Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

cnn land out, to chris wallace, show starts in just a few minutes, but we want to begin >> what some breaking news just moments ago, russian president vladimir putin, to address the country calling friday's concert hall attack a barbaric terrorist attack and expressing his condolences fires are still burning at the complex outside moscow, and a warning, the video we're about to show you is quite disturbing. witnesses captured the attack as gunman fired shots shots, and set the venue on fire the death toll is now at hundred and 33. and authorities say it's likely to keep rising. >> now >> russian authorities say all for the people directly involved in the attack are now under arrest along with other suspects, isis took responsibility for the attack, which is the deadliest terror incident in moscow. in the moscow region in decades in comes just days after the us embassy warned its citizens to stay away from large gatherings like concerts, saying he was monitoring reports that extremists were planning attacks cnn's fred pleitgen is falling the story now from berlin, hi there for a tell us more what you learned and of course, you headline here is that we're finally hearing from putin yeah, we heard from putin earlier this morning, he came out with essentially an address to the russian people were, as you mentioned, he called all this a barbaric attack. you offered his condolences. i think one of the most important things are that flightaware putin did say, as he said, look the authorities, there were working obviously overtime all night to try and apprehended the suspects. as the russians put it. and he said that they we're apprehended. and he also made a link which now many a russian officials are also making it as well. and people in russian state media to ukraine, i want to listen into some of what vladimir putin had to say she chewed nipah. >> all >> for direct perpetrators of a terrorist attack, or those who shot and killed >> people were found entertained. they tried to hide and move towards ukraine, where according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them when the ukrainian side to cross the state border get to total of 11 people were detained >> so we haven't digest that a little bit and sort of see what vladimir putin saying that because they are some pretty strong allegations that he was making. he was claiming that the perpetrators and their accomplices, which is 11 people in total for gunman and seven people that the russian say that they also apprehended who allegedly were helping them we're trying to make their way to the ukrainian border now, of course, amara, what we know is that there is a war going on on that border. there's a lot of fighting going on. there's obviously minefields and the light that is not an open border. and he's then saying that he believes that the russians believed that a window was prepared for them, which could mean some sort of opening on the ukrainian side. and from the ukrainian side. so it's certainly seems as though the allegation there is is that they had help from the ukrainian side and the russian authorities came out earlier and said that the people behind this had relevant contact as they put it towards the ukrainian side, which obviously could mean official ukrainian contact, for instance, from ukrainian intelligence services. what we've heard today, and i think it's very important to point out is that ukrainians continue to say that they had absolutely nothing to do with all of this in fact, a spokesman for ukraine's military intelligence service came out and said that it's absolutely not true. they are in turn blaming russia special services for allegedly having this to be a false flag operation. but again, the ukrainians completely denying that they had anything to do with this attack. >> yeah, of course, as the world is watching, the concern is will put and use these allegations against ukraine to scale up his operation in the ukraine war condemnation is rolling in as well, right? what other kinds? countries saying fred >> yeah, so accommodation rolling in from the united states, also from france and mondo and mecole ripping into this attack also late last night, we already heard from german chancellor olaf scholz. we've heard from european officials, all of them condemning the attacks and obviously off-putting there for sympathies to the russian population. of course, anybody who was hertz in this attack as well. so that's definitely rolling in on a large scale but again, the russians now seemed to be changing the narrative on all this somewhat. and it seems to be moving towards not saying what the united states, of course, has been saying that they believe this claim that was made by isis late last night where they came and they took responsibility for these attacks. the russians are not saying that they believed that isis is behind all of this. they are saying this was in terror attack, but they are saying right now that their indications are that possibly at the very least that those who are behind the attack had some sort of links towards ukrainian territory. amara, i got it. frederik pleitgen. appreciate you live for us there in berlin, were also following new developments in the uk. catherine princess of wales, says she is now in the early stages of treatment following a cancer diagnosis. in a video message to the public friday, kate revealed that doctors found the cancer when she underwent abdominal surgery in january, but she did not say what type of cancer she had or its severity. kde has been out of the public eye since christmas, despite the palace initially announcing she wouldn't return to a royal duties until after easter of course conspiracies about a condition we're going wild, especially on social media and attempts to quiet those rumors only added to the frenzy. cnn's mac fos, max foster is joining us now from buckingham palace, obviously now those rumors have quieted quite a but what are people saying? i mean, what's the atmosphere like they're in the uk >> well, notably 1 those rumors was never cancer, was it? so i think that was part of the shock yesterday when we had that news about her diagnosis combined with a really powerful video a situation that kate is never comfortable with in front of the cameras, particularly talking about something personal. and i think there's been a massive rollback, frankly here a realization of actually what was happening and why the family wasn't speaking and a huge amount of sympathy because a lot of that video was really focused on the children. so i think by the time this was filmed she has come to terms with it as much as you can herself. and so as william and what it means for their marriage. but now the focus is very much on the children and supporting them and giving them us as much normality as possible. so i think all the conversation now is about respecting that call for privacy, allowing them to rebuild as a family as they go into the school holidays, i think frankly, bit of guilt about not just the conspiracy theories and buying into them, but also the memes that people were laughing at. when we now know how deeply serious this was. a no one saw cancer coming. of course it was different for the king with his age, but no one saw such a vibrant young person even vaguely likely to call to get cancer. there's no indication of it at all >> as a mother herself in her three children, the timing of this announcement seemed to have been carefully planned, right? >> the timing absolutely. they refused to reflect or react to any other speculation on social media, which was extreme, but also in the media where there was a genuine awareness, i think certainly amongst our audience that people care. they're worried. we wanted to get them answers and we weren't getting responses to that. always at the back of my mind. was that there must be a big reason for that to put up with this massive backlash while not responding to it. and now we know why. because the couple didn't want that story about cancer in the news whilst their kids were at school, they wanted to wait until term broke up, which was yesterday once they were back home after school, the issue of video was released, and the kids were completely aware about what was coming, but they were in a position to protect them from all of the media speculation out there and the rumor and gossip so i guess what happens now for kate, i mean, the palace did indicate at some point that she would return to her royal duties after easter but that didn't >> seem very likely, understandably. so i mean, she's got priorities and of course, her children also to protect and reassure yes, it a priority >> i mean, it's the treatment. it's the chemo that continues. we're not sure how long that will be. it's also as far as the palace is concerned, allowing kate and william to just focus on the kids and protect them so there are the priorities. i'm sure knowing case you will be trying to do some work behind the scenes, keeping up with her charity work. but i don't think that's going to be the priority. you gotta be aware that there are four senior royals in what is a slimmed-down royalty. and they're now only two senior royals fronting public facing the british monarchy and they are the queen and prince william. so there's a massive amount of pressure on them. so i think william accepts that he is going to be going out doing public engagements and the queen is going to be doing more public engagements. the king is doing what he can without going out in the public because he's been advised not to kate will go back to work when the doctors clear i have been it has been suggested to me that we'll try to make the odd engagement. but there'll be a last-minute decision if she feels well enough and it'll be a big surprise when she does do that. but we're not going to see her for weeks, if not months. >> all right. yeah. understandably max foster really appreciate you on the story. thank you so much for the update. and of course, you will continue to follow these developing stories throughout the day, right here on cnn, the chris wallace show starts right after a quick break >> united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn, i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i'll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic >> from knead the dough to need it. now so many ways to save life ready wallet, happy. that's 365 by whole foods market when dry ice symptoms, key, kelvin bad, inflammation might be to play. over the counter wide drops can provide temporary relief. dry can provide lasting relief he targets inflammation. they can cause drawing it treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease, don't use it. allergic disease, common side effects include eye irritation 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half $1 billion in penalties and the new york fraud case and if he doesn't pay up the state of new york could seize some of his most prized assets. and while trump may soon get 3 billion in a merger deal involving his truth social platform. the money won't come in time to solve his current cash crunch push down the hall and to the left, trump built his name and his persona in big gold >> letters all over some of the big apple's most high priced addresses from tower would be the thing i'm really mad too, in terms of real estate. >> now, he's at risk of having some of them taken away. >> i built a network of way over ten in master despite those claims, and new york court ruled last month, trump lied for years about his wealth and it's ordered him to pay >> 454 million and penalties. >> we have a lot of cash are we have a great company, but they want to take it away so far, trump hasn't been able to pony up the money or i'm lenders willing to underwrite the fine. and while he hopes the state appeals court will give him more time, the attorney general is ready to start collecting with her eyes set on a particular trump asset? yes. i look at 40 wall street each and every day. >> meanwhile, trump's friends are passing the hat for the former president was no takers there's so far are we alone in the 460 million? >> none of his billionaire friends are posting up money from what i understand. i've been asking them here with me today. new york times contributing writer jane coaston, ryan salam, president of the manhattan institute, and contributing writer at the national review. catherine r& l, a washington post opinion, calmness and special correspondent at pbs newshour, and jonah goldberg, editor in chief of the dispatch. he's also a color on this at the la times. welcome back, everybody >> okay. so catherine, you saw the hat passing the shaking of the jar, a telephone exactly. why won't anyone bail him out? we heard 30 bond company saying go, i think the better question is, why would anyone bail him out? i mean, how much money do you want to light on fire basically? for this guy? >> it >> turns out that if you get in trouble for fraudulently inflating the value of your assets, then nobody wants to accept those assets as collateral for effectively alone to you, right? >> and beyond that, >> beyond the fact that his property is questionably valued, we don't know how indebted he is. we don't know how much equity he has these things if he becomes president, again, presumably it would become very difficult to collect. he's also a guy who's known for not paying his bills. if you try, you brags about not paying his bills. if you tried to collect once he's in office, who's to say he won't sick the doj or treasury on you. i just think that there's no upside thing up. here and you're wearing a very nice suit. let's pretend you are an insurer or a multibillionaire. would you want to give trump the money? >> well, if someone who believes that donald trump realistically can win the presidency i would argue that actually the attorney general of new york trying to seize his landmark properties would actually be something that will help him rather than hurt him, is his effort to win the presidency. diffusion are exactly, exactly. and also look another thing is that if i were someone who is going to make a $500,000,000 in campaign contribution to a very controversial presidential candidate. i might think that the spotlight gets turned on me terms of whether or not prosecutors in new york city, new york state, other blue jurisdictions might tart look at my finances and otherwise, putting me under the microscope in a way that i might find uncomfortable. but it's not obvious to me that it would make sense. it's interesting. you're bolstering an argument from the wall street journal because the editorial board calls the bond inflated. they say it denies him due process so jane, from your point of view, does this play into his ongoing argument? this is a persecution, this is a witch-hunt. this is going after me unfairly. >> donald trump losing at tiddlywinks would play into his argument that he's being treated unfairly anything can be part of an argument that he is being treated unfairly. so i fake that, but it seizing its properties the right move >> i think >> seizing his properties is likely what is going to take place if he doesn't make this payment on monday, i think that whether it is material to how he will spin this for the media or spin this for the people who wish to support him. i think that's a separate issue, but something i do want to note here also eat something you didn't mention, right? khan is trump is, shall we say easily convinced and we've seen on the recent tiktok debate that he received a large, a donation from one of the major funders of bytedance and suddenly seemed far more enthusiastic about the platform that he was previous, right in this moment when it's about to head $500 million and needed someone to loudly talk about how great it would be if i had more power than maybe i might loaned him some money. okay. well, we're going to leave that there because we'll know on monday. right. we'll have an answer. that's as number one legal problem. let's turn to his number two problem, which is as number to pick running mate. so this week, a surprise name was added to the list his potential vice president list, and it's especially surprising because of the way he's spoken about this person in the past i call them little mark, a little marker. hello, my they hate him in florida >> okay. so cnn reporting that marco rubio, his stock is up on the vp list. jonah talk. okay. that face >> how do you feel about this choice >> i think it's it's kind of sad i think it's not entirely surprising. i don't think the fact for rubio or for trump, it's more for either. >> i think that rubio, he came to washington as a tea party guy and now he's basically an industrial policy kind of guy and i suspect that hill if offered, he would take it and i don't think he would be a bad pick i generally think though this is my own pet theory is that trump's advisers maybe not trump himself recognize the fact that he's actually a pretty odds-on favorite to be impeached once these once you've gums president, he's gonna be on a shorter leash than people think. and they need a vice president that scares the dickens out of people asked me, it can't hurt his chance at getting reelected. but they need to have somebody that they can hold up like a medusa's head and say, hey, look, you kicked me out you get this stop there because the next question makes sense on this. someone else, it looks like she's kind of auditioning or a public audition congresswoman, marjorie taylor greene on friday out of nowhere, she decided to file a motion to oust speaker mike johnson, and it's interesting because she's really popular with a small donors. she's out there with trump as a great surrogate, rionda sheet, a kind of person who we should keep an eye on? >> no. >> i don't think so just because >> donald trump is very shrewd politically, he understands, whereas vulnerabilities, where does he need to shore up his support and marjorie taylor greene speaks squarely to folks who are going to crawl over broken glass to vote for him in november, what he's going to do is find who are folks that again draw into his coalition rather than find someone who's going to repel people that he might need. and those seven swing-state, a part of this is hou, going by the old metrics or the trump metrics of who to choose lightning round who do you think he should pick, but who do you think he will? >> jane >> i think he will pick someone like governor kristi noem, someone who is a face quite literally, he likes people who are attractive and presentable. >> she is a >> whale and we'll i am out of the predictions game. i gave that up as respect to the game, catherine, you should, will. >> i was going to say probably both should and will kristi noem for similar reasons, although i would also add that it might be helpful at a time that with the republican party is facing challenges with suburban white women voters in the wake of dobbs having a woman on the ticket, myfile. all right. don't i should well, so should would probably be someone like tim, scott or marco rubio will probably someone like nancy mace who filled that sweet spot of being appealing to women voters, or at least they will be the theory. but also scary enough that people aren't going to want it to be present united states, okay. >> lots of times to talk more about this president biden also hit the campaign trail this week, he's talking a lot about the economy meanwhile, it week on wall street. but main street is struggling. so can biden run on his record >> seven, astronauts setting off on a scientific mission, columbia used in check. >> i didn't know anything concerning it happened. there were people that did though the 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highs after the fed projected three rate cuts this year. but let's be honest, there's main street were polls are now showing that most americans aren't feeling it confidence in the current economy though. still rising. it hasn't recovered from the pandemic. and major expenses are actually adding up. so car insurance up more than 20%, housing up almost 6%. that's compared to last year. and those are just two examples. so catherine, i want to start with you because you are actually talking about trump's record and the economy in the past. and what's your understanding of like his case for this for trump's case or for biden scale. >> i mean, stack them. >> well, if you look at how americans remember the trump economy, they remember it much more favorably than the biden economy. everybody has memory the whole 2020, we can debate about whether any of that's relevant. they consider >> exceptional, right? right >> trump didn't cause the pandemic. i think he mishandled a bunch of things, but that's what's interesting is that even if you look at the metrics from say 2019 verses today on paper, we're doing about as well. and in some ways, better, right? if you look at, for example, unemployment rates, we, we've now had unemployment rates below 4% for two years. we hadn't seen that since the nixon administration. the black unemployment rate hit. its lowest level on record last year. so there are a lot of metrics that are good inflation, obviously is the big, but here, inflation has cooled a lot, but americans are still very frustrated by the price growth that they have seen today. >> let me bring you in here, right? because she's giving all the numbers right. and this is what the white house does. they say? like look, look, it's pretty good and the business community has been saying there's gonna be a recession for like three years now. there isn't one. so talk to me about whether or not biden does basically have a case here is can it be made? well, i'd say that the democratic randi, larry summers, president clinton's treasury secretary, made a really important point. it's not just the price of the goods you're buying at a supermarket or the price of gas. it's also the price of money for the interest rates you have to pay on your credit card bill for your mortgage. and those are things that really makes sense of how negatively people are feeling about the economy right now. and i've got to say that biden's critics have an argument to make that argument is that the american relief plan was unnecessary, but the inflation reduction act was also unnecessary. and that these things have effectively because it's great than demand or massive, massive boost in demand when demand was already recovering. and what that does, man does that the fed has had to make monetary policy a lot tighter than it would have been otherwise so basically, biden's profound mishandling of the economy has created this incredible economic pain for words working in middle-class families go in and i saw that, but i mean pumping the brakes on the economy. this is the lever that the fed has, raised. rates, make everyone stops spending. >> yeah, i took a solemn oath, not in a good arguments about fed policy. and i think it politically it just doesn't resonate one way are there? i mean, i agree there >> points to your goodbye. >> i'll be able to afford know for sure. i just don't think that it's it's it's it's it's a pretty complex political argument to make. and i think biden's real problem is, is he's not a reassuring salesman at this point. he's got an argument. i think if bill clinton had this economy he could make the case much more effectively. i people are associating and i think it's kind of magical thinking. the state of the economy, the state of the direction of the country with biden's physical presence. and it's not reassuring, interesting. okay, so i'm going to throw in another thesis. you can knock down, right? consumers are getting hit with a lot of little fees. so here's an example. you've got shrinkflation, right? so your toilet paper companies, they're selling us fewer sheets per roll, same price, new fees from the doctor's office. they're charging on average of $39 per email to answer a patient's questions. and then there are all these little penalties here and there, right? like restaurants, at least resi is saying that on the platform 17% of them have charged a cancellation fee for a misread dissertation that's up from 13% a year ago. so sorry, jane, it's a little bit like death by 1,000 economic thoughts. and does that stuff have impact? i think it absolutely does. there was a post going around online last week that was someone they took a picture of their uber eats order and it was an uber eats order from a burger place and it was incredibly expensive. and then obviously half of the people are you know, we want full socialism. this should be free and half the people are like, wait, you bought this on uber eats of quote, when biden talks about fees, do you think those voters are like, oh good, he's doing something or think that they're not seeing it because all of these platforms you even mentioned resi, you mentioned like a lot of the means by which we get at a dinner reservation or buy something, whether what you went on amazon, it's not a straightforward, it's like, oh, i will ask this one entity to reduce fees because you are going through three to four different levels to purchase any product. you and you're thinking about like, who's charging me what when did those charges come in? who's getting tipped? do i have to include a tip? why do i need aid to include a tip? i think that because there are all of these little dings everywhere in everything that you're purchasing. it's so difficult to just be like, well, good news, i'm reducing the fees over here, but you can't reduce the fees over here. and also, those fees are going to something i think it just it gets overwhelming for individuals and it gets over whelming for even the people who study this. last word to you. so what does that mean? right? like, how do you talk about this in a way that is helpful, whole >> subject drives me nuts so first of all, look, i'm in favor of more transparency about fees. i think what the administration has done on that is a good thing. i don't think they should be setting prices. i think that's a very bad idea. there are a bunch of legislative proposal holes that would effectively set prices in various ways on shrinkflation. this is another hobby horse of mine >> in fact >> the share of companies that are reducing their product sizes has declined it's much more salient today, like people notice it more when the cereal box is smaller or the role of toilet paper is smaller, has fewer sheets or whatever. but the bureau of labor statistics actually checks this stuff, monitors this stuff and it was much more common ten years ago, companies that used to have tons of free money from investors don't anymore, they have to actually be profitable. so the millennia lifestyle subsidy is now gone. i don't know if they're gonna be excited to hear that, but it is a very good point. okay, so this economies also creating a new wedding trend. we'll find out who on the panel is saying, i do to it. plus, from something that's new to something that's old and new again, the facebook feature that's making it he come back next >> sanity needs to save space you have a show. were right and left talk to cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tonight at eight on cnn meet the traveling trio each helping to protect their money with chase tools that help protect alerts that helped check one bank that puts you in control chase, make more of what's yours >> so would you get to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders i would by chew three classic tenders for better flash ram for the baby >> no is it always a competition? >> i am the shrimp bought >> i can 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time now to get our groups yea or nay, on >> some fun stories of the week. first up, a lot less green for a white wedding, according to accompany, that tracks wedding data. couples this year actually cutting back on high price nuptials. so lashed here, the average wedding price tag broke 30 grand for the first time. now, industry experts explained the economy and dating slowed down during the covid for people wanting to spend less. so jonah or you, a yay or nay on lavish weddings. >> i think people should spend less on the veblen conception front of weddings, but spend more on having more people attend them wedding. >> marriage is a public thing we were making an oath and having more people there to witness and take part of it is good. serve, less expensive food. >> okay. so shrinkflation on on the weddings jade where you want cheaper wedding, i'm thrilled. i think for the past 20 years, weddings have become increasingly performative. performative for almost everyone that isn't a couple, any person you know, who's had a big wedding, they barely remember it until they see the photos like a month later, spend on being married, spend on a house, spend on your relationship, do not spend on the wedding. my wedding costly like $800. you can do it. it is possible >> okay. you're part of the dred. next we're going to talk about the polk making a comeback on facebook after years of obscurity, facebook says younger users are embracing the ones frankly unpopular feature, and they've done this after the app made some changes. so if you're wondering, what is the polk, we're here to tell you? it's the feature that we use to get someone's attention and sometimes it's splurge or friendly or vaguely annoying. so on for you, yea or nay, on the polk i'm all for bringing it back. i think that it's a need non-obtrusive way to let someone know, hey, i'm thinking about you. i'm neutral frankly, right? like it's not the heart or the thumbs up or thumbs down. you >> also get to guess and be anxious about it. i think that's a lot of fun. you brought a lot to that. i appreciate >> ready to polk >> i do not use facebook. i have not used facebook. i will not start using facebook. i it sounds to me like one step below having to wear a pain collar that some stranger can activate. i have no interest in it whatsoever. >> okay. finally, the >> world to happiness list is out and it looks like americans are the unhappy as they've ever been topping the list. several nordic countries with finland in first for the seventh straight year, followed by denmark iceland, and sweden. so the us is in 23rd place. that means we dropped out of the top 20 for the first time. and the survey looks at a bunch of factors. so life expectancy, social support, and freedom joan, i don't even want to ask because of your cynicism, but not liking fish. i don't really want to move to finland. i will say that the numbers are so bad because people under 30 are miserable, people over 30 and certainly over 60 are doing fine. i think that is a lot to do with internet, social media, the state of anxiety for young people today are experiencing the autonomy catherine, how do you feel about this >> finland's too cold for me so i'm a neigh that's literally how you're choosing this. yes, it's pretty much like three done. >> i will say on the young people being being more down that's unusual in the united states, in most countries around the world, actually younger people are happier than older people, but not in the us. and a couple of other countries like new zealand and australia so i don't think social media because they have social media in all of these other countries as well my guess is that maybe it has to do with the fact that the united states long ago made a commitment to maintain some minimum set of living standards for the old, but not for the young >> interesting jail. what more do you, >> finland is also too cold. i also am always generally i've a lot of questions about how people are attempting to calibrate happiness what's the most happy you can ever be? there are lots of societies that have different ideas of what constitutes happiness >> i don't know yeah, i mean, i'm sure that in fact, 22 of them are feeling better than all right. >> so speaking of >> unhappy country music stations aren't exactly crazy in love with bian say, and it could have a big impact. that's the underplayed. we'll talk more next. >> check your nothing >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing. it's a series is that part of the wing coming apart space shuttle columbia, he final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> freeze, dryness, breakage, new dove ten and ones serum hair mask with peptide complex 45 hair bonds at a molecular level helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute, keep living. we'll keep repairing >> bought the i'll put it on my chase freedom unlimited car and i'm a cashback on a few other things to garda with the sound system like a pro, 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with her texas hold em single landing at number one on the country streaming charts >> as catchy as it is. some country radio stations, who's airplay actually helped determine award nominations are limiting how often they play the queen bees. so i want to talk to you guys about it briefly, jane can be able to actually buck the establishment and for that genre country radios, the establishment, right? it is. and i think that we've seen time and time again. there's a reason why taylor swift needed to literally name a wing of the country history museum in nashville after herself to guarantee that she would have a place in the country music hall fame, quite literally. and so i do think she's going to be able to buck the establishment because i think that those radio stations which yes, play a huge role in who gets awards. we saw back with a little nows x a couple of years ago, he was able to get radio play because of grassroots support from people asking for it over and over again, people putting it on soundcloud night. >> but catherine jump in here because with a little nozick's, he was actually yanked from the country chart. billboard said there weren't enough elements. i don't know how much you're into the intrigue that'd be obscene from neurology. but like, what is your thinking about this? can you break an industry >> you know, i am just perplexed why it matters so much. who gets on the radio because so many people now consume their music for via st >> you >> and it just doesn't seem a significant to me as it once had been the case, as long as she has fans out there who are listening and who are streaming, that's what matters. >> interesting moment because she's number one on streaming 42 on airplay. so when we come back, the panel will be back with their takes on the huts stories, including what could make news before it's news that's next my fellow citizens need to be better well no no, no more. it makes me want you to be dead be better at being normal >> good >> 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may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 it's time for our panels special takes on what's happening or predictions of what >> we should be looking for so ryan hit us with your best shot, >> donald trump is looking to shore up his establishment support, looking to shore up donor support. and one way is doing that is by conveying that is national security cabinet is going to include heavyweights like tom cotton, marco rubio, bill haggerty. folks are really respected by republican foreign policy grandes, and respected by our allies overseas >> catherine, i want to come to you because we're actually in the middle of tax season. i know you're excited >> what are you thinking about >> the irs's new direct file system, which is a free online way to the file directly to the agency rather than going through terrible turbotax or submitting a paper form, et cetera? is live. it now has a grand 60,000 users. >> so it's working >> it's a very small pilot it's working so far. i think it's a very good development. i hope it gets scaled up to the rest of the country. jonah, what's your prediction this week? >> well, i want to be very careful and not give cnn legal migraines. so i'll just say this that showy a taney's interpreter stole this money and he's gotten historian baseball biggest player in baseball. that's right >> i think in time we will find out that he was something of a scapegoat that he was taking one for the team. but we'll see. okay. hod take your saying it wasn't the interpreter. >> i'm saying the story is more complicated than we've been led to believe. >> hey, i'll be on your social media checking. jane, i understand you actually have gambling on your mind as well. i do. it's march madness and i am positively convinced that this week we will see another college betting scandal in men's or women's basketball so far we've only seen a scandal that hit alabama baseball last year and a couple of college football players who got caught betting on other college teams. but this is the, this is the betting olympics. >> and >> if you haven't seen a betting add in the last two weeks, it's because your eyes were not opened. i will i would be stunned if that does not take place over the next week >> all right >> chris is gonna be back next week and you can catch me on cnn's the assignment podcasts that drops twice a week wherever you get your podcasts until then, thanks for spending part of your day with us. we'll see you back here next week

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Hadn T , Nixon , Unemployment Rates , Example , Paper , 4 , Inflation , Big , Unemployment Rate Hit , Numbers , White House , Price Growth , The Business Community , Price , There Isn T One , Recession , Clinton , Randi , Larry Summers , Treasury Secretary , Democratic , Credit Card Bill , Interest Rates , Goods , Supermarket , Gas , Mortgage , Feeling , Demand , Boost , Critics , Relief Plan , Inflation Reduction Act , Monetary Policy , Man , Mishandling , Spending , Oath , Words , Lever , Arguments , Rates , Families , Brakes , Fed Policy , Know , Goodbye , Salesman , Magical Thinking , Direction , Bill Clinton , Fees , Companies , Hit , Toilet Paper , Consumers , Presence , Thesis , Shrinkflation , Patient , Average , Email , Doctor S Office , 39 , 9 , Restaurants , Dissertation , Cancellation Fee , Thoughts , 13 , 17 , 1000 , Impact , Picture , Eats , Stuff , Post , Burger Place , Resi , Platforms , Socialism , Talks , Half , On Uber Eats Of Quote , Wait , Levels , Product , Dinner Reservation , Entity , Amazon , Tip , Charges , Everywhere , Dings , Aid , Individuals , Word , Whelming , Setting Prices , Favor , Transparency , Share , Prices , Proposal , Hobby Horse , Product Sizes , Role , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Whatever , Sheets , Cereal Box , Economies , Millennia Lifestyle Subsidy , Investors , Tons , Facebook , Plus , Saying , Wedding Trend , Encore Presentation , Hbo , Space , Sanity , Real Time With Bill Maher , Eight , Pnc Bank , Alerts , Traveling Trio , Chase Tools , Chase , Baby , Flash Ram , Nature , Shrimp , Balance , I M Serious , Nature Com , Customer , Sets , First Order , Discount Code , Game Changer , 10 , 35 , Skin , Dry Skin , Vino Daily Moisture , Nourishing Prebiotic Ode , 24 , Boada , Tractors , Tractor , Election , Add Utility Vehicle , Kubota , Zero , Dealer , Deals , Sales , Apr , Kubota Orange Days Com , Usa Plus , 300 , 84 , 3300 , Pronoun , Enamel , It Back , To , Repair , Acid , Pronoun Will Repair Mouthwash , Brushing , Kill Aapl , Kingdom , Fight No Matt , Brand , Turmeric , Supplements , Form , Joints , Kunal Turmeric , Turmeric Kunal , Partnership , Day One , August , Values , Future , American Australian , Edge , Allies , Technologies , Prosperity , Peace , State Of The Art Next Generation , Dickey , Security , Allergies , Daily , Learning , All Good , Flow Net , Relief Flonase , Allergy Headache , Vacations , Think , Catalyst , Retirements , Boring , Pills , Bold , Hurdles , Rocket , Mold , Startups , Bank , Steck , Smart , Dependable , 160 , De Needs Protection , Mario , Protections , Moisturizer , Beyond Doug Men , Unforgettable Dove Men Forgettable Under Arms , 72 , Groups , Yea Or Nay , Reagan National Airport , Wedding , Up , White Wedding , Nuptials , Price Tag , Time , Grand , Industry Experts , Dating , Covid , Weddings , Serve , Conception Front , Veblen , Spend On Being Married , Isn T A Couple , House , Photos , Relationship , 800 , 00 , Okay , Comeback , Polk , Obscurity , Dred , Ones , Changes , Attention , Splurge , Friendly , Fun , Heart , Need , Frankly , Pain Collar , Step , Stranger , Finland , Interest , Happiness List , Factors , Life Expectancy , Social Support , Sweden , Freedom Joan , Denmark Iceland , 23 , Fish , Cynicism , Internet , Anxiety , Neigh , 60 , Couple , Guess , Commitment , Set , Standards , Old , Australia , New Zealand , Happiness , Most , Ideas , Societies , Jail , Country Music Stations , Love , Bian Say , 22 , Underplayed , Wing , Cnn Freeze , Sunday April 7 , Cashback , Sound System , Garda , Chase Freedom Unlimited , 45 , Freedom , Sight , Pro , Limits , Vision , Treatments , Leah Hd , Injections , Eye Pressure , Eye Infection , Eye , Retina , Blood Vessels , Increase , Infection Separation , Redness , Alia Hd , Twilio Hd , Heart Attack , Stroke , Cataract , Eye Floaters , Corneal Injury , Alia , Strength , Retina Specialist , Potential , Alea Hd , Nutrients , Sack , Health , Arthritis , Moderate , Gloves , Pill , Joint Pain , Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms , Tnf Blocker , Rienzo , Isn T Okay , Enbrel , Humira , Infections , Psa , Stiffness , Ability , Tb , Ra , Terrorists , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Gi , Lymphoma , 50 , Quotes , Service , Professionals , Pricenth Cal 1803558999 , Cnn Today , 1803558999 , On Instagram , Artist , Quote , Over , Cover , Title , Underplayed Sort Of Beyond , Cowboy Carter , Experience , Performance , Protest , Country Music , Members , 2016 , Native , Charts , Landing , Single , Houston , Texas Hold Em , Country Radio Stations , Award Nominations , Airplay , Bees , Taylor Swift , Establishment , Radios , Genre Country , Radio Stations , Museum , Awards , Country Music Hall Fame , Radio Play , Nows , Grassroots , Xa , Little Nozick S , Soundcloud , Intrigue , Thinking , Chart , Industry , Neurology , Billboard , There Weren T Enough Elements , Music , Significant , Radio , Listening , Matters , Huts Stories , What , 42 , Chronic Kidney Disease , Places , Seeker , Sega , Dialysis , Kidney Failure , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Tract , Blood Sugar , Genital , Perineum , Tax Hunting Season , Medication , Reaction , Astrazeneca , Sika , Life Block , Problems , Tax Fraud , Restoration Agent , Life Luck , Identity Thieves , Dots , Migraine Patients , Headache , Tv , Big Change , Botox Look , Reality Shows , Hundreds , Mom , Ore Go To Harrys Com Slash Shave , Mesothelial , Trial , Sin City , Vegas , Panels , Establishment Support , Cabinet , Shot , Donor , Doing , Heavyweights , Overseas , Middle , Tax Season , Foreign Policy Grandes , Bill Haggerty , Tom Cotton , Agency , File System , File , Paper Form , Irs , Et Cetera , Terrible Turbotax , 60000 , Rest , Prediction , Development , Pilot , Interpreter , Player , Migraines , Baseball , Historian Baseball , Showy A Taney , One For The Team , Social Media Checking , Scapegoat , Hod , Led , Wasn T The Interpreter , College , Men , Women S Basketball , Gambling , March Madness , Betting Add , Players , Olympics , College Teams , Hit Alabama Baseball Last , College Football , Podcasts , Assignment Podcasts , Chris , Thanks ,

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