Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

significant, this evidence linking members of trump's legal team, to the breach of a voting system there. >> jessica, these text messages add to a growing body of evidence that links donald trump's legal team to this voting system breach here in georgia that happened on january 7th, 2021. more specifically, it links them to this effort to secure written invitation from a local election official there, essentially allowing them, in their minds, to speenter the election office and no election official is allowed to let anyone have access to voting systems. but trump's team and lawyers were trying to convince this election official to provide a letter of invitation. and these text messages show us how they were involved in the planning, and how -- down from rudy giuliani to sidney powell, how they were kept in the loop on the state level as they worked to secure this written letter of invitation, and ultimately access to the voting system there is in coffee county. this is 200 miles south of downtown atlanta. but this is one of the focal points of the investigation over the last year and a half. this voting data was initially accessed by trump's lawyers. this could play into charging decisions that are expected to come within the next week. >> it's a remarkable new detail. you mentioned in the next week. walk us through, kind of set the scene for us, the next couple of days where you are, what that might look like. >> we ex-ekt the district attorney here, fani willis, to present her case to the grand jury as early as tomorrow. that is the clear sign. witnesses are supposed to come and testify. the clear sign that charges could be coming and coming in the near term. we already know of at least three witnesses who are scheduled to come in on tuesday. by all accounts, we could see charges or indictments come as early as tuesday. but timing remains up in the air. the prosecutors may want more time to present it. all eyes on the fulton county courthouse starting tomorrow and indictment watch starts on tuesday. >> zachary cohen for us in atlanta. thank you for that reporting. we appreciate it. we want to continue this discussion with former federal prosecutor michael zeldin, who served as a special assistant to robert mueller at the justice department. great to see you. zach just went over these details that he and his colleagues broke about these text messages, these emails. is this a smoking gun for prosecutors? >> it makes their case much easier. if the trump defense is, my call to after -- to brad a >> this is an illegal action. you can't argue first amendment defense to illegal actions. so they can make their case much more action based and they have a way of proceeding. >> that's worth reminding everyone, we believe the reporting is that fani willis wants to go after conspiracy charges, racketeering charges, not just for trump, but for his allies as well, tying them together, the so-called rico cases, which i'm sure you're familiar with. how does this fit into that, and what will make that unique about how she's put thing case together? >> under the georgia rico statute, which is conspiracy plus, it allows you to bring in related criminal actions into one sort of overarching conspiracy theory. lets the jury hear a story, on day one, this is what happened to the conclusion of the story. and these disparate acts by all these disparate actors woven together in this rico conspiracy charge, allows that story telling. you always say as a prosecutor, you write your closing statement first and build your evidence to let you say that. that's what she's doing here. >> okay. with your experience, help people understand that this grand jury will meet tomorrow. we know that the two witnesses have been called for tuesday. what is that going to look like? they don't go in with legal counsel, the witnesses, just ordinary citizens that sit on this grand jury. beyond that, fill the details. what doethat look like in that room? >> so it looks sometimes like a classroom. you have these people sitting on shares, 23 people that swore an oath to defend the constitution, behave in an orderly way. you have a prosecutor that brings in a witness, the witness is sworn, and they tell their story. in this case, because you have a special grand jury for eight months, hearing 75 pieces of evidence by these people, there will be a summary of that, so the greatest hit also be presented by the case agent. then these additional witnesses, they'll all talk. the prosecutors get to ask question. when the evidence is presented, the prosecutors will say here are the charges that we think should be appropriate. vote on them. and you need a majority of the 23 grand jurors ss to bring an indictment, probable cause is the standard. it goes to a judge. then it's assigned to the court calendar and off it goes. >> and off we go. and worth noting, it sounds like you only need the majority of the 23, but you could get all of them, to get that indictment. how do you think this timeline will play out? this is both extraordinary and ordinary, right? it is how the justice system works, but in extraordinary circumstances. >> exactly. the grand jury in fulton county, georgia, meets twice a week. in this case, monday and tuesday. monday, you'll get the greatest hits, the summary and all that stuff. then on tuesday, we have at least two live witnesses. and if they go in the early morning, and that's the end of the evidentiary presentation, the prosecutors will have this indictment, if there's going to be one, already written. they present it to the grand jury and say, we're thinking about bringing this charge this time, what do you guys think? how do you guys want to vote? and then they vote. there was a special grand jury that heard from 75 witnesses. they made a recommendation about criminal charges. so they have a sense of you 23 others viewed the evidence. and so they will pick and choose the strongest cases, one was 12 people versus 23 people, they'll pick the 23 people. >> before i let you go, the last question is about where this is happening. this is a state, not a federal case. it's in georgia where they would allow it to likely be televised. what is important to keep in mind about the differences with this case versus the federal case? >> fundamentally, there can be no pardon in this case. a federal case, the president can issue a pardon. in this case, it's the governor. if you are convicted in georgia, you cannot apply for a pardon until after five years from the end of your sentence. and so that's a big difference. and then television makes a very big difference. we saw the failure of television in the o.j. simpson case with judge ito controlling nothing in that courtroom. that's going to make a big difference how the lawyers behave and how the perception of the audience is. you really want to convince not just the 12 jurors, you want a guilty verdict, but you want to talk to america, that this is a r ri righteous prosecution, that this was not a witch hunt. >> michael, thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. donald trump not the first president to be impeached, but what about indicted? how his legal troubles compare to those of past presidents. that's next. plus, the wildfires on maui are the deadliest that country has seen in more than 100 years. how traumatized survivors seek the challenge of rebuilding their homes and their lives. we'll take you there. plus, a police raid on a newspaper in kansas. was it a criminal investigation or an act of retribution? 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>> well, look, with the facts themselves, this is unprecedented. the indictment of a former president three, looks like four indictments, and also he happens to be the front-runner running against the incumbent president. you add all that up, it's not something we have seen before, and it should weigh heavily on the nation. and then there's just the substance, both in georgia and the last federal indictment. we're talking about allegations that the sitting president refused to allow for the peaceful transfer of power after having lost. i think we can't lose sight of that. the issue itself gets to the core of our democracy. >> these foundation allayers of our democracy. last time trump was indicted in that federal case, accusing him of election interference, you called it the most consequential indictment brought against him. where would you place this georgia probe? would it hold the same significance to you as the federal case? >> it would. it's not federal versus state again, so much as the content of the indictment. both are connected. what we are learning today is some of the detail about additional action that was taken during these very difficult, fragile months to undercut the electo so i think both combined in some ways only amplify just how serious the charges are, and how important it is to resolve this, because left unresolved, this leaves our democratic process up in the air in many ways, so that's why this legal process is so vital. >> you know, sometimes people say america has been through tough times before. democracy has faced tough times before, and it certainly has. but to your point, this really gets at the foundational principles upon which our country is built. do you think this is more than simply a stress test for this democracy? >> oh, absolutely. this is about setting precedent. one precedent was set in december and january of 2020 and 2021. and now there is a precedent that undid guard rails, it undid traditions that have been around since president washington in terms oh of the loser accepting the loss. now we look, what's the next precedent? impeachment didn't resolve this. partisanship overwhelmed the ability to bring resolution. now we are looking to see what does this nation say? first, it has to find out the facts and we have to reach a conclusion. but if the wrongdoing was done, what do we do about it? what does the government do about it? do we allow this to be acceptable? and that is extraordinarily important for all of us. >> if you look back when president ford preemptively pardoned nixon for any crimes he might have committed, president ford argued it was to avoid bringing any more trauma and let the nation heal. and some are saying the prosecution of trump is further dividing the country. looking back at president ford's decision, do you think that argument is applicable here or is this just fundamentally different? >> well, i think many people don't think ford was right. he chose healing over accountability. he didn't achieve healing. we became more divided. and many people were left frustrated that accountability was not achieved with richard nixon. so i think that's the lesson for today. we need to prioritize accountability to understand what happened, and if wrongdoing took place, to respond to it. the pardon didn't work, and i think it would be even more calamitous right now for that to happen. >> yeah. and just before we let you go, in these last few seconds we have, the country has been through a lot in the last several years, that's the understatement of the year. how do you think it begins to heal? and what role does accountability for the former president play there, and what role might end a new presidential term for him to play if he were to win again? >> well rn, i think this process part of the healing, not part of the divisiveness. we're trying to respond to what happened. this is step one. if he's found to havere-elected would be very destabilizing to the nation. so this is the process that needs to take place. it's not politicizing but trying to move us in a different direction. >> julian, thank you for your analysis. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. wildfires in hawaii leaving thousands displaced from their homes. we'll be live on maui surveying the damage with survivors. you're in the cnn newsroom. ♪ this just in ♪ ♪ got the keys s to what you want and what you need ♪ ♪ something new sosomething sweet ♪ ♪ moving to a differerent beat♪ ♪ okay now (what?) ♪ ♪ can i get a (get a) drumroll? 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>> reporter: jessica, we're glad to report that today is night and day in terms of getting into the disaster zone. yesterday, we were just right by the ocean and it was organized chaos. we took time-lapsed video where you could sewe a mile-long line of families and people trying to get in. this right here, a few yards away, this is the main only checkpoint getting into the disaster zone. this is alleviating some confusion. you can see no backup. earlier today, we spoke with a woman named susan. she was telling us what it is like to go into the disaster zone, come out, and some unfortunate things that she is seeing once she's inside. listen to what she told us. >> we did not know anything that was going on in lahaina. we had no running water, no electricity, no nothing. we got stuck there, and i had no idea what was going on just two miles down the road. we had no information. my cousin is over there right now, taking care of everything. but we don't have any like good running water or anything. so, yeah, and i went back to get two generators and 25 gallons of gas to come back over. i waited in line for 4 1/2 hours thinking that i could get through and a fight started when i was there. >> reporter: can you believe that, a fight started. she's reporting looting. that's why we are seeing everything right here. police officers making sure that everybody who goes in is a resident of inside the disaster zone. they don't want anybody going in and out who could be looting or tourists. we have a map showing you, jessica, a better idea of the somewhat perilous is not exactly the word i want to use, but it's a little dicey on this road, which narrows into one lane of traffic. it's like if you are moving counterclockwise in a very organized fashion around western maui. we're about 2:00 on the clock face, and the epicenter of the disaster is 9:00. so it's a much better situation today, as people are hoping to see what has survived beyond this point, jessica. >> yeah, so many people probably very anxious to get back in there and see if anything remains. thanks so much for that update. for more information on how to help those hawaiian wildfire victims, go to and you can text the word hawaii to 707070 to donate. now to kansas, where the small town of marion is reeling over a story that's turned into a major debate over first amendment rights. on friday, the town's police raided the home and office of the owner of the local newspaper, and he alleges it's all in connection to a local business owner his paper was investigating. cnn's paula sandoval has details. we know that the newspaper owner called this raid chilling. what more can you tell us about this? >> reporter: jessica, we know there's at least one press freedom group that maintains the raid that happened friday, targeting the marion county record, about 60 miles north of wichita, violates federal law they say, but the first amendment. i'll take you back to eric myer, the co-owner of the publication. he says that the marion county police department raided his home and his publications office last week. police officers seized computers, cell phones and myers suggests this was triggered by a story he published last week mentioning the owner of a local coffee shot. he explains they receive a tip about her driving without a valid license. rather than publish the story, he says he consulted with an attorney. they notified local law enforcement that the newspaper, "the record," had received possible sensitive information about a source. myer says police then notified her. what then is a search warrant alleging identity theft and authorizing seizure of information. newel says she was flabbergasted when she knew about the raid. myer, for his part, claims law enforcement did not provide any explanation about the reason for the search, and only handed him a copy of the warrant, so he will be exploring legal options. during the search of myer's home, his 98-year-old woman was in the home at the time. she's the co-owner of "the record." myer confirmed for cnn that she died this weekend. he believes that it was caused by stress that was brought on by last week's raid, as she was present. we should also know the cause of death has not been confirmed. the police chief of marion county told cnn that he's confident that the judicial system being questioned will be "vindicated in the long run." we have also reached out to the marion county magistrate who signed that search warrant. so it's a complicated story to follow, but a very important one, as this small kansas town is smack dab in the middle of a fight related to the first amendment. >> yeah, a big debate over the fight. all right. thanks so much. the republican candidates for president are at the iowa state fair, but will it get them votes? 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[ inaudible ] >> will you comply with the order from the judge? >> again, most of those questions coming from the media. the big question now with just ten days, can any candidate escape from the former president's growing shadow? we'll discuss now with the chief politics reporter at iowa's des moines register. great to have you on. i know you were at the fair friday and saturday. you have watched all of these candidates, you've been talking to voters. first, give us your impression from the weekend and who you thought made the biggest impression. >> yeah, so the iowa state fair is a really great chance for these candidates to interact with iowans. they come from every corner of the state to have a good time. so it's a chance to shake hands and to have informal conversations with voters. of course, people like donald trump come in and really steal the show, in a way this is all about optics. he really took the chance to show his dominance. the campaign brought in a lot of volunteers, a lot of trump supporters, and had them very well organized. they were trolling ron desantis as the florida governor that moved through the fair grounds on saturday. donald trump flew his private jet over the fair grounds to gin up attention. so a big round of cheers went up. donald trump came in and tried to command attention throughout the day. folks like ron desantis, nikki haley, mike sppence, they were l here doing the kind of things people say can really move the needle here, but it was donald trump's show. >> yeah, and they're doing these more traditional forms of campaigning at the fair. we also learned that former president trump is likely looking at this fourth criminal indictment. we saw the press asking him a lot about that. you're in iowa full time. i've been there a few times of the last several months. the voters there will talk about trump, but they don't talk a lot about the actual legal problems. what impression are you getting when you talk to voters when it comes to trump and his legal issues? >> that's right. i think these legal issues for the people who already support trump, they're just really kind of entremnching that support evn more. for those skeptical of donald trump -- it's interesting, you meet people and they say i'm over donald trump, i'm over the drama. as a reporter, you'll say are you tired of hearing about his legal troubles, is that a concern for you? they see this as being very partisan, so their issues are other things. they're tired of, you know, donald trump being antagonistic. they see him as a bully. they're tired of the distraction. but they see these indictments as being quite partisan. so it's interesting to talk to republicans across the board, to sew see that this is not having much of an effect on how they see the former president. >> and his presence yesterday was pretty brief compared to some of the other candidates who were there for hours and hours. we know that iowans hike to shake people's hands and they want to talk to them. ron desantis is now making a big effort to go to all 99 counties and do these smaller event where is he's one on one people. other candidates doing what they can to meet with people and get that face time in. do you see anyone starting to move the immeneedle at all, and you get the sense that voters are open to that? >> i think voters are incredibly open to this. of course, donald trump supporters, there's a core group of supporters that will never leave his side. i think there is a pretty big group of iowa republicans who want to hear from alternatives, they want to see someone who can persuade them to, you know, move their vote from donald trump. you know, a lot of iowa republicans have voted for donald trump twice. but they'll tell us in conversation that they're ready for someone new. they want someone to show that they deserve that and can carry their vote and do the things that they want to see. so they're looking at ron desantis, people like tim scott who is headed to the fair later. they're looking at nikki haley and others at the state fair. so they're really looking for someone who can convince them that it's worth it to change their vote and to move on. we do hear from a lot of iowa republicans who are ready to move on from donald trump. so it's a question whether someone like ron desantis can coalesce that support. >> all right. much more to come. we just have a few months left. thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. democrats are hoping to retake control of the house of representatives in the 2024 election. a key battleground in all of that is the state of new york. cnn's manu raju went there and he explains. >> reporter: it was a stunner last year, giving the gop a razor thin house majority. six republicans winning in the blue new york suburbs. now, they're the most in danger. so when joe biden recently called freshman mike lawler -- >> the kind of republican i'm used to dealing with, he's not one of these maga republicans. >> reporter: democrats are seeking to unseat him were furious. >> people were horrified when they heard what joe biden had to say. >> did biden get it wrong? >> not only got it wrong, but i think it was just factually absurd. >> reporter: lawler is one of 18 republicans that biden carried in 2020. >> i ran to represent this district. >> he says he's appealing to moderates. >> i don't look at it as a vulnerability. i've won twice in 2-1 democratic districts. when the president came to westchester, he said on stage, i'm the type of republican he could work with. >> reporter: but his opponents are seething on his votes in the conservative dominated house. like when he voted to rescind a pentagon policy reimbursing personnel traveling for abortions. >> so he's totally fine with women in the military fighting for his freedom, but he won't protect their rights. >> reporter: lawler defends his vote. >> using taxpayer funds to pay for travel related to abortion services, we don't do that. >> reporter: he could soon be in another difficult spot. if the house begins an impeachment inquiry into biden. >> with respect to impeachment, we're not there. >> reporter: another complication, the prospect that donald trump could be atop the ticket as he faces criminal charges. >> he cannot run away from donald trump. this is a district that hates donald trump. >> do you think that trump deserves to be in jail? >> i think he deserves to be in prison, but let's leave that up to the juries to decide. i think donald trump's conduct post election was wrong, it was wrong. >> reporter: be ut not saying i he backs trump as a nominee. would you support him? >> at the end of the day, the republican primary voters will choose who the nominee is. i want the party to move in a different direction. >> reporter: though he has his limits. >> if he's convicted, he should not be running for public office, period. >> reporter: lawler says jones, who used to represent a liberal new york district, is out of step. >> you're not a pragmatist, you're a political hack. >> he's taking positions that i think will cause him problems in a general election. >> we have mass incarceration. >> reporter: among them, discussing defunding the police in 2020. something he's now walking back. >> i understood those words, which in retrospect, were poor choices of words. >> reporter: many voters here are still up for grabs. >> nobody has won my vote yet. >> reporter: in a sign how important districts like this is for the fight for control of the house, speaker mccarthy's super pac released a memo just this week detailing what he's calling the blue state projects, saying the house will be won or lost in democratic strong holds like this one, and mccarthy plans to travel to new york later this month. manu raju, cnn, new york. new concerns don't about what could be a covid resurgence. what you need to know to keep yourself and your family safe. plus, what is it really like world? 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>> well, jessica, thank you for having me on tonight. every winter we see rises in flu and rsv and for the past few years we've seen rises in covid. there is no reason to think that we wouldn't experience a surge in all three respiratory illnesses this fall and winter. just as we have in the past. what makes this different as you mentioned is that we now also have tools to prevent all three. we have the flu shot, which has been around for a while. we have the covid vaccine, and are about to be getting a new booster which is great news for folks and most importantly for the first time ever we have a tool to prevent rsv which you remember was filling our emergency departments aand hospitals last fall. for little kids, we have a shot that gives them some antibodies to protect them and for older folks, age 60 plus, we have a first time ever vaccine. this is great news and if americans avail themselves of these shots, we could stave off an overflowing emergency department and nanoverflowing hospital. i have fingers crossed as we head into this fall. >> and it is amazing to have something to do for rsv. what are you going to do? but now the vaccines seem very big. we know there is a new covid strain that health officials are warning about. why is it such a concern and do we know yet if the booster shot will be able to protect against it? >> yeah. my son said to me today, mom, covid is back. yes, covid is still here, right. it has never gone away. but this is not the same as the summer surge that we saw last year or the year before or the year before that. this is a variant of interest, not a variant of concern. we are seeing a mall increase in hospitalizations and deaths but nothing like what we saw in prior years. to me this is really that signal that as we head into the fall, we could be heading for worse. so, the takeaways for my son as well as for folks watching is if you're in a crowded place right now and particularly if you're high risk, wear a mask. because we are seeing increases spread of this new variant. if you have symptoms, if you feel like you've got the flu, stay home, please. don't get other people sick and make sure you test and particularly if you're one in of the higher risk groups and you test, know that you could ask for paxlovid. now you mentioned the booster, we're really excited about it. erg suggests that it is going to work well against the variants that are floating out there right now. so when can becomes available, again, i urge folks to get it, particularly those that with 60 plus, and immunocompromised or pregnant for at high risk for bad covid outcomes. >> and i want to talk about other data an this is serious. it's a record high number suicide deaths that we sawn the u.s. last year. and we really saw this rise in suicides begni in 2021 after two years of decline. i'm curious ifouhink this could be connected to covid and the isolation that we saw during the pandemic, or do you think this is something independent? >> no, jessica, we've been seeing increased in suicide deaths in the united states for about 15 years now. we have a slight decrease in 2019 and 2020 but it was a small decrease. so although this is likely connected to the mental health problem that all of us are experiencing and in our families and our communities, it is a continuation of a trend that pre-dated covid by over a decade. one of the saddest things about this increase in suicide deaths is the greatest increase in suicide deaths is firearm suicides or gun suicides. those have made up more than half of suicide deaths for a very long time and we've seen that percentage increase in this latest year. and so for folks that are watching, i urge you if you have a friend or a family member that is feeling depressed or going through a moment of stress, to make sure that their connected to help, to know that you care about them and if they own or have access to a firearm, make sure that they can't acscess it until they're feeling better. that is best thing you could do to save someone's life. >> dr. plmegan ranney, thank yo so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. and just a note to anyone struggling or who knows someone who may need help, there is a new lifeline available. all you have to do is dial 988. that is all you have to do. the lifeline is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week and it is there if you need it. for many people living in remote areas of ghana in west africa, accessing medical care could mean walking several hours and struggling to afford payment. this week this week's hero saw his grandmother struggle and die and now he's dedicated his life to improving access to health care. >> we have communities where they haven't seen a doctor, they haven't been to the hospital before. we've designed like a clinic, depending on the person's condition, if they need additional lab done, we have some labs that we do. we have medications and so it is like a one-stop shop for people. to date we've served about 4,000 people. so imagine if we had two or three vans. our vision is to really expand. words cannot describe the feeling that you get providing care for someone who otherwise wouldn't be alive. >> and to see the full story, go to cnn average cnn heroes is brought to you by subaru. love, it is what makes subaru, subaru. of dollars in funding along with school supplies students need. we call it “the subaru love promise” and we are proud to the largest corporate supporter of it's just one of the reasons forbes ranked subaru the number one automotive brand for social impact. subaru. more than a car company. 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(what?) ♪ ♪ can i get a can i get a drumroll please (oohh) ♪ ♪ that's nice (yahh) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ ya, can i get a drumroll, can i get a drum- ♪ ♪ that's nice ♪ what's the subway series? it's the perfect sub roster. just give us a number we got the rest. four. supreme meats. six. the boss. fifteen. titan turkey. ninety-nine. grand slam ham. i'm gonna need twenty-three of those, it's my turn to bring the snacks. ( ♪ ♪ ) you are in the "cnn newsroom." hi, everyone, i'm jessica dean

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Cnn , Jessica Dean , Georgia , Fulton County , Washington , Jim Acosta , News Room , 00 , 6 , Donald Trump , Team , Text Messages , Voting System , Investigation , Election Interference , Allies , Development , Breach , Members , Emails , Investigators , Sources , Special Grand Jury , Case , People , Indictment , Fani Willis , U S , Coffee County , Two , President , Country , Charges , Zach , Exclusive Reporting , Jurisdictions , Zachary Cohen , Four , Evidence , Body , Links , Election , Official , Invitation , Effort , Minds , January 7th , 7 , January 7th 2021 , 2021 , Anyone , Lawyers , Election Office , Access , Voting Systems , Planning , Loop , Letter , To Sidney Powell , Rudy Giuliani , Estate , One , Level , Written Letter , Downtown Atlanta , 200 , Decisions , Half , Points , Voting Data , Kind , Detail , Walk , Set , Scene , Witnesses , Sign , Term , Indictments , Prosecutors , Accounts , Hair , Timing , On Tuesday , Three , Reporting , Eyes , Discussion , Fulton County Courthouse , Michael Zeldin , Details , Special Assistant , Colleagues , Justice Department , Robert Mueller , Defense , Call , Smoking Gun , Action , Amendment , Actions , Trump , Everyone , Way , Racketeering Charges , Conspiracy , Proceeding , Cases , Thing Case , Statute , Fit , Conspiracy Plus , Georgia Rico , Story , On Day One , Jury , Sort , Overarching Conspiracy Theory , Conclusion , Acts , Rico Conspiracy Charge , Story Telling , Actors , Help , Closing Statement , Experience , Counsel , Room , Grand Jury , Citizens , Witness , Constitution , Classroom , Shares , Oath , 23 , Summary , Hit , Pieces , Case Agent , Eight , 75 , Question , Vote , Majority , Talk , Worth , Judge , Cause , Standard , Grand Jurors , Court Calendar , Wall , Timeline , Justice System Works , Stuff , Circumstances , Greatest Hits , Presentation , Charge , End , Say , Guys , Others , Sense , Recommendation , 12 , Pardon , Differences , Mind , Governor , Difference , Sentence , Five , Nothing , Courtroom , Perception , Failure , Television , Judge Ito , Audience , O J , Simpson , Ar Ri Righteous Prosecution , Jurors , Verdict , Wildfires , Troubles , Presidents , Maui , Witch Hunt , Survivors , Plus , Homes , Police Raid , Lives , Challenge , 100 , Business , Kansas , Switch , Newspaper , Verizon , Cnn Newsroom , Numbmbe , Retribution , Fact , 300 , Time , Partner , Town , Dinosaur , Order , Website , Build , Th , Colorado , Porful , Store , Rejuvenated , Sleep , Pressure , Visit Purple Com , Mattress , Grid , Heat , Purple Mattress , Sleep Better , Exclusive Gelflex , Candidates , Ocean , Company , Spreadsheets , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire America , Kayak , Probe , State Level , Unchartered Territory , Context , Historian , Professor , Habit , Gillian Zelzer , Princeton University , Anything , Facts , Something , Nation , Front Runner Running , Incumbent , Power , Both , Transfer , Sight , Substance , Allegations , Democracy , Issue , Core 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Mental Health Problem , 2019 , 15 , Increase , Firearm Suicides , Continuation , Trend , Communities , Gun Suicides , Family Member , Friend , Firearm , Thank Yo , Thing , Note , Plmegan Ranney , Lifeline , 988 , 24 , Areas , Payment , West Africa , Ghana , Hero Saw , Grandmother , Doctor , Health Care , Hospital , Struggle , Labs , Medications , Condition , Person , Clinic , Lab Done , Vision , Shop , Vans , 4000 , Feeling , Wouldn T , Heroes , Love , Average , Subaru , Go To Cnn Heroes Com , Supporter , Funding , School Supplies Students , Brand , Adoptaclassroom Org , Subaru Love Promise , Forbes , Virus , Car Company , Impact , Sneeze , Dangers , Hospitalization , Cold , Coughing , Warning Labels , Isn T A Status , Wash , Pharmacist , Re Earned , Rsv Today 1 , Detergent , Tide , LÓnis , Little League , Beat , Series , Roster , Meats , Rest , Ninety Nine , Subway , The Boss , Fifteen , Titan Turkey , Grand Slam , Ham , Turn , Snacks , Twenty Three , Hi ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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significant, this evidence linking members of trump's legal team, to the breach of a voting system there. >> jessica, these text messages add to a growing body of evidence that links donald trump's legal team to this voting system breach here in georgia that happened on january 7th, 2021. more specifically, it links them to this effort to secure written invitation from a local election official there, essentially allowing them, in their minds, to speenter the election office and no election official is allowed to let anyone have access to voting systems. but trump's team and lawyers were trying to convince this election official to provide a letter of invitation. and these text messages show us how they were involved in the planning, and how -- down from rudy giuliani to sidney powell, how they were kept in the loop on the state level as they worked to secure this written letter of invitation, and ultimately access to the voting system there is in coffee county. this is 200 miles south of downtown atlanta. but this is one of the focal points of the investigation over the last year and a half. this voting data was initially accessed by trump's lawyers. this could play into charging decisions that are expected to come within the next week. >> it's a remarkable new detail. you mentioned in the next week. walk us through, kind of set the scene for us, the next couple of days where you are, what that might look like. >> we ex-ekt the district attorney here, fani willis, to present her case to the grand jury as early as tomorrow. that is the clear sign. witnesses are supposed to come and testify. the clear sign that charges could be coming and coming in the near term. we already know of at least three witnesses who are scheduled to come in on tuesday. by all accounts, we could see charges or indictments come as early as tuesday. but timing remains up in the air. the prosecutors may want more time to present it. all eyes on the fulton county courthouse starting tomorrow and indictment watch starts on tuesday. >> zachary cohen for us in atlanta. thank you for that reporting. we appreciate it. we want to continue this discussion with former federal prosecutor michael zeldin, who served as a special assistant to robert mueller at the justice department. great to see you. zach just went over these details that he and his colleagues broke about these text messages, these emails. is this a smoking gun for prosecutors? >> it makes their case much easier. if the trump defense is, my call to after -- to brad a >> this is an illegal action. you can't argue first amendment defense to illegal actions. so they can make their case much more action based and they have a way of proceeding. >> that's worth reminding everyone, we believe the reporting is that fani willis wants to go after conspiracy charges, racketeering charges, not just for trump, but for his allies as well, tying them together, the so-called rico cases, which i'm sure you're familiar with. how does this fit into that, and what will make that unique about how she's put thing case together? >> under the georgia rico statute, which is conspiracy plus, it allows you to bring in related criminal actions into one sort of overarching conspiracy theory. lets the jury hear a story, on day one, this is what happened to the conclusion of the story. and these disparate acts by all these disparate actors woven together in this rico conspiracy charge, allows that story telling. you always say as a prosecutor, you write your closing statement first and build your evidence to let you say that. that's what she's doing here. >> okay. with your experience, help people understand that this grand jury will meet tomorrow. we know that the two witnesses have been called for tuesday. what is that going to look like? they don't go in with legal counsel, the witnesses, just ordinary citizens that sit on this grand jury. beyond that, fill the details. what doethat look like in that room? >> so it looks sometimes like a classroom. you have these people sitting on shares, 23 people that swore an oath to defend the constitution, behave in an orderly way. you have a prosecutor that brings in a witness, the witness is sworn, and they tell their story. in this case, because you have a special grand jury for eight months, hearing 75 pieces of evidence by these people, there will be a summary of that, so the greatest hit also be presented by the case agent. then these additional witnesses, they'll all talk. the prosecutors get to ask question. when the evidence is presented, the prosecutors will say here are the charges that we think should be appropriate. vote on them. and you need a majority of the 23 grand jurors ss to bring an indictment, probable cause is the standard. it goes to a judge. then it's assigned to the court calendar and off it goes. >> and off we go. and worth noting, it sounds like you only need the majority of the 23, but you could get all of them, to get that indictment. how do you think this timeline will play out? this is both extraordinary and ordinary, right? it is how the justice system works, but in extraordinary circumstances. >> exactly. the grand jury in fulton county, georgia, meets twice a week. in this case, monday and tuesday. monday, you'll get the greatest hits, the summary and all that stuff. then on tuesday, we have at least two live witnesses. and if they go in the early morning, and that's the end of the evidentiary presentation, the prosecutors will have this indictment, if there's going to be one, already written. they present it to the grand jury and say, we're thinking about bringing this charge this time, what do you guys think? how do you guys want to vote? and then they vote. there was a special grand jury that heard from 75 witnesses. they made a recommendation about criminal charges. so they have a sense of you 23 others viewed the evidence. and so they will pick and choose the strongest cases, one was 12 people versus 23 people, they'll pick the 23 people. >> before i let you go, the last question is about where this is happening. this is a state, not a federal case. it's in georgia where they would allow it to likely be televised. what is important to keep in mind about the differences with this case versus the federal case? >> fundamentally, there can be no pardon in this case. a federal case, the president can issue a pardon. in this case, it's the governor. if you are convicted in georgia, you cannot apply for a pardon until after five years from the end of your sentence. and so that's a big difference. and then television makes a very big difference. we saw the failure of television in the o.j. simpson case with judge ito controlling nothing in that courtroom. that's going to make a big difference how the lawyers behave and how the perception of the audience is. you really want to convince not just the 12 jurors, you want a guilty verdict, but you want to talk to america, that this is a r ri righteous prosecution, that this was not a witch hunt. >> michael, thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. donald trump not the first president to be impeached, but what about indicted? how his legal troubles compare to those of past presidents. that's next. plus, the wildfires on maui are the deadliest that country has seen in more than 100 years. how traumatized survivors seek the challenge of rebuilding their homes and their lives. we'll take you there. plus, a police raid on a newspaper in kansas. was it a criminal investigation or an act of retribution? you're in the cnn newsroom. plus, switch, keep your numbmbe, and get up to $300 off. with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado. we just got an order from dinosaur, colorado. start an easy to build, porful website for free with a partner th always puts you first. start for free at sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. purple mattress's exclusive gelflex grid draws away heat, relieves pressure, and instantly adapts. sleep better, live purple. visit or a mattress store near you. you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit america now looking at unchartered territory. a twice impeached president, facing a possible fourth criminal indictment. for the first time in our history, a criminal probe could result in state level charges against a former president for election interference. joining me now to bring us some historical context to all of this is gillian zelzer, professor and historian at princeton university. you can help put this into context for us. we often get into the habit of saying unprecedented, but this is unlike anything we have seen. what do you make of this potential fourth indictment? >> well, look, with the facts themselves, this is unprecedented. the indictment of a former president three, looks like four indictments, and also he happens to be the front-runner running against the incumbent president. you add all that up, it's not something we have seen before, and it should weigh heavily on the nation. and then there's just the substance, both in georgia and the last federal indictment. we're talking about allegations that the sitting president refused to allow for the peaceful transfer of power after having lost. i think we can't lose sight of that. the issue itself gets to the core of our democracy. >> these foundation allayers of our democracy. last time trump was indicted in that federal case, accusing him of election interference, you called it the most consequential indictment brought against him. where would you place this georgia probe? would it hold the same significance to you as the federal case? >> it would. it's not federal versus state again, so much as the content of the indictment. both are connected. what we are learning today is some of the detail about additional action that was taken during these very difficult, fragile months to undercut the electo so i think both combined in some ways only amplify just how serious the charges are, and how important it is to resolve this, because left unresolved, this leaves our democratic process up in the air in many ways, so that's why this legal process is so vital. >> you know, sometimes people say america has been through tough times before. democracy has faced tough times before, and it certainly has. but to your point, this really gets at the foundational principles upon which our country is built. do you think this is more than simply a stress test for this democracy? >> oh, absolutely. this is about setting precedent. one precedent was set in december and january of 2020 and 2021. and now there is a precedent that undid guard rails, it undid traditions that have been around since president washington in terms oh of the loser accepting the loss. now we look, what's the next precedent? impeachment didn't resolve this. partisanship overwhelmed the ability to bring resolution. now we are looking to see what does this nation say? first, it has to find out the facts and we have to reach a conclusion. but if the wrongdoing was done, what do we do about it? what does the government do about it? do we allow this to be acceptable? and that is extraordinarily important for all of us. >> if you look back when president ford preemptively pardoned nixon for any crimes he might have committed, president ford argued it was to avoid bringing any more trauma and let the nation heal. and some are saying the prosecution of trump is further dividing the country. looking back at president ford's decision, do you think that argument is applicable here or is this just fundamentally different? >> well, i think many people don't think ford was right. he chose healing over accountability. he didn't achieve healing. we became more divided. and many people were left frustrated that accountability was not achieved with richard nixon. so i think that's the lesson for today. we need to prioritize accountability to understand what happened, and if wrongdoing took place, to respond to it. the pardon didn't work, and i think it would be even more calamitous right now for that to happen. >> yeah. and just before we let you go, in these last few seconds we have, the country has been through a lot in the last several years, that's the understatement of the year. how do you think it begins to heal? and what role does accountability for the former president play there, and what role might end a new presidential term for him to play if he were to win again? >> well rn, i think this process part of the healing, not part of the divisiveness. we're trying to respond to what happened. this is step one. if he's found to havere-elected would be very destabilizing to the nation. so this is the process that needs to take place. it's not politicizing but trying to move us in a different direction. >> julian, thank you for your analysis. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. wildfires in hawaii leaving thousands displaced from their homes. we'll be live on maui surveying the damage with survivors. you're in the cnn newsroom. ♪ this just in ♪ ♪ got the keys s to what you want and what you need ♪ ♪ something new sosomething sweet ♪ ♪ moving to a differerent beat♪ ♪ okay now (what?) ♪ ♪ can i get a (get a) drumroll? (what?) ♪ ♪ can i get a drumroll drumroll? (what?) ♪ ♪ can i get a can i get a drumroll please (oohh) ♪ ♪ that's nice (yahh) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ ya, can i get a drumroll, can i get a drum- ♪ ♪ that's nice ♪ they're off from school, but not really home. images and videos. social media, fine-tuned to suck them in. and steal them away. alone you can't stop it. together we will. we have a plan. join us. ( ♪ ) let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. 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>> reporter: jessica, we're glad to report that today is night and day in terms of getting into the disaster zone. yesterday, we were just right by the ocean and it was organized chaos. we took time-lapsed video where you could sewe a mile-long line of families and people trying to get in. this right here, a few yards away, this is the main only checkpoint getting into the disaster zone. this is alleviating some confusion. you can see no backup. earlier today, we spoke with a woman named susan. she was telling us what it is like to go into the disaster zone, come out, and some unfortunate things that she is seeing once she's inside. listen to what she told us. >> we did not know anything that was going on in lahaina. we had no running water, no electricity, no nothing. we got stuck there, and i had no idea what was going on just two miles down the road. we had no information. my cousin is over there right now, taking care of everything. but we don't have any like good running water or anything. so, yeah, and i went back to get two generators and 25 gallons of gas to come back over. i waited in line for 4 1/2 hours thinking that i could get through and a fight started when i was there. >> reporter: can you believe that, a fight started. she's reporting looting. that's why we are seeing everything right here. police officers making sure that everybody who goes in is a resident of inside the disaster zone. they don't want anybody going in and out who could be looting or tourists. we have a map showing you, jessica, a better idea of the somewhat perilous is not exactly the word i want to use, but it's a little dicey on this road, which narrows into one lane of traffic. it's like if you are moving counterclockwise in a very organized fashion around western maui. we're about 2:00 on the clock face, and the epicenter of the disaster is 9:00. so it's a much better situation today, as people are hoping to see what has survived beyond this point, jessica. >> yeah, so many people probably very anxious to get back in there and see if anything remains. thanks so much for that update. for more information on how to help those hawaiian wildfire victims, go to and you can text the word hawaii to 707070 to donate. now to kansas, where the small town of marion is reeling over a story that's turned into a major debate over first amendment rights. on friday, the town's police raided the home and office of the owner of the local newspaper, and he alleges it's all in connection to a local business owner his paper was investigating. cnn's paula sandoval has details. we know that the newspaper owner called this raid chilling. what more can you tell us about this? >> reporter: jessica, we know there's at least one press freedom group that maintains the raid that happened friday, targeting the marion county record, about 60 miles north of wichita, violates federal law they say, but the first amendment. i'll take you back to eric myer, the co-owner of the publication. he says that the marion county police department raided his home and his publications office last week. police officers seized computers, cell phones and myers suggests this was triggered by a story he published last week mentioning the owner of a local coffee shot. he explains they receive a tip about her driving without a valid license. rather than publish the story, he says he consulted with an attorney. they notified local law enforcement that the newspaper, "the record," had received possible sensitive information about a source. myer says police then notified her. what then is a search warrant alleging identity theft and authorizing seizure of information. newel says she was flabbergasted when she knew about the raid. myer, for his part, claims law enforcement did not provide any explanation about the reason for the search, and only handed him a copy of the warrant, so he will be exploring legal options. during the search of myer's home, his 98-year-old woman was in the home at the time. she's the co-owner of "the record." myer confirmed for cnn that she died this weekend. he believes that it was caused by stress that was brought on by last week's raid, as she was present. we should also know the cause of death has not been confirmed. the police chief of marion county told cnn that he's confident that the judicial system being questioned will be "vindicated in the long run." we have also reached out to the marion county magistrate who signed that search warrant. so it's a complicated story to follow, but a very important one, as this small kansas town is smack dab in the middle of a fight related to the first amendment. >> yeah, a big debate over the fight. all right. thanks so much. the republican candidates for president are at the iowa state fair, but will it get them votes? 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[ inaudible ] >> will you comply with the order from the judge? >> again, most of those questions coming from the media. the big question now with just ten days, can any candidate escape from the former president's growing shadow? we'll discuss now with the chief politics reporter at iowa's des moines register. great to have you on. i know you were at the fair friday and saturday. you have watched all of these candidates, you've been talking to voters. first, give us your impression from the weekend and who you thought made the biggest impression. >> yeah, so the iowa state fair is a really great chance for these candidates to interact with iowans. they come from every corner of the state to have a good time. so it's a chance to shake hands and to have informal conversations with voters. of course, people like donald trump come in and really steal the show, in a way this is all about optics. he really took the chance to show his dominance. the campaign brought in a lot of volunteers, a lot of trump supporters, and had them very well organized. they were trolling ron desantis as the florida governor that moved through the fair grounds on saturday. donald trump flew his private jet over the fair grounds to gin up attention. so a big round of cheers went up. donald trump came in and tried to command attention throughout the day. folks like ron desantis, nikki haley, mike sppence, they were l here doing the kind of things people say can really move the needle here, but it was donald trump's show. >> yeah, and they're doing these more traditional forms of campaigning at the fair. we also learned that former president trump is likely looking at this fourth criminal indictment. we saw the press asking him a lot about that. you're in iowa full time. i've been there a few times of the last several months. the voters there will talk about trump, but they don't talk a lot about the actual legal problems. what impression are you getting when you talk to voters when it comes to trump and his legal issues? >> that's right. i think these legal issues for the people who already support trump, they're just really kind of entremnching that support evn more. for those skeptical of donald trump -- it's interesting, you meet people and they say i'm over donald trump, i'm over the drama. as a reporter, you'll say are you tired of hearing about his legal troubles, is that a concern for you? they see this as being very partisan, so their issues are other things. they're tired of, you know, donald trump being antagonistic. they see him as a bully. they're tired of the distraction. but they see these indictments as being quite partisan. so it's interesting to talk to republicans across the board, to sew see that this is not having much of an effect on how they see the former president. >> and his presence yesterday was pretty brief compared to some of the other candidates who were there for hours and hours. we know that iowans hike to shake people's hands and they want to talk to them. ron desantis is now making a big effort to go to all 99 counties and do these smaller event where is he's one on one people. other candidates doing what they can to meet with people and get that face time in. do you see anyone starting to move the immeneedle at all, and you get the sense that voters are open to that? >> i think voters are incredibly open to this. of course, donald trump supporters, there's a core group of supporters that will never leave his side. i think there is a pretty big group of iowa republicans who want to hear from alternatives, they want to see someone who can persuade them to, you know, move their vote from donald trump. you know, a lot of iowa republicans have voted for donald trump twice. but they'll tell us in conversation that they're ready for someone new. they want someone to show that they deserve that and can carry their vote and do the things that they want to see. so they're looking at ron desantis, people like tim scott who is headed to the fair later. they're looking at nikki haley and others at the state fair. so they're really looking for someone who can convince them that it's worth it to change their vote and to move on. we do hear from a lot of iowa republicans who are ready to move on from donald trump. so it's a question whether someone like ron desantis can coalesce that support. >> all right. much more to come. we just have a few months left. thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. democrats are hoping to retake control of the house of representatives in the 2024 election. a key battleground in all of that is the state of new york. cnn's manu raju went there and he explains. >> reporter: it was a stunner last year, giving the gop a razor thin house majority. six republicans winning in the blue new york suburbs. now, they're the most in danger. so when joe biden recently called freshman mike lawler -- >> the kind of republican i'm used to dealing with, he's not one of these maga republicans. >> reporter: democrats are seeking to unseat him were furious. >> people were horrified when they heard what joe biden had to say. >> did biden get it wrong? >> not only got it wrong, but i think it was just factually absurd. >> reporter: lawler is one of 18 republicans that biden carried in 2020. >> i ran to represent this district. >> he says he's appealing to moderates. >> i don't look at it as a vulnerability. i've won twice in 2-1 democratic districts. when the president came to westchester, he said on stage, i'm the type of republican he could work with. >> reporter: but his opponents are seething on his votes in the conservative dominated house. like when he voted to rescind a pentagon policy reimbursing personnel traveling for abortions. >> so he's totally fine with women in the military fighting for his freedom, but he won't protect their rights. >> reporter: lawler defends his vote. >> using taxpayer funds to pay for travel related to abortion services, we don't do that. >> reporter: he could soon be in another difficult spot. if the house begins an impeachment inquiry into biden. >> with respect to impeachment, we're not there. >> reporter: another complication, the prospect that donald trump could be atop the ticket as he faces criminal charges. >> he cannot run away from donald trump. this is a district that hates donald trump. >> do you think that trump deserves to be in jail? >> i think he deserves to be in prison, but let's leave that up to the juries to decide. i think donald trump's conduct post election was wrong, it was wrong. >> reporter: be ut not saying i he backs trump as a nominee. would you support him? >> at the end of the day, the republican primary voters will choose who the nominee is. i want the party to move in a different direction. >> reporter: though he has his limits. >> if he's convicted, he should not be running for public office, period. >> reporter: lawler says jones, who used to represent a liberal new york district, is out of step. >> you're not a pragmatist, you're a political hack. >> he's taking positions that i think will cause him problems in a general election. >> we have mass incarceration. >> reporter: among them, discussing defunding the police in 2020. something he's now walking back. >> i understood those words, which in retrospect, were poor choices of words. >> reporter: many voters here are still up for grabs. >> nobody has won my vote yet. >> reporter: in a sign how important districts like this is for the fight for control of the house, speaker mccarthy's super pac released a memo just this week detailing what he's calling the blue state projects, saying the house will be won or lost in democratic strong holds like this one, and mccarthy plans to travel to new york later this month. manu raju, cnn, new york. new concerns don't about what could be a covid resurgence. what you need to know to keep yourself and your family safe. plus, what is it really like world? 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>> well, jessica, thank you for having me on tonight. every winter we see rises in flu and rsv and for the past few years we've seen rises in covid. there is no reason to think that we wouldn't experience a surge in all three respiratory illnesses this fall and winter. just as we have in the past. what makes this different as you mentioned is that we now also have tools to prevent all three. we have the flu shot, which has been around for a while. we have the covid vaccine, and are about to be getting a new booster which is great news for folks and most importantly for the first time ever we have a tool to prevent rsv which you remember was filling our emergency departments aand hospitals last fall. for little kids, we have a shot that gives them some antibodies to protect them and for older folks, age 60 plus, we have a first time ever vaccine. this is great news and if americans avail themselves of these shots, we could stave off an overflowing emergency department and nanoverflowing hospital. i have fingers crossed as we head into this fall. >> and it is amazing to have something to do for rsv. what are you going to do? but now the vaccines seem very big. we know there is a new covid strain that health officials are warning about. why is it such a concern and do we know yet if the booster shot will be able to protect against it? >> yeah. my son said to me today, mom, covid is back. yes, covid is still here, right. it has never gone away. but this is not the same as the summer surge that we saw last year or the year before or the year before that. this is a variant of interest, not a variant of concern. we are seeing a mall increase in hospitalizations and deaths but nothing like what we saw in prior years. to me this is really that signal that as we head into the fall, we could be heading for worse. so, the takeaways for my son as well as for folks watching is if you're in a crowded place right now and particularly if you're high risk, wear a mask. because we are seeing increases spread of this new variant. if you have symptoms, if you feel like you've got the flu, stay home, please. don't get other people sick and make sure you test and particularly if you're one in of the higher risk groups and you test, know that you could ask for paxlovid. now you mentioned the booster, we're really excited about it. erg suggests that it is going to work well against the variants that are floating out there right now. so when can becomes available, again, i urge folks to get it, particularly those that with 60 plus, and immunocompromised or pregnant for at high risk for bad covid outcomes. >> and i want to talk about other data an this is serious. it's a record high number suicide deaths that we sawn the u.s. last year. and we really saw this rise in suicides begni in 2021 after two years of decline. i'm curious ifouhink this could be connected to covid and the isolation that we saw during the pandemic, or do you think this is something independent? >> no, jessica, we've been seeing increased in suicide deaths in the united states for about 15 years now. we have a slight decrease in 2019 and 2020 but it was a small decrease. so although this is likely connected to the mental health problem that all of us are experiencing and in our families and our communities, it is a continuation of a trend that pre-dated covid by over a decade. one of the saddest things about this increase in suicide deaths is the greatest increase in suicide deaths is firearm suicides or gun suicides. those have made up more than half of suicide deaths for a very long time and we've seen that percentage increase in this latest year. and so for folks that are watching, i urge you if you have a friend or a family member that is feeling depressed or going through a moment of stress, to make sure that their connected to help, to know that you care about them and if they own or have access to a firearm, make sure that they can't acscess it until they're feeling better. that is best thing you could do to save someone's life. >> dr. plmegan ranney, thank yo so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. and just a note to anyone struggling or who knows someone who may need help, there is a new lifeline available. all you have to do is dial 988. that is all you have to do. the lifeline is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week and it is there if you need it. for many people living in remote areas of ghana in west africa, accessing medical care could mean walking several hours and struggling to afford payment. this week this week's hero saw his grandmother struggle and die and now he's dedicated his life to improving access to health care. >> we have communities where they haven't seen a doctor, they haven't been to the hospital before. we've designed like a clinic, depending on the person's condition, if they need additional lab done, we have some labs that we do. we have medications and so it is like a one-stop shop for people. to date we've served about 4,000 people. so imagine if we had two or three vans. our vision is to really expand. words cannot describe the feeling that you get providing care for someone who otherwise wouldn't be alive. >> and to see the full story, go to cnn average cnn heroes is brought to you by subaru. love, it is what makes subaru, subaru. of dollars in funding along with school supplies students need. we call it “the subaru love promise” and we are proud to the largest corporate supporter of it's just one of the reasons forbes ranked subaru the number one automotive brand for social impact. subaru. more than a car company. (♪) rsv can be a dangerous virus... [sneeze] ...for those 60 and older. it's not just a cold. and if you're 60 or older... may be at increased risk of hospitalization... [coughing] ...from this highly... ...contagious virus. not all dangers come with warning labels. talk to your pharmacist or doctor... ...about getting vaccinated against rsv today. #1 isn't a status earned overnight. it's earned in every wash, and re-earned every day. tide. america's #1 detergent. let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. ♪ ("drumroll" by lónis, little league ) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ this just in ♪ ♪ got the keys to what you want and what you need ♪ ♪ something new something sweet ♪ ♪ moving to a different beat ♪ ♪ okay now (what?) ♪ ♪ can i get a (get a) drumroll? (what?) ♪ ♪ can i get a drumroll drumroll? (what?) ♪ ♪ can i get a can i get a drumroll please (oohh) ♪ ♪ that's nice (yahh) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ ya, can i get a drumroll, can i get a drum- ♪ ♪ that's nice ♪ what's the subway series? it's the perfect sub roster. just give us a number we got the rest. four. supreme meats. six. the boss. fifteen. titan turkey. ninety-nine. grand slam ham. i'm gonna need twenty-three of those, it's my turn to bring the snacks. ( ♪ ♪ ) you are in the "cnn newsroom." hi, everyone, i'm jessica dean

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Cnn , Jessica Dean , Georgia , Fulton County , Washington , Jim Acosta , News Room , 00 , 6 , Donald Trump , Team , Text Messages , Voting System , Investigation , Election Interference , Allies , Development , Breach , Members , Emails , Investigators , Sources , Special Grand Jury , Case , People , Indictment , Fani Willis , U S , Coffee County , Two , President , Country , Charges , Zach , Exclusive Reporting , Jurisdictions , Zachary Cohen , Four , Evidence , Body , Links , Election , Official , Invitation , Effort , Minds , January 7th , 7 , January 7th 2021 , 2021 , Anyone , Lawyers , Election Office , Access , Voting Systems , Planning , Loop , Letter , To Sidney Powell , Rudy Giuliani , Estate , One , Level , Written Letter , Downtown Atlanta , 200 , Decisions , Half , Points , Voting Data , Kind , Detail , Walk , Set , Scene , Witnesses , Sign , Term , Indictments , Prosecutors , Accounts , Hair , Timing , On Tuesday , Three , Reporting , Eyes , Discussion , Fulton County Courthouse , Michael Zeldin , Details , Special Assistant , Colleagues , Justice Department , Robert Mueller , Defense , Call , Smoking Gun , Action , Amendment , Actions , Trump , Everyone , Way , Racketeering Charges , Conspiracy , Proceeding , Cases , Thing Case , Statute , Fit , Conspiracy Plus , Georgia Rico , Story , On Day One , Jury , Sort , Overarching Conspiracy Theory , Conclusion , Acts , Rico Conspiracy Charge , Story Telling , Actors , Help , Closing Statement , Experience , Counsel , Room , Grand Jury , Citizens , Witness , Constitution , Classroom , Shares , Oath , 23 , Summary , Hit , Pieces , Case Agent , Eight , 75 , Question , Vote , Majority , Talk , Worth , Judge , Cause , Standard , Grand Jurors , Court Calendar , Wall , Timeline , Justice System Works , Stuff , Circumstances , Greatest Hits , Presentation , Charge , End , Say , Guys , Others , Sense , Recommendation , 12 , Pardon , Differences , Mind , Governor , Difference , Sentence , Five , Nothing , Courtroom , Perception , Failure , Television , Judge Ito , Audience , O J , Simpson , Ar Ri Righteous Prosecution , Jurors , Verdict , Wildfires , Troubles , Presidents , Maui , Witch Hunt , Survivors , Plus , Homes , Police Raid , Lives , Challenge , 100 , Business , Kansas , Switch , Newspaper , Verizon , Cnn Newsroom , Numbmbe , Retribution , Fact , 300 , Time , Partner , Town , Dinosaur , Order , Website , Build , Th , Colorado , Porful , Store , Rejuvenated , Sleep , Pressure , Visit Purple Com , Mattress , Grid , Heat , Purple Mattress , Sleep Better , Exclusive Gelflex , Candidates , Ocean , Company , Spreadsheets , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire America , Kayak , Probe , State Level , Unchartered Territory , Context , Historian , Professor , Habit , Gillian Zelzer , Princeton University , Anything , Facts , Something , Nation , Front Runner Running , Incumbent , Power , Both , Transfer , Sight , Substance , Allegations , Democracy , Issue , Core , Foundation Allayers , Significance , Content , Georgia Probe , Versus , Some , Electo , Learning , Up In The Air , Ways , Times , Point , Setting Precedent , Principles , Stress Test , Precedent , Traditions , Guard Rails , January Of 2020 , 2020 , December , Impeachment , Terms , Partisanship , Loser , Loss , Ability , Resolution , It , First , Wrongdoing , Government , Think Ford , Heal , Crimes , Trauma , Ford Preemptively , Decision , Prosecution , Argument , Accountability , He Didn T Achieve Healing , Lesson , Richard Nixon , Place , Pardon Didn T Work , Lot , Right , Understatement , Role , Play , Part , Healing , Havere Elected , Divisiveness , Well Rn , Direction , Hawaii , Thanks , Thousands , Analysis , Julian , Drumroll , Keys , Damage , Sosomething , Differerent Beat , Can , Ya , Nice , Oohh , Drum That , Yahh , Social Media , School , Videos , Home , Images , Plan , Refund , Tax Refund , Patio , Dr , Marshall , Innovation , Facelift , Rosie , Emily , Erc , Practice , Innovation Refunds , Brows , Wax Museum , Stop Waiting , Applause , Clearchoice , Implants , Confidence , Consultation , Good , Flash My , At Home , Xfinity , Price , Lines , Service , Speed , Xfinity Mobile , 0 Bucks , 30 , 5g Network , Bye , Door , Xfinitymobile Com , 5 , Teams , Dish , Sunday Afternoon Games , Word It S Fitz Credible , Fitz Sational , Xfinity Rewards Members , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Xfinity Rewards , Youtube , Air Show , Plane Taking , Plane , Video , Crash , Apartment Complex , Michigan , Smoke , Puffs , Separates , They Weren T Injured , Mig 23 , No One , Plane Crash , Krounld , Faa , North Carolina , Word , Plane Hit A Power Line , Area , Lake , Customers , World , Siren System , Emergency Response , Death Toll , Largest , Review , 93 , Reporter , Weekend , Situation , Joe Biden , Left , Residents , Rahobeth Beach , Delaware , Mike Sppence , Disaster Zone , Line , Chaos , Families , Checkpoint , Confusion , Backup , Things , Woman , Susan , Idea , Information , Road , Running Water , Electricity , In Lahaina , Everything , Care , Cousin , 25 , Fight , Looting , Gas , 4 1 2 , Police Officers , Everybody , Resident , Anybody , Tourists , Map Showing You , Use , Traffic , Is , Dicey , Lane , Counterclockwise , Disaster , Clock Face , Epicenter , Fashion , Western Maui , 9 , 2 , Update , Hawaiian Wildfire Victims , Hawaii To , Marion , 707070 , Police , Owner , Office , On Friday , Debate , Business Owner , Connection , Paper , First Amendment Rights , Paula Sandoval , Raid , Press Freedom Group , Newspaper Owner , Eric Myer , Marion County , Law , Publication , Publications , Marion County Record , Police Department , Wichita , 60 , Computers , Cell Phones , Coffee Shot , Attorney , Driving , Tip , License , Record , Myer , Law Enforcement , Source , Search Warrant , Newel , Identity Theft , Seizure , Reason , Search , Warrant , Options , Copy , Explanation , Claims Law Enforcement , 98 , Stress , Co Owner , On By Last Week , System , Death , Police Chief , Long Run , Magistrate , Dab , Middle , Republican , Iowa State Fair , Whilile , Haven T , Cooler , Hittin The Trail , Questions , Allstate , Ancestors , Car Insurance , Oh My God , Immigratn Record On Ancestry , Time Traveler , Nurses , Nurse , Excitement Finding , Direeed , Claudia , World War Ii , El Salvador , TÍa Amalia , Party , Windshield , Baby , Safelite , Vo , Experts , Safety System , Safety , Guy , Recalibrated Our Car , Dog Food , Dog In , Food , Skin , Singers , Dogs , Farmer , Safelite Repair , Health , Visit Betterforthem Com , Healthcare Provider , H I V , Biktarvy , Treatment , Stay , Pill , 18 , 80 , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Transmitting , Kidney Failure , Buildup , Sex , Lactic Acid , Research , Medicines , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Hepatitis , Hepatitis B , Rifampin , Nausea , Diarrhea , Dofetilide , Life , Hands , Nerve Aches , Matter , Relief , Nervive Nerve , Nerve Care Company , Headache , Feet , Ala , Nerves , B Complex Vitamins , Nervive Pain Relieving Roll , Protein , Energy , Uuuhhhh , Sugar , Protein Max Challenge , 1 , 0000 , 10000 , Son , Iowa , Courting Voters , Heaven , Daddy , Show , Media Coverage , Front Runner , Cheering Crowds , Most , Media , Inaudible , Politics , Candidate , Shadow , The Big Question , Des Moines Register , Ten , Voters , Chance , Impression , Iowans , Course , Conversations , Corner , Supporters , Optics , Campaign , Volunteers , Dominance , Ron Desantis , Grounds , Gin Up Attention , Trolling , Jet , Florida , Folks , Round , Cheers , Attention , Needle , Nikki Haley , Forms , Press , Fair , Campaigning , Problems , Issues , Entremnching , Concern , Hearing , Drama , Distraction , Bully , Republicans , Presence , Effect , Board , Event , Counties , 99 , One On , Immeneedle , Core Group , Side , Group , Alternatives , Someone , Conversation , Tim Scott , Support , Manu Raju , New York , Control , House Of Representatives , Battleground , Democrats , Stunner , 2024 , Freshman Mike Lawler , House Majority , Danger , Suburbs , Six , District , It Wrong , Districts , Moderates , Vulnerability , Type , Stage , Opponents , To Westchester , House , Votes , Fighting , Abortions , Women , Pentagon Policy Reimbursing Personnel , Travel , Taxpayer Funds , Freedom , Abortion Services , Rights , Complication , Prospect , Respect , Ticket , Impeachment Inquiry , Spot , Juries , Jail , Prison , Nominee , Ut , Lawler Says Jones , Limits , Positions , Step , Hack , Pragmatist , Incarceration , Words , Retrospect , Choices , Grabs , Nobody , Blue State Projects , Memo , Speaker Mccarthy S Super Pac , Don T , Holds , Pandemic , Family Safe , Covid Resurgence , Industry , Restaurant , Episode , Food Network , Bobby Flay , Anderson Cooper , Number , Eastern , 8 , Godaddy Website , Cookies , Chookie , Mana , Sales , Cheeseca , Dad , Charging , Window , Side Jobs , Worker , Windows , Bucks , Five Hundred Bucks , A Hundred Bucks , A Hundred , Five Hundred , Money , Product , Game , Barbecue , Come On , Sports , Redzone , Terry Doesn T Have Directv , Directv , 1 800 Directv , 800 , Tissue Test , Whiter , Whitening Toothpaste , Crest , Teeth , Crest 3d Whitestrips White , Toothpaste White , Ooof , 3 , Mattresses , Purple , Aches , Pains , 20 , Rsv , Flu , Health Officials , Health Threats , Triple Threat , Sounds Fun , Vaccine , Illnesses , Rise , Dean , Urging , Yale School Of Public Health , Megan Ranee , Indications , Winter , Rises , Surge , Booster , News , Flu Shot , Tools , Shot , Emergency Departments , Tool , Kids , Antibodies , Shots , Overflowing , Nanoverflowing Hospital , Emergency Department , Vaccines , Booster Shot , Officials , Strain , Mom , Warning , Variant , Mall Increase , Interest , Summer Surge , Yes , Deaths , Hospitalizations , Takeaways , Worse , Risk , Mask , Increases , Stay Home , Symptoms , Erg , Risk Groups , Paxlovid , Variants , Suicide Deaths , Suicides , Data , Last , Outcomes , Isolation , Decline , Ifouhink , Decrease , Mental Health Problem , 2019 , 15 , Increase , Firearm Suicides , Continuation , Trend , Communities , Gun Suicides , Family Member , Friend , Firearm , Thank Yo , Thing , Note , Plmegan Ranney , Lifeline , 988 , 24 , Areas , Payment , West Africa , Ghana , Hero Saw , Grandmother , Doctor , Health Care , Hospital , Struggle , Labs , Medications , Condition , Person , Clinic , Lab Done , Vision , Shop , Vans , 4000 , Feeling , Wouldn T , Heroes , Love , Average , Subaru , Go To Cnn Heroes Com , Supporter , Funding , School Supplies Students , Brand , Adoptaclassroom Org , Subaru Love Promise , Forbes , Virus , Car Company , Impact , Sneeze , Dangers , Hospitalization , Cold , Coughing , Warning Labels , Isn T A Status , Wash , Pharmacist , Re Earned , Rsv Today 1 , Detergent , Tide , LÓnis , Little League , Beat , Series , Roster , Meats , Rest , Ninety Nine , Subway , The Boss , Fifteen , Titan Turkey , Grand Slam , Ham , Turn , Snacks , Twenty Three , Hi ,

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