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>> wow. all right, coy wire, thank you very much for that. thanks to all of you for joining us. don't go anywhere. cnn this morning starts right now. good monday morning. so glad you're with us. a lot to get to this morning. let's get started with five things to know for this monday, november 27th. hamas and israel are both open to extending the temporary truce that's set to expire later today, israel says it will pause fighting an extra day for each additional ten hostages release sfld the list of hostages set to be released today has it in hands. breaking overnight, police have arrested a man suspected of shooting and injuring three college palestinian students in vermont. also this breaking overnight, two ballistic missiles are fired toward u.s. navy destroyer, this happened after the ship tried to stop pirates. today's israeli president herzog meets with elon musk after he shared an anti-semitic conspiracy theory. "cnn this morning" starts right now. this is where we start, we're in the final hours of this four-day truce and what a four days it's been between israel and hamas, both sides talking about possibly extending this truce as hamas prepares to release a fourth group of hostages today. a look at the women and children who have been freed from gaza since friday. >> we've been seeing celebration and emotional reunions in israel. here you see a cheering crowd greeting a convoy of buses. one of the released hostages said they had little food in captivity. and her family survived for days by eating only pita bread. president biden said that abigail is in israel receiving care. >> she's been through a terrible trauma. her mom was killed in front of her when her kibbutz by hamas terrorists on october 7th. abigail ran to her dad then who then was gunned down as well while using his body to shield little abigail. what she endured is unthinkable. >> it certainly is. look at this, look at that video. that's 9-year-old emily hand released and reunited with her father thomas hand. she was at a sleepover at her friend's house when hamas attacked her kibbutz. much more of her story ahead. team coverage from the white house to stitel aviv. what can you share about the fourth group of hostages set to be released? >> reporter: as of right now, the israeli prime minister has received a list set to be release in several hours, they're examining that list, israel has issues with a list because a family was separated which is against this agreement. today's process appears to be playing out smoothly, the truce itself has held since it went into effect, humanitarian aid has flown into gaza. we're waiting for the release of palestinian prisoners later on this evening. as for the 40 hostages not held by hamas, that absolutely complicates the issue as of right now because the agreement is with hamas, the other parties islamic jihad and other groups that may be holding hostages they're not a party to this agreement. securing their release hamas has to do it on their own. how quickly they can do is certainly a question israel would love to know the answer to it as well as the u.s. >> that question also feeds into the idea of the possible extension of this four-day fighting pause, hamas said it's open to it and prime minister netanyahu said it would be welcome, is this something that looks like it will reach an outcome any time soon? >> reporter: i wouldn't make an exact prediction, certainly external pressure is there, as well as internal pressure on israel, the families here of the hostages have tremendous public support, to put it frankly they want to see their loved ones come home. a moment of joy after 50 days of darkness. the families who saw so many of their community killed and kidnapped on october 7th -- finally had some of their own come back to israel, released from hamas captivity. >> we didn't know whether they were alive or not. >> reporter: most of the hostages released on day three of this truce came from this tiny community near gaza where her ex-husband was killed. seven weeks of hell for her before this night. >> we've been through a holocaust, they still have hostages, we're praying for them, we don't know if they're alive or not. >> reporter: the country as a whole has rejoiced as families have come together once again. like the unbridled joy on the face of thomas hand as he embraced his daughter emily after seven weeks of captivity. israel has found unity in this pain coming together in thousands to press for the release of all of the hostages. but, families still waiting. >> actually it's a little bit happy and scarier, going up and down. >> reporter: yet, waiting for the release of his family, the youngest hostage in hamas captivity who turned 10 months old in gaza, they had hoped that hamas wouldn't hold someone so wrong for so long. >> they want to make us suffer as much as possible. that's why. the youngest will come earlier, my thought. >> reporter: families desperate for news of their loved ones praying their names come up. tufb it's more waiting and more pain. but sometimes the kidnapped become the rescued. a list of missing grows shorter, the community that can grow again grows even closer. we expect to see another group released some time in the next several hours if everything goes well and we expect to see that same kind of rejoicing as more hostages come home. but still agony for those families who haven't heard from their loved ones in week. >> thank you very much. president biden speaking by phone with netanyahu the prime minister of israel on sunday, the two leaders promising to keep working to free more hostages. priscilla alvarez is live at the white house, do we know anymore about that detail of that call? >> reporter: we know the focus of that call was this pause in fighting and the release of more hostages as well as getting humanitarian aid into gaza, and president biden has been personally engaged with world leaders involved in these negotiations including the prime minister of israel but also the leader of qatar, critical in all of these negotiations, now u.s. officials have said that israel is prepared to continue a pause in fighting in exchange for hamas releasing ten hostages over each of those days, and the prime minister has seemed open in that in a statement saying, quote, there's also an outline that says it's possible to release an additional ten hostages each day, that would be welcomed. at the same time, i also told president biden at the end of the outline we'll go to realizing our goals in full force, ensuring hamas won't go back to being what it was. president biden making clear to reporters in remarks just yesterday it's his goal to see this pause in fighting continue in hopes of securing more releases of hostages including americans, but of course, whether or not that pause happens remains to be seen. phil? >> priscilla, before you go, the focus of the president's remarks over the weekend were really on abigail edan, 4 years old, the first american to be released, huge question, what about the other americans, including the two other women who were expected to be in this first four days of hostage releases. >> reporter: the president said he was hopeful to see their release. there's specifically two american women who officials have said may be releasewh thats a big question, at least for yesterday the president was welcoming the news of the release of abigail edan, that 4 yield, the president had mentioned her multiple times including in calls with world leaders and tracked her movements until she was in israel, only then he came out and spoke to reporters and then to her family in israel and the united states. >> all right, priscilla live for us on the north lawn, thank you. we're also learning this morning about how the u.s. navy foiled an apparent hijacking of a commercial tanker, this happened in the gulf of aden, the tanker sent out a did stress call that was answered by other allied ship. five armed attackers surrendered after trying to flee on two small boats. >> the president biden facing new pressure from within the white house and within his own party on aid to israel with democrats saying what israel must do with that. > this breaking overnight, a 48-year-old white man is in custody after three palestinian college students were shot and wounded in vermont, this morning investigators are looking into whether the attack was a hate crime the victims all just 20 years old, just walking on a street saturday night when police say a man came up to them and shot them without saying a word. we're live in burlington, vermont, with more. this is significant because as of yesterday they didn't have a suspect nor an arrest, now they do. >> reporter: this investigation appears to be moving quickly. today we expect to learn more about that local man who police say shot those three palestinian american students, leaving one in critical condition, so far at least the information from burlington police, the actual authority, we learned his identity, 48-year-old man by the name of jason e don yesterday, he lives close to where that shooting took place, those three 20-year-olds don't attend the university of vermont they were in town for thanksgiving holiday. over the weekend, the institute for middle east understanding who's in close contact with family identifying those three young men as. we do understand that they were on their way to dinner on saturday according to what investigators and also some of those folks close to the family have said when the three of them were shot and in that photo that was actually snapped not long before that shooting, i should say, you can see that at least, at least two, three of them are wearing the traditional palestinian scarves and the family believes that's what made them a target. an attorney for the family, that's why they want authorities to investigate this as a hate cr crime. >> the suspect walked up to them and shot them, they weren't robbed, they weren't mugged, it was a targeted, a targeted shooting and a targeted crime, and they were wearing what's very symbolic of the palestinian cause and culture. identity played a role in them being targeted. >> reporter: now over the weekend we also heard from local officials as you can imagine this community has been shaken to its core because of what took place on saturday evening, the mayor of this city releasing a at the same time over the weekend saying there's indication this shooting could have been motivated by hate is chilling, this possibility is being prioritized in the investigation, the american jewish community also joining other voices in strongly condemning this shooting and also asking investigators to investigate this as a hate crime. >> one was shot near the spine, i'm wondering about their condition. >> reporter: appears to be in good spirit and we understand he's in stable in terms of the other two, one of the others is also in stable. there's one critical. what this means for the families. one mother is still in gaza, hope that she'll eventually be able to make it to her son's side to help him with that recovery. >> we heard she's trying to make her way from ramallah to be by her son's side. turning now to weather, snow hammering the central plains, several towns in kansas getting more than a foot of snow, iowa wasn't spared either you can imagine the headaches this caused for people heading home after thanksgiving. >> phil, not the smoothest end to the busiest travel week of the year, take a look at what it looked like yesterday at chicago's o'hare international airport, very busy, queues of people lining up to book their flights. jfk reporting 270. all because of the snow that blanketed much of the midwest and into the southern plains and i want you to draw your attention towards topeka, kansas, more than their entire snowfall they lost in the entire wi winter season last year, 7.2 inches. the cold air is filtering in behind it. you know what happens this time of year, cold air rushing over the lakes. lake-enhanced snow south of buffalo. a look at temperatures. 50 degrees in new york city. phil. kind of ready for the snow. my kids want the snow. can it be winter already? >> this is minnesota poppy talking. >> a lot of that for the next five months. back to top story, a slight delay we should tell you in planned release in the fourth group of hostages being held by hamas, families are waiting for more emotional returns. >> this is the moment the family was reunited with their mother and daughter last night kidnapped on october 7th. let's watch. you want to be able to provide your child with the tools or resources they need. with reliable internet at home, through the internet essentials program, the world opened up. fellas, fellas. that's how my son was able to find the hidden genius project. we wanted to give y'all the necessary skills to compete with the future. kevin's now part of this next generation of young people who feel they can thrive. ♪ ♪ that's our goal to keep this pause going beyond tomorrow so we continue to see more hostages come out and surge more humanitarian relief to those in need in gazgaza. >> so this morning, talks to release more hostages able possibly extend this four-day truce between israel hand mass, overnight israeli prime minister netanyahu told president biden he would quote welcome that extension with the release of ten more hostages. >> joining us now is dan senor, co-author of the genius of israel, the surprising resilience of a divided nation in a turbulent world. that tension has existed since october 7th, the military goals with the 240 hostages we're at a different moment now three days of releases and an expected fourth coming is it incumbent of the prime minister of israel to pursue releases as long as it's feasible. >> yes. the war cabinet in israel believes that the aggressive military action they took in first couple of weeks actually got a better deal on the hostage release in negotiating with hamas they otherwise would have, if they can actually get a few more days of hostage releases i think they're going to go for it, i don't think they'll do much more beyond that, israelis won't want to slow-walk into a permanent cease-fire, the israeli leadership is totally committed to work on eradicating hamas. if they can get more hostages out, because of the pressure on hamas, there's a limit. >> agreed with bernie sanders and others in democratic party, condition aid to israel, the president said i think it's worth while thought, but, quote, i don't think if it started with that we wouldn't have gotten to where we are today, how to you stop though after a couple of more days, what do you say to hostage families, we decided to stop after a hundred days. >> these are gut-wrenching decisions. when they briefed the security cabinet the war cabinet on this deal, members of the government who are against accepting the deal, they thought it was a bad deal, they got briefed by the security cabinet, thigh came away persuaded they could turn back on the war fighting, israel could turn back on the war fighting, and not give that much up. and a number of members of cabinet before the meeting said were against the deal, flipped once they got the briefing. without undermining the military advancement against hamas that changes the dynamics. no country has ever faced this. you're talk about hundreds of people, you're still talking about 18 children in gaza, 43 women in gaza, this would be like thousands and thousands of americans still being locked up over 40,000 total if you include the adults, so i just think there are impossible decisions, i think israeli society, i think is in somewhat of better place today than it was four days ago because they're seeing some of these people come home. >> the complexity of this situation, we were just showing pictures of gaza city, what has been transpired. the pause has given more insight into the obliteration of gaza city, which brings to mind there's significant international pressure on israel. there's window here in which we can operate. how long do you think that window is? >> the question to go to joe biden. israel believes that international community isn't operating in good faith. they just want this war to end. israel has the right to defending itself, that means wiping out hamas that poses an existential threat to israel. tremendous can collateral damage and warfare that we saw firsthand when we took on isis in mosul. these are governments by the way and threats that joe biden has compared hamas to, could the international community put pressure on hamas stop co-locating in civilian areas, israel can't choose where hamas locates itself. only hamas can choose that, pressure on hamas? i think it's unlikely. novs international community is not operating in good faith they just want the war to stop, full stop, no matter what threat is still posed. joe biden is in a different place, israel needs to think about the damage to these communities -- >> he follows up with statements like that. >> hamas has to be wiped out. president biden and the israel/u.s. relationship is what's providing cover now. if the u.s. government gets wobbly i think the israeli government then gets under pressure. >> the huge question. dan senor, thank you. just hours away from the expected reloose of fourth group of hostages. why idf hamas violated part of the temporary truce agre agreement. >> she reunited with her parents at the hospital saturday, she was treated for what's said to be an injury suffered. ministry of health said over the weekend that maya is in stable condition and her injury isn't life-threatening. when hamas stops releasing hostages under the existing framework israel will return to realizing our three goals with full force. eliminating hamas, ensuring that gaza never again poses a threat to the israeli people and ensuring the release of all of our hostages. >> right now, we're in final 24 hours of the four-day military pause between israel and hamas, and everyone is waiting for that fourth set of released hostages. >> this morning, there's some hope that the truce could be extended, hamas is pushing for a clause in the original arr arrangement that see more days. israeli war cabinet has discussed the idea. joining us now is idf spokesperson peter lerner, we appreciate your time. there have been some pauses throughout the course of the hostage releases in the last couple of days, there appears to be some issues this morning as well, do we believe at this point based on information you have the release for today is on track? >> good morning, phil. yes, indeed. we're taking the necessary steps to be prepared for a hostage release as it has happened over the last few days. at the same time we're taking the necessary steps to be prepared for a new renewed attack against hamas and its strongholds. that's the nature of our position currently in the course of day, you know we have had heart-wrenching moments over the last three days in israel here where people have been glued to the television just holding their breath to see who are the people coming out and i saw your report about maya regev, a friend of a colleague here in the idf, and it touches everyone in israeli society and that's why it's so important to see this move forward but prepared for the steps ahead. >> such joy for those families also combined with anguish from families who are still waiting. we just heard what elon levy said about the pause will continue, we're open to that as long as they keep their end of the bargain. netanyahu overnight saying it would be welcome. how long? how long is israel willing to continue this truce? >> so, you know, i can't talk on behalf of the government but indeed the military needs to be prepared for both scenarios, we have two goals in mind bringing the hostages home and this is why the operational pauses that are taking place over the last three days and today on day four continue, it's part of the war effort and part of bringing the hostages home. and as you indicated and as the framework suggests that in order to bring more hostages home, the pauses can continue. the situation where we hold our fire will continue as long as they continue to hold up their end of the deal, but on the other hand, as the other war efforts, the other goal we have in mind is to dismantle and destroy hamas as a governing authority in the gaza strip -- >> but i think colonel. that's the question as long as they hold up their end of the deal, as this deal is laid out part of their end is ten hostages per day for a continued pause. could that extend until all the hostages are out? is that israel's position at this point that it may be open to that, a full extension? >> prime minister netanyahu said it quite explicitly yesterday, so from our perspective, from the military perspective, we need to be prepared for that reality, of course they're holding over -- around 200 hostages, ten people a day, that could be 20 days so we need to keep that in mind and from our perspective we need to be ready to mobilize at any moment. it's been an emotional roller coaster over the last three days here in israel. who was being released wasn't certain sometimes not until the very last minute. from our perspective we need to be prepared. hamas has to go. they can't have the power of government. >> the operational capability, the idf, is there a threshold where idf leadership feel they will no longer have the capability or intelligence to restart the operations? >> no, phil, we have both operational capability, operational movement, and i say the resolve and the support of the people of israel, the paradigm that happened, the cease-fire that existed before the 6th of october will never exist again, reality this terrorist organization doesn't wield that power to breach our communities, come into our towns and abduct people, butcher babies in their bedrooms. idf our role is to make sure that never happens again. how long will we be prepared to be mobilized? the tools and support? i think looking forward it's an extended period. i don't think the government give us a time limit on this operation, just two goals that we rightly pointed out bringing home the hostages and making sure that hamas doesn't have that power again and thank you very much for your time this morning. as we await more hostages coming home soon. >> good day, poppy more than a hundred palestinians have been released from israeli prisons the questionable practice that led them to detained. and also elon smufk in israel with prime minister netanyahu. details about this trip as he faces intense personal backlash for what he posted recently ono x. you're looking at live pictures of prison in west bank where more prisoners are set to be released today. they were welcomed with celebrations in the west bank, some were paraded on people's t waving palestinian flags. mainly teenage boys have been released in first three exchanges for hostages held in gaza. one final exchange is expected in just a couple of hours. our ben wedeman joins us now from jerusalem, what more can you tell us about the prisoners that were released back to the west bank? what do we expect today? >> reporter: well, we do expect, both sides, hamas and israel have indicated a willingness to consider extending this truce and to continue these exchanges of hostages, prisoners and detainees. although the details have yet to be nailed down. what we're seeing on the palestinian side, last night, another 39 were released, 23 of them were administrative detainees which mean they had been arrested they don't know what the charges against them are, the ed being used against them is secret and they can't even access that, the other 16 have been convicted, for things like stone throwing, throwing molotov cocktails, assaulting the police, nationalist in incitement it's called according to one ngo that monitors the israeli military justice system in the west bank, 95% of the cases that go before military courts end up in convictions, many human rights organizations believe that this system is fundamentally flawed. what we saw again last night, big sell bralgss, people coming out to meet these prisoners and detainees who have been released and what's interesting, increasingly we're seeing the green flags of hamas, hamas doesn't have an open political presence in the west bank, what we have seen is a surge of popularity for the organization because they have managed through these deals with israelis to release so far 117 palestinian detainees and prisoners and it's ironic last night i was speaking with a senior diplomat who said if there were to be an election in gaza tomorrow, hamas would barely win any votes, but if there were an election in the west bank hamas would have a sweeping victory. poppy. >> that's very telling. ben, thank you very much for the reporting. new overnight a hijacking attempt on the high seas, the confrontation between the u.s. navy and pirates on tanker in the middle east. the release of the fourth group of hostages could be slightly delayed, that would mean joyous homecomings like this one could be on hold, 67-year-old and her daughter and two children were also brought home yesterday for just a moment, the 3-year-old and 8-year-olds went back to being carefree children. their father, though, still a hostage this morning, it's unclear when he e could bebe released. more in n a a momoment. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? it's true. plus when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. right now, you can see it, elon musk is in israel meeting with prime minister netanyahu and officials say netanyahu took musk to one of the kibbutz attacked on object 7th. the two walked through the ruins and visited the home of israeli american emily edan. musk heard about the family's horrific story and the murder of edan. 4-year-old abigail was released from hamas captivity yesterday. >> the context here is crucial as musk continues to face huge backlash for anti-semitic posts on x. i was saying to our team a moment ago, so striking to see that, i mean, after the things he's re-tweeted, let's just remind people, he re-tweeted a comment a couple of weeks ago that jewish communities have been pushing the hatred against whites they claim to stop using against them. he wrote, you have said the actual truth. given that context, what does that mean to see him with netanyahu in this kibbutz. >> you know, we in the jewish faith believe in repentance and atoning for one's sins. but the proof will be in the pudding, we'll have to see what happens on his platform that has been turned into a platform of hate targeting a variety of groups. this antisemitism comes from a variety of sources, it comes from the far right, the far left and areas in between, and this is the something that has run rampant for many years. the question is whether this visit will change that trajectory in the future? >> as we watch the prime minister from the video that we're showing this morning with elon musk, inside israel right now on day four of these hostage releases, what's the public opinion about maintaining this truce, continuing this truce, extending it or restarting the combat operations that have been ongoing in the wake of the october 7th terror attacks. >> a very painful debate taking place in israel on exactly that question, many of course who are extremely supportive of any efforts to release those hostages, bring them home to their families, this is something that israelis have wanted for eight weeks now to see them come home and brought back to their loved ones at the same time a keen recognition that those individuals being released by israel are terrorists, people who tried to murder israelis. . we know that many terrorists released in the past, where 1,000 were released for one hostage, returned to the cycle of violence. there are some concerns about what that might mean and concerns about what this might mean for israel's capacity. how many days can israel maintain its military readiness before it's significant impaired? >> it was notable that we just heard from lieutenant colonel lerner from the idf, they have to be prepared for maybe 20 more days of pause if more prisoners are released, ten per day, our colleague dana bash interviewed national security adviser jake sullivan. about netanyahu's future, is it in continuing the war given that very difficult questions he has to answer about the lack of israeli defense. listen to this exchange. >> is there any concern inside the biden administration that netanyahu doesn't necessarily see it as being his interest to end this war as quickly as possible? >> look, i'm not going to speculate on israeli politics, what we're going to do is stay focused on who's sitting in the chair of prime minister and that's prime minister netanyahu and deal with him straight up on the issues that we're confronting today. >> but, questions among the israeli people about netanyahu's motivations? >> look, i think there are many questions to be asked about how we got to where we are today and about the future. a very serious reckoning once the dust settles and this campaign comes to its conclusion and the prime minister like the other leaders of the country will have to give an account that led him and this country to this point. all israelis can do is trust if their leadership and ensure that we are united in this very fraught moment and bringing those hostages home while on the other hand to decimate hamas' ability to carry out a massacre like on october 7th ever again

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, Thigh , War Fighting , Number , Cup , Meeting , Cabinet , Military Advancement , Briefing , Dynamics , Hundreds , 18 , 43 , Society , Adults , 40000 , Situation , Pictures , Complexity , Window , Significant International Pressure On Israel , Insight , Obliteration , War , Faith , International Community Isn T Operating , Threat , Collateral Damage , Wiping , Warfare , Governments , Threats , In Mosul , Isis , Put Pressure , Civilian Areas , Stop Co Locating , Novs International Community , Stop , Matter , Communities , Damage , Statements , Relationship , Cover , Idf Hamas , Part , Truce Agre Agreement , Reloose , Injury , Parents , Maya Regev , Ministry Of Health , Isn T Life Threatening , Everyone , Arr Arrangement , Clause , Pauses , Peter Lerner , Idf Spokesperson , Point , Steps , Well , Position , Renewed Attack , Strongholds , Nature , Colleague , Report , Breath , Television , Idf , Anguish , End , Bargain , Elon Levy , Mind , Needs , Scenarios , Behalf , War Effort , Fire , Framework , Order , Hand , War Efforts , Governing Authority , Colonel , Gaza Strip , Perspective , Reality , Dover , 200 , Roller Coaster , Capability , Power , Threshold , Feel , Intelligence , Movement , Operations , Resolve , Paradigm , 6th Of October , 6 , Butcher Babies , Bedrooms , Terrorist Organization Doesn T Wield , Doesn T , Operation , Time Limit , Practice , Prisons , Palestinians , Details , Backlash , Trip , Elon Smufk , Ono X , Prisoners , West Bank , Prison , Some , Celebrations , People S T Waving Palestinian Flags , Exchanges , Ben Wedeman , Boys , Jerusalem , Willingness , Detainees , Another , 23 , 39 , Charges , Ed Being , 16 , Nationalist , Incitement , Ngo , Molotov Cocktails , Stone Throwing , Military Courts , Military Justice System , 95 , Convictions , Cases , Human Rights Organizations , 95 , System , Big Sell Bralgss , Presence , Surge , Organization , Flags , Popularity , Deals , 117 , Election , Diplomat , West Bank Hamas , Votes , Reporting , Victory , Confrontation , High Seas , Middle East , Poppy , Homecomings , 67 , Father , He E , 3 , 8 , Naa Momoment , Line , Business Mobile , Mobile , Big Three , Business , Carriers , Providers , Bill , Comcast , 75 , Free , Term , Contracts , Line Activation Fees , 5g Mobile Network , Device , 5 , Musk , Ruins , Object 7th , Israeli American , Murder , Emily Edan , Context , Posts , Captivity Yesterday , Comment , Team , Whites , Truth , Hatred , Jewish , Proof , Repentance , Atoning , Sins , Pudding , Antisemitism , Variety , Platform , Areas , Sources , Visit , Trajectory , Opinion , Terror Attacks , Efforts , Combat Operations , Wake , Debate , Recognition , Eight , Individuals , 1000 , Concerns , Capacity , Violence , Cycle , Military Readiness , Dana Bash , National Security , Jake Sullivan , Questions , Black , Defense , Concern , Interest , Administration , Chair , Israeli Politics , Motivations , Account , Campaign , Conclusion , Reckoning , Dust , Trust , Ability , Massacre Like On October 7th ,

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