Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

going to make a return. >> is it certain she's going to compete? >> yes. she is slated to compete. >> a lot of people will be watching. andy, thank you. the next hour of "cnn this morning" starts right now. 7 a.m. it went by quickly. good morning, everyone. welcome to "cnn this morning." i'm amarer walker. >> i'm victor blackwell. the fight between the special prosecutor and donald trump heating up now after the former president posted this threat jerng, they say, message on his social media. now the special counsel is calling on the judge in the january 6th case to take action. authorities have identified another victim in the gilgo beach murders. it comes just a week after rex heuermann was identified. could the killing be tied to the same suspect. chaos in new york city. thousands of people flood the streets after a social media influencer posts online about a give away. she's back. gymnast simone biles makes the return for the first time since the tokyo olympics. we'll have the latest on tonight's competition. this morning special counsel jack smith aiming at former president trump after he appeared to make threats against his opponent. last night prosecutors made this filing citing this social media post from trump that reads, if you go after me, i'm coming after you. >> trump's campaign defended a post as the definition of free speech and said it had nothing to do with the case. now smith wants the judge to ban trump defense team from sharing sensitive evidence with the former president. he argues trump may publicly disclose that information as he has done many times before in other cases. yesterday the former president also entered a not guilty plea to three new charges stemming from the classified documents case. the filing marked the second time in 24 hours that the former president entered a not guilty plea. the former president's extensive legal troubles, they do not appear to be slowing his campaign. last night in alabama he called the cases election interference again. >> every one of these many fake charges filed against me by the corrupt biden doj could have been filed 2 1/2 years ago. they didn't want to do it 2 1/2 years ago, they wanted to wait and they did wait. they waited right until the middle of an election and they waited until i became the dominant force in the poll. they want to interfere in my campaign. they commonly use tactic in third world countries. >> trump's legal troubles have not eroded his support within the party. >> in fact, some think he can turn each indictment into his advantage. cnn's kristin holmes reports. >> good morning, amara and victor, this was a very receptive crowd. he says if he were elected president again, first day in office he would appoint a special prosecutor to continue the work congress was doing looking into, investigating the biden family. he also claimed that the left, because he was doing well, was sicking rabid democratic left wing lawyers on him and claimed these charges were only brought because he was leading in the polls. one thing to keep in mind is that this is the playbook for these indictments, these charges. >> we have seen time and time again and it is not going to stop, they are claiming, trump and his team, this is election interference. this is something they believe they can sell to voters and particularly they believe this as we ramp up campaign season. they point to the fact that he is the front-runner but on top of that, there is a time in which these trials will interfere with the campaign. now i had spoken to a number of republican voters and there are quite a few who agree with the fact that this could actually impact the election leading this narrative that trump is spinning. clearly, it's something that is working there with them among the voters that i'm talking to among the republican party. they are going to continue saying this is fully political ignoring the legalities, trying to play this out in the court of public opinion. >> kristin holmes, thank you. let's talk more about this as liese wheel. appreciate you joining us this morning. what are your thoughts on this friday night filing? how does it differ from a gag order? what are prosecutors seeking? >> well, the prosecutors here are wanting the former president to exercise his first amendment right to say the charges are bogus, to go with the playbook that he always does. that's fine until you cross a line to possible incitement. right? i mean, the first amendment is not absolute. we all know the adage, you know, you can't yell fire in a crowded theater. you can't incite people to do something that's going to be dangerous for other people and that's what this borders on. whether the judge will actually act on it, i'm not sure. i think she may wait and see how this plays out, see whether or not if evidence is given over to the trump team that trump does actually tweet something out that he shouldn't. at that point when an action has actually been taken, i think she can step in. i don't know that she's going to be a prophylactic sort of judge saying stop before the action has already been taken. >> something new that also came down on friday night is trump ally bernie karak is set to meet with the special counsel any day now from what his lawyer has said. he is refusing to turn over more than 300 documents -- records, i should say, that are being sought in a separate election related lawsuit. first off, these documents, could they be of any interest, do you think, to special counsel jack smith? and why now especially after an indictment was just handed out? >> well, because they may have found something out about karak. he has a shadowy, if i'm being kind here, history. anything that could have popped up that would be of interest to the special counsel may have only been discovered in the last couple of days after this indictment. so, you know, an indictment is a living, breathing thing. it could be superseded. it could be added -- you can add those unindicted co-conspirators, you can add more charges. for karak to be withholding documents, that sends a message to the prosecutor that perhaps there's something that he thinks worth withholding for his friend, the former president. >> so back to the election subversion case. you know, as we heard in court, you know, the prosecutors, they are saying they want this trial to unfold under the speedy trial act, which basically sets a limit of 70 days -- >> right. >> -- that a trial must begin after an indictment or a first court appearance. 70 days? that would be, what, in october? could a trial in that case begin that soon? >> that's what the statute reads and the statute also reads that the judge has to set a trial date. i mean, there are no extenuating circumstances for somebody being busy. we're all busy. we all would probably not want to face an indictment so she has to set a deadline. i doubt that it will be within the 70 days and that can be waived. i would think more realistically she's got to juggle the couple other indictments that are going on and a couple other trial dates but realistically january is a definite possibility. if not january, then you bump into the march date, you can bump into a may date. then you're way out to july. i think this judge saying that, look, we've only got one defendant and prosecutors are ready to hand over all the discovery, all the exculpatory material and let's get this done before we have more damage out there with the former president tweeting away as we're already seeing happening yesterday and probably today. >> how much of this trial will hinge on trump's state of mind, the fact that he -- you know, whether or not he believed that the falsehoods? >> right. that's going to be critical for the prosecution, and that's probably the most difficult part in a normal fraud case or an intent-related case where you've got to get into the brain of the person, but here there are so many comments by his lawyers and others, his former attorney general bill barr. there are so many other things going on real time that show his state of mind. that's one. the other thing is if trump wants to refute a state of mind that the prosecution has built up by all of this other evidence, guess what, he's got to take the stand, amara, and that -- you know, can you imagine that? with jack smith having trump on the stand hitting him with one statement after the other, one action after the other, one tweet after the other. i mean, it would be a long and laborious process, days in the making, but trump would have to take the stand saying i was not thinking that. >> i can't imagine his defense counsel wanting him to take the stand. >> oh, no. >> lis wiehl, thank you for joining us. we're learning more details about a sea drone strike on a russian navy ship in the black sea. the attack shows how ukraine is extending its reach in its counter offensive against russia. we have more information from nick peyton walsh. >> reporter: the footage is grainy and dark and then the target comes into view. the amphibious assault ship, an unmanned attack drone approaches its target 450 kilograms of tnt detonates and the feed cuts out. russia claimed to have repelled this attack but the video tells a different story. ukraine's counter offensive has in recent weeks reached further and further behind the front lines forcing the russian military to spread its sea and air defenses. hundreds of miles from ukrainian controlled territory this was meant to be a safe anchorage. no longer. it used to be safe here, says one prominent military blogger. >> translator: the fact that such unfortunate incidents occur one after another will certainly be something for them to talk about today. for the political leadership, this is, of course, a serious slap in the face. >> reporter: all the same, russia maintains the image of being in control. it says defense minister visited troops in occupied ukraine. the map they both point to so much worse than moscow ever imagined when they invaded 18 months ak. victor, amara, the attacks on moscow, the glass towers of moscow city, all an example of ukraine's further reach. this naval port on the black sea, hundreds of miles ukraine would have had to have sent a drone to have gotten there. it is a startling sign of the ingenuity kyiv are using to attack parts of russian's military establishment they must have thought far from kyiv's reach weeks ago, victor and amara. at least 57 million people across the south and southwest are under heat alert today as it's hammering the u.s. >> plus, nearly 100 temperature records have been broken across cities like arizona and florida. arizona is ridiculously hot. breaking records weekend after weekend. allison chinchar in the weather center. >> i'm ready for fall. i don't know about you. >> same here. >> yeah. the yeah. i think i'm ready. it's summer. it's supposed to be hot. the thing you have to understand is we're talking about levels that aren't meant to be here for prolonged periods of time. in arizona, people are coming in with burns simply from falling on the pavement because the numbers are so high. you have the heat alerts stretching from california all the way over towards florida today. when you factor in the humidity, places like corpus christi are going to feel like 118 today. yes, 118. not much better in brownsville and baton rouge, they'll top out at 115. out west, pretty hot, tucson, phoenix, 5 to 10 degrees above where they normally would be this time of year. throughout the weekend we're looking at at least 100 locations from arizona and florida that could break even more records on top of what they already have. the only areas seeing any form of relief from all of this heat are actually the areas that are dealing with rain, but in those areas it's severe weather. so it's not even relief that they want. you've got very heavy rain coming down across areas of illinois, kentucky, tennessee. the same places we had flooding issues yesterday. now you're talking additional severe threat for today. the main concerns are damaging winds and large hail. we can't rule out a tornado but these are going to be the biggest areas of concern. sioux falls down to oklahoma city. farther over into the mississippi valley and tennessee valley areas. indianapolis, memphis, birmingham also looking at the potential for showers. a double play here. you have some this morning and then that second round, guys, will start to develop once we get into the afternoon. >> yes. fall. when is it coming? september? >> i think we just start wearing fall gear and it will just come. >> all right. allison chinchar, thank you so much. the megamillion jackpot now above $1.5 billion. nobody won friday's jackpot. could be a new record for tuesday's drawing. people across the country, a few of them, won at least a million dollars. they got five white balls right but they didn't get the six ball. >> why can't they dividehat jackpot by four so everyone can get about -- what is the math, over a quarter million, 250 mil. >> this is riveting television, by the way. live math. >> i never said i could do good math. it's a big pot for every person who wins. >> 6.25. >> here are friday'sinning numbers. >> i'm kidding. >> it's like 4 something. >> 400 million per person. >> tweet us. tweeus the answer because i don't have a calculator on my phone. the numbers, 11, 30, 45, 52, 56. megaball 20. good luck. still ahead, the fbi says there might be more victims after a woman escaped from a cinder block dungeon in a man's garage in oregon. plus, more than five years after the deadliest high school shooting in the u.s., the parkland school massacre was reenacted. we'll tell you why. g roger. ♪ ♪ gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest stuff smelling freshsh. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also dends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ a ngle strand of mrna could change the way we fight respiratory diseases. and the company that's getting us there? 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miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. this is just one wild story. police have arrested people after a video game console give away spiralled into total chaos. look. >> this is crazy. it was organized by kai cenat. the crowd turned into a mob. >> it was some very nervous moments for nypd. this was a lie started by fans. a massive number of people. he's a youtuber. around 1 p.m. he told his followers to come down, that he was going to give away ps 5s or some sort of video system. when they got down here they started arriving by the thousands. it started to turn into an absolute mob. this was under construction completely cordoned off by the public. police say they took rocks and bottles and construction materials from here and attacked not only police but they spread out across the city. police called in all hands essentially to lock down this area and be areas around the system. here's how nypd said this whole thing started. >> as the crowd grew, so did our mobilization. the crowd was swarmtd when the influencer arrived at the park. individuals in the park began to commit acts of violence towards the police and the public. there was a construction site within the union square park and people broke into the park you had people walking around with shovels, axes, other tools from the construction trade. additionally individuals lighting fireworks throwing them towards the police and each other. >> reporter: what is truly impressive is how quickly nypd responded to this and was able to get ahold of it but it was quite frightening for a while for everyone. you had senior officers with nypd down in the crowd batting away stuff that the crowd was throwing at them until they called in all forces and finally got this under control. amara, victor? >> the crowds just unbelievable. miguel, thank you. nearly five years after 17 students and teachers were killed at marjorie stoneman douglas high school, bullets flew through the school once again. the shooting rampage was reenacted with live rounds on friday. >> this was part of the civil lawsuit against the school resource officer who stayed outside during the massacre. cnn's carlos suarez explains. >> reporter: victor and amara, good morning. the families of the victims believe the reenactment will prove there's no way former school resource officer scot peterson did not know where the gunfire was coming from the day of the shooting. back in june peterson was found not guilty on criminal charges for his inaction after his attorneys argued that peterson took cover outside of the 1200 building because he thought there was more than one shooter and he could not tell where the sound of gunfire was coming from. the reenactment is part of a civil lawsuit against peterson and others, including the broward county sheriff's office. now before the reenactment took place, nine members of congress made up of democrats and republicans toured the 1200 building with some of the family members. they got a look at the three floors where 17 students and staff members were killed and 17 others were hurt in 2018. we're told that the building remains exactly the same as the day of the shooting. after the tour the lawmakers met with the families to discuss school safety legislation and increasing funding for mental health services and its school resource officers. here now is south florida congressman jared moskowicz, a graduate of marjorie stoneman douglas here in florida. >> there's nothing more powerful than visualizing what happened in that building, and i'm hoping that it breaks the walls down and we figure out where we can mitigate this from happening not just? schools but in communities with an understanding there's going to be disagreements and things that i want done, that they will do and there's things that they want done that i won't do but that should not impact us from the things we know we should be doing, preparing for families and teachers. >> reporter: the family members said they would like to invite other members of congress before the 1200 building is eventually torn down, a process that a broward county school district said could take several months. >> thank you. still ahead, after a woman escaped from a make shift dungeon made of cinder blocks in a man's garage in oregon, the fbi says it's now looking for additional victims in ten other states. ve. use priceline, they've got deals no one else has. whwhat about work? i got you. lolooking great you guys! ♪ go to your happppy price ♪ ♪ priceline ♪ - [narrator] we just shipped r millionth monthly coffee subscription box. we're sending custom thank-you gifts to everyone on our team who helped us get there. i had to call eric at custom ink. custom ink has been with us from the beginning, and he makes sure that we get everything we need, and even reminds us of our own company milestones. this milestone though, i get to tell him about. he is every bit as excited as we are, and knows great quality products we can customize and send for the gifts. celebrate all your milestones with custom gear. get started today at for too long, big oil companies have bought off politicians so they can get away with ripping us off. that's changing now. joe biden passed a plan to jumpstart clean energy production in america. it's creating good jobs that can't be outsourced and will lower energy costs. $1800. that's how much a new report says the inflation reduction act could save just the average american family on energy costs. 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call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. another gilgo beach murder victim has been identified. woman known for years as fire island jane doe has been identified as karen vergata. in the '90s parts of her body were found dismembered. then a skull was found on ocean parkway. and they were able to use dna to identify her. >> technology is really incredible. now authorities are not connecting this victim to rex heuermann at this time. he was arrested last month in connection with three women also found on gilgo beach. jean casarez walks us through decades of work. >> reporter: what this shows is not only the length of time that it can take to identify someone but truly the advent of forensic science. it was february of 1996 and on fire island in new york there was found extremities of a human being, feet and legs. no identity at all, but then 15 years later a skull was found in the gilgo beach area and they were able in 2011 to look at the dna and they determined that it was from the same person. now go from 2011 to 2022 and that is when the task force basically was born to look into these unsolved homicides in long island, gilgo beach. listen to the elected district attorney of suffolk county. >> in august of 2022, approximately six months after we formed this gilgo task force, dna profile suitable for genealogical testing identified karen vergata. we were able to identify ms. vergata presumptively as fire island jane doe. thereafter in october of 2022 using a bucal swab from a relative of karen vergata we were able to definitively identify her. >> reporter: the district attorney does not implicate rex heuermann with the identity of this victim. they will work this part of the case just like they did with the gilgo four, but what's interesting is the charges that rex heuermann is facing, the victims were found tied with belts, duct tape, rolled in burlap and karen vergata and several other victims in the gilgo beach long island area, they were dismembered and parts of their body were found in various locations. one thing we do know, the investigation is far from over and we will be continuing to see what happens. amara, victor. >> jean, thank you. the fbi is looking for victims after a woman in oregon, she made this terrifying escape. earlier this week a woman broke out of a make shift cinder block dungeon. she told the fbi she had been kidnapped in seattle on july 15th. a 29-year-old negasi zub eri wa arrested. he's been linked to several other violent assaults in four other states. investigators say he has lived in ten states since 2016 and now they fear there may be more victims in those states. cnn's senior national analyst is with me now. this is unbelievable. they describe this man as having all of the things you'd expect an undercover officer to have, the weapons, the badges, all of that. it is exceedingly rare but what should someone do if this -- it happens and you think, well, he looks like an undercover cop? >> reporter: i mean, obviously this is one of the hardest situations because most people would be -- would accept a claim that someone is representing law enforcement. whie often tell women is, you know, if you are pulled over, go to a lighted area. be in an area in which there would be other witnesses if in case this is the situation. i think what's interesting in both of the cases we're talking about with the gilgo beach as well, these are sex workers who are being ever victimized. it's telling that law enforcement is treating these cases quite seriously, looking for the links. these women are not being treated as expendables which has happened in the past with law enforcement or at least not focused on. they are being targeted because of their vulnerabilities. they often would not go to law enforcement because of the nature of their profession. so these two cases in many ways are somewhat similar in the focus on who the victim is. >> so, juliette, authorities looking in ten other states where he's lived in the last several years. what are they doing likely to find potential victims? >> reporter: well, it's never the first time. so, you sknow, he gets caught. he's traveling 400 miles. he has a certain amount of dockiness about his ability to transport women across states for long periods of time. you're going to go from the assumption that, yes, there are other victims and then going mostly to his places of residence or where they might think he has resided and then looking back at police reports about whether there were other cases in if which women came forward and said, look, there was a guy who pretented he was a police officer and he did this to me. he tried to drag me into his car. and then they'll try -- and then they'll look at unsolved cases, women who are missing, women whose whereabouts have been unknown for some period of time or unidentified bodies, a woman who may have been in the sex trade or who did have family looking for them, unidentified bodies, and then try to link them. they now have him. they have his dna. they'll be able to do this with more sophisticated forensics and give these women justice as well as their families. >> let's turn to the gilgo beach discovery. now the fire island jane doe has been identified as karen vergata. we know that rex heuermann has been charged with other murders there, not connected to this one during this news conference. what will they be doing to determine whether he is also responsible for velgavergata's . >> reporter: it's interesting they are waiting. they have such a strong case now, they don't want to -- they don't want to make any mistakes so i think in the next week or two they'll be identifying whether there's hairs, dna, anything else that they can find on these two body parts. where was he at the time of -- at the time the victim went missing. can they -- are there similarities in the bodies or in his behavior around that time. remember, his behavior starts to look similar over the course of these years. his family is often out of town so he'll look to the family's travel records and then his whereabouts. it is -- it is very smart of them to wait to tie this because if they tie it and then they don't have the proof, the rest of the case falls apart. so some of this is just them being very, very wise about pacing this investigation. >> all right. juliette kayyem, thank you. still ahead, the fda just approved the first postpartum pill in the u.s. more on thatat when we come bac. all night t long. for a limited time, save $500 onon all-new tempur-breeze mattresses. 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(vo) verizon small business days are coming. from august 7th to the 13th. now is the time to partner with our experts. get started today with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. mothers experiencing postpartum depression. the fda has approved the nation's first ever pill zuranolone. it can be taken at home over two weeks. it's deemed safe and effective in two clinical trials. patients in those trials say it worked very quickly for them with sustained effectiveness. one in eight women in the u.s. and 17% of women across the globe experience symptoms of depression. >> the cdc is now recommending all infants under eight months of age get a new antibody shot to protect against severe respiratory virus. it's known as rsv. an infection with rsc is life threatening for the have i young and the elderly. joining me is the lead physician and an obesity specialist. as a mother with two children, i wish i had this shot for my children because they've had rsv. it's a verbal virus to get. what is your reaction now that this is available? what would you recommend to parents? >> this is wonderful. this is an opportunity to protect infants, especially the babies under eight months going into the rsv season. i would recommend for parents to speak with their pediatrician to get this medication. it's not actually a vaccine, it's a monoclonal antibody. most parents, it's hard to see your baby who's sick, runny nose, cough, it will help protect them during this season. >> this antibody shot is not going to prevent your child from getting rsv, it's about how severely sick you would get if your child were to contract the virus, correct? >> yes. it definitely helps with protection. they won't be as severe. unfortunately, like you were mentioning, in the u.s. there's 58,000 to 80,000 infants actually hospitalized because of rsv so it helps us with reducing those severe cases. >> i do want be to ask you about this ozempic lawsuit especially considering you are an obesity specialist. this is a lawsuit filed on wednesday. there is a woman who is claiming that she suffered severe injuries from using ozempic. want to read to you what this alleges. she suffered from severe vomiting, stomach pain, gastrointestinal burning. she had to alleviate vomiting from throwing up whole food hours after eating. is there any advice for -- what is your reaction to this lawsuit? >> what is your advice? >> it's so unfortunate she experienced those side effects from the medications. definitely it's clear that ozempic and mounjaro are part of the agonist class. one of the symptoms is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. for those people who have diabetes and are on ozempic and mounjaro, if they're experiencing these symptoms, they need to discontinue the medication and talk with their physician about what are some other alternatives. unfortunately not everyone's able to take these medications but that's okay. there are other medications out there to help with not only controlling your diabetes but also there are fda approved medications that help with weight loss as well. >> and from your experience, i mean, how popular have these drugs been? >> oh, they've been extremely popular. it's one of the medications people come in and say my friend heard about this, ozempic, mounjaro, how can i get on these? right now they're just fda approved for diabetes, but soon they do have weygovi that's fda approved for weight loss. you can get somebody on this particular class of medications. i've seen a lot of people be able to lose weight with these medications and not only that, i've seen a lot of people who have been able to control their diabetes with these medications. so they definitely are an excellent medication if -- for particular people. some people are not able to take these medications due to the severe side effects and in my practice we usually will stop them if anybody's experiencing continuous nausea, vomiting because there are other medications that can help that do not cause these side effects. >> dr. alicia shelly, appreciate your time this morning. thank you. she's back after stepping away from gymnastics for two years to focus on her mental health. simone biles is returning to competition. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google for everyone who lives here. ♪ a single strand of mrna... could individualize how we approach cancer. ♪ and the company that's getting us there? 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Entered A , Troubles , Three , 24 , Election , One , Corrupt Biden Doj , Interference , Alabama , It , Force , Poll , Middle , 2 1 , Indictment , Fact , Some , Countries , Party , Support , Tactic , Third World , Crowd , Amara , Office , Kristin Holmes Reports , Advantage , Biden Family , Congress , Left , Democratic , Indictments , Thing , Playbook , Stop , Lawyers , Mind , Polls , Wing , Something , Voters , Team , Trials , Top , Election Interference , Campaign Season , Front Runner , Number , Few , Spinning , Narrative , Republican , Court Of Public Opinion , Kristin Holmes , Legalities , Thoughts , Gag Order , Liese Wheel , Amendment , Incitement , Line , Bogus , Yell Fire In A Crowded Theater , Adage , Borders On , Trump Team , Plays Out , He Shouldn T , Sort , Prophylactic , Bernie Karak , Set , Lawyer , Ally , 300 , Interest , First Off , Anything , Shadowy , History , Breathing Thing , Living , Unindicted Co Conspirators , Prosecutor , Court , Election Subversion Case , Friend , Withholding , Clinical Trial , Limit , Speedy Trial Act , 70 , Somebody , Statute , Circumstances , Deadline , Possibility , Tweeting , Discovery , Damage , Material , Defendant , State Of Mind , Falsehoods , Person , Part , Prosecution , Brain , Fraud , Comments , Things , Others , Bill Barr , Stand , Mother , Tweet , Guess What , Defense Counsel , Making , Laborious Process , U S , Ukraine , Reach , Counter Offensive , Attack , Ship , Sea Drone Strike , Details , Lis Wiehl , Black Sea , Russian Navy , No One , Target , Amphibious Assault Ship , Footage , View , Russia , Nick Peyton Walsh , Unmanned , Story , Video , Feed Cuts , Tnt Detonates , 450 , Hundreds , Miles Ukraine , Air Defenses , Sea , Military , Lines , Territory , Longer , Military Blogger , Safe Anchorage , Course , Another , Slap , Incidents , Leadership , Translator , Face , All The Same , Defense Minister , Troops , Being , Point , Image , Map , Naval Port , Example , Towers , Moscow City , Attacks On Moscow , Ak , 18 , Parts , Drone , Kyiv , Sign , Ingenuity , Heat , Military Establishment , South , Hammering , U S Plus , 57 Million , South Florida , Arizona , Cities , Allison Chinchar , Weather Center , Yeah , Numbers , Levels , Burns , Aren T , Pavement , California All The Way , Florida Today , Humidity , Corpus Christi , Brownsville , Baton Rouge , 115 , 118 , Locations , Out West , Records , Phoenix , Tucson , 5 , 10 , Areas , Relief , Rain , Form , Weather , Tennessee , Illinois , Kentucky , Places , Concern , Concerns , Hail , Tornado , Winds , Flooding , Potential , Morning , Guys , Double Play , Showers , Round , Indianapolis , Oklahoma City , Sioux Falls , Tennessee Valley , Mississippi Valley , Memphis , Birmingham , Jackpot , Afternoon , September , Country , Record , Nobody , Drawing , Balls , Tuesday , A Million Dollars , Six , 5 Billion , A Million , Five , 1 5 Billion , Math , Way , Television , Ball , 250 Mil , 6 25 , 4 , Victims , Fbi , Phone , Answer , Luck , Calculator , Tweeus , Megaball 20 , 30 , 11 , 20 , 400 Million , 45 , 52 , 56 , Woman , Man , Garage , Dungeon , High School Shooting , Oregon , Cinder Block , Scent Beads , Reenacted , Parkland School Massacre , G Roger , Stuff Smelling Freshsh , Security , Infrastructure , Cyberattacks , Services , Google , Company , Everything , Diseases , Ngle Strand , Mrna , Moderna , Life , Adults , Picture , Vyvgart , Positive , Myasthenia Gravis , Ability , Participants , Activities , Muscle Weakness , Gmg Treatment , Side Effects , Risk , Symptoms , Infection , Doctor , Headache , Infections , Study , Respiratory Tract Infections , Vyvgart Treatment Schedule , Reactions , Injection Site Reactions , Neurologist , Subcutaneous Injection , Vyvgart Hytrulo , Copd , Coughing , High , Birds Flyin , Breeze Driftin , Trelegy , Medicines , Breathing , Ways , Medicine , Inhaler , Power , Feelin Good , High Blood Pressure , Won T , Rescue Inhaler , Breathing Problems , Flare Ups , Thrush , Lung Function , Heart Condition , Swelling , Chest Pain , Pain , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Mouth , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Eye , Save , Trelegy Com , Vision Changes , Heart Health , Nutrition , Muscle , Mission , Protein , Support Immune , Minerals , Vitamins , Nutrients , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 25 , Body , Gut , Water , Fiber , Mirafiber Gummies , Miralax , Mood , Feeling Ughh , 8 , Police , Video Game Console , Total Chaos , Kai Cenat , Mob , Nypd , Fans , Lie , Youtuber , 1 , Followers , Video System , 5s , Construction , Materials , Rocks , Bottles , The Public , Area , City , System , Hands , Individuals , Park , Public , Violence , Mobilization , Acts , The Park , Construction Site , Union Square Park , Fireworks , Tools , Shovels , Axes , Construction Trade , Officers , Forces , Crowds , Control , Miguel , 17 , Scot Peterson , Students , Teachers , Lawsuit , School , Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School , Bullets , Shooting Rampage , Reenactment , Families , Massacre , Carlos Suarez , Shooting , Gunfire , Attorneys , Back , Cover , Inaction , 1200 , Building , Shooter , Sound , Broward County Sheriff S Office , Place , Members , Family Members , Look , Floors , Staff , 2018 , Nine , Funding , School Resource Officers , Lawmakers , Mental Health Services , School Safety Legislation , Tour , Jared Moskowicz , Walls , Visualizing , Schools , Disagreements , Communities , Understanding , Doing , Shift , School District , Cinder Blocks , Process , Broward County , Torn Down , States , I Got You , Use Priceline , No One Else , Ve , Whwhat , Lolooking , Ten , Price , Happppy , Narrator , Ink , Coffee Subscription Box , Beginning , Products , Milestones , Gear , Milestone , Gifts , Oil Companies , Politicians , Customink Com , Energy Production , Plan , Joe Biden , Family , Energy Costs , Jobs , Report , Inflation Reduction , 1800 , 800 , Inflation Reduction Act , Money , Most , Achievers , Table , Wake Up , Smart Bed , Home Delivery , Base , Sleep Number , Level Bed , Circadian Rhythm , Level , Rhythms , 00 , 500 , Idea , House , Screens , Hiccups , Sleepovers , 80 , 10g Network , Mom , Stories , Flashlights , Xfinity , Invention Idea , Announcer , Help , They Don T , Call Invent , 0020 , 710 , 800 710 0020 , Karen Vergata , Gilgo Beach Murder Victim , Fire Island , Fire Island Jane Doe , 90 , Dna , Skull , Technology , Ocean Parkway , Women , Gilgo Beach , Jean Casarez , Connection , Someone , Length , Work , Shows , Forensic Science , Advent , 1996 , February Of 1996 , Identity , Beach Area , Human Being , Gilgo , Extremities , Legs , Feet , 2011 , 15 , Task Force , Homicides , Long Island , 2022 , District Attorney , Dna Profile , Suffolk County , Gilgo Task Force , August Of 2022 , Vergata Presumptively , Ms , Jane Doe , Genealogical Testing , Bucal Swab , Relative , October Of 2022 , Facing , Gilgo Four , Belts , Duct Tape , Gilgo Beach Long Island , Burlap , Investigation , Escape , Seattle , July 15th , Negasi Zub , Eri Wa , 29 , Assaults , Investigators , Analyst , 2016 , Officer , Weapons , Badges , Situations , Cop , Claim , Law Enforcement , Situation , Witnesses , Over , Whie , Sex Workers , Both , Expendables , Links , Profession , Vulnerabilities , Nature , Juliette Kayyem , Focus , Sknow , Amount , Assumption , Dockiness , 400 , Pretented He , Residence , Bodies , Whereabouts , Police Officer , Car , Sex Trade , Forensics , Women Justice , Gilgo Beach Discovery , Let , Murders , News Conference , Velgavergata S , Mistakes , Body Parts , Hairs , Behavior , Similarities , Town , Rest , Proof , Fda , More , Pill , Thatat , Bac , Virus , Rsv , Mattresses , Night T , Onon , Dangers , Cold , Warning Labels , Increed Risk Of Hospitalization , Sneeze , 60 , Over Tub , Rsv Today , Pharmacist , Brothers , Bath Remodelling , Bath Fitter Tub , 1984 , The Industry Standard , Baths , Bath , Mess , Cost , Stress , Acrylic , Measurement , Warranty , Watertight Installation Backed , Perfect Preparation , Bipolar , Highs , Lows , Consultation , Vraylar , Visit Bathfitter Com , Take Control , Episodes , Manic , Children , Death , Weight , Patients , Muscles , Fever , Studies , Antidepressants , Changes , Confusion , Impact , Saw , Stroke , Dementia , Reaction , Stomach , Muscle Movements , Sleepiness , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Weight Gain , Restlessness , Coma , Issues , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Chicken , Prawn , Prawns , Chicken Wrong , Shellfish Allergy , Season , Truffles , Art , Piece , Workouts , Bank , Adventures , Prom Dresses , Teen , Vaccination , Meningitis , Consequences , Survivors , Up To , Meningitis B , Vaccines , Meningitis B , Pros , Subway Refreshed Everything , Meats , Titan Turkey , Partner , Experts , Vo , 13 , August 7th , 13th , Business , Verizon , Postpartum Depression , Nation , Mothers , Pill Zuranolone , Effectiveness , Home , Eight , Infants , Cdc , Experience , Antibody , Depression , Physician , Elderly , Lead , Rsc , Obesity Specialist , Shot , Parents , Opportunity , Medication , Vaccine , Monoclonal Antibody , Rsv Season , Babies , Pediatrician , Antibody Shot , Baby , Cough , Runny Nose , Sick , Child , Protection , Mentioning , 58000 , 80000 , Ozempic , Vomiting , Stomach Pain , Injuries , Gastrointestinal Burning , Food , Advice , Eating , Medications , Agonist Class , Mounjaro , Diabetes , Nausea , Diarrhea , Alternatives , Weight Loss , Drugs , Weygovi That , Class , Anybody , Alicia Shelly , Mental Health , Dr , Strand , Cancer , Shingles , Classes , Matter , Husband , Coworkers , Shingles Doesn T Care , 50 , Shingrix , Dose , Ingredients , Muscle Pain , Fainting , Injection Site , Tiredness , Shivering , Redness , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Zero , Zero Dollars , Crest , Smile , Stain Removal , Thanks , Brad , Nice , Crest 3d , 3 , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Switching , Reminder , Pile , Pay , 00 Dollars , 700 , Beijing Olympics , Olympic Medallist , Seven , Reporter , Carolyn Man , Flying High , 2021 , Events , Superstar Gymnast , Topic , Medal Count , Athletes , Head , Therapy , Comeback , Humans , Entertainment , Sports , Scenes , Bielts , Profile , Core Hydration Classic , Step , Olympic Games , Tokyo Games , West World , Paris , Star Trek , History Of Black Television , Series , Episode , Go Inside The Evolution Of Black Representation , Horror , Sci Fi , Examples , Afro Futurism , Science Fiction Television , Super Hero On Television , Skel Lowton , Exo , Fighting Violence , Responsibility , Didn T , Television S First Black Super Hero , Each Other , Pilot , Mantis , One I Hadn T Heard About , Airs S Sunday , We L , Black Genius , 9 , Ink Rep , Chronic Kidney Disease , Stop Taking Farxiga , Yeast Infections , Urinary Tract , Dialysis , Kidney Failure , Dehydration , Ketoacidosis , Side Effect , Perineum , Blood Sugar , Men , Skin , Farxiga , Astrazeneca , Harry Casey , Please Don T Go , Don T Go , Richard Raymond Finch , Storage Upgrade , Don T Gooo , Don T Go Away , Indicators , Brain Health , Neuriva Plus , Kitchen Tool , Multitasker , Neuriva ,

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