Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

breaking news tonight, catherine, the princess of wales, announcing that she has been diagnosed with cancer in short video, kate revealed the doctors found out after her major abdominal surgery back in january. she says that her medical team performed tests afterward and discovered cancer had been present it's of course came as a huge shock. and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of my young family as you can imagine, this has taken time. it has taken me time to recover for major surgery in order to start my treatment but most importantly, it is taken as time to explain everything to george charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them. and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay >> it's a stunning revelation that came after weeks out of the spotlight, a virtual impossibility for anyone who's famous in 2024. but that absence lead to wild rumors about where was princess kate and why in the video, kate asked for privacy have a c while her treatment continues >> we hope that you'll understand that as a family, we now need some time space and privacy while i complete my treatment my work has always bought me a deep sense of joy. and i look forward to being back when i'm able but for now, i must focus on making a full recovery at this time. >> i'm also thinking of all those >> whose lives have been affected by cancer for everyone facing this disease in whatever form please do not lose faith or hope you are not alone >> training me narrow to discuss all of this as buddies, shamata, she's a royal watcher and broadcaster buddy xia. it seems that a big factor in all of this, the timing of how she revealed this information was that princess kate and prince william wanted their children to be out of school to be home for the easter holiday before making this announcement they made that decision. clearly two great sacrifice given all the speculation, what do you make of how it all turned out? >> i think your interpretation is exactly right. that this is a young family, a very beloved public figure, but they, our first and foremost, a family and the new generation of the royal family was always about normality. we are going to behave just as any parents doing. of course, any parents as as their first priority, looking after their young kids and explaining in a way that young people will understand what's going on, why there's so many changes. i really feel kate middleton, the princess of wales, because frederick statement was so dignified. it was so relatable. i absolutely heard that last line of hers where she says if you're going through this, you're not alone because she understands that exactly what she's going through, even with all of her wealth and fame as you so rightly say, and privilege. it's still something that millions and billions all over the world are going through themselves to and they are thinking about, my goodness, what's it going to be like for my family when am i going to get back to work? when will i feel okay? how do i make this seem understandable and normal while still getting the best care that i possibly can it's really striking as you noted there, how she is presented in that video she is dressed very casually, but most notably for me, she's sitting alone without her family or her husband what did you make of that choice on her part >> i think that's really interesting too, and i also noted that she's on a bench outside. it's spring. spring is all about hope and renewable >> it's very, very clever because on the one hand, she's saying, i could just be out here sitting on a bench is as if the days of lockdown and back again, i'm enjoying the view. i'm i'm well, i'm healthy. she takes pains to look. yes. casual, but also bursting with health and beauty and natural vitality at the same time, however, she's making it very clear that even though she's talking about her husband and her children, she is her own woman. there is no sense that she has somehow ron has statement, has lots of other people for approval. so she wants to be seen as the wife and the mother. but at the same time as someone who's taking ownership of her own experience in her own words, king charles as i'm sure a lot of people know, by now, is also undergoing treatment for an undisclosed form of cancer the royal family is now in this position where with prince harry ray leaving, king charles i taking a step back, you've got a much smaller group of quote, unquote, working royals who are out there on behalf of the royal family what's that going to look like for for the royal family in the months ahead? what does that do to what they're able to accomplish in their public facing part of their lives >> yes, it's extraordinary, isn't it? you've got king charles getting treatment for cancer. and at the same time, you've got his erez and erez to the crown by marriage also getting treatment at exactly the same time. it's rare to happen in any family whatsoever. and one really thinks about them as a family now the immediate response in the uk, and in fact, all over the world has been shock and surprise and at the same time, it kind of immediate respect and discretion. so i think what will happen this year, maybe this year going into the next year for six months or so. it is. >> we will not >> expect to see all those great big shows of pageantry that we're so used to with the world i'll family, there'll be a certain amount of diplomacy and discretion. i don't think anyone will be calling upon any other less famous royals are less prominent roles to somehow step into place. i think maybe the demands of being a royal will lessen. and frankly, i think that's a good thing if you looked at the late queen it's a bit the second schedule, it was extraordinary. she was out at engagements every single day. she was inexhaustible. she could do that, but i'm not sure it's fair to demand that everyone all the time just because they're famous, just because they're, or that they should be absolutely exerting themselves, particularly at a time like this and of course it comes at a time when this has been perhaps decades in the making their have long been questions about just what does the moderate and moderate key even look like? and now it will be a little bit more in the backburner as you just noted, as all of this is happening, prince harry and meghan released a statement about prince harry's brother sister-in-law, i should say saying that they wish for health and healing for kate and for the family, and hope that they're able to do so privately and in peace this is a relationship that is not on the best of terms let's be honest. the statement needed to be made. what do you hear in it? >> well, i hear your emphasis as well. the privately and in peace are two very loaded phrases. >> having said that, i think that is actually what every side of the family won't at this time. you mentioned how we haven't really heard from kate kate middleton since january also. and this is why so many people were was speculating in such a liu way. it's a very tricky bargain if you are so prominent and you are so privileged and you come from literally centuries of hereditary privilege people do feel as if they own a part of you. they feel almost justified in gossiping or wanting to know a little bit more. however, that must never overstepped the mark. and it must also be sensitive to the time this isn't just some sorts of latest chapter in a soap opera. it's a family like any other where you've got the patriarch, the king, but also the erez to the throne. both very ill and receiving treatment, even though they are both very reassuring in the sense of telling people were getting the best care. i am well, we are moving forward, but yeah, privacy and peace are to be hoped for. and i think it's gracious of harry and meghan that they did it, at least releases statement very promptly and i do think that they do care >> yeah, i do think so as well. despite all the tensions in public and perhaps private but ischium amato. thank you very much for all of that kensington palace is not expected to reveal anything further about princess kate's condition that's according to a royal source. and that includes what kind of cancer she has or what stage it's it kate has been expected to return to her public duties after easter, but now we'll postpone further work until her medical team clears her. joining me now to talk about this and what we can learn from the very few details that we know so far is dr. ryan boy, he's a medical oncologist at columbia university, irving medical center. and he specializes isn't gastrointestinal cancers, dr. moy. thanks for joining us we should note just in general for everyone talking about this on television right now, you haven't treated princess kate, you haven't seen her, you don't know like we don't what kind of cancer she has but just to start at the beginning of all of this, what has kicked the off so much speculation was simply this abdominal surgery that she had in january and a hospital stay that lasted about two weeks given that the fact that cancer was found after that, does that tell you anything about what they might have been treating initially that could have led to this diagnosis. >> yeah. first of all, my heart goes out to the princess kate and the royal family for any patient and their family undergoing a new cancer diagnosis. this is a tremendous and terrifying, terrifying ordeal. but we really don't know what this time what type of cancer this is we do note that she underwent a major abdominal surgery, but this is not too uncommon of a scenario where a patient may be undergoing a procedure they may 4 what is thought to be a benign or non-cancerous growth, for example assist the polyp a fibroid and only after the fact after that's removed from the pathologists have the time to take a look at thin slices under the microscope. two, identify cancer cells there. >> and the length of stay in the hospital when people hear that, what should they understand? that typically >> refers to the type of surgery that a patient may have, which we don't know, that may often be time that a patients recovering from the surgery for a sample from an incision of wound healing. and that may take several days to recover from one of the other things is abdominal surgery, which could be actually a lot of things. can you just explain to us what's the scope here? what we could be talking about? >> the abdominal cavity contains many different organs. this includes the stomach, which is my specialty as a gastro-intestinal mega medical oncologist the colon, small bowel. this also includes the liver and pancreas. there are other non gastrointestinal organs to like the spleen. this includes the reproductive organs, like the uterus, ovaries, the bladder. so this can really refer to many different potential tumor types and each oregon can also have a different types of tumors that can grow there, which is so important just to underscore, really, we don't know virtually anything about what this could be, what she was originally treated four they did tell us that she is undergoing what they're calling preventive chemotherapy. what is that? >> yeah, that's a good question. so when we say president vented of chemotherapy, that all it's also known as adjuvant chemotherapy or chemotherapy after a surgery. so this usually refers to a patient that undergoes surgery to remove a cancer and afterwards, the goal of this adjuvant definitive search therapy is to prevent cancer recurrence mainly to mop up or target any microscopic cancer cells that may have been left behind cells small clusters of cells that we can't see by the naked eye that we can't see by imaging, but have the potential to still be there. so the goal is really to target those cells, prevent any cancer occurrence or spread. and ultimately what the goal of ciara for their cancer for a patient who's undergoing what she experienced but that surgery and with the chemotherapy, diva sense of what her life is like right now, how much strength she might have what the road ahead could be like from yeah >> i'm encouraged by the fact that she mentioned that she's feeling stronger day by day but it is we don't again, we don't know what the particular circumstances, the particular cancer, but it's likely a road ahead involving a mesh. she mentioned chemotherapy the type of treatment, the duration of treatment really depends on the tumor type and extent of the tumor which we don't know. but this will likely mean a treatment and then surveillance to make sure that the cancer hasn't come back involving exams imaging such as ct blood work, to make sure that there's no recurrence, there's there's the physical and then there's also obviously the emotional and the stress of all of this playing out in the public eye dr. ryan moore, i thank you very much for joining us. and breaking tonight, isis is now taking credit for a deadly terror attack in moscow. we will have the latest from russia and more on kate's surprise isaac announcement and how it was handled by kensington palace after months of rumors. plus, the clock is ticking yet again, can the senate what a partial shutdown this weekend when the clock strikes midnight, cnn will be live from capitol hill. you're watching these five leaks lives. >> cia >> secrets vowel replace >> valerie plane, throw are >> point. >> i was undercover. >> so when you respond yeah >> did someone at the white house below the cover of a cia operative after her husband criticize the run-up to the war, where are the weapons of mass destruction exactly? >> this she was the rear scandal that really mattered >> lives were at stake >> yes. my children. this is horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode so sunday a nine on cnn >> start your de with nature me. >> the >> number one pharmacist recommended vitamin supplement 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after months outside of the public eye time that left room to fuel wild rumors about where she was to discuss this. i'm joined now by rachel bowie, the host of royalty obsessed the podcast rachel this is something that's very understandable on a human level that princess kate and prince william would want to handle this privately at the same time, they are royals there in the public eye and the palace made a lot of choices over the last few weeks that really fueled all of this. we talking as we were sitting in the break about the trust with the palace and where that stands right now, do you think that that's been damaged and that they can fix it? >> i mean, i do think it's been damaged. i thought it was particularly interesting when kate released the statement today that it was her talking to camera. that's completely unheard of in the scope of medical news that we've heard heard from the royals in the past. >> i >> completely expected that we would get a type statement announcing this news, but instead, it was really personable, transparent, without revealing the exact type of cancer that she has. i think that they needed to show her really authentically talking about this yeah. especially after questions about a >> doctored photos and whatnot, the fact that the bbc was the one to put this out to record it, and to put this out it struck me as giving some validity to the fact that this is real, this is really her yeah, i think it really they needed that level of of authentic tensity. i even noticed in the cover tell people were confirming what we heard a lot of with the photos, the metadata it was recorded on wednesday at windsor castle. all those details were a part of it that felt unique to me. >> yeah, that's that's such a great point look, this video is really coming at a time when the palace is also dealing with a lot of family issues we were talking earlier. this show about what the monarchy really means. >> yeah, anymore >> it almost feels like a moment where maybe the british public, maybe the world needs to get used to this idea that maybe they don't need to know everything. maybe the royals do need to take a step back from the public. eye for their own their own good, their own privacy, their own families. >> yeah. i mean, i do feel like what you're talking about, it's really unprecedented to know that what kate's going through as we learned today, but also king charles and even fergie. she had her breast cancer diagnosis and skin cancer diagnosis this year. i really think that the expectation has out of control in the last few weeks of what are we feel we're entitled to know and i think william and kate were really trying to maintain that bubble of privacy and that balance is really difficult and tricky for them. and i think it will be going forward. >> we're already seeing a lot of people apologizing for yes speculation online. i do think there will be fallout from that i mean, i think people might just say online there was one on stephen colbert show. >> yeah. i mean, i think people will feel ashamed, maybe a little. i mean, i know that we just have this hunger for information, but it did cross a line for me. i felt really uncomfortable with how far it went. >> i >> think it's just a tricky thing to come back to back from, but i do think trust this is still an issue for the royal family and how they navigate that going forward will be something we'll all be watching. >> yeah. i mean, you do have to ask the question. were there other choices that could have been made that's still would've respected absolute privacy in this situation rachel bowie. thank you very much for all of that. thank you for having me up next. isis is >> taking credit for a >> deadly terror attack in moscow, where there are signs in the weeks that led up to it. and we'll the cell and it approved a must-pass spending bill before there is a partial shutdown this weekend will have the answer ahead >> check >> we hear nothing >> a space shuttle 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hall. now this took place in a suburb of moscow called cross know gore's got actually used to go there quite regularly this area that had happened in the crocus city hall is really a shopping and entertainment venue with obviously that very large concert hall where a concert was supposed to happen tonight until those attackers came in and shot that entire place up. now what we hear from eyewitnesses is they say that the attackers came in and immediately started shooting people point blank, apparently, in the later stages of the >> attack, they also threw a molotov off cocktails as well. of course, we did see that that entire concert venue was then on fire later with the russians even having to bring in helicopters to try and put the flames out. the russians are saying that at one point in time there were around 50 ambulance is on the scene tending to the many people who were wounded. the russian authorities, of course, have come out and said that there were dozens of people who were killed and well over 100 people who were wounded. again, the authorities, right now, of course, still in the process of finding things out, then they do fear that there could still be more victims in this horrendous attack. now we have, of course learn that the islamic state has claimed responsibility for this. yet the identities of the attackers remain unknown. the russians are saying they believe that these attackers could very well be still at large, that they may have escaped in a small white car are from that venue. now, we've not heard from the russian president, from vladimir putin yet. however, his spokesman says that he is being kept up to date on what is happening at that venue and that all necessary measures are being taken. of course, this is by all accounts, a massive terror attack that took place in the russian capital. again, a lot of things remain unclear, but certainly a horrifying night for the folks who were on hand at that venue. abby fred pleitgen. thank you very much for that report and for more, let's bring in now a russian journalists done a slab couture. i started slab. this was the deadliest attack in moscow and at least some decades, you've been two years, you've been to this concert hall yourself? what is the response inside of russia right now to something like this happening >> oh, it's exactly the response the terrorists or whoever is behind this attack had been helping for its terror. people are really scared, frighten and they are waiting for their nation litter to address them. at some point, it is somewhat surprising, is it, is it surprising to you that, that putin has not been out front to respond to this? >> well, exactly as being more than what, eight hours. now since the attack. and he has made a a single press appearance, which leads me to the conclusion that, you know what initially, i thought that this was that false flag operation. >> but now >> observing how the russian authorities are reacting, how the russian propaganda has been reacting to this i tend to believe that this is a strap the russian security forces excuse my language. >> and you know >> propaganda is coming up with different versions of what has happened. like, for example, putin's chief mouthpiece, margarita simonyan head of rt, russian, russian i'm leading propaganda tv channel she wrote like isis, what are you talking about? it's all fake about isis then solo view of another russian propaganda peddler implied that ukrainians might have been behind the attack russian politician and deputy of russian parliament, chief. also said that, the ukrainians might've been behind the attack led by the united states. >> so this is, i mean, that's really fascinating because first of all, the united states had warned publicly that i just looked landing an attack in moscow. isis has claimed credit for this attack. the us has no reason to doubt that. and yet, you're saying that inside of russia, people who are typically mao thing, what putin wants the public to hear are still trying to blame ukraine. do you still think that this will have an impact on that was even if ukraine had nothing to do with it. >> absolutely the most important thing now is what putin, what the kremlin will use this as a pretext for. because again, no matter who was initially behind the attack, they will do their best to use this against ukraine brain to boost their to escalate the ukrainian war. and probably even declare a war against the west. again at least 123 russian politicians have now claim that the united states, are behind this attack again, this are where it's not for a reporter apolitical analysts, but from russia's top politicians, including parliamentarians so again, from the top essentially is what you're saying. >> absolutely. again, we already have we've had to russian television channels who posted a video, a fake video, with a member of the ukrainian security council allegedly claiming responsibility for the attack, which was again a fake video. >> but the idea that three gunmen can just walk in more than three, at least at least five in the video, which you see if we can see three in that video. but at any number walk into a concert venue like that guns blazing with incendiary devices, maybe molotov cocktails and kill that many people. how does that not reflect poorly on vladimir putin and his ability to keep russian safe >> to put it mildly because again, as you mentioned, i've been to that venue. i've been to at least two concerts. there and i know there are two police stations within less than a mile from the venue, and there is a local headquarters of the national guard, also capital miles from the concert hall. so, and then again, as you mentioned two weeks ago, the united states and other governments had warned about the possibility of terrorist attacks. and three days ago, only three days ago, putin said that this is pure black male what do you, what the other nations had said? >> so >> again, i think this is a mess up on the part of the russian security forces, which will definitely be used by the kremlin against the west. and to boost reprisals within russia, probably evan returning death penalty, which russia so far has had a moratorium on. >> wow, very interesting. stanislav couture. thank you very much for joining us tonight. and up next, the united states government is on the brink of a partial shutdown. the senate needs to pass the government funding bill for midnight tonight in order to avoid it. but it's not looking very likely will have the latest on that vegas this of sin city sunday at on cnn >> sorry, body for knowing about actives. but giving 100% of them to my face, the fear no more body get act of serums with hyaluronic acid that quench vitamin c that brightens and pro sarah mics that even everywhere, new doves serum body wash get dove or get fomo >> luck and good guys situations are better with the credit god's on your side rewards. once available to the few are now 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has been fair? his brain court might take this up. what's the outcome though? >> how's >> that for a clipping on america? >> laura coates live next on cnn >> just in to cnn looks like the united states will in fact partially shutdown at midnight tonight earlier today, the house passed a $1.4 billion spending bill to avoid this very scenario. but now the senate has failed to reach a deal to vote on it. so the blame game begins. cnn's melanie zanona is live from capitol hill. melanie what is the latest on where this all stephens and why congress can yet again cannot get their act together. >> yeah, not surprising, right? all the senators and aides that we've been talking too all night are now bracing for a shutdown at midnight. there's only about an hour and a half left until that critical deadline. and right now, there is no vote spent scheduled on that a critical spending package because lawmakers have been unable to come to an agreement on desired amendment votes, those amendments would not pass, but republicans are pushing for the votes anyway. and some democrats are pushing back. so that means that they're likely going to have to come back on sunday when they're going to try to finish up their work now this isn't going to be a full shutdown. it's only partial let down because six government agencies were funded earlier this month. and it is only going to be a temporary shutdown because when they do get this on the floor, it is expected to pass, but it is a shutdown nonetheless. and this has been such a tortured process to get here. remember, they were supposed to have funded the government back in october, but they kicked the can down the road past stop gap bill after stop gap bill. and when they finally released this massive package, they only did it did it yesterday at 3m, giving themselves very little time to read the bill and get it through both chambers so at this point, it does look like congress is on track to shut down the government. abbe. >> it is crazy that we've been talking about this since october. melanie. thank you very much for that joining me now is republican congressman ralph norman of south carolina he is among the house republicans who voted against this spending bill. congressman thanks for being here my pleasure every glad to be with you. >> we know you oppose this government funding bill, one of your colleagues though, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene has filed that infamous motion to vacate to oust speaker johnson over this budget, which a lot of your colleagues are upset about but i wonder, i mean, it has the threat to oust the speaker, which used to be something that was rare, has it become meaningless >> low, it's a tool in the toolbox has always been there and it just hadn't been used up until kevin mccarthy for i think over 100 and some odd years but no, the issue that we're facing now is a budget that is a is abysmal. >> the >> american people do not deserve what they, what they received. we asked speaker johnson not to put this this even up for a vote. and then to have a continuing resolution and any funding of government of any kind had to have border security. and we've been invaded. we've got a crisis and invasion that is this country cannot, cannot continue to take for the next eight months >> you sound pretty that disappointed, upset, whatever i had activity want to use is describe how you feel about what the speaker is doing right now how divided is your conference right now after all these short-term bills after this spending bill, now how divided are you >> well, let's just a difference of opinion. >> there's >> a lot of us, it's not just freedom caucus members a lot of us when we broke this budget down. and what was being proposed, they one by parson as a keen, jeffery said this was a chuck schumer nancy pelosi, bill. it spending at $1.26 trillion of money. we don't have, this is a bill majority of republicans voted for it that's the reality. >> the majority of the majority, the majority did not. so he didn't have the majority of republicans or democrats passes bill and you had republicans two devote forward too, but we're going to show what this bill really is when you have 500 million go into jordan hundred and 50 million went to build a wall in jordan when you had 125 million going to egypt to pay for college for egyptians, $125 million and that's just a tip of the iceberg. the last tranche of bills that we pass head over 12 billion in earmarks of unpaid for n zero cuts. and we're going to show it and you're right, they voted for it, but they're going to own it now because we show the american people that you know what the excuse was useful, we cannot have a shutdown. >> you have a couple of colleagues who are leading the conference, just a a few days right now today, one of them and mike gallagher and a couple of weeks of wisconsin, he is announced that he's it's gonna be departing. that's going to bring your majority down to close to the slimmest in history, or in recent history, is this an indictment on what it's like to be a republican in congress right now. >> well i'll tell you. it's not an indictment. it's just i'm very disappointed that people are not finishing the job that they signed up to do. i like my gallagher but unless it's for health reasons, you do your job for the term that you elected to do it, which is two years and the worst part about where my gallagher per his state if he resigned before april 19, you can pick a replacement have a special election after the 19th there, which i understand he's he's resigned on the 19th. it's got to run through through november. >> so we're going >> we're going to their state is not go ahead. representation that they thought they had when mike went into office and wildly the country and alerts like this, we're headed towards socialism, but this administrative one, because he thinks said doing isn't doing maybe because they think the congress is to dysfunctional and is not doing anything. you don't think that that's a reflection on what it's like to actually serve right now >> it is dysfunctional. >> it we're spending more money than we make. and yes, the catcher in this country is is spending more than we make $35 trillion is not a figment of our imagination. those coming across the border are not a figment of our imagination is real. so yes, it's dysfunctional, but we're here to solve problems. people sent us pay us, us our incentive to washington to do a job. and i just hate that. ken buck left and george santos was kicked out, at least he voted for sanity while he was there. what these democrats are doing is not american and the problems we're facing are affected every democrat in every republican, all across the board. so it's really not a democrat republican issue. his american issue, >> congressman ralph norman, thank you very much for joining us tonight appreciate it. >> my pleasure. thank you >> there are some new warning signs for biden's must win blue wall. >> can you >> build back support and states like michigan and pennsylvania? well, we'll talk to a michigan native michael moore about all of that next >> jersey when you put in the effort, but it starts to freeze you skipped a step trisomy silk zero, used before styling for three days of weightlessly smooth hair. that phrase can't be a trisomy keratin smooth collection. >> it's just your mother and i went different thing which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live and free tv on one app that's right thing is really keeping this family together. >> you have no idea? i had no idea >> well my dr. gave me breaths tree for my copd. >> things changed >> race treaty better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduce flare-ups. >> registry won't replace he's a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your dr. if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it, don't take breaths, train more than prescribed rest 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cnn polling shows a dead-even race between biden and donald trump in pennsylvania with 46% of registered voters planning to vote for each candidate. meanwhile, biden trails in michigan with 50% of registered voters saying they plan to vote for trump that's compared to 42% who say they plan to vote for biden for more on this. i want to bring in michael moore. he's a filmmaker and author and host of rumble with michael moore, the podcast. michael, good to see you again. since october no poll has shown biden even close to winning michigan. that's the reality are you worried that biden could lose this state >> well, sure >> hillary lost it in 2016. my about 11,000 votes or approximately two votes per precinct so yes, there's a way to lose michigan and i'm sad to say that biden is playing a game here where he doesn't understand and it's not just a michigan, it's also you said pennsylvania, but minnesota after 13.5% of michigan in the michigan primary, voted uncommitted mostly people who would have in probably did vote for biden in 2020 minnesota, 20%. two weeks later voted uncommitted. >> you >> can't have >> that. many people not willing to commit m. possibly staying home. now, that mean the uncommitted people are not going to switch from biden to trump now, what do wants trump in their everybody needs to do whatever we all can do to make sure he doesn't win in november. >> but if >> you don't understand that your support and your funding of this war in gaza, the slaughter of 31,000 plus people, mostly the majority elderly and children that you've lost, young people that look at the poll numbers for just young people whose let me actually give you those numbers or give the audience those numbers since you brought it up. among young voters, looking at voters under 35, only 37% say they plan to vote for biden compared to 50 compared for trump when it comes to biden's job approval for voters of color, that's another key group. more than half of voters of color disapprove of the way he's handling his job these are not great numbers. the numbers among voters under 25 are even worse for president biden. when you talk about the uncommitted vote at the pro-palestinian protest vote what are you hearing? first of all, who are those people and what are you hearing? >> they >> need to see in order to actually leave their homes and go vote for president biden >> because president biden could lose this just by a few thousand votes. i don't i don't really believe it's that wide of a gap between trump and biden i think that biden has every chance to win michigan and should win michigan. problem is that young people people on the progressive left, people of color, especially arab americans. you've got 300,000 michiganders who are muslim voters registered muslim voters or error voters were arab speaking voters from north africa the chance of a lot of those people staying home because they're seeing people that they know, people that look like them that are them being killed why are you risking losing those voters? why are you listening to young people? young people >> he really hates war of the most young people because they're the ones sent to war. >> so whenever >> they hear that we're doing saber rattling again, invading countries, or in this case funding. funding this, this war, abby could end tomorrow simply by the united states pulling the plug on the war machine. not, not pulling the plug on supporting israel, protecting anybody who's being slaughtered in israel all nobody wants that. everybody supports our jewish brothers and sisters and their right to life. >> but >> this is going way beyond october 7 at this point, when you under slaughtering that many people young people, are i'm not telling somebody like me, maybe i don't stay home on election day but if you're 18 or 20 the chance of the state people staying home is great. and of that illustrate hundred thousand more than a quarter million arab americans, muslim americans in michigan not voting when hillary lost by 11,000 votes. >> yeah >> you've got that many people. it's a serious issue >> a lot of us are trying to argue from >> well, one of the other things i'm curious about because you're really plugged in to michigan or you're plugged in particularly in the union world, >> you didn't support is what are those issues that i think we shorthand by saying, for example, the uaw supports president biden. but when you talk to rank and file workers and you talk to them about the economy, for example, which is another weak spot for president biden. what are they telling you? what are they telling you? they need to hear from this president in order for them to feel comfortable that he has a handle on the economy it's a really good question because as you have on your shell pointed out that the reality of the economy and >> people's perception of it are not necessarily the same thing. >> and that i think that yes union people support the democrats, won the house and the senate back in the hands of the democrats >> but, but to, to >> person, i'll just say what i personally think what he needs to do about this particular issue of the economy he needs to get rid of some staff his campaign staff is going to cost him this election. he has gotta get people that can get the message. all i can speak clearly. he can he can do that that state of the union was incredible so he knows how to do that, but if he doesn't have the people that understand and especially understand michigan as michelle goldberg said in the new york times, a couple of weeks ago biden is going to lose michigan if you lose michigan, he's going to lose the election. >> we can't let that happen, >> but biden has got to do a few things to stand up against war. >> a war that he >> and the united states is funding and he's got, he's, he's done soy. i've said this on your show before. he's done so many good things as president, so many things that he stood for, walk the picket line. no president has ever done that. >> he >> just this week, wall street journal reported two days ago that he's got somebody over there from the doj in england, in london negotiating an end to putting julian assange on trial they they've decided somewhere in the justice department that this is crazy. it's time to just let this guy go. >> they've had a >> 14 years as incarcerated one way or another. >> that is a way >> if you're trying to speak to the progressive left the person responsible for telling us the lies that led us into the iraq war and the biden administration, essentially as done with trying to wanting to extradite him to the united states. >> and that's a powerful message for the base >> and michael, why isn't it working >> here's the question of the hour that's all we've got time for >> tonight. we appreciate you as always, michael moore. thank you so much. thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now.

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, Jewish , Sisters , October 7 , Don T Stay Home , Muslim Americans , 18 , Issues , Union , Well , Didn T Support , Economy , Workers , Spot , File , Uaw Supports , Handle , Shell , Perception , The House , Person , Campaign Staff , Staff , Message , State Of The Union , New York Times , Michelle Goldberg , Picket Line , Soy , Wall Street Journal , Somewhere , Somebody , Doj , Julian Assange , London , England , Department , Progressive , Justice , One Way Or Another , Guy Go , Administration , Base , Isn T It Working Here ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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breaking news tonight, catherine, the princess of wales, announcing that she has been diagnosed with cancer in short video, kate revealed the doctors found out after her major abdominal surgery back in january. she says that her medical team performed tests afterward and discovered cancer had been present it's of course came as a huge shock. and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of my young family as you can imagine, this has taken time. it has taken me time to recover for major surgery in order to start my treatment but most importantly, it is taken as time to explain everything to george charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them. and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay >> it's a stunning revelation that came after weeks out of the spotlight, a virtual impossibility for anyone who's famous in 2024. but that absence lead to wild rumors about where was princess kate and why in the video, kate asked for privacy have a c while her treatment continues >> we hope that you'll understand that as a family, we now need some time space and privacy while i complete my treatment my work has always bought me a deep sense of joy. and i look forward to being back when i'm able but for now, i must focus on making a full recovery at this time. >> i'm also thinking of all those >> whose lives have been affected by cancer for everyone facing this disease in whatever form please do not lose faith or hope you are not alone >> training me narrow to discuss all of this as buddies, shamata, she's a royal watcher and broadcaster buddy xia. it seems that a big factor in all of this, the timing of how she revealed this information was that princess kate and prince william wanted their children to be out of school to be home for the easter holiday before making this announcement they made that decision. clearly two great sacrifice given all the speculation, what do you make of how it all turned out? >> i think your interpretation is exactly right. that this is a young family, a very beloved public figure, but they, our first and foremost, a family and the new generation of the royal family was always about normality. we are going to behave just as any parents doing. of course, any parents as as their first priority, looking after their young kids and explaining in a way that young people will understand what's going on, why there's so many changes. i really feel kate middleton, the princess of wales, because frederick statement was so dignified. it was so relatable. i absolutely heard that last line of hers where she says if you're going through this, you're not alone because she understands that exactly what she's going through, even with all of her wealth and fame as you so rightly say, and privilege. it's still something that millions and billions all over the world are going through themselves to and they are thinking about, my goodness, what's it going to be like for my family when am i going to get back to work? when will i feel okay? how do i make this seem understandable and normal while still getting the best care that i possibly can it's really striking as you noted there, how she is presented in that video she is dressed very casually, but most notably for me, she's sitting alone without her family or her husband what did you make of that choice on her part >> i think that's really interesting too, and i also noted that she's on a bench outside. it's spring. spring is all about hope and renewable >> it's very, very clever because on the one hand, she's saying, i could just be out here sitting on a bench is as if the days of lockdown and back again, i'm enjoying the view. i'm i'm well, i'm healthy. she takes pains to look. yes. casual, but also bursting with health and beauty and natural vitality at the same time, however, she's making it very clear that even though she's talking about her husband and her children, she is her own woman. there is no sense that she has somehow ron has statement, has lots of other people for approval. so she wants to be seen as the wife and the mother. but at the same time as someone who's taking ownership of her own experience in her own words, king charles as i'm sure a lot of people know, by now, is also undergoing treatment for an undisclosed form of cancer the royal family is now in this position where with prince harry ray leaving, king charles i taking a step back, you've got a much smaller group of quote, unquote, working royals who are out there on behalf of the royal family what's that going to look like for for the royal family in the months ahead? what does that do to what they're able to accomplish in their public facing part of their lives >> yes, it's extraordinary, isn't it? you've got king charles getting treatment for cancer. and at the same time, you've got his erez and erez to the crown by marriage also getting treatment at exactly the same time. it's rare to happen in any family whatsoever. and one really thinks about them as a family now the immediate response in the uk, and in fact, all over the world has been shock and surprise and at the same time, it kind of immediate respect and discretion. so i think what will happen this year, maybe this year going into the next year for six months or so. it is. >> we will not >> expect to see all those great big shows of pageantry that we're so used to with the world i'll family, there'll be a certain amount of diplomacy and discretion. i don't think anyone will be calling upon any other less famous royals are less prominent roles to somehow step into place. i think maybe the demands of being a royal will lessen. and frankly, i think that's a good thing if you looked at the late queen it's a bit the second schedule, it was extraordinary. she was out at engagements every single day. she was inexhaustible. she could do that, but i'm not sure it's fair to demand that everyone all the time just because they're famous, just because they're, or that they should be absolutely exerting themselves, particularly at a time like this and of course it comes at a time when this has been perhaps decades in the making their have long been questions about just what does the moderate and moderate key even look like? and now it will be a little bit more in the backburner as you just noted, as all of this is happening, prince harry and meghan released a statement about prince harry's brother sister-in-law, i should say saying that they wish for health and healing for kate and for the family, and hope that they're able to do so privately and in peace this is a relationship that is not on the best of terms let's be honest. the statement needed to be made. what do you hear in it? >> well, i hear your emphasis as well. the privately and in peace are two very loaded phrases. >> having said that, i think that is actually what every side of the family won't at this time. you mentioned how we haven't really heard from kate kate middleton since january also. and this is why so many people were was speculating in such a liu way. it's a very tricky bargain if you are so prominent and you are so privileged and you come from literally centuries of hereditary privilege people do feel as if they own a part of you. they feel almost justified in gossiping or wanting to know a little bit more. however, that must never overstepped the mark. and it must also be sensitive to the time this isn't just some sorts of latest chapter in a soap opera. it's a family like any other where you've got the patriarch, the king, but also the erez to the throne. both very ill and receiving treatment, even though they are both very reassuring in the sense of telling people were getting the best care. i am well, we are moving forward, but yeah, privacy and peace are to be hoped for. and i think it's gracious of harry and meghan that they did it, at least releases statement very promptly and i do think that they do care >> yeah, i do think so as well. despite all the tensions in public and perhaps private but ischium amato. thank you very much for all of that kensington palace is not expected to reveal anything further about princess kate's condition that's according to a royal source. and that includes what kind of cancer she has or what stage it's it kate has been expected to return to her public duties after easter, but now we'll postpone further work until her medical team clears her. joining me now to talk about this and what we can learn from the very few details that we know so far is dr. ryan boy, he's a medical oncologist at columbia university, irving medical center. and he specializes isn't gastrointestinal cancers, dr. moy. thanks for joining us we should note just in general for everyone talking about this on television right now, you haven't treated princess kate, you haven't seen her, you don't know like we don't what kind of cancer she has but just to start at the beginning of all of this, what has kicked the off so much speculation was simply this abdominal surgery that she had in january and a hospital stay that lasted about two weeks given that the fact that cancer was found after that, does that tell you anything about what they might have been treating initially that could have led to this diagnosis. >> yeah. first of all, my heart goes out to the princess kate and the royal family for any patient and their family undergoing a new cancer diagnosis. this is a tremendous and terrifying, terrifying ordeal. but we really don't know what this time what type of cancer this is we do note that she underwent a major abdominal surgery, but this is not too uncommon of a scenario where a patient may be undergoing a procedure they may 4 what is thought to be a benign or non-cancerous growth, for example assist the polyp a fibroid and only after the fact after that's removed from the pathologists have the time to take a look at thin slices under the microscope. two, identify cancer cells there. >> and the length of stay in the hospital when people hear that, what should they understand? that typically >> refers to the type of surgery that a patient may have, which we don't know, that may often be time that a patients recovering from the surgery for a sample from an incision of wound healing. and that may take several days to recover from one of the other things is abdominal surgery, which could be actually a lot of things. can you just explain to us what's the scope here? what we could be talking about? >> the abdominal cavity contains many different organs. this includes the stomach, which is my specialty as a gastro-intestinal mega medical oncologist the colon, small bowel. this also includes the liver and pancreas. there are other non gastrointestinal organs to like the spleen. this includes the reproductive organs, like the uterus, ovaries, the bladder. so this can really refer to many different potential tumor types and each oregon can also have a different types of tumors that can grow there, which is so important just to underscore, really, we don't know virtually anything about what this could be, what she was originally treated four they did tell us that she is undergoing what they're calling preventive chemotherapy. what is that? >> yeah, that's a good question. so when we say president vented of chemotherapy, that all it's also known as adjuvant chemotherapy or chemotherapy after a surgery. so this usually refers to a patient that undergoes surgery to remove a cancer and afterwards, the goal of this adjuvant definitive search therapy is to prevent cancer recurrence mainly to mop up or target any microscopic cancer cells that may have been left behind cells small clusters of cells that we can't see by the naked eye that we can't see by imaging, but have the potential to still be there. so the goal is really to target those cells, prevent any cancer occurrence or spread. and ultimately what the goal of ciara for their cancer for a patient who's undergoing what she experienced but that surgery and with the chemotherapy, diva sense of what her life is like right now, how much strength she might have what the road ahead could be like from yeah >> i'm encouraged by the fact that she mentioned that she's feeling stronger day by day but it is we don't again, we don't know what the particular circumstances, the particular cancer, but it's likely a road ahead involving a mesh. she mentioned chemotherapy the type of treatment, the duration of treatment really depends on the tumor type and extent of the tumor which we don't know. but this will likely mean a treatment and then surveillance to make sure that the cancer hasn't come back involving exams imaging such as ct blood work, to make sure that there's no recurrence, there's there's the physical and then there's also obviously the emotional and the stress of all of this playing out in the public eye dr. ryan moore, i thank you very much for joining us. and breaking tonight, isis is now taking credit for a deadly terror attack in moscow. we will have the latest from russia and more on kate's surprise isaac announcement and how it was handled by kensington palace after months of rumors. plus, the clock is ticking yet again, can the senate what a partial shutdown this weekend when the clock strikes midnight, cnn will be live from capitol hill. you're watching these five leaks lives. >> cia >> secrets vowel replace >> valerie plane, throw are >> point. >> i was undercover. >> so when you respond yeah >> did someone at the white house below the cover of a cia operative after her husband criticize the run-up to the war, where are the weapons of mass destruction exactly? >> this she was the rear scandal that really mattered >> lives were at stake >> yes. my children. this is horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode so sunday a nine on cnn >> start your de with nature me. >> the >> number one pharmacist recommended vitamin supplement 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after months outside of the public eye time that left room to fuel wild rumors about where she was to discuss this. i'm joined now by rachel bowie, the host of royalty obsessed the podcast rachel this is something that's very understandable on a human level that princess kate and prince william would want to handle this privately at the same time, they are royals there in the public eye and the palace made a lot of choices over the last few weeks that really fueled all of this. we talking as we were sitting in the break about the trust with the palace and where that stands right now, do you think that that's been damaged and that they can fix it? >> i mean, i do think it's been damaged. i thought it was particularly interesting when kate released the statement today that it was her talking to camera. that's completely unheard of in the scope of medical news that we've heard heard from the royals in the past. >> i >> completely expected that we would get a type statement announcing this news, but instead, it was really personable, transparent, without revealing the exact type of cancer that she has. i think that they needed to show her really authentically talking about this yeah. especially after questions about a >> doctored photos and whatnot, the fact that the bbc was the one to put this out to record it, and to put this out it struck me as giving some validity to the fact that this is real, this is really her yeah, i think it really they needed that level of of authentic tensity. i even noticed in the cover tell people were confirming what we heard a lot of with the photos, the metadata it was recorded on wednesday at windsor castle. all those details were a part of it that felt unique to me. >> yeah, that's that's such a great point look, this video is really coming at a time when the palace is also dealing with a lot of family issues we were talking earlier. this show about what the monarchy really means. >> yeah, anymore >> it almost feels like a moment where maybe the british public, maybe the world needs to get used to this idea that maybe they don't need to know everything. maybe the royals do need to take a step back from the public. eye for their own their own good, their own privacy, their own families. >> yeah. i mean, i do feel like what you're talking about, it's really unprecedented to know that what kate's going through as we learned today, but also king charles and even fergie. she had her breast cancer diagnosis and skin cancer diagnosis this year. i really think that the expectation has out of control in the last few weeks of what are we feel we're entitled to know and i think william and kate were really trying to maintain that bubble of privacy and that balance is really difficult and tricky for them. and i think it will be going forward. >> we're already seeing a lot of people apologizing for yes speculation online. i do think there will be fallout from that i mean, i think people might just say online there was one on stephen colbert show. >> yeah. i mean, i think people will feel ashamed, maybe a little. i mean, i know that we just have this hunger for information, but it did cross a line for me. i felt really uncomfortable with how far it went. >> i >> think it's just a tricky thing to come back to back from, but i do think trust this is still an issue for the royal family and how they navigate that going forward will be something we'll all be watching. >> yeah. i mean, you do have to ask the question. were there other choices that could have been made that's still would've respected absolute privacy in this situation rachel bowie. thank you very much for all of that. thank you for having me up next. isis is >> taking credit for a >> deadly terror attack in moscow, where there are signs in the weeks that led up to it. and we'll the cell and it approved a must-pass spending bill before there is a partial shutdown this weekend will have the answer ahead >> check >> we hear nothing >> a space shuttle 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hall. now this took place in a suburb of moscow called cross know gore's got actually used to go there quite regularly this area that had happened in the crocus city hall is really a shopping and entertainment venue with obviously that very large concert hall where a concert was supposed to happen tonight until those attackers came in and shot that entire place up. now what we hear from eyewitnesses is they say that the attackers came in and immediately started shooting people point blank, apparently, in the later stages of the >> attack, they also threw a molotov off cocktails as well. of course, we did see that that entire concert venue was then on fire later with the russians even having to bring in helicopters to try and put the flames out. the russians are saying that at one point in time there were around 50 ambulance is on the scene tending to the many people who were wounded. the russian authorities, of course, have come out and said that there were dozens of people who were killed and well over 100 people who were wounded. again, the authorities, right now, of course, still in the process of finding things out, then they do fear that there could still be more victims in this horrendous attack. now we have, of course learn that the islamic state has claimed responsibility for this. yet the identities of the attackers remain unknown. the russians are saying they believe that these attackers could very well be still at large, that they may have escaped in a small white car are from that venue. now, we've not heard from the russian president, from vladimir putin yet. however, his spokesman says that he is being kept up to date on what is happening at that venue and that all necessary measures are being taken. of course, this is by all accounts, a massive terror attack that took place in the russian capital. again, a lot of things remain unclear, but certainly a horrifying night for the folks who were on hand at that venue. abby fred pleitgen. thank you very much for that report and for more, let's bring in now a russian journalists done a slab couture. i started slab. this was the deadliest attack in moscow and at least some decades, you've been two years, you've been to this concert hall yourself? what is the response inside of russia right now to something like this happening >> oh, it's exactly the response the terrorists or whoever is behind this attack had been helping for its terror. people are really scared, frighten and they are waiting for their nation litter to address them. at some point, it is somewhat surprising, is it, is it surprising to you that, that putin has not been out front to respond to this? >> well, exactly as being more than what, eight hours. now since the attack. and he has made a a single press appearance, which leads me to the conclusion that, you know what initially, i thought that this was that false flag operation. >> but now >> observing how the russian authorities are reacting, how the russian propaganda has been reacting to this i tend to believe that this is a strap the russian security forces excuse my language. >> and you know >> propaganda is coming up with different versions of what has happened. like, for example, putin's chief mouthpiece, margarita simonyan head of rt, russian, russian i'm leading propaganda tv channel she wrote like isis, what are you talking about? it's all fake about isis then solo view of another russian propaganda peddler implied that ukrainians might have been behind the attack russian politician and deputy of russian parliament, chief. also said that, the ukrainians might've been behind the attack led by the united states. >> so this is, i mean, that's really fascinating because first of all, the united states had warned publicly that i just looked landing an attack in moscow. isis has claimed credit for this attack. the us has no reason to doubt that. and yet, you're saying that inside of russia, people who are typically mao thing, what putin wants the public to hear are still trying to blame ukraine. do you still think that this will have an impact on that was even if ukraine had nothing to do with it. >> absolutely the most important thing now is what putin, what the kremlin will use this as a pretext for. because again, no matter who was initially behind the attack, they will do their best to use this against ukraine brain to boost their to escalate the ukrainian war. and probably even declare a war against the west. again at least 123 russian politicians have now claim that the united states, are behind this attack again, this are where it's not for a reporter apolitical analysts, but from russia's top politicians, including parliamentarians so again, from the top essentially is what you're saying. >> absolutely. again, we already have we've had to russian television channels who posted a video, a fake video, with a member of the ukrainian security council allegedly claiming responsibility for the attack, which was again a fake video. >> but the idea that three gunmen can just walk in more than three, at least at least five in the video, which you see if we can see three in that video. but at any number walk into a concert venue like that guns blazing with incendiary devices, maybe molotov cocktails and kill that many people. how does that not reflect poorly on vladimir putin and his ability to keep russian safe >> to put it mildly because again, as you mentioned, i've been to that venue. i've been to at least two concerts. there and i know there are two police stations within less than a mile from the venue, and there is a local headquarters of the national guard, also capital miles from the concert hall. so, and then again, as you mentioned two weeks ago, the united states and other governments had warned about the possibility of terrorist attacks. and three days ago, only three days ago, putin said that this is pure black male what do you, what the other nations had said? >> so >> again, i think this is a mess up on the part of the russian security forces, which will definitely be used by the kremlin against the west. and to boost reprisals within russia, probably evan returning death penalty, which russia so far has had a moratorium on. >> wow, very interesting. stanislav couture. thank you very much for joining us tonight. and up next, the united states government is on the brink of a partial shutdown. the senate needs to pass the government funding bill for midnight tonight in order to avoid it. but it's not looking very likely will have the latest on that vegas this of sin city sunday at on cnn >> sorry, body for knowing about actives. but giving 100% of them to my face, the fear no more body get act of serums with hyaluronic acid that quench vitamin c that brightens and pro sarah mics that even everywhere, new doves serum body wash get dove or get fomo >> luck and good guys situations are better with the credit god's on your side rewards. once available to the few are now 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has been fair? his brain court might take this up. what's the outcome though? >> how's >> that for a clipping on america? >> laura coates live next on cnn >> just in to cnn looks like the united states will in fact partially shutdown at midnight tonight earlier today, the house passed a $1.4 billion spending bill to avoid this very scenario. but now the senate has failed to reach a deal to vote on it. so the blame game begins. cnn's melanie zanona is live from capitol hill. melanie what is the latest on where this all stephens and why congress can yet again cannot get their act together. >> yeah, not surprising, right? all the senators and aides that we've been talking too all night are now bracing for a shutdown at midnight. there's only about an hour and a half left until that critical deadline. and right now, there is no vote spent scheduled on that a critical spending package because lawmakers have been unable to come to an agreement on desired amendment votes, those amendments would not pass, but republicans are pushing for the votes anyway. and some democrats are pushing back. so that means that they're likely going to have to come back on sunday when they're going to try to finish up their work now this isn't going to be a full shutdown. it's only partial let down because six government agencies were funded earlier this month. and it is only going to be a temporary shutdown because when they do get this on the floor, it is expected to pass, but it is a shutdown nonetheless. and this has been such a tortured process to get here. remember, they were supposed to have funded the government back in october, but they kicked the can down the road past stop gap bill after stop gap bill. and when they finally released this massive package, they only did it did it yesterday at 3m, giving themselves very little time to read the bill and get it through both chambers so at this point, it does look like congress is on track to shut down the government. abbe. >> it is crazy that we've been talking about this since october. melanie. thank you very much for that joining me now is republican congressman ralph norman of south carolina he is among the house republicans who voted against this spending bill. congressman thanks for being here my pleasure every glad to be with you. >> we know you oppose this government funding bill, one of your colleagues though, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene has filed that infamous motion to vacate to oust speaker johnson over this budget, which a lot of your colleagues are upset about but i wonder, i mean, it has the threat to oust the speaker, which used to be something that was rare, has it become meaningless >> low, it's a tool in the toolbox has always been there and it just hadn't been used up until kevin mccarthy for i think over 100 and some odd years but no, the issue that we're facing now is a budget that is a is abysmal. >> the >> american people do not deserve what they, what they received. we asked speaker johnson not to put this this even up for a vote. and then to have a continuing resolution and any funding of government of any kind had to have border security. and we've been invaded. we've got a crisis and invasion that is this country cannot, cannot continue to take for the next eight months >> you sound pretty that disappointed, upset, whatever i had activity want to use is describe how you feel about what the speaker is doing right now how divided is your conference right now after all these short-term bills after this spending bill, now how divided are you >> well, let's just a difference of opinion. >> there's >> a lot of us, it's not just freedom caucus members a lot of us when we broke this budget down. and what was being proposed, they one by parson as a keen, jeffery said this was a chuck schumer nancy pelosi, bill. it spending at $1.26 trillion of money. we don't have, this is a bill majority of republicans voted for it that's the reality. >> the majority of the majority, the majority did not. so he didn't have the majority of republicans or democrats passes bill and you had republicans two devote forward too, but we're going to show what this bill really is when you have 500 million go into jordan hundred and 50 million went to build a wall in jordan when you had 125 million going to egypt to pay for college for egyptians, $125 million and that's just a tip of the iceberg. the last tranche of bills that we pass head over 12 billion in earmarks of unpaid for n zero cuts. and we're going to show it and you're right, they voted for it, but they're going to own it now because we show the american people that you know what the excuse was useful, we cannot have a shutdown. >> you have a couple of colleagues who are leading the conference, just a a few days right now today, one of them and mike gallagher and a couple of weeks of wisconsin, he is announced that he's it's gonna be departing. that's going to bring your majority down to close to the slimmest in history, or in recent history, is this an indictment on what it's like to be a republican in congress right now. >> well i'll tell you. it's not an indictment. it's just i'm very disappointed that people are not finishing the job that they signed up to do. i like my gallagher but unless it's for health reasons, you do your job for the term that you elected to do it, which is two years and the worst part about where my gallagher per his state if he resigned before april 19, you can pick a replacement have a special election after the 19th there, which i understand he's he's resigned on the 19th. it's got to run through through november. >> so we're going >> we're going to their state is not go ahead. representation that they thought they had when mike went into office and wildly the country and alerts like this, we're headed towards socialism, but this administrative one, because he thinks said doing isn't doing maybe because they think the congress is to dysfunctional and is not doing anything. you don't think that that's a reflection on what it's like to actually serve right now >> it is dysfunctional. >> it we're spending more money than we make. and yes, the catcher in this country is is spending more than we make $35 trillion is not a figment of our imagination. those coming across the border are not a figment of our imagination is real. so yes, it's dysfunctional, but we're here to solve problems. people sent us pay us, us our incentive to washington to do a job. and i just hate that. ken buck left and george santos was kicked out, at least he voted for sanity while he was there. what these democrats are doing is not american and the problems we're facing are affected every democrat in every republican, all across the board. so it's really not a democrat republican issue. his american issue, >> congressman ralph norman, thank you very much for joining us tonight appreciate it. >> my pleasure. thank you >> there are some new warning signs for biden's must win blue wall. >> can you >> build back support and states like michigan and pennsylvania? well, we'll talk to a michigan native michael moore about all of that next >> jersey when you put in the effort, but it starts to freeze you skipped a step trisomy silk zero, used before styling for three days of weightlessly smooth hair. that phrase can't be a trisomy keratin smooth collection. >> it's just your mother and i went different thing which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live and free tv on one app that's right thing is really keeping this family together. >> you have no idea? i had no idea >> well my dr. gave me breaths tree for my copd. >> things changed >> race treaty better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduce flare-ups. >> registry won't replace he's a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your dr. if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it, don't take breaths, train more than prescribed rest 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cnn polling shows a dead-even race between biden and donald trump in pennsylvania with 46% of registered voters planning to vote for each candidate. meanwhile, biden trails in michigan with 50% of registered voters saying they plan to vote for trump that's compared to 42% who say they plan to vote for biden for more on this. i want to bring in michael moore. he's a filmmaker and author and host of rumble with michael moore, the podcast. michael, good to see you again. since october no poll has shown biden even close to winning michigan. that's the reality are you worried that biden could lose this state >> well, sure >> hillary lost it in 2016. my about 11,000 votes or approximately two votes per precinct so yes, there's a way to lose michigan and i'm sad to say that biden is playing a game here where he doesn't understand and it's not just a michigan, it's also you said pennsylvania, but minnesota after 13.5% of michigan in the michigan primary, voted uncommitted mostly people who would have in probably did vote for biden in 2020 minnesota, 20%. two weeks later voted uncommitted. >> you >> can't have >> that. many people not willing to commit m. possibly staying home. now, that mean the uncommitted people are not going to switch from biden to trump now, what do wants trump in their everybody needs to do whatever we all can do to make sure he doesn't win in november. >> but if >> you don't understand that your support and your funding of this war in gaza, the slaughter of 31,000 plus people, mostly the majority elderly and children that you've lost, young people that look at the poll numbers for just young people whose let me actually give you those numbers or give the audience those numbers since you brought it up. among young voters, looking at voters under 35, only 37% say they plan to vote for biden compared to 50 compared for trump when it comes to biden's job approval for voters of color, that's another key group. more than half of voters of color disapprove of the way he's handling his job these are not great numbers. the numbers among voters under 25 are even worse for president biden. when you talk about the uncommitted vote at the pro-palestinian protest vote what are you hearing? first of all, who are those people and what are you hearing? >> they >> need to see in order to actually leave their homes and go vote for president biden >> because president biden could lose this just by a few thousand votes. i don't i don't really believe it's that wide of a gap between trump and biden i think that biden has every chance to win michigan and should win michigan. problem is that young people people on the progressive left, people of color, especially arab americans. you've got 300,000 michiganders who are muslim voters registered muslim voters or error voters were arab speaking voters from north africa the chance of a lot of those people staying home because they're seeing people that they know, people that look like them that are them being killed why are you risking losing those voters? why are you listening to young people? young people >> he really hates war of the most young people because they're the ones sent to war. >> so whenever >> they hear that we're doing saber rattling again, invading countries, or in this case funding. funding this, this war, abby could end tomorrow simply by the united states pulling the plug on the war machine. not, not pulling the plug on supporting israel, protecting anybody who's being slaughtered in israel all nobody wants that. everybody supports our jewish brothers and sisters and their right to life. >> but >> this is going way beyond october 7 at this point, when you under slaughtering that many people young people, are i'm not telling somebody like me, maybe i don't stay home on election day but if you're 18 or 20 the chance of the state people staying home is great. and of that illustrate hundred thousand more than a quarter million arab americans, muslim americans in michigan not voting when hillary lost by 11,000 votes. >> yeah >> you've got that many people. it's a serious issue >> a lot of us are trying to argue from >> well, one of the other things i'm curious about because you're really plugged in to michigan or you're plugged in particularly in the union world, >> you didn't support is what are those issues that i think we shorthand by saying, for example, the uaw supports president biden. but when you talk to rank and file workers and you talk to them about the economy, for example, which is another weak spot for president biden. what are they telling you? what are they telling you? they need to hear from this president in order for them to feel comfortable that he has a handle on the economy it's a really good question because as you have on your shell pointed out that the reality of the economy and >> people's perception of it are not necessarily the same thing. >> and that i think that yes union people support the democrats, won the house and the senate back in the hands of the democrats >> but, but to, to >> person, i'll just say what i personally think what he needs to do about this particular issue of the economy he needs to get rid of some staff his campaign staff is going to cost him this election. he has gotta get people that can get the message. all i can speak clearly. he can he can do that that state of the union was incredible so he knows how to do that, but if he doesn't have the people that understand and especially understand michigan as michelle goldberg said in the new york times, a couple of weeks ago biden is going to lose michigan if you lose michigan, he's going to lose the election. >> we can't let that happen, >> but biden has got to do a few things to stand up against war. >> a war that he >> and the united states is funding and he's got, he's, he's done soy. i've said this on your show before. he's done so many good things as president, so many things that he stood for, walk the picket line. no president has ever done that. >> he >> just this week, wall street journal reported two days ago that he's got somebody over there from the doj in england, in london negotiating an end to putting julian assange on trial they they've decided somewhere in the justice department that this is crazy. it's time to just let this guy go. >> they've had a >> 14 years as incarcerated one way or another. >> that is a way >> if you're trying to speak to the progressive left the person responsible for telling us the lies that led us into the iraq war and the biden administration, essentially as done with trying to wanting to extradite him to the united states. >> and that's a powerful message for the base >> and michael, why isn't it working >> here's the question of the hour that's all we've got time for >> tonight. we appreciate you as always, michael moore. thank you so much. thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now.

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, Jewish , Sisters , October 7 , Don T Stay Home , Muslim Americans , 18 , Issues , Union , Well , Didn T Support , Economy , Workers , Spot , File , Uaw Supports , Handle , Shell , Perception , The House , Person , Campaign Staff , Staff , Message , State Of The Union , New York Times , Michelle Goldberg , Picket Line , Soy , Wall Street Journal , Somewhere , Somebody , Doj , Julian Assange , London , England , Department , Progressive , Justice , One Way Or Another , Guy Go , Administration , Base , Isn T It Working Here ,

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