Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

cnn good morning. >> you were alive in the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington. it's the last business day for former president donald trump to make a nearly half bond payment and his new york civil fraud trial this morning, he claims to have most of that cash saying in a truth social post, he's dipped into his campaign war chest and back it. but if you can't pay up, new york attorney general, letitia james is prepared to seize some of his prized properties, starting with his seven springs, a state and golf course. you can see it right there on the screen on cnn's kara scannell is live in new york with the details kara, i mean, the clock is ticking down, the sand is going through the hourglass. how is the new york attorney general preparing to seize these assets if trump doesn't pay this bond yeah, jim, the clock is ticking and as we've seen through this paperwork being filed in westchester, her team has taken the first initial step of what would be many if they were to >> begin to move to see some assets there are as you said, that golf course in westchester as well as the family estate known as seven springs. there's also a host of properties in new york directly under the nose the new york attorney general's office, including this office tower 40 wall street, trump tower in trump's triplex apartment at the very top of that skyscraper. those are all things that she could potentially seeds as well as bank accounts or put liens on some of the apartment buildings he owns. it all comes down to this deadline of monday and we'll donald trump come up with enough money to post the bond. he's saying today in that post that you read that he has $500 million of cash on him and his lawyers have told the appeals court that he doesn't have enough cash to cover the $464 million judgment because all the insurers that would underwrite a ban want that size in cash, they want that amount of money cash and he doesn't have that amount that his attorney was clarifying. trump's statement to me this morning saying that trump was referring to the cash that he is made through running his business, which she has disclosed, and his campaign forms. but that's not the actual amount of cash that he currently has on hand. remember, he already put up a $91.6 million bond to satisfy the judgment in the e jean carroll defamation case trump's team still working to see if he can come together and come up with enough money to satisfy this judgment ultimately, the decision is still with the new york appeals court of whether they will grant his request and post a lower amount or not, require him to post any money at all until the appeals over the new york attorney general's office has the pose that the court is giving them time to respond to trump's claim earlier this week that no insurance company of the 30 they were in touch with with underwrite a bond. so they're going to have a chance that gives you a sense that there's not going to be a decision imminently, as this is still being chewed over by the court gym a lot of chewing. all right. kara scannell. thank you very much. let's bring in former trump white house lawyer and cnn legal commentator jim scholz. i hey jim. good morning. >> trump has repeatedly said that he paying this half-billion-dollar bond would be impossible, but he just posted that he has raised nearly $500 million jim, do you know which is it? i mean, you know, he he was saying during the campaign back in 2016, these a rich guy, he's got 8 billion billion lately, he's been saying he doesn't have the money is gonna have to sell his properties and a fire sale. now he's saying he has the money. i mean what's going on here >> well, his lawyers were making the argument that he doesn't right. so i think that's what that's the representations that i would probably trust the most as it relates to what he has and what he doesn't have. he's met, they're making arguments. the appeals court now to try to reduce that perhaps there's an opportunity for them to also allow him to sell off some of his other properties. in order to make that number and reduce it on the other side. so they're going to make the arguments that they can be appeals court. we'll see what the appeals court does with that and we're told by source that trump has privately against the idea of filing for bankruptcy. i suppose that would not look good during a presidential election campaign cycle. what is your sense of it? is that an option that he would contemplate? >> what do you think? >> legally that's probably the best option for him to push all of this out. >> right. because if he worked if he were to file bankruptcy, a lot of this would be stayed so that so that the court the bankruptcy court, could make determinations as to what creditors get paid how much creditors get paid. there would be an analysis done that would kick the can down the road pretty far for him and look, it wouldn't be the first bankruptcies filed. the difference would be does he have to file bankruptcy personally or could he filed bankruptcy through one of his other llcs, which would then have the same impact in the question would be would it have the same impact of his personal assets, if you will all of that being stayed as well in terms of what they could seize upon. i think it probably would but that might not look so good during a presidential campaign, right filing for bankruptcy >> there's, there's the argument is that it would in the normal course, right? but this is donald trump. he's not a person who hasn't filed bankruptcy in the past, is back. he's addressed at time to time again throughout his campaign sure. so jim, i'm really not sure whether it impacts them or not. that's a good question for political thought. it as the lawyer here. i think it's probably the best course but weather impacts them. we've seen a lot of things that he's done that haven't had much impact. that's right. yeah. yeah. >> the legal view versus the political views sometimes not always in the same boat. gently me ask you this truth, social apparently is on the verge of going public. i'm sure you've read and heard some about this. and there's some speculation that this could make trump $3 billion richer. i'm not sure who's going to buy shares of this, but apparently it looks attractive to some people out there. but according to our reporting, he would not immediately have access to this cache. could that make him more palatable to lenders if he's got this truth social thing, making money over here that depends because right now that's all speculative. so whether it goes public, whether it doesn't go public, what the value is, i mean, you got til monday, right. so if he has an infusion of cash i don't think any of that's going to make a difference between now and monday because that infusion of cash isn't coming anytime soon because you have to go through the work tori piece of that. the public offering and all the other things that go along with it. you're months down the road from seeing that in any way, shape, or form. if you do it all >> yeah. i mean, jim, i can hear the viewer is asking you at home. i mean, a lot of this sounds like a shell game and he's made all these claims over the years that he's this rich guy, that he's a billionaire. was that all was that all bs does the emperor has no clothes the bill you had a view into this. i mean, i'm represent >> represented a lot of real estate developers over the year. i've never represented donald trump and his personal capacity but and could speak to his assets. i mean, we all have the same access in terms of his public disclosures that he's made. >> but >> a lot of real estate developers helpers frequently have there. there are billions, if you will, tied up an assets that could be the case here. the fact that he doesn't have that a mountain cash, does it make them any less of a billionaire? it just makes it makes it that he doesn't have to liquidity to come up with that money all right. >> products i want to >> assets perhaps he would yeah. problems you and i don't have i guess, jim, that's all right. jim salts. thanks. thanks very much. appreciate the time this morning. we appreciate it. turning now to another fast approaching deadline. this would up on capitol hill next hour or the house plans to vote on a trillion dollar government funding package that would avert a partial government shutdown the big question hanging over washington right now is can the legislation make it through the sausage making process in the senate as well before the midnight deadline, cnn's chief congressional correspondent, manu raju is live up on capitol hill mano, what are you hearing from lawmakers? i mean, there's a part of me that it's thinking this counter-intuitive way. if everybody is saying it's going to happen on time, it makes me wonder if it's not going to happen on time. but you tell us >> yeah, look, republicans, i spoke to this morning are actually confident that this bill will be approved by the house, but this has been an absolutely tortured process to get to this point, remember the government funding is actually due by october 1st of last year, but they've had to approve short-term extension, enter short-term extension, avoid near shutdown after near sat down and now finally, they could put last year's business to rest. but remember what happened at the beginning of this process last year that led to the ouster of that then speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy, who had to agree to a short-term extension that cause a govern the revolt among his right flank and ultimately led to this historic and unprecedented chaos in the house. mike johnson had to comment at his speaker. he ultimately cut a deal to keep major federal agencies open. it split it up into two separate bills. today's bill will deal with other major agencies like the homeland security department, department of defense, and alive. but this $1.2 trillion dollar proposal was unveiled yesterday morning at about 03:00 a.m. they have to pass it by 11:59 p.m. tonight to avoid a shutdown and the whole process it's causing major concerns within the ranks particularly among republicans. and i put the question to many of them about whether they would move to try to oust mike johnson at the moment, they're saying no, but they're not hiding their disdain. >> this bill, if passes will likely determine who controls the house of representatives. and this bill almost certainly determine who the next speaker is. >> if you have something that you can use to to force those speaker to do what you want. why not use it? the motion to vacate? well >> we all have to sit down and decide what's in the best interest of the country. what's in the best interest the party this bill is baked, okay, so we gotta decide after this bill, what are we going to do next? but i don't want to hear any nonsense about supplementals. >> if we vacated this fee could end up with a democrat. you know, when i vacated the last one, i made a promise to the country that we would not end up with a democrat speaker. and i was right, i couldn't make that promise again today. >> johnson's job is safe. >> this >> that last comment cover matt gaetz, of course, who led the charge to oust kevin mccarthy though that issue about whether to push out the speaker still continues to hover over my johnson because just one merck could call for such a vote. but at the moment does not appear that they are going that route. now, gym after this is expected to pass later basically into the 11:00 a.m. eastern our in the house. they'll have to try to get it out of the senate. and can they do that today? that is still an open question because it requires all 100 senators to agree to a time for a vote. one senator can drag out this process past the deadline into next week. the moment there's some believed that they could get at their by the end of tonight, but the senate two is a very complicated place. so a lot of drama, uncertainty after this very difficult and messy process playing out potentially could reach its conclusion today. >> jeff yeah, i think a lot of senators aren't going to be watching march bad as tonight. they're gonna be busy dealing with all this tonight, or maybe monitor as well. i'm sorry, manu raju up on capitol hill. thanks a lot. appreciate coming up a hundreds of migrants arrested along the us-mexico border after officials say they rush past a razor wire fence and i'll paso, what we know about the incident that's not knighted states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday, uh, nine on cnn. >> so would you give to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders >> would by chew three classic tundra for big butterfly shred, for the kind baby. >> i said, always a competition. you can't handle the shrimps, >> see about that. yeah, we will >> did you not turbo tax now provide you with a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish. try turbotax life 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before this video was reported. it's unclear what led to this rush of border officials say they had the situation under control and additional personnel were deployed. the razor wire is located several hundred yards from the actual border wall. in that area where the migrants were all stopped. officials say, every migrant that breached the fence in this situation was arrested. we should point out they were arrested according to socrates, after this occurred and joining me now is tennessee republican congressman tim burton. congressman thanks very much for joining us and you're preparing to vote on this funding bill in the next hour. this deal has nearly 20 billion in funding for customs and border patrol with almost a half billion dollars for additional border agents, funding for more than 41,000 detention beds were showing this to some of our viewers on screen right now. this is according to a gop summary of the legislation. i think i heard you say you're want to vote for all this stuff to take care of what's happening at the border? >> no. currently we're at $35 trillion in debt, but the worst part of at a jim is this is not for putting people at the border. this is for processing agents that 10 million that have come over in the last three years. they are currently being processed and these are for legal assistance and all these other things. it's not for stopping people live the border as you saw, the rush is being called the bum rush. they actually were running past national guard and running towards mortar agents and these border agencies, 22,000 will effectively be bureaucrats that would just be processing these people. i was in texas several sums of money, but some of the money in there, we'll go to border patrol agents, so it will go to enforcement now to the agents that are behind the border, way back behind the border, as you saw, those people who are arrested, that's what they wanted to make. now they're in the system and those 22,000 border agents that will be hired will be used to process them, not stopped them at the border. and i realize what some of the people in my party are saying, but with this this budget, if they go home and say we voted for border protection, they are lying or they're very again informed if you let the government shutdown this weekend and you aren't putting more funding into the system for border enforcement doesn't that do a less effective job at the border? >> currently, it's wide open gym. all these people do that are at the border now are just they're just basically officiating these folks. they're welcoming them and they're putting them in the system. they're giving them a court date, three to five years away and expecting them to come out and you and i both know they're not going to come back there in the system. they're in the country, they're going to stay there you, and i are spending around $400 billion a year to keep this group up. and with the fentanyl and all the other stuff that comes in. this is a bad deal, it like it's not a democrat probably would want to get bogged down on this problem, but go ahead >> i mean, >> i mean, one would think more money is better than less buddy having the government open is better than the government being closed, but i don't want to get bogged down in this. i mean, i do want to ask you about something else and that is whether the speakership of mike johnson is safe we have heard from your colleague, marjorie taylor greene saying she's done with mike johnson. is mike johnson done? >> i don't think so. you throw mike out and it's really just handing the gamble over to the game jeffries, that's what back to the border. all that money is borrowed money. it's not just new money, it's not of course, i'm sure we're printing it. and marjorie is my friend, but honestly, if the republicans do that, they know they'll be handed in over to hakeem jeffries and that's that's the bottom line with that, we have a one or two person majority and every day there's somebody sick or there's a family member out or something, life happens with 435 members right? now. i don't think that's going to have let me ask you about the biden impeachment inquiry. you're on the house oversight committee yesterday. you told news nation, quote, we're not going to have the votes. that's clearly the case, is the impeachment inquiry over the republicans give that up well, i don't know about the impeachment inquiry. i'm yeah, that's not going to happen, but i wish we would vote on it regardless, honestly, jam, you know where i come from, east tennessee, it's a conservative area. i'm willing to vote on it. i wish these other members would vote on it so they can quit saying up here that they're not for it and then go home until all there. folks at the reagan died dinners and lincoln conveyed enters it. that gunman, i'm for impeachment. i'm gonna vote, but they don't have the guts to do it. >> would you >> hack? yes, i >> would. you saw the money come in from china, $20 million. that's paying this family. it's going 10% for the big guy. there's enough there. but what about, but the reality is the fact that one of the so anything but what about the fact that one of the house republican's main witnesses was alexander spirit off, who was just indicted for lying to the fbi and prosecutors say he had russian intelligence contexts. you're going to vote to impeach the president based on that one of that was one of we had multiple year you're forgetting about the 20 bank accounts, the 20 shadow >> companies that they'd created to run this money for the hundreds of letters from bankers saying that this is as illegal. it doesn't really matter. you and i are going to disagree with it the reality is, is that this isn't going to come to a vote, but you're going to the guts to do anything. yeah >> it's the reality of it. let's move on. let's if we can maybe move on with some criminal investigations in this, but this is what the committee of jurisdiction does. if you remember the demo, there any investigation of one of the witnesses smeared off? i mean, he's been indicted for lying to the fbi. it sounds like this. the investigation is not working out the way the house republicans thought it would you're basing that on one person, jim. yeah, we had the majority. this would waste from b this ago. there was this wasn't there. another way is fine from prison absolutely. just like the democrats have done in the past. but you're discounting all the other, you discounting tony bobulinski, a decorated naval officer who quoted dates, names, times, places it's everything. and yet his his testimony means nothing i think it's time that one side you're on khan change. >> i know. i hear you, but aren't a lot of americans watching from home and saying, okay, the government is on the verge of a shutdown the defense department budget is in limbo. the homeland security budget is in limbo and the house republicans are chasing an impeachment based on a guy who's been indicted for lying to the fbi and somebody who's testifying at a hearing from prison again, that's well. i tell you what it sounds absurd is the democrats for a year where we're investigating the washington redskins over the name redskins. that's what this committee was doing before under democrat leadership. this is the jurisdiction of this committee. we're not going to investigate potholes in this committee. that's transferred ice and it's under that committee >> all right. congressman tim burchett, i know you've got a busy day. how do you appreciate the time has always good to talk to you. >> go vowels, jam >> they're doing well so far. >> we'll be watching. thanks a lot. all right. >> in the meantime, as the matchup between biden and trump barrels ahead, we're getting a new look at how a third party candidate could end up hurting the president's reelection bid and key battleground states like michigan. we're also keeping an eye on the dow jones. it's on the verge of doing something. it's never done and it's 128 year history. we're tracking the markets. we're going to see if it hits that magic number of 40,000 doesn't look so good for that right now, but we'll keep our eyes on it and stay with us on all of that. you're live at the scene? >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> one second, grandma, this guy's going to buy my car. >> okay. do you need carbonic entering plate number no accidents, right? no generating offer. >> carbonic can pick it up tomorrow >> that's an amazing offer. >> sell your car the easy way with carbonic, the ladies have been doing a lot of talking recently. >> she looks great. >> what they don't know is i got inspire as sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body, i feel refreshed because i'm not struggling with the pap anymore. hundred books she got worked out. >> great sleep at the click of a button >> i got an implant shigella relax. >> it's inspired inspire, sleep, 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you both on at the same time. really appreciate the time kate, let me start with you because you worked for president biden, are you worried about these poles? i know we talked about polls and we have folks like you on and you say no, i'm not worried about the polls, but some of these numbers are a bit worrisome, especially when it comes to these third-party candidates. that is just a wildcard and we just do even know how this is going to break out, break down. >> we don't and i wouldn't say i'm not worried about polls. i would say there's been i would say the whole show is going to be an incredibly close race and that there's a lot of work to be done on the biden decide what i'm what i am when i'm less worried about is the fact that there's seven months to go biden and trump both justst formally clinched their nominations and for everybody who watches cnn and thinks about politics all the time, it seems nuts to think that for many, many months it was gonna be anybody but joe biden and donald trump. but for most votes voters, for most americans who aren't paying attention to politics, they actually didn't think it was going to be joe biden and donald trump. so i think the fact that the contours of the race have now shaped up just over the last week, you've had donald trump out insulting jewish americans. you've had him reiterating some of his most divisive and hateful rhetoric you've had doubling down on it national abortion ban he is an incredibly flawed candidate and it is the job of the biden campaign to drive that contrast. and i think we will start to see these numbers move in these swing states as we get closer to the election. but there's no question. it's going to be dogfight this issue with third-party candidates is serious. we see time and again that there's the potential for thursday party candidates to really sway the outcome of the election. so i think there has to, a lot of education done to explain to voters the voting for a third party candidate is in effect. voting for donald trump. and that's something that the biden campaign and others have to have to really make people under yeah. >> i mean stewart, i mean, there was a conventional wisdom that rfk junior o is going to hurt joe biden and then some polling indicated well, okay, maybe it's gonna hurt donald trump. i mean, this polling suggests that it may be a problem for the president yeah. >> i'm skeptical of any of that third party stuff. i think it's cleaner if it's a two up match third party is so unpredictable you i, everybody on this show and everybody wants you. we have one thing in common with ross perot. we've never want an electoral college college vote. so this point, this third party thing is just an indulgence at a time when i think it's safe to say the countries in great peril i think you have to kinda go back to the fundamentals of this race. what is this thing going to be about? so if i just woke you up in the middle of the night you know, five years ago and said, look, a guy who is from queens who can't make bail is to republican party nominee what do you think the chances are an incumbent democrat president with stock market highs with record low unemployment might be able to squeak that out. you think it was a joke. >> i >> think that there's no reason to make a decision in this trace now, there's no penalty and saying a pollster. yeah. >> i'd >> like donald trump or some other alternatives perkins law of alternative this is what cheesecake factory doesn't ever one-page menu. we always want something new and different but i think this thing is going to shape up and i'm not convinced it's going to be particularly close. i don't think biden is going to win >> yeah, it is kind of a cheesecake factory election. i mean, voters may have too many choices this time, around and it could wreak havoc, but kate, let me ask you this there's a story in the new york times about trump's legal problems. and over his actions on january 6 and gets into some of the deliberations that were going on inside the justice department and the attorney general. and what he was thinking in terms of moving this for quickly, where to go with the investigation and so on. and it says this put up on screen, mr. garland proceeded with characteristic by the book, caution and trying to avoid even the smallest mistakes. mr. garland may might have made one big one not recognizing that he could end up racing against the clock what do you think of all that >> what >> what were some of the feelings? i don't want to get you to talk about everything that was going on in the white house when you were there there had to have been i have to think there had to have been some frustration with how slowly things were moving when it came to the investigation into what donald trump did on january 6, around january 2, well, i can tell you. >> i mean, there was also appreciation and understanding of the fact that needing to do this by the book, needing to have any proceedings be bullet proof in terms of any suggestion that there was inappropriate or undo political influence from president biden or from the white house was important. i think it's, it's very easy to look back now and second guessed the timeline. i'm certainly not going to second guess the attorney general. i'm not a lawyer. >> obviously, >> these things are complicated in many factors. go into determining how and when to move forward and what the justice department believed the best course of action was and i think what gets lost a little bit in the conversation here on the political side is that there is benefit to this message that from joe biden, that says, i'm not putting my thumb on the scale at the justice department. that's something donald trump did, i believe in governing through through norms, i believe in established order. that was a message that was actually quite effective in the 2020 campaign. and i think that most, for most people, most americans, they want to believe that their president is adhering to the rules and to the separation of powers and two to ensuring that government functions the way it supposed to. so there benefit in that message two, and we shouldn't lose sight of them >> yeah. i mean, steer. what do you think? i mean we're kinda saying is all well and good, but at the end of the day, history might look back and say that mirror garland just there was a blunder here inside the justice department. they went after the little fish and they ran out of time couldn't get the big fish >> you know, one of them results and one of the goals of the trump administration. and now the trump movement, which is an autocratic movement, is destroyed phase in our institutions i mean, i worked at the lincoln project. donald trump tried to get the department of justice that come after the lincoln project, right you know, call me crazy. i think we got bigger threats in america >> so what >> i think the burden on this president and the attorney general is to rebuild faith in this institution, which is different than most new incoming administration's. you haven't had coming in after attack on the judicial system the entire legal process on judges, on jurors, on the election system, on the fbi i mean, all the civil structures of america had been under protect by the republican party. now so i should merrick garland done this or that. i think the bigger question here is, are american is beginning to have faith again in these institutions. and it's easy to store it down and it's slow to build up yeah >> well, i mean, i wish we go on and on and talk about this. we'll do it next time, but i mean, i do think that there is a question to be asked. okay. >> joe biden, play by the rules, wanted to re-establish faith in these institutions, but if the next guy comes x, all of that, i mean, there's that but all right. stuart stevens think so great to talk to both the appreciate it so much, guys. thanks so much. >> great cnn's good to see you. in the >> meantime, america's top diplomat making an urgent push for a ceasefire and hostage deal in gaza. what came out of the us efforts to prevent an israeli invasion of rafah united stated states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn the day you get your clear choice, dental implants makes every day let's dig in day >> a >> chow down day a take a big bite day >> a >> perfectly delicious day >> love my new >> teeth de, because you're clear choice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clear choice day changes every day schedule, a free consultation psoriasis, all over. i couldn't get my hair done. >> then psoriatic arthritis, concentric swartz fo me people with psoriasis on the scalp have a four times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis series allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections. some fatal have occurred. tell your dr. if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to or have ibd symptoms 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protesters in tel aviv, looks like he's greeting start of those protestors saying hello to somebody as he makes his way to other meetings, there are in tel aviv will stay on top of that, bringing it anything else that develops there. but in the meantime, cnn correspondent jeremy diamond join me live from jerusalem. jeremy, a very interesting there we just saw from the secretary of state hey and he's had these meetings with israeli officials. any results from those meetings that we can talk about >> well, jim, there are no clear deliverables from the secretary state's meetings today in israel. but what we do know is that he is pushing of course, on multiple fronts on the one hand, of course he is trying to see what pressure the us can bring to bear and what accommodations the israelis can agree to in order to get to a ceasefire agreement that would also see the release of dozens of hostages, some of whose family members may have been among the demonstrators that the secretary of state went to meet with just moments ago. but of course, beyond that, we know that the cia director is in doha, qatar also pushing for a deal alongside his israeli, egyptian and qatari counterparts as those negotiations continue. but of course, there is also this impending military operation in rafah, where one-and-a-half million palestinians are currently sheltering. and the israelis are making quite clear that they are determined to go into rafah regardless of what the united states says, the israeli prime minister as indicated a willingness to listen to us alternatives, sending a delegation of some of his top advisors to washington next week. but at the same time, he's also make it clear that no matter what the us as it's not i'm going to sway him from what he views as a military imperative to go into rafah. and in fact, after his meeting with the secretary of state prime minister netanyahu said in a video statement that there is no way for us to defeat hamas without going into rafah. and then he goes on to say that he told the secretary of state directly, i hope we will do it but with the support of the usa. but if we have to, we will do it alone. >> gym >> all right. jeremy diamond in jerusalem for us. thank you very much for some analysis. i want to bring an aaron david miller. he's a senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace and a former middle east negotiator aaron. great to see you as always, we're just looking at some pictures and we can rewrite the video and show it to our viewers again, it looks like tony blinken was a shaking hands with some of the protesters who were sort of aligned his route as he was walking from meeting to meeting their and tel aviv. and it appears that he's shaking hands in greeting some of these protesters who i believe are calling for the release of those hostages being held by hamas at least those are some of the folks who were there. what i can tell in these signs, your assessment as to how blinken his handling this latest round of shuttle diplomacy >> i mean, this has numbers, emperors, you mentor having 66. and before this conflict is done hopefully in the post-conflict stage, maybe some diplomacy secretary states going to shoot pack a few extra shirts in his bag because he's going to be going back and forth. hopefully, if we're lucky, quite a few times, look, i think the main action here, jim frankly, un security council vote today be told by the russians, the chinese, and the algerians. but the main action frankly is not in jerusalem. i think it's in doha because the whole key would administration effort to de-escalate the situation in gaza surge humanitarian assistance, and somehow break the battlefield dynamic really depends. first and foremost on an israeli hamas exchange. >> if i can't get that >> the administration has no lever, no mechanism you could more or less hang a close for the season, sign any effort to do what the president really wants to do, which changed the pictures in gaza, get help into the palestinian to need to free the hostages and maybe lay the basis for some further talks down the road. but we're a long way from that. it appears right now yeah. >> i mean, it shows you what the stakes are right now when you have the secretary of state and tel aviv, the cia director, and hostage negotiations in doha what happens though aaron, if the israelis ignore these cautions from the us against an offensive in rafah, they do it anyway. one has to think that is going to do a lot of damage to any kind of negotiations for releasing these hostages. and it's going to result in more of those images that you were just talking about, which have been toxic for the president politically here in the us i think that's right, which is reason to hope that in fact, you can get a deal, but the israelis, i suspect your butt weeks away, perhaps even longer from actually implementing a major ground campaign rafat, and there's another thing we need to keep in mind and to the administration's conscious of it. this is not just a question, benjamin netanyahu's preferences we seem to think that he's the lone actor here the fact is you've got the majority of these early public and most israeli politician certainly benny gantz, got a gadi eisenkot who sit in the war cabinet. i think they to probably believe that the israelis need to mount some sort of significant operation in order to deal with the last remaining elements of hamas is organized military structure. but it's going to create perhaps a moment that we haven't seen yet in relations between vitamins duration. and this is really we've gotten which could get more complicated if the israeli prime minister accepts that invitation to address congress obviously, that may not go over well with some folks inside the biden administration, you were just going to see that as just two political aaron, david miller. thanks as always, really appreciate the time. >> thanks shim for him. >> all right. in the meantime, lawmakers up on capitol hill, we're monitoring all of this because it could be happening within the next hour. they're in a familiar you're bind up there up on capitol hill rushing to approve a huge spending package or lead parts of the government shutdown. this weekend without any funding? yes. the government is on the brink of yet another government shutdown of the roadblocks that remain on the road to passing that legislation, we'll talk about that in just a few moments. de, with us >> this is the greatest stage six, okay, about for a lifetime reason why but really, it's >> something you build over time. >> it's 21 for 88 years morgan stanley has offered clients determination it forward >> thinking >> to create the the future. only you can see you back in the winter rsv is. >> out there for those 60 years and older, protect against rsv with a wreck sv, a rx is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv. and people 60 years and older, wreck speed is not protect 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brackets this morning after the first day of the men's tournament, solve for or double-digit seeds, pulling off big upsets. cnn's andy scholes joins us now, andy al-awda surprises, but that's why they call it march badness yeah. >> yeah. and jim, you yesterday, i told you to pick those 11 seats and guess what? all three of them, one and up for the six seeds, they were playing, we're going to see if new mexico can complete that sweet for the 11's later today. but the biggest upset of day one, it belonged to 14 is seed oakland who took down three seed kentucky. and you every single year, we fall in love with some new heroes from small schools. and what a night this was for jack, goalkeeper to senior for the golden grizzlies, made 103 freeze. don't the score and 32 points, which is the most points ever in the tournament for a player who did not make a two-point shot, oakland ball, the upset over the wildcats 80 to 76, and gregg campy, he's been the head coach at oakland for 40 years old now he's into the surrounded 32 for the first time ever, kentucky now, 1.4 and their last five tournament games. and here was gke after that big upset >> i know they have draft picks and i know i'm not going to the nba, but i know on any given night, i can compete with those type of guys and our team can compete with those type of guys. and that's why i was so confident going into it. and that's why i say we're not a cinderella because when we play our a game where we can be the best y on the floor >> all right. dave, meanwhile, looked like they were just toast against nevada. they were down 17 with 714 to go. but did they states an epic comeback the flyers, reducing the game on a 20 florida for rod date santos here. >> the big bucket to >> put dayton up by walmart, 38 seconds lap and then nevada is last second three, no good date moves on after descending comeback warning, 63 to six day lebron james is high school coach keith dambrot and duquesne, me while dancing into the second round, the duke's take it down. byu 71.60, 7.1 of those 11 seat upsets this is due keynes >> first tournament win since 1969 and dambrot already announced he's retiring after this rod, but it's going to have to wait because now they have a date with illinois and the second round you just won't let me retire, man. i'm trying to retire, but if we keep winning games, you can make me an old man >> and lebron habits of bone with his old coach, winning tweeting a first tournament, wade and 55 years, keep it going. and finally, sanford fans, well, they're really not happy today down 120 seconds to go. jay hocks, go luck. long and aj state stat and mccrae, he chased it down for the block. they called a foul though and take another look. >> it >> was absolutely all ball kansas would make both burritos and hold on the way 93 to 89, just brutal call there for sanford. we've got 60 more games coming your way today and you can watch it across are sits or networks tnt, tbs, and trutv. and hey, the women's tournament also tips off today, undefeated south carolina is going to play it to eastern against presbyterian. the gamecocks are fading favored by 54 in that one. so hey, potential for one of the biggest upsets and history today, jim, caitlin clark in case you're wondering, she does not play until tomorrow in iowa, host holy cross in a lot of people excited to watch caitlin clark this march. and oh, yeah. >> and i got my purple tie on. i moved from my jmu duke's tonight's so it's a big game. i'm a little nervous. we'll see how it goes. we'll talk about good luck and he shows thanks a lot. appreciate it in the meantime, we're closely watching the house floor as lawmakers race to pass a massive 1.2 2 trillion spending package and prevent another partial government shutdown in the process, we're live from capitol hill fanned ammonium is brought to you by xfinity. stream sports from the best seat in the house with xfinity, because it's only live once norman bad news. >> i never 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Blunder , The End Of Day , Steer , Administration , Trump Movement , Out Of Time Couldn T , Movement , Goals , Phase , Big Fish , Little Fish , Institutions , Project , Burden , Lincoln Project , Threats , Faith , Attack , Institution , Election System , Judges , Jurors , Structures , Merrick Garland , Guy Comes X , Gaza , Hostage , Diplomat , Push , Efforts , Ceasefire , Israeli , Choice , Invasion , Rafah United , Implants , Bite , Dig , Teeth De , Consultation Psoriasis , Over , Hair , Infections , Psoriatic Arthritis , Skin Reactions , Psoriasis , Arthritis , Concentric Swartz Fo Me People , Scalp , Eczema , Vaccine , Price , Consumer Cellular , Coverage , Carriers , Customer Service , Contracts , Activation , Fees , Hello , May , Dentist , Rights Barbara , Michael Strasberg , Mouth , Patients , Health , Rest , Nutrition , Practice , 44 , Nature , Balance , Supplements , Say , Vegetables , Fruits , Fruit , Vegetable , Void , Stuff Anything , On , Big Plus , Customer , Nature Com , Discount Code , Sets , 35 , Boring , Think , Catalyst , Jumping , Space Boring , Rocket , Hurdles , Onboarding Biggs , Startups , Vacations , Bank , Pnc Bank , Words , Gas Station Sushi , Skateboarding , Smart , Dependable , Mind , Dolphin , Pnc Bank Has , Pragmatic , 160 , Goal , Vision , Mileage , Captioning , Carbonic Go To Carvajal , Secretary Of State , Tony Blinken , Mesothelial Mac , Protesters , Pictures , Shuttle Diplomacy , Round , Hamas , Tel Aviv , Greeting Start , Protestors , Middle East , October 7 , Meetings , It Anything Else , Jeremy , Jerusalem , Top , Correspondent Jeremy Diamond , Results , The Secretary State , Deliverables , Israelis , Pressure , Accommodations , Know , Meetings Today In Israel , Fronts , Hostages , Director , Release , Cia , Demonstrators , Ceasefire Agreement , Family Members , Dozens , Negotiations , Rafah , Counterparts , Military Operation , Doha , Egyptian , Qatar , Palestinians , Prime Minister , Alternatives , Delegation , Advisors , Willingness , Go Into Rafah , Meeting , Video Statement , Military Imperative To Go Into Rafah , Support , Going Into Rafah , David Miller , Negotiator , Carnegie Endowment For International Peace , Senior Fellow , Jeremy Diamond In Jerusalem , Shaking Hands , Hands , Emperors , Signs , Handling , Conflict , Diplomacy Secretary , Stage , 66 , Shirts , Bag , Forth , Un Security Council , Key , Chinese , Russians , Algerians , Battlefield , Dynamic , Exchange , Close , Effort , Lever , Palestinian , Talks , Mechanism , Season , Basis , Hostage Negotiations , Stakes , Offensive , Cautions , Damage , Butt , Images , Ground , Preferences , Campaign Rafat , Benjamin Netanyahu , Benny Gantz , Got A , Actor , Who Sit In The War Cabinet , Gadi Eisenkot , Operation , Relations , Sort , Haven T , Military Structure , Elements , Vitamins , Invitation , Aaron , Thanks Shim , Parts , Roadblocks , Spending Package , Rushing , Brink , Lead , Bind , Yes , De , Morgan Stanley , Six , 88 , 21 , Winter Rsv , Rsv , Respiratory Disease , Rx , Wreck Sv , 60 , Wreck , Speed , Pain , Immune Systems , Muscle Pain , Everyone , Injection Site , Pain Fatigue , Response , Rsv Make , Ways , Meat , Sweetie , Whole Foods Market Wow , The Movies , 365 , Chat Side , Stoplights , Camping Style , Varna , Kids , Singing , Purse , Sara , 30 K , Then And Now , Ancestry , Genius , Let S Go Buy , Name , Heritage , Traditions , Don T , Plaque Psoriasis , Swelling , Majority State , Joint Pain , Phi , Stiffness , 90 , Starter , Cbd , Ability , Trump Phi , 1880 , Sound , Haiti , Port Au Prince , David Culver , 51177 , Tournament , Fans , Upsets , Andy Al Awda Surprises , Men , Brackets , Double , Andy Scholes , Upset , Sweet , Seats , Playing , New Mexico , Night , Kentucky , Seed , Schools , Goalkeeper , Oakland , Heroes , Love , Jack , 14 , Points , The Score , Player , Freeze , Gregg Campy , Senior , Head Coach , Grizzlies , Shot , Oakland Ball , 80 , 103 , 76 , 32 , Games , Time , Draft Picks , Gke , Nba , 1 4 , Game , Type , Y , Floor , Nevada , Cinderella , Dave , 714 , 17 , Bucket , Epic Comeback , Flyers , Florida , Rod Date Santos , Walmart , 38 , Byu , Seat , Keith Dambrot , Duke , Comeback Warning , Lebron James , Duquesne , 71 60 , 7 1 , 63 , Rod , Illinois , Due Keynes First Tournament Win , 1969 , Man , Coach , Lebron , Habits , Bone , Tweeting , Sanford , Wade , 55 , Long And Aj State Stat , Ball , Block , Foul , Hold , Burritos , Go Luck , Jay Hocks , Mccrae , 89 , 120 , 93 , Off Today , Trutv , Undefeated , Tbs , Networks Tnt , South Carolina , The Women S , Caitlin Clark , Presbyterian , Gamecocks , History Today , Holy Cross , Iowa , 54 , Luck , Big Game , Purple , Tie , My Jmu Duke , Ammonium , Package , House Floor , 2 Trillion , 1 2 , Stream Sports , Xfinity , The Go , Moderate , What S Going On Inside Of Me , Ulcerative Colitis , Steroid , Everywhere , There Wasn T , Column , Pill , Asphalt , Biologic , Ville Cpd , Chest Pain , Chaos , Stroke , Heart Attack , Heart Failure , Remission , Flavors , Uc , Uc Ville Scipy , Scpd , Blood Pressure , Heartbeat , Breath , Skin Cancer , Shortness , Types , Heart Rate , Narrowing , Blood Vessels , Brain , Macular Edema , Migraine , Therapy , City , Gastroenterologists , Essays , Aren T Working , Ville Zippity , Steroids , 15 , Botox , Headings , East , Migraine Treatment , Migraine Patients , Botox Treatments , Number One , 850000 , 5 Million , Injection , Effects , Eye Problems , Speaking , Difficulty , Breathing , Muscle Weakness , Condition , Neck , Users , Medications , History , Skin Infection , Muscle , Site , Fatigue , Conditions , Survey , Daughter , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , 92 , Botox Men , Menn Two Eliminate Gray , Best , Boost , Menchu , Tape , Kevin , Just For Men , Rob , Cashback , Sound System , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Pro , Rows , Clay ,

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