Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

outfront tonight at seven on cnn >> cnn breaking news and you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. we begin this hour with breaking news up on capitol hill just minutes ago, house lawmakers passed a bill that could lead to a ban of the very popular social media platform tiktok here in the united states, if passed by the senate and then signed into law by president biden, the measure would give the company less than six months to sell to a non-chinese owner. if that doesn't happen, tiktok could be shutdown here in the united states china's calling the bill an act of bullying. users of the platform, which is widely popular, especially among younger americans, are rallying to try to protect it. let's begin our coverage up on capitol hill right now, our chief cnn congressional correspondent, manu raja, is watching all of this mono. this was a very rare overwhelming, bipartisan vote yes, i'm something you don't see in this very polarized political environment in these narrowly divided >> house, but overwhelming passage, a majority of both caucus and in the house voting to pass this bill, send it to the united states senate. ultimately, the vote count was 350 to vote members voting for it. there were 60 five members who voted against it that broke down 155 democrats voting, yes, 197 republicans voting yes, 50 democrats voted against it, 15 republicans voted no, even as donald trump, the former president, the parties presumptive nominee, he came out against trump, of course, had supported banning tiktok in the past, reversed his position, contended that could help facebook by banning tiktok also, he had recently had met with gop megadonor, who has a huge stake in tiktok, but nevertheless, republicans essentially brushed aside those concerns, including house republican leaders to get behind this effort. now in the senate side, there's some that's going to be the big question. what will happen there in the senate? this will move over there. and their top members in the senate who are uncertain about how this will play out because of the fact that they have issues with some of them a language in this bill, particularly naming a specific company which has raised some constitutional concerns among senators who may want to change this bill. i caught up with a couple of them earlier this week and they made clear that perhaps this bill will have to change as it works its way to the process. >> well, i still have concerns about naming a specific company in legislation, but it feels like this house bill has momentum. i've been in conversations with chairman gallagher and i think at the end of the day the most important thing is that we deal with the very real concern security concerns around tiktok, >> chinese communist party is very accomplished at playing whack-a-mole for example, you could eliminate tiktok, but they get opening up tomorrow tock tick, whatever you want to call it, and do the same thing >> now, mark warner and his top counterpart on the senate intelligence committee just put out his statement. wolf saying that we are encouraged by today's vote and they will work to try to get this bill passed through the senate and signed into law. but there are several versions of the bill in the senate to ban tiktok the majority leader in the senate, chuck schumer has indicated he's no in no rush to move ahead. wants to the committee process. so what, if we will take time in the senate and can it become law before the election was so many young voters concerned about this, that's a big question. and the weeks ahead wolf, 170 million users of tiktok here in the united states, 170 million people use tiktok right now, we'll see what happens in the senate, and then we'll see what president biden in does as far as signing it into law. mano roger, up on capitol hill. thank you very much. even before the first vote was cast on capitol hill earlier today, china's government lashed out at the bill and delivered some very strong words to the united states. cnn correspondent marc stewart is in beijing for us. he's joining us live right now. mark, you're getting reaction from china's foreign ministry. this morning. what are officials there? say >> i will have good morning. the messaging from beijing is very blunt. china is accusing the united states of acting like a bully. it's a point that came up when i was posing a question to a spokesperson from china's ministry of foreign affairs. i asked him, regardless of what happens today, there is this feeling of distrust by american lawmakers, by some members of the american public toward chinese companies. let's listen to what he had to say she nella kinga may voucher, don't me, even though the us has not found evidence on how >> tiktok and dangerous its national security. it has never stopped going after tiktok. such practice of resorting to acts of bullying. 11 could not succeed in fair competition, disrupts the normal operation the market. it turned reminds the confidence of international investors and sabotage is the global economic and trade order this will eventually backfire on the us itself. >> i also asked a follow up. i was curious about the role the chinese government was taking with tiktok. is it advising bytedance? the response that i was given was very much what you just heard, wolf? no further insight from the chinese government on that marc stewart in beijing for us, marc, thank you very, very much. we'll stay in close touch with you, joining us now, democratic congressman seth moulton of massachusetts. he's a key member of the house select committee on china. he's also a co-sponsor of this bill, which was just passed in the house, who voted in favor of passes? >> yes. wolf. >> give me your immediate reaction. objection to what we just heard from the chinese reaction, that this is going to backfire on you. >> i mean, first of all, it's pretty rich. i mean, the chinese have been bullying users on tiktok for years. it's just most users don't know it until they get it bad, like they put up something against the uyghur genocide or something like that. and suddenly their shadow banned from tiktok. of course, the other comment that chinese official made is that americans are somehow manipulating markets. well, that's what china does all day long. they subsidize state companies they don't have practice fair trade practices. they manipulate markets all the time and actually they brought on a great economic i'm a crisis as a result, so i'm not worried about our economy. i will be worried about china's, the bill passed the house. once again, 352 and favor 65 against one person voted present isn't it was a major bipartisan support. >> major bipartisan support if in fact it passed unanimously out of committee to get to the floor. it just shows that people really understand that this is a threat. you have 170 million americans, about 45% of the country getting their news who's on tiktok? i mean, look, in the middle of the cold war, we wouldn't have allowed the soviet union to own cnn. that's really what we're talking about here. we just don't want the chinese communist party owning tiktok, owning all of americans pride private data on tiktok and manipulating the feeds that they get. so this is not a bill to ban tiktok. they just need to sell tiktok to an american owner. and i think tiktok will get a lot better as a result. >> are you confident that the senate will pass this legislation because the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, he seems to be delaying it at least a little bit. >> well, i mean, i've been in washington long enough to learn the eu you don't really count on the senate to do anything quickly but i do think there is strong momentum here. it's clearly a bipartisan consensus. and one of the things that i've noticed over time about china is that there's a strong correlation between those who are willing to take action on china doing things like banning tiktok and simply access to intelligence. in other words, once you see the intelligence reports and you understand all this stuff that china's doing behind this scenes. you're much more likely to get on board with this. i suspect there are members of the senate who need to get briefed up on just how dangerous china's control of tiktok can be. and then you'll see even more support than i was interested in. your democratic colleague, maxwell frost. and i assume you know him now, is raising concerns about the potential impact of this bill in young voters. voters listen to this i don't think it'll be helpful with young voters, but you know, my argument here, yes, it has to do with young people, >> but taking a step back, i just think it's bad policy and fixing this problem that we do have to fix what's your reaction 27? >> well, first of all, this is about our national security. this is about protecting american values, freedom of speech, and are having a foreign communist party regulating what americans can say online. all of that is more important than just catering to young voters. but i do know that there are a lot of young americans, whether you vote or not, who are concerned about this. and i just want to emphasize wolf, this is not a ban. were just saying to china you have to sell this, sell it to an american company. and then guess what, tiktok is not going to be manipulated by the chinese he's communist party. it's actually going to be more representative of americans, more representative of tiktok users. i think people will see tiktok improve after sale happens. >> congressman seth moulton, thanks very much for coming in. thanks very much for joining us. good to see you all appreciate it very much. still ahead. there's breaking news out of georgia right now. the judge in fulton county just dismissed some of the charges against donald trump and his co-defendants will head there for an update that's coming up next united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn >> 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you tell us >> well, wolf, this is a 41.41 count indictment. now, six of those charges have been dismissed. the charges having to deal with the defendants allegedly trying to get public officials to violate their oath of office. and this is a big victory as defendants wait for the decision from scott mcafee, the judge in this case as to whether he's going to remove fani willis? he went out of his way in this order though to say that this does not dismiss the indictment, but it does dismiss six of those 41 counts. and i want to read here what he had to say about why he decided to issue this order, saying, quote, the court's concern is less that the state has failed to alleged sufficient conduct of the defendants. in fact, it is alleged and abundance. however, the lack of detail concerning and essential legal element is in the undersides opinion, fatal. so basically the judges saying that the da's office didn't do it good enough job to prove what the alleged crimes at these defendants were trying to solicit from these public officials to prove their case. so now these charges have been thrown out to be clear, though we are still waiting for scott mcafee is deceased vision as to whether he's going to remove fani willis from this case, that decision he indicated could happen by the end of this week. >> well, lots going on. nick valencia, donna elana. thank you very much. let's discuss this and more with cnn chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid, cnn senior political analyst, gloria borger, cnn political commentator they run republican strategist, shermichael singleton and cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, elliot williams polo me, go to you first. hunter biden is in the news all of a sudden right now. he's declining an invitation to come in, appear before the house oversight committee. >> that's right. as you probably remember, late last month, he testified behind closed doors before the house oversight committee testified for about six hours. when it came out of that hearing, it was clear that republicans didn't get what they had hoped from him. he was not helpful to their ongoing efforts to investigate the biden family. now, before the closed door hearing, hunter biden and his lawyers had said that they would be willing to do a public hearing. they said they wanted the american hurricane public to be able to hear hunter side of the story. let agree to the behind closed door interview following that behind closed door appearance chairman comer said that he believed that there would be a public hearing said next up, we're going to hear from hunter biden publicly, but now the hunter biden team has declined an invitation for hunter to appear alongside some other discredited business this associates. and right now they're focused on the idea that look, if hunter biden is going to continue to face questions about this, jared kushner should too, if we're going to talk about foreign influence peddling. now the hunter biden camp's approaches. all right, that's fine. if you have a hearing with jared kushner, hunter biden will show up to because originally a hunter biden correct me if i'm wrong or hunter biden's team said they we want to testify, but only before the public open hearing and not behind closed doors. >> exactly. it's been a long winding path to get to any hearing at all, but it started out with an invitation to do it behind closed door deposition. hunter biden's team said, no, it will only be public, but after a few high-profile stunts by a hunter biden and his lawyers showing up on announced on the hill, even showing up to a hearing on contempt against hunter biden. look, they played hardball and eventually they did agree to do this behind closed doors interview with hunter, but it was because they've got some pretty good terms, including having the transcript of that interview released pretty quickly thereafter. so republicans could spin what he said. >> but then there was the square question. all right. are you ever going to do the public hearing and right now, the invitation that hunter biden has received, again, it's not just him. it's other business associates who have been discredited. that's going to be the panel that would appear publicly, hunter biden's team said, we'll pass. but if you want to do a hearing with jared kushner and hunter biden will be there i don't think i don't think jared kushner and would show up first of all, i don't think so. and also, he's already testified. >> i >> mean, he's already testified what's the purpose of having him testify again, if it's not for show we'll see what happens on that front. lots going on. elie, let's talk about the other breaking news we're following the judge in the georgia election case, throwing out some, not all, but some of the charges against donald trump and his co-defendants. how significant is this? >> it's bad for the prosecution, but not fatal. and any prosecutor bringing a case look, it's frustrating getting to have charges thrown out that you spent months working on putting before a grand jury, and so on. there's a couple things. number one, the judge all but invites the prosecutors to refile these charges. they have what, a six month period in which they can refile the charges and the issue here is that the indictments weren't sufficiently specific as to some of the counts. right. and you can correct that it's not like the judge found that there was no possible set of circumstances under which these charges can be filed. so it's really up to the prosecutors to decide whether to bring these charges. again, the one sort of bit of intrigue and interesting aspect of it is now with these six charges dismissed, mark meadows now only has the racketeering charge against him. he'd been charged with two offenses. this violation of oath and racketeering the violation of oath charges now out so there's really only one count that applies to mark meadows in the indictment as the exists today. >> that's a significant count, though. yeah, that's a big one. that's the big ones that i believe. yeah. >> what's your take? >> well, this doesn't throw out the raffensberger count. you know, former president trump calling brad raffensperger asking for what was his 11,700 good votes, right? i mean, that is still contained in this in terms of being a violation of one's oath of office to have made that call? no, that's not i mean, it's not a charge anymore now that now the judge is also clear that all of the conduct in these in these charges that were tossed still can apply to other charges. it's just this specific crime in georgia of violating one's oath of office. >> so what would that come under them? >> but that's the thing. it's because the oath of office in georgia is pretty broad. this prosecutors didn't say what aspect of their oath was violated here, was it? i don't know, pledging to take care and defend and protect the georgia state constitution or whatever else. all prosecutors have to do if they wish to proceed is just say we are charging you with the crime of violation of your both because on this date, this is the way you broke the oath that you swore to and it would probably stand up in court. >> you're michael, how do you see it? >> i mean, look, wolf, i think for most americans principally concerned with a few other things. i think the idea of donald trump and the police political court cases that are pending or sort of baked in for the most part, it's entry gets a lot of chaos, but i think when you compare that to other things such as the economy, immigration, i think most viewers politically, we see that as a sort of set aside. i think many republican voters are going to come to the aid he didn't rally behind the former president because they see this through the lens of sort of political prosecution, if you will, for independent voters, i think the president and republicans have to articulate other important things under president biden. sure. you have a job, but you've seen an erosion of your spending power. maybe you're a younger person graduated from college, you can't afford to buy your first home, so they can articulate that message. you sort of remove the focus from the court trials and back to some of those more tangible things that really impact people's day-to-day lives. >> really important point here is you have two lawyers on the panel now who just can't recovering lawyers who spent two minutes explaining a somewhat arcane provision in georgia law in an indictment, what trump and his supporters are going to hear here is, we wondered, am ct, they're throwing it all away. this is all junk and it's easy to reduce this, to share michael's point to a political issue. it's yes, there's an important charge tossed from the indictment. it's not it's not a huge one, but it's a victory for trump and they can spin it as a victory it was ever thus, everything is a victory, right? >> go ahead, paula. >> it's also so chaotic down there, right? i mean, if we step aside from just the charges themselves, it's the political atmosphere surrounding this case completely, unlike the other three criminal prosecutions, he's facing, these efforts to disqualify fani willis, even if they were not successful with removing thank her from the case, they have certainly tainted the view of this prosecution. this is something that even the average american voter who's not paying attention to all of his legal issues, they would wait a second. you had a romantic relationship? russian ship with a person who's overseeing this. they received hundreds of thousands of dollars. and even as lawyers, while we can explain what some of that may not have met the standard that has been set for disqualification. there's an ick factor and it's not just trump, right? who is on trial in these cases? it is the pegoretti, the trust of the justice system. and that's the biggest problem down in georgia. it's just such a chaotic mess. >> and one more thing to add on top of that, judge, as he's writing this this opinion is up for reelection and there's no there's we have no reason to suggest he's not acting in an above board proper manner, calling balls and strikes as he season, but he's still in a political campaign himself, gave public, it just gave a public interview and it's, it's that's the great tragedy in many jurors distinctions in this country that you make judges run. and that was pretty extraordinary for this judge and high-profile sitting trial like this is doing public interviews, in effect, campaigning papers real modeling. >> we've also seen two challengers potentially to fani willis that have come out and say that they're going to challenge her because they now don't believe that she has the best interests or the ability to really lead. and so you are seeing to paula's point and also to your point, to politicization of this of people said, wait a minute here. if i was on my job, what i still have a job, if i display this type of behavior, i think the answer is no. oh, >> yeah, paula, there's gonna be interesting development tomorrow. trump is expected to be in court. tell us about that. so this is for the mar-a-lago classified >> documents case. the allegations that he mishandled those documents and tried to obstruct efforts to get them back. >> and >> the judge tomorrow, she's going to hear arguments about motions to dismiss these charges. now, we don't expect that the case is going to be completely dismissed, but all of these cases, the big question is timing, right? i hearing here are filing there are a few days, a few weeks. >> the goal >> of the trump team is and has always been to get the two federal cases of which this is one pushed past the election. why did they want to get a post pass the election? well, if trump is reelected, he can make both of those cases go away what we're watching for tomorrow is we don't really expect the charges will be dismissed. we're looking for any clues as to when this case this is going to go to trial because i was there a week or two, i lose track down in fort pierce when the judge was hearing arguments about how far back to delay this case, what we're really watching down there is when aileen cannon, the judge, the trump appointed judge, puts this case on the trial. just on the calendar because again, it's it's getting pretty close to the election, but i will say something that was really interesting last time i was down there as the justice department revealed that they are open to bringing that case even within the two months before the election that was an open question. how close to the election are you willing to go? usually they don't take investigative steps that close to an election in a case that could impact the outcome. but the fact that the justice department is willing to take this case to trial, maybe in september or october that is significant, but ultimately it's up to the judge to decide when this goes both biden and trump now have more than enough delegates to become their respective nominees. and biden tomorrow is going to be in wisconsin to state that he narrowly won in 2020. and polls right now show that he's behind can trump in wisconsin, at least some of the reasons he's behind trump in a lot of the states he won in 2020, and that's a real problem for him. and what he's got to do is get his constituents sichuan seize back under the tent. and that's not easy. and what he's trying to do right now, we see it every day is make this a choice election and daughter, in that case, donald trump almost becomes the incumbent and you're running against donald trump. so he's reminding people of the chaos under donald trump is nikki haley would put it. and then he's got to explain to them what he's done for people. prescription drug benefits. and so lowering the cost of insulin for seniors and all the rest of it. and tell them what his vision is for the future and what he's going to do for them in the future. >> but >> i think what we're hearing now is that he's telling people i'm the optimistic candidate. i'm not the candidate who has this dystopian vision about america and this country. the other day, donald trump said, america is dying >> you're all set on this system, we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like number one shift dad cook it up a free hot breakfast for the entire family and a comfort hotel i made this. >> i >> added the garnish stay twice and get a free night when you booked direct. >> this is our future go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts in minutes >> ai, ai who wants to come see the get your business online in minutes with godaddy arrow >> meet noodles. >> she's part of short hair and part ninja. >> meet the bissell cross wave hydro steam. it's part vacuum mom steamer and 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scheduled maintenance of this boeing seven 30-7 >> the bottom line here is that this plane should never have left a boeing factory. would that look? critical for door plug bolts that hold that door plug onto the airplane. but now investigators have this new question to ask would this scheduled maintenance check the night of the blowout have caught that omission by boeing, would previous pressurization system warnings and the cockpit have led to a check on the door-plug, the ntsb he has said those warnings were unrelated to the block, but it's something no doubt the ntsb will dig into. they have the maintenance records from this airplane. let's look at the timeline here and the preliminary report from the national transportation safety board. this plane was delivered to alaska airlines october 31, halloween day 2023, on december 7th, there was the first pressurization good morning in the cockpit, and then two days before the door plug blowout and the day before the door plug blowout, there was another pressurization system morning and then on january 5, that is one the door plug blew out of this flight, alaska airlines flight 11, 82. now alaska airlines is disclosing this for the first time after this reporting by the new york for times and in a statement, alaska airlines says, we remain confident in our maintenance and safety actions leading up to the incident. we look forward to continuing our participation in a robust investigation led by the ntsb to ensure shoveling like this can never happen. again. this is only the start of what will be a huge probe by the ntsb. and just yesterday today at announced what it called an investigative hearing that will be held publicly in august that means the ntsb can subpoena parties to testify that could include officials from boeing. this is very, very rare, typically reserved for the biggest incidents that have been in the public eye, like the east palestine real disaster, like the miracle on the hudson? no now, wolf, a lot of interest in this, in a lot of people will be watching this hearing on august 6 and seventh potentially related development involving boeing. there was the death of this boeing whistleblower and it's raising all sorts of questions. tell us about there were a lot of conspiracy theories out there online. here are the facts. john barnett was this whistleblower. he is a longtime former employee who raise concerns about the charleston boeing facility in south carolina that builds the 787. here's what police say. barnett was found dead in his truck in a hotel parking lot with what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. his lawyers say it was in the middle of a multi-day deposition in a whistleblower lawsuit, and they say he was in very good spirits and really looking forward to putting this phase of his life behind him and moving on. his lawyers say we don't see any indication that he would take his own life. it's important to note here, boeing offered its condolences in a statement, a sad incident that raises concerns about boeing's manufacturing processes. they were the spotlight all the time. this could be just something that is coincidental when it comes to timing, >> very, very sad. indeed, our pete muntean as usual, thank you very, very much. and this note to our viewers, if you or someone, you know, is struggling with mental health, help is available, you can call or text 988 or visit 988 lifeline dot org for free and confidential support. still ahead. a chilling new warning from vladimir putin. he says, russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if there's a threat. as ukraine carries out its biggest series of drone attacks overnight stay with us. you're in the cnn newsroom >> backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, t the store united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn >> the whole breed ready to swarm. ready to stay. the defiant power-packed all new hybrid electric dodge hornet rt performance electrified, 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this is a message for russia as domestic audience or putin's domestic audience. and he did say this in an interview with kremlin controlled a tv. and i think part of it is due to the fact that right now for the russians on the battlefield, while they feel that they do have the initiative on the battlefield, they certainly have made some territorial gains over the past couple of weeks, or even the past couple of months still the war is dragging on a lot longer than many russians would have hoped. and a lot of russians at home are also feeling the economic pinch of the sanctions that have been placed on russia by the us and its allies. so essentially what vladimir putin is trying to portray saying, look, there are some hardships, but russia is still a grand nation and one with a massive nuclear arsenal rivaling the united states. and he even claimed one that is more moderate than the nuclear arsenal of the united states. i want to listen to some of what vladimir putin had to say. >> i'm not sure three other, our triad and the whole nuclear element is more modern. in general, if we talk about the carriers and numbers of warheads, we are more or less equal, but hours or more modern. everybody knows this. all experts know this we just saw putin there saying that russia's nuclear weapons are more modern than those of the united states. of course, also quite frankly, a message to washington not to mess with russia and not to get further involved. and ukraine, wolf fred, we also learned this morning that ukraine is stepping up its drone attacks against russia by targeting various oil refineries. what can you tell us about that? >> yeah, apparently overnight the russians were saying that the ukrainians launched the largest drone attack that they have so far in the entire war onto russian territory. of course, we've seen a lot of those russian drones launched towards ukrainian territory, ukrainian saying that they hit some key and large oil refineries of the russians, including some very far away from ukrainian controlled territory.moscowanother one, as say, was in the leningrad oblast, which of course is the area around st. petersburg that is extreme keenly far away from ukrainian controlled territory and goes to show apparently the ukrainians do have some long distance strike capabilities with those unmanned aerial vehicles. of course, this is something where the ukrainian say this is part of a larger strategy that they have, the russians of course, very angry about all of this wolf fred pleitgen reporting for us, fred, thank you very much for that update. there's other news we're following and news that's new this morning, the united states has deployed a marine anti-terrorism team to bolster security at the us embassy in haiti. as that nation continues to descend into chaos, haiti is in a state of emergency as criminal still gangs are terrorizing the capital city of port-au-prince. prime minister ariel henry has announced he will resign amid intense international pressure. let's discuss what's going on in haiti with jacqueline charles caribbean correspondent for the miami herald. she's been reporting on the region for more than a decade, jacqueline. thank you so much for joining us. and i want to start with this finding finding a plan to govern haiti. where does that situation stand right now, what's going on >> well, right now, we are waiting to see the names that will emerge from this line number grew seven of whom will have voting rights to will be observers at the miami herald so to story dated says, well, the nations are still having disagreements, questioning whether or not this plan will even work. so they were given 24 hours to get the name sets of late last night. they had not but we're waiting to see what happens next. >> jacqueline, as you know, separate gangs have banded together and they are terrorizing the country of haiti. what's the plan to secure the country? first of all, and to actually make it safe well, that's been the debate. >> i mean, >> we have a political crisis and we have a security crisis and whether or not this political transition is going to come. the gang sound, they do not have a seat at the table currently, the us is putting a lot of weight in a multinational security support mission out of kenya. but there we saw the king says that are pausing this because of the announcement from the prime minister and the fact that once he resigned do you have to read a new deal with this new government, or can a proceed in money that the us has promised and they have not been able to get from some republican lawmakers who have questions about this mission i thought it was interesting that the prime minister of jamaica not too far away posted online that people need to care about what's happening in haiti right now, >> because trouble in haiti could mean trouble in jamaica. for those who don't necessarily follow the region all that closely, why is that his warning? >> well, that's a warning for all of these caribbean leaders. i mean, haiti shares the island of hispanola with the dominican republic, its closest neighbor, and d, but jamaica has already seen where they have guns for gunja trade. the concern is that the insecurity there will either have people take boats and try to go to those islands, which we have started to see or that you will get some of these gang members and other individuals. flooding is caribbean nations as a real concern that what's happening in haiti is a threat to regional security yeah, it's very, very disturbing for those of us who love the caribbean especially jacqueline charles. thanks for all your important work. we really appreciate it. thank you very, very much. and just ahead, a half $1,000,000 investment designed to protect beach front homes washed away. get this and just one day hi, one town is trying to fight climate change. and losing stay with us here in the cnn newsroom >> via a headliner, las vegas that's what i 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we're right near the new hampshire border here and talking to locals who've been coming here since the '60s. they say their kids used to play at at the shoreline way in the distance there, but nearby year, the tides have crept up as a result so of about nine inches of sea level rise in massachusetts, you if you own a beach house, you own the beach tactically. and so you split it with the state. the line is somewhere around here, and the state does not put sand on private property. so it was really became incumbent on the folks here to protect themselves from freakish storms that have been coming more frequently, more back-to-back. and so they pulled together about 600,000 bucks. they brought in 15,000 tons of sand. if you get a sense of it, it came out and filled up the bottom of this staircase here. and in that one storm that so this stand historically would lasted them for three years. would it protect their home? but just days after completing it, half of it washed away $300,000 worth of sand washed away in a single storm, which is obviously very troubling for these folks. some neighbors opted not to buy into the fortification project like this. home here and you can see what happened. the waves went right into the living room as a result. so it is really the haves versus the have-nots but this is wolf, only one of 79 towns and cities in massachusetts that are in this coastal surge zone. and so protecting all of them would cause tens of billions of dollars right now. so these very hard conversations are taking place even along here where the head of the community organization that raises money doesn't told me he doesn't believe in climate change. he thinks that this is just bad luck and that it'll be clear sailing from here on, other neighbors aren't so sure. and are thinking about the long-term prospects of at this current rate, they can see waves going up over and across this very thin little island into the wetlands on the other side so what are the next steps, bill, any hope of saving this place >> it just comes down to money at this point, wolf, if they keep trucking in san, they can fight it, but at a certain point, can you afford $1 a year and sand and again, with 78 other beach towns in similar situation patients. so they're meeting, trying to figure out they're really hopeful that the state helps them out because a lot of their sand ended up on the state side of the beach. there. but it's really just a microcosm of what's happening on coastal communities around the world. >> officially, they're >> preparing this state for two-and-a-half feet of sea level rise by the middle of the century >> so what else are you hearing from residents over there where you are in massachusetts? bill, especially when they seem to some of them seem to be skeptics of climate change it's really interesting and if you have that mindset that this is just a temporary disaster. and that this place will >> be here for generations to come that's very different from folks who look at the signs and say we're fighting a losing battle over time, but the person who's ahead of this organization, a gentleman named tom saba is also a real estate agent, so he has an investment emotionally, financially in this community and saving it. he's the guy that rally these neighbors together to bring in the sand that did save these houses so you need that sort of belief in a place to defend it. >> but to what point? right? >> and it's interesting that talking to people who've been living next door to each other for generations, don't really talk about the climate change discussion, but it's being forced upon them more and more with events like this. >> very disturbing indeed, bill weir, we always appreciate your expertise. thank you very, very much. and to our viewers, thanks very much for joining us. i'm wolf blitzer. i'll be back later tonight, 06:00 p.m. eastern in the situation room, right back here tomorrow, 11:00 a.m. hey, i'm in the cnn 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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outfront tonight at seven on cnn >> cnn breaking news and you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. we begin this hour with breaking news up on capitol hill just minutes ago, house lawmakers passed a bill that could lead to a ban of the very popular social media platform tiktok here in the united states, if passed by the senate and then signed into law by president biden, the measure would give the company less than six months to sell to a non-chinese owner. if that doesn't happen, tiktok could be shutdown here in the united states china's calling the bill an act of bullying. users of the platform, which is widely popular, especially among younger americans, are rallying to try to protect it. let's begin our coverage up on capitol hill right now, our chief cnn congressional correspondent, manu raja, is watching all of this mono. this was a very rare overwhelming, bipartisan vote yes, i'm something you don't see in this very polarized political environment in these narrowly divided >> house, but overwhelming passage, a majority of both caucus and in the house voting to pass this bill, send it to the united states senate. ultimately, the vote count was 350 to vote members voting for it. there were 60 five members who voted against it that broke down 155 democrats voting, yes, 197 republicans voting yes, 50 democrats voted against it, 15 republicans voted no, even as donald trump, the former president, the parties presumptive nominee, he came out against trump, of course, had supported banning tiktok in the past, reversed his position, contended that could help facebook by banning tiktok also, he had recently had met with gop megadonor, who has a huge stake in tiktok, but nevertheless, republicans essentially brushed aside those concerns, including house republican leaders to get behind this effort. now in the senate side, there's some that's going to be the big question. what will happen there in the senate? this will move over there. and their top members in the senate who are uncertain about how this will play out because of the fact that they have issues with some of them a language in this bill, particularly naming a specific company which has raised some constitutional concerns among senators who may want to change this bill. i caught up with a couple of them earlier this week and they made clear that perhaps this bill will have to change as it works its way to the process. >> well, i still have concerns about naming a specific company in legislation, but it feels like this house bill has momentum. i've been in conversations with chairman gallagher and i think at the end of the day the most important thing is that we deal with the very real concern security concerns around tiktok, >> chinese communist party is very accomplished at playing whack-a-mole for example, you could eliminate tiktok, but they get opening up tomorrow tock tick, whatever you want to call it, and do the same thing >> now, mark warner and his top counterpart on the senate intelligence committee just put out his statement. wolf saying that we are encouraged by today's vote and they will work to try to get this bill passed through the senate and signed into law. but there are several versions of the bill in the senate to ban tiktok the majority leader in the senate, chuck schumer has indicated he's no in no rush to move ahead. wants to the committee process. so what, if we will take time in the senate and can it become law before the election was so many young voters concerned about this, that's a big question. and the weeks ahead wolf, 170 million users of tiktok here in the united states, 170 million people use tiktok right now, we'll see what happens in the senate, and then we'll see what president biden in does as far as signing it into law. mano roger, up on capitol hill. thank you very much. even before the first vote was cast on capitol hill earlier today, china's government lashed out at the bill and delivered some very strong words to the united states. cnn correspondent marc stewart is in beijing for us. he's joining us live right now. mark, you're getting reaction from china's foreign ministry. this morning. what are officials there? say >> i will have good morning. the messaging from beijing is very blunt. china is accusing the united states of acting like a bully. it's a point that came up when i was posing a question to a spokesperson from china's ministry of foreign affairs. i asked him, regardless of what happens today, there is this feeling of distrust by american lawmakers, by some members of the american public toward chinese companies. let's listen to what he had to say she nella kinga may voucher, don't me, even though the us has not found evidence on how >> tiktok and dangerous its national security. it has never stopped going after tiktok. such practice of resorting to acts of bullying. 11 could not succeed in fair competition, disrupts the normal operation the market. it turned reminds the confidence of international investors and sabotage is the global economic and trade order this will eventually backfire on the us itself. >> i also asked a follow up. i was curious about the role the chinese government was taking with tiktok. is it advising bytedance? the response that i was given was very much what you just heard, wolf? no further insight from the chinese government on that marc stewart in beijing for us, marc, thank you very, very much. we'll stay in close touch with you, joining us now, democratic congressman seth moulton of massachusetts. he's a key member of the house select committee on china. he's also a co-sponsor of this bill, which was just passed in the house, who voted in favor of passes? >> yes. wolf. >> give me your immediate reaction. objection to what we just heard from the chinese reaction, that this is going to backfire on you. >> i mean, first of all, it's pretty rich. i mean, the chinese have been bullying users on tiktok for years. it's just most users don't know it until they get it bad, like they put up something against the uyghur genocide or something like that. and suddenly their shadow banned from tiktok. of course, the other comment that chinese official made is that americans are somehow manipulating markets. well, that's what china does all day long. they subsidize state companies they don't have practice fair trade practices. they manipulate markets all the time and actually they brought on a great economic i'm a crisis as a result, so i'm not worried about our economy. i will be worried about china's, the bill passed the house. once again, 352 and favor 65 against one person voted present isn't it was a major bipartisan support. >> major bipartisan support if in fact it passed unanimously out of committee to get to the floor. it just shows that people really understand that this is a threat. you have 170 million americans, about 45% of the country getting their news who's on tiktok? i mean, look, in the middle of the cold war, we wouldn't have allowed the soviet union to own cnn. that's really what we're talking about here. we just don't want the chinese communist party owning tiktok, owning all of americans pride private data on tiktok and manipulating the feeds that they get. so this is not a bill to ban tiktok. they just need to sell tiktok to an american owner. and i think tiktok will get a lot better as a result. >> are you confident that the senate will pass this legislation because the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, he seems to be delaying it at least a little bit. >> well, i mean, i've been in washington long enough to learn the eu you don't really count on the senate to do anything quickly but i do think there is strong momentum here. it's clearly a bipartisan consensus. and one of the things that i've noticed over time about china is that there's a strong correlation between those who are willing to take action on china doing things like banning tiktok and simply access to intelligence. in other words, once you see the intelligence reports and you understand all this stuff that china's doing behind this scenes. you're much more likely to get on board with this. i suspect there are members of the senate who need to get briefed up on just how dangerous china's control of tiktok can be. and then you'll see even more support than i was interested in. your democratic colleague, maxwell frost. and i assume you know him now, is raising concerns about the potential impact of this bill in young voters. voters listen to this i don't think it'll be helpful with young voters, but you know, my argument here, yes, it has to do with young people, >> but taking a step back, i just think it's bad policy and fixing this problem that we do have to fix what's your reaction 27? >> well, first of all, this is about our national security. this is about protecting american values, freedom of speech, and are having a foreign communist party regulating what americans can say online. all of that is more important than just catering to young voters. but i do know that there are a lot of young americans, whether you vote or not, who are concerned about this. and i just want to emphasize wolf, this is not a ban. were just saying to china you have to sell this, sell it to an american company. and then guess what, tiktok is not going to be manipulated by the chinese he's communist party. it's actually going to be more representative of americans, more representative of tiktok users. i think people will see tiktok improve after sale happens. >> congressman seth moulton, thanks very much for coming in. thanks very much for joining us. good to see you all appreciate it very much. still ahead. there's breaking news out of georgia right now. the judge in fulton county just dismissed some of the charges against donald trump and his co-defendants will head there for an update that's coming up next united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn >> 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you tell us >> well, wolf, this is a 41.41 count indictment. now, six of those charges have been dismissed. the charges having to deal with the defendants allegedly trying to get public officials to violate their oath of office. and this is a big victory as defendants wait for the decision from scott mcafee, the judge in this case as to whether he's going to remove fani willis? he went out of his way in this order though to say that this does not dismiss the indictment, but it does dismiss six of those 41 counts. and i want to read here what he had to say about why he decided to issue this order, saying, quote, the court's concern is less that the state has failed to alleged sufficient conduct of the defendants. in fact, it is alleged and abundance. however, the lack of detail concerning and essential legal element is in the undersides opinion, fatal. so basically the judges saying that the da's office didn't do it good enough job to prove what the alleged crimes at these defendants were trying to solicit from these public officials to prove their case. so now these charges have been thrown out to be clear, though we are still waiting for scott mcafee is deceased vision as to whether he's going to remove fani willis from this case, that decision he indicated could happen by the end of this week. >> well, lots going on. nick valencia, donna elana. thank you very much. let's discuss this and more with cnn chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid, cnn senior political analyst, gloria borger, cnn political commentator they run republican strategist, shermichael singleton and cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, elliot williams polo me, go to you first. hunter biden is in the news all of a sudden right now. he's declining an invitation to come in, appear before the house oversight committee. >> that's right. as you probably remember, late last month, he testified behind closed doors before the house oversight committee testified for about six hours. when it came out of that hearing, it was clear that republicans didn't get what they had hoped from him. he was not helpful to their ongoing efforts to investigate the biden family. now, before the closed door hearing, hunter biden and his lawyers had said that they would be willing to do a public hearing. they said they wanted the american hurricane public to be able to hear hunter side of the story. let agree to the behind closed door interview following that behind closed door appearance chairman comer said that he believed that there would be a public hearing said next up, we're going to hear from hunter biden publicly, but now the hunter biden team has declined an invitation for hunter to appear alongside some other discredited business this associates. and right now they're focused on the idea that look, if hunter biden is going to continue to face questions about this, jared kushner should too, if we're going to talk about foreign influence peddling. now the hunter biden camp's approaches. all right, that's fine. if you have a hearing with jared kushner, hunter biden will show up to because originally a hunter biden correct me if i'm wrong or hunter biden's team said they we want to testify, but only before the public open hearing and not behind closed doors. >> exactly. it's been a long winding path to get to any hearing at all, but it started out with an invitation to do it behind closed door deposition. hunter biden's team said, no, it will only be public, but after a few high-profile stunts by a hunter biden and his lawyers showing up on announced on the hill, even showing up to a hearing on contempt against hunter biden. look, they played hardball and eventually they did agree to do this behind closed doors interview with hunter, but it was because they've got some pretty good terms, including having the transcript of that interview released pretty quickly thereafter. so republicans could spin what he said. >> but then there was the square question. all right. are you ever going to do the public hearing and right now, the invitation that hunter biden has received, again, it's not just him. it's other business associates who have been discredited. that's going to be the panel that would appear publicly, hunter biden's team said, we'll pass. but if you want to do a hearing with jared kushner and hunter biden will be there i don't think i don't think jared kushner and would show up first of all, i don't think so. and also, he's already testified. >> i >> mean, he's already testified what's the purpose of having him testify again, if it's not for show we'll see what happens on that front. lots going on. elie, let's talk about the other breaking news we're following the judge in the georgia election case, throwing out some, not all, but some of the charges against donald trump and his co-defendants. how significant is this? >> it's bad for the prosecution, but not fatal. and any prosecutor bringing a case look, it's frustrating getting to have charges thrown out that you spent months working on putting before a grand jury, and so on. there's a couple things. number one, the judge all but invites the prosecutors to refile these charges. they have what, a six month period in which they can refile the charges and the issue here is that the indictments weren't sufficiently specific as to some of the counts. right. and you can correct that it's not like the judge found that there was no possible set of circumstances under which these charges can be filed. so it's really up to the prosecutors to decide whether to bring these charges. again, the one sort of bit of intrigue and interesting aspect of it is now with these six charges dismissed, mark meadows now only has the racketeering charge against him. he'd been charged with two offenses. this violation of oath and racketeering the violation of oath charges now out so there's really only one count that applies to mark meadows in the indictment as the exists today. >> that's a significant count, though. yeah, that's a big one. that's the big ones that i believe. yeah. >> what's your take? >> well, this doesn't throw out the raffensberger count. you know, former president trump calling brad raffensperger asking for what was his 11,700 good votes, right? i mean, that is still contained in this in terms of being a violation of one's oath of office to have made that call? no, that's not i mean, it's not a charge anymore now that now the judge is also clear that all of the conduct in these in these charges that were tossed still can apply to other charges. it's just this specific crime in georgia of violating one's oath of office. >> so what would that come under them? >> but that's the thing. it's because the oath of office in georgia is pretty broad. this prosecutors didn't say what aspect of their oath was violated here, was it? i don't know, pledging to take care and defend and protect the georgia state constitution or whatever else. all prosecutors have to do if they wish to proceed is just say we are charging you with the crime of violation of your both because on this date, this is the way you broke the oath that you swore to and it would probably stand up in court. >> you're michael, how do you see it? >> i mean, look, wolf, i think for most americans principally concerned with a few other things. i think the idea of donald trump and the police political court cases that are pending or sort of baked in for the most part, it's entry gets a lot of chaos, but i think when you compare that to other things such as the economy, immigration, i think most viewers politically, we see that as a sort of set aside. i think many republican voters are going to come to the aid he didn't rally behind the former president because they see this through the lens of sort of political prosecution, if you will, for independent voters, i think the president and republicans have to articulate other important things under president biden. sure. you have a job, but you've seen an erosion of your spending power. maybe you're a younger person graduated from college, you can't afford to buy your first home, so they can articulate that message. you sort of remove the focus from the court trials and back to some of those more tangible things that really impact people's day-to-day lives. >> really important point here is you have two lawyers on the panel now who just can't recovering lawyers who spent two minutes explaining a somewhat arcane provision in georgia law in an indictment, what trump and his supporters are going to hear here is, we wondered, am ct, they're throwing it all away. this is all junk and it's easy to reduce this, to share michael's point to a political issue. it's yes, there's an important charge tossed from the indictment. it's not it's not a huge one, but it's a victory for trump and they can spin it as a victory it was ever thus, everything is a victory, right? >> go ahead, paula. >> it's also so chaotic down there, right? i mean, if we step aside from just the charges themselves, it's the political atmosphere surrounding this case completely, unlike the other three criminal prosecutions, he's facing, these efforts to disqualify fani willis, even if they were not successful with removing thank her from the case, they have certainly tainted the view of this prosecution. this is something that even the average american voter who's not paying attention to all of his legal issues, they would wait a second. you had a romantic relationship? russian ship with a person who's overseeing this. they received hundreds of thousands of dollars. and even as lawyers, while we can explain what some of that may not have met the standard that has been set for disqualification. there's an ick factor and it's not just trump, right? who is on trial in these cases? it is the pegoretti, the trust of the justice system. and that's the biggest problem down in georgia. it's just such a chaotic mess. >> and one more thing to add on top of that, judge, as he's writing this this opinion is up for reelection and there's no there's we have no reason to suggest he's not acting in an above board proper manner, calling balls and strikes as he season, but he's still in a political campaign himself, gave public, it just gave a public interview and it's, it's that's the great tragedy in many jurors distinctions in this country that you make judges run. and that was pretty extraordinary for this judge and high-profile sitting trial like this is doing public interviews, in effect, campaigning papers real modeling. >> we've also seen two challengers potentially to fani willis that have come out and say that they're going to challenge her because they now don't believe that she has the best interests or the ability to really lead. and so you are seeing to paula's point and also to your point, to politicization of this of people said, wait a minute here. if i was on my job, what i still have a job, if i display this type of behavior, i think the answer is no. oh, >> yeah, paula, there's gonna be interesting development tomorrow. trump is expected to be in court. tell us about that. so this is for the mar-a-lago classified >> documents case. the allegations that he mishandled those documents and tried to obstruct efforts to get them back. >> and >> the judge tomorrow, she's going to hear arguments about motions to dismiss these charges. now, we don't expect that the case is going to be completely dismissed, but all of these cases, the big question is timing, right? i hearing here are filing there are a few days, a few weeks. >> the goal >> of the trump team is and has always been to get the two federal cases of which this is one pushed past the election. why did they want to get a post pass the election? well, if trump is reelected, he can make both of those cases go away what we're watching for tomorrow is we don't really expect the charges will be dismissed. we're looking for any clues as to when this case this is going to go to trial because i was there a week or two, i lose track down in fort pierce when the judge was hearing arguments about how far back to delay this case, what we're really watching down there is when aileen cannon, the judge, the trump appointed judge, puts this case on the trial. just on the calendar because again, it's it's getting pretty close to the election, but i will say something that was really interesting last time i was down there as the justice department revealed that they are open to bringing that case even within the two months before the election that was an open question. how close to the election are you willing to go? usually they don't take investigative steps that close to an election in a case that could impact the outcome. but the fact that the justice department is willing to take this case to trial, maybe in september or october that is significant, but ultimately it's up to the judge to decide when this goes both biden and trump now have more than enough delegates to become their respective nominees. and biden tomorrow is going to be in wisconsin to state that he narrowly won in 2020. and polls right now show that he's behind can trump in wisconsin, at least some of the reasons he's behind trump in a lot of the states he won in 2020, and that's a real problem for him. and what he's got to do is get his constituents sichuan seize back under the tent. and that's not easy. and what he's trying to do right now, we see it every day is make this a choice election and daughter, in that case, donald trump almost becomes the incumbent and you're running against donald trump. so he's reminding people of the chaos under donald trump is nikki haley would put it. and then he's got to explain to them what he's done for people. prescription drug benefits. and so lowering the cost of insulin for seniors and all the rest of it. and tell them what his vision is for the future and what he's going to do for them in the future. >> but >> i think what we're hearing now is that he's telling people i'm the optimistic candidate. i'm not the candidate who has this dystopian vision about america and this country. the other day, donald trump said, america is dying >> you're all set on this system, we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like number one shift dad cook it up a free hot breakfast for the entire family and a comfort hotel i made this. >> i >> added the garnish stay twice and get a free night when you booked direct. >> this is our future go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts in minutes >> ai, ai who wants to come see the get your business online in minutes with godaddy arrow >> meet noodles. >> she's part of short hair and part ninja. >> meet the bissell cross wave hydro steam. it's part vacuum mom steamer and 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scheduled maintenance of this boeing seven 30-7 >> the bottom line here is that this plane should never have left a boeing factory. would that look? critical for door plug bolts that hold that door plug onto the airplane. but now investigators have this new question to ask would this scheduled maintenance check the night of the blowout have caught that omission by boeing, would previous pressurization system warnings and the cockpit have led to a check on the door-plug, the ntsb he has said those warnings were unrelated to the block, but it's something no doubt the ntsb will dig into. they have the maintenance records from this airplane. let's look at the timeline here and the preliminary report from the national transportation safety board. this plane was delivered to alaska airlines october 31, halloween day 2023, on december 7th, there was the first pressurization good morning in the cockpit, and then two days before the door plug blowout and the day before the door plug blowout, there was another pressurization system morning and then on january 5, that is one the door plug blew out of this flight, alaska airlines flight 11, 82. now alaska airlines is disclosing this for the first time after this reporting by the new york for times and in a statement, alaska airlines says, we remain confident in our maintenance and safety actions leading up to the incident. we look forward to continuing our participation in a robust investigation led by the ntsb to ensure shoveling like this can never happen. again. this is only the start of what will be a huge probe by the ntsb. and just yesterday today at announced what it called an investigative hearing that will be held publicly in august that means the ntsb can subpoena parties to testify that could include officials from boeing. this is very, very rare, typically reserved for the biggest incidents that have been in the public eye, like the east palestine real disaster, like the miracle on the hudson? no now, wolf, a lot of interest in this, in a lot of people will be watching this hearing on august 6 and seventh potentially related development involving boeing. there was the death of this boeing whistleblower and it's raising all sorts of questions. tell us about there were a lot of conspiracy theories out there online. here are the facts. john barnett was this whistleblower. he is a longtime former employee who raise concerns about the charleston boeing facility in south carolina that builds the 787. here's what police say. barnett was found dead in his truck in a hotel parking lot with what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. his lawyers say it was in the middle of a multi-day deposition in a whistleblower lawsuit, and they say he was in very good spirits and really looking forward to putting this phase of his life behind him and moving on. his lawyers say we don't see any indication that he would take his own life. it's important to note here, boeing offered its condolences in a statement, a sad incident that raises concerns about boeing's manufacturing processes. they were the spotlight all the time. this could be just something that is coincidental when it comes to timing, >> very, very sad. indeed, our pete muntean as usual, thank you very, very much. and this note to our viewers, if you or someone, you know, is struggling with mental health, help is available, you can call or text 988 or visit 988 lifeline dot org for free and confidential support. still ahead. a chilling new warning from vladimir putin. he says, russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if there's a threat. as ukraine carries out its biggest series of drone attacks overnight stay with us. you're in the cnn newsroom >> backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, t the store united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn >> the whole breed ready to swarm. ready to stay. the defiant power-packed all new hybrid electric dodge hornet rt performance electrified, 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this is a message for russia as domestic audience or putin's domestic audience. and he did say this in an interview with kremlin controlled a tv. and i think part of it is due to the fact that right now for the russians on the battlefield, while they feel that they do have the initiative on the battlefield, they certainly have made some territorial gains over the past couple of weeks, or even the past couple of months still the war is dragging on a lot longer than many russians would have hoped. and a lot of russians at home are also feeling the economic pinch of the sanctions that have been placed on russia by the us and its allies. so essentially what vladimir putin is trying to portray saying, look, there are some hardships, but russia is still a grand nation and one with a massive nuclear arsenal rivaling the united states. and he even claimed one that is more moderate than the nuclear arsenal of the united states. i want to listen to some of what vladimir putin had to say. >> i'm not sure three other, our triad and the whole nuclear element is more modern. in general, if we talk about the carriers and numbers of warheads, we are more or less equal, but hours or more modern. everybody knows this. all experts know this we just saw putin there saying that russia's nuclear weapons are more modern than those of the united states. of course, also quite frankly, a message to washington not to mess with russia and not to get further involved. and ukraine, wolf fred, we also learned this morning that ukraine is stepping up its drone attacks against russia by targeting various oil refineries. what can you tell us about that? >> yeah, apparently overnight the russians were saying that the ukrainians launched the largest drone attack that they have so far in the entire war onto russian territory. of course, we've seen a lot of those russian drones launched towards ukrainian territory, ukrainian saying that they hit some key and large oil refineries of the russians, including some very far away from ukrainian controlled territory.moscowanother one, as say, was in the leningrad oblast, which of course is the area around st. petersburg that is extreme keenly far away from ukrainian controlled territory and goes to show apparently the ukrainians do have some long distance strike capabilities with those unmanned aerial vehicles. of course, this is something where the ukrainian say this is part of a larger strategy that they have, the russians of course, very angry about all of this wolf fred pleitgen reporting for us, fred, thank you very much for that update. there's other news we're following and news that's new this morning, the united states has deployed a marine anti-terrorism team to bolster security at the us embassy in haiti. as that nation continues to descend into chaos, haiti is in a state of emergency as criminal still gangs are terrorizing the capital city of port-au-prince. prime minister ariel henry has announced he will resign amid intense international pressure. let's discuss what's going on in haiti with jacqueline charles caribbean correspondent for the miami herald. she's been reporting on the region for more than a decade, jacqueline. thank you so much for joining us. and i want to start with this finding finding a plan to govern haiti. where does that situation stand right now, what's going on >> well, right now, we are waiting to see the names that will emerge from this line number grew seven of whom will have voting rights to will be observers at the miami herald so to story dated says, well, the nations are still having disagreements, questioning whether or not this plan will even work. so they were given 24 hours to get the name sets of late last night. they had not but we're waiting to see what happens next. >> jacqueline, as you know, separate gangs have banded together and they are terrorizing the country of haiti. what's the plan to secure the country? first of all, and to actually make it safe well, that's been the debate. >> i mean, >> we have a political crisis and we have a security crisis and whether or not this political transition is going to come. the gang sound, they do not have a seat at the table currently, the us is putting a lot of weight in a multinational security support mission out of kenya. but there we saw the king says that are pausing this because of the announcement from the prime minister and the fact that once he resigned do you have to read a new deal with this new government, or can a proceed in money that the us has promised and they have not been able to get from some republican lawmakers who have questions about this mission i thought it was interesting that the prime minister of jamaica not too far away posted online that people need to care about what's happening in haiti right now, >> because trouble in haiti could mean trouble in jamaica. for those who don't necessarily follow the region all that closely, why is that his warning? >> well, that's a warning for all of these caribbean leaders. i mean, haiti shares the island of hispanola with the dominican republic, its closest neighbor, and d, but jamaica has already seen where they have guns for gunja trade. the concern is that the insecurity there will either have people take boats and try to go to those islands, which we have started to see or that you will get some of these gang members and other individuals. flooding is caribbean nations as a real concern that what's happening in haiti is a threat to regional security yeah, it's very, very disturbing for those of us who love the caribbean especially jacqueline charles. thanks for all your important work. we really appreciate it. thank you very, very much. and just ahead, a half $1,000,000 investment designed to protect beach front homes washed away. get this and just one day hi, one town is trying to fight climate change. and losing stay with us here in the cnn newsroom >> via a headliner, las vegas that's what i 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we're right near the new hampshire border here and talking to locals who've been coming here since the '60s. they say their kids used to play at at the shoreline way in the distance there, but nearby year, the tides have crept up as a result so of about nine inches of sea level rise in massachusetts, you if you own a beach house, you own the beach tactically. and so you split it with the state. the line is somewhere around here, and the state does not put sand on private property. so it was really became incumbent on the folks here to protect themselves from freakish storms that have been coming more frequently, more back-to-back. and so they pulled together about 600,000 bucks. they brought in 15,000 tons of sand. if you get a sense of it, it came out and filled up the bottom of this staircase here. and in that one storm that so this stand historically would lasted them for three years. would it protect their home? but just days after completing it, half of it washed away $300,000 worth of sand washed away in a single storm, which is obviously very troubling for these folks. some neighbors opted not to buy into the fortification project like this. home here and you can see what happened. the waves went right into the living room as a result. so it is really the haves versus the have-nots but this is wolf, only one of 79 towns and cities in massachusetts that are in this coastal surge zone. and so protecting all of them would cause tens of billions of dollars right now. so these very hard conversations are taking place even along here where the head of the community organization that raises money doesn't told me he doesn't believe in climate change. he thinks that this is just bad luck and that it'll be clear sailing from here on, other neighbors aren't so sure. and are thinking about the long-term prospects of at this current rate, they can see waves going up over and across this very thin little island into the wetlands on the other side so what are the next steps, bill, any hope of saving this place >> it just comes down to money at this point, wolf, if they keep trucking in san, they can fight it, but at a certain point, can you afford $1 a year and sand and again, with 78 other beach towns in similar situation patients. so they're meeting, trying to figure out they're really hopeful that the state helps them out because a lot of their sand ended up on the state side of the beach. there. but it's really just a microcosm of what's happening on coastal communities around the world. >> officially, they're >> preparing this state for two-and-a-half feet of sea level rise by the middle of the century >> so what else are you hearing from residents over there where you are in massachusetts? bill, especially when they seem to some of them seem to be skeptics of climate change it's really interesting and if you have that mindset that this is just a temporary disaster. and that this place will >> be here for generations to come that's very different from folks who look at the signs and say we're fighting a losing battle over time, but the person who's ahead of this organization, a gentleman named tom saba is also a real estate agent, so he has an investment emotionally, financially in this community and saving it. he's the guy that rally these neighbors together to bring in the sand that did save these houses so you need that sort of belief in a place to defend it. >> but to what point? right? >> and it's interesting that talking to people who've been living next door to each other for generations, don't really talk about the climate change discussion, but it's being forced upon them more and more with events like this. >> very disturbing indeed, bill weir, we always appreciate your expertise. thank you very, very much. and to our viewers, thanks very much for joining us. i'm wolf blitzer. i'll be back later tonight, 06:00 p.m. eastern in the situation room, right back here tomorrow, 11:00 a.m. hey, i'm in the cnn 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, 100 , Price , Service , Quotes , Professionals , Brush , Pro , Wake Up , It Angie Com , Pressure , Store , Purple , Sleep , Heat , Purple Com , Purple Mattresses , Off Mattresses , Exclusive Del Flex Grid , 00 , 400 , Plan , Contract , Markers Rogers , Phone Plan , Retirement , Woman , Man , Todd , Badge , Freedom Calls , Consumer Cellular , Sacrificing Comfort Let S Go , Coming Up , Benefits , Plans , Starters , Sound , Hearing Benefits , Medicare , Benefit Options , Edna , Bell , 0 , 188865 , , Series , Foot , Footl Business , Kind , Pretzel , Subway , Zak Kick , 2 , 5 , World , Proposition , The Go Tos , Clock Partnership , Network Solutions , Comcast Business , Comcast Business Powers , Insurance , Who Don T , Anyone Else , Prepaid Card , Paula Reid In Washington , 9 99 , 800 , 49 99 , Plane , Alaska Airlines , Takeoff , Details , Jet , 737 , Blowout , Maintenance , Pete Muntean , Night , Problems , Boeing S Standards Into Question , Boeing , Airplane , Bolts , Bottom Line , Boeing Factory , 30 , 7 , The Ntsb , Cockpit , Pressurization System Warnings , Led , Omission , Check , Warnings , The Block , Timeline , Report , Records , Will Dig Into , No Doubt , On December 7th , 2023 , 31 , December 7th , October 31 , Morning , Pressurization , Pressurization System , January 5 , Times , Incident , Time , Flight , Safety , New York , 82 , Participation , Start , Probe , Investigation Led , Incidents , Parties , August , The Public Eye , East Palestine Real Disaster , Interest , Death , Sorts , Now , Boeing Whistleblower , Seventh , The Miracle On Hudson , August 6 , 6 , John Barnett , Employee , Whistleblower , Conspiracy Theories , Charleston Boeing Facility , South Carolina , 787 , Parking Lot , Truck , Gunshot Wound , Spirits , Whistleblower Lawsuit , Life , Indication , Condolences , Phase , Moving On , Manufacturing Processes , Spotlight , Note , Warning , Text , Vladimir Putin , Someone , Mental Health , Lifeline Dot Org , 988 , Ukraine , Weapons , Drone Attacks , Deals , Secrets , Newsroom Backroom , Cia , Affairs , Corruption , T The Store , Bribery , Hybrid Electric , Performance , Hornet Rt , Doors , Windows , Renewal By Anderson , Factor , Pricing Policy , Offer , Sense , Finance , Options , Budget , Material , Window Material , Industry , Vinyl , Back Deck , Gold Standard , Sales , Patio Doors , Ball Bearing Adjusters , Patio Door , Intention , Price Book , Conversation , Due Diligence , Event , Window , Entry , 377 , March 31 , 77 , 777 , Appointment , 5011400 , 18 Hundred , 1805011400 , March 31st , 12 , Thyroid Eye Disease , Patch , Diabetes , Pill , Heart Disease , Sugar , Body , Sen , Adults , Giardia , Jordan , 24 7 , Jardiance , Urinary Tract Infections , Kidney Function , Feet , Limb Loss , Sulfonylurea , Legs , Couples , Realisation Hits , Bathrooms , Room , Esa Euphoria , Vacation , 250 , 26 , Open Door , Open Door Com , Cash Offer , House Don T Worry , Captioning , Mesothelioma , Firm , Book , Mesobook Com A , Ten , 80087 , 4901 , Comments , Weapon , West , Putin , Elections , Fred , Fred Pleitgen , Significance , Developments , Cnn Senior International Courts Correspondent , Russians , Battlefield , Audience , Tv , Kremlin , War , Sanctions , Pinch , Gains , Initiative , Arsenal , Nation , Allies , Hardships , Mother , Triad , Numbers , General , Carriers , Everybody , Warheads , Equal , Territory , Ukrainians , Oil Refineries , Drone Attack , Drones , Say , Territory Moscowanother One , Leningrad Oblast , Petersburg , Strike , Area , Ukrainian , Unmanned Aerial Vehicles , Strategy , Gangs , Ariel Henry , Haiti , State Of Emergency , Capital City , Embassy , Port Au Prince , Correspondent , Region , What S Going On , Jacqueline Charles Caribbean , Miami Herald , Names , Line Number , Finding , Nations , Observers , Disagreements , Voting Rights , Questioning Whether , 24 , What Happens Next , Last Night , Weight , Transition , Gang Sound , Security Crisis , Table , Seat , Debate , Deal , Security Support Mission , King , Announcement , Kenya , Prime Minister , Jamaica , Mission , Trouble , Insecurity , Island , Neighbor , Islands , Boats , Guns , Dominican Republic , Gunja Trade , D , Hispanola , Individuals , Gang Members , Flooding , Caribbean , Investment , Charles , Work , Half , Hi , 1000000 , 000000 , Climate Change , Stay , Newsroom , Town , Headliner , Las Vegas , Anywhere , Sin City , Vegas Dori , Employees , Don T Have To , Neither , Pay , Calm , Apple , Iphone , Siri , Back Susie , Laundry , Racing , To Washington One Second , Hong Kong , 300 , Dry Cleaning , Veteran , Touch , Girl , Satisfaction , Wash Bold , High , Porches , Gun , Rinsing Rinse Com , 20 , Truth , Meet Barkley , Pitbull , Masterpiece , Bissell Revolution Hydro , Peacemaker , Stain Remover , Reality , Dream , Power , Nothing , O Pay , Credit Building , Credit Score , Self , Renters , Elizabeth Wagmeister , Los Angeles , 600000 , 00000 , Towns , Line , Defense , Storm Tides , Sand Dune , Atlantic Ocean , Bill Weir , Scene , In Salisbury , Locals , Distance , Tides , Border , Sea Level Rise , Shoreline Way , New Hampshire , Sand , Folks , Somewhere , Beach , Property , Beach House , Staircase , Bottom , Freakish Storms , Bucks , Tons Of Sand , 600000 Bucks , 15000 , Storm , Historically , 300000 , Waves , Neighbors , Haves , Fortification Project , The Living Room , Have Nots , 79 , Billions , Cities , Surge Zone , Tens , Community Organization , Luck , Head , Sailing , Prospects , Rate , Wetlands , Steps , Hope , Situation Patients , Beach Towns , Trucking , San , 1 , 78 , Meeting , Microcosm , Residents , Sea Level , Skeptics , Generations , Disaster , Mindset , Community , Battle , Signs , Real Estate Agent , Gentleman , Organization , Guy , Tom Saba , Houses , Belief , Expertise , Events , Climate Change Discussion , Break , Situation Room , Cnn Inside Politics , Eastern , Dana Bash , 06 , Health Chasing Life , Sanjay Gupta , Podcasts , Weight Loss , Miracle Drugs , Chasing Life Podcast , Cashback , Kevin Hart , Word , Cash Bank , Veggies , Meat , Cash Process Palace , Bio , Boost , Comfort , Moisture , Boost Eyedrops , True Hydration , Gentle , App , Hotels Com , Visit Ted Com Without A Place , Advisor , Home Care , Moms Care , Needs , Senior Living Advice , Senior , Moms , Warm , Mom Com , Compensation , Fertility Issues , Neural Behavioral Effects , Cancer , Camp Lejeune , North Carolina , 1987 , December 1987 , August 1953 , 1953 , Veterans , Exposure , Harm , Survivors , Water , Damages , Congress , Coal Settle Rock Legal Group , 180081 , Kathie Lee , On My Own Schedule , Farm , 4997 7 , Balance , Nature , Concept , Change , Dad , Sports , Plays , Sports Game , Fans , Millions , Ai Highlights Technology , Ways , Sport , Coventry , In Jerusalem , Prices , Designers , Heart Racing , Gilt Visit Com , Clarissa Ward , 70 ,

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