Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

night. we have hurricane idalia lashing the southeast at this moment, and threatening flooding. storm surges in strong winds as it goes. look at this incredible video, by the way. a car flipping over in the tornado in south carolina. almost like cgi for a second. oh, my god. meanwhile, some communities in florida's gulf coast are cut off. thousands are without power. we'll go to the weather center before the brand-new forecast. plus, a health care. dr. sanjay gupta is here to explain what might be going on with mitch mcconnell that appeared to freeze in the middle of a q&a in kentucky today, like he did at the capitol last month. >> senator, you're up for election in three, short years. what are your thoughts at this time? >> i had a hard time hearing you? >> that's okay. what are your thoughts about running for re-election in 2026? >> my thoughts about what? >> did you hear the question, senator? running for re-election in 2026? all right. i'm sorry. we're going to need a minute. >> what exactly is happening? and what does it say about the fitness of the 81-year-old senator, to lead the republican caucus. tonight on the docket, a federal judge has determined that rudy giuliani has lost the defamation lawsuit from the georgia election workers. that's after he failed to provide information that was sought in subpoenas. he up-ended their lives when he singled them out, falsely a accusing them of ballot tampering. >> i've lost my name. and i have lost my reputation, i lost my sense of security. all because a group of people starting with number 45, and his ally, rudy giuliani, decided to scapegoat me and my daughter, shea. >> more on all this, soon. and let's begin with breaking news. a brand-new forecast for idalia. chad myers is in the weather center. chad, what are you seeing? >> we lost five more miles per hour. down to 60 miles per hour. that doesn't really take it down to something that's not damaging. we could see power lines coming down with winds at that speed. i'm seeing a very big blowup of colors, almost upstate of north carolina. that's an area i'm concerned about. very heavy rainfall coming down. one more area over the gulf stream. that's the area that's going to rotate into the coastal carolinas. and each one could have a tornado involved with it. right now, moving offshore. finally departing the north carolina coast and maybe out of our way. now, we are going to see the chance of severe weather tonight. tornado watches are in effect. the storms are coming onshore. as they spin, they can bring waterspouts onshore. i've seen four concerneds that came through onshore today. and probably go through the national weather service tomorrow. looking at the damage if there was any. we're not seeing significant spin at this hour. nothing like ef-2s or 3 damage. the center of circulation is moving across charleston. you can see a slight little circle right there of rainfall. that's not an eye, but a ring around the middle of the forecasted cone there. a lot of flooding coming down tonight. and flood warnings are in effect. it's hard to see. here's myrtle beach, south carolina. the boardwalk and the promenade. nobody out there. the waves have been rough all day long. at least nobody is out and about. he'ding the warning about trying to dry through floodwaters, very important. people will take stock of the damage from idalia. let's go to north carolina, where the governor has urged residents to stock up ahead of idalia. what are conditions like right now where you're at? >> reporter: we're in carolina beach, just little south of the wilmington area. this is the lightest breeze we've had. it's starting to pick up again. we've been experiencing gusts of wind out here that are moving the palm trees about. we saw on the boardwalk moving some of the carnival rides by the wind. we heard in the coming hours, under a tornado watch until 4:00 a.m. our expectation is that this is going to worsen. and because of the king tide, something we've heard from florida, south carolina, georgia talk about, that storm surge that idalia could bring, could create flooding, especially aerain areas that are trouble areas. that he tend to flood anyway. you can see the winds starting to pick up, moving the swing here some of the dune grass, as well. you can't see the ocean because it's nighttime and it's dark. we're seeing the dunes, hopefully protect most of the areas from severe flooding. the expectation is they will have moderate flooding on the northern part of carolina beach. and likely in wilmington, because of the king tide and the rain. we had heavy belts of rain. we expect that to continue throughout the night. they say that the hope is that it's over by late morning. but they're asking people to stay out of the floodwater, of course. if you don't desperately need to go somewhere in the morning, wait until late morning, early afternoon, to leave your homes. stay in a safe place as the storm continues to pass. they are warning visitors. there's a holiday weekend coming up. there's a lot of people we met already here on vacation. they are asking hthem to stay ot of the ocean. hurricane frankly in the atlantic, as well as incoming adahlia and what it's doing to the swells in the ocean, it makes for difficult currents and it's not hospitable for people that are not strong surfers or swimmers. this can continue into the weekend, after the weather is gone, asking tourists to stay out of the ocean because it could be dangerous for days to come. they're looking ahead to the morning. the long-term concern is this weekend when the sun may be out and most of the tourists are on the beach. >> that's an important statement, for people to be vigilant. know what is going on. you have to stay apprised of all of the details. joining us is charleston deputy fire chief. a flood watch is in charleston until 2:00 a.m. thank you for being here. you're the overnight commander in the emergency center tonight. what is happening in charleston right now? what are conditions like? >> yes, good evening. we are seeing a lot of response calls at this time. we're seeing a lot of the bands come through with some lulls through. we're seeing a lot of flooded streets. we have about 50 streets that are closed due to flooding. we've rescued 20 people so far from stranded vehicles they drove into the floodwaters. urging people to stay home. as you reported, when light comes, stay home and let us go out and do our damage ass assessment. >> majority of calls coming in are from people in their vehicles. i wonder how rescue operations will take place. it's dangerous for people to drive through floodwaters. are these families in the cars? are they people who tried to leave beforehand and got caught in something? are you able to determine who is the most vulnerable? >> yes, all of the above. workers that were held over at work later than anticipated and they weren't able to get out in time. they were stranded trying to get home. we have a lot of tourists and people that may be unfamiliar with some of the flooding we experience. and the storm just adds to that. to the normal flooding we do see. >> do you have the resources in terms of -- some tourists and many people with the news and the following of this particular storm, you forget for a second. it is a huge travel and tourism weekend right now. many may have been in the area anticipating they would not be impacted in the carolinas. for people who might want to venture out, taking stock of what they're seeing in the skies and thinking, i might be okay, what message do you want to send to those that are maybe trying to venture out of homes tomorrow morning? >> our flooding is our biggest concern right now. we've been lucky the winds have not been as bad as anticipated. that's a good thing. the flood is a concern. when we have flooded streets, we are hoping that will subside quickly before light. but we're going to have pocketed areas where we have standing water. we don't want people to venture out. wee ask they stay in a little while. let our crews get out and assure that everyone is safe. if we have downed power lines and the contaminants in the floodwater. or what's underneath that water. you can trip and fall or fall into an opening. we ask that everybody wait and give us time so we can get out and notify the community that it is safe to get out. >> important messages. thank you so much. as the storm moves on, florida's gulf coast is beginning the recovery. pascho county administrators saying 4,000 to 6,000 homes were damage. joining us is the mayor of port richie, florida. thank you for being with us this evening. yu surveyed part of your city earlier today. will our eyes for a second. what did you see? >> i went out after the water started to sub said. several of the roads, you see from the photo, they were still very deep. i drove through the city. several of the roads are impassable, unless you have a vehicle that was up in the air a little bit. they had a humvee for the friday that was helping to rescue folks and getting folks to shelters. a lot of the roads were unpassable. as i drove around the city, several homes had water inundated them. the height about three foot. two foot to three foot. >> that's 4,000 or 6,000 homes that have been impacted. how many rescues are we talking about? everyone is wanting to know, have there been injuries or fatalities? >> no fatalities or injuries that i've been made aware of. we had 20-plus citizens that were water rescued and taken to shelters. 23 taken to shelters. these are preliminary results. we're still assessing that. >> what are the most pressing needs now at this very hour? >> pressing needs, people are doing cleanup in their homes. the city will get dumpsters together. the furniture that's damaged and stuff out that has to be collected and taken to the dump and so forth. folks getting the cleanup started. >> have you heard from the governor? >> i have not. >> have you heard from mayors in the areas around you? is there coordination? >> our city is run by the city manager. we're out of the loop. our city manager runs those operations. >> a lot of efforts to course correct after the storm now. thank you, john eric hoover. i appreciate your time. >> thank you. there's been a health scare for senator mitch mcconnell. sanjay gupta is here to discuss what happened and what it might mean. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. another scary moment when mitch mcconnell froze when taking questions from reporters in kentucky. >> what are my thoughts about what? >> running for re-election in 2026. >> oh, that's -- >> did you hear the question, senator? running for re-election in 2026? >> yes. >> i'm sorry. we're going to need a minute. senator? >> yep. >> come outside, sir. come with us. >> okay. >> does somebody else have a question? please speak up. >> senator, do you have a comment on daniel cameron? >> i think the governor's race is going to be very close. far and away, the best candidate we could have nominated. we've come increasingly republican. the governor is the only democrat left. i'm optimistic that daniel will be our next governor of kentucky. >> it was difficult to watch. the second time mcconnell has had an incident like this in public. the last time was just a month ago. this follows a march fall at a hotel in washington, a fall that landed mcconnell in the hospital. joining me now is dr. sanjay gu gupta, and manu raja. how is mcconnell doing? this is startling to have seen all that unfold. it's difficult to watch. >> it was. he is trying to carry on as business as usual. he said he was going to see a doctor. that's different than what they said after his july freeze of 30 seconds. very similar at the time. he was light-headed. they're saying this time he was also feeling light-headed. they're not saying what is the underlaying cause and what led him to that. they're not saying what happened at the doctor's appointment, assuming he did consult with a doctor. he did attend a fund-raiser later in the day, with congressman jim banks. the senator was engaging. he was sharp, in the words of one person. he took questions. they had a wide ranging discussion. but he did not talk about the episode at all. he's been on the phone with republican allies, with his number two, john thune. i'm told from thune's office, they had a good discussion. he'sself. >> that's the question. when it's everyone watching him unfold. it's unsettling to watch him unable to respond. i'm watching as a lehman. you're watching as an expert. what are you seeing here? >> i'm seeing the same thing. it's a significant episode of freezing. you think of someone as light-headed, they might want to sit down. they're not frozen, per se. this is frozen, both in speech and in body and in his hands. if you look at the video, his aide comes over to him and tries to take his hand and clutching the sides of the lectern very closely. the same thing, there's a long list of things that could possibly cause this. you know, is it a slight, what they call a t.a.i., a transic attack. could it be a parkinson's like thing. if your medication way off. but the aides, they let him continue answering another question as you saw there. they didn't seem that surprised by this. we saw this in july. but they've become accustomed to dealing with this. my thought is his doctors know, as well. this is an unusual thing. he should be seen right away. but that doesn't seem to be the case. there may be some knowledge of what's going on here already by the doctors and aides. >> what does this mean for his tenure in office. >> the longest serving party leader in senate history, republican or democrat. he surpassed the record earlier this year. the question has long been, even before all this, how long we'll continue to serve. his term does not end until he runs again. what does he do in 2025? there's no question that he's going to try to serve until the end of the congress. next congress, that's the big question. there's some calls for folks calling for him to step aside. saying there should be some change. typically from folks of the democratic party. republican senators saying that today. dean phillips, he's a minnesota democrat. he's someone who has been critical of joe biden. joe biden being in office for too long. for goodness sake, the families, friends and staff of senators feinstein and mcconnell are doing them and our country a tremendous disservice. it's time for term limits for congress and the supreme court and some basic human decency. phillips calling this 90-year-old dianne feinstein who had her own health episodes. that comes with the territory in this institution. particularly in a situation like this, with the spotlight on him, and the prime position. if he stumbles like that, expect the calls for him to retire to intensify. >> president biden has weighed in. he spoke to him. he said he was going to speak to him, and wish him the best. they've known each other for a very long time. he wished him the best. >> thank you so much. two of donald trump's co-defendants in the election case, they want a speedy trial. does he? 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i want to bring in chris timmons, along with michael moore, a former u.s. attorney in the middle district of georgia. glad to have you both here. thank you so much. sidney paul and ken chessboro have filed to sever their cases from donald trump's and the 16 other co-defendants. i want to take a step back and analyze how does that really help them in different ways? what's your take? >> in terms of jury appeal, they want to separate themselves from donald trump. he's a divisive and controversial figure. and everyone in the country, if not the world, knows who he is. sidney paul, mr. chesebro, they are not well-known figures. they think they might have a better chance. that said, this is a rico indictment. all of the acts of the former president can be admissible into evidence, even if they are severed and given their own trial. >> and vice versa. if they are to have a trial first, their evidence could come in as well, in some respects. these cases could go as early as october 23rd. that's a hop, skip and a jump away. i wonder what the impacts on trump and the other defendants would be, because it's clear, he doesn't want the trials to happen quickly. they do. >> right. i'm glad to be with both of you. you're right. the two defendants we're talking about, mr. powell and mr. chesebro, they opted to take advantage of the speedy trial right in georgia. you have to file a motion, close to the time of indictment. it allows and requires the trial to be held, to begin in october of this year. we see that in the way it's set out. what it means for the trump team, they're likely to get a preview of the state's case here. the judge is not likely going to infringe upon his constitutional right to have an effective defense and prepared attorney to move forward quickly because two of the co-defendants have opted to take advantage of a state statue that pushes them on a rocket docket. >> i want to be clear on what you just said. just because those two -- say they are able to go quickly. it doesn't mean, okay, two of you have decided for everyone, all of you go on this date or none of you go? >> that's right. the idea of judicial efficiency will not overrule to have lawyers to prepare a case. so, trump and the rest of the people that do not want to move forward quickly, did not opt to take advantage of the georgia speedy trial act. we need plenty of time. the d.a. took eight months. 2 1/2 years to prepare this case. we need at least more than 60 days to get ready. if they don't get that, i think it's a certain reversal on appeal if there was a conviction. >> sometimes the defendant, obviously, and they have every right to assert speedy trial rights. if the prosecutor comes back and gives a date, maybe a bluff has been called and they have to figure out, if the prosecution is ready, be able to defend against it, evaluate the evidence that is given to them in discovery. we're talking about something very novel here, aren't we? this isn't federal court. you don't have cameras in the courtroom. this could mean damaging evidence will be aired on television. and it's an election year, as you well know. that means it maybe will find its way to a campaign. i'm not out on a limb guessing that, am i? >> not at all. i'm not a political scientist. i'm not sure how that's going to play on the campaign. but you're right. all the evidence will be coming out. all the evidence related to the former president will be in evidence. will be aired on live television. the only thing we won't see on this particular case is the former president sitting at one of the counsel tables, probably with a camera trained on him, looking for reaction he has. that's the only thing that will be missing this case. they go forward without the former president, he will be there legally present, with all of the acts in conspiracy charged to him. >> something tells me his thumbs might do the talking on social media or campaign rallies. what's interesting about this. i found this interesting. in a court filing, an attorney for powell, sidney powell, is now arguing that she never represented trump. or his campaign. it might be curious to people why she is making that point and what it means because there's the anticipated defense from trump which is maybe advice of counsel that might be a part of this. what do you make of her statements? >> chesebro and ms. powell have good lawyers. i know them both. the motion, it looks to me like, they're trying to say, she is completely separate and distinct. it was not a coordinated effort. she was not doing things at his behest. she did not have a signed engagement letter. to make her the attorney of record. those allegations against her in this indictment, are minor, compared to some of the other allegations. she is charged with the coffee county part of the case. the voting machine and access to those things. a small slice of this case. she is not named in the massive -- in the sprawling fake elector scheme and the phone call to raffensperger and those things. those are other people. her lawyer is saying, look, separate her out. let us try this case. i think it says we can try this case in three days and makes the statement and aversion, at the end of the three days, the court would have to find her not guilty. she is removing herself, i think, from the bigger hornet's test of the defendants, by making those assertions. >> enter the ten-foot pole that sometimes washington, d.c. can extend to people. only in universe, with someone charged with rico and defrauding, be just a slice of the overall pie. chris timmons, michael moore, we look to talk to you again. tomorrow i think is going to be a deadline for the mark meadows case in terms of additional filings. i wonder what will happen there. thank you, both. >> thank you very much. a judge is throwing the book at rudy giuliani today. why? and how much might he be asked to pony up? next. on the docket tonight, rudy giuliani found liable in a defamation lawsuit brought by two georgia election workers. you might remember their names. ruby freeman and her daughter, shay moss. rudy giuliani called them ballot-stuffing conspirators. and tonight, ruby freeman's attorney is speaking to cnn. listen. >> this is a finding of liability on every count of our claims that we brought in this lawsuit. so, it is a significant validation of what they have been saying since day one, that they were unfairly and targeted for just doing their job. >> let's get to errol lewis. and cnn political commentator, scott jennings. and renato mariati. giuliani lost the case, in part, because he failed to produce subpoenaed evidence. he struggled to maintain his own access to his electronic records. you have to wonder. given a couple weeks ago, he conceded he made false statements. why would he go about this default in this way? he risks losing millions, if damages are assessed. why would he be concerned about testifying in this matter, perhaps? >> well, he testifies in this matter, all of that can be used against him. he's between a rock and a hard place here. the underlying factual issues overlap with the atlanta, fulton county criminal case, that was charged that you were talking about a moment ago. he would have to take the fifth, which would doom him in this case. or he has to go forward and testify and have testimony used against him. i think he thumbed his nose at this whole process. and judge howell, i think made the correct finding. if you're not producing discovery, treating the women like any other litigant and taking them seriously, obviously, you have to pay the price for that. >> he thought maybe by conceding he made false statements, he would curry some favor with the judge and not have the book thrown at him. that's not the case. woor we're waiting for damages. and also, he shot down giuliani's claims in a he is having financial difficulties. one thing we saw, he showed up in a private jet. not commercial. he listed his manhattan apartment for 6.5 million bucks. and trump is helping to raise money for him. i think it's $100,000 a plate for a fund-raiser coming up in september. what do you make to the judge pointing to these obvious notions about money and giuliani. >> why he didn't comply is he didn't have the money to really undertake a proper search for the documents that he really had to turn over. the judge didn't buy it. judge howell suggested that he does appear to have some assets. and it appeared to be a strategic lack of discovery rather than something that's compelled. i would only mention that, rudy giuliani is in serious financial straits. he can't practice law in new york, nor in d.c. he doesn't have any clients to speak of. he is spending a lot of money to fight a lot of the cases. he got almost no help from donald trump. i know for a fact, the private plane he showed up in atlanta on was donated by somebody who likes the mayor. it was a gesture on his behalf. certainly, he's going to try to make money any way you can. putting up your $6 million apartment is not a sign of wealth. in this case, that's where he lives. i think he's had quite a tumble. >> we'll see what else happens there. to you, giuliani, the substance of what he is accused of doing. he accused the women of acting suspiciously. they are passing around mints or candy. but he says they were passing around usb sticks as if they were vials of heroin or cocaine. that's a quote. and we're going to listen to what freeman said about how that lie impacted her life. >> there is nowhere i feel safe. nowhere. >> you think about the damages that could amount to millions of dollars, they were shaken. their lives were threatened. you think about how this plays out, knowing these are election workers. we have elections all around this country that are coming up. the presidential election, individual states and counties. this is going to rock the core for some, about what it is like to be in their position. and maybe deterrents for those who think these things will go unnoticed. >> you're exactly right about the upcoming elections. our election systems are diffused. meaning, we don't have a top-down system. you have state and county and municipal level jurisdictions that depend on people like them to show up and volunteer to run elections. it protects the system. when you're attacking them and dragging the otherwise private people into the public domain and slandering them, i'm sure it has a chilling effect on the people that want to participate. i think giuliani is getting everything he deserves in this. when a powerful person with access to the media and communication channels that few have access to, drags private citizens into that domain and does what he did, they deserve to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. these people did nothing wrong, except show up and volunteer for their elec government for their election. you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. but maybe they can get justice here. >> you can't unring the bells here. the former trump adviser, peter navarro, was in court for a hearing on his contempt of congress case. and speaking to reporters outside of court, he clashed with a nearby protesters. watch this. >> here's the problem. >> you're facing charges. >> i get it. >> commit another crime. >> yes, okay. >> i mean, the sign says, trump lost and you know it. what was he thinking in that moment? >> he was not thinking very clearly, i have to say. mr. navarro exercised the same poor judgment that got him into this mess in the first place. look, this whole group of people that trump had surrounding him by the end, whether it's rudy giuliani, sidney powell, mr. navarro and others, they've all exercised poor judgment. mr. chesebro. they've exercised poor judgment. that's why they're in the situation they're in. and i think they're desperate. it's interesting. you showed a moment ago, peter navarro trying to assault a protester. i really think that in many ways what rudy giuliani did is very similar. the same thing. desperate. trying to stonewall some election workers at a lawsuit. it's beneath what any officer of the court should be doing, much less somebody that was a celebrated attorney. >> it's a fitting and sad group. >> errol, scott, ronato, thank you so much. >> thank you. they could be facing decades in prison. you know what? we don't know yet. we'll tell you why two exproud boy leaders in the sentencing could be a sign you're not getting enough daily fiber. metamucil capsules can help. psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. promoting digestive health, for a better you. metamucil capsules an easy way to get more daily fiber. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? 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Speed , Blowup , Colors , Rainfall , One , Coastal Carolinas , Gulf Stream , Effect , Weather , Chance , Storms , Tornado Watches , Coast , Damage , Concerneds , Waterspouts , National Weather Service , Four , Center , Charleston , Circle , Nothing , Circulation , Spin , Ef , 3 , 2 , Lot , Flood , There , Warnings , Ring , Eye , Cone , Nobody , Boardwalk , Promenade , Waves , Myrtle Beach , He Ding , Governor , Floodwaters , Stock , Residents , Let S Go , Conditions , South , Reporter , Carolina Beach , Wind , Breeze , Gusts , Wilmington , Palm Trees , Expectation , Some , Tornado Watch , Carnival Rides , 00 , 4 , King , Storm Surge , Talk , Tide , Areas , Trouble Areas , Swing , Dune Grass , Ocean , Most , Dunes , Rain , Hope , Part , Belts , Homes , Floodwater , Course , Place , Stay , Somewhere , Storm , Hurricane , Holiday Weekend , Warning Visitors , Vacation , Hthem , The Ocean , Atlantic , Doing , Swells , Currents , Surfers , Tourists , Concern , Weekend , Swimmers , Statement , On The Beach , Sun , Flood Watch , Commander , Details , Fire Chief , Charleston Deputy , Yes , Response Calls , Emergency Center Tonight , Streets , Bands , Lulls , 50 , Home , Vehicles , Go Out , 20 , Calls , Damage Ass Assessment , Rescue Operations , Majority , Families , Cars , All Of The Above , Vulnerable , Terms , News , Resources , Many , Tourism , Following , Carolinas , Travel , Thinking , Message , Skies , Venture Out , Thing , Water , We Don T Want People To Venture Out , Light , Safe , Crews , Wee , Community , Everybody , Contaminants , Opening , Recovery , Messages , Florida S Gulf Coast , Mayor , Pascho County , Port Richie , 6000 , 4000 , City , Eyes , Yu , Roads , Several , Photo , Impassable , Folks , Shelters , Vehicle , Humvee , Bit , Unpassable , Foot , Height , Fatalities , Injuries , Rescues , Of , Citizens , Results , 23 , Cleanup , Furniture , Stuff , Needs , Dumpsters , Dump , City Manager , Run , Mayors , Coordination , Operations , The Loop , John Eric Hoover , Efforts , Health Scare , Others , Brain Health Indicators , Neuriva Ultra , Kitchen Tool , Brain , 7 , Mental Alertness , Questions , Reporters , , Yep , Somebody , Come Outside , Sir , Comment , Race , Daniel Cameron , Candidate , Far , Democrat , Incident , Public , Second Time Mcconnell , March Fall , Hospital , Hotel In Washington , Manu Raja , Business As Usual , Doctor , 30 , Fund Raiser , Cause , Underlaying , Appointment , Congressman Jim Banks , Person , Discussion , Episode , Words , Office , Phone , Allies , John Thune , He Sself , Lehman , Someone , Freezing , Expert , Light Headed , Per Se , Aide , Speech , Hand , Hands , Body , Sides , Lectern , Things , List , Transic , Slight , Tai , Aides , Medication , July , Parkinson S , Case , Doctors , Thought , Knowledge , Tenure , Term , Record , Party Leader , Senate , History , Contempt Of Congress , Big Question , 2025 , Senators , Change , Dean Phillips , Minnesota , Joe Biden , Country , Mcconnell , Disservice , Friends , Staff , Senators Feinstein , Goodness Sake , Dianne Feinstein , Supreme Court , Health Episodes , Term Limits , Human Decency , Territory , Institution , 90 , Situation , Position , Spotlight , Each Other , Best , Donald Trump , Trial , Co Defendants , Election Case , Truth , Football Career , Sports , Bunch , Trouble , Xfinity , Australian Football , Football , Watch , Sport , Trademark , Season , Xfinity Rewards Members , Word It S Fitz Credible , Devie Duckduckgo , Like Google , Fo , Pi , Xfinity Rewards , Youtube , Nfl Sunday Ticket , 100 , Money , Blocks Cooi , Ads , Searchs , Companie , Catch , Google , Chrome , Doesn T Spy , Fre , Millions , Privacy , Devices , Duckduckgo , Cases , Indictment , Trials , Mean , Rights , Chris Timmons , Michael Moore , Sidney Paul , District , Ken Chessboro Have , Ways , Step , Jury Appeal , Take , 16 , World , Chesebro , Figure , Divisive , Evidence , President , Acts , Figures , Rico , Well , Respects , Skip , Hop , Vice Versa , October 23rd , Defendants , Trump , Both , Impacts , Advantage , Powell , Mr , Motion , Trump Team , Estate , Preview , Defense , Right , State Statue , Rocket Docket , Idea , Efficiency , None , It Doesn T Mean , Lawyers , Rest , Georgia Speedy Trial Act , Appeal , Conviction , Reversal , D A , Eight , 2 1 , Prosecutor , Defendant , Prosecution , Bluff , Assert Speedy Trial Rights , Discovery , It , Courtroom , Cameras , Isn T Federal Court , Aren T We , Campaign , Television , Out On A Limb Guessing , Scientist , Camera , Reaction , Counsel Tables , Conspiracy , Social Media , Campaign Rallies , Thumbs , Sidney Powell , Court Filing , Interesting , Advice , Counsel , Statements , Effort , Ms , Allegations , Attorney , Behest , Minor , Engagement Letter , Access , Slice , Coffee County , Voting Machine , Lawyer , Phone Call , Saying , Sprawling Fake Elector , Scheme , Massive , Court , The End , Aversion , Pole , Assertions , Test , Hornet , Universe , Washington D C , Ten , Filings , Pie , Defrauding , Mark Meadows , Book , Next , Ruby Freeman , Shay Moss , Conspirators , Names , Lawsuit , Count , Finding , Claims , Validation , Liability , Errol Lewis , Scott Jennings , Day One , Job , Political Commentator , Renato Mariati , Records , Damages , Default , Matter , Issues , Between A Rock And Hard Place , Criminal Case , Fifth , Atlanta , Fulton County , Process , Testimony , Nose , Women , Price , Conceding , Litigant , Favor , Woor , Apartment , Difficulties , Jet , We Saw , Manhattan , 6 5 Million Bucks , 6 5 Million , Plate , Notions , Coming Up In September , 00000 , 100000 , Didn T , Documents , Search , Assets , Black , Law , Straits , Clients , New York , Help , Plane , Fact , Gesture , Behalf , Sign , Wealth , Tumble , Million , 6 Million , Substance , Candy , Acting , Mints , Usb Sticks , Freeman , Life , Vials , Heroin , Cocaine , Quote , Lie , Election Workers , Nowhere , Dollars , Elections , States , Core , Counties , Individual , Meaning , Top Down System , Election Systems , County , Jurisdictions , Level , System , Everything , Public Domain , Communication , Channels , Media , Domain , Few , Access To , Elec Government , Extent , Show , Nothing Wrong , Toothpaste Back , Peter Navarro , Hearing , Justice , Tube , Bells , Charges , Crime , Protesters , Problem , Judgment , Mess , Protester , Desperate , Officer , Ronato , Prison , Capsules , Waste , Boy Leaders , Fiber , Sentencing , Trap , Fiber Gels , Metamucil , Exproud , Daily Fiber , Health , Cash , Retirement , Goldmine , Life Insurance Policy , Policies , Call Coventry , Clue , Coverage , More , Policy , Premiums , Combination , Come On , Anything , Guys , Screen , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Hearings , Leaders , Attack , Proceeds , Roles , Dancing , Boys , January 6th , Sen , 6 , Issue , Sources , Seditious Conspiracy , 2020 , Prosecutors , Nordean , Tarrio , 33 , Individuals , Crimes , Breach , Doj , 27 , 28 , 1000 , Investigation , Hair , Law Enforcement , Kills9 Bacteria , D , 320 , Hearing Aids , Can T Sanitize , Laws , Consumer , Hearing Loss , Attention , Lysol , Pair , Rca , Prescription , Styles , Choice , Door , 49 , 249 , Cost , Ones , Low , 49 00 , 5000 , 249 00 , 000 , Quality , Ear , Amplifiers , Anywhere , Built In , Company , Leader , Rechargeable Hearing Aids , Sound , Industry , I Love You , Tools , Don T , Batteries , My Grandkids Playing , Waiting , Gosh , Frustration , Style , Charger , Shipping , Cleaning Kit , Discreet , Pod , Visit Rcahearingaids Com , 0 , Invention Idea , Announcer , Call Invent , 800 710 0020 , 0020 , 800 , 710 , Viewers , Hello , All Around The World ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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night. we have hurricane idalia lashing the southeast at this moment, and threatening flooding. storm surges in strong winds as it goes. look at this incredible video, by the way. a car flipping over in the tornado in south carolina. almost like cgi for a second. oh, my god. meanwhile, some communities in florida's gulf coast are cut off. thousands are without power. we'll go to the weather center before the brand-new forecast. plus, a health care. dr. sanjay gupta is here to explain what might be going on with mitch mcconnell that appeared to freeze in the middle of a q&a in kentucky today, like he did at the capitol last month. >> senator, you're up for election in three, short years. what are your thoughts at this time? >> i had a hard time hearing you? >> that's okay. what are your thoughts about running for re-election in 2026? >> my thoughts about what? >> did you hear the question, senator? running for re-election in 2026? all right. i'm sorry. we're going to need a minute. >> what exactly is happening? and what does it say about the fitness of the 81-year-old senator, to lead the republican caucus. tonight on the docket, a federal judge has determined that rudy giuliani has lost the defamation lawsuit from the georgia election workers. that's after he failed to provide information that was sought in subpoenas. he up-ended their lives when he singled them out, falsely a accusing them of ballot tampering. >> i've lost my name. and i have lost my reputation, i lost my sense of security. all because a group of people starting with number 45, and his ally, rudy giuliani, decided to scapegoat me and my daughter, shea. >> more on all this, soon. and let's begin with breaking news. a brand-new forecast for idalia. chad myers is in the weather center. chad, what are you seeing? >> we lost five more miles per hour. down to 60 miles per hour. that doesn't really take it down to something that's not damaging. we could see power lines coming down with winds at that speed. i'm seeing a very big blowup of colors, almost upstate of north carolina. that's an area i'm concerned about. very heavy rainfall coming down. one more area over the gulf stream. that's the area that's going to rotate into the coastal carolinas. and each one could have a tornado involved with it. right now, moving offshore. finally departing the north carolina coast and maybe out of our way. now, we are going to see the chance of severe weather tonight. tornado watches are in effect. the storms are coming onshore. as they spin, they can bring waterspouts onshore. i've seen four concerneds that came through onshore today. and probably go through the national weather service tomorrow. looking at the damage if there was any. we're not seeing significant spin at this hour. nothing like ef-2s or 3 damage. the center of circulation is moving across charleston. you can see a slight little circle right there of rainfall. that's not an eye, but a ring around the middle of the forecasted cone there. a lot of flooding coming down tonight. and flood warnings are in effect. it's hard to see. here's myrtle beach, south carolina. the boardwalk and the promenade. nobody out there. the waves have been rough all day long. at least nobody is out and about. he'ding the warning about trying to dry through floodwaters, very important. people will take stock of the damage from idalia. let's go to north carolina, where the governor has urged residents to stock up ahead of idalia. what are conditions like right now where you're at? >> reporter: we're in carolina beach, just little south of the wilmington area. this is the lightest breeze we've had. it's starting to pick up again. we've been experiencing gusts of wind out here that are moving the palm trees about. we saw on the boardwalk moving some of the carnival rides by the wind. we heard in the coming hours, under a tornado watch until 4:00 a.m. our expectation is that this is going to worsen. and because of the king tide, something we've heard from florida, south carolina, georgia talk about, that storm surge that idalia could bring, could create flooding, especially aerain areas that are trouble areas. that he tend to flood anyway. you can see the winds starting to pick up, moving the swing here some of the dune grass, as well. you can't see the ocean because it's nighttime and it's dark. we're seeing the dunes, hopefully protect most of the areas from severe flooding. the expectation is they will have moderate flooding on the northern part of carolina beach. and likely in wilmington, because of the king tide and the rain. we had heavy belts of rain. we expect that to continue throughout the night. they say that the hope is that it's over by late morning. but they're asking people to stay out of the floodwater, of course. if you don't desperately need to go somewhere in the morning, wait until late morning, early afternoon, to leave your homes. stay in a safe place as the storm continues to pass. they are warning visitors. there's a holiday weekend coming up. there's a lot of people we met already here on vacation. they are asking hthem to stay ot of the ocean. hurricane frankly in the atlantic, as well as incoming adahlia and what it's doing to the swells in the ocean, it makes for difficult currents and it's not hospitable for people that are not strong surfers or swimmers. this can continue into the weekend, after the weather is gone, asking tourists to stay out of the ocean because it could be dangerous for days to come. they're looking ahead to the morning. the long-term concern is this weekend when the sun may be out and most of the tourists are on the beach. >> that's an important statement, for people to be vigilant. know what is going on. you have to stay apprised of all of the details. joining us is charleston deputy fire chief. a flood watch is in charleston until 2:00 a.m. thank you for being here. you're the overnight commander in the emergency center tonight. what is happening in charleston right now? what are conditions like? >> yes, good evening. we are seeing a lot of response calls at this time. we're seeing a lot of the bands come through with some lulls through. we're seeing a lot of flooded streets. we have about 50 streets that are closed due to flooding. we've rescued 20 people so far from stranded vehicles they drove into the floodwaters. urging people to stay home. as you reported, when light comes, stay home and let us go out and do our damage ass assessment. >> majority of calls coming in are from people in their vehicles. i wonder how rescue operations will take place. it's dangerous for people to drive through floodwaters. are these families in the cars? are they people who tried to leave beforehand and got caught in something? are you able to determine who is the most vulnerable? >> yes, all of the above. workers that were held over at work later than anticipated and they weren't able to get out in time. they were stranded trying to get home. we have a lot of tourists and people that may be unfamiliar with some of the flooding we experience. and the storm just adds to that. to the normal flooding we do see. >> do you have the resources in terms of -- some tourists and many people with the news and the following of this particular storm, you forget for a second. it is a huge travel and tourism weekend right now. many may have been in the area anticipating they would not be impacted in the carolinas. for people who might want to venture out, taking stock of what they're seeing in the skies and thinking, i might be okay, what message do you want to send to those that are maybe trying to venture out of homes tomorrow morning? >> our flooding is our biggest concern right now. we've been lucky the winds have not been as bad as anticipated. that's a good thing. the flood is a concern. when we have flooded streets, we are hoping that will subside quickly before light. but we're going to have pocketed areas where we have standing water. we don't want people to venture out. wee ask they stay in a little while. let our crews get out and assure that everyone is safe. if we have downed power lines and the contaminants in the floodwater. or what's underneath that water. you can trip and fall or fall into an opening. we ask that everybody wait and give us time so we can get out and notify the community that it is safe to get out. >> important messages. thank you so much. as the storm moves on, florida's gulf coast is beginning the recovery. pascho county administrators saying 4,000 to 6,000 homes were damage. joining us is the mayor of port richie, florida. thank you for being with us this evening. yu surveyed part of your city earlier today. will our eyes for a second. what did you see? >> i went out after the water started to sub said. several of the roads, you see from the photo, they were still very deep. i drove through the city. several of the roads are impassable, unless you have a vehicle that was up in the air a little bit. they had a humvee for the friday that was helping to rescue folks and getting folks to shelters. a lot of the roads were unpassable. as i drove around the city, several homes had water inundated them. the height about three foot. two foot to three foot. >> that's 4,000 or 6,000 homes that have been impacted. how many rescues are we talking about? everyone is wanting to know, have there been injuries or fatalities? >> no fatalities or injuries that i've been made aware of. we had 20-plus citizens that were water rescued and taken to shelters. 23 taken to shelters. these are preliminary results. we're still assessing that. >> what are the most pressing needs now at this very hour? >> pressing needs, people are doing cleanup in their homes. the city will get dumpsters together. the furniture that's damaged and stuff out that has to be collected and taken to the dump and so forth. folks getting the cleanup started. >> have you heard from the governor? >> i have not. >> have you heard from mayors in the areas around you? is there coordination? >> our city is run by the city manager. we're out of the loop. our city manager runs those operations. >> a lot of efforts to course correct after the storm now. thank you, john eric hoover. i appreciate your time. >> thank you. there's been a health scare for senator mitch mcconnell. sanjay gupta is here to discuss what happened and what it might mean. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. another scary moment when mitch mcconnell froze when taking questions from reporters in kentucky. >> what are my thoughts about what? >> running for re-election in 2026. >> oh, that's -- >> did you hear the question, senator? running for re-election in 2026? >> yes. >> i'm sorry. we're going to need a minute. senator? >> yep. >> come outside, sir. come with us. >> okay. >> does somebody else have a question? please speak up. >> senator, do you have a comment on daniel cameron? >> i think the governor's race is going to be very close. far and away, the best candidate we could have nominated. we've come increasingly republican. the governor is the only democrat left. i'm optimistic that daniel will be our next governor of kentucky. >> it was difficult to watch. the second time mcconnell has had an incident like this in public. the last time was just a month ago. this follows a march fall at a hotel in washington, a fall that landed mcconnell in the hospital. joining me now is dr. sanjay gu gupta, and manu raja. how is mcconnell doing? this is startling to have seen all that unfold. it's difficult to watch. >> it was. he is trying to carry on as business as usual. he said he was going to see a doctor. that's different than what they said after his july freeze of 30 seconds. very similar at the time. he was light-headed. they're saying this time he was also feeling light-headed. they're not saying what is the underlaying cause and what led him to that. they're not saying what happened at the doctor's appointment, assuming he did consult with a doctor. he did attend a fund-raiser later in the day, with congressman jim banks. the senator was engaging. he was sharp, in the words of one person. he took questions. they had a wide ranging discussion. but he did not talk about the episode at all. he's been on the phone with republican allies, with his number two, john thune. i'm told from thune's office, they had a good discussion. he'sself. >> that's the question. when it's everyone watching him unfold. it's unsettling to watch him unable to respond. i'm watching as a lehman. you're watching as an expert. what are you seeing here? >> i'm seeing the same thing. it's a significant episode of freezing. you think of someone as light-headed, they might want to sit down. they're not frozen, per se. this is frozen, both in speech and in body and in his hands. if you look at the video, his aide comes over to him and tries to take his hand and clutching the sides of the lectern very closely. the same thing, there's a long list of things that could possibly cause this. you know, is it a slight, what they call a t.a.i., a transic attack. could it be a parkinson's like thing. if your medication way off. but the aides, they let him continue answering another question as you saw there. they didn't seem that surprised by this. we saw this in july. but they've become accustomed to dealing with this. my thought is his doctors know, as well. this is an unusual thing. he should be seen right away. but that doesn't seem to be the case. there may be some knowledge of what's going on here already by the doctors and aides. >> what does this mean for his tenure in office. >> the longest serving party leader in senate history, republican or democrat. he surpassed the record earlier this year. the question has long been, even before all this, how long we'll continue to serve. his term does not end until he runs again. what does he do in 2025? there's no question that he's going to try to serve until the end of the congress. next congress, that's the big question. there's some calls for folks calling for him to step aside. saying there should be some change. typically from folks of the democratic party. republican senators saying that today. dean phillips, he's a minnesota democrat. he's someone who has been critical of joe biden. joe biden being in office for too long. for goodness sake, the families, friends and staff of senators feinstein and mcconnell are doing them and our country a tremendous disservice. it's time for term limits for congress and the supreme court and some basic human decency. phillips calling this 90-year-old dianne feinstein who had her own health episodes. that comes with the territory in this institution. particularly in a situation like this, with the spotlight on him, and the prime position. if he stumbles like that, expect the calls for him to retire to intensify. >> president biden has weighed in. he spoke to him. he said he was going to speak to him, and wish him the best. they've known each other for a very long time. he wished him the best. >> thank you so much. two of donald trump's co-defendants in the election case, they want a speedy trial. does he? 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i want to bring in chris timmons, along with michael moore, a former u.s. attorney in the middle district of georgia. glad to have you both here. thank you so much. sidney paul and ken chessboro have filed to sever their cases from donald trump's and the 16 other co-defendants. i want to take a step back and analyze how does that really help them in different ways? what's your take? >> in terms of jury appeal, they want to separate themselves from donald trump. he's a divisive and controversial figure. and everyone in the country, if not the world, knows who he is. sidney paul, mr. chesebro, they are not well-known figures. they think they might have a better chance. that said, this is a rico indictment. all of the acts of the former president can be admissible into evidence, even if they are severed and given their own trial. >> and vice versa. if they are to have a trial first, their evidence could come in as well, in some respects. these cases could go as early as october 23rd. that's a hop, skip and a jump away. i wonder what the impacts on trump and the other defendants would be, because it's clear, he doesn't want the trials to happen quickly. they do. >> right. i'm glad to be with both of you. you're right. the two defendants we're talking about, mr. powell and mr. chesebro, they opted to take advantage of the speedy trial right in georgia. you have to file a motion, close to the time of indictment. it allows and requires the trial to be held, to begin in october of this year. we see that in the way it's set out. what it means for the trump team, they're likely to get a preview of the state's case here. the judge is not likely going to infringe upon his constitutional right to have an effective defense and prepared attorney to move forward quickly because two of the co-defendants have opted to take advantage of a state statue that pushes them on a rocket docket. >> i want to be clear on what you just said. just because those two -- say they are able to go quickly. it doesn't mean, okay, two of you have decided for everyone, all of you go on this date or none of you go? >> that's right. the idea of judicial efficiency will not overrule to have lawyers to prepare a case. so, trump and the rest of the people that do not want to move forward quickly, did not opt to take advantage of the georgia speedy trial act. we need plenty of time. the d.a. took eight months. 2 1/2 years to prepare this case. we need at least more than 60 days to get ready. if they don't get that, i think it's a certain reversal on appeal if there was a conviction. >> sometimes the defendant, obviously, and they have every right to assert speedy trial rights. if the prosecutor comes back and gives a date, maybe a bluff has been called and they have to figure out, if the prosecution is ready, be able to defend against it, evaluate the evidence that is given to them in discovery. we're talking about something very novel here, aren't we? this isn't federal court. you don't have cameras in the courtroom. this could mean damaging evidence will be aired on television. and it's an election year, as you well know. that means it maybe will find its way to a campaign. i'm not out on a limb guessing that, am i? >> not at all. i'm not a political scientist. i'm not sure how that's going to play on the campaign. but you're right. all the evidence will be coming out. all the evidence related to the former president will be in evidence. will be aired on live television. the only thing we won't see on this particular case is the former president sitting at one of the counsel tables, probably with a camera trained on him, looking for reaction he has. that's the only thing that will be missing this case. they go forward without the former president, he will be there legally present, with all of the acts in conspiracy charged to him. >> something tells me his thumbs might do the talking on social media or campaign rallies. what's interesting about this. i found this interesting. in a court filing, an attorney for powell, sidney powell, is now arguing that she never represented trump. or his campaign. it might be curious to people why she is making that point and what it means because there's the anticipated defense from trump which is maybe advice of counsel that might be a part of this. what do you make of her statements? >> chesebro and ms. powell have good lawyers. i know them both. the motion, it looks to me like, they're trying to say, she is completely separate and distinct. it was not a coordinated effort. she was not doing things at his behest. she did not have a signed engagement letter. to make her the attorney of record. those allegations against her in this indictment, are minor, compared to some of the other allegations. she is charged with the coffee county part of the case. the voting machine and access to those things. a small slice of this case. she is not named in the massive -- in the sprawling fake elector scheme and the phone call to raffensperger and those things. those are other people. her lawyer is saying, look, separate her out. let us try this case. i think it says we can try this case in three days and makes the statement and aversion, at the end of the three days, the court would have to find her not guilty. she is removing herself, i think, from the bigger hornet's test of the defendants, by making those assertions. >> enter the ten-foot pole that sometimes washington, d.c. can extend to people. only in universe, with someone charged with rico and defrauding, be just a slice of the overall pie. chris timmons, michael moore, we look to talk to you again. tomorrow i think is going to be a deadline for the mark meadows case in terms of additional filings. i wonder what will happen there. thank you, both. >> thank you very much. a judge is throwing the book at rudy giuliani today. why? and how much might he be asked to pony up? next. on the docket tonight, rudy giuliani found liable in a defamation lawsuit brought by two georgia election workers. you might remember their names. ruby freeman and her daughter, shay moss. rudy giuliani called them ballot-stuffing conspirators. and tonight, ruby freeman's attorney is speaking to cnn. listen. >> this is a finding of liability on every count of our claims that we brought in this lawsuit. so, it is a significant validation of what they have been saying since day one, that they were unfairly and targeted for just doing their job. >> let's get to errol lewis. and cnn political commentator, scott jennings. and renato mariati. giuliani lost the case, in part, because he failed to produce subpoenaed evidence. he struggled to maintain his own access to his electronic records. you have to wonder. given a couple weeks ago, he conceded he made false statements. why would he go about this default in this way? he risks losing millions, if damages are assessed. why would he be concerned about testifying in this matter, perhaps? >> well, he testifies in this matter, all of that can be used against him. he's between a rock and a hard place here. the underlying factual issues overlap with the atlanta, fulton county criminal case, that was charged that you were talking about a moment ago. he would have to take the fifth, which would doom him in this case. or he has to go forward and testify and have testimony used against him. i think he thumbed his nose at this whole process. and judge howell, i think made the correct finding. if you're not producing discovery, treating the women like any other litigant and taking them seriously, obviously, you have to pay the price for that. >> he thought maybe by conceding he made false statements, he would curry some favor with the judge and not have the book thrown at him. that's not the case. woor we're waiting for damages. and also, he shot down giuliani's claims in a he is having financial difficulties. one thing we saw, he showed up in a private jet. not commercial. he listed his manhattan apartment for 6.5 million bucks. and trump is helping to raise money for him. i think it's $100,000 a plate for a fund-raiser coming up in september. what do you make to the judge pointing to these obvious notions about money and giuliani. >> why he didn't comply is he didn't have the money to really undertake a proper search for the documents that he really had to turn over. the judge didn't buy it. judge howell suggested that he does appear to have some assets. and it appeared to be a strategic lack of discovery rather than something that's compelled. i would only mention that, rudy giuliani is in serious financial straits. he can't practice law in new york, nor in d.c. he doesn't have any clients to speak of. he is spending a lot of money to fight a lot of the cases. he got almost no help from donald trump. i know for a fact, the private plane he showed up in atlanta on was donated by somebody who likes the mayor. it was a gesture on his behalf. certainly, he's going to try to make money any way you can. putting up your $6 million apartment is not a sign of wealth. in this case, that's where he lives. i think he's had quite a tumble. >> we'll see what else happens there. to you, giuliani, the substance of what he is accused of doing. he accused the women of acting suspiciously. they are passing around mints or candy. but he says they were passing around usb sticks as if they were vials of heroin or cocaine. that's a quote. and we're going to listen to what freeman said about how that lie impacted her life. >> there is nowhere i feel safe. nowhere. >> you think about the damages that could amount to millions of dollars, they were shaken. their lives were threatened. you think about how this plays out, knowing these are election workers. we have elections all around this country that are coming up. the presidential election, individual states and counties. this is going to rock the core for some, about what it is like to be in their position. and maybe deterrents for those who think these things will go unnoticed. >> you're exactly right about the upcoming elections. our election systems are diffused. meaning, we don't have a top-down system. you have state and county and municipal level jurisdictions that depend on people like them to show up and volunteer to run elections. it protects the system. when you're attacking them and dragging the otherwise private people into the public domain and slandering them, i'm sure it has a chilling effect on the people that want to participate. i think giuliani is getting everything he deserves in this. when a powerful person with access to the media and communication channels that few have access to, drags private citizens into that domain and does what he did, they deserve to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. these people did nothing wrong, except show up and volunteer for their elec government for their election. you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. but maybe they can get justice here. >> you can't unring the bells here. the former trump adviser, peter navarro, was in court for a hearing on his contempt of congress case. and speaking to reporters outside of court, he clashed with a nearby protesters. watch this. >> here's the problem. >> you're facing charges. >> i get it. >> commit another crime. >> yes, okay. >> i mean, the sign says, trump lost and you know it. what was he thinking in that moment? >> he was not thinking very clearly, i have to say. mr. navarro exercised the same poor judgment that got him into this mess in the first place. look, this whole group of people that trump had surrounding him by the end, whether it's rudy giuliani, sidney powell, mr. navarro and others, they've all exercised poor judgment. mr. chesebro. they've exercised poor judgment. that's why they're in the situation they're in. and i think they're desperate. it's interesting. you showed a moment ago, peter navarro trying to assault a protester. i really think that in many ways what rudy giuliani did is very similar. the same thing. desperate. trying to stonewall some election workers at a lawsuit. it's beneath what any officer of the court should be doing, much less somebody that was a celebrated attorney. >> it's a fitting and sad group. >> errol, scott, ronato, thank you so much. >> thank you. they could be facing decades in prison. you know what? we don't know yet. we'll tell you why two exproud boy leaders in the sentencing could be a sign you're not getting enough daily fiber. metamucil capsules can help. psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. promoting digestive health, for a better you. metamucil capsules an easy way to get more daily fiber. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? 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