Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240704

criminal indictment looms. and have you seen this video? the violent free for all on the waterfront. police are expected to reveal more about this alabama dock brawl just hours from now. a lot to get to. good morning and welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm rahel solomon. people from new york to mississippi are cleaning up after a deadly storm hit the east coast with heavy rain, thunder and raging winds up to 70 miles per hour. the high winds and falling trees smashed buildings and tore the roofs off of some homes. two young men were killed. a 28 was hit by lightning in a parking lot and in anderson, south carolina, a 15-year-old died when a falling tree hit him and he is got out of his car. neighbors say the power of the storm at that moment was just breathtaking. >> the rain was literally sideways. trees, limbs ohitting your trucs and you are driving. one of the worst i've seen. if it wasn't a tornado, it had to be awfully close. i just feel for them. they are wonderful neighbors. i just can't imagine going through what they are going through. >> also 1600 flights were canceled in the u.s. monday and there are almost 400,000 customers without power right now on the east coast. let's bring in derek van dam, he is live in the cnn weather center. this storm really seemed to come out of nowhere, developed quickly and with surprising power. >> yeah, hurricane force gusts in fact some reports over 75-mile-per-hour. but what is most astounding to me, we have over 600 reports of severe weather including one confirmed tornado with the number likely to go up. but look at that, over 500 reports of wind damage and wind reports. mine this, is blanketing much of the eastern sea board, some of the heaviest populated areas of the united states. and so anywhere from atlanta to the nation's capital and outside new york city.threat diminishins the east coast. in arkansas there is a severe thunderstorm watch until about 8:00 a.m. central time. and by the way, some hefty storms moving through oklahoma city as we speak. so the threat today largely across the plains. and the deep south, this is the remnants of the cold front. jackson, mississippi to tallahassee, florida. isolated damaging wind gusts, large hail and can't rule out a possibility of a tornado as well. several flare-ups of thunderstorms expected over the eastern half of the country. we also have a flash flood threat. remember, go back a couple of weeks and we had flooding across much of northern new england. now we get additional rain on top of very saturated soils. so the potential there exists for some flooding. weather prediction center has a level three of four, that is a moderate risk and that includes much of new hampshire and central sections of maine. that slight risk extends all the way to boston by the way. and national weather service picking up on that, flash flood watches in effect through the day today as a few showers and thunderstorms from the cold front that brought severe weather continues to move through. so very tumultuous past 24 hours. >> if it hasn't been the rain, it has been the heat. feels like it has been an intense summer. derek van dam, thank you. more republicans are being called in by prosecutors who are building evidence into two separate investigations in to donald trump. ber bernard kerik oand his lawyers speaking monday. and jeff duncan received a subpoena to testify before the fulton county grand jury investigating trump's alleged election interference. all of this a sign that trump's legal troubles appear to be growing deeper by the day. paula reid has more. >> reporter: in washington, cnn reporting exclusively that former new york police commissioner bernie kerik talked to special counsel investigators. >> mostly about all the efforts in between the election and january 6 of what the giuliani team is doing. >> reporter: the meeting is the first known investigative step since the special counsel's office filed charges against former president trump last week. kerik's attorney tim parlatore saying he doesn't think that rudy giuliani will be indicted. >> not a chance. >> reporter: also trump's lawyers arguing in a new court filing that they shouldn't be restricted from talking publicly about some evidence in the election interference probe. >> the press and the american people in a campaign season have a right to know what the evidence is in this case. >> reporter: while so-called protective orders aren't unusual, prosecutors say that it is especially important in this case because of trump's public statements. and how they could have a chilling effect like this recent social media post that read "if you go after me, i'm coming after you." trump also lashing out specifically at his former vice president who could become a witness at trial. calling him delusional and not a very good person. pence saying that he would testify if asked. >> people can be confident that we'll obey the law, we'll respond to the call of the law if it comes. and we'll just tell the truth. >> reporter: trump even attacking jack smith at a fundraiser in south carolina just days after his second arrest and arraignment in federal court on the case brought by the special counsel. >> jack smith is a deranged human being. >> reporter: trump's legal team testing out their defense in the court of public opinion including arguing that what trump did was covered by the first amendment. >> there was no fraudulent conspiracy. that is part of the really different defense. biden said in november 2022 that he wanted to see president trump prosecuted and taken out of this race. >> reporter: but the defenses were quickly rebutted by some of trump's former top allies. former attorney general bill barr drawing a line between speech and conspiracy. >> he can say whatever he wants. he can even lie. but that does not protect you from entering into a conspiracy. all conspiracies involve speech. >> reporter: the trump team also bracing for a fourth indictment in as many months. this time coming out of fulton county, georgia. >> yeah, i think that we can expect it. >> reporter: where the former lieutenant governor just got subpoenaed in that grand jury investigation. and district attorney fani willis is getting ready to announce possible charges against trump for his actions in georgia around the 2020 election. >> i took an oath and that oath requires that i follow the law and that if someone broke the law in fulton county, that i have a duty to prosecute and that is what i plan to do. >> reporter: cnn observing additional security for judge tanya chutkan, she is the judge overseeing the trump prosecution related to january 6 here in washington, d.c. she is also the judge who will rule on that protective order and it is unclear when she will make that decision. paula reid, cnn, washington. now to the missile strikes in ukraine. seven people were killed overnight, at least 81 others injured, this is after two russian strikes on the city. clare sebastian is live with the latest. it is midday now in that region. what more are officials saying? >> reporter: yeah, a second day now rescue efforts are ongoing. we're told that they have to take a pause overnight because of the threat of shelling. but the scale of the destruction is extreme. some 2,000 windows were blown out, some 12 multistory buildings affected including a hotel and restaurant that were popular we're told with journalists who had visited the area. this was a double missile attack using what ukrainian officials say were russian missiles. it happened around 30 to 40 minutes apart in the early evening of monday. and the reason why this kind of attack is so destructive is because you have one missile that strikes and then rescuers, police officers move in and the second missile hits and you can see from the injury toll we're getting exactly what is happens. they say some 31 police officer, accept rescuer, four service men were among the injured, one high ranking individual emergency service also among the seven killed. so in this dounetsk region, thi has been on the edge of this conflict really for the past decade when russian backed separatists were fighting in that region. but i think that even for a town like this, this was -- these are startling image as. this was a new level of this was a new level of violence.s. this was a new level of violence. >> and i'm looking at the video. and even a year into the war, images are startling to say the least. thank you, clare. back here in the u.s., now a video that you may have seen on social media because this story is everywhere. investigators in montgomery, alabama are expected to reveal more this afternoon about a brawl that broke out on a riverfront dock on saturday. so video of the fight here show as a black man identified as a cruise boat crew member attacked by a group of white men who witnesses say were on a private pontoon boat. ryan young picks up the story from there. >> reporter: an altercation on a montgomery alabama boat dock over the weekend between a group of white boaters and a black employee escalated in to a massive brawl that resulted in multiple arrest warrants. montgomery mayor steven reed is calling for justice to be served for attacking a man who was doing his job. >> this is an unfortunate incident. something that we're investigating. we'll continue to go through the process before we take any additional steps. >> reporter: it all began when the black employ ewas trying to clear the dock space with the riverside cruise harriet 2 normally docks. the cruiser was about to return to shore and needed its space to dock. >> you know, just doing his job. and for some reason, they didn't like it. they didn't want to move the boat. and decided to get physical with him. >> reporter: you can see in the video the black employee on the dock arguing with one of the men from the pontoon boat. and then another shirtless white man charging at the employee and hitting him in the face. soon after that, you can see several others join in on the attack of the dock employee. in some of the video, with millions of views, people on the boat can be heard yelling for someone to help the employee. at one point you can see a young man who that wills jums that ju off the boat swimming to help the man. >> and that is the reason why when they got off the boat, they came right to that smaller boat. >> reporter: and that is when more fighting ensues turning into an all-out brawl that included several people getting hit over the head with a folding chair. soon after officers started trying to take control, handcuffing people in the fight. >> they were the anning antagon. arrest them. when things happen, people of color are the first to be put in handcuffs. all ri >> reporter: many questions remain about the melee. >> we're fully engaged and doing all of our due diligent to find out exactly what took place. >> reporter: we've learned from police that there are warrants issued and we're told there will be a tuesday news conference around 2:00 and we should learn more about this. but this really captivated the internet and people are paying attention to what the next steps are. >> a lot more to watch there. coming up for us, ohio voters at the ballot box today. what is at stake in in special election. plus how extreme heat cans affect gas prices. but will bidenomics resonate with voters? we'll discuss. oh, that's nice... oh!! searchabable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah struggling with ththe highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of yr symptoms some medicines only treat e lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bip. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. 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♪ it is becoming increasingly likely that former president trump will not participate in the first republican presidential debate that takes place a few weeks from now. ron desantis will be there who is currently trailing trump by a wide margin in the polls. desantis will join over 2024 hopefuls as they look to try to make a dent in trump's lead. brian todd has more. >> reporter: florida governor ron desantis saying directly what his chief rival refuses to, that trump lost the 2020 election. >> of course he lost. joe biden is the president. >> reporter: desantis making the case in a new interview that if the 2024 election is about trump and his legal battles, republicans will lose. >> that is not a pathway for success for the republican party. i think a lot of our voters understand that. >> reporter:s if a similar line of attack former new jersey governor chris christie has been using. >> i want republican voters to know this is a preview of the election coming up if donald trump is the nominee. he will be talking about donald trump rather than joe biden and what we should be focused on is joe biden and his record and that is why he cannot be the nominee. >> reporter: many of the republican candidates spent the weekend in iowa courting voters. >> iowa is an important state. not because of the caucuses, that is an important thing, but for our national security. food security is national security. you supply us with our food, you supply us with ethanol. >> i'm asking for your support in the january caucuses because i can pledge to you this. i will get the job done, i will not let you down. >> reporter: but trump continues to go after desantis. >> desantis has fallen dramatically. >> reporter: and most pointedly mike pence writing on truth social, quote, he's delusional and now he wants to show he's a tough guy. pences has been sharpening his criticism of trump following the former president's third indictment saying that trump put himself over the constitution and anyone who does that should not be president. >> president trump was wrong. he was wrong then, he is wrong now. i had no right to overturn the election. and more and more americans are coming up to me every day and recognizing that. >> reporter: despite all of this, former president trump continues to lead by a wide margin in polling across this gop presidential primary. and his opponents are still looking for a way to really break through with voters. so many of them are looking to the first debate scheduled for about 2 1/2 weeks from now. and president trump has not indicated whether he will or won't be on that stage. but what we do know is that so many of those rivals to trump are hoping that will be a big moment for them. jessica dean, cnn, washington. meantime president biden lanltd landed in arizona on monday kicking off a trip that includes visits to mexico and utah. he is looking to highlight his legislative accomplishments ahead of the one year anniversary of the "inflation reduction act." and one word you should expect to hear, bidenomics. >> i said i didn't name it bidenomics, i didn't realize the economists and "wall street journal" did, but i think that it is a plan that i'm happy to call bidenomics. i'm not here to declare victory on the economy. we have more work to. we have a plan for turning things around. bidenomics is just another way of saying restoring the american dream. >> bidenomics is working. last month we created 187,000 new jobs. >> let's bring in white house correspondent for bloomberg news. thanks for waking up to be with us. certainly the administration wants biden omics to become catchy, but do people know what it is? >> very few are familiar with the term bidenomics, but among those who are, about half associate the term with tax increases. and that may be confusing for some because the administration has not imposed any tax increases on individuals. and in fact biden has promised not to raise taxes for people making less than $400,000 a year. but that is likely because of republican rhetoric around the term and that shows how much the biden administration has lost control of the narrative. they have tried to tie it to so many of biden's priorities including clean energy, manufacturing and lower cost of drugs. and people are confused. so the administration needs to reign it in if they want it to be effective. >> one thing we've heard it tied with is the labor market and i haven't heard anyone questioning the strength of the labor market, the elephant in the room how far when you are talking about the economy is inflation. and higher interest rates. so i wonder how risky is it to lean into the economy when the it is cooling but still higher than most would like? >> it is a balance of the administration. they are constantly touting things like jobs, that the 13 million jobs added to the economy since biden has taken off. they are touting things like the "inflation reduction act" as you mentioned there. sfruk. this manufacturing boom that we're seeing. but biden caveats that by saying there is still more to be done. so people are not seeing some of the positive economic data, they are still feeling stress when it comes to rent and grocery money and buying goods. so they have to strike a balance here. >> and i should say that tomorrow we'll get the cpi which will give us a sense of what prices are doing right now. and you've told us that age seems to be the number one factor talking to democratic voters, president biden's age. how does he combat those concerns? >> age is certainly a concern even among those who approve of the president. they are expressed about his fitness for office, whether he will be able to continue to serve in this role for another four years. he will be 86 at the end of the second fterm. we've seen biden turn it into a joke. there is practically no speech that you could hear any longer where he does not let everyone know that he knows this is a concern and that he is also in on the joke. just yesterday we saw the world series championships at the white house, we saw the new ton astros and biden made a joke referring to himself and comparing himself to dusty baker there, 74-year-old manager. and saying people counted him out and he knows something a little bit about that. >> we'll see if that resonates with voters. kayla, great to see you. thank you. time for quick hits across america. ex-plips police officer has been sentenced to 57 months, more than four years, for his role during george floyd's killing in 2020. he is already behind bars of violating floyd's civil rights. and a harris county judge rising star among texas democrats is taking a leave to get treatment for clinical depression. she plans to return next month. and new york city's mayor announcing plans to build a new island to try to accommodate about 2,000 migrants. there are still more than 57,000 under city care. and coming up, the uk begins moving asylum seekers to a controversial floating barge. and a summit in south america seeks to save the amazon rainforest. what they plan do, just ahead. life, diabetes. each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. 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u.s. army private travis king who bolted across the border into north korea last month. u.s. defense officials tell cnn the biden administration is debating whether to designate king as a prisoner of war. p.o.w. status could give king better protection under the geneva convention. king's family recently said they don't know any more than the public does about his condition or where he is being held. >> he is not the type to just disappear. so that is why i feel like the story is deeper than that. >> reporter: officials say so far the north koreans have not provided any detail on king's whereabouts or his condition. and analysts say the north koreans almost certainly have interrogated him. >> perhaps he doesn't know much, but they will ask questions about everything. chain of command and control, names, training process, access to bases. any memories that he might have of his military life and his civilian life. >> reporter: and it is also possible that the north koreans may eventually use travis king in propaganda featuring him in anti-american movies or videos. king's family says they are working with bill richardson's nonprofit organization to try to bring him home. brian todd, cnn, washington. and quick hits away the globe, iran warns that it will seize u.s. ships if any of its ships are confiscated, this is after more than 3,000 u.s. troops were deployed to counter iranian attempts to seize american shipping vessels. and uk meantime has begun sheltering asylum seekers on a floating barge. some call it inhumane. and leaders of eight amazon rainforest nations gather today for a summit in brazil, they will talk about ways to protect critical rainforests after years of deforestation. coming up for us, president biden set to designate historic new national monument. the surprising reason why. and how extreme heat can trigger a spike in prices at the pump. we'll have details just ahead. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and hearart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minererals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ fi the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. rsv is in for a surprise. meet arexvy. 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(vo) verizon small business days are back. from august 7th to the 13th. get a free tech check and special offers. like a free 5g phone. plus, switch, keep your number, and get up to $300 off. with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. and here is today's fast forward look ahead. voters in ohio will head to the polls for a special election today. they will decide whether to make it harder to amend the state constitution ahead of a november vote on abortion rights. later today president biden will designate a vast area near the grand canyon as a national monument. the move aims to safe guard the land from uranium mining. and more than 11,000 los angeles city workers including sanitation, mechanic hes and engineers are set to go on a 24 hour strike today. the union there is protesting unfair labor practices. it has been a historically hot summer with some cities in the south and west facing record long bouts of high heat. around 50 million are under a heat advisory or warning and high temperatures are also a factor in the recent surge in gas prices. but how big a factor are they really? joining us to discuss is chief oil analyst. great to have you. >> thanks for having me. >> and so let's start there. how much of a factor is the heat in terms of higher gas prices? >> you have to think of a refinery this way -- these things run on very high heat. but when the ambient temperature around it is, okay, yeah, they can operate for a day or two when it is 100 degrees or so, but when it stretches a week, five, ten days where it is 100 degrees or no, that will have an impact. so i just came up with this an nam gi, think about being a major league baseball pitcher. it is a lot easier to throw 100 pitches when it is 80 degrees versus 100 degrees. and so refineries aren't necessarily breaking down, about they are not operating at 100% capacity. they have to cropdrop down to 8 85%. we've seen it happen. for example a couple years ago up in seattle area, there was really high temperatures an refineries were running in to struggles there. you think about the weather up there, they are not used to 100 degree temperatures. >> so can i you quantify it? >> i think right now we're actually plateauing. th >> there is a lot talk about supply and demand. russia taking some barrels off. what is happening? >> saudi arabia announced that they would cut a million barrels a day of production. they started that in july. they announced last week that they would carry that over through september. so it is really starting to have an impact on global markets and the amount of crude oil supply. right now oil prices are around $81 in the u.s. so i think that $80 to $85 is kind of a sweet spot for producers. sure gas prices have gone up, but we're still 50 cents below where we were this time last year. maybe not quite that much. but we have seen disinflation if you will when it comes to gasoline prices. >> what about what is ahead? we don't have a lot of time, but what is your forecast. fall coming, a cooler blend. do you see relief? >> absolutely. last 100 days of the year typically bring the cheapest gasoline prices of the year. there have been a whirl wind of events. but keep an eye on hurricane activity. that is always the wild card that you have to watch out for starting in late august into september. and when the hurricane season finally ends at the end of the october. >> so watch hurricane season but all things considered we should hopefully be coming off -- >> yeah, when it comes to a hurricane, between corpus christi, texas and mississippi, anything else is more of a demand destroyer. >> great to have you. and coming up on "cnn this morning," a legal battle over evidence in donald trump's january 6 case. and next here, what happened when the astros went to the white house? 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(vo) verizon small business days are back. from august 7th to the 13th. get a free tech check and special offers. like a free 5g phone. plus, switch, keep your number, and get up to $300 off. with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. here is another sign that we are a long way away from the pandemic days of 2020 because now even zoom is asking its workers to get back to the office. here is tom foreman. >> reporter: oh, the irony. the company that taught us how to work from home now saying that it wants its workers in the office at least two days out of every week. several others have done the same thing. google, salesforce and amazon and the u.s. government are saying we like the idea of people being there face-to-face, we like the synergy, the productivity that comes out of it. but a lot of workers are not so convinced, especially younger workers say they don't like commuting because of the gas and time. it costs money. and they don't like paying extra child care. 14% think that. 13% say that they are better able to focus. what is the difference here in what they want? generally employers want 1.6 days at home per week. that is weird. we don't take 0.6 days. so they say two days at home is enough and workers say three days at home. workers have a strong hand to play here because so many employers are still trying to find enough people and interestingly, working from home one study found workers equate that to an 8% higher salary if they have the freedom to work from home a lot. so you can see for employers, yeah, they want people back, but it is an uphill climb. >> searchit is a workers market. and acc considering adding a couple teams from the pacific coast. andy scholes, make it make sense before. >> none of it makes sense. good morning. geography doesn't matter anymore. the big ten has rutgers and oregon which couldn't be further from each other. so not surprising to hear that the acc is looking to add cal and stanford. acc has held exploratory discussions about adding the two california schools. and obviously travel costs for sports teams would be a big hurdle to get over in those talks. latest chapter of college realignment has left it with just four schools. and now they are scrambling to find a new home. team usa basketball wrapping up with a gaume against puerto rico. and they blow it open in the third. u.s. would end up winning big 117-104. >> and to baseball, bottom of the ninth boston's reyes gets a hold of it one. would it stay fair? yes, goes off the foul pole for a walkoff grand slam. red sox win 6-2. his first home run in two years. fun fact, red sox 7-0 season while wearing those yellow uniforms. and boone wasn't too pleased with the job of the home plate umpire and last straw is when volpe was called out on strikes. boone going out there to argue. and boone would draw a line in the dirt and then mock the way that diaz called strike three. pretty funny. yankees would go on to lose the game to the white house sox a 5-1. and finally president biden welcoming the houston astros to the white house yesterday. and he congratulated dusty baker for winning his first title as manager. and biden joked that he and 74-year-old baker are in similar situations given their age. >> i remember rooting for him as a kid and i was older than he was. people counted you out saying you are past your prime. hell, i know something about that. >> so president biden with the jokes there. and both biden and baker going for back to back, going for the repeat. >> don't count them out, they would say. andy scholes, thank you. and finally, this long running game show debuts its 40th season next month and the question of course what is jeopardy? producers are revealing their work around from the strike. a mix of material written before the strike and clues recycled from the past. the show will be bringing back contestants from recent seasons who lost their initial game and what it call as second chance tournament. and i'm rahel solomon. thanks for joining us. just ahead, mass power outages after storms rolled through the easternist. have a great day. ree 5g phone. plus, switch, kekeep your numbe, and get up to $300 off. with verizon business. it's your business. it's your veririzon. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal serce. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh...i'll be the judge of that. oh, that's nice... oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. 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Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240704

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criminal indictment looms. and have you seen this video? the violent free for all on the waterfront. police are expected to reveal more about this alabama dock brawl just hours from now. a lot to get to. good morning and welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm rahel solomon. people from new york to mississippi are cleaning up after a deadly storm hit the east coast with heavy rain, thunder and raging winds up to 70 miles per hour. the high winds and falling trees smashed buildings and tore the roofs off of some homes. two young men were killed. a 28 was hit by lightning in a parking lot and in anderson, south carolina, a 15-year-old died when a falling tree hit him and he is got out of his car. neighbors say the power of the storm at that moment was just breathtaking. >> the rain was literally sideways. trees, limbs ohitting your trucs and you are driving. one of the worst i've seen. if it wasn't a tornado, it had to be awfully close. i just feel for them. they are wonderful neighbors. i just can't imagine going through what they are going through. >> also 1600 flights were canceled in the u.s. monday and there are almost 400,000 customers without power right now on the east coast. let's bring in derek van dam, he is live in the cnn weather center. this storm really seemed to come out of nowhere, developed quickly and with surprising power. >> yeah, hurricane force gusts in fact some reports over 75-mile-per-hour. but what is most astounding to me, we have over 600 reports of severe weather including one confirmed tornado with the number likely to go up. but look at that, over 500 reports of wind damage and wind reports. mine this, is blanketing much of the eastern sea board, some of the heaviest populated areas of the united states. and so anywhere from atlanta to the nation's capital and outside new york city.threat diminishins the east coast. in arkansas there is a severe thunderstorm watch until about 8:00 a.m. central time. and by the way, some hefty storms moving through oklahoma city as we speak. so the threat today largely across the plains. and the deep south, this is the remnants of the cold front. jackson, mississippi to tallahassee, florida. isolated damaging wind gusts, large hail and can't rule out a possibility of a tornado as well. several flare-ups of thunderstorms expected over the eastern half of the country. we also have a flash flood threat. remember, go back a couple of weeks and we had flooding across much of northern new england. now we get additional rain on top of very saturated soils. so the potential there exists for some flooding. weather prediction center has a level three of four, that is a moderate risk and that includes much of new hampshire and central sections of maine. that slight risk extends all the way to boston by the way. and national weather service picking up on that, flash flood watches in effect through the day today as a few showers and thunderstorms from the cold front that brought severe weather continues to move through. so very tumultuous past 24 hours. >> if it hasn't been the rain, it has been the heat. feels like it has been an intense summer. derek van dam, thank you. more republicans are being called in by prosecutors who are building evidence into two separate investigations in to donald trump. ber bernard kerik oand his lawyers speaking monday. and jeff duncan received a subpoena to testify before the fulton county grand jury investigating trump's alleged election interference. all of this a sign that trump's legal troubles appear to be growing deeper by the day. paula reid has more. >> reporter: in washington, cnn reporting exclusively that former new york police commissioner bernie kerik talked to special counsel investigators. >> mostly about all the efforts in between the election and january 6 of what the giuliani team is doing. >> reporter: the meeting is the first known investigative step since the special counsel's office filed charges against former president trump last week. kerik's attorney tim parlatore saying he doesn't think that rudy giuliani will be indicted. >> not a chance. >> reporter: also trump's lawyers arguing in a new court filing that they shouldn't be restricted from talking publicly about some evidence in the election interference probe. >> the press and the american people in a campaign season have a right to know what the evidence is in this case. >> reporter: while so-called protective orders aren't unusual, prosecutors say that it is especially important in this case because of trump's public statements. and how they could have a chilling effect like this recent social media post that read "if you go after me, i'm coming after you." trump also lashing out specifically at his former vice president who could become a witness at trial. calling him delusional and not a very good person. pence saying that he would testify if asked. >> people can be confident that we'll obey the law, we'll respond to the call of the law if it comes. and we'll just tell the truth. >> reporter: trump even attacking jack smith at a fundraiser in south carolina just days after his second arrest and arraignment in federal court on the case brought by the special counsel. >> jack smith is a deranged human being. >> reporter: trump's legal team testing out their defense in the court of public opinion including arguing that what trump did was covered by the first amendment. >> there was no fraudulent conspiracy. that is part of the really different defense. biden said in november 2022 that he wanted to see president trump prosecuted and taken out of this race. >> reporter: but the defenses were quickly rebutted by some of trump's former top allies. former attorney general bill barr drawing a line between speech and conspiracy. >> he can say whatever he wants. he can even lie. but that does not protect you from entering into a conspiracy. all conspiracies involve speech. >> reporter: the trump team also bracing for a fourth indictment in as many months. this time coming out of fulton county, georgia. >> yeah, i think that we can expect it. >> reporter: where the former lieutenant governor just got subpoenaed in that grand jury investigation. and district attorney fani willis is getting ready to announce possible charges against trump for his actions in georgia around the 2020 election. >> i took an oath and that oath requires that i follow the law and that if someone broke the law in fulton county, that i have a duty to prosecute and that is what i plan to do. >> reporter: cnn observing additional security for judge tanya chutkan, she is the judge overseeing the trump prosecution related to january 6 here in washington, d.c. she is also the judge who will rule on that protective order and it is unclear when she will make that decision. paula reid, cnn, washington. now to the missile strikes in ukraine. seven people were killed overnight, at least 81 others injured, this is after two russian strikes on the city. clare sebastian is live with the latest. it is midday now in that region. what more are officials saying? >> reporter: yeah, a second day now rescue efforts are ongoing. we're told that they have to take a pause overnight because of the threat of shelling. but the scale of the destruction is extreme. some 2,000 windows were blown out, some 12 multistory buildings affected including a hotel and restaurant that were popular we're told with journalists who had visited the area. this was a double missile attack using what ukrainian officials say were russian missiles. it happened around 30 to 40 minutes apart in the early evening of monday. and the reason why this kind of attack is so destructive is because you have one missile that strikes and then rescuers, police officers move in and the second missile hits and you can see from the injury toll we're getting exactly what is happens. they say some 31 police officer, accept rescuer, four service men were among the injured, one high ranking individual emergency service also among the seven killed. so in this dounetsk region, thi has been on the edge of this conflict really for the past decade when russian backed separatists were fighting in that region. but i think that even for a town like this, this was -- these are startling image as. this was a new level of this was a new level of violence.s. this was a new level of violence. >> and i'm looking at the video. and even a year into the war, images are startling to say the least. thank you, clare. back here in the u.s., now a video that you may have seen on social media because this story is everywhere. investigators in montgomery, alabama are expected to reveal more this afternoon about a brawl that broke out on a riverfront dock on saturday. so video of the fight here show as a black man identified as a cruise boat crew member attacked by a group of white men who witnesses say were on a private pontoon boat. ryan young picks up the story from there. >> reporter: an altercation on a montgomery alabama boat dock over the weekend between a group of white boaters and a black employee escalated in to a massive brawl that resulted in multiple arrest warrants. montgomery mayor steven reed is calling for justice to be served for attacking a man who was doing his job. >> this is an unfortunate incident. something that we're investigating. we'll continue to go through the process before we take any additional steps. >> reporter: it all began when the black employ ewas trying to clear the dock space with the riverside cruise harriet 2 normally docks. the cruiser was about to return to shore and needed its space to dock. >> you know, just doing his job. and for some reason, they didn't like it. they didn't want to move the boat. and decided to get physical with him. >> reporter: you can see in the video the black employee on the dock arguing with one of the men from the pontoon boat. and then another shirtless white man charging at the employee and hitting him in the face. soon after that, you can see several others join in on the attack of the dock employee. in some of the video, with millions of views, people on the boat can be heard yelling for someone to help the employee. at one point you can see a young man who that wills jums that ju off the boat swimming to help the man. >> and that is the reason why when they got off the boat, they came right to that smaller boat. >> reporter: and that is when more fighting ensues turning into an all-out brawl that included several people getting hit over the head with a folding chair. soon after officers started trying to take control, handcuffing people in the fight. >> they were the anning antagon. arrest them. when things happen, people of color are the first to be put in handcuffs. all ri >> reporter: many questions remain about the melee. >> we're fully engaged and doing all of our due diligent to find out exactly what took place. >> reporter: we've learned from police that there are warrants issued and we're told there will be a tuesday news conference around 2:00 and we should learn more about this. but this really captivated the internet and people are paying attention to what the next steps are. >> a lot more to watch there. coming up for us, ohio voters at the ballot box today. what is at stake in in special election. plus how extreme heat cans affect gas prices. but will bidenomics resonate with voters? we'll discuss. oh, that's nice... oh!! searchabable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah struggling with ththe highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of yr symptoms some medicines only treat e lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bip. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. 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♪ it is becoming increasingly likely that former president trump will not participate in the first republican presidential debate that takes place a few weeks from now. ron desantis will be there who is currently trailing trump by a wide margin in the polls. desantis will join over 2024 hopefuls as they look to try to make a dent in trump's lead. brian todd has more. >> reporter: florida governor ron desantis saying directly what his chief rival refuses to, that trump lost the 2020 election. >> of course he lost. joe biden is the president. >> reporter: desantis making the case in a new interview that if the 2024 election is about trump and his legal battles, republicans will lose. >> that is not a pathway for success for the republican party. i think a lot of our voters understand that. >> reporter:s if a similar line of attack former new jersey governor chris christie has been using. >> i want republican voters to know this is a preview of the election coming up if donald trump is the nominee. he will be talking about donald trump rather than joe biden and what we should be focused on is joe biden and his record and that is why he cannot be the nominee. >> reporter: many of the republican candidates spent the weekend in iowa courting voters. >> iowa is an important state. not because of the caucuses, that is an important thing, but for our national security. food security is national security. you supply us with our food, you supply us with ethanol. >> i'm asking for your support in the january caucuses because i can pledge to you this. i will get the job done, i will not let you down. >> reporter: but trump continues to go after desantis. >> desantis has fallen dramatically. >> reporter: and most pointedly mike pence writing on truth social, quote, he's delusional and now he wants to show he's a tough guy. pences has been sharpening his criticism of trump following the former president's third indictment saying that trump put himself over the constitution and anyone who does that should not be president. >> president trump was wrong. he was wrong then, he is wrong now. i had no right to overturn the election. and more and more americans are coming up to me every day and recognizing that. >> reporter: despite all of this, former president trump continues to lead by a wide margin in polling across this gop presidential primary. and his opponents are still looking for a way to really break through with voters. so many of them are looking to the first debate scheduled for about 2 1/2 weeks from now. and president trump has not indicated whether he will or won't be on that stage. but what we do know is that so many of those rivals to trump are hoping that will be a big moment for them. jessica dean, cnn, washington. meantime president biden lanltd landed in arizona on monday kicking off a trip that includes visits to mexico and utah. he is looking to highlight his legislative accomplishments ahead of the one year anniversary of the "inflation reduction act." and one word you should expect to hear, bidenomics. >> i said i didn't name it bidenomics, i didn't realize the economists and "wall street journal" did, but i think that it is a plan that i'm happy to call bidenomics. i'm not here to declare victory on the economy. we have more work to. we have a plan for turning things around. bidenomics is just another way of saying restoring the american dream. >> bidenomics is working. last month we created 187,000 new jobs. >> let's bring in white house correspondent for bloomberg news. thanks for waking up to be with us. certainly the administration wants biden omics to become catchy, but do people know what it is? >> very few are familiar with the term bidenomics, but among those who are, about half associate the term with tax increases. and that may be confusing for some because the administration has not imposed any tax increases on individuals. and in fact biden has promised not to raise taxes for people making less than $400,000 a year. but that is likely because of republican rhetoric around the term and that shows how much the biden administration has lost control of the narrative. they have tried to tie it to so many of biden's priorities including clean energy, manufacturing and lower cost of drugs. and people are confused. so the administration needs to reign it in if they want it to be effective. >> one thing we've heard it tied with is the labor market and i haven't heard anyone questioning the strength of the labor market, the elephant in the room how far when you are talking about the economy is inflation. and higher interest rates. so i wonder how risky is it to lean into the economy when the it is cooling but still higher than most would like? >> it is a balance of the administration. they are constantly touting things like jobs, that the 13 million jobs added to the economy since biden has taken off. they are touting things like the "inflation reduction act" as you mentioned there. sfruk. this manufacturing boom that we're seeing. but biden caveats that by saying there is still more to be done. so people are not seeing some of the positive economic data, they are still feeling stress when it comes to rent and grocery money and buying goods. so they have to strike a balance here. >> and i should say that tomorrow we'll get the cpi which will give us a sense of what prices are doing right now. and you've told us that age seems to be the number one factor talking to democratic voters, president biden's age. how does he combat those concerns? >> age is certainly a concern even among those who approve of the president. they are expressed about his fitness for office, whether he will be able to continue to serve in this role for another four years. he will be 86 at the end of the second fterm. we've seen biden turn it into a joke. there is practically no speech that you could hear any longer where he does not let everyone know that he knows this is a concern and that he is also in on the joke. just yesterday we saw the world series championships at the white house, we saw the new ton astros and biden made a joke referring to himself and comparing himself to dusty baker there, 74-year-old manager. and saying people counted him out and he knows something a little bit about that. >> we'll see if that resonates with voters. kayla, great to see you. thank you. time for quick hits across america. ex-plips police officer has been sentenced to 57 months, more than four years, for his role during george floyd's killing in 2020. he is already behind bars of violating floyd's civil rights. and a harris county judge rising star among texas democrats is taking a leave to get treatment for clinical depression. she plans to return next month. and new york city's mayor announcing plans to build a new island to try to accommodate about 2,000 migrants. there are still more than 57,000 under city care. and coming up, the uk begins moving asylum seekers to a controversial floating barge. and a summit in south america seeks to save the amazon rainforest. what they plan do, just ahead. life, diabetes. each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. 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u.s. army private travis king who bolted across the border into north korea last month. u.s. defense officials tell cnn the biden administration is debating whether to designate king as a prisoner of war. p.o.w. status could give king better protection under the geneva convention. king's family recently said they don't know any more than the public does about his condition or where he is being held. >> he is not the type to just disappear. so that is why i feel like the story is deeper than that. >> reporter: officials say so far the north koreans have not provided any detail on king's whereabouts or his condition. and analysts say the north koreans almost certainly have interrogated him. >> perhaps he doesn't know much, but they will ask questions about everything. chain of command and control, names, training process, access to bases. any memories that he might have of his military life and his civilian life. >> reporter: and it is also possible that the north koreans may eventually use travis king in propaganda featuring him in anti-american movies or videos. king's family says they are working with bill richardson's nonprofit organization to try to bring him home. brian todd, cnn, washington. and quick hits away the globe, iran warns that it will seize u.s. ships if any of its ships are confiscated, this is after more than 3,000 u.s. troops were deployed to counter iranian attempts to seize american shipping vessels. and uk meantime has begun sheltering asylum seekers on a floating barge. some call it inhumane. and leaders of eight amazon rainforest nations gather today for a summit in brazil, they will talk about ways to protect critical rainforests after years of deforestation. coming up for us, president biden set to designate historic new national monument. the surprising reason why. and how extreme heat can trigger a spike in prices at the pump. we'll have details just ahead. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and hearart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minererals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ fi the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. rsv is in for a surprise. meet arexvy. 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(vo) verizon small business days are back. from august 7th to the 13th. get a free tech check and special offers. like a free 5g phone. plus, switch, keep your number, and get up to $300 off. with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. and here is today's fast forward look ahead. voters in ohio will head to the polls for a special election today. they will decide whether to make it harder to amend the state constitution ahead of a november vote on abortion rights. later today president biden will designate a vast area near the grand canyon as a national monument. the move aims to safe guard the land from uranium mining. and more than 11,000 los angeles city workers including sanitation, mechanic hes and engineers are set to go on a 24 hour strike today. the union there is protesting unfair labor practices. it has been a historically hot summer with some cities in the south and west facing record long bouts of high heat. around 50 million are under a heat advisory or warning and high temperatures are also a factor in the recent surge in gas prices. but how big a factor are they really? joining us to discuss is chief oil analyst. great to have you. >> thanks for having me. >> and so let's start there. how much of a factor is the heat in terms of higher gas prices? >> you have to think of a refinery this way -- these things run on very high heat. but when the ambient temperature around it is, okay, yeah, they can operate for a day or two when it is 100 degrees or so, but when it stretches a week, five, ten days where it is 100 degrees or no, that will have an impact. so i just came up with this an nam gi, think about being a major league baseball pitcher. it is a lot easier to throw 100 pitches when it is 80 degrees versus 100 degrees. and so refineries aren't necessarily breaking down, about they are not operating at 100% capacity. they have to cropdrop down to 8 85%. we've seen it happen. for example a couple years ago up in seattle area, there was really high temperatures an refineries were running in to struggles there. you think about the weather up there, they are not used to 100 degree temperatures. >> so can i you quantify it? >> i think right now we're actually plateauing. th >> there is a lot talk about supply and demand. russia taking some barrels off. what is happening? >> saudi arabia announced that they would cut a million barrels a day of production. they started that in july. they announced last week that they would carry that over through september. so it is really starting to have an impact on global markets and the amount of crude oil supply. right now oil prices are around $81 in the u.s. so i think that $80 to $85 is kind of a sweet spot for producers. sure gas prices have gone up, but we're still 50 cents below where we were this time last year. maybe not quite that much. but we have seen disinflation if you will when it comes to gasoline prices. >> what about what is ahead? we don't have a lot of time, but what is your forecast. fall coming, a cooler blend. do you see relief? >> absolutely. last 100 days of the year typically bring the cheapest gasoline prices of the year. there have been a whirl wind of events. but keep an eye on hurricane activity. that is always the wild card that you have to watch out for starting in late august into september. and when the hurricane season finally ends at the end of the october. >> so watch hurricane season but all things considered we should hopefully be coming off -- >> yeah, when it comes to a hurricane, between corpus christi, texas and mississippi, anything else is more of a demand destroyer. >> great to have you. and coming up on "cnn this morning," a legal battle over evidence in donald trump's january 6 case. and next here, what happened when the astros went to the white house? 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(vo) verizon small business days are back. from august 7th to the 13th. get a free tech check and special offers. like a free 5g phone. plus, switch, keep your number, and get up to $300 off. with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. here is another sign that we are a long way away from the pandemic days of 2020 because now even zoom is asking its workers to get back to the office. here is tom foreman. >> reporter: oh, the irony. the company that taught us how to work from home now saying that it wants its workers in the office at least two days out of every week. several others have done the same thing. google, salesforce and amazon and the u.s. government are saying we like the idea of people being there face-to-face, we like the synergy, the productivity that comes out of it. but a lot of workers are not so convinced, especially younger workers say they don't like commuting because of the gas and time. it costs money. and they don't like paying extra child care. 14% think that. 13% say that they are better able to focus. what is the difference here in what they want? generally employers want 1.6 days at home per week. that is weird. we don't take 0.6 days. so they say two days at home is enough and workers say three days at home. workers have a strong hand to play here because so many employers are still trying to find enough people and interestingly, working from home one study found workers equate that to an 8% higher salary if they have the freedom to work from home a lot. so you can see for employers, yeah, they want people back, but it is an uphill climb. >> searchit is a workers market. and acc considering adding a couple teams from the pacific coast. andy scholes, make it make sense before. >> none of it makes sense. good morning. geography doesn't matter anymore. the big ten has rutgers and oregon which couldn't be further from each other. so not surprising to hear that the acc is looking to add cal and stanford. acc has held exploratory discussions about adding the two california schools. and obviously travel costs for sports teams would be a big hurdle to get over in those talks. latest chapter of college realignment has left it with just four schools. and now they are scrambling to find a new home. team usa basketball wrapping up with a gaume against puerto rico. and they blow it open in the third. u.s. would end up winning big 117-104. >> and to baseball, bottom of the ninth boston's reyes gets a hold of it one. would it stay fair? yes, goes off the foul pole for a walkoff grand slam. red sox win 6-2. his first home run in two years. fun fact, red sox 7-0 season while wearing those yellow uniforms. and boone wasn't too pleased with the job of the home plate umpire and last straw is when volpe was called out on strikes. boone going out there to argue. and boone would draw a line in the dirt and then mock the way that diaz called strike three. pretty funny. yankees would go on to lose the game to the white house sox a 5-1. and finally president biden welcoming the houston astros to the white house yesterday. and he congratulated dusty baker for winning his first title as manager. and biden joked that he and 74-year-old baker are in similar situations given their age. >> i remember rooting for him as a kid and i was older than he was. people counted you out saying you are past your prime. hell, i know something about that. >> so president biden with the jokes there. and both biden and baker going for back to back, going for the repeat. >> don't count them out, they would say. andy scholes, thank you. and finally, this long running game show debuts its 40th season next month and the question of course what is jeopardy? producers are revealing their work around from the strike. a mix of material written before the strike and clues recycled from the past. the show will be bringing back contestants from recent seasons who lost their initial game and what it call as second chance tournament. and i'm rahel solomon. thanks for joining us. just ahead, mass power outages after storms rolled through the easternist. have a great day. ree 5g phone. plus, switch, kekeep your numbe, and get up to $300 off. with verizon business. it's your business. it's your veririzon. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal serce. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh...i'll be the judge of that. oh, that's nice... oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. 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, Episodes , Bip , Manic , Doctor , Impact , Thoughts , Death , Muscles , Weight , Changes , Confusion , Studies , Stroke , Children , Saw , Dementia , Behavior , Antidepressants , Adults , Fever , Patients , Side Effects , Muscle Movements , High Blood Sugar , Reaction , Cholesterol , Weight Gain , Restlessness , Coma , Issues , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Tech Check , Vo , Offers , 5g Phone , Abbvie , 13th , August 7th , 5 , 13 , 7 , Verizon , Business , Switch , Plus , Bone , 300 , Help , Calcium , Prolia , Spine Fracture Risk , Bones , Fracture , Women , Vitamin D , Osteoporosis , 68 , Reactions , Blood , Jaw Bone Problems , Blood Pressure , Problems , Swelling , Trouble Breathing , Lip , Rash , Hives , Throat Tightness , Tongue , Take Xgeva , Hospitalization , Pain , Infections , Thigh Bone Fractures , Fractures , Skin Problems , Thigh , Spine , Groin , Hip , Stopping , Joint , Muscle , Huh , Scent , Love , Dog Roger , More , Farmers , Car Replacement , Stuff Smelling , Scent Beads , Make , Model , Farmers Policy Perks , Farmers Mnemonic , Protein , Energy , Uuuhhhh , Sugar , Protein Max Challenge , 0000 , 10000 , Ron Desantis , President Trump , Debate , Margin , Polls , Lead , Brian Todd , Dent , 2024 , Course , Interview , Chief Rival , Desantis Making The Case , Chris Christie , Pathway , Battles , Success , New Jersey , Reporter S , Record , Nominee , Preview , Thing , Caucuses , Estate , Courting Voters , Many , Candidates , Iowa , Food Security , Support , Food , Ethanol , On Truth Social , Mike Pence , Anyone , Criticism , Guy , Pences , Quote , Americans , Former , Polling , Opponents , 2 1 , Know , Rivals , Won T , Stage , Jessica Dean , Biden Lanltd , Trip , Accomplishments , Visits , Utah , Mexico , Arizona , It Bidenomics , Plan , Economists , The One , Anniversary , Word , Inflation Reduction Act , Wall Street Journal , Economy , Victory , The American Dream , Jobs , White House , Correspondent , Bloomberg News , 187000 , Administration , Thanks , Term , Tax Increases , Rhetoric , Individuals , Taxes , 00000 , Narrative , Priorities , Labor Market , It , Cost , Drugs , Inflation , Strength , Haven T , Interest Rates , The Elephant In Room , Balance , Most , Cooling , 13 Million , Manufacturing Boom , Biden Caveats , Sfruk , Money , Buying , Grocery , Goods , Data , Prices , Factor , Sense , Age , Cpi , Concern , Fitness , Concerns , Joke , Role , The End , Second Fterm , 86 , Everyone , Dusty Baker , Championships , World Series , Ton Astros , Manager , Kayla , 74 , Rights , Killing , Bars , George Floyd , Ex Plips , 57 , Depression , Treatment , Leave , Harris County , Plans , Rising Star , Texas Democrats , Summit , Barge , Asylum Seekers , Island , Migrants , Uk , City Care , 57000 , Amazon Rainforest , Life , Blend , Blood Sugar Response , Living , Doing , Going , Glucerna Protein , Diabetes , Smarter , Network , Routes , Value , Fast , United States Postal Service , Chevy Silverado , Camera Views , Truck , Package , Z71 Off Road , Event , Mobile , Business Internet , Launching Theal , The Next Generation , Comcast Business De , Reliability , 10g , 99 9 , 49 99 , 10 , 9 99 , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities , Official , Coup , Acting Deputy Secretary Of State , Senior , Resolution , Talks , Conversation , Standstill , Bit , Progress , Nigeria , V Hit , Stephanie Busari , Situation , Dialed Down , Snes , Governors , States , Ties , Niger , Community , Action , Relationship , Hvictoria , West African , Military Leaders , Leaders , Mohamed Bazoum , Visit , Whereabouts , Wants , Ecowas , Countries , Sidelines , Mali , Military Group , Burkina Faso , Wagner , Mercenary , Military , Lists , Somen A , Spokesman , Department Of State Secretary , Diplomacy , Reporters , Window , Opportunity , Duties , Everything Hinges , Discussions , Military Action , Kim Jung Un Touring The Country , Ybustephanie Busari , Weapon , Arm Sales , Factories , North Korea , Pyongyang , Military Muscle , Hat , Dictator , Tunic , Flexing , Revolutionary , Kim Jung Un Mounted Machine G Gun Guns Par Tour , Production , Munitions Factories , Caliber , Complex , Guidance , Directions , Personality , Grandfather , Father , Kim Jung Un , Cultive , Weapons , Regime , Use , Information , Strong Veer Ral Leader , Sale , Military Corporation , Munitions , John Skirby , King , Tanks , Bargaining Chip , Border , Who , Travis , Tank Shells , U S Army , 125 , Condition , Family , Pow Status , Protection , Public , Geneva Convention , Prisoner Of War , Koreans , Type , Detail , Analysts , Memories , Everything , Bases , Names , Training Process , Access , Chain Of Command , Videos , Military Life , Movies , Propaganda , Home , Iran , Ships , Globe , Bill Richardson , Nonprofit Organization , Shipping , Attempts , Troops , Vessels , 3000 , Rainforests , Nations , Ways , Brazil , Eight , Details , Deforestation , Pump , Spike , Support Immune , Nutrients , National Monument , Biden Set , Somewhere , Oh Booking Com , Health , Vitamins , Hearart , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 25 , You Booking Com , Treehouse , Rsv , Care Fi , Vacation Rental , Surprise , Beach House , Meet Arexvy , Respiratory Disease , Rsv Vaccine , Lungs , Airways , Fda , 60 , Health Conditions , 94 , 82 , Headache , Muscle Pain , Response , Injection Site Pain , Vaccine , Ingredients , Fatigue , Immune Systems , Pharmacist , Make It Arexvy , State Constitution Ahead Of A November Vote , Ohio , Move , Abortion Rights , Safe , Land , Uranium Mining , Grand Canyon , 11000 , Strike , Workers , Cities , Sanitation , Engineers , Union , South , Los Angeles City , Labor Practices , Mechanic Hes , Temperatures , Warning , Bouts , Heat Advisory , Surge , Big A , 50 Million , Chief Oil Analyst , Terms , Refinery , Temperature , Five , 100 , Ten , Refineries , Down , Pitcher , Major League Baseball , Nam Gi , 80 , Capacity , Example , Cropdrop , Seattle , 85 , Degree Temperatures , Struggles , Supply , Barrels , Th , Demand , Saudi Arabia , A Million , Oil Prices , Crude Oil Supply , Markets , Over , Amount , Producers , Spot , 0 , 50 , Gasoline Prices , Forecast , Cooler Blend , Disinflation , Whirl Wind , Events , Hurricane Activity , Wild Card , Eye , Hurricane Season , Hurricane , Corpus Christi , Anything , Demand Destroyer , Battle , Houston Astros , Texas , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Door Slam , Car Screech , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Flaking , Otezla , Itching , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Patches , Ned , Blood Tests , Doctors , Don T , Psoriatic Arthritis , Movie , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Weight Loss , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Crowd Gasp , Milk , Lactose , Cold One , Ting , Nothing , Lactaid , Delicious Too , My Old Friend , Kevin , Game , Idea , Real Delicious , Ice Cream , Scenery , Heart , Smart Cow , Sail , Viking , Mabel , Mooo , Landmarks , Treasures , Europe , Unpack , Viking Longship , World , Comfort , Zoom , Company , Irony , Tom Foreman , Google , Amazon , Salesforce , Synergy , Government , Productivity , Commuting , Gas , Child , Think , Focus , 14 , Employers , Difference , 1 6 , 0 6 , Study , Hand , Salary , Working From Home One , Back , Workers Market , Freedom , Searchit , Uphill Climb , Andy Scholes , None , Pacific Coast , Acc , Geography Doesn T Matter , Schools , Each Other , Rutgers , Big Ten , California , Stanford , Cal , Oregon , Couldn T , Sports Teams , Chapter , Costs , College Realignment , Hurdle , Wrapping , Scrambling , Puerto Rico , Team Usa Basketball , Gaume , Baseball , Bottom , Big 117 104 , Reyes , 104 , 117 , Hold , Pole , Win , Red Sox , Grand Slam , Yes , Home Run , Boone Wasn T , Uniforms , Season , Straw , Umpire , Dirt , Volpe , Home Plate , Yankees , Situations , Baker , Title , Prime , Kid , Jokes , Count , Repeat , Long Running Game Show , Work , Question , Material , Clues , Mix , Show , Contestants , Seasons , Tournament , Veririzon , Numbe , Power Outages , Easternist , Ree , Kekeep , Postal Serce , Oh , Reviews , Booking Com , Searchable , Virus , Cold , Sneeze , Dangers , Rsv Today , Coughing , Warning Labels , Wow , Out Didn T You , Stuff , To Die For , Commitment , Volume , Xfinity 10g Network , Um ,

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