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Years and the outsider has become an insider. You said when trump left the white house, the dc swamp was alive and growing just like our countrys federal debt, which grew by a stunning 8 trillion under trump do you stand by all that donald trump will admit that the swamp, a lot of people that worked for him, that were supposedly had allegiance to donald trump turned on him. Thats the swamp. He didnt he will be far smarter when he gets elected about who he who he yes, to work with him. And as far as the spending, he would agree, i mean, he came in at a tough time, but our financial crisis is the cancer in this country. And i think you will see a different donald trump on the spending for because we have to we cannot keep spending. So he recognizes all of that and i dont say that as a critical so as im i just those facts that were going to have to handle that this Administration Simply has not handled and the spending has been on steroids under him, as well as Everything Else that the Biden Administration has inflicted on American People. Congressman ralph norman, we do appreciate your time today. Thanks so much for being with us passionate, fiery energize, not just what you can expect from this show. Its what the white house says is saying that you can expect from President Biden tonight when he delivers the state the union new details are coming in about his major focus this evening. The National Guard headed to the New York City subways. The major step to address fears of crime im in violence on the tracks. He took his son to buy the gun that his son used to kill four people at his michigan high school. Will a father now be held accountable in the schools . Shooting his son committed Opening Statements will begin very soon in the trial of James Crumbley, we are following all of these stories and more. Im sara sidner with kate bolduan and john berman. This is Cnn News Central so tonights the night that President Biden finishes this sentence, the state of our union is, and how he feels in the blank, there is critically important to the president and the administration today, and also critically important to his chances to win a second term in the white house. You could think of this as the first major speech of the general election. Were learning more this morning about where President Biden will focus and how republicans who including donald trump, are planning to counter that. Cnns Arlette Sciences at the white house for us this morning, arlette, what more are you learning at this hour about what President Biden is planning to say . Well, kate, President Biden is expected to put the finishing touches on his state of the Union Address throughout the day, his team has worked for months to prepare for this moment, trying to identify the issues to prioritize in the president s speech, but also trying to craft a message that will convince voters that he is up for a second term. Now the key focuses of this speech will be touting economic issues. The president in part is expected to talk about efforts to raise taxes on wealthy and corporations that includes new details that he will call for raising the Corporate Tax rate to 28 and also increasing the corporate minimum tax rate from 15 percent to 18 . The president will also use this speech to talk about ways to address everyday cost facing americans. And that includes on the issue of health care and Prescription Drugs, he will prod congress to expand the ability to negotiate under medicare more Prescription Drug prices. That number currently stands at 20 drops he wants to increase that to 50 drugs. A key focus of the president s Reelection Bid is preserving democracy and freedoms. That is also something that hes expected to touch on today in part as hes trying to draw this contrast with former President Donald Trump. One of those key freedoms or relates to Reproductive Rights as the administration and campaign really believe that that will be a Galvanizing Issue for voters heading into novembers election there, then theres everything from ukraine, how to address israel. Also border security. And the president s unity agenda, which hes pointed to in each major address. And really this gives one of the biggest platforms he will have in this campaign to tout his accomplishments, but also lay out a vision for the second term another dynamic thatll be interesting to watch is the guests who are attending as with the first lady in the House Chamber that will include a texas mother who had to travel out of state to receive an abortion woman in alabama trying to go through ivf procedures, having it canceled due to that recent Supreme Court decision down in alabama, also a key figure in the nato alliance, sweden, the swedish Prime Minister, as sweden is about to join the nato alliance, something that the biden has pushed for. But really, this is a highstakes moment for President Biden as hes trying to convince voters that he is up for the task of a second term in office as he is expecting a very close race against former President Donald Trump. Arlette, thank you so much. Its great to see you this morning laying it all out for us and you can see right there, john, the list who is in the gallery with the first lady, a statement of priorities. The statement what you think is an accomplishment and also a statement of the work you want to do ahead. Yeah. Look at the scene of the eu is not just to speed, its the entire day, its the runup to it. Its the president meeting with reporters as whos in the gallery. They do the lunch du the launch and then of course theres the republican response as well, which well get to right here. And we did just get in the full list of guests, the republicans have invited to be there when the president speaks hes person obviously is a sign is signal about the republican messaging plan as House Speaker mike johnson has urged republican lawmakers to show respect during the speech. You just heard Congressman Ralph Norman from South Carolina saying that he does does hope that republicans behave in the chamber there. Cnns Kristen Holmes is near maralago, where donald trump will be watching tonight. Kristen, this list of republican guest whos on it. What does it tell us . Darn well, it tells us what the republican priorities are and it really shows that Speaker Johnson is using this as a platform to highlight those priorities with one glaring exception. So lets pull up the list of just some of the people who will be there with Speaker Johnson tonight. The first one is that outlier . That is the parents of evan gershkovich. Obviously, the Wall Big Journal Reporter who has been imprisoned in russia, Speaker Johnson himself has come under fire for not passing ukrainian funding, so that they can fight against russia. But the rest of this reads like a playbyplay of the republican list of priorities one you have the parents of Service Members who were killed in the afghanistan withdrawal. You have on Immigration Two Nypd officers who were attacked outside of a migrant shelter. You also have the one who was kidnapped in the israelhamas war. You have people from cultural issues who have because don that an advocate for womens single spaces as well as a man who has been outspoken on biological men in womens sports the other thing i want to point out here because what you talked about with johnson urging respect and decorum. Sure. That is inside the chamber and he can say that to his members in his position. But what happens outside the chamber . What happens with former President Donald Trump, who is not necessarily known for his decorum, more respect levels because we know donald trump plans to live post all about the State Of The Union in real time, pushing back on his social media platform, truth, social. The other thing i want to point out is what was launched earlier today by The Super Pac that is aligned with donald trump. And this was an ad that started airing on cable particularly on a program that joe biden is reported to really like this was hitting biden, particularly on his age and Mental Acuity at one point, a narrator even asked, could he even survive another presidency . So again, you have johnson on one hand, you have this ad coming out the de of the State Of The Union. On the other hand, but obviously, as we know the issue of age, Mental Acuity, acuity, fitness for office. Thats going to come into play and going to be a huge factor in this election in november although it is it youre saying donald trump doesnt often talk about age specifically because hes not all that much younger. Kristen holmes, great to see you. Thank you very much there. All right. To continue the conversation with me now, as pete said, former white it how spokesperson for George W Bush and jim messina, former Obama Campaign manager, gentlemen, thank you both for being here this morning and good morning to you, jim. Im going to start with you. What must President Biden do tonight to change perceptions about him and his will to fight back really hard to keep donald trump out of office one thing thats what youre going to see him do tonight. You have the white house Chief Of Staff saying youre going to see an energetic can focus president and he needs to answer one simple question which is whose side are you on . Elections need to be choices. When i ran president obamas campaign i said to him all the time, if its a referendum on the income but the incumbent usually loses if its a choice, he will win. And thats the choice hes going to lay out in pretty stark terms tonight, but hes going to do with optimism. Hes going to do with hope because thats one place President Trump just wont and cant go. I do want to talk to pete about President Trump, who says he is promising to factcheck in real time. President biden during the address. The irony though, cannot be overstated here after trump was clocks telling more than 30,000 lies over four years according to the Washington Post factcheckers, who tracked his speeches. Pete, what do you make of this new tactic by the president to try to do this on his social media platform. Well, theres nothing new about it. Its campaign 101. Jim knows this well. Any campaign worth its salt has prewritten, ready to go queued up fact, check content for social media, for press releases, and its like, you know, peewees playhouse can you hear the secret word . Boom, you hit sand and it goes out into the world. So theres nothing really new, maybe because its going to be on his personal platform. Theres Something Interesting about it. I would be more interested if he did this mystery science theater 3,000 style and was actually doing Live Commentary during the State Of The Union all right. Three years ago, the capital was under attack. Donald trump was president. He refused to calm or condemn the violence for hours. And yet here we are with these poll numbers and these are poll of polls and all four of the polls that youre about to look at. Donald trump is up. Its within the margin of error, but up in four points in 2. 2 points in the other, jim, is there something after looking at this polling and this is just a snapshot in time, but something that joe biden can do to begin to change these Polling Numbers tonight . With his State Of The Union speech well, its a perfect time for the State Of The Union speech because now voters are starting to grapple with the fact that its going to be biden versus trump. Some 70 a week ago said they didnt think that was going to be the matchup. 80 . Not the matchup they wanted this, the matchup theyre going to get. And so people are going to start thinking about okay, how do i make this choice . And tonight really is one of the two moments that an incumbent president of the United States gets to make his case directly to the public. Stay the union, and his speech at the Democratic National convention. So its a highstakes moment for him to look at the country and say, heres what im doing to make your life better. And heres what the other side isnt doing. And i think that kind of contract is what we need in this race. All right, pete, one of the people that is being brought to this State Of The Union by the democrats, by biden is someone who had to leave her state because she her life was in danger and she had to get an abortion outside of the state because of the laws there the overturning of Roe Versus Wade and that sort of knock on effect fact that weve seen like the decision by alabama Supreme Court that had an effect on ivf and stopped it there for awhile. Is this something that republicans are worried about . Well it should be the Republican Party does not have a consistent message on the issue of abortion, but i think these guests up in up on the balcony with the first lady and the laundry list of Policy Proposals and lost in all the coverage people are watching. This is a made for tv of that. And what does that mean . Theyre not necessarily listening. Theyre watching. What do they see on that screen. And he needs to assuage not just economic anxiety concerns, but concerns about his age. The good news for joe biden. This is a very Body Language, friendly event. So he should be able to at least clear that bar for tonight. But i think American People are gonna be watching more than listening to this speech. Pt, jim messina. Thank you both for that analysis. Appreciate it. Okay. We need more Body Language friendly event just like our set like i all right. Coming up Breath A Crime Crack down in New York City. Why the National Guard is being called in now to help the citys subways. And the Russian Defense ministry is claiming responsibility for the strike and ukraine came so close to president zelenskyy. He said he could hear it and see it right now, James Crumbley on trial, Opening Statements will be it should be happening any minute in the trial to decide if the father of the Michigan School shooter should also be held criminally responsible not flossing. Well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. New science shows listerine is five times more effective than plus ev reducing class above the gum line for cleaner, healthier mouth this three feel the work. I have moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Now, theyre sky rosie, things are looking afghans him control, macrons means everything to me feel significant Symptom Relief at four weeks with sky rosie, including less Abdominal Pain and fewer Bowel Movement sky rosie is the first il23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage of the intestinal lining. 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Their realisation hits. I got to sell the house dont worry, just selling, buying one move when you start with open door. Wow. Oh yes. Start with an all cash offer at open door. Com im Jeremy Diamond in tel aviv and this is cnn any minute now, Opening Statements set to begin in the trial of the Michigan School shooters father, just weeks after his wife, jennifer crumbley, was found guilty of manslaughter. James crumbley is now on trial on the same charges cnns jean casarez is with us now and again, these Opening Statements are about to start any second. Yes yes. The judge is giving instructions right now, which happens in this jurisdiction right before the Opening Statements began. But once again, this is a Precedent Setting Case because this is a homicide case. And this father is on trial with the prosecution saying you are responsible for the four deaths at Oxford High School, you didnt pull the trigger your son independently did it, but you are the one that needs to be held responsible here and its 15 years in prison. Hes looking at and its president senate, because the first time that a parent has ever been charged with this and one big issue that he has against him is he bought the gun for ethan, was black friday, four days before ethan was begging for it. He went to the gun store with him and he got it. Whos the registered owner and that assumes a even as an adult with a child in the home, you have a responsibility when you have a gun in the home . Prosecutors, i just heard part of the instructions of the jury storing the gun and ammo so that the shooter was the shooter was able to find it. Again. His wife was convicted weeks ago hes on trial for the same charges, but its interesting because as you note this was always considered, i think not, not a tougher case. The easier case for him, a tougher for him because he did buy the gun, tougher for him because he did buy the gun. But when they went into the Sheriffs Department right after the shooting, he sat down, he said, i hit the gun. I hit the gun in the arm law and i hit the bullets in another place. And so the jurors, you know, during Jury Selection there a lot of gun owners on that jury and they talked about the care that they have with their gun one potential juror yesterday said that i i store my gun unloaded in a case. Another person said i store it unloaded in a locked safe but if he hid the gun, will jurors give him a little bit of slack . Because ethan obviously found it james didnt put in his hand. We will watch this very closely. Jean casarez, thank you very much. There all right. What does it mean for actor alec baldwin, who now has a case against him now that the woman who was in charge of weapons on the set of rust has been found guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter what are also, hamas leaders have leave, ceasefire and hostage talks in cairo, dimming hopes of reaching any deal within weeks cnns coverage of the state of the Union Address. He is brought do you buy vip guard and vip guard high, true law is trouble with generalized Myasthenia Gravis but the pitcher started changing when i started on vif guard this guard has for adult generalized Myasthenia Gravis theres more anti ichr antibody positive going to Clinical Trial vif guard significantly improved most participants ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmc treatment. Most participants taking viv guard also had less muscle weakness. 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To a convoy carrying ukrainian president zelenskyy and the Prime Minister of greece. At least five people were killed in that attack. And this was likely really is kind of being described as the closest call yet for the ukrainian president in the two years long war, russia stepped up its strikes on that region in recent days, forcing ukraine to fall back from some longheld and strategically located towns and while Future Ush Ukraine remains stalled in congress and cotton, a political quagmire lets talk about this joining me right now is the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee, republican congressman michael mccaul. Mr. Chairman, thank you for coming in. You seem fairly confident that funding for ukraine is going to get a vote, getting, get a vote in the house. Maybe even this month i mean, theres been bipartisan support for this funding for months is just getting it to the floor. Thats been a real problem. Whats changed i think the urgency of the moment, i think youre youre you know, what you talked about, whats happening right now in ukraine. Its getting very dire. We dont have a whole lot of time and i think leaders that are responsible in the congress on both sides of the aisle understand this. And we expect a vote on the floor. Ive talked to the speaker. Once we get through the normal process this month, the first thing that she hit the floor after that would be the Emergency Supplemental Bill that talks about both ukraine, but also israel and indo pacific im working on a draft and the we had to have a house version of this. It wont be all that different from the senate, but it will have things like the repo act, which allows us to attach russian sovereign assets to be able to tap into those resources so that russia has to pay for their own war crimes. And also things like a loan program for direct government assistance those things together i will tell you, kate their majority, the majority on both sides of the aisle. We can pass this bill today. If it was on the floor. We have that support on both sides of the aisle. Its going to be imperative that we get it on the floor after we get through this appropriations cycle. You talked about the majority of majority there are republicans though, like ive heard Marjorie Taylor greene. I think it was maybe a month plus ago, have said that shed make the move to kick out Speaker Johnson from the role if the house passes more ukraine aid, i mean, do you think that thread is real and exist today . Yeah, i do. I mean, that is part of the problem. Is this threat of putting a gun to the speakers head that if you put this on the floor, were going to oust, use speaker. But i will tell you, i think theres not a lot i dont think my colleagues and frankly, Many Democrats dont want to see us go through what we went through last fall and basically impede any progress in congress for a month and get nothing done. And i think even the democrats understand if that is done. A motion to vacate the chair that would be extremely unwise and would delay a ukraine funding bill even more. So, we cant time is not on our side in ukraine. If it gets delayed, even a month more because of a vacated the chair. I think even the democrats understand, unlike with kevin mccarthy, they understand this case that that would be fatal so let me ask about israel because this morning hamas negotiators left cairo today with no breakthrough on negotiations. Israel saying they dont believe them when they say they dont know which hostages are alive and which are dead. What is your sense of what are you hearing but how real the negotiations are here for hostages and cease fire other very real, i know that our diplomats are engaged. The categories that have influence over hamas or engage israel israel saying, look, well have a cease before ramadan. If you release the hostages from what i understand theyre not willing to do that and so now israel saying okay, fine were going to continue with eradicating them loss through the ramadan season. And so its really up to mice. Its in their court. I mean, they can either give give back the hostages and at which time well have a ceasefire or not been. So i think its their decision to make. I think israel has every right to get the hostages back its not moving fast enough for a lot of people and thats for sure. Let me ask you about tonight. Well, i have you at the State Of The Union, youre bringing christy shamblin. Shes the motherinlaw of marine Sergeant Nicole g shes one of the american Service Members who was killed during the withdrawal from afghanistan, which you have been investigating. And today youre actually moving forward within the committee with possibly holding the secretary of state, tony blinken in contempt for withholding documents related to the withdrawal. I want to ask about that because greg meeks, ranking democrat hes calling this move a stunt and saying that you all are picking a Process Fight because you dont have the evidence to help your case in your investigation what is the question you think remains unanswered about the withdrawal thats driving this investigation still well, i have a lot of respect for greg friend of mine. Thats political rhetoric. I like this is not about you getting heads, you know, this is about getting to the truth all we want for the families of the 13 servicemen and women who were killed. It abbeygate and quite frankly the afghans who were killed and the americans left behind in our afghan partners left behind and the chaos that afghanistan during that evacuation, we just want the truth thats why general milley, the former chairman of joint chiefs and sitcom commander mackenzie, or theyre going to testify before my committee next week because we want to get answers to what happened. How did this go . So badly . And most importantly, kate, how can we fix the problem . So this never happens again. Thats my goal. My goal is not to get scalped my goal, i do want to hold people accountable and i do want to get to the truth and i think the American People deserve that are veterans of afghanistan deserve that. And the families darn sure deserve that. No matter what it is it is definitely a kind gesture to have you have one of the marines who were killed to have her motherinlaw. There with you . Its very kind. Congressman, mr. Chairman. Thank you for your time. Thank you. 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Calvin or kathy hochul, bringing in the additional personnel hello, opera, 13 increase in major crimes on the subway since last year, according to the nypd, 2023 had the highest number of Subway Assaults since at least 1996. Cnn chief Law Enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller is joining us now. Okay. So the National Guard shows up highly unusual situation in the new york subway what can they do . Are they there as a presence or can they actually do some effective Law Enforcement if theyre called . Well, theyre there as a visible deterrent here are Government People in army uniform as with machine guns but thats about all they can do. Theyll do the bag checks. Now, why are the bag checks useful . They may come up with a gun in a bag, a knife, and a bag for someone who wasnt expecting to get caught in a bag check. But most of the crux i know dont carry their governor there knife in their bag so thatll be useful. But theyre not going to be able to chase criminals are not going to be making arrests if somebody runs up to them and said, i just got robbed and he went that way. Theyre probably not going to chase them because if they catch him, they dont know what to do and they dont really know the system. So a lot of this is the scarecrow effect. But it might make some people feel better and make some people feel apprehensive seeing soldiers in the subway, right . You seeing these sort of like the army has come in with their guns and youre wondering what the heck is one of those movies . Yeah, exactly like what happened for this to occur. If you have ive been keeping up with all that. Someone going on. Im curious what the nypd thinks of the National Guard coming in, because as you say, if they cannot do any effective Law Enforcement, they are just a deterrent than the people that they will have to call is the nypd, correct . Right . So theres perception and theres reality. But you know, perception is reality if youre a subway rider, right . You dont feel safe. And id say crime is actually lower than it was before the pandemic the grand larceny numbers that somebody taken somebodys phone or stealing a Sleeping Passengers while it out of a bag. Thats up i think 13 , but the percentages sound like crime is up. The numbers are actually very small. Youve got a system with 3 Million People reading and the crimes are in the hundreds, not thousands if there was a city of 3 million that had these crime numbers, theyd be one of the safest cities in the country. Its the disorder, its the guy sitting next to you on the Train Smoking Weed or a cigarette right there in the car. Its the unhinged Person Screaming at the end of the platform as the half dressed Person Sleeping on the on the station, it makes people feel like no ones in control here uneasy and they wonder what is going to happen because its right and some of the stories that have come out where people have done something and then its turned really, really bad. So its just a question of whether or not you, like you said, feel safe on the subway, right . And the number of Transit Authority employees who were not cops were being assaulted because theyre saying you cant do that or you can stay there. Thats against the rules. Who are getting punched or slashed. Each one of those becomes a newspaper story. People see that too. John miller, this will be interesting. Well be watching this. I know you will be. Thank you. Appreciate it. Thanks, kate. Advisers to President Bidens say you can expect him to be passionate, fiery, and energized tonight as he delivers his final state of the Union Address before the president ial election. What tonight means for his Reelection Campaign and cancer causing chemicals found in products that are supposed to treat acne. Why these findings . So if people now asking for a recall gobble, gobble seem bigger legs on a turkey rude who are you . Im an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports take like this Smart Fitness mirror im also mr. Leg day 1989. Anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco, qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq 100 innovations go through a lot of pain before investing carefully read and consider Fund Investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and mourn prospectus and invesco. Com introducing, neds black psoriasis he thinks its blakey. 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About brynn vote learn how advil can help you save all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof. Think about this blue jays, cardinals, orioles. Whats missing . The Andean Condor know 7,604 visit coventrydirect. Com im Arlette Saenz at the white house, and this is cnn happening right now. Opening statements are underway in michigan as jurors consider whether or not the father of the shooter at Oxford High School well be charged with Involuntary Manslaughter or will be convicted. This was the Prosecuting Attorney just moments ago you will learn throughout this trial that he was the adult out of anyone in the world in the best position to prevent these kids debts youre going to learn that those kids, but still be alive today, that James Crumbley seized any one of the tragically smalling, easy opportunities given to him to prevent his son from committing murder have the many bits of evidence that will be presented. The safety law that was sold with a Nine Millimeter handgun. Use that day in michigan still in the same sealed plastic bag at kamen Defense Attorneys will take the stand next. Passion, ferocity in a fighting attitude that is what two dozen of President Bidens allies tell cnn they want to see from the president tonight as he gears what could be the most important speech that he will give ahead of the november election. The state of the Union Address the president s team says that is exactly what the audience will get there, Teasing A Quote Very Energized president with this now is former dnc chair and former labor secretary tom perez, separate. Thank you so much for being with us. What kind of energy do you want to see from the president tonight . Oh, i think youll see a lot of energy from the president. Again, ill remind you, john, last year in real time, he schooled the republicans who are talking about medicare and Social Security and made sure they committed to taking that off the table. Thats the kind of energy you saw last year. Thats kind of energy i see every day when im working with the president. And thats what youll see tonight. A president whos going to talk about where we were in 2021, how far weve come and the Unfinished Business why is it that you think though that there are so many, these are allies is, are democrats who specifically say they feel like they need to see an energized president tonight well, i think what the American People want to see is we want to hear about what has happened under your watch and what will happen in the years ahead. Thats what theyre going to see and youre going to see a president whos going to vary with great pride. Talk about how we have united the world and the aftermath of ukraine, how we have now two years in a row of unemployment under 4 , which is we havent seen in 50 years how we now have people who had diabetes are paying 35 bucks a month because weve finally it successfully taken on the Pharmaceutical Industry and the president is going to talk about, frankly, the contract asked between these two candidates, the president wants to unite our nation. We believe that putin is a threat the former president believes that putin not to do whatever the hell he wants. Thats a quote. Our president believes that health care is a right for all, not a privilege for a few and the former president wants to do away with obamacare again our president wants to make sure that we protect our freedoms, including, but not limited to a womans right to choose. And the former president brags about doing away with Roe Versus Wade there are these. He couldnt get more contrast our president wants to protect democracy and the former president was involved in an insurrection. And so the American People have a very clear choice. Weve made a lot of progress. The former president talked about infrastructure weeks, and the President Biden, has delivered on infrastructure in a way thats unprecedented since eisenhower was president. So we have a lot to talk about both the progress, but also the Unfinished Business lowering costs, making sure that we continue to protect freedoms making sure that we address our climate crisis. And the president will talk about those things. And i think those are front and center for the American People. You just spoke a lot for about a minute and a half, about the former President Donald Trump will the former president be subject of the state of the Union Address tonight . Well, i mean, i think what youre going to see tonight is the contrast there are so many clear example explicitly bring up the foreign president i think i think youll see tonight that there will be an explicit contrast between President Biden articulating what we want to do. We know that nato had our back post 911 and we will have their back in this moment in time where putin is threatening not only ukraine, but others in eastern europe. And that contrast between what President Biden has done and what President Trump wants to do, letting putin do whatever the hell he wants, quote, unquote is a huge contrast that people need to understand ivf is something that is another example of our president wants to protect freedoms President Biden, and again, President Trump bragged about doing away with those womans right to choose. He campaigned on it what kind of a sax, what kind of audience . And by that i mean literally the audience in the House Chamber for are you expecting tonight . What kind of reaction from the republicans . How is President Biden prepared to face the republicans owe president the president spent the weekend in camp david there has been literally weeks of preparation hes ready and hes excited to articulate to the American People what he has done, where we were, where we are and where we need to go. And thats what hes going to talk about. And if the republicans want to do again this year, what they did last year, the president will be ready for that as he was last year. I mean, i i really thinking kind of schooled them when they tried to attack him on medicare and Social Security and they negotiated seemingly in real time, that republicans were going to take it off the table, which is what wasnt what they said previously. But the president in real time got them to agree to that. So the president is quick on his feet and he will be ready for whatever happens tonight. Hes most excited about talking directly to the American People. Bull about where we need to go because we need to lower costs, we need to expand access to affordable Prescription Drugs. We need to be a great ally in the conflict in ukraine, we need to forge an enduring peace in the middle east and the presence can talk about all these things. Mr. Secretary, tom perez, thanks so much for being with us. You see the armorer on the rust movie set, Hannah Gutierrez reed, she was found guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter in the shooting death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins now the focus turns to how long she could spend behind bars and what this means for the charges that alec baldwin faces were headliner was vegas. Thats what i want to do vegas, The Story Of Sin City next sunday at ten on cnn Liberty Mutual customize my Car Insurance and he saved hundreds. Thats great. I know. 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As someone who lives just for politics when a major scandal unfolds, i have to know. Theres so much more to the story in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday nine on cnn send a thing expected next month for the now convicted armor on alec baldwins movie rust after a santa fe jury found Hannah Gutierrez reed guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter. Cnns natasha chen is joining me now in this case is being watched by the industry very closely. And the public as well. Whats next well, sara, yes, this does have big implications for the movie industry to see the Armorer On Set convicted here. The prosecutor emphasized she didnt do her job in checking all the prep weapons to make sure they were safe, resulting in six live rounds somehow making it onto the set now the jury found her guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter, but not guilty on a separate charge of tampering with evidence and the manslaughter conviction, it could land her up to 18 months in prison and up to a 5,000 fine. It only took the jury about twoandahalf hours to come to that conclusion. Heres one of the jurors it was fair if he someone died i mean, youve got to take responsibility especially when youre handling weapons in youre in charge of those. Thats thats your job the attorney for Hannah Gutierrez reed said in his closing statement that justice for the cinematographer who died, Halyna Hutchins, is not injustice for Hannah Gutierrez reed. He said the negligence was from the topdown that the whole production was chaotic and unsafe. Now the prosecutors say yes, there was negligence all around, but in her case, they say that she failed to do her job resulting in someone elses death and that act they say was willful, and the jury seemed to agree. Now, alec baldwin, you mentioned him hes also charged with Involuntary Manslaughter. Hes expected to stand trial in july and he has maintained up to this point that he did not pull that trigger. Sara natasha chen. Thank you so much for that reporting, everybody, were watching to see what happens in alec baldwins case. That is the next one on the jury though, said, the distinction here may be that it was her job, the armorer specific job to look at the sea of that. Lets go comes into play here. Thank you all so much for joining all three of us together. Finally, back,

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