Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

>> good morning and welcome to the cnn this morning, it is saturday, march 23rd. i'm victor blackwood and imam or a walker. thank you so much for being with us. we are following several developing stories for you at this hour, russia says nearly a dozen people have been detained in connection with a terror attack at a popular concert hall that killed more than 100 people, knew this morning with the us is saying about that attack. and the warning i gave two americans traveling in russia leading up to it. >> let's messages of support are coming in from around the world after catherine princess of wales, revealed that she has been diagnosed with cancer, are richard quest is live this morning at buckingham palace with the latest, we'll get to him in jail festive moment but first we're starting with the breaking news out of russia, the head of the russian security services, 11 people had been detained in connection with the deadly terror attack near moscow. a warning that the video we're about to show is disturbing, and witnesses captured the attack at the concert hall as people ran screaming, or they tried to hide from the gunshot. russian authorities say four of the people they detained were directly involved in friday's attack at the crocus complex, which left at least 93 people. did. that's the latest number this warning and more than 100 others hurts. >> yeah. i says claims its memory first stormed the concert hall, shooting people and then setting it on fire. this attack happened just days after the us embassy in russia warned americans to avoid large gatherings, citing reports that extremists were planning attacks. now russian president vladimir putin initially blasted those warnings saying they were trying to destabilise excuse me russian society. the state media reported authorities thwarted at least three isis related attacks just in march alone, cnn's i'm gonna watson joining us now from hong kong. hi there. i've and what's the latest? >> good morning character in amara grim news. in the last few minutes, russia's investigative committee has increased the death toll from this night of terror outside of moscow to 115 people killed in something that bears all the hallmarks of a terror attack with authority saying that gunman broke into this concert venue and began opening fire, started a fire that has been smoldering until now and collapsed the roof of this auditorium. the seams inside. eyewitnesses have described trying to play dead to escape the gunfire it takes to listen to what one other man had to say about about this very frightening night >> sitting in the hall upstairs where the balconies were, we heard gunshots at first, we didn't understand what had happened. well, then i personally saw how them terrorists came in, started shooting everyone in the end, they throw molotov. everything was that on fire? we were led to the exit, turned out the exit was locked. we ran all over crocus city trying to find the exit, but to no avail, we went into the basement of crocus city hall and waiting for the emergency services and got out, now overnight. there were desperate calls for blood donations saying this was a matter of life and death. scores of people injured and we have a claim of responsibility coming from isis on an isis linked account on the social media group app telegram. no evidence to back that up. and there have been developments russian authorities claiming that they have captured at least 11 suspects linked to this attack. back to you guys. >> i've been has vladimir putin said anything about this? if so, what >> no, we have not heard anything from him and recall he was just declared himself the winner of an election for another term of president. just days ago, but no, he has not addressed the haitian now of more than 14 hours after the deadliest terror attack in recent history in russia. instead, what we're starting to hear is the russian security services trying to connect the people behind this to ukraine saying they kick picked up for suspects that we're on a highway on the way to ukraine and claiming that they were trying to cross the border into ukraine. now, last night, the ukrainian foreign ministry categorically denied any links whatsoever to this attack. in fact, it said that they don't need to carry out terror attacks. they're fighting a trench war and firing projectiles across border russian oil refineries, for example so that war is definitely going on right now. meanwhile, the russian security services themselves, they have been talking about the threat of ice is just this month alone as you've mentioned carrying out at least for counter terror operation, saying that they had killed a number of suspected isis military since who in one case, they claimed were plotting an attack on a synagogue in moscow. and we'd also had this warning coming from the us embassy in moscow on march 7, that us citizens should stay away from large gatherings including concert venues, saying that there had been chatter about possible well, threats from extremist no surprise that this may get murky recall viktor and amara that just last june, you had a russian mercenary warlord who led a cross-border attack from ukraine halfway to moscow, a deadly march there, there is the long history of deadly violence coming from very different political ideologies in russia back to you >> all right, i've been watson. appreciate your reporting. thank you very much >> we're >> also following developing news in the uk. catherine princess of wales, says she is now in the early stages of treatment he meant following a cancer diagnosis. she revealed a news on friday in an on-camera message saying doctors found the cancer when she underwent surgery in january, but she did not say what type of cancer she had or the prognosis. okay. did not been seen in an official capacity since christmas, and despite the palace, initially announcing that she would not return to her royal duties until after easter speculation about a condition ran wild and attempts to quiet rumors only added to the frenzy. cnn's richard quest joins us now from outside buckingham palace, richard, what has the reaction been in the uk since this message? which was released >> i think it's pretty universal in a sense of sympathy, sadness and good wishes. let me show you the major newspapers if i may this is the daily telegraph can say came as a huge shock, is the main headline on that. the times of london says, printers reveals has cancer and says, i'm going to be okay. and if we look at, for example, some arguably the more tabloid newspapers, here's the daily mirror left-leaning daily mirror it has taken us time to explain everything to george charlotte, and louis, and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. that was common theme of all the newspapers. this mixture of i'm going to be okay and this idea that i need time peace, quiet for my recovery and to explain to the children, cnn's royal corresponded max foster. now reviews the way the princess told the world about her health a devastating announcement from the princess of wales in january, i underwent major abdominal surgery in london. and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous. the surgery was successful however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy. and i am now in the early stages of that treatment in a recorded message, the royal said she'd begun chemotherapy to treat unspecified cancer after weeks of speculation about catherine's well-being. this is her first official appearance filmed by bbc studios on wednesday on the grounds of windsor castle. according to a royal source, she explained why at a taken some time to go public with the news. >> it has taken us time to explain everything to george charlotte, and louis in a way that's appropriate for them. and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay as i've said to them, i am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body and spirits when it comes to a royal source telling cnn, kate and william had been waiting until their children began their school holidays to share the diagnosis >> publicly, to try to shield them from the news coverage catherine hadn't been seen at any official public appearances since christmas off work and out of the public eye since then in january, the princess underwent an unspecified abdominal surgery and was in hospital for two weeks. a frenzy of conspiracy theories emerging on social media, but few guests, the princess could have been dealing with such a serious diagnosis at the age of 42 the princess is announcement comes just weeks after the royal family announced king charles himself had cancer the king today saying he is so proud of catherine for her courage in speaking as she did, according to buckingham palace >> i think we all moving into a new royal well, it's totally unprecedented. the king was open, caters open, and i think it really makes us think about the royal family. we can't always imagine they're super humans going on forever >> prince harry and wife, meghan, sent their wishes to saying, we wish health and healing for kate and the family and hope they are able to do so privately. and, in peace despite catherine's unprecedented openness, it's unlikely any further details will be shared by the princess about her illness and she's asked to be given privacy at this time. catherine has said she's in good spirits, but they're source said that she won't return to full-time duties until cleared by her dr. doctors. max foster, cnn, buckingham palace, london >> now, we had expected to see the princess over the easter break, maybe going to services with the rest of the rest of the family. that's not now are likely to happen again, just play in time with the family, with the children, trying to come to terms with what they've got. and of course, victor number the princess is undergoing now that chemotherapy treatment, which in itself will take its toll yeah, richard you know, when you look at the parallels to her diagnosis with king charles, king charles announced his cancer diagnosis. i think that was in february >> what >> this mean when you have two senior members of the royal family who now are both dealing with cancer so publicly and also having too, i guess reduce their the royal duties for now >> excellent question. it has a major effect. we've already seen the queen, queen camilla doing many, many more duties, so much. so she had to take a break. she was in northern last week. >> we >> now know why william didn't go to a memorial service that he was expected to go to. how you move forward. remember the old adage? the monarchy has to be seen as to be out that whatever the king and the princess or not, they're william and the query didn't have to pick up the slack and other members of the royal family, like princess on the princess royal. and of course, the edward and sophie that you can duchess of course, by the way, edinburgh, by the way, this idea that meghan and harry are going to send me swoop back in to britain and help help them out with i mean, it's not a feasible, no realistic. and i wouldn't put any credence in it. >> you bring up a harry and meghan and they have been very vocal about the pressure that the british media, the paparazzi, their place on the royal family. of course we know how much they hounded the lac asked princess of wales, kate has asked for privacy. are you confident that in this period she'll get it >> i'm confident she'll get it from the british media directly. yes. >> the >> mainstream media, if you will, will certainly foe the requests they've only because they don't want to annoy the palace to such an extent however, and this is a big one. it is the online trolls, it is the influences, it is those memes they're the ones that won't follow. it's the paparazzi from overseas, you will come in recognizing that a picture of kate going in and out of a hospital could be worth serious amounts of money it is only when those people take the photographs and nobody buys them because everybody says we're not touching over the ten-foot pole, but i'm pretty certain well, i know, for example, cnn, we will follow the rules to the letter the mainstream media in the uk, the bbc, itn, sky, and we see a cbs, everybody will follow the rules and give her the privacy that they seek >> richard quest. i appreciate you joining us. thank you so much. of course. we'll check back in shortly with you and there is still much more ahead on cnn this morning, a shutdown avert it on capitol hill congress pushes through a last-minute funding bill to keep the government open. and now it has to the president's desk. >> plus would take you back to london for a reaction to princess kate's announcement that she has canceled united states of scandal with 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a collective sigh of relief because they have finally funded the federal government through this fiscal year, the senate passed a bill at 02:00 a.m. that funded the remaining portions of the federal government that bill now heads to the president's desk. we're expecting him to sign it today, which means we're not going to see any lapse in federal funding. >> let's take a look at >> what was in this bill that funded the remaining parts of the federal government, including the department of defense, the department of health and human services, homeland security. you can see the breakdown nouns on your screen here. >> but >> what this really marks is the end of a tumultuous process on capitol hill >> lawmakers were sprinting >> up into the deadline multiple times, passing these short extensions to get to this point. and we saw but kevin mccarthy lose his job over his handling of government funding back in october speaker mike johnson now faces a threat from congresswoman marjorie taylor-greene over his handling of the appropriations process. and from a broader perspective, what we really saw is how difficult it is to fund the federal government in a divided congress, republicans have a very narrow majority in the house. democrats control the senate. it was always going to be a showdown, but republicans tried to pass a number of partisan measures that we're going to go nowhere in the senate. so this really set up painstaking in to get to this it's zero but lawmakers with this government funding behind them can regroup before they have to do it all again in just a few short months. >> all right. annie grayer will i'm sure talking be talking to you about that and a few months as well. thanks so much. >> still ahead, isis claimed responsibility for the terror attack and more than 100 deaths now near moscow official say that number would likely rise sanity needs a safe space >> you've had a show were right and left talk to each other cnn presents an encore 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claimed its members stormed the concert hall, shooting people, and setting it on fire, joining us now, a cnn global analyst affairs analyst can believe dozer kim, good morning to you. let's start with the reporting that we're getting especially from the russian security pretty services saying that for a man suspected of this attack, were detained near the ukrainian border. what do you make of that? and also the isis k claims of responsibility well it seems that already the moscow apparatus is moving to >> defend vladimir putin, who had dismissed warnings by the us and other western embassies a few weeks back that extremists were planning some sort of attack like this. they're slaving they're putting ukraine as a leading suspect in at least supporting the attacks because if it's true that the fsb, the russian security services knew that a plot was in the making and failed to stop this. then what does that say about vladimir putin? the ability to keep his own people safe it might pause it. the argument that russia is too focused on the war in ukraine when there's a threat much closer to home and the fsb has said in recent weeks that it stopped various isis plots. so it seems that let this one through kimberly, it's almost unthinkable, especially here in the us that an event like this would happen 115 people would be dead and you would not hear from the leader of the country so many hours after this, what do you make of silence, not hearing from putin himself so far >> well, you've heard from various senior russian officials, including the deputy prime minister saying things like putin has sent his regards and best wishes to those recovering in the hospital and one parliament but when duma maker lawmaker has been out in public saying that putin will speak after it's more clear who was responsible. >> it >> speaks to a possible scrambling of how to handle this violence, how to pin it possibly on ukraine, that lawmaker was as saying that quote unquote 90% of the russian public believes this is somehow linked to ukraine, or that ukraine helped enable this plot. but let's remember that russia has long been propping up the acid regime in syria with its own forces on the ground where isis still hold sway in much of the northern territory and has conducted operations their and inside russia against isis isis did have a reason to attack. >> and >> while some russia visuals have been saying, oh, well, it can't be isis because this happened during ramadan and it happened on a friday. i can remember several attacks including an recent memory on mosques on a friday claimed by isis. and in some parts of the isis world, it is an extra blessing to attack during a holy period like ramadan. >> do you have any reason to doubt this claim of responsibility from ice escape because again, you're talking about the fact that ice is k they did have it does have reasons to attack russia. in fact, it's been fixated on russia for a couple of years as i've heard from some analysts, and we also have heard from ukrainian officials denying any involvement in this attack. and of course, a concern on that side is that putin can use the allegations ends or accusations that ukraine was involved to scale up operations in this war. is that your concern as well >> well, you know, when you look at just a borrow language from the intelligence community, you've got the us in advance warning of extremist attacking. you've got isis operations on russian and caucuses soil that the fsb has publicly spoken about in recent weeks >> it looks like there's a high degree of >> probability that i did carry this out. but you're already seeing anonymous quotes in ria novosti in tass making a connection between the suspects and ukraine. so it seems that no matter who was actually responsible, russia wants to turn this to its advantage, blame it on kyiv, and somehow take the responsibility away from putin for failing to keep his people safe. >> so is this k claimed responsibility for the attack at iran early this year, they've now a claimed responsibility for this what if any, threat is there to the us? we know that ice is k was responsible for that attack in afghanistan on that killed 13 us service members. is there for some reason to believe that this will spread and they have goals to tank inside the us as well >> well, isis has also, isis k is also carried out recent attacks inside afghanistan against the taliban. but in terms of reaching the united states us intelligence officials were out testifying publicly before congress saying that isis had called for attacks against us targets because of us support for israel in its campaign inside gaza after the hamas attacks of october 7. but what us intelligence officials have been more worried about at this point is inspiring attacks isis inspiring lone wolves inside the us to carry something out. it's much more probable that us targets overseas, like where us troops are based are in more of a direct threat from some sort of isis violence. >> and just quickly, what will you be looking for? when putin does indeed speak to his country >> if he does lay this at the feet of kyiv i'll what i'll be looking for next is for the us to declassify and make public some of its intelligence, showing that this was isis and not ukraine kimberly dozer, always good to have your analysis. thanks so much. >> the >> un security council is working on another resolution for gaza ceasefire and hostage release. after us proposed resolution failed on friday it was vetoed by russia and china. the us has vetoed similar resolutions three times from other countries secretary of state antony blinken met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his war cabinet and tel-aviv also on friday as part of an intensive diplomatic push toward a ceasefire. but netanyahu has vowed to continue his gaza offensive and send more israeli forces into the southern rafah region where more than million people are right now. >> that's a heartbreaking time for the royal family, king charles and the princess of wales, both in the thick of a tough battle with cancer, we're going to discuss the health issues facing the monarchy in just a minute >> there is no media personality business woman celebrity chef leichhardt >> the many lives of martha stewart now streaming on macs there comes a time when you realize the kitchen you used to left is ready for refreshed bladder cabinets to go design expert help you craft the look you >> want with quality products. and today's designer styles and colors back by your transferable lifetime warranty out with the old in with the new, it's that easy from design to install we do it all plus get 0% apr for a limited time visit cabinets to, to schedule your free design consultation today, cabinets to go, wow, for less demand for energy is growing. and so is the need for american oil and natural gas. it's time to turn the lights on >> america is >> resources are abundant, are a nation is a 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adt vegas. the story of simcity tomorrow at ten on cnn >> we're continuing to follow the major news this morning princess catherine of wales has begun treatment after being diagnosed with cancer in a message to the public, she asked for privacy social media, taken over with wild conspiracy in the past few weeks about why the princess have been out to the public now, princess catherine dispelled those rumors. and what i'll lead isn't everyday britain's alike of voice their support for the princess as her recovery gets underway. joining me now is the british broadcaster and the royal watcher. be shut my marta thank you. grateful for you. your time is right there's a sort of a sort of a shame face and that isn't that. but everybody was so purely and envoy about why we hadn't seen a what was happening. well, now we know the poor woman's dealing with cancer yes. i think that's >> absolutely completely an artlete, correct. the lured wild speculation this strange, gossip venus of it the absolute horror of the uk media and not just the tabloid media rounding on this woman who really until now, her public persona and i believe are private character had actually been about control self-control professionalism, discretion, and absolutely understanding her role i very much hope that this public statement that kate middleton has made hasn't come as a result. all of this gossip and speculation and pressure, i think that she's so impressive for having presented this statement, the publicness such self-possession so how do we all react in the sense of leave her alone? so as you can have her privacy. but as the morning, the sun newspaper goes, britain's largest setting number, it says we hope the trolls who continued to vile behavior hang their head injury shame from all of us get well soon, but how does this practically work out? because the newspapers, even ourselves, there is, there is a wish to know what's happening, and we will be seeking information yes, that's the really terrible trial of being in the royal family on the one hand, they have every right in the world to >> behave as a normal family. does that means privacy, bringing up children, marrying, living, loving, going on about your work and your duties, and yet of course, the public think well, we want to know everything. how dare these people with all their wealth and their privilege keep something from us. but i think that you're your mention of privacy and discretion are exactly right. what we can do moving forward all of us is to not expect to see too many of the major royal family figures. this year to really is that both the king and the princess are undergoing very effective. i think at treatment for cancer, they have both said that they have the best medical teams. they have both said that they are focusing on health and recovery and friends and family. that's how we go forward. >> all right. now, practically that the numbers of working royals was already diminished princess on the princess royal can only go so many. you've got the duke and duchess of edinburgh and add and sophie but over the next six to eight months, they're going to be short on numbers for simply doing the day-to-day stuff of the royals. now the queen is in a '70s anyway, so what do they do? >> i think that there will be less of a demand placed on the royals, if you remember. i think a few years ago, queen elizabeth, the second sort of public duties schedule was released, and it was as if she had three different things every single day. she was extraordinarily competent at showing up that every single one of her things. but even then, people thought, how are they doing this? i think over the next 18 months, because you have two of the major roles, as you say in treatment, we won't be trying to swap in and swap out and bench and relegate players as if this is a sports game or a chest it's game >> there will >> be fewer public demands on them as a family, i think precisely because this is about cancer, this is about something which every person thinks about. you read the statistics of how many people are sufferers, patients, survivors. you know, it could happen to you, we could happen to any of us. and so to make demands even on the royal family in a situation like this, it seems a little bit excessive. i think everyone will draw away the public got their pound of flesh, that public lot of the amounts of gossip that they wanted. and now we need to be discrete ravil for you but isha and the nauta thank you for your time this morning. and to you, and viktor back at the scene and santo richard. >> thank you so much, dr. j. morgan is joining us this morning. she's a cardiologist and executive director of health and community education and piedmont health care. >> and we don't know a lot of details, obviously for the type of cancer or princess kate has, or what stage she is in. we don't know the prognosis, but here's what we do know in january, she had major abdominal surgery at the time the palace says it was thought to be non-cancerous, but then cancer showed up in tests after the operation and she stayed in the hospital nearly two weeks and then she began chemotherapy in late february so dr.. morgan is here now in studio to talk more about this. again, we don't know a lot i just wanted to get your take on this because, you know we're hearing that she went in for major abdominal surgery. doctors believed that the condition was non-cancerous. do you believe and then they found out after the fact and they performed some tests so was this an incidental finding or do you believe she had gone in based on some suspicions >> it does sound is if there were some suspicions, especially since she describes it as major abdominal surgery that that a descriptive term really stood out to me that it was major abdominal surgery for some so young and so why would she have gone into have this surgery? so there was something that was concerning them that needed to be addressed surgically. and i think pathology, meaning looking at the type of tissue that was there within that type of surgery was something that they were trying to do yeah. that was part of it. they probably were not expecting perhaps it to be cancer. those results to be cancer, but it is always a possibility. and unfortunately, that's what it seems to be in this case. so it does seem to be less of an incidental finding. of course, we can't rule it out entirely or but for some reason, she already was scheduled for what she describes as a major abdominal surgery, preventative chemotherapy is that especially common flesh out also that term, the people still do in that often so she used the word preventative. i think in in medicine we call it adjuvant, which means it's not really preventive chemotherapy. it sounds as if whatever was there was removed and then they come in afterwards with the chemo to kill any other microscopic sale that would not have been visible to the eye. the surgeon at the time, sort of blasting the area with chemotherapy if you will. >> so what kind of issues could prompt a major abdominal surgery? >> so this term abdominal i'm not certain what she means by it. so abdominal surgery could be many of the organs in the abdominal cavity, the liver, the pancreas, the gallbladder, the spleen, the intestines, the colon, but also the reproductive organs, the uterus, the ovaries, the cervix, and so all of that may be is included and what that means is, is unclear. we certainly see an increase rate of cancer unfortunately, in people under the age of 50 and under the age of 40, we see this continuing to rise especially with colon cancer. we see with the cervical cancer as well, there's been a decreased rate of cervical cancer in women in their 20s who were sorted this first wave to get the hpv vaccine but beyond 2030s and '40s and '50s, we still see a slight increases in cervical cancer. and again, this human papilloma vaccine, the hpv vaccine, and 80% protects you from cervical cancer and menn as whale would need to get the vaccine because they can transmit the virus to their wives or their partners and increase their risk of cervical cancer. of course, i'm not saying it's cervical cancer, but this is part of all that. perhaps she is describing which domination cavity lots of things in the abdomen increases leo, it's important because in the interest of transparency, we don't know what type of cancer she is kept that private. but without knowing that detail, is there any way to be certain or confident about the type of treatment she will face now without the detail of what type of surgery. right. so she has said that she's having chemotherapy? >> yes. so whatever it is, part of the therapy in moving towards a pure i'm assuming. is that chemotherapy now they're all types of chemotherapy, what we call cocktails. you can mix any number of things without knowing exactly which type of cancer it is unclear what kind of chemotherapy she's receiving, but chemotherapy in itself has toxicities, has side effects and so we may be able to expect a change in her appearance depending on what she is getting infused, including hair loss, causes incredible amount of fatigue and many people as the sales are destroyed, because normal sales are also destroyed. and in addition to the cancerous cells, and you become incredibly tired while your body tries to regenerate these new sales, you can get mouth ulcers and so it may be that we can expect a change in her appearance. again, some chemotherapeutic agents are different than others. we don't know what she's getting at >> obviously, her statement hit home right? the same age group. she's a woman, a mother, but the young family and when she said that she is taking a time to try to reassure her family, her children, that she's gonna be okay. i mean, mr. in a very still as a tough moment for her, no. >> absolutely. and you have to talk about the children, then make certain that you have some psychological assessment of everything that's happening within that family and how to make antigen dr. jane morgan. thank you. thank you. yeah. soaking rain, damaging >> winds, the coaston north-east braces for a severe threat that could bring dangerous flash flooding welcome to forecast. next >> week's slides. cia secrets. >> valerie play salary plane draw are playing winds were instead >> yes. my children. this is >> horrifying. united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode tomorrow at nine on cnn, feeling sluggish or way down could be assigned that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little mit amu. so every day can help met them useful cilium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste and weighs you down. and also helps lower cholesterol. it's low sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. >> so you can feel lighter and more energetic, lighten every day the meta mucosal wave feel less sluggish em wave down after just 14 days, sign up for the 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it's not a one-off. there's two back-to-back systems bringing a tremendous amount of snow. so yes, it's it's kinda weird to think that it is the first week of spring, but it's not going to feel like you should have the word file of this is another time in place. no, right >> yeah. let's take so right now we're wrapping up that first system. this is the one in the northeast. you've got very heavy rain along the coast right now, reigning in new york and boston, but tupled just a few miles inland. it's that rain-snow mix and it also very heavy snow once you get up into upstate new york, also the green and white mountains that's why you've got these winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories for more than half a dozen states, you've also so got some spread out for the next system. it said to arrive along the northern tier of the country. that's going to arrive later on tomorrow. flood watches along the coast of boston, hartford, new york, philadelphia. you're looking at all rain from this system. so we're talking about two to four inches total there. the good news is this system moves out by the time we get to the latter half of the weekend. sunday is going to be much drier, quite a different story in the central us where sunday is really going to be the trouble day, especially the central portion here you can see that low pressure system making its way from the dakotas, nebraska, in towards the midwest by monday. and we're talking a lot of snow with this for some of these cities, they could end up getting more the next few days. than they did in all of winter i don't know what's worse, you know, having it extremely old like that or dealing with the pollen here. i mean, it's just oh, yeah. >> yeah. the pollen is here. i just for these people, it's like just ready to switch its own you gotta keep everything out. all right, alison, thanks so much. thanks. >> all right. so they come more from the devastating seen on the outskirts of moscow, more than 100 killed, 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