Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

deadline in the 2020 election interference case. he's got until 5:00 p.m. this afternoon to respond to special counsel jack smith's request for a protective order. smith is trying to block trump from disclosing evidence and making public comments that could intimidate witnesses or undermine the case. smith asked the judge to step in after trump issued a vague threat on social media on friday. he wrote in all caps, quote f you go after me, i'm coming after you. >> this morning, we're also keeping a close watch on fulton county, georgia, where trump is facing another potential indictment for trying to overturn the election. the streets around the courthouse are being shut down as the grand jury considers charges. trump's lawyer went on a media blitz and appeared on all five networks sunday morning. he floated a new defense for trump, alleged will pressuring mike pence and georgia officials to overturn the election results. >> you're saying that asking is action. no, asking is aspirational. asking is not action. it's core free speech. what president trump did not do is direct vice president pence to do anything. and what he was asking for is the secretary of state to act appropriately and find these votes that were counted -- >> find. >> illegally. that was an -- hold on one second. that was an aspirational ask. we would like a diverse venue, a diverse jury. >> do you have any expectation that will be granted? >> that reflects the characteristics of the american people. it's up to the judge. i think west virginia would be an excellent venue to try this case. much more diverse -- one of the last and the ultimate requests that president trump made was to pause the voting for ten days to allow the states to recertify or certify or audit. and mr. pence rejected that as well. after that, there was a peaceful transition of power. so that's how the constitution works. >> what happened on january 6th was not peaceful. >> mike pence will be one of our best witnesses at trial. based on what vice president pence will say, the government will never be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that president trump had corrupt or criminal intent. that's what this case is about. >> mike pence said all this week is that what president trump did was wrong. >> he never said it was criminal. >> he said it was wrong. >> never said it was criminal. >> with more on where all trump's legal cases stand. elie honig back with us. let's walk through the most recent efforts to overturn the election, january 6th. >> the third indictment landed. we can assess where we are and what's happening soon because we'll have more action today. this, of course, is doj special counsel jack smith's indictment of donald trump, related to the attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. this is in federal court in washington, d.c. important to note, the focus here is not so much on the capitol attack on january 6th as on the conspiracy in the weeks and months leading up to it. the conspiracy to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election using knowingly false claims of election fraud. now, today, there will be litigation over a protective order. prosecutors have said, judge, you need to limit the way that donald trump uses the evidence and talks about it publicly. donald trump's team asked for a little more time to respond and the judge said, nope, you have to respond today, monday. we'll get that response later in the day. the next court appearance will be on august 28th tleerks weeks from now. and the key issue there is will the judge set a trial date? i think she will. she has signalled that she's likely to. i think it's likely to be before the election. but the question of course is will that date hold? that's where we are on the newest of the indictments. >> okay. what about the others? >> yeah. so three other cases. let's remember first of all the ot other doj jack myth case at mar-a-lago. they overturned a second version of the indictment adding this individual carlos de oliveira as a third defendant and adding three new charges against donald trump. now the parties are going to court later this week. on thursday, the 10th. and the big question will be in light of the new indictment, does this trial date of may 2024 get pushed back. you know donald trump's team will argue, we're charged with three new crimes. we need more time. doj will push back against that. let's not first the indictment that landed. this is the state-level prosecution by the manhattan da of donald trump relating to hush money payments for stormy substantials. they're in pretrial motions. they have a trial date of march of 2024. fulton county fanny lewis this could come at any point. >> by september 1st it's going to come. >> exactly. >> calendar, walk us through. >> the all important calendar. you see all the dates. how will we get this all in in 2024. let's circle a couple important dates. the election of course is here november 5th. we're not going to have a trial in october. there will be voting going on or september. no judge is going to have a trial that close to the election. now, what's already taken? the manhattan case. the hush money case that is scheduled to start at the end of march. >> yep. >> that is going to carry us through april. the mar-a-lago case is scheduled to start at the end of may. that is going to carry us through june. and i think through july. so, where is there a spot for the january 6th case? trump's team said they believe it will take nine months to try it. i think that's wildly overrated, overstated. but what if it's half that time, four months. there is no four month gap. one of these has to move. >> this moves. >> unless this was -- by the way, important point, alvin bragg more than signaled multiple times he's willing to come off the date or try to if necessary for the others. this will all be fluid, but there's only so much time to move these cases. this is a good visual representation of what our 2024 will look like. >> can't wait. victor? >> absolute worst football play you drew up. joining us now adam kinzinger, mora gillespie and jamal simons. elie will be back in just a moment. let's start with the claim from the former president that he won't get a fair trial in d.c. that he needs another judge. do you think there's any credibility to either of those claims? >> it's an interesting take on the situation. what happened on january 6th happened in d.c. and impacted not just the people in that vicinity, but the city as a whole. but the country as a whole. so i think that it's not surprising that he would make that argument especially with what we're seeing ahead of the georgia indictment that's expected to come with the politicization of things and having those issues. but, no. i'm not -- >> you think he can get a fair trial in d.c. >> i think he'll get a fair trial in d.c. >> this reesto have the judge recused, judge tanya chutkan. as i said in last hour, she has in several cases sentenced these january 6th defendants to sentences beyond what the prosecutors have requested. so if you look at this from a defense attorney perspective, you want a different judge. but is there anything here you think supports a request to recuse? >> yeah. there's no constitutional right to being able to pick your courtroom. right? and the place they want to change the trump team wants to change the venue to is west virginia. right? which is a place that went for donald trump 69% of the voters went for trump in west virginia. just not fair. listen, donald trump should be giving the d.c. voters a little benefit of the doubt. i'm sure he will be fairer to them than he was to the capitol police officers that were getting beaten up the forces on january 6th. he could have stopped that and he did not. i'm sure the d.c. jurors would be much fairer to him than he was to them. >> there's no basis to disqualify this case or move the case out of d.c. judge chutkan has been tough on the january 6th cases. to me the more telling quote judge chutkan the seriousness she views this, the sentencing of one of the january 6th rioters, this defendant did not go out of the capitol out of a sense of patriotic duty, he went in there for one man. that one man is now the person in front of her as a defendant. but there is not a conflict of interest here. the attacks on her are completely baseless and we should reject them. >> listening to trump's legal team, especially his lead counsel on this john lauro. he makes it sound like this is a slam dunk for us. i thought it was interesting when he said to dana yesterday, he cited supreme court precedent, saying it's all clear here. just look at what the supreme court did. i want to play that and get your reaction. >> the government alleges deceit or trickery and all of this played out in the open. it's all free speech. there was a supreme court decision right on point that says when you're exercising free speech, you're not engaging in a fraud on the government. >> that's a case from 1924. what did it actually set as precedent? >> so what john lauro is doing there, it doesn't answer the question, it frames the question. it actually involved a person who was urging people not to register for the selective service, for the draft. and the court there said well this is speech. this doesn't cross the line over into conduct. and that's exactly what the question will be in the trump case. was he just engaging in speech and political speech and dissent or was he crossing over the line into actual conduct? i think prosecutors are going to point to the submission of the fake elector certificates to say was this conduct? but that's the key question. that case doesn't answer it. it frames what the question will be. >> what about it is that we're seeing and hearing from the former president's defenders in congress. let's listen here to senators graham ernst talk about it. >> when it comes to hunter biden and joe biden, they get away with almost everything. >> we have one system of justice. if your last name is trump and you have another system of justice if your last name is biden. so, of course, iowans are really upset about this. they see this as a very political move. >> trump and hunter biden. how are these two cases comparable at all? >> they're not comparable. but i think one thing that may seem like a foreign concept is objectivity. there's no comparison period. but to pretend like the hunter biden situation isn't important would be doing a disservice and is what's probably triggering people on the right to be so frustrated because it's being largely looked over. objectively, if you're looking at the situation, it looks a little off, right? it doesn't look right that the president's son, got a sweetheart deal and days later paraded at the white house at the state dinner with the doj head merrick garland in attendance. objectively doesn't look good. again, there's no comparison what these indictments are against former president trump, but it just is important to point that out. but i think that's what they're trying to do in talking about those issues. but correlating them is a mistake. >> ron? >> go, go. >> just for the record just to remind everybody where we. >> reporter:. early in the administration, members of the kushner family caught in dchina they were willing to get -- if we want to talk about family members of the president who are doing things that impact the country, i think jared kushner and his family are much more of a problem for the president during the trump administration than hunter biden is for joe biden based on something that he did as a private citizen. >> both of those mean you need to take a closer lens at how this looks to the american people and what kind of parameters we have just in general. >> looks bad generally and can be objective in that and say it doesn't look great. >> neither one compared to a former president of the united states -- >> i agree. >> wh >> stay with us. all right. we have this coming up -- cameras are not allowed in federal court, but house democrats and trump's own attorney are pushing for his trial to be televised. could the judge make an exception? plus, republican presidential candidates focussing their attacks on vice president kamala harris. we have new reporting on the strategy ahead. generalized d myasthenia gravis made my life a lot harder. but the picture starteted changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-ar antibody positive . in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly proved most participants' abity to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. ♪ with fastsigns, create striking custom visuals that inspire pride district-wide. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement. subway's now slicing their meats fresh. that's why soccer pros like me profer the grand slam ham. and this rookie prefers fresh sliced turkey. perfect for when you're subbed out of the game. and if we profer it, we know you'll prefer it too. nothing better than a sub, sub. my cpa told me i wouldn't qualify for the erc tax refund, so i called innovation refunds. their team of independent tax attorneys will work with your cpa to determine if your company is eligible. 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>> well, what we've had the last eight years is people getting their news, you know, from online, from social media platforms. and what made me want to write this article was that i had been living in that world with news guard watching what people see and read online. it's unreliable. it's not vetted. you don't what the agenda is of the people making posts, you don't know who is paying them and what their credentials are. my experience with court tv was exactly the opposite. a judge vets all the evidence. everybody debts to see the witnesses. they know who the witnesses are. and i think the most important thing about this trial is that after it's over, when people are debating the verdict, they are debating from the same set of facts. they're not debating based on what one of the lawyers might have said on one of the sunday talk shows. they're not debating based on what the defendant or the government might have said in a tweet. and that is crucially important that we all use the same set of facts, which is something that we've lost in this country and in the world with the advent of this social media platforms. >> but steven, my pushback would be -- again, i think that having the ability to watch the arguments and to see what is happening in the courtroom would add some -- add facts to the conversation. but to suggest that people will be arguing the same set of facts, even when we have the mueller report, we have the january 6th commission, we have lists -- we have these sources before and still people don't argue the same set of facts. is it your -- do you consider -- >> how many people -- >> panacea? >> how many people -- i don't think anything is a panacea in this world. how many people do you think actually read the mueller report as opposed to, you know, watched the spin that attorney general barr put on it before it was released? the thing about a trial, if it's televised, is it is really a drama that people will watch. most people will be glued to this and watch it in full. so the comparison with the mueller report is just not real. >> sure. let's talk about the drama of it if watching on television from the ed ter eer eer eer to edito the "wall street journal." the trials of donald trump will be traumatic enough without their various participants playing to the cameras and watching their reviewers on nightly cable news. the consideration that the observer effect, that these people being observed will change how they argue, that the attorneys will be playing to the camera, especially if their defendants, if their defendant, if their client requires that. i mean, donald trump is the defendant in this case. >> well, that's really laughable. what i recall from the early days of starting the court tv channel is that it was remarkably bipartisan. one of the biggest supporters of cameras in the courtroom was the then speaker mr. gingrich. it is bipartisan that people want to see how their justice system is operating. you know, and as for lawyers playing to the cameras, you know, you had a defense lawyer on five different sunday shows yesterday. and often you have the prosecutors thankfully not this justice department but often you have prosecutors who hold a press conference and they describe the evidence. let's let people see everything as it plays out in court. >> i just got to wrap it. i have to ask you this one. you detail in your op-ed what it would take to get the cameras in the courtroom. the u.s. judicial conference would have to vote in favor of suspension. judicial counsel of the d.c. circuit would have to suspend its rule. federal rules of criminal procedure would have to change. what's the plausibility of this happening over the next several months or year before the trial? >> well, it's going to be lots of time it looks like before there is a trial. and the key really is the chief justice. if the chief justice wants this to happen, it will happen. >> all right. steven brill, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> that was a really interesting conversation. >> yeah. i would absolutely think we should all see as much as of this as we can, but what will be the impact of it. >> and the fact that he said at the end, it will be up to john roberts. and your point, what in the last eight years people watching it will believe it. >> maybe watching things like the o.j. trial. >> they watched the january 6th commission or watched that or the special committee. >> even more people would watch this. >> they would. but did they believe it after they watched it? >> yeah. that's really, really fascinating conversation. simone biles making dazzling come back to competitive gymnastics. her incredible performance, just totally perfect. and where she's headed next. >> thousands of beyonce fans forced to shelter in place at last night's concert outside of d.c. what the stadium is now saying. ♪ chevy silvererado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camemera views. and the z71 off-road packakage. ♪ you ok? 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>> derek, thank you. it's been such a wild summer in terms of the dangerous, dangerous stormy weather. appreciate it. a triumphant return for seven-time olympic medalist, gymnast simone biles winning her first competitive event since 2021 in front of a packed house at the hydration classic this weekend. she is qualified for the u.s. national championships. cnn isabel rosales joins us live from hoffmann estates in illinois. it was amazing to watch. especially with the context that this is the first competition since tokyo. >> reporter: her performance is just mind blowing, victor. and it's clear that this is such a big moment, not only for biles but also for the world of gymnastics and her fans that are so inspired by her. i spoke with so many of them over the weekend, just in awe of her performance, saying it looks like she hadn't missed a day. as you mentioned, victor, she hasn't competed in two years. >> simone "freaking" biles. >> reporter: the goat making a dominating return to elite competitive gymnastics. biles winning first place in the all around, crushing on vault, floor, and balance beam. >> not sure she could have done that any better. >> reporter: nabbing third place on the uneven bars. >> it felt really good, especially after everything that's happened over the past year. >> reporter: on floor, performing this skill, known as the biles. and on vault, nailing the yurchenko double pike, something no female athlete has done in competition. biles reacting with a fist bump and her signature smile. >> everyone that was cheering made posters and all that in the crowd, it just made my heart melt that they still believe in me. i got back out here and i did what i was training. so i'm very happy with the result. >> reporter: biles hasn't competed since the tokyo games two years ago. shocking the world when she withdrew from events after suffering from the twisties. a spatial and mental block where athletes are unable to keep track of their position in mid air. >> i say put mental health first because if you don't, then you're not going to enjoy your sport. >> reporter: fell le competitors describe to cnn as debilitating. >> once you get it, it's hard to get over and takes a really huge mental toll. >> you need to know who you are so you can land and not get hurt. >> biles then ultimately watering down her routine and still earning bronze on the balance beam. >> this time i'm doing it for me. i worked on myself and i belief in myself a little more. it's just coming back out here and starting those first steps again. >> reporter: the athlete also revealing she had been abused by dr. larry nassar, testifying with fellow members of team usa to the senate judiciary committee. >> my name is simone biles, i'm a gymnast. i'm also a survivor of sexual abuse. >> reporter: biles blooming as a role model for athlete mental health. from her littlest fans -- >> what is your sign say? >> welcome back, simone. stick it, girls. >> reporter: nothing but pure support for the olympians big return. >> just never give up. >> keep being a great gymnast. >> reporter: and with this win, biles is now qualified to go to san jose for the u.s. nationals and then in the fall are the world championships. but the big question is, what about the olympics? 2024 in paris simone says she is not ready to talk about that yet but rather she is taking it one step at a time. poppy, victor? >> we're all looking forward to it, though. >> one amazing step at a time. what a joy to watch her shine. >> isabel rosales, thank you so much for that. simone "freaken" biles. our next hour, we'll speak to three-time olympian gymnast dominique daus. vice president kamala harris stepping up her role in the 2024 presidential campaign and republican candidates taking notice as well. that's ahead. 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it suggests that maybe an argument against the president may not be working. so they have to shift toward the vice president. >> yeah. but it also does other thing, number one, it high lights biden's age and number two, it does something that at a very base level voters respond to, and that's the unknown. we know what a biden presidency would be like. in a republican primary, the idea or what we don't know about a potential harris presidency is a pretty ominous idea. and that's why those are the two reasons that multiple candidates are attacking harris in this way. >> it's amazing. you come to me first. >> mr. former coms director. >> i was a communication director until january. listen, i think this was a complicated argument for republicans to make. it's a little silly. it's a bank shot, right? you have to hit kamala harris in order to go after joe biden. that means you have to ask voters to do two things at the same time. and it just seems to me like there's a simpler argument. either you think joe biden should be president or you don't think joe biden should be president to go after the vice president i think is a little bit more complicated and voters don't make strategic voting decisions. they vote for the person they want. >> sure. but i think daniel's reporting is great, "the new york times" piece this weekend is really fascinating calling her a one woman rapid response operation. and it says that her going on the offense, like we have seen in florida on abortion, a number of times on the curriculum change is a notable shift. does she -- is this where she is really in her comfort zone? does she want this? >> listen, when people first came nationally to know kamala harris when she was prosecuting people in the judiciary committee, going after folks, when she went after joe biden on the debate stage in those early primary debates. and so i think her prosecuting her opponents, prosecuting the case against her opponents, is her sweet spot in terms of her public presentation. so they should keep doing it. this is a woman who has the intellect, the stamina, toughness and also the instinct to make sure all americans are included in the american enterprise. the question on the other side is, are they only going to talk about donald trump in 2020? and if you're having a conversation between president biden and vice president harris about the economy improving, inflation going down, protecting a woman's right to reproductive choice and making slavery -- talking about the perils of slavery and your unison around that, if you're having that conversation, you're actually in a much better place than people arguing whether or not donald trump committed in crimes in 2020. >> i'll get this and learn on to something we're just learning about. do people really vote, you think, on the vice president, the sitting vice president? this is a potent argument. maybe in 2008 sarah palin as a candidate shifted some votes. >> they use that same wording. if not him, then you get her. >> then you get her. a heart beat away, as we know. do you think this is a potent argument? >> i don't think the gop is wrong for doing it. again, age is a factor here. we have been talking about it both for president biden and for former president trump. and kamala harris is going to be a deterrent for republican voters, moderate voter and possibly independents. it's not a bad strategy for the gop to go after her in that way, quite frankly. >> ron desantis, let's listen, he did this interview with nbc. the interviewer did a great job of getting him to directly answer a key question about who won the election. here it is. >> yes or no, did donald trump lose the 2020 election? >> whoever puts their hand on the bible on january 20th every four years is the winner. >> but respectfully, you did not clearly answer that question. and if you can't give a yes or no on whether or not trump lost, then how can -- >> of course he lost. >> there's also a weird echo. >> ron desantis is changing his tune. he's changing who he does interviews with and how he answers questions. what's going on? >> his campaign is struggling. he has to do something different, right? but this is also a good sign. i i'm for this. pence speaking out against former president and what happened on january 6th. setting his record straight. again, just having ron desantis speak out against what donald trump has been doing. his childish attacks. they all -- the gop candidates that are vying for the 2024 spot need to be going after what trump has done because they can't run in his lane. they have to separate themselves. >> so, daniel, he has now acknowledged the truth that donald trump lost the 2020 election. what disoes this get him? he is far behind the former president in state and national polls. what does he earn now with this acknowledgment? >> i mean, likely it keeps him in the hunt for some of these trump voters. notice how he responded to that question. he did not give a yes or no answer. he gave a very sort of opaque hand on the bible on the 20th. that's who the president is. so, if you clip that, it's not him saying trump lost the election, which could enrage both the former president himself and his voters. it really shows in the end that desantis' bet is that he can win over the most hard core trump voters, which pollsters have told me in the past are just unlikely to move from trump under any circumstances. >> he eventually got to, of course, the former president lost. we'll see where he goes after that. daniel, jamal -- >> real quick before we go. >> i just want to know why ron desantis is going to debate the governor of calikcalifornia gav newsom. this is a silly campaign tactic. he is trying to get some attention. gavin newsom is a very distinguished person a governor also a political heckler in this particular environment. he should be fighting the guy on the stage, not fighting somebody in the stands. >> they have been going back and forth over parameters and rules. >> it's silly. >> daniel, jamal -- >> tell us how you really feel. >> thank you all. one of lake tahoe's biggest thieves in custody. and it's not a human. it's a bear. blamed for more than 20 home break-ins. where she and her cubs are now heading. plus, a rare walrus calf rescued, 24/7 cuddle care. that story ahead. ♪ with fastsigns, create striking custom visuals that inspire pride district-wide. with fastsigns, create striki ♪ custom fastsigns. ma your statement. new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? 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really? and your clothes just keep getting more damaged the more times you wash them. downy protects fibers, doing more than detergent alone. see? this one looks brand new. saves me money? i'm starting to like downy. downy saves loads. so, someone is wanted for breaking into more than 20 homes in california, and they've been captured, but here's the twist. it's a 500-pound black mama bear known as hank the tank. california fish and wildlife biologists say they are relocating her from the lake tahoe area to a sanctuary in colorado because they say she poses significant risk to the area. obviously, after all of these break-ins. there are several bears in the area known as hank the tank, but the wildlife officials have linked her specific dna to at least 21 break-ins. they say she has even brought her cubs, her kids, alongside on some of these escapades, so now they're planning to relocate her and three of her cubs to this california rescue center where they hope eventually they'll be able to be rehabilitated and return to the wild. jeff corwin joins us now. he's a wildlife and conservationist expert and host of wildlife nation. jeff, good morning. obviously, that can be super dangerous if there are people inside of wherever she's breaking into. are you surprised that after 21 break-ins, they think she can be rehabilitated and put back in the wild? >> she clearly knows what she's doing. i can almost imagine her lowering from a ceiling with like all of these lasers around her, trying to negotiate to where the food is. but seriously, this is basically an animal taking advantage of an opportunity. bears are incredibly intelligent, emotional, adaptive animals. so why is this bear doing this? there's usually one big reason. and that is because a bear is displaced. it can be displaced because of a loss of habitat. it can be displaced because it's no longer dominant and is experiencing a little competition from other bears in the environment. but also, it's taking advantage of low-hanging fruit resources. so, clearly, this bear has learned that on the other side of this obstacle, your screened porch, your door, your window is a nice, fresh blueberry pie, you know, cooling on the windowsill or the refrigerator has some sandwiches in there. and it's learned that and it goes in there to get that resource. to sustain itself and to sustain its cubs. unfortunately, by doing this, learning this behavior, it puts itself in an incredibly vulnerable situation, because the saying goes, eventually, for an animal like this, a fed bear becomes a dead bear. thankfully, they've moved in, they've rescued her and her cubs, hopefully they stay together, and they get relocated. but it's very likely she will go right back to that same resource again, unless she finds a different opportunity. >> yeah, i want to -- on that, we just saw the video of hank with her cubs. you expect that they will relocate all of them to colorado, not just the mama bear? i mean, it would be kind of sad if they left the cubs behind. >> well, i've heard different things. i'm just hearing that from you. i had thought they had separated the babies from the mom and she got relocated. and so, already, if that is the case, you can see already that there's been a disastrous result. we had a bear in massachusetts that was on the tip -- wandered on to the tip of pea town, on the tip of cape cod, somehow went through the cape cod canal. they relocated it hundreds of miles away in western massachusetts, and the next day it was back in peatown, cape cod. that's how adaptive and resourceful they are. but this is all preventable. if you lock up and secure your food, most importantly your garbage, you will deter this bear and hopefully it will find other resources for survival. and habitat. places for them to live. >> we've got to talk about this baby wall rust. because, apparently, it was found alone on the coast of alaska, and the way that you rehabilitate walruses is through around-the-clock cuddle care, which is what they're going through at the alaska sea life center. what is that? >> so, poppy and victor, this really warms my heart. and my wife and i were talking about it last night. and they said, oh, my gosh, look at you with that little baby walrus cub and look at you as a brunette. this is at the alaska sea life center. one of my favorite places in alaska. these folks, they're the only place in that whole part of the world that can do this. so walruses, unlike sea lions and unlike seals, they have a very quick adolescence, a quick childhood. my dogs are coming. quiet! >> it's okay, they're welcome. they're welcome to join. >> so they have to be constantly bottle fed, but within a couple of weeks, they're released into the wild. walruses are a completely different animal altogether. they rely on mama's love, that maternal, hands-hon, tactile nurturing. and it's not something that will take a month or two months as you would with a sea or sea lion. this could take upwards of two years. it's intensive care, it's tlc, it's science, it's veterinary medicine. only these folks, the alaskan sea life center in alaska, seward, such a special place. guys, this place came out of the valdez oil spill, because they had to respond to all of those animals that were orphaned or injured, and this has been a life-saving resource. hopefully, this beautiful little walrus will thrive and survive. unfortunately, it's unlikely to be returned to the wild, because it's so intensively hand raised, they become conditioned to human beings. and that will be the next challenge, is to find a home for a creature that will weigh thousands of pounds. >> jeff corwin, thank you for warming our hearts a little bit this morning. >> my pleasure. this morning, street closures are set to begin outside the fulton county courthouse in atlanta, as security measures are put in place for a possible trump indictment. blue-sky thinking.a litte i'll be taking meetings... with family and friends. and checking voicecemail... as my activities permit. i'll connect witith you... after rereconnecting with me. ♪ get 1.9% apr for 36 months plus $1,500 purchase allowance on a 2024 xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. ♪ the all-new tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night... ...or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited ti, save $500 on all-new tempur-breeze mattresses. - [narrator] we just signed the lease on our third shop. i guess we're a chain now, right? 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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deadline in the 2020 election interference case. he's got until 5:00 p.m. this afternoon to respond to special counsel jack smith's request for a protective order. smith is trying to block trump from disclosing evidence and making public comments that could intimidate witnesses or undermine the case. smith asked the judge to step in after trump issued a vague threat on social media on friday. he wrote in all caps, quote f you go after me, i'm coming after you. >> this morning, we're also keeping a close watch on fulton county, georgia, where trump is facing another potential indictment for trying to overturn the election. the streets around the courthouse are being shut down as the grand jury considers charges. trump's lawyer went on a media blitz and appeared on all five networks sunday morning. he floated a new defense for trump, alleged will pressuring mike pence and georgia officials to overturn the election results. >> you're saying that asking is action. no, asking is aspirational. asking is not action. it's core free speech. what president trump did not do is direct vice president pence to do anything. and what he was asking for is the secretary of state to act appropriately and find these votes that were counted -- >> find. >> illegally. that was an -- hold on one second. that was an aspirational ask. we would like a diverse venue, a diverse jury. >> do you have any expectation that will be granted? >> that reflects the characteristics of the american people. it's up to the judge. i think west virginia would be an excellent venue to try this case. much more diverse -- one of the last and the ultimate requests that president trump made was to pause the voting for ten days to allow the states to recertify or certify or audit. and mr. pence rejected that as well. after that, there was a peaceful transition of power. so that's how the constitution works. >> what happened on january 6th was not peaceful. >> mike pence will be one of our best witnesses at trial. based on what vice president pence will say, the government will never be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that president trump had corrupt or criminal intent. that's what this case is about. >> mike pence said all this week is that what president trump did was wrong. >> he never said it was criminal. >> he said it was wrong. >> never said it was criminal. >> with more on where all trump's legal cases stand. elie honig back with us. let's walk through the most recent efforts to overturn the election, january 6th. >> the third indictment landed. we can assess where we are and what's happening soon because we'll have more action today. this, of course, is doj special counsel jack smith's indictment of donald trump, related to the attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. this is in federal court in washington, d.c. important to note, the focus here is not so much on the capitol attack on january 6th as on the conspiracy in the weeks and months leading up to it. the conspiracy to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election using knowingly false claims of election fraud. now, today, there will be litigation over a protective order. prosecutors have said, judge, you need to limit the way that donald trump uses the evidence and talks about it publicly. donald trump's team asked for a little more time to respond and the judge said, nope, you have to respond today, monday. we'll get that response later in the day. the next court appearance will be on august 28th tleerks weeks from now. and the key issue there is will the judge set a trial date? i think she will. she has signalled that she's likely to. i think it's likely to be before the election. but the question of course is will that date hold? that's where we are on the newest of the indictments. >> okay. what about the others? >> yeah. so three other cases. let's remember first of all the ot other doj jack myth case at mar-a-lago. they overturned a second version of the indictment adding this individual carlos de oliveira as a third defendant and adding three new charges against donald trump. now the parties are going to court later this week. on thursday, the 10th. and the big question will be in light of the new indictment, does this trial date of may 2024 get pushed back. you know donald trump's team will argue, we're charged with three new crimes. we need more time. doj will push back against that. let's not first the indictment that landed. this is the state-level prosecution by the manhattan da of donald trump relating to hush money payments for stormy substantials. they're in pretrial motions. they have a trial date of march of 2024. fulton county fanny lewis this could come at any point. >> by september 1st it's going to come. >> exactly. >> calendar, walk us through. >> the all important calendar. you see all the dates. how will we get this all in in 2024. let's circle a couple important dates. the election of course is here november 5th. we're not going to have a trial in october. there will be voting going on or september. no judge is going to have a trial that close to the election. now, what's already taken? the manhattan case. the hush money case that is scheduled to start at the end of march. >> yep. >> that is going to carry us through april. the mar-a-lago case is scheduled to start at the end of may. that is going to carry us through june. and i think through july. so, where is there a spot for the january 6th case? trump's team said they believe it will take nine months to try it. i think that's wildly overrated, overstated. but what if it's half that time, four months. there is no four month gap. one of these has to move. >> this moves. >> unless this was -- by the way, important point, alvin bragg more than signaled multiple times he's willing to come off the date or try to if necessary for the others. this will all be fluid, but there's only so much time to move these cases. this is a good visual representation of what our 2024 will look like. >> can't wait. victor? >> absolute worst football play you drew up. joining us now adam kinzinger, mora gillespie and jamal simons. elie will be back in just a moment. let's start with the claim from the former president that he won't get a fair trial in d.c. that he needs another judge. do you think there's any credibility to either of those claims? >> it's an interesting take on the situation. what happened on january 6th happened in d.c. and impacted not just the people in that vicinity, but the city as a whole. but the country as a whole. so i think that it's not surprising that he would make that argument especially with what we're seeing ahead of the georgia indictment that's expected to come with the politicization of things and having those issues. but, no. i'm not -- >> you think he can get a fair trial in d.c. >> i think he'll get a fair trial in d.c. >> this reesto have the judge recused, judge tanya chutkan. as i said in last hour, she has in several cases sentenced these january 6th defendants to sentences beyond what the prosecutors have requested. so if you look at this from a defense attorney perspective, you want a different judge. but is there anything here you think supports a request to recuse? >> yeah. there's no constitutional right to being able to pick your courtroom. right? and the place they want to change the trump team wants to change the venue to is west virginia. right? which is a place that went for donald trump 69% of the voters went for trump in west virginia. just not fair. listen, donald trump should be giving the d.c. voters a little benefit of the doubt. i'm sure he will be fairer to them than he was to the capitol police officers that were getting beaten up the forces on january 6th. he could have stopped that and he did not. i'm sure the d.c. jurors would be much fairer to him than he was to them. >> there's no basis to disqualify this case or move the case out of d.c. judge chutkan has been tough on the january 6th cases. to me the more telling quote judge chutkan the seriousness she views this, the sentencing of one of the january 6th rioters, this defendant did not go out of the capitol out of a sense of patriotic duty, he went in there for one man. that one man is now the person in front of her as a defendant. but there is not a conflict of interest here. the attacks on her are completely baseless and we should reject them. >> listening to trump's legal team, especially his lead counsel on this john lauro. he makes it sound like this is a slam dunk for us. i thought it was interesting when he said to dana yesterday, he cited supreme court precedent, saying it's all clear here. just look at what the supreme court did. i want to play that and get your reaction. >> the government alleges deceit or trickery and all of this played out in the open. it's all free speech. there was a supreme court decision right on point that says when you're exercising free speech, you're not engaging in a fraud on the government. >> that's a case from 1924. what did it actually set as precedent? >> so what john lauro is doing there, it doesn't answer the question, it frames the question. it actually involved a person who was urging people not to register for the selective service, for the draft. and the court there said well this is speech. this doesn't cross the line over into conduct. and that's exactly what the question will be in the trump case. was he just engaging in speech and political speech and dissent or was he crossing over the line into actual conduct? i think prosecutors are going to point to the submission of the fake elector certificates to say was this conduct? but that's the key question. that case doesn't answer it. it frames what the question will be. >> what about it is that we're seeing and hearing from the former president's defenders in congress. let's listen here to senators graham ernst talk about it. >> when it comes to hunter biden and joe biden, they get away with almost everything. >> we have one system of justice. if your last name is trump and you have another system of justice if your last name is biden. so, of course, iowans are really upset about this. they see this as a very political move. >> trump and hunter biden. how are these two cases comparable at all? >> they're not comparable. but i think one thing that may seem like a foreign concept is objectivity. there's no comparison period. but to pretend like the hunter biden situation isn't important would be doing a disservice and is what's probably triggering people on the right to be so frustrated because it's being largely looked over. objectively, if you're looking at the situation, it looks a little off, right? it doesn't look right that the president's son, got a sweetheart deal and days later paraded at the white house at the state dinner with the doj head merrick garland in attendance. objectively doesn't look good. again, there's no comparison what these indictments are against former president trump, but it just is important to point that out. but i think that's what they're trying to do in talking about those issues. but correlating them is a mistake. >> ron? >> go, go. >> just for the record just to remind everybody where we. >> reporter:. early in the administration, members of the kushner family caught in dchina they were willing to get -- if we want to talk about family members of the president who are doing things that impact the country, i think jared kushner and his family are much more of a problem for the president during the trump administration than hunter biden is for joe biden based on something that he did as a private citizen. >> both of those mean you need to take a closer lens at how this looks to the american people and what kind of parameters we have just in general. >> looks bad generally and can be objective in that and say it doesn't look great. >> neither one compared to a former president of the united states -- >> i agree. >> wh >> stay with us. all right. we have this coming up -- cameras are not allowed in federal court, but house democrats and trump's own attorney are pushing for his trial to be televised. could the judge make an exception? plus, republican presidential candidates focussing their attacks on vice president kamala harris. we have new reporting on the strategy ahead. generalized d myasthenia gravis made my life a lot harder. but the picture starteted changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-ar antibody positive . in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly proved most participants' abity to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. ♪ with fastsigns, create striking custom visuals that inspire pride district-wide. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement. subway's now slicing their meats fresh. that's why soccer pros like me profer the grand slam ham. and this rookie prefers fresh sliced turkey. perfect for when you're subbed out of the game. and if we profer it, we know you'll prefer it too. nothing better than a sub, sub. my cpa told me i wouldn't qualify for the erc tax refund, so i called innovation refunds. their team of independent tax attorneys will work with your cpa to determine if your company is eligible. 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>> well, what we've had the last eight years is people getting their news, you know, from online, from social media platforms. and what made me want to write this article was that i had been living in that world with news guard watching what people see and read online. it's unreliable. it's not vetted. you don't what the agenda is of the people making posts, you don't know who is paying them and what their credentials are. my experience with court tv was exactly the opposite. a judge vets all the evidence. everybody debts to see the witnesses. they know who the witnesses are. and i think the most important thing about this trial is that after it's over, when people are debating the verdict, they are debating from the same set of facts. they're not debating based on what one of the lawyers might have said on one of the sunday talk shows. they're not debating based on what the defendant or the government might have said in a tweet. and that is crucially important that we all use the same set of facts, which is something that we've lost in this country and in the world with the advent of this social media platforms. >> but steven, my pushback would be -- again, i think that having the ability to watch the arguments and to see what is happening in the courtroom would add some -- add facts to the conversation. but to suggest that people will be arguing the same set of facts, even when we have the mueller report, we have the january 6th commission, we have lists -- we have these sources before and still people don't argue the same set of facts. is it your -- do you consider -- >> how many people -- >> panacea? >> how many people -- i don't think anything is a panacea in this world. how many people do you think actually read the mueller report as opposed to, you know, watched the spin that attorney general barr put on it before it was released? the thing about a trial, if it's televised, is it is really a drama that people will watch. most people will be glued to this and watch it in full. so the comparison with the mueller report is just not real. >> sure. let's talk about the drama of it if watching on television from the ed ter eer eer eer to edito the "wall street journal." the trials of donald trump will be traumatic enough without their various participants playing to the cameras and watching their reviewers on nightly cable news. the consideration that the observer effect, that these people being observed will change how they argue, that the attorneys will be playing to the camera, especially if their defendants, if their defendant, if their client requires that. i mean, donald trump is the defendant in this case. >> well, that's really laughable. what i recall from the early days of starting the court tv channel is that it was remarkably bipartisan. one of the biggest supporters of cameras in the courtroom was the then speaker mr. gingrich. it is bipartisan that people want to see how their justice system is operating. you know, and as for lawyers playing to the cameras, you know, you had a defense lawyer on five different sunday shows yesterday. and often you have the prosecutors thankfully not this justice department but often you have prosecutors who hold a press conference and they describe the evidence. let's let people see everything as it plays out in court. >> i just got to wrap it. i have to ask you this one. you detail in your op-ed what it would take to get the cameras in the courtroom. the u.s. judicial conference would have to vote in favor of suspension. judicial counsel of the d.c. circuit would have to suspend its rule. federal rules of criminal procedure would have to change. what's the plausibility of this happening over the next several months or year before the trial? >> well, it's going to be lots of time it looks like before there is a trial. and the key really is the chief justice. if the chief justice wants this to happen, it will happen. >> all right. steven brill, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> that was a really interesting conversation. >> yeah. i would absolutely think we should all see as much as of this as we can, but what will be the impact of it. >> and the fact that he said at the end, it will be up to john roberts. and your point, what in the last eight years people watching it will believe it. >> maybe watching things like the o.j. trial. >> they watched the january 6th commission or watched that or the special committee. >> even more people would watch this. >> they would. but did they believe it after they watched it? >> yeah. that's really, really fascinating conversation. simone biles making dazzling come back to competitive gymnastics. her incredible performance, just totally perfect. and where she's headed next. >> thousands of beyonce fans forced to shelter in place at last night's concert outside of d.c. what the stadium is now saying. ♪ chevy silvererado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camemera views. and the z71 off-road packakage. ♪ you ok? 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>> derek, thank you. it's been such a wild summer in terms of the dangerous, dangerous stormy weather. appreciate it. a triumphant return for seven-time olympic medalist, gymnast simone biles winning her first competitive event since 2021 in front of a packed house at the hydration classic this weekend. she is qualified for the u.s. national championships. cnn isabel rosales joins us live from hoffmann estates in illinois. it was amazing to watch. especially with the context that this is the first competition since tokyo. >> reporter: her performance is just mind blowing, victor. and it's clear that this is such a big moment, not only for biles but also for the world of gymnastics and her fans that are so inspired by her. i spoke with so many of them over the weekend, just in awe of her performance, saying it looks like she hadn't missed a day. as you mentioned, victor, she hasn't competed in two years. >> simone "freaking" biles. >> reporter: the goat making a dominating return to elite competitive gymnastics. biles winning first place in the all around, crushing on vault, floor, and balance beam. >> not sure she could have done that any better. >> reporter: nabbing third place on the uneven bars. >> it felt really good, especially after everything that's happened over the past year. >> reporter: on floor, performing this skill, known as the biles. and on vault, nailing the yurchenko double pike, something no female athlete has done in competition. biles reacting with a fist bump and her signature smile. >> everyone that was cheering made posters and all that in the crowd, it just made my heart melt that they still believe in me. i got back out here and i did what i was training. so i'm very happy with the result. >> reporter: biles hasn't competed since the tokyo games two years ago. shocking the world when she withdrew from events after suffering from the twisties. a spatial and mental block where athletes are unable to keep track of their position in mid air. >> i say put mental health first because if you don't, then you're not going to enjoy your sport. >> reporter: fell le competitors describe to cnn as debilitating. >> once you get it, it's hard to get over and takes a really huge mental toll. >> you need to know who you are so you can land and not get hurt. >> biles then ultimately watering down her routine and still earning bronze on the balance beam. >> this time i'm doing it for me. i worked on myself and i belief in myself a little more. it's just coming back out here and starting those first steps again. >> reporter: the athlete also revealing she had been abused by dr. larry nassar, testifying with fellow members of team usa to the senate judiciary committee. >> my name is simone biles, i'm a gymnast. i'm also a survivor of sexual abuse. >> reporter: biles blooming as a role model for athlete mental health. from her littlest fans -- >> what is your sign say? >> welcome back, simone. stick it, girls. >> reporter: nothing but pure support for the olympians big return. >> just never give up. >> keep being a great gymnast. >> reporter: and with this win, biles is now qualified to go to san jose for the u.s. nationals and then in the fall are the world championships. but the big question is, what about the olympics? 2024 in paris simone says she is not ready to talk about that yet but rather she is taking it one step at a time. poppy, victor? >> we're all looking forward to it, though. >> one amazing step at a time. what a joy to watch her shine. >> isabel rosales, thank you so much for that. simone "freaken" biles. our next hour, we'll speak to three-time olympian gymnast dominique daus. vice president kamala harris stepping up her role in the 2024 presidential campaign and republican candidates taking notice as well. that's ahead. 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it suggests that maybe an argument against the president may not be working. so they have to shift toward the vice president. >> yeah. but it also does other thing, number one, it high lights biden's age and number two, it does something that at a very base level voters respond to, and that's the unknown. we know what a biden presidency would be like. in a republican primary, the idea or what we don't know about a potential harris presidency is a pretty ominous idea. and that's why those are the two reasons that multiple candidates are attacking harris in this way. >> it's amazing. you come to me first. >> mr. former coms director. >> i was a communication director until january. listen, i think this was a complicated argument for republicans to make. it's a little silly. it's a bank shot, right? you have to hit kamala harris in order to go after joe biden. that means you have to ask voters to do two things at the same time. and it just seems to me like there's a simpler argument. either you think joe biden should be president or you don't think joe biden should be president to go after the vice president i think is a little bit more complicated and voters don't make strategic voting decisions. they vote for the person they want. >> sure. but i think daniel's reporting is great, "the new york times" piece this weekend is really fascinating calling her a one woman rapid response operation. and it says that her going on the offense, like we have seen in florida on abortion, a number of times on the curriculum change is a notable shift. does she -- is this where she is really in her comfort zone? does she want this? >> listen, when people first came nationally to know kamala harris when she was prosecuting people in the judiciary committee, going after folks, when she went after joe biden on the debate stage in those early primary debates. and so i think her prosecuting her opponents, prosecuting the case against her opponents, is her sweet spot in terms of her public presentation. so they should keep doing it. this is a woman who has the intellect, the stamina, toughness and also the instinct to make sure all americans are included in the american enterprise. the question on the other side is, are they only going to talk about donald trump in 2020? and if you're having a conversation between president biden and vice president harris about the economy improving, inflation going down, protecting a woman's right to reproductive choice and making slavery -- talking about the perils of slavery and your unison around that, if you're having that conversation, you're actually in a much better place than people arguing whether or not donald trump committed in crimes in 2020. >> i'll get this and learn on to something we're just learning about. do people really vote, you think, on the vice president, the sitting vice president? this is a potent argument. maybe in 2008 sarah palin as a candidate shifted some votes. >> they use that same wording. if not him, then you get her. >> then you get her. a heart beat away, as we know. do you think this is a potent argument? >> i don't think the gop is wrong for doing it. again, age is a factor here. we have been talking about it both for president biden and for former president trump. and kamala harris is going to be a deterrent for republican voters, moderate voter and possibly independents. it's not a bad strategy for the gop to go after her in that way, quite frankly. >> ron desantis, let's listen, he did this interview with nbc. the interviewer did a great job of getting him to directly answer a key question about who won the election. here it is. >> yes or no, did donald trump lose the 2020 election? >> whoever puts their hand on the bible on january 20th every four years is the winner. >> but respectfully, you did not clearly answer that question. and if you can't give a yes or no on whether or not trump lost, then how can -- >> of course he lost. >> there's also a weird echo. >> ron desantis is changing his tune. he's changing who he does interviews with and how he answers questions. what's going on? >> his campaign is struggling. he has to do something different, right? but this is also a good sign. i i'm for this. pence speaking out against former president and what happened on january 6th. setting his record straight. again, just having ron desantis speak out against what donald trump has been doing. his childish attacks. they all -- the gop candidates that are vying for the 2024 spot need to be going after what trump has done because they can't run in his lane. they have to separate themselves. >> so, daniel, he has now acknowledged the truth that donald trump lost the 2020 election. what disoes this get him? he is far behind the former president in state and national polls. what does he earn now with this acknowledgment? >> i mean, likely it keeps him in the hunt for some of these trump voters. notice how he responded to that question. he did not give a yes or no answer. he gave a very sort of opaque hand on the bible on the 20th. that's who the president is. so, if you clip that, it's not him saying trump lost the election, which could enrage both the former president himself and his voters. it really shows in the end that desantis' bet is that he can win over the most hard core trump voters, which pollsters have told me in the past are just unlikely to move from trump under any circumstances. >> he eventually got to, of course, the former president lost. we'll see where he goes after that. daniel, jamal -- >> real quick before we go. >> i just want to know why ron desantis is going to debate the governor of calikcalifornia gav newsom. this is a silly campaign tactic. he is trying to get some attention. gavin newsom is a very distinguished person a governor also a political heckler in this particular environment. he should be fighting the guy on the stage, not fighting somebody in the stands. >> they have been going back and forth over parameters and rules. >> it's silly. >> daniel, jamal -- >> tell us how you really feel. >> thank you all. one of lake tahoe's biggest thieves in custody. and it's not a human. it's a bear. blamed for more than 20 home break-ins. where she and her cubs are now heading. plus, a rare walrus calf rescued, 24/7 cuddle care. that story ahead. ♪ with fastsigns, create striking custom visuals that inspire pride district-wide. with fastsigns, create striki ♪ custom fastsigns. ma your statement. new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? 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really? and your clothes just keep getting more damaged the more times you wash them. downy protects fibers, doing more than detergent alone. see? this one looks brand new. saves me money? i'm starting to like downy. downy saves loads. so, someone is wanted for breaking into more than 20 homes in california, and they've been captured, but here's the twist. it's a 500-pound black mama bear known as hank the tank. california fish and wildlife biologists say they are relocating her from the lake tahoe area to a sanctuary in colorado because they say she poses significant risk to the area. obviously, after all of these break-ins. there are several bears in the area known as hank the tank, but the wildlife officials have linked her specific dna to at least 21 break-ins. they say she has even brought her cubs, her kids, alongside on some of these escapades, so now they're planning to relocate her and three of her cubs to this california rescue center where they hope eventually they'll be able to be rehabilitated and return to the wild. jeff corwin joins us now. he's a wildlife and conservationist expert and host of wildlife nation. jeff, good morning. obviously, that can be super dangerous if there are people inside of wherever she's breaking into. are you surprised that after 21 break-ins, they think she can be rehabilitated and put back in the wild? >> she clearly knows what she's doing. i can almost imagine her lowering from a ceiling with like all of these lasers around her, trying to negotiate to where the food is. but seriously, this is basically an animal taking advantage of an opportunity. bears are incredibly intelligent, emotional, adaptive animals. so why is this bear doing this? there's usually one big reason. and that is because a bear is displaced. it can be displaced because of a loss of habitat. it can be displaced because it's no longer dominant and is experiencing a little competition from other bears in the environment. but also, it's taking advantage of low-hanging fruit resources. so, clearly, this bear has learned that on the other side of this obstacle, your screened porch, your door, your window is a nice, fresh blueberry pie, you know, cooling on the windowsill or the refrigerator has some sandwiches in there. and it's learned that and it goes in there to get that resource. to sustain itself and to sustain its cubs. unfortunately, by doing this, learning this behavior, it puts itself in an incredibly vulnerable situation, because the saying goes, eventually, for an animal like this, a fed bear becomes a dead bear. thankfully, they've moved in, they've rescued her and her cubs, hopefully they stay together, and they get relocated. but it's very likely she will go right back to that same resource again, unless she finds a different opportunity. >> yeah, i want to -- on that, we just saw the video of hank with her cubs. you expect that they will relocate all of them to colorado, not just the mama bear? i mean, it would be kind of sad if they left the cubs behind. >> well, i've heard different things. i'm just hearing that from you. i had thought they had separated the babies from the mom and she got relocated. and so, already, if that is the case, you can see already that there's been a disastrous result. we had a bear in massachusetts that was on the tip -- wandered on to the tip of pea town, on the tip of cape cod, somehow went through the cape cod canal. they relocated it hundreds of miles away in western massachusetts, and the next day it was back in peatown, cape cod. that's how adaptive and resourceful they are. but this is all preventable. if you lock up and secure your food, most importantly your garbage, you will deter this bear and hopefully it will find other resources for survival. and habitat. places for them to live. >> we've got to talk about this baby wall rust. because, apparently, it was found alone on the coast of alaska, and the way that you rehabilitate walruses is through around-the-clock cuddle care, which is what they're going through at the alaska sea life center. what is that? >> so, poppy and victor, this really warms my heart. and my wife and i were talking about it last night. and they said, oh, my gosh, look at you with that little baby walrus cub and look at you as a brunette. this is at the alaska sea life center. one of my favorite places in alaska. these folks, they're the only place in that whole part of the world that can do this. so walruses, unlike sea lions and unlike seals, they have a very quick adolescence, a quick childhood. my dogs are coming. quiet! >> it's okay, they're welcome. they're welcome to join. >> so they have to be constantly bottle fed, but within a couple of weeks, they're released into the wild. walruses are a completely different animal altogether. they rely on mama's love, that maternal, hands-hon, tactile nurturing. and it's not something that will take a month or two months as you would with a sea or sea lion. this could take upwards of two years. it's intensive care, it's tlc, it's science, it's veterinary medicine. only these folks, the alaskan sea life center in alaska, seward, such a special place. guys, this place came out of the valdez oil spill, because they had to respond to all of those animals that were orphaned or injured, and this has been a life-saving resource. hopefully, this beautiful little walrus will thrive and survive. unfortunately, it's unlikely to be returned to the wild, because it's so intensively hand raised, they become conditioned to human beings. and that will be the next challenge, is to find a home for a creature that will weigh thousands of pounds. >> jeff corwin, thank you for warming our hearts a little bit this morning. >> my pleasure. this morning, street closures are set to begin outside the fulton county courthouse in atlanta, as security measures are put in place for a possible trump indictment. blue-sky thinking.a litte i'll be taking meetings... with family and friends. and checking voicecemail... as my activities permit. i'll connect witith you... after rereconnecting with me. ♪ get 1.9% apr for 36 months plus $1,500 purchase allowance on a 2024 xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. ♪ the all-new tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night... ...or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited ti, save $500 on all-new tempur-breeze mattresses. - [narrator] we just signed the lease on our third shop. i guess we're a chain now, right? 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