Transcripts For CNNW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240702

♪ welcome to "the whole story." i'm anderson cooper. artificial intelligence, or a.i., is an incredibly powerful technology which may change many aspects of our lives. the ceo of google's parent company, alphabet, which has invested heavily in it, recently said a.i.'s impact could be more profound than electricity or even fire. but many worry about what that impact might turn out to be. could a.i. one day replace humans? and if so, how might that happen? we've already seen some service-based and manufacturing jobs turn to a.i. in a big way. but what about other industries? can a.i. replace journalists or news anchors? perhaps it already has because what you just saw and heard a moment ago was not actually me. this is me, anderson cooper. and i am an a.i.-generated anderson cooper. that wasn't my real voice, and i never spoke the words you just heard. we asked a young student in california to create a fully end to end a.i. version of me. looks like me, sounds like me, and it didn't take him very long to do it. this a.i. version of me was created in just a few weeks actually with open source tools. and remember this technology is still in its infaninfancy. it's going to get better, faster and more accurate, which raises all sorts of questions, like how will we know what is real and what's not? everything from creating art, fighting wars, even waging political campaigns. over the next hour, cnn's nick watt brings us inside the race to develop a.i. and the attempts to contain it. >> lookiking for a good spotot pull over. >> you t think this is our c ca? > yep. . >> okay.y. i guess ththe firsrst test i is whwhether it runs meme ovever. start ride. so that's s the view i'm gettin fromom the back seatat, that wh momoving with h no hanands.. look, momom, no handnds! this is freaky. this robot taxi alreready roroa the streets of sanan franciscoc gives us a a verery good idea o whwhere we are. > pretty cocool i if you cac past thehe weird empty driver'r seat.. >> repororter: and w where we m bebe going.. in california,a, o obviously, y can turnrn right on red, a and trtrying to tuturn r right.. it's's going to do i it. go on, mate.e. go o on. the flesh and blood driver that used to o sit hehere is alreada obsolelete. this is our future. humans sitting in the back seat doing nothing. some humans are scared, some trying hard to stop it. for now, humanans s are stilill cocontrol of a.i. anand thisis . ththere's a human supepervisor cal center. can you tell that t he's not wearining hihis seat kbbelt pro >> yes, correct. >> but not for long. that's where a.i. is at the moment, imperfect and speeding ahead without a seseat belt.t. like it t or notot, this is our future. a higher being is driving the car.r. for hundreds of thousands of years, humans hahave been the mt intetelligent beingsgs on thisi earth. not for muchch longer. wewe're creatiting tech h that take u us well beyond self-drivg cars, tech that will outsmart us alall. will a.i.i. . save u us, or wil killll us? >> one o of the leading expepern artitificial intelligence,e, pl welcome hihim to the s stage. [ [ applausese ] ] >> reporter: today, this quiet canadian is headlining an n a.i summitit in montreal. withouout him, this revolulutio wowould not bebe wherere it is. so today he wears a slightly nervous smile. >> governmenents need to protec alall of us withth technologogyh can bebe amamazingly useful l ao risky. >> reporter: joshua benjio is a deep learning pioneer. that's basically teachching computers toto behavave like hu braiains. >> t the stuff t that you find chatgpt, many of its major ingredients came from mila. >> reporter: mila, the montreal institute for lelearning algorithms f founded in n the ' in a building that wasas once e clotothing factotory. nonow they produduce ideasas, algogorithms alrlready changing humanity. . >> therere are goingng to be machinines that arare e way sma than you. >> if we choose so and we dodon destroy y civilizatition before ththat, we couould get therere, >> what isis the b biggest feae? it's humumans s using g this techchnology or humans lososing control l of thihis tetechnolog? >> thehey're bototh valid fears. for the foreseseeable future, is going toto be humansns doioing things with popowerful tecechno like they y have done in the pa. but now very m more popowerful technologygy. it's a also conceieivable e tha some pointnt we could lose contntrol, and t that's popoten even wororse. >> i if you're scared, why d do you jujust shut op shoup shohope a farmer. your research could be contriributing to the end of al of us. >> i'm a asking myseself thahat questition everyry morning. why i'm cocontinuing right now in parart becaususe i ththink t is possisible to b build a.i.i. sysystems thatat would be totat safe and i incredibly y ususefu. >> reporter: but if a.i. doeoeso rogue terminator-style, we'd lose control or more likely we'd just program it badly. there could be uninintended but indelible consnsequences. >> let's make sure that we fix climate change. >> if that's the objectitive th the machine has, fix climate change, okay, well, i guess who's causing the climate change? humansns. okay. easiest waway, end the human ra, riright? > reporter:r: stuart rurusse ananother godfdfather of artifi intelligence. he literally wrote the textbook on a.i. >> my first a.i. progrgram i w e in high h scschool, whicich is 4848 years a ago. > reporter: 48 years later, most a.i. systems can do single things better than us -- recognize a face, play chess. >> what we're aiming towards in a.i. is gegeneral-purprpose a.i meaning g a.i. sysystems that co ananything that humaman beings do. >> reporter: one system that can learn, even teach itself to do anything, everything better than us. >> a.i., i would say, probably definitely is going to just completely upend our entire sort of economic structure and how we've seen things for centuries, if not milleninia. >> yep. >> reporteter: at berkeleley, rurussell leadads a small army researchchers at the center for human-compatible artificial intelligence. >> given that it's going to be more powerful than human beings, how do you ensure e that humuma have power o over it foreverer? that's thehe question n that we workining on. >> reporter: russell and many other tech leaders called in march for a global pause on deploying advavanced a.i.i. sys while we figure out the guardrails. there has been no such pause. >> the problem is right now it's people like you, who are soft-spoken intellectuals making this point and signing these letters. >> yeah, it doesn't seem like a fair fight. but i would say the tenor of discscussion hasas changed radidically. pepeople are listetening.. evenen sam altman, the ceo of opopenai, whicich prproduces ch and all these systems, has called for regulation. >> do the right thing for humanity. >> my worse fears are that we cause signgnificant ---- we, th field, the tecechnology, t the indudustry causese significacan to thehe world.. we want to work with the governrnment to prevevent ththa happening. >> reporter: in the summer, altman and other big a.i. players agreed to voluntary regulations like running security tests before releasing a.i. systems. president biden, among other things, just made such tests mandatory. >> i'm going to be clear. this executitive order represen bold actioion, but we stilill n cocongress to o act. >> y you're optimiststic. > i'm optimistitic. >> repeporter: jusust across t y frfrom bererkeley, in downtotow franciscsco, i m met 2 26-year- alexex wang, onene of the tech leadaders fuelining the a.i. ar race. > i starteded the company wh wawas 19. . >> thahat takes s some balalls. >> what went through my hehead the technonology is gogoing g t soso fast, thahat i'm m going t reallyly regret it if i don't g involvlved. >> r reporter: he is co-founder and ceo of scale a.i.i. his bibig ididea, , to provide developers with the one thing they all need, massive amounts of data organized. in 2022, forbes dubbed him the youngest self-made billionaire in the world. he's now working with the department of defense. around washington, he's known as an a.i. whisperer. >> we want to be sure to not overregulate the technology because if we accidentally overregulate, we could, you know -- we could damage or hurt dedecades and d decades of econ progreress and decades and decas of innovation. >> i don't know you. you seem like a nice person. but it's people like you who are yoyoung, who a are wealthy, who set to m make e a lot more mone from this tech. why should we believe that you really are in this for all of us at this crucial moment for our species? >> well, ultimately i think this is one of the reasons why working with the u.s. government is actually so critical, because, you know, our government has a number of mechanisms and checks and balances and procedures, and it was designed to ensure that the government ultimately reflects the will and the desires of the people. one of the things that i'm most concerned about are bad actors utilizing artificial intelligence to, you know, ultimately exert their will globally, authoritarianism versus democracy. we have china and russia. >> five or ten yearsrs now, how different is our world going to look because of a.i., in terms of our everyday lives and in terms of the geopolitical structure of our planet?t? >> i think thehe quote goes, we always overestimate what will happenen in one year but underestimate what will happen in ten years. when it gets really embedded into everyry way, every y funct of humanity, e everything ththa hahappens, i think it t will be quite shockingng and amamazing the world d will look k like. >> you might be asking, so what will my woworld lolook like? wewell, stay tuned, and we'll sw you. >> that't's someththing that w possibible before.e. >> do yoyou everer wonder r tha you're in danger of sort of losing touch with what's real and what's not? >> well, i did that a couple monthshs ago. you're quickly entering this time where anything you see, read, or hear online can be fake. and what does that mean? nothing isis real anymorore, ri? ththis interviview isn't reaeal. i'm m not realal. you're not real. >> he really is a berkeley professor. his main focus, misinformation. >> we can deny reality. a politician getting kotscaught saying something inappropriate on a hot mic, it's fake. you don't have to cop to it. >> where does that leave us as a society, as a democracy, as a human being? >> i don't know. how do you have a democracy if we can't trust the basic facts of what's happening in the world? >> today is today, and yesterday was today yesterday. >> you revert back to tribalism. this is my people. i trust them. lilisten to whwhat did my y tri, right? and that is dangerous. >> w we're on ththe precipice oe election. >> you're already seeing deepfakes entering. >> i've realized i need to drop out of this race immediately. >> officials closed the city of san francisco this morning. >> therere are peoplple, by the, who will say, well, we don't really think that can change an election. i will remind people that in the last two national elections, the difference between one candidate and the other can be measured in tens of thousands of votes. i know exactly what town to go into and what state and what persona to go after, and i can carpet bomb them with misinformation all day long.g. i move 80,000 votes, that's the ball game. >> so what do we do? i mean you're the man i'm pinning my hopes on to save us. >> there are some things we can do, but theyey're hard. okay. we build what are called behavioral models, and then when a video is released of president biden, track the head, the upper body, the voice, and then cocompare them. is this behaviviorally thehe sas what we have seen? >> reporter: takes time, and the damage might already have been done. >> a fake image of a pentagon bombing was uploaded to twitter on a verified account that looked like bloomberg news, and in two minutes, the stock market dropped a half a trillion dollars from a single fake image. so we're in the detection business, understand. we're in the business of trying to defend against this harmful contntent. but to do that, you have to understand what is possible. >> reporter: and farareed's pro protege, 18 years old, he convinced professor fareed to take him on. >> that's so sweet. >> he's a tech guy. he's supposed to look kind of rumpled. >> reporter: with his mentor's guidance, he made that anderson cooper deepfake you watched a few minutes ago. >> we used one of the online tools that's out there. we basically trained a model to synthesize voice and anderson cooper's style. then we just give it a text, and in a couple of seconds, we had the perfect audio. >> and you just graduated high school. >> yeah, that's right, three weeks ago. >> you're too young, but you might remember. when the news anchor was the voice of god and you believed in everything that that anchor said. >> yeah. >> and now any high school kid, no offense, can put words into that anchor's mouth. >> let alone a president or a ceo or you or me. >> i think in china, they're using completely -- i just sent you the article. completely virtual newscasters now. >> i'm an english artificial intelligence anchor. >> reporter: if an 18-year-old can do this, imagine what a big-g-time hollylywood p player do with h a.i. >> what you'u're looking at her i think, is the studio of the future. it's how we make movies. how we go about doing it is changing. >> what't's it goingng to mean e sitttting on my lazyzy boy. > you'll l get t better m mo >> reporteter: scott mann direcd "falall," a big hihit with t th teenagage crowd.d. pre-releasased to o avoid an "r rating, , he had to get rid of e cucursing. >> no,o, youou motheher [ bleep >> r reshooting the movie witht ththe e swearing w would have c lotsts of time a and moneyey. ththey didn't t have to. thanksks to a.a.i., , this -- > now we'rere stuck on ththi stupupid tower i in n the middd [ bleep ] ] -- >> b became thisis. >> now we'e're stuck o on this freaking t tower in ththe middl freakiking nowhwhere. >> w we can n take n new dialog spoken by this actress, and because the system understands how she speaks, we're able to create new mouth articulations for that line. >> reporter: remember, hollywood went on strike in part over fears a.i. algorithms would steal actors' images and perfrformances. mann is nonot doing thatat. the e actors a are invololved. they voicece the new lineses. ththey just dodon't all hahave out and reshoot to get rid of a cuss word or fix a flaw. >> i mean, you are not a tech guy. you are not a business guy. >> yeah. >> i'm sorry. maybe i just have a a stroke ony way over here.e. >> i'm'm doingng a film called "heist," a and i saw a foreign b of that movie. that's when i realized films are being ruined every time they are dubbed, , and it kind d of s se ofoff on a bitit of anan advent figurere out a w way to fix it. so over hehere some guys are workining onon an incrededible in swewedish. > reporter:r: thanks to this tetech, , mamann will release t originalal ufo s sweden but in english. >> you'r're one blacack markrk from y youth custotody, and yoyt toto hang ouout wiwith those i again? >> whihile we'e're on thisis bi picturure, there's's one othereg i want to ask you. [ speaking in a global language ] >> yes. >> we are at the stage or we will soon be at the stage where actually the entire creative process is taken over by a.i. >> i would say no. the really good movies typically tap into some kind of human exploration. it's born from feeling, and you're delivering feeling. the one thing a.i. canan't do i f feel. it's not human at the end of the day. it can be trained to emulate us. the best human instinct you could say is survival. unless a.i. that has feelings that relate into that notion, i don't think it's ever going to be like us. >> it clearly has tapped i into prprimal fear inin us as humans. it's basically tapped into our survivalal instinct. >> yeah, rightly so. there's enormousus good that ca comeme out of f this done ririg. >> repeporter: nexext -- > i always said to my family that i would walk again. nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. we c came to l lausanne to twtwo medical l pipioneers. >> you shohould go and s save e someonone's life. . >> okay.y. so i am going. >> she was sidetracked by emergency brain surgery. we'll get back to them both in a minutete. we werere also sidetraracked in lausanne, also by somemething popotentially lifesaving. fafar from thehe old town in a bubuilding thahat looked like a school g gymnasium, , we found . it's been around since the soviets had an idea in thehe 1950s, butut no human on earth s manageged to m make e a talkama really work. but these physicists are partnered with google e deep mi, one of t the most advanceded a labs in the world,d, and now thk that they can n finally crcrack >> the i idea is to reprproduce sosound on earth to rereproduce energygy. with a.i.i., therere's a chance dodo it withinin 2 20 yeyears. > reporter:r: to heat plasma 150 million degrees celsius to initiate nuclear fusion,n, to create n near endless s cleaean cheap, and s safe popower. there's ththe e plplasma. magnets mumust stop itit touchc the sidedes of the conontainer. the mamagnets neneed c constant tweakiking. >> h humans cannnnot do it in r time. eveverything i is hahappening g. >> but the a.i. can? >> the a.i. definitely can. >> reporter: a a.i. might nonow able to save our world from a fossilil fuel fate. >> what arare the arareas thata sesee e right nonow of thehe mo benefit? >> let's seeee. health a and envnvironment.. it couldld be thatat in n 20 ye we've cured pretetty much alall diseases. i'm not sayingng it's going tot happen, , but there'e's that k f potentiaial. >> repeporter: so back to o tho suave memedical pioneersrs and r seseemingly imimpossible dream. >> to o have someone come e int this h hospital paralyzed and walking out of this s hospital normal. >> so explain to me who does what here. you're the surgegeon. >> i'm the surgegeon. >> a and i'm the scientist. >> this s man was paparalyzed i bicycle accicident i in china. >> for me, m my thoughghts tran down my spinine, and t that make walk.. but withth you, , that connenec was broken, is that t right? >> yeses. >> do you u remember w what happeneded? >> no,o, nothihing. >> y you were onon youour bibic the nenext thing -- - >> the d day t they found d me streets, t the bliss polilice p up, , brought meme in the hospi. when i w woke up, i didn't f fey legs anynymore. the doctctor told me i could toh mymy face withth my left or rig hahand, and he s said like be h wiwith this.s. itit won't g get better.r. >> andnd how do you dedeal witit asas a person?n? >> i always sasaid to my family that i would walk k agaiain. i toldld them m one year, but i apparentlyly neeeeded ten years >> repeporter: ten years for a. to catch up with the dream. tech that began many years ago as a sci-fi sketch drawn on a napkinin in a nenew york stetea. >> when i i draw a a brain and spininal cord, and thehere was didigital brididge to reststart workining after paralysis.s. >> butut at this t time it was dreaeam. >> w were you imaginining this reading g the thououghts? >> yes.. i ththought it was crazy. >> reporteter: now reality. a paparalyzed d man isis up ana. >> so we are doing two surgeries. the classical one is on the spinal cord. so where we e would puput elece troeoeds a above thehe regioion spinal c cord that is controlli movements. and this other surgery is the one above the brain. so in that case, we put electrodes above the moto cortex. it's the part of the brain that is controlling leg movements. this implant is going to work wirelessly a and activate the spinal c cord d stimululation. >> a.i., for us, has becomome a frieiend for the past ten yeyea. this is s a resesearch partntne withouout which wewe could not opoperate. >> you couould not opeperate? >> when you'rere facining somet huhuge amount ofof data, whichcn bebeingings are not able to o understandining what's happenin machinine learning can tell usu. > the a.i. can dedetect h ho ththe person wants to makeke a momovement, not just the moveme. >> that is c correct. we're turnrning g thought into actition. >> y yeah, that't's somemething was imimpossible beforore. >> s so now we tururn n on the , and you can see that he can actually step. we're going to turn it off. now w it's off, and yoyou see t he's frozen.n. now it's v very difficulult for. hehe's trying. >> yeah, yeah, yeaeah. >> b back on, and he can perfof sosome stepsps a again. > i'm kind d of surprisised you u can have a a conversatatih me, and this is still pipickingp when youou want t to m move yoy. >> y yes. it can reaeally discririminate n signalals. >> yeah. >> when was s the moment thahat rerealized thahat it wororked? >> i it was sasad for me b beca this one dayay, i was not prese. >> he was not present because he did nonot t realize ththat it we so fast. >> but she doesn't tell you that everybody was crying in the room. >> he e doesn't wawalk thehe wa did d before hisis accident, no yet. mamaybe nevever. but with e every a.i.-.-aided s he's getting stronger. his body is actually r repairin itself. >> whether using this system for a long period of time for training, nerve fibers start growing g again. so we repair the nervous system with this technology. >> in the spine? >> correct. that was just like a dream. this is like regeneratative e medicicine. we r receive so many emails, requests to be implalanted, and it's n not yetet availabable commmmercially.. so peoplple have to wait. >> cue thihis guy. >> we'veve hireded people throut the unitited states to helelp conduct our clinicalal t trials >> davave e marverer, a veteran medicacal device exexecutive, m to switzerland f for this. >> we're linkiking t the spinald stimulatation with thought. >> crazytownwn. >> he's nonow ththe e ceo o of whwhich mamakes anand will e ev marketet, if approved, t the de that's helping hertytyan walk. >> h hertyan is the first huhumn all ofof historyry t to o have imimplanted brbrain compututer interface e that spopoke to an implananted spinalal cord stimur to restotore the abibility to w. first persrson in historory. wherere does it go next? wewe're going g to plant t the humaman in histotory to see a brain/cocomputer i interface ca restore hahand and arm fununcti >> since w we spoke,e, they've it. onward sayays these devices s a currently y in c clinical fefeasibility trtrials, but t s yearars awayay from cocoming to mamarket. > your device, , for examamp huhuge benenefit to humankind.d. overerall, i mean ththere are f that this tech will bebe detrtrimental toto humanankind. is that t something g you ---- >> o on balance,e, n nick, i'm' givingng you my y gut reactitio. i'm actualally more concerernedn hopepeful becaususe i feel likes galloping g forward wiwithout a of oversrsight or eveven understandining of what it canad willll do. you know, we're e wearing g the white hats here, andnd we're workrking on harnenessing the p ofof a a.i. . to do good. but i'm concerned about the rert of the wororld. >> a are we stilill going to ha the capability to thinink freel inin the age of a.i.? >> the dark side of a. ini. i i brainsns, next. >> how do you u justify y a mac potentially making a decision to take a human life? >> i think necessity. goli, taste your goals. > can you explaiain n what process s is that's happenening riri right now?w? > um -- >> advanceces in a.i. have beeno vast just over thehe past year with genenerative a.a.i. thahat really a are much clcloser to al m mind-readiding. >> w we just watatched a parara man wawalking ththanks to an a.i.i.-powered i implant essssey rereading his s mind. >> there are literally millions of people e who are suffering gm disabibilities as s a result o motor cocortex impairmrment. >> thehere is a potentially dar side to tech that can decode our thoughts. >> there are reports of governmements worldwdwide using to intnterrogate criminal defendants based on how their brains react to information that was flashed before them. >> reporter: nita farahani, a professor and legislate ethicist is fighting to save whatever brain privacy we have left. >> a.i. is beingng used at s sc to try to understatand w what ye thinking a and you're feelining. but there is a tiny part o of y ththat you stitill hold back, , a. a.i. s still doesnsn't have aca to. so here's s how you mighght thi about it, right? therere has nevever been anyny thatat has walked d past youou you u thought, hmm, , pretty attracactive that t your wife dt know aboutut, riright? prpresume for r a momement t th someonone walked by. you ththought, wow, that person atattractive, , and she gogot ae rereal-time alalert on herer ph that said, like, t the brain wa data s shows that he just thoug that person was attractive. i mean that's the difference between the world we're in right now and a world of complete brain transparency. there is still the part of you that you're able to keep inside. there's still the inner monologue. there's still the dreams that you have when you're sleepiningt night that somebebody else d dot have accccess to. >> but soon, farahani says, it's possible that won't be the case. corporations, governments, and others could be able to gain access inside our brains usisin a.i. and -- >> milititaries worldwide are e in when itit comeses t to o wha increaeasingly beingng referrer as cognitive warfare. so the ability to not just do things like e create super soldldiers but a also toto prec be able e to takake ouout or dit or disable people. > is a.i. going t to keep us humankind,d, safafer o or put u more dangeger militatarily? >> depends o on whwho devevelop > reporter:r: this s lieuten cololonel l is a careeeer soldi combat veteranan. he knows what armimies n need, he's nowow figuring g out t how can hehelp. >> a and this is a strangege question, , but why arare you talkining to u us? why arare you u talking to anyb about ththis? >> yeah. i think ththere's a needed for explanatation and a benefit. if we are a bit more transparent. >> reporter: he leads the dutch military's r robotics and d autotonomous s systems u unit. > with the primimary aim of keeping your flesh a and b bloo huhuman sosoldiers s safer. > at first, yes. second is s to incncrease our ct power.r. for examample, with recoconnaise robots, be the first into the minefield. if the robot explodes, i lose one robot. >> this is a new arms race, and this t time china a is t the m ririval. > they belilieve that the un states a and other countries wot invest sufficiently into this disruptive new technology. so it's an opportunity for them to leapfrog ahead of the united states. >> right. >> alex wang, the a.i. data gururu, is now w working with t u.s. m military. how w will that spspace e chang the next fivive, ten years becee of a.i.i.? >> so inin the sea and on landnn aiair, it willll be e some sort autonomomous robototics system versusus another robobotic autonomous system, and that will be the sort of nature by which these wawars arere foughght. >> is this a pivotalal momoment human n fighghting?? >> absolutely. it's changing every weapon and every way of war fighting. >> jessica dorsey studies al rhythmic warfare. >> the integration of a.i. on the battlefield will make it easier for countries to go to wawar. there neneeds toto be meaningfg transpsparency andnd a accounta for actitions onon thehe b batt. and only humans can account for killing other humans. >> repeporter: the terminator scenario, autonomous robots killing people, is that eveven possibible? >> drones swarms, 50, 100, 1,000 drones working in concert to emulate swarms in nature. the technology is there to fully recognizize and selelect target a battlefield. >> and kill those targets without a human involved? >> yes. . >> w we arare e investigatating concept, conditions. decision authority can be delegated to a machine. >> for example, if communication between n a human sosoldier and machinine is comprpromised, tht machine e goes fullyly autonomo >> then anan unmananned systste mamake the dececision toto firi >> s so you've got an unmannnne auautonomous v vehicle on a mis. it comes u under attack frfrom enemy.y. and inin o order to sasave an ud robot, human life e of the enen will be taken.n. >> yeaeah. nonot in orderer to save t the f ththe rorobot. in order to o achieve the mimis objective.e. >> youou heard thahat righght. a.a.i. pototentially m making tl to kilill a human. how dodo you j justify, yoyou k machinine potentiaially mamakin decision t to takeke a a human ? > i thihink necessisity.. if i it was not necessarary, we would not develop this capability. and to be clear, we're in the concept development phase. >> the u.n. secretary-general wants a formal treaty to ban lethal autonomous weapons, butu ththe u.s.s. and other big powe have yet to o agree. >> do you think this is going to destroy us? >> it doesn't want to. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. this l little city, amstere, remains a monument to a time when tulips were the hot new thing. it's always been filleled witht forward ththinkers, pushing the bounundaries of f progress. soso, it's no o surprise that t the dutch are thinking deeply abouout the next r revolution a what i it means toto be human ne age of a a.i. >> hi. i'i've been n looking into a.i. quitite some time e now anand dg to a lot of peoplele. and you'u're still weirdrding m out, you know? >> i see that as a c compliment. >> it isis. it is.s. it is.s. >> a amsterdam i is also homome constantnt -- - >> t this work herere, it's s oy asian n artist. >> n none ofof u us can now esc a.i. it's e everywhere. so, brinkman is leaning in. his dead end gallery is the fifirst a.i.-o-only art gagalle the world.d. >> t this is mucuch h -- and we thought,t, let's - -- >> who also dodoesn't t actuall physicallyly exist. >> no. > let's just establish that. >> he's from the netherlands, and his -- is from u.s. we have created 11 artists, and we create thosose as follolows,a large lalanguage model, we ask, please comome up w with the nam an artist. and then there comes a name of an artist. >> hi. i am -- - >> how o old are youou? >> i'm'm 29 yearars old. can you u tell me sosomething a your famamily, aboutut your lov life? this wholele characterer comes alivive. >> artifificial arts sell ls fo thousands of euros. it's apparently very popopular d agreed thahat the e gallery canp all the e cash. >> you t talk about her as if shshe's, kind of, real. does she seem real to you? >> y yes, ababsolutely. >> a artificial l intelligenenc >> do o you ever wondeder that you'u're in dangerer of losingnh with what't's s real a and w wh? >> i didid that a a couple o ofs ago. we were soso in the ststories, e suddenly t thought, wewe reaeale new friends.s. i i stopped talking wiwith t th, i think,k, two weeksks bececaus was all totoo much in n my head. because atat some poinint, i wi lose my mimind. and i i need to reset mymyself. and nonow w i sesee themem as a entities a and as also f friend. >> w we humamans c can becomome comfortablble with a.i. . all o and insiside our liveses.. >> t this is a a n new tooool. and the tool will never r go aw. the genie isis o out of f the b. so, this will not go away. >> do you think this is going to destroy us? >> a.i. is very much capable of doing realally weird - -- so i it can do crarazy things.s. but it d doesn't w want to. so, if we keep i it a little b safe and w we controrol it a l bit, we will benefit from that. >> can we keep it a little bit safe? the u.s. senate held a series of closed door hearings. elon musk attended the first. >> i think this meeting may go down in history as being very important for the future of civilization. >> do you think legislation is going to come out of this? >> probably. i'm not sure what the time frame is. >> they're going to do what they're susupposed to do, whicis maximize s shareholderer profit. they're obobligated by law to d this. let's stopop preretending this bunch of cool kids trying to save thehe w world. they'r're trying t to make a bu of m money.. thatat's fine. i have no problem m with that. now itit's thehe g government'to reregulate the industrtry. >> withohout having to wait t anotother three e years s for a legislatioion. that's's not goingng to work.. >> what t you're sayaying here ouour current systems, o our cut society,y, is not yet reready t dedeal with whwhat is abouout t us. >> unforortunately. >> let us press onward in quest for man's essential desire for peace. >> remember we did all come together to regulate nuclear weapons, although only after theyey'd killed d hundreds o of ththousands ofof people. >> i t think most peoplele arer worried d about the existential risk to humanityty. i think in the near term, they need to be far more worried about do we e have mental prpri? >> therere's c certainly the narrrrative ththat we'e'll b be susubjugated t to the a.i. sysy. bubut i don't t believe ththat . i thinink what we'e'll s see in yearars is what any y one man oy team of f people can accccompli will seem utterlrly stagaggerin. >> there's's another b biggie. if a.i. . doesn't killll us ala >> m my coconcern is, sortrt of it does s to us as h human bein. and not to be totoo caliliforni but, you k know, our s sense o f and d our positionon in ththe g scheme. that's changining. >> it isis. itit will change. and d what it means to be human when we'rere not the a apex of intelligenence anymorere in som fufuture. >> if we reaeach artifificial general intelllligence, oror a asas it's s gogone, when a a.i. eveverything, anything, , bette than us.s. >> will we reach agi? > i see no reasonon to bebel thatat we won'n't. i i have not seen a singlele crededible a argument that sugg thatat there's a any bararrier getting ththere or that there'e someme reason whwhy it's imposo. >> after wororking foror monont this s story, there'e's a scenem "wall-e"e" that haunts me. in a fullyly automomated world, humans a are just useless, bloaoated, s soda a swilling lu. the dispsystopia a that h has a haunted professosor russelell. > thahat's one futurere. and i tried to run a series of workshopops, actualllly, wherert economisists and a a.i. peoplel scieience fictioion n writers a future rhyhyss togogether anand let's comeme up withth a pictur ththat isn't t the "wall-e-e" ps whwhere humansns are basasicallh popotatoes butut we failed.. >> r reporter: t there is one e i now knknow for c certain. if anyone tells you they knonow exacactly what o our s society, woworld, will l look like e in r 10, 20, 10100 years, whehere w l go frorom hehere, they don't.. no o one does. we j just t don't knknow where wiwill take usus. -- captions by vitac -- ♪♪

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, Studio , Player , Big G , Movies , Sitttting On My Lazyzy Boy , What T S , Scott Mann Direcd , Witht Ththe E Swearing W , R Rating , Big Hihit With T Th , Bleep R Reshooting , E Cucursing , Teenagage Crowd D Pre Releasased , Falall , Youou Motheher , Ththi Stupupid Tower I In N The Middd , Ththey Didn T Have To , Moneyey , Thanksks To Aai , C Lotsts , Tb , Actress , We Can N Take , Bleep , Ththe Middl , Freaking T Tower , Freakiking Nowhwhere , Part , Mouth Articulations , Images , Algorithms , Line , Strike , Hollywood , Ththey , Doing Thatat , Dodon T , Cuss Word , Flaw , Nonot , Hahave Out And Reshoot , Perfrformances , Invololved , Lineses , Films , Business Guy , Here E , Doingng A Film , Heist , Guys , Se Ofoff , Workining Onon , A Bitit Of Anan Advent Figurere Out Aw , Incrededible , Thanks , You R , Hang Ouout Wiwith , Blacack Markrk , Tetech , Swewedish , Mamann Will Release T Originalal Ufo S Sweden , Yoyt , Y Youth Custotody , Stage , Othereg , There S , Language , Whihile We E , Thisis Bi Picturure , Feeling , Canan T , Process , Human Exploration , Feelings , Human Instinct , Feel , Survival , Survivalal Instinct , Notion , Prprimal Fear Inin , Family , Ca Comeme Out , Ririg , Enormousus Good , Nexext , Nothing , Sports , Footwork , Games , Nice , Field , Cheers , Pitch , Xfinity 10g Network , Woho , 10 , Life , We C , Save E Someonone , Emergency Brain Surgery , Lausanne , L Pipioneers , Old Town , Minutete , Sidetraracked , Somemething Popotentially Lifesaving , In Lausanne , Fafar , School G Gymnasium , Butut No Human , Idea , Soviets , Ea Talkama , Earth S Manageged , 1950 , Physicists , Google E , One Of T , Labs , Deep Mi , Therere , Dodo , I Idea , Reprproduce Sosound , Earth , Rereproduce Energygy , 150 Million , 20 , To Create N , Itit Touchc , Neneed C , Safe Popower , Mamagnets , Nuclear Fusion , Endless S Cleaean Cheap , Ththe E Plplasma , Conontainer , Magnets Mumust , Constant Tweakiking , H , Eveverything , Hahappening G , Tot , Thata Sesee E , Health A , It Couldld Be Thatat In N 20 Ye , Let , Envnvironment , Diseases , Arareas , Mo Benefit , Fossilil Fuel Fate , Seeee , Pretetty , Someone , Imimpossible Dream , Seseemingly , This H Hospital Paralyzed , Kf Potentiaial , O Tho Suave Memedical Pioneersrs , This S Hospital Normal , Scientist , Surgegeon , Connenec , My Spinine , Walk , This S Man , M My Thoughghts , Paparalyzed I Bicycle Accicident , Happeneded , Nothihing , Nenext , T The Bliss Polilice P Up , Onon Youour Bibic , Me Streets , Yeses , He , Withth , Hospi , Meme , This S Itit Won T G , Iw , Rig Hahand , H Wiwith , Get Better R Andnd , Fey Legs Anynymore , Toh Mymy , Doctctor , Dedeal Witit , Dream , Asas A Person N , Walk K Agaiain , Neeeeded , T The Brain , Thehere , Sci Fi Sketch , Spininal Cord , Napkinin , York Stetea , Yes , Reading G , Thououghts , Reststart Workining , Paralysis S Butut , Dreaeam , Didigital Brididge , Surgeries , Paparalyzed D , Spinal Cord , Up Ana , Puput Elece Troeoeds , Case , Movements , Surgery , Electrodes , Cord , Moto , Controlli , Thehe Regioion , Cortex , D Stimululation , Implant , Leg Movements , Resesearch Partntne Withouout , Becomome A Frieiend , Yeyea , Facining Somet Huhuge , O Understandining What , Whichcn Bebeingings , You Rere , Happenin Machinine Learning , Tell Usu , Moveme , Turnrning G , Dedetect H , Ththe Person , Y Yeah , See T , Now W , Tururn N On The , That T S Somemething , Actition , Imimpossible Beforore , Difficulult For , Kind D , Want T To M Move , Perfof Sosome Stepsps A , B Back , Taken N Yeaeah , Hehe , You U , Conversatatih Me , Surprisised , This One Dayay , Me B Beca , Reaeally Discririminate N Signalals , Wororked , Nonot T , Everybody , Room , He E Doesn T Wawalk , Thehe Wa Did D , Mamaybe Nevever , Hisis Accident , Ai , Nerve Fibers , Training , Repairin , Nervous System , Spine , Correct , Regeneratative E Medicicine , Emails , Our Clinicalal T , Implalanted , Cue Thihis Guy , Unitited , Yetet Availabable Commmmercially , Trials Davave E Marverer , People Throut , We Veve Hireded , Linkiking T , Anand Will E , Nonow Ththe E , Switzerland F , O Of Whwhich Mamakes , Medicacal , Spinald Stimulatation , Ev Marketet , Device Exexecutive , Crazytownwn , Ofof Historyry T To O Have Imimplanted , T The De , Huhumn , H Hertyan , Hertytyan Walk , Humaman , Brbrain Compututer , Abibility To W First Persrson In Historory , Implananted Spinalal , Cord Stimur , Spopoke , Restore Hahand , Cocomputer , Devices Sa Currently Y , In C , Cocoming , Fefeasibility Trtrials , Arm Fununcti , Onward Sayays , Ts Yearars Awayay , Toto Humanankind , Device , Mamarket , Humankind D Overerall , Examamp Huhuge Benenefit , N Nick , On Balance , Givingng You My Y Gut Reactitio , Bebe Detrtrimental , Becaususe I Feel , Wiwithout A , Hats , Canad Willll , Eveven Understandining , Actualally , Oversrsight , Andnd , Concerernedn Hopepeful , Capability , Wororld , Age , Rert , Freel Inin , Workrking On Harnenessing , Human Life , Decision , Necessity , A Ini Ii Brainsns , The Dark Side , Mac , Goals , Goli , What Process S , Explaiain N , Happenening Riri , Advanceces , Um , Wawalking Ththanks , Aai Thahat , Clcloser , Parara , Genenerative , Mind Readiding , Cocortex Impairmrment , Essssey Rereading , People E , Millions , Disabibilities , Gm , Defendants , Brains , Information , Reports , Thoughts , Governmements Worldwdwide , Fighting , What Ye Thinking A , Y Ththat , Understatand W , Ethicist , Sc , Nita Farahani , Brain Privacy , Beingng , Feelining , Still Doesnsn T Have Aca To , Anyny Thatat , Wife , You Stitill Hold Back , A I , Mighght Thi , Ra Momement T , You Ththought , Data , Th Someonone , Ae Rereal , Prpresume , Person Atattractive , Herer Ph , Wow , Know Aboutut , Dot Have Accccess To , Somebebody Else D , Brain Transparency , Inner Monologue , Sleepiningt Night , Usisin A I , Governments , Won T , Corporations , Others , Access , Ability , Cognitive Warfare , Super Soldldiers , Increaeasingly Beingng Referrer , Itit Comeses T To O Wha , Humankind , Dit , Prec , Dangeger Militatarily , Takake Ouout , Safafer , Depends O , Strangege Question , Nowow , Lieuten Cololonel L , Combat Veteranan , Hehelp , On Whwho Devevelop , Armimies N Need , Careeeer Soldi , Ththis , Benefit , Arare You U , Arare You Talkining , Dutch Military S R Robotics , Explanatation , Huhuman Sosoldiers S Safer , Flesh A , Second , Aim , Recoconnaise Robots , Systems U Unit , Ct Power R For Examample , Primimary , Incncrease , Autotonomous , First , Robot , Countries , China A , Arms Race , States , M Ririval , Minefield , U N , Opportunity , Working With T U S M Military , Spspace E Chang , Data Gururu , Nature , Robobotic Autonomous System , It Willll , Autonomomous Robototics System Versusus , Inin , Fivive , Wawars Arere Foughght , Landnn Aiair , Weapon , Pivotalal Momoment Human N Fighghting , War Fighting , Al Rhythmic Warfare , Jessica Dorsey , Integration , Battlefield , Wawar , There Neneeds , Meaningfg Transpsparency , Actitions Onon Thehe B Batt , Andnd A Accounta , Autonomous Robots Killing People , Eveven Possibible , The Terminator Scenario , Swarms , Concert , Drones Swarms , Drones , Selelect Target A Battlefield , 50 , 100 , 1000 , Human , Decision Authority , Targets , Conditions , We Arare E Investigatating Concept , Yoyou K Machinine , Firi S , Comprpromised , Tht Machine E , Machine , Example , Fullyly Autonomo , Communication , Na Human Sosoldier , Systste Mamake , Anan Unmananned , Unmannnne Auautonomous V , Dececision , Human Life E , Vehicle , Attack , Inin O Order To Sasave An Ud Robot , Frfrom Enemy Y , Mis , Enen , Order , Thahat Righght , Kilill A Human , Mimis Objective E Youou , Orderer , Ththe Rorobot , You J , Aai Pototentially M Making Tl , Potentiaially Mamakin Decision T , Secretary General , Thihink Necessisity , Concept Development Phase , It Doesn T Want To , Powe , Treaty , Ban Lethal Autonomous Weapons , Butu Ththe Uss , Businesses , Most , Comcast Business , Small Business Bonus , Savvy , Efficient , Internet , Business Internet , Network , Anyone Else , Prepaid Card , Business Today , 000 , Possibilities , Little City , Monument , Amstere , R Revolution A , Progress , Ththinkers , Forward , O Surprise , Filleled Witht , Bounundaries , Dutch , Human Ne , Compliment , Peoplele , Lot , Weirdrding M Out , Hi , Quitite , It S Oy Asian N Artist , Esc A I , Homome Constantnt , It Isis , Work Herere , It Is S A Amsterdam , Let S , Brinkman , World D T , Mucuch H , Gallery , Everywhere , Dead End , A I O Only Art Gagalle , Fifirst , Artists , Thosose , Dodoesn T Actuall Physicallyly Exist , Follolows , 11 , Artist , O Old , Comome Up W , Name , Yearars Old , Nam , 29 , Lov Life , Famamily , Wholele Characterer , Aboutut , Fo Thousands Of Euros , Alivive , Artifificial Arts , Ls , Gallery Canp , You T , Shshe S , Kind Of , Y Yes , Ababsolutely , E Suddenly T , Soso , What T S Real A And W , Wh , Dangerer , Couple O Ofs Ago , Losingnh , Ststories , A , Totoo Much In N , Head , Friend , Friends S Ii , Wiwith T Th , Nonow , Mimind , Poinint , Atat , Mymyself , Weeksks Bececaus , Sesee Themem , We Humamans C , Isis O Out Of F , Tool Will Never R Go Aw , Our Liveses , Tooool , Insiside , Becomome Comfortablble , Genie , The B , Want To , Crarazy Things S But It D , Doesn T W , Realally , Safe , Series , We Controrol , It Al Bit , Closed Door Hearings , U S Senate , Legislation , History , Frame , Civilization , Meeting , Elon Musk , Law To D , Susupposed , Thehe W World , Kids , Fine , Shareholderer Profit , Whicis , They R , Stopop Preretending , Bu Of M Money , Wait T Anotother Three E Years S , That S , Legislatioion , Withohout , Itit , Thehe G Government To Reregulate The Industrtry , O Our Cut Society , Press Onward In Quest For Man S Essential Desire , Abouout T , Peace , Unforortunately , Term , Humanityty , Weapons , Risk , Ththousands Ofof , Hundreds O , Peoplele Arer , Theyey D , Yearars , We E , Narrrrative Ththat We E Ll B Be Susubjugated T , Bubut I Don T Believe Ththat , Sysy , One Man Oy , B Biggie , Team , H Human Bein , Sortrt , Utterlrly Stagaggerin , Ai Doesn T Killll , Accccompli , Ala M My Coconcern Is , Positionon , S Sense , Apex , Changining , Totoo Caliliforni , You K Know , Ththe G Scheme , We Reaeach Artifificial General Intelllligence , Us S Will We Reach Agi , Intelligenence Anymorere , Oror A Asas It S Gogone , Som Fufuture , Whwhy It S Imposo , Bebel Thatat , There E Someme , Argument , Bararrier , No Reasonon , We Won N T Ii , Singlele Crededible , Wall E , Fullyly Automomated World , There E S A Scenem , Monont This S Story , Wororking Foror , Dispsystopia A That H , S Soda , One Futurere , Workshopops , Professosor Russelell , Actualllly , Wherert Economisists , Bloaoated , Swilling Lu , Pictur Ththat Isn T , Peoplel Scieience Fictioion N , Writers A Future Rhyhyss Togogether Anand Let S Comeme Up Withth , Popotatoes Butut We , Anyone , O Our S Society , O One , Will L , They Don T , Whehere Wl Go Frorom Hehere , We J , Wiwill Take Usus , Don T Knknow , 10100 , Captions , Vitac , Www Vitac Com ,

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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240702

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♪ welcome to "the whole story." i'm anderson cooper. artificial intelligence, or a.i., is an incredibly powerful technology which may change many aspects of our lives. the ceo of google's parent company, alphabet, which has invested heavily in it, recently said a.i.'s impact could be more profound than electricity or even fire. but many worry about what that impact might turn out to be. could a.i. one day replace humans? and if so, how might that happen? we've already seen some service-based and manufacturing jobs turn to a.i. in a big way. but what about other industries? can a.i. replace journalists or news anchors? perhaps it already has because what you just saw and heard a moment ago was not actually me. this is me, anderson cooper. and i am an a.i.-generated anderson cooper. that wasn't my real voice, and i never spoke the words you just heard. we asked a young student in california to create a fully end to end a.i. version of me. looks like me, sounds like me, and it didn't take him very long to do it. this a.i. version of me was created in just a few weeks actually with open source tools. and remember this technology is still in its infaninfancy. it's going to get better, faster and more accurate, which raises all sorts of questions, like how will we know what is real and what's not? everything from creating art, fighting wars, even waging political campaigns. over the next hour, cnn's nick watt brings us inside the race to develop a.i. and the attempts to contain it. >> lookiking for a good spotot pull over. >> you t think this is our c ca? > yep. . >> okay.y. i guess ththe firsrst test i is whwhether it runs meme ovever. start ride. so that's s the view i'm gettin fromom the back seatat, that wh momoving with h no hanands.. look, momom, no handnds! this is freaky. this robot taxi alreready roroa the streets of sanan franciscoc gives us a a verery good idea o whwhere we are. > pretty cocool i if you cac past thehe weird empty driver'r seat.. >> repororter: and w where we m bebe going.. in california,a, o obviously, y can turnrn right on red, a and trtrying to tuturn r right.. it's's going to do i it. go on, mate.e. go o on. the flesh and blood driver that used to o sit hehere is alreada obsolelete. this is our future. humans sitting in the back seat doing nothing. some humans are scared, some trying hard to stop it. for now, humanans s are stilill cocontrol of a.i. anand thisis . ththere's a human supepervisor cal center. can you tell that t he's not wearining hihis seat kbbelt pro >> yes, correct. >> but not for long. that's where a.i. is at the moment, imperfect and speeding ahead without a seseat belt.t. like it t or notot, this is our future. a higher being is driving the car.r. for hundreds of thousands of years, humans hahave been the mt intetelligent beingsgs on thisi earth. not for muchch longer. wewe're creatiting tech h that take u us well beyond self-drivg cars, tech that will outsmart us alall. will a.i.i. . save u us, or wil killll us? >> one o of the leading expepern artitificial intelligence,e, pl welcome hihim to the s stage. [ [ applausese ] ] >> reporter: today, this quiet canadian is headlining an n a.i summitit in montreal. withouout him, this revolulutio wowould not bebe wherere it is. so today he wears a slightly nervous smile. >> governmenents need to protec alall of us withth technologogyh can bebe amamazingly useful l ao risky. >> reporter: joshua benjio is a deep learning pioneer. that's basically teachching computers toto behavave like hu braiains. >> t the stuff t that you find chatgpt, many of its major ingredients came from mila. >> reporter: mila, the montreal institute for lelearning algorithms f founded in n the ' in a building that wasas once e clotothing factotory. nonow they produduce ideasas, algogorithms alrlready changing humanity. . >> therere are goingng to be machinines that arare e way sma than you. >> if we choose so and we dodon destroy y civilizatition before ththat, we couould get therere, >> what isis the b biggest feae? it's humumans s using g this techchnology or humans lososing control l of thihis tetechnolog? >> thehey're bototh valid fears. for the foreseseeable future, is going toto be humansns doioing things with popowerful tecechno like they y have done in the pa. but now very m more popowerful technologygy. it's a also conceieivable e tha some pointnt we could lose contntrol, and t that's popoten even wororse. >> i if you're scared, why d do you jujust shut op shoup shohope a farmer. your research could be contriributing to the end of al of us. >> i'm a asking myseself thahat questition everyry morning. why i'm cocontinuing right now in parart becaususe i ththink t is possisible to b build a.i.i. sysystems thatat would be totat safe and i incredibly y ususefu. >> reporter: but if a.i. doeoeso rogue terminator-style, we'd lose control or more likely we'd just program it badly. there could be uninintended but indelible consnsequences. >> let's make sure that we fix climate change. >> if that's the objectitive th the machine has, fix climate change, okay, well, i guess who's causing the climate change? humansns. okay. easiest waway, end the human ra, riright? > reporter:r: stuart rurusse ananother godfdfather of artifi intelligence. he literally wrote the textbook on a.i. >> my first a.i. progrgram i w e in high h scschool, whicich is 4848 years a ago. > reporter: 48 years later, most a.i. systems can do single things better than us -- recognize a face, play chess. >> what we're aiming towards in a.i. is gegeneral-purprpose a.i meaning g a.i. sysystems that co ananything that humaman beings do. >> reporter: one system that can learn, even teach itself to do anything, everything better than us. >> a.i., i would say, probably definitely is going to just completely upend our entire sort of economic structure and how we've seen things for centuries, if not milleninia. >> yep. >> reporteter: at berkeleley, rurussell leadads a small army researchchers at the center for human-compatible artificial intelligence. >> given that it's going to be more powerful than human beings, how do you ensure e that humuma have power o over it foreverer? that's thehe question n that we workining on. >> reporter: russell and many other tech leaders called in march for a global pause on deploying advavanced a.i.i. sys while we figure out the guardrails. there has been no such pause. >> the problem is right now it's people like you, who are soft-spoken intellectuals making this point and signing these letters. >> yeah, it doesn't seem like a fair fight. but i would say the tenor of discscussion hasas changed radidically. pepeople are listetening.. evenen sam altman, the ceo of opopenai, whicich prproduces ch and all these systems, has called for regulation. >> do the right thing for humanity. >> my worse fears are that we cause signgnificant ---- we, th field, the tecechnology, t the indudustry causese significacan to thehe world.. we want to work with the governrnment to prevevent ththa happening. >> reporter: in the summer, altman and other big a.i. players agreed to voluntary regulations like running security tests before releasing a.i. systems. president biden, among other things, just made such tests mandatory. >> i'm going to be clear. this executitive order represen bold actioion, but we stilill n cocongress to o act. >> y you're optimiststic. > i'm optimistitic. >> repeporter: jusust across t y frfrom bererkeley, in downtotow franciscsco, i m met 2 26-year- alexex wang, onene of the tech leadaders fuelining the a.i. ar race. > i starteded the company wh wawas 19. . >> thahat takes s some balalls. >> what went through my hehead the technonology is gogoing g t soso fast, thahat i'm m going t reallyly regret it if i don't g involvlved. >> r reporter: he is co-founder and ceo of scale a.i.i. his bibig ididea, , to provide developers with the one thing they all need, massive amounts of data organized. in 2022, forbes dubbed him the youngest self-made billionaire in the world. he's now working with the department of defense. around washington, he's known as an a.i. whisperer. >> we want to be sure to not overregulate the technology because if we accidentally overregulate, we could, you know -- we could damage or hurt dedecades and d decades of econ progreress and decades and decas of innovation. >> i don't know you. you seem like a nice person. but it's people like you who are yoyoung, who a are wealthy, who set to m make e a lot more mone from this tech. why should we believe that you really are in this for all of us at this crucial moment for our species? >> well, ultimately i think this is one of the reasons why working with the u.s. government is actually so critical, because, you know, our government has a number of mechanisms and checks and balances and procedures, and it was designed to ensure that the government ultimately reflects the will and the desires of the people. one of the things that i'm most concerned about are bad actors utilizing artificial intelligence to, you know, ultimately exert their will globally, authoritarianism versus democracy. we have china and russia. >> five or ten yearsrs now, how different is our world going to look because of a.i., in terms of our everyday lives and in terms of the geopolitical structure of our planet?t? >> i think thehe quote goes, we always overestimate what will happenen in one year but underestimate what will happen in ten years. when it gets really embedded into everyry way, every y funct of humanity, e everything ththa hahappens, i think it t will be quite shockingng and amamazing the world d will look k like. >> you might be asking, so what will my woworld lolook like? wewell, stay tuned, and we'll sw you. >> that't's someththing that w possibible before.e. >> do yoyou everer wonder r tha you're in danger of sort of losing touch with what's real and what's not? >> well, i did that a couple monthshs ago. you're quickly entering this time where anything you see, read, or hear online can be fake. and what does that mean? nothing isis real anymorore, ri? ththis interviview isn't reaeal. i'm m not realal. you're not real. >> he really is a berkeley professor. his main focus, misinformation. >> we can deny reality. a politician getting kotscaught saying something inappropriate on a hot mic, it's fake. you don't have to cop to it. >> where does that leave us as a society, as a democracy, as a human being? >> i don't know. how do you have a democracy if we can't trust the basic facts of what's happening in the world? >> today is today, and yesterday was today yesterday. >> you revert back to tribalism. this is my people. i trust them. lilisten to whwhat did my y tri, right? and that is dangerous. >> w we're on ththe precipice oe election. >> you're already seeing deepfakes entering. >> i've realized i need to drop out of this race immediately. >> officials closed the city of san francisco this morning. >> therere are peoplple, by the, who will say, well, we don't really think that can change an election. i will remind people that in the last two national elections, the difference between one candidate and the other can be measured in tens of thousands of votes. i know exactly what town to go into and what state and what persona to go after, and i can carpet bomb them with misinformation all day long.g. i move 80,000 votes, that's the ball game. >> so what do we do? i mean you're the man i'm pinning my hopes on to save us. >> there are some things we can do, but theyey're hard. okay. we build what are called behavioral models, and then when a video is released of president biden, track the head, the upper body, the voice, and then cocompare them. is this behaviviorally thehe sas what we have seen? >> reporter: takes time, and the damage might already have been done. >> a fake image of a pentagon bombing was uploaded to twitter on a verified account that looked like bloomberg news, and in two minutes, the stock market dropped a half a trillion dollars from a single fake image. so we're in the detection business, understand. we're in the business of trying to defend against this harmful contntent. but to do that, you have to understand what is possible. >> reporter: and farareed's pro protege, 18 years old, he convinced professor fareed to take him on. >> that's so sweet. >> he's a tech guy. he's supposed to look kind of rumpled. >> reporter: with his mentor's guidance, he made that anderson cooper deepfake you watched a few minutes ago. >> we used one of the online tools that's out there. we basically trained a model to synthesize voice and anderson cooper's style. then we just give it a text, and in a couple of seconds, we had the perfect audio. >> and you just graduated high school. >> yeah, that's right, three weeks ago. >> you're too young, but you might remember. when the news anchor was the voice of god and you believed in everything that that anchor said. >> yeah. >> and now any high school kid, no offense, can put words into that anchor's mouth. >> let alone a president or a ceo or you or me. >> i think in china, they're using completely -- i just sent you the article. completely virtual newscasters now. >> i'm an english artificial intelligence anchor. >> reporter: if an 18-year-old can do this, imagine what a big-g-time hollylywood p player do with h a.i. >> what you'u're looking at her i think, is the studio of the future. it's how we make movies. how we go about doing it is changing. >> what't's it goingng to mean e sitttting on my lazyzy boy. > you'll l get t better m mo >> reporteter: scott mann direcd "falall," a big hihit with t th teenagage crowd.d. pre-releasased to o avoid an "r rating, , he had to get rid of e cucursing. >> no,o, youou motheher [ bleep >> r reshooting the movie witht ththe e swearing w would have c lotsts of time a and moneyey. ththey didn't t have to. thanksks to a.a.i., , this -- > now we'rere stuck on ththi stupupid tower i in n the middd [ bleep ] ] -- >> b became thisis. >> now we'e're stuck o on this freaking t tower in ththe middl freakiking nowhwhere. >> w we can n take n new dialog spoken by this actress, and because the system understands how she speaks, we're able to create new mouth articulations for that line. >> reporter: remember, hollywood went on strike in part over fears a.i. algorithms would steal actors' images and perfrformances. mann is nonot doing thatat. the e actors a are invololved. they voicece the new lineses. ththey just dodon't all hahave out and reshoot to get rid of a cuss word or fix a flaw. >> i mean, you are not a tech guy. you are not a business guy. >> yeah. >> i'm sorry. maybe i just have a a stroke ony way over here.e. >> i'm'm doingng a film called "heist," a and i saw a foreign b of that movie. that's when i realized films are being ruined every time they are dubbed, , and it kind d of s se ofoff on a bitit of anan advent figurere out a w way to fix it. so over hehere some guys are workining onon an incrededible in swewedish. > reporter:r: thanks to this tetech, , mamann will release t originalal ufo s sweden but in english. >> you'r're one blacack markrk from y youth custotody, and yoyt toto hang ouout wiwith those i again? >> whihile we'e're on thisis bi picturure, there's's one othereg i want to ask you. [ speaking in a global language ] >> yes. >> we are at the stage or we will soon be at the stage where actually the entire creative process is taken over by a.i. >> i would say no. the really good movies typically tap into some kind of human exploration. it's born from feeling, and you're delivering feeling. the one thing a.i. canan't do i f feel. it's not human at the end of the day. it can be trained to emulate us. the best human instinct you could say is survival. unless a.i. that has feelings that relate into that notion, i don't think it's ever going to be like us. >> it clearly has tapped i into prprimal fear inin us as humans. it's basically tapped into our survivalal instinct. >> yeah, rightly so. there's enormousus good that ca comeme out of f this done ririg. >> repeporter: nexext -- > i always said to my family that i would walk again. nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. we c came to l lausanne to twtwo medical l pipioneers. >> you shohould go and s save e someonone's life. . >> okay.y. so i am going. >> she was sidetracked by emergency brain surgery. we'll get back to them both in a minutete. we werere also sidetraracked in lausanne, also by somemething popotentially lifesaving. fafar from thehe old town in a bubuilding thahat looked like a school g gymnasium, , we found . it's been around since the soviets had an idea in thehe 1950s, butut no human on earth s manageged to m make e a talkama really work. but these physicists are partnered with google e deep mi, one of t the most advanceded a labs in the world,d, and now thk that they can n finally crcrack >> the i idea is to reprproduce sosound on earth to rereproduce energygy. with a.i.i., therere's a chance dodo it withinin 2 20 yeyears. > reporter:r: to heat plasma 150 million degrees celsius to initiate nuclear fusion,n, to create n near endless s cleaean cheap, and s safe popower. there's ththe e plplasma. magnets mumust stop itit touchc the sidedes of the conontainer. the mamagnets neneed c constant tweakiking. >> h humans cannnnot do it in r time. eveverything i is hahappening g. >> but the a.i. can? >> the a.i. definitely can. >> reporter: a a.i. might nonow able to save our world from a fossilil fuel fate. >> what arare the arareas thata sesee e right nonow of thehe mo benefit? >> let's seeee. health a and envnvironment.. it couldld be thatat in n 20 ye we've cured pretetty much alall diseases. i'm not sayingng it's going tot happen, , but there'e's that k f potentiaial. >> repeporter: so back to o tho suave memedical pioneersrs and r seseemingly imimpossible dream. >> to o have someone come e int this h hospital paralyzed and walking out of this s hospital normal. >> so explain to me who does what here. you're the surgegeon. >> i'm the surgegeon. >> a and i'm the scientist. >> this s man was paparalyzed i bicycle accicident i in china. >> for me, m my thoughghts tran down my spinine, and t that make walk.. but withth you, , that connenec was broken, is that t right? >> yeses. >> do you u remember w what happeneded? >> no,o, nothihing. >> y you were onon youour bibic the nenext thing -- - >> the d day t they found d me streets, t the bliss polilice p up, , brought meme in the hospi. when i w woke up, i didn't f fey legs anynymore. the doctctor told me i could toh mymy face withth my left or rig hahand, and he s said like be h wiwith this.s. itit won't g get better.r. >> andnd how do you dedeal witit asas a person?n? >> i always sasaid to my family that i would walk k agaiain. i toldld them m one year, but i apparentlyly neeeeded ten years >> repeporter: ten years for a. to catch up with the dream. tech that began many years ago as a sci-fi sketch drawn on a napkinin in a nenew york stetea. >> when i i draw a a brain and spininal cord, and thehere was didigital brididge to reststart workining after paralysis.s. >> butut at this t time it was dreaeam. >> w were you imaginining this reading g the thououghts? >> yes.. i ththought it was crazy. >> reporteter: now reality. a paparalyzed d man isis up ana. >> so we are doing two surgeries. the classical one is on the spinal cord. so where we e would puput elece troeoeds a above thehe regioion spinal c cord that is controlli movements. and this other surgery is the one above the brain. so in that case, we put electrodes above the moto cortex. it's the part of the brain that is controlling leg movements. this implant is going to work wirelessly a and activate the spinal c cord d stimululation. >> a.i., for us, has becomome a frieiend for the past ten yeyea. this is s a resesearch partntne withouout which wewe could not opoperate. >> you couould not opeperate? >> when you'rere facining somet huhuge amount ofof data, whichcn bebeingings are not able to o understandining what's happenin machinine learning can tell usu. > the a.i. can dedetect h ho ththe person wants to makeke a momovement, not just the moveme. >> that is c correct. we're turnrning g thought into actition. >> y yeah, that't's somemething was imimpossible beforore. >> s so now we tururn n on the , and you can see that he can actually step. we're going to turn it off. now w it's off, and yoyou see t he's frozen.n. now it's v very difficulult for. hehe's trying. >> yeah, yeah, yeaeah. >> b back on, and he can perfof sosome stepsps a again. > i'm kind d of surprisised you u can have a a conversatatih me, and this is still pipickingp when youou want t to m move yoy. >> y yes. it can reaeally discririminate n signalals. >> yeah. >> when was s the moment thahat rerealized thahat it wororked? >> i it was sasad for me b beca this one dayay, i was not prese. >> he was not present because he did nonot t realize ththat it we so fast. >> but she doesn't tell you that everybody was crying in the room. >> he e doesn't wawalk thehe wa did d before hisis accident, no yet. mamaybe nevever. but with e every a.i.-.-aided s he's getting stronger. his body is actually r repairin itself. >> whether using this system for a long period of time for training, nerve fibers start growing g again. so we repair the nervous system with this technology. >> in the spine? >> correct. that was just like a dream. this is like regeneratative e medicicine. we r receive so many emails, requests to be implalanted, and it's n not yetet availabable commmmercially.. so peoplple have to wait. >> cue thihis guy. >> we'veve hireded people throut the unitited states to helelp conduct our clinicalal t trials >> davave e marverer, a veteran medicacal device exexecutive, m to switzerland f for this. >> we're linkiking t the spinald stimulatation with thought. >> crazytownwn. >> he's nonow ththe e ceo o of whwhich mamakes anand will e ev marketet, if approved, t the de that's helping hertytyan walk. >> h hertyan is the first huhumn all ofof historyry t to o have imimplanted brbrain compututer interface e that spopoke to an implananted spinalal cord stimur to restotore the abibility to w. first persrson in historory. wherere does it go next? wewe're going g to plant t the humaman in histotory to see a brain/cocomputer i interface ca restore hahand and arm fununcti >> since w we spoke,e, they've it. onward sayays these devices s a currently y in c clinical fefeasibility trtrials, but t s yearars awayay from cocoming to mamarket. > your device, , for examamp huhuge benenefit to humankind.d. overerall, i mean ththere are f that this tech will bebe detrtrimental toto humanankind. is that t something g you ---- >> o on balance,e, n nick, i'm' givingng you my y gut reactitio. i'm actualally more concerernedn hopepeful becaususe i feel likes galloping g forward wiwithout a of oversrsight or eveven understandining of what it canad willll do. you know, we're e wearing g the white hats here, andnd we're workrking on harnenessing the p ofof a a.i. . to do good. but i'm concerned about the rert of the wororld. >> a are we stilill going to ha the capability to thinink freel inin the age of a.i.? >> the dark side of a. ini. i i brainsns, next. >> how do you u justify y a mac potentially making a decision to take a human life? >> i think necessity. goli, taste your goals. > can you explaiain n what process s is that's happenening riri right now?w? > um -- >> advanceces in a.i. have beeno vast just over thehe past year with genenerative a.a.i. thahat really a are much clcloser to al m mind-readiding. >> w we just watatched a parara man wawalking ththanks to an a.i.i.-powered i implant essssey rereading his s mind. >> there are literally millions of people e who are suffering gm disabibilities as s a result o motor cocortex impairmrment. >> thehere is a potentially dar side to tech that can decode our thoughts. >> there are reports of governmements worldwdwide using to intnterrogate criminal defendants based on how their brains react to information that was flashed before them. >> reporter: nita farahani, a professor and legislate ethicist is fighting to save whatever brain privacy we have left. >> a.i. is beingng used at s sc to try to understatand w what ye thinking a and you're feelining. but there is a tiny part o of y ththat you stitill hold back, , a. a.i. s still doesnsn't have aca to. so here's s how you mighght thi about it, right? therere has nevever been anyny thatat has walked d past youou you u thought, hmm, , pretty attracactive that t your wife dt know aboutut, riright? prpresume for r a momement t th someonone walked by. you ththought, wow, that person atattractive, , and she gogot ae rereal-time alalert on herer ph that said, like, t the brain wa data s shows that he just thoug that person was attractive. i mean that's the difference between the world we're in right now and a world of complete brain transparency. there is still the part of you that you're able to keep inside. there's still the inner monologue. there's still the dreams that you have when you're sleepiningt night that somebebody else d dot have accccess to. >> but soon, farahani says, it's possible that won't be the case. corporations, governments, and others could be able to gain access inside our brains usisin a.i. and -- >> milititaries worldwide are e in when itit comeses t to o wha increaeasingly beingng referrer as cognitive warfare. so the ability to not just do things like e create super soldldiers but a also toto prec be able e to takake ouout or dit or disable people. > is a.i. going t to keep us humankind,d, safafer o or put u more dangeger militatarily? >> depends o on whwho devevelop > reporter:r: this s lieuten cololonel l is a careeeer soldi combat veteranan. he knows what armimies n need, he's nowow figuring g out t how can hehelp. >> a and this is a strangege question, , but why arare you talkining to u us? why arare you u talking to anyb about ththis? >> yeah. i think ththere's a needed for explanatation and a benefit. if we are a bit more transparent. >> reporter: he leads the dutch military's r robotics and d autotonomous s systems u unit. > with the primimary aim of keeping your flesh a and b bloo huhuman sosoldiers s safer. > at first, yes. second is s to incncrease our ct power.r. for examample, with recoconnaise robots, be the first into the minefield. if the robot explodes, i lose one robot. >> this is a new arms race, and this t time china a is t the m ririval. > they belilieve that the un states a and other countries wot invest sufficiently into this disruptive new technology. so it's an opportunity for them to leapfrog ahead of the united states. >> right. >> alex wang, the a.i. data gururu, is now w working with t u.s. m military. how w will that spspace e chang the next fivive, ten years becee of a.i.i.? >> so inin the sea and on landnn aiair, it willll be e some sort autonomomous robototics system versusus another robobotic autonomous system, and that will be the sort of nature by which these wawars arere foughght. >> is this a pivotalal momoment human n fighghting?? >> absolutely. it's changing every weapon and every way of war fighting. >> jessica dorsey studies al rhythmic warfare. >> the integration of a.i. on the battlefield will make it easier for countries to go to wawar. there neneeds toto be meaningfg transpsparency andnd a accounta for actitions onon thehe b batt. and only humans can account for killing other humans. >> repeporter: the terminator scenario, autonomous robots killing people, is that eveven possibible? >> drones swarms, 50, 100, 1,000 drones working in concert to emulate swarms in nature. the technology is there to fully recognizize and selelect target a battlefield. >> and kill those targets without a human involved? >> yes. . >> w we arare e investigatating concept, conditions. decision authority can be delegated to a machine. >> for example, if communication between n a human sosoldier and machinine is comprpromised, tht machine e goes fullyly autonomo >> then anan unmananned systste mamake the dececision toto firi >> s so you've got an unmannnne auautonomous v vehicle on a mis. it comes u under attack frfrom enemy.y. and inin o order to sasave an ud robot, human life e of the enen will be taken.n. >> yeaeah. nonot in orderer to save t the f ththe rorobot. in order to o achieve the mimis objective.e. >> youou heard thahat righght. a.a.i. pototentially m making tl to kilill a human. how dodo you j justify, yoyou k machinine potentiaially mamakin decision t to takeke a a human ? > i thihink necessisity.. if i it was not necessarary, we would not develop this capability. and to be clear, we're in the concept development phase. >> the u.n. secretary-general wants a formal treaty to ban lethal autonomous weapons, butu ththe u.s.s. and other big powe have yet to o agree. >> do you think this is going to destroy us? >> it doesn't want to. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. this l little city, amstere, remains a monument to a time when tulips were the hot new thing. it's always been filleled witht forward ththinkers, pushing the bounundaries of f progress. soso, it's no o surprise that t the dutch are thinking deeply abouout the next r revolution a what i it means toto be human ne age of a a.i. >> hi. i'i've been n looking into a.i. quitite some time e now anand dg to a lot of peoplele. and you'u're still weirdrding m out, you know? >> i see that as a c compliment. >> it isis. it is.s. it is.s. >> a amsterdam i is also homome constantnt -- - >> t this work herere, it's s oy asian n artist. >> n none ofof u us can now esc a.i. it's e everywhere. so, brinkman is leaning in. his dead end gallery is the fifirst a.i.-o-only art gagalle the world.d. >> t this is mucuch h -- and we thought,t, let's - -- >> who also dodoesn't t actuall physicallyly exist. >> no. > let's just establish that. >> he's from the netherlands, and his -- is from u.s. we have created 11 artists, and we create thosose as follolows,a large lalanguage model, we ask, please comome up w with the nam an artist. and then there comes a name of an artist. >> hi. i am -- - >> how o old are youou? >> i'm'm 29 yearars old. can you u tell me sosomething a your famamily, aboutut your lov life? this wholele characterer comes alivive. >> artifificial arts sell ls fo thousands of euros. it's apparently very popopular d agreed thahat the e gallery canp all the e cash. >> you t talk about her as if shshe's, kind of, real. does she seem real to you? >> y yes, ababsolutely. >> a artificial l intelligenenc >> do o you ever wondeder that you'u're in dangerer of losingnh with what't's s real a and w wh? >> i didid that a a couple o ofs ago. we were soso in the ststories, e suddenly t thought, wewe reaeale new friends.s. i i stopped talking wiwith t th, i think,k, two weeksks bececaus was all totoo much in n my head. because atat some poinint, i wi lose my mimind. and i i need to reset mymyself. and nonow w i sesee themem as a entities a and as also f friend. >> w we humamans c can becomome comfortablble with a.i. . all o and insiside our liveses.. >> t this is a a n new tooool. and the tool will never r go aw. the genie isis o out of f the b. so, this will not go away. >> do you think this is going to destroy us? >> a.i. is very much capable of doing realally weird - -- so i it can do crarazy things.s. but it d doesn't w want to. so, if we keep i it a little b safe and w we controrol it a l bit, we will benefit from that. >> can we keep it a little bit safe? the u.s. senate held a series of closed door hearings. elon musk attended the first. >> i think this meeting may go down in history as being very important for the future of civilization. >> do you think legislation is going to come out of this? >> probably. i'm not sure what the time frame is. >> they're going to do what they're susupposed to do, whicis maximize s shareholderer profit. they're obobligated by law to d this. let's stopop preretending this bunch of cool kids trying to save thehe w world. they'r're trying t to make a bu of m money.. thatat's fine. i have no problem m with that. now itit's thehe g government'to reregulate the industrtry. >> withohout having to wait t anotother three e years s for a legislatioion. that's's not goingng to work.. >> what t you're sayaying here ouour current systems, o our cut society,y, is not yet reready t dedeal with whwhat is abouout t us. >> unforortunately. >> let us press onward in quest for man's essential desire for peace. >> remember we did all come together to regulate nuclear weapons, although only after theyey'd killed d hundreds o of ththousands ofof people. >> i t think most peoplele arer worried d about the existential risk to humanityty. i think in the near term, they need to be far more worried about do we e have mental prpri? >> therere's c certainly the narrrrative ththat we'e'll b be susubjugated t to the a.i. sysy. bubut i don't t believe ththat . i thinink what we'e'll s see in yearars is what any y one man oy team of f people can accccompli will seem utterlrly stagaggerin. >> there's's another b biggie. if a.i. . doesn't killll us ala >> m my coconcern is, sortrt of it does s to us as h human bein. and not to be totoo caliliforni but, you k know, our s sense o f and d our positionon in ththe g scheme. that's changining. >> it isis. itit will change. and d what it means to be human when we'rere not the a apex of intelligenence anymorere in som fufuture. >> if we reaeach artifificial general intelllligence, oror a asas it's s gogone, when a a.i. eveverything, anything, , bette than us.s. >> will we reach agi? > i see no reasonon to bebel thatat we won'n't. i i have not seen a singlele crededible a argument that sugg thatat there's a any bararrier getting ththere or that there'e someme reason whwhy it's imposo. >> after wororking foror monont this s story, there'e's a scenem "wall-e"e" that haunts me. in a fullyly automomated world, humans a are just useless, bloaoated, s soda a swilling lu. the dispsystopia a that h has a haunted professosor russelell. > thahat's one futurere. and i tried to run a series of workshopops, actualllly, wherert economisists and a a.i. peoplel scieience fictioion n writers a future rhyhyss togogether anand let's comeme up withth a pictur ththat isn't t the "wall-e-e" ps whwhere humansns are basasicallh popotatoes butut we failed.. >> r reporter: t there is one e i now knknow for c certain. if anyone tells you they knonow exacactly what o our s society, woworld, will l look like e in r 10, 20, 10100 years, whehere w l go frorom hehere, they don't.. no o one does. we j just t don't knknow where wiwill take usus. -- captions by vitac -- ♪♪

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Case , Movements , Surgery , Electrodes , Cord , Moto , Controlli , Thehe Regioion , Cortex , D Stimululation , Implant , Leg Movements , Resesearch Partntne Withouout , Becomome A Frieiend , Yeyea , Facining Somet Huhuge , O Understandining What , Whichcn Bebeingings , You Rere , Happenin Machinine Learning , Tell Usu , Moveme , Turnrning G , Dedetect H , Ththe Person , Y Yeah , See T , Now W , Tururn N On The , That T S Somemething , Actition , Imimpossible Beforore , Difficulult For , Kind D , Want T To M Move , Perfof Sosome Stepsps A , B Back , Taken N Yeaeah , Hehe , You U , Conversatatih Me , Surprisised , This One Dayay , Me B Beca , Reaeally Discririminate N Signalals , Wororked , Nonot T , Everybody , Room , He E Doesn T Wawalk , Thehe Wa Did D , Mamaybe Nevever , Hisis Accident , Ai , Nerve Fibers , Training , Repairin , Nervous System , Spine , Correct , Regeneratative E Medicicine , Emails , Our Clinicalal T , Implalanted , Cue Thihis Guy , Unitited , Yetet Availabable Commmmercially , Trials Davave E Marverer , People Throut , We Veve Hireded , Linkiking T , Anand Will E , Nonow Ththe E , Switzerland F , O Of Whwhich Mamakes , Medicacal , Spinald Stimulatation , Ev Marketet , Device Exexecutive , Crazytownwn , Ofof Historyry T To O Have Imimplanted , T The De , Huhumn , H Hertyan , Hertytyan Walk , Humaman , Brbrain Compututer , Abibility To W First Persrson In Historory , Implananted Spinalal , Cord Stimur , Spopoke , Restore Hahand , Cocomputer , Devices Sa Currently Y , In C , Cocoming , Fefeasibility Trtrials , Arm Fununcti , Onward Sayays , Ts Yearars Awayay , Toto Humanankind , Device , Mamarket , Humankind D Overerall , Examamp Huhuge Benenefit , N Nick , On Balance , Givingng You My Y Gut Reactitio , Bebe Detrtrimental , Becaususe I Feel , Wiwithout A , Hats , Canad Willll , Eveven Understandining , Actualally , Oversrsight , Andnd , Concerernedn Hopepeful , Capability , Wororld , Age , Rert , Freel Inin , Workrking On Harnenessing , Human Life , Decision , Necessity , A Ini Ii Brainsns , The Dark Side , Mac , Goals , Goli , What Process S , Explaiain N , Happenening Riri , Advanceces , Um , Wawalking Ththanks , Aai Thahat , Clcloser , Parara , Genenerative , Mind Readiding , Cocortex Impairmrment , Essssey Rereading , People E , Millions , Disabibilities , Gm , Defendants , Brains , Information , Reports , Thoughts , Governmements Worldwdwide , Fighting , What Ye Thinking A , Y Ththat , Understatand W , Ethicist , Sc , Nita Farahani , Brain Privacy , Beingng , Feelining , Still Doesnsn T Have Aca To , Anyny Thatat , Wife , You Stitill Hold Back , A I , Mighght Thi , Ra Momement T , You Ththought , Data , Th Someonone , Ae Rereal , Prpresume , Person Atattractive , Herer Ph , Wow , Know Aboutut , Dot Have Accccess To , Somebebody Else D , Brain Transparency , Inner Monologue , Sleepiningt Night , Usisin A I , Governments , Won T , Corporations , Others , Access , Ability , Cognitive Warfare , Super Soldldiers , Increaeasingly Beingng Referrer , Itit Comeses T To O Wha , Humankind , Dit , Prec , Dangeger Militatarily , Takake Ouout , Safafer , Depends O , Strangege Question , Nowow , Lieuten Cololonel L , Combat Veteranan , Hehelp , On Whwho Devevelop , Armimies N Need , Careeeer Soldi , Ththis , Benefit , Arare You U , Arare You Talkining , Dutch Military S R Robotics , Explanatation , Huhuman Sosoldiers S Safer , Flesh A , Second , Aim , Recoconnaise Robots , Systems U Unit , Ct Power R For Examample , Primimary , Incncrease , Autotonomous , First , Robot , Countries , China A , Arms Race , States , M Ririval , Minefield , U N , Opportunity , Working With T U S M Military , Spspace E Chang , Data Gururu , Nature , Robobotic Autonomous System , It Willll , Autonomomous Robototics System Versusus , Inin , Fivive , Wawars Arere Foughght , Landnn Aiair , Weapon , Pivotalal Momoment Human N Fighghting , War Fighting , Al Rhythmic Warfare , Jessica Dorsey , Integration , Battlefield , Wawar , There Neneeds , Meaningfg Transpsparency , Actitions Onon Thehe B Batt , Andnd A Accounta , Autonomous Robots Killing People , Eveven Possibible , The Terminator Scenario , Swarms , Concert , Drones Swarms , Drones , Selelect Target A Battlefield , 50 , 100 , 1000 , Human , Decision Authority , Targets , Conditions , We Arare E Investigatating Concept , Yoyou K Machinine , Firi S , Comprpromised , Tht Machine E , Machine , Example , Fullyly Autonomo , Communication , Na Human Sosoldier , Systste Mamake , Anan Unmananned , Unmannnne Auautonomous V , Dececision , Human Life E , Vehicle , Attack , Inin O Order To Sasave An Ud Robot , Frfrom Enemy Y , Mis , Enen , Order , Thahat Righght , Kilill A Human , Mimis Objective E Youou , Orderer , Ththe Rorobot , You J , Aai Pototentially M Making Tl , Potentiaially Mamakin Decision T , Secretary General , Thihink Necessisity , Concept Development Phase , It Doesn T Want To , Powe , Treaty , Ban Lethal Autonomous Weapons , Butu Ththe Uss , Businesses , Most , Comcast Business , Small Business Bonus , Savvy , Efficient , Internet , Business Internet , Network , Anyone Else , Prepaid Card , Business Today , 000 , Possibilities , Little City , Monument , Amstere , R Revolution A , Progress , Ththinkers , Forward , O Surprise , Filleled Witht , Bounundaries , Dutch , Human Ne , Compliment , Peoplele , Lot , Weirdrding M Out , Hi , Quitite , It S Oy Asian N Artist , Esc A I , Homome Constantnt , It Isis , Work Herere , It Is S A Amsterdam , Let S , Brinkman , World D T , Mucuch H , Gallery , Everywhere , Dead End , A I O Only Art Gagalle , Fifirst , Artists , Thosose , Dodoesn T Actuall Physicallyly Exist , Follolows , 11 , Artist , O Old , Comome Up W , Name , Yearars Old , Nam , 29 , Lov Life , Famamily , Wholele Characterer , Aboutut , Fo Thousands Of Euros , Alivive , Artifificial Arts , Ls , Gallery Canp , You T , Shshe S , Kind Of , Y Yes , Ababsolutely , E Suddenly T , Soso , What T S Real A And W , Wh , Dangerer , Couple O Ofs Ago , Losingnh , Ststories , A , Totoo Much In N , Head , Friend , Friends S Ii , Wiwith T Th , Nonow , Mimind , Poinint , Atat , Mymyself , Weeksks Bececaus , Sesee Themem , We Humamans C , Isis O Out Of F , Tool Will Never R Go Aw , Our Liveses , Tooool , Insiside , Becomome Comfortablble , Genie , The B , Want To , Crarazy Things S But It D , Doesn T W , Realally , Safe , Series , We Controrol , It Al Bit , Closed Door Hearings , U S Senate , Legislation , History , Frame , Civilization , Meeting , Elon Musk , Law To D , Susupposed , Thehe W World , Kids , Fine , Shareholderer Profit , Whicis , They R , Stopop Preretending , Bu Of M Money , Wait T Anotother Three E Years S , That S , Legislatioion , Withohout , Itit , Thehe G Government To Reregulate The Industrtry , O Our Cut Society , Press Onward In Quest For Man S Essential Desire , Abouout T , Peace , Unforortunately , Term , Humanityty , Weapons , Risk , Ththousands Ofof , Hundreds O , Peoplele Arer , Theyey D , Yearars , We E , Narrrrative Ththat We E Ll B Be Susubjugated T , Bubut I Don T Believe Ththat , Sysy , One Man Oy , B Biggie , Team , H Human Bein , Sortrt , Utterlrly Stagaggerin , Ai Doesn T Killll , Accccompli , Ala M My Coconcern Is , Positionon , S Sense , Apex , Changining , Totoo Caliliforni , You K Know , Ththe G Scheme , We Reaeach Artifificial General Intelllligence , Us S Will We Reach Agi , Intelligenence Anymorere , Oror A Asas It S Gogone , Som Fufuture , Whwhy It S Imposo , Bebel Thatat , There E Someme , Argument , Bararrier , No Reasonon , We Won N T Ii , Singlele Crededible , Wall E , Fullyly Automomated World , There E S A Scenem , Monont This S Story , Wororking Foror , Dispsystopia A That H , S Soda , One Futurere , Workshopops , Professosor Russelell , Actualllly , Wherert Economisists , Bloaoated , Swilling Lu , Pictur Ththat Isn T , Peoplel Scieience Fictioion N , Writers A Future Rhyhyss Togogether Anand Let S Comeme Up Withth , Popotatoes Butut We , Anyone , O Our S Society , O One , Will L , They Don T , Whehere Wl Go Frorom Hehere , We J , Wiwill Take Usus , Don T Knknow , 10100 , Captions , Vitac , Www Vitac Com ,

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