Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

in his third indictment. then police identify another murder victim 27 years later in the gilgo beach killings so why wasn't the serial killer charged in connection with her death. plus back on the mat. samone biles returns since the first time since the toke olympics. could she be eyeing a comeback at next year's games in paris? welcome to "the lead." i'm bianna golodryga in for jake tapper. we start with the law and justice lead and the aftershocks of donald trump's third arraignment. today the former president called on the supreme court to get involved in the case. it is not clear exactly what mr. trump is asking the high court to do. but the former president claims that the charges against him are, quote, election interference. trump pleading not guilty yesterday inside of a washington, d.c. courtroom. and his next hearing is scheduled for august 28th. let's get straight to cnn just justice correspondent jessica schneider with more on this. let's start with the new trump request. is this something that the supreme court could even get involved in? >> at this point it just does appear to be political bluster because we haven't seen any court filings, nothing before the supreme court. however, in the future here, it is possible and quite likely that will we will see challenges in either of the cases. the 2020 election case from yesterday or the classified documents case down in florida. challenges to those could make their way to the supreme court. also, of note here is the fact that trump's track record at the supreme court when it comes to the 2020 election case mrs. general, it is not good. the supreme court has either rejected or refused to even consider every election challenge that he or his allies brought around the 2020 election. and all of that, bianna, despite the fact that three of the nine justices are, in fact, trump nominees. not a good track record for the former president. >> you say just bluster. the next hearing is set for august 28th, about you what else do you know about how quickly the actual trial could start. >> the special counsel team pushing for a quick trial. and the judge today said that prosecutors have to submit their recommendations toer a trial start date by next week, august 10th. after that trump's legal team will have seven days to respond. now trump's team, they're already talking about the enormity of the evidence in this case and how they're really going to resist doing anythi quickly. in court yesterday we saw trump's lawyer john lauro putting it this way to the judge, obviously the united states has had three a a half years to investigate this matter and also there are a number of al agents and lawyers assisting the government and we would ask for the time to fairly defend our client. what is interesting, is the speedy trial act, it does say that trial should happen 70 days after a defendant first appears in court. that 70-day clock started yesterday. but we're expecting trump's attorneys could motion to push that trial date out farther. they're going to follow the playbook of delay, delay, likely. >> jessica, thank you. well federal courts do not let cameras into the courtroom but congressional democrats are asking for trump's trial to be televised. tell us more about that. >> yeah. bianna, more than 3 dozen democrats, have sent this letter to the administrator of federal courts and asking for the exception to the rule be made. they want cameras in the court for any trial of donald trump. so democrats in this letter, they're citing the historic nature of both of the cases and saying if the public is to fully accept the outcome, it will be vitally ant for it to be witnessed as directly as possible. how the trials were conducted and the strength of the evident introduced and the credibility of the witnesses. but i will note, bianna, for years people have been arguing to have cameras in both federal court all the way up to the supreme court. they've never been successful. so it is unlikely we'll see cameras in the court. but at least democrats are trying. >> even if it involved a former president which is justice thank you. ed. well we just discussed the potential times for trump's trial in the january 6 investigation. but his current presidential bid is looming large over multiple criminal investigations into his political activities and business. trump's legal team is pushing to delay his trials as long as possible which ultimately will impact what you know or don't know before casting a vote for president. so we want to walk you through where each case stands right now and what comes next. the special counsel is leading another federal investigation into trump. this one related to his handling of sve government documents he took to mar-a-lago when he left office. noa federal grand jury in miami charged trump with 37 criminal counts in june including stction. on july 27th, three w charges were announced against trump. judge in this case had set a trial date f may 20th of 2024. that is after mosts have held their republican primaries and two months before the republican national convention where trump is likely to be the party's front-runner. then there is the manhattan criminal case related hush money payments to cover up sex scandal during the 2016 presidential campaign. trump in april w charged about 34 counts of fsifying trump business records related to reimbursing his for pages made to stormy daniels, an adult film producer and actress. a judge scheduled the trial to begin in new york state court on march 25th, 2024. that is in the midst of the republican primary. and then don't forget georgia. where fulton county district attorney fani willis is expected to bring charges this month in her investigation into trump's efforts to over turn the 2020 election in that state. now that we've gone through that. let's discuss the latest indictment right now with former trump white house lawyer jim schultz and tom dupree, the former principal attorney general under president george w. bush. gentlemen, thank you both for joining me today. tom, let's begin with you. it is clear that they're testing multiple strategies including pushing for a later trial. john laura renkss a massive amount of discovery in the case and said we'll have to go through information for us to properly address when a trial date should be set. so how does the judge weigh the need for trump's team to prepare with the prosecution's desire for a speedy trial? >> yeah, it is a difficult question. you have to balance those two interests and then you also have to take into account the rapidly approaching election date. so there is a whole multiplicity of considerations the judge will have to weigh and consider. and think the trump team, they have a decent argument that they do need time to prepare for this case. it is a very complicated case and the justice department has been conducting this investigation for several years and of course the president or former president is also going to be defending concurrently multiple other criminal trials as well as a host of civil trials. so under all of those circumstances, i think that whether he could persuade this judge to be beyond the election and i think it is a close one for the judge to resolve. >> most legal experts that i've heard said that the likelihood that the trial begins in the next 70 days is slim it none. but you do hear from trump's team saying they've had three and a half years to put this together and to work on this investigation. but when you look at timing, jack smith was just appointed by the attorney gem last november. that is not the case. they didn't have three and a half years here. >> jack smith is a new comer. but i think certainly the special counsel office benefits from the investigation that the select committee carried out. so i think from the defense's perspective, they've been under investigation for a very long time. the other thing i note, bianna, is that jack smith did a good job in doing this best to try to streamline this complaint to get it on a rocket docket, to get this thing tried sooner rather than later by charging only president, not charging the other alleged co-conspirators and doing his best to slim down what is a very complicated case to get this on a fast track. >> jim, the federal judge who will provide over the case, judge tanya chutkan intends to set a trial date on august 28th. what do you expect the trump team to do if that date is set before the election or before the republican convention? >> i think it is likely that it does get set before the republican convention. that being said, that doesn't mean that it is going to be tried before the republican convention. she's going to set a discovery schedule. and she's going to set a discovery schedule where documents from the government have to be turned over, the defense is going to want to subpoena the january 6 commission to see if there is anything exculpatory there and look at the grand jury testimony which is something that doesn't happen but in this case because of the unique charges, they might want to look into whether it was charged appropriately. so there is a number of disc discovery requests that will happen and that will take several months and then she'll set a motion schedule that will also include pretrial motions, motions to dismiss, motions for discovery, motions to change venue, all of those things are kind of coming into play. if you see a first amendment challenge, you'll see it will and i think this judge will want to be thoughtful and right on some of the issues because they are unique charges that haven't really been tested. so she's going to want to write a bit on those. so that could take some time as well. so i think you're looking at the spring. i do think there is maybe a better chance that this case gets done before the documents case because he doan have the classified documents issues in motions like that. >> i've heard others say it may happen before the documents case. tom, quickly to you, there is the issue of jury selection and trump's team is saying he can't get a fair trial in d.c. and arguing it should be moved to west virginia. i'm not going to ask you about the likelihood of that happening. but what is the likelihood that you have a jury in washington, d.c. that is somehow unaware of everything that transpired at that -- on that day and would that make them bias in some point? >> well, i think the likelihood of finding people unaware of what transpired on january 6 is remote to zero. that said, the test really is whether or not people notwithstanding whatever knowledge they have of january 6, could nonetheless remain impartial and i think that is an easier bar to clear. i think both sides, particularly the defense side will want to focus on examining jurors where you have a chance to question potential jurors to see if they could be independent and approach the facts neutrally. that is where the defense will have to focus rather than trying to get this case transferred. >> we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining me. have a great weekend. >> thank you. welcome coming up, the mystery of the murder victims found at gilgo beach. no new charges yet but we'll tell you why. plus the moment a ukrainian drone hits a russian warship. we'll explain the startling moment in the black sea, up next. from the world's finest ingredients.. and d now, from jars to bars. new talenti gelato and sorbetetto mini bars. ♪ like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is sple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being shld ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ ♪ "don't cha" written by callaway/ray, re-recorded by massivemusic ♪ (camera 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today to say that they have identified this woman. they identified her sometime ago. she went missing on valentine's day, back in 1996. later that month, part of her body, her legs an her feet specifically washed up in fire island, not too far from gilgo beach. but it wasn't until 2011 that they found part of a skull on gilgo beach and through forensics an dna they were able to map the two sets of remains and they figured out who she was about a year ago but did not release that information because at the time they were investigating rex heuermann. this leaves open some possibilities. that perhaps mr. heuermann will eventually be charged in this crime. remember, the investigators went meticulously through his house out on long island for about 12 days, become two weeks using ground penetrating radar, digging into his backyard and just taking out reams an reams of evidence from his home there. and it is possible that they will charge him. or that there is another killer or killers out there. because, remember, in all, there were 11 sets of remains out there. there have been charged in three of them and mr. heuermann is the lead suspect in a fourth. but these others are still a mystery. bianna. >> still notable that this victim has finally been identified. as we noted, miguel, it is more than a decade since the discovery of these 11 victims. there are still three that are still unidentified nnd an arrest was only made last month. so why did it take so long to see any sort of movement in this case? >> this is a big question. and everybody on long island has an idea of it. it wasn't until they established a new d.a. and new authorities in suffolk county specifically that came in and opened this and started using dna evidence and reloo relooking at the case and that all allowed them to get to where they are. so they hope they'll be able to find the killers of all of the others, bianna. >> thank you. >> you got it. well ahead, russian opposition leader alexei navalny defiant in court facing a new prison sentence. he said he's willing to pay the price. we'll tell you just how high that price is. now is the time to partner with our experts.s. get started today with verizon business. it's your b business. it's your verizon. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, ♪ ♪ but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right 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topping our world lead, you're looking at a russian battleship taking on water near its port in the black sea. after ukrainian sea drones attacked the ship hundreds of miles from their territory. we could show you the exact moment of strike with a video from a fr from a ukrainian drone. 1,000 pounds of explosives were on the drone at the moment of impact and then the feed is cut out. nick payton walsh is in zaporizhzhia. and despite seeing that video, russia still claims that it rappelled the attack. how are they countering what we all see with our own eyes in this video? >> reporter: to be honest, after a while now, the russian military denials are things that have occurred carry less weight. even russian bloggers have said a ship appeared to be fully flooded an this is a quantum leap in the conflict suggesting that russia is going to find a new way of taking ukraine on if they're able to launch attacks this far. and now it is important to recognize where this is, bianna. startling to see satellite images of a ship apparently listing all the way on the plaque sea, part of russia that must have felt a matter of weeks ago entirely impregnable. and w ukraine using this ingenuity ana drone here, able to pass back what seems to be live but simultaneously fed as it approached video stream of this attack to provide some kind of evidence for it. using drones that are able to carry half a metric ton, a thousand pounds of explosive. startling this that kind of damage could be inflicted so deep into russian territory and in places that say they must have felt were impregnable. after the attack, not claimed by ukraine but likely by ukraine on the kremlin domes and then a attack on moscow skyscrapers in the city and then the attack by another ukraine drone on the bridge between crimea an the russian mainland. perhaps a bit by ukraine to show some sort of military impetuous even though the southern counter offensive is going slower than they would like. be all in all, absolutely not what vladimir putin thought would be happening in this war of choice that he started intoerly 18 months ago. >> stunning to see the ship in the video listing there. nick paton walsh, thank you as always for your reporting. well even as 2024 republican presidential candidate chris christie made a surprise trip to ukraine to meet with president volodymyr zelenskyy. for the first time since putin's war began, a new cnn poll shows that a majority of americans don't want congress to send more money to the war torcotry. 55% of americans say congress should not authorize additional funding to support ukraine. while 45% think aid should keep flowing. steve anderson, a retired u.s. army general tells cnn that the white house could be doing more. listen. >> when i see polls like that, it disappointed me greatly and i believe it is because the biden administration simply hasn't sold the war to the american people like they absolutely need to do. >> also today in russia, two decades of additional prison time for putin critic alexei navalny. the opposition leader said the extremism sentence is not intended to intimidate him but any russian dissenters. it unfolded behind closed doors with broadcast with poor audio quality and it was being held abnormally within the high security prison rather than in a moscow courtroom. nic robertson looked at the price of challenging putin and why navalny seems to willing to pay it. >> reporter: entering a courtroom that looks as flimsy as the legal case against him, alexei navalny and his legal team line up to hear his almost predictable sentencing. 19 years. the judge's words utterly unintelligible in the press room next door, convicting putin's persistent critic of creating extremist communities. charges navalny denied. he was neither bowed nor cowed even shared a joke with his lawyer. after sentencing, using hi telegram channel to tell his supporters, 19 years in a special regime colony, the number doesn't matter. the verdict is not for me, it is for you. they want to frighten you. not for the first time has navalny been made an object lesson at the cost of challenging putin. poisoned and almost killed with the deadly nerve agent novacek almost three years ago, an attack he blames on putin. which the kremlin denies. he barely survived. recovered in germany. then returned to moscow six months later. despite the certainty of what awaited him. he was arrested and charged with fraud and other offenses he said are bogus. and he's currently serving nine years. in jail, he said, he's been denied sleep, kept in isolation, intentionally made sick, and almost completely cut off from his family and lawyers. putin's brutality has taken its toll. navalny has lost weight, there are no calls, no visits, no human conditions. he's allowed to have 35 minutes per day with a pen and paper and have two books. these are an open strategy to destroy my father's physical health and maybe mental too. there are absolutely no way that the colony would take these draft cal measures without having a nudge from the moscow government. >> reporter: putin it appears, intends to silence not just navalny supporters but the man himself. the new sentence expected to be se served in one of russia's most remote penal colonies will cut him off from the outside world. it is a price he said at his trial, he would be willing to pay. and he really seems to be in a test of wills with putin right now. putin has the upper hand but it seems that navalny is betting his life that that is not going to last forever. he said in that telegram, the channel statement, he said very clearly that this is life, it is a life sentence. but life is as long as i live, or as long as this regime survives. bianna? >> he looked so gaunt and thin and yet you can't help but see him smile. it is his message to the kremlin, you may break my body but not my spirit. nic robertson, thank you. well, coming up, new reporting on former president barack obama's concerns about the 2024 campaign. and the warning he gave to president biden behind closed doors. evolving. it demands energy that evolves with it. meeting this challenge will take more ththan one solution. and more than a littlele time. it's the work that makes progress... possible. work that drives us, inspires us... to deliver the energy we need today - while forging new paths to the future - in ways that are affordable, reliable and ever-cleaner. that's... energy in progress. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit before planning the big trip you were limping thanks to a bad knee. then, you heard about mako robotic-assisted knee replacement. it starts with a ct scan to pinpoint the problem. that becomes a personalized, 3d plan to guide your doctor during surgery. mako can help lead to better outcomes, like less pain 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>> reporter: lloyd austin called the holes unprecedented in a memo outlining how d.o.d. would handle this situation. another step they would have to take. three and four star generals and admirals would of to remain in their positions but may also be called upon to do the next job above them in line at the same time as the military figures out how to handle this. this is what austin said about the effect it is having on the senior officers but cascading down through the military. >> the failure to confirm our superbly qualified leaders undermines our military readiness. it undermines our retention of some of our very best officers, and it is upending the lives of far too many of their spouses, children, and loved ones. >> reporter: and as an example of a not as senior officer having to do a job above them, a defense official said a one-star official is leading the missile defense agency which is in charge of the layered ballistic missile defense and that should be a three-star general. and that is just one example. >> that is very notable there. now the army has joined the marine corp as another branch without a senate con termed leader due to senator tuberville's block ate. what are they saying about that. >> reporter: take a look after this picture of the joint chiefs staff at the top there when this picture cos , you could he soo the chairman and the vice chairman and now there is a black portrait. that was where the picture of general james mcconville was until he retired earlier today. that is the second member of the joint chiefs now to have a vacant position that hasn't happened for the army in 20 years. that other emmy photo, is the marine corp, which is communicationing without a confirmed command ant for a first time in a century. here is how critical it is that these blocked essentially end. >> we need the senate to act not only on his nomination, but also on the over300 other general and flag officers across the armed services who careers an lives are now in limbo because of this unprecedented hold. we need these leaders to -- in place to ensure the readiness of our force and we need to end all of this uncertainty for our military families. >> reporter: and yet tuberville has given no indication thatize willing to compromise or give any ground in this debate or position which is having an effect on the military as you heard from the defense secretary and the secretary of the army. >> he is dug in. oren liebermann, thank you. let's discuss with alensia johnson and joe walsh of illinois. welcome both of you. alensia, if you could weigh in from a nonrepublican perspective, what world is blocking this confirmation of top military leadership something that republicans could view as a winning political strategy. never mind that the defense secretary is warning there that it is impacting our own national security. >> i mean, look, you could continue to see the republicans using the things that we need to do in order to just keep our government running to protect our nation. using this for political fodder, trying to make sure that they are be laboring the point on fox news, they don't trust the way that president biden is running the country as you mentioned the defense secretary is urging the confirmation because our national security is the top priority. and this is coming from a party that talks about security and talks about a strong military. but will not cooperate and push this confirmation through. i think the american people will remember this when it comes time for the ballot box next year. >> joe, do you want to weigh into this? is there any rhyme or reason for what is happening? >> no. not at all. they're playing to their base. they're playing to their party. it is my former party putting party above country. quite literally putting their -- they're so focused on the culure war issues to appeal to their base, in this case the issue of abortion, that they're willing to -- they're willing to use that to jeopardize our national security. it is party over country. and it is ought to bite him in the butt politically. >> let me turn to another issue and that is a college board is accusing the florida board of education of banning a.p. psychology in the state. this after the dep told school districts that lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity could not be taught in florida. this comes after the state adapted standards for teaching black history, which claims that some slaves benefited from the practice. i mean, are these controversies surrounding education actually beneficial to desantis and the republican primary here? >> well, he sure thinks they are, bianna, because this is all he's been running on. again, this is all the culture war b.s. that ron desantis and sadly too many people in my former party think the american people -- it is the only thing that the american people care about. i will say that a good chunk of the republican party base cares about this stuff. to the point where literally banning books and banning speech plays sadly with much too much of the republican party base. >> and alensia, desantis is doubling down on this. he clearly has intelligent advisers around him who are sensible enough to see that this isn't helping him in polling thus far in the primaries. what do you make of the fact that he continues to promote these policies? >> well, it is clear that ron desantis is going to do exactly what he believes he should be doing. to the point that joe is making, this is actually what sadly excites some of the republican party base, these culture wars. versus the actual issues that folks should be focused on, around the economy and health care and climate. so much issues that majority of voters want to -- a future president to think about. but ron desantis is in a race to the bottom and not listening to his advisers because for whatever reason he likes to get the air time on fox news, he likes to have this sensational headlines about his extreme policies but they're going to hurt him and continue to hurt him in the long run. >> joe, i want to get you to weigh on this washington post report that former president barack obama warned president biden earlier this summer about donald trump's political strength, compressed to biden this, i'm going to quote from him, and he's concerned. there is worry that trump could be a more formidable candidate than many democrats realize. what do youic -- do you make of this. i go about ak to when he was running in 2016, it seems early on, i remember a interview that barack obama gave to nbc news where he said he's not going to be the candidate. so what do you think he's learned from that to sense this level of alarm now to president biden? >> well, i think he's right. i think what barack obama warning joe biden and the democrats that there is this notion, especially today, donald trump has been accused of committing crimes to overturn an american election. and most of us think, oh, my god, then there is no way -- because it is so terrible, there is no way he could ever get elected. well, there is a way. and i think obama is right in trying to wake up the rest of the country to the fact that this whole thing of the deep state going after trump really energized republican voters. republican turnout will be through the roof next year, i think that is what obama is really concerned about. >> we'll see what role he plays on campaign trail supporting president biden. joe and alensia, thank you so much. well a group of white police officers once called themselves the goon squad. now they're pleading guilty to a harrowing crime. the latest from mississippi. we'll bring it to you up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ wherever you go. wherever you stay. all you need is one key. earn and use rewards across expedia,, and vrbo. just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active, she's able to join us on our adventures. and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at the all-new tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night... ...or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited time, save $500 on all-new tempur-breeze mattresses. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them. she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i started crying. i could hear everything. call 1-800-miracle and schedule your free hearing evaluation today. in our national lead, six white former law enforcement officers have pleaded guilty to charges related to the torture of two black men. cnn's ryan young reports on the unthinkable violence that unfolded just this year in mississippi. and a warning this story contains graphic content. >> they became the criminals they swore to protect us from. >> reporter: they allegedly call themself the goon squad. a group of white former law enforcement officers giving themselves that moniker because using excessive force and not reporting and now they pled guilty related to a assault that includes that includes two hours of torture and sexual abuse of two black men after a white neighbor complained. several black males had been staying at the property and the neighbor had observed suspicious behavior. the officer who received the complaint directed a investigator to take care of it. on january 24th, they ended eddie parker and michael jenkin's home. >> handcuffing the victims behind their back and using racial slurs and yelling at the victims. this discharging of a firearm to scare and intimidate the victims and holding them down and pouring cooking oil, milk, alcohol, and chocolate syrup on her faces and into their mouths. forcing them to painfully and involuntarily ingest those liquids. striking one of the victims with objects including a metal sword, a piece of wood, and a wooden kitchen implement. kicking one of the victims in the ribs, tasing the victims dozens times with department-issued tasers an stealing personal belong belongings from the house. >> jenkin was shot in the mouth and exiting out of his neck. for months there was doubt about the official account of what took place. the mississippi department of public safety releasing a statement the day after the incident saying only that the mississippi bureau of investigations is investigating an officer-involved shooting. in july i spoke to parker, jenkins and jenkins' mother. >> they started beating many he here. and tasing me, as you could see from the blood spots now. my blood spots there. >> reporter: jenkin's injuries make it difficult for him to speak. >> has anyone from the department reached out to you and apologized or ever asked for anything at all? >> reporter: franklin county sheriff brian bailey spoke at a press conference about the incident if late june. >> i believe in my heart that this department is one of the best in the state and i'm committed to do everything in my power to keep this department on a correct path moving forward. >> reporter: yesterday he issued an apology and didn't understand the gravity of the crimes until recently. in february, along with the state of the mississippi, were able to secure guilty pleas of all accused. >> not only did they brazenly commit these acts but firing a shot through one of victim's mouths. they left him lying in a pool of blood. ga gathered on the porch of the house to discuss how to cover it up. what indifference. what disregard for life. >> reporter: a life that will never be the same for either of these two men. >> it is hard to stay right here knowing what happened right here. justice is what it boils down to. i'm just like them. whether they're in uniform or not. >> reporter: very tough to listen to. the officers pleading guilty to multiple federal charges including conspiracy against rights and deprivation of rights under the claw of law. and we sat there and talked to the two men you understood how frustrated they were. they were trying to get anyone to listen to them and for a while no one was listened. media coverage was small at one point and then the idea that now they have this moment, they have a moment of truth and you hear about this, the torture that they endured, it is almost impossible to understand. talking to law enforcement officials across country, they can't believe this happened and wondering whether or not there is a review of the sheriff's department in coming weeks. >> it is horrible to hear the victim say he feels embarrassed. i know you'll stay on top of story. thank you. some of the victims in this case will be joining laura coates on cnn tonight. make sure to watch. in lighter news, simone biles returning to gymnastics for the first time since the tokyo games. could paris be next for her? but first here is wolf blitzer with what is next in "the situation room." >> ambassador john bolton joins me live right here in "the situation room" tonight. we'll get his thoughts on the historic third indictment of the former president as well as trump's not guilty plea today in new charges in the mar-a-lago classified documents investigation in florida. and i'll get reaction from one of donald trump's rivals from the 2024 republican presidential nomination, asa hutchinson will join me life. all of that and much more coming up at the top of the hour here in "the situation room." try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. subway's now slicing their meats fresh. that's why subway's proffered by this champ. and this future champ. and if we proffer it, we know you'll proffer it too. he's cocky for a nineteen year old. in our sports lead, the goat is back. seven time champion simone biles is scheduled to compete for the national championships tomorrow. this could be one step ford the olympics next year. she hasn't completed since the tokyo olympics where she stepped down from several events. my favorite story of the day. no matter your taste in music, this next story will rock you. ♪ >> according to the guardian newspaper, which calls it a killer queen sale, sothebys is getting ready to auction freddie mercury's belongings. he left them to one of his best friends when i died of aids in 1991. crazy things are going on the auction block from clothes an lyrics and art and even to his tiffany silver mustache comb and even the piano where he composed hits like bee heman rhapsody. ♪ >> if all about 30,000 objects are expected to go for upwards of $14 million. what a cool story. and be sure to tune to state of the union on sunday morning. dana bash will talk to presidential candidates mike pence and chris christie. plus donald trump's lawyer john lauro. it is 9:00 a.m. on sunday at noon and 9:00 a.m. and our coverage begins now with wolf blitzer in "the situation room." happening now, donald trump quietly pleads not guilty to add additional charges in the classified documents case in florida, a day after his arrest and arraignment in the january 6

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