Transcripts For CNNW Inside 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Inside 20240704

>> good morning. >> welcome you. as i politics sunday, i'm >> raju, we >> begin this week with upheaval in the gop. house speaker mike johnson, job is in jeopardy and new this morning, sources told me that democrats are willing to save him the outlines of pathway to proving aid for ukraine, which has been stalled for months in badly divides the gop. while congress just ended a saga over funding, the us government. 1, that caused the previous speaker his job in an unprecedented uprising last fall, the new speaker is facing a similar revolt over the major deal he just cut with the white house avoid a shutdown, opening a new front in the internal gop war that has defined 118th congress and could put republican's razor-thin majority in jeopardy in november. now the latest rebellion led by hard-right congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, who is ready to forced, whose rent is ready to force a vote to seek johnson's ouster tell us how this plays out. from here. we're going on a two-week recess when you come back when the house comes back, is that when you call up this boat? >> haven't said when that's going to be what i'm hoping for is all of our republican members to be able to have time to think and reflect over this break for us to come i'm back together and start the conversation of who is capable and willing to lead this republican majority. because the current speaker of the house we have right now is getting fold in every single meeting, how many republican votes do you have on this? >> i won't be giving you the number of votes i have right now. but there is quite a few members that i talk to today >> now, green continued to johnson over the weekend, calling his leadership a quote, betrayal. all is johnson's majority took yet another major blow after a second republican stunned his colleagues and announced he would resign early now, johnson will only be able to lose one gop vote along party lines. and that was the chaos and gulfs the house gop once sing, swing district republican mike lawler did not mince words on the new effort to topple the speaker i think it's not only idiotic but it actually does not do anything to advance the conservative movement. the american people agree with us on the issues but they don't agree with is the idiocy in the chaos that is totally unnecessary and does nothing to actually solve the problem >> now, my ghraieb, pamela's here with me this morning to break it all down. cnn's jeff zeleny. do we hertzfeld davis, and karl holes, both from the new york times. good morning to you all. thank you for joining me. >> it is such we've seen this >> story play out before. it was historic and unprecedented the first time, this time might be a little different because of how the democrats are gaming it. and this is hugely significant because ukraine aid, which has been stalled for months over this in party, in fighting the gop, which has been desperately needed. ukraine says it needs it now, democrats say mike johnson lay out a plan to get us ukraine aid in perhaps will save you as job, but it is not that easy for johnson to do that. yeah. i think that we were talking to the same people thereafter, the vote and what marjorie taylor greene and others, thomas massie were saying was that they want to look around to see who could be a replacement speaker. but the democrats are looking at this and going great we're not going to go along with this. i think that hakeem jeffries, a democratic leaders, set it to us, the new york times recently, kind of intimated it again after the vote that there would be a discussion about how to rescue mike johnson if it came to that, however, there's a price and that price is probably, let's get this ukraine a >> they, it's not that why it's not that easy. because there was a $95 billion aid package that was approved by the senate last month, johnson, he was not going to move on. that that included aid to israel, aid to taiwan aid to ukraine because it did not have border security measures in there that's a separate issue. they killed the bipartisan border security plan in the senate. there is a separate house bill that's being drafted that includes some border security measures. it's unclear of democrats will go for that, but this is what democrats were saying in the immediate aftermath of the announcement by marjorie taylor greene about whether they would save the speaker. this key time if he does the responsible thing which is allowing members of congress to vote on a bill that will pass and that is in our national security interests. and then and subsequent to that, a nonserious actor who doesn't want to govern brings a motion to vacate. yes, i would motion to table in that circumstance. >> i will make common cause with anybody who will stand up for the people of ukraine, anybody who will get desperately needed humanitarian assistance to gaza in anybody who will work for a two-state solution >> in congressman geoff jaxa, north carolina and told me, quote, he doesn't deserve to be fired but can johnson says sustain himself as the speaker in this majority with the support of democrats. >> i mean, listen to reality is, it's been very unusual to see in the last few months, but what is happening now in congress is a coalition government of sorts. obviously, speaker johnson is republican, that republicans have the majority by now, a very, very bare margin. so they are in control. but every major thing that has been happening for the last few months is happening because democrats are banding together with more mainstream republicans to let it happen so in this situation, with a priority like this that the president has been pushing democrats clearly support. there is a lot of republican support for ukraine, aid bill. it stands to reason and this is by the way, while the right is so angry and the house that this is the person that they think should be in that job because the alternative is they get absolutely nothing and so this is a big thing that they want to get done. there they're siding with the coalition that has been able to push forward. the only thing is really the congress has been able to do for more than a year. yeah, >> really funding the government and avoiding a debt default, they're big accomplishments. 118th congress, you mentioned the coalition government because of this all comes down to there's a reason why is because mike johnson cut this deal to keep the government open. it was a major deal that came out with the dead of night on thursday morning, 3am it past saturday morning to uh, um, there's hardly any time for to review it in a breakdown of the house is a real problem for my johnson because 101 republicans voted for it, 112 voted against it, that there is a rule in the house republican conference. you move on. bills, they get a majority of the majority that did not happen here, and that is a problem for him. and so when i talk to the question to ask, put the question to some of the hardliners who are angry about all this, about whether they would vote to kick out johnson. they kept that option open >> marjorie taylor greene just filed the motion to vacate. are you going to vote for it >> i'm open to a conversation >> conversation she would you vote for that if it comes, there's actually a vote. >> we'll see what happens. look, i've take this minute by minute based so bad day for the country. >> but anybody that works for them the funding this killing this country that's the cancer >> let me look it's the hardliners that have made governing in his republican majority almost impossible for the speaker mike kevin mccarthy, try to that's why he spent so much money in the latin, the midterms of last year, but trying to get a may big majority so he wouldn't have to deal with them. but now, this has been the problem. >> they have narrow majority and >> they are really their power as they've done on congress. >> i mean, narrow majority doesn't even begin to describe the majority. barely a majority in a couple of weeks, there'll be a one seat majority as carl presciently wrote about a few weeks ago, that this could happen. but look, what i was thinking when i was seeing the vote count there. what does kevin mccarthy think about all this? and this is exactly what he was doing. just a few months ago, much the same exact thing. the exact spending bill using democrats to come across the finish line. so my question in all of this yes, democrats may come to speaker johnson's aid, but he wants to protect his job as well here. so is he going to do something that will allow democrats to come forward? he's an adviser, but he's a very interesting figure. we always learn a lot more about speaker it's particularly him. we didn't know that much about him. are old colleague david patrick has really interesting story in him in the new yorker really he's not he's a brand new speaker, obviously, but he's been in this for awhile. so i think we're about to learn something from him. maybe he does want this coalition government that you talked about pretty dicey in an election year, i think. but the bottom line to all this, kevin mccarthy is watching stuff in congress very carefully. eyes rolling. yeah, it's exactly what cost him. his job was speaker johnson justice is acgood point because when he came in as johnson did he was caricatured as a right-wing extremist, et cetera, et cetera. he is governing in a much more pragmatic way when it comes to these months, past issues, which is why he's has this problems on the right. so the election >> year thing hangs over all >> this, knows he can't shut down the government obviously, that's bad politically, and he's trying to get a a bigger majority for next year, right? >> exactly that brings us to the next question. how does this impact what happens next year? there's of course, is happening in the middle of an election. you will they go through three weeks without a speaker of the house, right? is they're trying to keep the majority take back the white house, take back the senate. that is the question. well, how much will this hurt them? that's what republicans are saying? >> you're trying to keep the house. i mean, this can't be the fight. you want. >> you're going to grow as house majority despite things that go on on this house floor from day-to-day, these games, not working together as it's turning people off and we want people to be engaged in politics and we're working the wrong way >> does that concern this could cost you guys the majority in the fall? >> oh, it surely could. >> yeah, it's possible. right? it's it's not helpful >> i mean, two different views here in richard hudson, who is the chairman and that's a house gop campaign arm was the first person here as part of their things. this is not going to be an issue since that voters are called care about the economy, not this chaos and house gop. >> i mean, it's his job to say right. >> he better. >> that's true. i do think that one of the things that johnson has going for him in this situation is that republicans all lived through that period and the fall when they all looked like completely feckless governing up completely non-existent governing coalition and they know how painful that was for them politically and they do not want to live through that again, that is part of the reason you're hearing marjorie taylor greene, who is not exactly a cautious person saying, i'm not going to be a vote count. i'm not going to tell you when because i do think if they decide to go forward with this, they are going to want to make very sure that they're not going to go weeks and weeks and weeks without a speaker and have another spectacle like they had. but i think there's no question that the idea that the republicans even with the majority can't get anything done for their voters, is going to be a problem for them in the districts where there's competition, which again, there are not very many of those, but i think it will be a problem for them and that's why you heard mike lawler? speaking so aggressively about his colleagues because he's one of those people, right? he needs to be able to run in new york and say, hey, don't look over here at the chaos. we're still getting things done for you, but they haven't gotten much done. yeah. i mean, they're doing they've literal bare minimum yeah and i think that's going to be a tough sell for them in november, speaking of the bare minimum, just to look at the congress's productivity compared to the last congress legislation that enacted so far, hundred and 53 bills in the current congress last congress more than 1,200. maybe they get 1,000 vast to the next once i would have bet not. okay. so many those are not particularly productive been built it short-term extension of short-term extension, those are the laws. not maybe a very significant one but this is all, as you mentioned the productivity republicans themselves, i'm criticizing their own job and running the place. listen this is so ridiculous these guys they can't get, this is the most basic function of congress is to pass up budget every year we're supposed to be done in september. here we are. march i mean i just i can't tell you how stupid i think this is. >> the folks that are elected basically have no guts and the vast majority of them now. and then the rest of us. we just read, you're fighting the way they did not live up to our potential. we could have got a lot more done not necessarily the best thing to sell to voters. we could have gotten a lot more done, but their argument i guess is if we had more members, we could get more done. what does that effective? yeah. try fitting that on a bumper sticker >> november. look, i mean, the reality >> is the record is the record they've not gotten many things done and i do think there's an exhaustion factor out in the country, particularly with the presidential race can have laid over it just out washington and it's one of the reasons this whole speaker mess is one of the reasons that the public views congress with even more disturbing than they did in previous congress, that even possible for its out. that is one thing they have done, right? so i think it is a big problem for them. of course, as julie said, it's only a handful of districts that are even competitive that has changed over the years. what some five democrats in trump won districts and not many reversing. but look, i think it's a problem for november without a doubt let's see what happens. all right, up next, there's just one day left for donald trump to post a meal. you half billion-dollar bond in his civil fraud case. maggie haberman will join us live to discuss trump's thinking behind the scene. >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight, premieres sunday, april 7 at nine on >> there's something that we're better together like your workplace benefits and retirement savings presentation looks great. >> thanks. >> bowyer provides tools that help you make 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and it can reactivate it anytime a perfect day for a family guess what >> shingles doesn't care, but she weeks protests, only shavings has proven over 90% effective. xing reaches vaccine used to prevention females in adults 50 years and older, xing greeks does not protect everyone and it's not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose and increased risk of de ambari, a syndrome was observed forgetting chambers, fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach, shingles doesn't care, but she greeks protects. ask your dr. or pharmacist about shin greeks today? >> why choose asleep aber smart that can keep me warm when i'm cold? >> wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number. does that can i make my side softer? >> i like my side firmer speak number. >> does that can i help us sleep better and better >> sleep number? does that 94% of smart sleepers report better sleep? now say what do thousand dollars when you put just select sleep number smart beds and adjustable base ends monday shop now at sleep, leaks lies cia secrets >> valerie play nali plane dollars, playing lives were at stake yes. my children. this is horrifying. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode tonight at nine on cnn fulton. >> county district. >> attorney fani willis, >> tell cnn her election interference case against donald trump in georgia won't slow down despite the former president's effort to drag it out. but trump has a more urgent problem by tomorrow. he needs to secure a bond. what at least $464 million as the appeals ruling in his new york civil fraud trial. if not, the new york attorney general could move in quickly plus, there's a crucial hearing tomorrow in his new york hush money, criminal case is expected to attend that tomorrow. so how is trump handling this moment? who better to impact all less than maggie haberman from the new york times. maggie great to see you. good morning. you have a new article out this morning that says the twin threats on the same day in the same town crystallized. two of mr. trump's greatest and long-held fears, a criminal conviction, and a public perception that he does not have as much cash as he claims so just maggie, give us a sense what's happening behind the scenes with him right now >> sure. so it look there's a lot of anxiety among people who are involved in the actual financial aspects of donald trump's life. his business, about how this is going to get solved. and they had been working as we understand it going to get resolved ahead of monday, we hope they hope that it will. we'll >> see their >> advisors to trump politically who think that he can use this to great effect. and manu, anybody who is signed up for donald trump fundraising emails has gotten several suggesting that the new york attorney general, macy's trump tower. and so they're playing this to maximum political advantage. >> but >> he's not happy about this. he doesn't want to see his properties. it gets season, he doesn't want to have to post this bond. so we will see what happens in the next few days financially >> just severe. see, these are some of the assets new york attorney general, letitia, james could attempt to seize in the coming days if he does not move and posted as get this bond posted, mega you alluded to this, but how does trump team view this potential of seeing his assets seized and seeing how this plays out in a general ledger. how do they how do they view that politically? >> there are some people and it's not clear to me my new, that donald trump actually is one of them. i just don't believe that he actually wants to have anybody touch his property. that is just a fundamentally different level for him, but there are people around him who think that it could be advantageous in a general election to look as if people who are politically aligned with his opposition are moving in to claim his property. it's the kind of thing that he repeatedly describes as communism. now, that's obviously not what this is. this is a court order and it's after a judgment against him in a trial in which he was found guilty and his company was found guilty, but that is how he is going to who are receptive to that argument. is it going to be a majority of people? i don't know, but it might be enough that it could matter on the margins. >> yeah. it's all four of trump's criminal trial dates are in limbo right now. but of course, we talked about the new york hush money case the key hearing tomorrow we'll see if there's actually when that trial will begin. so how concern is trump personally about the hush money case, maggie and the salacious allegations, and they are compared. does some of the others? >> mna that's a great question that trial is the one that seems the likeliest to go ahead. we expect that there will be a trial date said, if not, at the hearing on monday than shortly afterward by the judge in the case justice. one more sean trump. this is the case that trump's advisers are the least worried about some of his lawyers have told him they think whether that's true or not, that's what they are saying his political advisors believed that this is the least damaging because they think it's the one that's compared to the january 6 related matters and the documents case in florida, less significant and less weighty. but to your point, there's a lot of personal information in here. it is the case that trump really hates because it is one that is, yes, it is about falsifying business records, but it relates to personal matters and it is an uncomfortable set of facts for him. yeah. >> the polls have shown that a sizable number of voters who will not vote for trump if he's convicted. so if he is convicted, how was the trump team getting ready for that possibility? that happening before the election? >> so what they're arguing is that essentially they will claim that this was an misuse of the law. they will play that as much as they can. they will hope that by election day, memories are less about the specific there will be people and we have seen lots of polling suggesting that there's a range of voters who say that they would be less likely to vote for him or wouldn't vote for him if he's convicted of a crime. >> what >> voters say, and this is what the trump team is hoping, what voters say in the moment may not be what they say when it comes it's time to vote at the ballot box or just send it in by mail bout valid i think that it's very easy to test in the moment where voters are. i think it is harder to say where things will be in the fall. yeah. it's it's such a good point having a conviction and talking about a conviction, totally different things. we'll see if it actually comes to that in the polymer impact. maggie haberman, with the new york times. thank you so much for waking up and joining us this morning. thank you now is trumped cements his hold on the gop will one veteran republican senator ditch the r by her name? >> the greatest danger >> they told about for a lifetime regrow, the champions have tbs >> he there, brenda. >> it's carroll. exactly. >> so which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm? >> it's all connected, asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you share your an orthopedist >> actually, i'm a sagittarius, specially when it comes to your finances, give a question. >> are us certified financial planner? >> yes. i'm a cfp professional. >> cop professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be cfb, bind your cfp professional, and let's make a plan doubt or i can't wait for this family get away. >> shingles doesn't care shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks >> there's nothing like a day out with friends that's nice. what she doesn't care 99 sound of adults 50 years or older already 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nature. unparalleled selection at joy >> i'm someone's are 40 and washington in >> this is cnn republican lawmakers are falling quickly in line behind donald trump and once again, brushing aside is controversial rhetoric on the campaign trail, whether it's about praising the january 6 prisoners are accusing jewish voters who support democrats of hating their religion yet there is a contingent of republicans that is done with donald trump count senator lisa murkowski of alaska is part of that group, the moderate republican is thinking about her place in the gop and would not rule out becoming an independent i don't think that it can be defended. what happened on january 6 was was it's an effort by people who stormed the building in an effort to stop a, an election i wish that that as republicans, we had a we had a nominee that i could get, behind. i certainly can't get behind donald trump >> are you considering being in an independent at this 0.0? >> i think i'm very independent minded. >> officially officially, i just regret that our party is seemingly becoming a party of donald trump. >> you becoming an independent caucuses public kids, is that something you are open to? >> i i am navigating my way through some very interesting political times. let's just leave it at that >> is navigating our way through interesting political times that is quite a statement. so you've been called, call even covering murkowski for years do you think she might actually leave the gop and what are these the same very, very troubled by what's happening in the republican party. and she's getting really vocal about it, which i think is part of her process here. she did win as a write-in candidate once before when she lost the republican primary. she's she's tough. she's going to be able to weather whatever attacks come her way. i think in the republican conference in the senate right now is the biggest split. i think i've ever seen. i've talked to members about this, their lunches are very acrimonious. there's a big, big difference. and i think her susan collins some other members who say they will never support trump. there beating up against the tide of their own membership. and i think that election primary in ohio last week was a very telling to people like le's from murkowski. there was a big establishment primary republican candidate who was easily defeated, much more easily i think than we expected by the more maga aligned candidate and you look at her and her father was such a big republican politician. it's like what's it's become of our party and they're worried about it. yeah. she's had such a fascinating tract with publican party, pti party, wang's, she'd sustain that you ran as a write-in candidate. she voted again, opposed, but i'd calvin on the supreme court, she hey, voted to convict donald trump. she wanted or race though in 2022, despite attack news, exact, and that was set up and help her and then helped exactly so what's this is obviously almost a rinse and repeat moment for somebody republicans trump says controversial things, and republicans either try to stop brush it off, and try that hope the news cycle moves on. he talked about january 6, hostages and prisoners calling them patriots. that was at his rally just last week in ohio. and i put that question to a lot of republicans who have been angry about january 6 are still very concerned about everything that happened that day about whether they're okay with what he said i was the last senate member out of the chamber on january the 6th. i capitol police officers bleeding bruised and assault damage to a certain extent as we were exiting to call those people patriots is not in my lexicon. >> those individuals that have been found guilty i do not consider them to be patriots. do you >> think it was appropriate for the former president to call january 6 prisoners, hostages, and threatened to say that he made part in them i mean, i think that's use that language before >> and of course that's the number of two republican who wants to be the republican leader saying he's used that language before. >> i mean, this is like you said, this is a cycle that we see time and time again and we certainly saw it when trump was president, the last time you have some republicans in congress who will very harshly criticized things he says or take issue with them. but at the end of the day and we're starting to see this come to ahead now. and i think this is part of the reason that murkowski is becoming more anguished and publicly vocal about where she sits in this situation he is the nominee, he's going to be the nominee. and so whereas you had a very interesting split, i think amongst senate leader, some center republican leaders before the primary process had really played itself out where mitch mcconnell had not said anything. john thune had not ing he is now this is happening and everyone realizes he's the nominee. this is going to, he's going to be their candidate. and so the party is falling into line behind him, even as some of them will say, critical things. the bottom line is they are supporting him because he is their party's nominee and it's a very uncomfortable place for a lot of them in the wade, some of them explain that this also is interesting. cynthia alumnus, who is a wyoming republican senator. i asked her about trump's comments saying that voters who support demo, jewish voters who support democrats must hate it. their religion what are the things he did say which is controversially, he said that jews who are democrat vote for democrats, hates their religion. eight, their country what do you think about that? >> well, there again he has a remarkable way of communicating. it's not the way i would communicate and it's probably why he is the nominee again and he so successful one and the rest of us aren't it is a very unique style. i'm not going to say i understand it, but it works for him >> voice of leadership there >> look, i >> think the reason perhaps all this matters and what senator murkowski is obviously wrestling with and you mentioned ohio, this is the politics, but there's a policy component of this too. and i was in ohio this week again just hearing governor mike dhawan, former senator, their candidate, matt dolan, supported by a rob portman. he was the establishment, but govern joan was trying to make the argument for foreign policy reasons to support ukraine. the old wing of the party. this is why you must vote for this tower in candidate. it's felt flat. i mean, he lost by nearly 20 point. so the politics are obvious, but the policy differences here that are coming to the for and the maga era are also at the root of the murkowski anger, at the root of all this discontent here. and as a ukraine bill going to make it through the senate, i mean, that's a question as well. we talked about the house stuff, so that's why all this matters, but you're gonna get a lot of steps in for the next seven as i tend to always asking me senators about trump, he will have something every week eight ce, and consumes all the oxygen you you mentioned ohio because bernie moreno, who won the republican nomination in that critical senate primary last week, backed by donald trump. he was actually on capitol hill last week and during his campaign, he cut ad saying the this word said in the ad, entire system rigged against the people. president trump says election was stolen and he is right now. my colleague, ted barrett, who once ran those hallways with me as well. it caught up with bernie moreno and he asked him about whether or not donald trump, but whether or not the 2020 election was stolen. he said my gosh, are we talking about that? we've had like three elections since then. the reality is we're going to look to the future that people in ohio, what they care about is when they go to mcdonald's they can't afford french fries. so keep notably did not girl embrace the idea that the election was stolen when ted asda multiple times, but he doesn't want to talk about it because we're in a general election, right? but it's going to end. we're seeing the same thing in arizona where the kari lake, who is an election deniers now trying to move away from that i think that's not a good idea, but i think you've also hit on something i think for the members january 6, they were there when they hear donald trump talk about the people who were on the verge of attacking them personally as hostages. i really think that that hits them deeply and i think they're really struggling with that. they're going to have to go through the campaign season and with that, but there's, this general election time. people want to change the way they talk, but they're going to there's a lot of video and a lot of quotes about what they've said exactly, including that adds, i'm sure we'll be read play. all right, up next, new polling raises warning signs for president biden. in what progressive leaders are saying about his handling of the war in gaza >> if president biden doesn't change course for sure, he will lose wisconsin >> this situation with both blitzer weekdays at six on cnn >> okay. everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein >> it's kubota, orange days shot the year's biggest election of kubota equipment. hey, get 0% apr for hayden for months, or up to $3,300 off select compact find your nearest dealer at kubota orange days, >> stanley steamer is proud to be the leader in deep cleaning, cleaning over 1 million ohms and business this is across america every year, we remove the buildup of der dust and grime from your home and business stanley steamer >> more real estate professionals list properties with than any other site? really really trust the number one app real estate professionals trust download the >> today see idp disrupts >> the 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ramped up his campaign travel, new cnn polling shows the race, neck and neck in pennsylvania, while trump holds a pretty solid lead over biden in must win michigan. >> but a quarter of >> voters in both states say their mind could change by november remember our polling also shows that most people, most of the people who are supporting biden, say they are actually doing so because they are against trump. and not because they are for biden by panels back, jeff, you've been on the road all the time. the goal i guess it's no surprise why biden is bringing up trump everywhere. can because that is how they can juice the base because they're not enthused about the top of their ticket. many democratic voters, but for sure, i mean, first of all, his travel has been a pretty extraordinary when you think about just the difference from the last presidential campaign we're coming up on the four-year mark from the pandemic has really taken hold that president biden has been doing and intentional effort to hit all the battleground states and they finished that on tuesday in north carolina, a state they're really trying to bring into play. we'll see if that happens, but he and the vice president visit north carolina on tuesday, but they're trying to show a couple of things. one that he's up to the task of running that the state of the union was not just a one-off but those poles are absolutely troubling to the biden can make, particularly in michigan and we talk to advisors about in michigan. and at the campaign headquarters, they're frustrated by it that they believe they will start to turn around because of economic numbers and other things. but that number about a quarter of voters are, are unsure you might wonder, who are these? >> yeah, exactly right. >> but it's a reminder that this race and i hear it talking to voters. yes, it's a rematch, but it's also a very different race. there are different issues abortion is front and center. gaza is front and center inflation immigration. so the same leaders, but it's a different conversation in the this race. so it is going to be competitive until the end, but the travel with differences between the president and former president trump, who's been on the road to one battleground state since super tuesday is extraordinary. >> yeah. look, you talked about the concerns on the polls and it's really when you break it down, you get into the demographics and how the voters are coming down. it is not great news for biden if you believe the polls in pennsylvania, michigan 2s, new cnn polls out show the challenges that he has women voters in pennsylvania. he's got to lead, but it's not as big as he needs voters of color 69 to 23 there. and he's losing as of india, among younger voters, 18 to 34, it's worse for him in michigan, which is must win for him. he is losing to trump and with women and with voters of color, he has a much narrower margin than he can afford and young voters two, he is struggling. so perhaps >> it's not surprising >> why the biden campaign is launching it very aggressive effort to micro target some of these key voting groups through the airwaves that is levy fancier between joe biden, he, donald trump, solar units in your vogt, our families costs are going down. i didn't is turning things around because he cares about working people, families like us getting ahead, ms getting the same chance to succeed as everyone else it's why on his first day, president biden signed an executive order to address racial inequity is that, going to work >> i mean, they have to hope that it does right. i mean, this is his coalition. this is these are some of the groups that put him over the top in the last election. and as we all know, things come down to the wire as the race gets tighter. but you really need to drive up your advantages where you can. and right now they're just not seeing the delta that they need to see in his favor amongst some of these groups. so they have to really hope that it helps. i think the thinking in the campaign, it seems to be that as the choice gets closer and as trump is out there more as the president is out there more on the campaign trail, people will start to really engage more and get nervous and scared and very negative about the fact of having another trump term. but that is a big assumption given what we've seen in the polls recently and given the way we've seen these races, yeah, turnout in the past. so they have to really hope that that kind of targeting really starts to make a difference. >> and you're seeing that protest vote happened because of his handling the war in gaza. you look at just the uncommitted vote in some of the key states, people who voted in the democratic primary, but not for joe biden, even though he's the only candidate really in the race, look in michigan, minnesota, and washington state l sub significant margin of voters voting against a michigan is key of course, as we mentioned, minnesota, maybe it'll be a swing state we'll see in wisconsin a big test is coming up on april 2. people are being instructed, people who are opposing joe biden's handling of the war on gaza to an instructor which is similar. that is the real concern here. yeah, i think it will set out protest vote. what does that add that they're going to vote for trump, but they're not going to vote for biden. and that's going to make a big difference. and i think that's our concern, but they also think they bring them home closer to the election and say, do you really want trump michigan, i think as a special case, because they had democrats had such a strong election in two years ago where they really did well and then to see that dissipate so quickly, i think really worries the white house. what's the other thing? you have senate races in these states, you have senate races in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin so we've seen recently that the senate seats kinda go with the president geoff, in those, in those, some of those centers may have run ahead of i'm sure that bob casey running ahead of those numbers, but i think the whole thing is troubling for the downs. absolutely. we'll see what happens coming up. we catch up with the retiring republican during his final few days in congress. what he says about when for watching the greatest age they talk >> about lifetime the champions tbs >> i'll be honest by the end of the day, i floors. >> but who has the time to clean >> that's why i love my swiffer wet jet. it's a quick and easy way to get my force clean, wet jet absorbs and logs grime deep inside. look at that swiffer wet jet >> i can't wait for this family get away >> shingles, doesn't care shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks >> there's nothing like a day out with friends that's nice. what she doesn't care. 99% of adults 50 years or older already had the virus that causes shingles inside them and it can reactivate it anytime a perfect de for a family outing. guess what? >> shingles doesn't care. >> she weeks both taps only xing rings has proven over 90% effective. xing greeks, his vaccine used to prevent shingles and adults 50 years and older, she greeks does not protect everyone and it's not for those with you're allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose and increased risk of ghislaine bar a syndrome was observed after getting chambers fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain redness swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and deb stomach, shingles doesn't care, but she reeks, protects. ask your dr. or pharmacist shingo x today with thyroid disease? i hid from the camera and i wanted to hide from the world for years, i thought my ted was beyond help. >> but >> then i asked my dr. about to pessoa to peda is the only medicine that treats ted at the source not just the symptoms in a clinical study, more than eight out of ten patients taking to faeser had less eyeball 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captioning brought to you by mesobook >> if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you, aden britt, eight to 14000 >> and bugs and his colleagues on this month when he announced unexpectedly that he would resign from the house, the colorado republican has long voted, is a hardline conservative, but more recently, he, for lack of a better word, has, but his party on several issues near and dear to donald trump's hard the push to impeach president biden and his homeland security secretary. now, i caught up with buck during his last week on the hill and he would not tell me if he'd vote for the former president i feel really strongly about the presidential candidates and how they're both bad. and i keep hearing so many people that they're just not happy with the choice. please. are you going to vote for trump >> good question what's the >> answer? well >> i've said on cnn and that i will not vote for a convicted felon. so i'm going to wait and see what but i'm not excited >> box comments of late heaven rages hardline colleagues who retaliated against him this past week by formally kicking them out of the right-wing freedom caucus just three days before he was set to resign on friday ken buck says, you guys kicked him out of the freedom caucus. what happened there >> i continue not to comment on personnel matters as it relates to freedom caucus. thank you, guys. >> ken buck says he was kicked out of the freedom caucus. do you know what happened there >> his attendance did gvhd on meeting? >> who's already been redesigned. so what's the difference of kicking amount? a couple of days before? he resigned? well, he had ramped up a lot of purposes. i like ken, but he was wrong to do what he did >> so instead, during his final week buck became the first republican to sign onto a democratic attempt to force a house vote on ukraine aid he spent some time with a certain senator who happened to crash our interview >> you have >> not decided >> how to watch him >> i've known him since he was a baby now he's getting hard i'm taking him with me. we have a meeting to go to hell labels ticket that the plan >> now buck later told me he was not actually planning to run on a third party ticket. that's it for inside politics sunday, you can follow me on x, formerly known as twitter at mk raju follow the show at inside politics. and if you ever, ms an episode, you can catch up wherever you get your pod gasp, just search for inside politics up next day of the union with jake tapper and dana bash, jake's guess include congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and congressman chip roy thanks again for sharing your sunday morning with us. we'll see you next time >> leaks lives. cia secrets >> i'll replace salary plane showery plane. lives were at stake. >> yes. my children. this is >> horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode tonight at nine on cnn in okay, everyone, 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Transcripts For CNNW Inside 20240704

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>> good morning. >> welcome you. as i politics sunday, i'm >> raju, we >> begin this week with upheaval in the gop. house speaker mike johnson, job is in jeopardy and new this morning, sources told me that democrats are willing to save him the outlines of pathway to proving aid for ukraine, which has been stalled for months in badly divides the gop. while congress just ended a saga over funding, the us government. 1, that caused the previous speaker his job in an unprecedented uprising last fall, the new speaker is facing a similar revolt over the major deal he just cut with the white house avoid a shutdown, opening a new front in the internal gop war that has defined 118th congress and could put republican's razor-thin majority in jeopardy in november. now the latest rebellion led by hard-right congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, who is ready to forced, whose rent is ready to force a vote to seek johnson's ouster tell us how this plays out. from here. we're going on a two-week recess when you come back when the house comes back, is that when you call up this boat? >> haven't said when that's going to be what i'm hoping for is all of our republican members to be able to have time to think and reflect over this break for us to come i'm back together and start the conversation of who is capable and willing to lead this republican majority. because the current speaker of the house we have right now is getting fold in every single meeting, how many republican votes do you have on this? >> i won't be giving you the number of votes i have right now. but there is quite a few members that i talk to today >> now, green continued to johnson over the weekend, calling his leadership a quote, betrayal. all is johnson's majority took yet another major blow after a second republican stunned his colleagues and announced he would resign early now, johnson will only be able to lose one gop vote along party lines. and that was the chaos and gulfs the house gop once sing, swing district republican mike lawler did not mince words on the new effort to topple the speaker i think it's not only idiotic but it actually does not do anything to advance the conservative movement. the american people agree with us on the issues but they don't agree with is the idiocy in the chaos that is totally unnecessary and does nothing to actually solve the problem >> now, my ghraieb, pamela's here with me this morning to break it all down. cnn's jeff zeleny. do we hertzfeld davis, and karl holes, both from the new york times. good morning to you all. thank you for joining me. >> it is such we've seen this >> story play out before. it was historic and unprecedented the first time, this time might be a little different because of how the democrats are gaming it. and this is hugely significant because ukraine aid, which has been stalled for months over this in party, in fighting the gop, which has been desperately needed. ukraine says it needs it now, democrats say mike johnson lay out a plan to get us ukraine aid in perhaps will save you as job, but it is not that easy for johnson to do that. yeah. i think that we were talking to the same people thereafter, the vote and what marjorie taylor greene and others, thomas massie were saying was that they want to look around to see who could be a replacement speaker. but the democrats are looking at this and going great we're not going to go along with this. i think that hakeem jeffries, a democratic leaders, set it to us, the new york times recently, kind of intimated it again after the vote that there would be a discussion about how to rescue mike johnson if it came to that, however, there's a price and that price is probably, let's get this ukraine a >> they, it's not that why it's not that easy. because there was a $95 billion aid package that was approved by the senate last month, johnson, he was not going to move on. that that included aid to israel, aid to taiwan aid to ukraine because it did not have border security measures in there that's a separate issue. they killed the bipartisan border security plan in the senate. there is a separate house bill that's being drafted that includes some border security measures. it's unclear of democrats will go for that, but this is what democrats were saying in the immediate aftermath of the announcement by marjorie taylor greene about whether they would save the speaker. this key time if he does the responsible thing which is allowing members of congress to vote on a bill that will pass and that is in our national security interests. and then and subsequent to that, a nonserious actor who doesn't want to govern brings a motion to vacate. yes, i would motion to table in that circumstance. >> i will make common cause with anybody who will stand up for the people of ukraine, anybody who will get desperately needed humanitarian assistance to gaza in anybody who will work for a two-state solution >> in congressman geoff jaxa, north carolina and told me, quote, he doesn't deserve to be fired but can johnson says sustain himself as the speaker in this majority with the support of democrats. >> i mean, listen to reality is, it's been very unusual to see in the last few months, but what is happening now in congress is a coalition government of sorts. obviously, speaker johnson is republican, that republicans have the majority by now, a very, very bare margin. so they are in control. but every major thing that has been happening for the last few months is happening because democrats are banding together with more mainstream republicans to let it happen so in this situation, with a priority like this that the president has been pushing democrats clearly support. there is a lot of republican support for ukraine, aid bill. it stands to reason and this is by the way, while the right is so angry and the house that this is the person that they think should be in that job because the alternative is they get absolutely nothing and so this is a big thing that they want to get done. there they're siding with the coalition that has been able to push forward. the only thing is really the congress has been able to do for more than a year. yeah, >> really funding the government and avoiding a debt default, they're big accomplishments. 118th congress, you mentioned the coalition government because of this all comes down to there's a reason why is because mike johnson cut this deal to keep the government open. it was a major deal that came out with the dead of night on thursday morning, 3am it past saturday morning to uh, um, there's hardly any time for to review it in a breakdown of the house is a real problem for my johnson because 101 republicans voted for it, 112 voted against it, that there is a rule in the house republican conference. you move on. bills, they get a majority of the majority that did not happen here, and that is a problem for him. and so when i talk to the question to ask, put the question to some of the hardliners who are angry about all this, about whether they would vote to kick out johnson. they kept that option open >> marjorie taylor greene just filed the motion to vacate. are you going to vote for it >> i'm open to a conversation >> conversation she would you vote for that if it comes, there's actually a vote. >> we'll see what happens. look, i've take this minute by minute based so bad day for the country. >> but anybody that works for them the funding this killing this country that's the cancer >> let me look it's the hardliners that have made governing in his republican majority almost impossible for the speaker mike kevin mccarthy, try to that's why he spent so much money in the latin, the midterms of last year, but trying to get a may big majority so he wouldn't have to deal with them. but now, this has been the problem. >> they have narrow majority and >> they are really their power as they've done on congress. >> i mean, narrow majority doesn't even begin to describe the majority. barely a majority in a couple of weeks, there'll be a one seat majority as carl presciently wrote about a few weeks ago, that this could happen. but look, what i was thinking when i was seeing the vote count there. what does kevin mccarthy think about all this? and this is exactly what he was doing. just a few months ago, much the same exact thing. the exact spending bill using democrats to come across the finish line. so my question in all of this yes, democrats may come to speaker johnson's aid, but he wants to protect his job as well here. so is he going to do something that will allow democrats to come forward? he's an adviser, but he's a very interesting figure. we always learn a lot more about speaker it's particularly him. we didn't know that much about him. are old colleague david patrick has really interesting story in him in the new yorker really he's not he's a brand new speaker, obviously, but he's been in this for awhile. so i think we're about to learn something from him. maybe he does want this coalition government that you talked about pretty dicey in an election year, i think. but the bottom line to all this, kevin mccarthy is watching stuff in congress very carefully. eyes rolling. yeah, it's exactly what cost him. his job was speaker johnson justice is acgood point because when he came in as johnson did he was caricatured as a right-wing extremist, et cetera, et cetera. he is governing in a much more pragmatic way when it comes to these months, past issues, which is why he's has this problems on the right. so the election >> year thing hangs over all >> this, knows he can't shut down the government obviously, that's bad politically, and he's trying to get a a bigger majority for next year, right? >> exactly that brings us to the next question. how does this impact what happens next year? there's of course, is happening in the middle of an election. you will they go through three weeks without a speaker of the house, right? is they're trying to keep the majority take back the white house, take back the senate. that is the question. well, how much will this hurt them? that's what republicans are saying? >> you're trying to keep the house. i mean, this can't be the fight. you want. >> you're going to grow as house majority despite things that go on on this house floor from day-to-day, these games, not working together as it's turning people off and we want people to be engaged in politics and we're working the wrong way >> does that concern this could cost you guys the majority in the fall? >> oh, it surely could. >> yeah, it's possible. right? it's it's not helpful >> i mean, two different views here in richard hudson, who is the chairman and that's a house gop campaign arm was the first person here as part of their things. this is not going to be an issue since that voters are called care about the economy, not this chaos and house gop. >> i mean, it's his job to say right. >> he better. >> that's true. i do think that one of the things that johnson has going for him in this situation is that republicans all lived through that period and the fall when they all looked like completely feckless governing up completely non-existent governing coalition and they know how painful that was for them politically and they do not want to live through that again, that is part of the reason you're hearing marjorie taylor greene, who is not exactly a cautious person saying, i'm not going to be a vote count. i'm not going to tell you when because i do think if they decide to go forward with this, they are going to want to make very sure that they're not going to go weeks and weeks and weeks without a speaker and have another spectacle like they had. but i think there's no question that the idea that the republicans even with the majority can't get anything done for their voters, is going to be a problem for them in the districts where there's competition, which again, there are not very many of those, but i think it will be a problem for them and that's why you heard mike lawler? speaking so aggressively about his colleagues because he's one of those people, right? he needs to be able to run in new york and say, hey, don't look over here at the chaos. we're still getting things done for you, but they haven't gotten much done. yeah. i mean, they're doing they've literal bare minimum yeah and i think that's going to be a tough sell for them in november, speaking of the bare minimum, just to look at the congress's productivity compared to the last congress legislation that enacted so far, hundred and 53 bills in the current congress last congress more than 1,200. maybe they get 1,000 vast to the next once i would have bet not. okay. so many those are not particularly productive been built it short-term extension of short-term extension, those are the laws. not maybe a very significant one but this is all, as you mentioned the productivity republicans themselves, i'm criticizing their own job and running the place. listen this is so ridiculous these guys they can't get, this is the most basic function of congress is to pass up budget every year we're supposed to be done in september. here we are. march i mean i just i can't tell you how stupid i think this is. >> the folks that are elected basically have no guts and the vast majority of them now. and then the rest of us. we just read, you're fighting the way they did not live up to our potential. we could have got a lot more done not necessarily the best thing to sell to voters. we could have gotten a lot more done, but their argument i guess is if we had more members, we could get more done. what does that effective? yeah. try fitting that on a bumper sticker >> november. look, i mean, the reality >> is the record is the record they've not gotten many things done and i do think there's an exhaustion factor out in the country, particularly with the presidential race can have laid over it just out washington and it's one of the reasons this whole speaker mess is one of the reasons that the public views congress with even more disturbing than they did in previous congress, that even possible for its out. that is one thing they have done, right? so i think it is a big problem for them. of course, as julie said, it's only a handful of districts that are even competitive that has changed over the years. what some five democrats in trump won districts and not many reversing. but look, i think it's a problem for november without a doubt let's see what happens. all right, up next, there's just one day left for donald trump to post a meal. you half billion-dollar bond in his civil fraud case. maggie haberman will join us live to discuss trump's thinking behind the scene. >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight, premieres sunday, april 7 at nine on >> there's something that we're better together like your workplace benefits and retirement savings presentation looks great. >> thanks. >> bowyer provides tools that help you make 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haberman from the new york times. maggie great to see you. good morning. you have a new article out this morning that says the twin threats on the same day in the same town crystallized. two of mr. trump's greatest and long-held fears, a criminal conviction, and a public perception that he does not have as much cash as he claims so just maggie, give us a sense what's happening behind the scenes with him right now >> sure. so it look there's a lot of anxiety among people who are involved in the actual financial aspects of donald trump's life. his business, about how this is going to get solved. and they had been working as we understand it going to get resolved ahead of monday, we hope they hope that it will. we'll >> see their >> advisors to trump politically who think that he can use this to great effect. and manu, anybody who is signed up for donald trump fundraising emails has gotten several suggesting that the new york attorney general, macy's trump tower. and so they're playing this to maximum political advantage. >> but >> he's not happy about this. he doesn't want to see his properties. it gets season, he doesn't want to have to post this bond. so we will see what happens in the next few days financially >> just severe. see, these are some of the assets new york attorney general, letitia, james could attempt to seize in the coming days if he does not move and posted as get this bond posted, mega you alluded to this, but how does trump team view this potential of seeing his assets seized and seeing how this plays out in a general ledger. how do they how do they view that politically? >> there are some people and it's not clear to me my new, that donald trump actually is one of them. i just don't believe that he actually wants to have anybody touch his property. that is just a fundamentally different level for him, but there are people around him who think that it could be advantageous in a general election to look as if people who are politically aligned with his opposition are moving in to claim his property. it's the kind of thing that he repeatedly describes as communism. now, that's obviously not what this is. this is a court order and it's after a judgment against him in a trial in which he was found guilty and his company was found guilty, but that is how he is going to who are receptive to that argument. is it going to be a majority of people? i don't know, but it might be enough that it could matter on the margins. >> yeah. it's all four of trump's criminal trial dates are in limbo right now. but of course, we talked about the new york hush money case the key hearing tomorrow we'll see if there's actually when that trial will begin. so how concern is trump personally about the hush money case, maggie and the salacious allegations, and they are compared. does some of the others? >> mna that's a great question that trial is the one that seems the likeliest to go ahead. we expect that there will be a trial date said, if not, at the hearing on monday than shortly afterward by the judge in the case justice. one more sean trump. this is the case that trump's advisers are the least worried about some of his lawyers have told him they think whether that's true or not, that's what they are saying his political advisors believed that this is the least damaging because they think it's the one that's compared to the january 6 related matters and the documents case in florida, less significant and less weighty. but to your point, there's a lot of personal information in here. it is the case that trump really hates because it is one that is, yes, it is about falsifying business records, but it relates to personal matters and it is an uncomfortable set of facts for him. yeah. >> the polls have shown that a sizable number of voters who will not vote for trump if he's convicted. so if he is convicted, how was the trump team getting ready for that possibility? that happening before the election? >> so what they're arguing is that essentially they will claim that this was an misuse of the law. they will play that as much as they can. they will hope that by election day, memories are less about the specific there will be people and we have seen lots of polling suggesting that there's a range of voters who say that they would be less likely to vote for him or wouldn't vote for him if he's convicted of a crime. >> what >> voters say, and this is what the trump team is hoping, what voters say in the moment may not be what they say when it comes it's time to vote at the ballot box or just send it in by mail bout valid i think that it's very easy to test in the moment where voters are. i think it is harder to say where things will be in the fall. yeah. it's it's such a good point having a conviction and talking about a conviction, totally different things. we'll see if it actually comes to that in the polymer impact. maggie haberman, with the new york times. thank you so much for waking up and joining us this morning. thank you now is trumped cements his hold on the gop will one veteran republican senator ditch the r by her name? >> the greatest danger >> they told about for a lifetime regrow, the champions have tbs >> he there, brenda. >> it's carroll. exactly. >> so which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm? >> it's all connected, asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you share your an orthopedist >> actually, i'm a sagittarius, specially when it comes to your finances, give a question. >> are us certified financial planner? >> yes. i'm a cfp professional. >> cop professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be cfb, bind your cfp professional, and let's make a plan doubt or i can't wait for this family get away. >> shingles doesn't care shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks >> there's nothing like a day out with friends that's nice. what she doesn't care 99 sound of adults 50 years or older already 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nature. unparalleled selection at joy >> i'm someone's are 40 and washington in >> this is cnn republican lawmakers are falling quickly in line behind donald trump and once again, brushing aside is controversial rhetoric on the campaign trail, whether it's about praising the january 6 prisoners are accusing jewish voters who support democrats of hating their religion yet there is a contingent of republicans that is done with donald trump count senator lisa murkowski of alaska is part of that group, the moderate republican is thinking about her place in the gop and would not rule out becoming an independent i don't think that it can be defended. what happened on january 6 was was it's an effort by people who stormed the building in an effort to stop a, an election i wish that that as republicans, we had a we had a nominee that i could get, behind. i certainly can't get behind donald trump >> are you considering being in an independent at this 0.0? >> i think i'm very independent minded. >> officially officially, i just regret that our party is seemingly becoming a party of donald trump. >> you becoming an independent caucuses public kids, is that something you are open to? >> i i am navigating my way through some very interesting political times. let's just leave it at that >> is navigating our way through interesting political times that is quite a statement. so you've been called, call even covering murkowski for years do you think she might actually leave the gop and what are these the same very, very troubled by what's happening in the republican party. and she's getting really vocal about it, which i think is part of her process here. she did win as a write-in candidate once before when she lost the republican primary. she's she's tough. she's going to be able to weather whatever attacks come her way. i think in the republican conference in the senate right now is the biggest split. i think i've ever seen. i've talked to members about this, their lunches are very acrimonious. there's a big, big difference. and i think her susan collins some other members who say they will never support trump. there beating up against the tide of their own membership. and i think that election primary in ohio last week was a very telling to people like le's from murkowski. there was a big establishment primary republican candidate who was easily defeated, much more easily i think than we expected by the more maga aligned candidate and you look at her and her father was such a big republican politician. it's like what's it's become of our party and they're worried about it. yeah. she's had such a fascinating tract with publican party, pti party, wang's, she'd sustain that you ran as a write-in candidate. she voted again, opposed, but i'd calvin on the supreme court, she hey, voted to convict donald trump. she wanted or race though in 2022, despite attack news, exact, and that was set up and help her and then helped exactly so what's this is obviously almost a rinse and repeat moment for somebody republicans trump says controversial things, and republicans either try to stop brush it off, and try that hope the news cycle moves on. he talked about january 6, hostages and prisoners calling them patriots. that was at his rally just last week in ohio. and i put that question to a lot of republicans who have been angry about january 6 are still very concerned about everything that happened that day about whether they're okay with what he said i was the last senate member out of the chamber on january the 6th. i capitol police officers bleeding bruised and assault damage to a certain extent as we were exiting to call those people patriots is not in my lexicon. >> those individuals that have been found guilty i do not consider them to be patriots. do you >> think it was appropriate for the former president to call january 6 prisoners, hostages, and threatened to say that he made part in them i mean, i think that's use that language before >> and of course that's the number of two republican who wants to be the republican leader saying he's used that language before. >> i mean, this is like you said, this is a cycle that we see time and time again and we certainly saw it when trump was president, the last time you have some republicans in congress who will very harshly criticized things he says or take issue with them. but at the end of the day and we're starting to see this come to ahead now. and i think this is part of the reason that murkowski is becoming more anguished and publicly vocal about where she sits in this situation he is the nominee, he's going to be the nominee. and so whereas you had a very interesting split, i think amongst senate leader, some center republican leaders before the primary process had really played itself out where mitch mcconnell had not said anything. john thune had not ing he is now this is happening and everyone realizes he's the nominee. this is going to, he's going to be their candidate. and so the party is falling into line behind him, even as some of them will say, critical things. the bottom line is they are supporting him because he is their party's nominee and it's a very uncomfortable place for a lot of them in the wade, some of them explain that this also is interesting. cynthia alumnus, who is a wyoming republican senator. i asked her about trump's comments saying that voters who support demo, jewish voters who support democrats must hate it. their religion what are the things he did say which is controversially, he said that jews who are democrat vote for democrats, hates their religion. eight, their country what do you think about that? >> well, there again he has a remarkable way of communicating. it's not the way i would communicate and it's probably why he is the nominee again and he so successful one and the rest of us aren't it is a very unique style. i'm not going to say i understand it, but it works for him >> voice of leadership there >> look, i >> think the reason perhaps all this matters and what senator murkowski is obviously wrestling with and you mentioned ohio, this is the politics, but there's a policy component of this too. and i was in ohio this week again just hearing governor mike dhawan, former senator, their candidate, matt dolan, supported by a rob portman. he was the establishment, but govern joan was trying to make the argument for foreign policy reasons to support ukraine. the old wing of the party. this is why you must vote for this tower in candidate. it's felt flat. i mean, he lost by nearly 20 point. so the politics are obvious, but the policy differences here that are coming to the for and the maga era are also at the root of the murkowski anger, at the root of all this discontent here. and as a ukraine bill going to make it through the senate, i mean, that's a question as well. we talked about the house stuff, so that's why all this matters, but you're gonna get a lot of steps in for the next seven as i tend to always asking me senators about trump, he will have something every week eight ce, and consumes all the oxygen you you mentioned ohio because bernie moreno, who won the republican nomination in that critical senate primary last week, backed by donald trump. he was actually on capitol hill last week and during his campaign, he cut ad saying the this word said in the ad, entire system rigged against the people. president trump says election was stolen and he is right now. my colleague, ted barrett, who once ran those hallways with me as well. it caught up with bernie moreno and he asked him about whether or not donald trump, but whether or not the 2020 election was stolen. he said my gosh, are we talking about that? we've had like three elections since then. the reality is we're going to look to the future that people in ohio, what they care about is when they go to mcdonald's they can't afford french fries. so keep notably did not girl embrace the idea that the election was stolen when ted asda multiple times, but he doesn't want to talk about it because we're in a general election, right? but it's going to end. we're seeing the same thing in arizona where the kari lake, who is an election deniers now trying to move away from that i think that's not a good idea, but i think you've also hit on something i think for the members january 6, they were there when they hear donald trump talk about the people who were on the verge of attacking them personally as hostages. i really think that that hits them deeply and i think they're really struggling with that. they're going to have to go through the campaign season and with that, but there's, this general election time. people want to change the way they talk, but they're going to there's a lot of video and a lot of quotes about what they've said exactly, including that adds, i'm sure we'll be read play. all right, up next, new polling raises warning signs for president biden. in what progressive leaders are saying about his handling of the war in gaza >> if president biden doesn't change course for sure, he will lose wisconsin >> this situation with both blitzer weekdays at six on cnn >> okay. everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein >> it's kubota, orange days shot the year's biggest election of kubota equipment. hey, get 0% apr for hayden for months, or up to $3,300 off select compact find your nearest dealer at kubota orange days, >> stanley steamer is proud to be the leader in deep cleaning, cleaning over 1 million ohms and business this is across america every year, we remove the buildup of der dust and grime from your home and business stanley steamer >> more real estate professionals list properties with than any other site? really really trust the number one app real estate professionals trust download the >> today see idp disrupts >> the 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ramped up his campaign travel, new cnn polling shows the race, neck and neck in pennsylvania, while trump holds a pretty solid lead over biden in must win michigan. >> but a quarter of >> voters in both states say their mind could change by november remember our polling also shows that most people, most of the people who are supporting biden, say they are actually doing so because they are against trump. and not because they are for biden by panels back, jeff, you've been on the road all the time. the goal i guess it's no surprise why biden is bringing up trump everywhere. can because that is how they can juice the base because they're not enthused about the top of their ticket. many democratic voters, but for sure, i mean, first of all, his travel has been a pretty extraordinary when you think about just the difference from the last presidential campaign we're coming up on the four-year mark from the pandemic has really taken hold that president biden has been doing and intentional effort to hit all the battleground states and they finished that on tuesday in north carolina, a state they're really trying to bring into play. we'll see if that happens, but he and the vice president visit north carolina on tuesday, but they're trying to show a couple of things. one that he's up to the task of running that the state of the union was not just a one-off but those poles are absolutely troubling to the biden can make, particularly in michigan and we talk to advisors about in michigan. and at the campaign headquarters, they're frustrated by it that they believe they will start to turn around because of economic numbers and other things. but that number about a quarter of voters are, are unsure you might wonder, who are these? >> yeah, exactly right. >> but it's a reminder that this race and i hear it talking to voters. yes, it's a rematch, but it's also a very different race. there are different issues abortion is front and center. gaza is front and center inflation immigration. so the same leaders, but it's a different conversation in the this race. so it is going to be competitive until the end, but the travel with differences between the president and former president trump, who's been on the road to one battleground state since super tuesday is extraordinary. >> yeah. look, you talked about the concerns on the polls and it's really when you break it down, you get into the demographics and how the voters are coming down. it is not great news for biden if you believe the polls in pennsylvania, michigan 2s, new cnn polls out show the challenges that he has women voters in pennsylvania. he's got to lead, but it's not as big as he needs voters of color 69 to 23 there. and he's losing as of india, among younger voters, 18 to 34, it's worse for him in michigan, which is must win for him. he is losing to trump and with women and with voters of color, he has a much narrower margin than he can afford and young voters two, he is struggling. so perhaps >> it's not surprising >> why the biden campaign is launching it very aggressive effort to micro target some of these key voting groups through the airwaves that is levy fancier between joe biden, he, donald trump, solar units in your vogt, our families costs are going down. i didn't is turning things around because he cares about working people, families like us getting ahead, ms getting the same chance to succeed as everyone else it's why on his first day, president biden signed an executive order to address racial inequity is that, going to work >> i mean, they have to hope that it does right. i mean, this is his coalition. this is these are some of the groups that put him over the top in the last election. and as we all know, things come down to the wire as the race gets tighter. but you really need to drive up your advantages where you can. and right now they're just not seeing the delta that they need to see in his favor amongst some of these groups. so they have to really hope that it helps. i think the thinking in the campaign, it seems to be that as the choice gets closer and as trump is out there more as the president is out there more on the campaign trail, people will start to really engage more and get nervous and scared and very negative about the fact of having another trump term. but that is a big assumption given what we've seen in the polls recently and given the way we've seen these races, yeah, turnout in the past. so they have to really hope that that kind of targeting really starts to make a difference. >> and you're seeing that protest vote happened because of his handling the war in gaza. you look at just the uncommitted vote in some of the key states, people who voted in the democratic primary, but not for joe biden, even though he's the only candidate really in the race, look in michigan, minnesota, and washington state l sub significant margin of voters voting against a michigan is key of course, as we mentioned, minnesota, maybe it'll be a swing state we'll see in wisconsin a big test is coming up on april 2. people are being instructed, people who are opposing joe biden's handling of the war on gaza to an instructor which is similar. that is the real concern here. yeah, i think it will set out protest vote. what does that add that they're going to vote for trump, but they're not going to vote for biden. and that's going to make a big difference. and i think that's our concern, but they also think they bring them home closer to the election and say, do you really want trump michigan, i think as a special case, because they had democrats had such a strong election in two years ago where they really did well and then to see that dissipate so quickly, i think really worries the white house. what's the other thing? you have senate races in these states, you have senate races in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin so we've seen recently that the senate seats kinda go with the president geoff, in those, in those, some of those centers may have run ahead of i'm sure that bob casey running ahead of those numbers, but i think the whole thing is troubling for the downs. absolutely. we'll see what happens coming up. we catch up with the retiring republican during his final few days in congress. what he says about when for watching the greatest age they talk >> about lifetime the champions tbs >> i'll be honest by the end of the day, i floors. >> but who has the time to clean >> that's why i love my swiffer wet jet. it's a quick and easy way to get my force clean, wet jet absorbs and logs grime deep inside. look at that swiffer wet jet >> i can't wait for this family get away >> shingles, doesn't care shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks >> there's nothing like a day out with friends that's nice. what she doesn't care. 99% of adults 50 years or older already had the virus that causes shingles inside them and it can reactivate it anytime a perfect de for a family outing. guess what? >> shingles doesn't care. >> she weeks both taps only xing rings has proven over 90% effective. xing greeks, his vaccine used to prevent shingles and adults 50 years and older, she greeks does not protect everyone and it's not for those with you're allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose and increased risk of ghislaine bar a syndrome was observed after getting chambers fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain redness swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and deb stomach, shingles doesn't care, but she reeks, protects. ask your dr. or pharmacist shingo x today with thyroid disease? i hid from the camera and i wanted to hide from the world for years, i thought my ted was beyond help. >> but >> then i asked my dr. about to pessoa to peda is the only medicine that treats ted at the source not just the symptoms in a clinical study, more than eight out of ten patients taking to faeser had less eyeball 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captioning brought to you by mesobook >> if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you, aden britt, eight to 14000 >> and bugs and his colleagues on this month when he announced unexpectedly that he would resign from the house, the colorado republican has long voted, is a hardline conservative, but more recently, he, for lack of a better word, has, but his party on several issues near and dear to donald trump's hard the push to impeach president biden and his homeland security secretary. now, i caught up with buck during his last week on the hill and he would not tell me if he'd vote for the former president i feel really strongly about the presidential candidates and how they're both bad. and i keep hearing so many people that they're just not happy with the choice. please. are you going to vote for trump >> good question what's the >> answer? well >> i've said on cnn and that i will not vote for a convicted felon. so i'm going to wait and see what but i'm not excited >> box comments of late heaven rages hardline colleagues who retaliated against him this past week by formally kicking them out of the right-wing freedom caucus just three days before he was set to resign on friday ken buck says, you guys kicked him out of the freedom caucus. what happened there >> i continue not to comment on personnel matters as it relates to freedom caucus. thank you, guys. >> ken buck says he was kicked out of the freedom caucus. do you know what happened there >> his attendance did gvhd on meeting? >> who's already been redesigned. so what's the difference of kicking amount? a couple of days before? he resigned? well, he had ramped up a lot of purposes. i like ken, but he was wrong to do what he did >> so instead, during his final week buck became the first republican to sign onto a democratic attempt to force a house vote on ukraine aid he spent some time with a certain senator who happened to crash our interview >> you have >> not decided >> how to watch him >> i've known him since he was a baby now he's getting hard i'm taking him with me. we have a meeting to go to hell labels ticket that the plan >> now buck later told me he was not actually planning to run on a third party ticket. that's it for inside politics sunday, you can follow me on x, formerly known as twitter at mk raju follow the show at inside politics. and if you ever, ms an episode, you can catch up wherever you get your pod gasp, just search for inside politics up next day of the union with jake tapper and dana bash, jake's guess include congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and congressman chip roy thanks again for sharing your sunday morning with us. we'll see you next time >> leaks lives. cia secrets >> i'll replace salary plane showery plane. lives were at stake. >> yes. my children. this is >> horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode tonight at nine on cnn in okay, everyone, 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