Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240707 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240707

steady at 3.6%. so the good news here impressive job growth and wages are still on the rise. the bad news? stubborn inflation. prices are up more than wages, and that is leading to a lot of dread about where the u.s. economy is headed. the latest cnn poll found 77% of americans say economic conditions are poor. that is the worst outlook in a decade. so we will be listening for how the president tries to assuage economic fears and frustrations which could be pivotal in the midterms. let's go to cnn's matt eagan in washington. first, give us the full break down of the april numbers. >> the jobs market remains strong. 428,000 jobs added in april. the expectation was that job growth would slow down to the weakest pace in a year. that did not happen. in fact, over just this year, we have 2 .1 million jobs that have been added to the labor market. that is very impressive. growth given the fact that there's the shortage of workers. we saw broad-based hiring. jobs were added in leisure and hospitality and transportation and manufacturing. the unemployment rate steady at 3.6 %. that's low historically. we forget that just two years ago the inflation -- the unemployment rate was at nearly 15 % as covid was running wild. it has come down dramatically. if anything, the concern is that the jobs market and the economy are overheating. that the federal reserve is going to have to raise interest rates so much that it really slows down the economy and even threatens an eventual recession. and i don't think anything about today's report is going to ease those concerns about an overheating jobs market. >> so we keep hearing the jobs market needs to cool off as you were discussing. it seems counterintuitive. explain why robust jobs gains and the rising wages can be a problem. >> well, i think just like sleep or exercise, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. it's great that wages are growing. up 5.5% over the last 12 months. that's growth the obama white house would have killed for during the slow and steady recovery from the great recession. the concern is that wages could be going up at an unsustainable rates. and people demand higher wages. it's a vicious cycle. so that's what the federal reserve is worried about. that's why the fed is concerned that the jobs market is overly tight. it's tight to an unhealthy degree. the concern is that the fed is going to have to not just tap the brakes on the economy, but they're going to have to really slam the brakes on the economy to get inflation under control. some economists that i talked to think that the unemployment rate may actually have to increase. and history shows that when the unemployment rate goes up, it typically leads to a full fledged recession down the line. >> okay. the old chicken and the egg analogy popped in my head as you're talking about the cycle of rises and prices following. matt, stay with us. i want to bring in our cnn white house correspondent traveling with the president today and washington post personal finance columnist. the author of "what to do with your money when crisis hits" a survival guide. it's great to have all of you as part of this discussion on this friday. let's talk about the way the job market has trended during the biden administration. michelle, millions more americans are working. and with bigger paychecks. is inflation simply cancelling out the gains? >> it most definitely is. remember, they were already behind by the time these wages started to catch up with what's happening to the economy. so they're making more, except they have to put out more from the paycheck for gas and groceries and you need to get a car. it's going to cost you 40% more if you want to buy a house. it's going to cost you more because the mortgage rates are going up. and so at the same time you're getting $10, but you got to pay $12 out of that paycheck. so you're negative gain with that pay increase. >> john, how does president biden, then, plan to thread this needle on his message today? the white house sees another good number with the jobs report. but so many americans seem to be struggling. and they see doom and gloom. >> well, i think we got a hint of it this morning in the statement that president biden put out after the jobs numbers came. as matt indicated, it's a good news bad news situation. he claimed credit for the robust, strong jobs growth. he can take credit for that because of the size of the american rescue plan that was enacted last year. he said there's more work to do on inflation. he bears some responsibility on inflation for that very reason, because the american rescue plan heated up the economy. however, there is some good news in this report on the inflation front. jason furman, the top economist for president obama pointed to a slight tempering in the wage growth which may auger a slowdown in inflation going forward, and reduce the risk of a wage in price spiral. the president will talk about work to do on inflation. jobs numbers and also the things he's doing as a matter of governance. he's here at a 3-d printing facility to announce a voluntary initiative, try to ease supply chains further by pairing manufacturers with 3-d printers and he's going to make the case for the bipartisan innovation act which is passed both chambers and is about to be negotiated in congress and would spend $50 billion on semi conductors. that's another element of the clogging of the supply chain. he's simply got to put his head down and keep moving forward, and i think that's what we're going to see today. >> michelle, let me come back to you. i spoke with an economics professor earlier this week who said he believes that inflation may have finally hit a peak. it's just a matter of how quickly the numbers start coming down. the fed did raise rates, so that should begin to have an impact. the white house has released the oil reserves, trying to boost domestic oil production to deal with gas prices. but what can the rest of us do at this point to cope with the rising prices? >> yes. so listen, if you've got debt, credit card debt, you need to attack that aggressively. it's still going to cost you a lot for the rest of the year. if you can wait before you buy that car or replace your hoopty, get it fixed. substitution at the grocery store. just cutting back as much as you can. now, recognizing that there's a lot of families that have cut to the bone. they can't cut anymore. and so for those families, you got to think out of the box a little bit, and what i'm going to tell you, people are not going to be happy with it. you might need to stay with you are and not move or not buy the house. if you're coming out of college, go home. live with your parents. it's okay. and parents, let them come back if that's the case. or aunty or grandma so that they don't have to be paying these high rents right now. and then locking themselves in for those high rents for a year if they sign a lease. my 26-year-old daughter lives with me. we were happy to have here, and she's saving a boat load of money because she doesn't have to pay rent. my son who graduated from college with a math degree is living with us while he takes some tests for his next career move. we're happy to have them here. they don't cook enough, but that's another story. >> hopefully they're taking out the trash and chipping in in other ways. right? >> he walks the dogs. he's good about that. but my point is that we are -- we've got to think differently while we are recovering right now. and this idea that you know, i got to have my own space or they got to get out, we can't do that right now while we are allowing this economy to cool down and recover. >> matt, i wonder how much is this a problem that can be remedied on a domestic agenda? and how much is this a global economic force that we just have to ride out? >> well, i think presidents have limited power when it comes to inflation. i mean, really price stability is the responsibility of the federal reserve, not the white house. and there are so many global forces that are impacting prices right now, and the economy broadly. i mean, think about each wave of covid causing problems to supply chains. the covid lockdowns in china that have been going on in recent weeks, that causing even more pressure on the sport ports in asia. that's slowing down shipments to goods in the united states and europe. the war in ukraine has sent food prices higher. gasoline prices are getting closer and closer to record highs set in march. and frankly, presidents and federal reserve chairman, they have limited power here. there's no magic wand to bring energy prices down. if there was, they would use that magic wand. >> here's the thing, john. when president biden took office, he quickly got out covid relief checks. you mentioned the $1.9 trillion covid stimulus package. americans had a brighter outlook on the economy. cnn polling just over a year ago found 54% of americans said economic conditions were good. today just 23% say good. last april, 51% approved of president widen's handling of the economy. today, that's down to 34%. john, a year ago millions more were unemployed. shipping had stalled worldwide. what does the president need to do to turn around public perception right now? >> well, as matt said, presidents have limited ability to move the economy on the up side or the downside. we always exaggerate the role of the president in the economy. and he also has limited ability to change public perception. we actually have a strong economy right now with an inflation problem. but if americans are focussed on the inflation problem and feel bad about the economy as all the polls indicate that they do, you can't really convince them otherwise. so what you have to do as president is make the case for what you've done. make the case for what you're trying to do and hope the trends that we're seeing, that is you were talking a moment ago about inflation potentially having peaked. inflation could be declining for the rest of the year. that could change the public mood much more than any particular piece of presidential rhetoric. >> john harwood, matt eagan, and michelle, thank you all so much for being here. still ahead, soviet symbols making a comeback in the embattled ukrainian city of mariupol. and hours ago, jill biden arrived in romania. this is the start of a four-day trip to the region. she'll be hearing directly from people who fled russia's violence in ukraine. and later, a stark new warning about who should and who should not get the johnson & johnson vaccine. plus a mysterious illness with an unknown cause in children. dr. peter hotez joins us for all of that. stay with us. 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>> reporter: yes. we've just gotten some new information in the last hour, and some more new information the last few minutes. we originally according to russian media, there were 12 people taken out from that plant, including four children. there's video showing them getting from a smaller bus onto a larger bus. cnn can't confirm the authenticity of that. it's unclear if this is part of the u.n. and the red cross. official effort to get people out. and just in the last few seconds as well, we're getting information that another 13 civilians including one child were taken out of the plant. this is, again, according to russian state media. now we're up to 25 people headed in the direction of russia. now, the russians say that these people were held by militants. the last time there was a successful operation to get people out, the russians did it appears, give people a choice whether they wanted to go toward russia or in the opposite direction. most people chose ukraine. some chose to go to russia. in terms of information, we have reached out to the ukrainian side. we haven't heard back. we've also heard from the mariupol city council who says they don't have any information on this just yet. >> and we're getting some really striking visuals out of mariupol where outside of the steel plant, russian forces have seized control. what can you tell us? >> yeah. so they're proceeding to russiafy mariupol. they're not rebuilding it, but they're redecorating the place. there are road signs they are starting to change over. you can see one there with the russian tricolor. this is just a town just outside of mariupol. there is also that statue that you see there, sort of an old woman carrying a flag of the soviet union. and then there's also road signs as well. changing from the ukrainian spelling to the russian spelling. there's also some other soviet era monuments that have sort of come back to life here. we're also seeing in other places that the ruble is coming back into use. in one town near crimea on the south coast of ukraine, people are being told that if they want to be paid in ukrainian money, they can take two-thirds of their salary, otherwise they'll get paid in rubles. >> fascinating and disturbing. scott mclean, thank you. now let's talk about what we're learning about the sinking of russia's prized warship and how u.s. intelligence aided that attack. sources tell cnn that ukrainian forces first spotted the ship in the black sea last month and reached out to the american contacts to confirm it was. that ship. the u.s. gave that confirmation and provided intelligence about its location. ukraine went onto hit the carrier with anti-tank cruise missiles and sent it under sea. but the decision to strike? the u.s. says it was not involved in that. i want to bring in former director of communication for u.s. national intelligence. also a cnn national security analyst. thank you both for being here. general, the pentagon explained they're not directing ukraine which targets to go after. they're just providing them a road map, so to speak, to help figure out their military strategy. take a listen. >> we give them information. other partners give them information. and oh, by the way, they have terrific intelligence of their own. they corroborate all that together, and then they make the decisions they're going to make, and they take the actions they're going to take. it's not just about the united states providing a specific piece of data. >> general, explain why the nuance here is so important? >> well, i think the key nuance is when they say targetable intelligence. we give a lot of intelligence to foreign governments at all times. we have to understand how much equipment we've given the ukrainians, so why not give them intelligence as well? but this is pretty broad intelligence. in the field i was in field artillery, good intelligence was h helpful, but giving them the cross hairs of where the ship is, that's when you actually have targetable information that can be used to be struck. so, again, i think this is a clarification, but -- and confusion, but i don't see anything that we shouldn't and wouldn't be doing in a normal situation like this. >> but shawn, the fact that u.s. intelligence led to in some way this russian warship sinking, how risky is it for all this to be made public? is this a dangerous leak of information? >> well, i think that as the general said, i mean, it depends on the clarification of the information. look, there's no -- it's no secret that we've been sharing intelligence and will continue to share intelligence, but as it was alluded to, there's a process that the u.s. military goes through, the department of defense goes through when it comes to developing, targeting information. and that process is very detailed. it's specific. including in some cases, getting down to the level of the type of munitions that would be effective against a particular target. it talks about vulnerabilities and other things along those lines. so while we can certainly be open about the fact that we are sharing intelligence, i would think that if we were sharing targeting intelligence, it would be a concern. it would be a risk. it would be seen by the russians as an escalation. but the type of general intelligence that we've been sharing, that's no secret, and i think it's going to help the russians -- or the ukrainians continue to be successful. >> general as scott reported, there's growing presence of soviet era symbols in mariupol. what does that indicate? >> well, i think we're getting the prelude to the may 9th victory speech that putin is going to give. he's going to sell mariupol as a victory, as the independence, as the liberation of mariupol which is primarily russian. those defenders in there, the ukrainian defenders, he will paint as terrorists. he will say those civilians that were there were human shields, and it wasn't until the brave russian soldiers went in and liberated those people out of the steel plant, ridded it of terrorism, which is the final act in ridding the mariupol district of these nazis and terrorists, that we now can get mariupol back to the russian centric view that it had before it was attacked by the neo nazi organization. >> seeing the images of all of these symbols of the soviet era and what looks to be celebratory on their part is such a contrast to what we've been showing and how russia has come in and demolished this city. it's completely hard to even see the mariupol that used to exist prior to this russian invasion. shawn, what do you expect to see russia do some monday, victory day, the russian holiday commemorating their defeat of russia germany in 1945? >> yeah. they've held up this day of may 9th as the day when putin will announce some sort of victory or acclaim to have achieved objectives. i think what we're going to see on that day, is we're going to see vladimir putin stand up and say that some part of what is today ukraine is part of russia. and i think that we should all let that sink in for a minute. that's what we expect he will do. what i think is really interesting about this is that even as he makes that claim, i think that what the ukrainians are going to do is exactly what they've done since the start of this war. they're going to continue to fight, and they're going to continue to attempt to push the russians back. but after may 9th, post may 9th, i think after putin made the claim, we will see a reprise of his propaganda, of his rhetoric where he's alekking that it's the ukrainians that are the aggressors now attempting to attack what he will claim is russian territory or russian-controlled territory. >> trying to reset the narrative there, obviously. shawn turner and general mark kem et. you offer great insight. thank you for being our guide through the last couple months. hope you have a great weekend. first lady jill biden right now is in romania, meeting with u.s. and nato troops. this is the first stop on her what is an intense four-day tour of the region. giving her a firsthand look at the refugee crisis caused by russia's invasion of ukraine. just a short time ago the first lady participated in a virtual story time with a service member and her son. and this is part of her white house initiative that connects military families with deployed service members through video recordings and virtual book readings. back in the u.s., law enforcement officials warn of possible violence at abortion protests outside the supreme court. an eight-foot high fence went up overnight. we'll have a live report coming up. e fowhere built to eat. the farmer's dog is changiging the way we feed our pets. visit to seeee your dogs personalized meal plan. 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>> reporter: cuban officials including the cuban president who has been on the scene say preliminary investigation show it was some kind of terrible massive gas leak. when you look at the taj, when i arrived, the smoke was -- still hadn't settled. we were walking through a cloud of smoke, and i got through the hotel, a hotel i know well where celebrities have stayed, my family has stayed, and it was just gutted. and it's hard to believe that that's what causes, but this is what they think could have caused it. some sort of gas leak or perhaps truck carrying liquid gas caused an explosion that absolutely ripped through the hotel. it's caused at least eight deaths. we're told to expect the number to go up as they go through the rubble. when we arrived, we saw a woman being carried out quite bloodied and very injured. i managed to get this video of this woman being pulled from the rubble. literally firemen using their bare hands to pull up pieces of granite and stone to get people out from under the chunks of rubble. when we walked in close to the hotel, 100 yards away, there was shrapnel, pieces of awnings and balconies and large chunks of stone. anybody in the area could have been injured. we don't know if the hotel was open right now all the same, though, that has caused a significant number of deaths. and injuries and cuban officials are working on clearing the rubble and seeing who is underneath. >> stunning pictures. patrick, thank you. live for us from havana, cuba. protests in the u.s. capitol, security fencing around a seat of american government and capitol police warning a potential far right violence. abortion rights protesters plan to demonstrate in front of the supreme court. officials say they are tracking extremist calls for violence. whitney, first, what's the scene like right now? >> reporter: well, right now it is extremely calm. there are only a few people out here. mostly people just taking a look at the scene here which is this eight-foot fence you just mentioned. this nonscaleable fence. if you look a little bit -- a couple feet above me, and it gives you a sense of how seriously law enforcement here in washington is taking this. this has become somewhat of muscle memory in d.c. because as you mentioned, this went up after january 6th. it is the go-to move for law enforcement here when they are concerned there's any chance that first amendment activity could erupt into potential violence. it's not just here that law enforcement is taking the up tick in social media chatter very seriously. earlier this week federal officials hosted a call with around 150 participants from all across the country, state and local law enforcement, to warn them that there were confrontations at protests throughout the country, that there's the possibility there will be more demonstrations, and then further, again, about this up tick in social media chatter. one law enforcement source told me the reality here is that there's a chance that violent extremists could use the roe v. wade opinion to justify acts of violence, and that could be against abortion providers, against members of the judiciary. it could be against the nine justices that sit here at the supreme court. so just one example of the way law enforcement here is taking this seriously. is this fence in addition, there's a heightened police presence here that should last at least through sunday. >> and there's a new bipartisan bill being proposed that would be supreme court security. tell us about that. >> reporter: right. so what it would do is give the supreme court police authority to -- it's really specific. it would give the supreme court police the authority to protect the justice's immediate family and other members of the court staff and anybody that the supreme court marshall deems as needing this heightened security. the intention here is to ensure that there's a streamlined approach to adding security. the justices already get supreme court security here within the confines. the idea of this bill which is a bipartisan bill introduced by john cornyn is just to make sure everybody knows supreme court police also have the authority to do that. a necessary step in light of what we've seen recently. >> whitney wild, thank you for that reporting. coming up, the fda is putting strict new limits on who can get the johnson & johnson covid vaccine. what it means for millions of people who have already gotten that shot. that's next. no, no, no. they're both invested... in grereen energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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>> there's been a lot of speculation around harry and meaghan's relationship with the royal family, and to what extent they would be involved in royal affairs and events going forward. now we know they won't be invited onto the famous buckingham palace balcony among with other members of the royal family and that raised some eyebrows. we heard from the palace and they said they are only inviting working members of the royal family onto the balcony. so we can expect to see prince william and his wife, and their children on that balcony and it will come as a disappointment to fans of harry and meaghan who may have been hoping to catch a glimpse of them on the balcony. they did step back as senior members of the royal family back in 2020. they relocated their family to california and no longer take part in royal duties and that's the reason that's been put forward by the palace. it's raised eyebrows because, of course, prince andrew won't be invited onto the balcony. he was famously stripped of his royal title and royal duties after the sexual assault allegations around the case of virginia giuffre. this is coming as we're learning information about the jubilee next month. and what is important to note is that the queen herself isn't confirmed to be in attendance just yet. we heard from a royal source who said that while the queen is looking forward to the events around the jubilee, her attendance won't be confirmed until much closer to those events or even on the day. and of course we do know the queen has been suffering some health concerns, we've seen her struggling with mobility issues, we've seen her take a step back from some royal engagements, too. her royal fans will still be hoping to catch a glimpse of her on the balcony. >> so harry and meaghan will be there but not on the balcony. will they be taking part in other events and what about their children? >> this is going to be a huge celebration for the queen and we can expect to see harry and meaghan at other events. traditionally the wider members of the royal family would attend a church service. we know there's going to be a concert outside of buckingham palace. we may still see them at other events. we've heard from their spokesperson who said that they are excited and honored to be taking part in those festivities and we do know they will be traveling to the uk with both of their children. this will come as a welcome reunion for the family and this is the first time the queen will get to meet her great grandd granddaughter lilibet. >> thanks for that update. now to stunning new claims that president trump during his time in office suggested firing missiles into mexico to destroy drug labs and kill cartels. this revelation is in former defense secretary mark esper's upcoming memoire, and according to "the new york times," trump is quoted as saying, we could just shoot some patriot missiles and take out the labs quietly, no one would know it was us, end quote. in his book, esper also confirms that trump suggested shooting demonstrators protesting the 2020 police killing of george floyd. well, that does it for us today. thank you for being here. i hope you have a safe weekend, and don't forget to celebrate the moms in your life. i'll see you back here on monday, same time, same place. until then, you can join me on twitter. have a great weekend. the news continues with victor blackwell after a quick break. bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? 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Chance , Muscle Memory , D C , Amendment , Sense , 6 , January 6th , Call , Country , Potential Violence , Activity , Tick , Participants , Social Media Chatter , 150 , Estate , Reality , Confrontations , Law Enforcement Source , Possibility , Demonstrations , Roe V Wade , Abortion Providers , Acts , Judiciary , Extremists , Bill , Justices , Example , Addition , Nine , Authority , Justice , Supreme Court Police , Supreme Court Police Authority , Supreme Court Security , Security , Intention , Court , Approach , Staff , Supreme Court Marshall Deems , Everybody , Confines , Light , John Cornyn , Coming Up , Fda , Reporting , Invested , Millions , Limits , Shot , Grereen Energy , Each Other , Tools , Floral Fragrance , Giorgio Armani , Charge , Health Care , Costs , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , On Medicare , Unitedhealthcare , Doesn T , Medicare Supplement , Copays , Deductibles , Thousands , Decision Guide , Plan Options , What Medicare Doesn T , Call Unitedhealthcare , Anywhere , Plans , Needs , Specialist , Networks , Referrals , Greater Freedom , Types , Traveling , Patients , Aarp , Aarp Medicare Supplement Plan , Peace Of Mind , Class , Conversations , Lily , Education , Difference , Flexpath Learning Format , Capella University , Master S Degree , Diabetes , Glucerna , Pro , Brand , Termites , Best , Orkin , Call The Orkin , Condition , Clotting , Tts , Restrictions , Pests , Vaccines , Vaccine Development , Center , Access , Co Director , Texas Children S Hospital , 18 , Basics , Complication , Instances , Cdc , Have , Event , Two Million , 18 Million , Options , Countries , Virus Vector Vaccine , Language , Window , Somebody , Complications , Lookout , Something , Nothing , Virus , Hepatitis , Response , Development , Agent , 109 , Kids , Transplants , Five , Outbreak , Spring , Diseases , Occurrence , Pediatric , Strain , Upper Respiratory , Adenovirus , Gi , Stools , Abdominal Pain , Formation , Fever , Yellowing , Eyes , Urine , Attention , Mind , Handful , Jaundice , Course , Severity , Hospitalization , Liver Transplants , Hope , Reasons , Weather , Incidents , Fear , Hem , Sharp Seasonality , Congratulations , Resource , Award , Dock Torate , Prince Harry , Belate , Stage , Queen Elizabeth , Meghan Markle , Platinum Jubilee Celebration , Decision Tech , Whwhich , 5 Billion , 1 5 Billion , Dad , Pop Rock Music Tech , Windshield , Trust Safelite , He Wouldn T , Safety System , Safelite , Fidelity , Glass , Smash , Th , Pull Over , Crack , Features , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Automatic Emergency Braking , Safelite Repair , Support , Glucose Control , Confidence , Muscle Health , Blood Sugar Levels , Drink , Hunger , Classes , National University , 50 , 75 , Programs , Scholarship Opportunities , Mover , Employees , Downtown , Hotspot , Nu Edu , Rob , Employee , Lisa , Deals , Files , At T Business , Corrections Officer , Marshals , Car Vicky White , Smart Phone , Murder , Suspect , Scrape , Him E , The Hunt , Inmate Casey White , Photos , Authorities , Appearance , Getaway , Nashville , Tennessee , Hair , Correctional Officer , White , Alabama , Right , Press Conference , Tattoos , Picture , Guys , Speculation , Update , Overseas , Tea , Anticipation , Uk , Balcony , Queen , Andrew , Royal Family , Platinum Jubilee , Jubilee , Meaghan , Snub , Tea Leaves , Relationship , Nada , Events , Affairs , Extent , Buckingham Palace , Prince William , Eyebrows , Palace , Disappointment , Wife , Fans , Glimpse , 2020 , Duties , Prince , Won T , Title , The Palace , Learning Information , Note , Sexual Assault , Allegations , Virginia Giuffre , Attendance , Source , Isn T , Health Concerns , Struggling , Mobility Issues , Engagements , Celebration , Church Service , Spokesperson , Concert , Both , Time , Festivities , Reunion , Claims , Drug Labs , Grandd , Granddaughter Lilibet , Mexico , Trump , Mark Esper , Missiles , Revelation , The New York Times , Cartels , Saying , Upcoming Memoire , Demonstrators , Labs , Book , Police Killing , No One , George Floyd , Moms , Victor Blackwell , Twitter , Break , Bonnie , Be Cool , Phone , Ringcentral , App , Plaque Psoriasis , Ricentral , Tightness , Stinging , Tremfya , Majority , Emerge Tremfyant , 16 , 90 , Investors , Heart , Companies , Marketplaces , Advancements , Goals , Technology , Social Media , Markets , Technology Solutions , Proliferation , Forums , Investment , Investment Decisions , Peers , Topics , Climate Change , Generations , Naeema Huq Abrar , 401 , Musician , Morgan Stanley , Austin James , My Name , Glucose Numbers , System , Challenge , Scan , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , Mystery , Experience , Freestylelibre Us Lisa , 6 7 , 8 2 , Home , Job , Caregiver , Internet , Choices , Lots , Business Internet , Businesses , Fiber Solutions , Network , Speeds , Largest , Provider , Gigs , Price , Business Solutions , Deal , Company , Price Guarantee , Voice , 49 99 , 9 99 , 24 , Cnn Newsroom , Azovstal Complex , Alison , Zelenskyy , Shelling ,

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steady at 3.6%. so the good news here impressive job growth and wages are still on the rise. the bad news? stubborn inflation. prices are up more than wages, and that is leading to a lot of dread about where the u.s. economy is headed. the latest cnn poll found 77% of americans say economic conditions are poor. that is the worst outlook in a decade. so we will be listening for how the president tries to assuage economic fears and frustrations which could be pivotal in the midterms. let's go to cnn's matt eagan in washington. first, give us the full break down of the april numbers. >> the jobs market remains strong. 428,000 jobs added in april. the expectation was that job growth would slow down to the weakest pace in a year. that did not happen. in fact, over just this year, we have 2 .1 million jobs that have been added to the labor market. that is very impressive. growth given the fact that there's the shortage of workers. we saw broad-based hiring. jobs were added in leisure and hospitality and transportation and manufacturing. the unemployment rate steady at 3.6 %. that's low historically. we forget that just two years ago the inflation -- the unemployment rate was at nearly 15 % as covid was running wild. it has come down dramatically. if anything, the concern is that the jobs market and the economy are overheating. that the federal reserve is going to have to raise interest rates so much that it really slows down the economy and even threatens an eventual recession. and i don't think anything about today's report is going to ease those concerns about an overheating jobs market. >> so we keep hearing the jobs market needs to cool off as you were discussing. it seems counterintuitive. explain why robust jobs gains and the rising wages can be a problem. >> well, i think just like sleep or exercise, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. it's great that wages are growing. up 5.5% over the last 12 months. that's growth the obama white house would have killed for during the slow and steady recovery from the great recession. the concern is that wages could be going up at an unsustainable rates. and people demand higher wages. it's a vicious cycle. so that's what the federal reserve is worried about. that's why the fed is concerned that the jobs market is overly tight. it's tight to an unhealthy degree. the concern is that the fed is going to have to not just tap the brakes on the economy, but they're going to have to really slam the brakes on the economy to get inflation under control. some economists that i talked to think that the unemployment rate may actually have to increase. and history shows that when the unemployment rate goes up, it typically leads to a full fledged recession down the line. >> okay. the old chicken and the egg analogy popped in my head as you're talking about the cycle of rises and prices following. matt, stay with us. i want to bring in our cnn white house correspondent traveling with the president today and washington post personal finance columnist. the author of "what to do with your money when crisis hits" a survival guide. it's great to have all of you as part of this discussion on this friday. let's talk about the way the job market has trended during the biden administration. michelle, millions more americans are working. and with bigger paychecks. is inflation simply cancelling out the gains? >> it most definitely is. remember, they were already behind by the time these wages started to catch up with what's happening to the economy. so they're making more, except they have to put out more from the paycheck for gas and groceries and you need to get a car. it's going to cost you 40% more if you want to buy a house. it's going to cost you more because the mortgage rates are going up. and so at the same time you're getting $10, but you got to pay $12 out of that paycheck. so you're negative gain with that pay increase. >> john, how does president biden, then, plan to thread this needle on his message today? the white house sees another good number with the jobs report. but so many americans seem to be struggling. and they see doom and gloom. >> well, i think we got a hint of it this morning in the statement that president biden put out after the jobs numbers came. as matt indicated, it's a good news bad news situation. he claimed credit for the robust, strong jobs growth. he can take credit for that because of the size of the american rescue plan that was enacted last year. he said there's more work to do on inflation. he bears some responsibility on inflation for that very reason, because the american rescue plan heated up the economy. however, there is some good news in this report on the inflation front. jason furman, the top economist for president obama pointed to a slight tempering in the wage growth which may auger a slowdown in inflation going forward, and reduce the risk of a wage in price spiral. the president will talk about work to do on inflation. jobs numbers and also the things he's doing as a matter of governance. he's here at a 3-d printing facility to announce a voluntary initiative, try to ease supply chains further by pairing manufacturers with 3-d printers and he's going to make the case for the bipartisan innovation act which is passed both chambers and is about to be negotiated in congress and would spend $50 billion on semi conductors. that's another element of the clogging of the supply chain. he's simply got to put his head down and keep moving forward, and i think that's what we're going to see today. >> michelle, let me come back to you. i spoke with an economics professor earlier this week who said he believes that inflation may have finally hit a peak. it's just a matter of how quickly the numbers start coming down. the fed did raise rates, so that should begin to have an impact. the white house has released the oil reserves, trying to boost domestic oil production to deal with gas prices. but what can the rest of us do at this point to cope with the rising prices? >> yes. so listen, if you've got debt, credit card debt, you need to attack that aggressively. it's still going to cost you a lot for the rest of the year. if you can wait before you buy that car or replace your hoopty, get it fixed. substitution at the grocery store. just cutting back as much as you can. now, recognizing that there's a lot of families that have cut to the bone. they can't cut anymore. and so for those families, you got to think out of the box a little bit, and what i'm going to tell you, people are not going to be happy with it. you might need to stay with you are and not move or not buy the house. if you're coming out of college, go home. live with your parents. it's okay. and parents, let them come back if that's the case. or aunty or grandma so that they don't have to be paying these high rents right now. and then locking themselves in for those high rents for a year if they sign a lease. my 26-year-old daughter lives with me. we were happy to have here, and she's saving a boat load of money because she doesn't have to pay rent. my son who graduated from college with a math degree is living with us while he takes some tests for his next career move. we're happy to have them here. they don't cook enough, but that's another story. >> hopefully they're taking out the trash and chipping in in other ways. right? >> he walks the dogs. he's good about that. but my point is that we are -- we've got to think differently while we are recovering right now. and this idea that you know, i got to have my own space or they got to get out, we can't do that right now while we are allowing this economy to cool down and recover. >> matt, i wonder how much is this a problem that can be remedied on a domestic agenda? and how much is this a global economic force that we just have to ride out? >> well, i think presidents have limited power when it comes to inflation. i mean, really price stability is the responsibility of the federal reserve, not the white house. and there are so many global forces that are impacting prices right now, and the economy broadly. i mean, think about each wave of covid causing problems to supply chains. the covid lockdowns in china that have been going on in recent weeks, that causing even more pressure on the sport ports in asia. that's slowing down shipments to goods in the united states and europe. the war in ukraine has sent food prices higher. gasoline prices are getting closer and closer to record highs set in march. and frankly, presidents and federal reserve chairman, they have limited power here. there's no magic wand to bring energy prices down. if there was, they would use that magic wand. >> here's the thing, john. when president biden took office, he quickly got out covid relief checks. you mentioned the $1.9 trillion covid stimulus package. americans had a brighter outlook on the economy. cnn polling just over a year ago found 54% of americans said economic conditions were good. today just 23% say good. last april, 51% approved of president widen's handling of the economy. today, that's down to 34%. john, a year ago millions more were unemployed. shipping had stalled worldwide. what does the president need to do to turn around public perception right now? >> well, as matt said, presidents have limited ability to move the economy on the up side or the downside. we always exaggerate the role of the president in the economy. and he also has limited ability to change public perception. we actually have a strong economy right now with an inflation problem. but if americans are focussed on the inflation problem and feel bad about the economy as all the polls indicate that they do, you can't really convince them otherwise. so what you have to do as president is make the case for what you've done. make the case for what you're trying to do and hope the trends that we're seeing, that is you were talking a moment ago about inflation potentially having peaked. inflation could be declining for the rest of the year. that could change the public mood much more than any particular piece of presidential rhetoric. >> john harwood, matt eagan, and michelle, thank you all so much for being here. still ahead, soviet symbols making a comeback in the embattled ukrainian city of mariupol. and hours ago, jill biden arrived in romania. this is the start of a four-day trip to the region. she'll be hearing directly from people who fled russia's violence in ukraine. and later, a stark new warning about who should and who should not get the johnson & johnson vaccine. plus a mysterious illness with an unknown cause in children. dr. peter hotez joins us for all of that. stay with us. 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>> reporter: yes. we've just gotten some new information in the last hour, and some more new information the last few minutes. we originally according to russian media, there were 12 people taken out from that plant, including four children. there's video showing them getting from a smaller bus onto a larger bus. cnn can't confirm the authenticity of that. it's unclear if this is part of the u.n. and the red cross. official effort to get people out. and just in the last few seconds as well, we're getting information that another 13 civilians including one child were taken out of the plant. this is, again, according to russian state media. now we're up to 25 people headed in the direction of russia. now, the russians say that these people were held by militants. the last time there was a successful operation to get people out, the russians did it appears, give people a choice whether they wanted to go toward russia or in the opposite direction. most people chose ukraine. some chose to go to russia. in terms of information, we have reached out to the ukrainian side. we haven't heard back. we've also heard from the mariupol city council who says they don't have any information on this just yet. >> and we're getting some really striking visuals out of mariupol where outside of the steel plant, russian forces have seized control. what can you tell us? >> yeah. so they're proceeding to russiafy mariupol. they're not rebuilding it, but they're redecorating the place. there are road signs they are starting to change over. you can see one there with the russian tricolor. this is just a town just outside of mariupol. there is also that statue that you see there, sort of an old woman carrying a flag of the soviet union. and then there's also road signs as well. changing from the ukrainian spelling to the russian spelling. there's also some other soviet era monuments that have sort of come back to life here. we're also seeing in other places that the ruble is coming back into use. in one town near crimea on the south coast of ukraine, people are being told that if they want to be paid in ukrainian money, they can take two-thirds of their salary, otherwise they'll get paid in rubles. >> fascinating and disturbing. scott mclean, thank you. now let's talk about what we're learning about the sinking of russia's prized warship and how u.s. intelligence aided that attack. sources tell cnn that ukrainian forces first spotted the ship in the black sea last month and reached out to the american contacts to confirm it was. that ship. the u.s. gave that confirmation and provided intelligence about its location. ukraine went onto hit the carrier with anti-tank cruise missiles and sent it under sea. but the decision to strike? the u.s. says it was not involved in that. i want to bring in former director of communication for u.s. national intelligence. also a cnn national security analyst. thank you both for being here. general, the pentagon explained they're not directing ukraine which targets to go after. they're just providing them a road map, so to speak, to help figure out their military strategy. take a listen. >> we give them information. other partners give them information. and oh, by the way, they have terrific intelligence of their own. they corroborate all that together, and then they make the decisions they're going to make, and they take the actions they're going to take. it's not just about the united states providing a specific piece of data. >> general, explain why the nuance here is so important? >> well, i think the key nuance is when they say targetable intelligence. we give a lot of intelligence to foreign governments at all times. we have to understand how much equipment we've given the ukrainians, so why not give them intelligence as well? but this is pretty broad intelligence. in the field i was in field artillery, good intelligence was h helpful, but giving them the cross hairs of where the ship is, that's when you actually have targetable information that can be used to be struck. so, again, i think this is a clarification, but -- and confusion, but i don't see anything that we shouldn't and wouldn't be doing in a normal situation like this. >> but shawn, the fact that u.s. intelligence led to in some way this russian warship sinking, how risky is it for all this to be made public? is this a dangerous leak of information? >> well, i think that as the general said, i mean, it depends on the clarification of the information. look, there's no -- it's no secret that we've been sharing intelligence and will continue to share intelligence, but as it was alluded to, there's a process that the u.s. military goes through, the department of defense goes through when it comes to developing, targeting information. and that process is very detailed. it's specific. including in some cases, getting down to the level of the type of munitions that would be effective against a particular target. it talks about vulnerabilities and other things along those lines. so while we can certainly be open about the fact that we are sharing intelligence, i would think that if we were sharing targeting intelligence, it would be a concern. it would be a risk. it would be seen by the russians as an escalation. but the type of general intelligence that we've been sharing, that's no secret, and i think it's going to help the russians -- or the ukrainians continue to be successful. >> general as scott reported, there's growing presence of soviet era symbols in mariupol. what does that indicate? >> well, i think we're getting the prelude to the may 9th victory speech that putin is going to give. he's going to sell mariupol as a victory, as the independence, as the liberation of mariupol which is primarily russian. those defenders in there, the ukrainian defenders, he will paint as terrorists. he will say those civilians that were there were human shields, and it wasn't until the brave russian soldiers went in and liberated those people out of the steel plant, ridded it of terrorism, which is the final act in ridding the mariupol district of these nazis and terrorists, that we now can get mariupol back to the russian centric view that it had before it was attacked by the neo nazi organization. >> seeing the images of all of these symbols of the soviet era and what looks to be celebratory on their part is such a contrast to what we've been showing and how russia has come in and demolished this city. it's completely hard to even see the mariupol that used to exist prior to this russian invasion. shawn, what do you expect to see russia do some monday, victory day, the russian holiday commemorating their defeat of russia germany in 1945? >> yeah. they've held up this day of may 9th as the day when putin will announce some sort of victory or acclaim to have achieved objectives. i think what we're going to see on that day, is we're going to see vladimir putin stand up and say that some part of what is today ukraine is part of russia. and i think that we should all let that sink in for a minute. that's what we expect he will do. what i think is really interesting about this is that even as he makes that claim, i think that what the ukrainians are going to do is exactly what they've done since the start of this war. they're going to continue to fight, and they're going to continue to attempt to push the russians back. but after may 9th, post may 9th, i think after putin made the claim, we will see a reprise of his propaganda, of his rhetoric where he's alekking that it's the ukrainians that are the aggressors now attempting to attack what he will claim is russian territory or russian-controlled territory. >> trying to reset the narrative there, obviously. shawn turner and general mark kem et. you offer great insight. thank you for being our guide through the last couple months. hope you have a great weekend. first lady jill biden right now is in romania, meeting with u.s. and nato troops. this is the first stop on her what is an intense four-day tour of the region. giving her a firsthand look at the refugee crisis caused by russia's invasion of ukraine. just a short time ago the first lady participated in a virtual story time with a service member and her son. and this is part of her white house initiative that connects military families with deployed service members through video recordings and virtual book readings. back in the u.s., law enforcement officials warn of possible violence at abortion protests outside the supreme court. an eight-foot high fence went up overnight. we'll have a live report coming up. e fowhere built to eat. the farmer's dog is changiging the way we feed our pets. visit to seeee your dogs personalized meal plan. 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>> reporter: cuban officials including the cuban president who has been on the scene say preliminary investigation show it was some kind of terrible massive gas leak. when you look at the taj, when i arrived, the smoke was -- still hadn't settled. we were walking through a cloud of smoke, and i got through the hotel, a hotel i know well where celebrities have stayed, my family has stayed, and it was just gutted. and it's hard to believe that that's what causes, but this is what they think could have caused it. some sort of gas leak or perhaps truck carrying liquid gas caused an explosion that absolutely ripped through the hotel. it's caused at least eight deaths. we're told to expect the number to go up as they go through the rubble. when we arrived, we saw a woman being carried out quite bloodied and very injured. i managed to get this video of this woman being pulled from the rubble. literally firemen using their bare hands to pull up pieces of granite and stone to get people out from under the chunks of rubble. when we walked in close to the hotel, 100 yards away, there was shrapnel, pieces of awnings and balconies and large chunks of stone. anybody in the area could have been injured. we don't know if the hotel was open right now all the same, though, that has caused a significant number of deaths. and injuries and cuban officials are working on clearing the rubble and seeing who is underneath. >> stunning pictures. patrick, thank you. live for us from havana, cuba. protests in the u.s. capitol, security fencing around a seat of american government and capitol police warning a potential far right violence. abortion rights protesters plan to demonstrate in front of the supreme court. officials say they are tracking extremist calls for violence. whitney, first, what's the scene like right now? >> reporter: well, right now it is extremely calm. there are only a few people out here. mostly people just taking a look at the scene here which is this eight-foot fence you just mentioned. this nonscaleable fence. if you look a little bit -- a couple feet above me, and it gives you a sense of how seriously law enforcement here in washington is taking this. this has become somewhat of muscle memory in d.c. because as you mentioned, this went up after january 6th. it is the go-to move for law enforcement here when they are concerned there's any chance that first amendment activity could erupt into potential violence. it's not just here that law enforcement is taking the up tick in social media chatter very seriously. earlier this week federal officials hosted a call with around 150 participants from all across the country, state and local law enforcement, to warn them that there were confrontations at protests throughout the country, that there's the possibility there will be more demonstrations, and then further, again, about this up tick in social media chatter. one law enforcement source told me the reality here is that there's a chance that violent extremists could use the roe v. wade opinion to justify acts of violence, and that could be against abortion providers, against members of the judiciary. it could be against the nine justices that sit here at the supreme court. so just one example of the way law enforcement here is taking this seriously. is this fence in addition, there's a heightened police presence here that should last at least through sunday. >> and there's a new bipartisan bill being proposed that would be supreme court security. tell us about that. >> reporter: right. so what it would do is give the supreme court police authority to -- it's really specific. it would give the supreme court police the authority to protect the justice's immediate family and other members of the court staff and anybody that the supreme court marshall deems as needing this heightened security. the intention here is to ensure that there's a streamlined approach to adding security. the justices already get supreme court security here within the confines. the idea of this bill which is a bipartisan bill introduced by john cornyn is just to make sure everybody knows supreme court police also have the authority to do that. a necessary step in light of what we've seen recently. >> whitney wild, thank you for that reporting. coming up, the fda is putting strict new limits on who can get the johnson & johnson covid vaccine. what it means for millions of people who have already gotten that shot. that's next. no, no, no. they're both invested... in grereen energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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>> there's been a lot of speculation around harry and meaghan's relationship with the royal family, and to what extent they would be involved in royal affairs and events going forward. now we know they won't be invited onto the famous buckingham palace balcony among with other members of the royal family and that raised some eyebrows. we heard from the palace and they said they are only inviting working members of the royal family onto the balcony. so we can expect to see prince william and his wife, and their children on that balcony and it will come as a disappointment to fans of harry and meaghan who may have been hoping to catch a glimpse of them on the balcony. they did step back as senior members of the royal family back in 2020. they relocated their family to california and no longer take part in royal duties and that's the reason that's been put forward by the palace. it's raised eyebrows because, of course, prince andrew won't be invited onto the balcony. he was famously stripped of his royal title and royal duties after the sexual assault allegations around the case of virginia giuffre. this is coming as we're learning information about the jubilee next month. and what is important to note is that the queen herself isn't confirmed to be in attendance just yet. we heard from a royal source who said that while the queen is looking forward to the events around the jubilee, her attendance won't be confirmed until much closer to those events or even on the day. and of course we do know the queen has been suffering some health concerns, we've seen her struggling with mobility issues, we've seen her take a step back from some royal engagements, too. her royal fans will still be hoping to catch a glimpse of her on the balcony. >> so harry and meaghan will be there but not on the balcony. will they be taking part in other events and what about their children? >> this is going to be a huge celebration for the queen and we can expect to see harry and meaghan at other events. traditionally the wider members of the royal family would attend a church service. we know there's going to be a concert outside of buckingham palace. we may still see them at other events. we've heard from their spokesperson who said that they are excited and honored to be taking part in those festivities and we do know they will be traveling to the uk with both of their children. this will come as a welcome reunion for the family and this is the first time the queen will get to meet her great grandd granddaughter lilibet. >> thanks for that update. now to stunning new claims that president trump during his time in office suggested firing missiles into mexico to destroy drug labs and kill cartels. this revelation is in former defense secretary mark esper's upcoming memoire, and according to "the new york times," trump is quoted as saying, we could just shoot some patriot missiles and take out the labs quietly, no one would know it was us, end quote. in his book, esper also confirms that trump suggested shooting demonstrators protesting the 2020 police killing of george floyd. well, that does it for us today. thank you for being here. i hope you have a safe weekend, and don't forget to celebrate the moms in your life. i'll see you back here on monday, same time, same place. until then, you can join me on twitter. have a great weekend. the news continues with victor blackwell after a quick break. bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? 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Mind , Handful , Jaundice , Course , Severity , Hospitalization , Liver Transplants , Hope , Reasons , Weather , Incidents , Fear , Hem , Sharp Seasonality , Congratulations , Resource , Award , Dock Torate , Prince Harry , Belate , Stage , Queen Elizabeth , Meghan Markle , Platinum Jubilee Celebration , Decision Tech , Whwhich , 5 Billion , 1 5 Billion , Dad , Pop Rock Music Tech , Windshield , Trust Safelite , He Wouldn T , Safety System , Safelite , Fidelity , Glass , Smash , Th , Pull Over , Crack , Features , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Automatic Emergency Braking , Safelite Repair , Support , Glucose Control , Confidence , Muscle Health , Blood Sugar Levels , Drink , Hunger , Classes , National University , 50 , 75 , Programs , Scholarship Opportunities , Mover , Employees , Downtown , Hotspot , Nu Edu , Rob , Employee , Lisa , Deals , Files , At T Business , Corrections Officer , Marshals , Car Vicky White , Smart Phone , Murder , Suspect , Scrape , Him E , The Hunt , 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Demonstrators , Labs , Book , Police Killing , No One , George Floyd , Moms , Victor Blackwell , Twitter , Break , Bonnie , Be Cool , Phone , Ringcentral , App , Plaque Psoriasis , Ricentral , Tightness , Stinging , Tremfya , Majority , Emerge Tremfyant , 16 , 90 , Investors , Heart , Companies , Marketplaces , Advancements , Goals , Technology , Social Media , Markets , Technology Solutions , Proliferation , Forums , Investment , Investment Decisions , Peers , Topics , Climate Change , Generations , Naeema Huq Abrar , 401 , Musician , Morgan Stanley , Austin James , My Name , Glucose Numbers , System , Challenge , Scan , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , Mystery , Experience , Freestylelibre Us Lisa , 6 7 , 8 2 , Home , Job , Caregiver , Internet , Choices , Lots , Business Internet , Businesses , Fiber Solutions , Network , Speeds , Largest , Provider , Gigs , Price , Business Solutions , Deal , Company , Price Guarantee , Voice , 49 99 , 9 99 , 24 , Cnn Newsroom , Azovstal Complex , Alison , Zelenskyy , Shelling ,

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