Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240707 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240707

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the chief justice john roberts about the leak of the draft opinion that overturns roe v. wade. one democratic senator saying that's not all that's appalling. >> the fundamentally republicans don't give a rip about women. and the manhunt widens, tips coming in about an alabama corrections officer and a dangerous inmate who fled a county jail one week ago. >> we've gotten several hundred and, you know, to be quite honest, you know, all the four corners of the united states we've gotten tips. >> we have all the latest twomts tw tw developments on that story. president volodymyr zelenskyy warning that the shelling at the steel plant is not stopping. cnn's scott mclean has the la latest. >> reporter: this is the last bastian of ukrainian resistance in mariupol, the steel plant under what a city official calls nonstop shelling and assault by russian forces. inside an untold number of civilians are still trapped as a bloody battle rages. the commander of ukrainian troops in the plant saying thursday fierce combat is ongoing. after he says russian forces breached the compound's barrier, the commander begging for transport of the bodies of soldiers who have died in weeks of violence at the complex. pleas for more evacuations of civilians still trapped inside. the united nations says it's hard to know exactly how many remain, but they are trying to send help. >> the convoy is proceeding to get to asser stall hopefully to receive those civilians remaining in that bleak hell that they have inhabited for so many weeks and months, and taken back to safety. >> reporter: on thursday putin promised safe pazzage for civilians out of mariupol and the kremlin denied an assault. ukrainian troops say the plant is a final holdout for mariupol's last defenders as the enemy closes in. an exceptionally bitter fight for a city that's vital to putin's war effort in ukraine. full control over mariupol completes a russian-controlled land corridor between its mainland and russian controlled crimea. it also means russian access to the port city's key export hubs on the black sea, a major blow to ukraine whose remaining soldiers fight at all costs to protect the strategically important city. inside the steel plant, ukrainian forces singing a battle hymn. it's sweeter to die in battle than to live in chains as slaves they chant, prepared to fight for mariupol and ukraine until the bitter end. scott mclean cnn, lviv, ukraine. >> i want to bring in cnn military analyst and retired air force colonel cedric leighton, thank you once again for joining us. sources are saying tonight that the u.s. provided the intel that allowed ukrainian forces to target and sink the musculomeniscus coe va last month. is that information more deadly than giving ukraine more fighter jets? >> it can be, and let's go take a look at the muskova. this was the big command ship that the russians had for the black sea fleet, and when you see the result of exactly what happened this was intelligence at work and whether it was us that provided it as the reports indicate or they got it from some other sources or they combined it this still had major results. intelligence can be deadly, especially if used in this way. >> the news from defenders still inside mariupol harrowing with the plant under significant shelling. will shelling alone be enough to force them out? >> i don't think so directly, of course it really depends, don, on how much food they have left, how much ammunition they have left and when you look at the plant right here, you see some of the developments when it comes to, you know, how the plant is being attacked. it is going to be tough for them. there are a lot of cavernous rooms. six floors down below. see the explosions right there. this is the kind of thing that can happen here, that people can actually survive for quite some time, but they need food, they need water, and in this case they need ammunition in order to do it. it could take a while before it's actually completely subdued. >> if mariupol falls, colonel, what is ukraine's best hope to defend their remaining coastal areas? >> so when you look at the big map here and you see what they have, the best thing that they can do is keep everything -- keep the russians away from this area right here. keep them away from the rest of the area to the west of kherson and obviously keep them away from odesa. this is going to require so many different aspects of force. they're going to have to really draw the russians down into areas here. they're going to have to try to keep them out of this area, and they're going to have to try to keep them out of here. that's really what they're going to have to do. it's not going to be easy to do that. with the weapons systems that they're being provided, this could allow them to do some of that at least. >> so the pentagon assessing that russian forces have made some small progress in the donbas, even as we have seen ukrainians gaining ground around kha kharkiv, are can defenders not afford to lose ground in the coming days, colonel? >> you look at the map of the donbas, this is what you have here. you have kharkiv right up here and where the ukrainians have to be really careful is to keep their forces that are a raid against the russians this way and this way, they have to keep them from getting surrounded. this is going to be really tough. once the russians move their forces out of mariupol is and we know that they've moved most of them out, that they only have two battalion tactical groups still in mariupol, what's going to happen is they're going to take those forces and as soon as they're replenished, they're going to move them up probably in this direction. so the ukrainians have to make sure that they block the russians at every turn right here in order to keep this area from becoming a russian-controlled area. >> the ukrainian forces have been getting replenished with fresh supplies and cutting edge drones. how much of an edge does this give ukraine since russia's been facing issues resupplying their own forces from their stockpiles? >> that's >> that's right, don. these are really critical because they've got a radar associated with them that allows the ukrainians -- will allow the ukrainians to actually track what fires are coming at them. in other words, when they're being shot at you wil, they'll to pinpoint where those utility rounds are coming are from and be able to take out those rounds with the radar coupled with these weapons systems. that's one part. of course with the drones, this is the s-600, and there are other drones like the ghost drones, the phoenix ghost drones that have been developed by the u.s. afir force. when these are used, they will provide more pinpoint accuracy for the ukrainians. when that happens, this is going to help enable the ukrainians to achieve those goals that we talked about earlier, which means keep the russians where they're at, make sure they don't move any further, and if possible, push them back to where they came from. >> colonel leighton, thanks as all, appreciate it. >> you bet, don. i want to turn to the harrowing story of a ukrainian soldier injured fighting for mariupol and held captive in russia. cnn's nick paton walsh now with more. >> reporter: this is how his war ends, but if you told him he was lucky, he'd probably agree. he fought for mariupol in the other steel factory since the war began, put tuourniquets on friends, felt the heat of russian tanks blasting his building, he survived but only just here. after 17 days as a wounded prisoner in russia. >> very often when i close my eyes i see that moment when the tank was firing at me, and my side getting injured. on the day of my injury, one of my boys, a machine gunner was killed. every time it's personal. every time i heard it over the walkie-talkie, it would conjure memories of him. >> his mind also in pieces, left grappling with the fragments of the worst fighting in europe in decades. >> translator: you know there's a point when the brain accepts it, seeing the phosphor rous missiles, seeing aviation flying in. when this became normal, that was scary. we learned how to fall asleep with this accompaniment, instead it became scary to fall asleep in the silence. >> reporter: two moments though, haunt him here. >> translator: the first time i used tourniquets on my friend, and the second scene is this, we saw aviation destroying whole ha han hangars, watching a huge hangar to have nothing left in just seconds. this has really been engraved on my memory. >> reporter: wounded on april 10th, when he refwand cgained consciousness, he was not where he thought he was. >> translator: first time i found out i was held captive was when we were inside an ambulance. me and another guy with similar injuries. he asked are you ours? and they replied. it is unclear now who you mean by ours now. they said i was under the guard of the ministry of state security of the separatist dpr, but it was scarier when i got to the separatist hospital. i was told by a russian soldier you'll have to forget ukrainian now. you will only get help if you ask in russian. >> reporter: the russians kept him alive so they could exchange him for their own. >> translator: there were two of us bedridden so we had to be fed by nurses, so they would say because of you my son got killed. i tried to be understanding, but they were accusing us of things we never did and we had russian news read to us all the time in the morning and evening. that was a lot of pressure on the mind, a distortion of reality. >> on april the 27th, the exchange happened, and he was put on a plane. his pelvis crushed, his lower jaw broken, brain concussed, but he can still feel his legs. >> translator: and i also have problems with my eyes because of constant bright flashes and dust, so at first they were glazed. then they opened. for now i still can't see with my left, and my right only silhouettes. my body was broken but not my spirit. my doctor says that i would be able to pick any new balance sneakers by autumn. that makes me happen. >> reporter: a remarkable story of courage, resilience, and ultimately hope of recovery there, and while the fighting around azovstal in mariupol is rightly the focus of so much attention right now, what happened to him at the plant a matter of weeks ago, he says is an example of how different ukraine treats its injured, its fall en to russia. there are multiple reports of russian troops left to die where they fell. his point is ukraine has done all it can to get him back to the motherland here. don. >> nick paton walsh, thank you very much. chief justice john roberts speaking out in the wake of the bomb shell draft opinion that would overturn roe v. wade, but what happens if a right americans have had for nearly 50 years is taken away? >> it is unconscionable what this decision will do to the american people. i do not think that 50% of america should be told 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adviser to george w. bush and john mccain and the executive producer of the circus. not lacking for material lately. thank you both for joining. i really appreciate it. good evening to you, jessica, i'm going to start with you. i'm going to get to chief justice roberts in just a minute. first, you've got some breaking news of potential violence in the wake of this leaked draft. what can you tell us about that? >> that's right. we're learning tonight that official here in d.c. are alerting law enforcement both here in d.c. and across the country for the potential for violence in the wake of this draft opinion being leaked. specifically we know there was an alert generated by the u.s. capitol police that's been reviewed by cnn, and it outlines the potential for violence from far right groups that are calling for violence against a planned protest that's being put together by people who support abortion rights. that's one piece of it. we also know what we're seeing with our eyes and that is that on wednesday they started putting up nonscaleable fencing outside the supreme court, and just tonight we've seen them now come back and put concrete barriers up around the supreme court as well. that is a key indicator of what they are preparing for. we also know that there was a call at the national fusion center association, and what that does is it really connects state and local officials across the country. it allows them to share some information skprgs it's something we're seeing in the wake of the january 6th attack here on the capitol where all of these different agencies can share information and hopefully keep people safe. of course, don, they're worried about everything from one law enforcement official saying they're obviously keeping a close eye on the security and safety of the nine justices, but also any sort of first amendment protected protests that might happen as well. >> the new yorker writes the supreme court justice samuel alito is surprised there is so little written about abortion in a 4,000 word document crafted by 55 men in 1787. there is nothing in that document about women at all. i've got to get your take on the circus of all of this. >> it's interesting you mention that quote of jill, i tweeted that out myself. she's a terrific legal mind and a great writer, which is in the new yorker, i believe. this just testifies to that the republicans have caught this car and they've been campaigning on it for years theoretically, but never thought about the ramifications of what it would mean for this policy that more than 70% of the country supports. here's the real problem, the decision itself is problematic. having, you know, produced and worked for the circus television show documenting what's happening in american politics in recent history, i'm really concerned about the cultural battle lines and where the republican party is headed with all this because there is no end. the problem is as we're seeing with this decision, states now are rushing to see which state can be the most conservative. no fetal heartbeat, no -- no 15-week period, no period at all criminalizing women's behavior, and so what i see happening in places when i just did our last episode in florida, when you look at, you know, at what's happening with books and what's happening with rewarding people for lying and penalizing the truth, what's happening in republican politics is that as i said, you're rewarded for lying, you're penalized for telling the truth, and in the politics of all this, what happens is the goal posts keep getting pushed further and further and further to the right on this cultural battlefield, and there's no end in sight. and the problem is they can't reel it back in, so just imagine where this all goes. >> but the right seems to be winning, mark. >> but with everything else. >> even with the goal post being pushed further to the right, they seem to be winning. look what's happening with voting rights. look what's happening with commissions, whatever the even legislation being put into place surrounding elections, and now what's happening with abortion. it seems that they're winning. it's a minority rule even though you say the goal posts are getting pushed further and further to the right, to the extreme. >> that's right, don. that's the problem. they are winning on this issue. that's emboldening them. this party is quickly not just having outliers like matt gaetz and marjorie taylor greene, it's becoming the party of matt gaetz and marjorie taylor greene. those are the policies, those are the voices that are dominating and increasingly because they show no consequence for their behavior that the party keeps drifting further and further in that direction, and listen, ultimately, it's a short-term strategy, but a long-term consequence, and obviously that's where i think the problem lies for the republican party. it also is where i see the advantage for the democratic party. >> yeah. listen, jessica, the chief justice speaking out tonight saying is concerned about the integrity of the courts. he's hoping that the leak doesn't cause people to lose the integrity of the courts b. u for the democrats, what's their last et plan to try to codify abortion rights? >> right. so that's what they're going to try to do, don. we're going to tell you right now, you have a 50/50 senate, that is just the reality of the situation here. they're going to set up a wednesday vote next week to codify abortion rights and take that vote, but the problem is they don't even -- we don't even know if they have the support of all the democrats in their party. joe manchin is a question mark there, but it doesn't matter because as we've talked about many times on this program, you have the filibuster, and that is a 60-vote threshold that they simply are not going to meet, and we know now that senator susan collins is also a no on that. she says it's just too broad of a measure that they want to push through. so this is just a messaging vote that we're going to see next week. it's a lot like what we saw, what they did with voting rights. that is just the political reality that senate democrats and democrats here on the hill are facing down, that they can only get so much done with a 50/50 senate. so they will push forward with this. we heard from leadership today, we heard from chuck schumer earlier, kirsten gillibrand and other democrats. they were very fired up, don, but there's only so much they can do with a 50/50 senate. >> jessica, mark, thank you both. appreciate it. >> thanks. >> what could the possible end of romine for the midterms? we're going to talk about that, ashley alison, alice stewart next. ter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. 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what kind of an impact will it have on the midterms? could it change turnout in swing states? >> i think it will. we are in an unprecedented time where a constitutional right has been ripped -- could be ripped if this decision is what we think it's going to be. from over half of the population. women who -- like myself who have only known a time when we have full autonomy over our body and what happens to our body and had access to abortion, and so to think that this would not have an impact on the midterm would really be underestimating american voters, and i'm not just saying democratic voters. i mean republican voters. we know 69% of the population supports a woman's right to choose. those are not just democrats. those are independents. those are black people and brown people and women and men and so i think that this could really be the thing to charge up the democratic base, but also awaken a population that doesn't always engage in our democracy and say we are not going to let the court take us backwards, and we're going to hold people accountable who allow the justices who are writing this opinion to be on the highest court by taking them out of office. >> alice, so in that 69% that ashley mentioned, almost 70%, there are some republicans in there as well against overturning roe v. wade. should republican candidates be worried that democrats are going to make this their rallying cry come november? >> republicans can expect this to be a rallying cry for democrats, and we're already seeing that play out, and look, it's clear that abortion and a woman's right to choose is an important issue for democrats and those who are pro-choice, and i do expect them to use this as a way to galvanize voters as we head already into the prim primaries, but certainly as we head into november. also on the flip side, republicans have for decades, don, you know thris, used judicial appointments at the federal and supreme court level to rally voters behind this important issue. but even more so than that, the pro-life movement is going to galvanize on this issue. but also at the same time as we're heading into this primary season, don, it's not just what's going on with the high court but is the low approval and the low confidence in the democratic agenda that's really going to turn out republican voters as we head to november, everywhere we look, whether we're talking about inflation or jobs or crime or crisis at the border or foreign policy, it's not good for democrats. it's not a good platform for them to run on. that's why we're seeing president biden with a 40% approval rating. those are the issues that are going to really turn out republican voters, and i'm not talking just about the congressional and senate races but most importantly on the state level, they're going to turn out a lot of republicans, even more so now that we're turning the power of the pro-life issue to the state level if roe were to be overturned. >> well, this is, listen, perfect segue to my next question, ashley. james carville, right, democratic strategist for a long time was on cnn earlier, had this to say about the conservative justices on the supreme court. >> to date they have no fear of democrats. that's why they do this. democrats, you got to understand just what a huge event this is in american politics. democrats have won a popular vote in seven out of eight popular elections. roe is over two to one in approval, and alito and them said we don't care. we're not fair and we don't care and all the democrats are going to do is sit around and talking about veganism and pronouns, and to some extent, that is a justified opinion that they have. >> so hearing that, i mean, does he have a point? is this partly the fault of democrats themselves that they did not take this seriously enough, did not fight back seriously enough, were not strong enough on this issue as they were not on voting rights, et cetera? >> well, i think this has been a long-term plan. we know that for decades as alice mentioned, the gop has run on overturning roe, but it never really felt like it was possible, even though many advocates waved the flag and said we need to be careful. we need to be careful. this is not about democrats being weak. this is about people feeling like the system is not working for them. >> ashley, i understand what you're saying, but part of what your answer is an admission you just said that people didn't believe that it was going to happen and those were probably democrats. many of those people were democrats, didn't believe that it was going to happen. had they taken it seriously could they have fought against it, is this in part quite honestly the fault of dmemocrat for not fighting hard enough to keep a woman's right to choose as something that is legal? >> i don't think it's the fault of democrats for conservative justices overturning roe. i think that we also have to -- if we look back at the hearings, these justices said they were precedent. they said that they would not overturn this law, and they lied in their confirmation hearings. it's unacceptable to have justices who are supposed to uphold precedent. this has been law for decades and to say that it's democrats' fault for not codifying roe, i just think is unfair. now, there is an opportunity, we have a huge threshold to get over of the filibuster for democrats to codify it now. what i actually would say to democrats if they are looking towards the midterm and what to do, they should make this an issue, but not just an issue about abortion. abortion is also an economic issue, so when we talk about the everyday issues of voters, democrats do have a responsibility this psych and will in future cycles to connect the dots that abortion is about economics. abortion is about access to health care, abortion is about providing autonomy for your own body, and i think if joe biden, if the senate, if the house members to the state delegates, to the city council, if they actually start talking about this issue the way voters can connect it, i think it will prove well for them. but i'm not going to blame democrats for conservative justices overturning decade long precedent. >> thank you, ashley. thank you, alice. unfortunately, that's all the time we have. we'll have you back. this conversation is going to continue. i appreciate both of you. hundreds of tips from all four corners of the country. now u.s. marshals are releasing new photos of a missing alabama inmate and the corrections officer believed to have helped him escape and what she may look like disguised. n't worry about ! this'll be fun. 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>> well, he would be difficult to disguise up, even in the era of covid where everybody's wearing masks. she could be pretty incons inconspicuous, i think. she's not that distinctive. she could change her hair color. she could wear a mask, but i'm not sure she's still around. i mean, toyou have to consider e possibility that she is -- you know, that he has done with her what he's done with other people that have been associated with him, other girlfriends if you will. but i think they're probably underground right now, don, as i mentioned earlier, i think they may be watching the news shows, they may be watching social media, the internet. she has $100,000 to work with, and they had quite a head start. >> yeah, it's interesting if you were going to disguise someone, like him if he were going to disguise himself he'd have to sit down, maybe a wheelchair where he's not standing where people don't notice his height. so i spoke with a sheriff last night. he told me he expects they will change vehicle since the description of their car had accidentally been released to the public. between releasing the car information and now these photos of what vicky white could look like disguised, could putting all of this out publicly tip them off to what authorities are up to? i guess it's yes since you said they're probably watching? >> yeah, i think they've been tipped off for quite a while now. putting out the car description was a bungle. it wasn't supposed to happen. it was supposed to go only to law enforcement. that would have given law enforcement the edge. they would have at least been somewhat complacent about their vehicle. that was a mistake. i think the plan all along given that long lead up to her planning, her selling her house, her buying the car and that sort of thing, it's not a stretch of the imagination to think that she's already rented a house somewhere, maybe up in the mountains somewhere remote where they can just lay low and monitor activities and see what -- you know, wait for things to die down. >> sheriff singleton is clarifying that vicky white and casey white had contact only via phone while the inmate was in state prison. the sheriff saying that information previously released that she had visited him in prison, that that was incorrect. the sheriff said that their relationship has been going on for at least two years. how is it possible that it went on that long, no authorities noticed or if they didn't notice, if they did notice, they just didn't say anything? >> yeah, i mean, she was in a position of authority. she was the assistant director of corrections, which put her in a position where nobody really questioned what she did. if she wanted to, you know, take phone calls from an inmate, i don't know that anybody would really question her. they didn't question her when she waltzed out the door by herself with a 6'9" prisoner who was about to face capital murder charges. so i mean, i'm not going to -- i like this sheriff. he's very candid, but i don't get the sense that this was a very tight operation at this jail, and i think there was a lot of familiarity, very rural area, county jails can sometimes get that way. so it's not -- i don't think it's a stretch to think that they were in touch by phone. i actually think they probably had more personal contact than what we're hearing about. >> relatives, chris, and co-workers of vicky white have expressed shock and disbelief that the sheriff described her as a model employee with an unblemished record. what do you think could lead someone to do? and listen, it's not the first time that we've seen it, but what leads people to do this? >> yeah, if you study up on her, she lived by herself on five acres next to her parents. her husband divorced -- they divorced quite a while back, but he passed away last year. what i see here is someone who's probably lonely. i'm not a behavioral scientist. we had folks in the fbi at quantico that did that for a living, but i see a person who did not have close friends it appears, did not have, you know, romantic interest in her life. she's in her late 50s, he was in his late 30s, and i think someone was paying attention to her. even though it was an inmate, it was someone who was obviously grooming her over the course of time and i think at that point she was very susceptible to it. >> casey white is considered an extremely dangerous man. how do you think this is going to end, chris? >> yeah, i hope it ends well for vicky white because this guy has a history. everything he touches dies it seems like, a former girlfriend committed suicide, they've reopened that case. he admitted to a murder for hire, stabbing. he got in high speed chases, kidnappings, assaulted a former girlfriend. this is a thoroughly dangerous individual. he's 6'9", he shot it out before with the cops, 100 miles an hour chase. unfortunately i don't see this ending well. i think he's not out and about moving. eventually they will have to. i think when that happens, i don't think it's going to go down well. >> chris sweker, appreciate it, thank you, sir. >> thank you, don. amber heard on the stand defending herself. she testifies nothing she did made him stop hitting her. >> by this point in our relationship we're both saying awful things to each other, screaming at each other, and unfortunately, when johnny would start hitting me, he'd just win. 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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240707

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the chief justice john roberts about the leak of the draft opinion that overturns roe v. wade. one democratic senator saying that's not all that's appalling. >> the fundamentally republicans don't give a rip about women. and the manhunt widens, tips coming in about an alabama corrections officer and a dangerous inmate who fled a county jail one week ago. >> we've gotten several hundred and, you know, to be quite honest, you know, all the four corners of the united states we've gotten tips. >> we have all the latest twomts tw tw developments on that story. president volodymyr zelenskyy warning that the shelling at the steel plant is not stopping. cnn's scott mclean has the la latest. >> reporter: this is the last bastian of ukrainian resistance in mariupol, the steel plant under what a city official calls nonstop shelling and assault by russian forces. inside an untold number of civilians are still trapped as a bloody battle rages. the commander of ukrainian troops in the plant saying thursday fierce combat is ongoing. after he says russian forces breached the compound's barrier, the commander begging for transport of the bodies of soldiers who have died in weeks of violence at the complex. pleas for more evacuations of civilians still trapped inside. the united nations says it's hard to know exactly how many remain, but they are trying to send help. >> the convoy is proceeding to get to asser stall hopefully to receive those civilians remaining in that bleak hell that they have inhabited for so many weeks and months, and taken back to safety. >> reporter: on thursday putin promised safe pazzage for civilians out of mariupol and the kremlin denied an assault. ukrainian troops say the plant is a final holdout for mariupol's last defenders as the enemy closes in. an exceptionally bitter fight for a city that's vital to putin's war effort in ukraine. full control over mariupol completes a russian-controlled land corridor between its mainland and russian controlled crimea. it also means russian access to the port city's key export hubs on the black sea, a major blow to ukraine whose remaining soldiers fight at all costs to protect the strategically important city. inside the steel plant, ukrainian forces singing a battle hymn. it's sweeter to die in battle than to live in chains as slaves they chant, prepared to fight for mariupol and ukraine until the bitter end. scott mclean cnn, lviv, ukraine. >> i want to bring in cnn military analyst and retired air force colonel cedric leighton, thank you once again for joining us. sources are saying tonight that the u.s. provided the intel that allowed ukrainian forces to target and sink the musculomeniscus coe va last month. is that information more deadly than giving ukraine more fighter jets? >> it can be, and let's go take a look at the muskova. this was the big command ship that the russians had for the black sea fleet, and when you see the result of exactly what happened this was intelligence at work and whether it was us that provided it as the reports indicate or they got it from some other sources or they combined it this still had major results. intelligence can be deadly, especially if used in this way. >> the news from defenders still inside mariupol harrowing with the plant under significant shelling. will shelling alone be enough to force them out? >> i don't think so directly, of course it really depends, don, on how much food they have left, how much ammunition they have left and when you look at the plant right here, you see some of the developments when it comes to, you know, how the plant is being attacked. it is going to be tough for them. there are a lot of cavernous rooms. six floors down below. see the explosions right there. this is the kind of thing that can happen here, that people can actually survive for quite some time, but they need food, they need water, and in this case they need ammunition in order to do it. it could take a while before it's actually completely subdued. >> if mariupol falls, colonel, what is ukraine's best hope to defend their remaining coastal areas? >> so when you look at the big map here and you see what they have, the best thing that they can do is keep everything -- keep the russians away from this area right here. keep them away from the rest of the area to the west of kherson and obviously keep them away from odesa. this is going to require so many different aspects of force. they're going to have to really draw the russians down into areas here. they're going to have to try to keep them out of this area, and they're going to have to try to keep them out of here. that's really what they're going to have to do. it's not going to be easy to do that. with the weapons systems that they're being provided, this could allow them to do some of that at least. >> so the pentagon assessing that russian forces have made some small progress in the donbas, even as we have seen ukrainians gaining ground around kha kharkiv, are can defenders not afford to lose ground in the coming days, colonel? >> you look at the map of the donbas, this is what you have here. you have kharkiv right up here and where the ukrainians have to be really careful is to keep their forces that are a raid against the russians this way and this way, they have to keep them from getting surrounded. this is going to be really tough. once the russians move their forces out of mariupol is and we know that they've moved most of them out, that they only have two battalion tactical groups still in mariupol, what's going to happen is they're going to take those forces and as soon as they're replenished, they're going to move them up probably in this direction. so the ukrainians have to make sure that they block the russians at every turn right here in order to keep this area from becoming a russian-controlled area. >> the ukrainian forces have been getting replenished with fresh supplies and cutting edge drones. how much of an edge does this give ukraine since russia's been facing issues resupplying their own forces from their stockpiles? >> that's >> that's right, don. these are really critical because they've got a radar associated with them that allows the ukrainians -- will allow the ukrainians to actually track what fires are coming at them. in other words, when they're being shot at you wil, they'll to pinpoint where those utility rounds are coming are from and be able to take out those rounds with the radar coupled with these weapons systems. that's one part. of course with the drones, this is the s-600, and there are other drones like the ghost drones, the phoenix ghost drones that have been developed by the u.s. afir force. when these are used, they will provide more pinpoint accuracy for the ukrainians. when that happens, this is going to help enable the ukrainians to achieve those goals that we talked about earlier, which means keep the russians where they're at, make sure they don't move any further, and if possible, push them back to where they came from. >> colonel leighton, thanks as all, appreciate it. >> you bet, don. i want to turn to the harrowing story of a ukrainian soldier injured fighting for mariupol and held captive in russia. cnn's nick paton walsh now with more. >> reporter: this is how his war ends, but if you told him he was lucky, he'd probably agree. he fought for mariupol in the other steel factory since the war began, put tuourniquets on friends, felt the heat of russian tanks blasting his building, he survived but only just here. after 17 days as a wounded prisoner in russia. >> very often when i close my eyes i see that moment when the tank was firing at me, and my side getting injured. on the day of my injury, one of my boys, a machine gunner was killed. every time it's personal. every time i heard it over the walkie-talkie, it would conjure memories of him. >> his mind also in pieces, left grappling with the fragments of the worst fighting in europe in decades. >> translator: you know there's a point when the brain accepts it, seeing the phosphor rous missiles, seeing aviation flying in. when this became normal, that was scary. we learned how to fall asleep with this accompaniment, instead it became scary to fall asleep in the silence. >> reporter: two moments though, haunt him here. >> translator: the first time i used tourniquets on my friend, and the second scene is this, we saw aviation destroying whole ha han hangars, watching a huge hangar to have nothing left in just seconds. this has really been engraved on my memory. >> reporter: wounded on april 10th, when he refwand cgained consciousness, he was not where he thought he was. >> translator: first time i found out i was held captive was when we were inside an ambulance. me and another guy with similar injuries. he asked are you ours? and they replied. it is unclear now who you mean by ours now. they said i was under the guard of the ministry of state security of the separatist dpr, but it was scarier when i got to the separatist hospital. i was told by a russian soldier you'll have to forget ukrainian now. you will only get help if you ask in russian. >> reporter: the russians kept him alive so they could exchange him for their own. >> translator: there were two of us bedridden so we had to be fed by nurses, so they would say because of you my son got killed. i tried to be understanding, but they were accusing us of things we never did and we had russian news read to us all the time in the morning and evening. that was a lot of pressure on the mind, a distortion of reality. >> on april the 27th, the exchange happened, and he was put on a plane. his pelvis crushed, his lower jaw broken, brain concussed, but he can still feel his legs. >> translator: and i also have problems with my eyes because of constant bright flashes and dust, so at first they were glazed. then they opened. for now i still can't see with my left, and my right only silhouettes. my body was broken but not my spirit. my doctor says that i would be able to pick any new balance sneakers by autumn. that makes me happen. >> reporter: a remarkable story of courage, resilience, and ultimately hope of recovery there, and while the fighting around azovstal in mariupol is rightly the focus of so much attention right now, what happened to him at the plant a matter of weeks ago, he says is an example of how different ukraine treats its injured, its fall en to russia. there are multiple reports of russian troops left to die where they fell. his point is ukraine has done all it can to get him back to the motherland here. don. >> nick paton walsh, thank you very much. chief justice john roberts speaking out in the wake of the bomb shell draft opinion that would overturn roe v. wade, but what happens if a right americans have had for nearly 50 years is taken away? >> it is unconscionable what this decision will do to the american people. i do not think that 50% of america should be told 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adviser to george w. bush and john mccain and the executive producer of the circus. not lacking for material lately. thank you both for joining. i really appreciate it. good evening to you, jessica, i'm going to start with you. i'm going to get to chief justice roberts in just a minute. first, you've got some breaking news of potential violence in the wake of this leaked draft. what can you tell us about that? >> that's right. we're learning tonight that official here in d.c. are alerting law enforcement both here in d.c. and across the country for the potential for violence in the wake of this draft opinion being leaked. specifically we know there was an alert generated by the u.s. capitol police that's been reviewed by cnn, and it outlines the potential for violence from far right groups that are calling for violence against a planned protest that's being put together by people who support abortion rights. that's one piece of it. we also know what we're seeing with our eyes and that is that on wednesday they started putting up nonscaleable fencing outside the supreme court, and just tonight we've seen them now come back and put concrete barriers up around the supreme court as well. that is a key indicator of what they are preparing for. we also know that there was a call at the national fusion center association, and what that does is it really connects state and local officials across the country. it allows them to share some information skprgs it's something we're seeing in the wake of the january 6th attack here on the capitol where all of these different agencies can share information and hopefully keep people safe. of course, don, they're worried about everything from one law enforcement official saying they're obviously keeping a close eye on the security and safety of the nine justices, but also any sort of first amendment protected protests that might happen as well. >> the new yorker writes the supreme court justice samuel alito is surprised there is so little written about abortion in a 4,000 word document crafted by 55 men in 1787. there is nothing in that document about women at all. i've got to get your take on the circus of all of this. >> it's interesting you mention that quote of jill, i tweeted that out myself. she's a terrific legal mind and a great writer, which is in the new yorker, i believe. this just testifies to that the republicans have caught this car and they've been campaigning on it for years theoretically, but never thought about the ramifications of what it would mean for this policy that more than 70% of the country supports. here's the real problem, the decision itself is problematic. having, you know, produced and worked for the circus television show documenting what's happening in american politics in recent history, i'm really concerned about the cultural battle lines and where the republican party is headed with all this because there is no end. the problem is as we're seeing with this decision, states now are rushing to see which state can be the most conservative. no fetal heartbeat, no -- no 15-week period, no period at all criminalizing women's behavior, and so what i see happening in places when i just did our last episode in florida, when you look at, you know, at what's happening with books and what's happening with rewarding people for lying and penalizing the truth, what's happening in republican politics is that as i said, you're rewarded for lying, you're penalized for telling the truth, and in the politics of all this, what happens is the goal posts keep getting pushed further and further and further to the right on this cultural battlefield, and there's no end in sight. and the problem is they can't reel it back in, so just imagine where this all goes. >> but the right seems to be winning, mark. >> but with everything else. >> even with the goal post being pushed further to the right, they seem to be winning. look what's happening with voting rights. look what's happening with commissions, whatever the even legislation being put into place surrounding elections, and now what's happening with abortion. it seems that they're winning. it's a minority rule even though you say the goal posts are getting pushed further and further to the right, to the extreme. >> that's right, don. that's the problem. they are winning on this issue. that's emboldening them. this party is quickly not just having outliers like matt gaetz and marjorie taylor greene, it's becoming the party of matt gaetz and marjorie taylor greene. those are the policies, those are the voices that are dominating and increasingly because they show no consequence for their behavior that the party keeps drifting further and further in that direction, and listen, ultimately, it's a short-term strategy, but a long-term consequence, and obviously that's where i think the problem lies for the republican party. it also is where i see the advantage for the democratic party. >> yeah. listen, jessica, the chief justice speaking out tonight saying is concerned about the integrity of the courts. he's hoping that the leak doesn't cause people to lose the integrity of the courts b. u for the democrats, what's their last et plan to try to codify abortion rights? >> right. so that's what they're going to try to do, don. we're going to tell you right now, you have a 50/50 senate, that is just the reality of the situation here. they're going to set up a wednesday vote next week to codify abortion rights and take that vote, but the problem is they don't even -- we don't even know if they have the support of all the democrats in their party. joe manchin is a question mark there, but it doesn't matter because as we've talked about many times on this program, you have the filibuster, and that is a 60-vote threshold that they simply are not going to meet, and we know now that senator susan collins is also a no on that. she says it's just too broad of a measure that they want to push through. so this is just a messaging vote that we're going to see next week. it's a lot like what we saw, what they did with voting rights. that is just the political reality that senate democrats and democrats here on the hill are facing down, that they can only get so much done with a 50/50 senate. so they will push forward with this. we heard from leadership today, we heard from chuck schumer earlier, kirsten gillibrand and other democrats. they were very fired up, don, but there's only so much they can do with a 50/50 senate. >> jessica, mark, thank you both. appreciate it. >> thanks. >> what could the possible end of romine for the midterms? we're going to talk about that, ashley alison, alice stewart next. ter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. 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what kind of an impact will it have on the midterms? could it change turnout in swing states? >> i think it will. we are in an unprecedented time where a constitutional right has been ripped -- could be ripped if this decision is what we think it's going to be. from over half of the population. women who -- like myself who have only known a time when we have full autonomy over our body and what happens to our body and had access to abortion, and so to think that this would not have an impact on the midterm would really be underestimating american voters, and i'm not just saying democratic voters. i mean republican voters. we know 69% of the population supports a woman's right to choose. those are not just democrats. those are independents. those are black people and brown people and women and men and so i think that this could really be the thing to charge up the democratic base, but also awaken a population that doesn't always engage in our democracy and say we are not going to let the court take us backwards, and we're going to hold people accountable who allow the justices who are writing this opinion to be on the highest court by taking them out of office. >> alice, so in that 69% that ashley mentioned, almost 70%, there are some republicans in there as well against overturning roe v. wade. should republican candidates be worried that democrats are going to make this their rallying cry come november? >> republicans can expect this to be a rallying cry for democrats, and we're already seeing that play out, and look, it's clear that abortion and a woman's right to choose is an important issue for democrats and those who are pro-choice, and i do expect them to use this as a way to galvanize voters as we head already into the prim primaries, but certainly as we head into november. also on the flip side, republicans have for decades, don, you know thris, used judicial appointments at the federal and supreme court level to rally voters behind this important issue. but even more so than that, the pro-life movement is going to galvanize on this issue. but also at the same time as we're heading into this primary season, don, it's not just what's going on with the high court but is the low approval and the low confidence in the democratic agenda that's really going to turn out republican voters as we head to november, everywhere we look, whether we're talking about inflation or jobs or crime or crisis at the border or foreign policy, it's not good for democrats. it's not a good platform for them to run on. that's why we're seeing president biden with a 40% approval rating. those are the issues that are going to really turn out republican voters, and i'm not talking just about the congressional and senate races but most importantly on the state level, they're going to turn out a lot of republicans, even more so now that we're turning the power of the pro-life issue to the state level if roe were to be overturned. >> well, this is, listen, perfect segue to my next question, ashley. james carville, right, democratic strategist for a long time was on cnn earlier, had this to say about the conservative justices on the supreme court. >> to date they have no fear of democrats. that's why they do this. democrats, you got to understand just what a huge event this is in american politics. democrats have won a popular vote in seven out of eight popular elections. roe is over two to one in approval, and alito and them said we don't care. we're not fair and we don't care and all the democrats are going to do is sit around and talking about veganism and pronouns, and to some extent, that is a justified opinion that they have. >> so hearing that, i mean, does he have a point? is this partly the fault of democrats themselves that they did not take this seriously enough, did not fight back seriously enough, were not strong enough on this issue as they were not on voting rights, et cetera? >> well, i think this has been a long-term plan. we know that for decades as alice mentioned, the gop has run on overturning roe, but it never really felt like it was possible, even though many advocates waved the flag and said we need to be careful. we need to be careful. this is not about democrats being weak. this is about people feeling like the system is not working for them. >> ashley, i understand what you're saying, but part of what your answer is an admission you just said that people didn't believe that it was going to happen and those were probably democrats. many of those people were democrats, didn't believe that it was going to happen. had they taken it seriously could they have fought against it, is this in part quite honestly the fault of dmemocrat for not fighting hard enough to keep a woman's right to choose as something that is legal? >> i don't think it's the fault of democrats for conservative justices overturning roe. i think that we also have to -- if we look back at the hearings, these justices said they were precedent. they said that they would not overturn this law, and they lied in their confirmation hearings. it's unacceptable to have justices who are supposed to uphold precedent. this has been law for decades and to say that it's democrats' fault for not codifying roe, i just think is unfair. now, there is an opportunity, we have a huge threshold to get over of the filibuster for democrats to codify it now. what i actually would say to democrats if they are looking towards the midterm and what to do, they should make this an issue, but not just an issue about abortion. abortion is also an economic issue, so when we talk about the everyday issues of voters, democrats do have a responsibility this psych and will in future cycles to connect the dots that abortion is about economics. abortion is about access to health care, abortion is about providing autonomy for your own body, and i think if joe biden, if the senate, if the house members to the state delegates, to the city council, if they actually start talking about this issue the way voters can connect it, i think it will prove well for them. but i'm not going to blame democrats for conservative justices overturning decade long precedent. >> thank you, ashley. thank you, alice. unfortunately, that's all the time we have. we'll have you back. this conversation is going to continue. i appreciate both of you. hundreds of tips from all four corners of the country. now u.s. marshals are releasing new photos of a missing alabama inmate and the corrections officer believed to have helped him escape and what she may look like disguised. n't worry about ! this'll be fun. 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>> well, he would be difficult to disguise up, even in the era of covid where everybody's wearing masks. she could be pretty incons inconspicuous, i think. she's not that distinctive. she could change her hair color. she could wear a mask, but i'm not sure she's still around. i mean, toyou have to consider e possibility that she is -- you know, that he has done with her what he's done with other people that have been associated with him, other girlfriends if you will. but i think they're probably underground right now, don, as i mentioned earlier, i think they may be watching the news shows, they may be watching social media, the internet. she has $100,000 to work with, and they had quite a head start. >> yeah, it's interesting if you were going to disguise someone, like him if he were going to disguise himself he'd have to sit down, maybe a wheelchair where he's not standing where people don't notice his height. so i spoke with a sheriff last night. he told me he expects they will change vehicle since the description of their car had accidentally been released to the public. between releasing the car information and now these photos of what vicky white could look like disguised, could putting all of this out publicly tip them off to what authorities are up to? i guess it's yes since you said they're probably watching? >> yeah, i think they've been tipped off for quite a while now. putting out the car description was a bungle. it wasn't supposed to happen. it was supposed to go only to law enforcement. that would have given law enforcement the edge. they would have at least been somewhat complacent about their vehicle. that was a mistake. i think the plan all along given that long lead up to her planning, her selling her house, her buying the car and that sort of thing, it's not a stretch of the imagination to think that she's already rented a house somewhere, maybe up in the mountains somewhere remote where they can just lay low and monitor activities and see what -- you know, wait for things to die down. >> sheriff singleton is clarifying that vicky white and casey white had contact only via phone while the inmate was in state prison. the sheriff saying that information previously released that she had visited him in prison, that that was incorrect. the sheriff said that their relationship has been going on for at least two years. how is it possible that it went on that long, no authorities noticed or if they didn't notice, if they did notice, they just didn't say anything? >> yeah, i mean, she was in a position of authority. she was the assistant director of corrections, which put her in a position where nobody really questioned what she did. if she wanted to, you know, take phone calls from an inmate, i don't know that anybody would really question her. they didn't question her when she waltzed out the door by herself with a 6'9" prisoner who was about to face capital murder charges. so i mean, i'm not going to -- i like this sheriff. he's very candid, but i don't get the sense that this was a very tight operation at this jail, and i think there was a lot of familiarity, very rural area, county jails can sometimes get that way. so it's not -- i don't think it's a stretch to think that they were in touch by phone. i actually think they probably had more personal contact than what we're hearing about. >> relatives, chris, and co-workers of vicky white have expressed shock and disbelief that the sheriff described her as a model employee with an unblemished record. what do you think could lead someone to do? and listen, it's not the first time that we've seen it, but what leads people to do this? >> yeah, if you study up on her, she lived by herself on five acres next to her parents. her husband divorced -- they divorced quite a while back, but he passed away last year. what i see here is someone who's probably lonely. i'm not a behavioral scientist. we had folks in the fbi at quantico that did that for a living, but i see a person who did not have close friends it appears, did not have, you know, romantic interest in her life. she's in her late 50s, he was in his late 30s, and i think someone was paying attention to her. even though it was an inmate, it was someone who was obviously grooming her over the course of time and i think at that point she was very susceptible to it. >> casey white is considered an extremely dangerous man. how do you think this is going to end, chris? >> yeah, i hope it ends well for vicky white because this guy has a history. everything he touches dies it seems like, a former girlfriend committed suicide, they've reopened that case. he admitted to a murder for hire, stabbing. he got in high speed chases, kidnappings, assaulted a former girlfriend. this is a thoroughly dangerous individual. he's 6'9", he shot it out before with the cops, 100 miles an hour chase. unfortunately i don't see this ending well. i think he's not out and about moving. eventually they will have to. i think when that happens, i don't think it's going to go down well. >> chris sweker, appreciate it, thank you, sir. >> thank you, don. amber heard on the stand defending herself. she testifies nothing she did made him stop hitting her. >> by this point in our relationship we're both saying awful things to each other, screaming at each other, and unfortunately, when johnny would start hitting me, he'd just win. 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(♪ ♪) ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm michael holmes at cnn's world headquarters in atlanta. appreciate your company. coming up, the u.n. and red cross are hoping to get more civilians out of the besieged ukrainian city of mariupol in the day ahead. but reports of fierce bloody combat are making things difficult. the donetsk military

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Policy , Campaigning , Ramifications , Problem , History , What S Happening In American Politics , Battle Lines , Circus Television , 70 , End , Heartbeat , Conservative , Republican Party , Behavior , Places , Episode , Florida , 15 , Politics , Lying , Books , The Truth , Goal Posts , Battlefield , It Back In , This , No End In Sight , Truth , Place , Voting Rights , Elections , Commissions , Goal Post , Legislation , Everything Else , To The Extreme , Minority Rule , Issue , Party , Voices , Policies , Outliers , Matt Gaetz , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Consequence , Listen , Strategy , Saying , Of The Courts B U , Courts , Chief Justice , Integrity , Democratic Party , Leak Doesn T , Advantage , Plan , Vote , Don T Care , Senate , Abortion Rights , Situation , Question Mark , Support , Program , Codify Abortion Rights , Joe Manchin , Threshold , Susan Collins , Measure , Filibuster , No , 60 , Messaging Vote , Down , The Hill , Leadership Today , Kirsten Gillibrand , Chuck Schumer , Midterms , Windshield , Ashley Alison , Romine , Alice Stewart Next , Crack , Ter , Dad , Car Jujust , Pop Rock Music Tech , Safety System , He Wouldn T , Safefelite , Smash , Anywhere , Features , Pull Over , Automatic Emergency Braking , Everywhere , Man , Road , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Safelite , Johnny Cash , Safelite Repair , Plans , D , Actions , Programs , Share , Achievements , 75 , Classes , National University , Nu Edu , Magic Moment , Other , Plenty , Magic , Chaos , Car Insurance , Scarf , Liberty Mutual , Game Changer , Liberty , Bladder Leaks , Backpack , Pay , Marco , Smoothest , Softest , Depend , Mom , Kit , Heart Health , Health Info , Mother , Journey , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , 0 , Purchases , Discover Card , Corporations , Sports , Solutions For The Homeless , Refund , Funds , Profits , Loopholes , Bets , License Fee , 100 Million , 90 , 00 Million , Guys , Homeless , Homeless Funds , Barriers Outside The Supreme Court , Court , Let , Draft Ruling , Commentators , Overturns Roe , Sign , Impact , Swing States , Bombshell , Turnout , Population , Autonomy , Half , Women Who , Voters , Midterm , Woman , Independents , 69 , People Accountable , Democracy , Base , Office , Play Out , Cry , Rallying , Rallying Cry , Candidates , Level , Flip Side , Primaries , Appointments , Thris , Approval , Movement , High Court , Season , Agenda , Foreign Policy , Inflation , Jobs , Crime , Confidence , Crisis , Border , Joe Biden , Platform , Approval Rating , Congressional , Races , 40 , James Carville , Roe , Segue , Fear , Event , American Politics , Eight , Seven , Democrats , Hearing , Extent , Pronouns , Fault , Et Cetera , Overturning Roe , Flag , Advocates , System , Admission , Answer , Didn T , Many , Dmemocrat , Precedent , Law , Hearings , Confirmation Hearings , Opportunity , Health Care , Psych , Cycles , Dots , Responsibility , Economics , House , City Council , Members , Delegates , Ashley , Marshals , Conversation , Grandmother , Photos , N T , Chocolate Milkshakes , Avo , Relationships , Grandma , Vehicles , Subaru , Crosstrek , Ten , Ninety Six , Idea , Love , Hands , Nature , Fire , Dirt , Knees , Ways , Miracle Gro , Bottles , Waste , Same , Beverage Companies , Plastic , Bottle , Circle , Plastics , Caps , Recyclable , 100 , Watchathon Week , Customers , Entertainment , Paul , Xfinity Rewards , Holi , Nay , Boys , Prime Video , Holiday , Starz , Hbo Max , Netflix , And Peacock , Casey White , What Vicky White , Chris Weker , U S Marshal , Relation , Talk , Pair , Service , Whereabouts , Former , Fbi , 200 , Hair , Division , Renderings , Pictures , Disguise , Tattoos , 9 , Everybody , Mask , Hair Color , Masks , Covid , Incons Inconspicuous , Girlfriends , Possibility , Toyou , Someone , Social Media , Head Start , News Shows , 100000 , 00000 , Sheriff , Wheelchair , Vehicle , Height , Last Night , Authorities , Car Information , Description , Public , It Wasn T , Car Description , Bungle , Planning , Mistake , Lead , The Edge , Stretch , House Somewhere , Activities , Somewhere , Mountains , Imagination , Contact , Phone , State Prison , Prison , Sheriff Singleton , Notice , Relationship , Say Anything , Position , Nobody , Corrections , Phone Calls , Authority , Anybody , Sense , Capital Murder Charges , Door , A 6 9 , County Jails , Jail , Familiarity , Operation , Disbelief , Relatives , Employee , Record , Model , Co Workers , Shock , Husband , Parents , Five , Person , Scientist , Living , Folks , Quantico , Interest , Friends , Late 30s , 30 , Girlfriend , Murder , Suicide , Stabbing , Hire , Individual , High Speed , Kidnappings , Cops , Chases , Sir , Ending , Chris Sweker , Stand , Amber , Each Other , Asthma , Out Of Nowhere , Ring , Triggers , Tezspiretm , Type , Inflammation , Matter , Asthma Attacks , Attacks , Leato , Breathe Better , 12 , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Asthma Symptoms , Reactions , Sore Throat , Back Pain , Vaccines , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Fidelity , Feeling , Changes , Picture , Ones , Investment Mix , Track , Big Ones , Planning Effect , Laughs , Space , Gotta , Hassles , Houses , Offer , Opendoor , Opendoor Com Actress , Johnny Depp , Defense , Ex Husband , Defamation Lawsuit , Witness Stand , Testimony , Abuse , Depp , Opinion Piece , Cost , Acting Jobs , Washington Post , 0 Million , 50 Million , 2018 , Police , Trial , 2016 , 2009 , 2015 , Break , Watching , Heard , Tip , Fingers , The Stand On May 16th , May 16th , 16 , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Everyone , Coverage , Study , Rybebelsus , Downn , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Family , Pill , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Rybelsus , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Healthcare Provider , Vomiting , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Nausea , Hello , World Headquarters , Announcer , Viewers , All Around The World , Red Cross , Michael Holmes , Atlanta , U N , Coming Up , Ukrainian City Of Mariupol , Military , Donetsk ,

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