Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

welcome everyone. we've got more news. you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm omar jimenez in new york and less than 24 hours, donald trump's lead legal troubles could take a turn for the worse, the former president is facing the very real possibility of losing money and property if he fails to pay a nearly half, 1 billion bond for the civil fraud judgment against him. >> but that's not >> all tomorrow. trump is also expected to appear in a new york district court where hilal we learn the new trial date for his criminal hush money case in manhattan. cnn zachary cohen joins us now, zach. >> all right. a lot to break down here, but it does appear the trump team's delayed tactics aren't going to work much longer. i mean, what are we expecting here? >> yeah, donald trump is finally facing a moment where if he can't put up the cash to secure bond for that civil fraud judgment. the multi-million dollar judgment, where he personally owes over $450 million. he could see the attorney general in new york start the process of seizing his assets. that includes things like bank accounts, that includes things like his properties. that's something that we know knowing what we know about donald trump. he does not want to see happen. but look, the attorney general in new york has already made queer that they intend to push forward on this. if trump cannot secure a bond by tomorrow's deadline, they've already put it in a judgment for two of trump's properties in new york 1, his golf course. there another, a private estate so clearly signaling that if trump cannot come up with the money, they will move forward with trying to seize assets and there is a question that of an appeals court, trump's asked an appeals court to let him pay post a smaller amount for a bond. we're waiting on a decision. they're so a little bit of uncertainty, but the same time tomorrow, we could also get more insight and more specificity around a trial date in trump's criminal case in new york. that's the hush money case. i'm really to payments trump allegedly made to porn star stormy daniels& look, that trial was supposed to start tomorrow, but instead, we're going to have another pretrial hearing where trump's lawyers can argue to further postpone the case or even dismiss it altogether. gather depending on what the judge thinks of those arguments, though, it's very possible that they the judge sets a trial date rather than pushing it further, the attorney or the district attorneys argued no further delays needed in that case. so two very big monumental potentials, decisions and things that could play out in new york tomorrow for donald trump. we know that trump does take what happens to the state of new york particularly hard. so we'll be watching that closely. you will have a >> lot of answers, 24 hours from now until then. zach cohen, thanks so much for more analysis. let's turn to my next guest joining me now is former homeland security official under the trump administration, miles tailor, his book, blowback, a warning to save democracy he from trump's revenge is being rereleased in paperback on april 9. thanks for joining me. so miles tomorrow could prove to be i mean, i can't say it any other way. a nightmare day for trump. does it surprise you at all that it's come to this? >> it doesn't surprise me, omar, but i think you really can't overstate how much this is a nightmare for him. i mean, folks that don't know the man might say it was impeachments or it was criminal investigations by the fbi or any number of other things that he has experienced all these other cases he's going through on classified documents or hush money. but omar, it's his money that he cares the most about trump's entire identity is wrapped around this mirage of his business success. and to have that open only taken from him is something that won't just be an actual hip two his lifestyle. it will be a big political hit internally and externally. it will hit the man's ego and it will be used against him. and you're already seen joe biden and his allies talk about a broke donald trump. it's something that really does resonate in a bad way with donald trump. now, look at zach was the same earlier. if the appeals court denies the reduction in trump's bond, then it really just has three options. either he gets that bond for $450 or he declares bankruptcy, or it's bye-bye for his assets. now, donald trump's having trouble getting the bond he's really unlikely to declare bankruptcy because he doesn't like that image. and so it seems like if if the appeals court doesn't offer the option in the bond doesn't come through. they are going to take these assets now, the last thing i would add, omar, is if i was on the prosecutor side, i would definitely want to go for liquid assets and not as many of those physical assets in symbols that trump could use, >> that of course, yeah, becomes the next calculus. once that process starts, where do you start? so again, we'll have a lot of answers on that. 24 hours from now. now, of course, the large amount of money has raised a lot of questions about where he would actually get that money from and some have speculated that it leaves them vulnerable to foreign interference. here are some business partner or someone in the community from a foreign country coming in. trump's attorney has said that his quote categorically, absolutely not true that trump would seek foreign money to pay his bond. there's no russian or saudi money or anything like that under consideration. >> would >> this be out of the realm of possibilities based on, based on you working for him in the past, for him to do and how concerned are you about that particular dynamic? >> well, omar, i am worried. i mean, when i was at the department of homeland security, we would have conversations privately about why donald trump was spending so much time cozying up to dictators and a lot of members of his own cabinet expressed in private their concerned that the reason he was cozy night up to dictators is because in the future, he would want to avail himself of their funds, of their support, whether it was investment in his properties or future business deals. so this is exactly the type of case that national security officials were worried about that in the post-presidency, trump might go seek favors from foreign governments. in this is certainly late on amount of money that he could potentially have to rely on a large foreign government to come and back him. what does that mean? omar, should he win the presidency again? and something like that. if he chose to take money from a foreign government, what would it mean? it would mean they potentially have leverage over the president of the united states. now, for get the prep for a second, this is the type of thing that national security officials worry about when they hire line workers and folk straight out of college is one of the first things that happens when you do your national security clearance is they asked you about all of your debts? why? because they want to make sure you don't owe someone who could use that debt as leverage to get you to spill secrets. so when it's the president of the united states, i think that's a very, very big concern, so folks will be watching closely to make sure that we understand the source of the funds. if donald trump does indeed come up with them. >> and you highlight hey dynamic here. this is happening within an election year. this is happening as people consider who they're going to vote for, for the next president of the united states. you've obviously been very outspoken about your former boss here, but you're not alone. other former administration officials have come up, come out and spoken out against him how critical do you think it is for former trump? ministration officials to speak up ahead of this november election >> well, omar, i think folks feel like at this point they know everything there is to know about donald trump. but the one place where i will push back against that is there still is annexed extraordinary wealth of information about the things donald trump had wanted to do in a first-term, but which his team and folks like me told him and told the white house, were not legal or were unconstitutional or at a minimum were unethical. and there's still a mountain of those things that were shelved that in a second term would be the policies of a trump 2.0. it's really important for former officials to paint that picture for america because it really is a chilean picture. it's a picture of a government that's weaponized against the people themselves and against political adversaries. that's what donald trump i wanted to do with government departments and agencies on a regular basis. and so in my mind, the people who can speak best to that, who can speak most authoritatively and who can speak without the veneer of it being partisan politics are people from within his own party and people who had been within his own administration. so i still they'll know a number of them who have not spoken out, who are considering speaking out. >> and i >> really urge them this cycle to find the courage to do that, because our country really could hang in the balance. >> well, we will see if >> your efforts actually gets some of them to come out and speak. and if they do feel free to refer them to us, we'd be happy to read play any any experience they may have had here at miles taylor. thank you so much, really appreciate it >> thanks, omar >> of course >> tomorrow foreign president trump could find out if his efforts to delay the stormy daniels hush money trial will pan out, or if that'll be the first criminal trial on his busy 2024 but calendar plus, as gang violence consumes haiti's capital port-au-prince hundreds of american stuck in the country or braving the dangerous journey to get back home. >> and a >> new potential break in those urgencies, fire talks between hamas and israel with israel agreeing to a prisoner hostage exchange. later, we're going to talk with barack reviewed one of the first to find out about the new proposal. you're in the cnn newsroom united states of scandal with jake tapper tonight at nine on cnn >> any drives jack i'd go america's past for a comprehensive quality. i exam sounds good. i'll call america's best because i care is health care. and you deserve the best demand for energy is growing. and so as the need for american oil and natural gas, it's time to turn the lights on >> america's >> resources are abundant. our nation is a global leader in reducing emissions and innovators and delivering more energy sources to secure our future. nine in ten americans agree, american oil and natural gas are vital to our account >> lights stuffed up again so congested, you need sine x saline from just sine >> x, breathe what is wow sine x breed >> is two things. a young man would be cowboy or guest against is alice down i've got back to my roots >> we've come from a >> long line of calvin, my grandfather, my great grandfather, my aren't being rode horse when i see all of us at illinois ranch i see how far our legacy could go >> for nearly a decade. i served in the navy supporting seal teams. today, i run sabo outdoors with fellow special operations veterans. our mobile app connects customers with hunting, fishing, and other outdoor experiences american technology has been essential to our growth. but some in washington want to stifle the technology small businesses like ours depend on this misguided agenda will empower foreign adversaries. threatened national security, and destroy jobs are leaders need to strengthen not weaken american technology 40 my crimea film on your teeth, dr. g >> actually the bill double >> attack bacteria, which can cause cavities. most >> toothpaste quit working in minutes, but cresco helps antibacterial fluoride protects all day stuff cavity before they start crafts i was so excited to buy my first home, but and needed a lot of work done on it. i went on to angie. jaime was the first person to call. i >> explained your some of the things i could do and showed are some pictures. >> he's resurface my fluorine, he's done plumbing work, he's refinished this beautiful table here. >> what would you say that sand it for a week? 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for our higher purpose, published without us the christian faith publishing is an author friendly publisher who understands at your labor is more than just a book color scan for your free riders guide, 800 for 551827. >> as we've been reporting in just a matter of hours, former president donald trump faces a deadline to post a multimillion dollar bond if he can't come up with but the money officials can begin seizing his assets, including bank accounts and properties. trump is expected to appear in a new york courtroom tomorrow as well, where a judge may set a start date for his hush money case. so a lot to talk about here, joining me now to discuss cnn political commentator and republican strategist alice stewart, along with democratic strategist truck rocha. now, alice, we knew the campaign trail and courtroom are going to collide this election cycle. is this more of the same in terms of legal trouble boosting him politically, or is this when we see things start to actually turn? >> but this is all the same according to trump's space. and this is not just the collision, this is a major crash of the courtroom and the campaign trail. but look, donald trump's base has always looked at all of these legal issues the same. they view this as a weaponization of the justice department. they see this as a witch-hunt i see this as overzealous, liberal das and judge's going after donald trump because he is threat to joe biden. and that is exactly why he is 1 every state in the gop primary except for vermont and the district of columbia. the problem as you know, omar and talk is that we're now in a general election and he has to make the case to independent voters and undecided voters who are maybe on the fence about his legal issues and what they need to do moving forward is as take the focus now off the campaign trail and put it on the issues out of the courtroom and on the campaign on issues that people are concerned with. that as the economy, immigration as well as a safety and national security because we all know that those numbers are not good for joe biden and donald trump needs to make sure to remind people that things were cheaper, safer, and more secure under his presidency. >> and it'd be interesting because you mentioned it won't make a difference to the base, which of course makes a huge difference in the primary side of things. but chuck we're now entering into the general election sorry if things there's never been a major party presidential candidate facing multiple series criminal charges like this during a cycle like this, how do you see this playing out politically, particularly within a general election space? >> you know, we've thrown around the word historic too much and we really don't know because we've never omar like you're saying, have never seen anything like this. alice has run a lot of campaigns. i run luck campaigns and what you base campaign strategy off of what you know is going to happen. because normally about the same thing happens every time you come up with a targeted university, you go get a bunch of persuadable is that you need persuade the boat view this a whole new battleground. this is a whole new field. we don't know how this >> is going to affect >> suburban white women, which will really be a key to a lot of the battleground states. and let's take it one step further. donald trump just put his daughter-in-law in charge of the rnc and the first thing she did, it said that the rnc is going to pay his legal bills. so every dollar that's going out that building in a paper, a legal bill is not going to persuade a persuadable voter to vote for donald trump. and that's what i'm really looking at. >> yeah. and look, trump is one aspect of the republican party right now. he's not the only issue though that the gop is dealing with here. alice, this week we saw marjorie taylor greene threaten, threatened short the speakership of mike johnson after he made a deal to keep the government open. she hasn't called for a vote on a motion to vacate, but also has said johnson cannot remain as speaker. so alice, can the gop get anything done legislative wise when you have such polarized factions constantly threatening to bring votes against her house leader. similar to what we saw when kevin mccarthy was briefly speaker >> it's really difficult. o'mara is really difficult in the problem is, i think what marjorie taylor greene is doing is a tremendous distraction and disservice to will republicans across the country that have fought hard to get the majority in the house. and now she is again threatening to issue a motion to vacate for someone who mike johnson doing a good job. he understands that in order to get things done, whether we're talking about aid to ukraine or israel, or balancing the budget, you have to work across the aisle and you can't get things done if you just rely on your base and fortunately, he's got the support of actual democrats who would be willing to stand up for him and keep him in his position because they realized that bipartisanship is the only way to get things done and not the rebel rousing we get out of the likes of marjorie taylor greene, and matt gaetz, and chuck, that is the major question here we saw a little bit of it again during kevin mccarthy's time, but multiple sources today say democrats would throw johnson and lifeline if he brings ukraine aid to the floor, should they try to save his job >> sure. and i think what you're looking at, here's democrats, even if they saved him, we'll talk about the dysfunction that the republican house is and that they had to step in and save him. this is the most under-reported issue moving into the midterm, i mean, into the presidential elections, which are these? down-ballot races in congress. this is the one place that's probably the easiest for the democrats to win back control is going to be really tough in the senate. and as we've all reported here, the presence of tosser there over 20 congressional seats that are represented by republicans. that joe biden won just four years ago. and when you're running ads to talking about the dysfunction and the republican party in the house saying in the middling on the florida, they're not getting anything done. that's good for democrats running and house races. and that's where i'm really keeping my eye on his next couple of weeks and look to combine sort of the republican congressional dynamic with the donald trump campaign dynamic. donald trump has continued to call january 6 rioters, patriots and hostages, and pledges to free them from prison if he's reelected and veteran republican senator lisa murkowski from alaska, sounds like she's had enough and she won't rule out leaving the gop. she of course, is a lifelong republican who served to the alaska legislature before winning that sentence seat more than 20 years ago. but bottom line, alice where is the space? now a republican party for people like murkowski who, who may support republican policies, but maybe draw the line at calling those engaged in an insurrection. hostages and patriots okay. >> i think there are a lot of people that share her frustration. me being one of them. but at the end of the day, it's about the policies that unite the republican party and not the personality conflicts that divide the party. and i know a lot of people like to focus on the division and chaos in the gop. joe biden's got a problem on his hands with the far left flank thank of his own party, not to mention the issues and i think people like lisa murkowski i understand their frustration, but you look at across this country, people in this country are more concerned about pocketbook issues, then the personality conflicts with donald trump and immigration, inflation, as well as national well security are key issues for people across this country. and what are our opponent right now is not donald trump in his january 6 nonsense, our opponent is joe biden, and the policies that have heard our economy and the border and national security and republicans need to realize, we need to take our fight to joe biden and put the other issues in front frustrations on the backburner because it's the gop versus the democrats right now. >> yeah >> i got to leave it there. we're out of time, but both parties work cut out for them this election cycle, we see what happens. alice stewart truck russia. thank you so much. >> thanks. so of course ahead. haiti's capital is engulfed in violence leaving stranded americans caught in the crossfire >> there's nothing like port-au-prince, the security situations here or nothing like anything. i've experienced before >> ahead, we're going to bring you new exclusive reporting. the takes you inside the earth in dangerous effort to get hundreds of americans out of gang-controlled port-au-prince stay with us >> die. i'm not guilty. i am resigning administration officials destroyed my cover >> politics were great power meets questionable decision >> and then on faceless yoy backroom deal cia aac affairs bribery, corruption, prostitution. >> as someone >> who lives for politics when a major scandal unfolds, i have to know there's so much more to the story in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper tonight at nine on cnn >> tax season is hunting season for identity thieves which is why tax fraud was up 30% last year. lifelike alerts you and works to fix problems with a dedicated restoration agent. life block identity theft protection starts here >> how you feel can be affected by the bacteria in your gut. try new align probiotic bloating relief plus food digestion. it contains a probiotic to help relieve occasional bloating plus vitamin b12 to aid digestion try align probiotic, ready to washington >> one second. i got to finish my laundry. yes. >> it's girls nine >> one second. i use rinse. was rents to the company that will pick up wash, fold and deliver your laundry, dry cleaning at the touch of a button. >> i do not trust other people with my >> laundry rinse guarantees or satisfaction i've been using it for months now with no issues okay. let's watch this. >> wait, i'm gonna do my laundry better. hurry done. i'll schedule sign up for rinsing to get $20 off your first order at st. jude. the mission is something that everyone can truly get behind i would love to be able to end childhood cancer i learned that no patient ever has a bill from st. jude not for travel for medical expenses? 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>> louk how brushstrokes bottle the line of a gas tank my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. for free visit, ai or download the app i'm ed lavandera in el paso, texas. this is cnn >> new tonight, florida's emergency agency says another 21 americans flew out of haiti, landing back on safe ground in orlando last night. and this comes as the state department has also evacuated more than 230 people so far to escape the spike and gang violence in haiti's capital port-au-prince. cnn's david culver is on the scene from inside haiti with the story of what it takes to get people back on american soil. >> the challenge for us citizens trying to leave port-au-prince begins as soon as they start driving to the us embassy, getting their involves driving through either gang-controlled or gangs contested territories it's dangerous and it's unpredictable in armored vehicles. we saw that firsthand. and yet this is the only way out for some the airport. is shut down and many feel trapped in recent days, the us embassy began to evacuating citizens who could make it to the embassy. managing the safety of those evacuations is regional security officer steve strickland. >> how does haiti how >> does port-au-prince today compared to your past 19 years? >> there's nothing like port-au-prince, the security situations here or nothing like anything i've experienced before i've spent time in afghanistan, pakistan iraq in africa, and the unique unique circumstances here. i've not seen a parallel to those in any other security environment that i've served >> i made these challenges. there are some who fear americans are being abandoned and then in this gang field war zone. >> the truth of the matter is literally on a daily basis. there are phone calls that we're engaged with at the highest levels of us government, where the number one topic is safety and security. how do we help get us citizens out of the country to a safe place >> launching these evacuation flights from the capital is a critical first step. jenny geom and her five-year-old son conrad, ready? just start a few days ago she's had to leave behind her mom and other loved ones so as to get back to their home in new york get into the embassy is terrifying. it's a potentially deadly commute. some who had confirmed their spots canceled last-minute either emotion we unable to leave behind loved ones, or just unable to get to the embassy safely. so is there an option to go from here and go pick them up? is that even in reality, it just really isn't unfortunate. the security resources that we have are stretched so thin, the ability to do that it's really a non-starter. we just don't have that capacity as you do it, we'd love to do it. it just simply an impossibility, unfortunately, where some seats unclaimed at the last minute, our team as us citizens, is able to travel out with them and chronicle their journey we board in gang-controlled territory on a patch of land that's secured and surrounded by a robust and reassuring american military presence we take off for the dominican republic there are a lot of mixed emotions for those who get out gratitude and relief. we're getting here safely, as well as guilt and fear for those still in port-au-prince knowing that what's happening on the other side of this border is getting worse with each passing hour david gilbert, cnn sample domingo, dominican republic and thank you to our david culver, who's been doing a series of just great reporting out of haiti. now, coming up, the longtime host of nbc's meet the press is tearing into his own network for hiring. now former chair of the republican national committee, ronna mcdaniel daniel, who's repeatedly denied that president biden 1 a fair and free election in 2020. but now she's changing her tune, will explain coming up this is the big dam >> kane who that do >> dude, what are you doing? 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>> he won. he is the legitimate when fair and square. he won its certified. it's done. but i do. you want >> me to say that y has taken you until now to be able to i'm gonna push back a little because i do think it's fair to say there were problems in 2020 and to say that does not mean he's not the one you say that it suggests that there was something wrong with the election and you know that the election was the most, have a great night. >> so you see the difference there as kristen welker was pointing out, mcdaniel is already taking heat from inside the news organization about her selection for the high-profile post that's all we've got senior media reporter, oliver darcy, who joins us now to discuss all of the fallout. all right. so oliver, i mean, look, is this about access to republican sources? this is as truck tatas claimed or are they trying to appeal to trump's supporters with this higher are keeping a neutral reputation, sort of bring me into the world of why they would hire someone like ronna mcdaniel sure. >> i for one, >> this is a fire alarm fire for nbc news. this is a complete disaster. the blowback they're getting. i don't think they anticipated this much blowback. where on sunday they'd be dealing with this. but look, when they hire and her, they said basically that they wanted to represent the other side as she wasn't important voice and that trump public ins should be represented on the network. now of course, there's a lot of holes in that argument and it really rub people the wrong way inside nbc news as well, and inside msnbc, because ronna mcdaniel is not any normal republican, right? she is someone who has spent years as head of the rnc until recently when she departed smearing nbc news journalists a launching really ugly vial attacks on msnbc host and the network and organizations as a whole. >> and >> more importantly, she wasn't election denier. you saw back when she was talking to chris wallace just last year, she was unable to say that joe biden legitimately won the 2020 election and even horse, she was helping donald trump's of vert the 2020 vote. so not only wishing election denier, but she was an active participant in this plot here. and so nbc news journalists are obviously very upset and you're seeing that this morning on meet the press, we're chuck todd gave voice to some of that disappointment let's take a listen and so when nbc made the decision to give her nbc news has credibility. you got to ask yourself, what is should she bring? and be seniors? and when we make deals like this, and i've been at this company a long time >> you're doing it for access there. you see chuck >> todd, he ripped nbc news and said that they owed actually the current moderator of meet the press, kristen welker and apology. he said he disagreed what the justification nbc news has given to hire ronna mcdaniel and this blowback doesn't look like it's stopping anytime soon. so at this point, i'm actually wondering at what point does nbc news maybe do something here? because this is really reaching crescendo, if you will. and i think that they had thought this was going to stop by sunday and in fact, because of chuck todd earlier today, it's gotten a lot worse and it highlights interesting issue i think for a lot of news organizations are just a lot of organizations period as we enter this election cycle potentially trying >> to hire campaign insiders of people who might have insight into the way of thinking, particularly in the trump world >> do you >> expect more of these types of hires to happen across? us? the news industry as we get into further into this election year >> well, to be clear, i don't think anyone would be upset if msnbc came out in higher let's say someone like chris christie, who is a republican, who was supportive of donald trump until the january 6 insurrection. i think the insurrection and the election of 20 2020 is a pretty bright red clear line that news organizations don't cross, you don't put an election denier on your payroll. nevertheless, someone who is smeared your organization attacked its credibility repeatedly over the years and so that's the red line. i think that people are upset. that was crossed here very, very obviously cross by nbc news and inside the company i think as this grows, are going to be questions about cesar conde, who is the nbc universal news group boss, and why he signed off on this. there isn't really an nbc news president anymore. there's a weird structure there. >> so at the end of the day, the buck stops with him and he's going to be facing some of these questions in the days ahead >> well, we will see how this unfolds. thank you for breaking that down for us really appreciate it, oliver, darcy. thank you. >> thank you. >> all right. israel has apparently agreed with >> the us proposal that would see hamas release hostages held in gaza in exchange for hundreds of palestinian prisoners. next, we're going to talk to the reporter who's getting firsthand knowledge about those ongoing negotiations. stay with us >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission, columbia, houston object. >> i didn't know anything concerning it happened there were people that did though. >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing, it's a series of events >> you follow the debris, what's it telling you? 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currently being held by hamas >> well, it will definitely include some of them because it will include the release of men over the age of 50 there at least one such us hostage, keith siegel so i think if, if this deal comes through then he's expected to be released. it's unclear whether he's still alive or not. there's no confirmed information about that, but i think that overall the biden administration's pushing very hard to get this deal. this is why the fact that israel agreed it, it is a result of a us bridging proposal put forward by the cia director bill burns over the weekend in the negotiations and qatar and burns put this on the table to try and get some sort of a number of prisoners, of palestinian prisoners between the number israel has already agreed, which is 400 to the number hamas demands, which is one thousand. and the middle, as you see, its 700. but again, the interesting thing will be not only the number of palestinian prisoners, but who are they because hamas wants prisoners that serve life sentence in israel. those are people that murdered numerous israelis. and the israelis want to have a veto on the identity of those prison yeah. >> yeah. >> you're you're also reporting that >> israel may also be willing to discuss allowing some palestinian civilians to return to northern gaza. how would that, how would that work here? >> well, this is one of the main sticking points in those negotiations because hamas demands that all the palestinian civilians went to southern gaza to refer where more than 1.21, 0.5, million palestinians are taking shelter that they will be allowed to go back to gaza city and the neighborhoods and towns north, north of gaza city. these were reluctant to allow it until now. and this is one of the compromises they've made in the last rounds of negotiations in doha that now they're willing to allow something between two to 3,000 palestinians, civilians, mostly women and children two move every day from rafah back to northern gaza but these rarely say that they will allow this to happen only after the first hostages are released by hamas to make sure that this thing really happened yeah, well, i appreciate you staying on at brock ravi. thank you so much for bringing us that inside >> thank you. >> of course. all right. everybody, we'll be right back >> vegas to store your sensitive 109810 on cnn with wet amd. i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it but now, i can open up my work with for bys >> who buys mole was the first fda approved treatment for people was where amd than improves visual and delivers a chance for up to four months between treatments. so i can do more of what i love who buys more awards differently is the only treatment designed to block two causes of wet amd. >> the vice nose and i injection, don't take it if you have an infection at device what are allergic to it? 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>> it >> was a brutal moment >> were you concerned at all that the revealing of your name could put lives at risk, is that possible? >> yes, it is possible absolutely. there's a reason that ops officers work undercover, which is so that you can move around the world. you can recruit, you can handle the assets without endangering them or their families the fact that a journalist knew my true cia affiliation or somehow was put onto it, whether it was confirmed or not, was deeply unsettling to me so now you'll also hear from veteran washington journalist matt cooper, who claims identity was leaked to about the various ways the mainstream media allowed itself to be manipulated >> by the bush administration in the run-up to the war in iraq. and what has changed since then, if anything, omar jake, thank you. you can >> watch that new episode of united states of scandal tonight at nine eastern end pacific only on cnn, more news coming up i, said more news and i meant it you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm omar jimenez in new york former president donald trump is just hours away at this point from two major legal threats colliding former president is facing a critical deadline to post nearly half $1 billion others in bond money for his civil fraud judgment in new york or the state attorney general could begin seizing his assets. and tomorrow, trump could also learn the new trial date for his criminal hush money case in manhattan so i'm gonna go straight to cnn's national security reporters, zachary cohen for more details. so zach, what can we expect to see you tomorrow? >> yeah, if donald trump can't secure a bond and that multi-million civil fraud judgment against him by monday's deadline, he could see the new york attorney general start the process of seizing his assets. look, trump. oh, is who is personally owes four over $450 million as a result of this judgment. and he has claimed that he has the cash to put that up, but his lawyers have contradicted that, saying no, he was not referring to cash on hand, but if you can't put up that cash by tomorrow's deadline, we could see again, the attorney general turn her attention to things like trump's bank accounts, things like trump's properties. and we've already seen what some say is the first step or the first sign that the new york attorney general is in some of trump's properties in new york, namely a golf course and private estate putting in a filing a judgment that it does seem to indicate that she could move on to seize those assets if trump cannot post a bond by monday's deadline. now look >> look, there's also the question of what an appeals court might do on this matter. trump's aza and appeals court to intervene to allow him to post a smaller bond or potentially none at all. so that's still an

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