Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

all eyes are on the courthouse. the grand jury investigating donald trump for events surrounding january 6th is meeting there at this moment. could an indictment be minutes away? ukrainian forces launched another drone attack on moscow one day after a russian missile strike killed at least six people in ukraine. the colorado river is draining fast and losing some 10 trillion gallons of water from 2000 to 2021 and that is a lot. kate is off today and i'm john berman with sara sidner, and this is cnn "news central." happening now, the grand jury is meeting, and could they hand up a new indictment for donald trump with actions around january 6th. we know he got a target letter, and we know that the legal team was told that an indictment is pending, but it seems that the grand jury does not have much work left to do, and the cnn did spot the grand jurors entering court this morning, so what is happening this morning. our crime reporter katelyn polantz is outside of the court trying to discern any signs of action. what is happening, katelyn? >> well, john, the grand jury is in and they have momentum over the last couple of weeks in the january 6th investigation, and we have been talking so much about this other case about donald trump, and a separate investigation that resulted in criminal charges against him from the federal government related to handling of classified documents after his presidency just six days when he was charged for a second time in that case facing additional charges. this is a different thing that we are talking about and a very substantial one at that, and it is a long investigation that this grand jury has been conducting with the assistance of the special counsel's office and a specially appointed department of justice looking into the donald trump and the trump administration and what happened politically after the 2020 election when there were people around donald trump and donald trump, himself, wanting to overturn the popular vote in various battleground states and blocking congress and the joe biden presidency to come into being, and now we are waiting, because donald trump did receive a target letter two weeks ago saying that he is likely to be charged and the grand jury heard from two additional witnesses that we have heard from, and now they have convened again after the grand juries have heard from the special counsel, and they are seen here at the federal courthouse and we could see something emerge as early as this morning if possible, but we have a whole team here at the courthouse, john, watching and waiting to see what is going to be made public, because the grand juries operate in secret and not until they vote on and approve an indictment and the court system allows it to be released publicly does the justice department give it to the journalists so that we can see what is in that indictment, and we are waiting to see what the justice department may have covered in this particular case. >> all right. keep us posted on that front, and literally, we are just watching for any sign now with our eyes what we see. in the meantime, in fulton county in georgia, there is that investigation in georgia from the fulton county d.a. fani willis of trump's efforts to overturn the election there, and we are hearing that a journalist is to come back to testify about what he saw, and why is this that important? >> right. the journalist in atlanta was witness to some of the activities in the statehouse related to some of the trump republicans who wanted to know that he had won when he had not won, and the fake electors gathered in the statehouse in december of 2020, and george teety had stumbled upon that meeting and they kicked him out, and because he had stumbled upon that meeting and they had talked about casting votes wrongfully, he had been subpoenaed to testify in a state investigation and separate from the federal one that we are talking about today, and he is now receiving an additional subpoena because there is a grand jury in session in august that could be looking at an indictment around that activity around donald trump and others' behavior in that state. he did say in a post of the intercept that i am reviewing my legal options of legal counsel, but i am testifying that i am not compelled to offer any information outside of my observations of december 20, 2020, and we will see what may emerge there as well. >> katelyn polantz, a lot going on, and we will speak to you soon. >> and daniel horowitz, an assistant district attorney who is also an attorney with mclaughlin and stern, thank you for being here. i want to turn back to the federal case of jack smith looking into the case of malfeasance on the part of donald trump. you have the grand jury meeting today and he has the target letter, and the attorneys have already met with jack smith's special counsel, the prosecutors there. what does it tell you? how soon might this come down? >> tick-tock, the dye is cast, and they could be very well voting. if there were no more witnesses or evidence, and i know some documents were collected last week, but it seems they are down to the final strokes. what is unusual is that we are accustomed to the unusual becoming the usual with the president now being indicted. this is the third indictment and arraignment of a former president, and truly bizarre. >> it is unprecedented and you can't say it enough, because there is something else coming forward that is unprecedented and like you, you put it well, this is becoming norm when it is coming to this particular former president. i do want to ask you about all of the multiple investigations juggled by jack smith and the investigation, and do you have the staff to deal with many multiples of not only defendants, but cases? >> yeah, it is a great question. the pressure is actually more on trump's legal team, because he has the same legal team for each of the cases. the department of justice has a deep bench, and they can draw on individual prosecutors to handle the case in florida, the impending case that is brought in washington, d.c., for obstruction because of the election, and obviously fulton county and the d.a. has her own staff, and of course my friends at the manhattan d.a.'s office have a well experienced team ready to go with the case of donald trump in new york. >> his own attorneys will obviously get attorneys in each of the different places, correct? >> right. >> it has been difficult for him and the other defendants. how do you see this going down? each of them have to have an attorney representing them separately. >> right. for the former president in two of the cases that have been brought, his lead counsel is todd blanche who is a solo practitioner and formerly a federal prosecutor and partner in a large law firm, and we will see if mr. blanche is leading the charge in washington, d.c. but it becomes a real challenge. i mean, because each court is going to say to the defendant, here's your case. we need to move this case forward, and it is going to be a scramble as to which case gets tried first. the case in florida as you and i have discussed, there are a number of issues that could slow it down because of the confidential documents involved. the case in new york does not suffer from that, and nor does the case in washington, d.c., will suffer from that and nor will the case in fulton county, if they bring a case. so it is possible for the case in d.c. going first and then in new york and then fulton county before you deal with the florida case. >> it is a lot of cases to juggle, and the court system is going to have to look at, and they can't try them all at once. thank you for coming on, daniel horwitz. >> sure. and now, we are turning to ukraine and the battle in bakhmut, and you can see the activity here firing in the rockets and whatnot into that area, and this is one front in the counter offensive right now, and while that is happening, actually, the ukrainians or somebody continues to target moscow with drone attacks, and the ukrainians have not claimed responsibility for it yet, and the third time in the last few weeks, there were attacks on buildings in russia using drones, and you can see some of the damage there, and with us now, retired analysts, and retired general spider marks, and i have to say that damage is fairly limited to the buildings in moscow, and how important are these attacks whether they are coming from the ukrainians directly or not. >> well, assume they are coming from ukraine, john, and then what they are going to come from moscow, and a waste of capacity and time. the most successful way that ukraine is going to convince putin that there is off ramps to continue what he is doing, and the offensive that is taking place in ukraine and to kill as many russian soldiers as possible, and not trying to be flippant and hang it out there too grotesquely but the best way to achieve this is in battle and strategy is to move it forward for ukraine. it is a fooler rands to waste the drone capability and the reconstance and physical energy to go against the indiscriminant targets in moscow. >> so how do you achieve what the ukrainians need to do, and against the so-called southern front where you can see some of the gains in faint yellow, and they are making some ground but not a ton, and how do they achieve your goals? >> this is their goals. they need to move the russian soldiers and personnel out of ukraine. frankly, the only way to do that is to do it through great intelligence, precise long-range fires that get to the enemy's rear so that the enemy, the russians, cannot advance the forces into ukraine any further. over the course of the last four or five months, russians have had a lot of time to dig into the positions, and the defensive positions are in depth, and it is going to take what is known as the advantage of three to one that the attacker needs to have the advantage of three to one personnel in order to achieve some success, and the ukrainians have to have some intelligence and figure out the weak points, and hold the weak points and hold them where they are strong and then hold them, and it is the old expression of hit them where they ain't, and go to where they are vulnerable, and that going to achieve success. this is hard fight against a dug-in henmy, and it is going to take time. >> in the meantime, the russians are going to take initiative, too, of the ukrainian points in the zaporizhzhia region that has been hit by the russians. now, if you are the russians, and put yourself in their shoes, how should they be fighting back? >> well, what they want to do is to limit the ukrainian ability to maneuver. first of all, you want to try to deseef what the strengths are, the capabilities are, and deception is always part of the game, and put the barriers in different positions to where you think that the enemy is going to be strong, and that going to cannibalize where they are, and that is where we saw the minefields unfortunately in the vicinity of zaporizhzhia and not because of a nuke act, but it could have given a pathway and course of way to isolate the russian force. that is what they are going to do right now, increase the defensive positions, and use of the mines to continue to slow down the ukrainian advance. >> as always, retired major general james "spider" marks, thank you for helping us out this morning. >> thank you, john. an american woman is now jailed in the bahamas accused of trying to have her husband killed. what we are learning about the marriage and the alleged plot. three house gop leaders want to take a closer look at the hunter biden plea deal as the republicans are leading an investigation into the first son. that is heating up ahead. or book a silent retreatat. silent retreat? 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[narrator] learn how the inflation reduction act will save you money. this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while these summer savings won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. new this morning, some filings from hot top house republicans who are asking the justice department about the plea deal with hunter biden, and the one that basically fell apart last week before our eyes in a delaware courtroom. the committee chairs, james comer and jason smith are asking for documentation about that deal. now joining us is zachary cohen, and give us a sense of what these republicans are after. >> yes, once an impartial judge started to ask questions about how this plea deal came together, it started the republicans to launch their own investigation, and three top republicans there, jim jordan, and james comer, and jason smith is no surprise that they are leading the way here, and they are reupping the commitment to investigate joe biden through son hunter. that is how we get to what happened behind closed doors there. and the oversight committee led by james comer brought in devon archer who was a business partner of hunter biden, and they were hoping he could provide the smoking gun of the business deal with hunter biden. and democrats emerged saying that devin a aron archer did no provide that evidence. now, last night, the interview said that the same is true. >> every day this bribery scandal is more credible. >> do you believe this is now officially the joe biden bribery allegation, and do you believe that you will be able to prove that, jim comer? >> i sure hope so. i do believe that there is a lot of smoke, and where there's smoke there is fire. we heard testimony that today that joe biden lied to the american people. >> so, hunter biden's personal legal problems aside, the republicans still face the challenge of tying the president to his son's foreign business dealings, and obviously, james comer is making it clear they are going to continue to investigate, and the white house has vehemently denied any connection between the president and hunter biden's former business deals, and calling it a wild goose chase and after archer's testimony, and time is going to tell how it plays out, but it is clear that the investigations from the house republicans will continue to accumulate in number. >> zach cohen, great to see you this morning. sara? on the radar right now, authorities in north carolina have arrested driver who says he accidentally struck six migrants in a walmart parking lot. he said that he panicked and left the scene. he is charged with felony hit-and-run, and he is being held on $50,000 bond. the police say that all six of the migrants hit are out of the hospital. twitter's new flashing x sign is dark. it has been taken down from the top of the company's san francisco headquarters. the city filed a violation because they had installed it without permission. dozens of cities filed violations. and they will be assessed fees for not going through the proper channels. and now, best known for the hbo drama "euphoria," the actor has died. they say that cloud buried his father last week and struggled with his own mental health issues. angus cloud was just 25 years old. >> too young. and now, cnn has the video that a former ohio police officer released a k-9 on a unarmed man in ohio, but he has been fired for other reasons. standby for more news. - "best thing i've ever done." that's what freddie told me. - it was the best thing i've ever done, and- - really? 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(chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. just in, the u.s. job market is slowly getting back into balance and a new report from bureau of labor and statistics show that the jobless rate fell to the lowest level. matt, let's look at the numbers together. >> well, sara, it is another good sign for the economy and it sounds like bad news, but it is exactly what the federal reserve wants to see as they are battling inflation. the number of job openings in june dipped to 9.6 million, and that is a two-year low. what the fed is trying to do is to ease demand for workers without wrecking the job market. and too much demand is worrying about the wages going up too fast, and that is trickling down to consumers, and they want to get it in control, and 9.6 million is sounding like a lot, but there is a peak of 12 million last spring as the inflation was going out of control, and the shortage was at the worst, and what we are seeing now is a cool-off of below 10 million, and precovid, 7 million, so it is between balance of the supply and demand, and the number today and the recent ones are going to make people more confident and optimistic about a potential soft landing which is great, because a few months ago, people thought no way to get the inflation under control without causing recession. >> and the big r-word was toss around like people eating cereal in the morning, but now we seem to be okay. >> and now it is replaced by another r-word resilient. >> i like that. that is good. i like it. speaking of the resilience, and the movies which i still love to go to, ladies and gentlemen, i love the theaters, and box office hit "barbie" and "oppenheimer" which is called -- >> "barbenheimer," and they had a huge impact. >> what is happening with the movies? >> it is a huge lifeline, and amc theaters said they have had the best week of revenue ever. keep in mind that the company has been around since 1920. they are obviously crediting the blockbuster success of barbie and oppenheimer. all totaled we have barbie at $775 million globally, and oppenheimer is 440 million, so combined well over $1 billion for these two movies, and "barbie" is put out by warner brothers and discovery which is also the companies that own cnn. i have a little bit of fomo and i did not see the two movies. >> didn't i just tell you that i love the movies. i went to see "barbie" and "oppenheimer." i >> i would not see them both together, because it is rough. john and i remember in 1920, when those first movies came out. >> yes, i remember the tatalkie an ul i keep hearing is bermenheimer, and definitely worth the resurgence. new information about the american woman who was arrested and charged for murder for hire in the bahamas. lindsay shyer is accused of trying to murder her husband in the bahamas, and nick valencia is all over this. what is the latest? >> well, it is all over, and it is amazing that the police were able to foil this plot. they were investigating a different crime when they uncovered a phone, and going through the phone for evidence to the break-in, when they stumbled across the written messages which seemed to indicate that this sinister plot was going to take place, and we don't know who the phone belonged to, and the police would not elaborate, but two local bahamian men were taken into custody, and they agreed to carry out this murder for hire plot in bahamas, and the police foiling this plot by uncovering the evidence in the phone, the three suspects made the arraignment friday and not required to enter a plea, and they were seeking bail to apply to the supreme court on the island. we know that social media is a highlight reel, but according to the social media, this was a happy and church going family. he played football in auburn in the early 2000s, but it was when the wife had adulterous conduct, and then she filed for divorce, but she didn't have the means and asking the husband to pay for the divorce, and so we have not heard back yet, but the three in the bahamas are still in custody. >> is the husband talking? >> he is working in insurance in georgia and the couple has a home in thomasville or they did have a home here in thomasville and we have not heard back from him and he has not posted anything on social media, and he is not talking so far. >> mysterious case. thank you, nick valencia. a new study is showing that the colorado river has lost a staggering 10 trillion gallon of water due to rising temperatures. what that means for 40 million americans living out west. we will have that next. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a render on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. on pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. libey. liberty. liberty. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is complete banced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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>> john, good morning. we have received about 50 pages of documents about this july 4th incident, and it is incredible that this officer ryan speakman was fired not for releasing the dog which he was cleared for in their use of the force policy in k-9 use policy but instead of repeatedly talking about the incident and sharing confidential details as it was being investigated internally with people on the force and outside of the force and his boss, the police chief ordered him repeatedly to stop talking about it. we have this report from the chief where he described the officer distraught about the incident, but when he asked about the people that he had spoken to about it and his emotional state imcted the investigation. it says that he had impacted the investigation and he had impacted the release of confidential and other information. we have body camera video, and this is what we are seeing the dog attack here, and we will see what happens after the dog attack where speakman tries to justify what happened, and he is confused as to why the state troopers are seeming unhappy with him. but first a warning this video is graphic. >> on the ground or you are going to get bit. police k-9. you are going to get bit. police k-9. you are going to get bit. final chance. you are going to get bit. sir, jesus. it is a justifiable bite. i don't know why they are pissed off at me. he had three chances to comply, and i told him to get on the ground. why is he mad at me for? he was not complying. i mean, am i wrong? >> reporter: and on july 20th, 24 days after the rose arrest, we see here in the documents that they had delivered a sealed letter to speakman and once he opened it in the front yard, he was visibly upset, and two days later the public was told that he was fired, john. >> you could not make it out on that video, but in other videos, you could clearly hear the other officers saying, "do not release the dog" but it is clear from the documents that speakman heard that warning? >> we have, john, a written report from officer ryan speakman, and he does acknowledge that he heard in that time that before he released the dog, that state troopers were giving commands, but he does not address in the report whether the state troopers were telling him to not release the dog. of course, the police union has stepped in and filing and has filed an official grievance with the police department asking for this officer to get his job back, saying that he was fired without just cause. john. >> all right. isabel rosales, thank you for bringing us up to speed. talk to you soon. and now to alarming new side effect of global warming. the colorado river basin has lost 10 trillion gallons of water due to global warming, roughly the size of lake mead. lucy kafanov has been following this story, and speaking to the farmers and living alongside the colorado river, and i once did it myself, and lucy, so much water is gone. >> so much water, and it is difficult to overstate the importance of the colorado river, because it is literally powers the american west, and quenches the thirst of 40 million people, and critical for the farms of people in this region, and there is simply not enough water to go around, and what is new is the study showing that human-caused climate change has resulted in a shocking 10% decrease in the river's flow over the last two decades, and the study came from the researchers at ucla, and it would not have been caused if not for and tthropojenic causes and so it is shown that there is 11% downstream reduction. and this is of course, having real life impacts on the people living out west because of the mandatory cuts to the amount of water that farmers are allowed the use. i spoke to one such farmer in arizona. take a listen. >> i am very worried about the future, because if we keep losing water, we can't pump the ground water forever, and then where is the food coming from and the cotton coming from. you can't just move and pick and hope that everything is going to work out, you have to plan for the future, and kicking can down the road and hoping for the best is what everyone seems to be doing is not a path for success, so i am very worried about it. >> it is counter intuitive, because we had a blockbuster winter with the numbers to inch up, but we are told that unless the greenhouse gases are curbed, we will have less, and less water available as the temperatures rise, and this is a long term problem and what we do as people does em paimpact how planet functions. >> and much of the produce that we eat is coming from places like california and to see it go down this way is really disturbing and having an impact on the nation. thank you, lucy kafanov. john? 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i can't believe i am asking this question, or a human in a bear costume? a zoo says it is a real sun bear. rumors were swirling that maybe it is a human in disguise after the video went viral after it was seen standing like a person having a good day, and appears to be waving at the visitors and in a statement, the zoo said that the sun bears are the smallest sun species and about the size of a good-sized dog. >> or a small human who is clearly inside that suit waving. that is my only takeaway from this right now, because i want to meet the person inside of the bear suit. >> the mega millions jackpot has ballooned to more than 1 billion, and that is billion with the "b" and the fourth largest mega millions jackpot ever, and dianne gallagher is live in charlotte, north carolina, and speaking to people, who face it, won't win, but what are you learning out there? >> just so we can hit the $1.05 billion jackpot. look, you have about a 1 in 3 302.6 million chance. but somebody has to hit it, and we are seeing more of the mega billion dollar jackpots is because both powerball and mega millions have added more white balls to the mix, and so it is harder to get the matches, and once my ticket wins, i have to figure out do i want the 30 years of annual payments or do i want the cash prize which would give me about $528 million before taxes, and for those of you in new york, you will lose even more money on the taxes, and new york has the highest lottery tax that they take away after the federal taxes as well. again though, we talked to people who play the lottery everyday. and one man, derek said that he won $50 and that is good luck for the mega millions ticket. >> i want to take care of my family and provide for a beautiful woman i date and things of that nature and help friends and people, and a lot of things that we can do with that. i hope that right person who gets it does the right thing with it. >> it is a lot of money. >> a lot of money, and god bless anyone with it. i'm not a hater. >> and you want to be the first billion dollar winner? >> yes, i want to be it, so i will see you at the podium. [ laughter ] >> right. >> reporter: and north carolina has never had a billion dollar winner, but the carolinas have, and the largest mega millions dollar jackpot ever, so it is 1.5 billion in 2018, and that was in south carolina, so i think it is time for the tar heel state to have a winner as well. i have my ticket, and i hope that you have yours for the drawing tonight. >> i am wishing you the best of luck, and no one deserves more than you do, and know that everybody is pulling for you, and we are all behind you 100%. thank you so much for that. sara, hope you notice that dianne said that she did buy a ticket, but when i did a lottery live-shot, and they asked me if i bought a ticket and i had not, and so i am glad that dianne did. >> and i hope you buy a ticket for us, and i am sure that she did most likely. and now, the nation is watching and waiting for the grand jury to see if a third indictment comes down as it is hanging in the balance for donald trump. and the nation is waiting and watching to see what they might do for donald trump and the 2024 election. and now, the wife of the gilgo beach serial killer is due in court, and this as she beg for privacy. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ that's why comcast business de is launching theal. mobile made free event. with our business internet, new and existing customers can get one year of unlimited mobile for free. it's our best internet. powered by the next generation 10g network and with 99.9% reliability. plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. it's the mobile made free event-happening now. get started for just $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. comcast business, powering possibilities. wanna lose weight and be healthier? it's time for aerotrainer. a more effective total body fitness solution. 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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all eyes are on the courthouse. the grand jury investigating donald trump for events surrounding january 6th is meeting there at this moment. could an indictment be minutes away? ukrainian forces launched another drone attack on moscow one day after a russian missile strike killed at least six people in ukraine. the colorado river is draining fast and losing some 10 trillion gallons of water from 2000 to 2021 and that is a lot. kate is off today and i'm john berman with sara sidner, and this is cnn "news central." happening now, the grand jury is meeting, and could they hand up a new indictment for donald trump with actions around january 6th. we know he got a target letter, and we know that the legal team was told that an indictment is pending, but it seems that the grand jury does not have much work left to do, and the cnn did spot the grand jurors entering court this morning, so what is happening this morning. our crime reporter katelyn polantz is outside of the court trying to discern any signs of action. what is happening, katelyn? >> well, john, the grand jury is in and they have momentum over the last couple of weeks in the january 6th investigation, and we have been talking so much about this other case about donald trump, and a separate investigation that resulted in criminal charges against him from the federal government related to handling of classified documents after his presidency just six days when he was charged for a second time in that case facing additional charges. this is a different thing that we are talking about and a very substantial one at that, and it is a long investigation that this grand jury has been conducting with the assistance of the special counsel's office and a specially appointed department of justice looking into the donald trump and the trump administration and what happened politically after the 2020 election when there were people around donald trump and donald trump, himself, wanting to overturn the popular vote in various battleground states and blocking congress and the joe biden presidency to come into being, and now we are waiting, because donald trump did receive a target letter two weeks ago saying that he is likely to be charged and the grand jury heard from two additional witnesses that we have heard from, and now they have convened again after the grand juries have heard from the special counsel, and they are seen here at the federal courthouse and we could see something emerge as early as this morning if possible, but we have a whole team here at the courthouse, john, watching and waiting to see what is going to be made public, because the grand juries operate in secret and not until they vote on and approve an indictment and the court system allows it to be released publicly does the justice department give it to the journalists so that we can see what is in that indictment, and we are waiting to see what the justice department may have covered in this particular case. >> all right. keep us posted on that front, and literally, we are just watching for any sign now with our eyes what we see. in the meantime, in fulton county in georgia, there is that investigation in georgia from the fulton county d.a. fani willis of trump's efforts to overturn the election there, and we are hearing that a journalist is to come back to testify about what he saw, and why is this that important? >> right. the journalist in atlanta was witness to some of the activities in the statehouse related to some of the trump republicans who wanted to know that he had won when he had not won, and the fake electors gathered in the statehouse in december of 2020, and george teety had stumbled upon that meeting and they kicked him out, and because he had stumbled upon that meeting and they had talked about casting votes wrongfully, he had been subpoenaed to testify in a state investigation and separate from the federal one that we are talking about today, and he is now receiving an additional subpoena because there is a grand jury in session in august that could be looking at an indictment around that activity around donald trump and others' behavior in that state. he did say in a post of the intercept that i am reviewing my legal options of legal counsel, but i am testifying that i am not compelled to offer any information outside of my observations of december 20, 2020, and we will see what may emerge there as well. >> katelyn polantz, a lot going on, and we will speak to you soon. >> and daniel horowitz, an assistant district attorney who is also an attorney with mclaughlin and stern, thank you for being here. i want to turn back to the federal case of jack smith looking into the case of malfeasance on the part of donald trump. you have the grand jury meeting today and he has the target letter, and the attorneys have already met with jack smith's special counsel, the prosecutors there. what does it tell you? how soon might this come down? >> tick-tock, the dye is cast, and they could be very well voting. if there were no more witnesses or evidence, and i know some documents were collected last week, but it seems they are down to the final strokes. what is unusual is that we are accustomed to the unusual becoming the usual with the president now being indicted. this is the third indictment and arraignment of a former president, and truly bizarre. >> it is unprecedented and you can't say it enough, because there is something else coming forward that is unprecedented and like you, you put it well, this is becoming norm when it is coming to this particular former president. i do want to ask you about all of the multiple investigations juggled by jack smith and the investigation, and do you have the staff to deal with many multiples of not only defendants, but cases? >> yeah, it is a great question. the pressure is actually more on trump's legal team, because he has the same legal team for each of the cases. the department of justice has a deep bench, and they can draw on individual prosecutors to handle the case in florida, the impending case that is brought in washington, d.c., for obstruction because of the election, and obviously fulton county and the d.a. has her own staff, and of course my friends at the manhattan d.a.'s office have a well experienced team ready to go with the case of donald trump in new york. >> his own attorneys will obviously get attorneys in each of the different places, correct? >> right. >> it has been difficult for him and the other defendants. how do you see this going down? each of them have to have an attorney representing them separately. >> right. for the former president in two of the cases that have been brought, his lead counsel is todd blanche who is a solo practitioner and formerly a federal prosecutor and partner in a large law firm, and we will see if mr. blanche is leading the charge in washington, d.c. but it becomes a real challenge. i mean, because each court is going to say to the defendant, here's your case. we need to move this case forward, and it is going to be a scramble as to which case gets tried first. the case in florida as you and i have discussed, there are a number of issues that could slow it down because of the confidential documents involved. the case in new york does not suffer from that, and nor does the case in washington, d.c., will suffer from that and nor will the case in fulton county, if they bring a case. so it is possible for the case in d.c. going first and then in new york and then fulton county before you deal with the florida case. >> it is a lot of cases to juggle, and the court system is going to have to look at, and they can't try them all at once. thank you for coming on, daniel horwitz. >> sure. and now, we are turning to ukraine and the battle in bakhmut, and you can see the activity here firing in the rockets and whatnot into that area, and this is one front in the counter offensive right now, and while that is happening, actually, the ukrainians or somebody continues to target moscow with drone attacks, and the ukrainians have not claimed responsibility for it yet, and the third time in the last few weeks, there were attacks on buildings in russia using drones, and you can see some of the damage there, and with us now, retired analysts, and retired general spider marks, and i have to say that damage is fairly limited to the buildings in moscow, and how important are these attacks whether they are coming from the ukrainians directly or not. >> well, assume they are coming from ukraine, john, and then what they are going to come from moscow, and a waste of capacity and time. the most successful way that ukraine is going to convince putin that there is off ramps to continue what he is doing, and the offensive that is taking place in ukraine and to kill as many russian soldiers as possible, and not trying to be flippant and hang it out there too grotesquely but the best way to achieve this is in battle and strategy is to move it forward for ukraine. it is a fooler rands to waste the drone capability and the reconstance and physical energy to go against the indiscriminant targets in moscow. >> so how do you achieve what the ukrainians need to do, and against the so-called southern front where you can see some of the gains in faint yellow, and they are making some ground but not a ton, and how do they achieve your goals? >> this is their goals. they need to move the russian soldiers and personnel out of ukraine. frankly, the only way to do that is to do it through great intelligence, precise long-range fires that get to the enemy's rear so that the enemy, the russians, cannot advance the forces into ukraine any further. over the course of the last four or five months, russians have had a lot of time to dig into the positions, and the defensive positions are in depth, and it is going to take what is known as the advantage of three to one that the attacker needs to have the advantage of three to one personnel in order to achieve some success, and the ukrainians have to have some intelligence and figure out the weak points, and hold the weak points and hold them where they are strong and then hold them, and it is the old expression of hit them where they ain't, and go to where they are vulnerable, and that going to achieve success. this is hard fight against a dug-in henmy, and it is going to take time. >> in the meantime, the russians are going to take initiative, too, of the ukrainian points in the zaporizhzhia region that has been hit by the russians. now, if you are the russians, and put yourself in their shoes, how should they be fighting back? >> well, what they want to do is to limit the ukrainian ability to maneuver. first of all, you want to try to deseef what the strengths are, the capabilities are, and deception is always part of the game, and put the barriers in different positions to where you think that the enemy is going to be strong, and that going to cannibalize where they are, and that is where we saw the minefields unfortunately in the vicinity of zaporizhzhia and not because of a nuke act, but it could have given a pathway and course of way to isolate the russian force. that is what they are going to do right now, increase the defensive positions, and use of the mines to continue to slow down the ukrainian advance. >> as always, retired major general james "spider" marks, thank you for helping us out this morning. >> thank you, john. an american woman is now jailed in the bahamas accused of trying to have her husband killed. what we are learning about the marriage and the alleged plot. three house gop leaders want to take a closer look at the hunter biden plea deal as the republicans are leading an investigation into the first son. that is heating up ahead. or book a silent retreatat. silent retreat? 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[narrator] learn how the inflation reduction act will save you money. this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while these summer savings won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. new this morning, some filings from hot top house republicans who are asking the justice department about the plea deal with hunter biden, and the one that basically fell apart last week before our eyes in a delaware courtroom. the committee chairs, james comer and jason smith are asking for documentation about that deal. now joining us is zachary cohen, and give us a sense of what these republicans are after. >> yes, once an impartial judge started to ask questions about how this plea deal came together, it started the republicans to launch their own investigation, and three top republicans there, jim jordan, and james comer, and jason smith is no surprise that they are leading the way here, and they are reupping the commitment to investigate joe biden through son hunter. that is how we get to what happened behind closed doors there. and the oversight committee led by james comer brought in devon archer who was a business partner of hunter biden, and they were hoping he could provide the smoking gun of the business deal with hunter biden. and democrats emerged saying that devin a aron archer did no provide that evidence. now, last night, the interview said that the same is true. >> every day this bribery scandal is more credible. >> do you believe this is now officially the joe biden bribery allegation, and do you believe that you will be able to prove that, jim comer? >> i sure hope so. i do believe that there is a lot of smoke, and where there's smoke there is fire. we heard testimony that today that joe biden lied to the american people. >> so, hunter biden's personal legal problems aside, the republicans still face the challenge of tying the president to his son's foreign business dealings, and obviously, james comer is making it clear they are going to continue to investigate, and the white house has vehemently denied any connection between the president and hunter biden's former business deals, and calling it a wild goose chase and after archer's testimony, and time is going to tell how it plays out, but it is clear that the investigations from the house republicans will continue to accumulate in number. >> zach cohen, great to see you this morning. sara? on the radar right now, authorities in north carolina have arrested driver who says he accidentally struck six migrants in a walmart parking lot. he said that he panicked and left the scene. he is charged with felony hit-and-run, and he is being held on $50,000 bond. the police say that all six of the migrants hit are out of the hospital. twitter's new flashing x sign is dark. it has been taken down from the top of the company's san francisco headquarters. the city filed a violation because they had installed it without permission. dozens of cities filed violations. and they will be assessed fees for not going through the proper channels. and now, best known for the hbo drama "euphoria," the actor has died. they say that cloud buried his father last week and struggled with his own mental health issues. angus cloud was just 25 years old. >> too young. and now, cnn has the video that a former ohio police officer released a k-9 on a unarmed man in ohio, but he has been fired for other reasons. standby for more news. - "best thing i've ever done." that's what freddie told me. - it was the best thing i've ever done, and- - really? 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(chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. just in, the u.s. job market is slowly getting back into balance and a new report from bureau of labor and statistics show that the jobless rate fell to the lowest level. matt, let's look at the numbers together. >> well, sara, it is another good sign for the economy and it sounds like bad news, but it is exactly what the federal reserve wants to see as they are battling inflation. the number of job openings in june dipped to 9.6 million, and that is a two-year low. what the fed is trying to do is to ease demand for workers without wrecking the job market. and too much demand is worrying about the wages going up too fast, and that is trickling down to consumers, and they want to get it in control, and 9.6 million is sounding like a lot, but there is a peak of 12 million last spring as the inflation was going out of control, and the shortage was at the worst, and what we are seeing now is a cool-off of below 10 million, and precovid, 7 million, so it is between balance of the supply and demand, and the number today and the recent ones are going to make people more confident and optimistic about a potential soft landing which is great, because a few months ago, people thought no way to get the inflation under control without causing recession. >> and the big r-word was toss around like people eating cereal in the morning, but now we seem to be okay. >> and now it is replaced by another r-word resilient. >> i like that. that is good. i like it. speaking of the resilience, and the movies which i still love to go to, ladies and gentlemen, i love the theaters, and box office hit "barbie" and "oppenheimer" which is called -- >> "barbenheimer," and they had a huge impact. >> what is happening with the movies? >> it is a huge lifeline, and amc theaters said they have had the best week of revenue ever. keep in mind that the company has been around since 1920. they are obviously crediting the blockbuster success of barbie and oppenheimer. all totaled we have barbie at $775 million globally, and oppenheimer is 440 million, so combined well over $1 billion for these two movies, and "barbie" is put out by warner brothers and discovery which is also the companies that own cnn. i have a little bit of fomo and i did not see the two movies. >> didn't i just tell you that i love the movies. i went to see "barbie" and "oppenheimer." i >> i would not see them both together, because it is rough. john and i remember in 1920, when those first movies came out. >> yes, i remember the tatalkie an ul i keep hearing is bermenheimer, and definitely worth the resurgence. new information about the american woman who was arrested and charged for murder for hire in the bahamas. lindsay shyer is accused of trying to murder her husband in the bahamas, and nick valencia is all over this. what is the latest? >> well, it is all over, and it is amazing that the police were able to foil this plot. they were investigating a different crime when they uncovered a phone, and going through the phone for evidence to the break-in, when they stumbled across the written messages which seemed to indicate that this sinister plot was going to take place, and we don't know who the phone belonged to, and the police would not elaborate, but two local bahamian men were taken into custody, and they agreed to carry out this murder for hire plot in bahamas, and the police foiling this plot by uncovering the evidence in the phone, the three suspects made the arraignment friday and not required to enter a plea, and they were seeking bail to apply to the supreme court on the island. we know that social media is a highlight reel, but according to the social media, this was a happy and church going family. he played football in auburn in the early 2000s, but it was when the wife had adulterous conduct, and then she filed for divorce, but she didn't have the means and asking the husband to pay for the divorce, and so we have not heard back yet, but the three in the bahamas are still in custody. >> is the husband talking? >> he is working in insurance in georgia and the couple has a home in thomasville or they did have a home here in thomasville and we have not heard back from him and he has not posted anything on social media, and he is not talking so far. >> mysterious case. thank you, nick valencia. a new study is showing that the colorado river has lost a staggering 10 trillion gallon of water due to rising temperatures. what that means for 40 million americans living out west. we will have that next. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a render on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. on pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. libey. liberty. liberty. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is complete banced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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>> john, good morning. we have received about 50 pages of documents about this july 4th incident, and it is incredible that this officer ryan speakman was fired not for releasing the dog which he was cleared for in their use of the force policy in k-9 use policy but instead of repeatedly talking about the incident and sharing confidential details as it was being investigated internally with people on the force and outside of the force and his boss, the police chief ordered him repeatedly to stop talking about it. we have this report from the chief where he described the officer distraught about the incident, but when he asked about the people that he had spoken to about it and his emotional state imcted the investigation. it says that he had impacted the investigation and he had impacted the release of confidential and other information. we have body camera video, and this is what we are seeing the dog attack here, and we will see what happens after the dog attack where speakman tries to justify what happened, and he is confused as to why the state troopers are seeming unhappy with him. but first a warning this video is graphic. >> on the ground or you are going to get bit. police k-9. you are going to get bit. police k-9. you are going to get bit. final chance. you are going to get bit. sir, jesus. it is a justifiable bite. i don't know why they are pissed off at me. he had three chances to comply, and i told him to get on the ground. why is he mad at me for? he was not complying. i mean, am i wrong? >> reporter: and on july 20th, 24 days after the rose arrest, we see here in the documents that they had delivered a sealed letter to speakman and once he opened it in the front yard, he was visibly upset, and two days later the public was told that he was fired, john. >> you could not make it out on that video, but in other videos, you could clearly hear the other officers saying, "do not release the dog" but it is clear from the documents that speakman heard that warning? >> we have, john, a written report from officer ryan speakman, and he does acknowledge that he heard in that time that before he released the dog, that state troopers were giving commands, but he does not address in the report whether the state troopers were telling him to not release the dog. of course, the police union has stepped in and filing and has filed an official grievance with the police department asking for this officer to get his job back, saying that he was fired without just cause. john. >> all right. isabel rosales, thank you for bringing us up to speed. talk to you soon. and now to alarming new side effect of global warming. the colorado river basin has lost 10 trillion gallons of water due to global warming, roughly the size of lake mead. lucy kafanov has been following this story, and speaking to the farmers and living alongside the colorado river, and i once did it myself, and lucy, so much water is gone. >> so much water, and it is difficult to overstate the importance of the colorado river, because it is literally powers the american west, and quenches the thirst of 40 million people, and critical for the farms of people in this region, and there is simply not enough water to go around, and what is new is the study showing that human-caused climate change has resulted in a shocking 10% decrease in the river's flow over the last two decades, and the study came from the researchers at ucla, and it would not have been caused if not for and tthropojenic causes and so it is shown that there is 11% downstream reduction. and this is of course, having real life impacts on the people living out west because of the mandatory cuts to the amount of water that farmers are allowed the use. i spoke to one such farmer in arizona. take a listen. >> i am very worried about the future, because if we keep losing water, we can't pump the ground water forever, and then where is the food coming from and the cotton coming from. you can't just move and pick and hope that everything is going to work out, you have to plan for the future, and kicking can down the road and hoping for the best is what everyone seems to be doing is not a path for success, so i am very worried about it. >> it is counter intuitive, because we had a blockbuster winter with the numbers to inch up, but we are told that unless the greenhouse gases are curbed, we will have less, and less water available as the temperatures rise, and this is a long term problem and what we do as people does em paimpact how planet functions. >> and much of the produce that we eat is coming from places like california and to see it go down this way is really disturbing and having an impact on the nation. thank you, lucy kafanov. john? 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i can't believe i am asking this question, or a human in a bear costume? a zoo says it is a real sun bear. rumors were swirling that maybe it is a human in disguise after the video went viral after it was seen standing like a person having a good day, and appears to be waving at the visitors and in a statement, the zoo said that the sun bears are the smallest sun species and about the size of a good-sized dog. >> or a small human who is clearly inside that suit waving. that is my only takeaway from this right now, because i want to meet the person inside of the bear suit. >> the mega millions jackpot has ballooned to more than 1 billion, and that is billion with the "b" and the fourth largest mega millions jackpot ever, and dianne gallagher is live in charlotte, north carolina, and speaking to people, who face it, won't win, but what are you learning out there? >> just so we can hit the $1.05 billion jackpot. look, you have about a 1 in 3 302.6 million chance. but somebody has to hit it, and we are seeing more of the mega billion dollar jackpots is because both powerball and mega millions have added more white balls to the mix, and so it is harder to get the matches, and once my ticket wins, i have to figure out do i want the 30 years of annual payments or do i want the cash prize which would give me about $528 million before taxes, and for those of you in new york, you will lose even more money on the taxes, and new york has the highest lottery tax that they take away after the federal taxes as well. again though, we talked to people who play the lottery everyday. and one man, derek said that he won $50 and that is good luck for the mega millions ticket. >> i want to take care of my family and provide for a beautiful woman i date and things of that nature and help friends and people, and a lot of things that we can do with that. i hope that right person who gets it does the right thing with it. >> it is a lot of money. >> a lot of money, and god bless anyone with it. i'm not a hater. >> and you want to be the first billion dollar winner? >> yes, i want to be it, so i will see you at the podium. [ laughter ] >> right. >> reporter: and north carolina has never had a billion dollar winner, but the carolinas have, and the largest mega millions dollar jackpot ever, so it is 1.5 billion in 2018, and that was in south carolina, so i think it is time for the tar heel state to have a winner as well. i have my ticket, and i hope that you have yours for the drawing tonight. >> i am wishing you the best of luck, and no one deserves more than you do, and know that everybody is pulling for you, and we are all behind you 100%. thank you so much for that. sara, hope you notice that dianne said that she did buy a ticket, but when i did a lottery live-shot, and they asked me if i bought a ticket and i had not, and so i am glad that dianne did. >> and i hope you buy a ticket for us, and i am sure that she did most likely. and now, the nation is watching and waiting for the grand jury to see if a third indictment comes down as it is hanging in the balance for donald trump. and the nation is waiting and watching to see what they might do for donald trump and the 2024 election. and now, the wife of the gilgo beach serial killer is due in court, and this as she beg for privacy. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ that's why comcast business de is launching theal. mobile made free event. with our business internet, new and existing customers can get one year of unlimited mobile for free. it's our best internet. powered by the next generation 10g network and with 99.9% reliability. plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. it's the mobile made free event-happening now. get started for just $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. comcast business, powering possibilities. wanna lose weight and be healthier? it's time for aerotrainer. a more effective total body fitness solution. 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Xfinity , Job Market , Numbers , Balance , Report , Statistics , Rate , Labor , Level , Bureau , Matt , Let S Look , Inflation , Reserve , Economy , Job Openings , Bad News , 9 6 Million , Demand , Low , Fed , Workers , Wages , Control , Consumers , Peak , Shortage , 12 Million , Supply , Worst , Ones , Precovid , 10 Million , 7 Million , Landing , Recession , Big R Word , Movies , Word , Resilient , Resilience , Cereal , R , Ladies And Gentlemen , Theaters , Barbie , Impact , Oppenheimer , Box Office , Barbenheimer , Lifeline , Revenue , Mind , Blockbuster Success Of Barbie , Amc , 1920 , 75 Million , 775 Million , 440 Million , Billion , 1 Billion , Warner Brothers , Companies , Bit , Discovery , Fomo , Together , Didn T , Hearing , Ul , Tatalkie , Lindsay Shyer , Murder , Bermenheimer , Resurgence , Hire , Crime , Latest , Over , Valencia , Phone , Messages , Break In , To , Men , Custody , Hire Plot , Social Media , Supreme Court , Plea , Bail , Suspects , Island , Football , Highlight Reel , Auburn , Wife , Divorce , Conduct , Couple , Anything , Thomasville , Temperatures , Study , Nick Valencia , Showing , 40 Million , Mom , Liberty Mutual , The Americans , Next , Pay , Mission , Car Insurance , Switching , Pile , Banced Nutrition , Libey , 00 Dollars , 700 , Protein , Heart Health , Minerals , Safelite , Muscle , Support Immune , Vitamins , Nutrients , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 30 , Experts , Sleep , Windshield , Baby , Safety System , Vo , Recalibrated Our Car , Jade , Safety , Guy , Singers , Safelite Repair , Dog , Weight , Food , Farmer , Adventures , Kayak , Ocean , Weight Loss Program , Spreadsheets , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Results , Lives , Starvation Dieting , Cravings , Isolation , Hunger , Golo , Music , 60 , 100 , Travel Influencer , Engineer , Chef , Meet The Future , Designer , Vacation , You Guys , Use Priceline , I Got You , No One Else , Ooh , Debit Card , Cooking , Firsts , Sequins , Plaid , Spending , Chase , Uhuh , Uh , Nice , More , Futures , Freedom , Both , College , Account , Kids , Parents , Bank , Kicking , Breeze , Air Conditioning , Body , Heat , Sweating , Covers , Cooling Technology , Mattress , Tempur Pedic , 10 , T Mobile , Mattresses , 5g Solutions , Tempurpedic Com , Pano Ai , 500 , 00 , Wildfires , Spread , 5g Network , Pano Ai Innovate , Officer , Incident , Details , Co Workers , Isabel Rosales , Pages , Ryan Speakman , July 4th Incident , Is Isabel , July 4th , 50 , 4 , Policy , Police Chief , Chief , Imcted , Release , Dog Attack , Body Camera Video , Confidential , Warning , Ground , State Troopers , Chance , Jesus , Bite , Chances , Reporter , Arrest , July 20th 24 , 24 , Letter , Yard , Speakman , Officers , Videos , Written Report , Commands , Grievance , Police Department , Job Back , Filing , Police Union , Just Cause , Side Effect , Global Warming , Colorado River Basin , Up To Speed , Size , Story , Lucy Kafanov , Lake Mead , Farmers , Importance , Lucy , Farms , Study Showing , Thirst , American West , Researchers , River , Ucla , Decrease , Flow , Tthropojenic , Reduction , Real Life Impacts , 11 , Listen , Cuts , Amount , Arizona , Ground Water , Everything , Cotton , Best , Path , Road , Greenhouse Gases , Blockbuster Winter , Problem , Term , Produce , California , Taxes , Nation , Mega Millions , Don T , Itakes , Z71 Ofroad Package , Chaz , King , Rec , Electrolytes , Pedialyte , 3 , Prevagen , Memory , Community , Research , Veteran , Tours , 23 , Prescription , Point , Thoughts , Stores , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Luck , Pack , Big , Tacos , Fee , Take Out , Baby Backs , Cabin , Taco Shack , Cashback On Flapjacks , Gonna , Weekend , Employees , Paycom , Payroll , Neither , Action Hero , 12 , App , Down The Line , Experian , Score , Fico , Credit Card Recommendations , Taking Ibrance , Breast Cancer , Women , Thousands , Adults , Aromatase Inhibitor , Hormonal , Therapy , Hr , Ibrance Plus , Inflammation , Disease Progression , Infections , Blood Cell , Lungs , Doctor , Breathing , Kidney Problems , Liver , Infection , Death , Cough , Trouble , Chest Pain , Chills , Fever , Side Effects , Breastfeeding , Italy , Nationals , Coup , Flight , Citizens , Niger , Evacuation , France , Crisis , Foreign Minister , European , Evacuations , U S National Team , Draw , Knockout Round , Women S World Cup , Portugal , 0 , 16 , Knockout , Bear , Goalpost , Team Usa , Olympics , Sweden , Human , Person , Zoo , Swirling , Costume , Standing , Real Sun Bear , Disguise , Rumors , Statement , Bears , Visitors , Sun , Species , Takeaway , Suit , Suit Waving , Mega Millions Jackpot , Won T Win , Dianne Gallagher , Jackpot , B , Charlotte , 1 , 05 Billion , 1 05 Billion , Dollar Jackpots , 3 302 6 Million , Millions , Cash Prize , Matches , Payments , Powerball , Ticket Wins , Mix , Balls , Lottery Tax , 528 Million , 28 Million , Derek , Mega Millions Ticket , Lottery , Anyone , God , Winner , Hater , Podium , Laughter , A Billion Dollar , A Billion , Ticket , Dollar Jackpot , South Carolina , Carolinas Have , 2018 , 1 5 Billion , Everybody , Drawing , Hope , Serial Killer , Gilgo Beach , 2024 , Privacy , Sugar , Protein Max Challenge , Uuuhhhh , 10000 , Mobile , Business Internet , Internet , Customers , Network , Reliability , Launching Theal , The Next Generation , Comcast Business De , 10g , 99 9 , Line , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities , 9 99 , 49 99 , Aerotrainer Super Crunch , Muscle Activation , Design , It S Time , Body Fitness Solution , Aerotrainer , Air Chambers , Exercises , Ergodynamic , Wanna , A E R O Trainer Com , Aero Squat ,

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