donald trump's campaign. all of these legal issues, what we've been talking about on the, spillover from people watching in the house and saying, i don't want that. >> i think they're trying to give my johnson more time. honestly i don't think that they're happy obviously, when i talked to them, i think they recognize that congress is a mess right now. and that the republican party, or if republicans in congress are a mess, but they also recognize that, i donald trump was one of the people who endorsed mike johnson. he put his support behind him. he's going to stick with him at least for now. i do think that when there is an issue that comes up, like what we saw with the border deal when he tried to tank the border deal and how he talked about kevin mccarthy around that bipartisan border deal in the fall. if there's an issue like that, where johnson really stands in the way of something donald trump deeply believes in. you'll see the tides turn. i don't think that that's a relationship that he's going to fight for all the way to the end. but for now, he's kinda keeping his distance and not and not getting overly every time we have a story about internal republican problems, republicans are unable to focus on all those things that joe biden is unpopular at which is exactly where their focus should be. >> it's gonna be fascinating to watch play out. again, it's like it's still a split pulling across the board right now, despite all of this >> all right. thanks for hanging around for actually block. thank you. appreciate >> let's say in an his live in moscow after that horrific terror attack near russia's capital city death now what, 139 next the cloud of confusion. vladimir putin history as he tries to deflect blames. they went here is no media personality >> businesswoman >> celebrity chef leichhardt the many lives of martha 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russian leader vladimir putin trying to have it both ways. it's afternoon. he conceded the horrific terror attack on a concert hall near moscow that killed 139 but was carried out by radical islamize. but putin again suggested ukraine was somehow involved, even though ukraine and the united states deny ukraine had anything to do with it. and the terrorist group isis-k, has claimed responsibility on sunday. suspects linked to the attack were in russian court format from tajikistan charged with terrorism invisibly injured fueling speculation that they may have been tortured after their arrest. and it's matthew chance is reporting live from russia. matthew is putin providing evidence at this point to support his claim that ukraine was involved? >> well not not a great deal of evidence, certainly nothing very substantial. what he's saying is that basically these individuals were detained when they're after that carried out the attack on the way to the ukrainian border, they're actually detained in location about 100 miles or so away from the ukrainian border. and what putin usually said is that a window had been prepared. this is the words he used for them to move through into ukraine implicating the ukrainian authorities in organizing the attack, something that kyiv has categorically denied. and of course, washington's denied it as well at the problem is with that theory, is that this is a highly militarized korda there's a war going on between russia and ukraine, particularly in that area around that border area. and so even if the ukrainians and opened up a window on their side, it's hard to explain how these, these terrorists would have managed to get through the russian lines before they even got to ukraine. and so that's a fatal flaw in greetings rationale at the moment. but nevertheless, he is sticking to it. he's doubling down, is implying that ukraine may have been involved in some way. >> nothing teams can we take a step back for a minute? why would isis k target russia? >> well, i mean, it's not it's not too difficult to imagine that in fact, they've targeted russia in several times in the past. i mean, back in 2022, in afghanistan, there was a suicide bomber attacked outside the russian embassy, which killed to diplomatic staff russian diplomatic staff, and lots of other people as well. and that was carried out by, by isis-k. they're very operational inside afghanistan and central asia russia. remember it has been backing the regime of bashar al-assad in syria, which is literally fighting isis inside syria. and russia has been instrumental in destroying isis infrastructure, sort of in that country and elsewhere as well. you also have to remember that the distinction, the rivalry that we report on all the time between russia and the west it's not something that is necessarily acknowledged by islamic fundamentalist groups like isis. they see the united states europe, britain, and russia as being on the same side as the equation against them. in other words, yeah, it's such important contexts, white us official, certainly. we're not surprised by the attribution and some degree method. you you went to the scene of this terror attack >> i wonder >> how are russians memorializing the victims here? >> yeah, well, we can't get into the actual building. x is still a crime scene. it's also very dangerous because of fire has left it in ruins, but there's a big memorial that sprung up outside with thousands of russians many with tears in their eyes going there to lay flowers, put cuddly toys because of all the children have of course up in this and photographs and candles and things like that i mean, i have to say that floral memorials like this have become something of a commonplace feature in russian life. there punctuating the year i mean, last month, it was flowers for the death of alexey navalny, the prominent opposition leader here last year, you'll remember, you've guinea prigozhin, the wagner leader who died in a suspicious air crash after leading an uprising against moscow there are flowers for him as well as it all points to the volatility and the insecurity in russia today. >> such an important point and valuable reporting, matthew chance and russia for us. thank you. >> well, after a gaping hole and one of its plans, questions about quality, the major announcements today from bowen that acknowledged the world's largest airplane manufacturer is very well aware. it has a big pr problems. they're willis the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. >> and if you want >> a successful business, all it takes is an idea and now becomes a future where you grew a dream into a reality the all new godaddy arrow put your business online in minutes with a power of ai. >> it's better outside with the ninja outdoor family, cook outs are better with master grills that cyr in char like a propane grill, barbecue smoke and air fry out for everyday activities or better, with like proof coolers, 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happening both ended air and on tar maxwell. now only see you since he's leaving at the end of the year. and so our other top officials want to bring in a cnn aviation correspondent pete muntean boeing ceo leaving at a time when the company really needs leadership, there's no question about that. i want to get to that in a minute, but i want start with look, man, i'm traveling with my family 2048 hours. >> are we safe? okay. you're not the only person who has been asking this to me. i think the big thing here is that if you're on a max-9, which is at the central of all of these issues lately, those are probably the safest they've ever been. those been gone over with a fine tooth comb by the airlines after the door plug blowout on january 5, the plane was granted for 19 days. >> there >> is a bit of a different question here about these other sort of one-off incidents. and we've seen the most of those that united airlines, there's been about a dozen of those incidents. the largest and most significant ones that we'll falling off of a triple seven leaving san francisco a plane skidding off the end of the runway in houston of engine fire of a flight, leaving an airplane ford and had to come back right away. those are a bit more interesting, and those have caught a lot of scrutiny of the faa, but it's really important to differentiate here. there's the max-9 issue which really exposed a quality control problem and systemic issues at boeing, which led to the now resignation of their ceo by the end of the year and then there are these one-offs which have been really put up in lights more lately because of that max-9 door plug blot and how dramatic that was. it's really important to remember here are the last time someone was killed on a commercial airliner in the united states was back in 29 to 2018, that was sort of a freak incident, a fan blade flow of an engine killed a passenger on board. a plan last time there was a fatal commercial airplane french in the us, 2009, that was the colgan air crash lead to really significant changes of regulations and requirements for pilot training. aviation in the us is incredibly safe, especially on a commercial airline. >> i appreciate your patience and answer that question because i know literally everyone in your life, it's probably asking it to you just about 400 times a day. glad you're showing that you get wish. group i have to ask i love covered business stories. i was fascinated today to some degree, i thought it was inevitable that someone was going to have to take the hit over a boeing. i did not know that it was gonna be this wide scale and this high out. >> think about this is if this is a taylor swift era, this is the reputation tour boeing really needs to do some reputational fixing here. and this is now starting at the top with ceo dave calhoun saying he will leave as ceo by the end of the year. also, the board chair and the head of commercial airplanes out with immediate effect. so calhoun is the guy who really has the softest landing here. what is really interesting is that he came into power after issues with the 737 max is back in 2,018.20, 19. and now he's leaving because of these 737 max issues of the door-plug blowout back in january 5th, the only person who really left before this was the head of the max program. and there were a lot of questions in aviation about whether or not that was a scapegoat move. and so this is really significant now that he is leaving it really, really shows that boeing is trying to clean up its act and is aware of the fact that it reported a huge financial lines just last week and their airlines more and more arousing around the idea that they are losing confidence in boeing with new planes on order there may be doubting that and then also so they're worried about maybe getting money from boeing in terms of damages when it came to the fact that united, an alaska airlines at least here in the us, had to cancel hundreds of flights each day during that grounding yeah. it's a huge day on your be even crushing it ocher always an extra points for the taylor swift tai'an, which is anytime is great for >> thanks. appreciate it. well, i protest. move by the prime minister of israel plus something trader joe's has not done. more than 20 years. we've got leads around the world. that's next when your gut is that a balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating gas the frustration and start taking a line every day aligned probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your oit's time new projects means new project managers. you need to hire indeed, you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria visit slash higher and get started today >> show in late night and there, but i don't >> want to hear anymore complainant. >> what they do best. >> every news outlet has different the 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that a snow your first week of spring, then its entire winter season. and in our sports lead where we cannot get enough sun. we could hear what los angeles dodgers player shoheiohtani will or will not say about the allegations against his former interpreter was accused of stealing millions from ohtani's in order to pay off gambling debts. now autonomy is the highest-paid player in baseball really speaks to reporters. he's due to speak in the next hour. it's not expected to take questions both the mlb and the irs or separately investigating ohtani's former interpreter and our money lead fair warning. this story is right for a bunch of bad puns. there's one right there, the price other manana trader joe's is increased for the first time in more than 20 years. say goodbye to the 99-cent banana now, $0.23, which is a more than 20% increase the 19 said banana is to trader joe's what the dollar 50 hotdog is to costco. >> he brands >> staple here's hoping, 23 cent banana has just as much appeal you see what we did. >> the appeal >> have you ever, ms an >> episode of the lead, you can listen >> to the show once you get your podcasts, the news continues on cnn right now.

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Point , Concerns , Implication , Instance , Wrong Ong , Engoron , Issue , Break , Degree , Sign , We Saw Today , We Saw , Luck , Cash , Councilor , Bob Account , Jean Carroll , E , 00 Million , 100 Million , Tissue James , Delay , Everything , Brand , Choice , Led , Tree , Nothing , Appeal Rights , Negotiation , Letitia James , Cannot , Appeals , Bonds , Tom Made , 54 Million , 454 Million , Doesn T , Number , Business , Press Conference , None , Ii , 60 , Trouble Kennedy Aloneness Didn T , Option , Phenomenon , 500 Million , Fact , Company , Level , 16 , 60 Million , 2020 20 , Campaign , Plans , Chance , Least , Circle , Michael Cohen , Notion , Image , Know , President , Politics , Judge , Personal , Hush Money Case , Effort , The Business , Mentioning , Convergence , Segue , Republican , Nominee , President Criminal Trial , Author , Someone , Allegation , Affair , Somebody , Sex Life , Idea , Reality , News , Counts , Rearview Mirror , Bat Conundrum , Alvin Bragg , Three , Say , Ways , Falsifying Records , Attorney , Narrative , Prosecution , Fault , Number One , Mayor , Manhattan Da , Merrick Garland , Gelug , Everyone , System , Bill , Access Hollywood , Public , Lengths , Assertion , Man , Definition , Irony , Main , Side , He Couldn T The De Get Done Documents From St , Prosecutors , Jack Smith , Deal , Election Subversion Issue , Matters , Fulton County , Contractor , Lot , Memories , Felon , Life , Voters , Expert , Baggage , Stormy Daniels Story , Common Sense , Guy , Gas , Voting , Estate , Serious , Consequences , Big Darren Deal , Saying , Lots , Chair , Laws , Rnc , Plan , Attack , Chair Ronna Mcdaniel , Problems , Calls , Receipts , Rioters , 6 , 2020 , January 6 , Emirs Sunday , Space Shuttle Columbia , Rfk Junior , Campaigns , Consumer Cellular , 7 , Sunday April 7 , Nine , Price , Customer Service , Contracts , Coverage , Carriers , Activation , Fees , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Barbara , Candidates , Business Owners , Cash Fast , Match , Job Description , D Com Slash Higher , Offices , Small Business , Business Expenses , Fitness Studios , Equipment Funds , Partner , Credit , Code , Small Business Funding Needs , Screen , Credit Funding , Bids , Credit Com , Everybody , Banking , Let S Go , Hurry One Mississippi , Mother , Progressive , My Savy , Discounts , Snapshot , Safe Driving , Mississippi , Skilled Weil Man Know , Irish , Whelan , Show , Turning Points , Side Comment , Few , Cations , Awards , Credit One Bank , Lake Guy , God , News Outlet , Complainant , Fireball , Standard , Kid , Comedy Central , Everyday , Carrying , Advantage , Tremor , World , Food , Dogs , Hip , Dog , Farmers Dog , Weight , Portion , Weight Management , Times , Pain , Relief Factor , Back , Wife , Got Injured , Youtube , Field , Color , Quickstart , 1995 , Mesothelioma Victims , Loved One , Firm , Families , Captioning , Mesothelioma Collis , Running Mate , Candidate Set , Media , Entrepreneur , California , Oakland , Nicole Shanahan , Order , Wrestler , Candidate , Jesse Ventura , States , Deadlines , Ballots , Pockets , Potential Vp , Quarterback , Minnesota , Aaron Ross Hunters , Nfl , 23 , Reporting , Dnc , Panel , Axios Reporting , Consultants , Staffers , Don T Go To Paul Bogata , Poll , Americans , Third Party , Elected Donald Trump , Ball , Six , 2016 , Vote , Some , Kitchen , Democrats , Places , Cockroaches , Threat , Joe Biden , Denver , Swing State , Fallot Up , Bobby Kennedy , Self , Votes , Mr , Quote , Kidney Ukraine , Press Secretary , Haven T , Advisers , Resources , Role , Map , Foods Boiling , Spoiler , Something , Elections , Captain Crunch , Trump , Rfk Spoiler , Senses , Wildcard , Anti Establishment , Steve Bannon , Type , Ukraine , Funding , Positions , Lines , It Kind , Analyst , Chest , Cuts , Nbc News , Doug Hi , Hair , Network , Hiring , Journalists , Acts , Insurrectionists Gree , Iran , Bus , One For The Team , Analogue , Us Capitol , Fire Pelosi , Job , Tv , Chairs , Planning , Example , Shtick , Sounds Good , Staff , Calms Digital Finance And Field , Mike Johnson , Primary , Rule , Areas , Anybody , Letter , Objective , Seven , Party , Don T , Nikki Haley , She Wasn T , Aggressive , Bylaws , Sir , House Republicans , Program , Bank , Finances , Operations , Operation , Processes , Communications , Same , Turnover , Relationship , Election Fraud , Chairwoman , Michael Whatley , Christina , Voter Integrity , Priority , Bob Michel , One America News Network , Chris Kise , Fraud , Viewpoint , Name , Focus , Fundraising , Wasn T , Likeness , Problem , Reelection Campaign , Party Operations Perspective , To Biden , Shell , Chaos , Parties , United , House , Mainstream , Heart , Michel Banana , Representatives , Cop Okay , Rallies , Defense , Ties , Phrase , Chaos Incarnate , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene , Speaker Of The House , Quote Speaker , Stay , Georgia , Astronauts , Space Shuttle Accident , Houston , Spaceflight , Mission , Dad , Wing , App , Deals , Promo Code , Gametime Out , Place , Fan , Snacks , Ticket , Use , Purchase , Gametime , Tiktok , 0 , 57 , Hcm , Isn T , Goal , Meals , Diet , Pounds Angola Go Low , Cardiologist , Treatment Advances , Beta Blocker , Condition , 1 200 , Car , Breakthrough , Options , Conversation , Information , Hcm Real Talk Com , Group , Dr , Time , Crystal , No One , Term , Foot , Down Payment , Website , Doe Schiff , Cholesterol , Standards , Lake , Struggle , Statin , V0 , Diets , Statin Lectio , Low , 50 , Joint Pain , Lectio , Chest Cold , Injection Site Reaction , Side Effects , 48 , Magnesium , Strength , High , Nerve , Muscle Health , Bone , 100 , Step , Humidity Test , Zero , Bit , Price Lock , Commercials , Uncle , Guarantee , Him , Un Carrier , T Mobile , Unruly , Lock , Connection , Damage , Session , Xfinity , Uncalled For , Quality , Washington , Splenda , 40 , Congress , Leadership , Spring Break , It District , Mood , Vacation , Conference , Motion , Spending , Shooting , Listen , Pink Slip , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Fox , Speaker , Johnson Cannot , Notice , In The House , Didn T , Note , Timing , Eternity , The Jerk , Scene , Steve Martin , Profit Deal , Tv Show , Weight Guesser , Profit , Profile , Carnival , Fraction , The End , Tv Shows , Profit Motive , Crap , Section , Mike Gallagher , Majority , Couple , Wisconsin , Alayna , Republicans , Gallery , Fun , Ones , Leaders , Pushes , Ousting Mccarthy , Sure , Kevin Mccarthy , Movement , Others , Matt Gaetz , Well , Split , Attention , Committee , Cost , Shore , Figure , Purgatory , Election Campaign Amount , Districts , Because , Message , Retirements , Rutan , Nrcc , Lunch It , Headlines , Card , Again , Lunch , Texas , Wasn T Out , Possibility , Streak , Jeffries , Jefferson , Congressman , Ideology , China Committee , Daisy , Sale , John Boehner , Newt Gingrich , Got Queued , Denny History , The Hill , 89 , Coup , I Don T Know What , Water , Thank , Paul Ryan , Coco Puffs , Cooed , Officials , Dysfunction , Mess , Spillover , Support , Border , Border Deal , Tides , Tank , Story , Distance , Board , Gonna , Play , Russia , Terror Attack , Death , Vladimir Putin , Confusion , Cloud , Blames , Live In Moscow , Capital City , 139 , Businesswoman , Media Personality , Celebrity Chef , Lives , Martha Stewart , Sling Tv , Big Change , Macs Look , Family , Sports , Reality Shows , Channels , Hundreds , Mom , Power , Backyard , Wedding , Destination Wedding , Goodbye , Fungus , Nail , Toe Fungus , Infections , Kill , It Cures , Tea Tree Oil , Aloe , Restore Skin Out , Funky Nail , Grill , Battery , Perfection , Trump Baskets , Tempo Shrimp , Meet , John Silver , Bungie Male , , Ice , Life Cpu Coolers , Master Grills , Char Barbecue Smoke , Temperature Drawers , Day Average , Ninja , Psaki , Ninja Challah , Hope , It Singer , Child , Cancer , Research , Jude , Area , Pros , Certified , Sandi , Home Projects , Right , Top Rated , Rated , Skillful , Categories , Pro , Angie , Andy , 500 , Kayak , Ocean , Dale , Breath Mouthwash , Breath , Cavity Mouthwash , Mouthwash , Cavity , Smile , Slash Hire , Thera , Kids , 24 , He S Port Border Collie In Part Party Animal , Stores , Bissell , Clean , Breed , Milo , Steam Pat , Stain Remover , Constipation , Center Plant , Laxatives , Ingredient , Vegetable , Dependable Seneca , Adt , Intelligence , Home , Worries , Set , Gummies , Home Security , Cool , Google Nest Products , Google , Equipment , Probiotic , Gut , Relief Plus , Food Digestion , Bloating , Feel , Aid Digestion , Bacteria , Vitamin B12 , Try Align Probiotic Carbon Let , Concert Hall Near Moscow , Infill , Topping , Sunday April 21 , 21 , Terrorist Group , Responsibility , Radical Islamize , Isis K , Matthew Chance , Suspects , Terrorism , Format , Fueling Speculation , Injured , Arrest , Tajikistan , Individuals , Claim , Words , Window , Location , Authorities , War , Theory , Korda , Kyiv , Ukrainians , Terrorists , Border Area , Step Back , Teams , Rationale , Flaw , Down , Target , Afghanistan , 2022 , Suicide Bomber , Embassy , Central Asia , Regime , Country , Infrastructure , Elsewhere , Isis Inside Syria , Syria , Bashar Al Assad , Islamic Fundamentalist , Rivalry , West , Distinction , Europe , Contexts , Official , Equation , Degree Method , Attribution , Britain , Russians , Crime Scene , Fire , Victims , Thousands , Memorial , X , Building , Ruins , Flowers , Candles , Memorials , Children , Toys , Tears , Eyes , Photographs , Wagner , Opposition Leader , Air Crash , Commonplace Feature , Russian Life , Alexey Navalny , Guinea Prigozhin , Points , Hole , Russia Today , Insecurity , Volatility , Uprising , Pr Problems , Airplane Manufacturer , Announcements , Dream , Ai , Ninja Outdoor Family , Godaddy Arrow , Outs , Smoke , Propane Grill , Coolers , Activities , Cyr , Master , Char , Dry Food Backyard Nash , Matter , Barbecue Smoking , Heat Roasting , Ovens , Krispy Kreme , 700 , Sandals , Family Moves , Visit , Sanders Winter Blue Sale , Sanders Com , Pace , Ship , Move , Reserve , Finger , Uhealth Com Yellows , Home Insurance Options , Toothpaste , Explorer , Lab , Chris 3d Whitestrips , Treatment Crest , 00 , 400 , 3 , Ms , Anything , Kitchen No , Stuff , Gross , Mold , Backsplash , Overpaying , Mole , Fireplace , Materials , Coats , Labor , Pep , 23 Bucks , Magic , Effects , Challenge , Georgia State Capitol , In Atlanta , Roma , Incidents , Reputation Tour Boeing , Trip , Many , Cnn International Leader , Ceo , Pete Muntean , Tar Maxwell , Max 9 , 2048 , 9 , Door , Plane , Airlines , Blowout , Tooth Comb , Sort , 19 , 5 , January 5 , End , Engine Fire , Airplane Ford , Dozen , Runway , Plane Skidding , San Francisco , Interesting , Quality Control Problem , Scrutiny , Resignation , Faa , Airliner , Blot , Changes , Airplane , Fan Blade Flow , Freak Incident , Engine , Passenger , Pilot Training , Regulations , Requirements , Colgan Air Crash , French , 2009 , 2018 , 29 , Aviation , Patience , Airline , Business Stories , Hit , Taylor Swift , Board Chair , Top , Fixing , Dave Calhoun , Calhoun , Airplanes , Effect , Landing , 737 , 2018 20 , Blowout Back , Scapegoat Move , Whether , January 5th , Alaska Airlines , Planes , Confidence , Arousing , Flights , Damages , It Ocher , Taylor Swift Tai An , Trader Joe S , Israel Plus , Body , Bloating Gas , Balance , Frustration , Shortlist , Project Managers , Projects , Oit , Gastroenterologists , Job Criteria , No Other , Vision , Daily Show , Room , Amd , Father In Law Lit , Form , Warning Signs , Vision Loss , Disease , Hese , Treatments , Trouble , Colors , Light , Details , Ga Don T Wait , Shop , Time Com , Work , Cars , Hits , Ga And Go To Won T Wait , Asco Retina , Fda , Sound , Credit Hit , Approved , Approach , Dog Food , Kibble , Vets , Farmers Dog Made , Proposition , Five , Clock Partnership , The Go Tos , Comcast Business , Network Solutions , Round , Prepaid Card , Anyone Else , Comcast Business Powers , 9 99 , 49 99 , 800 , Benjamin Netanyahu , Washington Dc For Two , Decision , It Reagan National Airport , Around The World , Israeli , Resolution , Administration , Calling , Our , Delegation , Alternatives , Un Security Council , John Kirby , Parts , Millions , Storms , Ground Operation , Whiplash , Tornado , Rafah , Arkansas , Louisiana , Winter Storm Runic Mornings , Texas Panhandle , Lizard , Allegations , Spring , Winter Season , Snow , Canadian Border , Sun , Minneapolis , Los Angeles Dodgers , Player Shoheiohtani Will Or , Interpreter , Reporters , Player , Baseball , Gambling Debts , Mlb , Ohtani , There , Fair Warning , Puns , Bunch , Irs , Banana , Increase , Hotdog , Costco , He Brands Staple , 0 23 , 23 , 99 , Podcasts , Episode ,

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