Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

football players running. and also a racially-motivated shooting, and those are just two of the gun violence over the weekend. and we are following a major tropical storm that is churning towards the united states. idalia is getting stronger, and could set land in the united states. i'm boris sanchez and rahel solomon in for john and kate, and this is cnn "news central." happening now, a stunning split screen of two different courts where two separate judges will begin hearing arguments otwo of donald trump's criminal cases, and each of them involve his efforts to overturn the 2020 election loss. today, the fight to find out when and where trump's trials could be held. in atlanta, key evidence is going to be presented as trump's former chief of staff mark meadows is going to seek to move his charges out of state court and into federal court, and so, could this set a precedent and could trump be next. and in washington, d.c., four months away or a longer, years' longer delay? will the trump case fall smack dab in the mid of the campaign? we will begin with zachary who is there. >> yes, we have lawyers and others working with the prosecutor jack smith, and talk about the timing for when a trial for former president donald trump would start. jack smith and his team have argued they want a speedy trial, and they want it to happen soon, and as soon as january of next year. now, if you are comparing that to what donald trump's lawyers are asking for, it is radically different, because they want a trial tro start in april of 2026. there is a lot of daylight between the two sides and a judge is going to have to make a call to see if she gives donald trump more time to prepare. they argue so much evidence, the former president's team, there is so much evidence that they need years to prepare and give their client a fair trial. jack smith says they need four to six weeks to present all of the evidence in the case, so we will see which side ultimately the judge lands on, but this case has already been weighed down in controversy, and the judge has warned donald trump that his status as a criminal defendant does take priority over the priority as a presidential candidate, and the politics of the case will come into play as the timing is considered. you know, if donald trump is the trial does start in january of next year, and it takes four to six weeks to present the evidence, that is smack dab in the middle of the primary race, and a lot of factors at race, but timing is at the center of the hearing here today. >> and the big question if it is starting in the spring what impact that could have on the campaign. zachary cohen, live outside of the courthouse in d.c. a big day in court for the former president, rahel. >> yes. thank you, boris. now to atlanta, where the former president donald trump is facing a test in fulton county where former chief of staff mark meadows is filing a hearing to have his case moved. what should we expect here? >> well, it is going to be a mini trial here in atlanta, and this is a question of mark meadows to mo hisve his case fr fulton county court to federal court. but digging into how today is going to play out. it is an evidentiary hearing which means that it could take a little while, and we could potentially see witnesses called on one or both sides. we know that the fulton county district attorney fani willis has lined up four potential witnesses for her presentation as she prepares to say that whatever mark meadows was doing around the 2020 election had nothing to do with his role as the former white house chief of staff, and she has called former georgia chief of state brad raffensperger who president trump had called to ask for more votes, and also, georgia watson who heard from mark med dose and donald trump is on the roster as well as two attorneys mark hilbert and alex kauffman who were on the phone with mark med dose and donald trump in between brad raffensperger, so it is like a mini trial playing out today. >> talk about the broader implications with some of the other co-defendants. >> we are going to be looking about a couple of thing, and one, what does this tell us about fani willis' case more broadly and the case she is prepared to make against former white house chief mark meadows, and also where this case is going to play out. obviously the district attorney has charged them in fulton county superior court, and mark meadows is trying to move to the federal court, so we want to look for a sign from the district attorney or the federal judge, and if he is successful, is everyone going to federal court, or is he severed off of this case? that is a lot to watch today. >> yes, and it could have huge implications there. thank you for that, sara murray. >> we go to patricia murray who is a reporter and caroline lacey who says that day that mark meadows was doing it, the conduct, as an agent of the president, and how likely is he to succeed? >> well, different legal scholars have weighed in. he has a colorful argument, and the specific issue today is a low bar for the removal statue in that meadows has to act that he is under "color of law" in which the statue uses in his capacity as chief of staff at the white house, and fani willis has said that not only is this conduct not part of his official duties as chief of staff, but she is arguing that it was prohibitive conduct under a different statue which is the hatch act which is prohibiting officials of this nature to engage in partisan political activity, and that is the specific issue here today and it is a bellwether hearing to get a sense of the potential defenses and some of the evidence that fani willis and the team has. brad raf fenceberger and everybody is going to be waiting with bated breath to hear about that infamous phone call that we have heard from ad nauseam with former president trump asking for him to find those extra votes. >> and we are keeping an eye on the courtroom, but sticking to the conversation of fulton county, because patricia, as caroline noted, this could set a precedent for the other defendants in the case, and do you know if there is concern perhaps among the prosecutors in fulton county that this could wind up in federal court? >> yeah, of course. they would rather keep it in state court where they feel like, particularly the jury pool in fulton county would be more likely to be predisposed not so much against donald trump, but certainly not on his side, and getting started when fulton county was a 72% joe biden county, and so it is clearly a very democratic county. when you broaden it out to federal court, you would get a 10-county circle around atlanta which is going to broaden it out to suburban and rural part of atlanta and that is a bigger jury pool to favor the prosecutors, and in any case, fani willis and the attorneys will argue the case regardless of the court, and they feel their evidence is strong enough, but it is the question of the jury pool and the judges they are in front of. >> and if meadows succeeds, does it alter the decision to go after a rico case against the 19 defendants? >> well, no. as was just noted, fani willis and the team will continue regardless of which courthouse the ed is presented in, and she going to continue with the rico case, and what sara sort of alluded to is a nerdy legal issue is whether or not if meadows is uk is sesdzful in this bid to remove whether or not all 19 defendants have to be removed to federal court as well. we have seen a sort of cacophony of the legal maneuvers by the various 19 defendants, and kenneth chesebro for example has invoked speedy right trial, and the judge has invoked it in the state trial, and for now set to go to trial in october on this case, and various defendants have made their own motions to sever. so it is a big mess right now, and we will have to wait and see. >> and maybe it is harder for the defendants, too, to act as part of the jobs when they did not really work at the white house for president trump, right? >> and they may not have to make that argument if the entire case is moved to federal court. however, there are four other defendants with mark meadows who have made the same case acting under the color of law, and if these were separate cases for removal, they have to make the arguments, and so it is going to be interesting to see how it plays out. >> and it is playing out as we speak. now, we have more news, and we go to sara murray who has breaking news for us. >> that is right, we are learning that the judge in fulton county superior court has set an arraignment court on september 6th, and it is looking like 9:30 in the morning, and it looks like the judge is going to try to do pleas an arraignments for everyone in the same day. we are starting to see the scheduling notes popping up in the docket, and it is 15-minute increments for donald trump and the 18 co-defendants in this case. the rules in the georgia court allow for the judge to hold the plea agreements either virtually, if he wants to dit on zoom, and allows judge if he is okay with it, to waive these initial appearances, and so we have to wait and see if donald trump has to set foot in this courtroom in georgia, and the judge is moving along in or ordering the appearances. >> september 6th, patricia, and your reaction to that? >> as sara said, set not 100% certain that donald trump and the co-defendants have to show up in the appearance in-person, but it is showing accelerated time line, and georgia is feeling different from a lot of the court cases that have been moved in other jurisdictions, because we have so many defendants, and so many courtdates, and this is a fire hose, and a stream of news which could end up many, many months from now depending upon who is going into court when, but it is going to be a huge, huge focus here in georgia as the campaign starts to heat up, and donald trump is trying to be the gop nominee here in georgia which is battleground state. >> a fire hose of information is a great way to put it. patricia murray and caroline polisi, thank you. and now, to spain and the soccer team after that kiss. now the spanish government is getting involved. and now, how kevin mccarthy's closed door meetings as they move closer to impeachment inquiry against president biden, and why some of the gop members are still skeptical of the plan. deadly weekend in america with shootings, in several states including florida. a gunman motivated by hate targets people in a store in jacksonville. >> why would someone be filled with vitriol ik hate to take these kinds of actions in the citizens of our community just because of the color of their skinin? 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(vo) the all-new subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. welcome back. from florida to massachusetts to oklahoma, it was another deadly weekend of gun violence in communities across the country. whether at a football game a parade or enjoying a night out or just shopping. in jacksonville florida, saturday's shooting at a dollar general store is being investigated as a hate crime. a white man killed three victims who were all black. the 21-year-old shooter drew swastikas on the arms, and the gunman left behind racist ramblings that read like "the diary of a mad man." now the community is left with loss and uncertainty. >> i thought that racism is behind us, but edly it is not. you was a coward and you went in and shot these negligent people that you didn't know. >> cnn's omar hi nejimenez joins now. these are people who were targeted. >> yes, and the justice department is looking into this and investigating it as a hate crime and act of racially-motivated violent extremisment i wanted you the hear from the jacksonville mayor who took particular exception with the nature of this particular attack. >> it is a community that has been injured over and over and over again. either we are walking in the direction of truth when it is coming to the systemic racism in our city and in our state and our country, or we are in denial about that, and creating policies that don't rel help in that regard. >> that shooting happened on the five-year anniversary in jacksonville as well, but in a video game tournament, so talking about the violence that happened over the past few days, we are tracking a number of shootings that happened in a number of localities and in particular, in louisville when two people were killed in a downtown shooting, and five others were injured, and believe do believe at the time there were 200 or 300 people in the area when the shooting unfolded. in the boston area, eight people shot in total near an annual parade according to the police and four arrested in context of the that shooting. we have seen more than 470 mass shootings across the gun violence archives this year, and this is the fastest that we have gotten to that point since they have been keeping record of this back in 2013, and so a decade basically. and it is concerning, and we have seen spate of it in past few days, and then what we saw in jacksonville to have the extra layers of motivation at least what is being investigated concerning all together. >> and also, the oklahoma example over the weekend where that happened at a high school football game. omar jimenez, thank you. boris? >> we want to focus now on what happened in jacksonville with the jacksonville city councilwoman. this happened in her district. councilwoman, thank you for sharing part of the morning with us, and i'm so sorry that this happened in your backyard. i am wondering how the people in your district and you are doing. >> well, i will tell you that i am still emotional about what has happened. that these families did not deserve this hate crime it. it has crippled and handcuffed our community, and families are hurting, and they are heartbroken and the community is heartbroken as well. >> councilwoman, it strikes me that the march on washington was 60 years ago today. and yet, investigators are going through evidence found writings by the shooter in jacksonville with deranged white supremacists beliefs. why does that kind of hate still exists in our country? >> well, you know, unfortunately, since the beginning of time, we have had racism that still exist, and as policies, as a country, and nation, we have to vote to make sure that they are changed. you know, i am at this point -- i feel like we don't come together like we should. you know, today it is a sad day that racism and we are still talking about racism and the color of your skin and how it is impacting our community. >> on the question of policy, the shooter was able to buy these weapons legally even though he had been committed involuntarily previously for a mental health episode. should he have had those weapons? >> you know, because, and in florida, the conceal weapon has been approved, and anybody can carry a gun att this point, and i would say no, he should haven't had those guns, because, because he had those guns, he was able to shoot innocent people and take innocent people's lives. no, i don't believe he should have had an opportunity to buy those guns. >> there was a vigil yesterday in jacksonville, and i found one particular moment that was very special actually, and you were speaking and you essentially passed the mic to florida's governor ron desantis, and i wanted to show the viewers some of what happened next. >> and we have adequate security to -- >> listen y'all. let me tell y'all. we are fixing to put the parties aside. because it ain't about parties today. a bullet don't know a party. >> a bullet doesn't know a party. the governor was getting heckled and you stood up to essentially quiet those people down. yet, councilwoman, there are critics who say that florida's governor has enacted policies that created an environment that allowed this kind of attack to take place. whether on guns or on race. what is your response to those critics? >> well, first of all, let me make myself clear. i had no idea that the governor was coming. the emcee of the event for that day called him up. he was just only was supposed to have been acknowledged as having been there. that vigil that we did yesterday was not about the governor. i will say that i don't support any of the stances or policies that the governor have implemented. you know, my concern yesterday was about the families. it was not a political ploy for me and our community. it was about focusing on the families that was there and the hatred that had come to their community. and so, i just want to make myself clear i wanted the audience to calm down, because i wanted him to sit down and i wanted it to be the event that was for the residents and the community that had come together for unity. that is what the event was about and not the governor. because i don't support what his stance is. >> councilwoman ju'coby pittman, thank you for taking time with us today and our hearts are with those families. a judge in d.c. has rejected both former president trump and the doj's proposed trial date in the d.c. hearing date, and i want to go to zach cohen who is life outside of the courtroom, and what else can you tell us? >> reporter: rahel, it is not long for a judge to be making it clear that she would reject a doj proposal to start in january of next year, and donald trump's proposed date of spring of 2026. so it is remaining to be seen what date the judge will set for the date which we are expecting next week. there were a few insight ful comments. the professional bearings have no bearing on when the trial is beginning, and that trump is facing state and federal charges, and that is he has other conflicting cases that might mess with the timing here, and so we will see monday when this is going to start, but the daylight of the two sides is that both of those dates were rejected today. >> so, zach, rejecting both of those proposals, but a insight from the judge today? >> that is right. the judge is saying today, that neither side will get what they want, and we do expect a compromised date to happen there, and the judge going to ultimately make that decision and we should get that announcement monday, but the department of justice and trump team both getting their proposals rejected, so we will have to wait until monday to see what the start of the trial date will be. >> we will be sure to check with you throughout the show. thank you, zach cohen. and now, mark meadows is testifying in his hearing in fulton county, georgia. we go to sara murray. >> yes, we said that we didn't know who mark meadows' team would call to testify, and now we know. mark meadows, himself, he is testifying in the hearing as to whether or not he should move his case, and whether the federal court should dismiss the charges against him, and it is a risk to put mark meadows under oath on the stand now that he has been indicted and charged in the criminal case, but they are trying to make the case that he was acting as a federal official, and again, the first words for the attorney is questioning him about now that he is under oath. they are talking about his time serving as white house chief of staff, and meadows said, they were challenging times, bluntly, and i don't know if anyone was fully prepared for that type of job. so we are waiting to see as they get into the meat of the argument how to make the case for meadows to move all of this to try to get the charges dismissed, but it is interesting the low profile that mark meadows has kept since leaving the white house in the variety of criminal matters that he is now under oath testifying. >> yes, it is interesting. we will have to wait to see what else he is saying, and we know that sara murray is going to be watching it. and coming up next, tracking tropical storm idalia, and warning of storm surges up to seven feet, and the warning of tornadic activity on the florida coast, and we are tracing this track with less than 48 hours to landfall. we will right back. the people w who live and work there. because you call these communitieies home, and we do too. pnc bank. do you struggle with occasional nerve achess in your hands or feet? 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>> yes, this is what people should prepare for like the governor said. it is going to be a major hurricane upon landfall which means 150-mile-an-hour winds plus. so this is the last day to prepare for this, and if you are in florida, we expect the winds to move across the peninsula before it hits landfall. and we have to remember that georgia into the carolinas, you will be impacted by the storm latest into the track. and we have already started to see the mandatory evacuations for zone a in places like pin n pineles county, and so they are battling the shear which is keeping system up top which is going to limit the strengthening of idalia. trust me, a lot of warm water is associated with the system which is allowing strengthening as it approaching big ben. we expects hurricane to approach late wednesday night and early thursday morning. so be prepared for the wet threat there. >> thank you so much from the national weather center. rahel? >> president trump is raising millions off of the historic mugshot, but will the mounting legal problems ever hurt his campaign or voters? 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>> well, we have to look at it in two different universes. a universe of primary voters and the rest of us. i think that if you get into the mind of the republican primary voters, they are told that there is a conspiracy against them, that there is a deep state, that their votes were stolen which a lot of them believe, that we have an illegal president, and this is just further efforts, and it was not enough steal election, but you to stop the man who prevented him from becoming president, and get rid of the one who prevented it. it is scary to most of us, and no state of court in the nation, democrat or republican who says there were no serious but there is more that the more he is indicted, more he is supported. that is what is going on here. >> and it is mistake to compare him to other campaign, and h ste campaign. tell me more. >> well, i have worked in five different presidential campaigns on the republican side, and there a lot similarities and structure to them. you have campaign staffs with advanced teams and messaging teams and voter contact teams. the trump campaign really has been existing without all of that. he goes out and draws a crowd. he does not have a meeting about what the message is, but he goes out to say it. if you compare the money that desantis is spending it on the super pac, it is on structure and noise, and to try to look like a presidential campaignment trump doesn't do that. in '16 when he ran, i said that if donald trump wins, it means that everything that we know about politics is wrong, and as it turns out, everything that we knew about politics is wrong. i think that he continues to break the rules, and in '20, he was in a difficult place for him, because he was running as an incumbent who had to defend the record, and he really didn't know who he was, but he is back in being the comfortable space of the outsider, and this is why he like vivek ramaswamy, and outside is another way of saying they don't know what they are doing. he likes to attack, and he has good targets, and he is in a comfortable space now for him as a campaign. >> i wanted to talk about ramaswamy, as he made waves at the gop debate last week, but also about his foreign policy, and this morning he officially rolled out the platform on foreign policy. he said he would accept russian control of the occupied territories in ukraine, and he would block ukraine's candidacy for nato for exiting the military control of china, and this policy of punishing friends and rewarding enemies, and how is this going to be playing with republican voters? >> well, it is extraordinary disturbing. ramaswamy is running on a pro genocide campaign. we forget about it, but we should look back. in 2016, the russians as every intelligence committee agrees the russians had a campaign to elect donald trump, and he won. what did they get? well, what for decades was the most consistent opponent to the soviet union, and now, it is the most hostile covert takeover. so when ram ramaswamy is saying these things, he is acting like a russian agent, and it is the talking points of putin, and it is extraordinary. if he is elected or donald trump is elected or agrees with ron desantis that it is a regional dispute, it is devastating for democracy. >> it is interesting to learn more. >> i think it is such an extraordinary moment that we have people running for the united states presidency who are supporting vladimir putin. >> yeah, i mean, and yet after the performance at the gop debate, we saw his favorability improve, and it seems that he, you know, at least resonated with some of the republican voters out there. and stuart stevens, we have to leave it there, but thank you for joining us. boris? >> and right now, we are hearing testimony from his former chief of staff mark meadows, and we will break down what he says, and how it couldld affect his case. that is coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ wherever you go. wherever you stay. all you need is one key. earn and use rewards across expedia,, and vrbo. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while these summer savings won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. david: i'm david goldberg, a bilingual elementary school teacher and president of the california teachers association. as we start a new school year, there's something new happening in california's public schools. jessie: they're called community schools. david: where parents and families, students and educators are making decisions as one. damien: it's a real sense of community. leslie: we saw double-digit gains in math, in english, and reading scores. david: it's an innovation that's transforming our public schools. narrator: california's community schools: reimagining public education. welcome back. and the stage is set for some incredible showdowns at the u.s. open. the fourth and final grand slam events of the year in tennis is under way in the big apple. and cnn's sports anchor coy wire is in. what is in store? >> well, this year, we will have epic clashes and world rivalries and ega swiatek is one of the favorites and this is just after coco gauff just beat her. and jessica pe gula has swiatek. and she is expected to be a favorite. and also on the men's side, we will be expected to see djokovic and alcaraz hoping to face against each other again, and alcaraz could be standing first back-to-back champ since fedora. >> and we have to talk about the little league world series. the california little team from el segundo was crowned champs. and the walkoff home run from louis lappe. they have been getting messages from lebron james and so many sports players, and they are riding high. >> so many stories, but we have to leave it there. bo boris. we are following two key hearings in the trump cases. this morning the judge is rejecting trial dates from the prosecutors and the trump attorneys. and we will have some important testimony to tell you about in a few moments when we come back. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy toto get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! rey to get started? 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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football players running. and also a racially-motivated shooting, and those are just two of the gun violence over the weekend. and we are following a major tropical storm that is churning towards the united states. idalia is getting stronger, and could set land in the united states. i'm boris sanchez and rahel solomon in for john and kate, and this is cnn "news central." happening now, a stunning split screen of two different courts where two separate judges will begin hearing arguments otwo of donald trump's criminal cases, and each of them involve his efforts to overturn the 2020 election loss. today, the fight to find out when and where trump's trials could be held. in atlanta, key evidence is going to be presented as trump's former chief of staff mark meadows is going to seek to move his charges out of state court and into federal court, and so, could this set a precedent and could trump be next. and in washington, d.c., four months away or a longer, years' longer delay? will the trump case fall smack dab in the mid of the campaign? we will begin with zachary who is there. >> yes, we have lawyers and others working with the prosecutor jack smith, and talk about the timing for when a trial for former president donald trump would start. jack smith and his team have argued they want a speedy trial, and they want it to happen soon, and as soon as january of next year. now, if you are comparing that to what donald trump's lawyers are asking for, it is radically different, because they want a trial tro start in april of 2026. there is a lot of daylight between the two sides and a judge is going to have to make a call to see if she gives donald trump more time to prepare. they argue so much evidence, the former president's team, there is so much evidence that they need years to prepare and give their client a fair trial. jack smith says they need four to six weeks to present all of the evidence in the case, so we will see which side ultimately the judge lands on, but this case has already been weighed down in controversy, and the judge has warned donald trump that his status as a criminal defendant does take priority over the priority as a presidential candidate, and the politics of the case will come into play as the timing is considered. you know, if donald trump is the trial does start in january of next year, and it takes four to six weeks to present the evidence, that is smack dab in the middle of the primary race, and a lot of factors at race, but timing is at the center of the hearing here today. >> and the big question if it is starting in the spring what impact that could have on the campaign. zachary cohen, live outside of the courthouse in d.c. a big day in court for the former president, rahel. >> yes. thank you, boris. now to atlanta, where the former president donald trump is facing a test in fulton county where former chief of staff mark meadows is filing a hearing to have his case moved. what should we expect here? >> well, it is going to be a mini trial here in atlanta, and this is a question of mark meadows to mo hisve his case fr fulton county court to federal court. but digging into how today is going to play out. it is an evidentiary hearing which means that it could take a little while, and we could potentially see witnesses called on one or both sides. we know that the fulton county district attorney fani willis has lined up four potential witnesses for her presentation as she prepares to say that whatever mark meadows was doing around the 2020 election had nothing to do with his role as the former white house chief of staff, and she has called former georgia chief of state brad raffensperger who president trump had called to ask for more votes, and also, georgia watson who heard from mark med dose and donald trump is on the roster as well as two attorneys mark hilbert and alex kauffman who were on the phone with mark med dose and donald trump in between brad raffensperger, so it is like a mini trial playing out today. >> talk about the broader implications with some of the other co-defendants. >> we are going to be looking about a couple of thing, and one, what does this tell us about fani willis' case more broadly and the case she is prepared to make against former white house chief mark meadows, and also where this case is going to play out. obviously the district attorney has charged them in fulton county superior court, and mark meadows is trying to move to the federal court, so we want to look for a sign from the district attorney or the federal judge, and if he is successful, is everyone going to federal court, or is he severed off of this case? that is a lot to watch today. >> yes, and it could have huge implications there. thank you for that, sara murray. >> we go to patricia murray who is a reporter and caroline lacey who says that day that mark meadows was doing it, the conduct, as an agent of the president, and how likely is he to succeed? >> well, different legal scholars have weighed in. he has a colorful argument, and the specific issue today is a low bar for the removal statue in that meadows has to act that he is under "color of law" in which the statue uses in his capacity as chief of staff at the white house, and fani willis has said that not only is this conduct not part of his official duties as chief of staff, but she is arguing that it was prohibitive conduct under a different statue which is the hatch act which is prohibiting officials of this nature to engage in partisan political activity, and that is the specific issue here today and it is a bellwether hearing to get a sense of the potential defenses and some of the evidence that fani willis and the team has. brad raf fenceberger and everybody is going to be waiting with bated breath to hear about that infamous phone call that we have heard from ad nauseam with former president trump asking for him to find those extra votes. >> and we are keeping an eye on the courtroom, but sticking to the conversation of fulton county, because patricia, as caroline noted, this could set a precedent for the other defendants in the case, and do you know if there is concern perhaps among the prosecutors in fulton county that this could wind up in federal court? >> yeah, of course. they would rather keep it in state court where they feel like, particularly the jury pool in fulton county would be more likely to be predisposed not so much against donald trump, but certainly not on his side, and getting started when fulton county was a 72% joe biden county, and so it is clearly a very democratic county. when you broaden it out to federal court, you would get a 10-county circle around atlanta which is going to broaden it out to suburban and rural part of atlanta and that is a bigger jury pool to favor the prosecutors, and in any case, fani willis and the attorneys will argue the case regardless of the court, and they feel their evidence is strong enough, but it is the question of the jury pool and the judges they are in front of. >> and if meadows succeeds, does it alter the decision to go after a rico case against the 19 defendants? >> well, no. as was just noted, fani willis and the team will continue regardless of which courthouse the ed is presented in, and she going to continue with the rico case, and what sara sort of alluded to is a nerdy legal issue is whether or not if meadows is uk is sesdzful in this bid to remove whether or not all 19 defendants have to be removed to federal court as well. we have seen a sort of cacophony of the legal maneuvers by the various 19 defendants, and kenneth chesebro for example has invoked speedy right trial, and the judge has invoked it in the state trial, and for now set to go to trial in october on this case, and various defendants have made their own motions to sever. so it is a big mess right now, and we will have to wait and see. >> and maybe it is harder for the defendants, too, to act as part of the jobs when they did not really work at the white house for president trump, right? >> and they may not have to make that argument if the entire case is moved to federal court. however, there are four other defendants with mark meadows who have made the same case acting under the color of law, and if these were separate cases for removal, they have to make the arguments, and so it is going to be interesting to see how it plays out. >> and it is playing out as we speak. now, we have more news, and we go to sara murray who has breaking news for us. >> that is right, we are learning that the judge in fulton county superior court has set an arraignment court on september 6th, and it is looking like 9:30 in the morning, and it looks like the judge is going to try to do pleas an arraignments for everyone in the same day. we are starting to see the scheduling notes popping up in the docket, and it is 15-minute increments for donald trump and the 18 co-defendants in this case. the rules in the georgia court allow for the judge to hold the plea agreements either virtually, if he wants to dit on zoom, and allows judge if he is okay with it, to waive these initial appearances, and so we have to wait and see if donald trump has to set foot in this courtroom in georgia, and the judge is moving along in or ordering the appearances. >> september 6th, patricia, and your reaction to that? >> as sara said, set not 100% certain that donald trump and the co-defendants have to show up in the appearance in-person, but it is showing accelerated time line, and georgia is feeling different from a lot of the court cases that have been moved in other jurisdictions, because we have so many defendants, and so many courtdates, and this is a fire hose, and a stream of news which could end up many, many months from now depending upon who is going into court when, but it is going to be a huge, huge focus here in georgia as the campaign starts to heat up, and donald trump is trying to be the gop nominee here in georgia which is battleground state. >> a fire hose of information is a great way to put it. patricia murray and caroline polisi, thank you. and now, to spain and the soccer team after that kiss. now the spanish government is getting involved. and now, how kevin mccarthy's closed door meetings as they move closer to impeachment inquiry against president biden, and why some of the gop members are still skeptical of the plan. deadly weekend in america with shootings, in several states including florida. a gunman motivated by hate targets people in a store in jacksonville. >> why would someone be filled with vitriol ik hate to take these kinds of actions in the citizens of our community just because of the color of their skinin? 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(vo) the all-new subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. welcome back. from florida to massachusetts to oklahoma, it was another deadly weekend of gun violence in communities across the country. whether at a football game a parade or enjoying a night out or just shopping. in jacksonville florida, saturday's shooting at a dollar general store is being investigated as a hate crime. a white man killed three victims who were all black. the 21-year-old shooter drew swastikas on the arms, and the gunman left behind racist ramblings that read like "the diary of a mad man." now the community is left with loss and uncertainty. >> i thought that racism is behind us, but edly it is not. you was a coward and you went in and shot these negligent people that you didn't know. >> cnn's omar hi nejimenez joins now. these are people who were targeted. >> yes, and the justice department is looking into this and investigating it as a hate crime and act of racially-motivated violent extremisment i wanted you the hear from the jacksonville mayor who took particular exception with the nature of this particular attack. >> it is a community that has been injured over and over and over again. either we are walking in the direction of truth when it is coming to the systemic racism in our city and in our state and our country, or we are in denial about that, and creating policies that don't rel help in that regard. >> that shooting happened on the five-year anniversary in jacksonville as well, but in a video game tournament, so talking about the violence that happened over the past few days, we are tracking a number of shootings that happened in a number of localities and in particular, in louisville when two people were killed in a downtown shooting, and five others were injured, and believe do believe at the time there were 200 or 300 people in the area when the shooting unfolded. in the boston area, eight people shot in total near an annual parade according to the police and four arrested in context of the that shooting. we have seen more than 470 mass shootings across the gun violence archives this year, and this is the fastest that we have gotten to that point since they have been keeping record of this back in 2013, and so a decade basically. and it is concerning, and we have seen spate of it in past few days, and then what we saw in jacksonville to have the extra layers of motivation at least what is being investigated concerning all together. >> and also, the oklahoma example over the weekend where that happened at a high school football game. omar jimenez, thank you. boris? >> we want to focus now on what happened in jacksonville with the jacksonville city councilwoman. this happened in her district. councilwoman, thank you for sharing part of the morning with us, and i'm so sorry that this happened in your backyard. i am wondering how the people in your district and you are doing. >> well, i will tell you that i am still emotional about what has happened. that these families did not deserve this hate crime it. it has crippled and handcuffed our community, and families are hurting, and they are heartbroken and the community is heartbroken as well. >> councilwoman, it strikes me that the march on washington was 60 years ago today. and yet, investigators are going through evidence found writings by the shooter in jacksonville with deranged white supremacists beliefs. why does that kind of hate still exists in our country? >> well, you know, unfortunately, since the beginning of time, we have had racism that still exist, and as policies, as a country, and nation, we have to vote to make sure that they are changed. you know, i am at this point -- i feel like we don't come together like we should. you know, today it is a sad day that racism and we are still talking about racism and the color of your skin and how it is impacting our community. >> on the question of policy, the shooter was able to buy these weapons legally even though he had been committed involuntarily previously for a mental health episode. should he have had those weapons? >> you know, because, and in florida, the conceal weapon has been approved, and anybody can carry a gun att this point, and i would say no, he should haven't had those guns, because, because he had those guns, he was able to shoot innocent people and take innocent people's lives. no, i don't believe he should have had an opportunity to buy those guns. >> there was a vigil yesterday in jacksonville, and i found one particular moment that was very special actually, and you were speaking and you essentially passed the mic to florida's governor ron desantis, and i wanted to show the viewers some of what happened next. >> and we have adequate security to -- >> listen y'all. let me tell y'all. we are fixing to put the parties aside. because it ain't about parties today. a bullet don't know a party. >> a bullet doesn't know a party. the governor was getting heckled and you stood up to essentially quiet those people down. yet, councilwoman, there are critics who say that florida's governor has enacted policies that created an environment that allowed this kind of attack to take place. whether on guns or on race. what is your response to those critics? >> well, first of all, let me make myself clear. i had no idea that the governor was coming. the emcee of the event for that day called him up. he was just only was supposed to have been acknowledged as having been there. that vigil that we did yesterday was not about the governor. i will say that i don't support any of the stances or policies that the governor have implemented. you know, my concern yesterday was about the families. it was not a political ploy for me and our community. it was about focusing on the families that was there and the hatred that had come to their community. and so, i just want to make myself clear i wanted the audience to calm down, because i wanted him to sit down and i wanted it to be the event that was for the residents and the community that had come together for unity. that is what the event was about and not the governor. because i don't support what his stance is. >> councilwoman ju'coby pittman, thank you for taking time with us today and our hearts are with those families. a judge in d.c. has rejected both former president trump and the doj's proposed trial date in the d.c. hearing date, and i want to go to zach cohen who is life outside of the courtroom, and what else can you tell us? >> reporter: rahel, it is not long for a judge to be making it clear that she would reject a doj proposal to start in january of next year, and donald trump's proposed date of spring of 2026. so it is remaining to be seen what date the judge will set for the date which we are expecting next week. there were a few insight ful comments. the professional bearings have no bearing on when the trial is beginning, and that trump is facing state and federal charges, and that is he has other conflicting cases that might mess with the timing here, and so we will see monday when this is going to start, but the daylight of the two sides is that both of those dates were rejected today. >> so, zach, rejecting both of those proposals, but a insight from the judge today? >> that is right. the judge is saying today, that neither side will get what they want, and we do expect a compromised date to happen there, and the judge going to ultimately make that decision and we should get that announcement monday, but the department of justice and trump team both getting their proposals rejected, so we will have to wait until monday to see what the start of the trial date will be. >> we will be sure to check with you throughout the show. thank you, zach cohen. and now, mark meadows is testifying in his hearing in fulton county, georgia. we go to sara murray. >> yes, we said that we didn't know who mark meadows' team would call to testify, and now we know. mark meadows, himself, he is testifying in the hearing as to whether or not he should move his case, and whether the federal court should dismiss the charges against him, and it is a risk to put mark meadows under oath on the stand now that he has been indicted and charged in the criminal case, but they are trying to make the case that he was acting as a federal official, and again, the first words for the attorney is questioning him about now that he is under oath. they are talking about his time serving as white house chief of staff, and meadows said, they were challenging times, bluntly, and i don't know if anyone was fully prepared for that type of job. so we are waiting to see as they get into the meat of the argument how to make the case for meadows to move all of this to try to get the charges dismissed, but it is interesting the low profile that mark meadows has kept since leaving the white house in the variety of criminal matters that he is now under oath testifying. >> yes, it is interesting. we will have to wait to see what else he is saying, and we know that sara murray is going to be watching it. and coming up next, tracking tropical storm idalia, and warning of storm surges up to seven feet, and the warning of tornadic activity on the florida coast, and we are tracing this track with less than 48 hours to landfall. we will right back. the people w who live and work there. because you call these communitieies home, and we do too. pnc bank. do you struggle with occasional nerve achess in your hands or feet? 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>> yes, this is what people should prepare for like the governor said. it is going to be a major hurricane upon landfall which means 150-mile-an-hour winds plus. so this is the last day to prepare for this, and if you are in florida, we expect the winds to move across the peninsula before it hits landfall. and we have to remember that georgia into the carolinas, you will be impacted by the storm latest into the track. and we have already started to see the mandatory evacuations for zone a in places like pin n pineles county, and so they are battling the shear which is keeping system up top which is going to limit the strengthening of idalia. trust me, a lot of warm water is associated with the system which is allowing strengthening as it approaching big ben. we expects hurricane to approach late wednesday night and early thursday morning. so be prepared for the wet threat there. >> thank you so much from the national weather center. rahel? >> president trump is raising millions off of the historic mugshot, but will the mounting legal problems ever hurt his campaign or voters? 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>> well, we have to look at it in two different universes. a universe of primary voters and the rest of us. i think that if you get into the mind of the republican primary voters, they are told that there is a conspiracy against them, that there is a deep state, that their votes were stolen which a lot of them believe, that we have an illegal president, and this is just further efforts, and it was not enough steal election, but you to stop the man who prevented him from becoming president, and get rid of the one who prevented it. it is scary to most of us, and no state of court in the nation, democrat or republican who says there were no serious but there is more that the more he is indicted, more he is supported. that is what is going on here. >> and it is mistake to compare him to other campaign, and h ste campaign. tell me more. >> well, i have worked in five different presidential campaigns on the republican side, and there a lot similarities and structure to them. you have campaign staffs with advanced teams and messaging teams and voter contact teams. the trump campaign really has been existing without all of that. he goes out and draws a crowd. he does not have a meeting about what the message is, but he goes out to say it. if you compare the money that desantis is spending it on the super pac, it is on structure and noise, and to try to look like a presidential campaignment trump doesn't do that. in '16 when he ran, i said that if donald trump wins, it means that everything that we know about politics is wrong, and as it turns out, everything that we knew about politics is wrong. i think that he continues to break the rules, and in '20, he was in a difficult place for him, because he was running as an incumbent who had to defend the record, and he really didn't know who he was, but he is back in being the comfortable space of the outsider, and this is why he like vivek ramaswamy, and outside is another way of saying they don't know what they are doing. he likes to attack, and he has good targets, and he is in a comfortable space now for him as a campaign. >> i wanted to talk about ramaswamy, as he made waves at the gop debate last week, but also about his foreign policy, and this morning he officially rolled out the platform on foreign policy. he said he would accept russian control of the occupied territories in ukraine, and he would block ukraine's candidacy for nato for exiting the military control of china, and this policy of punishing friends and rewarding enemies, and how is this going to be playing with republican voters? >> well, it is extraordinary disturbing. ramaswamy is running on a pro genocide campaign. we forget about it, but we should look back. in 2016, the russians as every intelligence committee agrees the russians had a campaign to elect donald trump, and he won. what did they get? well, what for decades was the most consistent opponent to the soviet union, and now, it is the most hostile covert takeover. so when ram ramaswamy is saying these things, he is acting like a russian agent, and it is the talking points of putin, and it is extraordinary. if he is elected or donald trump is elected or agrees with ron desantis that it is a regional dispute, it is devastating for democracy. >> it is interesting to learn more. >> i think it is such an extraordinary moment that we have people running for the united states presidency who are supporting vladimir putin. >> yeah, i mean, and yet after the performance at the gop debate, we saw his favorability improve, and it seems that he, you know, at least resonated with some of the republican voters out there. and stuart stevens, we have to leave it there, but thank you for joining us. boris? >> and right now, we are hearing testimony from his former chief of staff mark meadows, and we will break down what he says, and how it couldld affect his case. that is coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ wherever you go. wherever you stay. all you need is one key. earn and use rewards across expedia,, and vrbo. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while these summer savings won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. david: i'm david goldberg, a bilingual elementary school teacher and president of the california teachers association. as we start a new school year, there's something new happening in california's public schools. jessie: they're called community schools. david: where parents and families, students and educators are making decisions as one. damien: it's a real sense of community. leslie: we saw double-digit gains in math, in english, and reading scores. david: it's an innovation that's transforming our public schools. narrator: california's community schools: reimagining public education. welcome back. and the stage is set for some incredible showdowns at the u.s. open. the fourth and final grand slam events of the year in tennis is under way in the big apple. and cnn's sports anchor coy wire is in. what is in store? >> well, this year, we will have epic clashes and world rivalries and ega swiatek is one of the favorites and this is just after coco gauff just beat her. and jessica pe gula has swiatek. and she is expected to be a favorite. and also on the men's side, we will be expected to see djokovic and alcaraz hoping to face against each other again, and alcaraz could be standing first back-to-back champ since fedora. >> and we have to talk about the little league world series. the california little team from el segundo was crowned champs. and the walkoff home run from louis lappe. they have been getting messages from lebron james and so many sports players, and they are riding high. >> so many stories, but we have to leave it there. bo boris. we are following two key hearings in the trump cases. this morning the judge is rejecting trial dates from the prosecutors and the trump attorneys. and we will have some important testimony to tell you about in a few moments when we come back. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy toto get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! rey to get started? 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A Parade , Dollar General Store , Oklahoma , Saturday , Shooter , Hate Crime , Ramblings , Victims , Arms , Swastikas , All Black , 21 , Three , Racism , Diary , Uncertainty , Loss , Edly , Coward , Omar Jimenez , Hi Nejimenez , Mayor , Department , Justice , Exception , Violent Extremisment , Estate , Truth , Attack , Walking , Direction , City , Policies , Help , Denial , Regard , Don T Rel , Number , Particular , Louisville , Well , Video Game Tournament , Localities , Anniversary , Five , Believe , Area , Boston Area , Eight , 200 , 300 , Police , Context , Parade , 470 , Record , Point , Back , Spate , 2013 , High School Football Game , Motivation , Layers , District , City Councilwoman , Councilwoman , Morning , Backyard , Hate Crime It , Investigators , March On Washington , Kind , Beliefs , Writings , White Supremacists , Beginning , Nation , Skin , Policy , Weapons , Anybody , Weapon , Approved , Mental Health Episode , Guns , Lives , Opportunity , Haven T , Gun Att , Vigil Yesterday In Jacksonville , Mic , Ron Desantis , Security , Viewers , Party , Parties , Ain T , Bullet Don T Know A Party , Bullet Doesn T , Place , Environment , Critics , Governor , Response , Idea , Event , Vigil , Emcee , Stances , Ploy , Hatred , Audience , Calm Down , Stance , Residents , Unity , Hearts , Ju Coby Pittman , Zach Cohen , Life , Doj , Insight Ful Comments , Bearing , Bearings , Both , Zach , Daylight , Proposals , Insight , Start , Show , Oath , Attorney , Words , Risk , Stand , Official , Type , Times , Questioning , Anyone , Meat , Profile , Matters , Saying , Variety , Warning , Track , Feet , Coast , Storm Surges , Seven , 48 , Nerve , Achess , Communitieies , Home , Hands , Pnc Bank , World , Nervive Nerve , Nerves , Relief , Nerve Aches , Nerve Care Company , Ala , B Complex Vitamins , Nervive Pain Relieving Roll , Investment Research , Investments , David Goldberg , Wealth Management , Goals , Advisor , J P Morgan , Connect , National Hurricane Center , Landfall , Strength , Waters , Aim , Emergency Officials , Gulf , Tropical Storm Idalia , 3 , Ground , 1 , Cat , Hurricane , Anything , Florid Yens , 2 , Forecast , Cnn Center , Meteorologist Eric Van Dam , Winds , Peninsula , Winds Plus , 150 Mile An Hour , 150 , Carolinas , Places , Evacuations , Zone A , Pin N , Strengthening , System , Shear , Pineles County , Warm Water , Top , Idalia , Trust Me , Big Ben , Millions , Threat , Weather Center , Voters , Problems , Mugshot , Protein , Max Protein , Energy , Sugar , Uuuhhhh , 0000 , 10000 , Houses , Opendoor , Don T Worry , Plaque Bacteria , Matter , Cavities , Buildup , Cash Offer , Teeth , Film , Dr , G , Toothpastes , Fluoride , Opendoor Dot Com , Crest Pro Health S , Crest , King , Rec , Electrolytes , Chaz , Pedialyte , Materials , Comfort , Beautiful Mattress , Stearns Foster , Ultra Conforming Innersprings , Memory Foam , 800 , Killing , Odor , Insects , Zevo , Stearns Foster Adjustable Mattress Sets , Ears , Lipo , Hearing Loss , Ear Ringing , Dizziness , Ingredients , Nutrients , Friendly , Chevy Silverado , Camera Views , Lipo Flavonoid , 13 , Truck , Package , Living , Z71 Off Road , Dove Body Wash , Care , Micro Moisture , 24 , Change , C Nnn , Crash , Smoke , Tail , Hospital , Trail , 8 , 45 , Helicopter , Building , Tailspin , Roof , Latest , Pete Muntean , Dulles International Airport , Video , Clues , Broward County Sheriff S Department Fire Rescue Helicopter , Details , Ec 135 , 135 , Something , Pylon Out To Rotor , On Fire , Soo Rudder , Apartment Building , Story , Safety Record , Flight Path , Atsb , 2000 , Low , Flight Training , Pompano Beach Park , 650 , Control , Tail Rotor , Accident , Tie , Turn Back East , Bor Ri , Fire , View , Images , Structure , Water , Firefighters , Dallas , Pete Muntene , 1 8 Million , Conspiracy , Fund Raising Pool , Author , Ways , Stewart Stevens , Amer America , Fund Raising Er , Autocracy , Tipping Point , Mugshot Merchandising , Campaign Efforts , Campaign Put Out , Universes , Universe , Rest , Mind , Democrat , More , Mistake , Similarities , Campaigns , Campaign , Campaign Staffs , H Ste , Teams , Trump Campaign , Voter , Contact , Messaging , Message , Meeting , Super Pac , Crowd , Everything , Campaignment Trump Doesn T , Noise , Wins , 16 , Didn T Know , Space , Incumbent , Vivek Ramaswamy , Targets , Outsider , Foreign Policy , Platform , Waves , Candidacy , Territories , Ukraine , Russian , Nato , China , Friends , Enemies , Intelligence Committee , Russians , 2016 , Opponent , Takeover , Things , Ram Ramaswamy , Soviet Union , Talking Points , Dispute , Putin , Presidency , Democracy , Debate , Performance , Vladimir Putin , Favorability Improve , Hearing Testimony , Gut , Rewards , Body , Miralax , Mood , Vrbo , Expedia , Hotels Com , Feeling Ughh , Summer , Aspen , Fiber , Glass , Fun , Mirafiber Gummies , Patients , Plus , Exam , Treatment Plan , Epic Summer , Insurance , Memories , X Rays , Summer Savings Won T Last , 25 , Book Today , Aspen Dental , Schools , New School , California S , California Teachers Association , Community Schools , Innovation , Educators , Making Decisions , Students , Reading Scores , Gains , Math , Parents , Jessie , Sense Of Community , Damien , English , Leslie , Narrator , Reimagining Public Education , Events , Showdowns , Stage , Tennis , Fourth , U S Open , Big Apple , Grand Slam , Ega Swiatek , Rivalries , Clashes , Coy Wire , Sports Anchor , Epic , Favorites , Jessica Pe Gula , Favorite , Djokovic , Men , Alcaraz , Champ , Again , Little League World Series , Fedora , Messages , Champs , El Segundo , Walkoff Home Run , Louis Lappe , Lebron James , Sports , Stories , Riding High , Testimony , Advisors , Toto , Advice , Investment Plan , Mobile App , Look , Thanks Jen , Pet Food , Vets , Dog Food , Dog People , Food , Approach , Kibble , Cans , Dogs , Dog , Door , Veggies , Box , Portioned , Bank , Streets , Cities , Towns , Businesses , Move , Down Roots , Football Career , Sport , Watch , Bunch , Trouble , Xfinity , Australian Football , Trademark , Season , Xfinity Rewards Members , Xfinity Rewards , Word It S Fitz Credible , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Youtube ,

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