Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240707 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240707

new details on the three americans who died as a popular vacation site in the bahamas and the american woman flown to a florida hospital. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. we start with our world lead. what was billed as a world war ii victory day parade in russia ending with no new victories for vladimir putin to declare. celebration just wrapped up with fireworks ending a day of events meant to honor the soldiers who helped defeat nazi germany. the west feared putin would use today to escalate his so-called special military operation in ukraine to declare an outright war. instead, putin spent his speech defending his decision to invade his neighbor to the west and selling the war to his own people by falsely claiming the danger from ukraine was growing every day before he ordered his troops to invade. united states ambassador to the united nations linda thomas greenfield responded to putin's rhetoric and lies in an interview earlier today with cnn. >> president putin has recognized he has no victory to celebrate. his efforts in ukraine have not succeeded. he didn't announce a withdrawal. he didn't announce any new deals with the ukrainians. so i suspect, and we have all assessed, that this could be a long-term conflict that can carry on for additional months. >> behind the pomp and circumstance is the reality of what putin is actually doing in ukraine. this, for instance, is what is left of a school bombed by russian aircraft on saturday. it was being used as a shelter when it was hit. around 60 people, 60, are thought to have been killed. and rescue efforts have been slowed by more russian shelling. and in southern ukraine, nonstop shelling is destroying towns near the front line, but neither side seems to be making much progress as of now. nick paton walsh visited with some of the ukrainian civilians caught in the cross fire around the key port city of hkerr shau. >> the first russia captured in the six weeks since we were last here. but instead, since then, almost everything in between has been torn up by shelling that literally does not stop. trapping people who physically cannot flee in the churn of a brutal stalemate. here, in this village are two neighbors both called nuba. >> we move to the yard, as the shells get closer. >> he still manages to get down to his wife's basement shelter. she's installed a plank on the way here to help him rest. they used to get dressed up to go to bed. it was so cold down here. but mention leaving and she chuckles. nights spent here have focused her hatred. across the road is valvalentina alone. shells always seem to just miss her. overwhelmed yet hauntingly eloquent . >> it's not so much that life goes on here, but that it has nowhere else to go. these men selling cow's milk, although that's not what leonard has been drinking. hello to everyone, he says. 40 times a day and night, they shell. barely a window is intact. shrapnel flying through the glass daily. yesterday was svetlana's turn, but she can't leave as she's waiting for her son to return from the war in mariupol. our children are all at war, she says. my son is a prisoner. if he comes back and if i have gone, it's like i have abandoned him. we wait, hope, worry. he is alive and we will live. on the road out of here, the shrapnel rises fiercely above the warm fields. in ukraine, well occupied frankly, by ukraine fighting a war in which it is ludicrously accused of being nazis. in the east, you mentioned the air strike on a school, but also concerns russia is making advances there, too. but also ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy giving a powerful speech in which he said this really wasn't a battle between two armies but two visions of the world and declaring that while currently ukraine has wone victory day, soon it would have two, and someone else, meaning putin, would have none. a message clearly of defiance, but you can hear air raid sirens behind me. this is a country deeply on edge and it has been for a matter of days because they felt the kremlin would try something today. so far, comparatively, not quiet, but no major uptick. people are concerned about what tonight might bring. >> nick paton walsh in southern ukraine for us. thank you. >> to russia now and to cnn's matthew chance in moscow where the kremlin imposed strict laws regarding how russia's presence in ukraine is allowed to be described. matthew, what did you make of putin's speech? what stood out the most? >> well, jake, what stood out the most to me is the fact that this was a widely anticipated event that many people speculated was going to be the backdrop to a major announcement on what vladimir putin intended to do about his conflict, what he calls his special military operation inside ukraine. there was speculation he could have made a formal declaration of war on ukraine and mobilized the country on a more of a war footing which would give him more troops, more conscripts, more resources to plow into what is a stuttering military campaign in that country. but to answer your question what was striking is he didn't do any of that. perhaps he had pause, he had reason he felt to hesitate. perhaps he understood that not everyone in russia is onboard when it comes to more bloodshed, more warfare, more conflict in neighboring ukraine. and so that's something that i think was a takeaway from this, that it was a much more muted victory day parade than was expected, jake. >> how did this year's parade compare to previous years? >> well, as i say, more muted. partly because of the lack of pronouncements that were expected, as i just mentioned. also the parade itself. there was no air show, for instance. there was meant to be 77 aircraft flying in a sort of spectacular display above red square. i had seen them rehearseing for the past couple days, but the kremlin said they had to cancel that aspect of the parade because of the bad weather. it was very cloudy and stormy. i think they need really good visibility to conduct kind of precision flying in that way. but it did, of course, make it sort of less spectacular. there were fewer troops than we normally see. fewer pieces of military equipment and fewer variety of military equipment. but having said that, there were still 11,000 troops marching in step with each other of red square. and there was still something like 130 or more than that different pieces of military equipment, including, of course, the jewel in the crown of russia's military, its intercontinental ballistic missiles. its nuclear weapons which it so often reminds the west that it possesses and would be prepared to use. >> matthew chance in moscow, thank you. >> ukraine's railways are a crucial resource for not only evacuating civilians to safety but also bringing in mere supplies, weapons, humanitarian aid to the front lines. now they have become one of russia's key targets. as scott mclean reports, the railway workers are not running away from russian strikes. instead, they're choosing to stay in the line of fire to keep this essential resource up and running. >> the train from kyiv takes about 25 minutes to reach the irpin river. but this is the first time in almost two months that a passenger train has actually been able to roll across the bridge that spans it. one of two rail bridges here has just been rebuilt. the other is still impassable. the vital link between kyiv and the bombed out irpin suburb was destroyed as russian troops tried to advance toward the capital. ukrainian railways says it's lost access to 20% of its network, due either to russian occupation or russian bombs that have cut off access to long stretches of track. orange vested workers have been quietly repairing this span for weeks, ever since the russians finally retreated. >> less than four weeks, which normally would take months and months of civil engineering work, planning, projecting, so now, like, when the situation is stopped, everyone works 24/7. >> the railway has been an indispensable tool in getting supplies out and people out of the most dangerous areas, but it has also been a huge target for russian bombs. repairing the damage is dangerous work. the railway says that well over 100 rail employees have died since the war began. some of those have been fighting on the front lines, but many others have just been showing up for work. >> every morning, railway people are not asking themselves whether to go to work or not. this is their duty. >> that is precisely how this man feels about the job he's had for 26 years. despite war, he's kept showing up, sometimes even repairing tracks amidst russian shelling. he has a wife and daughter at home. >> while russian tanks have moved east and south, russian missiles are still falling across the country. last week, six railway power substations were destroyed in one night, taking out the ability to run electric trains in the west for two days. in early april, a ukrainian official said a passenger train station in kramatorsk was hit by a russian missile killing 57, including five children, and injuring more than 100. last week, a rail and road bridge was hit in dnipro, a critical rail link. >> they're trying to stop the delivering of weapons, delivering of humanitarian goods. also support from the west. >> but whatever damage is done won't last long. the army of ukrainian rail workers is even bigger than ukraine's actual active duty military. despite the danger, they're here to stay. staying put so ukraine can keep moving. scott mclean, cnn, in ukraine. >> and our thanks to scott mclean for that reporting. >> coming up next, what president biden is reportedly warning his own national security team about sharing intelligence with ukraine as the white house reacts to putin's big speech today. >> plus, covid was bad enough. now new analysis shows just how much strain gun violence put on america's health system during the pandemic. stay with us. you know libertyty mutual customizes your car insurance, so y you only pay for what you need? 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>> so first of all, it's already passed the house. it passed it last september. i think what it's doing, we have to remember this is still an opinion, a draft that came out from the supreme court. but what you see is people -- it's raised people's awareness this isn't just something that everybody is talking about in the abstract. this could really happen in states across america. you need to get senators on record about where they stand so as people go to the polls in november, they know what they're voting for. i don't think it's going to be the only issue, but i do think that people suddenly are being reminded in a way that it was not there the last few months. their votes have consequences. >> congresswoman, i'm old enough to remember when democrats held majorities in both the house and senate, a veto-proof majority in the senate and president obama was in the white house. this has been the republican plan for decades now. why didn't democrats try to pass this back in 2009? >> well, i don't disagree with you in some ways. i'm not sure that the votes were there. this is always a hard issue for a lot of people. we should have codified it. which is what we tried to do in the house last time. i don't want to think of ourselves as old, jake. i prefer the word seasoned, to remember when that was there. i also remember there were a lot of men, quite frankly, and some women that were very squeamish about codifying roe v. wade. i think we have learned, we're here. we have to look forward. we can't look back. and i think we need to work towards making sure it -- look,ilities never an easy decision for anybody, but it's a woman's right to choose. between her, her doctor, her faith, and her partner or spouse, if that's a person that's present in the life. and i don't think a lot of women ever thought that we would be looking at what we're looking at going back. >> for the record, i called myself old. i didn't say anything about you. just for the record. so -- >> that's all right. we have been around for the same period. >> you represent michigan. the governor of michigan is out with a new op-ed in "the new york times" today, highlighting her lawsuit which would ask the michigan supreme court to rule on whether the state's constitution protects the right of a woman or girl to get an abortion. she writes, i'm not going to sit on my hands waiting for congress to do something, whether through legislation, ballot initiative, or civic engagement. the answer to the overtly political ruling of a supposedly apolitical unelected body is to engage in every way at every level. the answer is to get creative. just to be frank, isn't there a limit to what can be done in terms of protecting roe v. wade? i mean, at the end of the day, if the supreme court rules the way we think they will, it goes back to the states, and then it's up to legislatures. >> so okay, you just said why didn't they do something before? we're the women here now. i'm in office now, i wasn't in office then. by the way, she started the lawsuit before this leaked, i might add, trying to anticipate what was going to happen and how you could protect people in the states. at our state level, we're also circulating petitions to try to get it on the ballot for the fall. there are a number of other strategies that quite frankly we need to get in the same room and come to consensus on. right now, we gotta look at every potential possibility of how you protect a woman's right to choose. that's what this is about. the way the supreme court opinion, the draft is written, it would probably threaten a number of other things. but right now, where we are, where we're looking forward, we cannot go backwards. and each of us has an responsibility to do what we can to protect that woman's right to control her own body. >> house speaker pelosi used her weekly dear colleague letter to encourage her fellow democrats to keep fighting to protect a woman's or girl's right to have an abortion if she decides. quote, we know we must carry forward this fight in the weeks and months ahead. our proud pro-choice majority must continue this fight in the american arena so americans know their rights are on the ballot this november. the house has voted to codify roe. what more can you do legislatively? >> well, we're going to have to see what the senate does, and the senate is not willing to, you know, we did confirm a supreme court justice by waiving the filibuster, but some of those same people that voted to do that are unwilling to do that now. so what do we have to do? we have to talk about the issues that are at stake in november. and jake, i want to be really leer. i don't think this is going to be the only issue people are going to decide how they vote in november, but i think it's going to energize a lot of people, bring them off the sidelines. and start to think about how it could impact many other things. by the time we get to november, the democrats, president biden, are going to be working to protect working families, to protect jobs, to protect people's individual liberties. republicans have the agenda of the billionaires and democrats have to define what's at stake in november. that, by the way, not forget that people have been hurting, going back to what happened with the supply chain and covid and when president trump was president. that's what's helped contribute to inflation and higher gas prices and the war in ukraine. but we have got to show what we're doing to try to bring those down and protect our democracy. >> democratic congresswoman debbie dingell, good to see you. >> gas prices near a record before summer travel kicks into high gear, and predictions of prices hitting $4.50 a gallon. $4.50 a gallon in a matter of days. stay with us. my name is ami and when i financed my car with carvana they had questions about my documents. but i was at work. in a mine. so carvana worked with my shift nager to get it all worked out. was over the moon, even though i was underground. we'll drive you happy at carvana. 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>> you don't square it, jake. you just make the argument that, yes, in the larger, wider macro sense, a lower stock market means better valuations, therefore corporates profit. therefore, a more solidly based economy, which is great. 5, 10, 15, 20 years down the road, but for people who are retiring now or who have got to look at what the market is doing for income next month, next year, in three years' time, it's a lot more difficult. yes, what is happening is an enormous shake-out of excess. it is painful to watch, and there is a seriousness now. we lost 4.5% on the nasdaq today. there is a seriousness about these losses that wasn't there before because eventually they will have a wider economic effect. >> so there is disconnect, though, right? because oil prices dropped sharply today. but today's aaa gas survey shows regular unleaded gas averages at $4.32 a gallon. that's a penny short of the all-time high set on march 11th. how much higher is it going to go? we're seeing predictions of the average hitting $4.50. >> the contradiction is in the facts you said. the oil price fell, but why did it fall? the oil price fell because china's in lockdown, therefore it doesn't need as much. shipping has problems, therefore there is a supply issue. we're seeing a fall in oil on the basis of a slowdown in economies, not because there's some vast increase. also, opec said they would produce more. i think in terms of the price of gas, the economic pressures are going to be simple. we're heading to the summer and the driving season, demand goes up. there are problems, of course, with russia. therefore, prices stay high. unless there's a reason, and i can't see one at the moment, that prices will stay where they are, give or take, and they could well go higher in the event putin turns off the taps to europe. >> richard, the latest inflation numbers are going to come out wednesday. last month's report shows consumer prices going up at an annual rate of 8.5%. that's the worst since 1981. when i was 12 years old. if the number is down a bit in the new report, will that make a difference? >> no. because the numbers are -- they fluctuate somewhat, and we won't have seen the effect of the fed's interest rates, the monetary lag is six to nine months. so the interest rate increases we're seeing now won't be felt until, say, early next year, really seen properly until early of next year as it continues. which is why people talk of a recession in mid to late '23, not now. what i think you will see in the inflation numbers, even if they come off the top slightly, you'll see a hardening underneath of real inflation. wage inflation, the sort of thing that the fed really will be concerned about as it decides on its half-point increases likely in the next few meetings. >> richard quest, always good to see you. >> up next, the new numbers that underscore america's gun violence epidemic and its strain on the health care system. stay with us. dove knows we damage our hair a lot my hair i curl it. i have to use a lot of heat new dove ir therapy shampoo & nditioner with ceramide & peptide. nourishes at a cellular level to rescue damaged hair. discover 10 x stronger hair with new dove hair therapy rescue and protect. can a company make the planet a better place? 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the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs, like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves. in our health lead, a new cdc study outlines how gun violence added to the already strained health care system in the first year of the covid pandemic. firearm related incidents jumped 15% more than expected during that time, with more than 62,000 total flooding hospitals with gunshot victims. competing for beds in icus already overcrowded with covid patients. experts say in addition to the rise in patients, gunshot victims require immediate attention and extra resources to care for. while the number of covid hospitalizations are down from those days, u.s. hospitals are still in the grips of a gun violence epidemic nationwide. let's discuss this with dr. megan ranney, cofounder of the american foundation for firearm injury reduction in medicine. doctor, good to see you. gun violence as a public health issue is something you have been very passionate about for many years. what's your reaction to what the study found about the first year of the pandemic? >> none of this is a surprise, jake, to anybody who has been working in an emergency department or trauma intensive care unit over the past two years. this is also, of course, like many of the epidemics we are seen worsen over covid, not new. this public health epidemic has been going on for years. we have more than 100 people who die and well over 200 who are injured every day across the u.s. a portion of those folks make it to the doors of an emergency department, but about half of them die before they even reach our doors. those folks are gun suicides who are rarely captured in the numbers that are shared with the public. and jake, i think the thing that's tough fest for me and otr folks working on this issue for years is it is preventable. in the same way covid-19 is preventable. there are a multitude of things that can and should be done to decrease the number of injuries and deaths that our country continues to fail to take action on. >> one of those, it seems to me, would be at least a public education campaign about the importance of trigger locks or gun safes so children, adolescents can't have access to guns, or no one except for the gun owner. what else do you think? >> that's exactly right. actually, in the last two years, gun deaths have surpassed motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of death for american children across the united states. and remember, covid is in those top ten deaths as well. safe storage is a key way to stop kids from getting access to their parents' or family members' guns. it also stops guns from getting stolen from cars. new studies are out showing just how common it is for guns to be stolen. that research was done by every town. on top of that, it's things like extreme risk protection orders or red flag laws which make a big difference in terms of helping to stop suicides and mass shootings. and then training folks up in see something say something. how to recognize signs of concern and how to help connect folks to resources. to help stop shootings before they happen. >> let's turn to the other deadly epidemic we have lived wis for the past few years. the biden administration is warning the u.s. could see 100 million covid infections, that's not hospitalizations or deaths, but infections this fall and winter. right now, hospitalization have ticked up in 23 states, mainly in the northeast, where people are more likely to be vaccinated. so how concerned are you about this? >> that's a great question. 100 million infections. the big unknown is how many of those do turn into severe infection, hospitalization, and death. right now, here in rhode island, we have seen a surge in cases for well over a month. we have seen hospitalizations increase a little but not a lot. if we can stay at this level of severity, this is something manageable. but there are two big buts. the first is, as you said, this is currently happening in the northeast. when these new variants get to the south and to other areas where there's less vaccination and boosting, i worry that the impact on hospitals is going to be far worse. the second big but is congress has not yet voted to reappropriate money for tests, for personal protective equipment, for new vaccines. if we get hit by a new variant, if those infections are something far more dangerous, we're in for a lot of trouble. the free market is not set up to purchase vaccines on the scale needed to set up our country for this issue of potential national security threat. it really depends a lot on congress voting to reappropriate those funds. >> just over a third of the country still is not fully vaccinated. the number who have received booster shots is lower. all the evidence shows the vaccines work and are preventing hospitalizations and deaths. not necessarily infections or sickness, but hospitalizations and death. the white house is warning we could soon see a sizable wave, and president biden is hosting a global covid summit this week. what do you want to see get done in addition to more tests, more vaccines out there, in order to convince these people who have not gotten vaccinated or boosted to do so? >> so we here at brown have actually been working with the rockefeller foundation and others to work community by community to help educate folks, to help dispel myths and misconceptions, and to help make vaccines easier to access. it's both around structural racism and factors of equity and around reaching rural folks, people who are lower income, people who may live in states where health policies are not as good. we have to address both of those structural factors and have trusted messengers in the community, jake, to help get people over their fears and ready to show up and get the vaccines in arms. it's going to be so important come this fall. >> amazing we're still having this conversation. dr. megan ranney, thank you so much. >> they booked villas at an all inclusive resort, and then they died. what officials are saying about the american deaths and a woman moved to a florida hospital. stay with us. it grows two times faster than seed alonee for full, green grgrass. everything else just seems... slow. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. welcome to the eat fresh refresh at subway wait, that's new wait, you're new too nobody told you? 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>> yeah, so at last check, that one woman, the only one that survived, she remains here at a hospital in miami and is listed in fair condition. now, the names of the other victims were released late this afternoon. she was identified as 65-year-old donnis chi arella. her husband vincent died. he was 64 years old and the two of them were visiting the bahamas from florida. the two others that died were 68-year-old michael phillips and his wife, 65-year-old robby. we're told the couple was from tennessee. in a statement to cnn late this afternoon, the family of michael and robby, they gave us a statement that read in part, quote, our hearts are grieving and broken. jake. >> so sad. carlos suarez in the miami area for us. thank you so much. >> we're following breaking news in that jailbreak manhunt out of alabama. authorities say they have tracked down a second getaway vehicle nowhere near alabama. >> plus, what new surveillance images reveal about the couple's run from the law. stay with us. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ dove knows we damage our hair a lot my hair i curl it. i have to use a lot of heat new dove hair therapy shampoo & conditioner with ceramide & peptide. it nourishes at a cellular level to rescue damaged hair. discover 10 x stronger hair with new dove hair therapy rescue and prote. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? 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(burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers. ♪we are farmers.bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ . welcome back to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. this hour, a republican who rose to fame spreading the big lie in 2020 is now running for the governor of pennsylvania by positioning himself as a savior in maga clothing. >> plus, new developments in the nationwide manhunt for the alabama corrections officer and capital murder suspect who disappeared together more than a week ago. another getaway vehicle has been found. >> and leading this hour, a fireworks display marking the end of victory day in russia. a day that honors soviet soldiers who helped defeat nazi germany in world war ii. vladimir putin using the opportunity to try to justify his unprovoked invasion of ukraine and slaughter of innocent ukrainians. false lay claiming the danger there would have gone unchecked if russia had not invaded while there were celebrations in russia, in ukraine, russian troops were hammering ukrainians. as sam kiley reports for us now, as many as 60 civilians may have been killed after a russian missile flattened a school over the weekend in luhansk where civilians were sheltering. >> one man's parade for the many. the many on parade for one man. and on the eve of victory day, authorities here say 60 people died in a russian air strike. the victory over german naziism once united the people of russia and ukraine. not anymore. this is what putin's modern campaign to denaziify ukraine looked like on the eve of that victory day in the east of the country. from mariupol to mykolaiv, kherson to kramatorsk, russians saving russian speaking people in ukraine is violent in the east, where most people speak russian. in victory day, ukrainians held muted memorials to a past war while the war rages on. this man's response to putin's parade. >> sarcastic, let them celebrate. we would celebrate, too. imagine what they bombed. an ordinary village with only pensioners and children. they died in a russian thrust

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, Getaway Vehicle , Fireworks Display , Opportunity , Soviet , Innocent Ukrainians , Celebrations , False Lay , Hammering Ukrainians , Weekend , Reports , One Man , Luhansk , Sam Kiley , Eve , Naziism , Mykolaiv , Kherson To Kramatorsk , Response , Memorials , War Rages , Sarcastic , Pensioners , Thrust ,

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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240707 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240707

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new details on the three americans who died as a popular vacation site in the bahamas and the american woman flown to a florida hospital. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. we start with our world lead. what was billed as a world war ii victory day parade in russia ending with no new victories for vladimir putin to declare. celebration just wrapped up with fireworks ending a day of events meant to honor the soldiers who helped defeat nazi germany. the west feared putin would use today to escalate his so-called special military operation in ukraine to declare an outright war. instead, putin spent his speech defending his decision to invade his neighbor to the west and selling the war to his own people by falsely claiming the danger from ukraine was growing every day before he ordered his troops to invade. united states ambassador to the united nations linda thomas greenfield responded to putin's rhetoric and lies in an interview earlier today with cnn. >> president putin has recognized he has no victory to celebrate. his efforts in ukraine have not succeeded. he didn't announce a withdrawal. he didn't announce any new deals with the ukrainians. so i suspect, and we have all assessed, that this could be a long-term conflict that can carry on for additional months. >> behind the pomp and circumstance is the reality of what putin is actually doing in ukraine. this, for instance, is what is left of a school bombed by russian aircraft on saturday. it was being used as a shelter when it was hit. around 60 people, 60, are thought to have been killed. and rescue efforts have been slowed by more russian shelling. and in southern ukraine, nonstop shelling is destroying towns near the front line, but neither side seems to be making much progress as of now. nick paton walsh visited with some of the ukrainian civilians caught in the cross fire around the key port city of hkerr shau. >> the first russia captured in the six weeks since we were last here. but instead, since then, almost everything in between has been torn up by shelling that literally does not stop. trapping people who physically cannot flee in the churn of a brutal stalemate. here, in this village are two neighbors both called nuba. >> we move to the yard, as the shells get closer. >> he still manages to get down to his wife's basement shelter. she's installed a plank on the way here to help him rest. they used to get dressed up to go to bed. it was so cold down here. but mention leaving and she chuckles. nights spent here have focused her hatred. across the road is valvalentina alone. shells always seem to just miss her. overwhelmed yet hauntingly eloquent . >> it's not so much that life goes on here, but that it has nowhere else to go. these men selling cow's milk, although that's not what leonard has been drinking. hello to everyone, he says. 40 times a day and night, they shell. barely a window is intact. shrapnel flying through the glass daily. yesterday was svetlana's turn, but she can't leave as she's waiting for her son to return from the war in mariupol. our children are all at war, she says. my son is a prisoner. if he comes back and if i have gone, it's like i have abandoned him. we wait, hope, worry. he is alive and we will live. on the road out of here, the shrapnel rises fiercely above the warm fields. in ukraine, well occupied frankly, by ukraine fighting a war in which it is ludicrously accused of being nazis. in the east, you mentioned the air strike on a school, but also concerns russia is making advances there, too. but also ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy giving a powerful speech in which he said this really wasn't a battle between two armies but two visions of the world and declaring that while currently ukraine has wone victory day, soon it would have two, and someone else, meaning putin, would have none. a message clearly of defiance, but you can hear air raid sirens behind me. this is a country deeply on edge and it has been for a matter of days because they felt the kremlin would try something today. so far, comparatively, not quiet, but no major uptick. people are concerned about what tonight might bring. >> nick paton walsh in southern ukraine for us. thank you. >> to russia now and to cnn's matthew chance in moscow where the kremlin imposed strict laws regarding how russia's presence in ukraine is allowed to be described. matthew, what did you make of putin's speech? what stood out the most? >> well, jake, what stood out the most to me is the fact that this was a widely anticipated event that many people speculated was going to be the backdrop to a major announcement on what vladimir putin intended to do about his conflict, what he calls his special military operation inside ukraine. there was speculation he could have made a formal declaration of war on ukraine and mobilized the country on a more of a war footing which would give him more troops, more conscripts, more resources to plow into what is a stuttering military campaign in that country. but to answer your question what was striking is he didn't do any of that. perhaps he had pause, he had reason he felt to hesitate. perhaps he understood that not everyone in russia is onboard when it comes to more bloodshed, more warfare, more conflict in neighboring ukraine. and so that's something that i think was a takeaway from this, that it was a much more muted victory day parade than was expected, jake. >> how did this year's parade compare to previous years? >> well, as i say, more muted. partly because of the lack of pronouncements that were expected, as i just mentioned. also the parade itself. there was no air show, for instance. there was meant to be 77 aircraft flying in a sort of spectacular display above red square. i had seen them rehearseing for the past couple days, but the kremlin said they had to cancel that aspect of the parade because of the bad weather. it was very cloudy and stormy. i think they need really good visibility to conduct kind of precision flying in that way. but it did, of course, make it sort of less spectacular. there were fewer troops than we normally see. fewer pieces of military equipment and fewer variety of military equipment. but having said that, there were still 11,000 troops marching in step with each other of red square. and there was still something like 130 or more than that different pieces of military equipment, including, of course, the jewel in the crown of russia's military, its intercontinental ballistic missiles. its nuclear weapons which it so often reminds the west that it possesses and would be prepared to use. >> matthew chance in moscow, thank you. >> ukraine's railways are a crucial resource for not only evacuating civilians to safety but also bringing in mere supplies, weapons, humanitarian aid to the front lines. now they have become one of russia's key targets. as scott mclean reports, the railway workers are not running away from russian strikes. instead, they're choosing to stay in the line of fire to keep this essential resource up and running. >> the train from kyiv takes about 25 minutes to reach the irpin river. but this is the first time in almost two months that a passenger train has actually been able to roll across the bridge that spans it. one of two rail bridges here has just been rebuilt. the other is still impassable. the vital link between kyiv and the bombed out irpin suburb was destroyed as russian troops tried to advance toward the capital. ukrainian railways says it's lost access to 20% of its network, due either to russian occupation or russian bombs that have cut off access to long stretches of track. orange vested workers have been quietly repairing this span for weeks, ever since the russians finally retreated. >> less than four weeks, which normally would take months and months of civil engineering work, planning, projecting, so now, like, when the situation is stopped, everyone works 24/7. >> the railway has been an indispensable tool in getting supplies out and people out of the most dangerous areas, but it has also been a huge target for russian bombs. repairing the damage is dangerous work. the railway says that well over 100 rail employees have died since the war began. some of those have been fighting on the front lines, but many others have just been showing up for work. >> every morning, railway people are not asking themselves whether to go to work or not. this is their duty. >> that is precisely how this man feels about the job he's had for 26 years. despite war, he's kept showing up, sometimes even repairing tracks amidst russian shelling. he has a wife and daughter at home. >> while russian tanks have moved east and south, russian missiles are still falling across the country. last week, six railway power substations were destroyed in one night, taking out the ability to run electric trains in the west for two days. in early april, a ukrainian official said a passenger train station in kramatorsk was hit by a russian missile killing 57, including five children, and injuring more than 100. last week, a rail and road bridge was hit in dnipro, a critical rail link. >> they're trying to stop the delivering of weapons, delivering of humanitarian goods. also support from the west. >> but whatever damage is done won't last long. the army of ukrainian rail workers is even bigger than ukraine's actual active duty military. despite the danger, they're here to stay. staying put so ukraine can keep moving. scott mclean, cnn, in ukraine. >> and our thanks to scott mclean for that reporting. >> coming up next, what president biden is reportedly warning his own national security team about sharing intelligence with ukraine as the white house reacts to putin's big speech today. >> plus, covid was bad enough. now new analysis shows just how much strain gun violence put on america's health system during the pandemic. stay with us. you know libertyty mutual customizes your car insurance, so y you only pay for what you need? 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>> so first of all, it's already passed the house. it passed it last september. i think what it's doing, we have to remember this is still an opinion, a draft that came out from the supreme court. but what you see is people -- it's raised people's awareness this isn't just something that everybody is talking about in the abstract. this could really happen in states across america. you need to get senators on record about where they stand so as people go to the polls in november, they know what they're voting for. i don't think it's going to be the only issue, but i do think that people suddenly are being reminded in a way that it was not there the last few months. their votes have consequences. >> congresswoman, i'm old enough to remember when democrats held majorities in both the house and senate, a veto-proof majority in the senate and president obama was in the white house. this has been the republican plan for decades now. why didn't democrats try to pass this back in 2009? >> well, i don't disagree with you in some ways. i'm not sure that the votes were there. this is always a hard issue for a lot of people. we should have codified it. which is what we tried to do in the house last time. i don't want to think of ourselves as old, jake. i prefer the word seasoned, to remember when that was there. i also remember there were a lot of men, quite frankly, and some women that were very squeamish about codifying roe v. wade. i think we have learned, we're here. we have to look forward. we can't look back. and i think we need to work towards making sure it -- look,ilities never an easy decision for anybody, but it's a woman's right to choose. between her, her doctor, her faith, and her partner or spouse, if that's a person that's present in the life. and i don't think a lot of women ever thought that we would be looking at what we're looking at going back. >> for the record, i called myself old. i didn't say anything about you. just for the record. so -- >> that's all right. we have been around for the same period. >> you represent michigan. the governor of michigan is out with a new op-ed in "the new york times" today, highlighting her lawsuit which would ask the michigan supreme court to rule on whether the state's constitution protects the right of a woman or girl to get an abortion. she writes, i'm not going to sit on my hands waiting for congress to do something, whether through legislation, ballot initiative, or civic engagement. the answer to the overtly political ruling of a supposedly apolitical unelected body is to engage in every way at every level. the answer is to get creative. just to be frank, isn't there a limit to what can be done in terms of protecting roe v. wade? i mean, at the end of the day, if the supreme court rules the way we think they will, it goes back to the states, and then it's up to legislatures. >> so okay, you just said why didn't they do something before? we're the women here now. i'm in office now, i wasn't in office then. by the way, she started the lawsuit before this leaked, i might add, trying to anticipate what was going to happen and how you could protect people in the states. at our state level, we're also circulating petitions to try to get it on the ballot for the fall. there are a number of other strategies that quite frankly we need to get in the same room and come to consensus on. right now, we gotta look at every potential possibility of how you protect a woman's right to choose. that's what this is about. the way the supreme court opinion, the draft is written, it would probably threaten a number of other things. but right now, where we are, where we're looking forward, we cannot go backwards. and each of us has an responsibility to do what we can to protect that woman's right to control her own body. >> house speaker pelosi used her weekly dear colleague letter to encourage her fellow democrats to keep fighting to protect a woman's or girl's right to have an abortion if she decides. quote, we know we must carry forward this fight in the weeks and months ahead. our proud pro-choice majority must continue this fight in the american arena so americans know their rights are on the ballot this november. the house has voted to codify roe. what more can you do legislatively? >> well, we're going to have to see what the senate does, and the senate is not willing to, you know, we did confirm a supreme court justice by waiving the filibuster, but some of those same people that voted to do that are unwilling to do that now. so what do we have to do? we have to talk about the issues that are at stake in november. and jake, i want to be really leer. i don't think this is going to be the only issue people are going to decide how they vote in november, but i think it's going to energize a lot of people, bring them off the sidelines. and start to think about how it could impact many other things. by the time we get to november, the democrats, president biden, are going to be working to protect working families, to protect jobs, to protect people's individual liberties. republicans have the agenda of the billionaires and democrats have to define what's at stake in november. that, by the way, not forget that people have been hurting, going back to what happened with the supply chain and covid and when president trump was president. that's what's helped contribute to inflation and higher gas prices and the war in ukraine. but we have got to show what we're doing to try to bring those down and protect our democracy. >> democratic congresswoman debbie dingell, good to see you. >> gas prices near a record before summer travel kicks into high gear, and predictions of prices hitting $4.50 a gallon. $4.50 a gallon in a matter of days. stay with us. my name is ami and when i financed my car with carvana they had questions about my documents. but i was at work. in a mine. so carvana worked with my shift nager to get it all worked out. was over the moon, even though i was underground. we'll drive you happy at carvana. 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>> you don't square it, jake. you just make the argument that, yes, in the larger, wider macro sense, a lower stock market means better valuations, therefore corporates profit. therefore, a more solidly based economy, which is great. 5, 10, 15, 20 years down the road, but for people who are retiring now or who have got to look at what the market is doing for income next month, next year, in three years' time, it's a lot more difficult. yes, what is happening is an enormous shake-out of excess. it is painful to watch, and there is a seriousness now. we lost 4.5% on the nasdaq today. there is a seriousness about these losses that wasn't there before because eventually they will have a wider economic effect. >> so there is disconnect, though, right? because oil prices dropped sharply today. but today's aaa gas survey shows regular unleaded gas averages at $4.32 a gallon. that's a penny short of the all-time high set on march 11th. how much higher is it going to go? we're seeing predictions of the average hitting $4.50. >> the contradiction is in the facts you said. the oil price fell, but why did it fall? the oil price fell because china's in lockdown, therefore it doesn't need as much. shipping has problems, therefore there is a supply issue. we're seeing a fall in oil on the basis of a slowdown in economies, not because there's some vast increase. also, opec said they would produce more. i think in terms of the price of gas, the economic pressures are going to be simple. we're heading to the summer and the driving season, demand goes up. there are problems, of course, with russia. therefore, prices stay high. unless there's a reason, and i can't see one at the moment, that prices will stay where they are, give or take, and they could well go higher in the event putin turns off the taps to europe. >> richard, the latest inflation numbers are going to come out wednesday. last month's report shows consumer prices going up at an annual rate of 8.5%. that's the worst since 1981. when i was 12 years old. if the number is down a bit in the new report, will that make a difference? >> no. because the numbers are -- they fluctuate somewhat, and we won't have seen the effect of the fed's interest rates, the monetary lag is six to nine months. so the interest rate increases we're seeing now won't be felt until, say, early next year, really seen properly until early of next year as it continues. which is why people talk of a recession in mid to late '23, not now. what i think you will see in the inflation numbers, even if they come off the top slightly, you'll see a hardening underneath of real inflation. wage inflation, the sort of thing that the fed really will be concerned about as it decides on its half-point increases likely in the next few meetings. >> richard quest, always good to see you. >> up next, the new numbers that underscore america's gun violence epidemic and its strain on the health care system. stay with us. dove knows we damage our hair a lot my hair i curl it. i have to use a lot of heat new dove ir therapy shampoo & nditioner with ceramide & peptide. nourishes at a cellular level to rescue damaged hair. discover 10 x stronger hair with new dove hair therapy rescue and protect. can a company make the planet a better place? 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the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs, like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves. in our health lead, a new cdc study outlines how gun violence added to the already strained health care system in the first year of the covid pandemic. firearm related incidents jumped 15% more than expected during that time, with more than 62,000 total flooding hospitals with gunshot victims. competing for beds in icus already overcrowded with covid patients. experts say in addition to the rise in patients, gunshot victims require immediate attention and extra resources to care for. while the number of covid hospitalizations are down from those days, u.s. hospitals are still in the grips of a gun violence epidemic nationwide. let's discuss this with dr. megan ranney, cofounder of the american foundation for firearm injury reduction in medicine. doctor, good to see you. gun violence as a public health issue is something you have been very passionate about for many years. what's your reaction to what the study found about the first year of the pandemic? >> none of this is a surprise, jake, to anybody who has been working in an emergency department or trauma intensive care unit over the past two years. this is also, of course, like many of the epidemics we are seen worsen over covid, not new. this public health epidemic has been going on for years. we have more than 100 people who die and well over 200 who are injured every day across the u.s. a portion of those folks make it to the doors of an emergency department, but about half of them die before they even reach our doors. those folks are gun suicides who are rarely captured in the numbers that are shared with the public. and jake, i think the thing that's tough fest for me and otr folks working on this issue for years is it is preventable. in the same way covid-19 is preventable. there are a multitude of things that can and should be done to decrease the number of injuries and deaths that our country continues to fail to take action on. >> one of those, it seems to me, would be at least a public education campaign about the importance of trigger locks or gun safes so children, adolescents can't have access to guns, or no one except for the gun owner. what else do you think? >> that's exactly right. actually, in the last two years, gun deaths have surpassed motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of death for american children across the united states. and remember, covid is in those top ten deaths as well. safe storage is a key way to stop kids from getting access to their parents' or family members' guns. it also stops guns from getting stolen from cars. new studies are out showing just how common it is for guns to be stolen. that research was done by every town. on top of that, it's things like extreme risk protection orders or red flag laws which make a big difference in terms of helping to stop suicides and mass shootings. and then training folks up in see something say something. how to recognize signs of concern and how to help connect folks to resources. to help stop shootings before they happen. >> let's turn to the other deadly epidemic we have lived wis for the past few years. the biden administration is warning the u.s. could see 100 million covid infections, that's not hospitalizations or deaths, but infections this fall and winter. right now, hospitalization have ticked up in 23 states, mainly in the northeast, where people are more likely to be vaccinated. so how concerned are you about this? >> that's a great question. 100 million infections. the big unknown is how many of those do turn into severe infection, hospitalization, and death. right now, here in rhode island, we have seen a surge in cases for well over a month. we have seen hospitalizations increase a little but not a lot. if we can stay at this level of severity, this is something manageable. but there are two big buts. the first is, as you said, this is currently happening in the northeast. when these new variants get to the south and to other areas where there's less vaccination and boosting, i worry that the impact on hospitals is going to be far worse. the second big but is congress has not yet voted to reappropriate money for tests, for personal protective equipment, for new vaccines. if we get hit by a new variant, if those infections are something far more dangerous, we're in for a lot of trouble. the free market is not set up to purchase vaccines on the scale needed to set up our country for this issue of potential national security threat. it really depends a lot on congress voting to reappropriate those funds. >> just over a third of the country still is not fully vaccinated. the number who have received booster shots is lower. all the evidence shows the vaccines work and are preventing hospitalizations and deaths. not necessarily infections or sickness, but hospitalizations and death. the white house is warning we could soon see a sizable wave, and president biden is hosting a global covid summit this week. what do you want to see get done in addition to more tests, more vaccines out there, in order to convince these people who have not gotten vaccinated or boosted to do so? >> so we here at brown have actually been working with the rockefeller foundation and others to work community by community to help educate folks, to help dispel myths and misconceptions, and to help make vaccines easier to access. it's both around structural racism and factors of equity and around reaching rural folks, people who are lower income, people who may live in states where health policies are not as good. we have to address both of those structural factors and have trusted messengers in the community, jake, to help get people over their fears and ready to show up and get the vaccines in arms. it's going to be so important come this fall. >> amazing we're still having this conversation. dr. megan ranney, thank you so much. >> they booked villas at an all inclusive resort, and then they died. what officials are saying about the american deaths and a woman moved to a florida hospital. stay with us. it grows two times faster than seed alonee for full, green grgrass. everything else just seems... slow. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. welcome to the eat fresh refresh at subway wait, that's new wait, you're new too nobody told you? 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>> yeah, so at last check, that one woman, the only one that survived, she remains here at a hospital in miami and is listed in fair condition. now, the names of the other victims were released late this afternoon. she was identified as 65-year-old donnis chi arella. her husband vincent died. he was 64 years old and the two of them were visiting the bahamas from florida. the two others that died were 68-year-old michael phillips and his wife, 65-year-old robby. we're told the couple was from tennessee. in a statement to cnn late this afternoon, the family of michael and robby, they gave us a statement that read in part, quote, our hearts are grieving and broken. jake. >> so sad. carlos suarez in the miami area for us. thank you so much. >> we're following breaking news in that jailbreak manhunt out of alabama. authorities say they have tracked down a second getaway vehicle nowhere near alabama. >> plus, what new surveillance images reveal about the couple's run from the law. stay with us. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ dove knows we damage our hair a lot my hair i curl it. i have to use a lot of heat new dove hair therapy shampoo & conditioner with ceramide & peptide. it nourishes at a cellular level to rescue damaged hair. discover 10 x stronger hair with new dove hair therapy rescue and prote. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? 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(burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers. ♪we are farmers.bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ . welcome back to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. this hour, a republican who rose to fame spreading the big lie in 2020 is now running for the governor of pennsylvania by positioning himself as a savior in maga clothing. >> plus, new developments in the nationwide manhunt for the alabama corrections officer and capital murder suspect who disappeared together more than a week ago. another getaway vehicle has been found. >> and leading this hour, a fireworks display marking the end of victory day in russia. a day that honors soviet soldiers who helped defeat nazi germany in world war ii. vladimir putin using the opportunity to try to justify his unprovoked invasion of ukraine and slaughter of innocent ukrainians. false lay claiming the danger there would have gone unchecked if russia had not invaded while there were celebrations in russia, in ukraine, russian troops were hammering ukrainians. as sam kiley reports for us now, as many as 60 civilians may have been killed after a russian missile flattened a school over the weekend in luhansk where civilians were sheltering. >> one man's parade for the many. the many on parade for one man. and on the eve of victory day, authorities here say 60 people died in a russian air strike. the victory over german naziism once united the people of russia and ukraine. not anymore. this is what putin's modern campaign to denaziify ukraine looked like on the eve of that victory day in the east of the country. from mariupol to mykolaiv, kherson to kramatorsk, russians saving russian speaking people in ukraine is violent in the east, where most people speak russian. in victory day, ukrainians held muted memorials to a past war while the war rages on. this man's response to putin's parade. >> sarcastic, let them celebrate. we would celebrate, too. imagine what they bombed. an ordinary village with only pensioners and children. they died in a russian thrust

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Gas , Economies , Summer , Season , Increase , Inflation Numbers , Take , Europe , Taps , Bit , Report , Rate , Worst , Consumer Prices , 1981 , 8 5 , 12 , Numbers , Difference , Interest Rates , Interest Rate , Lag , Fed , Nine , Won T Be Felt , 23 , Thing , Wage Inflation , Hardening Underneath , Gun Violence Epidemic , Health Care System , Up Next , Meetings , Increases , Dove Ir Therapy Shampoo , Place , Planet , Nditioner , Nourishes , Walmart , Bipolar Depression , Operations , Stories , Land , Acres , Fog , Art , Millions , Impact , Latuda , Depression , Symptoms , Studies , Lows , Weight , Death , Risk , Report Fever , Behavior Changes , Confusion , Muscle Movements , Thoughts , Antidepressants , Adults , Dementia , Stroke , Permanent , Prescription , Side Effects , Aren T , Zero , Zero Dollars , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Out , Corporations , Sports , Solutions For The Homeless , Funds , Refund 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, Getaway Vehicle , Fireworks Display , Opportunity , Soviet , Innocent Ukrainians , Celebrations , False Lay , Hammering Ukrainians , Weekend , Reports , One Man , Luhansk , Sam Kiley , Eve , Naziism , Mykolaiv , Kherson To Kramatorsk , Response , Memorials , War Rages , Sarcastic , Pensioners , Thrust ,

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