Transcripts For CNNW State 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW State 20240704

minister and obstacle to peace, netanyahu has lost his way as the situation in gaza grows more desperate, how will netanyahu response? on the israeli prime minister join me live in moments and then former house speaker nancy pelosi and south dakota senator mike rounds plus dot guide battle. donald trump's sounds off in ohio. >> stupid president down the ahead of a heated senate primary with trump's influence on the line there, could he he fall short? ohio governor mike dewine is here exclusively and lay delay, delay. donald trump's legal strategy is paying off. >> we want delays i'm running for election. >> will these stand trial in any case before election day? california's senate candidate, adam schiff joins me exclusively i'm dana bash and washington where the state of our union is thinking the stakes couldn't be higher. we begin today with the israel-hamas war and to shift here in the us senate majority leader chuck schumer along and steadfast supporter of israel, made a stunning break with his longtime friend prime minister benjamin netanyahu and called them an obstacle to peace in the region that comes as the us works to build a floating pier to deliver aid to desperate people in war-torn gaza while this week negotiators are expected to pick up talks on a potential deal to pause fighting and free more of these rarely hostages held by hamas since october 7, when hamas started all this by attacking israel and brutally killing more than 1,000 civilians here with me now, israeli prime minister benjamin, let's thank you so much for joining me. let's start with that potential deal, sir. 100 hostages about are still being held by hamas. you're sending that negotiating team to qatar? in the coming days to talk about a potential deal, free hostages in exchange for a six-week pause in fighting. as you know, hamas is demanding the release of hundreds of palestinian prisoners in exchange for roughly 40 female hostages. are you open to that or you close to a deal >> well, time will tell, but hamas is outlandish demands and i'm not itemizing every one of them now makes that deal a lot more difficult, but i'm we're going to keep on trying because we want those hostages back. we understand also that the one thing that gets hamas to give them is to give these hostages to us, is the continued military pressure that we're applying there. so we're going to continue military pressure and we're going to continue to try to get those hostages out and we've succeeded already in bringing half of them out. i hope you continue along that same course. >> let's talk about what happened here in the us this week. senate majority leader chuck schumer gave a pivotal speech and said you have lost your way and called you an obstacle to peace. take a listen >> the netanyahu coalition. no longer fits the needs of israel after october 7, i believe that holding a new election, once the war starts to wind down would give israelis an opportunity to express their vision for the post-war future >> chuck schumer is the highest-ranking jewish elected official here in america, a staunch supporter of israel. >> what's your response? >> i think what you said is totally inappropriate. it's inappropriate for to go to a sister democracy and try to replace the elected leadership there. that's something that israel, there's rarely public does on its own. we're not a banana republic. i think the only government that we should be working john to bring down now is the tourist tyranny in gaza, the hamas tyranny that murdered over 1,000 israelis, including some dozens of americans. and as holding americans and israelis hostage, that's what we should be focused on. and as far as what senator schumer said the majority of israelis support our governments 82% of americans support israel instead of hamas, but the majority of israelis support the policies that were leading go into rafah, destroy the remaining hamas terrorist battalions, make sure that we don't put into gaza instead of hamas, the palestinian authority, that edge okay, so their children towards terrorism and the annihilation of israel and ad also an enormous majority here, including 99 knesset members to nine, oppose the idea of ramping down a palestinian stayed down our throats. >> i want to get to >> this sunday. schumer than one majority of israelis support the policies of my government helped start a fringe government and represents the policies supported by the majority of the people. if senator schumer opposes these policies is not opposing me, is opposing the people of israel. >> okay. i'm gonna get to some of the polls that you cited in one moment, but i just want to make sure that our viewers understand that. chuck tumor gave the big speech, but he has support in many ways from the president of the united states, president biden is a self-described zionist even he is starting to distance, distance himself from the way you are handling the war. he called what schumer said a good speech. he said that he shared the concern of many americans. they aren't criticizing israel, they're criticizing you and your right-wing coalition donald. >> there's a fallacy that is being perpetrated here. and you should take polls. you'll have your own polls. and check whether the people of visual support the policies that i'm being criticized for that. is supporting the policies of going into rafah, destroying the quarter of the remaining hamas terrorist army. that's like leaving a quarter of the hammer of the nazi terrorists army in germany and saying now, we're not going to finish the last quarter and we're not going into berlin. most israelis overwhelmingly support the position then we have to go in. they opposed the idea of rhyming down a two-state solution or a terrorist state against their will, because they think that this will endanger israel's future they support those policies that i'm putting forward and to present that as something that is an outlier, it doesn't represent the majority starting with the people of israel is simply a fallacy. and i'll tell you the other pilot fallacy is they're saying, well, moos palestinians don't support the hamas massacre. in fact, 85% of the palestinians do support, unfortunately, the hamas massacre. so they've got two fallacies here. and you can readily check that the majority of israelis support the policies that i i'm prosecuting the war, which is what i'm being criticized for. >> well, >> so it's not just me i think people of israel who believe that we have to have this resolute year for sure you've been criticized, the parcel is not it's the way that you're prosecuted add a little bit of sort of context to the way that the biden administration is pushing back. another way is that the us intelligence community warned that, quote, distrust of netanyahu's ability to rule has deepened and broadened across it's the public and then back to the polls. you're talking about support for the idea of toppling hamas. that makes perfect sense. >> there were >> other polls and israel three major israeli television stations that said what israelis also support our early elections? that's what i really want to focus on here, is senator schumer not calling to topple the government, but specifically says, when the war winds down will you commit to calling new elections? that's my question. will you >> donna two-thirds first of all, what you said is wrong. the vast majority of israelis opposed early elections until the war doesn't end. we've just had many polls on that look a lot of the pools are you know, or twisty no. 12 says guided. channel 12 says 64% of israelis support all your lunch show >> that's not now i'm, afraid that they asked him the question, you supported during the war and they said, that's, not what humorous tone number war. he's calling for new elections winds down well we'll, see when we win the war and until we win the war, i think as well as understand that if we were to >> have elections now before the war is won, resoundingly one, we would have at least six months of national paralysis, which means we would lose the war if we don't win the war, we lose the war. and that would be not only a defeat for israel, but a defeat for america to, because our victory is your victory. we're fighting these barbarians. >> new election rival when the war. wipe down everything that, everything that we hold dear together will you commit to new elections? i think that's something for the israeli public to decide, but it's not, it's not something. look, that's something before there's rarely people to decide. i think it's ridiculous to talk about it. it's like after 911 after 911, you're in the midst of fighting the war against al-qaeda. and in israeli would say, you know what we need now? now is either new elections in the us or if your system doesn't allow them, president bush should resign and we should have an alternative leader. you don't do that. well, they don't do that why? >> sister democracy to an ally? you don't talk about that. what you do talk about is how do we help you? defeat what president biden called shear evil. you don't just stop after you destroyed 80% of sheer joy, hundred percent of shear evil to allow minister, i wanted to talk about why the sentiment has changed. i mean, obviously there has been huge support and still is really big support here in the us and most corners of the world for you doing what you are saying, your strategic goal is to defeat hamas and to make sure that that kind of terror attack doesn't happen again. but what is happening and the reason why the world is shifting in public sentiment is the humanitarian crisis in gaza organizations call what they are seeing near-famine in gaza so why you allow more food trucks to drive through the border crossings into gaza to feed starving civilians while you continue to take out the terrorists in hamas >> will are policies to do exactly that. and in fact, we've enabled what are policies do not have famine, but to have the entry of humanitarian support as needed and as much as is needed. so we've allowed, we've created alternative routes, supply route we allow the dropping of the support from the air humanitarian aid a sea route that we've cooperated with. and it started yesterday and a tentative land routes that were enabling get the problem isn't getting the trucks in. the problem, is that once they're getting in their alluded by hamas are alluded by gangs. and what we're seeing what we're trying to do with some other powers is to try to get the aid to the actual civilians who need them and not looted by hamas. that's really the problem. well, that's why i've enabled alternative routes of supply. >> okay? >> there's been a trickle. i mean, to be fair of of supply going in there and every major ngo outside organization. involved with this crisis says, at the level of hunger is life-threatening for hundreds of thousands. cindy mccain, who mccain family there been long supporters of israel real, she is now the executive director of the world food program. she said that hunger has reached catastrophic levels in northern gaza, people are dying only a fraction of the food needed is trickling to prevent an outright famine, they need significant increase in humanitarian aid. now, millions of lives are will you do that? will you commit to that >> of course, we're doing it. again. i've authorized alternative routes of supply. and again, the problem is not the number of trucks going in all the world increasing on a daily basis. i think the problem is preventing the looting by hamas i'm by others and what we're working on now. i think it's a cooperative effort. are policy is to able humanitarian aid that's been a constant element in our, in our whole program. it to destroy hamas militarily, but also to supply the humanitarian response. it's not man obstacle to that is actually not, it's not happening in the north you think you've destroyed hamas. if hamas isn't in the north than how is hamas's taking away food. and if you open up more border crossings and give food into the, into the into the area allows starving people to eat. the looting maybe would subside. that's human nature. journal >> that's that's exactly what's happening because we have increased the number of trucks entering the north. i don't think i think i'm up to date and i know these numbers and we know that there is a there is an increase, but we also know that we have a job to do to prevent the looting because at the end, we bring in the trucks, including to the north, and then their alluded by remaining composters. we've destroyed the fighting formations of hamas terrorist battalions, but they're still individual errors that we're tooth the drivers should the drivers take over the goods and try to give it to hamas fighters, the remaining hamas fighter. it's an ongoing battle. i understand something, understand that it is the responsibility to use joint hamas and giving humanitarian aid forgive me. >> i understand that. given the images that i'm sure you have seen do you believe fundamentally that it is israel's responsibility to make sure that those starving civilians, including those children get food. and you're doing everything in your power to make sure that happens >> categorically? yes. i think it's it's an effort that we're engaged in all the time. i think that hamas is working on the opposite effort, one to get people not to leave war zones. they want more civilian casualties. we want to minimize civilian casualties and the second they want, they want a come and dear the humanitarian aid and bring it to their underground terror tunnels. and we wanted to reach the palestinian population. so the blame should be laid squarely at hamas's door. and instead i find it both the cynical and wrong, just factually wrong to try to place the blame on israel, which is doing everything it can to minimize civilian casualties and to get to humanitarian aid and hamas, which is doing the opposite instead of placing the blame on hamas, will continue to do it regarded regardless of the pro distortions. >> yeah, i mean, i think there is no question that hamas is an various organization doing everything it can to undermined what's going on and to create chaos. but i guess the point is, is that you're not hamas, israel is a democracy. and as a jewish state, that supports and believes in every life mattering. and so i'm glad to hear that you say that you're going to do what you can to get those aid trucks in. and obviously we'll be watching and i'm sure a lot of organizations are gonna be happy to hear what you said today. thank you so much, mr. prime minister. i appreciate your time. >> dr. dawna. thank you >> here with me now, is former house speaker nancy pelosi. first, i just want to ask what your responses to what you just heard from the prime minister prime minister's presentation, prove the necessity of chuck schumer's speech. chuck schumer's speech was an act of courage, an act of love for israel. >> and i >> wish the prime minister would read the whole speech because he speaks was great vehemence about the knee to defeat hamas. he is concerned about the weakness of the palestinian authority and the very, very dangerous attitude of the right-wing israeli government. the issue of food in gaza is a very big one. and either those prime minister netanyahu is unaware or ill informed. but the head of the world's central kitchen jose andres, who's there. as you mentioned, cindy mccain, world food program, and then the other of these entities that are there to feed the people will tell you there is starvation there is famine, there is dehydration because there has not israel has not allowed the food and the humanitarian assistance to go right in so again, it's a fact that so many people are dying from, from lack of food it's really a very sad situation. now from the standpoint of chuck schumer he is, as you had mentioned, the leading jewish elected official in our country in history and history. he has, he loves israel as we do, we support israel and the fact that he made the statement should be listened to because israel's reputation is at risk because of what is happening in gaza. now, we all agree how many of us hamas is a terrorist organization? they should be defeated. but what happens next? we've called for a two-state solution in the democratic party. i was chaired the platform committee in 1992, what we called for tuesday aid solution. netanyahu has been against that. but what is the solution, madam speaker, i wanted to ask what the right wingers are saying, that they just take over gaza. >> yeah, i want to ask about what you just heard. the prime minister say, or maybe the better way to say it is what he would not say. he wouldn't commit to new elections. he claims that the israeli people don't want that. do you believe i know you said that we should read and listen to what senator schumer said are you also saying that you support the notion of new elections in israel as the war wine downs, as winds down as senator schumer said the only thing i would just agree with what you said is i don't think it's a notion. i think it's a very serious proposal. that you agree with israel, be able to speak now, it's up to them to decide that it's curious to me to see netanyahu trough the way he does when he tried to interfere in american elections, but that's another subject when he came to the congress criticized the president of the united states barge into our country, into and our elections. but again, let's put that aside and let's just say as we go forward what is wrong with advocating for elections in a democracy? and you know, you'd mentioned the polls, you see that thousands and thousands of people are in the streets, even less night in israel. but again, it's a democracy. and if people have different views and they express them, and that's a beautiful thing. but for him, just what does that say if he won't even say that as the war winds down the people of israel should speak. that's all chuck was saying, but read the speech because it's condemned some moss is a criticized as a boss and the palestinian authority for not being good partners for peace. read the speech. the right-wing sad to say when you listen to netanyahu, i thought it was a very weak presentation. again, argued for chuck schumer speech, but nonetheless, he's probably the most moderate person in that coalition. and it's really a sad state of affairs. let me just if i just may say this, i love israel. i love the israeli people this is how we think of them about shared values. i will remember what being there as speaker on one visit to hidatsa hospital and they told me they had just dealt with a clash between palestinians and israelis and they treated them both the same. and they said we didn't treat the palestinian differently because they were palestinian. we treated them the same because we are jewish. the values are so had been so clear. >> now >> we have to stop hamas, a terrorist organization. what they did on october 7 was barbaric we must free the hostages. think of it if it were your brother, sister, mother, father, child any one of us? would be insistent on that but as you have indicated, it's not a matter if you do it. it's how you do it. and to do what at the expense of children and their wellbeing is really what chuck was addressing in our own law. >> when we give >> assistance to a country we insist that they do not interfere with our giving humanitarian aid that is part of the leahy that's cetera when he was in the senate, put that for that was one of the provision that said if we're giving assistance we expect that they will not interfere with our giving assistance for humanitarian purposes. >> i do want to turn quickly to ukraine, if i may, the house speaker mike johnson, hold republican senators during their closed-door retreat this week that he was committed to finding a path ahead for ukraine, aid may be alone. he told politico that he was considering a standalone bill that would require a two-thirds vote. would you support that? >> well, it depends on what's in it, but absolutely we cannot go even allow for passover and easter if it we must have this assistance to ukraine, its own sad that it's taken so long. but i'm glad to hear that there's a path we have tried to under the leadership of hakeem jeffries and the house is the spin a tremendous leader. use our leverage one way or another to show a path and that may have weighed in on the speaker's decision because he knows something has to happen. and we have our options. so what he lead the way and the senate bill is, was strongly by partisan. i would be bipartisan in the house, over 300 votes would be there for assistance to ukraine. also though having humanitarian assistance for the palestinians there are other provisions in the bill. some of the republicans don't want to give the cis palestinians the assistance and that's part of the challenge before i let you go, we're almost out of time. but i want to ask about the idea that donald trump is now the presumptive republican nominee for president, us intelligence agencies are reportedly preparing to share classified briefings with him. you're of course, former ranking member of the elegance committee of speaker of the house. should donald trump receive intelligence briefings? >> all i had 30 years of intelligence experience in the congress. this information is very important and it is important for it not to be shared. so would hope they would get some commitment from him as they do from all of us when we get briefed that they and they understand the importance of this information and that it not be shared. the experience has not been positive with him, but hopefully those advising him would say grow up live up to your responsibilities. don't share this width of russian foreign minister as he did in the oval office of before. but we have, we just have to win this election because he's even predicting a bloodbath. what does that mean? he's going to exact a bloodbath? there's something wrong here. >> how >> respectful i am of the american people and their goodness. but how much more do they have to see from him to understand that this isn't what our country is about praising hitler praising the russians. honestly, i didn't condemning our soldiers for losing are dying in war, are being captured in war. >> it said was wrong with russia. they defeated hitler. what about the millions of americans? who risked or gave their lives? what about him saying that soldiers buried in europe, he didn't want to visit them because they were losers. this is something wrong here there's something wrong here. so i just say with all the respect in the world for voters and their right to make their decision way these equities, how much are you concerned about more women or women having the right to choose or lgbt people having the right to their lives that you would vote for him. okay. >> you you wouldn't even allow me in your >> house much less than the white house. so in any event the yes. i think he should get the information, but because he is a candidate for president, but he should be held to a standard that the rest of us all had been. okay. we are out of time. i appreciate you getting up early this morning. thank you so much, madam speaker. >> yes. i pleasure >> last republican senator about the choice voters space in november. and the new issue dividing the senate united states of scandal with jake tapper tonight at nine on cnn >> even the most chilling parents know when it's time to go into protect mode nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray >> it's a new day one. >> we're our shared values propel >> us towards a more secure future. through august of partnership built upon cutting-edge american, australian, and british technologies 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elections in israel after the war winds down what is your reaction to what netanyahu said, which is basically no commitment to that i think the most important part for us to remember is that they are democracy. and we don't like it when people interfere in our democracy. and i think the message from the prime minister was, let us run our own country we appreciate you as our close allies, but we're going to make up our own minds and we'll do it according to our laws and our customs. and i think we should respect that i want to ask about something that is going to be potentially before you in the united states senate. and that is about tiktok, the house representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill that could ban tiktok if its chinese parent company doesn't sell it, you're on the intelligence committee. you have unique insight into the national security implications of china owning an app used by 150 million americans do you think tiktok should be banned in the us if the chinese owner doesn't sell it, would you vote for that bill in the senate? >> i'm aware of what the house did, and i actually support the process or the direction that they're trying to go tiktok. does have national defense complications for us. a good example is the fact that using zip codes, they were able to basically harness about 170 million americans and tell them, look if you want to get on tiktok, you're going to have to make contact with your house members and tell them not to ban us. that type of approach is something that we're concerned with. but even more importantly, is the amount of information that is available there are request to the chinese communist party, should they need it? in terms of access to people and individual information about individuals who they're connected with. where they live who their family is, and so forth that's the kind of stuff that china wants. the other thing they want is to learn how people in the west talk, how we respond, because that's part of what they want to learn when they tried to infuse so once us with the type of propaganda, when it comes to elections and so forth. so, yeah, it is something it would be best if they would divest. and we'd have an american ownership on that particular platform. it would be best or is it something that you want to demand and force legislatively? we would you support that legislatively? and do you want chuck schumer to bring it up? >> yeah look i think it is something that we're going to have to do something about the best approach would be if they were to divest and will offer american ownership if not, then we're probably going to have to eliminate it from the, from the platforms i want to play senator something that donald trump said last night while talking about tariffs and the auto industry. >> we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. and your dr. to be able to to sell those guys, if i get elected. now if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a bloodbath for the conscience at the trump campaign says that he was talking about auto workers, but he also called jailed january 6 rioters, hostages, and unbelievable >> patriots. what's your reaction to that coming from the presumptive republican nominee for president of your party? >> with regard to the auto workers that he was talking to, he is showing them or he's telling them what has been an economic downturn for them? their wages are not going up as fast as the cost of living has been current administration, right now has a bottom 18% overall increase in moos. moos, goods and services. the united states over 35% for energy, over 21% for groceries. and these auto workers are looking at this thing. look, he got to do something because clearly the economy is not working the way that they should. and i think he's focusing on that. and the real question that he's going to be asking is he's going to be asking are you better off today than what you were four years ago? and the answer to that is for the vast majority of these individuals is no, we're not. and that that's the reason why he is appealing to them. and it's the reason why the biden administration is in real trouble >> so you just talked about the economy, but the question is about, first of all, just the term bloodbath, whether given what happened on january 6, that's a term he should be using in any context. but more importantly, he did also call the january 6 rioters hostages and called them patriots. given all of that, will you endorse him for president and you endorsed you endorsed him scott before. are you now going to endorse trump? >> what i have said is is tim scott was my first choice. i thought he'd make a great president. tim scott has since endorsed the former president. what i've said is, is i will support the republican nominee becomes a binary choice. either you want to continue with economic policies that we've got today, or you move back into a position where we actually don't have the world on fire. and are you comfortable with the things that he said? we started increasingly economic progress that way? we've been making luck. i talk in a different format than what the former president does is different than the way that he says it. but right now, if it's a choice between moving forward with the economy the way that it is today or the way that we could make it where our gross domestic product moves it's up. and where were respected around the world. we don't make mistakes like we did in afghanistan, where we don't make mistakes like what's going on right now in the red sea where we're not taking out the terrorists that are attacking shipping and so forth. i'll take a conservative approach that actually cools the rest of the world down and builds our economy. and i think that's really the choice that we've gotten before us. >> and just a button, put a button on it. you are endorsing donald trump >> i'm endorsed endorsing the republican nominee for the presidency. and if that's mr. trump, then that's the best choice of the two choices that we've got. >> senator. thank you so much for joining me this morning. i really appreciate it >> thank you. >> and a week of good news for the trump legal team, california's senate candidate and former federal prosecutor, adam schiff, will join me next. >> tax hunting season for identity thieves, which is why tax fraud was up 30% last year. live. lock alerts you and works to fix problems with a dedicated restoration agents like flock, identity theft protection starts here, only purples, gel flex grit passes the rog test no other matters. cradles your body and simultaneous please. support to your spine, memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed, right now, save up to $400. visit or a store near you >> challah cancer is it's hard, but st. jude has gotten us through it singer is hope. but every child diagnosed 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battle at x. today and get 70% off every single thing. >> vegas, the story of sin city 109810 on scene in an welcome back to state of the union. this week, a new york judge, push the start of donald trump's hush money trial until at least mid april. and trump's other criminal cases are increasingly caught up and delays have their own. here with me now is the new democratic senate candidate, adam schiff of course, of the state of california. thank you for being here this morning. let's start with that hush money trial in new york. it was supposed to start in just over a week. >> now it >> and trump's other three criminal cases are caught up and legal questions and maneuvering and it seems as though the trump strategy to delay these cases is paying off. do you think there's a chance that he might not stand trial in any of these cases before election day. >> there is a chance said he could evade justice by delaying justice. this is a tried and true tactic of trump throughout his career and i hope that the courts are aware of exactly what he's doing and his incentive in trying to prolong this i hope they won't go along with that strategy in new york. i hope that they will look at the facts in terms of what caused the late release of this discovery. if it was driven by the trump defense team not requesting it earlier they should not postpone the trial any further my greatest concern though, dana, is over the january 6 case. that is the most serious a set of allegations against the president. it is the case brought by the justice department. the supreme court move with great speed when it came to ruling that trump could appear on the ballot. the question in his will it also move at great speed in rejecting this bogus immunity claim. if it doesn't, it's making a deliberate decision. essentially to push the trial past the election and i think that would be a terrible decision both for the interest of justice it'll be a terrible decision in depriving american voters of the information they would learn during the course of that trial. but it would also just further discredit this partisan and reactionary court the entity that maybe did not move with such speed is the department of justice. and that is according to some democrats, including, you, you vehemently disagreed with attorney general garlands handling of the trump investigations and what you saw as his quote, real desire not to look backward. three years later, it's, as you said, unclear whether any of the federal cases can be resolved before americans vote does the attorney general bear some responsibility for that? >> i. think the justice department did wait at least a year to look beyond the foot soldiers. that is those that broke into the capital that de and refrained from looking at those who were the insiders of the attack on the capitol, the organizers behind it, the higher-ups. and yes, i think that delay has contributed to a situation where none of these trials may go forward, although it is still my hope and belief that at least one or two of them might go forward before the election. so yes, the department bears some of that responsibility but nevertheless, when they did bring the indictments there is still time was still time to bring those cases in a timely way. they're not responsible for any delay at that point, the trump legal team is and the courts should not play into that strategy. the court should recognize that as he has done before, he hopes that pushing this off will mean no justice for himself where the american people and the court should simply not abide that strategy congressman, the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, rebuked israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu >> and his government the way that they're prosecuting the war now, after, of course, the deadly, a horrific attack on october 7, he says that it's time for new elections in israel. i'm sure you heard the prime minister on the show short while ago rejecting the idea that he would commit to such elections where do you stand on this? >> well, you know, first of all, i want to highlight that. chuck schumer lay the responsibility for this war exactly where it lies on that is with hamas terrorists that attacked and murdered and raped and tortured israeli as october 7 and continues to hold hostages, continues in a cowardly way to use the palestinian people as human shields. hamas terror is hiding behind women and children in gaza so the responsibility lies with hamas. but i also agree with leader schumer's comments regarding the necessity of reducing civilian casualties in gaza. and we are holding israel to a high standard because we share not only national security interests with israel, but also share our values with israel and while i wouldn't go as far as the leader in setting out the timing of elections. the fact that israel's most staunch defender in the us congress, chuck schumer, should be making these remarks, should be an earthquake in israel. we are israel's most important ally. we recognize those. all right, to defend itself but we also recognize the need for a two-state solution that ultimately is the way to not only resolve this conflict, but prevent future conflicts from taking place. so i think these remarks are incredibly important. and as i would not go as far as i also recognize the significance of them coming from in this incredible champion, the only other thing i want to mention dana, is the major impediment right now to assisting israel and its duty to defend itself is the republican leadership in the house, which will not bring up an israel aid bill even as it won't bring up a ukraine aid bill. and that has to change. we need to get that aid approved. >> well, we are out of time now. i hope you come back. we have a lot of things to talk about, including what's going on in california with your race there. thank you so much for being here this morning. >> you bet good to be with you. >> and good donald trump's pick for the senate, lose in ohio on tuesday in the primary there, republican governor mike dewine is backing one of his opponents and he'll be here next >> the inch and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have revoke revoke is a once-daily pill that reduces vh and helps clear the rash of eczema fast. summer invoked patients felt significant inch relief as early as two days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as two weeks. and many taking are invoked saw clear are almost clear skin or invoke can lower your ability to fight infections, including t.v. series infections in blood clots, some fatal cancers including lymphomas, skin, heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death, serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your dr. if you are or may become pregnant help heal your painful skin threats the edge and rash of 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heart-healthy energy, plus there plant-based and gluten-free, what are you waiting for become unstoppable in support your healthy blood pressure was super beats heart shoes, find out how to18006510 coventry direct redefining insurance >> the whole story with anderson cooper tonight it eight. cnn >> welcome back to state of the union. former president trump rallied voters in ohio as tonight in support of his preferred republican senate candidate, ahead of this, that state's primary on tuesday. ohio's republican governor, however, is backing somebody else is here with me now mike dewine. thank you so much for being here. i want to talk about the politics there, but i want to first ask about the deadly tornadoes in your state that killed three injured, more than 20. are you getting everything you need from the federal government >> well, we were going to do a declaration today, emergency declaration, which will help us in that regard. that also frees up or ability of state agencies to do some additional work. i'm also we'll authorizing the national guard to go in to help basically with cleanup cleanup out in the roads, opening everything up, and removal. so look, people are resilient, ohioans are resilient, they are tough. this is a beautiful part of ohio. the indian lake region where many people go for the summer. they fish in a boat and it's just a great, great place and to see it hit so hard the other day when i was there was just tough tough to see if the people are coming back >> donald trump was in your state last night ahead of the primary on tuesday, the big race, of course, is between three republican senate candidates this week, you made a last-minute decision to support state senator matt dolan over the candidate donald trump is backing. that's businessman bernie moreno. how much of a factor do you think former president trump is in that race? >> well, i don't know. i'm backing matt dolan first of all, all three people who are running are good people. they all have a chance to win in the fall. i think they would all serve well in the united states senate. i know all of them. they're all friends. they're good people >> but i endorsed matt dolan because but i think clearly he's gonna be the strongest candidate against sherrod brown in the fall i've also had the opportunity to work with them in the state legislature. he knows how a legislator works. a legislative body works, and i think it's important, we have to remember we may be sending this person out of the republican primary, who may serve six years or may serve 30 years in the united states senate i just think matt dolan is the right person to the polls clearly show that he's the strongest candidate, and it's interesting. >> the >> democrats senatorial committee clearly thinks that he's a strong longest candidate, two, because amazingly they came in here in the last three or four days, which several million dollars to promote bernie moreno, his opponent. they obviously think that dolan is the strongest candidates. so that's why i'm supporting matt dolan do you think that bernie moreno, who is the trump bad candidate, would lose to sherrod brown in november >> no, i don't know. i don't know that at all. in fact, i've said very clearly, no matter who wins, i think they have a shot at winning in the fall. sherrod brown is very, very tough i know that personally. and he's not going to be easy to beat in the fall. but matt dolan, i think is by far the strongest candidate. and i think we this ohio, as you know, maybe one the states that decides who controls the united states sent so there's a lot at stake in this election, and that's why i'm supporting dolan >> are you confident that dolan will win on tuesday all i think it's very close race down and there's no doubt this is a very, very close race. i don't think anybody can predict who's going to win. >> the last >> polls we've seen, show him up slightly. but it's look, it's a close it's a close, close race. >> we saw that the former president earned enough delegates to clinch the republican nomination this past week, you have not endorsed him yet. will you? >> well, i've always said that i will support the republican nominee. i'm a republican. i certainly won't do that. but my focus this year is going to be on a lot of local races. and it's going to be particularly focused on the united states senate. this is going to be a very close race in the fall and we're really going to focus on that. i mean, the polls clearly show trump way a way ahead in the general election. so i think the focus and ohio is going to be on the senate race. >> we're out of time, but i just want to note that you said you would support him, but you're not endorsing him? >> semantics. look, i supporting endorsing. look, my focus again is on the senate race. i think that's the most important race. it's gonna be very, very close to the fall and we have to win >> okay. governor mike dewine, appreciate you joining us from the great state of ohio. thank you. >> thanks appreciate it. >> and thank you for spending your sunday morning with us. fareed zakaria, fix it up next space. >> shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> you know that thing your family does yeah that thing. someone made it a thing way back in the day. >> but >> where did it come from and how did it get all the way to you >> curious ancestry? i can help you find out because that thing has a story and it's still being written. what are you waiting for sale? >> well, lucky you free are most brilliant smile. >> crest has you covered >> now smile >> crest 3d white, 100% more stain removal crest >> the all new godaddy arrow helps you get your business online and minutes with the power bi with the perfect name. a great level and a beautiful website start. with the domain a few clicks and you're in business make now the future at slash arrow >> when you pair iphone an apple watch super cellular is fast and 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Transcripts For CNNW State 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW State 20240704

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minister and obstacle to peace, netanyahu has lost his way as the situation in gaza grows more desperate, how will netanyahu response? on the israeli prime minister join me live in moments and then former house speaker nancy pelosi and south dakota senator mike rounds plus dot guide battle. donald trump's sounds off in ohio. >> stupid president down the ahead of a heated senate primary with trump's influence on the line there, could he he fall short? ohio governor mike dewine is here exclusively and lay delay, delay. donald trump's legal strategy is paying off. >> we want delays i'm running for election. >> will these stand trial in any case before election day? california's senate candidate, adam schiff joins me exclusively i'm dana bash and washington where the state of our union is thinking the stakes couldn't be higher. we begin today with the israel-hamas war and to shift here in the us senate majority leader chuck schumer along and steadfast supporter of israel, made a stunning break with his longtime friend prime minister benjamin netanyahu and called them an obstacle to peace in the region that comes as the us works to build a floating pier to deliver aid to desperate people in war-torn gaza while this week negotiators are expected to pick up talks on a potential deal to pause fighting and free more of these rarely hostages held by hamas since october 7, when hamas started all this by attacking israel and brutally killing more than 1,000 civilians here with me now, israeli prime minister benjamin, let's thank you so much for joining me. let's start with that potential deal, sir. 100 hostages about are still being held by hamas. you're sending that negotiating team to qatar? in the coming days to talk about a potential deal, free hostages in exchange for a six-week pause in fighting. as you know, hamas is demanding the release of hundreds of palestinian prisoners in exchange for roughly 40 female hostages. are you open to that or you close to a deal >> well, time will tell, but hamas is outlandish demands and i'm not itemizing every one of them now makes that deal a lot more difficult, but i'm we're going to keep on trying because we want those hostages back. we understand also that the one thing that gets hamas to give them is to give these hostages to us, is the continued military pressure that we're applying there. so we're going to continue military pressure and we're going to continue to try to get those hostages out and we've succeeded already in bringing half of them out. i hope you continue along that same course. >> let's talk about what happened here in the us this week. senate majority leader chuck schumer gave a pivotal speech and said you have lost your way and called you an obstacle to peace. take a listen >> the netanyahu coalition. no longer fits the needs of israel after october 7, i believe that holding a new election, once the war starts to wind down would give israelis an opportunity to express their vision for the post-war future >> chuck schumer is the highest-ranking jewish elected official here in america, a staunch supporter of israel. >> what's your response? >> i think what you said is totally inappropriate. it's inappropriate for to go to a sister democracy and try to replace the elected leadership there. that's something that israel, there's rarely public does on its own. we're not a banana republic. i think the only government that we should be working john to bring down now is the tourist tyranny in gaza, the hamas tyranny that murdered over 1,000 israelis, including some dozens of americans. and as holding americans and israelis hostage, that's what we should be focused on. and as far as what senator schumer said the majority of israelis support our governments 82% of americans support israel instead of hamas, but the majority of israelis support the policies that were leading go into rafah, destroy the remaining hamas terrorist battalions, make sure that we don't put into gaza instead of hamas, the palestinian authority, that edge okay, so their children towards terrorism and the annihilation of israel and ad also an enormous majority here, including 99 knesset members to nine, oppose the idea of ramping down a palestinian stayed down our throats. >> i want to get to >> this sunday. schumer than one majority of israelis support the policies of my government helped start a fringe government and represents the policies supported by the majority of the people. if senator schumer opposes these policies is not opposing me, is opposing the people of israel. >> okay. i'm gonna get to some of the polls that you cited in one moment, but i just want to make sure that our viewers understand that. chuck tumor gave the big speech, but he has support in many ways from the president of the united states, president biden is a self-described zionist even he is starting to distance, distance himself from the way you are handling the war. he called what schumer said a good speech. he said that he shared the concern of many americans. they aren't criticizing israel, they're criticizing you and your right-wing coalition donald. >> there's a fallacy that is being perpetrated here. and you should take polls. you'll have your own polls. and check whether the people of visual support the policies that i'm being criticized for that. is supporting the policies of going into rafah, destroying the quarter of the remaining hamas terrorist army. that's like leaving a quarter of the hammer of the nazi terrorists army in germany and saying now, we're not going to finish the last quarter and we're not going into berlin. most israelis overwhelmingly support the position then we have to go in. they opposed the idea of rhyming down a two-state solution or a terrorist state against their will, because they think that this will endanger israel's future they support those policies that i'm putting forward and to present that as something that is an outlier, it doesn't represent the majority starting with the people of israel is simply a fallacy. and i'll tell you the other pilot fallacy is they're saying, well, moos palestinians don't support the hamas massacre. in fact, 85% of the palestinians do support, unfortunately, the hamas massacre. so they've got two fallacies here. and you can readily check that the majority of israelis support the policies that i i'm prosecuting the war, which is what i'm being criticized for. >> well, >> so it's not just me i think people of israel who believe that we have to have this resolute year for sure you've been criticized, the parcel is not it's the way that you're prosecuted add a little bit of sort of context to the way that the biden administration is pushing back. another way is that the us intelligence community warned that, quote, distrust of netanyahu's ability to rule has deepened and broadened across it's the public and then back to the polls. you're talking about support for the idea of toppling hamas. that makes perfect sense. >> there were >> other polls and israel three major israeli television stations that said what israelis also support our early elections? that's what i really want to focus on here, is senator schumer not calling to topple the government, but specifically says, when the war winds down will you commit to calling new elections? that's my question. will you >> donna two-thirds first of all, what you said is wrong. the vast majority of israelis opposed early elections until the war doesn't end. we've just had many polls on that look a lot of the pools are you know, or twisty no. 12 says guided. channel 12 says 64% of israelis support all your lunch show >> that's not now i'm, afraid that they asked him the question, you supported during the war and they said, that's, not what humorous tone number war. he's calling for new elections winds down well we'll, see when we win the war and until we win the war, i think as well as understand that if we were to >> have elections now before the war is won, resoundingly one, we would have at least six months of national paralysis, which means we would lose the war if we don't win the war, we lose the war. and that would be not only a defeat for israel, but a defeat for america to, because our victory is your victory. we're fighting these barbarians. >> new election rival when the war. wipe down everything that, everything that we hold dear together will you commit to new elections? i think that's something for the israeli public to decide, but it's not, it's not something. look, that's something before there's rarely people to decide. i think it's ridiculous to talk about it. it's like after 911 after 911, you're in the midst of fighting the war against al-qaeda. and in israeli would say, you know what we need now? now is either new elections in the us or if your system doesn't allow them, president bush should resign and we should have an alternative leader. you don't do that. well, they don't do that why? >> sister democracy to an ally? you don't talk about that. what you do talk about is how do we help you? defeat what president biden called shear evil. you don't just stop after you destroyed 80% of sheer joy, hundred percent of shear evil to allow minister, i wanted to talk about why the sentiment has changed. i mean, obviously there has been huge support and still is really big support here in the us and most corners of the world for you doing what you are saying, your strategic goal is to defeat hamas and to make sure that that kind of terror attack doesn't happen again. but what is happening and the reason why the world is shifting in public sentiment is the humanitarian crisis in gaza organizations call what they are seeing near-famine in gaza so why you allow more food trucks to drive through the border crossings into gaza to feed starving civilians while you continue to take out the terrorists in hamas >> will are policies to do exactly that. and in fact, we've enabled what are policies do not have famine, but to have the entry of humanitarian support as needed and as much as is needed. so we've allowed, we've created alternative routes, supply route we allow the dropping of the support from the air humanitarian aid a sea route that we've cooperated with. and it started yesterday and a tentative land routes that were enabling get the problem isn't getting the trucks in. the problem, is that once they're getting in their alluded by hamas are alluded by gangs. and what we're seeing what we're trying to do with some other powers is to try to get the aid to the actual civilians who need them and not looted by hamas. that's really the problem. well, that's why i've enabled alternative routes of supply. >> okay? >> there's been a trickle. i mean, to be fair of of supply going in there and every major ngo outside organization. involved with this crisis says, at the level of hunger is life-threatening for hundreds of thousands. cindy mccain, who mccain family there been long supporters of israel real, she is now the executive director of the world food program. she said that hunger has reached catastrophic levels in northern gaza, people are dying only a fraction of the food needed is trickling to prevent an outright famine, they need significant increase in humanitarian aid. now, millions of lives are will you do that? will you commit to that >> of course, we're doing it. again. i've authorized alternative routes of supply. and again, the problem is not the number of trucks going in all the world increasing on a daily basis. i think the problem is preventing the looting by hamas i'm by others and what we're working on now. i think it's a cooperative effort. are policy is to able humanitarian aid that's been a constant element in our, in our whole program. it to destroy hamas militarily, but also to supply the humanitarian response. it's not man obstacle to that is actually not, it's not happening in the north you think you've destroyed hamas. if hamas isn't in the north than how is hamas's taking away food. and if you open up more border crossings and give food into the, into the into the area allows starving people to eat. the looting maybe would subside. that's human nature. journal >> that's that's exactly what's happening because we have increased the number of trucks entering the north. i don't think i think i'm up to date and i know these numbers and we know that there is a there is an increase, but we also know that we have a job to do to prevent the looting because at the end, we bring in the trucks, including to the north, and then their alluded by remaining composters. we've destroyed the fighting formations of hamas terrorist battalions, but they're still individual errors that we're tooth the drivers should the drivers take over the goods and try to give it to hamas fighters, the remaining hamas fighter. it's an ongoing battle. i understand something, understand that it is the responsibility to use joint hamas and giving humanitarian aid forgive me. >> i understand that. given the images that i'm sure you have seen do you believe fundamentally that it is israel's responsibility to make sure that those starving civilians, including those children get food. and you're doing everything in your power to make sure that happens >> categorically? yes. i think it's it's an effort that we're engaged in all the time. i think that hamas is working on the opposite effort, one to get people not to leave war zones. they want more civilian casualties. we want to minimize civilian casualties and the second they want, they want a come and dear the humanitarian aid and bring it to their underground terror tunnels. and we wanted to reach the palestinian population. so the blame should be laid squarely at hamas's door. and instead i find it both the cynical and wrong, just factually wrong to try to place the blame on israel, which is doing everything it can to minimize civilian casualties and to get to humanitarian aid and hamas, which is doing the opposite instead of placing the blame on hamas, will continue to do it regarded regardless of the pro distortions. >> yeah, i mean, i think there is no question that hamas is an various organization doing everything it can to undermined what's going on and to create chaos. but i guess the point is, is that you're not hamas, israel is a democracy. and as a jewish state, that supports and believes in every life mattering. and so i'm glad to hear that you say that you're going to do what you can to get those aid trucks in. and obviously we'll be watching and i'm sure a lot of organizations are gonna be happy to hear what you said today. thank you so much, mr. prime minister. i appreciate your time. >> dr. dawna. thank you >> here with me now, is former house speaker nancy pelosi. first, i just want to ask what your responses to what you just heard from the prime minister prime minister's presentation, prove the necessity of chuck schumer's speech. chuck schumer's speech was an act of courage, an act of love for israel. >> and i >> wish the prime minister would read the whole speech because he speaks was great vehemence about the knee to defeat hamas. he is concerned about the weakness of the palestinian authority and the very, very dangerous attitude of the right-wing israeli government. the issue of food in gaza is a very big one. and either those prime minister netanyahu is unaware or ill informed. but the head of the world's central kitchen jose andres, who's there. as you mentioned, cindy mccain, world food program, and then the other of these entities that are there to feed the people will tell you there is starvation there is famine, there is dehydration because there has not israel has not allowed the food and the humanitarian assistance to go right in so again, it's a fact that so many people are dying from, from lack of food it's really a very sad situation. now from the standpoint of chuck schumer he is, as you had mentioned, the leading jewish elected official in our country in history and history. he has, he loves israel as we do, we support israel and the fact that he made the statement should be listened to because israel's reputation is at risk because of what is happening in gaza. now, we all agree how many of us hamas is a terrorist organization? they should be defeated. but what happens next? we've called for a two-state solution in the democratic party. i was chaired the platform committee in 1992, what we called for tuesday aid solution. netanyahu has been against that. but what is the solution, madam speaker, i wanted to ask what the right wingers are saying, that they just take over gaza. >> yeah, i want to ask about what you just heard. the prime minister say, or maybe the better way to say it is what he would not say. he wouldn't commit to new elections. he claims that the israeli people don't want that. do you believe i know you said that we should read and listen to what senator schumer said are you also saying that you support the notion of new elections in israel as the war wine downs, as winds down as senator schumer said the only thing i would just agree with what you said is i don't think it's a notion. i think it's a very serious proposal. that you agree with israel, be able to speak now, it's up to them to decide that it's curious to me to see netanyahu trough the way he does when he tried to interfere in american elections, but that's another subject when he came to the congress criticized the president of the united states barge into our country, into and our elections. but again, let's put that aside and let's just say as we go forward what is wrong with advocating for elections in a democracy? and you know, you'd mentioned the polls, you see that thousands and thousands of people are in the streets, even less night in israel. but again, it's a democracy. and if people have different views and they express them, and that's a beautiful thing. but for him, just what does that say if he won't even say that as the war winds down the people of israel should speak. that's all chuck was saying, but read the speech because it's condemned some moss is a criticized as a boss and the palestinian authority for not being good partners for peace. read the speech. the right-wing sad to say when you listen to netanyahu, i thought it was a very weak presentation. again, argued for chuck schumer speech, but nonetheless, he's probably the most moderate person in that coalition. and it's really a sad state of affairs. let me just if i just may say this, i love israel. i love the israeli people this is how we think of them about shared values. i will remember what being there as speaker on one visit to hidatsa hospital and they told me they had just dealt with a clash between palestinians and israelis and they treated them both the same. and they said we didn't treat the palestinian differently because they were palestinian. we treated them the same because we are jewish. the values are so had been so clear. >> now >> we have to stop hamas, a terrorist organization. what they did on october 7 was barbaric we must free the hostages. think of it if it were your brother, sister, mother, father, child any one of us? would be insistent on that but as you have indicated, it's not a matter if you do it. it's how you do it. and to do what at the expense of children and their wellbeing is really what chuck was addressing in our own law. >> when we give >> assistance to a country we insist that they do not interfere with our giving humanitarian aid that is part of the leahy that's cetera when he was in the senate, put that for that was one of the provision that said if we're giving assistance we expect that they will not interfere with our giving assistance for humanitarian purposes. >> i do want to turn quickly to ukraine, if i may, the house speaker mike johnson, hold republican senators during their closed-door retreat this week that he was committed to finding a path ahead for ukraine, aid may be alone. he told politico that he was considering a standalone bill that would require a two-thirds vote. would you support that? >> well, it depends on what's in it, but absolutely we cannot go even allow for passover and easter if it we must have this assistance to ukraine, its own sad that it's taken so long. but i'm glad to hear that there's a path we have tried to under the leadership of hakeem jeffries and the house is the spin a tremendous leader. use our leverage one way or another to show a path and that may have weighed in on the speaker's decision because he knows something has to happen. and we have our options. so what he lead the way and the senate bill is, was strongly by partisan. i would be bipartisan in the house, over 300 votes would be there for assistance to ukraine. also though having humanitarian assistance for the palestinians there are other provisions in the bill. some of the republicans don't want to give the cis palestinians the assistance and that's part of the challenge before i let you go, we're almost out of time. but i want to ask about the idea that donald trump is now the presumptive republican nominee for president, us intelligence agencies are reportedly preparing to share classified briefings with him. you're of course, former ranking member of the elegance committee of speaker of the house. should donald trump receive intelligence briefings? >> all i had 30 years of intelligence experience in the congress. this information is very important and it is important for it not to be shared. so would hope they would get some commitment from him as they do from all of us when we get briefed that they and they understand the importance of this information and that it not be shared. the experience has not been positive with him, but hopefully those advising him would say grow up live up to your responsibilities. don't share this width of russian foreign minister as he did in the oval office of before. but we have, we just have to win this election because he's even predicting a bloodbath. what does that mean? he's going to exact a bloodbath? there's something wrong here. >> how >> respectful i am of the american people and their goodness. but how much more do they have to see from him to understand that this isn't what our country is about praising hitler praising the russians. honestly, i didn't condemning our soldiers for losing are dying in war, are being captured in war. >> it said was wrong with russia. they defeated hitler. what about the millions of americans? who risked or gave their lives? what about him saying that soldiers buried in europe, he didn't want to visit them because they were losers. this is something wrong here there's something wrong here. so i just say with all the respect in the world for voters and their right to make their decision way these equities, how much are you concerned about more women or women having the right to choose or lgbt people having the right to their lives that you would vote for him. okay. >> you you wouldn't even allow me in your >> house much less than the white house. so in any event the yes. i think he should get the information, but because he is a candidate for president, but he should be held to a standard that the rest of us all had been. okay. we are out of time. i appreciate you getting up early this morning. thank you so much, madam speaker. >> yes. i pleasure >> last republican senator about the choice voters space in november. and the new issue dividing the senate united states of scandal with jake tapper tonight at nine on cnn >> even the most chilling parents know when it's time to go into protect mode nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray >> it's a new day one. >> we're our shared values propel >> us towards a more secure future. through august of partnership built upon cutting-edge american, australian, and british technologies 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elections in israel after the war winds down what is your reaction to what netanyahu said, which is basically no commitment to that i think the most important part for us to remember is that they are democracy. and we don't like it when people interfere in our democracy. and i think the message from the prime minister was, let us run our own country we appreciate you as our close allies, but we're going to make up our own minds and we'll do it according to our laws and our customs. and i think we should respect that i want to ask about something that is going to be potentially before you in the united states senate. and that is about tiktok, the house representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill that could ban tiktok if its chinese parent company doesn't sell it, you're on the intelligence committee. you have unique insight into the national security implications of china owning an app used by 150 million americans do you think tiktok should be banned in the us if the chinese owner doesn't sell it, would you vote for that bill in the senate? >> i'm aware of what the house did, and i actually support the process or the direction that they're trying to go tiktok. does have national defense complications for us. a good example is the fact that using zip codes, they were able to basically harness about 170 million americans and tell them, look if you want to get on tiktok, you're going to have to make contact with your house members and tell them not to ban us. that type of approach is something that we're concerned with. but even more importantly, is the amount of information that is available there are request to the chinese communist party, should they need it? in terms of access to people and individual information about individuals who they're connected with. where they live who their family is, and so forth that's the kind of stuff that china wants. the other thing they want is to learn how people in the west talk, how we respond, because that's part of what they want to learn when they tried to infuse so once us with the type of propaganda, when it comes to elections and so forth. so, yeah, it is something it would be best if they would divest. and we'd have an american ownership on that particular platform. it would be best or is it something that you want to demand and force legislatively? we would you support that legislatively? and do you want chuck schumer to bring it up? >> yeah look i think it is something that we're going to have to do something about the best approach would be if they were to divest and will offer american ownership if not, then we're probably going to have to eliminate it from the, from the platforms i want to play senator something that donald trump said last night while talking about tariffs and the auto industry. >> we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. and your dr. to be able to to sell those guys, if i get elected. now if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a bloodbath for the conscience at the trump campaign says that he was talking about auto workers, but he also called jailed january 6 rioters, hostages, and unbelievable >> patriots. what's your reaction to that coming from the presumptive republican nominee for president of your party? >> with regard to the auto workers that he was talking to, he is showing them or he's telling them what has been an economic downturn for them? their wages are not going up as fast as the cost of living has been current administration, right now has a bottom 18% overall increase in moos. moos, goods and services. the united states over 35% for energy, over 21% for groceries. and these auto workers are looking at this thing. look, he got to do something because clearly the economy is not working the way that they should. and i think he's focusing on that. and the real question that he's going to be asking is he's going to be asking are you better off today than what you were four years ago? and the answer to that is for the vast majority of these individuals is no, we're not. and that that's the reason why he is appealing to them. and it's the reason why the biden administration is in real trouble >> so you just talked about the economy, but the question is about, first of all, just the term bloodbath, whether given what happened on january 6, that's a term he should be using in any context. but more importantly, he did also call the january 6 rioters hostages and called them patriots. given all of that, will you endorse him for president and you endorsed you endorsed him scott before. are you now going to endorse trump? >> what i have said is is tim scott was my first choice. i thought he'd make a great president. tim scott has since endorsed the former president. what i've said is, is i will support the republican nominee becomes a binary choice. either you want to continue with economic policies that we've got today, or you move back into a position where we actually don't have the world on fire. and are you comfortable with the things that he said? we started increasingly economic progress that way? we've been making luck. i talk in a different format than what the former president does is different than the way that he says it. but right now, if it's a choice between moving forward with the economy the way that it is today or the way that we could make it where our gross domestic product moves it's up. and where were respected around the world. we don't make mistakes like we did in afghanistan, where we don't make mistakes like what's going on right now in the red sea where we're not taking out the terrorists that are attacking shipping and so forth. i'll take a conservative approach that actually cools the rest of the world down and builds our economy. and i think that's really the choice that we've gotten before us. >> and just a button, put a button on it. you are endorsing donald trump >> i'm endorsed endorsing the republican nominee for the presidency. and if that's mr. trump, then that's the best choice of the two choices that we've got. >> senator. thank you so much for joining me this morning. i really appreciate it >> thank you. >> and a week of good news for the trump legal team, california's senate candidate and former federal prosecutor, adam schiff, will join me next. >> tax hunting season for identity thieves, which is why tax fraud was up 30% last year. live. lock alerts you and works to fix problems with a dedicated restoration agents like flock, identity theft protection starts here, only purples, gel flex grit passes the rog test no other matters. cradles your body and simultaneous please. support to your spine, memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed, right now, save up to $400. visit or a store near you >> challah cancer is it's hard, but st. jude has gotten us through it singer is hope. but every child diagnosed 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battle at x. today and get 70% off every single thing. >> vegas, the story of sin city 109810 on scene in an welcome back to state of the union. this week, a new york judge, push the start of donald trump's hush money trial until at least mid april. and trump's other criminal cases are increasingly caught up and delays have their own. here with me now is the new democratic senate candidate, adam schiff of course, of the state of california. thank you for being here this morning. let's start with that hush money trial in new york. it was supposed to start in just over a week. >> now it >> and trump's other three criminal cases are caught up and legal questions and maneuvering and it seems as though the trump strategy to delay these cases is paying off. do you think there's a chance that he might not stand trial in any of these cases before election day. >> there is a chance said he could evade justice by delaying justice. this is a tried and true tactic of trump throughout his career and i hope that the courts are aware of exactly what he's doing and his incentive in trying to prolong this i hope they won't go along with that strategy in new york. i hope that they will look at the facts in terms of what caused the late release of this discovery. if it was driven by the trump defense team not requesting it earlier they should not postpone the trial any further my greatest concern though, dana, is over the january 6 case. that is the most serious a set of allegations against the president. it is the case brought by the justice department. the supreme court move with great speed when it came to ruling that trump could appear on the ballot. the question in his will it also move at great speed in rejecting this bogus immunity claim. if it doesn't, it's making a deliberate decision. essentially to push the trial past the election and i think that would be a terrible decision both for the interest of justice it'll be a terrible decision in depriving american voters of the information they would learn during the course of that trial. but it would also just further discredit this partisan and reactionary court the entity that maybe did not move with such speed is the department of justice. and that is according to some democrats, including, you, you vehemently disagreed with attorney general garlands handling of the trump investigations and what you saw as his quote, real desire not to look backward. three years later, it's, as you said, unclear whether any of the federal cases can be resolved before americans vote does the attorney general bear some responsibility for that? >> i. think the justice department did wait at least a year to look beyond the foot soldiers. that is those that broke into the capital that de and refrained from looking at those who were the insiders of the attack on the capitol, the organizers behind it, the higher-ups. and yes, i think that delay has contributed to a situation where none of these trials may go forward, although it is still my hope and belief that at least one or two of them might go forward before the election. so yes, the department bears some of that responsibility but nevertheless, when they did bring the indictments there is still time was still time to bring those cases in a timely way. they're not responsible for any delay at that point, the trump legal team is and the courts should not play into that strategy. the court should recognize that as he has done before, he hopes that pushing this off will mean no justice for himself where the american people and the court should simply not abide that strategy congressman, the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, rebuked israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu >> and his government the way that they're prosecuting the war now, after, of course, the deadly, a horrific attack on october 7, he says that it's time for new elections in israel. i'm sure you heard the prime minister on the show short while ago rejecting the idea that he would commit to such elections where do you stand on this? >> well, you know, first of all, i want to highlight that. chuck schumer lay the responsibility for this war exactly where it lies on that is with hamas terrorists that attacked and murdered and raped and tortured israeli as october 7 and continues to hold hostages, continues in a cowardly way to use the palestinian people as human shields. hamas terror is hiding behind women and children in gaza so the responsibility lies with hamas. but i also agree with leader schumer's comments regarding the necessity of reducing civilian casualties in gaza. and we are holding israel to a high standard because we share not only national security interests with israel, but also share our values with israel and while i wouldn't go as far as the leader in setting out the timing of elections. the fact that israel's most staunch defender in the us congress, chuck schumer, should be making these remarks, should be an earthquake in israel. we are israel's most important ally. we recognize those. all right, to defend itself but we also recognize the need for a two-state solution that ultimately is the way to not only resolve this conflict, but prevent future conflicts from taking place. so i think these remarks are incredibly important. and as i would not go as far as i also recognize the significance of them coming from in this incredible champion, the only other thing i want to mention dana, is the major impediment right now to assisting israel and its duty to defend itself is the republican leadership in the house, which will not bring up an israel aid bill even as it won't bring up a ukraine aid bill. and that has to change. we need to get that aid approved. >> well, we are out of time now. i hope you come back. we have a lot of things to talk about, including what's going on in california with your race there. thank you so much for being here this morning. >> you bet good to be with you. >> and good donald trump's pick for the senate, lose in ohio on tuesday in the primary there, republican governor mike dewine is backing one of his opponents and he'll be here next >> the inch and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have revoke revoke is a once-daily pill that reduces vh and helps clear the rash of eczema fast. summer invoked patients felt significant inch relief as early as two days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as two weeks. and many taking are invoked saw clear are almost clear skin or invoke can lower your ability to fight infections, including t.v. series infections in blood clots, some fatal cancers including lymphomas, skin, heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death, serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your dr. if you are or may become pregnant help heal your painful skin threats the edge and rash of 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some additional work. i'm also we'll authorizing the national guard to go in to help basically with cleanup cleanup out in the roads, opening everything up, and removal. so look, people are resilient, ohioans are resilient, they are tough. this is a beautiful part of ohio. the indian lake region where many people go for the summer. they fish in a boat and it's just a great, great place and to see it hit so hard the other day when i was there was just tough tough to see if the people are coming back >> donald trump was in your state last night ahead of the primary on tuesday, the big race, of course, is between three republican senate candidates this week, you made a last-minute decision to support state senator matt dolan over the candidate donald trump is backing. that's businessman bernie moreno. how much of a factor do you think former president trump is in that race? >> well, i don't know. i'm backing matt dolan first of all, all three people who are running are good people. they all have a chance to win in the fall. i think they would all serve well in the united states senate. i know all of them. they're all friends. they're good people >> but i endorsed matt dolan because but i think clearly he's gonna be the strongest candidate against sherrod brown in the fall i've also had the opportunity to work with them in the state legislature. he knows how a legislator works. a legislative body works, and i think it's important, we have to remember we may be sending this person out of the republican primary, who may serve six years or may serve 30 years in the united states senate i just think matt dolan is the right person to the polls clearly show that he's the strongest candidate, and it's interesting. >> the >> democrats senatorial committee clearly thinks that he's a strong longest candidate, two, because amazingly they came in here in the last three or four days, which several million dollars to promote bernie moreno, his opponent. they obviously think that dolan is the strongest candidates. so that's why i'm supporting matt dolan do you think that bernie moreno, who is the trump bad candidate, would lose to sherrod brown in november >> no, i don't know. i don't know that at all. in fact, i've said very clearly, no matter who wins, i think they have a shot at winning in the fall. sherrod brown is very, very tough i know that personally. and he's not going to be easy to beat in the fall. but matt dolan, i think is by far the strongest candidate. and i think we this ohio, as you know, maybe one the states that decides who controls the united states sent so there's a lot at stake in this election, and that's why i'm supporting dolan >> are you confident that dolan will win on tuesday all i think it's very close race down and there's no doubt this is a very, very close race. i don't think anybody can predict who's going to win. >> the last >> polls we've seen, show him up slightly. but it's look, it's a close it's a close, close race. >> we saw that the former president earned enough delegates to clinch the republican nomination this past week, you have not endorsed him yet. will you? >> well, i've always said that i will support the republican nominee. i'm a republican. i certainly won't do that. but my focus this year is going to be on a lot of local races. and it's going to be particularly focused on the united states senate. this is going to be a very close race in the fall and we're really going to focus on that. i mean, the polls clearly show trump way a way ahead in the general election. so i think the focus and ohio is going to be on the senate race. >> we're out of time, but i just want to note that you said you would support him, but you're not endorsing him? >> semantics. look, i supporting endorsing. look, my focus again is on the senate race. i think that's the most important race. it's gonna be very, very close to the fall and we have to win >> okay. governor mike dewine, appreciate you joining us from the great state of ohio. thank you. >> thanks appreciate it. >> and thank you for spending your sunday morning with us. fareed zakaria, fix it up next space. >> shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> you know that thing your family does yeah that thing. someone made it a thing way back in the day. >> but >> where did it come from and how did it get all the way to you >> curious ancestry? i can help you find out because that thing has a story and it's still being written. what are you waiting for sale? >> well, lucky you free are most brilliant smile. >> crest has you covered >> now smile >> crest 3d white, 100% more stain removal crest >> the all new godaddy arrow helps you get your business online and minutes with the power bi with the perfect name. a great level and a beautiful website start. with the domain a few clicks and you're in business make now the future at slash arrow >> when you pair iphone an apple watch super cellular is fast and 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