Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

proceedings to begin on march 4th, 2024, on the eve of the critical super tuesday presidential contest. breaking news, new video of the jacksonville gunman entering the store where he unleashed his deadly racist rampage. we're also learning more about his past before he opened fire with a swastika emblazoned assault rifle. welcome to our viewers here in the united states in the united states and all around the world. wolf blitzer is off tonight. i'm alex marquardt. you're in "the situation room." we begin with a very significant day in two of the criminal cases against donald trump. first, in georgia where former trump white house chief of staff mark meadows took the stand today. the hearing amounting to a sort of mini trial of the election interference trial against trump and his 18 co-defendants. cnn's sara murray has all the details. >> reporter: that's right. we got a look at fani willis' case and how she may question witnesses. former white house chief of staff mark meadows -- >> to start wholesale trying to change the way we conduct elections state-by-state, i can tell you we're asking for problems, asking for fraud. >> reporter: taking the stand in a federal courtroom in georgia after he, former president donald trump and 17 others were charged with racketeering by the fulton county district attorney for their attempts to overturn the 2020 election in georgia. >> you can't ever accept when they steal and rig and rob. >> reporter: meadows who has kept a stunningly low profile in the various investigations into donald trump breaking his silence under oath. those were challenging times, meadows said of his tenure. as he seeks to move the case from state to federal court, prosecutors delved into the case and some of the allegations against meadows. meadows denying that he directed another white house aide to disrupt. saying he had zero recollection of that happening. it was the biggest surprise to me upon reading the indictment. putting meadows on the stand he's accused of participating in in georgia, a risky approach for any criminal defendant. meadows making the case that his activities were part of his official duty it is of chief of staff. >> mr. president, everybody is on the line. this is mark meadows, the chief of staff. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> reporter: raffensperger also took the state saying he first tried to resist the call and testifying there was no federal role in certifying georgia's election. when prosecutors questioned what federal role meadows was fulfilling in post election calls with trump and another purveyor of election falsehoods, his personal attorney, rudy giuliani -- >> we cannot allow these crooks, because that's what they are, to steal an election from the american people. they elected donald trump. they didn't elect joe biden. >> reporter: meadows said he was acting as a gatekeeper and insisted there was a federal interest inaccurate and fair elections. meadows claimed he wasn't the driving force of pushing bogus claims of election fraud. when bill barr dismissed the fraud claims -- >> i maid it clear i did not agree with the idea of saying the election was stolen and putting out this stuff which i told the president was bullshit. >> reporter: meadows said he felt further investigation was warranted. the hearing has wrapped up. in the closing statements, meadows' attorney argued the chief of staff has wide responsibilities. he said, now, if he, shot a demonstrator in lafayette park, that would obviously be outside the scope of his duties. the judge didn't rule on whether meadows can move his case to federal court but said he will rule promptly noting he is aarraignments are stet in this case in state court on september 6th. >> sara, thank you. we'll be back with you in a moment. i want to go from the georgia election interference case to the federal election interference case against trump and the march 4th trial date set by the judge. cnn's jessica schneider has the latest on that. what is the judge saying about the timing of the case? >> reporter: he said it would be unprecedented to wait until 2026 which is when trump's lawyers wanted the case to start. she did say, look, we're not going to give you that. special counsel, we're also not going to give you what you want, january 2024. she gave the special counsel certainly more than trump's team. but he said in setting a trial date it doesn't depend on the defendant's personal or professional obligations. she said really trump was already being given more than the average criminal defendant. she said he had many resources at his disposal. trump's attorney john lauro, he really pushed back on this. he said, i only started the represent stays recently. i haven't had a lot of time to get into this case. there are 12.8 million pages of discovery here. john lauro even told the judge, look, because you're making this trial state date just six months from now, i'm going to tell you right now i'm not going to be able to give adequate representation to the former president. that sort of sets the stage for any possible future appeal that the president might make on ineffective assistance of counsel claims. putting the start date in march 2024, this adds to an already incredibly crowded calendar here. between october of this year and may of 2024 you're talking about the start to all four criminal cases against the former president. his legal team is going to be really working overtime here. the prosecution said, look, trump legal team, this actually isn't that bill of a hill to climb. all of these documents that we've happeneded over in discovery, 12.8 million pages, but they say most of it you've already been privy to. this comes from trump's white house, trump's political action committee. these. >> reporter: documents that were before the january 6th committee. they said really there's not a lot of new evidence for you to sift through. they said there's about 47,000 pages of those that will be key to the prosecution that the defense team can really zero in on. this is barreling forward to a very fast trial just about six months from now. it's not likely the date will slide at all, or if it does, it will slide very much. >> i recall baaing towards it and all these trial dates in the middle of what will be a very contentious campaign season. let's get more with our legal and political experts. tim, you were a lawyer for the january 6th select committee. you know the ins and outs of mark meadows' actions in georgia. what do you make of his arguments that everything he did fell within that scope of his role as the president's chief of staff? >> i think that just is not based in fact. i think the idea that he was chief of staff 24/7, i think that's just not supported. i think what we saw was a clear delineation between the political actors and the white house actors. with any campaign there's a forward-looking aspect. mark meadows here was acting in the capacity to support former president trump's future bid for the white house. i think this idea that he was acting in his capacity was not supported. we saw that he was often interfacing with individuals on the campaign, not on the political side -- not on the white house side. he was talking to campaign lawyers often, talking to folks outside the white house. i think once we get deep into the facts, you'll find support he was acting in a political capacity, not an official government capacity. >> ellie hoenig, what did you make of mark meadows taking the stand? was that wise? >> it was a big risk. it was necessary. mark meadows is the one who has to make a showing that he was acting within the scope of his federal employment. there's no other plausible way to do that. i think the fact that he chose to take that risk tells me how important it is that mark meadows gets his case moved to federal court. i think it's one thing to assert generally, well, as chief of staff i had broad duties. it's another thing to be cross-examined as he was today about very specific actions and phone calls and justify that within the scope of the chief of staff's job. >> sara murray, this has been -- this is called a bit of a preview to the case that fani willis, the fulton county prosecutor, d.a. might be making, assuming she gets to keep this trial in state court. what did we learn? >> either way, whether state court or federal court, fani willis goes with him. the beginning of the argument that she's going to make that this wasn't about federal duties and even went beyond political duties. this was really an effort to keep drum in the white house regardless of what it took to do so. i think we saw the early outlines of the that coming out today. we'll have to see whether they were persuasive to the judge that they should state in state court instead of federal court. there was an attorney for jeffrey clark spotted around the courthouse. there was an attorney on donald trump's legal team spotted around the courthouse. a number of attorneys want to know if this meadows play will be successful and if they'll be able to move their cases to federal court. >> kristin, the federal election interference case, the judge decided the trial should start on march 4th. how is trump's team bracing for that collision between his legal and political calendars next year? have you heard any concern that he won't have enough time on the campaign trail? >> the trump advisers i've spoken to seem to believe this trial will be delayed, the federal trial. that he won't be going to trial during the campaign. trump himself saying he was going to appeal this. talking to actual legal experts, they said this is unlikely to slide as well as this is not something he can appeal. that's where their mindset is right now. i have talked to a number of advisers who do believe there's a possibility given this calendar, that this could have some overlap. i want to pull up the calendar one more time. in january when you look at the first iowa caucus, that is the same date as that e. jean carroll civil right. the other one they're pointing to is march. when you look at the 4th, that's the election subversion trial. the fifth is super tuesday. they believe they can paint this as election interference when you specifically look at these dates. i'm not talking about just a legal argument, but the argument in the court of public opinion which is how we know donald trump likes to do things. they can say this is directly impacting his campaign. again, how this actually plays out, it still remains to be seen. we're in unprecedented times. we'll have to watch it unfold in realtime. >> unprecedented, it will be a very busy few months. thank you all for your time and your perspectives. coming up, new reaction to mark meadows' testimony from former chief of staff to vice president mike pence, marc short. new video of the jacksonville shooter in his deadly racist attack. 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>> alex, i'm not sure that the job description for donald trump's chief of staff fit into the normal chief of staff role. i think it's true that mark was acting at the behest of the president and he deserves the benefit of the doubt. one challenge for him is to say this was all his official capacity. if that was rue, why was he circumventing all of the white house counsel's advice. why wasn't pat cipollone and the doj involved. instead mark recruited outside lawyers who he wanted to listen to. i think that undercuts the notion that this is all part of my federal responsibility if i'm not getting counsel from the people hired in your office to serve the white house in that role. >> in the center of the case is the call with georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger. mark meadows said that call was to get over the roadblock and land the plane on the whole transfer of power to joe biden. what do you make of that explanation? >> again, i think the vice president at that point was focused more on travelling the country and trying to get states to reopen after much of the threat of covid was behind us. we weren't involved as what's happened in georgia. as i said many times, i think the actions taken were wrong. i don't think there was evidence of fraud or that the georgia election was stolen. to call on raffensperger to find 11,000 votes i think is going to be a pretty challenging defense for them. >> do you think meadows in that moment was trying to ease the transfer of power to joe biden? >> i think there was plenty of evidence of the white house asking that we halt transition efforts. that i think would also run counter to that defense. >> when we look at the federal case and the efforts to overturn the election, the investigation that jack smith is leading, we now have a trial date that the judge set today, march 4th, 2024 next year. what do you make of that date? are you concerned that all of trump's courtroom commitments in his calendar will eclipse the republican presidential primary? >> i don't know that it will eclipse it. i think it's important for republican voters to factor this in. i think the trump campaign has heralded each indictment because they think it speaks to the support among the base of the party. whether that continues whether trials begin and arraignments begin is a different question, alex. i think it's complicated to have that fall on the eve of super tuesday. i think that is a very political time to have that date land. i think it's goings to feed into concerns that people have that there are people in doj or at the court who are more politically biased. >> we only have a couple moments left. i want to ask you about this now famous mugshot of trump. the xain saying they raised over $7 million. this is the latest evidence of boost in support after yet another indictment. meanwhile, former vice president mike pence is trying to stand apart from trump as a defender of the constitution. does this indicate that pence is out of step with his own party? >> well, again, i think there's a certain amount of people who want to come to the president's defense because they're very proud of their record. i think the vice president is very proud of the four years as well, alex. i think the events of january 6th is clearly a separation between the two. there's a question of whether or not those events may help rally donors among your base. does it increase your support among independent voters or new voters? i would question that it does. it's important for the party to have that conversation moving into the primary season. >> marc short, thank you for joining us. >> appreciate it. coming up, we're following breaking news. a faculty member is dead and a suspect is in custody after a shooting at a major american university, and we're getting new video of a racist gunman just before a deadly rampage in jacksonville, florida. we'll be going there live for an update and i'll be speaking about the ongoing investigation with the local sheriff. you're in "the situation room." that's whwhy dove body wash now has 24 hour renenewing micro moisture for continuous care. dove body wash. change is beautiful. 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>> reporter: alex, we have important new information along with the dramatic new video you mentioned from law enforcement of the shooter's movements before an during the rampage. new information tonight about saturday's racist shooting rampage in jacksonville. new video shows that before the shooter killed three black people at a dollar general store, he stopped at a different dollar store, but only came out with a bag. >> the way i'm looking at it, it didn't look like he wanted to face anyone that may cause him any issues. it looked like he wanted to take action at the family dollar. that's what it looks like. he did not because i think he got impatient and got tired of waiting. >> reporter: he then went to edward waters university, a historically black university. video shows him parked in a lo, gets a bag out of the hatch, puts on a vest. a security office responding to a student's tip approaches. the suspect speeds off, almost hitting a cokcolumn as he speed off. authorities revealing today the shooter previously worked at a dollar tree store. writings left behind by deceased shooter ryan palmeter showed he wanted to kill black people. >> the manifesto is quite frankly the diary of a madman. >> reporter: aiming his rifle at a car in the store's parking lot, then aiming it inside the store. >> i heard pop, pop. i turn around, i seen him drop. >> reporter: the video also showing officers storming the store looking for the suspect and visibly reacting when they hear the shot believed to be a self-inflicted gunshot. >> community representatives are demanding broader action to address racism and hate crimes. >> it's unjust that we can't even walk on the sidewalks. we're not safe in any stores. >> a federal hate crimes probe has already been launched. >> we can't let it prevail. it's on the rise, not diminishing. >> reporter: the three victims all black. angela carr, jarrald gallion who has a 4-year-old daughter and a.j. lag glaguerre that worked t the store. officials say there was nothing in his past to prevent him from legally purchasing these guns. even though in 2017 he was sent for a 72-hour mental health evaluation under the baker act and then released according to authorities. >> i don't know legally, given the way the laws are written right now in the state of florida that there was anything that could have been done. therein lies the frustration for me. >> reporter: officials say detectives have spoken to the shooter's parents. he lived with his parents in a town about 30 minutes from jacksonville. we knocked on the door to try to get them to speak to us. a woman on the other side of the door said no comment. for more i'm joined by jacksonville sheriff t.k. waters. thank you so much for joining us. i know how busy you are. i want to ask you first about this new footage that was just released as well as the timeline of the suspect's movements. how does this video help with the investigation and your understanding of how things unfolded? >> just further helps us, one -- it links to one, he worked at a dollar tree. two, he went to a dollar store, and then he went to the dollar general. it helps me to at least, in our hopes through our investigation, his goal was not ew university, but his goal for some reason, we still don't know. hopefully we'll figure out at some point, for some reason was one of those stores. >> the fact he worked at a dollar tree and carried out this rampage at a dollar general, what could it tell you about his motive? >> it's difficult to tell. maybe he -- quite frankly, maybe he felt like it was a store where he could find his preferred targets. the fact that he went to a store -- a family dollar at kings and myrtle, that is in a predominantly black neighborhood. the other store, the dollar general is in a predominantly black neighborhood. it tells us quite a bit about what he was looking for. that, coupled with the letters that he wrote tell the story. >> his preferred targets, which you have made clear was black floridians. in terms of the people around the shooter, who have you had the chance to speak with? any family members, former boss, co-workers? >> my detectives are working around the clock. they're doing a lot of hard work, a lot of amazing work. they've spoken to mostly everyone. i've spoken to direct family members of two of our victims, and we've had good conversation. i wanted to check on them personally, let them know my heart goes out to them and they have the support of our agency and our city. >> sheriff, over the weekend you made clear that there was nothing illegal about this young man owning firearms. but now we know he had been held as a minor for a mental health evaluation under florida's baker act. should that prevent someone, do you think, someone from buying guns legally in florida? >> i think if he's evaluated and it turns out he has a mental condition, of course. and it does now. in this situation he's a juvenile, and apparently that was not the case for him. from what we can tell, the background checks were done as they were supposed to have been done. he was able to purchase those guns legally. the big thing that i've been saying is, i want to take the focus off his responsibility. he is responsibility for this. his motives were clear. his tool was clear. he is responsible. he's an evil man who did a very evil thing in our community. >> sheriff, we have heard from some black leaders in florida. they've pointed the finger at governor ron desantis. one state representative said it helped fuel these types of actions. your state, jacksonville, still reeling from this shooting. how do you think the current political climate is affecting the lives of black floridians? >> i think the political climate kind of mirrors the national political climate. but i can tell you this, the individual that did this didn't like anyone. he wasn't a far right leaning individual. he wasn't far left. one of his statements was he didn't like either side. quite frankly, he didn't like much of anything. i'll tell you this. i don't feel like in our community you'll have that discussion from one side of it, but i also live here. i also have been serving this city for 32 years. i've seen great people in this city. this guy didn't live in jacksonville. this does not represent what jacksonville is and who we are as a community. that's my answer. i think we are a great city and full of great people that had a horrible thing happen to them. >> horrible thing. this was a terrible tragedy. sheriff t.k. waters, thank you for speaking with us. our thoughts are with you and the people of jacksonville. thank you. >> thank you. thank you for having me. we have more breaking news. we're following new information about a terrifying situation on on the campus of the university of north carolina in chapel hill. cnn's nicola ve valencia is cov story. >> reporter: according to unc police, the call came in shortly after 1:00 p.m. eastern of shots fired on campus. it was almost immediately after that that there was an alert sent out telling them to lock down in place. adding the the anxiety, the scarcity of information. when it was all done, a faculty member, just one faculty member, according to police, was shot and killed by a suspect who was then taken into custody. that suspect has not been identified because formal charges have not been filed. earlier this hour at a press conference, the unc chancellor spoke about this tragic loss and said this is -- they're canceling classes today and tomorrow. >> this loss is devastating. the shooting damages the trust and safety that we saw often take for granted in our campus community. we will work to rebuild that sense of trust and safety within our community, and our hearts are with the family of our fellow faculty member, those that were personally connected to the victim and those traumatized by this senseless act of violence. >> this incident happened near the bell tower which, if you know unc, basically the heart of campus. this was just the second week of classes there for those students. police have not yet released a motive. they say it's too early for that. they have yet to recover the weapon used in this incident. >> terrifying day for these students who just started the school year. nick valencia, thank you very much. a new forecast from the national hurricane center as idalia barrels towards florida's gulf coast prompting evacuations under way right now. 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>> the latest forecast is for the storm to get to be 120 miles per hour. the problem is that's still in the middle of the hours, a hundred miles before it hits land. it could get stronger than that in between what we call these points where you see all the circles there on the cone. hurricane warnings in tampa all the way up to apalachicola. my concern is this map looks an awful lot like what ian looked like just about 36 hours before arrival. ian missed tampa and ended up way down here at ft. myers beach. i don't want you to take this lightly, tampa, because the track is up here this time, not towards you. if it takes that typical right-hand turn, you are right in the middle of what could be a catastrophic hurricane. the area it's going to hit is called the big bend area until any models change. they haven't changed today. right now we're at a 70-mile-per-hour storm. another hurricane hunter aircraft is on its way to check to see if that went down or up over the past couple of hours. there's that category 3 to the west of about new port richey, tampa bay. again, not that far west of tampa bay. if this thing decides to pull a charlie or pull an ian, we're all going to be watching this so closely. you need to be paying attention at this point in time, even with a 4-7 foot surge in tampa, winds will be 70-80, trees will be down, power lines down. tomorrow is the day to evacuate if they tell you to. after that it won't be possible. this water is very warm. this storm is going to explode in intensity as soon as it gets over cuba and into the gulf stream. the new forecast for 8-12 foot storm surge. not many towns in here, cedar key and the like. many places there don't even have 12 feet of elevation if that's what the surge is. it will be overwashing the entire town. that's the real threat here. also the rain. it's going to rain in the carolinas, into parts of georgia, also into florida. and there will be tornadoes on the west coast of florida for tomorrow. every storm that comes in will already be spinning because it's going around a center top. as the storms come in, they could be water spouts coming onshore. they could be real tornadoes right on land. not just zeros and ones. these could be ef-2s and 3s -- maybe not a 3, but certainly a 2 as the supercells stay on land and spin for quite some time. alex, there's your arrival time. probably for tampa, the worst of it somewhere around 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night. that's the beginning of it. all of a sudden, as the core goes by, maybe another 12 hours and it gets better from there. this is going to be a difficult storm. you cannot let your guard down if you're in the tampa, new port richey, even towards sarasota, pinellas county, pasco county, this is going to be a big event for you one way or the other. >> we know you'll be keeping a close eye on that. we'll be speaking with you a lot in the coming days. very sobering report. as russian leader confirm the death of wagner leader voez in the plane crash near moscow, we'll be discussing the potential implications for what remains of the wagner mercenary group. you're in "the situation room." with lincoln bluecruise. it's the final days of the lincoln summer invitation event. right now, get 3.9% apr and $1000 trade assist cash on a new 2023 lincoln. he didn't go to college and never asked for a raise. he didn't wear fancy shoes and never took out a mortgage. his friends didn't belong to a country club and his parents didn't have a will, so he worked hard and invested wisely. not in stocks or bonds, but in others. ♪ -can't sleep? 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also, what's going to become of wagner's business in the middle east and of course also in africa. and the biggest question, who's going to be the new boss of the organization. alex? >> fred pleitgen, thank you very much. for more on this story, i'm joined by georgetown university adjunct professor, and a former cnn moscow bureau chief. jill, let's start with those questions that fred just posed. now that prigozhin is confirmed dead, how much do you expect president putin to take over wagner's forces and those very lucrative and important relationships around the world, particularly in the middle east and africa? >> well, i think a lot of them are really valuable, especially in africa. so, i think you'd have to predict the kremlin would want to get their hands on it in some fashion. and the way they can do that is let's say the fighters, the wagner fighters themselves, there actually are a number of other private military contractors out there like wagner, smaller, perhaps, that are connected to people that are friendly to president putin. one of them, in fact, is under the control in some fashion of the head of the ministry of defense. so you could move some of them over. then already they've taken the heavy weapons from them, and some will go into the military themselves. but it's not -- you know, the group is actually not that large. so you're dealing with a few thousand people. it was 20,000, 25. now maybe fewer. so i think they can kind of move them over. but the actual businesses, alex, the ones that are really lucrative and really important, you can bet that the kremlin is going to have them continue in some fashion, but under kremlin control. >> jill, do you think that there's a risk at the same time that prigozhin's most loyal supporters could turn into anti-putin, anti-kremlin opponents? >> you know, i do think that there is that problem. i mean, a lot of his men really respected him, and you could actually say even loved him as kind of this guy who said the truth, told the truth. and, so, i think that is a problem. they are not as, let's say, allied or under the influence of putin. because putin doesn't have that cache that prigozhin did. so -- and i think it's notable that president putin has been out since all of this happened meeting with the public, having adoring fans saying, president putin, we love you. there's a reason for that. because i think he wants to show that he too is popular. >> jill dougherty, we always appreciate your thoughts. thank you very much. and we will have more news just ahead here in "the situation room." including house republicans plotting their strategy for a potential biden impeachment inquiry when congress is back in session. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. 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"erin burnett outfront" starts "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- "outfront" next, trump fumes. the former president vowing to appeal after a federal judge sets a march date for his election interference trial. and now all eyes on mark meadows who testified today hoping to move his georgia case to federal

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proceedings to begin on march 4th, 2024, on the eve of the critical super tuesday presidential contest. breaking news, new video of the jacksonville gunman entering the store where he unleashed his deadly racist rampage. we're also learning more about his past before he opened fire with a swastika emblazoned assault rifle. welcome to our viewers here in the united states in the united states and all around the world. wolf blitzer is off tonight. i'm alex marquardt. you're in "the situation room." we begin with a very significant day in two of the criminal cases against donald trump. first, in georgia where former trump white house chief of staff mark meadows took the stand today. the hearing amounting to a sort of mini trial of the election interference trial against trump and his 18 co-defendants. cnn's sara murray has all the details. >> reporter: that's right. we got a look at fani willis' case and how she may question witnesses. former white house chief of staff mark meadows -- >> to start wholesale trying to change the way we conduct elections state-by-state, i can tell you we're asking for problems, asking for fraud. >> reporter: taking the stand in a federal courtroom in georgia after he, former president donald trump and 17 others were charged with racketeering by the fulton county district attorney for their attempts to overturn the 2020 election in georgia. >> you can't ever accept when they steal and rig and rob. >> reporter: meadows who has kept a stunningly low profile in the various investigations into donald trump breaking his silence under oath. those were challenging times, meadows said of his tenure. as he seeks to move the case from state to federal court, prosecutors delved into the case and some of the allegations against meadows. meadows denying that he directed another white house aide to disrupt. saying he had zero recollection of that happening. it was the biggest surprise to me upon reading the indictment. putting meadows on the stand he's accused of participating in in georgia, a risky approach for any criminal defendant. meadows making the case that his activities were part of his official duty it is of chief of staff. >> mr. president, everybody is on the line. this is mark meadows, the chief of staff. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> reporter: raffensperger also took the state saying he first tried to resist the call and testifying there was no federal role in certifying georgia's election. when prosecutors questioned what federal role meadows was fulfilling in post election calls with trump and another purveyor of election falsehoods, his personal attorney, rudy giuliani -- >> we cannot allow these crooks, because that's what they are, to steal an election from the american people. they elected donald trump. they didn't elect joe biden. >> reporter: meadows said he was acting as a gatekeeper and insisted there was a federal interest inaccurate and fair elections. meadows claimed he wasn't the driving force of pushing bogus claims of election fraud. when bill barr dismissed the fraud claims -- >> i maid it clear i did not agree with the idea of saying the election was stolen and putting out this stuff which i told the president was bullshit. >> reporter: meadows said he felt further investigation was warranted. the hearing has wrapped up. in the closing statements, meadows' attorney argued the chief of staff has wide responsibilities. he said, now, if he, shot a demonstrator in lafayette park, that would obviously be outside the scope of his duties. the judge didn't rule on whether meadows can move his case to federal court but said he will rule promptly noting he is aarraignments are stet in this case in state court on september 6th. >> sara, thank you. we'll be back with you in a moment. i want to go from the georgia election interference case to the federal election interference case against trump and the march 4th trial date set by the judge. cnn's jessica schneider has the latest on that. what is the judge saying about the timing of the case? >> reporter: he said it would be unprecedented to wait until 2026 which is when trump's lawyers wanted the case to start. she did say, look, we're not going to give you that. special counsel, we're also not going to give you what you want, january 2024. she gave the special counsel certainly more than trump's team. but he said in setting a trial date it doesn't depend on the defendant's personal or professional obligations. she said really trump was already being given more than the average criminal defendant. she said he had many resources at his disposal. trump's attorney john lauro, he really pushed back on this. he said, i only started the represent stays recently. i haven't had a lot of time to get into this case. there are 12.8 million pages of discovery here. john lauro even told the judge, look, because you're making this trial state date just six months from now, i'm going to tell you right now i'm not going to be able to give adequate representation to the former president. that sort of sets the stage for any possible future appeal that the president might make on ineffective assistance of counsel claims. putting the start date in march 2024, this adds to an already incredibly crowded calendar here. between october of this year and may of 2024 you're talking about the start to all four criminal cases against the former president. his legal team is going to be really working overtime here. the prosecution said, look, trump legal team, this actually isn't that bill of a hill to climb. all of these documents that we've happeneded over in discovery, 12.8 million pages, but they say most of it you've already been privy to. this comes from trump's white house, trump's political action committee. these. >> reporter: documents that were before the january 6th committee. they said really there's not a lot of new evidence for you to sift through. they said there's about 47,000 pages of those that will be key to the prosecution that the defense team can really zero in on. this is barreling forward to a very fast trial just about six months from now. it's not likely the date will slide at all, or if it does, it will slide very much. >> i recall baaing towards it and all these trial dates in the middle of what will be a very contentious campaign season. let's get more with our legal and political experts. tim, you were a lawyer for the january 6th select committee. you know the ins and outs of mark meadows' actions in georgia. what do you make of his arguments that everything he did fell within that scope of his role as the president's chief of staff? >> i think that just is not based in fact. i think the idea that he was chief of staff 24/7, i think that's just not supported. i think what we saw was a clear delineation between the political actors and the white house actors. with any campaign there's a forward-looking aspect. mark meadows here was acting in the capacity to support former president trump's future bid for the white house. i think this idea that he was acting in his capacity was not supported. we saw that he was often interfacing with individuals on the campaign, not on the political side -- not on the white house side. he was talking to campaign lawyers often, talking to folks outside the white house. i think once we get deep into the facts, you'll find support he was acting in a political capacity, not an official government capacity. >> ellie hoenig, what did you make of mark meadows taking the stand? was that wise? >> it was a big risk. it was necessary. mark meadows is the one who has to make a showing that he was acting within the scope of his federal employment. there's no other plausible way to do that. i think the fact that he chose to take that risk tells me how important it is that mark meadows gets his case moved to federal court. i think it's one thing to assert generally, well, as chief of staff i had broad duties. it's another thing to be cross-examined as he was today about very specific actions and phone calls and justify that within the scope of the chief of staff's job. >> sara murray, this has been -- this is called a bit of a preview to the case that fani willis, the fulton county prosecutor, d.a. might be making, assuming she gets to keep this trial in state court. what did we learn? >> either way, whether state court or federal court, fani willis goes with him. the beginning of the argument that she's going to make that this wasn't about federal duties and even went beyond political duties. this was really an effort to keep drum in the white house regardless of what it took to do so. i think we saw the early outlines of the that coming out today. we'll have to see whether they were persuasive to the judge that they should state in state court instead of federal court. there was an attorney for jeffrey clark spotted around the courthouse. there was an attorney on donald trump's legal team spotted around the courthouse. a number of attorneys want to know if this meadows play will be successful and if they'll be able to move their cases to federal court. >> kristin, the federal election interference case, the judge decided the trial should start on march 4th. how is trump's team bracing for that collision between his legal and political calendars next year? have you heard any concern that he won't have enough time on the campaign trail? >> the trump advisers i've spoken to seem to believe this trial will be delayed, the federal trial. that he won't be going to trial during the campaign. trump himself saying he was going to appeal this. talking to actual legal experts, they said this is unlikely to slide as well as this is not something he can appeal. that's where their mindset is right now. i have talked to a number of advisers who do believe there's a possibility given this calendar, that this could have some overlap. i want to pull up the calendar one more time. in january when you look at the first iowa caucus, that is the same date as that e. jean carroll civil right. the other one they're pointing to is march. when you look at the 4th, that's the election subversion trial. the fifth is super tuesday. they believe they can paint this as election interference when you specifically look at these dates. i'm not talking about just a legal argument, but the argument in the court of public opinion which is how we know donald trump likes to do things. they can say this is directly impacting his campaign. again, how this actually plays out, it still remains to be seen. we're in unprecedented times. we'll have to watch it unfold in realtime. >> unprecedented, it will be a very busy few months. thank you all for your time and your perspectives. coming up, new reaction to mark meadows' testimony from former chief of staff to vice president mike pence, marc short. new video of the jacksonville shooter in his deadly racist attack. 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>> alex, i'm not sure that the job description for donald trump's chief of staff fit into the normal chief of staff role. i think it's true that mark was acting at the behest of the president and he deserves the benefit of the doubt. one challenge for him is to say this was all his official capacity. if that was rue, why was he circumventing all of the white house counsel's advice. why wasn't pat cipollone and the doj involved. instead mark recruited outside lawyers who he wanted to listen to. i think that undercuts the notion that this is all part of my federal responsibility if i'm not getting counsel from the people hired in your office to serve the white house in that role. >> in the center of the case is the call with georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger. mark meadows said that call was to get over the roadblock and land the plane on the whole transfer of power to joe biden. what do you make of that explanation? >> again, i think the vice president at that point was focused more on travelling the country and trying to get states to reopen after much of the threat of covid was behind us. we weren't involved as what's happened in georgia. as i said many times, i think the actions taken were wrong. i don't think there was evidence of fraud or that the georgia election was stolen. to call on raffensperger to find 11,000 votes i think is going to be a pretty challenging defense for them. >> do you think meadows in that moment was trying to ease the transfer of power to joe biden? >> i think there was plenty of evidence of the white house asking that we halt transition efforts. that i think would also run counter to that defense. >> when we look at the federal case and the efforts to overturn the election, the investigation that jack smith is leading, we now have a trial date that the judge set today, march 4th, 2024 next year. what do you make of that date? are you concerned that all of trump's courtroom commitments in his calendar will eclipse the republican presidential primary? >> i don't know that it will eclipse it. i think it's important for republican voters to factor this in. i think the trump campaign has heralded each indictment because they think it speaks to the support among the base of the party. whether that continues whether trials begin and arraignments begin is a different question, alex. i think it's complicated to have that fall on the eve of super tuesday. i think that is a very political time to have that date land. i think it's goings to feed into concerns that people have that there are people in doj or at the court who are more politically biased. >> we only have a couple moments left. i want to ask you about this now famous mugshot of trump. the xain saying they raised over $7 million. this is the latest evidence of boost in support after yet another indictment. meanwhile, former vice president mike pence is trying to stand apart from trump as a defender of the constitution. does this indicate that pence is out of step with his own party? >> well, again, i think there's a certain amount of people who want to come to the president's defense because they're very proud of their record. i think the vice president is very proud of the four years as well, alex. i think the events of january 6th is clearly a separation between the two. there's a question of whether or not those events may help rally donors among your base. does it increase your support among independent voters or new voters? i would question that it does. it's important for the party to have that conversation moving into the primary season. >> marc short, thank you for joining us. >> appreciate it. coming up, we're following breaking news. a faculty member is dead and a suspect is in custody after a shooting at a major american university, and we're getting new video of a racist gunman just before a deadly rampage in jacksonville, florida. we'll be going there live for an update and i'll be speaking about the ongoing investigation with the local sheriff. you're in "the situation room." that's whwhy dove body wash now has 24 hour renenewing micro moisture for continuous care. dove body wash. change is beautiful. 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>> reporter: alex, we have important new information along with the dramatic new video you mentioned from law enforcement of the shooter's movements before an during the rampage. new information tonight about saturday's racist shooting rampage in jacksonville. new video shows that before the shooter killed three black people at a dollar general store, he stopped at a different dollar store, but only came out with a bag. >> the way i'm looking at it, it didn't look like he wanted to face anyone that may cause him any issues. it looked like he wanted to take action at the family dollar. that's what it looks like. he did not because i think he got impatient and got tired of waiting. >> reporter: he then went to edward waters university, a historically black university. video shows him parked in a lo, gets a bag out of the hatch, puts on a vest. a security office responding to a student's tip approaches. the suspect speeds off, almost hitting a cokcolumn as he speed off. authorities revealing today the shooter previously worked at a dollar tree store. writings left behind by deceased shooter ryan palmeter showed he wanted to kill black people. >> the manifesto is quite frankly the diary of a madman. >> reporter: aiming his rifle at a car in the store's parking lot, then aiming it inside the store. >> i heard pop, pop. i turn around, i seen him drop. >> reporter: the video also showing officers storming the store looking for the suspect and visibly reacting when they hear the shot believed to be a self-inflicted gunshot. >> community representatives are demanding broader action to address racism and hate crimes. >> it's unjust that we can't even walk on the sidewalks. we're not safe in any stores. >> a federal hate crimes probe has already been launched. >> we can't let it prevail. it's on the rise, not diminishing. >> reporter: the three victims all black. angela carr, jarrald gallion who has a 4-year-old daughter and a.j. lag glaguerre that worked t the store. officials say there was nothing in his past to prevent him from legally purchasing these guns. even though in 2017 he was sent for a 72-hour mental health evaluation under the baker act and then released according to authorities. >> i don't know legally, given the way the laws are written right now in the state of florida that there was anything that could have been done. therein lies the frustration for me. >> reporter: officials say detectives have spoken to the shooter's parents. he lived with his parents in a town about 30 minutes from jacksonville. we knocked on the door to try to get them to speak to us. a woman on the other side of the door said no comment. for more i'm joined by jacksonville sheriff t.k. waters. thank you so much for joining us. i know how busy you are. i want to ask you first about this new footage that was just released as well as the timeline of the suspect's movements. how does this video help with the investigation and your understanding of how things unfolded? >> just further helps us, one -- it links to one, he worked at a dollar tree. two, he went to a dollar store, and then he went to the dollar general. it helps me to at least, in our hopes through our investigation, his goal was not ew university, but his goal for some reason, we still don't know. hopefully we'll figure out at some point, for some reason was one of those stores. >> the fact he worked at a dollar tree and carried out this rampage at a dollar general, what could it tell you about his motive? >> it's difficult to tell. maybe he -- quite frankly, maybe he felt like it was a store where he could find his preferred targets. the fact that he went to a store -- a family dollar at kings and myrtle, that is in a predominantly black neighborhood. the other store, the dollar general is in a predominantly black neighborhood. it tells us quite a bit about what he was looking for. that, coupled with the letters that he wrote tell the story. >> his preferred targets, which you have made clear was black floridians. in terms of the people around the shooter, who have you had the chance to speak with? any family members, former boss, co-workers? >> my detectives are working around the clock. they're doing a lot of hard work, a lot of amazing work. they've spoken to mostly everyone. i've spoken to direct family members of two of our victims, and we've had good conversation. i wanted to check on them personally, let them know my heart goes out to them and they have the support of our agency and our city. >> sheriff, over the weekend you made clear that there was nothing illegal about this young man owning firearms. but now we know he had been held as a minor for a mental health evaluation under florida's baker act. should that prevent someone, do you think, someone from buying guns legally in florida? >> i think if he's evaluated and it turns out he has a mental condition, of course. and it does now. in this situation he's a juvenile, and apparently that was not the case for him. from what we can tell, the background checks were done as they were supposed to have been done. he was able to purchase those guns legally. the big thing that i've been saying is, i want to take the focus off his responsibility. he is responsibility for this. his motives were clear. his tool was clear. he is responsible. he's an evil man who did a very evil thing in our community. >> sheriff, we have heard from some black leaders in florida. they've pointed the finger at governor ron desantis. one state representative said it helped fuel these types of actions. your state, jacksonville, still reeling from this shooting. how do you think the current political climate is affecting the lives of black floridians? >> i think the political climate kind of mirrors the national political climate. but i can tell you this, the individual that did this didn't like anyone. he wasn't a far right leaning individual. he wasn't far left. one of his statements was he didn't like either side. quite frankly, he didn't like much of anything. i'll tell you this. i don't feel like in our community you'll have that discussion from one side of it, but i also live here. i also have been serving this city for 32 years. i've seen great people in this city. this guy didn't live in jacksonville. this does not represent what jacksonville is and who we are as a community. that's my answer. i think we are a great city and full of great people that had a horrible thing happen to them. >> horrible thing. this was a terrible tragedy. sheriff t.k. waters, thank you for speaking with us. our thoughts are with you and the people of jacksonville. thank you. >> thank you. thank you for having me. we have more breaking news. we're following new information about a terrifying situation on on the campus of the university of north carolina in chapel hill. cnn's nicola ve valencia is cov story. >> reporter: according to unc police, the call came in shortly after 1:00 p.m. eastern of shots fired on campus. it was almost immediately after that that there was an alert sent out telling them to lock down in place. adding the the anxiety, the scarcity of information. when it was all done, a faculty member, just one faculty member, according to police, was shot and killed by a suspect who was then taken into custody. that suspect has not been identified because formal charges have not been filed. earlier this hour at a press conference, the unc chancellor spoke about this tragic loss and said this is -- they're canceling classes today and tomorrow. >> this loss is devastating. the shooting damages the trust and safety that we saw often take for granted in our campus community. we will work to rebuild that sense of trust and safety within our community, and our hearts are with the family of our fellow faculty member, those that were personally connected to the victim and those traumatized by this senseless act of violence. >> this incident happened near the bell tower which, if you know unc, basically the heart of campus. this was just the second week of classes there for those students. police have not yet released a motive. they say it's too early for that. they have yet to recover the weapon used in this incident. >> terrifying day for these students who just started the school year. nick valencia, thank you very much. a new forecast from the national hurricane center as idalia barrels towards florida's gulf coast prompting evacuations under way right now. 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>> the latest forecast is for the storm to get to be 120 miles per hour. the problem is that's still in the middle of the hours, a hundred miles before it hits land. it could get stronger than that in between what we call these points where you see all the circles there on the cone. hurricane warnings in tampa all the way up to apalachicola. my concern is this map looks an awful lot like what ian looked like just about 36 hours before arrival. ian missed tampa and ended up way down here at ft. myers beach. i don't want you to take this lightly, tampa, because the track is up here this time, not towards you. if it takes that typical right-hand turn, you are right in the middle of what could be a catastrophic hurricane. the area it's going to hit is called the big bend area until any models change. they haven't changed today. right now we're at a 70-mile-per-hour storm. another hurricane hunter aircraft is on its way to check to see if that went down or up over the past couple of hours. there's that category 3 to the west of about new port richey, tampa bay. again, not that far west of tampa bay. if this thing decides to pull a charlie or pull an ian, we're all going to be watching this so closely. you need to be paying attention at this point in time, even with a 4-7 foot surge in tampa, winds will be 70-80, trees will be down, power lines down. tomorrow is the day to evacuate if they tell you to. after that it won't be possible. this water is very warm. this storm is going to explode in intensity as soon as it gets over cuba and into the gulf stream. the new forecast for 8-12 foot storm surge. not many towns in here, cedar key and the like. many places there don't even have 12 feet of elevation if that's what the surge is. it will be overwashing the entire town. that's the real threat here. also the rain. it's going to rain in the carolinas, into parts of georgia, also into florida. and there will be tornadoes on the west coast of florida for tomorrow. every storm that comes in will already be spinning because it's going around a center top. as the storms come in, they could be water spouts coming onshore. they could be real tornadoes right on land. not just zeros and ones. these could be ef-2s and 3s -- maybe not a 3, but certainly a 2 as the supercells stay on land and spin for quite some time. alex, there's your arrival time. probably for tampa, the worst of it somewhere around 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night. that's the beginning of it. all of a sudden, as the core goes by, maybe another 12 hours and it gets better from there. this is going to be a difficult storm. you cannot let your guard down if you're in the tampa, new port richey, even towards sarasota, pinellas county, pasco county, this is going to be a big event for you one way or the other. >> we know you'll be keeping a close eye on that. we'll be speaking with you a lot in the coming days. very sobering report. as russian leader confirm the death of wagner leader voez in the plane crash near moscow, we'll be discussing the potential implications for what remains of the wagner mercenary group. you're in "the situation room." with lincoln bluecruise. it's the final days of the lincoln summer invitation event. right now, get 3.9% apr and $1000 trade assist cash on a new 2023 lincoln. he didn't go to college and never asked for a raise. he didn't wear fancy shoes and never took out a mortgage. his friends didn't belong to a country club and his parents didn't have a will, so he worked hard and invested wisely. not in stocks or bonds, but in others. ♪ -can't sleep? 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also, what's going to become of wagner's business in the middle east and of course also in africa. and the biggest question, who's going to be the new boss of the organization. alex? >> fred pleitgen, thank you very much. for more on this story, i'm joined by georgetown university adjunct professor, and a former cnn moscow bureau chief. jill, let's start with those questions that fred just posed. now that prigozhin is confirmed dead, how much do you expect president putin to take over wagner's forces and those very lucrative and important relationships around the world, particularly in the middle east and africa? >> well, i think a lot of them are really valuable, especially in africa. so, i think you'd have to predict the kremlin would want to get their hands on it in some fashion. and the way they can do that is let's say the fighters, the wagner fighters themselves, there actually are a number of other private military contractors out there like wagner, smaller, perhaps, that are connected to people that are friendly to president putin. one of them, in fact, is under the control in some fashion of the head of the ministry of defense. so you could move some of them over. then already they've taken the heavy weapons from them, and some will go into the military themselves. but it's not -- you know, the group is actually not that large. so you're dealing with a few thousand people. it was 20,000, 25. now maybe fewer. so i think they can kind of move them over. but the actual businesses, alex, the ones that are really lucrative and really important, you can bet that the kremlin is going to have them continue in some fashion, but under kremlin control. >> jill, do you think that there's a risk at the same time that prigozhin's most loyal supporters could turn into anti-putin, anti-kremlin opponents? >> you know, i do think that there is that problem. i mean, a lot of his men really respected him, and you could actually say even loved him as kind of this guy who said the truth, told the truth. and, so, i think that is a problem. they are not as, let's say, allied or under the influence of putin. because putin doesn't have that cache that prigozhin did. so -- and i think it's notable that president putin has been out since all of this happened meeting with the public, having adoring fans saying, president putin, we love you. there's a reason for that. because i think he wants to show that he too is popular. >> jill dougherty, we always appreciate your thoughts. thank you very much. and we will have more news just ahead here in "the situation room." including house republicans plotting their strategy for a potential biden impeachment inquiry when congress is back in session. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. 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"erin burnett outfront" starts "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- "outfront" next, trump fumes. the former president vowing to appeal after a federal judge sets a march date for his election interference trial. and now all eyes on mark meadows who testified today hoping to move his georgia case to federal

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