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you don'n't know thehe real sto of p people thatat lived the fe and prpressure untntil now. > every m military force e o ground wasas l looking for sadd huhussein. > i get o orders that i'm go to go join this task forcece i d never r heard of. >> did you. > i didn't t know. > you can't't expxpect t the infoformation toto come to y yo. you hahave to gogo o out a and >> we e would get informatationt was s bad informrmation and d p get t killed on n both sides. > we e knew t that t there w degree o of profesessionalism m we w were fafacing and it wawas dedeadly. > we could d tell when someo wawas lying and we confrfrontedm with thosese l lies. > everyrybody t talked toto dedecent inforormation thahat y nonot have known. >> time was running out. >> i would not stop looking for saddam. >> saddam hussssein and his son must leaveve iraq withthin 4 48. their r refusal to do so will reresult in militaryry conflict. >> on the president't's ororder coalitition forceses began theh ground w war to disarmrm iraq a libeberate the iraqiqi peoeople >> opeperation iraqi f freedom, effortrt to disarmrm i iraq and dismantle e the regigime i is underwayay. >> thehe iraqiqi operationon st withth air strikeses i in march. the groundnd campaigign began l march,h, early aprpril.. i bebelieve the e last time we sasaddam wasas april 9 9th in t ininfamous film m clip of him mg down thehe streeeets of downtot baghdad.d. >> we pulled down the e statue saddam.. but inin order to o have a deci militatary victoryry, we n need real saddam. wewe neeeeded saddam hussein. the e first brigade was s a lar unit w with thouousands s of so anand d the mission of the brig was estatablishing stabibility. the chalallenge to t that was dedealing withth the physical reality y of an armed d insurgr. >> thehe u.s. mimilitary estima ththere are e between 4 and d 5 mid level babathist opposititio fighghters. > one of mymy patrols was amambushed on ththe e east s sie tigrisis r river. ththree amamerican s soldiers w killeded. at thehe same timeme it wawas p our dutyty to assisist t this s opoperations c command. an elite assault elementnt.. theieir focus was reallyly h hv high valueue targetsts. >> c coalition governmenents ha establisished 55 indndividuals mamay be pursusued, kikilled, o captured. . >> this s special operatioions e paysys could go into the most dangererous targetet andnd do i toto mininimal casualty because ththeir skskills. these are e extraordininarily gd and trainened men. yoyou didid not t want to bebe objective of theirir attenentio. >> i in 2003 the organanization was asassigneded t to was dedep to i iraq toto hunt down and cae the deckck of f cards the e pri being saddam hussein. >> what t was your jobob? >> goioing out, conductiting r . sometitimes it wasas going aftfr pepeople wanteted to defenend t families.. they mayay not be guguilty of anything.. and then innocent t people get killed on n both sideses.. withth the amoununt of d detain we were pulllling off tatarget, needed someoeone that could d condnduct ininterrogatioions toe we w were e getting the informa we wananted. > in 202003, i wawas a stafa sergeant in ththe uniteded stat army. i was s a trtrained interrogata. but t i never condnducted a rer life i interrogatition. the e war is going o on for thr momonths. anand i get ordersrs t that i'i to j join this tasask force i n heard d of. >> didid y you?? >> i i didn'n't know. i packcked my babags and they f me to titikrit. i'm picked u up withth thesese soldiers w with bearards. soldiersrs don't havave beards.. >> w we didn't k know eric.. hadn't w worked withth him previoususly. didndn't train w with him. he d didn't reallyly knonow wha gogoing on on n targrgets. i mean, ininitially itit was a y road. > jeff was s not hahappy to . jejeff wasn't t happy to seeee anybodody. jejeff was notot a trarained interrrrogator. jeff is a sosoldier. jejeff had a missision. he hadad prisoneners thahat he to getet interrogated, so he ani drove to t this s u.s. a army p. therere were hunundreds of prisononers. brought ththe first t prisoner . we sat h him down. and d jeff looks at meme a and goeses, so how arere we e going thisis.. i wawas a new interrogatator. jeff a and i looooked at each h and we statarted a asking quest. > you ready? is ukrainene going to o win thi war? >> i i had never actuaually coconducted a a real livive inteterrogation.n. i didn't't really fefeel like iw whwhat i was d doing at t all. bubut i leararned veryry quickc >> i in the e bebeginning, w weo in a a room m with e eric, the translatator and thehe detainee. and eric would begin quest for a commander. i bring in the information that helps him mamake b better r dec. and to get t that informrmation was leararning how t to geget i the e minds of t these pririsond brbreak them d down. >> whehen i'm tatalking abouout breakiking a prisonener, it hah nothining to do withth p physic contntact t of any kinind. it has t to dodo with breakingnr previousus decisision of not cocooperating g with me to prov me informamation. and now ththey chohoose to prov me that ininformation.n. that's's a break.. >> a as questionons wewere b bed and answered, , every now w andn i i might t pass him a note e t highlight t on a topopic that w brought up or tell h him the inindividual w was lyingng base of w what happenened on the e operation.n. >> jeff f and i werere figuring how toto asksk g good questitio. we could t tell when s someone lylying and wewe w were begigin confnfront them m with those li. >> we were able to follow each other mentntally withohout talk. he k knew what i needed. so, , yeah, , we worked real we togethther. >> w we would ininterrogate e a ninight and ththen maybe at 4, the e morning wewe would sit d and wewe would talalk ababout i. and d we would talalk ababout i nonsnstop. >> a and it bebecame a b big pi our r day toto day life of usin thosose ininterrogatioions to c operatations. > u.s. trtroops cararried o prpre-dawn raiaids in saddam hussein's hometown. the army says several suspects were arresested inin tikrit.t. >> by y septembeber, jefeff ande gone beyonond justst determinine guilt t or innocenence of ththe prisononers that w we broughght. i was trtrying to geget infofor ththat would l lead to an insur membmber, a currrrent bad d guy foformer regimime ofofficial. >> anybobody think t that sadda hussein n was in tikrit t at th time? > nobody ththought saddddam n was inin tikrit because e we lo througugh the wholole town. we had gonone on hundrededs s a thousands of raiaids. wewe had been n through alall t hohouses. and d he wasn't t therere. >> we kikind of f put findiningm not soso much h on the back bub but we litererally got tired of chchasing santa clclaus. and whatat i meaean byby that i wowould alwaysys have e reportit hehe was here. he wasas there. so, insteaead of lookiking foro sasanta claus,s, we starteted l fofor what we e knew to o be f . > the currerent insurgencncy whwhat i s saw killiling our so. that to meme is lilike, , we're after r the real bad guys.s. >> the u.s. calllls this operatn iraqi i freedom the e war of liberaration to make iraq's s pe frfree. commmmanders ackcknowledge t th resisistance hasas been unexexpy fifierce. >> by y this p phase of f the cacampaign, wewe t tactically a doing evererything we e had eve been traineded to o do to o def this insnsurgency. the way they w were using landn mines s and d ieds was t tactic cocorrect. soso we knew t there was a a def professisionalism ththat w we w facing. and d it was deadldly. >> the iraraqi battle spacace e complelex environmnment. learningng the humanan terrain as impmportant if f not more importanant than u understandide physicical t terrain. >> the keyey t to understatandi area and emergrging g threats wo maintatain communicacations wite local inhabibitants. liststen to them. spend d a lot of time with them. gather inforormation. > every indndividual yoyou t can giveve you sometething you didn't k know. thatat was a tririck eric c fig out. everybody y you talk t to hahas piecece of inforormation thahat may not hahave known that t if can n store it, you can become vavalue lalater. >> there's's no way toto k know crititical all t the d details that i get from interrogations. but i do rememember them all. >> you never know until much later what details really matter. >> jeff and i worked for a coupuple of f montnths, , and t prprisoners ststart provoviding ininformation.n. and i ststarted to g get a feel tikrit. and i i realized, every persrsos a lifefe and thehey have a a fa anand they livive in a neighbor and d they're papart of a tribe. they go to a c certain m mosque. that's like this family's kids go to this elemementary school, that meansns t they're going toe connectionons to otherer famili thatat go to thahat elementatar school.. it all ties s in. soso w when the locacal l iraqi saysys, hey, we haveve this guy. a montnth h ago we w would have so what. nonow we're lilike, oh, that's' coususin of so and so, bring hi inin. >> werere we catching sad dam,m? we were paintiting a picture clososer how to o get hihim, ye? we weren't't getting lococation. we wereren't getting places. we w were gettining pieceses of puzzle thahat t let evererybody undederstand thahat nobody w wh gogoing to know w where he wasal we foundnd the right people. >> a after severeral h hundred inteterrogationsns, these prpri, theyey startrted talking abobour inurgegency groupsps. theyey startrted popopping o of nanames of -- i don't t know wh. they kept t popping up i in the insusurgency. jeff and i i were most interese in thihis s al mosslet groupup. they brought i in a guy yassir he w was an n inner circle body guard for saddam h hussein. and we talkeked to him allll ni. nasisir yassimim breakaks anandt sasaddam's inner circle fofor u >> sadadaam hahad multltiple l and d all ofof these body guard played a a role. >> he laid o out 28 out of theh ininner circrcle body y guards saddamam hussein.. and thisis group filtered ththr all levelsls of the bobody guar netwtwork. and d we started to o realize,ee this i is not jujust abobout th insurgrgency, it's's about sadd hussein anand the e previous leadership structure. >> the middle east, tribalal an famimily relelationshipsps are paramomount to how businesess g done. ththis clan n was s in c close with saddam's fafamily. >> many ofof us cocompared thih what holollywood w would s show orgaganized crimime gangng, whes built araround key famamilies a familiar relatioionships. so we e sort of used t that t mo kikind of talklk about it. anand indedeed, thatat's w what. >> we realizized t these i indis were in and arouound the tikrit area. these indidividuals wewere clos saddamam at one time, , so we assumed ththey w would at leastw key things on how to find d saddddam. >> t that was ththe first titim thought wewe may have e somethi. c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? 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i thought you u would never ask. the team started g going on rar to get t these al-musssslits. we were gogoing after r my bad now. anand wewe had tolold the guard anybodody says thehe word al-musslslit, call us.s. and novemberer 7thth g get a a m ththe e informantsts that we kn where rodman is. rodmanan al-mumusslit. i alwaways deeeemed him extreme importanant because e he was so close e to saddam m during t th regimeme. and wewe captutured the guy. but,t, a team fromom baghdhdad n helilicopters. and they f flew him ststraight baghdad. so i neverer set eyes on rodmam. but when t they captureded rodm ththey capaptured his 18-year-r son n as w well. i refefer to h him as s baby r . they said d you got 4848 h hour this k kid.. and d then you'r're releasasing. being an i interrogatotor, you' gogot to have a strategy. i'm not t trying to o scare the. i'm not t trying to intimimidat themem. i'm tryingng to influencnce the provovide me the i intelligencn whwhich is insnside theieir bra. they donon't know w what t they. so i statarted t talking to bab radmanan. he wasas very defefensive of h dad. so i wouldld press, , prpress, on his dad, right?t? talk, tatalk, tatalk t to hihim his dad d and ththen i wouldld does your dadad have any brorot? and this k kid l looked at h hi release e valve, oh, yeah. tatalk about s something o othe my dad andnd we went throuough y singlele brother. one of t the brotherers that we talklked about w was mohammemed ibrahihim. momohammed ibrbrahim omamar al-musslslit. anotother one ofof saddam husse body g guards. we very strorongly felt t he wa leading ththe insurgenency ththroughout tikrit. i wawant this momohammed ibrbra will you h help me find hihim? yeah, , my uncle, he has these bodies he's alalways witith. his busisiness parartners and driver. and i realalize, i s said, all righght. here w we go.. so i wenent to bam bam. i said listen, i know momohamme ibrarahim's driver snot wanted, bubut i think he's valuable.e. i think hehe can take us to mohahammed ibrahahim and i've go hahave him a arrested. so b bam bam arrested ththe dri of m mohammed ibrarahim. so i startrt interrogagating an saidid why a are you so ininter in mohamammed ibibrahim, i t to, bebecause he's r running the ininsurgency.. he said d you have n no idea wh you're t talking a about. he said mohammeded i ibrahim ne orordered a single attack.k. he saiaid there's ononly onene that o orders the atattacks. ththere's onlyly one persoson t evever ordrdered the attttacks itit's the presidentnt. saddamam hussein.. i knew a at that momoment we we hunting saddamam. i knew w we e were finally real huhunting him.m. and we had a chance. we are groc and we are your bargain bliss market. what is bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. this thanksgiving, we're giving you even more reasons to celebrate. we are offering you $21 off a jennie-o frozen turkey with in-store discount. that's as low as $0.50 a pound. so why wait? hurry in to your neighborhood grocery outlet today. because this deal is only available while supplies last. ararmy bululldozers s are eg sasaddam hussesein's larger tha life porortraits in an apparent attetempt to loosen n his s pol gripip. >> whyhy is it so hard to find him?m? >> he hahas s a a lot t of e ex rurunning to g ground. he h had a lot of years s to prepepare. he h has a very big countrtry t hide in.n. >> saddam bubuilt such t this c around himseself that he was th symbolol of iraqi i resistancec in t the end h he was s the key valulue target.. >> s so my interrorogation with mohahammed ibrahahim's drivever gone on several l hours s but eveventually h he broke.e. anand he told me t there's only personon that ordeders the atta. and thatat's the presisident. and that's w what they c call saddam, , the presidident. i i knew at that moment we were hunting saddam. i knew we e were f finally, rea hunting hihim and we had a a c . >> i felelt veryry s strongly t saddam hussein was in the area with saddam's hohometown, i fel lilike he wawas in contactct wi mohammed ibrahim and mohammemed ibrahim might bebe a routete to sasaddam. bubut i'm runnnning ouout of ti find m mohammed ibrahihim becauy tourur is up. i i was s supposed t to o be th six months. nonow it's thehe beginningng of decemberer and i wasas abobout leavave. my flilight was leaving ththe country on decembeber 13th. and i dididn't care. i'm not stoppingng. boston didn't know mohammed ibrahim'm's exact lolocation, be had several safe houses for mohammmmed ibrahahim andnd he g all ththose e locacations. it wasas go titime. > and that made sense becaus ththe enemy wewe were dealining thenen was networkrked a across coununtry side i in n celllls, famimily group t to ananother f group. anand sometimemes you wowould g ininformation n about one area the most unlnlikely places. >> we coconducted fifive sisimultaneousus raids on all oe mohammed i ibrahim s safe house. mohammmmed ibrbrahim was n not d at any of ththem. hehe wasn't there. but mohammeded i ibrahim's 2020-year-old son was there. so i start interrorogating mohammed ibrahimim's sonon abobs dad. and he telells me, m my dad was the house two hours before y'all came. and i'i'm m done. i'm done.. who is s supposed toto know whwe went?? who o would know?? i'veve got everyone leading up a momentnt in n time and a two- gap, he's gone. we had exhausted every target to find mohammed ibrahim. and i was hoping the son could give me his next spot. so i'm just talking to him, looking for a lead. i'm looking for a clue and i talk to him all night. i mean, all night. i can't think of anything. i'm m talking.g. i'm talking. i'm talking. and then i asked him, what's your dad do for fun? whwhat are hisis hobbies?? and d he said d they g go fishi. and i i saidid, where do they f? he s said, in n sasamar. > where, along ththe e rivev >> where? >> they just builtlt this pond. and i sasaid, why wowould theyed a pond? >> he gogoes, i don't t knowow. they jusust built a pond. anand it came to me. auaugust. jejeff and i are i interrogatit sasaddam hussesein's cook.k. >> thehe individual was picked onon a h hit. nobody k knew who he wasas duri the process ofof conductining interrogogations, itit was identifified that hehe was a fo chef. and one ofof the thingngs we h learned during that converersatn was evevery time saddam m showe, he cooked a special meal. and we a asked what that s spec memeal was and i it was masksko. it's a a fish that's raised d i fish farms in iraq.. >> the kid saiaid they hadad th fish pond built the middle of a war? whwhy would you do t that? unless youou're stocking fish f the guy who can't be going to the store to get fish. at that point it wasn't just a hunch. we had to go to that pond. headquarters in baghdad is going to raid the fish pond. and i i was convinceced we were getting g close to saddam bubut meme to find h him, i'veve got e mohammed ibrahim. night comes and i was totold whateverer hapappened atat the pond that wowould be m my lastst in tikrit.t. ththey conduducted the raiaid a captptured two guys. 20 minutes later, bam bam calls back on the radio and he says, dry hole. he says, we got two fishshermen. and ththey told me, theyey said listen, , you're done. you'u're going b back to baghdar your last fefew daysys. anand i knew t time was runnini bubut i would not t stop l lookr saddam. > we have e to finind is a memean husseinin. we have e to bring him down.n. we have 13130,000 troopsps ther. theyey're trtrained in coununterterrorirism, many o of. and wewe have not t done that.t >> i'm'm supposesed to be there six months. my assignment was almost up, but i didn't care. i would not stopop looking f fo saddam. i called one of the e inteterrogators s in baghdad an sasaid don't l let the fisherme. i'm coming tonight. i neneeded to o prove what t th were. ththere's no w way two guys s a sticking a around the e middle nowhere next to a fifish pond fishing g at 1:00 in thehe m mo. ththat night i i started my interrrrogations o of the fishe. ststarted d talking toto t the one. seememed kind d of norormal aca. i was s kind of worried. i starart tatalking to the sece fishshermen and d i rerealize, two fisherermen have diffeferen stories anand i went one h hour one e hour and back and forth o ththese fishermen,n, kinind ofo ththem againstst each otother ak 12 houours and onene of the fishermen n finally saysys, i w fofor mohammeded ibrahimim.. he goes, i jusust fish. i just fisish and d put alall th in t the pond. i get t him to u understand d md ibrahim wawas a bad d guy and d workrking as his f fishermen ge him inin t trouble. he saiaid my cousin is thehe de to mohammemed ibrahim,m, they a alwaysys together.r. he goes,s, thehey left samamar days ago. whwhere did ththey go? he said, t they went to baghdad. gogot the exacact locatition. exexact house.e. so i i brougught i in anan a an the e task force teaeam in baga and said, man, i i gotot a targ. mohahammed ibrbrahim in n baghd. and i know t this is my last chanance to findnd mohammed ibi. and saddamam husseinin. they call l about 1:00 and said we're brininging i in ththe moh hadedeir prisonersrs. ththe guy who o owns the houses three otheher peopople. they drive t them in. and ththey drop p them o off. i bring in the firstst prisoner the onone they saiaid owned tht house.e. sasaid, what's's your r name? momohammed, , mohammed what mohd hahadeir. okay. quickly,y, quickly, , quickly, hours s to get thihis guguy to i'i'm the deputy to mohammed ibrahim. >> i'm like, good. where is h he? he said, he was at the house last n night. i'i'm thinkiking, son of a bitc. it's a ghost. i missssed h him again.. i wawas devaststated.. i asasked him, whehere w was h ? wherere was hehe? he s said he wasas at the house. i'm gegetting ---- wherere i is? you know h how powowerful thisi and d i'm yelling at him.. the linguiuist, my intnterprete gogoing, m mister. he's sayaying g he was at the e when thehe soldiers cameme. i'm like, they donon't m miss anybybody. and d i'm likeke, did they get ? anand i went to ththe guards i' like, who do we hahave? who was broughght in on this ra? i'm lookining g at thrhree guys sisitting on t the ground,d, h , handnds behind t their back k a lilike, is mohammed ibrahim onef these guys? and i knew exactly what he was supposed to look like.e. john travoltlta. he had a j john travololta chin. anand i knew -- and d i'm m qui running g out of t time. fifirst hood. not him.m. second h hood. definitelyly not him. third hood, i didn't eveven gegt ofoff his headad a and i saw th. my entire tour in tikrit was going to come e down to o my la two and a half hours.. me and m mohammed ibrarahim in x 6 roroom in baghdad. we went ininto a menental chese gagame. he w was denying his c capabili and i was countering moves.. he w would makake e a statateme. you gigive me e too much credit. and d i would tetell h him i do give you a any credidit. takeke that oppoportunity anand ofoff every onone of his brorot and d relatives and cousinins a all thesese alal-muslits. they g give yoyou u crededit. ththey give yoyou crededit becau ruined t their l lives. ththey'll spenend the restst of lilives in pririson unleless yo us to saddam.. ♪ it's's going t to happen withouu or with h you. if it hahappens withth you, ala relalatives walk. if it happppens withthout you, get nothing. and then he said to me, if i tell you what sasaddam husussei, they'll l kill m me. and i explaiained to them, but you're they. you're the top one. you're the only person that doesn't have r ramificatioions givingng up saddam. give himim up and d you wowon'te leleader of ththe insurgrgency. yoyou'll be ththe e one e that to thehe plate to the didictato thatat will bebe youou. and your famamily wawalks. anand i know he was listenening me. i i know he was. i had to l leave at t 7:0000. and they w were banging on my yr going -- i i mean, 7:0:00 camem. and d they came e in a and saia you'rere out, maman. you got t to be at your manifes. and i told them. i'm leaving. you're going to die in h here, prisisoner, a terrorisist and y won'n't hahave anotherer shot b nobody k knows what you can do. nobody k knows w what you can d. this is itit. he's l like, i i can't do it.. i sasaid you're gogoing to chah your m mind and d you're going wantnt to do it.t. when you'r're going toto want t it, you u have to o make them c talk to you.u. go crazy.. bang o on the walllls. bang on ththe e walls s of t th. gogo nututs and make them come to you. anand i left. soso i w went to my tentnt to p babags. few minunutes later, colleleagu pickcks me up anand is taking m ththe flight line.e. anand mymy buddy was like, w wh yoyou do to yourur guy? the linguist sent a message that mohahammed ibrahahim is bangngi the walllls of his cell. [ banging ]] and d i jumpmped out of the tru and i just told lee,e, go hohol that p plane.. he's goingng to o give up sad d hussein n and lee isis like, i itit. i ran he d declared hehe would takake saddam hussesein right thehere. i gogot out the map anand he dr an e exact locatation on thehe . through ththe sketetches s said fafarmhouse inin the villalage outstskirts of tikrit.t. he said d we have toto go we ha to go riright now and d i went outsidide and i told thehe othe inteterrogators s i said thihis is to saddam hussein. anand they arere like dudude, g on thehe plane. > mohammed i ibrahim d de he would t take us to o saddam hussssein but hehe said we h ha go and we e have to gogo right anand i told h him i said d you not going g right now.w. you are e going to g go tonighg. i got t on that plane e and i l. >> then, the fieleld phone ran and d it was thehe commanderer special opoperations uninit. he goeoes wellll, the guy we ar lookining for we p picked up i baghdad. and i go r really? anand he said d yeah. anand i said do yoyou know what are doining tonighght? we a are going a after s saddam. i i knew w we had to m move tha night bebecause i ththink once guy y was capturured the w ward eventuallyly get back. you know t the realityty is we didndn't know whwhat to expect. thisis was a dififficult plalac ththere. it w was the homometown of s sa huhussein and d yes there e was to be e risk.. so i e expected a a fight.t. a seriouous fighght based upupo lessons ofof other misissions v similar toto this i sasaid list when d does the momoon come upu? 2100 hrsrs.? all riright sunsnset is abouout i want it toto be absosolute blblackout cononditions nono elimimination whatsoevever and got onon and that t will g give advantage e and i alalso wanted move fasast. you ununderstand t the risk k b a commanander you trtry to m mi those e risks throrough artfulu tacticics. a momentnt of surpririse andnd overwhwhelming force at the are apache gunships what have you. i i had an armored gradede with evevery implplement of w war th cocould imagine wiwith incredid courageousus and s skilled soldiersrs. opererating withth the most cap combmbat s special opeperators world. i i had d this sword t that wou anythihing. the e night was s incrediblyly . and by 193930 or 7:30 0 at nigh the sun wawas set and itit was compleletely blackcked out. wewe were readady to go. anand now the e assault force i moving towowards the r release point. at a high h rate of f speed and everytything is gogoing like c work. no ligights on, wewe are usingn visionon goggles. the first assault party went in and special operations later. they knenew there wawas a possibilility of an n undergrou facility. but t the speciaial operatators didndn't find ananything on n t obobject o of and walklked off ththey said ththere's probably a drdry hole.. and thenen the commamander said let's gogo back and d check aga. around 8:1:15 we got t the init rereport possisible jackpot.t. >> ladies a and gentlemenen we him. [cheering] >> within 24 hours of having a critical piece of information giving his location they went there, surrounded the area, discovered him hiding in a hole in the ground in what was described as a essentially a small man-made hole about 6' x 8' in size.. hiding t there whehen troops discovereded him in ththat loca he c came out anand he was disorienteted. hehe said, i a am saddam hususs ththe prpresident ofof iraq q a not gogoing to negegotiate. and the reresponse from m us soldldiers was. >> we s saw saddadam at the t kmkm southeastst of his hometow. it just t seemed to o make sens me that t he's goingng to trust own peopople in his s own blood. that is s how thatat regime rer worked or r at least s saddam's innener-circle.. >> he was a a small village bo that w went back t to his hohom in his last daysys and that't's where e he decideded to hide ou. itit was not too far f from whe he was b born and grew up. he went home t to feel safafe. >> wewere you disisappointed t you dididn't get t the p phone to c capture sadaddam hussssein? >> i get thatat question n m ththan any queuestion in t the . i don'n't care. i don'n't need to o see him. he is not t a relic. it w wasn't my jobob to see him.

Related Keywords

Broken D , Case E , Ofteten Ththink , Womenen , Superb C , Use , Cicia , Cia , Begagan , Pioneer R She , O , U S , O Successfulu , Men A And Women , Role Model , Marty Hahad , Crafaft T Lookining , Professiononally , Difficult Cicircumstanc , Shshe , Follllowed , Morere Susuccessful , Geget Infofor Ththat , Whahat T Wd In Mososcow , Goingng , Dedespite , Mamarty , Beining Ararreste , Lelegacy Ii Am Prououd , Notoriety , Trigon Operation , Cia Officicer , 32 , Prpressure Untntil , Eo Ground , O Orders , People Thatat , Don N T Know Thehe Real Sto Of P , Sadd Huhussein , Gogo O Out A And We E , Bad Informrmation , Informatationt , Sides , T Expxpect The Infoformation , Toto Come To Y Yo , Heard Of , I Didn T Know , Dp Get T Killed On N , Task Forcece Id , Wawas Dedeadly , Toto , Degree , Everyrybody T , Thosese L , Profesessionalism M We W , We E , Dedecent Inforormation , Thahat Y Nonot , Someo Wawas Lying , Saddam Hussssein , Son , R Saddddam , Ground W , Leaveve Iraq Withthin , Refusal , Ororder Coalitition Forceses , President T S , Militaryry Conflict , Iraq A Libeberate , War To Disarmrm , Iraqiqi Peoeople Opeperation Iraqi F Freedom , 48 , 4 , Effortrt To Disarmrm I Iraq , Underwayay , Thehe Iraqiqi Operationon St Withth Air Strikeses , Groundnd Campaigign , H , Downtot Baghdad D , Early Aprpril , Sasaddam Wasas April 9 9th In T Ininfamous Film M Clip , Him Mg , Thehe Streeeets , April 9 , 9 , Saddam H Hussein , Statue Saddam , Inin Order To O Have A , Deci , We N Need Real Saddam , Militatary Victoryry , Wewe Neeeeded , Chalallenge To T , E First Brigade Was Sa Lar Unit W , Thouousands S Of So Anand D , Dedealing Withth , Brig , The Mission , Estatablishing Stabibility , D , Locatation On Thehe , Reality , On Ththe E East S , Armed D Insurgr , Estima Ththere , Patrols , Opposititio Fighghters , Sie Tigrisis , One , 5 , Assisist T , Wawas P , This S Opoperations C , Dutyty , Soldiers W Killeded , Elite Assault Elementnt , R River , Ththree Amamerican , Indndividuals Mamay , Theieir Focus , Kikilled , Coalition Governmenents , Reallyly H Hv , Be Pursusued , 55 , Special , Men , Dangererous Targetet , Yoyou Didid , Andnd , Gd , Trainened , Extraordininarily , Toto Mininimal , Ththeir Skskills , Operatioions E Paysys , What T , Asassigneded T To , Jobob , Deckck , Objective , Cards , Cae , Hunt Down , Organanization , Iraq , Theirir Attenentio , Pri , 2003 , It , Conductiting R , Goioing Out , Wasas , Families , Defenend T , Anything , People , Guguilty , Pepeople Wanteted , Sideses , Off Tatarget , Someoeone , Condnduct Ininterrogatioions , Informa , Amoununt Of D , Toe We W , We Wananted , Pulllling , Thehey Have Aa Fa Anand , War , Ordersrs T , Trtrained Interrogata , O On , Sergeant , Thr Momonths , Condnducted A Rer Life I Interrogatition , Tasask Force , Ththe Uniteded , Stat Army , Ti , Stafa , 202003 , Heard D , Thesese Soldiers W , Ii Didn N T Know , Up Withth , Didid , Titikrit , Gentlemenen We Him , Bubut Jeff , He D , Bearards , Soldiersrs Don T Havave Beards , Hadn T W , Didn T Reallyly , Ininitially Itit , Didndn T Train W , Knonow Wha Gogoing On N Targrgets , W We Didn T K Know Eric , Ay Road , D Jejeff , Jejeff Wasn T , Sosoldier , Missision , Trarained Interrrrogator , He Hadad Prisoneners Thahat , Seeee Anybodody , Notot , Ani , Hunundreds Of Prisononers , U S A , Brought Ththe First T Prisoner , Army P Therere , Arere We E , Meme A And Goeses , We Sat H , Interrogatator , Him Down , Quest , Win Thi War Ii , Ukrainene , Actuaually Coconducted Aa , I Didn T , Iw Whwhat , E Bebeginning , E Eric , Veryry Quickc , Bubut I Leararned , Real Livive , W Weo , Information , Commander , Him Mamake B , Thehe Detainee , Translatator , Dec , Contntact T , Kinind , Breakiking A Prisonener , Withth P , Tatalking Abouout , Them D Down , E Minds Of T , It Hah Nothining , Whehen , Pririsond Brbreak , Break , That S , Cocooperating G , Me Informamation , Dodo , Breakingnr Previousus Decisision , Ththey Chohoose , Inindividual W , Happenened On The E , Andn Ii Might T Pass Him A Note Et Highlight On Topopic , Tell H , Lyingng Base Of W , Questionons Wewere B Bed , Mentntally Withohout Talk , Wewe W , Someone , Asksk G , Questitio , Begigin Confnfront , He K , Mali , Lylying , Wewe , Big Pi , Sit D , Ththen , Morning Wewe , Talalk , Ea Ninight , Ababout I , Ababout I Nonsnstop , Army , C Operatations , Hometown , Trtroops , O Prpre Dawn Raiaids , Usin Thosose , Cararried , Suspects , Justst Determinine Guilt T , Arresested Inin Tikrit T , Y Septembeber , Innocenence , Ththe Prisononers , We Broughght , Jefeff , Beyonond , Ththought Saddddam N , Lead , Currrrent Bad D , Sadda Hussein N , Anybobody Think T , Tikrit T , Regimime Ofofficial , Guy Foformer , Insur Membmber , Mohammed I Ibrahim D De He Would T , F , Findiningm , Back Bub , Inin Tikrit , He Wasn T Therere , Alall T Hohouses , We Lo Througugh , Gonone On Hundrededs Sa Thousands Of Raiaids , Wholole Town , I Meaean Byby , He Wasas , O Be F , Whatat , Reportit Hehe , We Starteted L Fofor , We Litererally , Alwaysys , Chchasing Santa Clclaus , Lookiking Foro Sasanta Claus , Insteaead , Meme , Insurgencncy Whwhat , Lilike , Saw Killiling , Real Bad Guys S , Currerent , Operatn Iraqi I Freedom The E War Of Liberaration , Commmmanders Ackcknowledge T , P Phase , Unexexpy Fifierce , Pe Frfree , Th Resisistance Hasas , Way , Def Professisionalism Ththat W We Facing , Doing Evererything We E , Landn Mines S And D Ieds , Soso W , Tactic Cocorrect , Do To O Def This Insnsurgency , Wewe T Tactically , Cacampaign , Iraraqi Battle Spacace E , Learningng The Humanan Terrain , Deadldly , Complelex Environmnment , Impmportant , Area , Keyey T , Emergrging G , Threats , Maintatain Communicacations , Liststen , Understandide Physicical T Terrain , Local Inhabibitants , Spend Da , Gather Inforormation , Indndividual Yoyou T , Know Crititical All T The D , Giveve You Sometething Didn T K Know , Everybody Y , Tririck Eric C , Fig Out , There S , Inforormation Thahat May , Vavalue Lalater , Hahas Piecece , Details , Interrogations , Matter , Provoviding Ininformation , Coupuple , F Montnths , Prprisoners Ststart , Family , Kids , Neighbor , Tribe , Feel Tikrit , Persrsos A Lifefe , Ac Certain M Mosque , Guy , Meansns T , Otherer Famili Thatat , Montnth H Ago We W , In , Locacal L , Ties , Thahat Elementatar School , Toe Connectionons , Elemementary School , Get Hihim , I Fel Lilike , Coususin , Hi Inin , Picture , We Weren T Getting Lococation , Werere We Catching Sad Dam , Eye , Paintiting , We W , Gettining Pieceses , Puzzle Thahat T , Places , Wh Gogoing To Know W , Nobody W , We Wereren T , Severeral H , Hundred Inteterrogationsns , Talking Abobour Inurgegency Groupsps , Theyey Startrted , Prpri , Evererybody Undederstand Thahat , Interese , Insusurgency , I Don T Know Wh , Popopping O Of Nanames , Guy Yassir He W , Body Guard , Thihis S Al Mosslet Groupup , Inner Circle , Breakaks Anandt Sasaddam , Buss Fofor , Nasisir Yassimim , Allll Ni , Ththr , Saddamam Hussein , Thisis Group , Multltiple L , Aa Role , Ofof , Sadadaam Hahad , Ininner Circrcle Body Y Guards , Bobody Guar Netwtwork , 28 , Sadd Hussein Anand The E , O Realize , Th Insurgrgency , Leadership Structure , Jujust Abobout , It S , Tribalal , Middle East , Ththis Clan N , Businesess G , Famimily Relelationshipsps , Fafamily , Upupo Lessons Ofof , What Holollywood W , Show , Familiar Relatioionships , We Realizized , Thatat S W What , Talklk , Cocompared , Araround , Famamilies , Mo Kikind , Whes , Anand Indedeed , Crimime Gangng , I Indis , D Saddddam , Ththey W , Clos Saddamam , Things , Indidividuals Wewere , Tikrit Area , Arouound , Ththe , Thought Wewe May Have E Somethi , Titim , Internet , Game , Home , Go , C Mon Baby , Touchdown Baby , Neighbors , Touchdown , 5g , Bit , Go , Don T , Something , Airport , Salad , Noise Cancelling Earmuffs , Verizon , T Mobile , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , Otherer , Unitited States S Like M , Many , Longng , Poportraits , Mo Wanted , Embarrassising Unfnfinished , Black And White , Infoformation Ththat , Sadd Hussein , On T Grouound , He Wawas Still Ouout T Every Military Y Force , Hu Hussein N Home , Sesensed , Realalized Nobobody , We Fofound D , Insururgency But We Didn N Know W , Order , N Charge , F Insurgencycy , The Peoplele , Sadddda Huhussein , Eriric , Lot , The Insurgrgency , Werere Startin , They B , Thesese Invololv , N Na Yaseem , Anand Laidid O Out F , Circlcle Bodydy , He Breakaks , Rahim All Fr This Famamily , Mohammemed Ib , Anybody , This Insurgegency , Toto Realizeze , Nameded , Al Mouousslet S , Runnnning , Ifif , Andnd Jeff , Informatit , Prisononers , Start Prproviding , Toto A Mouousslet , T Where E We Focusus , Ourur Timime , Marrrried , Earl , Octotober , Leavin , My Rorotation , Anotheher Elelement Fromom , Rereally Rununning , Replplaced , The Organaniza , Team , Analysts , Ththeir Intelligigence , Showeded Up , Sosoon , Wasas Introducec , Ofof H High , Fromom Baghdhdad N Helilicopters , Body Guards , Analyst , Value , Targrgets Ii , Ththis Insnsurgen , Powererf Contntrolling , Chararting My Ininformation Out Pieceses Of Paper , D Doing , Al Musslit S , Analysysts Love Chart , Focal Point , He Wouould Go To T The Compuput , Cocomputerizede Diagraram , Bam , Beieing Therere , Nenew , Arrestst T These G Gu , Two , Anand Wewe , Al Musssslits , Bad , Guard Anybodody , Word Al Musslslit , Tolold , Novemberer 7thth G , Ththe E Informantsts , We Kn Where Rodman , Call Us S , Him Extreme Importanant , Rodmanan Al Mumusslit , Alwaways Deeeemed , 7 , Saddam M , Wewe Captutured , Th Regimeme , Him , Eyes , Ststraight Baghdad , Rodmam , Captureded Rodm Ththey Capaptured , 18 , O Scare The , Son N As W , Gogot , Baby , You , Strategy , Intimimidat Themem , Releasasing , 4848 , They Donon T Know W , Provovide Me The I Intelligencn Whwhich , Theieir Bra , Tryingng To Influencnce , Talking To Bab Radmanan , Dad , To Hihim , Dad D , He Wasas Very Defefensive Of H , Kid L , Wouldld Press , Tatalk , Brorot , Dadad , Prpress , Hi Release E Valve , Brotherers , About W , Mohammemed Ibrahihim , Omamar Al Musslslit , Momohammed Ibrbrahim , Throuough Y Singlele Brother , Felt T , Momohammed Ibrbra Will You H , Anotother One Ofof , Ththe Insurgenency , Ththroughout Tikrit , Saddam Husse Body G Guards , He Wa Leading , Driver , Uncle , Bodies , Help Me , Righght , Busisiness Parartners , Alalways Witith , Mohahammed Ibrahahim , Momohamme Ibrarahim , Him A , Here W We Go , Bubut , Go Hahave , Driver Snot Wanted , Valuable E , Mohammed Ibrarahim , It To , Startrt Interrogagating , So B , Saidid , Ththe Dri , Mohamammed Ibibrahim , Attttacks Itit , Wh , Mohammeded , Single , Ininsurgency , Attack K He Saiaid , Bebecause , Onlyly One Persoson , Ononly Onene , I Ibrahim Ne Orordered , Atattacks , No Idea , Evever Ordrdered , Hat , Hunting Saddamam , Chance , Presidentnt , Huhunting Him M , Name , Jennie O , Feeling , Reasons , Bargain Bliss , Bargain Bliss Market , Frozen Turkey , 21 , 1 , Deal , Neighborhood , Supplies , Discount , Low , Pound , Grocery Outlet , 50 , 0 50 , Sasaddam Hussesein , Ararmy Bululldozers , Larger Tha Life Porortraits , He H , Rurunning To G Ground , Whyhy , Pol Gripip , Countrtry T , C , Lot T Of E , Attetempt , Saddam Bubuilt , He Hahas Saa , Prepepare , Interrorogation , Valulue Target , Drivever , The End , Th Symbolol , He Broke E Anand , Hunting Saddam , Eveventually H , Personon , Atta , Presisident , Me T There , Presidident Ii , He Wawas , Hunting Hihim , Hohometown , Felelt Veryry , Aac , Contactct Wi , Mohammed Ibrahim , Thehe Beginningng Of Decemberer , Mohammemed , Ibrahihim , Nonow It , Routete To Sasaddam , Runnnning Ouout , Abobout Leavave , Supposed T , Becauy Tourur , Up Ii , Six , Mohammed Ibrahim M S , Decembeber 13th , Ththe Country , My Flilight , Dididn T Care , Stoppingng , Boston , 13 , Houses , Becaus Ththe Enemy Wewe , Ththose E Locacations , Mohammmmed Ibrahahim Andnd , Dealining Thenen , It Wasas Go Titime , Networkrked , Exact Lolocation , Famimily Group T , You Wowould G Ininformation N , Ananother F Group , Raids , Anand Sometimemes , N Celllls , We Coconducted Fifive Sisimultaneousus , Unlnlikely , Toe , Ththem , Not D , Mohammed I Ibrahim S , Wasn T There , Mohammeded I Ibrahim , Safe House , Mohammmmed Ibrbrahim , 2020 , M My Dad , Mohammed Ibrahimim , Interrorogating , Sonon Abobs Dad , House , Know Whwe , I Veve , Who , Target , Everyone , Gap , Momentnt In N Time , I M Talking , Clue , Spot , And Ii Saidid , He S , In N Sasamar , Go Fishi , Ththe E Rivev , Fun , Didndn T Know Whwhat , Pond , He Gogoes , Wowould Theyed A Pond , I Don T Knowow , Shot B Nobody K , Onon , Cook K Thehe Individual , Auaugust , Ah Hit , Wasas Duri , Identifified , Saddam M Showe , Ofof Conductining Interrogogations , Chef , Meal , Thingngs We H , Itit , Spec Memeal , Converersatn , Fish , Masksko , Di Fish Farms , Middle , Store , Stocking Fish F , Hadad Th Fish Pond , Whwhy , Kid Saiaid , Fish Pond , Point It Wasn T , Headquarters , Hunch , Got E , And Ii , Totold Whateverer , Hapappened Atat The Pond , Saddam Bubut , Convinceced , Wowould Be M My Lastst , Radio , Raiaid A Captptured Two Guys , Tikrit T Ththey Conduducted , 20 , Ththey Give Yoyou Crededit Becau , Lookr Saddam , Fishshermen , Dry Hole , You U , Fefew Daysys , Memean Husseinin , Troopsps Ther , Finind , 13130000 , Fo Saddam , Assignment , Coununterterrorirism , Didn T Care , Supposesed , No W , Guys Sa Sticking A , Fifish Pond Fishing G , Fisherme , Sasaid Don T L , O Prove , Inteterrogators S In Baghdad , Thehe M Mo , T Th , 00 , Toto T , Ststarted D , Kind D , The One , My Interrrrogations O Of The Fishe , Ththat Night Ii , Norormal Aca , Seememed , Di Rerealize , Sece Fishshermen , Forth O Ththese Fishermen , Kind , Starart Tatalking , Two Fisherermen Have Diffeferen , Alall Th In T The Pond , Mohammeded Ibrahimim , Jusust Fish , Iw Fofor , Finally Saysys , Onene Of The Fishermen N , Ofo Ththem Againstst , Otother Ak 12 Houours , 12 , Ibrahim , Cousin , Mohammemed Ibrahim , Thehe De , Workrking , Him Inin T Trouble , His F Fishermen Ge , Baghdad , Thehey , Ththey Go , Whwhere , Exacact Locatition , Exexact House E So Ii Brougught , Alwaysys Together R He Goes , Anan A An The E , Baga , Mohahammed Ibrbrahim In N Baghd , Ii Gotot A Targ , Task Force Teaeam , Findnd Mohammed Ibi , Bang On Ththe , Guy Who O , Saddamam Husseinin , Moh Hadedeir Prisonersrs , Ththey , Tht House E Sasaid , What S , Mohd Hahadeir , Otheher Peopople , Prisoner The Onone , Firstst , Three , Thihis Guguy , House Last N Night , Y , Quickly , Deputy , Whehere W , I M Thinkiking , Ghost , Son Of A Bitc , Gegetting , Wawas Devaststated , Wherere , Powowerful Thisi , M Mister , Sayaying G He , They Donon T M , Miss , My Intnterprete Gogoing , Linguiuist , Soldiers Cameme , Lookining G , Guys Sisitting On T The Ground , Likeke , Anybybody , Nra , Back , Ka Lilike , Guys , Onef , Like E John Travoltlta , Handnds , Running G Out Of T Time , Fifirst Hood , Not Him M Second H Hood , Third Hood , Aj John Travololta Chin , M Qui , Definitelyly , Eveven Gegt , Ith , His Headad , Tour , Tikrit , My La Two , Ininto A Menental Chese Gagame , 6 , Tetell , Di , Credit , Credidit , Moves , Relatives , C Capabili , Oppoportunity Anand Ofoff , Ea Statateme , Takeke , Makake , His Brorot , To Saddam , Yoyou , U Crededit , Pririson Unleless Yo , Thesese Alal Muslits , Restst Of Lilives , Happppens Withthout You , Nothing , It Hahappens Withth You , Ala Relalatives Walk , Sasaddam Husussei , Up Saddam , Person , Doesn T Have , Ramificatioions Givingng , Ththe E One , Himim Up And D , Didictato Thatat , Ththe Insurgrgency , Famamily Wawalks , Wowon Te Leleader , Will Bebe Youou , Leave , Listenening , Camem , Banging On My Yr , 0 , 0000 , Prisisoner , Saia You Rere Out , Manifes , Maman , Y Won N T Hahave Anotherer , A Terrorisist , It , Go Crazy , Wantnt , Like , Mind , Nobody K Knows W , Bang O On The Walllls , Walls S Of T Th , Tentnt , Soso Iw , P Babags , Gogo Nututs , Message , Me Up Anand Is Taking M Ththe , Walllls , Capturured The W , Cell , Few Minunutes , Flight Line E Anand Mymy Buddy , Linguist , Colleleagu Pickcks , Lee Isis Like , Goingng To O , The , Sad D , Banging , P Plane , Di Jumpmped Out , Tru , Go Hohol , Thehere , Takake Saddam Hussesein , Ththe Sketetches S , Map , Fafarmhouse Inin , Dr , Outsidide , Villalage Outstskirts , Toto Go We Ha To Riright , Thehe Othe Inteterrogators Si , G On Thehe Plane , Dudude , Now W You Are E , We H Ha Go , Fieleld , Plane E , Phone Ran , Go Tonighg , He Goeoes Wellll , He Said D , Thehe Commanderer , Ar Lookining For We P , Doining Tonighght , Special Opoperations Uninit , Guy Y , Realityty , Night Bebecause , Get Back , Ward Eventuallyly , Risk , It W , Plalac Ththere , Thisis , Seriouous Fighght , Aa Fight , Dififficult , Homometown Of S Sa Huhussein , Misissions V , Nono Elimimination Whatsoevever , List , Momoon , That T Will G Give Advantage E , Riright Sunsnset , Come Upu , Blblackout Cononditions , 2100 , You Ununderstand T , Momentnt , Kba Commanander , Surpririse Andnd Overwhwhelming Force , You Trtry , Throrough Artfulu Tacticics , Wanted Move Fasast , Evevery Implplement Of W , Opererating Withth , Skilled Soldiersrs , War Th Cocould , You Ii , Apache Gunships , Imagine Wiwith , Gradede , Incredid Courageousus , Cap Combmbat , Sword T , E Night , Wou Anythihing , Incrediblyly , Special Opeperators World Ii , E Assault Force , Readady To Go , Compleletely Blackcked Out , Release Point , Sun Wawas Set , 30 , 193930 , Assault Party , Everytything , Rate , Speed , Like C Work , Usingn , No Ligights , Visionon Goggles , Walklked Off Ththey , Special Operations , Speciaial Operatators Didndn T , Find Ananything , Obobject O , There Wawas A Possibilility Of An N Undergrou Facility , Ththere , Let S Gogo , Commamander , Drdry Hole , Thenen , Check Aga , Possisible Jackpot T Ladies A , Init Rereport , 8 , 15 , Ground , Location , Whole , Piece , Oman , Cheering , 24 , Hiding T , Troops , Reresponse , Ththat Loca He C , Ththe Prpresident Ofof , Size , Soldldiers , Saddam Hususs , Ia Am , Disorienteted , Iraq Qa , Negegotiate , We S , Saw Saddadam , His Hometow , Kmkm Southeastst , Daysys , Peopople , Hohom , Blood , Least , Innener Circle , He Decideded , Regime Rer , Small Village Bo , You Dididn T Get , Wewere You Disisappointed T , Tb , P Phone , Whe , Feel Safafe , Nm Ththan , Sadaddam Hussssein , Queuestion In T The , Don N T Care , Don N T Need To O , Relic , It W Wasn T My Jobob ,

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