Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704

with me. so hora originally telling espn on tuesday, that's transfers we're to cover his losses, but there'll a tiny had quote, zero involvement in the betting mizuhara also said that he didn't know gambling was illegal in california and that ohtani wasn't happy about the debt, but decided to pay a for him. well, as espn was getting ready to publish their story wednesday, boris, this is the statement that ohtani's lawyers sent out including to cnn, says in the course of responding to recent media inquiries, we discovered that shohei has been the victim of a massive theft and we are turning the matter over to authorities. ms o'hara walked back much of what he said originally to espn saying that he had lied and then ohtani knew nothing about the gambling activities. so clear really a huge story that will continue to follow right here on cnn. >> oh, wild story of four-and-a-half million dollars to cover a gambling debt, yanks coy wire. thank you so much i'm bored. sanchez in the situation room. thank you so much for watching the news continues next on cnn tonight, not 360 breaking >> news on the political death threat donald trump made to mike pence just hours before pence faced real ones at the capitol on january 6, also tonight with less than four days left for him to pay up or c new york's attorney general start seizing his properties. we now know more about which one she has her eyes on plus a violent convict, convict and his alleged accomplice, the three cops shot the chase and the capture. how it all went down good evening. john berman here in for anderson and we begin tonight with breaking news straight from inside the west wing on january 6, what the former president was saying to mike pence, just hours before all hell broke musah, the capital. and is reaction or more accurately, his non-reactive been on learning that in the chaos, one of his followers had just been shot dead that and more from newly revealed testimony to the january 6 committee by a presidential valet are accounted any remarkable piece of reporting from the new york times louk broad water shares the by-line honore along with our friend maggie haberman, luke joins us now. look this do testimony includes information from this valet who sought all what did you learn from your reporting about what president trump his conversations with mike pets right? >> this is the first time we're hearing firsthand testimony from this valet. now the valais was with trump almost all day on january 6. and what he says he saw and heard was first in the morning, a phone call between donald trump and mike pence. now there's been a letter reporting on this phone recall what the valais said is a little bit different from what others have said. he said that he told him in no uncertain terms that his political career would be over. if he did not go along with the plans to overturn the election, as you know, pencils resisting the effort to d certified the election. and in fact, trump turned out to be right like pence, his career in republican politics was over after he did not, then to trump's will the other big piece of information that stands out to me is that donald trump was passed a note after one of the rioters was shot in the capital and was make made clear that this person had been shot, this one had been shot in the chest and the valleys it says that he offered no reaction upon learning that he kept sitting in the chair watching the violence and play, unfurl on tv several states, a non reaction at the death of ashleigh babbitt, a non reaction was that his general attitude during much of this period, according to the ballet yeah >> that'd be in the valley. does say at one point that donald trump appeared concerned about the violence and said that that he should call mark milley or nancy pelosi. but the testimony we have is that the president trump at the time never did that. mark milley testified that he received no call from president trump at all that de even if he did let's that he really took no action about it. and then at the end of the day after all the violence that happened, after 150 police officers were injured. the thing that donald trump says to the valais when their one-on-one is that mike pence really let him down. so that was really what was still on his mind, was still his his disappointment and his and his anger at his own vice president for not helping him overturn the election and not what was not on his mind was that the riot and the violence that had just happened. >> so it's interesting, the valais testifies at the, toward the beginning of the day, he told mike pence it would be the end of his political career at the end of the day, mike pence let him down >> but yes, that's exactly right. now. there's a couple other things i would like to point out. the valley also talks about how trump was tearing up documents that almost every document that he got, he would tear it up almost immediately, whether that was a picture, whether that was a written document, whether that was a newspaper article, he would read it and destroy it. and i think that could be useful information that prosecutors in the documents case in florida might want to take a look at. obviously, his document retention policy and practices aren't issue there. >> yeah. it's interesting some of his testimony can be used in two federal cases against donald trump. where's this information that you're getting coming from? luke >> right? well, this is interview that january 6 committee deal with the valais back in 2022. but it was sent to the white house for review and redact if you recall, the january 6 committee shut down shortly after doing this. so this has been sitting over at the white house in white house, counsel's office and house republicans who have been investigating the january 6 committee had been going back and trying to get these transcripts from the white house. and then release them once they get them. so this came from the house republican investigation. now, they think there are some things in here that are good for donald trump or at least less bad than what's known about donald trump. >> but >> there's also they acknowledged some very unflattering information about donald trump's behavior on january. >> so it's all very revealing in good to see louk broad water. thank you very much for sharing your reporting with us >> thank you. >> all right. now, keeping them honest, just four days from now, the man who built his empire and fantasy will have to face facts about what it's really worth. four days from now, new york attorney general, letitia james gets to start collecting the nearly half 1 jobs donald trump now says he cannot pay. and even as he has searched and failed to find a bonding company to put up the money for them. the attorney general has been preparing to seize his assets for starters here, his manchin seven springs in westchester county, just north of new york city. he also was a golf club there today we learned that the ag's lawyers have filed paperwork registering the judgment in westchester, the first step needed before taking property or putting a lien on it the judgment is already on record in new york city, making all of his properties here vulnerable to seizure. we also learned that the former president is getting antsy saying this about having to actually get a bunch on or sell properties to raise it he goes. that is crazy. he writes also, putting up money before an appeal is very expensive. all caps. >> now, just pause for a minute to consider that according to a new fec filing, his save america pac spent nearly 5.6 million on legal fees last month alone. that's about 200 thousand dollars a day, mostly from small donors. so yeah, to use his words, it is very expensive. weather expensive for him personally, is another question. in any case, trump goes on, the crooked judge who has already been overturned four times on this case, a record fully understands this. he gave us a demand which he knows is in possible to do impossible. really >> this guy is worth a lot of money, billions and billions of billions of dollars happens, have a lot of cash. course he has money and he's a billionaire we know that there will be a bond and there'll be no issues with that in fact, there are issues by her client's owned admission. more on this now from cnn's chief domestic correspondent, phil mattingly, who was with us now and fill the clock is ticking like, what are the options here to come up with $464 million by monday? what's so >> fascinating about this moment is for a candidate who has so definitely navigated, but also leveraged it's this unprecedented convergence of the legal and the political for the better part of a year, steamrolling is weight of the republican nomination. this week has laid bare just how dramatic that strategy could be derailed in just a matter of days, i think the reality right now when you talk to people around trump, is he actually does have cash. he actually does have assets it's that amount to making him a billionaire when you look at his financial disclosure, i went through the most recent one at length over the course of the last couple of days, the problem is, it's not enough cash in many of those assets are real estate, which the bonding companies won't actually pursue. and that has left them dwindling options, including one that he just absolutely will not take they tried to take us out, donald trump is insisted that he >> won't consider one option in the intense scramble to head off potential seizure of his prize properties, bankruptcy, no >> chance. one adviser said of the idea, he'd rather have letitia, james show up and try and seize his properties it's a position relay. do advisors sources say that cuts across concerns about political optics and his own scarring personal experience with the process it's also one that eliminates yet another pathway to delay payment of a judgment that would force him to come up with hundreds of millions of dollars in cash in just days at the same moment trump's political fundraising vehicles report funneling additional millions towards his personal legal fees the clock ticking to secure what trump's lawyers say would be more than a half billion in cash or cash equivalent to secure a bond or face possible seizure of those most valued properties, forcing him to sell prize properties such as trump tower, iconic properties like 40 wall street to pursue his appeal is manifest injustice for trump. >> it's a threat that cuts to his core, but politically and personally. 1, tied to his loss in the fraud case carries no shortage of irony. >> have you look at my cache now with all of the money i waste on the legal fees and all of this stuff that role going through. i thank you very much with all of that. i have over 400 fairly substantially over 400 did million dollars in cash >> that was a point. trump also made more than a half dozen times in his january testimony in the fraud case. and it's true. a cnn review of trump's most recent candidate financial disclosure form, where candidates list assets and liabilities and ranges peg trump's available cash between roughly 250 dollars a source, close to trump's business operations. so the actual number is roughly between 360,400 million. a significant sum for a developer. but it's trump's own lawyers made clear not nearly enough to secure a bond with little precedent. a practical impossibility, they said no fewer than 30 insurance firms turning down the task, each requiring cash as collateral, including 1 chubb that underwrote a >> 91.63 million bond. >> just two >> weeks ago in another trump legal loss, e jean carroll's defamation case trump and his team now scrambling with dwindling options to address a judgment of campaign spokesman called unjust, unconstitutional , un-american >> there's his >> legal appeal to waive or reduce the bond. a flurry of rumors about whether trump's billionaire political donors will pony up the cash and also questions about whether they'd seek foreign assistance from countries like saudi arabia or russia. >> there's rules and regulations that are public. i can't speak about strategy that requires things and we have to follow those rules and sources say that steadfast refusal can trump himself to consider personal or business bankruptcy burned by his own experience with six bankruptcies, decades ago, i learned that it's certainly not something you want to go through again, i also learned about loyalty >> indeed, trump it's team has true to form, utilize the candidates legal threat to boost its political war chest and text and email appeals, an effort to overcome trump's political cash problems with president joe biden holding a substantial cash advantage. less than eight months before election day all right. fill stick around. i also want to bring in cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig, pollster and communication strategies, frank lance and cnn's kara scannell, it feel i don't think any was better suited to understand the politics and the money cited this and you are with all your experience and reporting. but the legal side and the legal bills that donald trump has been shouldering. well is he really police shouldering them? how much or as donor is paying for his legal troubles? i love >> fec filings. how could you not he's not shouldering much, if any, at this point is laid bare in the fec filings, federal election commission filings just last night, save america pac. it's his leadership pac one of his fundraising vehicles. and the money that it has spent just in the last month, 5.6 million in 2023, alone, more than $50 and here's the irony of all that, because he is the presumptive nominee. now as a joint fundraising agreement with the republican national committee, they just announced today that when donors give the maximum amount up to that joint committee, first amount goes to trump's campaign committee. the second amount before going to any of the state parties that are aligned to goes to that pack. they say it does a lot of other things beyond foot the legal bills. but boy, does it foot millions in legal bills, legal bills before the rnc? the rnc sort of gets the bronze here. >> ellie, >> one story line is bubbling right now play a big factor is truth, social, this social media company that donald trump has a stake in. it's going public potentially within days, there important announcements and votes on it in the next several hours, almost. could this money be used? this is the donald trump easiest aspect of this story, right? i mean, true social, the very network that he started because he got thrown off of twitter and other sites. a very network that he uses to criticize this case. now, just might give him the cash infusion he needs. so here's the deal pending a vote tomorrow, which seems likely to go through truth, social will become a publicly traded company. now, donald trump is the largest shareholder in truth social. and depending on where you live it looks like his shares are worth something in the multiple billions of dollars to 4 billion are. now there's legit questions over whether that's a legitimate valuation. it's what's sometimes known as a meme stock, where people prop up the value of a stock for reasons unrelated to the actual value of the company but here's the catch for donald trump. here problem. >> he has to wait six months. he cannot sell it for six months unless he goes back to the shareholders and gets a waiver, get special permission, but this may be his best chance to actually get that infusion of cash. >> it's a lot of money and a lot of people are propping up the value of that stock right now, qarrah film star is peace by talking about bankruptcy, which is an avenue which donald trump doesn't seem to want to take to put that aside for a second here. what about that other sound we heard from alina habba, his lawyer who won answer whether he would take the money from a potential foreign source, like a foreign rich brand, right? >> she dodges that question there and doesn't address that. trump is desperate in a sense to get this money in time. if he's going to get to stop the new york attorney general's office from going to seize his properties. and there is always the specter that a foreign business or foreign government could offer him the money that they haven't said publicly, they haven't said privately what they would do if they were offered a big chunk to take this off the table, mean his son-in-law, jared rick kushner, has about 2 billion in saudi money. i mean, that's not for him to spend as he pleases, but there are different pockets of foreign money that are out there. i mean, i've talked to an expert today in this who said, if he did take foreign money, it would have to be disclosed. it would have to come out and the judge judging goran who issued this judgment again and it's trump. today, told the monitor in that case that any efforts trump is doing to try to get a surety bond. she is to know about it. he's instructed the trump organization to inform her, so he is in fact going to try to shed some light on this if it doesn't come out through the appeals process. and of course, the new york attorney general's office, i'm sure we'll want to question that because as everyone is discussed, this raises a lot of potential issues of conflict of interests, which we all experienced in the last trump administration. what to watch that going forward. all right, frank, the politics of this folks to the biden campaign are already starting to refer to donald trump was broke dawn which is interesting. and then there's the possibility that the new york attorney general, letitia james, would have to start or what? would start seizing assets, maybe even buildings. how do you think that would play >> i want you to remember this moment and don't forget it if the new york attorney general starts to take his homes away starts to seize his assets. are going to be on camera panera is going to sit during scream about this. this man cannot be elected you're going to create the greatest victim hood of 2024, and you're going to elect donald trump if they take his stuff, he's going to say that this is proof that the federal government and the establishment in the swamp and washington and all the politicians across the country in the attorneys generals and all of this that this is a conspiracy to deny him the presidency. he's going to go up in the polls just like he went up every single time they indicted him the indictment. let's not talk about whether it's justified or not. but it will prove the things that he's saying on the campaign trail. and he will go up and it may just elected president, do not forget that. and i say this to the attorney general right now. if you play politics on this this is what the secretary of state did in colorado and what they did in i believe is main his numbers went up in both states i don't understand. i'm almost speechless. and how pathetic the opposition to trump has been. and how completely misguided and this is a perfect example of it. >> what do you do about that >> i mean my biggest question, this is the beauty of frank having his job, which i don't have is that happened what you're talking about main colorado when you're talking about what happened in a primary and while i don't disagree at the optics, i've spoken to people inside trump-world who were saying instead of bankruptcy, we said in the piece come to trump tower, please. we'll have cameras. there will have that fight will win that optics battle. i think the bigger question is in a general election and given the fact that the biden campaign is really latched onto this in a way that they haven't in most legal issue. >> i was surprised. >> he was joking about it last night at a fundraiser as well. that was off camera. whether or not that rise in the polls can carry into a general election aud you know, better than, i mean, you're talking to people you know about how is donald trump beating joe biden? >> he's >> got 85 indictments. it's still exist. felonies how is he beating joe biden with economy getting better? and things cleaning up >> okay. you got it. so of inflation, you still got immigration. trump is leading. and in these seven swing states, trump is up by the margin of error in five out of seven. why is that happening? because his critics are stupid and they're running a horrible campaign and for those people who do not want job, donald trump back, they should be thankful that the people who are orchestrating his loss are as pathetic and they don't understand the american people quick last word, i'm not so sure it's a smart strategy for joe biden to be making phone of poor don, because how often does donald trump say this is all biden prosecutions, biden cases and we >> fact check him correctly to say no evidence. this is coming from the white house and it's not, but it's creates an impression when joe biden is spiking the ball and doing a dance about these cases. so i'm not the political advisor and legally there's no connection but it does create an appearance that there's some celebration going on. >> well, look, we'll see what happens the next few days and we will see what consequences come to pass very soon elie honig, franklin's, phil mattingly, kara scannell. thank you. one at all. >> next, >> we have breaking news on the capture of violent inmate and his alleged accomplice after an escape that left three comps wounded plus new video at a live report from the southern border were violence erupted between migrants and national guard troops dry skin is sensitive skin two, and it's natural treated that way, a >> vino daily moisture with prebiotic is proven to moisturized dry skin all day. feel love our formula for hey to avy. now did >> you know taking xyz all at night release allergies while you sleep you wake refreshed 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spotted in twin falls, which is about 130 miles southeast of where i am. there was a short chase and then the two were arrested authorities now saying they're investigating the escape. and also those two killens we are investigating two homicides at separate locations. these are potentially tied to this incident after an armed assailant open fire during the transport of an inmate. >> i voc prisoner, white male as one shirtless skylar meade in route back to what the idaho correct? shouldn't department classifies as the highest level of maximum security incarceration two corrections officers were shot in that brazen getaway authorities state was a planned attack. >> he was in restraints while he was being escorted out of the out of the hospital. this was a planned event hi, and we're channeling every resource we have and trying to understand exactly how they went about planning it. >> meat was hospitalized on tuesday night for quote, self-injurious behavior on-site medical determined that he needed to be transported off site for emergent care and escaped just after 02:00 a.m. wednesday, as he was being escorted where did back to state prison where he has been incarcerated since 2016 and sentenced until 2036. the inmate and his accomplice identified by police as nicholas umphenour, fled just before responding, officers arrived, we found the vehicle a escaped in up in northern idaho and they took another vehicle, umphenour is now accused of aggravated battery against law enforcement, and 80 and abetting an escape >> law enforcement officials >> say both are members of a white supremacist prison gang during the manhunt, authorities released this description of meat. >> he has tattoos on his face the number one on one side of his face, and the number 11 on the other side by is a documented gang member. and with the aryan knights, 1.11, police say symbolize a and k for aryan knights, police say they're now looking for links between two suspects who at one time house together while in prison >> in addition to having both having members she up with the area knights they also shared some acquaintances, some common acquaintances, both in custody as well as in the community the and i asked the state police exactly how they link these two suspects to the to killings. and i was told that they found the shackles at the scene of one of the murderers. they also say these murders happened in the last 24 hours now, in terms of the correction officers that were injured, we are told one one was released from the hospital, the other two are stable and improving. and we were also told that their spirits were lifted once they were told that these two men were arrested, john. >> well, so much information there is still so much to learn camaro burnout. thank you so much. now to the southern border in el paso, texas, hundreds of migrants rushing past razor wire and national guard troops then arrested. now it's unclear what led up to all this. before turning to where 11 deir on the scene. i just want to pause and let you see how it played out. >> all right. >> now, cnn's ed lavandera is there for us tonight and what do you know about what happened here, how it played out >> well, it's really important to point out here. we don't know exactly what instigated or what led up to these very tense moments that occurred just behind me, that wall that you see in the fence where the migrants ran up to there's this wall back here now this border wall has existed here in el paso for quite some time. i'm beyond that. another several hundred yards or so. you start getting to the rio grande and that is the international boundary line. and just along the river's edge is where we have seen texas national guard state troopers a buildup the fortification of razor wire and chain link fence, and that has been taking place taken place over the last few months. so where you saw those migrants confronting the national guard soldiers there on the ground that is already on us soil we were told that it was a large group of people. we might customs and border protection officials, we've also been told that it was several hundred migrants that rushed up here to the border wall should point out that all of those hi greens were taken into border patrol custody. we washes, they were loaded up on buses and taken to a border patrol processing facility and that work continues tonight. we've been told some of them we'll have asylum applications. others will be deported. so hard to say exactly what will happen definitively to all of them at this point because that processing is still on going. but as we mentioned, kind of tents, scenes here, john it's unfolded just before noon time here in el paso. and as we mentioned, that exactly clear what sparked it or what led to that intense confrontation as those migrants rush toward the border? while you see behind me, john, in general, add new pin down there. >> has there been an >> uptick in migrants trying to cross an el paso? what's the situation been there the last several days >> actually, the migrant crossings have dropped rather dramatically from the record highs that we saw in december. in fact, we've been told by the department of homeland security this shows that the numbers have dropped almost 50%. here in the el paso area. it's been last year, told about about 1,000 a day those numbers are quite dramatically lower than what they have been that was. and then on top of that, we've also been told that there hadn't been any really clear indications that there were some bubbling tension over the last few days that might have been kind of a precursor or an indication of something like this unfolding. so we've been disgrace has been described as an eye insulated incidence so far to us that was described to us earlier today >> all right. and we'll let you get back to report and great to have you there. thank you very much >> next >> exclusive new cnn reporting and how fani willis plans to get her 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sport. physicians, mitchell. >> i'm lauren fox capitol hill. and this is cnn >> closed captioning. is brought to you by skechers hands-free slip ends step in the future like i did when you hands-free skechers slip is the secret is flip ins have an invisible filth in shoe horn, so your foot's slides into place to try skechers slip in >> fulton county attorney fulton county district attorney fani willis might have been sidetracked by defense efforts to get her removed from the case, but she is still trying to fast-track her trial of a former president. and others. that is the bottom line of new and exclusive cnn report and courtesy zack cohen, who shares the by-line and joins us now is what have you learned about the da's plans? >> yeah. john multiple sources telling me that fulton county da fani willis still wants trump's criminal trial in georgia to start before the 2024 election, and that she plans to re-up her request for judge scott mcafee to set a date for that to happen. possible? we as soon as this summer now, you might remember that willows previously ask mcafee to set a trial date for august 5th, but that first went on answer to this point, a move to ask a second time for him to set a trial date to put something on the calendar would really represent a really hard pivot for willis, as you know, we've spent the last two months talking about whether or not funny willis should be disqualified from this case over allegations of an improper relationship with her top prosecutor. and now it's clear that she's trying to get this case back on track and get it into a courtroom for trial scenario before trump is on the ballot again, in the 2024 election. now, >> judge mcafee, >> did ultimately rule that de a willis could continue to prosecute the case but that's not necessarily the end of the story. she could still face disqualification, correct? >> yeah. that's absolutely right. and look, one of the things about maccabees order. while he did say that she could stay on this case, he issued a scathing rebuke of her and really dig her credibility and said that her actions were really improper and frankly set up an appeals court to possibly take up and review his order, and they could overturn an appeals court could also say no, they don't want to take it up. they've got 45 days to make that decision, but yes, the possibility of disqualification still very much hangs ever fani willis, even as she's pushing two get this case to trial before the election. and now, just because there are connections everywhere here, the supreme court is set to rule on whether donald trump is claims of immunity are valid. >> does that >> have to be resolved at the federal level before this georgia trial date is set yes. >> john supreme >> court ruling and that's really the biggest question mark in addition to the disqualification question we just talked about. but that does not have to be decided for a trial date to be said. that's what source is telling me. sources close to the da's office are pushing they think that mcafee can set a trial date and put this issue of immunity to the side, even though it will directly impact and could potentially change the future and outcome of this case in georgia, as well as jack smith's federal case in dc second one, great to have you great reporting on this subject. thanks so much for being with us. perspective now from ashleigh merchant, the lawyer who led the effort to remove fani willis. she represents michael roman, a former trump campaign operative, and now co-defendant counselor how likely do you think it is that this trial really is able to begin this summer as da fani willis is now pushing for i think it's very unlikely. >> i never thought that we would be able to start this trial this summer. now, with all of the other issues that we've had with the disqualification and the appeal, i think gets completely impossible that it would be able to be started as early as this summer to10 people there's too many tonight, defendants, too many defense lawyers, too much evidence, just too much to corral in such a short amount of time, would you like to see it start this summer? >> i love to see it start. i'm not for that. we'll be ready this summer and part of the reason that we're having trouble getting ready is because the district attorney is still giving us discovery. so if they had been able to give us all of the discovery as soon as they indicted the case. we could have hit the ground running. we had to wait. we've gotten it in six different terms. and so we continue to get more discovery. and as we get more discovery, more witnesses, we have to go through that and see if there's anything relevant. and compare that for our case. and so that's the problem with with getting ready as discovery is still ongoing for donald trump, it's always seemed pretty clear that one of his goals and all of the legal cases against him, one of his goals is to delay and delay as much as possible how much of a goal is that for you and your client? >> and we're in a different posture, you know i think everybody in this case is a little bit different position. our goal has never been to delay the case. our goal has been to get a fair trial. >> i think nobody wants to try a his twice >> and so we want to make sure >> that when we try the case, it is a fair trial. it is adjust result and hopefully my client and the community gets justice. and the only way to do that as to make sure that it's a fair a fair process that we have an impartial prosecutor on the case. and so that's our overwhelming goal, whether it takes short amount of time or a long amount of time. >> as you well know, judge mcafee, who you've been dealing with a lot, granted requests from donald trump and his co-defendants. one of them we were representing to appeal the decision to allow the district attorney to continue to prosecute the case. the move doesn't pause the prosecution for now, but it allows appeals on the disqualification to play up before the trial. how long do you think that process will take? >> usually the appellate process takes about six months, so the first stage is whether or not the court of appeals is actually going to take it. that's about 45 days. if they decide they're going to take it it takes about six months. but if they don't take it, then we still have the right to go to the supreme court. so that could also add some time in that front. but usually the appellate process is salt in about six months. >> let's talk about jury selection. if this case does happen to begin as soon as august, how long do you think jury selection in a big rico case like this would take because it is separate rico case and fulton county, the one involving the rapper young thug, jury selection less than what, ten months? >> it did. and i was actually involved in that case early on, my client pled out early on in the process. so i was not likely involved in the laundry selection, but i think it's going to be a very lengthy process. and the reason is we're going to have to find jurors who have not already made up their mind. there's no way we're going find her or that don't know about this case. there's no way that they're not going to already have some type of an opinion. the question is gonna be whether or not they can put that aside and be fair and impartial. >> it's >> going to take a very long amount of time just to be clear, everything you were saying to us tonight seems to be saying it's good to have a long, long time, you know, won't get started anytime soon. delay, delay, delay, but you insist that you don't want to delay, correct? >> don't and you know, one of the things that we could do if we didn't want to delay was we could sever these these defendants and we could try each case individually. the problem with rico cases with very broad cases is delays just inevitable. >> i mean, >> it's just inevitable when you have 19 defendants and 19 defense lawyers who have conflicts, lives, we can i mean, just a ton of things that i can throw in that's what causes these these cases to go on so long. >> ashleigh merchant. thank you so much for your time >> and thanks for having me probably just ahead. >> rfk junior already >> had his work cut out for him and his independent bid for the white house. but now a new report says the rift between him and members of his legend in dairy political family. it's about to go to the next level. we have details ahead >> zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours. so dave can be deliverer, dance okay dave, let's be more than our allergies >> seize the >> day with zantac. >> have your anyone, you know, ever been stationed at marine corps base campbell june camp luck, jeunes water was contaminated by fuel leaks. if you add any water contact while it camp on june had been diagnosed? just for cancer or parkinson's disease. >> you >> may be entitled to compensation as marine who was stationed at campo june 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to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours of vina according to a new report that kennedy family is preparing to throw its support behind a 2024 presidential candidate, >> but it won't be robert kennedy jr. some family members have already voiced support for president biden, but now nbc news is reporting that the family will be stepping up efforts to boost the president and push back back against rfk junior. this could include spending time on the campaign trail in places where kennedy actually qualifies for the ballot or lending the kennedy name to initiatives that counter rfk's campaign. seen as eva mckend has a look at rfk juniors uphill battle to win the white house and the quarrel with his storied political family robert f. >> kennedy juniors, longshot bid for the white house, fueling a famous family feud >> we don't always agree on things. >> kennedy, the odd menn out at a recent st. patrick's day celebration of several family members with president joe biden captured in an image shared on social media by kennedy system kerry kennedy, the independent candidate, making light of being excluded from the social gathering, although that looks like a big grad of people that is a very small percentage of my family at this year's state of the union, maria shriver, one of kennedy's cousins, was a guest, the first lady, jill biden, to highlight their effort to launch a white house initiative on one women's health research another reason flashpoint came when a super pac supporting kennedy ran a tv during this year super bowl that repurposed a spot from his uncle, john f. kennedy's 1960 presidential campaign. i saw that you issued an apology for that pack super bowl ad is your personal preference that they stop using your families likeness was particularly unmeasured. my family and those feelings and i apologized. i said i thought i saw that he felt that way but i have no apologies about the ad the family discord playing out in the open since kennedy announced his presidential run last year john f. kennedy's grandson, jack schlossberg, whose mother, caroline is president biden's ambassador to australia, posted a video to social media highly critical of rfk juniors candidacy, his training in on camelot, celebrity conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame is it complicated right now, given this situation, i know what i think i now a jack thinks i know bobby kennedy. thanks. and so it's not complicated. >> one of the sharpest criticism has been reserved for rfk juniors promotion of baseless vaccine conspiracies, including a debunked connection to autism. several of his siblings called his presidential run quote, dangerous to our country, saying quote, bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision, or judgment. kennedy, an outlier when it comes to policies, members of the kennedy family have championed past and present because i'm ted kennedy was a leading voice for health care reform in the us senate and fought for more funding to increase childhood immunization rates must be, as president john f kennedy warned about the threat posed by the soviet union last year, kennedy suggested russia that acted in good faith, dring peace negotiations after the country's invasion of ukraine, law russians were acting in good faith, removing their troops from kyiv this was all other secretly without telling the american people no, i think we're the ones who have been acting in good faith. >> kennedy acknowledges he has a difference of opinion with family members on topics driving political debate today. >> i understand many of them disagree with me on the oren ukraine they disagree with me on on covid on public health issues. they disagree with me on the free speech issue so we can, we can disagree with each other and a friendly way and still love each other and in a statement to us, kennedy said in part that many family members are working on and supportive of his campaign. his daughter-in-law, for instance, serves as his campaign manager. and this family feud may not actually be a liability for kennedy john. that's because he's fashioned himself as a political outsider running on it ending forever wars and cleaning up government. so this pylon could just bolster his attempts to advance that message. >> john or even mckend. thank you very much. >> next exclusive >> reporting from inside haiti in the latest evolution of this horrible crisis. now, people carrying out neighborhood vigilante justice, leaving bodies on the streets where they lived >> dry skin is sensitive skin two, and it's natural treated that way. vino daily moisture with prebiotic is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. feel love our formula for face to a vino >> thank you. do eddie. you back >> because these. bills are crazy >> she has no idea. she sitting on a goldmine >> she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can sell all work part of a the 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we have exclusive new reporting from haiti tonight, where there is still no political leadership in no end to deadly gang violence today, the state department said, is helped more than this helped more than 160 americans get out of haiti. ordinary haitians, though, they can't leave and against the lawless reality, they face some are taking justice into their own hands. that story and the images of it are graphic, seen as david culver reports body just set it right in the middle of the street there >> people are trying to figure out the best way to get around it >> across the street. this family rushes into a truck shielding their little ones eyes an effort to preserve what innocence is left here and here at the gruesome sights, slowing but not stopping the morning rush hour. >> and you can even see here, look at this, a police car is just going right past and it'll continue on doesn't even stop >> a explains how an overnight gang attack ended in vigilante killings gunfire shooting here what this >> man says he and more than 50 others immediately set out to find those terrorizing their neighborhood they surrounded a man they didn't recognize and you believe he was a gang member we really done carrying machetes. he tells me they carried out justice as he sees it. the only way they know to defend themselves now we've invented by libel back when they come in shooting all around, trying to scare us to flee. we won't just let them kill us. they have to die. >> he tells me the way you see this is killed or be killed >> we really police, don't condone the killings, but they are overwhelmed and overrun and they don't have time to stop them there are daily gun battles in the capital as police struggled to push the gangs back the officers have willpower, but little else we see that firsthand as we patrol with haiti's national police there are no front lines in this war. the boundaries are blurred and they're constantly shifting and these officers no driving around in an armored vehicle like this. >> well, they expect to be shot and they're moving targets >> they cruise through gang territory revealing a city in ruins and on fire >> at this >> intersection, we find another gruesome scene three bodies have eaten by dogs and still smoldering people, desperate for food and for shelter. >> even if it >> is in the shell of what was once a government building. >> i mean, this is just a >> symbol of state collapse here more than 1,500 have now occupied this building and made it their own. >> mostly children >> and there were those who line up for hours trying to get visas to go anywhere. but here but certainly different security jobs. and normally there's no jobs are you running after us wherever we are the gangs. >> and >> now targeting more affluent areas >> what's >> left of an atm is still in there. >> the trying to sure themselves. robin moos or stuff, but they're just they're just they're criminals for street vendors like this woman who still have fruits to sell. no customers to buy them because folks you can't. afford most these items. >> bad devil more troubling for her >> the >> horrors she witnesses on these streets many people have died. she tells me and i have to make trips to pick them up we see that for ourselves as we head back just before curfew medics clearing the remains of that suspected gang member they hurry not to save a life, but to pick up two more bodies on this same street here in haiti humanity has disintegrated into a brutal fight for survival >> and david culver was with us now, david, what's playing out in the gang territory tonight >> john that area that we were embedded with police earlier today, and we can actually show you some of the images in which we're driving through. and it almost seemed like it was bombed out neighborhoods that has slowly been rayon habit it i mean, it felt like something that was out of this world, quite frankly. but in that community, just an hour or so after we left, it started increasing with gunfire and a police confrontation with gangs one that lasted several hours. and on occasion here, just as we've been preparing to go live, we were hearing some more gunshots that were told as a police operation that has ended with police killing a gang leader who is among those who escaped recently and that recent prison outbreak, they also confirm that several gang members were killed. john, however, for them, it's about trying to hold the line officers continuing to struggle with that david culver. thank you. the news continues right here on cnn >> it's friday, march 22,

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Captioning , Capitol Hill , Lauren Fox , Mitchell , Slip , Secret , Slides , Fulton County , Filth , Flip Ins , Shoe Horn , Defense Efforts , Exclusive Cnn Report , Zack Cohen , By Line , Request , Da Fani Willis , Georgia , Move , Mcafee , Trial Date For August 5th , Willows , First , Scott Mcafee , 5 , August 5th , Prosecutor , Calendar , Willis , Relationship , Pivot , End , Ballot , Courtroom , De A Willis , Trial Scenario , Track , Look , Disqualification , Actions , Rebuke , Credibility , Maccabees Order , Order , Appeals Court , Decision , Yes , 45 , Supreme Court , Immunity , Connections , Claims , Disqualification Question , John Supreme Court Ruling , Question Mark , Da S Office , Side , Outcome , Thanks , Ashleigh Merchant , Counselor , Campaign Operative , Perspective , Co Defendant , Subject , Michael Roman , Summer , Defendants , Defense Lawyers , Discovery , Reason , Trouble , Ground Running , Anything , Witnesses , Goal , Goals , Nobody , Everybody , Twice , Position , Posture , Justice , Fair Process , Result , Prosecution , Requests , Co Defendants , Court , Stage , Jury Selection , Appellate Process Is Salt , Front , Talk , Let , Rico , The One , Young Thug , Ten , Jurors , Laundry Selection , Opinion , Type , Won T , Delay , Delays , Conflicts , Lives , Ton , Rfk Junior , Bid , Zyrtec Allergy , Dairy Political Family , Rift , Legend , Details , Allergies , Deliverer , Zantac , Dance Okay Dave , Visit Camp Lagoon Injury Com , Veterans , Base Campo June , 152 , Food , Diets , Concern , Shock , Meals , Don T Wait , Dinner , Slide On Stove Top , Methods , Scrubbing , Scraping , Dream Kitchen , Stove Guard , Cheese , Messages , Cake , Brief , Splash , Sayonara , Macaroni , Challenge , Stove , Cleaning , Eating , Match , Cooking , Products , Dove Guard , Cut , David Culver , Advice , Water , Stove Model , Precision , Spaghetti , Tomato Sauce , Customed , Still Guard , Didn T , Reviews , Model , Kitchen , Sink , Thousands , Revolution , Drawer , Door , Pitch Fit , Competition , Based Team , Premium , Stove Guard Com , Imitations , Guard Com , Shipping , Goodbye , Stove Gap , Counter Top , Stores , Processes , Screen , Qr Code , Sparks Engineered , Our Com , Flight Circle , Field , Circle Surplus , Row Slash Sparks , Sialic , Viagra , Energy , Life Tosses , Hope , Circle Com , Walmart , Kennedy Family , Dry Skin , Family Members , Support , Nbc News , Places , Name , Counter Rfk , Rfk Juniors Uphill Battle , Eva Mckend , Robert F Kennedy , Family Feud , Longshot Bid , Quarrel , Kerry Kennedy , Patrick , Image , Gathering , Odd Menn Out , Kennedy System , Maria Shriver , Grad , Percentage , State Of The Union , Jill Biden , Cousins , Guest , Looks , White House Initiative On One Women S Health Research , First Lady , Flashpoint , Tv , Spot , Kennedy Ran A , Super Pac , Uncle , 1960 , Families , Apology , Likeness , Preference , Super Bowl , Discord , Feelings , Ad , Run , Apologies , Candidacy , Training , Mother , Ambassador , On Camelot , John F Kennedy S Grandson , Caroline Is , To Australia , Jack Schlossberg , Fame , Jack , Celebrity Conspiracy Theories , Gain , Several , Vaccine Conspiracies , Criticism , Autism , Siblings , Presidential Run Quote , Rfk Juniors Promotion , Policies , Values , Ted Kennedy , Vision , Father , Outlier , Childhood Immunization Rates , Funding , Voice , Health Care Reform , Senate , Soviet Union Last , Faith , Acting , Law , Invasion , Ukraine , Kyiv , Dring Peace Negotiations , Topics , Difference , Debate , Free Speech Issue , Covid On Public Health Issues , Daughter In Law , Each Other , Campaign Manager , Liability , Wars , Outsider , Attempts , Pylon , Bodies , Exclusive Reporting , Streets , Neighborhood Vigilante Justice , Evolution , Crisis , Inside Haiti , Moisture , Vino , Do Eddie , Life Insurance Policy , More , Goldmine She Doesn T , 00000 , 100000 , Term , Work Part , Goldmine , Coventry , Coventry Direct , 804618800 , Coventry Direct Com , Fun , Make Me , Leggero , Claritin , Bad News , Gig , Xfinity Mobile , The Go , Med School , Wifi , Doc , Savings , Visit Xfinitymobile Com , 20 , Haiti Tonight , Lauren Fox On Capitol Hill , Gang , Ordinary Haitians , Haiti , The State Department , 160 , Street , Images , Hands , Middle , Graphic , Innocence , Sights , Truck Shielding , Police Car , Rush Hour , Vigilante , Neighborhood , Carrying Machetes , Libel , Overrun , Around , Gangs , Willpower , Gun Battles , War , Boundaries , Territory , Fire , City , Ruins , Targets , Intersection , Dogs , Symbol , Government Building , Building , Shelter , Shell , State Collapse , 1500 , Security Jobs , Visas , Anywhere , Children , Areas , Atm , Robin Moos , Criminals , Woman , Customers , Street Vendors , Items , Fruits , Curfew Medics , Horrors , Trips , Haiti Humanity , Survival , Neighborhoods , Out Of This World , Gunfire , Occasion , Police Operation , Gunshots , Gang Leader , Prison Outbreak , Line Officers , It S Friday , 22 , Friday March 22 ,

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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704

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with me. so hora originally telling espn on tuesday, that's transfers we're to cover his losses, but there'll a tiny had quote, zero involvement in the betting mizuhara also said that he didn't know gambling was illegal in california and that ohtani wasn't happy about the debt, but decided to pay a for him. well, as espn was getting ready to publish their story wednesday, boris, this is the statement that ohtani's lawyers sent out including to cnn, says in the course of responding to recent media inquiries, we discovered that shohei has been the victim of a massive theft and we are turning the matter over to authorities. ms o'hara walked back much of what he said originally to espn saying that he had lied and then ohtani knew nothing about the gambling activities. so clear really a huge story that will continue to follow right here on cnn. >> oh, wild story of four-and-a-half million dollars to cover a gambling debt, yanks coy wire. thank you so much i'm bored. sanchez in the situation room. thank you so much for watching the news continues next on cnn tonight, not 360 breaking >> news on the political death threat donald trump made to mike pence just hours before pence faced real ones at the capitol on january 6, also tonight with less than four days left for him to pay up or c new york's attorney general start seizing his properties. we now know more about which one she has her eyes on plus a violent convict, convict and his alleged accomplice, the three cops shot the chase and the capture. how it all went down good evening. john berman here in for anderson and we begin tonight with breaking news straight from inside the west wing on january 6, what the former president was saying to mike pence, just hours before all hell broke musah, the capital. and is reaction or more accurately, his non-reactive been on learning that in the chaos, one of his followers had just been shot dead that and more from newly revealed testimony to the january 6 committee by a presidential valet are accounted any remarkable piece of reporting from the new york times louk broad water shares the by-line honore along with our friend maggie haberman, luke joins us now. look this do testimony includes information from this valet who sought all what did you learn from your reporting about what president trump his conversations with mike pets right? >> this is the first time we're hearing firsthand testimony from this valet. now the valais was with trump almost all day on january 6. and what he says he saw and heard was first in the morning, a phone call between donald trump and mike pence. now there's been a letter reporting on this phone recall what the valais said is a little bit different from what others have said. he said that he told him in no uncertain terms that his political career would be over. if he did not go along with the plans to overturn the election, as you know, pencils resisting the effort to d certified the election. and in fact, trump turned out to be right like pence, his career in republican politics was over after he did not, then to trump's will the other big piece of information that stands out to me is that donald trump was passed a note after one of the rioters was shot in the capital and was make made clear that this person had been shot, this one had been shot in the chest and the valleys it says that he offered no reaction upon learning that he kept sitting in the chair watching the violence and play, unfurl on tv several states, a non reaction at the death of ashleigh babbitt, a non reaction was that his general attitude during much of this period, according to the ballet yeah >> that'd be in the valley. does say at one point that donald trump appeared concerned about the violence and said that that he should call mark milley or nancy pelosi. but the testimony we have is that the president trump at the time never did that. mark milley testified that he received no call from president trump at all that de even if he did let's that he really took no action about it. and then at the end of the day after all the violence that happened, after 150 police officers were injured. the thing that donald trump says to the valais when their one-on-one is that mike pence really let him down. so that was really what was still on his mind, was still his his disappointment and his and his anger at his own vice president for not helping him overturn the election and not what was not on his mind was that the riot and the violence that had just happened. >> so it's interesting, the valais testifies at the, toward the beginning of the day, he told mike pence it would be the end of his political career at the end of the day, mike pence let him down >> but yes, that's exactly right. now. there's a couple other things i would like to point out. the valley also talks about how trump was tearing up documents that almost every document that he got, he would tear it up almost immediately, whether that was a picture, whether that was a written document, whether that was a newspaper article, he would read it and destroy it. and i think that could be useful information that prosecutors in the documents case in florida might want to take a look at. obviously, his document retention policy and practices aren't issue there. >> yeah. it's interesting some of his testimony can be used in two federal cases against donald trump. where's this information that you're getting coming from? luke >> right? well, this is interview that january 6 committee deal with the valais back in 2022. but it was sent to the white house for review and redact if you recall, the january 6 committee shut down shortly after doing this. so this has been sitting over at the white house in white house, counsel's office and house republicans who have been investigating the january 6 committee had been going back and trying to get these transcripts from the white house. and then release them once they get them. so this came from the house republican investigation. now, they think there are some things in here that are good for donald trump or at least less bad than what's known about donald trump. >> but >> there's also they acknowledged some very unflattering information about donald trump's behavior on january. >> so it's all very revealing in good to see louk broad water. thank you very much for sharing your reporting with us >> thank you. >> all right. now, keeping them honest, just four days from now, the man who built his empire and fantasy will have to face facts about what it's really worth. four days from now, new york attorney general, letitia james gets to start collecting the nearly half 1 jobs donald trump now says he cannot pay. and even as he has searched and failed to find a bonding company to put up the money for them. the attorney general has been preparing to seize his assets for starters here, his manchin seven springs in westchester county, just north of new york city. he also was a golf club there today we learned that the ag's lawyers have filed paperwork registering the judgment in westchester, the first step needed before taking property or putting a lien on it the judgment is already on record in new york city, making all of his properties here vulnerable to seizure. we also learned that the former president is getting antsy saying this about having to actually get a bunch on or sell properties to raise it he goes. that is crazy. he writes also, putting up money before an appeal is very expensive. all caps. >> now, just pause for a minute to consider that according to a new fec filing, his save america pac spent nearly 5.6 million on legal fees last month alone. that's about 200 thousand dollars a day, mostly from small donors. so yeah, to use his words, it is very expensive. weather expensive for him personally, is another question. in any case, trump goes on, the crooked judge who has already been overturned four times on this case, a record fully understands this. he gave us a demand which he knows is in possible to do impossible. really >> this guy is worth a lot of money, billions and billions of billions of dollars happens, have a lot of cash. course he has money and he's a billionaire we know that there will be a bond and there'll be no issues with that in fact, there are issues by her client's owned admission. more on this now from cnn's chief domestic correspondent, phil mattingly, who was with us now and fill the clock is ticking like, what are the options here to come up with $464 million by monday? what's so >> fascinating about this moment is for a candidate who has so definitely navigated, but also leveraged it's this unprecedented convergence of the legal and the political for the better part of a year, steamrolling is weight of the republican nomination. this week has laid bare just how dramatic that strategy could be derailed in just a matter of days, i think the reality right now when you talk to people around trump, is he actually does have cash. he actually does have assets it's that amount to making him a billionaire when you look at his financial disclosure, i went through the most recent one at length over the course of the last couple of days, the problem is, it's not enough cash in many of those assets are real estate, which the bonding companies won't actually pursue. and that has left them dwindling options, including one that he just absolutely will not take they tried to take us out, donald trump is insisted that he >> won't consider one option in the intense scramble to head off potential seizure of his prize properties, bankruptcy, no >> chance. one adviser said of the idea, he'd rather have letitia, james show up and try and seize his properties it's a position relay. do advisors sources say that cuts across concerns about political optics and his own scarring personal experience with the process it's also one that eliminates yet another pathway to delay payment of a judgment that would force him to come up with hundreds of millions of dollars in cash in just days at the same moment trump's political fundraising vehicles report funneling additional millions towards his personal legal fees the clock ticking to secure what trump's lawyers say would be more than a half billion in cash or cash equivalent to secure a bond or face possible seizure of those most valued properties, forcing him to sell prize properties such as trump tower, iconic properties like 40 wall street to pursue his appeal is manifest injustice for trump. >> it's a threat that cuts to his core, but politically and personally. 1, tied to his loss in the fraud case carries no shortage of irony. >> have you look at my cache now with all of the money i waste on the legal fees and all of this stuff that role going through. i thank you very much with all of that. i have over 400 fairly substantially over 400 did million dollars in cash >> that was a point. trump also made more than a half dozen times in his january testimony in the fraud case. and it's true. a cnn review of trump's most recent candidate financial disclosure form, where candidates list assets and liabilities and ranges peg trump's available cash between roughly 250 dollars a source, close to trump's business operations. so the actual number is roughly between 360,400 million. a significant sum for a developer. but it's trump's own lawyers made clear not nearly enough to secure a bond with little precedent. a practical impossibility, they said no fewer than 30 insurance firms turning down the task, each requiring cash as collateral, including 1 chubb that underwrote a >> 91.63 million bond. >> just two >> weeks ago in another trump legal loss, e jean carroll's defamation case trump and his team now scrambling with dwindling options to address a judgment of campaign spokesman called unjust, unconstitutional , un-american >> there's his >> legal appeal to waive or reduce the bond. a flurry of rumors about whether trump's billionaire political donors will pony up the cash and also questions about whether they'd seek foreign assistance from countries like saudi arabia or russia. >> there's rules and regulations that are public. i can't speak about strategy that requires things and we have to follow those rules and sources say that steadfast refusal can trump himself to consider personal or business bankruptcy burned by his own experience with six bankruptcies, decades ago, i learned that it's certainly not something you want to go through again, i also learned about loyalty >> indeed, trump it's team has true to form, utilize the candidates legal threat to boost its political war chest and text and email appeals, an effort to overcome trump's political cash problems with president joe biden holding a substantial cash advantage. less than eight months before election day all right. fill stick around. i also want to bring in cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig, pollster and communication strategies, frank lance and cnn's kara scannell, it feel i don't think any was better suited to understand the politics and the money cited this and you are with all your experience and reporting. but the legal side and the legal bills that donald trump has been shouldering. well is he really police shouldering them? how much or as donor is paying for his legal troubles? i love >> fec filings. how could you not he's not shouldering much, if any, at this point is laid bare in the fec filings, federal election commission filings just last night, save america pac. it's his leadership pac one of his fundraising vehicles. and the money that it has spent just in the last month, 5.6 million in 2023, alone, more than $50 and here's the irony of all that, because he is the presumptive nominee. now as a joint fundraising agreement with the republican national committee, they just announced today that when donors give the maximum amount up to that joint committee, first amount goes to trump's campaign committee. the second amount before going to any of the state parties that are aligned to goes to that pack. they say it does a lot of other things beyond foot the legal bills. but boy, does it foot millions in legal bills, legal bills before the rnc? the rnc sort of gets the bronze here. >> ellie, >> one story line is bubbling right now play a big factor is truth, social, this social media company that donald trump has a stake in. it's going public potentially within days, there important announcements and votes on it in the next several hours, almost. could this money be used? this is the donald trump easiest aspect of this story, right? i mean, true social, the very network that he started because he got thrown off of twitter and other sites. a very network that he uses to criticize this case. now, just might give him the cash infusion he needs. so here's the deal pending a vote tomorrow, which seems likely to go through truth, social will become a publicly traded company. now, donald trump is the largest shareholder in truth social. and depending on where you live it looks like his shares are worth something in the multiple billions of dollars to 4 billion are. now there's legit questions over whether that's a legitimate valuation. it's what's sometimes known as a meme stock, where people prop up the value of a stock for reasons unrelated to the actual value of the company but here's the catch for donald trump. here problem. >> he has to wait six months. he cannot sell it for six months unless he goes back to the shareholders and gets a waiver, get special permission, but this may be his best chance to actually get that infusion of cash. >> it's a lot of money and a lot of people are propping up the value of that stock right now, qarrah film star is peace by talking about bankruptcy, which is an avenue which donald trump doesn't seem to want to take to put that aside for a second here. what about that other sound we heard from alina habba, his lawyer who won answer whether he would take the money from a potential foreign source, like a foreign rich brand, right? >> she dodges that question there and doesn't address that. trump is desperate in a sense to get this money in time. if he's going to get to stop the new york attorney general's office from going to seize his properties. and there is always the specter that a foreign business or foreign government could offer him the money that they haven't said publicly, they haven't said privately what they would do if they were offered a big chunk to take this off the table, mean his son-in-law, jared rick kushner, has about 2 billion in saudi money. i mean, that's not for him to spend as he pleases, but there are different pockets of foreign money that are out there. i mean, i've talked to an expert today in this who said, if he did take foreign money, it would have to be disclosed. it would have to come out and the judge judging goran who issued this judgment again and it's trump. today, told the monitor in that case that any efforts trump is doing to try to get a surety bond. she is to know about it. he's instructed the trump organization to inform her, so he is in fact going to try to shed some light on this if it doesn't come out through the appeals process. and of course, the new york attorney general's office, i'm sure we'll want to question that because as everyone is discussed, this raises a lot of potential issues of conflict of interests, which we all experienced in the last trump administration. what to watch that going forward. all right, frank, the politics of this folks to the biden campaign are already starting to refer to donald trump was broke dawn which is interesting. and then there's the possibility that the new york attorney general, letitia james, would have to start or what? would start seizing assets, maybe even buildings. how do you think that would play >> i want you to remember this moment and don't forget it if the new york attorney general starts to take his homes away starts to seize his assets. are going to be on camera panera is going to sit during scream about this. this man cannot be elected you're going to create the greatest victim hood of 2024, and you're going to elect donald trump if they take his stuff, he's going to say that this is proof that the federal government and the establishment in the swamp and washington and all the politicians across the country in the attorneys generals and all of this that this is a conspiracy to deny him the presidency. he's going to go up in the polls just like he went up every single time they indicted him the indictment. let's not talk about whether it's justified or not. but it will prove the things that he's saying on the campaign trail. and he will go up and it may just elected president, do not forget that. and i say this to the attorney general right now. if you play politics on this this is what the secretary of state did in colorado and what they did in i believe is main his numbers went up in both states i don't understand. i'm almost speechless. and how pathetic the opposition to trump has been. and how completely misguided and this is a perfect example of it. >> what do you do about that >> i mean my biggest question, this is the beauty of frank having his job, which i don't have is that happened what you're talking about main colorado when you're talking about what happened in a primary and while i don't disagree at the optics, i've spoken to people inside trump-world who were saying instead of bankruptcy, we said in the piece come to trump tower, please. we'll have cameras. there will have that fight will win that optics battle. i think the bigger question is in a general election and given the fact that the biden campaign is really latched onto this in a way that they haven't in most legal issue. >> i was surprised. >> he was joking about it last night at a fundraiser as well. that was off camera. whether or not that rise in the polls can carry into a general election aud you know, better than, i mean, you're talking to people you know about how is donald trump beating joe biden? >> he's >> got 85 indictments. it's still exist. felonies how is he beating joe biden with economy getting better? and things cleaning up >> okay. you got it. so of inflation, you still got immigration. trump is leading. and in these seven swing states, trump is up by the margin of error in five out of seven. why is that happening? because his critics are stupid and they're running a horrible campaign and for those people who do not want job, donald trump back, they should be thankful that the people who are orchestrating his loss are as pathetic and they don't understand the american people quick last word, i'm not so sure it's a smart strategy for joe biden to be making phone of poor don, because how often does donald trump say this is all biden prosecutions, biden cases and we >> fact check him correctly to say no evidence. this is coming from the white house and it's not, but it's creates an impression when joe biden is spiking the ball and doing a dance about these cases. so i'm not the political advisor and legally there's no connection but it does create an appearance that there's some celebration going on. >> well, look, we'll see what happens the next few days and we will see what consequences come to pass very soon elie honig, franklin's, phil mattingly, kara scannell. thank you. one at all. >> next, >> we have breaking news on the capture of violent inmate and his alleged accomplice after an escape that left three comps wounded plus new video at a live report from the southern border were violence erupted between migrants and national guard troops dry skin is sensitive skin two, and it's natural treated that way, a >> vino daily moisture with prebiotic is proven to moisturized dry skin all day. feel love our formula for hey to avy. now did >> you know taking xyz all at night release allergies while you sleep you wake refreshed 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spotted in twin falls, which is about 130 miles southeast of where i am. there was a short chase and then the two were arrested authorities now saying they're investigating the escape. and also those two killens we are investigating two homicides at separate locations. these are potentially tied to this incident after an armed assailant open fire during the transport of an inmate. >> i voc prisoner, white male as one shirtless skylar meade in route back to what the idaho correct? shouldn't department classifies as the highest level of maximum security incarceration two corrections officers were shot in that brazen getaway authorities state was a planned attack. >> he was in restraints while he was being escorted out of the out of the hospital. this was a planned event hi, and we're channeling every resource we have and trying to understand exactly how they went about planning it. >> meat was hospitalized on tuesday night for quote, self-injurious behavior on-site medical determined that he needed to be transported off site for emergent care and escaped just after 02:00 a.m. wednesday, as he was being escorted where did back to state prison where he has been incarcerated since 2016 and sentenced until 2036. the inmate and his accomplice identified by police as nicholas umphenour, fled just before responding, officers arrived, we found the vehicle a escaped in up in northern idaho and they took another vehicle, umphenour is now accused of aggravated battery against law enforcement, and 80 and abetting an escape >> law enforcement officials >> say both are members of a white supremacist prison gang during the manhunt, authorities released this description of meat. >> he has tattoos on his face the number one on one side of his face, and the number 11 on the other side by is a documented gang member. and with the aryan knights, 1.11, police say symbolize a and k for aryan knights, police say they're now looking for links between two suspects who at one time house together while in prison >> in addition to having both having members she up with the area knights they also shared some acquaintances, some common acquaintances, both in custody as well as in the community the and i asked the state police exactly how they link these two suspects to the to killings. and i was told that they found the shackles at the scene of one of the murderers. they also say these murders happened in the last 24 hours now, in terms of the correction officers that were injured, we are told one one was released from the hospital, the other two are stable and improving. and we were also told that their spirits were lifted once they were told that these two men were arrested, john. >> well, so much information there is still so much to learn camaro burnout. thank you so much. now to the southern border in el paso, texas, hundreds of migrants rushing past razor wire and national guard troops then arrested. now it's unclear what led up to all this. before turning to where 11 deir on the scene. i just want to pause and let you see how it played out. >> all right. >> now, cnn's ed lavandera is there for us tonight and what do you know about what happened here, how it played out >> well, it's really important to point out here. we don't know exactly what instigated or what led up to these very tense moments that occurred just behind me, that wall that you see in the fence where the migrants ran up to there's this wall back here now this border wall has existed here in el paso for quite some time. i'm beyond that. another several hundred yards or so. you start getting to the rio grande and that is the international boundary line. and just along the river's edge is where we have seen texas national guard state troopers a buildup the fortification of razor wire and chain link fence, and that has been taking place taken place over the last few months. so where you saw those migrants confronting the national guard soldiers there on the ground that is already on us soil we were told that it was a large group of people. we might customs and border protection officials, we've also been told that it was several hundred migrants that rushed up here to the border wall should point out that all of those hi greens were taken into border patrol custody. we washes, they were loaded up on buses and taken to a border patrol processing facility and that work continues tonight. we've been told some of them we'll have asylum applications. others will be deported. so hard to say exactly what will happen definitively to all of them at this point because that processing is still on going. but as we mentioned, kind of tents, scenes here, john it's unfolded just before noon time here in el paso. and as we mentioned, that exactly clear what sparked it or what led to that intense confrontation as those migrants rush toward the border? while you see behind me, john, in general, add new pin down there. >> has there been an >> uptick in migrants trying to cross an el paso? what's the situation been there the last several days >> actually, the migrant crossings have dropped rather dramatically from the record highs that we saw in december. in fact, we've been told by the department of homeland security this shows that the numbers have dropped almost 50%. here in the el paso area. it's been last year, told about about 1,000 a day those numbers are quite dramatically lower than what they have been that was. and then on top of that, we've also been told that there hadn't been any really clear indications that there were some bubbling tension over the last few days that might have been kind of a precursor or an indication of something like this unfolding. so we've been disgrace has been described as an eye insulated incidence so far to us that was described to us earlier today >> all right. and we'll let you get back to report and great to have you there. thank you very much >> next >> exclusive new cnn reporting and how fani willis plans to get her 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sport. physicians, mitchell. >> i'm lauren fox capitol hill. and this is cnn >> closed captioning. is brought to you by skechers hands-free slip ends step in the future like i did when you hands-free skechers slip is the secret is flip ins have an invisible filth in shoe horn, so your foot's slides into place to try skechers slip in >> fulton county attorney fulton county district attorney fani willis might have been sidetracked by defense efforts to get her removed from the case, but she is still trying to fast-track her trial of a former president. and others. that is the bottom line of new and exclusive cnn report and courtesy zack cohen, who shares the by-line and joins us now is what have you learned about the da's plans? >> yeah. john multiple sources telling me that fulton county da fani willis still wants trump's criminal trial in georgia to start before the 2024 election, and that she plans to re-up her request for judge scott mcafee to set a date for that to happen. possible? we as soon as this summer now, you might remember that willows previously ask mcafee to set a trial date for august 5th, but that first went on answer to this point, a move to ask a second time for him to set a trial date to put something on the calendar would really represent a really hard pivot for willis, as you know, we've spent the last two months talking about whether or not funny willis should be disqualified from this case over allegations of an improper relationship with her top prosecutor. and now it's clear that she's trying to get this case back on track and get it into a courtroom for trial scenario before trump is on the ballot again, in the 2024 election. now, >> judge mcafee, >> did ultimately rule that de a willis could continue to prosecute the case but that's not necessarily the end of the story. she could still face disqualification, correct? >> yeah. that's absolutely right. and look, one of the things about maccabees order. while he did say that she could stay on this case, he issued a scathing rebuke of her and really dig her credibility and said that her actions were really improper and frankly set up an appeals court to possibly take up and review his order, and they could overturn an appeals court could also say no, they don't want to take it up. they've got 45 days to make that decision, but yes, the possibility of disqualification still very much hangs ever fani willis, even as she's pushing two get this case to trial before the election. and now, just because there are connections everywhere here, the supreme court is set to rule on whether donald trump is claims of immunity are valid. >> does that >> have to be resolved at the federal level before this georgia trial date is set yes. >> john supreme >> court ruling and that's really the biggest question mark in addition to the disqualification question we just talked about. but that does not have to be decided for a trial date to be said. that's what source is telling me. sources close to the da's office are pushing they think that mcafee can set a trial date and put this issue of immunity to the side, even though it will directly impact and could potentially change the future and outcome of this case in georgia, as well as jack smith's federal case in dc second one, great to have you great reporting on this subject. thanks so much for being with us. perspective now from ashleigh merchant, the lawyer who led the effort to remove fani willis. she represents michael roman, a former trump campaign operative, and now co-defendant counselor how likely do you think it is that this trial really is able to begin this summer as da fani willis is now pushing for i think it's very unlikely. >> i never thought that we would be able to start this trial this summer. now, with all of the other issues that we've had with the disqualification and the appeal, i think gets completely impossible that it would be able to be started as early as this summer to10 people there's too many tonight, defendants, too many defense lawyers, too much evidence, just too much to corral in such a short amount of time, would you like to see it start this summer? >> i love to see it start. i'm not for that. we'll be ready this summer and part of the reason that we're having trouble getting ready is because the district attorney is still giving us discovery. so if they had been able to give us all of the discovery as soon as they indicted the case. we could have hit the ground running. we had to wait. we've gotten it in six different terms. and so we continue to get more discovery. and as we get more discovery, more witnesses, we have to go through that and see if there's anything relevant. and compare that for our case. and so that's the problem with with getting ready as discovery is still ongoing for donald trump, it's always seemed pretty clear that one of his goals and all of the legal cases against him, one of his goals is to delay and delay as much as possible how much of a goal is that for you and your client? >> and we're in a different posture, you know i think everybody in this case is a little bit different position. our goal has never been to delay the case. our goal has been to get a fair trial. >> i think nobody wants to try a his twice >> and so we want to make sure >> that when we try the case, it is a fair trial. it is adjust result and hopefully my client and the community gets justice. and the only way to do that as to make sure that it's a fair a fair process that we have an impartial prosecutor on the case. and so that's our overwhelming goal, whether it takes short amount of time or a long amount of time. >> as you well know, judge mcafee, who you've been dealing with a lot, granted requests from donald trump and his co-defendants. one of them we were representing to appeal the decision to allow the district attorney to continue to prosecute the case. the move doesn't pause the prosecution for now, but it allows appeals on the disqualification to play up before the trial. how long do you think that process will take? >> usually the appellate process takes about six months, so the first stage is whether or not the court of appeals is actually going to take it. that's about 45 days. if they decide they're going to take it it takes about six months. but if they don't take it, then we still have the right to go to the supreme court. so that could also add some time in that front. but usually the appellate process is salt in about six months. >> let's talk about jury selection. if this case does happen to begin as soon as august, how long do you think jury selection in a big rico case like this would take because it is separate rico case and fulton county, the one involving the rapper young thug, jury selection less than what, ten months? >> it did. and i was actually involved in that case early on, my client pled out early on in the process. so i was not likely involved in the laundry selection, but i think it's going to be a very lengthy process. and the reason is we're going to have to find jurors who have not already made up their mind. there's no way we're going find her or that don't know about this case. there's no way that they're not going to already have some type of an opinion. the question is gonna be whether or not they can put that aside and be fair and impartial. >> it's >> going to take a very long amount of time just to be clear, everything you were saying to us tonight seems to be saying it's good to have a long, long time, you know, won't get started anytime soon. delay, delay, delay, but you insist that you don't want to delay, correct? >> don't and you know, one of the things that we could do if we didn't want to delay was we could sever these these defendants and we could try each case individually. the problem with rico cases with very broad cases is delays just inevitable. >> i mean, >> it's just inevitable when you have 19 defendants and 19 defense lawyers who have conflicts, lives, we can i mean, just a ton of things that i can throw in that's what causes these these cases to go on so long. >> ashleigh merchant. thank you so much for your time >> and thanks for having me probably just ahead. >> rfk junior already >> had his work cut out for him and his independent bid for the white house. but now a new report says the rift between him and members of his legend in dairy political family. it's about to go to the next level. we have details ahead >> zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours. so dave can be deliverer, dance okay dave, let's be more than our allergies >> seize the >> day with zantac. >> have your anyone, you know, ever been stationed at marine corps base campbell june camp luck, jeunes water was contaminated by fuel leaks. if you add any water contact while it camp on june had been diagnosed? just for cancer or parkinson's disease. >> you >> may be entitled to compensation as marine who was stationed at campo june 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to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours of vina according to a new report that kennedy family is preparing to throw its support behind a 2024 presidential candidate, >> but it won't be robert kennedy jr. some family members have already voiced support for president biden, but now nbc news is reporting that the family will be stepping up efforts to boost the president and push back back against rfk junior. this could include spending time on the campaign trail in places where kennedy actually qualifies for the ballot or lending the kennedy name to initiatives that counter rfk's campaign. seen as eva mckend has a look at rfk juniors uphill battle to win the white house and the quarrel with his storied political family robert f. >> kennedy juniors, longshot bid for the white house, fueling a famous family feud >> we don't always agree on things. >> kennedy, the odd menn out at a recent st. patrick's day celebration of several family members with president joe biden captured in an image shared on social media by kennedy system kerry kennedy, the independent candidate, making light of being excluded from the social gathering, although that looks like a big grad of people that is a very small percentage of my family at this year's state of the union, maria shriver, one of kennedy's cousins, was a guest, the first lady, jill biden, to highlight their effort to launch a white house initiative on one women's health research another reason flashpoint came when a super pac supporting kennedy ran a tv during this year super bowl that repurposed a spot from his uncle, john f. kennedy's 1960 presidential campaign. i saw that you issued an apology for that pack super bowl ad is your personal preference that they stop using your families likeness was particularly unmeasured. my family and those feelings and i apologized. i said i thought i saw that he felt that way but i have no apologies about the ad the family discord playing out in the open since kennedy announced his presidential run last year john f. kennedy's grandson, jack schlossberg, whose mother, caroline is president biden's ambassador to australia, posted a video to social media highly critical of rfk juniors candidacy, his training in on camelot, celebrity conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame is it complicated right now, given this situation, i know what i think i now a jack thinks i know bobby kennedy. thanks. and so it's not complicated. >> one of the sharpest criticism has been reserved for rfk juniors promotion of baseless vaccine conspiracies, including a debunked connection to autism. several of his siblings called his presidential run quote, dangerous to our country, saying quote, bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision, or judgment. kennedy, an outlier when it comes to policies, members of the kennedy family have championed past and present because i'm ted kennedy was a leading voice for health care reform in the us senate and fought for more funding to increase childhood immunization rates must be, as president john f kennedy warned about the threat posed by the soviet union last year, kennedy suggested russia that acted in good faith, dring peace negotiations after the country's invasion of ukraine, law russians were acting in good faith, removing their troops from kyiv this was all other secretly without telling the american people no, i think we're the ones who have been acting in good faith. >> kennedy acknowledges he has a difference of opinion with family members on topics driving political debate today. >> i understand many of them disagree with me on the oren ukraine they disagree with me on on covid on public health issues. they disagree with me on the free speech issue so we can, we can disagree with each other and a friendly way and still love each other and in a statement to us, kennedy said in part that many family members are working on and supportive of his campaign. his daughter-in-law, for instance, serves as his campaign manager. and this family feud may not actually be a liability for kennedy john. that's because he's fashioned himself as a political outsider running on it ending forever wars and cleaning up government. so this pylon could just bolster his attempts to advance that message. >> john or even mckend. thank you very much. >> next exclusive >> reporting from inside haiti in the latest evolution of this horrible crisis. now, people carrying out neighborhood vigilante justice, leaving bodies on the streets where they lived >> dry skin is sensitive skin two, and it's natural treated that way. vino daily moisture with prebiotic is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. feel love our formula for face to a vino >> thank you. do eddie. you back >> because these. bills are crazy >> she has no idea. she sitting on a goldmine >> she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can sell all work part of a the 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we have exclusive new reporting from haiti tonight, where there is still no political leadership in no end to deadly gang violence today, the state department said, is helped more than this helped more than 160 americans get out of haiti. ordinary haitians, though, they can't leave and against the lawless reality, they face some are taking justice into their own hands. that story and the images of it are graphic, seen as david culver reports body just set it right in the middle of the street there >> people are trying to figure out the best way to get around it >> across the street. this family rushes into a truck shielding their little ones eyes an effort to preserve what innocence is left here and here at the gruesome sights, slowing but not stopping the morning rush hour. >> and you can even see here, look at this, a police car is just going right past and it'll continue on doesn't even stop >> a explains how an overnight gang attack ended in vigilante killings gunfire shooting here what this >> man says he and more than 50 others immediately set out to find those terrorizing their neighborhood they surrounded a man they didn't recognize and you believe he was a gang member we really done carrying machetes. he tells me they carried out justice as he sees it. the only way they know to defend themselves now we've invented by libel back when they come in shooting all around, trying to scare us to flee. we won't just let them kill us. they have to die. >> he tells me the way you see this is killed or be killed >> we really police, don't condone the killings, but they are overwhelmed and overrun and they don't have time to stop them there are daily gun battles in the capital as police struggled to push the gangs back the officers have willpower, but little else we see that firsthand as we patrol with haiti's national police there are no front lines in this war. the boundaries are blurred and they're constantly shifting and these officers no driving around in an armored vehicle like this. >> well, they expect to be shot and they're moving targets >> they cruise through gang territory revealing a city in ruins and on fire >> at this >> intersection, we find another gruesome scene three bodies have eaten by dogs and still smoldering people, desperate for food and for shelter. >> even if it >> is in the shell of what was once a government building. >> i mean, this is just a >> symbol of state collapse here more than 1,500 have now occupied this building and made it their own. >> mostly children >> and there were those who line up for hours trying to get visas to go anywhere. but here but certainly different security jobs. and normally there's no jobs are you running after us wherever we are the gangs. >> and >> now targeting more affluent areas >> what's >> left of an atm is still in there. >> the trying to sure themselves. robin moos or stuff, but they're just they're just they're criminals for street vendors like this woman who still have fruits to sell. no customers to buy them because folks you can't. afford most these items. >> bad devil more troubling for her >> the >> horrors she witnesses on these streets many people have died. she tells me and i have to make trips to pick them up we see that for ourselves as we head back just before curfew medics clearing the remains of that suspected gang member they hurry not to save a life, but to pick up two more bodies on this same street here in haiti humanity has disintegrated into a brutal fight for survival >> and david culver was with us now, david, what's playing out in the gang territory tonight >> john that area that we were embedded with police earlier today, and we can actually show you some of the images in which we're driving through. and it almost seemed like it was bombed out neighborhoods that has slowly been rayon habit it i mean, it felt like something that was out of this world, quite frankly. but in that community, just an hour or so after we left, it started increasing with gunfire and a police confrontation with gangs one that lasted several hours. and on occasion here, just as we've been preparing to go live, we were hearing some more gunshots that were told as a police operation that has ended with police killing a gang leader who is among those who escaped recently and that recent prison outbreak, they also confirm that several gang members were killed. john, however, for them, it's about trying to hold the line officers continuing to struggle with that david culver. thank you. the news continues right here on cnn >> it's friday, march 22,

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Comcast Business , Devie Duckduckgo , Like Google , Businesses , Anyone Else , Prepaid Card , Fo , Pi , Comcast Business Powers , 49 99 , 9 99 , 800 , 00 , Blocks Cooi , Ads , Companie , Catch , Searchs , Google , Chrome , Doesn T Spy , Fre , Apple , App Store , Android , Devices , Privacy , Jeans , Pair , Duckduckgo , Custody , Manhunt , Ambush , Northern Idaho , Camila Bernal , Men , Led , Suspects , Arrest , Boise , Locations , Chase , Car , Menn , South East , Twin Falls , 130 , Homicides , Killens , Transport , Incident , Armed Assailant Open Fire , Level , Corrections Officers , Maximum Security , Route , Voc Prisoner , Shouldn T Department , Skylar Meade , Attack , Hospital , Hi , Event , Brazen Getaway Authorities State , Restraints , Resource , Meat , Site , Tuesday Night For Quote , Emergent Care , 02 , Officers , Police , Nicholas Umphenour , State Prison , 2016 , 2036 , Vehicle , Battery , Law Enforcement , Escape Law Enforcement Officials , 80 , Face , Members , Prison Gang , Both , Tattoos , Description , White Supremacist , Knights , Gang Member , Say Symbolize A And K For Aryan Knights , 1 11 , 11 , Area , Addition , Prison , Links , Scene , Community , Killings , Acquaintances , State Police , Shackles , Murders , Correction Officers , Murderers , Border , El Paso , Spirits , Razor Wire , Texas , Camaro Burnout , Deir , Ed Lavandera , Border Wall , Fence , Line , State Troopers , Buildup , Texas National Guard , Boundary , Fortification , River S Edge , Rio Grande , Chain Link Fence , Guard , Place , Ground , Group , Soldiers , Soil , Customs And Border Protection , Officials , Greens , Buses , Border Patrol , Border Patrol Processing Facility , Work , Kind , Processing , Asylum Applications , John Maria , Add , Confrontation , Pin , General , Scenes , Tents , John It S , Situation , Highs , Shows , Uptick , Crossings , Department Of Homeland Security , Top , 1000 , Indications , Indication , Precursor , Tension , Disgrace , Fulton County Da Fani Willis , Trial , Incidence , Eye , Retinol , Age , Jury , Cell Turnover , Retina , Gear , Tone , Neutrogena , Lines , Message , Results , Coffee Pot , Mom , Gosh , Americans , 52 , Life Insurance , Acceptance , Kids , Family Heirloom , Inheritance , Funeral , Family History , Paul , That S Right , Problems , Isn T You Haven , Fixed Income , Family , Health Questions , Health , Protection , Lifetime Rate , Luck , Exam , Price , Absence , Choice , 995 , 35 , 0 35 , Bill , Insurance Policies , Lifetime , Application , Calling , Gift , Everything , Beneficiary Planner , Call , Obligation , Wishes , Policy , Money Back Guarantee , Weight Call , Nothing To Lose , Angie Gay Man , Pros , Top Rated , Angie , No Obligation , 809878900 , 1809878900 , Quotes , Plumbing Work , Pricing , Right , Fluorine , Categories , 500 , Rated , Pro , Home Project , Life , Dad , Sports , My Name , Ai Highlights Technology , Ways , Sport , Plays , Ai , Sports Game , Fans , Physicians , Skechers , Closed Captioning , Capitol Hill , Lauren Fox , Mitchell , Slip , Secret , Slides , Fulton County , Filth , Flip Ins , Shoe Horn , Defense Efforts , Exclusive Cnn Report , Zack Cohen , By Line , Request , Da Fani Willis , Georgia , Move , Mcafee , Trial Date For August 5th , Willows , First , Scott Mcafee , 5 , August 5th , Prosecutor , Calendar , Willis , Relationship , Pivot , End , Ballot , Courtroom , De A Willis , Trial Scenario , Track , Look , Disqualification , Actions , Rebuke , Credibility , Maccabees Order , Order , Appeals Court , Decision , Yes , 45 , Supreme Court , Immunity , Connections , Claims , Disqualification Question , John Supreme Court Ruling , Question Mark , Da S Office , Side , Outcome , Thanks , Ashleigh Merchant , Counselor , Campaign Operative , Perspective , Co Defendant , Subject , Michael Roman , Summer , Defendants , Defense Lawyers , Discovery , Reason , Trouble , Ground Running , Anything , Witnesses , Goal , Goals , Nobody , Everybody , Twice , Position , Posture , Justice , Fair Process , Result , Prosecution , Requests , Co Defendants , Court , Stage , Jury Selection , Appellate Process Is Salt , Front , Talk , Let , Rico , The One , Young Thug , Ten , Jurors , Laundry Selection , Opinion , Type , Won T , Delay , Delays , Conflicts , Lives , Ton , Rfk Junior , Bid , Zyrtec Allergy , Dairy Political Family , Rift , Legend , Details , Allergies , Deliverer , Zantac , Dance Okay Dave , Visit Camp Lagoon Injury Com , Veterans , Base Campo June , 152 , Food , Diets , Concern , Shock , Meals , Don T Wait , Dinner , Slide On Stove Top , Methods , Scrubbing , Scraping , Dream Kitchen , Stove Guard , Cheese , Messages , Cake , Brief , Splash , Sayonara , Macaroni , Challenge , Stove , Cleaning , Eating , Match , Cooking , Products , Dove Guard , Cut , David Culver , Advice , Water , Stove Model , Precision , Spaghetti , Tomato Sauce , Customed , Still Guard , Didn T , Reviews , Model , Kitchen , Sink , Thousands , Revolution , Drawer , Door , Pitch Fit , Competition , Based Team , Premium , Stove Guard Com , Imitations , Guard Com , Shipping , Goodbye , Stove Gap , Counter Top , Stores , Processes , Screen , Qr Code , Sparks Engineered , Our Com , Flight Circle , Field , Circle Surplus , Row Slash Sparks , Sialic , Viagra , Energy , Life Tosses , Hope , Circle Com , Walmart , Kennedy Family , Dry Skin , Family Members , Support , Nbc News , Places , Name , Counter Rfk , Rfk Juniors Uphill Battle , Eva Mckend , Robert F Kennedy , Family Feud , Longshot Bid , Quarrel , Kerry Kennedy , Patrick , Image , Gathering , Odd Menn Out , Kennedy System , Maria Shriver , Grad , Percentage , State Of The Union , Jill Biden , Cousins , Guest , Looks , White House Initiative On One Women S Health Research , First Lady , Flashpoint , Tv , Spot , Kennedy Ran A , Super Pac , Uncle , 1960 , Families , Apology , Likeness , Preference , Super Bowl , Discord , Feelings , Ad , Run , Apologies , Candidacy , Training , Mother , Ambassador , On Camelot , John F Kennedy S Grandson , Caroline Is , To Australia , Jack Schlossberg , Fame , Jack , Celebrity Conspiracy Theories , Gain , Several , Vaccine Conspiracies , Criticism , Autism , Siblings , Presidential Run Quote , Rfk Juniors Promotion , Policies , Values , Ted Kennedy , Vision , Father , Outlier , Childhood Immunization Rates , Funding , Voice , Health Care Reform , Senate , Soviet Union Last , Faith , Acting , Law , Invasion , Ukraine , Kyiv , Dring Peace Negotiations , Topics , Difference , Debate , Free Speech Issue , Covid On Public Health Issues , Daughter In Law , Each Other , Campaign Manager , Liability , Wars , Outsider , Attempts , Pylon , Bodies , Exclusive Reporting , Streets , Neighborhood Vigilante Justice , Evolution , Crisis , Inside Haiti , Moisture , Vino , Do Eddie , Life Insurance Policy , More , Goldmine She Doesn T , 00000 , 100000 , Term , Work Part , Goldmine , Coventry , Coventry Direct , 804618800 , Coventry Direct Com , Fun , Make Me , Leggero , Claritin , Bad News , Gig , Xfinity Mobile , The Go , Med School , Wifi , Doc , Savings , Visit Xfinitymobile Com , 20 , Haiti Tonight , Lauren Fox On Capitol Hill , Gang , Ordinary Haitians , Haiti , The State Department , 160 , Street , Images , Hands , Middle , Graphic , Innocence , Sights , Truck Shielding , Police Car , Rush Hour , Vigilante , Neighborhood , Carrying Machetes , Libel , Overrun , Around , Gangs , Willpower , Gun Battles , War , Boundaries , Territory , Fire , City , Ruins , Targets , Intersection , Dogs , Symbol , Government Building , Building , Shelter , Shell , State Collapse , 1500 , Security Jobs , Visas , Anywhere , Children , Areas , Atm , Robin Moos , Criminals , Woman , Customers , Street Vendors , Items , Fruits , Curfew Medics , Horrors , Trips , Haiti Humanity , Survival , Neighborhoods , Out Of This World , Gunfire , Occasion , Police Operation , Gunshots , Gang Leader , Prison Outbreak , Line Officers , It S Friday , 22 , Friday March 22 ,

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