Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

>> i sink or swim, rock the block. >> all new monday night at nine on hgtv closed captioning is brought to you >> by skechers >> slip in pants this tiny home trend. now, this is more like it, the same goes for my footwear. why one hands-free with wide fits, get your slippers, dry wipe fits get your slip happening now, donald trump now faces fewer charges in the georgia election subversion case. after the judge dismissed some of the counts against him. so what does it mean for the prosecution as district attorney fani willis waits to learn if she's thrown off the case also, this hour, president biden takes his battleground state toured a crucial wisconsin just hours after he and donald trump both clinch their party's now nominations. >> i'll >> discuss the state of the race with an influential, an independent minded democrat, us senator joe manchin, and a bill that could ban the very popular social media app tiktok in the united states is heading to the us senate after overwhelmingly passing in the house we're tracking the legislation and the impact on 100 million tiktok users in this country welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in the situation room first tonight, new questions surrounding the trump election subversion case in georgia. after the presiding judge threw out a total of six counts, including three that cited the former president's specifically let's go right to cnn's nick valencia is outside the courthouse in atlanta for us. what is this? by the judge been >> wolf, make no mistake about it. this is a critique of the fulton county da's office and their inability to include the necessary detail to get these charges to stick. the judges saying that they fail to include the underlying detail as to what crimes these defendants were allegedly soliciting. the charges have to do with the fake elector scheme that's trump and his allies scheme to try to subvert the electoral college and unlawfully appoint a slate of presidential electors. it also has to do with that infamous phone call january 2, 2021, when the former president and his former chief of staff called the secretary of state here in georgia and asked him to find more votes. but judge scott mcafee saying in this decision that the fulton county da's office didn't include the details for these charges to stand, and this is what he's saying in part of his decision, quote, these six counts contain all the essential elements of the crimes, but fail to allege sufficient detail regarding the underlying felony solicited. they do not give the defendants enough information to prepare the defenses hello, gently. it goes on to say, this does not mean the entire indictment is dismissed. let's pick it up there. this does not mean the entire indictment is dismissed. in fact, the door and the window is open for the da's office to appeal these charges, they can fill in these details and try to get another indictment against trump and his remaining allies. >> wolf. >> we're obviously also waiting to hear if this judge will disqualify da fani willis >> will he or won't he a monumental decision that we're waiting for scott mcafee has to make that decision. his self-imposed deadline by the end of this week, he recently gave an interview to debbie usb radio here in atlanta, conservative talk radio show about his challenger that he faces his reelection bid. and it was during that eight minute interview, he talked about him being on track to make that decision by the end of the week, really wolf, there's a lot of anticipation that would be a huge understatement. in fact, this decision could come at any moment. >> now i'm going to have huge ramifications if he were to disqualify her. thanks very much. nick valencia reporting, joining us now, georgia legal experts, former us attorney michael moore and criminal defense attorney amy lee copeland, also with a cnn's alayna treene, who covers the presidential race for some mica. let me start with you. one it's bys counts centered on trump's call to the georgia secretary of state of the time that started this entire investigation let's listen to some of that. listen to this so i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 loads, which is one more that we have because we won the state. >> so michael, what do you make of the judge dismissing that specific count? and the five other counts? >> well, i'm glad to be with all levied. look, this this is really a standard defense motion. this is called a demurrer. and what it means is that the defense just attack the legal sufficiency of the indictment. the case is not over. that nokman is not fully dismissed, but it does point out some errors in the indictment, specifically what the judge said is look you didn't explain how the solicitation of what exactly you were solicited into do and why that would be illegal as it applied to their oath as to raffensperger's call or the call to raffensperger it was the same legal theory that is that there just wasn't enough information to talk about the underlying solicitation what exactly they were trying to do at why that would be illegal. it does not mean that the other counts related to that in the rico overt acts and such are dismissed. but i do think that the judges sort of say, look, you need to either clean this up, you can let it stand if you want to, just go to trial without these counts, or you could clean it up and see good new indictment or and come back and add the language that's allowed or you can appeal it. and that footnote about the appeals sort of speaks to me and indicates that i think the judge knows this is not a case. it's likely to see a courtroom this year. and he's basically saying i probably wouldn't object if you all wanna go ahead and appeal it and that certainly would be blake and he's indicated a willingness to at least allow that delay to move forward if that's the way the state wants to important point. amy lee, what do you think? what does this mean for the prosecuting team? this georgia election subversion case? what does it mean for the case going forward from your perspective? >> sure. wolf. good evening. listen, the indictment contains 41 counts. the judge is now dismissed. six of them, the rico count stands. the order is very clear about that. and just to elaborate a little bit on what's been said, all six counts concern the violation of oath of office. >> criminal >> defendants solicitation it's not that violation. >> the problem the >> judge found was that the oath of office really requires georgia senators, georgia representatives, and the secretary of state to promise to defend the united states and georgia constitution's. he said that given the language of how it's been indicted, they can't the defendants can't pick out which of the hundred clauses, hundreds of clauses than these two constitutions that have been violated. >> so really the case will move forward. there is an out for the da if they want to appeal, there is an ability to re-indict it may slow it down a little bit, but it does not dismiss the case. and the da, of course, could elect to proceed without sixth trial and they're very serious racketeering charge remains in place. alayna, most of trump's charges are still intact. so does the trump team see this as a qualified victory? >> well, if i'd argue they view it more as a small victory and i talked to one trump adviser about this earlier today and they said, look, we see this as a step in the right direction, but they also acknowledged that this doesn't really go far and their ultimate goal, which is to have this case dismissed outright. and i do just want to read for you what steve sadow sadow, one of donald trump's lead defense attorneys in this case said about this decision, he said, quote, the ruling is a correct application of the law as the prosecution failed to make specific allegations of any alleged wrongdoing on those counts. the entire prosecution of president trump is political constitutes election interference and should be dismissed. now, wolf, this is the type of rhetoric we have heard repeatedly from donald trump's team, both his political campaign, end his legal team that these charges are political. it's interfering in the election, and they also to michael's point, they really want to see this trial either dismissed or delayed beyond the election. that's really what they're hoping for. this didn't really go far in the way of those goals. >> michel does this dramatic development today tell you anything about how the judge will decide on fani willis's potential disqualification? >> it really doesn't. >> i mean, other than the fact that there's some indication there could be a delay it just doesn't give much in the way of tea leaves for us to read to see what he's going to do. i'm interested to hear that his own schedule that he's trying to make sure that his order comes out by the end of this week. and i think that's good both for the defense so now and for the state to know what will have moving forward, but it doesn't it doesn't tell us much. one thing. it tells us though, is the judge's careful. it's a well-reasoned order that he wrote here. he's looking at the specific counties, looking at constitutional requirements of notice to defend that's and he's balancing those interests. so i expect we'll see a pretty detailed or they come out comes out about the district attorney's qualifications. >> i suspect you're right. amy. let me get your thoughts. do you expect judge mcafee to keep fani willis on this case? how do you see this part of the story playing out? >> yeah. well, >> that's an interesting question. so there are two different standards that judge mcafee is considering in that does she have an actual conflict or is there an appearance of impropriety from looking at the law actual conflict is really the standard to use. >> and that's good >> for the da because it's a harder and higher standard to meet was acting solely for our interests instead of her duty as a prosecutor. my thought is that judge mcafee will discuss very carefully, as michael noted, the two different competing lines of case law about appearance of impropriety and actual conflict and we'll find there is no actual conflict. >> we will find out presumably in the coming days to all of you. thank you very, very much. just ahead, president biden works to build momentum in a key battleground state. is he doing enough to win over skeptical members of his own party i'll ask democratic senator joe manchin, and we'll go live to moscow where russia's vladimir putin is making new and very ominous nuclear threats. stay with us. urine the situation >> cnn news central, tomorrow at seven eastern what is. circle surplus? the field to take flight circle is the energy that gets you to the next level circled this, which i hope for life tosses limits away available at walmart and drinks >> you do this you, andy bad >> next 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handled narration production and digital distribution, color scan, the qr code. now this hour, president biden is campaigning in wisconsin, one of the battleground states that could make or break his reelection bid. the president is rematch with donald trump. now, formally set just hours after they both clinched their respective presidential nominations. cnn's chief national affairs correspondent, jeff zeleny he's joining us from the walkie right now, jeff, how is the president using this midwest trip right now to try to rally voters >> well, quite simply, he's touting his accomplishments and selling his agenda going forward, of course, wisconsin is a critical state in that blue wall that you mentioned. wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania by the ended this week, the president will visit it all three, it's part of his post-state of the union message, really getting out into battleground states, talking about his accomplishments. but specifically that bipartisan infrastructure law that we heard so much about today, the president went to the heart of a neighborhood, a street that will be revitalized and reconnecting communities that were segregated and split apart. decades ago during segregation, those streets will be rebuilt. so we talked about that using it as one example of how his infrastructure law is changing communities. just one slice is something that's happening across the country wolf, the president also made clear that wisconsin is so key in terms of an electoral matter. he visited one of his campaign offices and told volunteers and supporters just how close wisconsin could be >> thinking about this campaign. and it's particularly here and milwaukee specifically, but wisconsin generally and several other states, it's going to get down to knocking on doors, old-fashioned way. no. really is and it gets down to just make contact with people knocking on doors. >> the old-fashioned way, of course that is something that really did not happen during the general election campaign in 2020. of course, that was conducted during a pandemic. so it's a reminder wolf that this campaign, maybe a sequel but it has many different story lines and it's about many different things that campaigns will be conducted differently, but also issues are different as well. abortion rights hangs over this campaign as does the israel hamas war. and we could hear protesters here in downtown milwaukee earlier this evening, or the president is going to be having a fundraiser this evening, wolf, that is another dynamic that is different in this race. so even though the rematch now is joined between joe biden and donald trump, and the states are the same. the issues certainly much different here for the next eight it months of this general election campaign, rally, rah going to be very busy covering all of this. jeff zeleny in milwaukee. thank you very much. let's talk a little bit more about 20:24 politics with us senator joe manchin. he's a democrat of west virginia. he's joining us here in the situation room. senator, thanks so much for joining what you're hearing from president biden in the state of the union address, as well as winnings out there on the campaign trail. now, does that make you more or less likely to support them? >> well, you know, he tells the story of what we may able to accomplish. 117th congress will go down as one of the most productive congresses in any recent times in history. i've r congress and 118th will go down as the worst. right now. we're on track to be the least performing congress in the history of our country. who do you blame for that? well, i mean, right now it's in the republicans from the house. they just can't get their act together to get anything moving. okay. no matter what's done in the senate, nothing's going to come back. >> so how do you feel about president biden? have you election because you're an independent democrat, very indifferent. you haven't endorsed anyone yet? no, i haven't gotten tell you ready to endorse the president chooses. not at all. i know. >> i've said this is the president is the present. i knew they got elected because he was a person can bring people together. and i still believe that he has to come back to that middle. these been pushed too far to the left and i've said this, the liberal wing, or the extreme conservative wing of both parties, are extreme. that's not where mainstream america, america is 55% of us live in the middle center-left, center-right. and that's where the president has always operated his whole political career. that's really why wind and you've worked with >> them and you know, well, going back to his day georgia senator, i asked the question because you said trump. if trump were reelected, that would create and i'm quoting you now, horrible, horrible situation challenging our democracy. those are very strong words when you would think that if you really believe that you would endorse the president. >> i have said this i love my country too much too who either support or vote for donald trump. but also my country too much to be two extremes. so if we can move them back, it would be very, very helpful for our country, be very good for the president to, that's not his dna is not where he came from. he's always been that deal maker. >> i don't want us president biden need to do to publicly and formally when you're indoors. well, we have an energy security. we have to get the border secured. the greatest threat we face right now, i've encouraged the president to do basically a national emergency, declared a national emergency. the business. what's going on, the business model at the border and the cartels are taking advantage of that. everything that's going on there is wrong. you can have millions of people coming. there not been adjudicated. we don't know who they are, why they come and what they came for. that has to stop immediately and we have to clean up the border and but we never throw the baby out with the bathwater. you have to have legal immigration, but you cannot allow immigration illegal immigration taking over your border. he has to step forward on that and strong only because if you wait for the politics in washington to take care of the problems that we know we have. and every american would vote to take care of. it's not going to happen with a dysfunction that's going on sorry. >> so we'll wait and see who you in the end you endorse it's not going to be sharp and let's see if you've publicly endorse pure biden the news of the day. >> tiktok, >> getting past this ban on tiktok in the house of representatives, it's coming to the senate right now. i know you've co-sponsored a different anti tiktok bill in the senate would. you vote for this house bill if there's a vote no absolutely. i will vote to support taking china out of the mass media market in the united states and having control over it. we can't do none of our companies could do the same in china. and you have countries of concern. wolf, we have russia, you have cianni of north korea, and you have iran. those are countries have grave concern to us. they're not going to allow our media to have control of a media outlet in their countries, neither should they have the same opportunities in our country. it's as simple as that. and there'll be that tiktok can operate as long as it's under united states control. >> what do you say to younger americans, including as you've said, your own grandchildren who loved tiktok, who use tiktok all the time and they would still as american, they just don't know that all their information is being gathered that can be used against them in anytime they don't realize that they look at the platform itself, they enjoy the platform. they're able to connect and communicate and learn a lot. but there's an awful lot of things on that. they shouldn't be on there. and to have china controlling that and gathering that information, it's wrong for america to let that, to let that happen. >> you've said that you're ashamed of this current congress right now. you're worried about the future of the institution as well. you aren't running for reelection right now. you've announced that yeah. i want to get your reaction to something that republican congressman ken buck said while announcing he will resign next week. a good man from congress, listen to what he said it is the worst year of the nine years and three months that i've been in congress. and having talked to former members, it's the worst year and 40, 50 years. to be in congressman >> why are things this bad right now? and what can be done to try to fix the duopoly that we have in washington is the business model or the democratic party. and republican party. their business model is basically to divide. and if they can divide in and weaponize politics and make you understand, pick a side what saudi you on the other side's our enemy we have do everything we can to defeat him. that's not democracy. it's not how we became the country and is not how we will remain the superpower of the world. ken buck is a good man. i like, can i know ken? and he's fed up. i'm fed up okay. i've been added an awful lot longer than he has. i've been involved in state and federal politics because about 40 years. but without not giving up, we're going to my daughter and i were working on americans together how do we allow people to understand the 55% of us that live in the middle have the power to change, not one of these people running today, president biden or former president trump, come when without the center part of this country so you're not seeking reelection, you're dropping out, you're not going to seek reelection. will you ever run for public office again? >> i don't i never want to say never on anything. i don't intend to. that's not my intentions i truly believe that the people need know the power of they have use it make sure the character of the people you're sending here are coming here for the country's sake and not for their own party or their own sake. make sure that we start having and let him know that term limits. i believe that the supreme court's should be 118 year term i'll be president should be one six-year term house should be six, two-year terms, and the senate to six-year terms. any of those variations, but enough's enough. we need to have turnover and have people here for the right reasons. and that's going to be a lot of the things how we elect people might friend, lisa murkowski, without rank choice voting in a promise she'd never gotten elected and i see things that can change people just have to know the power they have because that's where it's at, right in the middle. >> i've been doing these interviews with you for many years. thanks very much for coming in wherever you wind up doing good luck. thank you. >> thank you very much, senator joe manchin coming up. >> just how >> likely is a ban on the popular app tiktok here in the united states senate. now, taking up a bill after an overwhelmingly positive vote in the house against tiktok >> what happened? >> the golden boy of new jersey, i engaged in an affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper? >> i gotta get a therapist if they're having an interview which i definitely new episodes sunday at nine on cnn >> do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need now you can sell your policy even a term policy for an immediate cash payment called coventry direct to learn more. >> we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement, but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income our friends sold their policy to help pay their medical bills. and that got me thinking it'd be selling our policy could help with our retirement >> i was skeptical. so i did some >> research and called >> coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that they sold. >> we learned we could sell all of our 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voted against it including 50 democrats. >> the answer is not to go selectively banning the flow of information from particular nation. the way we defeat china is being more american, not less those backing the bill argue they did so for national security. >> i know we're getting plenty of phone calls that young people really loved tiktok. and i lift that up. i think that's terrific. but i want to protect them from a foreign adversary collecting their data and manipur the lighting it, tiktok is owned by bytedance, by dancers and china in china, any company has to subscribe to the national intelligence law in >> 2017, which says you have to be our spy, who tell you two already president joe biden has said he would sign the bill if it passes, even though biden's campaign is on tiktok, opponents argue that could be appalled political mistake. do you worry at all about the political implications for biden for democrats in the election over supporting this legislation. >> but i don't know why you want to upset young people in 170 million people in a platform when there's at least restrictive, weighs less restrictive ways of achieving the goal. >> donald trump, once called for an outright ban on tiktok. >> oh, well, either clothes up tiktok in this country for security reasons, for it, it will be so, but now he's against the house bill. >> frankly, there are a lot of people on tiktok that love it. there are a lot of young kids on tiktok who, who will go crazy without it. >> the bill's future in the senate now, less certain, i haven't gone come to a final decision as to whether or not it should be banned. >> senators marco rubio and mark warner, top members of the senate intelligence committee, committed wednesday to quote, working together to get this bill passed through the senate and signed into law. but majority leader chuck schumer has not committed to putting the bill on the floor. >> everybody and tiktok released a statement after that bill passed out of the house encouraging senators to consider the >> facts, listen to their constituents, and realize the impact on the economy. 7 million small businesses and the 170 million americans who use our service. china also serving this warning to senators and lawmakers saying that this is an act of bullying if they try and ban tiktok also warning there could be repercussions for the united states. now, it's still not certain if this bill is going to come to the floor of the senate wolf, that is because you have yet to see jordi leader chuck schumer promised to bring this bill to the floor. you also have maria cantwell, the chairwoman of the commerce committee in the senate, saying she has her own approach. she would >> like to look at wolfe, lauren fox up on capitol hill for us. thank you very much for that report. for a closer look at the major impact a tiktok ban would have here in the united states. let's bring in cnn's brian todd, brian, this could potentially affect 170 million american users, 170 million wolf. and that's more than half the us population. that's how wildly popular tiktok has become in the united states, we spoke to experts and business owners about the platforms, economic and cultural impacts on america, and what a band would due to all of that a horse bobbing its head to heavy metal teenage stunts and skits popular perceptions of tiktok. but a ban of the app in the us wouldn't just curtail digital adolescent expression. think of businesses like summer lucille, look at all this clearance. we have looked at all this clearance. we have this stuff is good stuff. >> ya lucille runs the juicy body goddess boutique in charlotte, north carolina. she says when she started promoting her business on tiktok in 2022, it changed her life, allowing her to expand her floor space to a 15,000 square-foot warehouse and get her into a mall location. she says this to the lawmakers voting to ban tiktok in the us. >> you are voting against my small business. you are voting against me getting a slice of my american pie, tiktok last year said nearly 5 million businesses had accounts on the platform. >> you see everybody from moment pop bait shops who choose to share how they make cakes and cookies on tiktok getting people through the door because of the videos at the post there too? independent businesses who tout their wares using the app and all of them rely on that personal connection that tiktok provides a ban on tiktok would touch more than half the american population. tiktok says, it's gotten more than 170 million users in the us it's replaced television for a lot of young people. this is where most people are getting young people especially are getting their video is where they're socializing with friends. it's where they're getting inspiration for new ideas. it's where they are putting themselves out there as creators, as for the demographics of tiktok, it's predominantly used by people between the ages of 18.34 experts say a ban inside the us could definitely affect how millions of americans spend their leisure time. >> the average american spends something like feature film length on tiktok every single day. its influence on american culture. observers say has been enormous. >> this is where entertainment this is where they the commentary and analysis of entertainment world happens. this is where education happens, but you can get educational videos. you can get news reports. many major organizations as well as politicians, including president biden has taken to the app, but a ban could also conceivably prevent the chinese communist party from using and tiktok to spy on americans or influence the upcoming election. something that director of national intelligence warned about when testifying on capitol hill this week, we cannot rule out that the ccp could use it, correct? >> now, tiktok has argued that a ban the us would have a huge impact on small and medium-sized businesses, creators, influencers, and advertisers. but analyst sara fischer says, maybe not. she points out that there are plenty of tiktok's competitors where people and businesses can go to place content and ads. wolf very interesting lots of stake right now brian todd, thank you very, very much. just ahead, the ntsb raises yet another red flag about boeing after a series of safety issues, concern fliers here in the united states and indeed around the world united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday, at nine on cnn. >> you should angie that you anti that i'm connecting with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well >> you can focus on the important step can see millions of ratings and reviews. so you can feel confident it means comparing quotes or booking at an upfront price so you can choose the best price for you because we want everyone to get the most that of their own get started today at >> roe sparks engineered for the spontaneous, a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra. and see alice faster 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the long haul new monday night at nine on hgtv >> write a report now says he's prepared to respond with nuclear weapons if the russian state is ever threatened, those remarks coming just before presidential elections in russia, this coming friday our chief global affairs correspondent matthew chance is in moscow for us. he's joining us live. matthew. so tell us what putin is saying >> yeah, it's the sort of rhetoric wolf that we've heard from the russian leader in the past is basically saying that russia wouldn't hesitate to use nuclear weapons if the existence of the russian state with threatened. but he also said that there's been no such need. so far. so on the one hand, playing down the possibility of a nuclear confrontation with heavily armed russia, heavily armed with nuclear weapons that is but also ratcheting up the tensions and issuing a warning to his rivals. principally, of course, the united states, that russia is still a military power and nuclear power to be reckoned with and shouldn't be pushed too far. take a listen i'm not sure three other our triad, the nuclear triad is more moderate than any other triad, and it's only us in the >> americans who have such triads to them in general, if we talk about the carriers in the number of warheads, we are more or less equal but he but hours or more modern payment that doesn't that they have it talking comparisons there between the russian and the american nuclear triad. but remember, we're just few days away now, wolf, from a presidential election. this country, vladimir putin isn't just talking to the world and talking to america. he's also talking to his own people at the message is trying to communicate to them is, look, i am the leader who is able to protect you against external threats, particularly the nato threat that many russians perceive from outside the borders of the country. wolf significant indeed, matthew chance in moscow for us. thank you very much joining us now, our chief national security analyst, jim sciutto, he's the author of a very important brand-new book entitled the return of great powers, russia, china, and the next world war. it really is an excellent book and thank you, and i want to get your thoughts on these latest threats about nuclear war that putin is delivering right now, because you have extensive reporting and your new book about these threats. >> we know it's not entirely empty rhetoric because there was a moment in late 2022 when the us was deeply concerned that russia was about to use a nuclear weapon in ukraine to the point where i'm told by us officials that they were preparing rigorously direct quote, for that very possibility. and marshall the world to get russia to move back from the nuclear brink, including enlisting the help of indian leaders and chinese leaders in xi jinping i asked us officials in reporting this book whether that fear has entirely dissipated. and here's what a senior us official told me in the book. he said, it's not something that is ever far from our minds. we continue to refine plans and it's not beyond the realm of possibility that we could be confronting at least the rising risk of this again, in the months ahead. so they are watching closely and they listened closely when putin speaks because oftentimes he means what he says, yes, certainly does. >> how worried >> are eastern european leaders right now, including some nato allies about putin's next target. if and it's a huge if, if russia were to win this war in ukraine, they will say very openly that we are next in effect, i spoke to the estonian prime minister kaja carlos extremely close to the russian threat, right on the russian border. and it's only 30 years ago that they won their independence of russia. so they speak with personal experience of what it's like to live under russian or of course, at that time soviet power. and she says, she said to me many times that in the east they understand russia better and that some of the western nato allies just don't see the threat to the degree that they do. she said to me the following for the book they have much better neighbors speaking of western european nato allies, they don't deal with this for them, the security issue is a nice intellectual conversation to be having. it's not an existential threat like it is for us. so she's calling the threat of russia existential because they believe that russia might very well make the decision to invade even a nato so ally, particularly if they get what they want, ukraine. >> and it's not just in europe that folks are worried right now about putin. you're also reported in the book that putins campaign in ukraine could embolden. let's say the chinese leadership president xi for example, to go ahead and invade taiwan. >> that's right wherever i >> went for this book. and that includes eastern europe, western europe, us officials. i spoke to here at the highest level, but also to asia. i spent time and taiwan for this book speaking to political leaders and commanders, all of them say that xi jinping in china are watching russia's experience in ukraine. so they could learn lessons one about how they might be able to win a similar war again let's taiwan, but also how the west reacts. and this is a quote from the cia director bill burns, saying that as russia has stumbled in ukraine, it's been more difficult than even he imagined that china might use that as a trigger to act more quickly against taiwan. this is what bill burns told me. he said xi, xi jinping's sort of like putin with ukraine starts to worry that his window is closing to achieve what he believes is his destiny, which is to control taiwan. that can lead to autocrats, especially in the absence of a lot of contrary views and their inner circle and anything else to make the kind of stupid decision that putin made it in ukraine, it's quite direct words from the cia director about just how serious that threat is, not just putin to ukraine, but china and xi to taiwan. >> and a lot of new reporting. this book. thank you very mike, you will. jim sciutto, our colleague here in the situation room, and to our viewers, be sure to check out jim's new book, the return of great the powers, russia, china, and the next world war. it's available right now also tonight, a very disturbing new snapshot of the deadly toll from the israel hamas war, the united nations now says more children were killed in four months of war in gaza than were killed during four years of war, worldwide. un says a total of 12,193 children were killed in all wars between 2,019.20, 22, compared to at least 12,300 children reportedly killed in gaza since the october 7 attack on israel through last month very disturbing indeed, we'll be right back >> the greatest stage they talk >> about lifetime brief round cbs for nearly a decade, i served in the navy supporting seal teams. today, i run sabo outdoors with fellow special operations veterans our mobile app connects customers 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what are we hearing from the ntsb right now? but its investigation of that door plug blowout on an alaska airlines plane? >> well, the woman leading this investigation is now putting boeing on blast. again, ntsb chair jennifer homendy says that boeing's lack of a paper trail is hampering this investigation. remember, the ntsb's preliminary report on the january that incident said this boeing did not re-install for critical door plug bolts before this 737 max nine was delivered to alaska airlines, the bolts were removed at the boeing factory in renton, washington for corrective work on another part of the blaine, the ntsb says boeing has not been able to produce the paperwork that details that work. here is what homedy says in her new update of the senators on the committee overseeing aviation, the absence of those records will complicate the ntsb's investigation moving forward, she also underscored that boeing hasn't been unable to locate the security footage of that work. boeing has responded there, wolff and says that it has supported the investigation from the start and continues to do so. >> i understand that a key piece of evidence on another boeing plane that experience what they call technical, technical error in new zealand has now been discovered. tell us about this investigation is really hitting its stride. it dovetails off of the door-plug investigation, but it involves a different airplane. it is not a 737 max-9. this was a boeing 787, a latam airlines plane that was flying from sydney to auckland, new zealand on monday, the crew told other passengers on board the plane that they experience some sort of technical event. and the latest development i'm going to hear is that authorities in new zealand have been able to recover the black boxes onboard that will be so key because the pilot said there displays what completely dark, causing them to briefly lose control of this plane. the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder will give investigators a lot of clues, especially the data recorder, which will show the airspeed, the altitude of the plane, the position of the controls, even the position of some of the switches on board the plane. and investigators can now really dig in those recorders have now been moved to a secure area. it's really chile or latam airlines is base that's leading this investigation. >> now, muntean, we are grateful to you. you really know your screen. thanks wolf. he knows aviation really well. coming up. the fate of james crumbley, the father of the michigan school shooter, ethan crumbley. now in the hands of a jury, we have details from today's dramatic closing arguments that's coming up right after it quickly >> your favorite rocket lot teams are back for and the burst emmer waterfront homeland animation showed you do this. it's time to sink or swim, to log all new monday, 99 on hgtv. >> and important message for >> americans age 50 to 85 my gosh, you're still using mom's old coffee 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final jury is six men and six women. the prosecution really hammered on the james crumbley was aware that his son had mental health issue choose, but nonetheless, bottom of gun. and the very last moments they morning of the mass shooting when he was presented at the school with the math worksheet that had bullets, blood everywhere. the world is dead. a stick figure, a gun that he should have taken him out of school even if he had to do doordash, he could put him in the front seat as he was making the deliveries and he should have gone home at that point to see if that gun was still there before the mass shooting. and that in and of itself is gross negligence causing the death of those four students. take a listen james crumbley was presented with the easiest, most glaring opportunities to prevent the deaths of these four students and he did nothing. >> james crumbley had no idea what his son was capable of he had no idea what his son was planning, and he had absolutely no idea that his son had access to those firearms >> so the strength of the defense is that witness after witness took the stand from the dean to the counselor, to the vice principal, who would know anything for a long time and they said, we never dreamed he would do this. the vice principal said, i've known him since elementary school sweet kid and other words, the defense is trying to show that et

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Investigators , Position , Flight Data Recorder , Cockpit Voice Recorder , Altitude , Clues , Airspeed , Chile , Controls , Recorders , Base , Thanks Wolf , Switches , Area , Screen , Muntean , James Crumbley , Jury , School Shooter , Hands , Ethan Crumbley , Coming Up , Fate , Dramatic Closing Arguments , Swim , Rocket , On Hgtv , Burst Emmer Waterfront Homeland Animation , 99 , Family Heirloom Know , Price , 180987 , School , Successes , Real Life , Graduation Day , Undergraduate Credits , University Of Maryland Global Campus , 90 , 8900 , Success P Rows , Beyond , Mango , Bottles , Fruit , Tastes , Offer , 45 , 36 , Cash Payment , Bottle Hint , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 1000 , 18004817 , On Top , Market , Match , Robin Hood , Roger Rabbit , 401k , 3 , Toddler Mom , Project , Gas Heating , Heat , Contractors , Game Changer Connect , Edge , Deliberations , Angie Com , Latest , Classmates , Women , Jean Casarez , Son , Issue , Mental Health , Shooting , Bottom Of Gun , Gun , Stick Figure , Math Worksheet , Everywhere , Deliveries , Bullets , Doordash , Blood , Seat , Front , Students , Mass Shooting , Gross Negligence , Death , Easiest , Deaths , Witness , Planning , Stand , Strength , Access , Firearms , Vice Principal , Counselor , Elementary School , Dean , Sweet Kid ,

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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

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>> i sink or swim, rock the block. >> all new monday night at nine on hgtv closed captioning is brought to you >> by skechers >> slip in pants this tiny home trend. now, this is more like it, the same goes for my footwear. why one hands-free with wide fits, get your slippers, dry wipe fits get your slip happening now, donald trump now faces fewer charges in the georgia election subversion case. after the judge dismissed some of the counts against him. so what does it mean for the prosecution as district attorney fani willis waits to learn if she's thrown off the case also, this hour, president biden takes his battleground state toured a crucial wisconsin just hours after he and donald trump both clinch their party's now nominations. >> i'll >> discuss the state of the race with an influential, an independent minded democrat, us senator joe manchin, and a bill that could ban the very popular social media app tiktok in the united states is heading to the us senate after overwhelmingly passing in the house we're tracking the legislation and the impact on 100 million tiktok users in this country welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in the situation room first tonight, new questions surrounding the trump election subversion case in georgia. after the presiding judge threw out a total of six counts, including three that cited the former president's specifically let's go right to cnn's nick valencia is outside the courthouse in atlanta for us. what is this? by the judge been >> wolf, make no mistake about it. this is a critique of the fulton county da's office and their inability to include the necessary detail to get these charges to stick. the judges saying that they fail to include the underlying detail as to what crimes these defendants were allegedly soliciting. the charges have to do with the fake elector scheme that's trump and his allies scheme to try to subvert the electoral college and unlawfully appoint a slate of presidential electors. it also has to do with that infamous phone call january 2, 2021, when the former president and his former chief of staff called the secretary of state here in georgia and asked him to find more votes. but judge scott mcafee saying in this decision that the fulton county da's office didn't include the details for these charges to stand, and this is what he's saying in part of his decision, quote, these six counts contain all the essential elements of the crimes, but fail to allege sufficient detail regarding the underlying felony solicited. they do not give the defendants enough information to prepare the defenses hello, gently. it goes on to say, this does not mean the entire indictment is dismissed. let's pick it up there. this does not mean the entire indictment is dismissed. in fact, the door and the window is open for the da's office to appeal these charges, they can fill in these details and try to get another indictment against trump and his remaining allies. >> wolf. >> we're obviously also waiting to hear if this judge will disqualify da fani willis >> will he or won't he a monumental decision that we're waiting for scott mcafee has to make that decision. his self-imposed deadline by the end of this week, he recently gave an interview to debbie usb radio here in atlanta, conservative talk radio show about his challenger that he faces his reelection bid. and it was during that eight minute interview, he talked about him being on track to make that decision by the end of the week, really wolf, there's a lot of anticipation that would be a huge understatement. in fact, this decision could come at any moment. >> now i'm going to have huge ramifications if he were to disqualify her. thanks very much. nick valencia reporting, joining us now, georgia legal experts, former us attorney michael moore and criminal defense attorney amy lee copeland, also with a cnn's alayna treene, who covers the presidential race for some mica. let me start with you. one it's bys counts centered on trump's call to the georgia secretary of state of the time that started this entire investigation let's listen to some of that. listen to this so i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 loads, which is one more that we have because we won the state. >> so michael, what do you make of the judge dismissing that specific count? and the five other counts? >> well, i'm glad to be with all levied. look, this this is really a standard defense motion. this is called a demurrer. and what it means is that the defense just attack the legal sufficiency of the indictment. the case is not over. that nokman is not fully dismissed, but it does point out some errors in the indictment, specifically what the judge said is look you didn't explain how the solicitation of what exactly you were solicited into do and why that would be illegal as it applied to their oath as to raffensperger's call or the call to raffensperger it was the same legal theory that is that there just wasn't enough information to talk about the underlying solicitation what exactly they were trying to do at why that would be illegal. it does not mean that the other counts related to that in the rico overt acts and such are dismissed. but i do think that the judges sort of say, look, you need to either clean this up, you can let it stand if you want to, just go to trial without these counts, or you could clean it up and see good new indictment or and come back and add the language that's allowed or you can appeal it. and that footnote about the appeals sort of speaks to me and indicates that i think the judge knows this is not a case. it's likely to see a courtroom this year. and he's basically saying i probably wouldn't object if you all wanna go ahead and appeal it and that certainly would be blake and he's indicated a willingness to at least allow that delay to move forward if that's the way the state wants to important point. amy lee, what do you think? what does this mean for the prosecuting team? this georgia election subversion case? what does it mean for the case going forward from your perspective? >> sure. wolf. good evening. listen, the indictment contains 41 counts. the judge is now dismissed. six of them, the rico count stands. the order is very clear about that. and just to elaborate a little bit on what's been said, all six counts concern the violation of oath of office. >> criminal >> defendants solicitation it's not that violation. >> the problem the >> judge found was that the oath of office really requires georgia senators, georgia representatives, and the secretary of state to promise to defend the united states and georgia constitution's. he said that given the language of how it's been indicted, they can't the defendants can't pick out which of the hundred clauses, hundreds of clauses than these two constitutions that have been violated. >> so really the case will move forward. there is an out for the da if they want to appeal, there is an ability to re-indict it may slow it down a little bit, but it does not dismiss the case. and the da, of course, could elect to proceed without sixth trial and they're very serious racketeering charge remains in place. alayna, most of trump's charges are still intact. so does the trump team see this as a qualified victory? >> well, if i'd argue they view it more as a small victory and i talked to one trump adviser about this earlier today and they said, look, we see this as a step in the right direction, but they also acknowledged that this doesn't really go far and their ultimate goal, which is to have this case dismissed outright. and i do just want to read for you what steve sadow sadow, one of donald trump's lead defense attorneys in this case said about this decision, he said, quote, the ruling is a correct application of the law as the prosecution failed to make specific allegations of any alleged wrongdoing on those counts. the entire prosecution of president trump is political constitutes election interference and should be dismissed. now, wolf, this is the type of rhetoric we have heard repeatedly from donald trump's team, both his political campaign, end his legal team that these charges are political. it's interfering in the election, and they also to michael's point, they really want to see this trial either dismissed or delayed beyond the election. that's really what they're hoping for. this didn't really go far in the way of those goals. >> michel does this dramatic development today tell you anything about how the judge will decide on fani willis's potential disqualification? >> it really doesn't. >> i mean, other than the fact that there's some indication there could be a delay it just doesn't give much in the way of tea leaves for us to read to see what he's going to do. i'm interested to hear that his own schedule that he's trying to make sure that his order comes out by the end of this week. and i think that's good both for the defense so now and for the state to know what will have moving forward, but it doesn't it doesn't tell us much. one thing. it tells us though, is the judge's careful. it's a well-reasoned order that he wrote here. he's looking at the specific counties, looking at constitutional requirements of notice to defend that's and he's balancing those interests. so i expect we'll see a pretty detailed or they come out comes out about the district attorney's qualifications. >> i suspect you're right. amy. let me get your thoughts. do you expect judge mcafee to keep fani willis on this case? how do you see this part of the story playing out? >> yeah. well, >> that's an interesting question. so there are two different standards that judge mcafee is considering in that does she have an actual conflict or is there an appearance of impropriety from looking at the law actual conflict is really the standard to use. >> and that's good >> for the da because it's a harder and higher standard to meet was acting solely for our interests instead of her duty as a prosecutor. my thought is that judge mcafee will discuss very carefully, as michael noted, the two different competing lines of case law about appearance of impropriety and actual conflict and we'll find there is no actual conflict. >> we will find out presumably in the coming days to all of you. thank you very, very much. just ahead, president biden works to build momentum in a key battleground state. is he doing enough to win over skeptical members of his own party i'll ask democratic senator joe manchin, and we'll go live to moscow where russia's vladimir putin is making new and very ominous nuclear threats. stay with us. urine the situation >> cnn news central, tomorrow at seven eastern what is. circle surplus? the field to take flight circle is the energy that gets you to the next level circled this, which i hope for life tosses limits away available at walmart and drinks >> you do this you, andy bad >> next 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handled narration production and digital distribution, color scan, the qr code. now this hour, president biden is campaigning in wisconsin, one of the battleground states that could make or break his reelection bid. the president is rematch with donald trump. now, formally set just hours after they both clinched their respective presidential nominations. cnn's chief national affairs correspondent, jeff zeleny he's joining us from the walkie right now, jeff, how is the president using this midwest trip right now to try to rally voters >> well, quite simply, he's touting his accomplishments and selling his agenda going forward, of course, wisconsin is a critical state in that blue wall that you mentioned. wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania by the ended this week, the president will visit it all three, it's part of his post-state of the union message, really getting out into battleground states, talking about his accomplishments. but specifically that bipartisan infrastructure law that we heard so much about today, the president went to the heart of a neighborhood, a street that will be revitalized and reconnecting communities that were segregated and split apart. decades ago during segregation, those streets will be rebuilt. so we talked about that using it as one example of how his infrastructure law is changing communities. just one slice is something that's happening across the country wolf, the president also made clear that wisconsin is so key in terms of an electoral matter. he visited one of his campaign offices and told volunteers and supporters just how close wisconsin could be >> thinking about this campaign. and it's particularly here and milwaukee specifically, but wisconsin generally and several other states, it's going to get down to knocking on doors, old-fashioned way. no. really is and it gets down to just make contact with people knocking on doors. >> the old-fashioned way, of course that is something that really did not happen during the general election campaign in 2020. of course, that was conducted during a pandemic. so it's a reminder wolf that this campaign, maybe a sequel but it has many different story lines and it's about many different things that campaigns will be conducted differently, but also issues are different as well. abortion rights hangs over this campaign as does the israel hamas war. and we could hear protesters here in downtown milwaukee earlier this evening, or the president is going to be having a fundraiser this evening, wolf, that is another dynamic that is different in this race. so even though the rematch now is joined between joe biden and donald trump, and the states are the same. the issues certainly much different here for the next eight it months of this general election campaign, rally, rah going to be very busy covering all of this. jeff zeleny in milwaukee. thank you very much. let's talk a little bit more about 20:24 politics with us senator joe manchin. he's a democrat of west virginia. he's joining us here in the situation room. senator, thanks so much for joining what you're hearing from president biden in the state of the union address, as well as winnings out there on the campaign trail. now, does that make you more or less likely to support them? >> well, you know, he tells the story of what we may able to accomplish. 117th congress will go down as one of the most productive congresses in any recent times in history. i've r congress and 118th will go down as the worst. right now. we're on track to be the least performing congress in the history of our country. who do you blame for that? well, i mean, right now it's in the republicans from the house. they just can't get their act together to get anything moving. okay. no matter what's done in the senate, nothing's going to come back. >> so how do you feel about president biden? have you election because you're an independent democrat, very indifferent. you haven't endorsed anyone yet? no, i haven't gotten tell you ready to endorse the president chooses. not at all. i know. >> i've said this is the president is the present. i knew they got elected because he was a person can bring people together. and i still believe that he has to come back to that middle. these been pushed too far to the left and i've said this, the liberal wing, or the extreme conservative wing of both parties, are extreme. that's not where mainstream america, america is 55% of us live in the middle center-left, center-right. and that's where the president has always operated his whole political career. that's really why wind and you've worked with >> them and you know, well, going back to his day georgia senator, i asked the question because you said trump. if trump were reelected, that would create and i'm quoting you now, horrible, horrible situation challenging our democracy. those are very strong words when you would think that if you really believe that you would endorse the president. >> i have said this i love my country too much too who either support or vote for donald trump. but also my country too much to be two extremes. so if we can move them back, it would be very, very helpful for our country, be very good for the president to, that's not his dna is not where he came from. he's always been that deal maker. >> i don't want us president biden need to do to publicly and formally when you're indoors. well, we have an energy security. we have to get the border secured. the greatest threat we face right now, i've encouraged the president to do basically a national emergency, declared a national emergency. the business. what's going on, the business model at the border and the cartels are taking advantage of that. everything that's going on there is wrong. you can have millions of people coming. there not been adjudicated. we don't know who they are, why they come and what they came for. that has to stop immediately and we have to clean up the border and but we never throw the baby out with the bathwater. you have to have legal immigration, but you cannot allow immigration illegal immigration taking over your border. he has to step forward on that and strong only because if you wait for the politics in washington to take care of the problems that we know we have. and every american would vote to take care of. it's not going to happen with a dysfunction that's going on sorry. >> so we'll wait and see who you in the end you endorse it's not going to be sharp and let's see if you've publicly endorse pure biden the news of the day. >> tiktok, >> getting past this ban on tiktok in the house of representatives, it's coming to the senate right now. i know you've co-sponsored a different anti tiktok bill in the senate would. you vote for this house bill if there's a vote no absolutely. i will vote to support taking china out of the mass media market in the united states and having control over it. we can't do none of our companies could do the same in china. and you have countries of concern. wolf, we have russia, you have cianni of north korea, and you have iran. those are countries have grave concern to us. they're not going to allow our media to have control of a media outlet in their countries, neither should they have the same opportunities in our country. it's as simple as that. and there'll be that tiktok can operate as long as it's under united states control. >> what do you say to younger americans, including as you've said, your own grandchildren who loved tiktok, who use tiktok all the time and they would still as american, they just don't know that all their information is being gathered that can be used against them in anytime they don't realize that they look at the platform itself, they enjoy the platform. they're able to connect and communicate and learn a lot. but there's an awful lot of things on that. they shouldn't be on there. and to have china controlling that and gathering that information, it's wrong for america to let that, to let that happen. >> you've said that you're ashamed of this current congress right now. you're worried about the future of the institution as well. you aren't running for reelection right now. you've announced that yeah. i want to get your reaction to something that republican congressman ken buck said while announcing he will resign next week. a good man from congress, listen to what he said it is the worst year of the nine years and three months that i've been in congress. and having talked to former members, it's the worst year and 40, 50 years. to be in congressman >> why are things this bad right now? and what can be done to try to fix the duopoly that we have in washington is the business model or the democratic party. and republican party. their business model is basically to divide. and if they can divide in and weaponize politics and make you understand, pick a side what saudi you on the other side's our enemy we have do everything we can to defeat him. that's not democracy. it's not how we became the country and is not how we will remain the superpower of the world. ken buck is a good man. i like, can i know ken? and he's fed up. i'm fed up okay. i've been added an awful lot longer than he has. i've been involved in state and federal politics because about 40 years. but without not giving up, we're going to my daughter and i were working on americans together how do we allow people to understand the 55% of us that live in the middle have the power to change, not one of these people running today, president biden or former president trump, come when without the center part of this country so you're not seeking reelection, you're dropping out, you're not going to seek reelection. will you ever run for public office again? >> i don't i never want to say never on anything. i don't intend to. that's not my intentions i truly believe that the people need know the power of they have use it make sure the character of the people you're sending here are coming here for the country's sake and not for their own party or their own sake. make sure that we start having and let him know that term limits. i believe that the supreme court's should be 118 year term i'll be president should be one six-year term house should be six, two-year terms, and the senate to six-year terms. any of those variations, but enough's enough. we need to have turnover and have people here for the right reasons. and that's going to be a lot of the things how we elect people might friend, lisa murkowski, without rank choice voting in a promise she'd never gotten elected and i see things that can change people just have to know the power they have because that's where it's at, right in the middle. >> i've been doing these interviews with you for many years. thanks very much for coming in wherever you wind up doing good luck. thank you. >> thank you very much, senator joe manchin coming up. >> just how >> likely is a ban on the popular app tiktok here in the united states senate. now, taking up a bill after an overwhelmingly positive vote in the house against tiktok >> what happened? >> the golden boy of new jersey, i engaged in an affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper? >> i gotta get a therapist if they're having an interview which i definitely new episodes sunday at nine on cnn >> do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need now you can sell your policy even a term policy for an immediate cash payment called coventry direct to learn more. >> we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement, but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income our friends sold their policy to help pay their medical bills. and that got me thinking it'd be selling our policy could help with our retirement >> i was skeptical. so i did some >> research and called >> coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that they sold. >> we learned we could sell all of our 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voted against it including 50 democrats. >> the answer is not to go selectively banning the flow of information from particular nation. the way we defeat china is being more american, not less those backing the bill argue they did so for national security. >> i know we're getting plenty of phone calls that young people really loved tiktok. and i lift that up. i think that's terrific. but i want to protect them from a foreign adversary collecting their data and manipur the lighting it, tiktok is owned by bytedance, by dancers and china in china, any company has to subscribe to the national intelligence law in >> 2017, which says you have to be our spy, who tell you two already president joe biden has said he would sign the bill if it passes, even though biden's campaign is on tiktok, opponents argue that could be appalled political mistake. do you worry at all about the political implications for biden for democrats in the election over supporting this legislation. >> but i don't know why you want to upset young people in 170 million people in a platform when there's at least restrictive, weighs less restrictive ways of achieving the goal. >> donald trump, once called for an outright ban on tiktok. >> oh, well, either clothes up tiktok in this country for security reasons, for it, it will be so, but now he's against the house bill. >> frankly, there are a lot of people on tiktok that love it. there are a lot of young kids on tiktok who, who will go crazy without it. >> the bill's future in the senate now, less certain, i haven't gone come to a final decision as to whether or not it should be banned. >> senators marco rubio and mark warner, top members of the senate intelligence committee, committed wednesday to quote, working together to get this bill passed through the senate and signed into law. but majority leader chuck schumer has not committed to putting the bill on the floor. >> everybody and tiktok released a statement after that bill passed out of the house encouraging senators to consider the >> facts, listen to their constituents, and realize the impact on the economy. 7 million small businesses and the 170 million americans who use our service. china also serving this warning to senators and lawmakers saying that this is an act of bullying if they try and ban tiktok also warning there could be repercussions for the united states. now, it's still not certain if this bill is going to come to the floor of the senate wolf, that is because you have yet to see jordi leader chuck schumer promised to bring this bill to the floor. you also have maria cantwell, the chairwoman of the commerce committee in the senate, saying she has her own approach. she would >> like to look at wolfe, lauren fox up on capitol hill for us. thank you very much for that report. for a closer look at the major impact a tiktok ban would have here in the united states. let's bring in cnn's brian todd, brian, this could potentially affect 170 million american users, 170 million wolf. and that's more than half the us population. that's how wildly popular tiktok has become in the united states, we spoke to experts and business owners about the platforms, economic and cultural impacts on america, and what a band would due to all of that a horse bobbing its head to heavy metal teenage stunts and skits popular perceptions of tiktok. but a ban of the app in the us wouldn't just curtail digital adolescent expression. think of businesses like summer lucille, look at all this clearance. we have looked at all this clearance. we have this stuff is good stuff. >> ya lucille runs the juicy body goddess boutique in charlotte, north carolina. she says when she started promoting her business on tiktok in 2022, it changed her life, allowing her to expand her floor space to a 15,000 square-foot warehouse and get her into a mall location. she says this to the lawmakers voting to ban tiktok in the us. >> you are voting against my small business. you are voting against me getting a slice of my american pie, tiktok last year said nearly 5 million businesses had accounts on the platform. >> you see everybody from moment pop bait shops who choose to share how they make cakes and cookies on tiktok getting people through the door because of the videos at the post there too? independent businesses who tout their wares using the app and all of them rely on that personal connection that tiktok provides a ban on tiktok would touch more than half the american population. tiktok says, it's gotten more than 170 million users in the us it's replaced television for a lot of young people. this is where most people are getting young people especially are getting their video is where they're socializing with friends. it's where they're getting inspiration for new ideas. it's where they are putting themselves out there as creators, as for the demographics of tiktok, it's predominantly used by people between the ages of 18.34 experts say a ban inside the us could definitely affect how millions of americans spend their leisure time. >> the average american spends something like feature film length on tiktok every single day. its influence on american culture. observers say has been enormous. >> this is where entertainment this is where they the commentary and analysis of entertainment world happens. this is where education happens, but you can get educational videos. you can get news reports. many major organizations as well as politicians, including president biden has taken to the app, but a ban could also conceivably prevent the chinese communist party from using and tiktok to spy on americans or influence the upcoming election. something that director of national intelligence warned about when testifying on capitol hill this week, we cannot rule out that the ccp could use it, correct? >> now, tiktok has argued that a ban the us would have a huge impact on small and medium-sized businesses, creators, influencers, and advertisers. but analyst sara fischer says, maybe not. she points out that there are plenty of tiktok's competitors where people and businesses can go to place content and ads. wolf very interesting lots of stake right now brian todd, thank you very, very much. just ahead, the ntsb raises yet another red flag about boeing after a series of safety issues, concern fliers here in the united states and indeed around the world united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday, at nine on cnn. >> you should angie that you anti that i'm connecting with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well >> you can focus on the important step can see millions of ratings and reviews. so you can feel confident it means comparing quotes or booking at an upfront price so you can choose the best price for you because we want everyone to get the most that of their own get started today at >> roe sparks engineered for the spontaneous, a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra. and see alice faster 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the long haul new monday night at nine on hgtv >> write a report now says he's prepared to respond with nuclear weapons if the russian state is ever threatened, those remarks coming just before presidential elections in russia, this coming friday our chief global affairs correspondent matthew chance is in moscow for us. he's joining us live. matthew. so tell us what putin is saying >> yeah, it's the sort of rhetoric wolf that we've heard from the russian leader in the past is basically saying that russia wouldn't hesitate to use nuclear weapons if the existence of the russian state with threatened. but he also said that there's been no such need. so far. so on the one hand, playing down the possibility of a nuclear confrontation with heavily armed russia, heavily armed with nuclear weapons that is but also ratcheting up the tensions and issuing a warning to his rivals. principally, of course, the united states, that russia is still a military power and nuclear power to be reckoned with and shouldn't be pushed too far. take a listen i'm not sure three other our triad, the nuclear triad is more moderate than any other triad, and it's only us in the >> americans who have such triads to them in general, if we talk about the carriers in the number of warheads, we are more or less equal but he but hours or more modern payment that doesn't that they have it talking comparisons there between the russian and the american nuclear triad. but remember, we're just few days away now, wolf, from a presidential election. this country, vladimir putin isn't just talking to the world and talking to america. he's also talking to his own people at the message is trying to communicate to them is, look, i am the leader who is able to protect you against external threats, particularly the nato threat that many russians perceive from outside the borders of the country. wolf significant indeed, matthew chance in moscow for us. thank you very much joining us now, our chief national security analyst, jim sciutto, he's the author of a very important brand-new book entitled the return of great powers, russia, china, and the next world war. it really is an excellent book and thank you, and i want to get your thoughts on these latest threats about nuclear war that putin is delivering right now, because you have extensive reporting and your new book about these threats. >> we know it's not entirely empty rhetoric because there was a moment in late 2022 when the us was deeply concerned that russia was about to use a nuclear weapon in ukraine to the point where i'm told by us officials that they were preparing rigorously direct quote, for that very possibility. and marshall the world to get russia to move back from the nuclear brink, including enlisting the help of indian leaders and chinese leaders in xi jinping i asked us officials in reporting this book whether that fear has entirely dissipated. and here's what a senior us official told me in the book. he said, it's not something that is ever far from our minds. we continue to refine plans and it's not beyond the realm of possibility that we could be confronting at least the rising risk of this again, in the months ahead. so they are watching closely and they listened closely when putin speaks because oftentimes he means what he says, yes, certainly does. >> how worried >> are eastern european leaders right now, including some nato allies about putin's next target. if and it's a huge if, if russia were to win this war in ukraine, they will say very openly that we are next in effect, i spoke to the estonian prime minister kaja carlos extremely close to the russian threat, right on the russian border. and it's only 30 years ago that they won their independence of russia. so they speak with personal experience of what it's like to live under russian or of course, at that time soviet power. and she says, she said to me many times that in the east they understand russia better and that some of the western nato allies just don't see the threat to the degree that they do. she said to me the following for the book they have much better neighbors speaking of western european nato allies, they don't deal with this for them, the security issue is a nice intellectual conversation to be having. it's not an existential threat like it is for us. so she's calling the threat of russia existential because they believe that russia might very well make the decision to invade even a nato so ally, particularly if they get what they want, ukraine. >> and it's not just in europe that folks are worried right now about putin. you're also reported in the book that putins campaign in ukraine could embolden. let's say the chinese leadership president xi for example, to go ahead and invade taiwan. >> that's right wherever i >> went for this book. and that includes eastern europe, western europe, us officials. i spoke to here at the highest level, but also to asia. i spent time and taiwan for this book speaking to political leaders and commanders, all of them say that xi jinping in china are watching russia's experience in ukraine. so they could learn lessons one about how they might be able to win a similar war again let's taiwan, but also how the west reacts. and this is a quote from the cia director bill burns, saying that as russia has stumbled in ukraine, it's been more difficult than even he imagined that china might use that as a trigger to act more quickly against taiwan. this is what bill burns told me. he said xi, xi jinping's sort of like putin with ukraine starts to worry that his window is closing to achieve what he believes is his destiny, which is to control taiwan. that can lead to autocrats, especially in the absence of a lot of contrary views and their inner circle and anything else to make the kind of stupid decision that putin made it in ukraine, it's quite direct words from the cia director about just how serious that threat is, not just putin to ukraine, but china and xi to taiwan. >> and a lot of new reporting. this book. thank you very mike, you will. jim sciutto, our colleague here in the situation room, and to our viewers, be sure to check out jim's new book, the return of great the powers, russia, china, and the next world war. it's available right now also tonight, a very disturbing new snapshot of the deadly toll from the israel hamas war, the united nations now says more children were killed in four months of war in gaza than were killed during four years of war, worldwide. un says a total of 12,193 children were killed in all wars between 2,019.20, 22, compared to at least 12,300 children reportedly killed in gaza since the october 7 attack on israel through last month very disturbing indeed, we'll be right back >> the greatest stage they talk >> about lifetime brief round cbs for nearly a decade, i served in the navy supporting seal teams. today, i run sabo outdoors with fellow special operations veterans our mobile app connects customers 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what are we hearing from the ntsb right now? but its investigation of that door plug blowout on an alaska airlines plane? >> well, the woman leading this investigation is now putting boeing on blast. again, ntsb chair jennifer homendy says that boeing's lack of a paper trail is hampering this investigation. remember, the ntsb's preliminary report on the january that incident said this boeing did not re-install for critical door plug bolts before this 737 max nine was delivered to alaska airlines, the bolts were removed at the boeing factory in renton, washington for corrective work on another part of the blaine, the ntsb says boeing has not been able to produce the paperwork that details that work. here is what homedy says in her new update of the senators on the committee overseeing aviation, the absence of those records will complicate the ntsb's investigation moving forward, she also underscored that boeing hasn't been unable to locate the security footage of that work. boeing has responded there, wolff and says that it has supported the investigation from the start and continues to do so. >> i understand that a key piece of evidence on another boeing plane that experience what they call technical, technical error in new zealand has now been discovered. tell us about this investigation is really hitting its stride. it dovetails off of the door-plug investigation, but it involves a different airplane. it is not a 737 max-9. this was a boeing 787, a latam airlines plane that was flying from sydney to auckland, new zealand on monday, the crew told other passengers on board the plane that they experience some sort of technical event. and the latest development i'm going to hear is that authorities in new zealand have been able to recover the black boxes onboard that will be so key because the pilot said there displays what completely dark, causing them to briefly lose control of this plane. the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder will give investigators a lot of clues, especially the data recorder, which will show the airspeed, the altitude of the plane, the position of the controls, even the position of some of the switches on board the plane. and investigators can now really dig in those recorders have now been moved to a secure area. it's really chile or latam airlines is base that's leading this investigation. >> now, muntean, we are grateful to you. you really know your screen. thanks wolf. he knows aviation really well. coming up. the fate of james crumbley, the father of the michigan school shooter, ethan crumbley. now in the hands of a jury, we have details from today's dramatic closing arguments that's coming up right after it quickly >> your favorite rocket lot teams are back for and the burst emmer waterfront homeland animation showed you do this. it's time to sink or swim, to log all new monday, 99 on hgtv. >> and important message for >> americans age 50 to 85 my gosh, you're still using mom's old coffee 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final jury is six men and six women. the prosecution really hammered on the james crumbley was aware that his son had mental health issue choose, but nonetheless, bottom of gun. and the very last moments they morning of the mass shooting when he was presented at the school with the math worksheet that had bullets, blood everywhere. the world is dead. a stick figure, a gun that he should have taken him out of school even if he had to do doordash, he could put him in the front seat as he was making the deliveries and he should have gone home at that point to see if that gun was still there before the mass shooting. and that in and of itself is gross negligence causing the death of those four students. take a listen james crumbley was presented with the easiest, most glaring opportunities to prevent the deaths of these four students and he did nothing. >> james crumbley had no idea what his son was capable of he had no idea what his son was planning, and he had absolutely no idea that his son had access to those firearms >> so the strength of the defense is that witness after witness took the stand from the dean to the counselor, to the vice principal, who would know anything for a long time and they said, we never dreamed he would do this. the vice principal said, i've known him since elementary school sweet kid and other words, the defense is trying to show that et

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