Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240707

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240707

including president biden, will hold a virtual meeting with ukraine's president zelenskyy on sunday just before the key date of may 9th, which is victory day in russia. let's begin with sarah sidener. what can you tell us about the operation in mariupol? >> reporter: a third and fresh rescue is under way to try to get to the people still trapped in the dark, dank maze under the steel plant. the problem is the bombardments are continuing, even after russia said there would be a cease-fire to allow people to exit. russia has once again lied about what it is going to do. in the meantime, there are bloody battles being waged and some of them are inside the plant because a commander said russian forces have made it inside that plant and there is fierce fighting that continues to go on. this is all happening as people watch and wait for may 9th and that is when russia celebrates v-day. they believe that there is a real effort from russia to try and crush mariupol, to try and take it over completely and to rid it of its last ukrainian stronghold, which is the azovstal plant, in and around that plant for v-day so that it can talk about its victories. at this moment in time, the bombardments are just nonstop. there is fighting from the ground, there is fighting from the air and amongst all of this there are hundreds of civilians who are still listening to all this in complete darkness with little food, limb wttle water. we're talking about men, women and children all trapped underneath that plant unable to get out. but there is a third effort to get these folks out of there. we know that about 500 people in the last two rescue efforts have been able to escape with the helped of the international red cross and ukrainian officials. at this point in time we are starting to hear terrible, devastating stories from those who have been trapped there in the darkness for so long. bianna. >> they have been there for months on end. their stories are horrific. thank you so much. cnn has learned that the u.s. military provided intel that helped ukraine sink the russian ship last month. but the pentagon is pushing back saying it didn't provide specific information to the ukrainians. this a bit confusing. what are military officials saying about this report then? >> reporter: bianna, let's talk about what we know. sources have told myself and colleague that in the mid may the ukrainians spotted the ship off the coast. the united states provided the confirmation and gave them some more precise details about the location of the ship, which then of course allowed the ukrainians to fire two cruise missiles that ultimately sunk the ship. the biden administration is not disputing that sequence of events but they are drawing a fairly narrow distinction about the kind of intelligence, the kind of location data. the united states has been fairly frank in saying they were not involved in the decision to strike the muskova and didn't know whether or not the ukrainians intended to do so when they provided the information. it's all part of the limitations that the biden administration is trying to draw around the kind of intelligence they are willing to provide the ukrainians in this fight. listen to what press secretary john kirby had to say just this morning. >> we are not providing specific targeting information to help ukrainians go after specific leader on the battlefield. we give them information, and others give them information and they have terrific information on their own. they coordinate the action they're going to take. >> this was the second report this week that suggested the u.s. provided more intelligence than we knew of going into their help in assisting ukraine there on the ground. thank you. >> at this hour you are looking at live pictures of first lady jill biden in romania. the first lady arrived just a short time ago at an air base in romania where she's meeting with u.s. and nato military leadership. she's also serving dinner and visiting with troops stationed at the base and after that she'll be meeting with ukrainian refugees in romania and slovakia. biden wraps her trip on monday after meeting with members of the slovak government. joining me is a senior fellow with defense priorities and also with us jill doherty, now an adjunct professor at georgetown university. lieutenant colonel, multiple reports of the role that the u.s. has played in providing ukraine with intelligence, one involving the movement of high-ranking russian military officials, the other that you just heard, the russia's flagship cruiser being sunk. the u.s. is denying playing a role in its sinking. but is this helpful to have these leaks out there? >> well, no. i mean, without question it's not helpful to have those kinds of leaks because we don't know how they're going to be used and certainly how they're going to be twisted around in ways that are antithetical to our interests in russia, in moscow. whether at the putin level or even just in their population. i don't think anyone's surprised that we are providing intelligence help but i do think that what kirby said was probably accurate in that we provide probably a whole range of intelligence. there's probably a number of different aspects of this war that we provided information on and then ukraine does make its own decisions about what it will and what it can attack and then they go from there. so i think there's some truth to it. i do worry about us crossing the line and i think that is something the administration is right in being careful about. >> up until now the u.s. had been pretty discrete. most assumed the u.s. was providing intel to the ukrainians and maybe it was helpful to not be that specific. how does this play into the kremlin's narrative is not between russia and ukraine but perhaps between russia and the west. perhaps this helps them save face given the setbacks they continue to have two months in. >> both of those points, bianna, are very good. president putin has been talking about this as a conflict not just with ukraine but with nato and the united states who they would say use ukraine as a weapon against russia. and the second part, which is really important that you mention, this is a way since this war for russia is not going well, it is a way of vladimir putin saying that it's not really ukraine in a we are fighting, it's really nato, it's really the west. hence if we don't do as well as we thought we would do, that's the reason. so i think there are a number of different messages going on here. >> and that is the message that we've seen over the past few weeks on russian state media day in and day out. there is a lot of speculation that russia has stepped up its attempts to seize the steel plant, which is the last holdout there in mariupol in order to have some kind of victory that vladimir victory can declare on monday, may 9th. what does capturing mariupol give russia militarily? >> it playings a significant emotional role in what the russians are doing and i think there's a lot of credibility to the argument that that's what putin is trying to do and maybe that's why they're trying to accelerate this to get it done by may the 9th. there's a lot of history in mariupol and a lot of bad blood between ukraine and russians in that area going owl the wave back to 2014 when the original war started there, the civil warri warrish kind of thing that russia participated in and the troops still in the azovstal complex have reportedly killed lots of russian-speaking people in that area over the years and they had lots of bad blood. so when russia says they want denaziification, the primary target they had in mind is the azovstal battalion. it would be big pr .r. for puti. >> and there may be parades, imagine that, given the devastation unfolded upon that city. jill, talk about the significance of may 9th in russia. my parents grew up there in the soviet union. it is of high importance to russians currently as it was to soviets decades ago. and it's important to understand why putin's narrative of that special operation in ukraine to root out nazis, as crazy as that may sound to the rest of the world, why it's so affective with millions of russians. >> there's no question, bianna. may 9th, the victory by the soviet union union over pazzy germany is stro and president putin now since he is building somewhat of an ideology of russia, he combines this, this is really the core of his image of russia and he believes that russia, number one, saved the world during world war ii and this is not to demean what the soviet union did, no question. but the soviet union, russia, is the savior of the world and also a very strong element of suffering and national angst and that plays into it, too. so you're dealing with high emotion at this point and then his linking it to world war ii and nazis is precisely what we're talking about in this war, that he is trueing to so linking those with what's going on in russia right now, you know, there's a high level of i would say rehabilitation of stalin, a kind of militarization of the society, including with the young people. and so this is, you know, he is playing with i think the concept of a nation in this. and linking it to what's going on in ukraine. >> such important historical context there. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> and coming up, a new jobs report gives the white house some good news. we'll break down the numbers and what they could mean when it comes to the risk of a recession. you try crazy thingsgs... ...because you're crazy... ...and you like it. you get bigger... ...badder... ...faster. ♪ you can never have too much of a good thing... and power is a very good thing. ♪ at wayfair, there are millions of ways to refresh your space and the best way is your way. that's why we carry a large selection of kitchen faucets so that your little update can make a big differenc wayfair has all e easy upgrades from cabinet hardware toeel and stick tile. with flexible financing available on bathtubs, vanities and more, even your big projects are no big deal. because no one can make it yours quite like you. ♪ wayfair you got just what i need ♪ hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. ♪ feel stuck with credit card debt? 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>> it's a struggle for the white house. this is the 12th straight month that you've seen monthly job growth above 400,000 jobs gained and yet every single month in at least the more recent months you've seen president biden both trying to talk about these record breaking numbers of jobs creation, near 50-year low of unemployment, millions of jobs created during his presidency but he always has to temper that, has the last several months had to temper that with the reality that americans are focused on, which is inflation. the statement from the president said there is still more work to do as it relates to inflation and he and the white house have been trying to convince americans that they are doing the work to try and combat that rising inflation but it's not convincing the public. you mentioned that poll number of 23% of americans they see the economy as doing well but there are other numbers from that same poll where a majority of americans believe that president biden's policies have actually hurt the economy. so there's this massive disconnect between some of these record numbers that we're seeing in terms of the strong jobs market versus what americans actually feel and how they perceive the economy to be doing and it's a big disconnection and gulf that the biden administration is attempting to mend. >> it's a big head scratcher. any other context you would have people celebrating this economy from the white house on down but americans doesn't seem to be feeling this growth. matt, wage growth seems to be down a bit. how worrisome is that with respect to inflation concern specifically? >> so wages are still growing rapidly, up 5.5% over the past 12 months. wages are hot but inflation is even hotter. 8.5% year over year for consumer prices, that's a 40-year high. if you adjust for inflation, real wages are declining, paychecks are not going as far as they used to and that is why people are so upset about inflation. we did see in today's report that inflation did cool off just a bit from the last nunns and that could ease some concerns about a wage price spiral where high inflation causes people too demand high wages and that leas to high wages and inflation and it could become a negative feedback loop. i think wages do remain growing a the a pace that's going to concern the fed and keep the fed from having to raise interest rates. >> jeremy, there's only so much the president can control at this point. all eyes really are on the fed. but given what he's being dealt with regards to china's tight zero covid policy continuing to be a strain on supply chains and now putin's war in ukraine having impacts on commodity prices on everything from oil to grains, what more can he do? >> well, where the white house does have control over some of those levers, they've really acted. supply chain is the top issue. we saw the white house focus on that early on. they had success in alleviating some of those supply chain issues. when it comes to inflation, we've heard president biden try and put so much of that on vladimir putin, talking about putin's price hike. we saw him release oil from the strategic petroleum reserve. but ultimately he's fairly limited. one of the biggest tools to come b combat inflation is monetary policy that is not controlled by the president or the federal reserve. we'll see if that rate that matt talked about impact on you inflation. there's a disconnect what is seen as in the president's hands, the president tends to get too much credit in some instances and too much blame in others, particularly in matters of inflation. >> jay powell said he's confident they can bring things down for a soft landing. we of course will continue to follow it all. still coming up, the fda now putting strict limits on who can get the johnson & johnson vaccine because of potential health risks. what that means for millions who already y took the shot. verizon is going ultra, so y yr business can get more. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? 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>> they should be reassured if they received the vaccine a while ago, as i did, that there is nothing to be concerned about, as in this rare blood clotting issue is seen usually within two weeks but certainly within three weeks of getting the vaccine. there are no long-term or medium-term side effects of the johnson & johnson vaccine or any of the other covid vaccines. so do not be concerned. that said, one thing to keep in mind, if you only got one johnson & johnson vaccine and not a booster, you should be getting that booster and not the johnson & johnson vaccine as a booster but one of. ot -- of the others as a booster. >> among the data they've been able to find among the 13 million children who developed covid could develop long covid. some are asomeymptomatic, some e long-term symptoms. what does long covid mean for kids? >> we know long covid does exist for kids as it do for adults. many of these studies are asking parents if their children have congestion or coughing a month after they had covid. well, maybe they had something else, another viral symptom. fatigue is something that's quite common. i think we really need to define what is long covid. and according to the cdc, 75% of children in this country have already had covid. if that's the case, what percentage actually have long covid. it can't be 10% of 75% are struggling with long covid. one of the key remaining questions we have, too, is what is the indencidence of long cov with reinfection. if your child is struggling with shortness of breath, fatigue, headaches and months after a diagnosis, that's when you should bring it up to your physician. >>. >> really important points you're making there. thank you. happy mother's day to you. we turn to china where the government is expanding covid lockdowns and ordering more mass testing in beijing's largest district. this is despite growing concerns that it could have ripple effects for the growing economy. celina? >> reporter: bianna, china is still doubling down on its zero covid strategy, enshuttven shut down entire cities because of one covid case. in beijing, the capital is only reporting around 14, 15 cases a day, it has effectively shut down its district, closed all nonessential businesses and schools and a negative pcr test is required to enter public areas and it continues to mass test it's nearly 20 million residents in multi- >> rounds. shanghai's more than million residents have been sealed in their homes for over a month. many unable to access food and medical care. these are rare sights in authoritarian china. while the restrictions in shanghai have started to relax in neighborhoods that have not reported any new covid cases for two weeks, the minute even one case is detected the, the whole neighborhood goes back into the lockdown. china's leader xi jinping said the country would, quote, unswervingly adhere to zero covid and ward against anyone who criticizes the policy. china's strict zero covid strategy involves these quarantine lock downs and incredibly strict border control rules. i am currently on a 21-day quarantine. all of this may sound extreme but in zero covid china, this is the reality. bianna. >> our celina wang, thank you. coming up, barriers going up around the supreme court. the security risks law enforcement officials s are warning about. that's next. a hunter. because you didn't't settle for ordinary. same goes for r your equipmen. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it. “few of us will ever dive so deep into our cars, but those who do venture down into the nuts and bolts...” “you have to give all of youelf when you do something, and that's when yo do your best.” for the best audio entertainment and storytelling. audible. imagine having to use the wrong tool at your job. 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>> reporter: right now we see physical proof that law enforcement officials in washington are concerned about the possibility that some of these first amendment activities could erupt, that protesters could clash and there could be possibly violence. here on my left you'll see the supreme court is basically at the front in case in this fence, i'm about 5'6". swing back to me. i'm about 5'6". this is a couple feet taller than me. it's a nonscapableleable fence, like the fence that went up after the january 6th riot. this is like muscle memory whenever they are concerned that there could be an eruption in violence. to the right, there is law enforcement here outside the supreme court, as well as concrete barriers. it's not just here in washington, bianna. law enforcement officials held a call with about 150 participants all across the country alerting state and local agencies about demonstrations that have resulted in confrontations, the possibility of future confrontations as well as an uptick in social media chatter. the concern here is that there are members of law enforcement who are tracking some concerning and threatening language that suggests that violence is possible against abortion providers, abortion clinics, members of the judiciary, including the justices. senator john cornyn joined by senator chris coombs have introduced a bill that would expand the supreme court police authority to offer security for the justices' families. the point here is that law enforcement in washington is taking this possibility that this opinion in roe v. wade could result in very passionate feelings on both sides and there's a concern that could erupt into violence so now taking the most aggressive posture. >> on high alert. whitney wilde, thank you. let's turn to the use of mail order abortion pills. tom foreman has more. >> reporter: for those intent on ending abortions in parts of the united states, the biggest barrier may now not be politics but pills, which researchers say are effective, available and now used for more than half of all abortions. >> abortion activists have been quietly building a whole new business model to target young women on their phones, to click, get information and receive abortion drug by mail. >> reporter: the food and drug administration approved mail order supplies of the so-called abortion bill with a prescription this past december for women in the first ten weeks of pregnancy. advocates insist it is less invasive, more discrete and just as safe as surgical abortion. >> people choose this for various reasons. they want to be able to manage their abortion in their own home with their family and in surroundings that they're comfortable with. >> we have seen an incredible increase of requests of help. people are really, really scared of what's going to happen. >> reporter: that's why some abortion rights supporters such as women on waves based in the netherlands say they are already facilitating shipments of the drug to women in far flung corners of the u.s. and promise to step up the efforts no matter where those women are and what the law says. >> i have a medical oath to do this. i am a doctor. my oath is that i help people that in need and that is what i am doing. >> reporter: in many states where lawmakers are trying to stamp out abortion rights, the simple truth is they have w written a lot of special lines in their laws to keep outside providers of these pills from accessing their population. but abortion rights defenders say it's only five little pills and they believe there is a way to get them to the women they see in need. tom foreman, cnn, washington. and coming up, powerful storms bringing tornadoes, floods and hail to several states. this drone video showing just some of the tornado damage in oklahoma. we'll show you where the severe weather is headed up next. hold and seal. clinically proven to give strongest hold, plus seals out 5x more food particles. fear no od. new poligrip power hold and seal. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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[irish music plays] nice. what's going on here? i said get a pro. i did get a pro. orkin pro. i got you. got ants? don't call any pro, call the orkin pro. orkin. the best in pests. we turn to israel where three victims of a gun and ax attack in a city were buried today following a huge funeral procession. we're learning more about them as well as the names of the two suspects in the attack. our cnn correspondent is live in jerusalem, and the attacks happening as the country celebrates its independence day. >> yeah. the three people who were buried today, three men in their 40s, the victims of the attack all of them fathers, between them 16 children left behind. the attack took place on israel independence day at 8:30 p.m. in a very quiet mainly religious town. it's not far from the west bank, but it's a quiet town that's not known to be a place of this sort of violence. for an 8:30 p.m. two suspects began seemingly randomly attacking people using an ax or knife. four people are still fighting for their lives. the suspects fled in a vehicle and there's been a massive man hunt underway for them. there have been roadblocks. helicopters have been hovers, drones are being used. israeli suspects named them as two palestinians from the west bank. a 19-year-old and a 20-year-old. this is the sixth attack targeting israelis since late march. 18 people have been dilled as a result of the attacks. this is been a violent intense month and a half or so. the israeli has raised their counterterrorism, and at least two dozen palestinians have been killed mostly as a result of clashes with israeli security forces. we've seen an increase in clashes between palestinians -- this is a place known as temple mount. the jews, a place holy to jews and muslims. while there was a hope that the end of ramadan would bring calm to the situation and across israel, and the palestinian territories, israeli officials told me they still expected a few more days of tension and potentially violence because of days like israeli independence day and also keep in mind, that next week is the one-year anniversary of the 11-day war between hamas and militants in gaza and the israeli army that was sparked in part by the clashes like those we've been seeing at the compound. >> thank you. also developing at this hour, a man on a flight from california to chicago is facing a reckless conduct charge according to police. the man opened the emergency exit door as a united flight was taxiing to the gate and climbed on to the wing and slid down on to the tarmac. the incident occurred on a united airlines flight from san diego. they say the ground crew stopped the individual. when the plane arrived at the gate, all passengers deplaned sa safely zsevere weather. powerful storms have brought tornadoes, floods and hail to several states. this drone video capturing widespread tornado damage in oklahoma. cnn meteorologist live with an update on what to expect today and throughout mother's day weekend. a rainy weekend here in the northeast for us. >> yeah. especially a cold one for mother's day as well up there across the northeast. so we have this severe weather that was in the midwest all week. now it has moved to the east. now, it isn't as severe. we're not expecting that a large tornadoes they saw out there, but there are just more people in the way of even smaller events. that's the real key here. and why we've been watching this from virginia beach all the way down to the gulf coast. that's the area of concern as the day heats up. not much going on right now. there are some showers across the gulf coast, but other than that, really nothing yet popping up. we are going to watch this storm. watch the circulation of these cells. when i put this into motion. they begin to come to the north. we get storms in d.c. all the way down to hampton roads and as far south as the florida gulf coast. behind this is what is going to really ruin mother's day for the north eastern cities. in d.c. to charlotte, later on tonight, and then it continues to spin. here's your saturday afternoon and evening, and that is bringing that cold air down. so you never truly warm up until monday or tuesday. boston, new york, d.c., will all be cold. philadelphia for sure. where the middle part of the country is going to have something the exact opposite and temperatures there will rise to nearly 100 degrees in some cities. we're watching for heavy rain across parts of the poconos and alle alleghenys. watch out for the flash flooding potential there. >> so here's the weather across the northeast over the next few. and i'm sorry, moms. i just can't get things to warm up here, and back out to the west, it's the really truly the exact opposite. the cold air much colder air than normal here in the northeast. it all goes away by monday and tuesday. that's not much of a help for you. down here to the south and deep south, temperatures make a run at 100 and even over in some spots. >> bad weather ever the reason to now call your mom and wish them a happy mother's day if you were not planning on doing that. happy mother's day to everyone at home. chad myers, thank you so much. and thank you all for watching. 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Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240707 :

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240707

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including president biden, will hold a virtual meeting with ukraine's president zelenskyy on sunday just before the key date of may 9th, which is victory day in russia. let's begin with sarah sidener. what can you tell us about the operation in mariupol? >> reporter: a third and fresh rescue is under way to try to get to the people still trapped in the dark, dank maze under the steel plant. the problem is the bombardments are continuing, even after russia said there would be a cease-fire to allow people to exit. russia has once again lied about what it is going to do. in the meantime, there are bloody battles being waged and some of them are inside the plant because a commander said russian forces have made it inside that plant and there is fierce fighting that continues to go on. this is all happening as people watch and wait for may 9th and that is when russia celebrates v-day. they believe that there is a real effort from russia to try and crush mariupol, to try and take it over completely and to rid it of its last ukrainian stronghold, which is the azovstal plant, in and around that plant for v-day so that it can talk about its victories. at this moment in time, the bombardments are just nonstop. there is fighting from the ground, there is fighting from the air and amongst all of this there are hundreds of civilians who are still listening to all this in complete darkness with little food, limb wttle water. we're talking about men, women and children all trapped underneath that plant unable to get out. but there is a third effort to get these folks out of there. we know that about 500 people in the last two rescue efforts have been able to escape with the helped of the international red cross and ukrainian officials. at this point in time we are starting to hear terrible, devastating stories from those who have been trapped there in the darkness for so long. bianna. >> they have been there for months on end. their stories are horrific. thank you so much. cnn has learned that the u.s. military provided intel that helped ukraine sink the russian ship last month. but the pentagon is pushing back saying it didn't provide specific information to the ukrainians. this a bit confusing. what are military officials saying about this report then? >> reporter: bianna, let's talk about what we know. sources have told myself and colleague that in the mid may the ukrainians spotted the ship off the coast. the united states provided the confirmation and gave them some more precise details about the location of the ship, which then of course allowed the ukrainians to fire two cruise missiles that ultimately sunk the ship. the biden administration is not disputing that sequence of events but they are drawing a fairly narrow distinction about the kind of intelligence, the kind of location data. the united states has been fairly frank in saying they were not involved in the decision to strike the muskova and didn't know whether or not the ukrainians intended to do so when they provided the information. it's all part of the limitations that the biden administration is trying to draw around the kind of intelligence they are willing to provide the ukrainians in this fight. listen to what press secretary john kirby had to say just this morning. >> we are not providing specific targeting information to help ukrainians go after specific leader on the battlefield. we give them information, and others give them information and they have terrific information on their own. they coordinate the action they're going to take. >> this was the second report this week that suggested the u.s. provided more intelligence than we knew of going into their help in assisting ukraine there on the ground. thank you. >> at this hour you are looking at live pictures of first lady jill biden in romania. the first lady arrived just a short time ago at an air base in romania where she's meeting with u.s. and nato military leadership. she's also serving dinner and visiting with troops stationed at the base and after that she'll be meeting with ukrainian refugees in romania and slovakia. biden wraps her trip on monday after meeting with members of the slovak government. joining me is a senior fellow with defense priorities and also with us jill doherty, now an adjunct professor at georgetown university. lieutenant colonel, multiple reports of the role that the u.s. has played in providing ukraine with intelligence, one involving the movement of high-ranking russian military officials, the other that you just heard, the russia's flagship cruiser being sunk. the u.s. is denying playing a role in its sinking. but is this helpful to have these leaks out there? >> well, no. i mean, without question it's not helpful to have those kinds of leaks because we don't know how they're going to be used and certainly how they're going to be twisted around in ways that are antithetical to our interests in russia, in moscow. whether at the putin level or even just in their population. i don't think anyone's surprised that we are providing intelligence help but i do think that what kirby said was probably accurate in that we provide probably a whole range of intelligence. there's probably a number of different aspects of this war that we provided information on and then ukraine does make its own decisions about what it will and what it can attack and then they go from there. so i think there's some truth to it. i do worry about us crossing the line and i think that is something the administration is right in being careful about. >> up until now the u.s. had been pretty discrete. most assumed the u.s. was providing intel to the ukrainians and maybe it was helpful to not be that specific. how does this play into the kremlin's narrative is not between russia and ukraine but perhaps between russia and the west. perhaps this helps them save face given the setbacks they continue to have two months in. >> both of those points, bianna, are very good. president putin has been talking about this as a conflict not just with ukraine but with nato and the united states who they would say use ukraine as a weapon against russia. and the second part, which is really important that you mention, this is a way since this war for russia is not going well, it is a way of vladimir putin saying that it's not really ukraine in a we are fighting, it's really nato, it's really the west. hence if we don't do as well as we thought we would do, that's the reason. so i think there are a number of different messages going on here. >> and that is the message that we've seen over the past few weeks on russian state media day in and day out. there is a lot of speculation that russia has stepped up its attempts to seize the steel plant, which is the last holdout there in mariupol in order to have some kind of victory that vladimir victory can declare on monday, may 9th. what does capturing mariupol give russia militarily? >> it playings a significant emotional role in what the russians are doing and i think there's a lot of credibility to the argument that that's what putin is trying to do and maybe that's why they're trying to accelerate this to get it done by may the 9th. there's a lot of history in mariupol and a lot of bad blood between ukraine and russians in that area going owl the wave back to 2014 when the original war started there, the civil warri warrish kind of thing that russia participated in and the troops still in the azovstal complex have reportedly killed lots of russian-speaking people in that area over the years and they had lots of bad blood. so when russia says they want denaziification, the primary target they had in mind is the azovstal battalion. it would be big pr .r. for puti. >> and there may be parades, imagine that, given the devastation unfolded upon that city. jill, talk about the significance of may 9th in russia. my parents grew up there in the soviet union. it is of high importance to russians currently as it was to soviets decades ago. and it's important to understand why putin's narrative of that special operation in ukraine to root out nazis, as crazy as that may sound to the rest of the world, why it's so affective with millions of russians. >> there's no question, bianna. may 9th, the victory by the soviet union union over pazzy germany is stro and president putin now since he is building somewhat of an ideology of russia, he combines this, this is really the core of his image of russia and he believes that russia, number one, saved the world during world war ii and this is not to demean what the soviet union did, no question. but the soviet union, russia, is the savior of the world and also a very strong element of suffering and national angst and that plays into it, too. so you're dealing with high emotion at this point and then his linking it to world war ii and nazis is precisely what we're talking about in this war, that he is trueing to so linking those with what's going on in russia right now, you know, there's a high level of i would say rehabilitation of stalin, a kind of militarization of the society, including with the young people. and so this is, you know, he is playing with i think the concept of a nation in this. and linking it to what's going on in ukraine. >> such important historical context there. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> and coming up, a new jobs report gives the white house some good news. we'll break down the numbers and what they could mean when it comes to the risk of a recession. you try crazy thingsgs... ...because you're crazy... ...and you like it. you get bigger... ...badder... ...faster. ♪ you can never have too much of a good thing... and power is a very good thing. ♪ at wayfair, there are millions of ways to refresh your space and the best way is your way. that's why we carry a large selection of kitchen faucets so that your little update can make a big differenc wayfair has all e easy upgrades from cabinet hardware toeel and stick tile. with flexible financing available on bathtubs, vanities and more, even your big projects are no big deal. because no one can make it yours quite like you. ♪ wayfair you got just what i need ♪ hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. ♪ feel stuck with credit card debt? 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c'mon, kev. you're earning 3% cash back. humor me. where is my wallet? i am paying. where is my wallet? i thought i gave it to you. oooohhh? oh, that's not it either. no. no. stop, i insist. that was good though. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. . the april jobs report just out morning showing the u.s. added 428,000 jobs last month, that's above what economists were predicting. the ecounemployment rate remain steady at 3.6%. joining me is jeremy diamond and matt egan. matt, this is a strong report. does it suggest that any talk of a recession is premature? >> bianna, talk of an imminent recession is premature. by many measures the u.s. economy remains strong. it's really impressive that payrolls are growing at such a rapid clip. the unemployment rate down to 3.6%, that is a remarkable i pru improvement from the peak of nearly 15% two years ago. if anything, though, the concerns that the jobs market and the economy are overheating and that the federal reserve is going to have to take drastic steps to put this fire out and i don't think anything about today's report really changes that narrative. in fact, it may reinforce some of those concerns. on the risk of a recession, it's important to emphasize that the concern is not necessarily an imminent recession that begins this year, it's whether or not in late 2023 and in 2024 as the fed keeps raising interest rates, it accident lally causes recession and i don't think we got clarity on that. >> it is difficult to taugout a strong economy when only 23% of americans say economic conditions are good right now. that's in stark contrast to what people tell us. the last time the numbers were viewed this poorly was 2011. what can the white house do? >> it's a struggle for the white house. this is the 12th straight month that you've seen monthly job growth above 400,000 jobs gained and yet every single month in at least the more recent months you've seen president biden both trying to talk about these record breaking numbers of jobs creation, near 50-year low of unemployment, millions of jobs created during his presidency but he always has to temper that, has the last several months had to temper that with the reality that americans are focused on, which is inflation. the statement from the president said there is still more work to do as it relates to inflation and he and the white house have been trying to convince americans that they are doing the work to try and combat that rising inflation but it's not convincing the public. you mentioned that poll number of 23% of americans they see the economy as doing well but there are other numbers from that same poll where a majority of americans believe that president biden's policies have actually hurt the economy. so there's this massive disconnect between some of these record numbers that we're seeing in terms of the strong jobs market versus what americans actually feel and how they perceive the economy to be doing and it's a big disconnection and gulf that the biden administration is attempting to mend. >> it's a big head scratcher. any other context you would have people celebrating this economy from the white house on down but americans doesn't seem to be feeling this growth. matt, wage growth seems to be down a bit. how worrisome is that with respect to inflation concern specifically? >> so wages are still growing rapidly, up 5.5% over the past 12 months. wages are hot but inflation is even hotter. 8.5% year over year for consumer prices, that's a 40-year high. if you adjust for inflation, real wages are declining, paychecks are not going as far as they used to and that is why people are so upset about inflation. we did see in today's report that inflation did cool off just a bit from the last nunns and that could ease some concerns about a wage price spiral where high inflation causes people too demand high wages and that leas to high wages and inflation and it could become a negative feedback loop. i think wages do remain growing a the a pace that's going to concern the fed and keep the fed from having to raise interest rates. >> jeremy, there's only so much the president can control at this point. all eyes really are on the fed. but given what he's being dealt with regards to china's tight zero covid policy continuing to be a strain on supply chains and now putin's war in ukraine having impacts on commodity prices on everything from oil to grains, what more can he do? >> well, where the white house does have control over some of those levers, they've really acted. supply chain is the top issue. we saw the white house focus on that early on. they had success in alleviating some of those supply chain issues. when it comes to inflation, we've heard president biden try and put so much of that on vladimir putin, talking about putin's price hike. we saw him release oil from the strategic petroleum reserve. but ultimately he's fairly limited. one of the biggest tools to come b combat inflation is monetary policy that is not controlled by the president or the federal reserve. we'll see if that rate that matt talked about impact on you inflation. there's a disconnect what is seen as in the president's hands, the president tends to get too much credit in some instances and too much blame in others, particularly in matters of inflation. >> jay powell said he's confident they can bring things down for a soft landing. we of course will continue to follow it all. still coming up, the fda now putting strict limits on who can get the johnson & johnson vaccine because of potential health risks. what that means for millions who already y took the shot. verizon is going ultra, so y yr business can get more. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? 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>> they should be reassured if they received the vaccine a while ago, as i did, that there is nothing to be concerned about, as in this rare blood clotting issue is seen usually within two weeks but certainly within three weeks of getting the vaccine. there are no long-term or medium-term side effects of the johnson & johnson vaccine or any of the other covid vaccines. so do not be concerned. that said, one thing to keep in mind, if you only got one johnson & johnson vaccine and not a booster, you should be getting that booster and not the johnson & johnson vaccine as a booster but one of. ot -- of the others as a booster. >> among the data they've been able to find among the 13 million children who developed covid could develop long covid. some are asomeymptomatic, some e long-term symptoms. what does long covid mean for kids? >> we know long covid does exist for kids as it do for adults. many of these studies are asking parents if their children have congestion or coughing a month after they had covid. well, maybe they had something else, another viral symptom. fatigue is something that's quite common. i think we really need to define what is long covid. and according to the cdc, 75% of children in this country have already had covid. if that's the case, what percentage actually have long covid. it can't be 10% of 75% are struggling with long covid. one of the key remaining questions we have, too, is what is the indencidence of long cov with reinfection. if your child is struggling with shortness of breath, fatigue, headaches and months after a diagnosis, that's when you should bring it up to your physician. >>. >> really important points you're making there. thank you. happy mother's day to you. we turn to china where the government is expanding covid lockdowns and ordering more mass testing in beijing's largest district. this is despite growing concerns that it could have ripple effects for the growing economy. celina? >> reporter: bianna, china is still doubling down on its zero covid strategy, enshuttven shut down entire cities because of one covid case. in beijing, the capital is only reporting around 14, 15 cases a day, it has effectively shut down its district, closed all nonessential businesses and schools and a negative pcr test is required to enter public areas and it continues to mass test it's nearly 20 million residents in multi- >> rounds. shanghai's more than million residents have been sealed in their homes for over a month. many unable to access food and medical care. these are rare sights in authoritarian china. while the restrictions in shanghai have started to relax in neighborhoods that have not reported any new covid cases for two weeks, the minute even one case is detected the, the whole neighborhood goes back into the lockdown. china's leader xi jinping said the country would, quote, unswervingly adhere to zero covid and ward against anyone who criticizes the policy. china's strict zero covid strategy involves these quarantine lock downs and incredibly strict border control rules. i am currently on a 21-day quarantine. all of this may sound extreme but in zero covid china, this is the reality. bianna. >> our celina wang, thank you. coming up, barriers going up around the supreme court. the security risks law enforcement officials s are warning about. that's next. a hunter. because you didn't't settle for ordinary. same goes for r your equipmen. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it. “few of us will ever dive so deep into our cars, but those who do venture down into the nuts and bolts...” “you have to give all of youelf when you do something, and that's when yo do your best.” for the best audio entertainment and storytelling. audible. imagine having to use the wrong tool at your job. 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>> reporter: right now we see physical proof that law enforcement officials in washington are concerned about the possibility that some of these first amendment activities could erupt, that protesters could clash and there could be possibly violence. here on my left you'll see the supreme court is basically at the front in case in this fence, i'm about 5'6". swing back to me. i'm about 5'6". this is a couple feet taller than me. it's a nonscapableleable fence, like the fence that went up after the january 6th riot. this is like muscle memory whenever they are concerned that there could be an eruption in violence. to the right, there is law enforcement here outside the supreme court, as well as concrete barriers. it's not just here in washington, bianna. law enforcement officials held a call with about 150 participants all across the country alerting state and local agencies about demonstrations that have resulted in confrontations, the possibility of future confrontations as well as an uptick in social media chatter. the concern here is that there are members of law enforcement who are tracking some concerning and threatening language that suggests that violence is possible against abortion providers, abortion clinics, members of the judiciary, including the justices. senator john cornyn joined by senator chris coombs have introduced a bill that would expand the supreme court police authority to offer security for the justices' families. the point here is that law enforcement in washington is taking this possibility that this opinion in roe v. wade could result in very passionate feelings on both sides and there's a concern that could erupt into violence so now taking the most aggressive posture. >> on high alert. whitney wilde, thank you. let's turn to the use of mail order abortion pills. tom foreman has more. >> reporter: for those intent on ending abortions in parts of the united states, the biggest barrier may now not be politics but pills, which researchers say are effective, available and now used for more than half of all abortions. >> abortion activists have been quietly building a whole new business model to target young women on their phones, to click, get information and receive abortion drug by mail. >> reporter: the food and drug administration approved mail order supplies of the so-called abortion bill with a prescription this past december for women in the first ten weeks of pregnancy. advocates insist it is less invasive, more discrete and just as safe as surgical abortion. >> people choose this for various reasons. they want to be able to manage their abortion in their own home with their family and in surroundings that they're comfortable with. >> we have seen an incredible increase of requests of help. people are really, really scared of what's going to happen. >> reporter: that's why some abortion rights supporters such as women on waves based in the netherlands say they are already facilitating shipments of the drug to women in far flung corners of the u.s. and promise to step up the efforts no matter where those women are and what the law says. >> i have a medical oath to do this. i am a doctor. my oath is that i help people that in need and that is what i am doing. >> reporter: in many states where lawmakers are trying to stamp out abortion rights, the simple truth is they have w written a lot of special lines in their laws to keep outside providers of these pills from accessing their population. but abortion rights defenders say it's only five little pills and they believe there is a way to get them to the women they see in need. tom foreman, cnn, washington. and coming up, powerful storms bringing tornadoes, floods and hail to several states. this drone video showing just some of the tornado damage in oklahoma. we'll show you where the severe weather is headed up next. hold and seal. clinically proven to give strongest hold, plus seals out 5x more food particles. fear no od. new poligrip power hold and seal. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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[irish music plays] nice. what's going on here? i said get a pro. i did get a pro. orkin pro. i got you. got ants? don't call any pro, call the orkin pro. orkin. the best in pests. we turn to israel where three victims of a gun and ax attack in a city were buried today following a huge funeral procession. we're learning more about them as well as the names of the two suspects in the attack. our cnn correspondent is live in jerusalem, and the attacks happening as the country celebrates its independence day. >> yeah. the three people who were buried today, three men in their 40s, the victims of the attack all of them fathers, between them 16 children left behind. the attack took place on israel independence day at 8:30 p.m. in a very quiet mainly religious town. it's not far from the west bank, but it's a quiet town that's not known to be a place of this sort of violence. for an 8:30 p.m. two suspects began seemingly randomly attacking people using an ax or knife. four people are still fighting for their lives. the suspects fled in a vehicle and there's been a massive man hunt underway for them. there have been roadblocks. helicopters have been hovers, drones are being used. israeli suspects named them as two palestinians from the west bank. a 19-year-old and a 20-year-old. this is the sixth attack targeting israelis since late march. 18 people have been dilled as a result of the attacks. this is been a violent intense month and a half or so. the israeli has raised their counterterrorism, and at least two dozen palestinians have been killed mostly as a result of clashes with israeli security forces. we've seen an increase in clashes between palestinians -- this is a place known as temple mount. the jews, a place holy to jews and muslims. while there was a hope that the end of ramadan would bring calm to the situation and across israel, and the palestinian territories, israeli officials told me they still expected a few more days of tension and potentially violence because of days like israeli independence day and also keep in mind, that next week is the one-year anniversary of the 11-day war between hamas and militants in gaza and the israeli army that was sparked in part by the clashes like those we've been seeing at the compound. >> thank you. also developing at this hour, a man on a flight from california to chicago is facing a reckless conduct charge according to police. the man opened the emergency exit door as a united flight was taxiing to the gate and climbed on to the wing and slid down on to the tarmac. the incident occurred on a united airlines flight from san diego. they say the ground crew stopped the individual. when the plane arrived at the gate, all passengers deplaned sa safely zsevere weather. powerful storms have brought tornadoes, floods and hail to several states. this drone video capturing widespread tornado damage in oklahoma. cnn meteorologist live with an update on what to expect today and throughout mother's day weekend. a rainy weekend here in the northeast for us. >> yeah. especially a cold one for mother's day as well up there across the northeast. so we have this severe weather that was in the midwest all week. now it has moved to the east. now, it isn't as severe. we're not expecting that a large tornadoes they saw out there, but there are just more people in the way of even smaller events. that's the real key here. and why we've been watching this from virginia beach all the way down to the gulf coast. that's the area of concern as the day heats up. not much going on right now. there are some showers across the gulf coast, but other than that, really nothing yet popping up. we are going to watch this storm. watch the circulation of these cells. when i put this into motion. they begin to come to the north. we get storms in d.c. all the way down to hampton roads and as far south as the florida gulf coast. behind this is what is going to really ruin mother's day for the north eastern cities. in d.c. to charlotte, later on tonight, and then it continues to spin. here's your saturday afternoon and evening, and that is bringing that cold air down. so you never truly warm up until monday or tuesday. boston, new york, d.c., will all be cold. philadelphia for sure. where the middle part of the country is going to have something the exact opposite and temperatures there will rise to nearly 100 degrees in some cities. we're watching for heavy rain across parts of the poconos and alle alleghenys. watch out for the flash flooding potential there. >> so here's the weather across the northeast over the next few. and i'm sorry, moms. i just can't get things to warm up here, and back out to the west, it's the really truly the exact opposite. the cold air much colder air than normal here in the northeast. it all goes away by monday and tuesday. that's not much of a help for you. down here to the south and deep south, temperatures make a run at 100 and even over in some spots. >> bad weather ever the reason to now call your mom and wish them a happy mother's day if you were not planning on doing that. happy mother's day to everyone at home. chad myers, thank you so much. and thank you all for watching. 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, Russians , Credibility , Argument , History , Bad Blood , May The 9th , Area , Wave , Owl , Civil Warri Warrish , 2014 , Thing , Lots , Azovstal Complex , Mind , Denaziification , Azovstal Battalion , Parades , Devastation , Pr R For Puti , City , Parents , Soviet Union , Significance , Importance , World , Nazis , Millions , Rest , Crazy , Soviets , Germany , Soviet Union Over Pazzy , Core , Number One , World War Ii , Ideology , Image , Savior , Element , Angst , Emotion , What S Going On , Trueing , Rehabilitation Of Stalin , Concept , Militarization , Society , Nation , Numbers , Recession , Context , Risk , Jobs Report , Coming Up , White House , News , Crazy Thingsgs , Badder , Faster , Power , Space , Wayfair , More , Update , E , Bathtubs , Cabinet , Kitchen Faucets , Stick Tile , Selection , Vanities , Financing , Big Differenc Wayfair , Hardware Toeel , Work , Everywhere , Projects , Deal , Safe , Someone , Everything , Anything , Anywhere , Nobody , Heart Health , Mother , Mom , Feel , Kit , Health Info , Health , Credit Card Debt , Journey , 50 , 0 , Money , Move , Debt , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Sofi , Personal Loan , Pain , Tightness , Stinging , Reactions , Infections , Ability , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Skin , Majority , 16 , 90 , 5 , Vaccine , Symptoms , Infection , Doctor , Community Garden , Lemons , Nose , Relief , Take Off , Member , Cash , Takeout , Travels , Expedia , Dining , Chase Freedom Unlimited , 3 , Bill , Wallet , Cash Back , You Guys Aren T Gonna , C Mon , Kev , Humor Me , Oooohhh , Stop , Fee , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Chase , Jobs , 428000 , Rate , Economists , Jeremy Diamond , Matt Egan , Ecounemployment , 3 6 , Economy , Measures , Unemployment Rate , Payrolls , Clip , Peak , Improvement , Concerns , Overheating , Reserve , Steps , Fire , Fact , Jobs Market , 15 , Concern , Interest Rates , Fed , 2023 , 2024 , Accident Lally , Clarity , Contrast , Conditions , 23 , Struggle , Job Growth , 2011 , 400000 , 12 , President , Unemployment , Low , Jobs Creation , Inflation , Reality , Presidency , Statement , Poll Number , Public , Disconnect , Record Numbers , Policies , Terms , Poll , Gulf , Disconnection , Head , Doing , Scratcher , Mend , Bit , Inflation Concern , Wage Growth , Growth , Doesn T , Respect , Wages , Consumer Prices , 40 , 8 5 , Paychecks , High , Nunns , Leas , Wage Price Spiral , Pace , Loop , Feedback , China , Oil , Commodity Prices , Strain , Supply Chains , Impacts , Given , Regards , Eyes , Zero Covid Policy Continuing , Zero , Issue , Levers , Grains , Success , Supply Chain , Supply Chain Issues , Price Hike , Strategic Petroleum Reserve , Policy , B Combat Inflation , Tools , Impact , Hands , Things , Jay Powell , Credit , Matters , Instances , Blame , Johnson , Fda , Potential Health Risks , Limits , Landing , Sleep Number , Sleep , Business , Bed , Shot , Ultra , Sale , Verizon , 360 , Care , Smart Bed , Science , Temperature Lancing , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Interest , Don T , Price , Weekend Special , Miss , Queen , Ends Monday , January 2025 , 00 , 1299 , 2025 , 299 , Patients , Adults , Myasthenia Gravis , Treatment , Animals , Friends , Family Photos , Storm , Activities , Unknown , Neurologist , Answer , Worry , Teamwork , Crashes , Uncertainty , Exploration , Data Points , Straps , Answers , Innovation , Ice Bath , Mayo Clinic , Hrv , Fund , Rem Sleep , Training Optimization Tech , Innovations , Recovery , Investor In , Invesco Qqq , Nasdaq 100 , Uh , 100 , Helen , Exercise , Diabetes , Activity , Glucose , Libre 2 , 2 , Subway , Refresh , Medicare , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Italians , A1c , Italian Food , Meats , Smell , Italy , Mozza Meat , Restrictions , Pandemic , Refres , Side Effect , Covid , Reaction , 18 , Vaccines , Show , Announcement , Analysis , Mrna , Dr , Blood Clots , Wenn She , Pfizer , Alliance , Blood Disorder , Moderna , Clinicians , Circumstances , Choice , Case , Country , Nothing , Cases , Blood Clotting , Doses , Luck , Three , Questions , Doctors , 19 Million , Side Effects , Any , Booster , Data , Asomeymptomatic , 13 Million , Kids , Many , Fatigue , Something Else , Congestion , Coughing , Studies , 75 , Cdc , 75 , 10 , Long Cov With Reinfection , Indencidence , Long Covid , Child , Headaches , Breath , Shortness , Diagnosis , Lockdowns , Mass Testing , Physician , Beijing , District , Ripple Effects , Our Celina Wang , Capital , Cities , One Covid , Zero Covid Strategy , Enshuttven , Businesses , Schools , 14 , Residents , Pcr Test , Homes , Areas , Shanghai , 20 Million , Neighborhoods , Sights , Neighborhood , Xi Jinping , Lockdown , Zero Covid , Ward , Quarantine Lock Downs , Border Control Rules , Quote , Quarantine , 21 , Supreme Court , Barriers , Law Enforcement Officials , Security , Warning , Equipmen , T , Hunter , Versatile , Few , Powerful , Cars , Kubota , Storytelling , Best , Bolts , Audio Entertainment , Who , Do Venture , Youelf , Tool , Audible , Music , Company , Job , Hr , Employees , Software , Hr Data , Payroll , Single , Schedule A Demo Today , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Home , Allstate , Isn T , Auto Insurance , Booyah , Tank , Working From Home , Sure , Casa , 25 , Bottles , Waste , You Weren T Kidding , Beverage Companies , Auto , Quote Today , Head Nods , Environment , Let S Circle Back , Same , Circle , Plastic , Plastics , Caps , Material , Recyclable , Customers , Payments , Bottle , Godaddy , Transaction Fees , Bongos , Chest , Violence , Roe V Wade , Washington D C , Ring , Leak , Abortion Rights , Police , Group Planning , Whitney Wilde , Support , Calls , Capitol , Washington , Possibility , Proof , Amendment , Protesters , Left , Fence , Feet , Front , Nonscapableleable , 6 , Right , Law Enforcement Here Outside The Supreme Court , Eruption , Muscle Memory , January 6th Riot , January 6th , Confrontations , Demonstrations , Country Alerting State , Call , Participants , Agencies , Concrete Barriers , 150 , Law Enforcement , Language , Abortion Providers , Uptick , Abortion Clinics , Social Media Chatter , John Cornyn , Justices , Judiciary , Chris Coombs Have , Supreme Court Police Authority , Families , Sides , Feelings , Opinion , Posture , Thank You , Let , On High , Abortion , Pills , Abortions , Mail Order , Tom Foreman , Intent , Politics , Parts , Use , Barrier , Half , Business Model , Phones , Abortion Activists , Drug , Prescription , Supplies , Mail , Abortion Bill , Pregnancy , Ten , Reasons , Family , Surroundings , Increase , Supporters , Netherlands , Requests , Women On Waves , Shipments , Efforts , Corners , Promise , Matter , States , Oath , Need , Law , Lawmakers , Lines , Abortion Rights Defenders , Providers , Laws , Written A Lot , Five , Tornadoes , Storms , Hail , Floods , Drone Video Showing , Weather , Tornado Damage , Oklahoma , Seal , Hold , Food Particles , Seals , Od , Poligrip Power Hold , Servicenow Platform , Last , Return , Flow , Office , Challenge , Workplace , Ants , Servicenow , Pro , I Got You , Orkin Pro , Call The Orkin , Irish , Orkin , Pests , Attack , Victims , Suspects , Israel , Ax , Correspondent , Gun , Names , Funeral Procession , Independence Day , Attacks , Buried Today , Fathers , Jerusalem , Their 40s , Place , Town , Israel Independence Day , Sort , West Bank , 30 , 8 , Knife , Lives , Vehicle , Four , Palestinians , Man Hunt , Roadblocks , Drones , Hovers , Helicopters , 19 , Result , Israelis , Dilled , 20 , Clashes , Counterterrorism , Israeli Security Forces , Hope , End , Holy , Situation , Calm , Jews , Temple Mount , Muslims , Palestinian Territories , Militants , Tension , Hamas , Gaza , 11 , Man , Flight , Israeli Army , Compound , Chicago , California , Gate , Incident , Conduct , Charge , Wing , Tarmac , Taxiing , Emergency Exit Door , United Airlines , Plane , Individual , Passengers , Ground Crew , San Diego , Drone Video , Meteorologist , Northeast , Cold One , Midwest , East , Gulf Coast , Virginia Beach , Circulation , Showers , Cells , Motion , North , D C , Florida Gulf Coast , Hampton Roads , To Charlotte , Evening , Boston , Monday Or Tuesday , New York , Philadelphia , Temperatures , Flash Flooding Potential , Alle Alleghenys , Heavy Rain , Poconos , Moms , Opposite , Spots , Wish , Deep South , Dad , Trust Safelite , Watching , Glass , Daughter , Chad Myers , Inside Politics K , Crack , Windshield , Car , Safelite , He Wouldn T , Smash , D , Safety System , Features , Anywhere E Pop Rock Music Tech , Pull Over , Tech , Automatic Emergency Braking , Wewe , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Thanks , Jade , Safelite Repair , Aftefarmer , Dog , Weight , Advenres , Don T Worry , Longlivedogs Com Shhhh , Lexus Rx , Lease Cash , Lease Programs , 2022 , 1500 , Caesar , Pssst Julius , Team , Ringcentral , Hi Caesar , Bottom Line , Business Owner , Comcast Business Mobile , Contracts , Data Plans , Term , Service , Pay , Line Activation Fees , Gig , 5g Network , Internet , Freedom , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities Tm , Rights , Extremist Politicians , Abortion Provider , Congress , Texas , Pay Equity , Emily Beach , Map , Bragging Rights , Morning Jobs , Factory , Ohio ,

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