Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240707

the -- >> translator: this year we say never again differently. we hear never again differently. it sounds pain ful, cruel, without an exclamation, but with a question mark, you say never again, tell ukraine about it. and this other major development today. first lady jill biden making a surprise visit to ukraine. she crossed into the country from slovakia, meeting with ukraine's first lady. this is the first time that a ukrainian first lady has been seen in public since the war began. cnn has reporters around the world covering the latest developments. let's go first to kate bennett. kate, this was a major moment. tell us what happened. >> well, this is day three of dr. biden's four-day trip to romania, slovakia, and today about two hours she spent in ukraine in a town about a 15-minute drive from the border with slovakia. we had not heard that there was going to be an appearance by the first lady of ukraine, because as you said, she has been in hiding since the very first day of the russian invasion in ukraine back in february, but the two women have been corresponding. mrs. zelenskyy sent a letter in april to dr. biden expressing her concern over her country specifically the mental health of the citizens as they face the ongoing war with russia. dr. biden definitely wanted to reach out when this trip came together, only about 10 days ago, the government of ukraine was alerted to the first lady's plans as is protocol, and they were told that mrs. zelenskyy did want to meet with dr. biden if possible at this school which is now a temporary housing for displaced ukrainians. the two women met. they embraced. dr. biden brought a big bouquet of flowers. the discussion of mental health was brought up, especially for children, for families, for the soldiers fighting this war. it's something dr. biden is familiar with because the pandemic has wreaked havoc with children in the united states and mental health is a concern of hers there. it was important for dr. bide ton meet today on mother's day. this whole trip has been about the resiliency, the fortitude, and the courage of these ukrainian mothers as they fled their homes and gone to countries like romania which still takes in about 7,000 refugees per day, and slovakia which opened the doors to the young families and dr. biden has met many, many refugee mothers and their children on this trip. the most important visit today was to ukraine first lady in an active war zone as the country of ukraine is something that is quite rare. it hasn't happened since laura bush visited afghanistan two times in 2005 and 2008. president biden, i'm told, called the first lady soon after she got out of ukraine in her motorcade and they spoke on the phone. earlier today he sent a corsage, a wrist corsage for mother's day, something he's done every year for many, many years, i'm told. the first lady wore it all day. again, a very important moment for her as she shows support for ukraine in this very difficult time in that country. >> all right. thank you, kate. onto scott mclean in lviv. let's talk about horrific attack in the luhansk region of ukraine. at a school where people were taking shelter. this is a village that is about seven miles west of the front lines in the eastern part of ukraine. it's an area that's been facing heavy shelling over the last few weeks. the reason why is because that is an area of the country where the russians are trying to push through the frontlines on the ground. we know we've seen the pattern over and over again. when the russians can't get through on the ground, they shell everything in site. that's what's happened here. this village in particular, the reason people were sheltering in the school is because it was one of the only places left. one of the only good places left to actually take shelter. and now we're hearing via my colleagues who went to that area and were able to speak to some of the people in person, some of the stories of the people who survived. one man said it was almost like flipping a light switch. it became dark when the three stories of the school collapsed all once. they couldn't figure out what was going on. another man said he was one of the first to get out and only with the help of other villagers who helped. it was remarkable anyone survived at all. another witness whose head was bandaged along with his nose as well said a slab of concrete came down on him. by the time he got out, he felt like a drunk man. he was disoriented. you can understand why given what he's been through. local officials did manage about two weeks ago to get some people out of that village, to evacuate. about 50 people including some children. the last word that we had in terms of survivors is that 27 out of this potentially 90 people survived. that means there could be around 60 who didn't. there is still ongoing search and rescue, we're told, people trying to comb through the debris. given the level of damage, officials say it is unlikely that anyone else is still trapped alive. >> terribly said. thank you, scott. arlette is at the white house for us. president biden met virtually with president zelenskyy and g7 leaders today. what do we know about what was discussed? >> the goal of this call was two-fold. one it was for the u.s. and allies to show solidarity and support with ukraine, but also to once again stress that the u.s. is willing to impose additional sanctions against russia as they are looking to hold russia accountable for the war against ukraine. this call lasted a little over an hour. president biden participated from his home in wilmington, delaware. if you look at this photo, you can see the canadian prime minister is actually in the same room as ukrainian president zelenskyy in ukraine today during this call. now, the u.s. and the allies once again committed to providing military and financial support to ukraine. of course, the u.s. just pledged $150 million in a new security assistance package for ukraine. the leader said they would be sending over additional financial aid in the coming weeks. but also it gave the leaders a chance to once again talk about the sanctions that they've been imposing against russia. and today the u.s. implemented a new sanctions package against russia which includes banning u.s. advertising on three russian state media tv organizations. it also bans u.s. provided management and consulting services to companies in russia. additionally, there's exports controls on the industrial sectors and new visa restrictions as well. in another show of solidarity today, the acting u.s. ambassador to ukraine and other diplomats returned to kyiv for the first time since this war began. those diplomatic officials had left the embassy in kyiv in mid february just before russia invaded the country. this trip by these diplomats does not necessarily represent a reopening of the u.s. embassy in kyiv there, but it is a step in that direction. but the u.s. and the allies today trying to make especially clear that the u.s. stands in solidarity with ukraine, especially as russia tomorrow is expected to celebrate victory day, but the u.s. once again committing that military economic assistance to ukraine and stressing that they are willing to go further in their sanctions against russia. >> all right. arlette signs, scott mclean, kate bennett, thank you. appreciate it. coming up, senate democrats plan to bring the abortion fight to the senate floor hoping to codify the roe v. wade. what lawmakers are saying about the possibility of reaching a consensus on that issue right after this. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people 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(all): all hail, caesar! pssst julius! you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ on this mother's day a fight for women's rights heats up on capitol hill as fears that roe v. wade may soon be overturned. gop senator susan collins of maine signalled she would be opposing the democratic bill known as the women's health protection act to codify abortion rights that's heading for a senate vote this week. instead, she and fellow republican senator lisa murkowski have prointroduced their own bill that would codify abortion rights but allows states to keep some restrictions in place. meanwhile, chuck schumer weighed in today. >> this is no longer an abstract exercise. this is the real deal, and everyone's eyes are on them. so we can always hope and we must have this vote. every senator must show where he or she stands. it's on something as important as this, we're not going to let anybody hide, because america's on our side. >> eva has been tracking the latest developments. she's joining me live from washington. eva? >> good afternoon, fred. chuck schumer knows the women's health protection act doesn't have the necessary votes required to advance legislation, but he still is moving full steam ahead because public polling shows a majority of americans support the right to abortion in most cases. schumer and other senate democrats appear to want to continue this make this the issue. it puts republicans in direct opposition to the will of most people in this country. again, this legislation not expected to advance this week. in washington many people would call this a show vote or messaging tactic, but when you speak to people on the streets, protesting outside of the supreme court as i have, people who vote for democrats, they want to see schumer and other democrats in washington put up a fight. you have people like california governor gavin newsom asking where is my party? schumer in essence is speaking to that frustration by holding this last ditch effort this week. >> all right. eva, thank you so much in washington. still a lot of questions about where abortion rights goes from here and what the leaked draft opinion could mean for other landmark decisions. joining me to talk about it, democrat running for ohio's state house 89th district, james abergafou. he was the lead plaintiff in the supreme court case that guaranteed the right for same sex couples the right to marry. james, good to see you again. glad you could be back with us. >> thank you, fredricka. thank you for having me on, and please, call me jim. >> okay. i will do that. you know, this conversation is preceded by even comments for a number of people including the former secretary of state, hillary clinton, who said earlier in the week on cbs, saying you know, you have no idea who they will come after next. meaning if it's changing or attacking women's rights as it pertains to the legalized right to choose, she says there are openings for other things. and we've heard from a number of people who say potentially next could be same sex marriages. your case was a landmark decision. is that how you look at this potential opinion, the draft opinion which could potentially become the final opinion from the u.s. supreme court on roe v. wade? >> absolutely. you know, that decision, the legal arguments that it uses to justify taking away a woman's right to control her own body can easily be taken and used against the lgbtq plus community. to say this is a state's rights issue, that was one of the issues during the marriage rights for equalities. also for the fight during interracial marriage. to say that fundamental rights have to be firmly rooted in the nation's history and traditions, that's a clear message to people who are opposed to marriage equality, to lgbt equality in general to come after us, because marriage equality has been affirmed for less than seven years. so if they're going to say a right that women have enjoyed for almost 50 years is not deeply rooted in our nation's history, marriage equality is certainly at risk, and i also believe interracial marriage is at risk because that's only been a fundamental right for six more years than the right to an abortion. >> yeah. just barely 60 years. in fact, this was the sound bite. these were the remarks from the former secretary of state, hillary clinton, on that issue. >> many americans says look, i'm not a woman. that doesn't affect me. i'm not black, that doesn't affect me. i'm not gay, that doesn't affect me. when you allow extreme power to take hold, you have no idea who they will come for next. >> and so her point, and that of many others, is saying this is now or should be a ballot box issue come november. you're running for office. ohio like many other states is acting quickly given this possible supreme court decision. a bill currently in the state house would ban all abortions except in cases where the mother is in danger. so do you believe in a woman's right to choose give than you are running for office? >> absolutely. the only person who should make that decision is the person who is pregnant in conjunction with discussions with their medical team. the government has no place in that discussion. just like with my marriage. the government has no place saying that my marriage should not exist. we have the fundamental right to marriage. and the government should not take that away. this supreme court should not take that away. are we part of we the people or are we not? we are supposed to be a nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. this decision sets the stage for so many of the rights we have relied on. so many of the rights we enjoy to be taken away. and simply put, are we part of we the people or are we not? >> and then big picture, what do you think is behind what seems to be gaining movement? this -- gaining momentum, if not to overturn roe v. wade, but potentially as many critics see this, as a potential opening of other measures that would be reversed or overturned just like what we're talking about? what's behind all this? >> fredricka, for me, when i look at this, i really come down to this push for religious freedom, or religious rights, which i believe are wrong, given what our constitution says. our constitution says you have the freedom of religion. it doesn't say you is the freedom to use your religion or your particular interpretation of your religion to use as a weapon to attack others to deny them their rights. much of the opposition to a woman's right to control her body is based in religions saying life begins at conception, and we have the right to control that. well, not all religions believe that. not all religious people, not all believers believe that, and yet, that's pushing this right to take away a woman's right away. and that same misguided interpretation of religious freedom is what's behind the opposition to marriage equality. nope, i still be billboards. mairng is between one man and w woman. according to your religion, yes, but other religions disagree with you. to say that my religion deserves preference in the law, that is the complete an thint sis to th freedom of religion. we have a demand for preference for one person's religion over others in the public realm and when it comes to civil rights. >> jim, james, thank you so much for being with us. really appreciate you. thanks, fredricka. >> we'll be right back. no matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can lead to asthma attacks. but no matter what type of severe asthma you have, tezspire™ can help. tezspire™ is a new add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma, tezspire™ can help you be you. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire™ today. oh, i had never seen a picture of her until i got on ancestry. it was like touching the past. my great aunt signed up to serve in the union army as a field nurse. my great grandmother started a legacy of education in my family. didn't know she ran for state office. ended up opening her own restaurant in san francisco. paralee wharton elder, lupe gonzalez, mary sawyers, margaret ross. there's a lot of life that she lived. who are the strong women in your family? 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>> well, it's good to be with you again. i feel like this is becoming a routine for us, and even though i don't always like coming onto talk about the coronavirus and all the issues we're having with that, i always enjoy seeing a fellow mother and professional working mother on mother's day. so i'm doing great. health, i'm doing great. i have two healthy kids. i just had a wonderful brunch with my family, so all in all, i cannot complain, and we're doing wonderful. >> that's wonderful. i wonder what kind of advice are you imparting on other moms? we are still in the middle of kind of a pandemic. right? what are you trying to advise moms on how to continue holding it down the way they have been? because it's been a tough three years. >> absolutely. and i understand that many people, especially those of us who are working in health care are very fatigued and have a lot of covid burnout. one of the key messages i implore people to keep in the forefront of their mind is we're in a pandemic, and covid is not over. as you heard from the white house projections, we're expecting nearly 100 million people to be potentially infected this fall and winter. and so what i want other mothers to pay attention to is i know all of us want to do the best we can for our children. one of the things you can do now is make sure you are prepared. that primarily means making sure you're protecting yourself so you can take care of your babies so you should be vaccinated and vaccinating your children, those eligible and paying attention when vaccines will potentially become available for our younger babies which i've been awaiting for some time. >> in fact, on that issue of the vaccine that is yet to come for kids under five, we saw that there was a recent survey that said only 18 % of parents would be willing to vaccinate their kids under five right away. so do you feel like you have to campaign hard to convince them otherwise? or are you just allowing them to feel like when you feel it's comfortable, then you do it? what do you say? >> yeah. you know, i am sensitive to parents' concerns about wanting to do what's best for their children. there's been a lot of confusion, questions and concerns, particularly with our young kids being vaccinated with what we consider to be a newer vaccine. i want to again remind people that the entire world is looking at the data for this covid vaccine. and with huge amounts of scrutiny and the government is taking i think huge efforts to make sure we are only approving things that are proven to be safe. and now we have excellent data showing what it can do to protect your kids. what i would tell the parents not wanting to vaccinate their kids is talk to someone you trust with medical knowledge. be weary of getting your information from unreliable sources. you want to talk to someone who has a medical professional back ground. primarily your pediatrician or health care expert and ask the questions that may help you get more comfortable with vaccinating your kids. i feel strongly that's the most important thing i can do to protect my kids from getting the coronavirus and potentially the long-term consequences of the coronavirus. we've seen an up tick in kids getting that and having long lasting symptoms that may impact them for years to come. >> the new research showing up to 10 % of kids of the 13 million kids who tested positive for covid since the beginning of the pandemic may develop these long haul kind of symptoms or the consequences of such. so what should parents will looking out for? >> certainly. i think one of the things to keep in mind is we still have a lot of data coming in and we don't have a good understanding or grasp of what the long hall covid means. the symptoms can be vague related to fatigue or brain fog. a cognitive impairment, but they can substantially impact kids, especially those trying to learn. and it can inhibit them from being able to flourish at a critical point in their life. and so i think that parents need to be mindful if your kid gets covid or has cold related symptoms they seem to not be shaking, they might have long haul symptoms related to a covid infection and need to make sure their child is followed up and they're being diligent with making sure they're monitoring their progress. we're going to find there will be larger numbers than projected in kids. in adults we're seeing 30 % of adults having long haul symptoms. >> wow. all right. doctor, always good to see you. again, happy mother's day. i hope you get to kick up your heels at some point today and relax. >> absolutely. you too, fred. >> okay. thank you so much. all right. still ahead, the search continues for a missing former alabama corrections officer, and an inmate charged with murder. more than a week after they disappeared. we'll bring you the latest on the man hunt, next. ♪ well the sun is shining and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather onon the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. more than a week after an alabama corrections officer and an inmate went missing, authorities remain in the dark about the pair's where abouts. the get away car was later found abandoned on a road in williamson county, tennessee. the sheriff says the two left nothing behind after ditching the vehicle. we are following this story. joining me live now from northern alabama, nadia. you talked to one of casey white's victims, and what did they tell you? >> yeah. we've spent so much time over the past week talking about casey white and vicky white and their romantic relationship and the twisted story of them fleeing this area and the car showing up in tennessee the sheriff says will be brought back to lauderdale county tomorrow. we have to remember that there are real victims. people who have been victimized by casey white. he was already serving 7 5 years in prison when he escaped from lauderdale county, detention center. one of the victims is a man jamed josh. he's a lovely man, a husband, a father, and also was victimized back in 2015. he said he was in his house minding his business, and the next morning he found out about the crime spree that casey white went on that he was convicted of, and part of that crime spree was stealing a gun out of josh's car, using that gun to help him commit a long list of crimes including attempted murder and burglary, and kidnapping. and so we spoke with josh because he testified in court against casey white, stemming from those -- that incident that happened back in 2015 and this is what he had to say about casey white when he encountered him in the courtroom. >> he seemed like he was an empty -- i mean, he did not have remorse when they were describing what he'd done. he almost smirked. he did not have any -- he found it humorous almost. it wasn't -- i did not feel like he had received any sort of change. it didn't affect him in any way. he knew he was going to be in a cage for a long time. he didn't seem to care. >> reporter: so josh says after that happened to him, he thought about just about it every day for the first six months and it stole a bit of his peace. he said he lived in a quiet town. he was able to leave his car and door unlocked. after something like that happens to you, it changes you forever. >> indeed. all right. and hey, i'm sure he's been very brave and feels some relief, too, for even sharing his experiences with row. nadia, thank you so much. all right. a man was shot dead by police on saturday after they say he used m molotov cocktails on police cars. they said one of the devices was thrown at an officer prompting police to open fire on the man. the suspect was hit multiple times and later pronounced dead at the hospital. the incident was caught on surveillance and body camera footage which is being reviewed by investigators. in the city of lo rareto, texas, civil society leaders are getting ready for the changes to come when the biden administration ends a trump era immigration policy. here's rosa flores. >> reporter: rebecca is the director of this catholic charity shelter in texas. a place where she says border patrol drops off the migrant overflow from processing centers in south texas and even for more than 1,000 miles away in uma, arizona. this is a 23-year-old medical student from cuba. 50 to $60 a month, she says is how much a doctor in cuba earns. to prepare for the lifting of title 42, the pandemic health order used to expel migrants to mexico, more than 1 .8 times in just two years, she says she opened a second shelter. >> i think there's in my opinion, might be a mob mentality process. >> reporter: she says about 5,000 migrants are waiting in mexico alone for title 42 to lift. >> it shows you the reality. >> reporter: this pastor runs four shelters there and shows us video of the 2000 mostly haitians who says arrived a few days ago from nearby cities. >> i believe it's because they find out they were coming. >> reporter: he says the haitians learned in the last week federal agents were allowing 70 migrants a day to seek asylum at the port of entry under an exception to have title 42 and traveled here to see if they could, too. >> it tells me there are a lot of desperate people out there. >> reporter: customs and border commissioner said he wasn't aware of the situation there. >> if that is a preview of what the lifting of title 42 is, how do you deal with thousands of migrants knocking on the doors of america? >> we follow the law, and if they meet that criteria, that's what they're going to be entitled to. if they do not meet that criteria, any of a number of other circumstances could cause them to be expelled or to be prosecuted. >> during prior migrant surges, images like these showing overcrowded border patrol facilities have made headlines, especially when children are held in custody more than the 75 hours allowed by law. >> i think we've made a tremendous amount of progress. >> this time around you feel confident that children will not be in border patrol custody for more than those 72 hours? >> we do absolutely everything in our capacity to make sure that happens. >> he says some of the haitians were in del rio last year, part of the have a -- under a bridge got deported back. >> we don't want the del rio situation. >> reporter: the mayor wants title 42 to remain in place. he fears lifting it could increase human smuggling and violence in his city. he said houses are run by local gaks connected to the cartell. >> reporter: is there a plan b? >> whatever you want to call it, a, b, c, or d, it's comprehensive. it's ready to deal with the challenges coming our way. >> reporter: so this woman plans to do what she can. >> our job and our mission is to be ready. >> reporter: she says it does it for migrants who say they're fleeing persecution. she's looking for freedom, for liberty. who once in america feel safe for the first time in their lives. so how will it work once title 42 lifts in the migrants who are waiting in mexico like the thousands who are waiting here which you can see behind me, will be able to walk up to a port of entry and seek asylum. they have not been able to do that for a long time. if you ask immigration advocates and attorneys, they'll tell you it's forced migrants to cross into the united states between ports of entry which they say practically hands them over to criminal organizations and the cartels. rosa flores, cnn. r video, all in the same app. oh... hey bonnie, i didn't see youou there. ♪ ringcentral ♪ (vo) when it comes to safety, who has more iihs top safety pick plus awards— the highest lel of safety you can earn? 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she tells me it's very important these children have a that place to go after being ripped from their own school and friends and all they know. she also says she's seen a change in the children now that they have some structure in their lives. they are calmer, she says, more positive, and communicating better. sunflower center has only been open a few weeks, but the classes are already growing in numbers and popularity. and it's no cost to the ukrainian families. this woman fled the region with her daughter who is now enrolled here. how grateful are you that you have this? she tells me she was overwhelmed with gratitude. she and her daughter feel embraced by moldova. the sunflower place is a calming experience, though she tells me her heart is still in ukraine. randi kaye, cnn, moldova. in today's episode of searching for italy, he visits the city that made the dream a reality. >> i would love it the, actually. >> that's my new favorite word. mm. oh, my gods amazing. >> the expression says it all. a new episode of searching for italy airs tonight at 9:00 right here on cnn. thank you for joining me today. happy mother's day again to everyonene. i'm fredricka whitfield. the e cnn news room cocontinues after a break. lemons. lemons. lemons. the world is so full of lemons. when you become an expedia member, yocan instantly start saving on your travels. so you can go and see all those lemons, for less. hitting the road without t-mobile makes as much sense as taking a family road trip... in a covered wagon. are we going to have coverage on this trip? 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Patrol , Overflow , Rebecca , Student , Arizona , Uma , 23 , 1000 , Title , Migrants , Lifting , Health Order , Mexico , Cuba , 0 , 1 , 42 , , Reality , Shelters , Mob Mentality Process , Pastor , 5000 , Haitians , Agents , Video , Cities , 2000 , Customs And Border Commissioner , Asylum , Port Of Entry , Exception , 70 , Situation , Preview , Thousands , Any , Criteria , Circumstances , Surges , Custody , Headlines , Facilities , Images , 75 , Capacity , 72 , Mayor , A , Bridge , Del Rio , Houses , Human Smuggling , Violence , Local Gaks , Cartell , B , Challenges , Plan B , D , Persecution , Job , Looking For Freedom , Mission , Lives , Sports , Attorneys , Immigration Advocates , Entry , Organizations , Cartels , App , R , Bonnie , Safety , Subaru , Longevity , Awards , Lel , Youou , Iihs , Vo , Percentagef , Jd Power , Vehicles , Automotive Industry , Brand Loyalty , Number One , Ten , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240707 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240707

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the -- >> translator: this year we say never again differently. we hear never again differently. it sounds pain ful, cruel, without an exclamation, but with a question mark, you say never again, tell ukraine about it. and this other major development today. first lady jill biden making a surprise visit to ukraine. she crossed into the country from slovakia, meeting with ukraine's first lady. this is the first time that a ukrainian first lady has been seen in public since the war began. cnn has reporters around the world covering the latest developments. let's go first to kate bennett. kate, this was a major moment. tell us what happened. >> well, this is day three of dr. biden's four-day trip to romania, slovakia, and today about two hours she spent in ukraine in a town about a 15-minute drive from the border with slovakia. we had not heard that there was going to be an appearance by the first lady of ukraine, because as you said, she has been in hiding since the very first day of the russian invasion in ukraine back in february, but the two women have been corresponding. mrs. zelenskyy sent a letter in april to dr. biden expressing her concern over her country specifically the mental health of the citizens as they face the ongoing war with russia. dr. biden definitely wanted to reach out when this trip came together, only about 10 days ago, the government of ukraine was alerted to the first lady's plans as is protocol, and they were told that mrs. zelenskyy did want to meet with dr. biden if possible at this school which is now a temporary housing for displaced ukrainians. the two women met. they embraced. dr. biden brought a big bouquet of flowers. the discussion of mental health was brought up, especially for children, for families, for the soldiers fighting this war. it's something dr. biden is familiar with because the pandemic has wreaked havoc with children in the united states and mental health is a concern of hers there. it was important for dr. bide ton meet today on mother's day. this whole trip has been about the resiliency, the fortitude, and the courage of these ukrainian mothers as they fled their homes and gone to countries like romania which still takes in about 7,000 refugees per day, and slovakia which opened the doors to the young families and dr. biden has met many, many refugee mothers and their children on this trip. the most important visit today was to ukraine first lady in an active war zone as the country of ukraine is something that is quite rare. it hasn't happened since laura bush visited afghanistan two times in 2005 and 2008. president biden, i'm told, called the first lady soon after she got out of ukraine in her motorcade and they spoke on the phone. earlier today he sent a corsage, a wrist corsage for mother's day, something he's done every year for many, many years, i'm told. the first lady wore it all day. again, a very important moment for her as she shows support for ukraine in this very difficult time in that country. >> all right. thank you, kate. onto scott mclean in lviv. let's talk about horrific attack in the luhansk region of ukraine. at a school where people were taking shelter. this is a village that is about seven miles west of the front lines in the eastern part of ukraine. it's an area that's been facing heavy shelling over the last few weeks. the reason why is because that is an area of the country where the russians are trying to push through the frontlines on the ground. we know we've seen the pattern over and over again. when the russians can't get through on the ground, they shell everything in site. that's what's happened here. this village in particular, the reason people were sheltering in the school is because it was one of the only places left. one of the only good places left to actually take shelter. and now we're hearing via my colleagues who went to that area and were able to speak to some of the people in person, some of the stories of the people who survived. one man said it was almost like flipping a light switch. it became dark when the three stories of the school collapsed all once. they couldn't figure out what was going on. another man said he was one of the first to get out and only with the help of other villagers who helped. it was remarkable anyone survived at all. another witness whose head was bandaged along with his nose as well said a slab of concrete came down on him. by the time he got out, he felt like a drunk man. he was disoriented. you can understand why given what he's been through. local officials did manage about two weeks ago to get some people out of that village, to evacuate. about 50 people including some children. the last word that we had in terms of survivors is that 27 out of this potentially 90 people survived. that means there could be around 60 who didn't. there is still ongoing search and rescue, we're told, people trying to comb through the debris. given the level of damage, officials say it is unlikely that anyone else is still trapped alive. >> terribly said. thank you, scott. arlette is at the white house for us. president biden met virtually with president zelenskyy and g7 leaders today. what do we know about what was discussed? >> the goal of this call was two-fold. one it was for the u.s. and allies to show solidarity and support with ukraine, but also to once again stress that the u.s. is willing to impose additional sanctions against russia as they are looking to hold russia accountable for the war against ukraine. this call lasted a little over an hour. president biden participated from his home in wilmington, delaware. if you look at this photo, you can see the canadian prime minister is actually in the same room as ukrainian president zelenskyy in ukraine today during this call. now, the u.s. and the allies once again committed to providing military and financial support to ukraine. of course, the u.s. just pledged $150 million in a new security assistance package for ukraine. the leader said they would be sending over additional financial aid in the coming weeks. but also it gave the leaders a chance to once again talk about the sanctions that they've been imposing against russia. and today the u.s. implemented a new sanctions package against russia which includes banning u.s. advertising on three russian state media tv organizations. it also bans u.s. provided management and consulting services to companies in russia. additionally, there's exports controls on the industrial sectors and new visa restrictions as well. in another show of solidarity today, the acting u.s. ambassador to ukraine and other diplomats returned to kyiv for the first time since this war began. those diplomatic officials had left the embassy in kyiv in mid february just before russia invaded the country. this trip by these diplomats does not necessarily represent a reopening of the u.s. embassy in kyiv there, but it is a step in that direction. but the u.s. and the allies today trying to make especially clear that the u.s. stands in solidarity with ukraine, especially as russia tomorrow is expected to celebrate victory day, but the u.s. once again committing that military economic assistance to ukraine and stressing that they are willing to go further in their sanctions against russia. >> all right. arlette signs, scott mclean, kate bennett, thank you. appreciate it. coming up, senate democrats plan to bring the abortion fight to the senate floor hoping to codify the roe v. wade. what lawmakers are saying about the possibility of reaching a consensus on that issue right after this. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people 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(all): all hail, caesar! pssst julius! you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ on this mother's day a fight for women's rights heats up on capitol hill as fears that roe v. wade may soon be overturned. gop senator susan collins of maine signalled she would be opposing the democratic bill known as the women's health protection act to codify abortion rights that's heading for a senate vote this week. instead, she and fellow republican senator lisa murkowski have prointroduced their own bill that would codify abortion rights but allows states to keep some restrictions in place. meanwhile, chuck schumer weighed in today. >> this is no longer an abstract exercise. this is the real deal, and everyone's eyes are on them. so we can always hope and we must have this vote. every senator must show where he or she stands. it's on something as important as this, we're not going to let anybody hide, because america's on our side. >> eva has been tracking the latest developments. she's joining me live from washington. eva? >> good afternoon, fred. chuck schumer knows the women's health protection act doesn't have the necessary votes required to advance legislation, but he still is moving full steam ahead because public polling shows a majority of americans support the right to abortion in most cases. schumer and other senate democrats appear to want to continue this make this the issue. it puts republicans in direct opposition to the will of most people in this country. again, this legislation not expected to advance this week. in washington many people would call this a show vote or messaging tactic, but when you speak to people on the streets, protesting outside of the supreme court as i have, people who vote for democrats, they want to see schumer and other democrats in washington put up a fight. you have people like california governor gavin newsom asking where is my party? schumer in essence is speaking to that frustration by holding this last ditch effort this week. >> all right. eva, thank you so much in washington. still a lot of questions about where abortion rights goes from here and what the leaked draft opinion could mean for other landmark decisions. joining me to talk about it, democrat running for ohio's state house 89th district, james abergafou. he was the lead plaintiff in the supreme court case that guaranteed the right for same sex couples the right to marry. james, good to see you again. glad you could be back with us. >> thank you, fredricka. thank you for having me on, and please, call me jim. >> okay. i will do that. you know, this conversation is preceded by even comments for a number of people including the former secretary of state, hillary clinton, who said earlier in the week on cbs, saying you know, you have no idea who they will come after next. meaning if it's changing or attacking women's rights as it pertains to the legalized right to choose, she says there are openings for other things. and we've heard from a number of people who say potentially next could be same sex marriages. your case was a landmark decision. is that how you look at this potential opinion, the draft opinion which could potentially become the final opinion from the u.s. supreme court on roe v. wade? >> absolutely. you know, that decision, the legal arguments that it uses to justify taking away a woman's right to control her own body can easily be taken and used against the lgbtq plus community. to say this is a state's rights issue, that was one of the issues during the marriage rights for equalities. also for the fight during interracial marriage. to say that fundamental rights have to be firmly rooted in the nation's history and traditions, that's a clear message to people who are opposed to marriage equality, to lgbt equality in general to come after us, because marriage equality has been affirmed for less than seven years. so if they're going to say a right that women have enjoyed for almost 50 years is not deeply rooted in our nation's history, marriage equality is certainly at risk, and i also believe interracial marriage is at risk because that's only been a fundamental right for six more years than the right to an abortion. >> yeah. just barely 60 years. in fact, this was the sound bite. these were the remarks from the former secretary of state, hillary clinton, on that issue. >> many americans says look, i'm not a woman. that doesn't affect me. i'm not black, that doesn't affect me. i'm not gay, that doesn't affect me. when you allow extreme power to take hold, you have no idea who they will come for next. >> and so her point, and that of many others, is saying this is now or should be a ballot box issue come november. you're running for office. ohio like many other states is acting quickly given this possible supreme court decision. a bill currently in the state house would ban all abortions except in cases where the mother is in danger. so do you believe in a woman's right to choose give than you are running for office? >> absolutely. the only person who should make that decision is the person who is pregnant in conjunction with discussions with their medical team. the government has no place in that discussion. just like with my marriage. the government has no place saying that my marriage should not exist. we have the fundamental right to marriage. and the government should not take that away. this supreme court should not take that away. are we part of we the people or are we not? we are supposed to be a nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. this decision sets the stage for so many of the rights we have relied on. so many of the rights we enjoy to be taken away. and simply put, are we part of we the people or are we not? >> and then big picture, what do you think is behind what seems to be gaining movement? this -- gaining momentum, if not to overturn roe v. wade, but potentially as many critics see this, as a potential opening of other measures that would be reversed or overturned just like what we're talking about? what's behind all this? >> fredricka, for me, when i look at this, i really come down to this push for religious freedom, or religious rights, which i believe are wrong, given what our constitution says. our constitution says you have the freedom of religion. it doesn't say you is the freedom to use your religion or your particular interpretation of your religion to use as a weapon to attack others to deny them their rights. much of the opposition to a woman's right to control her body is based in religions saying life begins at conception, and we have the right to control that. well, not all religions believe that. not all religious people, not all believers believe that, and yet, that's pushing this right to take away a woman's right away. and that same misguided interpretation of religious freedom is what's behind the opposition to marriage equality. nope, i still be billboards. mairng is between one man and w woman. according to your religion, yes, but other religions disagree with you. to say that my religion deserves preference in the law, that is the complete an thint sis to th freedom of religion. we have a demand for preference for one person's religion over others in the public realm and when it comes to civil rights. >> jim, james, thank you so much for being with us. really appreciate you. thanks, fredricka. >> we'll be right back. no matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can lead to asthma attacks. but no matter what type of severe asthma you have, tezspire™ can help. tezspire™ is a new add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma, tezspire™ can help you be you. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire™ today. oh, i had never seen a picture of her until i got on ancestry. it was like touching the past. my great aunt signed up to serve in the union army as a field nurse. my great grandmother started a legacy of education in my family. didn't know she ran for state office. ended up opening her own restaurant in san francisco. paralee wharton elder, lupe gonzalez, mary sawyers, margaret ross. there's a lot of life that she lived. who are the strong women in your family? 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>> well, it's good to be with you again. i feel like this is becoming a routine for us, and even though i don't always like coming onto talk about the coronavirus and all the issues we're having with that, i always enjoy seeing a fellow mother and professional working mother on mother's day. so i'm doing great. health, i'm doing great. i have two healthy kids. i just had a wonderful brunch with my family, so all in all, i cannot complain, and we're doing wonderful. >> that's wonderful. i wonder what kind of advice are you imparting on other moms? we are still in the middle of kind of a pandemic. right? what are you trying to advise moms on how to continue holding it down the way they have been? because it's been a tough three years. >> absolutely. and i understand that many people, especially those of us who are working in health care are very fatigued and have a lot of covid burnout. one of the key messages i implore people to keep in the forefront of their mind is we're in a pandemic, and covid is not over. as you heard from the white house projections, we're expecting nearly 100 million people to be potentially infected this fall and winter. and so what i want other mothers to pay attention to is i know all of us want to do the best we can for our children. one of the things you can do now is make sure you are prepared. that primarily means making sure you're protecting yourself so you can take care of your babies so you should be vaccinated and vaccinating your children, those eligible and paying attention when vaccines will potentially become available for our younger babies which i've been awaiting for some time. >> in fact, on that issue of the vaccine that is yet to come for kids under five, we saw that there was a recent survey that said only 18 % of parents would be willing to vaccinate their kids under five right away. so do you feel like you have to campaign hard to convince them otherwise? or are you just allowing them to feel like when you feel it's comfortable, then you do it? what do you say? >> yeah. you know, i am sensitive to parents' concerns about wanting to do what's best for their children. there's been a lot of confusion, questions and concerns, particularly with our young kids being vaccinated with what we consider to be a newer vaccine. i want to again remind people that the entire world is looking at the data for this covid vaccine. and with huge amounts of scrutiny and the government is taking i think huge efforts to make sure we are only approving things that are proven to be safe. and now we have excellent data showing what it can do to protect your kids. what i would tell the parents not wanting to vaccinate their kids is talk to someone you trust with medical knowledge. be weary of getting your information from unreliable sources. you want to talk to someone who has a medical professional back ground. primarily your pediatrician or health care expert and ask the questions that may help you get more comfortable with vaccinating your kids. i feel strongly that's the most important thing i can do to protect my kids from getting the coronavirus and potentially the long-term consequences of the coronavirus. we've seen an up tick in kids getting that and having long lasting symptoms that may impact them for years to come. >> the new research showing up to 10 % of kids of the 13 million kids who tested positive for covid since the beginning of the pandemic may develop these long haul kind of symptoms or the consequences of such. so what should parents will looking out for? >> certainly. i think one of the things to keep in mind is we still have a lot of data coming in and we don't have a good understanding or grasp of what the long hall covid means. the symptoms can be vague related to fatigue or brain fog. a cognitive impairment, but they can substantially impact kids, especially those trying to learn. and it can inhibit them from being able to flourish at a critical point in their life. and so i think that parents need to be mindful if your kid gets covid or has cold related symptoms they seem to not be shaking, they might have long haul symptoms related to a covid infection and need to make sure their child is followed up and they're being diligent with making sure they're monitoring their progress. we're going to find there will be larger numbers than projected in kids. in adults we're seeing 30 % of adults having long haul symptoms. >> wow. all right. doctor, always good to see you. again, happy mother's day. i hope you get to kick up your heels at some point today and relax. >> absolutely. you too, fred. >> okay. thank you so much. all right. still ahead, the search continues for a missing former alabama corrections officer, and an inmate charged with murder. more than a week after they disappeared. we'll bring you the latest on the man hunt, next. ♪ well the sun is shining and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather onon the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. more than a week after an alabama corrections officer and an inmate went missing, authorities remain in the dark about the pair's where abouts. the get away car was later found abandoned on a road in williamson county, tennessee. the sheriff says the two left nothing behind after ditching the vehicle. we are following this story. joining me live now from northern alabama, nadia. you talked to one of casey white's victims, and what did they tell you? >> yeah. we've spent so much time over the past week talking about casey white and vicky white and their romantic relationship and the twisted story of them fleeing this area and the car showing up in tennessee the sheriff says will be brought back to lauderdale county tomorrow. we have to remember that there are real victims. people who have been victimized by casey white. he was already serving 7 5 years in prison when he escaped from lauderdale county, detention center. one of the victims is a man jamed josh. he's a lovely man, a husband, a father, and also was victimized back in 2015. he said he was in his house minding his business, and the next morning he found out about the crime spree that casey white went on that he was convicted of, and part of that crime spree was stealing a gun out of josh's car, using that gun to help him commit a long list of crimes including attempted murder and burglary, and kidnapping. and so we spoke with josh because he testified in court against casey white, stemming from those -- that incident that happened back in 2015 and this is what he had to say about casey white when he encountered him in the courtroom. >> he seemed like he was an empty -- i mean, he did not have remorse when they were describing what he'd done. he almost smirked. he did not have any -- he found it humorous almost. it wasn't -- i did not feel like he had received any sort of change. it didn't affect him in any way. he knew he was going to be in a cage for a long time. he didn't seem to care. >> reporter: so josh says after that happened to him, he thought about just about it every day for the first six months and it stole a bit of his peace. he said he lived in a quiet town. he was able to leave his car and door unlocked. after something like that happens to you, it changes you forever. >> indeed. all right. and hey, i'm sure he's been very brave and feels some relief, too, for even sharing his experiences with row. nadia, thank you so much. all right. a man was shot dead by police on saturday after they say he used m molotov cocktails on police cars. they said one of the devices was thrown at an officer prompting police to open fire on the man. the suspect was hit multiple times and later pronounced dead at the hospital. the incident was caught on surveillance and body camera footage which is being reviewed by investigators. in the city of lo rareto, texas, civil society leaders are getting ready for the changes to come when the biden administration ends a trump era immigration policy. here's rosa flores. >> reporter: rebecca is the director of this catholic charity shelter in texas. a place where she says border patrol drops off the migrant overflow from processing centers in south texas and even for more than 1,000 miles away in uma, arizona. this is a 23-year-old medical student from cuba. 50 to $60 a month, she says is how much a doctor in cuba earns. to prepare for the lifting of title 42, the pandemic health order used to expel migrants to mexico, more than 1 .8 times in just two years, she says she opened a second shelter. >> i think there's in my opinion, might be a mob mentality process. >> reporter: she says about 5,000 migrants are waiting in mexico alone for title 42 to lift. >> it shows you the reality. >> reporter: this pastor runs four shelters there and shows us video of the 2000 mostly haitians who says arrived a few days ago from nearby cities. >> i believe it's because they find out they were coming. >> reporter: he says the haitians learned in the last week federal agents were allowing 70 migrants a day to seek asylum at the port of entry under an exception to have title 42 and traveled here to see if they could, too. >> it tells me there are a lot of desperate people out there. >> reporter: customs and border commissioner said he wasn't aware of the situation there. >> if that is a preview of what the lifting of title 42 is, how do you deal with thousands of migrants knocking on the doors of america? >> we follow the law, and if they meet that criteria, that's what they're going to be entitled to. if they do not meet that criteria, any of a number of other circumstances could cause them to be expelled or to be prosecuted. >> during prior migrant surges, images like these showing overcrowded border patrol facilities have made headlines, especially when children are held in custody more than the 75 hours allowed by law. >> i think we've made a tremendous amount of progress. >> this time around you feel confident that children will not be in border patrol custody for more than those 72 hours? >> we do absolutely everything in our capacity to make sure that happens. >> he says some of the haitians were in del rio last year, part of the have a -- under a bridge got deported back. >> we don't want the del rio situation. >> reporter: the mayor wants title 42 to remain in place. he fears lifting it could increase human smuggling and violence in his city. he said houses are run by local gaks connected to the cartell. >> reporter: is there a plan b? >> whatever you want to call it, a, b, c, or d, it's comprehensive. it's ready to deal with the challenges coming our way. >> reporter: so this woman plans to do what she can. >> our job and our mission is to be ready. >> reporter: she says it does it for migrants who say they're fleeing persecution. she's looking for freedom, for liberty. who once in america feel safe for the first time in their lives. so how will it work once title 42 lifts in the migrants who are waiting in mexico like the thousands who are waiting here which you can see behind me, will be able to walk up to a port of entry and seek asylum. they have not been able to do that for a long time. if you ask immigration advocates and attorneys, they'll tell you it's forced migrants to cross into the united states between ports of entry which they say practically hands them over to criminal organizations and the cartels. rosa flores, cnn. r video, all in the same app. oh... hey bonnie, i didn't see youou there. ♪ ringcentral ♪ (vo) when it comes to safety, who has more iihs top safety pick plus awards— the highest lel of safety you can earn? 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she tells me it's very important these children have a that place to go after being ripped from their own school and friends and all they know. she also says she's seen a change in the children now that they have some structure in their lives. they are calmer, she says, more positive, and communicating better. sunflower center has only been open a few weeks, but the classes are already growing in numbers and popularity. and it's no cost to the ukrainian families. this woman fled the region with her daughter who is now enrolled here. how grateful are you that you have this? she tells me she was overwhelmed with gratitude. she and her daughter feel embraced by moldova. the sunflower place is a calming experience, though she tells me her heart is still in ukraine. randi kaye, cnn, moldova. in today's episode of searching for italy, he visits the city that made the dream a reality. >> i would love it the, actually. >> that's my new favorite word. mm. oh, my gods amazing. >> the expression says it all. a new episode of searching for italy airs tonight at 9:00 right here on cnn. thank you for joining me today. happy mother's day again to everyonene. i'm fredricka whitfield. the e cnn news room cocontinues after a break. lemons. lemons. lemons. the world is so full of lemons. when you become an expedia member, yocan instantly start saving on your travels. so you can go and see all those lemons, for less. hitting the road without t-mobile makes as much sense as taking a family road trip... in a covered wagon. are we going to have coverage on this trip? 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Mary Sawyers , Restaurant , State Office , Grandmother , Field Nurse , Legacy , Education , Paralee Wharton Elder , Lupe Gonzalez , Margaret Ross , Plan , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Size , Staffing , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Candidates , Job Description , Wifi , Isn T , Xfinity , Riding A Cheetah Fast , Business , Devices , Internet , Couldn T , Slaying , Gaming , Girl , Hundreds , Bandwidth , Unison , Anything , Warning , Grave , Winter , Internal , Fal , Models , Covid Chief , 19 , 100 Million , Thing , Battle , Deaths , Hospitalizations , Immunity , Wave , Resources , Congress , Kind , Emergency Physician , Capital Region Medical Center , University Of Maryland , Anniversary , Each Other , Air , Journey , Regular , Kids , Covid , Lida , Ada , Least , Routine , Big Question , Coronavirus , Working Mother , Talk , Brunch , Advice , Moms , Middle , Mind , Health Care , Messages , Forefront , Projections , Covid Burnout , Attention , Best , Babies , Care , Parents , Vaccine , Survey , Five , 18 , Concerns , Data , Confusion , Safe , Amounts , Efforts , Scrutiny , Someone , Knowledge , Information , Sources , Consequences , Back Ground , Health Care Expert , Pediatrician , Symptoms , Up Tick , Haul , Beginning , 13 Million , Grasp , Fatigue , Understanding , Brain Fog , Impairment , Kid , Child , Progress , 30 , Search , Heels , Inmate , Corrections Officer , The Sun Is Shining , Grass , Murder , Man Hunt , Schedule , Alabama , Heather Onon The Hedges , Boy , Koi , Truck , Kenny , Coverage , Timber , Small Business , Essential Mist , Progressive , Candle , Wick , Mist , Fragrance , Essential Oils , Air Ck Essential Mist , Healthier , Nutrition , Immune System , Sleep , Cvs , Energy , Like You , Investment Ideas , Stats , Vuitytm , Eye Drop , Baby , Tools , Merrill , Fda , Vision , Wait , Reading Glasses , Focus , On The Road , Prescription Eye Drop , Eye , Drop , Uh Huh , Yep , Activities , Caution , Machinery , Vision Loss , Vuity , Eye Redness , Sound , Suits , Helicopter Blades , Nothing , Inflation , Memes , Milk , Greg , Money , Investing , Baby One More Time , Friend , Onesies , Chapter , Benny , E Trade , Britney Spears , Authorities , Dark , Where Abouts , Pair , Morgan Stanley , Car , Road , Story , Sheriff , Vehicle , Williamson County , Tennessee , Victims , Casey White , Nadia , Northern Alabama , Relationship , Lauderdale County , Detention Center , 5 , 7 , Crime Spree , White , 2015 , Gun , Court , Kidnapping , Crimes , Attempted Murder , Burglary , List , Incident , Courtroom , Empty , Change , It Didn T , It Wasn T , Sort , Remorse , Reporter , Cage , Door , Peace , Bit , Police , Relief , Experiences , Row , Fire , Man , Suspect , Officer Prompting , Molotov Cocktails , Police Cars , Surveillance , Investigators , Hospital , Camera , Footage , The Incident , City , Changes , Immigration Policy , Administration , South Texas , Rosa Flores , Civil Society , Lo Rareto , Charity Shelter , Processing Centers , Director , Border Patrol , Overflow , Rebecca , Student , Arizona , Uma , 23 , 1000 , Title , Migrants , Lifting , Health Order , Mexico , Cuba , 0 , 1 , 42 , , Reality , Shelters , Mob Mentality Process , Pastor , 5000 , Haitians , Agents , Video , Cities , 2000 , Customs And Border Commissioner , Asylum , Port Of Entry , Exception , 70 , Situation , Preview , Thousands , Any , Criteria , Circumstances , Surges , Custody , Headlines , Facilities , Images , 75 , Capacity , 72 , Mayor , A , Bridge , Del Rio , Houses , Human Smuggling , Violence , Local Gaks , Cartell , B , Challenges , Plan B , D , Persecution , Job , Looking For Freedom , Mission , Lives , Sports , Attorneys , Immigration Advocates , Entry , Organizations , Cartels , App , R , Bonnie , Safety , Subaru , Longevity , Awards , Lel , Youou , Iihs , Vo , Percentagef , Jd Power , Vehicles , Automotive Industry , Brand Loyalty , Number One , Ten , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Migraine Attacks , Quliptatm , Quliptatm Helps What S Going On Inside , Weather , Outside , Neuriva , Episodic Migraine , Cause , Protein , Cgrp , Abbvie , Constipation , Tiredness , Won T You Stand , Stand By Me , Subway Station , U2 , Songs , Pop Star , The Acoustic Set , Pamela Brown , Response , Globe , Symbolism , Putin , Randi Kaye , Moldova , Uk , Refugee Moms , Living , Mer Death , Baltimore , Notice , The Border , Meredith , Trekking Akroes , Tlar , Sunflower Center , Structure , Couple , Classes , Hand , Weren T , Classroom , Loud Tech Know Music Playing , Dozen Children Making Mother S Day , Hint , Teacher , Daughter , Ukrainian , Stress , Faces , Odesa , 2 , Friends , Center , Positive , Cost , Popularity , Gratitude , Feel , Episode , Sunflower Place , Experience , Heart , Searching , Dream , Italy , Gods , Me Today , Expression , 00 , 9 , Lemons , Break , News , Everyonene , Room Cocontinues , T Mobile , Travels , Member , Expedia , Sense , Yocan , Dust , Verizon , Road Trip , Highway , Covered Wagon , Highway Miles , 5g Coverage , 5g Bars , Bottom Line , 5g , Business Owner , Comcast Business Mobile , Service , Term , Contracts , Data Plans , Gig , Pay , 5g Network , Line Activation Fees , Customers , Feet , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities Tm , 500 , Prop A , Muni , Delays , Neighborhood , Fleets , Emissions , Prop , Taxes , Zero , Fast , Transit , Cnn Newsroom , Jessica Dean , Won T , Several , U , Edge , Stand By Me Bono ,

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